Memo - Community Marketing Campaign
. I Communications I
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Bobbie Hartfiel
Date: February 8, 2002
Re: Community Marketing Campaign
. The purpose of tonight's uiscussion it to get guidance from the Council as well as a consensus on the
focus and the direction of a Community Marketing Campaign. Specifically, we need direction on the
audience, the goals and the messages.
The City is in the early phases of a mixed-use housing/retail project more commonly refcned to as the
East CBD Development Project or The Cornerstone Project. With project stories already published in
the Minneapolis StarTribune and City Business, it is evident the project will demand attention. Many
other Cities will watch Hopkins as this projects unfolds.
It is believed that the perception of the community will affect the project's success. The housing market
study done for The Cornerstone Group by Larson, Allen. Weishair & Co.. LLP states. "the marketing
campaign needs to market Downtown Hopkins as well as the project itself." During early project
discllssions, the Council indicated an interest in a joint marketing effort; The Cornerstone Group
marketing the project and the City marketing the community or perhaps more specifically Mainstreet
Recently. staff met with representatives of The Cornerstone Group to discuss marketing opportunities
and plans. The Comers tone Group is in the process of selecting a marketing firm for the project. The
firm will be responsible for developing an aggressive marketing campaign to sell the loft units. Both
Staff amI The COl11crstone Group agree the marketing campaigns should compliment each other.
. Before drafting a marketing campaign we are seeking direction from the Council. We have a puzzle but
we are missing some key picces. The follO\ving is a draft of some of the pieces of a Community
Marketing Campaign.
---- - -
. Strengths
The City of Hopkins offers many truly unique opportunities not found in other communities
Hopkins has a variety of retail and service businesses as well as restaurants and entertainment outlets
Hopkins has excellent access to transportation and regional trails
Hopkins has an outstanding school district
Hopkins is home to one of the longest running festivals in the state
Hopkins has a proactive City Council
Hopkins offers quality public services and programs to the community
Many people have not been to downtown Hopkins in. "a long time"
Some may see Hopkins as what is was and not what it presently is or will be
Marketing efforts may bring people back to Hopkins
Marketing eff0l1s may change negative public perception
Marketing efforts may reinforce or build pride from within
Marketing efforts may boost the sales of the Market Place Lofts
Marketing efforts may entice economic development in the community
. A Community Marketing Campaign can be expensive
Due to ambiguity. success of the plan may be difficult to accurately measurc
Hopkins has become a diytrse community. Reaching the many different ethnic groups in our OW11
community. let alone in other c011ul1unities. may be difficult
Favorable marketing results can be crafted but are not guaranteed and the outcome is not always
Audience of the campaign
. Homogenous vs. Heterogeneous
. All of Minnesota
. Regional focus
. Community members
. Immediate surroLlnd i ng Cities
. The Mid\vestem - four state area
. Possible buyers for the Market Place Lofts
. Professional developers
. Retail/service businesses
Themcs - Some communities build community c3mpaigns around themes (usually catch phrases that
sum up the community). The Comerstone Group indicated a desire to have theme that they can build
their campaign arouncl. Some cOlllmunity themes are:
. . Come Home to the Park
. The Birthplace of Minnesota
. Minnesota's Capital City
. A Hometown Place for Hometown People
. . The City that Works for You
. There's More to Our Shore
. The Worlds Greatest Little City
Key messages. Key messages are often thought of as a campaign vision or \vords that would describe
what the campaign is saying.
IGoals~ The following goals are some just some thoughts to get the you started. These goals are
incomplete as they are not inclusive nor are they measurable.
. Change public perception - beyond Hopkins
. Increase traffic into Downtown Hopkins
. Raise awareness of Hopkins - beyond Hopkins
. Build pride from within the community
. Boost sales of Market Place Lofts
. Draw Economic Development to the community
1. Develop public and private sector involvement in marketing partnerships and cooperative
opportunities to extend resources and to maximize impact
2. Use a range of marketing materials to meet the needs of different customer groups, depending on their
familiarity of the community
3. Develop new initiatives to educate. inspire, involve and communicate with all members of the
co lUlU uni ty
4. Develop marketing initiatives to attract new audiences into the community
5. Provide strategic leadership for initiatives and development
ITooIsj (Hote: these tools arc jl/st ideas /lot tied to (m)' spec{tic strategy)
11 x 17 -4 color community Brochure
Council/staff promote community/campaign to civic organizations
Intemal staff kick-off
Press releases/stories about the community
Billboard on 169
Hire a professional photographer to get pictures of the community.
Town meeting/kick-off with stakeholders - to develop and/or buy into message
. Community Cable Show, Council/Staff Forum