Resolution 32 � � i. � CITY Qt�� HOPKIPIS H�A?I�?EPIiJ C�UTdTY, ?��P�;�T�SOT_1 �. ZOi�IT�1G :;�� iL�,�n•;I:1a Cdl�u:iSSIOiI R�'SOLL'TIQI� "0. 32 �1 ItES��I�UTI021 O�Dt�IN('i ? ii:���RII'd'� ON ?ROi OSED ."�.:�;PTDi'.�i?T TO Z0:'TIivs O:�,J�I1_":1*1C:� �?"I,:"�TIPI� TO LSTI'sBLIJIY:��tT 0?�' DISTRICTS. '��ri�R:.,'��a, the Zonin.b and rlanni.n,g CorLnission o�' the cit�T of iio�kins desires to initiate tize follot•rix� amendment to �-dina.nce No. 8 (the zoning ordi.na.nce) of the city oi Hopkins, n� � ly: :�-nend ::�ection 2, =u;'i;ris;�n l, to read: '�aub3i.vision l. i�or the ,urpose of t?�.is o?•din:r�ce� t:ie cit;;- oi a:opkins is .�.ivided into the follo;�TinJ use districts: a r��i�.�er.tial district, a. WnzltiplE dwellin� clistrict� a nei�hborhood business district, a co::.:.ierci�.l clistrict, a� industrial � district, ::nd an open development district.'� _�.mend Seetion 2� :�u'�::caivlsion 2� to read: 'Taubcliv!�ion 2. 'lhe bounda.ries of these districts are delineated on the map entitled '�Second �ze•ris�d Zonin� �i�p of Lio:,�;:ir:s, .���=�^o�w��, �.ti�ici-� -�_� is :nereby mad� a part of this ordin�.nce� and frer.: �:�c�. <.._�tc.r J,_nuar-,� 1, 1?�6, said map shall be the oflicial zonin� n�.p of Hopkins, �'innesota, a�nd shall supersede and take the place of the zoning map which was a part of said ordinance ido. B on the date of its adoption on J�.nuar-,y l�� 19�.9, ar�.� shall also supersede and take the place of the ��r'irst :e,ri�cd �o�iin;; i�^.i� of 'rIopl�.ns� ?�innesota��, .rhich bnc.me the of�icial zoniz�; r�o oi s�.id cit;;r iror� an� afl;er Septem���:r 1, 1951.'� `- IT IS i�i�BY ORD�D that the Zoning a.nd Plan.�i.ng CorL,a.ssion hold a pu�lic hearir� on said initiated a:�ienc�u,�ent at the Council �hanwcr.s in the city� �all in the cit3l o� Hop�ns on the ll�th day of June � 7-955, at 8:00 0'clocic p.m.� �nd tizat the s�cretar;,- of the coirunission �ive seven days t published notice of said hearir�g in the official newspaper of �Ze cit�T ny �ub- lisiLir_� a copyr oi this i�solution t:l�rein. ''..-J0�'T�D by the Zoning and ?l��nin� ��o�r2istiic�n of the c�_t;r o� rio�t:mns� Hen.�.epin �ounty, i'linnesota, tnis 26th da,y of .'�pril, 1955. :�7. N_:?�LAPt Pl�?.BIX� Chaa.rman of the Zonina and "1V.~inin� Commission � _�. 1T. ��I�UIST, �ecretary I�'R't�PII� 11. 4�F-:ITNEY, Cit;�r �ttorney Published in the Hennepin County �evieVr on June 2nd , 1955.