03-29-1977 A regular meeting of the Hopkins Planning and Zoning Commission was held on
` Tuesday, March 29, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. , in the Council Chambers of the City Ha1Z .
Present were members Hance, Loberg, Marker, Morrill, Slaton and Stefan. A1so
present were City Manager Craig, City Engineer Strojan, Zoning Administrator
Kohnen and City Planner Hawks.
In the absence of Mr. Gaskell, Mrs. MorriZl chaired the meeting.
Item: Approve minutes of February 22, I977 meeting.
Action: Dr. Slaton moved and Mr. Loberg seconded a motion that the minutes
of February 22, 1977 be approved and signed. Motion carried.
Item: Discussion of Zoning and Central Hopkins Guide Plan by Mr. Craig.
Mr. Craig spoke to the Commission briefZy about the Downtown Plan
and Parking Study.
Mr. George Brophy and Mr. Bill Hennemuth of Rieke-Carroll-Muller Assoc.
Inc. appeared before the Commission and explained a concept development
on land between 9th and IDth Avenues South in the Urban Renewal Area
involving a Park P1aza with a downtown park on the upper level and
� parking on the lower level and a possible development of adjacent land
into high rise housing with parking and office included in the lower
Mr. Henry Hyatt of Technical Assistance Corporation of Chicago also
appeared before the Commission stating that their firm would also be
interested in the development of this Iand.
The Commission discussed the possibilities available on these sites
and the desirability of underground parking, housing for the elderly
on this particular site and the idea of an elevated park.
No action was taken on this item.
Item: Report by Mr. Hawks regarding R-2 zoning on Jackson Avenue North.
Mr. Hawks reviewed the problems of Mr. Vaneks in regard to not being
able to rebuild a double residence under the new zoning ordinance on
the Zot where a duplex had been demolished several years ago.
The Commission requested that Mr. Vanek make a formal application for
� a variance under the new ordinance to construct a double residence.
Item: Discussion on the parking problems at St. Johns Church.
Mr. Hawks explained the terms of the Conditional Use Permit for the
construction of the church.
Mrs. Mapes of l0I Interlachen Road stated that their driveway is blocked
a good part of the time and also their concern over the front walkway
being blocked so that an emergency vehicZe would not be able to enter
if necessary.
Mr. Gibbs of 150I Preston Lane stated that there was a problem regarding
the parking but that he would rather see one way parking in the area
rather than have the church have to install more parking on private
Mr. Murrin of 1409 Boyce Street questioned the legal right to enforce
a ConditionaZ Use Permit after this length of time.
Mr. Charles Tra11e in charge of building maintenance at the church stated
... that they are working on methods of improving the problem. They will
caution their members about parking in driveways and also will be
striping the parking Zot very soon. Also they are going to have a green
space between the Iot and the street.
PZanning and Zoning minutes of March 29, 1977 continued.
Father Turner suggested that people ca11 the police for ticketing of cars
blocking private driveways.
Dr. Slaton sugqested that the church meet with the neighborhood association
to work out some of the problems and then meet with the City Engineer and
come back to the May meeting with their solutions rather than have the
Council have to act on the problem.
Case No: 77-OI Continued hearing on an application by Mr. Daniel Johnson of
HH&J Investment Company for a variance to the lot width requirements of
80 feet in the R-3 District to 64 feet in the lot width requirement.
Said project to be constructed on Lots 22, 23 and 24, B1ock 3, Gibbs
First Addition to West Minneapolis.
Action: Dr. Slaton moved and Mr. Stefan seconded a motion that this item be
tabled. Motion carried.
Action: Mr. Marker moved and Mr. Stefan seconded a motion that the meefing be
adjourned. Motion carried.
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Susan Morrill , Chairman Pro-tem