09-29-1953 Th� ragnl,e� �et�.ng o� the Zoning and Planning Co�mi.asion of tho Citg of Hopkiris, vas held at th�e City Hall on �usd�Y, September 29� 1953, at 7:34 P.I� � Members p��seat were Chairman 9nderla, members I'brbix, Hagen, Johnaon, Witaner, Vesely, City Manager Taylor and City �Sngimaer Iaska. ChA;*�++an Anr3erla called for nomination� Yor or�e of the members to sarve as Chairman of the Commission for the term .n�ding 7/31/54. P�rbix mQved, Hagen aeaonGled, the rwmination of a. J. Farka - 9x�derla �red, Voe�ly asaor�ded� the no�ination of 1� B. Hagen - IIpon the vot,e being tsken, M. B, Hagen vas appoint.ed Chs�rman, for the ter� ending 7/31/54, �� ��� �k the Chair and proa�eded aa Chsir�an of �he ffieeting. 9sae],� mo�red, A�derla seco�cled, that Rs�olution #26 *A A'E.SOmTI��N fDERING A HEARING � AN APPISCATIa(iiN F� A BIIIIDING �IT � C�STRUCT A C�Il+�D qE'�:R�,� HU6PITAL AlID �ID�ENTIIL BIIIIDING � IDT RIEVEl�1 (11), BIDCK 0� (1), S4�UBA �lITIQN�� msrked T�xhibit '�g* be adopted. Carried,, Veael,y �ovad, Anderla ass�nded, �hat recom�endation be made to the City Cowacil that in p�in�cipl� tlie Zoning and Plsnning Co,�i�aion agreea �rl.t� the planos of St. Joseph�s Church for the moving ess�ter�y of 13th lvenue So.� abutting �.hmir n�r Churah p�opsrty, and also the Widaning of aame to a � 45 ft. �treet, �ubjeet to a de�ci to the p�operty far the e�dditional Width of th� street and also ior t.�e blae�ktoppin� oi the n� portion oi th� atre�t. Carri�d. Ts4yle>r �oved, Veael,y eeco�ied, that reco�mesndation be made to the City Council that the requeat of Charl�a M. �eidheim, for permiseioa to build three ho�es on the p�opg��,y located at the N4i corner of 5th lvenue anrl Miauetonke M31].a Ro�d, xith/f�lie required ?500 aq. Yt, for eac3h hom�e, be denied. Carried, Fsrbiu moved, Tay].c�r secc�ed, that recommeixlatioa ba ffia�d� to the City Couacil that the petition as preseated by property cvnera of Boule'ard N1�npr, for the anryeaation tc� the �ity vf Iiopkins, of the SE 1/4 of the � 1/4 0� Section 23, T117, E22, excepting a p�rt thereo�, be accepted. Carried. T�rlor no�red, Johnson secozaded, that recommer�dation be ma�do to the City Council that the patition as presented by A�n�a M. Jansen and F. R. Iein, for the annexation of the follawing prop�rty to the City of &>pkins, bo accepted. Carried. � - Boing the Id 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of 13-11?-22 ^ a�i tho osu platted p�opert� being the 3 132 ft. oP th� S 1,/2, I� ],/4, � 1/4, � 1/4 13-117-22 B - Baing t.he S 132 ft, of th� 5 1/2, 1� 1/4, � �4, S� 1�4 13-117-22. Maeting ad�oux���ed. � s�-. g. W. Elmquiat, Secre ME�RS OF THE ZODTING CONIl�'I.SSION: i ; ;% � ��, � , ; l -- .-� gTTE5T: M. B. Hagen, Ch