City of Hopkins - Hopkins Center for the Arts Financial Report , " . Hopkins Center for the Arts, Inc. Monthly Financial Report to City Manager July 16, 2002 Steve, Attached are approved financial reports for June, the last month of our fiscal year. It will be a little time before we have the official year-end financial report from the accountants but this provides a pretty good look at what happened this year. We have a significant hole from which to climb this current fiscal year. I also enclosed a current balance sheet profit and loss and accounts payable report. The good news is that we have paid off all bills except for the two City loans and our line of credit (which we have begun paying off). We have paid our space usage fees for January-June ($2,622.12). The biggest disappointment reflected on both our year-end and July reports is that our Fiesta fundraiser lost $2,298.50. This event was attended by over 1,000 people but very few people purchased tickets to the evening concert. At our June Board meeting we officially designated this June event as a break-even community open house. Then we will do a separate, focused fundraiser in November. A committee for the November, 2002 event has already met and work is underway to make up some financial ground and create a model for a hardcore fundraiser. Our fundraising efforts this summer are meeting with mixed success. We had no luck getting season sponsors for our Heritage Series. Despite a lot of effort and some initially encouraging . responses, we were unable to get season commitments ($5,000+) from corporations in the current economic climate. We will still go after and obtain individual event sponsors. We are continuing to send out business membership letters (will complete our lists this week) and at the next Board meeting people will sign up to do follow-up calls. We received our first business gift of $1 00 last week. We also received a modest ($3,878) Minnesota State Arts Board Series Presenters grant, funds for which corne from the State and the National Endowment for the Arts, which makes future funding likely. On July 23, a program officer of The McKnight Foundation is coming in for an on-site visit, a good sign that we may get funding there. I am still waiting to hear on a Heartland Fund grant and have just applied for a Medtronic Community Arts grant. We will keep grinding away at building grant support during the course of the year. Our season brochure is at the printers and will hit the begilming of August at which time we will really begin promoting our performing arts events. We are especially enthused about creating community partnerships through which civic organizations will promote concerts and receive a portion of the ticket revenue. The Glen Lake Optimists have already expressed interest. I will prepare an overview of the year for the City Council for the meeting on the 23rd. Nelson Berg will also attend this meeting as may our other officers. \.~~~ , Susan Hanna-Bibus Hopkins Center for the Arts, Inc. . Hopkins Center for the Arts, Inc. 071~ 6102 Balance Sheet . As of June 30, 2002 Jun 30, '02 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Checking 459.75 Total Checking/Savings 459.75 Total Current Assets 459 75 TOTAL ASSETS 459.75 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Credit Cards Business line of credit 2,269.94 Total Credit Cards 2,269.94 other Current Liabilities event loan 1,500.00 Loan Payable-City of Hopkins 22,000.00 Sales Tax Payable 174.53 Total Other Current Liabilities 23,674.53 Total Current Liabilities 25,944.47 Total Liabilities 25,944.47 Equity . Opening Sal Equity -150.00 Retained Earnings -703.60 Net Income -24,630.92 Total Equity -25,484.72 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 459.75 . Page 1 . Hopkins Center for the Arts, Inc. 07116102 Profit & Loss . July 2001 through June 2002 Jul '01 - Jun '02 Income EARNED INCOME Membership Dues 7,190.00 Exhibition Fees 1,889.00 Art Sales (net) 2,426.79 Ticket Sales 41,487.83 Merchandise Sales 74600 Concession Sales 35.00 Fundraisers 5,753.05 Interest Income 6.81 Total EARNED INCOME 59,534.48 CONTRIBUTED INCOME Individual Giving 14,092.50 Matching Gifts 125.00 Sponsorships 3,500.00 Government Grants 12,000.00 Total CONTRIBUTED INCOME 29,117.50 Miscellaneous Income 60.00 Total Income 89,31198 Expense Artist Fees Performance Fee 37,525.00 Visual 2,000.00 Travel and Accommodations 1,4 78.66 . Total Artist Fees 41,003.66 Advertising 29,259.24 Bank & Credit Card Fees 1,047.19 Contracted Services 3,585.00 Dues and Subscriptions 325 00 Equipment Rental 1,775.00 Fundraiser 5,364.78 Insurance - general liability 1,539.00 Licenses and Permits 25.00 Newsletter 8,556.11 Office Supplies 762.68 Postage and Delivery 4,187.79 Printing and Reproduction 8,31382 Rent 5,295.64 Supplies 2,834.99 M isce lIaneo us 68.00 Total Expense 113,942.90 Net Income -24,630.92 . Page 1 .-- Hopkins Center for the Arts, Inc. r;71~ 6/02 Balance Sheet . As of July 16, 2002 Ju116, '02 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Checking 640.84 Total Checking/Savings 640.84 Total Current Assets 640.84 TOTAL ASSETS 640.84 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Credit Cards Business line of credit 2,269.94 Total Credit Cards 2,26994 Other Current Liabilities Loan Payable-City of Hopkins 22,000.00 Sales Tax Payable 46860 Total Other Current Liabilities 22,468.60 Total Current Liabilities 24,73854 Total Liabilities 24,738.54 Equity Opening Sal Equity -150.00 . Retained Earnings -25,334.72 Net Income 1,387.02 Total Equity -24,097.70 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 640.84 . Page 1 Hopkins Center for the Arts, Inc. 07/16/02 Profit & Loss . July 1 - 16, 2002 Jul1 - 16, '02 Income EARNED INCOME Membership Dues 175.00 Art Sales (net) 969.00 Ticket Sales 1,140.00 Fundraisers 65001 Total EARNED INCOME 2,9340'1 CONTRIBUTED INCOME Individual Giving 94.00 Business Gifts 100.00 Government Grants 3,87800 Total CONTRIBUTED INCOME 4,072.00 Total Income 7,0060'1 Expense Dues and Subscriptions 110.00 Fundraiser 1,454.98 Office Supplies 143.83 Postage and Delivery 47.56 Printing and Reproduction 971.90 Rent 2,622.12 Supplies 218.6D Miscellaneous 50.00 Total Expense 5,618.9\l . Net Income 1,387.02 . Page 1 -.. RCA, Inc. Accounts Payable 7-16-02 . Unpaid invoices: Date Vendor Amount none $ .00 Total Payahles: $ .00 PROJECTION - REMAINDER OF FIRST QUARTER (July-ScpteITlberl: lncome to be ree'd: subscription sales $ 5.960.00 ($3,04001'$9,000 est. rec'd) single ticket sales 4,000.00 other grants/gills 2,000.00 individual memberships 2.000.00 business memberships/sponsorships 4,000.00 misc. 2.500.00 $ 20.460.00 Expenses: payment on City loan $ 5.000.0U h due Oct. 02 payment on credit line 1.200.00 season hrochure 2.000.00 membership drive - postage 500.00 newsletter 2.41 (J.OO The WolfGang fee & event expenses 5,000.00 Utility bill stutler 200.00 miSC. 3,000.00 <$19,310.UO> outstanding payables from June: $< .OO~ cash on hand t checking account I $ 321.34 ba/ancf! $ /../.7/.3-1 . PROJECTION - SECOND QUARTER (October-December): lncome: single ticket sales $ 16,600.00 grants/gills 4,000.00 individual memberships 2.000.00 business memherships/spDnsorships 2.500.00 5th Anniversary event 2.000. UO misc. 2.000.00 $ 29.100.00 Expenses: Heritage series (2 COllccrtS) & Johnson concert $ l1U87.0U payment 011 credit line 1.100.00 newsletter 2.410.00 msurance 1.650.00 rent (July-Dec.) 1,683.00 misc. 3,000.00 $ 28.230.00 balance $ 2,3.11.3-1 . HOPKINS CENTER FOR THE ARTS, INC. July 2001-June 2002 in Review PROGRAMMING Goals: Develop a diverse yet cohesive series of 9 performing arts events for 02103 Develop a calendar of high quality art exhibitions for 02/03 Integrate other activities or arts with exhibitions Explore programming beyond traditional gallery space Support regional artists Establish a literary arts program . Presented first season of 9 performing arts events (created subscription program; increased audi- ence but sold less than 50% house capacity; obtained 3 event sponsors but no grants; lost $25,000 on season) . Presented 11 exhibitions (3 special exhibitions included community outreach or educational components; quality of exhibitions is up reflected in increased art sales - doubled between 00-01 and 01-02 ) . Created a Life Drawing Studio, a resource requested by area artists (self-funding cooperative) . Piloted Meet-the-Author events . Collaborated wIth SASE: The Write Place on a Writer-to-Wrlter workshop . Scheduled the Heritage Series for 02-03; scheduled all exhibitions for 02-03; developed a film series pilot for fall, 2002; planned a "Preparing to Publish" and "The Artist's Way" work- shops for 02-03; and collaborated with The Loft, SASE: the Write Place and The Compleat Scholar (U of M) on developing literary arts events for next season . Worked with a marketing consultant on how to better market our programs NEXT STEPS: . . Revise and strengthen our marketing of programs . Continue to work on strengthening quality of programs . Look at ways to enhance the ambiance of the building through art . Explore a second performing arts series for twenty-somethings (our most underserved group) FINANCE . Goals: Generate net reserve (increase both contributed and earned income) Develop three-year budget . I ncreased earned income from $55,100 in FYEO 1 to $59,500 in FYE02 (greatly under projec- tions primarily due to less than anticipated ticket sales to the Heritage Series) . Increased contributed income from $9,600 In FYE01 to $29,700 in FYE02 (reflecting greater than anticipated levels of individual giving but less than anticipated support from sponsorships and grants) . Held a community open house and fund raiser June 1 (over 1,000 people attended but the event lost over $2,000 as few people purchased tickets to the evening concert) . Expenses increased from $74,500 in FYE 01 to $113,900 in FYE02 - with less than antici- pated income this resulted in a net income of <$24,600> and a second year without a net reserve . Established budgeted process and approved three-year budget . Installed computerized bookkeeping system . Obtained credit card to use in booking artists' travel arrangements and modest line of credit NEXT STEPS: . Develop a fundraising event in conjunction with our fifth anniversary in November . . Complete the current drive to obtain business members . Complete an individual membership drive . Develop a community partnership program through which nonprofit civic organizations pro- mote our events in return for a percentage of ticket sales they generate . Continue to seek grant support and single event sponsorship support . Implement a plan to use our limited marketing dollars more effectIvely 01/02 in Review Page 2 COMMUNICATIONS and COMMUNITY RELATIONS Goals. Present a consistent image . Increase understanding of audience needslinterests Effectively market major HCA, Inc events Establish partnerships and collaborations Increase audience for events/exhibitions Increase volunteer pool Nurture relationships with City. School District and Stages Theatre Company . Created a print image for newsletter, season brochures . Systematically surveyed performing event audiences to obtain demographic, marketing and programming information . Worked with marketing consultant, Lendra Kearns, on improving our communications and marketing . Increased gallery attendance . Balanced age demographics of our performing arts audience (people 60 and older formed 75% of the audience two years ago; now they form 36% audience with 24% 50-59, 20% 40-49 and 20% under 40) . Established relationships with other arts organizations to enhance programming . Involved in discussion process with City and tenants NEXT STEPS: . Continue to develop and implement improved marketing and communications strategies . Develop new partnerships with civic and business organizations (ex. community promotion partnershIp) and seeking media partners . Expand our reach in serving and involving artists . Continue the dialogue with City and tenants . Expand our mailing list (from 3,000 to 7,000 by fall) ORGANIZATION e Goals: Increase capacity of Board Strengthen committee structure Heritage Series. May 02 Continue strategic planning process . Recruited two new Board members and new committee members . Defined the roles of the Board and committees . Held a Board retreat in March to discuss capacity building . Continued to operate according to the priorities established by a strategic planning document NEXT STEPS; . Revise by-laws, procedures and policies to improve financial tracking . Continue to seek Board candidates, especially with finance and fund raising experience . Develop a plan to eventually add additional staff BIG WALTER SMITH ...".~..,..-, ""~R - -. . .,.,: . .,1 .....' .~ ~' Artist Talk by Book Artist Jody Williams, Fall 01 Opening, Member Show, Spring 02