CR 05-022 HC Municipal Recycling Grant February 7, 2005 /" ""\ cITY Or: ~. HOPKINS Council Report 2005~022 ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION 2005-015 AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF HENNEPIN COUNTY MUNICIPAL RECYCLING GRANT APPLICATIONS FOR THE DURATION OF THE NEWLY ADOPTED RESIDENTIAL RECYCLING FUNDING POLICY, 1/1/2005 THROUGH 12/31/2007 Proposed Action. Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: "Move to Adopt Resolution No. 2005~015 Authorizing the Submittal of the Hennepin County Recycling Grant Application for the duration of the newly adopted Residential Recycling Funding Policy, 1/1/2005 through 12/31/2007." Overview. The City of Hopkins began a curbside-recycling program on February 1, 1989 in response to County and Metropolitan Council mandates. In order to continue to aid cities in funding their recycling programs, the Hennepin Country Board of Commissioner has adopted the Residential Recycling Funding Policy to distribute SCORE (Select Committee on Recycling and Environment) funds to municipalities for curbside collection of residential recyclables from January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2007. With the adoption of the new Hennepin County Residential Recycling Funding Policy, 1/1/2005 through 12/31/2007, the County requires one resolution that is for a term concurrent with the expiration of this policy. The resolution must be included with our grant application in order for our grant application to be processed and funding to be dispersed. Primary Issues to Consider . Is adoption of this Resolution in the best interest of the City of Hopkins? Council has already approved prior resolutions, which authorized submittal of a grant application for years 1995-2004, Adoption of the new resolution will complete our 2005 grant application process and allow us to continue to receive funding from Hennepin County for our recycling program. Each municipality will receive SCORE funds proportional to the number of eligible residential housing units in its curbside collection program on January 1 of each funding year relative to the total number of eligible residential housing units in the county that are served by curbside recycling service. Hopkins will receive approximately $23,000.00. SCORE Funds are based on revenue received by the State of Minnesota from a sales tax on garbage collection and disposal fees. In the event that SCORE funds are eliminated from the State budget or significantly reduced, the County will consult with municipalities at that time and develop a subsequent recommendation to the County Board on continuation of this policy and future funding of curbside recycling programs. Supporting Information Resolution 2005-015 Copy of 2005 grant application Copy of Hennepin County Residential Recycling Policy 1/1/2005 - 12/31/2007 a~ . e, Recycling Coordinator Financial Impact: $23,000,00 R Budgeted: Y Source: Refuse Utility Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): None CITY OF HOPKINS RESOLUTION NO, 2005.015 AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF HENNEPIN COUNTY MUNICIPAL RECYCLING GRANT APPLICATIONS FOR THE DURATION OF THE NEWLY ADOPTED .RESIDENTIAL RECYCLING FUNDING POLICY 1/1/2005 THROUGH 12/31/2007 WHEREASi Pursuantto Minnesota Statue 115A.551, each county in the metropolitan area will have as a goal to recycle a minimum of 45 percent (45%) by weight of total soUd waste generation, and each county must develop arid implement or require political subdivisions within the county to develop and implement programs, practices, or methods designed to meet its recycling goal; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statue 115A.552, counties shall ensure that residents have an opportunity to recycle and through Hennepin County Ordinance 13 requires each city to implement a recycling program to enable the County to meet its recycling goals; and WHEREAS, the County has adopted a Hennepin County Residential Recycling Funding Policy to distribute funds to cities for the continued development and implementation of waste reduction and recycling programs from 1/112005 through 12/31/2007: and WHEREAS, to be eligible to receive these County funds, cities must meet the conditions set forth in the "funding policy"; and WHEREAS, the City of Hopkins desires to receive these County funds; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Hopkins, City Council authorizes the submittal of the Hennepin County Residential Recycling Program; Municipal Recycling Grant Applications for 2005, 2006 and 2007; and further authorizes the City Manager or his designee to execute such grant agreement with the County, ' Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins this 15th day of February, 2005, BY Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor ATTEST: Terry Obermaier, City Clerk 2004 MUNICIPAL RECYCLING FINAL REPORT 2005 MUNICIPAL RECYCLING GRANT APPLICATION Hennepin County Residential Recycling Program January 1 - December 31, 2004 , Hopkins Municipality :~~,~(IOt';~,~,~~,t,~*~'~,~QJ:Jt~~~S;i.4i;\{p!f:;f(;;t;;~~:};i:;:~::!.::t;;,;:\<; ~'~;~:. ~::i;;:::/::'':','F!i);.:3;::''i:~,:'i:r#;:~I;;:~~'?;{'~;\>Y~;:'y:~\r~;~'ii,'1":}\:!:,'~:c'~..i:,.,,:,, ::",',,(:,"':; ':,":,":",' <- ,c,' ':,J;'ji;\. ,',1',1 , i" ;" ,'" .\?':.": ~,;; A. Program Administration I $ 18,199.00 B, Recyding Promotional Activities $ 1,954.94 C. Waste Reduction Promotional Activities $ 2,651.85 D. Collection Curbside $ 86,72f88 Drop-Off $ 8,064.00 E. Curbside Collection Containers $ 0.00 Total Expenditures $109,063.83 .' Revenues from Sale of Recyclables $ 8,585.62 Pa'rt:d:'~~iO~4'i}fQNN~'Ge$?;'cfj~tk'.n.;tl1a{a" ,I "f't'pfio~id~'jhdi"'id'Ga(~,toriria:~iiWhere~~v~ili6Iej'~:: "" (: .' ,-g:::: :" . 0f':""::',:,,, ",',,',',' '''''''.','2'.'\ ". '.' ".".. """,,,,,{,, ". '," ,.. """'. .JtP,J " '. ."..."..: ";" ,,,,,,,"',ll:' "..i"...\'" ~,,',..,'".'.,.,,:':.:.,.,"~.... ',.; """" .J;,'",'-,:,\,::, ,:,,: : ',;.:,",: .. '.:,'",<,:"),':,, ,;;'.~:i;!j A, Residential Source-5eparated Collections Curbside Drop-Off Multi-Housing Total Tons Mixed Fibers P' Newspaper 580.64 63.51 644.15 Metal ;;; Corrugated Cardboard 58.31 58.31 P Office Paper P Mixed Paper/Junk ~il 139.19 45,25 184.44 P Magazines 1'1' Boxboard r;;. Phone Books P' Alum. Cans & Foil 1,31 1.31 P' Steel & Tin Cns 7,99 3.08 11.07 P Commingled Cans 39.68 1.08* 40,76 J;l" Scrap Metal 8.00 8.00 P Food & Beverage 127.41 15.10 142.51 r Other Glass rPET r HOPE P' Commingled Bottles 34.25 2.66 36,89 Vehicle Batteries Textiles Carpet Household Goods Appliances 8.3 20.2* 28.5 Totally Commingled (One Sort) Other concrete/canst & demo 72,4* Other electronics 19.39* Total Tons 945.44 188.09/114.18 1,247.71 Glass Plastic Other Recyclables B. Number (#) of Households (HH) with Curbside Recycling Service Available as of January 1, 2005:' Single family (1-4 units) 2,990 Multi-family (5 units and above) + 0 Total households with curbside recycling service available 2,990 C, Methods Used to Determine Number of Households with S rvice Available (cheC?k all that apply): . Property Tax Records I Utility Bill Records X I Building Permits _ I Other (specify) D,' Average Pounds of Recyclables per Household (HH): 1133.53/2990 = ,38 X 2000 = 758.21 Avg, Ibs./HH = (Total Tons / Total # of HH)*2000 758.21 Ibs. \p rtt!ir;,: 'PI\Rt~cleA>t:jQNI~;oetOB~R;'2b~';i'~i,i;~':i,';:,,<:, 'I;:<~' ',\,~" " :,J, ;t, ,"~,~ ,'. ., ,,'~',:~ ,\'" " > "~,:f,, ;'\ ~" ,,~,'" ~;', ",' ,",: ,,_ ~<(" ,"~P~,;.~;')<\ 'IL, Number Of HH With Curbside Recycling Service Available . 2,990 Number Of HH Setting Out Recyelables 2557.5 Participation Rate Week 10/04-10/09 85.5% 10/11-10/16 10/18-10/23 10/25-10/30 , Totals 2,990 2557,5 85.5% 5,980 5115 85.5% '~~,,(,,':~~;oe~g'~jp.TI~,~lgF;,~~,d!iq~!~fi~PJtqq~~M,.(~90~(~~tlJ~I';:,iQ~~:'p'lli~~~;~)::;':~;:\ Please attach a brief description of your city's recycling and waste reduction program, includina materials collected for reevclina. Include information on promotional activities done in 2004 and planned in 2005. Note any major program changes from revious ears. ,par'f;;v~"iREC~CUNGPROGRANfiNF,ORMAtldN', i:i004>:>':'1;:'"-::''' !.:):>',<' ",: ':>:,',,;",', :,\~,:<':'.i :,::i'i .. ,j '. ",::: .. ;,~:,; '.' ',:,,:..;" i'i,' ...':' ;;;i':", ,)1 5' i" '",', -'I",' " ~. ,'J' ",~'., \', '-,,,,i', ..'" .,'j.'~;. :,', ", ,,~' 'r ' ~"O' .~' I '1',c _, "I~' "l~f!",;;:-,,\,{r, '.", , ' A, Method City Uses to Fund its Portion of the Recycling Expenses: General Fund: Yes - No_ I Utility Bill: Yes ..A- No - Monthly charge on resident's bill only: ~ B, Curbside Collection Contractors: Organized Open Collection Method* 1, Waste Management Blaine Yes 1 2. 3, 4. 5, ~ 1 = Single Stream (commingling all recyclables together in one container) 2 = Two Stream (collecting metal cans, glass, and plastic in one container and all papers in the other) 3 = Source Separated (segregating recyclables into 3 or more categories) C. Contract Dates 1 Term: 11/2102 through 12/31/09 0, Contractor's Recycling Collection Cost IHH/Month: $ 2,43 E. Collection Frequency: Weekly _ Bi-weekly ..A- Twice Monthly _ F, Refuse and Recycling Collected Same Day: Ves .lL No G. Contractors that Collect MSW at Municipal Owned Facilities: 1, Self Haul 2, H. MSW Disposal Facilities that are Being Used by Contractors Listed in Item G: 1. Hennepin County Brooklyn Park Transfer Station 2, I. Municipal Ordinance Requiring Recycling by: #605-.02 and 605.03 Single Family Residents: Yes .lL No _ I Mulit-family Residents: Yes .lL No _I Businesses: Yes L. No - :ftart!~m':: sl,@f:lM~p,~~,~:,:" :,"'\:,: :::,~\J;':::,;,~ ~i>'i:;,::i< .",," Mayor or City Manager I Administrator I Clerk cJ.:) FINAL REPORT AND GRANT APPLICATION DUE FEBRUARY,iS, 2005 CITY OF HOPKINS 2004 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The City of Hopkins held two bulk clean up events this year, April 15, 16, 17 and October 7, 8 and 9, Appliances, scrap metal, concrete, construction and demolitions materials and electronics were recycled at both events. Electronic items collected were handled through the Hennepin County Electronic Recycling Program in cooperation with PPL. Recycling programs took place at four elementary schools in the Hopkins school district. The presentations were in conjunction with Earth Week, In October "America Recycles Day" was highlighted at the Public Works Open House, Members of our City Council received a letter from a North Junior High School student asking why garbage cans were provided in the Hopkins downtown area but no recycling containers, As a result of this letter four recycling containers were located in the downtown area of Hopkins, They were placed in front of the Hopkins Center for the Arts, in the Clock Tower Plaza, on 6th Avenue and Mainstreet and in Downtown Park, As expected, the material collected from these containers has been very contaminated and very little product has gone into recycling, We are hoping that additional signs will reduce the contamination level. Yard waste and brush was collected at the curb free from mid-April through Mid-May. Yard waste during the rest of the season is collected at the curb for a per bag ($1,00) fee. Residents also have the option of using our free brush and yard waste drop off site from mid-may through the end of November. Material collected from this program is com posted and offered to the public free of charge provided they load and haul it themselves. The Single Stream Recycling Program has been in operation for two years. It continues to be very popular with our residents. Hopkins' Single Stream Curbside Recycling program collects glass bottles and jars, metal food and beverage containers, plastic bottles with necks, office paper, newspaper, magazines, phone books, unsolicited mail, boxboard, paper bags and cardboard, 2005 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Hopkins will hold two bulk clean up events again this year, one in April and one in October. Appliances, scrap metal, concrete, construction/demolition materials and electronics will be recycled at both events. Reduce/Reuse/Recycle presentations will be made at local schools and to organizations requesting them. The Recycling education tool kit will continue to be available to other communities and youth organizations. Throughout 2005 the "Recyclopedia", a recycling guide published jointly by Golden Valley, Plymouth, Hopkins, Minnetonka and the West Hennepin Recycling Commission will be updated and prepared for distribution to recycling customers in the participating communities. CITY OF HOPKINS 2004 MUNICIPAL RECYCLING FINAL REPORT ADDENDUM The City has determined that 60% of our residents live in multi-family housing units that are not serviced by our curbside collection. When multi-family tonnage is excluded in our total waste generation figure, our recycling percentage equals 38%. YEAR END FIGURES Hopkins Waste Generation = 7394 60% Multi-family waste generation = 4436 40% Curbside residential waste generation = 2958 Curbside Pick-up Curbside Drop-off Multi-family Multi-family Pick-up Drop-off 945.44 188.09 Unknown 114,18 Curbside: 1133.53 divided by 2958 = 38% * The appliance, electronic and concrete/construction/demolition tonnage listed under the drop-off on the recycling report was added entirely to residential collection because they were collected at our twice yearly bulk drop off which is offered only to residential refuse customers. OthelWise the drop off tonnage was split 60% multi-family and 40% residential curbside. ** Weekly figures for number of households setting out recyclables are no longer available. Our contractor provides only monthly figures, Since recycling is collected biweekly I have divided the monthly figures evenly between the two collection weeks, .-\ . r~ \ I . " :.."'" Residential Recycling Funding Policy January 1, 2005 - December 31, 2007 Hennepin County "'"111"""1;1tJ.;'.' Department of Environmental Services !t\.=l.',!>::i ,! )-"1 ~il Residential Recycling Funding Policy January 2005 - December 2007 I. Policy Description The Hennepin County Board of Commissioners has determined that curbside collection of recyclables from Hennepin County residents is an effective strategy to prevent unnecessary disposal of valuable resources, maximize existing processing and minimize landfilling of waste. Therefore, Hennepin County has adopted the Residential Recycling Funding Policy to distribute SCORE funds to municipalities for curbside collection of residential recyclables. A. Length of Residential Recycling Funding Policy Hennepin County is committed to implement this policy and continue distributing SCORE funds for the purpose of funding curbside residential recycling programs from January 1,2005 through December 31, 2007. In the event that SCORE funds are eliminated from the State budget or significantly reduced, the County will consult with municipalities at that time and develop a subsequent recommendation to the County Board on continuation of this policy and future funding of curbside recycling programs. B. Fund Distribution The County will distribute to Hennepin County municipalities one hundred percent (100%) of SCORE funds that the county receives from the state, SCORE funds are based on revenue received by the State of Minnesota from a sales tax on garbage collection and disposal fees, SCORE funds are subject to change based on revenue received and allocated by the legislature. Funds distributed to municipalities for the current calendar year will be based on SCORE funds received by the County in the State's corresponding fiscal year. Each municipality will receive SCORE funds proportional to the number of eligible residential housing units in its curbside collection program on January 1 of each funding year relative to the total number of eligible residential housing units in the county that are served by curbside recycling service, The following formula will be utilized to determine a City's SCORE grant for each year. # of Households Served Curbside by CITY Total # of Households Served Curbside in COUNTY x Total SCORE Revenue Received by COUNTY from State of Minnesota = SCORE Funds Distributed to CITY The funds can be used for all recycling program expenses including capital and operating costs. Eligible residential housing units are defined as single family through eight-plex residential buildings or other residential buildings where each housing unit sets out their own refuse and recycling container for curbside collection. rr~ Residential Recycling Funding Policy January 2005 - December 2007 II. Responsibilities of Municipalities A. Application for Funding Each municipality or consortium must complete an application and forward it to Hennepin County by February 15thto receive funding for that year. The application must be accompanied by a resolution authorizing submittal of the application. B. Grant Agreement Each municipality or consortium will enter into a Recycling Grant Agreement with the County. The Grant Agreement will be conveyed to the municipality or consortium after Board approval of their 2005 application and grant amount for a term concurrent with the expiration of this policy, December 31, 2007, c. Minimum Program Requirements 1, Recycling Performance. On an annual basis, municipal recycling programs must demonstrate that the average pounds per household of recyclables collected from their curbside residential recycling program equals or surpasses the 2004 base year figure. The base year figure is determined by dividing the total pounds of recyc1ables collected in 2004 by the total number of households participating in the curbside recycling program in 2004, Failure to achieve this annual goal will result in the requirement that a plan be submitted for Hennepin County approval that specifies the efforts the recycling program will undertake to increase the recycling percentage within 90 days ofthe submittal of the municipal or consortium year-end report. The municipality may also be required to participate in County sponsored waste and recycling sorts to identify recovery levels of various recyclables in their community and to participate in efforts to increase recovery of target select recyclable materials being discarded in significant quantities. 2, Materials to be Collected. At a minimum, the following materials must be collected at curbside: a, newspaper and advertising supplements; b. corrugated cardboard; c, clear, brown, and green glass food and beverage containers; d. metal food and beverage cans; e. all plastic bottles with a neck except bottles that previously contained hazardous materials or motor oil; f magazines and catalogs; g. boxboard;and h. mixed paper including copy and writing papers, envelopes and brochures, flyers and other advertising mail. 3. Participation Rates. The municipality or consortium must estimate its participation rate in the curbside recycling program during the month of October. Methodology for measuring participation must be approved by the county prior to execution of a grant agreement. 4. Reporting Requirements. A final report must be submitted to the county by February 15 of each year on forms provided by the county. " lHJ Residential Recycling Funding Policy January 2005 - December 2007 5. Use of Funds. a. All grant funds accepted from the county must be used for waste reduction and recycling capital and operating expenses in the year granted, Recycling programs will not be reimbursed any funds in excess of actual expenses. b, A municipality or township may not charge its residents through property tax, utility fees or any other method for that portion of the costs of its recycling program funded by county grant funds. c. The municipality or consortium must establish a separate accounting mechanism, such as a project number, activity number, or fund that will separate recycling revenues and expenditures from other municipal activities, including solid waste and yard waste activities, d. Recycling and waste reduction activities, revenues, and expenditures are subject to audit. e, Municipalities that do not contract for curbside recycling services will receive grant funds provided that at least ninety percent (90%) of the grant funds are credited back to residents and the city meets all minimum program requirements. The additional ten percent (10%) may be used for municipal administrative and promotional expenses. D. Partnership The partnership between the County and municipalities and consortiums has been highly effective in educating and motivating behavior of residents resulting in significant amounts of waste being reduced and recycled. In order to continue this partnership and increase these efforts, educational and promotional activities of municipalities and consortiums should be coordinated with County efforts, Municipal representatives are required to attend quarterly recycling coordinator meetings in order to facilitate coordination of efforts. Municipalities will work with the County to coordinate and conduct educational and promotional activities at least once per year to target high volume materials in the waste stream that could be reduced, reused or captured for recycling and include information about recycling and targeted materials on their web site, if the municipality has a web site. III. Responsibilities Of Hennepin County A. Application Form Hennepin County will develop and mail an application/final report form by January 15 that each municipality or consortium will use to report on their recycling program and request grant fund for that respective year. B. Payments Grant payments will be made to a municipality or consortium in the initial year of this policy upon execution of a grant agreement. In subsequent years, grant payments will be made upon submittal and County Board approval of the grant application/final report. ...