11-13-1973 A shirt sleeve session of the Hopkins Zoning and Planning Commission was held on
Tuesday, November 13, 1973, in the conference room of the City Hall.
�' Present were Chairman Shirley, members, Arnold, Gaskell, Hance, Sidla and Vassar.
Also present were City Manager Novak, City Engineer Strojan, Zoning Administrator
Kohnen, City Attorney Vesely, City Planner Bergly and Planner Jim Hawks.
Council concerns on amending Zoning Ordinance:
Item: Home occupation
Action: Mr. Vassar moved and Mr. Arnold seconded a motion to leave home occupation
ordinance as is. Motion carried.
Item: Zoning out legal uses, i.e. 15 story apartments
Action: Mr. Arnold moved and Mr. Vassar seconded a motion to re-affirm to the City
Council that the Zoning and Planning Commission would like the ordinance to
read one thru six stories a permitted use and seven thru twelve stories a
Conditional Use. Motion carried.
Item: Single homes left over after apartment development
Action: Zoning has no control over permitted use on platted lots providing the use
meets other requirements.
Item: R-3 on north side of Excelsior, west of 14th Avenue
Action: Mr. Arnold moved and Mr. Vassar seconded a motion to change the Zoning from
the present use o� B-3b to B-1. Motion carried.
Item: Curren site as R-2
Action: Mr. Gaskell moved and Mr. Arnold seconded a motion to leave Curren site
as R-5. Motion carried.
Item: Girard property
Action: Mr. Arnold moved and Mr. Vassar seconded a motion to zone the property from
the High School thru the Girard property on the north side of Highway No. 7
to R-4. Motion carried.
Item: Theatre lot as R-1
� Action: Mr. Vassar moved and Mr. Gaskell seconded a motion to zone the theatre parking
�` lot from R-1 to R-3. Motion carried.
Public concerns on amending Zoning Ordinance:
Item: Densities in R-5
Action: Mr. Vassar moved and Mr. Arnold seconded a motion to leave densities as is in
the R-5 zone presented by John Bergly. Motion carried.
Item: Minimum lot size should be 3 lots not 4
Action: Mr. Arnold moved and Mr. Gaskell seconded a motion to make minimum lot size
150 feet� not 3 lots. Motion carried.
Item: More controls on quality of 3 story buildings
Action: To be left up to the two-stage review commission.
Item: R-3 on west end of Excelsior
Action: Action taken on number 4 of council concerns.
Item: School annex zoning
Action: Mr. Arnold moved and Mr. Hance seconded a motion to leave the school annex
in R-5. Motion carried.
Item: R-6 change on County Road 3.
Action: Mr. Vassar moved and Mr. Gaskell seconded a motion to leave the zoning
on land between 6th and 8th Avenue South and County Road 3 in the R-6
�- zone. Motion carried.
Action: Mr. Vassar moved and Mr. Gaskell seconded a motion that the meeting be
adjourned. Motion carried.
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