CR 05-079 Support Railroad Switching Yard Appropriation
June 7, 2005
Council Report 2005-079
Resolution Supporting State of Minnesota Capital Appropriation for a
Railroad Switching Yard
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve Resolution 2005-
053 supportinq a State of Minnesota Capital Appropriation for a railroad switchinq vard
in Glencoe, Minnesota.
Adoption of this motion will show support by the City of Hopkins for a state
appropriation of funds to assist in the creation of a railroad yard in or near Glencoe,
The City of Hopkins, along with the cities of St. Louis Park and Minnetonka, have for a
. number of years been attempting to find ways to relocate railroad blocking and
switching activities from the three cities. The representative city managers have met
with Twin Cities and Western Railroad and the City of Glencoe regarding the creation of
a new switching yard in the Glencoe area. Both parties have been willing to consider
the creation of this switching yard in their area.
A request for a federal appropriation requesting $2M has already been made for this
potential $2.5M project. The City provided a letter of support to federal legislators in
April for th is effort.
Primary Issues to Consider
. If the state appropriation is approved, will the yard be constructed?
The state appropriation is just one funding source. As previously stated, a
federal appropriation is the main funding source. Funds may also be sought
from MnDOT and Twin Cities and Western Railroad. The City of Hopkins
anticipates no direct funding for this project. Future actions by all affected cities
will be required prior to the implementation of this project.
Supportinq Information
. Copy of 4-27-05 letter of support for federal funding of the switching yard
. Resolution Number 2005-053
City Manager
Financiallmpact: N/A Budgeted: Y/N
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.):
1010 'first Street Soutfi 0 :J-&pli:ins, 'JvIj{ 55343-75730 Plume: 952-935-84740 'fa>:; 952-935-1834
'WeE aariress: 'Ul'Ul'Ul.fwp/(
April 27, 2005
Congressman Jim Ramstad
103 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congressman Ramstad:
I am writing on behalf of the City of Hopkins to express my support for federal
funding for the construction of a railroad switching yard in Glencoe, Minnesota.
Hopkins has supported the location of a switching yard in Glencoe and has
worked with the cities of St. Louis Park, Glencoe, Minnetonka, and the McLeod
County Rail Authority to reach that goal. The Glencoe switching yard would
eliminate noise disturbances to our residents from the rail car blocking operations
in Hopkin's residential neighborhoods. The switching yard would also benefit the
Glencoe community from both an operational and economic development
The City requests your support of the federal funding needed to build a railroad
switching yard in Glencoe, Minnesota.
Partnering Wttfi tne Community to 'Enfumcc tlie QjJ.aiity oj Life
. Inspire + 'Eaucate . bwo['lIe . Cotflmunuate .
City of Hopkins
Hennepin County, Minnesota
Resolution Supporting A State of Minnesota Capital Appropriation for a Railroad
Switching Yard in Glencoe, Minnesota
WHEREAS; the cities of Minnetonka, Sl. Louis Park and Hopkins ("the Cities") have been jointly
working to eliminate noise disturbances to their residents living adjacent to segments of rail lines
where rail car sorting operations are performed; and
WHEREAS; in 1999, the Cities funded a noise study that concluded that these sorting operations
generate noise levels that exceed State of Minnesota noise standards; and
WHEREAS; the Cities have actively pursued short-term and long-term solutions to mitigate the noise
from these rail operations; and
WHEREAS; the Cities are concerned that the railroad operator, Twin Cities and Western Railroad
(TC&W), may in the future, expand their operations which would further worsen the already
untenable noise problems in the neighborhoods of the three communities; and
WHEREAS; the construction of a switching yard in Glencoe, Minnesota was identified as the long-
term solution that would completely eliminate the blocking operations from the residential
communities. A switching yard would be beneficial to Glencoe from both an operational and an
economic development standpoint; and
WHEREAS; Minnesota Statute 16A.86 prescribes the process by which local governments and
political subdivisions may request State of Minnesota capital appropriations; and
WHEREAS; the Cities, in cooperation with the City of Glencoe and McLeod County Rail Authority,
have submitted an application for the State of Minnesota capital appropriation for land acquisition,
design, and development costs for the railroad switching yard.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota that
the City of Hopkins does hereby support the application for the State of Minnesota capital
appropriation by the Cities of Minnetonka, Sl. Louis Park, and Hopkins, in cooperation with the City
of Glencoe and the McLeod County Rail Authority, for a railroad switching yard in Glencoe,
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins this 7'" day of June, 2005.
Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor
Terry Obermaier, City Clerk