02-13-1951 . � , ,. � � ��. �'� �'^ '�L � _ A meetirzg of the Zoni.ng Com-nission of t�e City of Hopkins� �.i.nnesota� was held at the City Hall at 8 o�clock/ �Tuesday, February 13, 1951. �eir.bers present vrere Chairman I,arson, ?dembers Kokesh, Justus� Pa.rks. Absent; Blomqu�_st. dlso present were ltTayor Perbix, Councilma.n Anderla� City Manager Congdon, City gttorney �Phitney, and City ��ineer La.ska. The purpose of the meeting was the scheduled nearing on the proposed zoning �.nd planni.ng coi�ru.ssion Ordinance No.64, as advertised� A£ter sor�e discussion on the propo�ed ordinance a motion was made by Parks� seconded� by Kokesh� and pa.ssed, that a recommendation be made to the City Coun,cil to change the expiration dates of the five members so that one member be appointed for a term of one year� one for t� years� one for three years� and two for four years� Mee�ing adjourned. -�..�.:-. � A. W. Elmquist, �ecretary �IE�IBERS QF ZOr1IlVG CQ'Ji�'QSSIOId: � ATTEST: � j I �� CJ . Cha�.rman of oning o.�a�.ssion A. G. I,arson .� e ��� _.. . . . _ . .y - - - • � -..,. .,. . .. _.. - .. .. _ . _ , .. _ . •- - -� .� ----� s �. : - , _ . . . - -.: . . _ , -- _ ._ . , F�bruary 20� 1951 1fie l�ayor and City Cour�cil Hopkins�Yinneaota. aentlement ♦t the hearing held by the Zonic�;� Commission on �ebruary �3� 1951� the propoeed �lanning and Zoning Commisaion Ordiraanas No.6l� Ras discueaed and the Zoning Gommieaion xishes to recor�uaend changing the � expiration dates of the five me�bers so that the . terma will not all expire aL one tims. The recommendstion is that the e�cpiration dates - stagger so that one member will be appointed for oae y�ar� ons tor t�o years� one for three yeara� and Lwo for four y�aral 9ery truly yaire, CITY 0}�' HOPl�INS ZONING CU'�uISSION A1fEtdai A. '�. Elmquiat Secretary �. .