05-29-1973 A negu2cvc mee�,i.ng a� �G�e Ha�luv�s Zavu.ng and P.�anwc:.ng Cvmm���.vn wa�s he,2d v�. Tu�sday, May 29, 1973, a� �:30 P.�4. �.n �he C�unc,i.2 Chambe� a� �he Ci�y Ha,�2. Ptce�sewt wene Cha,vcman Sh,uc,�ey, membe� B,i.�cfze2av�d, Ga�sFz�2,2, L�hman, S�.d2a av�d S.�a,tan. A.2�s� �ne�sev� weh,e Gi�y Mav�agetc NovaFi, C�y �v�g�,v�eeh. S�c.v�av�, Zawi.v�g Adrru.vws�r.a,tvn Kvh.v�ev� av�d Ctity P.�av�v�e.n. Beng2y. `— I�em� Ap�ecUcav�ce b y Mh. �.em� Gtiv�h.e.e w.�.�h a camp.2e.te �e� a� �.�av� �an �he a�atc�mewt �n��ec.t an Camb�r,i.dye S�r.ee.t. Ac.t,��n: Mrc. B,i�c.Fze,2and m�ved and Mn. S�.d,�a �secanded a ma�:i.an �v nec�mmen.d appnava,P. �a xhe C-�.�y Caunc,i.e a� �Gi,e bu,i.e.di.ng p.�ctv�s �y�n Cambtc,i.dge Tawe�s. Mn. Lahmav��. ab��cuned �nvm va�<:.ng becau�e �he awv�en a� �he pn�petc�y -i�s Gi,i�s c 2i,ev�t. Ma�.i,vn ccuv�.ed. Cu�e Na. 73-08 Hecur,i.ng av� an a��.P.i.ca,t,i.an 6y HRA �� tcezvv�e �nam 13-2 (Cewttca,2 Bcu��.v��s�s D.i�s�c,i.c,t) �� I-1 (Indws�,i.c�. Lim�i.�ed �.i��tc,i.c�) a2,2 v�j 13.Q�eFz l3, Gie�s� M.i.v�n.eap�.e,i�s. Ac.t,i,�n: �n. S�.u,t�n maved and Mn. B.vcfze.eand �ecvnded a mv�:i.av� �a necammev�d a��n�va,e �a �he Gi.ty Caunc.i.e �a nezane u,�e a� B.2�cfz 13, �l�s� M.i.v�neap�.P.i�. M��,i.�v� ccuctu,ed. CcLse Nv. 73-09 Nea�c,i.ng an an a���P.�.cct,t.�.vn by HRA �v vaca,te �he v�atc,th-�s�u,th av�d ea�s�-we�� u,�2ey�s tiv� B�acFz 13, Gle�� M.i.v�v�eap�.P,i�s. Aati.av�: Mrc. L�hmav�v� maved av�d Mtc.. S�.d,�.a �secav�ded a ma�,i.av� �v tcecvmme�.d �� �h.e Gi�y .`, Cau,vi.c,c� ap�h�va,e v� �Gi.e vaca�,t.ng �� �he v�vtc,th-�s�u�h ctv�d ec�s�-we�s� a,2key� �.v� B-2acf� l 3, Gle�� �i.v�v�ea}�a-P.i�. Ma�i.an cahtc,�ed. I�e.m: Rev�.ew a� M-i.bca K.�. nedeve.2.apmev►� pn��a�sa,2 and �U�..P,�,i.am�-0'�itctien tc.edeve,2.a�mev►� }�tr.vpa�cc2. Ac.t.i.�n: Mn.. L�hmann maved and �n. S.�a�av� �ec�nded a ma�.i.av� �h.a,t �h�se �tu� deve�2a�ervs �tcaceed uv�de�c �he ex,i��i.vtg z�vi,i.ng a�.di.v�a�ce w,i.th �he c�tcaw�,v�g v�y �h.e,i.tc bwi.ecG(.v�g �.�a.v�. Mv�.i.av� cc�r,i.ed. Ca�se N�. �3-10 Hecvu:.ng �n an a�p-P.i.ca�i.av� by M�c. Ri.chcvcd Lee and Mtc. Deav� U-P�sav� {�an a vatui.ance �a �he �s�.de ycucd nequ,i.nemev�t�s a� �en �ee� tiv� �he R-2 �.i��r,i.c,t �a e,t:.gG�.t �ee.� �.n �he ��.de yatcd nequ,ih.emevLt c�,t �he �ocLth �s�i.de �� �he,ih �a�. Sa,�.d pna1ec.t �a be cav�s�r.uc,ted vv� La� 13, �.Q.acFi 80, Gle�S� M.i.nneapa.P.i� Secav�d ��.v.i�s�.on a,P�a Fznvwv� a� 101 9�h Avwnue N�tr,th. Ac,t.i.av�: Mtc. Lahmanv� m�ved and �n. S.2a��n �ecanded a mc,�,c.an �a nec�mmev�d �� �he Gi�y Cvuv�c,i.e a��nvva,e a� �he vcvr,i.ance. Mv�i.an ccurh,i.ed. Ca�se Na. 73-11 Necvu.ng av� av� app.2.�.ccf,t,�.av� by Mtc. Glafvicev� Av�de��n �vn a vcvr,i.ccv�ce �a �h.e �tcavi� yutcd tceqc�,i�cemev� v� 30 �ee,t �.n �he B-1 D.i��u:.c.t �v 10 �yee,t �.v� �he �rcov�,t �,., yatcd �atc a V�age P�,zza Pah,eatr. ��.gn. Scu.d ptc��ec.t 2vccLted we�s� a� �aFze Raad Na�th, �5 vu,th a� Kev�ny Su�e�c�t�te and n��r,th a�y M-i.v�nehaha CneeFz a�cuc�newt�. Ac�.vn: Mtc.. Gu/�Fze.2e maved and Mtc. B.i,nl�e2and �ecav�ded a m��.i,av� �� necammev�d �a �la.e Ci�ty C�unai.2 a��nava,2. a� �he �s�.gv� vafc,�ance and cv�ctc.ec.ted �.2�� �2an w.i.th cvtctcec.t �c�.Fii.ng ����s. MG�.(.UVL catvc,i.ed. Mtc. L�Gimav�v� ab�5�cu.ned bnam va�,i.v�g becau�e �he �wv�e�r a� �he �tca�eh,ty ,i�s h,i�s c,P.i.ewt. I�em: Ap�ecvcance by Dn. Ma,2etc,�.ch. negcur.di.v�g �he v�umbetc �v� Gws hvme a� B.2aFze Raad Sac.�h. avtd �he �ame numbetc �v� an a�atr�mevi.� a� B.eaFie Raad Natc�h. Na ac�,i.an �aFzev�, ��r.. Mu,een,i.ch di,d na� a�pecvc. I�em: Appecur.av�ce by M�c. Bcut.a�z �� ptc�sewt a nev�.ew a� a 5G cutii� a�cv�,tmewt �na�eat. Acx.i.av�: Mn. Lahma.v�v� maved and Mtc. S�.d2a �ecav�ded a max,i.�n �a cav�t.i.v�ue �h,i� hevtiew �y�n av�e mav�th �yvh mane de�a,i.� watch. av� cl�,i.veway� av�d pcuc.lz.i.ng �pace�s. Mv�.i.vv� ccurtc,i.ed. I�em: Ap�ecuzav�ce by Mrc. Gay.�vtcd (�a,t�s�n �v �ne�ewt ��age av�e nev�.ew a� a 29 uvi,i�t ��. apat�mev�t �a be .2vca�ed av� 12�h Avev�ue Sau,th. Ac�ti.av�: Mtc. S�.d2a maved and Dn. S.�a,tan �ecav�ded a mo�',i.av� �a nee�mmev�d �a �he C.�,ty Cauri.c,i.2 ap�twva,� �� Mtc.. Ula�ov� anafr�mev�t p.2av�. M��:i.an catcti,i.ed. I�em: Pnv�a�ed change�s �.n �he ��.gv� �ec.t.i.�n a� �he z�vu.ng vrccG�.v�av�ce. Ac.t,t.�v�: Mjc. Gcv,f�e.�2. m�ved and Mrc. �,i.ti,fze,2culd �5ecav�ded a mv�i.av� �a ecvvcy �Gu� �i.tem __ _ Zavi,i.v�g a►�d P.2anvr,i.v�y m�i.nu,te�s �{� May 29, 19�3, cav�t.t.v�ued. ave�c �� �he June 2G, 1973 mee.t,c:v�g. Ma�i.an ccuv�i.ed. �' I�em: A��ea�ca.v�ce by M�c. Ma�vn �� ptce�sewt �s�age �ne nev�.e.ur �an �he nemade.2i.ng a� �he S�r.abecFz-J�hv�av� Fune�r.a2 Cha�e,e. Ac�cvv�: Mn. S.2a,tav� mvved av�d M�c. Ga�Fze,� �ecvnded a m��.i.�v� �a necvmmev�d �v �he C.i.ty Cau.vi.c,i,2. a��nava,2 a� �h.e nemade.P,i.v�g p.2a.v� ��jr. fihe �yuneh.a,2 cha�e,e. Ma�.i.�v� ccuvr�,ed. I�em: Pne..�.i.m�.v�cucy }c.ev�.eur v� �nv�a�ed �.�a,t �� �s e.t hea�r,i.v�g dc�te ��}c. �.2a� a� Napca Iv�du�fitu.a,e Pcur.Fz (�huu,t �a� �s.i�tua,ted �.v� �lapfz.�.vv�) . Ac.ti.�v�: iWc. Lahmav�n maved and Mtc. B,i�.h.e.�av�d �ecvv�ded a ma�.i.�n �hu,t a �ub.P.i.c heatu.v�g be he.2d vv� June 2G, 1973. Mv�:i.�v� catcti,c:ed. Ac�,i.vn: Mtc. S�.dea maved and Mn. Ga�fze,22 �ec�v�ded a m��i.vn �ha� �he mee�',i.ng be ad��utu�ed. MG�.(..UVI. ccuv�,i.ed. M�MB�RS: ,-� ,; -��r � Gt✓� - , `� �.�� ��,�.t T�� arr�sr: ,� �� ,_ yam�s S " ey, C cwcman �,. �� � — i cz� oF xo�z�zrts rtzrrz��so�rA NOTTC� OF HEARZNG � WHEREAS, the Zoning and Planni.ng Commissi.on has ordered a hearing to consider vacating the north-south and east-west alley, located between 8th and 9th Avenue South from First Street to Second Street South in Block 13, West Minneapolis NOW, THER�FORE, it is hereby ordered that the Zoning and Planning Commissi,on of the City of Hopkins wi11 hold a hearing on said proposed vacat�.on in the Council Chambers of the City Hall of the City of Hopkins on May 29, 1973, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. � / , �' �/I V.�'C�� ' i 7 rt-c-�4.� i' , L �/ Ra �nd Kohnen Y Zoning Administrator �ub�,ished in the HOPKINS SUN, May 17, 1973. ti � �� czTy v� t�vpKZNs MZNN�svra NUTTC� �� N�ARTNG ._.. WHEREAS, the Zoning and Planning Commission has ordered a hearing on an application to re-zone from B-2 (Central Business District) to I,�1 (Tndustri,al Limited District) the following described property: Block 13, West Minneapolis. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered that the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of Hopkins will hold a hearing on said re-zoning in the Counci7. Chambers of the City Hall of the City of Hopkins on May 29, 1973, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. �� - � `� �4�-e -�z��z % / ,� �-��'�Z,�../ �. _ � ,, � Raymo�ld Kohnen Zoning Administrator �ub��,shed i,n the HOPKINS SUN, May 17, 1973. .� �