01-29-1974 A regular meeting of the Hopkins Zoning and Planning Commission was held on
Tuesday, January 29, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall.
Present were Chairman Shirley, members Arnold, Gaskell, Hance, Moll, Sidla and
Vassar. Also present were City Manager Novak, City Engineer Strojan, Zoning
Administrator Kohnen and City Planner Bergly.
Item: Review of a request by Mr. Hovander to build a temporary addition to
his present warehouse and use leased land for parking area to meet the
required parking spaces.
Action: Mr. Arnold moved and Mr. Hance seconded a motion to recommend to the City
Council approval of the leased land for lost parking spaces due to the
erection of a temporary addition to his leased warehouse with a require-
ment in the agreement with the City that both the leased parking area
and the leased warehouse leases terminate on the same date. Motion
carried. Mr. Sidla abstained from voting. 4 yea votes.
Item: Appearance by Mr. R. P. Harriman regarding zoning changes for better
apartment type housing.
Action: Mr. Harriman was invited to attend the public hearing on adopting our new
zoning ordinance and he would be notified of the date of the public hearing
at which time he would be heard.
Item: Appearance by Mr. Bob Wilson of Minnetonka Iron Works, who would like to
� build a new warehouse at 5th Street & 14th Avenue and vacate 14th Avenue
South between 5th Street and 6th Street and the alley between 14th and
15th Avenues South.
Action: Mrs. Moll moved and Mr. Sidla seconded a motion to table this item until
the correct procedure can be introduced and our planner would have time
to study this request. Motion carried. 5 yes votes
Item: The proposed 1974 Work Program was explained by Mr. Bergly.
Item: The Shady Oak Road project was explained by Mr. Strojan.
Item: The Rauenhorst Plan in Section 36, Minnetonka, was explained by Mr. Novak.
Item: The Central Hopkins Plan was e�lained by Mr. Novak.
Item: Mr, Hagedorn explained the expansion of the HRA area.
Item: Mr. Sidla moved and Mr. Gaskell seconded a motion to e�ress a token of
gratitude to Mr. Terry Novak for all his input and leadership at the
Zoning and Planning meetings. Motion carried. S yes votes.
Action: Mr. Gaskell moved and Mr. Vassar seconded a motion that the meeting be
adjourned. Motion carried. 5 yes votes.
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J mes Shirley, Chairman
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.` ADDl`1�IOi'� TO YUILDIi�?G At3D
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ti�;EI��'���15 Clir,!sx, Inc. , a T�Iinnesota corporatior�, is G TiJ'`Zc+,tlli
under lease of a structure or buildin� locatied upon th: prenises at
lOUl Sixth Stree� Sou�h in Etop?:ins, Ftennepin Countj�, �iinnesota ��d
desires to coristr-uct a tem�oorar�,� ad:�i�t�.on �to �he p.res�n� b�;il:�ir_� ti��hi.ch
addicion t�ri.11 be unhea�ecl �nd used ior storage p�rcposes o�ly a�zd ti•T11Z.
oe adcied io the Nortn t�rall of the p�esent buildino, t�rnich DTort�1 �:rall
�rill constitute the South ti•ra11 of the adc��ition ancl ��r:�ien adciition :�,�ll
be ?0 fee�t by 30 feet in dimensioris and
L��iERE�S th� urea oi the pr�mis�s is insufficient to satisfy
parkin� r2quirem�nts i�' such adciition is construc�ed b� eliminatino
tr,,ro p�rkzng places and
ti1H�.R.�1S it is impossible to procur� addi�ional area acljacent
to the present parcel. -
�' I�O4d THEP�F'O�E, in consideration oi the issuance b�r th� City
of Hop?cins of th� necessary permits for such additior.al construc�cion,
Climax, Inc. hereby agre�s rrith the City of Hop'�cins that at anytime it
�- vacates �the premises h�reinabove set forth for any reason, it t•rill at
, its expense im-nediatel.y remove all traczs of the adcLtion to be construe�ed
as hereina'oove set forth; ar.d if such removal is not com�letecl. ti�;�thin
thirty (30� days prior to the date of restit�.ztion of thu possession,
the Ci�y of Hopkins is h�reby authorized, at the expense o_E' Climax, Inc. �
to r�move and demolish said stri.icture thus added as hereir.above s�t
forth, said Citf of Hopkins being her�by empoc�rered to enter judo ent
agair�st Climax, Inc. and. against other guarantors as the;� ma.y hereiri—
a�i,er appear.
IY�ted: January l�, 197!�.
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Frank Pe-rizch, i�;�res�cieni� "
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� alvzna Foth, Secretary
�s a fu:th�r considez�ation for th� issuance oi the permit to
construct the addition he-reinabo-re described, and for tha pay:�ent of
Ox�e Dollar (p1.00�, t��e, the undersigned, do he.reby p�rsonal ly baar�nLee
( -the p�rformance of all of the terms her•einabove s�t forth �o 02 p�rforrred
� by Clima�, Inc. anu do here��r agree to pay any ana all costs, rees,
ex�;enses a._ri:? dam�oes ���hic'n ma.� arise irom the nonper�orr,!ancz tner�of.
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