Resolution 24 . . � r V � CITY OF HOPKINS HI��IVNEPIN COUN'I'Y, MIMVESOTA L ZONING AND PLAIdNING COMP�ISSION RFSOLUTION NUP4HER 24 A RESOLUTION ORDER�IG A HEARING ON TiJO APPLICATIONS FOR TI3E REZONTNG OF CERTAITd PROPERTY. WHEREAS, the real property hereinafter described has heretofore be�n zoned within the residential district of the city of Hopkins, to-�rit: Al1 that part of the Southeast Quarter (SE4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE4) oi Section Twenty-five (25), Township One Hundred Seventeen (117), Ran�e Twenty-tt,ro (22), described as follo;as: Beginning at a point in the North line of said Southeast Quaxter (SE4) of Northeast Quarter (NE4) distant Eight T�undred (87�) feet Ea,st oi the North�rest corner thereof; thence Ea.st along the �- North line o� said Southeast Quaxter (SE4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE4) a feet distance of Four Hundred Eighteen and 35/100 (l�18.35�/, more or less, to the intersection with a line drawn parallel with and One Hundred Thirty-four (13l�) feet West of the East line of said Section Twenty-five (2�) and measured at right angles thereto; thence South along last descri'�ed parallel line a dista.n.ce of One Thousand Fifty-nine and 62/100 (1059.62) feet, more or less, to the inter- section with a line drawn � right an�les from a point in the East line of said Section Twenty-f ive (25), said point be3ng distant Two Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-six and 72/100 (2376.72) feet South of the Northeast corner of said Section Twenty-five (25), said right angles line being the South line of the Hennepin County Farm property; thence West alon� said right angle line a distance � of Four Hundred Twent3T-seven and 89/100 (�.27.89) feet, more or less, to the intersection with a line drawn parallel with and Ei�ht Hundred (800) feet East , of the West line of said Southeast Quarter (SE.�-�) of Nor-theast @uarter (IVE�-) and . measured along the North line thereof; thence North along last described parallel line One Thousand Seventy-two and 23/100 (1072.23) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, and Tr�f�REAS, a petition has been filed with the Zoning and Planning Commission of Hopki:�s requesting that said real propert� be rezoned so that all of it will be in the industrial district of the city, and ��:�EAS, the real property hereinafter described has heretofore �.. been zoned within the multiple dwelling district of the city of Hopkins, to-wit: . . � That part of Section Twenty-four (24), Township One Hundred Seventeen (117), Range Twenty-two (22), described as follows: Coi?unencing at a point in the �- Northerly line of State Highway Number Seven (7), distant Six Hundred FiftJ- eight and 62/100 (658.62) feet East from the West line of said section; thence Northerly to a point in North line of section distant Six Hundred Si�ty-two (6b2) feet East from the North�rest corner of section; thence �iTest Three Hundred Thirty-one (331) feet along said section line; thence South Two Hundred Sixty- three and 2/10 (263.2) feet parallel with said r,dest line; thence East Two (2) feet parallel with said North line; thence South parallel with said West line to a point distant One Hw�.dred Seventy-five (175) feet North from the North line o:f State Highway Number Seven (7); thence East One Hundred Twenty-f ive (12�) feet parallel with said North line of section; thence South paraIlel with the ��est line of section to the Nor-therly line of said highway; thence � Easterly along said highway line to beginn�n�, and WI�REAS, a petition has been fi.led with the Zoning and Planning Corronission of Hopkins requesting that said real property be rezoned so that all of it will be in the commercial distr�ct of the city, and 1r�REAS, said rezoning of said ttao properties would require the adoption of an ordinance which would a.�nd the zonin� ordinance of the city of Hopkins; NO��, THE:�EFORE, TT IS HLR�SY ORDENED, that the Zoning and Planning Commission hold a public hearin� on said ma.tters and each of them at the Council Chambers in the City Ha11 on Thursday , the 25th day of JU.ne, 1953, at 8:00 o+clock p.m., �- and that the secretar� o,`' the Commission give seven days published notice of said hearing in the o�ficial newspaper of the city by publishing a copy of this resolution therein. ADOPTY�D BY�he Zoning and Pl�ning Comtnission of the �ity of H�pkins this 28th day of May, 1953• JOSEPH T. ANDERLA, CHA.IRT�AN OF TI� ZONING AND PLANNING CONTi��iISSION A. W. E]1�nquis t, Secretary Fran.ic N. Tr�itney, City Attorney � Published in the Hennepin County Review on June 11, 1953•