Resolution 23 d� � p CI TY OF HOPIff NS HI,NNEPIN COUNTY, MINNi�:SOTA �.- ZONING AND PLAi�l`1TI�TG COT��II�SION RESOLUTION NUI�IB�R 23 A RESOLUTIOTd ORDERTNG A �NC� ON AN APPLICATION FOR TI-� R:�ZOIVING OF CER^1AIN PROPFRTY. WHE T' , the real property hereinafter described has heretofore been zoned within the residential district of the City of Hopkins, to-tiTi.t: All tha� part of the Sou�;heast Quarter (S:C�) of the Northeast Quarter (N�;�) of Section Twenty-five (25), Township One Hundred Seventeen (117), Ran�;e Twenty-two (22), described as follows: beginning at a point in the Nor-L-h line of sa.id Southeast Quarter (SE�) of Northeast Ruarter (IVE�;;) distant Eight Hundred (u00) feet East of the Northtirest corner thereof; thence East alon� the North � line oi said Southeast Quarter (SE1-) of the Northeast Quari;er (NE�) a distance of Four Hundred Eighteen and 35/100 feet (1�18.35) more or less to the inter- sectian with a line drawn parallel with and One Hundred Thirty-four (131�) feet 1,•]est of the East line of said Section Trrenty-five (25) and measured at right angles thereto; thence SoutYi along last descri.bed parallel line a dista.nce of One Thousand Fifty-nine and 62�100 feet (1059.62) rr.ore or less to the inter- section with a line drawn at right an�les from a point in the �ast line of said Sec- ticn Z'rr,renty-five (25), said point being distant Two Thousand Three Hundred Seventy- six and 72�100 (2376.72) feet South oi the Northeast corner of said Section Twenty- five (?_5), said right angle line bein� the South line of the Hennepin County Farm property; thence West a1on� said right angle line a distance of Four Hundred � Twenty-seven and 89�100 feet (1�27.89) more or less to the intersection with a line drawn parallel with and Ei�ht Hundred feet (800) feet East of the West line of said Southeast Quarter (SE'_.) oi Northeast Quarter (NE',-) and measured a1on�; the North line tYiereof; thence North along last described parallel line One Thousand Sevent�r-two and 2��100 feet (1072.23) more or less to the point of beginnin�, and WI�Rr,AS, a petition has been filed with the Zoning and Plannin� Com- mission of HoPkins requesting that said real property be rezoned so that a11 of it will be in the industrial district of the city, and �,'HLIZEAS, said rezonin� would require the adoption of an ordinance �. which would amend the zening ordinance of the City of Hopkins; NO��d, THLRE.�'ORE;, IT IS HER�BY ORDERED, that the Zoning and Planning Commission hold a public hearing on said mat-ter at the Council Chambers in the City Hall on Tuesday, the 26th day of May, 1953, at 8:00 o�clock p.m., and that the �`, Secretary of the Commission give seven days published notice of said hearing in tYie official newspaper of the City by publishing a copy of this resolution therein. ADOPT�D by the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of Hopkins this 28th day of April, 1953• JOSEI'H T. ANDERLk, CHAIPS'IAN OF THE ZOIVING AND PLl�NNII�TG COI��'�SSI ON. `ti. A. W. I�.n'�quist, Secretary Frank DT. Whitney, Gity Attorney Published in the Hennepin County Review on NIa,y 7, 1953. ,+�� �