1993-1997 ERP City of Hopkins, Minnesota 4/1 ._rte roLtQC ,4, Equipment Replacement I I IIIliillll'11//1-7I } Paan 1993 - 199? • . • , t , , 4V / uiq es 11 ��.. ,,, _ AI II sup uis 11111 11 "ass CITY O F HOPKINS DATE: October 1992 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Steven C. Mielke, City Manager SUBJECT: 1993-1997 Equipment Replacement Plan With this letter, i respectfully submit the 1993-1997 Equipment Replacement Plan. This five year planning document represents • the combined efforts of city staff and the City Council. The Equipment Replacement Plan is a twenty year forecast of equipment needs in the City of Hopkins. It is intended to alert the Council and citizens to the major equipment needs on the horizon. The first year of the plan becomes an adopted equipment budget and relates almost completely to the operating budget which is approved on a yearly basis. The remaining nineteen years represent an estimate of equipment needs and funding capabilities of the City. Funding requirements vary drastically from year to year. In order to maintain a more even levy year by year, the twenty year schedule is projected with a 4% inflation factor and a yearly average dollar need is calculated. The Equipment Replacement' Plants basic premise is scheduled replacement of present equipment. A new item, must in the year proposed, be presented in the annual operating budget with a stipulation that replacement will be necessary in the future. Flexibility of the Equipment Replacement Plan is established through annual review, and revision if necessary. The annual review - assures that the plan is a continuing part of the budgetary process and that it will be consistent with changing demands as well as changing patterns in cost and financial resources. This document was developed by the Finance Department with the assistance of. all City departments. I wish to thank all those involved in the development of the Equipment Replacement Plan, and especially to John Schedler, Finance Director, Lee Gustafson, Public Works Director, and Deborah Dahlheimer, Senior Accounting Clerk, for their hard work and dedication. 1010 First Street South Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 Phone: 612-935-8474 Fax: 612-935-1834 An Equal Opportunity Employer EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PLAN 1993-1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I Equipment Replacement Five Year Funding Summary A Funding Sources Codes B Five Year Expenditures Summary C Item Requests/Justification CE-1 thru CE-46 e SECTION II Equipment and Building Inventory Vehicle/Equipment Inventory I -III Building Inventory IV- VI CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FIVE YEAR FUNDING SUMMARY EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND (000 omitted) 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Fund Balance Begin Year 258 281 278 260 209 Tax Levy 400 400 400 400 400 Other Income (Expenses) 12 11 12 11 11 CIP 365 392 406 440 160 Balance 12/31/1997 438 A FUNDING SOURCES Current Revenues - General Fund C.R. Equipment Replacement Fund E.R. Water Fund W•F. Sewer Fund S.F. Refuse Fund R.F. Pavilion Fund P.A. • B CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - FIVE YEAR EXPENDITURE SUMMARY - PROGRAM FUNDING CATEGORY PROJECT TITLE SOURCE 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 CE-1 Four Wheel Drive Pickup Truck- FD E.R. 21,600 CE-2 Fire Chief's Vehicle E.R. 1,900�� 2,200 CE-3 Fire Marshal's Vehicle E.R. 2,000 CE-4 Ambulance Van E.R. 31,600 CE-5 Aerial Truck E.R. 175,000 CE-6 Marked Police Vehicles (13) E.R.(7) 51,100✓ 53,200 36,400 37,800 59,900 CE-7 Administration Vehicles (5) E.R. ,) 14,600 ry 15,200 15,800 16,400 17,100 - CE-8 4x4 Vehicle E.R. 17,800 CE-9 Parking Enforcement Vehicle E.R. 12,000 CE-10 Standby Radio Base Station E.R. 17,000 CE-11 Body Armor E.R. 5,000 CE-12 Police Computer E.R. 216,300 CE-13 Police Copy Machine E.R. 12,500 CE-14 Police Logging Recorder E.R. 25,000 - CE-15 Compact Pickups (2) E.R. 10,700 11,500 CE-15 Compact Pickups -Water W.F. 12,500 CE-16 Traffic Boom Truck E.R. 36,400 - CE-17 One Ton Dump Truck E.R. 26,300 CE-18 Tandem Dump Trucks (2) E.R. 61,700 69,500 CE-19 Water Truck E.R. pa24:„ 86,400 CE-20 3/4 Ton Pickups (3) E.R. 14,900✓ 10,800 12,000 CE-21 Grader E.R. 139,400 CE-22 Crack Filler E.R. 5,200 CE-23 Striper E.R. 6,800 CE-24 Asphalt Paver _ E.R. 27,000 _ - --___-_ CE-25 Snow Blower E.R. ,� 46,800 CE-26 1/2 Ton Truck- Public Housing r /10. 11,600 CE-27 Backhoe Loader W.F. 73,900 CE-28 Portable Generator S.F. 12,100 CE-29 Engineering Van E.R. 18,900 CE-30 Engineering Car E.R. 1,500 CE-31 3/4 Ton Pickups E.R. 17,500 CE-31 3/4 Ton Pickups W.F. 16,300 CE-31 3/4 Ton Pickups S.F. 17,700 ""'' CE-32 Public Works Copy Machine W.F. 8,000 CE-33 City Hall Main Copy Machine E.R. 15,000 CE-34 City Hall Micro Network E.R. 20,000 CE-35 Optical Scanner E.R. 10,400 CE-36 Finance Computer E.R. 40,000 20,000 CE-37 Inspections Computer E.R. 19,400 CE-38 Truckters (3) E.R. 11,200 13,100 - CE-39 Stump Chipper E.R. �� 8,300 CE-40 1 Ton 4x4 P.V. with Plow (2) E.R. 39,200 CE-41 Riding Mower E.R. 11,000 CE-42 Gang Mower E.R. 37,400 CE-43 Brush Chipper E.R. 14,000✓ • CE-44 Turf Sweeper E.R. 11,200 - CE-45 Refuse Trucks (3) R.F. 106,0O0' "162,300 CE-46 Tractor- Parks E.R. 29,000 TOTAL CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PROGRAM_. 544,800 571,600 459,700 442,500 174,300 PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Four Wheel Drive Pickup Truck - FD (100) CE - 1 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 21, 600 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 21,600 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . N/A Maint. Costs. . . . — Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Four wheel drive, extended box, six (6) person cab pickup truck for use by fire department personnel for routine and emergency assignments. JUSTIFICATION: Vehicle is included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule which is designed to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EA4.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Fire Chief's Vehicle (105) CE - 2 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 4, 100 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 1,900 2., 200 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . Transfer of Retired Squad Car Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: A marked passenger vehicle for use by the Fire Chief in transporting required equipment, reference materials and personnel for emergency response, and routine fire department business. JUSTIFICATION: The Fire Chief responds to fire calls and other emergencies directly from his home. The Chief is required to carry reference material and equipment used in the Incident Command System in the field. The Chief logs many miles during the routine performance of his duties, and involvement in professional organizations, and meetings he attends each month. PROJECTED SCHEDULE/CURRENT STATUS: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ2.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Fire Marshal Vehicle (106) CE - 3 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 2, 000 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 2, 000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Transfer of Retired Squad Maint. Costs. . . . — Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: A marked vehicle for use by the Fire Marshal in transporting equipment, reference materials, and personnel on routine inspections, fire investigations, hazardous material incidents, and emergency fire responses. JUSTIFICATION: Vehicle is included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule which is designed to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. — RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ3.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Ambulance Van (108) CE - 4 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 31, 600 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 31,600 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: A heavy duty ambulance vehicle to respond to emergency calls for medical assistance. JUSTIFICATION: Vehicles included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 E957.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Aerial Truck (109) CE - 5 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 175, 000 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 175, 000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . N/A ^ Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: This vehicle would be used for ladder company operations during fires. This vehicle responds to all structure fires. Its job is to make openings in the building to let hot smoke out and to rescue people that might be trapped. JUSTIFICATION ^ This expenditure would refurbish the existing 1972 aerial truck. This refurbishment would provide an additional 10 year life span to the vehicle. The expense for purchase of a new vehicle is over $500, 000. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Previous equipment replacement schedule proposed purchase of new vehicle in 1995. 8/28/92 EQ6.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Marked Patrol Vehicles CE - 6 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 238,400 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 v FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 51, 100 53,200 36,400 37, 800 59,900 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Replacement of marked patrol vehicles: 13 vehicles: 3 replaced in each of 1993 , 1994 and 1997, 2 replaced in each of 1995 and 1996. JUSTIFICATION: The department has four primary marked squads used for patrol purposes. These have historically been scheduled for replacement every two years. There are two additional marked squads which are used in special capacities (K-9 vehicle and the sergeants vehicle) . These two vehicles get much less use and can be expected to last for four years. Scheduled replacement of special vehicles is K-9 (1993) and sergeants (1994) . Current practice is now to replace squads based on mileage, not just age. As the cars are generally driven for slightly more than two years before reaching the replacement mileage, we can, occasionally, stretch replacement of a vehicle to the following model year. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: The above schedule delays the purchase of one vehicle from 1992 to 1993 and reduces the number of vehicles purchased in 1994 from 5 to 3 . This will extend the overall 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditure proposed conforms with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 CE8.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Police Administrative Vehicles CE - 7 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 79, 100 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 14, 600 15,200 15,800 16,400 17,100 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . N/A Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Replacement of department administrative and detective vehicles. JUSTIFICATION: Department staff and detectives have assigned vehicles. The use of old squads being taken out of service is not appropriate for this function. Two years ago, the City altered the replacement policy for these vehicles. Prior to this change, used vehicles were purchased from rental car companies. These vehicles had 23,000-28, 000 miles on them at the time of purchase. The new policy has new vehicles being purchased via the state or county contracts. Department practice is to have staff get the new vehicles and retain them for two years. At that time, the vehicles will be rotated to the investigators who will keep them for another two years. This practice has not had sufficient time to be evaluated. The detectives still have vehicles purchased from a rental car company. 1992 will be the first year a vehicle which was purchased new is rotated down to the detectives. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Alters the current replacement schedule. Calls for 1 new vehicle to be purchased each year. Evaluation of this program over the next 2-3 years will determine its effectiveness and may result in extending or shortening of the replacement schedules. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: • 8/28/92 EA10.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment 4 Wheel Drive (209) CE - 8 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 17,800 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 17,800 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: 4 wheel drive pickup or similar vehicle. JUSTIFICATION: Used by public service officers as a duty vehicle. Used for animal control, hauling large items, etc. Also used in the winter months as a patrol vehicle when weather conditions make 4 wheel drive a desirable feature. S CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Conforms to 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: 8/28/92 EQ56.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Parking Enforcement Vehicle (210) CE - 9 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 12,000 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. - 12, 000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . N/A Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Replacement of parking enforcement vehicle. JUSTIFICATION: Vehicles included in the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize vehicle service and life and minimize operating costs. Replacement of vehicle scheduled for 1991 can be deferred until 1993 . Current vehicle is in good condition and should continue to serve well with routine maintenance. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. — RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditure proposed conforms with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 E98.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Stand-by Radio Base Station CE - 10 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 17, 000 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 17, 000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . 9 - 7th Avenue South Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: The stand-by station for the police radio system is on the roof of 9 - 7th Avenue South. It is several years old, having been moved to its current location from its previous position on the Hopkins House. This equipment will need to be replaced in the next 3-4 years. JUSTIFICATION: While the equipment is in good operating condition now, it will need to be replaced in the next few years. The current contract with Motorola on our radio system allows us to purchase additional items of equipment at 1989 prices for 1 year after acceptance of the new radio system. This means that we may purchase the radio base station without having to deal with inflation or price increases. While replacement is not critical in 1991, it is seen as a long term cost saving expenditure. The alternative is to wait until normal replacement time when the cost will be an estimated $15, 000 - $17,000. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Not currently scheduled. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: 8/28/92 EA38.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Body Armor CE - 11 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 5,000 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 5,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Bullet proof vest for police officers. JUSTIFICATION: Department policy requires that all police officers wear bullet proof vests while on patrol duty. Many of the vests now in use will be nearing the end of their useful life and will need replacement. ~ CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Current replacement schedule shows $5, 000 allocated for 1996. Advance replacement date from 1996. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Some funds have been available in the past from local service organizations for this purpose, but these funds have been used mostly for body armor for reserve officers. 8/28/92 EQ43.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment P.D. Computer CE - 12 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 216, 300 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 216,300 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . - W Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Computer for handling all of the department's computerized records functions as well as data transfer of records to the State of MN. JUSTIFICATION: The department must maintain a computer system to store and retrieve all activity data, generate data for statistical and report purposes and be capable of sending and receiving data to the computer system at the State of Minnesota. Planned replacement of the current computer was planned for 1997. The State is researching changing the computer it uses. This will affect the capability of our department, and numerous other agencies, to access that computer. Plans being reviewed show that our present computer may not be technically supported by the system being considered by the State. It would, therefore, be necessary to obtain a computer which would be supported at the State. At this time, we have no firm indication of what the State is going to do. Our present system may suffice until 1997 or we may have to replace it as early as 1995, depending on what the State decides. The projected cost is also dependent on the State's decision. This capital request would cover total replacement of the system, if necessary. Actual costs may be considerably less however there is no way to know for certain. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Advances current schedule by 2 years and increases planned replacement cost. Changes are predicated by possible changes at the State level which would make this schedule change mandatory. — RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: See above. 8/28/92 EQ58.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Police Copy Machine CE - 13 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 12,500 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 12,500 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Police Department Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Copy machine capable of producing double sided copies and collating pages. JUSTIFICATION: A new copy machine was purchased in 1991. The useful life of a copy machine is approximately five years. Previously adopted capital equipment replacement schedule for the copy machine is on a five-year basis. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: 8/28/92 EQ12.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Police Logging Recorder CE - 14 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 25,000 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 25,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . Police Department Communication Center Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: The police logging recorder is a device which tape records all telephone and radio transmissions which go through the police department. JUSTIFICATION: A new logging recorder was purchased in 1991, two years ahead of the previously adopted replacement schedule. Replacement in 1991 was necessary due to deterioration of the old recorder caused by dirt and other contamination which occurred during City Hall reconstruction. Previously adopted schedules called for replacement of the recorder on a five-year cycle. Replacing the current recorder in 1996 would conform to this schedule. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Conforms to previously adopted 5-year replacement schedule. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: 8/28/92 EQ11.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER "" Capital Equipment Compact Pickups (3) CE - 15 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 34,700 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 - FUNDING (304) (706) (500) SOURCE E.R. 10,700 11, 500 12,500 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . - Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Compact pick-ups to be used by Street and Parks Divisions of Public Works. JUSTIFICATION: Current vehicles are used by supervisors and division personnel for a variety of tasks. Proposed vehicles are a downgrade to compact pick-ups to save fuel/repair costs. Current vehicles are 1/2 ton pick-ups. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. - RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed are less than previously Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule, due to downgrade in size of vehicles. 8/28/92 EQ16.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Traffic Boom Truck (305) CE - 16 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 36,400 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 36,400 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . N/A Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Boom truck used in Street and Traffic Divisions of Public Works. JUSTIFICATION: Vehicles included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. Replacing one year earlier than on schedule. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 E039.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment One Ton Dump Truck (308) CE - 17 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 26,300 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 26, 300 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . N.A. -- Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Truck is used in the Street Department of Public Works. JUSTIFICATION: Vehicles included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ21.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Tandem Dump Trucks (2) CE - 18 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 131,200 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING (314) (313) SOURCE E.R. 61,700 69,500 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . N.A. Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Dump Trucks used in Streets Division of Public Works. JUSTIFICATION: Vehicles included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. Delay replacement of each truck by one year. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ22.FRM - PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Water Truck (315) CE - 19 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 86,400 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 86,400 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . N/A ^ Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Water truck used in Street and Parks Divisions of Public Works. JUSTIFICATION: Vehicles included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating costs. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. - RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditure proposed conforms with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ40.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment 3/4 Ton Pickups (3) CE - 20 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 37,700 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING (802) (703) (301) SOURCE ER/SF 14,900 ER 10,800 12, 000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . N/A Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: 3/4 Ton Pickups used by Building Services, and Water/Sewer Divisions of Public Works, for heavy loads and pulling trailers. JUSTIFICATION: Vehicles included in the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating costs. 802 is an upgrade from a 1/2 ton truck ($4,200) . CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ18.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Grader (326) CE - 21 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 139,400 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 139,400 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Grader with wing used by Streets Division of Public Works. JUSTIFICATION: Equipment included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule has been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 CE13.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Crack Filler (335) CE - 22 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 5,200 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 5,200 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Crack filler used in Street Department for street maintenance. JUSTIFICATION: Vehicles included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EA51.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Striper (336) CE - 23 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 6,800 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 6,800 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Line Lazer Striper 5000 (airless paint striper) JUSTIFICATION: To remove the issue of dealing with hazardous materials (paint thinner and excess paint disposal) during cleaning operations. Overall improved efficiency in operations and appearance in striping/stenciling operations. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Was previously scheduled for replacement in 1997 but old unit needs replacement now. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Improvements in appearance of striping procedures and elimination of extra stencil spray guns. 8/28/92 EQ52.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Asphalt Paver (341) CE - 24 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 27, 000 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 . FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 27,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . N/A Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Asphalt Paver used by Streets Division of Public Works. JUSTIFICATION: Equipment included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating costs. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ27.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Snow Blower (343) CE - 25 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 46,800 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 46,800 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . N/A Maint. Costs. . . . — Operating Costs. TOTAL ^, Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Snow Blower used by the Streets Division of Public Works. JUSTIFICATION: Equipment included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating costs. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ20.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment One-half Ton Truck - Public Housing (410) CE - 26 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 11,600 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE G.A. 11,600 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Purchase of 1/2 ton truck to be used by Public Housing Maintenance staff. JUSTIFICATION: Vehicle detailed on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule has been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating costs. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditure proposed conforms with Council-adopted Equipment Replace- ment Schedule. Will need to be approved by HUD in budget ending 3/31/95. 8/28/92 EQ44.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Backhoe Loader (533) CE - 27 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 73,900 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 - FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 73,900 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . - Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Unit utilized by Water, Sewer and Street Departments for repair and installation of underground utilities. JUSTIFICATION: Vehicles included in the Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating costs. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Was scheduled for replacement in year 2000. Current machine is 12 years old and is too small and under-powered for its intended use. - RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Potential savings by doing more utility work in-house instead of using outside contractors. 8/28/92 EQ59.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Portable Generator CE - 28 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 12, 100 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING (537) SOURCE S.F. 12, 100 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . N/A Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Portable Generator used by Water/Sewer Division of Public Works. JUSTIFICATION: v The current equipment dates from 1948 and should be replaced to ensure reliability of back-up power for sewer lift station. Equipment included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and mimimize operating costs. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ17.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Engineering Van (700) CE - 29 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 18,900 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 18, 900 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . — Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Van used by Engineering Department for survey equipment and on job site work. JUSTIFICATION: Equipment included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule has been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. — RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 CE12.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Engineering Car (702) CE - 30 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 1,500 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 1,500 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . (Transfer of retired Squad) Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Station wagon used in Engineering Division of Public Works. Unit to be replaced with retired squad car. JUSTIFICATION: Vehicles included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating costs. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conforms with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ41.FRM - PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment 3/4 Ton Utility Trucks (3) CE - 31 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 51,500 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 -- FUNDING ER/ (507) ER-17,500 (804) SOURCE WF/SF WF-16, 300 SF-17,700 (506) ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . N/A Maint. Costs. . . . — Operating Costs. TOTAL -. Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: 3/4 Ton Utility Trucks used by the Water/Sewer and Parks Division of Public Works. JUSTIFICATION: Vehicles included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating costs. • CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. Units 507 and 804 delayed one year in 1993 plan. — RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Replacement Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ19.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Public Works Copy Machine CE - 32 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 8, 000 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE W.F. 8,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Public Works Maint. Costs. . . . 1601 2nd Street South Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Copy Machine to service needs of all divisions of Public Works. JUSTIFICATION: Equipment included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize costs. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditure proposed conforms with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ32.FRM -- PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment City Hall Main Copy Machine CE - 33 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 15,000 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 15,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . City Hall Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Copy machine to service needs of all departments located at City Hall. JUSTIFICATION: Equipment included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. — RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ33.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Microcomputer Network Server CE - 34 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 20, 000 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 20,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . 1,000 City Hall Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Personal computer that controls and stores data for the microcomputer network. JUSTIFICATION: Currently the various divisions of Community Development deal with a variety of property data. This data is kept on individual computers. This results in duplication and errors. A network would allow for this data to be shared by all the divisions. This shared data will enable divisions to be more efficient. Divisions will not be entering the same data. Building permits and zoning enforcement will be coordinated. All the information concerning a particular piece of property will be available to everyone in Community Development. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule and 1990 Information Systems Plan. 8/28/92 EQ45.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Optical Scanner CE - 35 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 10,400 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 10,400 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . City Hall Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Optical scanner for scanning documents to be put into the computer system. JUSTIFICATION: Currently considerable retyping of existing documents takes place. An optical scanner would make it possible for this information to be directly entered into the computer. This would save time and money spent in retyping. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: — RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: 8/28/92 EQ49.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Finance Computer CE - 36 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 60,000 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 40,000 20,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . City Hall Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: The present computer system was installed in 1984, and upgraded in 1989 through the purchase of a new processor which employs the technology of a Xenix Operating System. It is projected that the useful life of the update will be 4 to 5 years. Replacement began in 1992 with the acquisition of 3 new PC's and 2 printers. In 1993 the processing unit needs to be replaced with upgrades and increased capacity. JUSTIFICATION: The City must maintain an up-to-date system to ensure continued technical support at a reasonable cost. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditure proposed conforms with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 E037.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Inspections Computer CE - 37 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 19,400 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 19,400 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Inspection Department Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. • TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: New computer terminal and software to replace system purchased in 1991 for the Building Inspections Department. JUSTIFICATION: It is expected that advances in computer technology will allow for dramatic improvements over the performance of the system purchased in 1991. The City must maintain an up-to-date system to ensure continued technical support at a reasonable cost. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ36.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Truckster (3) CE - 38 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 36,900 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING (814) (821) (820) SOURCE E.R. 11,200 12, 600 13, 100 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . N/A Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Truckster used by Parks Division of Public Works for ballfield and parks maintenance. JUSTIFICATION: Equipment included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule has been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 CE2.FRM - PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Stump Chipper (832) CE - 39 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 8,300 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 - FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 8,300 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . N/A - Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Stump chipper used by Parks Division of Public Works. JUSTIFICATION: Equipment included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule has been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. — RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 CE10.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment 1 Ton 4X4 Pickup with Plow (2) CE - 40 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 39,200 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING 803-19, 600 SOURCE E.R. 809-19, 600 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Trucks used by Parks Division of Public Works for park maintenance and snow plowing. JUSTIFICATION: Equipment included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule has been scheduled tb maximize service life and minimize operating cost. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 CE11.FRM - PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Riding Mower CE - 41 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 11, 000 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 - FUNDING (822) SOURCE E.R. 11,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . N/A - Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Riding Mower used by Parks Maintenance Division of Public Works. JUSTIFICATION: Equipment included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. — RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 E030.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Gang Mower (827) CE - 42 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 37,400 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 37,400 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Tractor/gang mower used by Parks Maintenance Division of Public Works. JUSTIFICATION: Equipment included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ29.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Brush Chipper (834) CE - 43 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 14, 000 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 14,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . N/A Maint. Costs. . . . -- Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Brush Chipper used for Tree Service and brush pick up operations of Public Works. JUSTIFICATION: Equipment included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 Ea31.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Turf Sweeper (830) CE - 44 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 11,200 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 11,200 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Turf sweeper used by Parks Department of Public Works. JUSTIFICATION: Vehicles included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. a CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ55.FRM v PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Refuse Trucks (3) CE - 45 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 268, 300 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING (902) 901-106, 000 SOURCE R.F. 106, 000 903- 56,300 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . N/A Maint. Costs. . . . - Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Refuse trucks used by Refuse Utility Division of Public Works. Rear loading vehicle proposed for 1993 is used for as a garbage collection backup and as primary vehicle for special collections. Vehicles scheduled for 1991 and 1992 are automated garbage collection vehicles. JUSTIFICATION: Vehicles included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. Vehicle which will be replaced in 1994 is a used rear loader. We propose an upgrade when replacement vehicle is purchased. Units 901 and 902 were scheduled to be replaced in 1991 and 1992. Currently are holding off purchase of new units until decision is made on future of refuse. Two new units will need to be purchased in 1993 that are set up for weight or volume based pickup. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. '-' RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ24.FRM PROGRAM CATEGORY CAPITAL EQUIPMENT NUMBER Capital Equipment Parks Tractor (817) CE - 46 TOTAL COST SCHEDULED PROJECT ACTIVITY $ 29, 000 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 FUNDING SOURCE E.R. 29, 000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT LOCATION: Debt Service. . . . Maint. Costs. . . . Operating Costs. TOTAL Cost Savings. . DESCRIPTION: Tractor used in Parks Department for rink maintenance and flail mower attachments. JUSTIFICATION: Vehicles included on the adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule have been scheduled to maximize service life and minimize operating cost. CURRENT STATUS/PROJECTED SCHEDULE: Schedule conforms with 20-year plan. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS AND OTHER PROGRAMS: Expenditures proposed conform with Council-adopted Equipment Replacement Schedule. 8/28/92 EQ5.FRM EQUIPMENT & BUILDING INVENTORY CITY OF HOPKINS VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT INVENTORY 8/10/92 CURRENT REPLACEMENT UNIT# YEAR MAKE MODEL COST - FIRE DEPARTMENT 100. 1984 GMC CREW CAB $18,500 101. 1978 CHEV HAZ-MAT VAN 8,000 102. 1989 FORD L9000 TELE-SQUIRT 275,000 103. 1982 LUVERNE PUMPER 245,000 104. 1991 PETE HEAVY RESCUE 185,000 105. 1988 CHEV CAPRICE 5,000 106. 1987 CHEV CAPRICE 5,000 107. 1967 PIRSCH PUMPER 232,000 108. 1987 FORD AMBULANCE/VAN 27,000 109. 1972 STUPHEN AERIAL TRK 450,000 115. 1952 MACK PUMPER POLICE DEPARTMENT 200. 1992 FORD CROWN VICTORIA $16,000 201. 1990 CHEV CAPRICE 16,000 202. 1991 CHEV CAPRICE 16,000 203. 1992 FORD CROWN VICTORIA 16,000 206. 1988 CHEV CAPRICE 16,000 207. 1990 CHEV CAPRICE 16,000 208. 1991 CHEV CAPRICE 16,000 209. 1990 CHEV S-10 4X4 P.U. 14,000 210. 1987 CUSHMAN HAULSTER 10,000 211. 1989 CHEV CELEBRITY 14,000 212. 1991 CHEV LUMINA 14,000 214. 1987 PONTIAC 6000 14,000 215. 1987 OLDS CUTLASS 14,000 216. 1992 CHEV LUMINA 14,000 219. 1979 FORD VAN 20,000 240. 1989 CHEV ASTRO VAN 15,000 252. 1972 H.M. TRAILER 3,000 STREET/TRAFFIC DIVISION 301. 1988 CHEV 3/4 T TRK $11,500 304. 1983 CHEV 1/2 T TRK 10,500 305. 1985 FORD BOOM TRK 32,000 306. 1992 CHEV 4X4 1 TON 22,000 307. 1982 CHEV 1 TON DUMP 23,000 -- 308. 1989 CHEV 1 TON DUMP 23,000 310. 1989 INTERNATIONAL SGLAX DUMP 58,000 312. 1983 INTERNATIONAL TANDEM DUMP 64,000 313. 1981 INTERNATIONAL TANDEM DUMP 64,000 - 314. 1979 INTERNATIONAL TANDEM DUMP 64,000 315. 1980 INTERNATIONAL WATER TRK 80,000 318. 1968 FORD BOOM/AUGER TRK - 320. 1991 CATERPILLER LOADER 926E 90,000 321. 1990 CATERPILLER LOADER 936E 120,000 324. 1989 NEW HOLLAND SKID LOADER 24,000 ,- I - CITY OF HOPKINS VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT INVENTORY 8/10/92 • CURRENT REPLACEMENT UNIT# YEAR MAKE MODEL COST s 326. 1976 JOHN DEERE GRADER 670 $110,000 328. 1991 ELGIN SWEEPER 80,000 330. ' 1989 INGERSOURAND ROLLER DD-25 23,000 333. 1989 INNOVAC LITTER HOG 12,000 334. 1988 FOX SANDER 3,000 335. 1987 CRAFCO CRACK FILLER 5,000 336. 1987 MB STRIPER W/TRLER 7,000 338. 1984 STONE CEMENT MIXER 3000 340. 1980 ALKOTA STEAMER 1,000 341. 1970 LAYTON SKID PAVER 25,000 342. 1991 TARGET CONCRETE SAW 2,400 343. 1968 ROOT SNOW BLOWER 40,000 344. 1964 ROGERS ASPHALT CUTTER 2,000 345. 1989 M-B-W VIB PLATE 2,000 346. 1984 WENGER STAGE TRLER 8,000 348. 1989 TRAIL-KING TK6V-1200 3,000 349. 1989 TRAIL-KING MK6V-1200 3,000 351. 1943 POLE TRAILER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/HRA 409. 1986 BUICK CENTURY $14,000 410. 1986 DODGE 1/2 T TRK 11,000 413. 1985 MUSTANG SKID LOADER 15,000 WATER/SEWER DIVISION - 500. 1989 CHEV 1/2 TON S-10 $10,500 502. 1984 GMC 1/2 T TRK. 11,500 505. 1992 CHEV 3/4 T 4X4 16,000 506. 1987 CHEV 3/4 T UTILITY 14,500 507. 1985 FORD 3/4 T UTILITY 14,500 530. 1982 FORD JET VACTOR 150,000 533. 1980 JOHN DEERE LDR-BKHOE-410 50,000 - 535. 1992 KOHLER GENERATOR/TRL 10,000 536. 1989 FLEXIBLE RODDING MACHINE 25,000 537. 1948 FAIRBANKS MORSE GENERATOR/TRL 15,000 538. 1948 FAIRBANKS MORSE GENERATOR/TRL 15,000 539. ESSICK PUMP TRAILER 540. 1982 SULLAIR AIR COMPRESSOR 12,000 541. 1981 WACKER TAMPER 2,000 - FLOAT VEHICLES 602. 1984 GMC 1/2 T TRK $10,500 611. 1979 CHEV 1 T DUMP 23,000 ENGINEERING DIVISION 700. 1986 FORD ENG. VAN $15,500 701. 1987 CHEV CELEBRITY WAGON 13,500 II CITY OF HOPKINS VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT INVENTORY 8/10/92 CURRENT REPLACEMENT UNIT# YEAR MAKE MODEL COST • BUILDING &EQUIPMENT SERVICES - 703. 1982 DODGE 1/2 T TRK $10,000 704. 1991 CHEV 1/2 TON S-10 11,000 706. 1988 CHEV 1/2 T TRK S-10 9,500 PARKS/FORESTRY DIVISION ,- 802. 1985 CHEV 1/2 T TRK $12,500 803. 1988 GMC 1 T 4X4 TRK 3,500 804. 1986 CHEV 3/4 T UTILITY 15,000 807. 1990 OLYMPIA ICE RESURFACER 45,000 809. 1988 GMC 1 T 4X4 TRK 15,500 810. 1985 INTERNATIONAL SGLAX DUMP 58,000 811. 1987 FORD LOG TRUCK 83,000 812. 1989 FORD AERIAL LIFT 85,000 - 814. 1983 EZ-GO TRUCKSTER 10,000 816. 1984 FORD TRACTOR 2910 22,000 816.1 FLAIL ATTACHMENT 11,000 - 817. 1982 FORD TRACTOR 2610 22,000 820. 1987 CUSHMAN TRUCKSTER 10,000 821. 1986 CUSHMAN TRUCKSTER 10,000 822. 1989 TORO GM72 MOWER 10,000 -- 823. 1992 TORO MOWER 345 14,000 825. 1980 EXCEL/HUSTLER 602D 10,000 827. 1979 JACOBSON GANG MOWER 40,000 830. 1987 OLATHE TURF SWEEP 8,500 - 832. 1986 VERMEER STUMP CTR 630A 10,000 834. 1983 MORBARK BRUSH CHIPPER 12,500 835. 1975 VERMEER SPADE TS44A 10,000 836. RYAN SOD CUTTER 2,000 837. 1973 PUTTTYPE TURF VAC 8,500 840. 1991 VICTORIAN TRAILER 2,000 841. 1977 H.M. TRAILER 1,000 842. 1975 H.M. TRAILER 1,000 843. 1975 H.M. TRAILER FLTBD 2,500 844. 1973 CANOE HM TRAILER 1,000 REFUSE 901. 1985 MACK RAPID RAIL $106,000 902. 1986 IHC RAPID RAIL 106,000 903. 1977 FORD PAC-MOR 56,000 III CITY OF HOPKINS BUILDING INVENTORY September 1992 Location/Description Replacement Cost City Hall $1,900,000 1010 1st Street S. Hopkins Activity Center 700,000 33 14th Avenue S. Ice Arena 2,200,000 1515 2nd Street S. PW Admin/Garage 675,000 1601 2nd Street S. PW Cold Storage Bldg #1 185,000 117-121 17th Avenue S. "' PW Cold Storage Bldg #2 270,500 117-121 17th Avenue S. — Barn 115,000 117-121 17th Avenue S. Landfill Building 25,000 1414 7th Street S. Moline Reservoir 756,400 916 County Road 3 Blake Tower Reservoir 430,000 151 Tyler Avenue S. Well #1 Filtration Plant 130,000 916 County Road 3 Filtration Plant 570,000 1401 Elmo Park Service Road Well #4. 78,000 1401 Elmo Park Service Road Well #5 62,000 1205 Highway? Well #6 61,000 801 Highway 7 N Location/Description Replacement Cost Lift Station #1 - 21st 68,000 202 21st Avenue N. Lift Station #2 - Drillane 20,000 619 Drillane Road Lift Station #3 - Lindee's 50,000 901 Cambridge Street N.E. Lift Station #4 - LTL Meadowbrook 100,000 244 Meadowbrook Road Lift Station #5 - Big Meadowbrook 50,000 6601 Excelsior Blvd. Lift Station #6 - Ronnie's 70,000 1029 Excelsior Avenue E. Lift Station #7 - Valley 50,000 801 6th Avenue S. Park Building-Beach-Lifeguards 15,700 5200 Shady Oak Road Park Building-Beach-Concessions 20,000 5200 Shady Oak Road Park Building-Beach-Restrooms 23,000 5200 Shady Oak Road Park Shelter - Beach 7,000 5200 Shady Oak Road Park Shelter - Burnes 26,000 201 Park Lane Park Building - Central 68,000 101 17th Avenue S. Park Building - Harley 12,000 108 Jackson Avenue S. Park Shelter - Interlachen 8,500 220 Homedale Avenue Park Building - Oakes 9,500 301 Tyler Avenue N. Park Building - Valley 10,000 800 7th Avenue S. V Location/Description Replacement Cost Dow Towers (76 Units) HRA 22 5th Avenue S. 20th Avenue Townhouses (10 Units) HRA 29 20th Avenue S. Parking Ramp 1,690,000 10th Avenue and Mainstreet VI