Memo - Facade Grant Contest
Memorandum JaJJ. ;2;1
To: Honorable Mayor and City Council e~30 f-/Yl/
From: Jim Hartshorn
Date: January 17,2002
Subject: Fa~ade Grant Contest
Puroose of Memo
Staff has scheduled a discussion regarding a possible Commercial Fa~ade Grant Contest for the
January 22, 2002 City Council work session. The HBCA is requesting $4,000 to fund the
contest. The $4,000 would be divided into two grants per year. One $2,000 grant would be
awarded in the spring, and the other $2,000 grant awarded in the fall. Representatives of the
HBCA will be present at this meeting. The topics of this discussion are as follows:
. . The purpose of the contest
. Update on the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program
. The difference between the Facade Contest and the Facade Grant program that was
available six years ago.
. Request for funding assistance
Over the last few months, staff has been meeting with the HBCA Economic Development
Committee to discuss alternatives for assisting commercial businesses to improve their building
facades throughout Hopkins. Based on these discussions, the HBCA is requesting financial
assistance for the start up of a Facade Grant Contest. A draft of this contest is attached for your
The purpose of this contest is to provide an incentive for tenants and building owners to
improve the appearance of commercial/retail properties. Grant funds are to be used for fixed
exterior improvements only. Facade improvements funded under this contest are required to add
a strong visual enhancement to the exterior appearance of a building. The HBCA Economic
Development Committee along with HRA staffwill chose the winner of this contest.
Sample of eligible projects include:
. Improvements to the front, rear or sides of a commercial building. Improvements to the
side of a building will be allowed only if the side is fully visible from the street, such as
on a comer lot.
. Cleaning, painting and staining of exterior surfaces.
. Masonry repairs.
. Repairing or replacing of cornices, entrances, doors, windows, decorative details and
. . Sign removal, repairing or replacement.
. Building identification.
. Other items that are viewed necessary to complement building exteriors.
. Building must be located between Shady Oak Road (west) and Fifth Avenue (east) and
from First Street North to First Street South. HWY. 169 to Blake Road on the north and
south sides of Excelsior Boulevard.
. Building must have a principal commercial or retail character.
. Building must not be one that has been identified by the HRA/City for possible
acquisition as part of a pending or proposed redevelopment.
. Building and businesses within the building must be "conforming uses" under the City's
Zoning Ordinance. Plans and specifications submitted must be in conformance with the
Uniform Building Code, all Hopkins City Codes, and subject to review and approval by
the Hopkins Inspections Department. Improvements to the building must comply with all
applicable code, pennit and license requirements.
. The City's HRA will provide up to $2,000.00 total on a 3-to-2 match. Each project will
require a minimum of at least $5,000.00.
. All necessary permits and approvals from appropriate agencies are the responsibility of
the applicants and are required to be fulfilled before funding is approved.
. All improvements are required to be inspected by the City of Hopkins Building
Inspections Department in order to ensure conformance with appropriate codes, and must
be verified for proper completion by lIRA Staff prior grant funds being released. A final
inspection cannot be scheduled until all permits have been signed off by field inspectors.
. The contest selection will be made by the HBCA Economic Development Committee and
HRA staff.
I. Fill out the attached Fayade Grant Contest Application and submit to:
. Jim Hartshorn
Economic Development Coordinator
Hopkins City Hall Building
10 I 0 First Street South
Hopkins, MN 55343
By March 4. 2002 bv 4:00 D.m.
II. The selection will be made by the HBCA Economic Development
Committee on March 6,2002. The contest winner will be named at the
HBCA general membership meeting on March 14,2002.
. Page 2.
Applicant's Name
Home Address Home Phone
Name of Business
Business Address Business Phone
Description of Business
Owner of the building (if other than the applicant)
Address Phone
Is the building currently occupied? Yes _ No _' Name of the business occupying the
Is the building currently under orders from any public Agency to correct code deficiencies?
Yes No . If yes, please explain (attach separate sheet if necessary).
Please provide a description of your fayade project, include any unique features/designs that
would complement the existing unique character of historic downtown Hopkins. (attach a
separate sheet if necessary).
Total Project Cost
If you have a stretch or drawing, please include with this application.
Applicant certifies all information in this application is true and complete to the best of his/her
knowledge. Applicant authorizes HRA staff to receive, review and examine all information
submitted to the liRA.
Applicants Signature Date
. Page 3.