Resolution 22 __ � M N �} ��f I CI TY OF HOPKINS HF.�TNEPIA Cd[TNTY, MINNESOTA ZONING AND PLAI+T�TIRG COMMISSI� RESOLIITIOA N0. 22. . �'' A RESOLIITION ORDEFING A HEARIRG ON A1Q APP'LI� CATION FOR MODIFICATIOIQ OF THE STRICT APPLI- CATION OF CERTAIN PIi(JVI SIONS OF THE ZONIIJG OR�- DI NANCE. WHEREAS, written application hae been made to the Building Inspector for a permit to erect a building on the folloping deacribed tract or parcel of land, to wit: Commencing at a point on the South line of Eacelsior Avenue and the Eaet line of the Southr►eet quarter (SW�) of the Saathwest qaarter �SW�) of 5ection 'Pwenty-four (24) . Townehip One Hundred Seveateen (117) , Range Twenty-.two (22) ; thence running West on eaid South line of Excelsior Avenue Two Hundred Sevent�r (270) feet; thence South parallel v►ith the East � line of said Southweet Qxarter (SW�) of Southweat Quarter (SW�) Three Hu�ed Fifty (35Q)feet; thence East parallel with the South line of Excelsior Ae_ enue Two F�ndred Seeenty (270) feet; thence North on the Eaet line of said Southwest �aarter of Sonthweet Qaarter (SW�)a diatance of Three Hundred Fifty (350) feet to the point of beginning and WHEREAS, eaid building would be eo located that a portion thereof would be in violation of reqairementa of the zoning ordinance of the City of Hopkins in that said bnilding ie in a commercial dietrict an.d a portioa of eaid building would be eet back fi4e feet from Thirteeath Avenue South instead of ten feet as reqnired by the zoning ordina.nce; �OW� THEREFORE, � IT IS HEREBY ORI�HED that the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of Hopkins� Hennepin County, Mi�sesota, hold a pnblic hearing on gaid -�'`-o�` application at the Council Chambera in the City Hall on the �t day of ���.c�� 1q53, at 7:j0 otclock p.m., and that the secretary of the Commiasion give e�even (7) days publiahed notice of eaid hearing in the official paper of the city by publishin� a copy of this resolution therein. ADOPTED by the Zoning aad Planning Commiasion of the City of Hopkine � thi a � aay����953• JOSEPH T. ANDEF�A, Cha�aan of the Zoning and Planning Commiesion A. W. Elmqaist, �-- Secretary Frank A. Whi tney. City Attorney Published in the Hennepia County Review on March 12, �953•