09-25-1951 .-. A re�ular meeting of the Zoning and Planni.ng Commission of the City of Honkins w2.s held at the Cit3r Hall at 7:30 P.1�. on 'I'uesd.ay, September 25, 1,951. Present were �hairman Johnson, Members Pive�� Hagen, �Iayor Perbix, CounciZma.n �ilbert, City Attorney �'�hitney, and City En�ineer,Laska, Absents Parks, City Attorney Ydhitneyts statement� dated September 2l�� 19�1, pertain- ing to agreements between the City of Hopkins, City o£ Minneapolis, and Dilta�e of St. Louis Park� wa.s read and ordered nlaced on fil�a Perbix moved, Hagen seconded� that the meeting be postponed to 7;30 P.lv�. on 'il.iesda.y� October 9, 1951. Carried.. Perbix moved, Milbert seconded, that the Zoning and Plannin; Commission go on record as being in favor of vacating thealley between llth and 12th Avenues hiorth, from north of the �.� St. L. Rai1�3T tr.acks to Second Street North and so advise the city council. Carried. �. . `�.-�-.-..+.-.. A. u�T.�E1m�uist� �cretary � MII��FRS OF ZONIIJG C0-.1�iISSION: �' !' - �� � ATTES T: ;� � i l�f: • �; Chairman of Zoning ommi.ssion, � Eval Johnson � � � C:.C�L/ O��O�YZU2�, v i HENNEPIN COUNTY � �,��1`, I HOPKINS, MINNESOTA ,. � ', , ` t 4''� �� +� September a4� 1;51 ' � Zo:�ing and Pla.nning Commieeion of the City of Hopkins City Hall Hopkine, Min:ieaota Re: Agreement s betkeen thg_C�ty oi fior,kins and the Ci tv o f MinnPapoli s and be tween the City of iicpkins and tre Villa�e of � St. Lo�sis Park t�it'r. reference to aa.nit�.r_v eewa�e di epo sal. Ger.-;,�emen: Gn Ma� 20, 19�+7, thE City of F�inneapolis and the Yillage (now City) of Hopkins, entered into a written agreement un3er the � terms of which the Citv of Hopkins was given permission to connect its sanitary sP�er system to the system of tre Yillage of St. Louis Park, which latter system was connected with the eewer system of the Cit;,r of Mir.neapolis. There 3oe� aot appear to be any lir�itation in �ria �gr�;Fment �,s to the amount of aewage whicr, may iiow from the Fiopkina aystem into the Mi�n�anolis system. �c���Pver� the a,�reement doas contain this pro- vieion: "If in the ,j•,�d�►ent of the City of Minneat�olie ari�r propoaed e�ctenaion or addit�on �o the Yilla�e aewer a;�stem will reault in dis- charging a qua.ntity of sewage into tre i�innea,r,oli8 syatem in excess of the ca�acity of the sewers provided in t�le Ci�s to receive the Village sewage, it sha.11 notify the Village to tn�,t effect at the time of ap- proving euch �olans an�. specii'ications.'� Another pro�ision of the ccntract �rovides th�.t in tre event the exis�ing aewera of the City of Minneapolis to w�ich the Villa�e sewers are connected appea.r to be inadequate because of the increase, or anticipa�Ed incre�se, in tne volume of sewage in the Village eewera, t�e City of Minneapolie will ccnstruct rdthin ite co rporate limita sewera of adeauate eize to take care of the increase, s3uch conatrlc t�on to be at � tne ex�ense of Hopkina. Zoning and Planning Commiseion of the City of Hopi�ins -2- September 2�+, 1951 .� On June 7, i9�+5, t�e Villa�es of St. Loui e Park a.nd Hotikina enterPd into an agree�,ent for the joint use and maintenance of c�rtain sanitar� sewer facilities, wr.ich consisted ot iY.e main trank sewer rur_ning from �levent� AvPr_ue in HepY ins to the sewerage lift sta.�ion at Minnehaha Creek, and from there tr.rough St. Louie Park and connecting with the Minneapolis system. Thi e agreement betrreen Honkins and 3t. Loui s Park contains the followin� p rovie�on: MThe said eanit�.r,y sewage facilities to be ccr.structed for joint use by St. Louis Park and Hopkins are designed to provide an outlet for sewage from Hopkins of not to exceed 1,100 G.p.M. �nd no more. Hopkins will ao limit the use of it s sani��.iy sewer eystem that the flow of aewage into tne St. Louis Park aystem on Excelsior Boulevard at the Village boundary will not exceed 1,1d0 G.P.M." Thie limitation of 1,100 G.P.NI. ;�e�:ns tha; tre City of Aopkins caa.r.ot dt�mp into thP Sz. Lo�a�s P£.rk eewers more than 1,10� .-� gallons of aewage during an� one ninute of a twenty-four hour period. I t may be th�,t at the pre sent time no harga i s done b� eaceeding thi e limit if St. Louis Par;s doea not object, as I understand that St. Lou�s Park has not yet com�,leted all the lateral eewers which it e:r�ects to run into its main trunic sewer. However, if and wY:en theae lateral aewera are connected and Hopkins ehould excsed 1,100 ga.11ona in �.tty one minute ar.d St. Louie Park should e�caFd the capacity o` its aewers du rin�, the same minute, the entire joint system would be clog�ed up. I haqe talked vTith tne en�ineer who was in cha.rge of thF construction of the Hopkins portion o� this jcint project and he is info^ma113� of the opinion that at the present time about one-a�1f of the eewage running throu� the Hopkina Qystem is not se�rage at all, bu� is atorn; and surface watera, and that our nroblem could be soZved, at leasttemporarily, by the elimination of theae surface watere� HoN- eu�er, �r. Laska is to meet with the engineer from Ralph D. Thomas and �seociates in the near• fliture to discuss the problem more in LLeta.il. Very �.ruly yours, j � '�' , ^ v��.., �' �l. ��U��Lut_� Frank N. w'hitney � C3.ty At to rney FN?"'/lh