03-27-1973 A rcegu,2cuc mee,t.i.v�y v� �he Haph.i.v� Zavi,i.v�g av�d P.�anwi,v�y Camm.i�s��.�v� wcLs he,ed av� Tu�sday, Matcch. 27, 1973, a,t 7:30 P.M., �.v� �he Cvunc,i,e Chambetvs a�y �he C-c,ty f-1a,�2. Phe�ewt we�ce Cha,i,tcman SGu.n,P.ey, memberr.s Ga�Fze.P.�, M.i.22erc av�d S�.c�tav�. A.P�a �ne�sev�,t � wene Z�vi,i.ny Acfmi.vi.i��a,t�tc Kvhv�ev� avi.d C,c'.ty P�2av�v�e�c Betcg2.y. Cc�s e Na. 73-0 3 Hecur,i.v�g �a ca ws�.den vccec�i.v�g �he �s v u,th.en,e y �wa (2) �y ee� �� �he ea�s emev� tcunvi,i.v�g ec�s� �a we�s� (��.��h S�r.ee�t Nan,th) av� �h.e hah,th �s�.de a�y �h.e ptc.v�e�,ty Izv�awv� ws �he Haph.i.v�s fl�wse. Ac�.i.a►�: Mtc. M.i,P�e�r. maved av�d �n. S.�a,tav� �ecvnded a m��,i.av� �a tcecvmmev�d ap�tcava,2 �� �he C,i.ty C�uvi.c,i.� a� �a��:�.y ��.e ����.�,e.y �� (2) �ee� �� xhe ecv�emev� nu.vi.wi.v�g ea�� �a w�s� (F�.�y�h S�r.ee,t Nvn,th) an �h,e v��tc,th �stide a{� �he �tcvpe.rc�y Fznawv� a� �he H��Fu.ws Hawsef av�d �h.e Ha�Fz,i.ws Hvu�se w� be n�spvws�.b.2e ��n �e,ee�h�v�e cab2e. Ma�i.a►� ccuvu.ed. Ca/�e N�. 73-04 Reque�� by Gcur.y Sch.a,tz �yan wc�,i.vetc �� P2u,t�.v�g Und,i.v�av�ce �a c�2vw di.v.��.av� v�y La� G, B.�acf� 1 Mavvcae P�.ace Add,�t,i.av�, 10' �v be added �a La� 3, B.2acfz 1, Tc,ucvi.gnews Add,i�.i.�v�. Ac,t.i.av�: Mn. Ga�h e,P�. ma ved and Mn. M�,Q,eetc �s ecav�ded a mv�,i.a v� �a necvmmev�d a��nava,2 �a �h.e C.�ty C�uvi.c,i.e �t� wu,i.v�.v�g �Gi.e ��c�,i.v�g nequ,i.nemev�t�s ov� �he pnvy�etc,ty �.oca,ted a,t Mawtae P.2ace Addi.�,i.�v�. Mv�i.vv� catvu.ed. I�em: Mlc. Cha�r,e�s Vav� �ecFiau,t ap�ec�tced be��tce �he Camm,i�s�s�.�v� �v �ne�sewt � �ne..P.Lm�i.ncucy p.�aws �arc �h.e �.P.P.�s �na�etc,ty. Ac.t.i.�n: Z�wi.ng av�d P.�anvi.�v�g Camm,i���.�v� nev�.ewed �h.e a�atc,tmev� ptcv�ec.t �an M�c. Vav� �ecFzau,t av�d tcecammev�ded �ha,t G�e a}�p�y �atc. u Ca►�di�,i.vnu,e U�,e Penm� �5a �he VLQ.LgG1.I�Gh.C.Vly �Jh,U�Jeh�y GWVIPJiI� w,i.P� be ctwc�tce a� wGca,� � ha�pevi,i.v�g av� �h..i� ptc.vpetc,ty. Mn. Vav� �ecf�au,t aytceed. I�em: Atcch,i�tec,tutca,e nev�.ew a� p.2aws �atc Mn. G�.v�he,�s apcur,tmev�t ptca�ec.t av� Cambh,t.dg e S�r.ee�. Ac�<..vv�: Zavu.ng u.vi.d P�2anvu.v�g C�mm.�s��.�v� necammev�c�s �Gi.a,t 1. Mtc. G�.nFze� ap�ecvr. a,t �he A�n,i.2. 3nd C.i�ty Cau.vi.c,i.� mee�,i.v�g and tceque�� wha,t �h.e ��a,tu� a� ��.v,%s�.vv� S�.ee.t ,i�s becawse .i� a�y�ec�s Gws dewi��y nec�c.wcemev�t. 2. Mtc. G�.v�Fze,2 appeutc a,t �h.e Zavi,i.v�g av�d P�2av�vu.v�g mee.,ti.v�g a� A��r,i.e 10�h av�d bh,i.v�g ,��. h,i� cUr.cl�ec.tcur.a,� de�s�.gv� a� �he ex,te�r,Lan v� G�.i�s bu,i..2d,i.�.y av�d cc�s a h,i� .�av�d�s ca��.v�g �.�av� wG�,i.ch. �.v�c2ud�s �h.a,t �cur,t �� Gi,i�s pna�enty �h.a,t �u.v�.v�e.P�s ac�,t �a B�aFze R�ad Nv�h �n �he v�ar�,�h �tide a�y �h.e S�av�datcd S�cc,ti.av�, 3. Mn. G�.v�h.e.� btr,c:v�g �.v� a �.2av� wGi,i.ch �haw�s haw he ex�ec,t� �v ma ve �tca���.c �v� Gu.�s pnv�e�r,ty av�d Gi,i�s ex,i.t�s av�d ew�cance� �a �he �na�etc,ty. ... I�em: P�w�a�ed B.i,P.� �an Qc�c�,P.i�y A�ah,tmev� Hvu��.v�g Cavvs�r.uc�.�v�. Ac�,i,vv�: Dn. S2u,tav� maved av�d Mn. M,i.P.�.etc �ecav�ded a m��.i.vv� �hct,t �he Zawi.v�g av�d P.�av�vi,i.v�y Cvmmtis�s�.av� dae� v�c,z aynee w,i.th �h,v� Quc�.i�ty A�atc�mewt Nau��.v�g �.�,2Q.. Ma�,i.av� ccurtc,i.ed. I�em: D.i�ews�,�.av� vv� need �an av� vtccGi.vi.av�ce gvvetcvi.i.v�y e.2ec��u:.c �ev�ce� �.n �he Gi�y v� HvpFuws. Ac�.i,av�: �n. S.2a�an maved av�d Mtc. M�i,e,�e>r. �secav�ded cc ma�.i.av� �h.a,t �h,i� he �wu�.ed aveh. �a �he C.i�ty A�.tv�cney �an c,�.atc,i.��.cc�ti.av� ahd pwt �.vi,tv a�.di.v�ccv�ce �vtcm ,�� v�ece�s�scucy. Ma�an ccvrh,t.ed. I�em: Anch,itec,tc.ur.u,e �cevtiew �� p.�av� �ah a wcucehawse c�t G19 14�h Avev�ue Sac�,th by Mn.. Ra,eph. Ru�edge. Ac�.�v�: Mh.. M,i,�,een mvved av�d Mn.. Ga�Fze.P,�. �sec�v�ded a ma�.i.av� �h,a,t Zvvu.v�g and P.�anvi,i.v�g appnave �h.e cuccl�,i�ec,twce a{y �he waneh.awse �a be �.�ca�ed a,t G19 14�h Avevtue S�u�h. Mv�.i.�v� cutrtr,i.ed. `-' I�em: Uu,��.de di�sp�.ay v�y ma�atc cyc,2.e�s by MacGu.v�e�s v� Mav� a,t 1023 �xce.�s�.ah Ave�.ue G1e�� �.n �he 13-2 �-%s�ic,i.c.t. Ac�t,c:av�: Mtc. Kahv�e� za mee,t w,i�th Mach.i.v�e�s �� Ma.v� a�.d ex�2cu.v� z�vi.i.v�g andi.v�av�ce Zvvu:v�g av�d P.�a�.wi.v�g C�mm.v��s�.an m.i.nu,te�s a� Mcucch 27, 1973 cawt,i.v�ued. .._ av�d ne�an,t bach. �a �he Camm.�s�tiav�. Ac,t,i.av�: Mtc. Ga�Fze,�,e mvved av�d Mn. M�i.P.2eh. �ecvv�ded a ma�i.�v� �h.a,t �he mee,t.c:v�g be ad�a�ucv�ed. M��',i.av� ccuvu.ed. M�M��RS: � ��y��_L � ,J����,,,r.' -� ��.z� ATT�ST: ��r2.�C� � - ame�s S ey, cwrman ;i� � - � ar (U�{�.i.c,i.a,2 Pub.P.i,cct,t,t.vv�) CITy U�' f�UPKINS MINN�SOTA `- NOTIC� 0�' H�ARING wH�R�AS, �he Zvvu.ng and P.2anvu,n.g Camm�.s�s�.an ha.� atcdened a h.ecur,i.ng �v caws�.de.n. vaca,t.i.v�g �he Svc.Lthe�c,e.y �cua (2 J �ee.t a� �he ea�s emev� nu,v►.wi.ng �a�� �v Gle.�� C 5�h S�r.ee,t N��r,th) �v� �he v�atc,th �s�.de a�y �Gi.e �tcc��e�r,ty f�v��wv� a�s �he Hv�Fz.i.ws Hvwse. The .�eya,e de�ctu:��.i.an v� �Gi,� �nv�e.tc,ty -c:�5 a�s �v.22�w�: The atcea �� be vaccc�ed by �h.e C.i.ty ,i�s �h.e �svu,then2y �uta �ee� a� Truc.c,t� � and � wh.ich .vs de�clu..bed a� ��.�2aw�s: S�atc,t,i.ng u,t �he v�vn,thwe�s� ca�rn.eh. �� Ttcac,t C a�s neg.us�viced w,i.th �G�.e negtis�en v� �i�e�, Ca wtity v� Henne��,n, a�s a pcur,t a b neg��e�ced .�and �unvey #10�3. Thev�ce �naceed,i.vcg ea�s�e.tr,ey a,2vv�g �he n�tr�h .2i.rie a� Ttcac,t�s C, B, u.v�.d A �an a di�s�a.nce a� 329.28 �ee.t �a �he p��.wt ��y �a�►.gewt v� �he �s�c�hetc,ey 2,i.vi.e �� Rab�,v►wa�d Lane. Th.ence �.v� a we�s�e.tc,2y d.c:tcec.#.i.vn u.�vv�g �he ��u,th .P.i.�.e v� �he cutcve �� Rc�b�.v�w�ad Lcun.e �vtc a di�s�av�ce v� 17.3G �ee,t matce an .�e�� �a a ���.wt wh,i.ch .i�s 2.0 �yee,t ` v�atr,th a�y �he v�vtc,theh,2y .P.i.v�e ��y Ttcac.t� A, �i, u..vi..d C c�s �nev�,au�2y de�etu.bed. Thev�ce we��e.tr,Q.y �aha,e,2e,2. �v �he natc,the�r,e.y .P�i.ne v�y Tnac,t�s A, �, and C a d,i�s�uri.ce �� 312.09 �ee.t �:a a pa�.wt 2.0 {�ee.t v�vrc,th. a� �'he �a.i.v�t �� beg�.v�vi.i.ng vn �he .P,i.ne a� �he we�s�etr2y .P.i.v�e �� Tn.ac,t C e�c.tended. Thev�ce �svu�h,en2y a,2.av�g xh.e w�s�e.�r,ey .P.i.v�e �� T�ca..c.t C ex�ended �� �Gi.e �v�,►�,t v� beg�.v�vu:ng, a d.�s�av►ce a� 2.0 �yee.t mane an .2e�s�s. NUw, 7N�R��OR�, .i� .us h.eneb y �ndeh.ed �h.u,t �h.e Zvvi,i.v�g and P2anwi.v�g Cvmm.us��.�n a{� �he C,i.,ty �� H��Fuws w-i.e.2 h�.2d a hecvc,�.ng av� �scr,i,d ptc�pv�sed vacu,t.i,vv� �.n �h.e C�uvi.c,i,.2 Chambetvs �� �h.e C.i.ty Ha,P�2 a�y �he C.i.ty �� H�pFr.i.vvs av� Mcucch 27, 1973, a,t 7:30 v'c2acFz P.M. Raym��.d K�hv�en �- Z�v►,i.ng Admivi,i��r.u�atc �u6,e.i.�sh.ed .i.vi. �he HOPKINS SUN, Mcvr.ch 15, 1973.