CR2002-082 - Cooperative Construction Agreement
. May] 6, 2002 HOPKINS Council Report 2002-82
Approve Construction Cooperative Agreement Between The City of Hopkins,
City of M innetonka, and Hennepin County
County Road 73/H ighway 7 Improvements Project, City Project 01-06
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move that Council approve a
Construction Cooperative Agreement between the Citv of Hopkins. City or Minnetonka. and
Hennepin County for roaJwav improvements on the Countv Road 73/1 Iighwav 7
Improvements Proiect City Proiect 01-06. and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign
and execute the agreement.
At the ^pril 16, 2002, meeting, the Hopkins City Council approved final plans and
authorized the CSAf-I 73/TH 7 Intersection Area Roadway Improvements Project to proceed
to the bidding phase of the project. Council is now asked to approve a construction cost
cooperative agreement between the City of Hopkins, City of Minnetonka, and Hennepin
County outlining project cost responsibilitics for each agency. In addition to this agreement.
the City of Minnetonka and Mn/Dot will enter into an agreement for Mn/Dot's contribution
to the project and maintenance of the new signal on the project, both of which will benefit
Hopkins without giving Hopkins additional responsibilities or costs. The City Attorney has
reviewed the agreement and his comments have been incorporated and addressed in the
e ngrecment. Staff is recommending approval and feels this is a good agreement for the City of
Hopkins considering a majority of the project area falls within Hopkins.
Primary Issues to Consider
. Estimnted Project Funding Summary (based on the engineer's estimate):
City of Hopk ins: $340,000 (plu:; right-of-way and ea:;Cl11cnl acquisition co:;t:i in IlnpKlns)
City of Millnetonka: $350,000 iplll:i righl-ol~way and casement acquisition cosls in MinnetonKa)
Hennepin COLlnty: $300,000
MnIDOT: $265,000
The current total estimated project cost is $1.255.000 based on the most recent
engineer's estimate. This includes engineering/administration/contingency costs at
35% but does not include right-of-way and easement acquisition costs. Of this
amount. approximately $340.000 is estimated for Hopkins share of the project plus
the $71,000 estimated costs for right-of-way and easement acquisition in Hopkins.
The 2002-2006 Hopkins Capital Improvement Plan (CJP) identified $250,000 for this
project through a combination of State Aid and PIR funds. which did not include
property acquisition costs. Additional State Aid funding is proposed to be Llsed to
fund the property acquisition costs. Included in the J !opkins portion is clpproximiltel)
$50,000 in uti I ity \vork that wi I] be funded out of the appropriilte uti I it)' 11.lIlds.
Supporting: Information
. Agreement
. ~~/
Steven G. Bot, Assistant City Engineer
financial Impact: $ 411.000 Budgded: Y/N Yes Source: PIR, Utility. and State Aid Funds
Related Documents (CIP. ERP, etc.): CIP and Engineer's Estimate
. Agreement No. PW 10-15-02
County Project No. 9738
County State Aid Highway No. 73
City of Minnetonka
City of Hopkins
County of Hennepin
THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this _ day of .2002,
by and betwt:en the County of Hennepin. a body politic and corporate under the laws of the State of
Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "County", and the City of Minnetonk~l. a body politic and
corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and the City of Hopkins. a body politic and
corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota. hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Cities".
WHEREAS, the City of Minnetonka or its agent has prepared plans and specifications for
. improvements to County State Aid Highway No. (CSAH) 73 (Hopkins Crossroads) fi-om Fourth Street
to Trunl.. Highway (T.H.) 7, and from T.H. 7 to South Oakvale Road as shown on the plans for City of
Mim1etonka Project No. ST -48 87R and City of Hopkins Project No. 01-06 respectively; and
WHEREAS, said improvements contemplate and include grading, aggregate base, bituminous
paving, drainage, utilities. traffic signals and other related improvements; and
WHEREAS, said improvements described immediately above, shall be identified and
accomplished under Hennepin County Project No. 9738 (a.k.a. City of Minnctonka Project No. ST-
4887R and City of Hopkins Project No. 01-06) hereinafter referred to as the "Project"; and
WHEREAS, the Cities have requested that the County approve the plans and specifications for
the work being proposed for CSAH 73. authorize the City of Minnetonka to perform the work in
accordance with said plans and specifications and to participate in the costs of the Project and
WHEREAS, the above described Project lies within the corporate limits o/'thc City of
Minnetonka and City of Hopkins; and
WHEREAS, the City of Minnetonka has prepared an Engineer's Estimate of quantities and unit
prices for the construction contract work of the above described Project in the amount of Nine Hundred
Twenty Nine Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Seven Dollars and Sixty Cents ($929,567.60). A Cl)py of
said estimate marked Exhibit "A" is attached and by this reference made a part hereof and
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. Agreement No. PW 10-15-02
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WHEREAS, the County has indicated its willingness to arrmwc saicl plans ancl specifications,
authorize the City of Minnetollka to perform the \vork and participate in the costs of said Project under
the terms and conditions as hereinafter set forth; and
WHEREAS, It is contemplated that said work be carried out by the parties hereto under the
provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 162.17, Subdivision 1 and Section 471.59.
The City of Minnetonka or its agents, at no cost to the County, shall prepare the necessary plans,
specifications, and proposal; obtain approval of said plans and specifications from the County;
advertise for bids for the work and construction, receive and open bids pursuant to said advertisement
and enter into a contract with the successful bidder at the unit prices speci lied in the bid of such bidder:
administer the contract: and perform the required engineering and inspection: all in accordance vvith
said plans and specifications.
. The City of Minnctonka or its agents shall administcr the construction contract and perform all
required engineering, inspection and testing. All construction and materials sampling and testing for
CSAH 73 shall be accomplished in accordance with all applicable standards and requirements of the
Mn/DOT's State Aid for Local Transportation Division in effect at the time or Contract award.
The contract shall include the plans and specifications prepared by the City of Minnetonka or its
agents and approved by the County which plans and specifications are by this reference made a part
The City o[Minnetonka shall also obtain, and comply with, any and all permits and approvals
required from other governmental or regulatory agencies to accomplish the Project. Said permits and
approvals shall be obtained prior to the start of any construction and made available to the County upon
The construction of this Project shall be under the supervision and direction of the City of
Minnetonka's City Engineer. All work on CSAH 73 shall be completed in compliance with the plans
and specifications. The County Engineer and the City of Hopkins' City Engineer and their
representative staffs shall have the right as the work progresses, to enter upon the premises to make
. any inspections deemed necessary and shall cooperate with the City of Minnetonka' s City Engineer and
staff at their request to the extent necessary.
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. Agreement No. PW 10-15-02
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The County and the City of Hopkins agree that the City of Minnetonka may make changes in the
aforereferenced approved plans or in the character of said contract construction which are reasonably
necessary to callse said construction to be in all things performed and completed in a satisfactory
manner. It is further agreed by the County and the City of Hopkins that the City of Minnetonka may
enter into any change orders or supplemental agreements with the City of Minnetonka' s contractor for
the performance of any additional construction or construction occasioned by any necessary.
advantageous or desirable changes in plans, within the original scope of the Project. The City of
Minnetonka shall obtain the approval uf the County Enginec:r or his designated representative on all
changes to the plans and specifications that relate to the County's cost pmiicipation or the work to be
completed on CSAH 73. The City of Minnetonka shall obtain the approval of the City of Hopkins'
City Engineer or his designated representative on all changes to the plans and specifications that relate
to the City of Hopkins' cost participation or the work to be completed on any or said municipality's
The County and the City of Hopkins both further agree that they will participate in the settlement
of any claims fi:om the City of Minnetonka's contractor that involve project delays attributable to
delays in approval by the County or the City of Hopkins, as may be required, for plan or specification
changes deemed necessary by the City of Minnetonka's Engineer or his staff. The amounts of
participation by the County and the City of Hopkins in any such claims shall be commensurate \vith the
. respective percentages of delay directly attributable to the actions of said parties.
The City of Minnetollka, or its agents, at its sole expense shall acquire all rights of way, permits
and/or easements required for the construction of said Project \vhich lie 'vvithin its municipal
The City of Hopkins, or its agents, at its sole expense shall acquire all rights of way, permits
and/or easements required for the construction of said Project which lie within its municipal
Upon completion of this Project. all permanent right of way acquired !()]" CSAH 73 as provided
herein shall be conveyed to the Couniy by the Cities with no consideration required.
Prior to beginning construction, the City of Minnetonka shall furnish both the County and the
City ofI-Iopkins, each with two (2) complete sets of County approved plans and specifications for said
. Included in the Project is the construction of a new traffic control signal system at the
intersection of CSAI-I 73 with Slh St. N.lMinnetonka Mills Road. and minor revisions to the existing
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. Agreement No. PW 10-15-02
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traffic control signal system at the intersection of CSAH 73 with T.H. 7. It is und~rstood by the parties
hereto that the responsibilities for operation and long term mainten~lI1ce of the aforesaid traffic signals
are not contained in this Agreement but shall bc as set forth in the following listed agreements.
The operation and maintenance responsibilities for the existing signal system at the intersection
of CSAH 73 and TH 7 shall continue as set forth under Henncpin County Agreement No. PW 64-40-91
(a.k.a. Mn/DOT Agreement No. 68670), which presently exists in full force and effect.
The operation and maintenance responsibilities for the proposed signal system at the intersection
of CSAH 73 with 5th St. N/Minnetonka Mills Road shall be the responsibilities of the City of
Minnetonka and Mn/DOT as will be set fmih in a future signal maintenance agreement to be prepared
by Mn/DOT and executed by the City of Minnetonka, the County, and the Minnesota Depmiment of
TranspOliation (Mn/DOT).
The County and the City of Hopkins shall reimhurse the City of Minnetonka for their respective
proportionate shares of the construction costs of the Project as shown in Exhibit "A". It is understood
that the Engineer's Estimate referred to on Page 1 of this Agreement is an estimate of the cost for said
. Project and that the unit prices set forth in the contract with the successful bidder and the final
quantities as measured by the City ofMinnetonka's City Engineer or its designated representatives
shall govern in computing the total final cost for apportioning the costs of said Project according to the
provisions herein.
Through an agreement with Mn/DOT, the City of Minnetonka will supply the traffic signal
controller, control equipment, and cabinet required for the new signal system to be installed at the
intersection of CSAH 73 and Minnetonka Mills Road/5th St. N. The County and the City of Hopkins
hereby al so agree to reimburse the City of Minnetonka for their respective proportionate shares of the
costs of said signal system equipment supplied by the City of Minnetonka. Said proportionate shares
shall be equal to the County's and City of Hopkins' proportionate shares of the contract signal work for
the aforereferenced traffic control signal system as set forth in Exhibit 'A'. It is estimatt'd that the total
cost of the aforelisted signal system equipment to be provided by the City of Minnctonka is
$22,000.00. It is understood and agreed however that said amount is an ~stil11atc and that the actual
proportionate amounts to be reimourscd the City ofMinnetonka shall be based on the actual cost of the
afore listed equipment as invoiced the City of Minnetonka by Mn/DOT shall govern in computing the
total final apportionment of cost participation by the County and the City of Hopkins as set forth in this
It is further understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the County's total participation in
the contract construction costs plus the County's propOJiionate share of the costs of the signal system
. equipment supplied by the City of Minnetonka for the Project shall not exceed Three Hundred
Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($300,000.00).
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. Agreement No. PW 10-15-02
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After an award by the City of Minnetonka to the successful biddcr on the Project, the City of
Milmetonka shall invoice the County for ninety five (95) percent of their respective estimated share of
the contract construction costs and the costs of the afore listed signal system equipment provided by the
City of Minnetonka for the Project. Payments shall be made to the City of Minnetonka by the County
for the respecti ve full amounts due as stated on the invoice \vithin ninety (90) days of the invoice date.
Said estimated shares and invoices for the County shall be based on actual contract unit prices applied
to the estimated quantities shown in the plans, and shall be subject to the limitation set forth herein.
The remainder of County's share in the contract construction costs and the costs of the signal
system equipment provided by the City of Minnetonka will be due the City of Minnetonka upon the
completion of the Project and submittal of the City of Minnetonka City Engineer's final estimate for
the Project to the County.
Upon final payment to the Contractor by the City of Minnetonka, any amount remaining as a
balance in the deposit account will be returned to the County on a proportionate basis based on each
party's initial deposit amount and their respective final proportionate shares ofthc Project costs.
Likewise, any amount due the City or Minnetonka from the County upon final payment by the City or
. Minnetonka shall be paid by the County as its respective final payment for the construction costs of
said Project within ninety (90) days of receipt of an invoice from the City.
In conjunction with paying pmiial estimates to the contractor for the completed construction
work, the City of Minnetonka shall invoice the City of Hopkins for their respective share urthe pmiial
estimate payment including the Hopkins share of the engineering costs as set forth in this agreement.
Payments shall be make to the City of Minnetonka by the City 0 I' Hopkins for their respective full
amounts due as stated on the invoices within ninety (90) days of the invoice date. Said estimated
shares and invoices for the City of Ilopkins shall be based on actual contract unit prices applied to the
quantities shown in the plans and as measured in the field for verification.
It is hereby understood and agreed that the County \vill be funding its share of the costs for the
Project with County State Aid monies. It is further understood and agreed that the County reserves the
right not to make payment to the City of Minnetonka for its share of the costs if any action or inaction
of the City of Minnetonka causes Mn/DOT's State Aid Engineer to determine that the County's costs
are not eligible for State Aiel funding.
In addition to its proportionate share of the contracted construction costs and the costs of the
. signal system provided by the City of Minnetonka for the Project, the City of Hopkins also agrees to
pay to the City of Minnetonka a sum equal to eighteen percent ( 18%) or the total of the amount
computed as the City of Hopkins share ofthe total final cost of the contracted construction for the
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. Agreement No. PW 10-15-0:2
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Project, as set forth in said Exhibit "A" for engineering costs.
It is understood by the Cities that neither the County or Mn/DOT will be participating in any
engineering costs for this Project. As a result the Cities hereby agree to collectively be responsible Cor
such costs. It is further agreed that the City of Minnetonka shall be responsible for all engineering
costs on this Project that would otherwise normally be paid by Mn/DOT, and the City of Hopkins shall
be responsible for all engineering costs on this Project that would otherwise normally be paid by the
Therefore, in addition to its proportionate share of engineering costs for the Project, the City of
Hopkins fUlther agrees to pay the City of Minnetonka an additional sum equal to eighteen (18) percent
of the County's total proportionate share of the final cost of the contract construction for the Proj ect.
It is understood that said additional payments by the City of Hopkins, estimated to total
$91,550.00, shall be the City of Hopkins' share of all engineering costs incurred by the City of
Minnetonka in conjunction with the design and construction engineering performed for said Project.
The City of Minnetonka will invoice the City of Hopkins separately for the aforesaid engineering
costs. Payment shall be made to the City of Minnetonka for the full amount due on said invoice within
. forty five (45) days of the invoice date.
Upon completion of this Project, the City of Minnetonka or its agents. shall furnish both the
County and the City of Hopkins each with one (1) complete set of as-built reproducible construction
plans on 11" by 1 7" vellum or mylar.
It is understood and agreed that upon completion of any and all improvements proposed herein.
all street lighting, water distribution system components. sanitary sewer systems, concrete sidewalk,
bituminous paths and walks, and all municipal street construction within the City of Minnetonka
included in the Project shall be the property of the City of Minnetonka and all maintenance, restoration.
repair, replacement or other work or services required therealler shall be performed by the City of
Minnetonka at no expense to the County.
It is understood and agreed that upon completion of any and all improvements proposed herein.
all street lighting. water distribution system components, sanitary se\\ier systems. concrete sidewalk.
retaining walls. bituminous paths and walks. and all 11lunicipal street construction within the City of
Hopkins incluued in the Project shall be the property of the City of Hopkins and all maintenance.
. restoration, repair, replacement or other work or services required thereafter shall be performed by the
City of Hopkins at no expense to the County.
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. Agreement No. PW ] 0-15-02
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It is also understood by the Cities that the County requires an operational clear zone along the
side of the road for storage of snow removed from the County roadways. The Cities hereby agree to be
responsible for the removal of any snow that may be placed on sidewalks within their respective
municipal boundaries as a result of the County's snow removal operations on the CSAH 73 within the
limits of said Project.
Upon completion of the Project the County wi]] own and maintain those portions of the roadway
storm sewer drainage system functioning as catch basins and their associated lead pipes that are within
or between the outermost curblines of CSAH 73 and also those within the radius return limits of
intersecting municipal streets. All other components of the roadway storm sewer drainage system.
constructed as a part of this Project including but not limited to all trunk lines, and water quality
structures, regardless of their location wi thin County right of way, shall become the property of the
respective city within which they exist and all maintenance, restoration or repair required thereafter
shall be performed by the city of ownership at no cost to the County.
All questions of maintenance responsibilities that may arise shall be jointly resolved by the
. Cities' City Engineers and the County's Operations Division Engineer.
The City of Minnetonka agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the County, its elected
officials, officers, agents, volunteers, and employees ii-om any liability. claims causes of action,
judgments, damages. losses, costs or expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees. resulting directly
or indirectly from any act or omission of the City of Minnetonka, its suhcontract(lrS, anyone directly or
indirectly employed by them. and/or anyone for whose acts and/or omissions they may be liable for
related to the ownership, maintenance, existence, restoration, repair or replacement of the City of
Minnetonka owned improvements established herein. The City ofMinnetonka's liability shall be
governed by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466 or other applicable law.
The City of Hopkins agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the County, its elected
ofTicials, oHicers, agents, volunteers, and employees from any liability, claims causes of action,
judgments, damages, losses, costs or expenses, induding reasonable attorney's fees, resulting directly
or indirectly from any act or omission of the City of Hopkins, its subcontractors, anyone directly or
indirectly employed by them, and/or anyone for whose acts and/or omissions they may be liable for
related to the ownership. maintenance, existence, restoration, repair or replacement of the City of
Hopkins owned improvcments established herein. Thc City of Hopkins's liahility shall be governed by
the provisions of Minnesnta Statutes, Chapter 466 or other applicable lmv.
The City of Minnetonka will prepare weekly progress reports teJr the Project as provided in the
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. Agreement No. PW 10-15-02
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specifications. Copies of these reports will be furnished to the County and the City of Hopkins upon
their requests.
All records kept by the Cities and the County with respect to this Project shall be subject to
examination by the representatives of each party hereto.
The County reserves the right not to issue any permits for a period of live (5) years after
completion of said Project for any service cuts in the roadway surfacing of the County Highways
included in this Project for any installation of underground utilities which would be considered as ney\'
work; service cuts shall be allowed for the maintenance and repair of any existing underground
Each party agrees that it will be responsible for its own acts and the results thereof. to the extent
. authorized by the law, and shall not be responsible for the acts of the other party and the results thereof.
The County's and the Cities' liability is governed by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466.
The County and the Cities each warrant that they are able to comply with the aforementioned
indemnity requirements through an insurance or self-insurance program.
The Cities also agree that any contract let by either of them or their agents for the performance of
the construction work on CSAIl 73 as provided herein, or ror any maintenance activities associated
with the herein established respectively owned improvements installed as part of this Project shall
include clauses that will: 1) Require the Contractor to defend. indemnify. and hold the COLlnty. its
officials. officers. agents and employees harmless from any liability, causes of action, judgments.
damages, losses, costs or expenses including, without limitation. reasonable attorneys' fees. arising out
of or by reason of the acts and/or omissions of the said Contractor. its officers. employees, agents or
subcontractors; 2) Require the Contractor to be an independent contractor for the purposes or
completing the work provided for in this Agreement; and 3) Require the Contractor to provide and
maintain insurance in accordance with the following:
l. Commercial General Liability on an occurrence basis with
. Contractual Liability and Explosion, Collapse and Underground
Property Damage (XCU) Liability coverages:
[ ,imits
General Aggregate $1,000,000
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. Agreement No. PW 10-15-02
CSAH NO. 73. c.P. 9738
Products--Complcted Operations Aggregate $1.000.000
Personal and Advertising Injury $1.000,000
Each Occurrence - Combined Bodily Injury and
Property Damage $1.000,000
Hennepin County, the City of Hopkins, and the City of Minnetonka shall be named as an
additional insured for the Commercial General Liability coverage with respect to
operations covered under this Agreement.
') Automobile Liability:
Combined Single limit each occurrence coverage or the
equivalent covering owned, non-owned, and hireu
automobiles: $1.000,000
.... Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability:
A. Workers' Compensation Statutory
. If the Contractor is based outside the State of Minnesota,
coverages must apply to Minnesota laws.
B. Employer's Liability - Bodily injury by:
Each Accident $100.000
Disease - Policy Limit $500.000
Disease - Each Employee $100.000
An Umbrella Liability policy over primary liability coverages is an acceptable method to provide
the required insurance limits.
The above subparagraphs establish minimum insurance requirements. It shal I be the sole
responsibility of the Cities' contractor(s) to determine the need for and to procure additional insurance
which may be needed in connection with said Project.
All insurance policies shall be open to inspection by the County and copies of policies shall be
submitted to the County upon written request.
. It is fm1her agreed that any and all employees or the City or TV1innetonka and all other persons
engaged by the City or Minnetonka in the performance of any \vork or services required or provided for
herein to be performed by the City of Minnetonka shall not be considered employees of the City of
Hopkins or the County, and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under the Workers'
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. Agreement No. PW 10-15-02
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Compensation Act or Minnesota Economic Security Law on behalf of said employees while so
engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omissioll on
the part of said employees \vhi Ie so engaged on any 0 f the work or services provided to be rendered
herein shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the City 0[" Hopkins or the County.
Also, any and all employees of the City of Hopkins and all other persons engaged by the City of
Hopkins in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by
the City of Hopkins shal1not be considered employees ofthc City of Minnetonka or the County, and
that any and all claims that mayor might arise under the Workers' Compensation Act or Minnesota
Economic Security Law on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by
any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said employees while so
engaged on any of the work or scrvices provided to be rendered herein shall in no way be the obligation
or responsibility of the City of Minnetonka or the County.
Also, any and all employees of the County and all other persons engaged by the County in the
performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County
shall not be considered employees of the Cities, and that any and all claims that mayor might arise
under the Workers' Compensation Act or the Minnesota Economic Security Law on behalf of said
employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any
. act or omission on the part of said employees while so engaged on any of the vvork or services provided
to be rendered herein shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the Cities.
Any alterations, variations, modifications, or wai vers of provisions of this Agreement shall only
be valid when they have been reduced to writing as an amendment to this Agreement signed by the
parties hereto.
In order to coordinate the services of the County with the activities of the Cities so as to
accomplish the purposes of this Agreement, the Hennepin County Engineer or a designated
representative shall manage this Agreement on behalf of the County and serve as liaison betvvcen the
County and the Cities.
In order to coordinate the services of the City or Minnetonka with the activities of the County so
as to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement, the City of Millnetonka's City Engineer or a
designated representative shall managc this Agreement on behalf of the City of Minnetonka and serve
as liaison between the City of Minnetonka and the County.
. In order to coordinate the services of the City of Hopkins with the activities of the County so as
to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement, the City of Hopkins's Director of Public Works or a
designated representative shall manage this Agreement on behal r of the City of Hopkins and serve as
liaison between the City of Hopkins and the County.
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. Agreement No. PW 10-15-02
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The provisions of Minnesota Statutes 181.59 and of any applicable local ordinance relating to
civil rights and discrimination and the Affirmative Action Policy statement of Hennepin County shall
be considered a part of this Agreement as though fully set fOlth herein.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed
by their respective duly aLlthorizcd officers as of the day and year first above written.
(Seal) By:
. Mayor
(Seal) By:
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. Agreement No. PW 10-15-02
CSAI-I NO. 73, C.P. 9738
By: By:
Deputy/Clerk of the County Board Chair of its County Board
Date: Date:
Assistant/Deputy/County Administrator
By: Date:~
Assistant County Attorney
. Date: Assistant County Administrator, Public Works
and COLlnty Engineer
By: By:
Assistant County Attorney Director, Transp0l1ation Department
Date: Date:
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