01-25-1955 (2) A regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota was held at 7:30 P.M., �zesday, 1/25/55 at the City Ha11. '~ Present were Chairman Perbix members Anderla Johnson Ha e M , , , g n, ayor Vesely, and Councilman Witmer. Anderla moved, Johnson seconded, that communication dated 1/7/55 by the R,ecreation and parks �ommission pertaining to the acquiring and setting aside of land for paxk and �layground purposes be tabled and copies of same be mailed to the Council and Zoning members. Meeting adjourned. , �� A. W, Elmquist, S retaxy to the Commission MEh�ERS OF THE CONINIISSION; ���� ��:. '� �,- `� / ._ � %, - � .� , �L'y�'y„�t---' � ATTE5�:� / , /��l� � � � � � W. Harlan Perbix, Chairman -� � �PS R4s A Hopkins Recreation Commission � �, � ,� DOW HOUSE Ninth Avenue and First Street South HOPKINS, MINN. � � G L. A. HARRIS - Director of Recreation � Q � r��;� �, ,o �J ' 6 � ` � � \ ` `' � . S . � �� � , cq P ' ` P� \ ' . �\ �/ � > "Recreation is Everybody's Business" r �� �1�� I^� �� T�r. Harlan Yerbix �� '�_ �� Jan. 7, 1955 Cnai rman � �, Hopkins Zonin�; and �'lannin�; Commission _ � � 11-lOth �ve . So . � �` � 1��� Hopkins , r+�inn. ;. � �`�� Z �` Dear Harlan, Relative to our past correspondence, I have been directed by the �ec-reation and P�rks Commission to submit as much information as pos- sible to you concernin� legislation that makes it mandatory to set aside land for park and playbrounds in plat or sub-divisions . Some of the date cor:�es fro:n the National Recreation Association ii�hile other inf'ormation cor�es from communities that have already enac- ted such le�islation. � 1V1any different kincis of plans are followed in various cities whereby space is set aside for recreation areas when r�eal-estate sub- divisions are developed. Some cities sug�est a percenta�e requirement for public park and recreation space to be set aside from each new sub-division. �'�here us�d, these percenta�es vary a �reat deal. Some are 120, 10/, 5jo and even as � 1ow as 3� of the total acreage involved. In some places the sub-division is expected to dedicate for �ark and recreation use about two acres for E;very 1,000 of the estimated future population or an acre for 5omany families . In other words in thes cities the sp ace set aside dspends on the density of the population rather than thE; total area of the sub-division. In still other places the local r��UlAt�0I1� leave it to the Plan- nin� Comi�ission to specify to the extent required the al.locations ti� olayfields , park and other open public spaca that may be essential to t�le pro�er development of nei�hborriood areas . Cities sometir�es find it difficult to enforce strict rulin�s on this questior. of setting aside land. Reco�nizing this f act various ad- jusments of the original law are tried. Some cities merely state in the regulations that "due consideration" must be �iven to the problem. Anaheim, California, so says the 2dational Recreation Associatioi�, � has one of theb est arranoements they have seen. This was �ut in eff'ect on i�2ay 25th of this year by tne passa.-re of orcl_nance #9-1 wnich amen- ded article IX, chap�er I of the �naheim r+Tur.icipal Code by addin� two new sections which levy a charge of �25.00 on each lot in nevr s�ab- divisions , such funds to be used for the acqu��tion of parks, pla�r;� �ronnds , and recreation facilities . During the first few mont'.zJ in which this ordinanc� vras in eff�sct, about �2,000 a month was deposit- ed fror� this source in a fund �rrhich will be used to purcriase and de- velop for park use, land ad�acent to school playgrounds . Recognizing the fact triat one resol�tion wila_ not adequately cover a comrnunity where several different types of housin� will be erected. '��ichita F�lls , Texas aciopted the fo�lo�vir.�; re�olution on i''E-��. �6, 1'?�,� : A eooperalive plun by City, $c�ool Distric! and Cornmunity Couneil ` GPS R4S A Hopkins Recreation Commission � �, � ,� DOW HOUSE Ninth Avenue and First Street South HOPKINS, MINN. � � L. A. HARRIS - Director of Recreation Q � .--. . . ` CqPI � p�. "Reereotion is Everybody's Business" �Yl�it L'PU[:l �:�Lici ;3i i�"',T' "t"_� �., u23tE: �Jc;i UT'� a21�� 1�1�1'- � �,n, ' ,. ^� �; � ` � or s a -c:iv��_ �.z � al� �, e approved by the ci ty for f ilin� of re cord, that the s arr,e shall meet the following requirement a w it�i reference to parks and�or playgrounds in such su'�� divisions . Sin�le -r'amily L�ni ts : F'or each thirty units one acre of land should be reserve or par�c use; this land to be centrally located so that i� possible, all uziits to b c s erved will be within one-q�aarter tnile of this park, and in no case sii�uld the distance be greater than one mile . in the event that the sub-divisionsis of such size to cause a park site to be reserved with a total acreage less than two and a nalf acres, the plt of land should b e located on the perimeter of thz subdivision, so that this land may be integrated witii any possibla lands �iven by further sub-dividing. Multi le Dwrellin Units : On duplexes , row houses , and apartment houses , park sitas s ou d be r�served in proportion to the population with a basis of one acr� for thirty units , and that portion havin� multiple dwelli:�s will be ^ counted on the b asis of one acre per hundred people. This resolut.ion is passed for the purpose of setting a definit� policy on the matte:s herein declared upon and this rasolution is furnisried for t�e further �uidance of the engineering ciepartment and tne parks and recreation departrnent of i;ne city of Wichita F'alls ; and each of them, by an approved a�ent, its director, or the city en�ineer shall approve any plat or subdi- vision before the same is presented to the board of aldermen for its approval, By the end of 1952, Y�ichita� Falls acquired sIx .recreation areas averagin�; about ten acres each as a result of this resolution. It is able to enforce ttiis compulsory dedication probram because the s�ate laws stip- ulate that the city has jurisdiction over plattings wt�ich fall within five r�iles of the city limits .TThe city council must approve the plat before it is filed wgt�-i the council. City expansion is furttler controlled by the fact that the city furnishes w:ater, s3�age and other utilities to the outlyi,l� areas . According to the local officials , the park requirement is viewed much as a street requirement, in that streets must be curbed with proper base and surface in order f'or the sub-division to be taken into city limits . It is likewise felt that a sub-division snould provide some park ar�a before it is taken into the city. Trie resolution assures a properly locatad park � of reasonable siza in outlying sub-divisions ev�n thou�h satTeral years rnay elapse before they come into city limits. In Colorado Sprin�s, Colorado, a sub-division ordinance vras alsc adop� ted with idea of precentages o2 land in mind instead of populat?on. This section relatin�; to public spaces states : Allocat�on of land for public spaces . '1'he owner of the land in each sub-division shall allocate and co nvey five per cent of the area of the land in his sub-division, exclusive of streets and alleys , for park, play- �:ounds , sh.�i,00l, recreational or similar public purposes , a t such loc�tion as designated by the city or at the option of the city. Said owner shall, A cooperufive plan by City, 5chool Districf and Co�nmunity Couneil . GPS R4S .o Hopkins Recreation Commission � �, W �0 DOW HOUSE Ninth Avenue and First Street South HOPKINS, MINN. � �o L. A. HARRIS - Director of Recreation Q � � . . ` CqPijp�. "Recreation is Everybody's Business" ir'. I.lE.'U Of� SZ.IC'tl CO:.VE:��3T1CC UI� 13T1C:, i21 c{1:1C1� t^c`��r �O tr1t; CitJ itl C�::tl `r,Yl S— mount equal to five per cent of the value of the land. If the city and the owner fail to a�ree on the value of said land, such value shall �e fixed and established by the Heal Lstate Appraisal Committee of the Colorado Springs �oard o£ Realtors . The proceeds of said payments shall be depos- ited in a separate city account and shall be used only f'or the acquisition of land for parks , playgrounds , schools , recreatior.al or similar public purposes . Reservai;ion of public land. In the event a park, recreation area, playground, school site or other pu�lic space, as included in and adopted under the development plan of Colorado Sprin�s , is located in whole or in part within a sub-division, and if the o�^rner oi the land in tne sub-division does not convey lanci f or such public use , the city may at its op�ian acquire the land for all said purposes , or for any of ther� . If the ovrner anci trie city shall not agree upon the value of said land, the value thereof shall be fixed by the Real Estate Appraisal Committee of the Colorado Spriii�;s �oard of Re�l- ^ tors . Hi�;h density or multi�le f amily areas . If an area is to be developed or sub-divided as a hi�,h da:��ity cr rnt,ltiple fa.mily area, the pla�n�n� corr.- Tr;ittee, upon recommendation of the park board, shall require, in addition to the five per cent area allocated as hereir providecl, open spaces suit;- abl� located and of an adequate size for parks , play�rounds and recrea- tional purposes in said sub-division. Said spaces r�ay be dedicated for the common use of all inha'oitants in the sub-division or established by cave- nants or other conditions in deed or deeds . Natural �'eatures : Outstand�ng natural and cultural features , such a�, scenic spots , w�ter courses and historic sites , shall be reserved insofar as pos- sible . Easement alon� s treams : Whenever any s tream or important s urface w ater course is located in a sub-division, the s�zb-�i V'1dP.T�, at r�is expense, snall make provision, accordinb to speclfications a nd standards established by the city, for straightenin� or widening the channel to carry the surface water and shall also provide the dedicate easements alon�; the strear� in such width determined b�� the city for the purposes of widenin�, improvin� or protectin� the stream and for recreational uses . As you can see Uy the above, Recreatian ar.d rark land in plats or sub- /� divisions is usually assured b�� ordinances relating to a certain percentage of th� total land, (verSr often 5�) or by an estimate of' the future population, takin�; into consideration what ty�e of housin� etc . willbe �rected. A suitable ordinance for iiopkins rnibht contain one or the other or both dependin� on future outlooks etc . We hope the above information will be of aid to the Zonin�; and Plan- nin� Commission and a fter due consideration and study will adopt an or- dina.nce assurin� Recreation and Par?� lands in sub-divisions . Please feel free to ca�l on u� for any aic:, cia�e, or sudoestions in relation to the above . ��er , � L.�a •r�is A cooperofive plan by City, School District and Cotnmunity Couneil