Resolution 12 +' i 6A� li. 0� q ► , } �fl �� I � CITY OF HOPgINS HENNEPIN COIINTY� MINNESOTA �. ZONING COMi�II S SI ON RES(TLT ION NO. 12. A RESOLIITION ORDEF.ING A FiEARING ON TWO APPLIC�TIbNS TO THE ZONING CGMMI SSION. WHEREAS, a petilSnn has been filed with the zoning commission of the city building located upon the of Hopkine requesting that a permit be granted to use the�followi.ng deecribed tract or parcel of land situated in the commer��al district in the city of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minneaot�,, to-wit: Beginnin� at South (S) line of Excelaior Avenue in Yillage of Hopkina at a point 270 feet West (W) of the East (E) line of the Southwest Q�arter (S�ti4) of the Southwest (�zarter (SW4) of Section 2�+, Township 117� Range 22, said point being o� feet South (5) o� the South (S) line of Block 72 in West Minneapolis, Second Division; thence West («) along the South (S) line of said Excelaior Avenue 119 feet; thence South. (S) parall el wi th the East (E) line of said Southwest i�.iarter (SW�) �' of said Southwest Quarter (SW4) of a�.id Section 35� feet; thence East (E) parallel with sa.id bccelsior Avenue 119 feet; thence �orth (I3) to point of beginning, as an undertaking eatablishment, and WHEREAS, a written anplication ha.s been mad.e to the building inspector for a �ermit to build a garage upon a nortion of: Lot 27, eacept tre East 21 fee� thereof front and rear, and tY:e East 10 fPet of Lot 26, Auditor's Aubdivision No. 239, Henne�in County, Minne�ota, which garage would be in such a location as to be in violation of the requirements of the zoning ordinance of th e city of Hopkina rel atir,g to the location of �aragea, and WI�REE�S, the a�nnlicant for the pern:it to build such garage alleges that practical diff�a�ibi:ea or unneceseary hardshipa would incur to him if such garage were �. located in the manner provided by said ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEkEBY ORDERED that the zoning commisaion hold a public hearing on botr of the matters hereinbefore set forth in this reaolution at the council chambers in the city hall on the 2�t n da,y of November, 1j50, at g:00 o'clock P.M. , and that the secretary of the commission give seven (7) days published notice of said hea.ring in the official paper of the city by publiahing a cotiy of this reaolution therein. ADOPTED by the zoning commission of the city of Hopkine this 15tr.. day of November, 1950. A. G. LARSON, chairman of the zoning commis sion. A. W. Elmquist, � Secretary Frank N. Whi tneY, �n „�f t= /°« i.��./Sf/t� �/�I �'l�,°�, City Attorney cony fo r the �ap e r �p r �i V E�r',!) °r°� i!�►1�` /M A�Z 14�" � � /Z' 3 v f',vi ��/r •�,,�1