11-29-1977 A regular meeting of the Hopkins Zoning and PZanning Commission was held on Tuesday,
— November 29, 1977 at 7:30 p.m. , in the Council Chambers of the City Hall.
Present were members Hance, Loberg, Marker and Slaton. A1so present were City Manager
Craiq, City Engineer Strojan, Zoning Administrator Kohnen and City Planner Hawks.
In the absence of Chairman Gaskell, Mr. Hance chaired the meeting.
Action: Dr. Slaton moved and Mr. Loberg seconded a motion to approve and sign the
minutes of October 25, 1977. Motion carried.
Item: Mr. Steve Preston of the D.N.R. explained the changes in the Flood Plain
Ordinance that had been recommended by the department. No action was taken
at this time.
Case No: 77-20 etc. Hearing to consider an application by Mr. Rudy Luther for the
1. Conditional Use Permit to construct a PUD (Planned Unit Development)
consisting of a nursing home and convenience center at the northeast
corner of Blake Road & Excelsior Avenue.
...._ 2. Rear yard variance from 25 feet to 21 feet for the nursing home relative
to the PUD project.
3. Height variance from four stories to six stories for the nursing home.
4. Lot area variance from 600 square feet to 356 square feet for each person
to be accomodated in the nursing home.
5. Waiving the Platting Requirements to allow division of the property into
two parcels.
Said request continued from the October 25, 1977 meeting.
Mr. Mark Dahl, President of the Interlachen Park Association, briefly stated
the concerns of the neighborhood in regard to the density and asked the
commission to deny the proposal.
Action: Dr. SZaton moved and Mr. Loberg seconded a motion recommending to the Council
that the Conditional Use Permit and Variances as requested be denied. Motion
Case No: 77-25 Hearing on an application by Mr. Rudy Luther fo rezone from R-3 (Medium
-r' Density Multiple Family Residential) to R-4 PUD (Planned Unit Development) a
portion of the property Iocated at the northeast corner of Blake Road and
ExceZsior Avenue.
Mr. Feyereisen asked if the owner of the property had checked with the County
regarding access to the property with the upgrading of the intersection.
Mr. Rotering suggested that the rezoning be done at the time that pZans for
the property are approved.
Mr. Pink stated that he didn't feel that the driveway would be a requirement
necessar� for the rezoning.
Action: Mr. Marker moved and Dr. SZaton seconded a motion recommending to the Council
that due to the fact that the R-4 PUD line did not follow the originaZ PUD line
of the apartment complex that the East 500 feet as shown on the survey be
rezoned and that the portion to the west remain as is. Motion carried.
Item: Concept approvaZ of a project to be constructed on the northeast corner of
7th Street and Ilth Avenue continued from October 25, I977.
� Action: Dr. Slaton moved and Mr. Marker seconded a motion that the item be continued
to the Decerr�ber meeting.
Case No: 77-26 Hearing on an application by Marvy Advertising Photography for a
Zoning and Planning Commission minutes of November 29, 1977 continued.
Conditional Use Permit for temporary use of the house at 37 12th Avenue North
until expansion plans are completed.
Mr. Dahlberg explained the proposal to the commission.
Mr. Feyereisen stated concern over what will happen to the single family
homes in the area and if the parking was sufficient.
Action: Dr. Slaton moved and Mr. Loberg seconded a motion recommending to the Council
approval of the Conditional Use Permit with review by the Commission in one
year and subject to the four conditions of the staff report. Motion carried.
Case No: 77-27 Hearing on an application by Mr. Terrance Fitzgerald of 113 First Street
North for a variance from the required 6 feet to 4 feet between a dwelling
and an accessory building to construct a 14 foot addition to the rear of the
dwelling. If variance is allowed there would be need of another variance from
the required 10 foot side yard requirement to 3 feet because the accessory
building wouZd then be in the required side yard setback.
..- Action: Mr. Loberg moved and Dr. Slaton seconded a motion recommending to the Council
denial of the variance because of the fire danger with the two buildings being
so close. Motion carried.
Case No: 77-28 Hearing on an application by Action Reddy Rents for an a11ey setback
variance from the required 8 feet to 3 feet to construct an addition to the
rear of the present building at 140I Excelsior Avenue West.
Action: Mr. Marker moved and Mr. LoBerg seconded a motion to continue this item for
one month for staff to review the Z5 foot alley setback requirement. Motion
Item: The commission discussed the construction of an accessory building at First
Street South and Van Buren Avenue.
Action: Dr. Slaton moved and Mr. Loberg seconded a motion to have the City Planner
draw up suggested amendments to the ordinance as it relates to home occupations.
Motion carried.
Action: Mr. Loberg moved and Dr. Slaton seconded a motion that the meeting be adjourned.
Motion carried.
� .�Qi1'7'�') ! 1 1 ) -1 L�'Y��C-
Ja s Hance, Chairman Pro-tem
(Official Publication)
WHEREAS, the Zoning and Planning Commission has ordered a hearing
on an application to re-zone from R-3 (Medium Density Multiple FamiZy
Residential District) to R-4 P.U.D. (Planned Unit Development) the
following described property
That part of Lots 75 and 76, Auditors Subdivision No. 239, Hennepin
County, Minnesota, except the East 635.00 feet thereof and except
the Northwesterly 30.00 feet of the remainder of said property, lying
southerly of "Line 1" and northerly of "Line 2". Said "Line 1" and
"Line 2" are described as follows:
"Line 1" is described as commencing at the southeast corner of the
above described property; thence on an assumed bearing of North,
� along the east line of said property, a distance of 353.01 feet to
the beginning of said "Line 1"; thence on a bearing of West a dis-
tance of 25.00 feet; thence North 25 degrees 23 minutes 20 seconds
West a distance of 13.00 feet; thence South 64 degrees 36 minutes
40 seconds West a distance of 227.39 feet; thence southwesterly and
westerly a distance of 90.79 feet along a tanqential curve concave
to the north having aradius of 187.00 feet and a central angle of 27
degrees 49 minutes and 07 seconds; thence North 87 degrees 34 minutes
13 seconds West, tangent to said curve, a distance of 33.53 feet; thence
westerly and northwesterly a distance of 77.72 feet along a tangential
curve concave to the north having a radius of I25.00 feet and a central
angle of 35 degrees 37 minutes 28 seconds; thence North 51 degrees 56
minutes 45 seconds West, tangent to the last described curve, a distance
of 44.96 feet; thence northwesterly and westerly a distance of 77.72 feet
Iong a tangential curve concave to the south having a radius of Z25.00
feet and a central angle of 35 degrees 37 minutes 28 seconds; thence
North 87 degrees 34 minutes 13 seconds West, tangent to the last described
curve, a distance of 57.84 feet to the West line of said Lot 76 and said
"Line 1" there terminating.
"Line 2" is described as beginning at a point on the east line of the
` above described property distant 240.00 feet northerly from the south-
east corner of the above described property; thence westerly to a point
on the west line of the above described property distant 300.00 feet
northerly from the southwest corner of the above described property and
said "Line 2" there terminating.
AZso known as the Rudy Luther property located at the Northeast corner
of Blake Road and Excelsior Avenue.
NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered that the Zoning and Planning
Commission of the City of Hopkins wi11 hold a hearing on said rezoning in the
Council Chambers of the City Ha11 on Tuesday, November 29, I977 at 7:30 o'clock
Ra nd Kohnen
` Zoning Administrator
To be pub.Zished in the HOPKINS SUN, November 16, 1977.
I(Nficial PubiicaUon)
WHEHF.AS, the Zoning�pd Plan-
nin�Commission has ordered a hear-
ing on an application to re'Zone from
R-3�Medium Density Multiple Fatn-
ily ResideNial DistricU to R-4 P.U.D.
�Planned Uni[Development)the(ol-
lowing described property
That part of Lots 75 and 76,Au,
ditors Subdivision No. 239, Hen-
sU N NEWSPAPERS nepin County,Minnesota,excepl
the Eas[ 635.00 feet thereof and
�"" except the Northwesterly 30.00
feet of the remainder of said
property,lying:nutherly of'�Line
AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 1"andnortherlyo(••Line2".Said
"Line 1" and '�Line 2" are de-
scribed as follows: '
"Line I" is described as com-
HO P K I N� MI N�V CTON KA mencinK at the southeast corner
ofihe above described property;
thence on an assumed bearin�of
� � j � North,along the east line of said
j�IiN PRAj Rj F U� property,a distance of 353.01 feet
to the beginnin�of said"Line 1";
thence on a bearing of West a dis-
tance of 25.00 feet; thence North
6601 W. 78th St. Bloomington, Minnesota 25 degrees 23 minutes 20 seconds
West a distance of 13.00 feet;
thence South 64 degrees 36 mi-
nu[es 40 seconds West a dis[ance
af 'L27.39 feet; thence southwes-
terly and westerly a distance of
90.79 feet along a tan�ential curve
State of Minnesota concave to the north having a
S5. radius of 1�77.00 feet and a central
COU11ty of Hennepin , an��e of 27 degrees 49 minutes
and 09 seconds; thence North 87
degrees 34 minutes 13 secands
West,tangent to said curve,a dis-
[ance of 33.53 feet;
thence westerly and northwes- '
terly a distance of 77.72 feet along
J.R.RITCHAY,being duly sworn,on oath says he is and during all times here stated has been the vice president and a tangential curve concave ro the
printer of the newspaper known as The Hopkins-Minnetonka-Eden Prairie Sun and has full knowledge of the facts herein north having a radius of 125.00
stated as follows: (1�Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet feet and a central angle of 35 de-
formequivalentinprintedspacetoatleast900squareinches.(2)Saidnewspaperisaweeklyandisdistributedatleastonce grees 37 minutes 28 seconds;
each week.i3)Said news a er has 50%of its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the communit which it thence North 51 degrees 56 mi-
` P P Y nures 45 seconds West,tangent to .
purports to serve and dces not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter the last described curve, a dis-
and advertisements.(4)Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipalities which it purports to serve,has at least tance of 94.96 feet; thence north-
500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers,has an average of at least 75%of its total circulation currently paid or westerly and westerly a distance
no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second-class matter in its local postoffice. 151 Said newspaper of 77.7'2 feet long a tangential
purports to serve the Cities of Hopkins and Eden Prairie and that portion of Minnetonka serving School District No.274 in curve concave ro the south having�.
the County of Hennepin and it has its known office of issue in the City of Bloomington in said County,established and open �radius of IYa.W feet and a cen-
durin its re ular business hours for the atherin of news,sale of advertisements and sale of subscri tions and main- tral angle of 35 degrees 3Z mi-.
B B B B P nutes 28 secands;thence North 82;:
tained by the managing officer of said newspaper or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control during degrees•34 minures l3 secpnAs�~-
all such regular business hours and devoted exclusively during such regular business hours and at which said newspaper is West, t angent ta the IasC de -�
printed.(6)Said uewspaper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society.(71 Said newspaper is scribed curve,a dis[ance uf 51.84 a
made available at single or subscription prices to any person,corporation,partnership or other unincorporated associa- feet to the West line of s��id Lot 76 :�
tion requesting the newspaper and making the applicable payment.B 1 Said newspaper has complied with all foregoing and said"Line 1"there terminat•�
conditions for at least one year preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned below. f 91 Said newspaper has filed 10g '
'Line 2"i.e described a�bc�in.
with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1,1966 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form ning at a point on the east line of
prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the managing officer of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary � the above described property dis-
public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. tant 240.00 feet northerly itoqt�be� �
southeast corner of the above'de- :•�-
scrihed propertv; thence'wec- •'
terly to a point on the west line-nf '
the above described propq�y dis- •�
tant 3IX1.(�feet northerly froRl the�•
He furlher states on oalh khat the printed �O t 1 C 8 Of' l�@ a Y':Ll�g � �outhwes�cm�ner of[he�bove.de-=
hereto attached as a art hereof a�as cut from the columns of said news a er, and was rinted �cribed property and said "Liner.
� P P P 'l"there termmahng
Also known as the Rudy Lutht
propert��lucaled al Ihe Northea
corner of Blake Road and Exce
sior Avenuc.
and published therein in the English language.once eachµeek(or 011E3 successice weeks; that it was first so '������. THF.REFORE, it is hereb}�
ordered thatthe Zoning and Plannin�
Commissron of the City of Hopkins
will hold a hearing on said rezonin�in
the Council Chambers of the City Hall
' published on WBCj the �6 day of NOV 19 77 and was thereafter printed and putr on Tuesda,y. lVavetnber 29, I977 at
i:30 o'clock p.m.
Zoning Administrator
lished on every — . to and including the_—__ _ _ day of .
19___ and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z,both inclusive,and is hereby
acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice,to-wit:
abcdefghi j klmnopqrstu v w xyz
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ____ �6____ day of NOVeIIlb A Y' 19 7 7
� -
�A�A�,.,�a��;�,,� a�n,n„�.��an,^,'.,�.n.^,�i,�,�,�
:,;,,�p<;;,;� PHYLLIS S. EAZT'�fJ
� � '=-'''���`'+' NOTARY PUBLIC • Iri\NESOTA
� `� `'��x�l HENNEP!^� COi1NTY
�a'���� Mr Commission Ex,ires Auq.18,1984