06-15-1954 g special]maeting of tke Zozi.bg and PZan� Caznmis�ion of the City of Hopkins Was
held at 11:30 A. M. Twesde�y, June 15, 195�+ at the City Hall.
M�mbers present were Chai�cmaxi Hsgen, Members Johnaon, 9;nderla, M�yor Vas��y and
.� Counai]i�en Witffier.
gnderla moved, Vese7,y seconded, that recamv�er�dation be made to the City Council that
the petition to vacate the easter�y, we$ter�y sll.ey �ring northerly of the Ints 6 to
12 inclusive, �31ock 9, Anderaon�s Firat Addition, as psesented by the Luop l�btor
Compaqy be granted. Cerried.
Meeting adjourned,
A. W. Elmqui�t, Sea tary to the C�amiasion
MEI�'.RS (�1F' TI� 7ANING C�Il�I�SIO�i;
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M. B. Hagen, Chai