CR 05-128 2005 Levy and 2006 Budget September 1, 2005 Council Report 2005-128 APPROVE PROPOSED 2005 LEVY, PAYABLE IN 2006, PROPOSED 2006 GENERAL FUND BUDGET AND SET BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING DATES Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve Resolution 2005-083 "Approving proposed 2006 tax levy. proposed 2006 general fund budget. and setting public hearing dates". Adoption of resolution 2005-083 will set a preliminary maximum tax levy for 2006, and approve a proposed 2006 general fund budget. Actual budget and tax levy adoption will not occur until December 2005. Overview The Truth in Taxation process requires the City of Hopkins to certify a proposed levy and set public hearing dates in conformance with state statute. A proposed general fund budget has been established. Adoption of the actual budget will occur in December 2005, and at that time, the fmallevy may not exceed the approved proposed levy. The city council is charged with the authority to establish a budget for 2006 and set the preliminary levy. Levy limits have not been reinstated to date, which allows us more flexibility in setting the budget and levy for 2006. . Staff is recommending that council approve the resolution setting the proposed levy for general fund operations, approve the levy adequate for the payment of debt, approve a levy for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and capital improvements and to set the public hearing dates as set forth in the resolution. Primary Issues to Consider . Legislative impacts . 2006 budget concerns . Tax impacts of budget concerns SnPDortin!! Information . Staff analysis . Power point presentation slides . 2006 proposed general fund budget . Historic Tax Levy Table . Property tax impacts for Hopkins taxes payable 2006 . Resolution 2005-083 ~~ Christine M. Harkess Finance Director Staff Analvsis . 2005 Legislative Actions Local government aid (LGA), a property tax relief program to 836 of 853 cities, that ensures residents have access to basic services, regardless of where in Minnesota they live, did not see any changes in 2005 that would impact the city of Hopkins. The City of Hopkins receives $50,000 in LGA, down from $1,880,000 three years ago, now a very small portion of the budget. Levy limits were repealed for all cities for 2005 and to date have not been reinstated. . 2005 Payable 2006 Levy The City of Hopkins is proposing a total tax levy increase of $495,000 or 6.1 %. A current general fund operating levy increase of 0%, a current debt service levy increase of60% or $485,000, no increase for the PERA adjustment, and a Housing and Redevelopment Authority levy increase of $10,000. The City's levy's are proposed as follows: General fund $7,261,263, HRA $20,000, PERA $11,815, Capital $25,000 and Debt $1,297,000 for a total levy of $8,615,078. The overall tax capacity rate for the city will decrease to 47.6938% from 48.936%, which is due to increased values and new construction. The increase in the debt levy is a result of removing the "levy swap" done in 2005 and reinstating the debt levy pursuant to the bond covenants. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority levy for 2006 is a continuation of the reinstatement of their past levy authority, however it remains at a significantly reduced level. In an ongoing attempt to establish a fund for capital improvements we are continuing the levy of $25,000 implemented in 2005. The City of Hopkins' taxable market value increased by 9.0% or $120 million due to new development, construction and general increases in property values. All these factors contribute to keeping the proposed 2006 levy at a moderate level . 2006 Budget Analysis The 2006 general fund budget, and the 2005/2006 general operating tax levy are proposed at $8,946,738 and $7,261,263, respectively. The proposed levy is set at maximwn amount with a possibility of future reductions. The general fund budget is proposed to increase by $24,976 or .28% over the 2005 budget. The minimal increases is due to the levy capacity of the prior year's levy swap. Expenditures have increased due to salary and benefit increases, insurance - health and liability/property, fuel and fuel related products such as bituminous products, and heating costs. Many of these costs are beyond our control. Because we are a service related operation, salaries and benefits compose 76% of current general fund expenditures and any labor negotiations have a tremendous impact on the budget. The council and staff will continue to work on a final budget that will allow for essential programs and services to be accomplished. Attached to this report is a sununary of 2006 estimated general fund budget revenues and expenditure requests. The summary shows historical revenues and expenditures, which allows us to analyze current and future requests. . Tax Impacts of Levy's 9 Attached you'll find the proposed levy impacts for residential and commercial property. Historically the City Council has set the proposed levy amount at the State's recommended levy limit. This is the second year without levy limits so we continue to have more flexibility in setting the levy. Finance is recommending that the Council set the proposed levy at an amount that provides adequate resources to meet the needs of the community while minimizing the impact on property owners. . 2005 Public Hearings for the 2006 Budget and 2005/2006 Tax Levy Cities with populations above 500 are required to hold public hearings to give notification of the proposed property tax levy for the taxes payable in 2006 and the proposed budget for 2006. The percentage increase in the property taxes proposed and the specific purposes for a property tax increase must be discussed at the hearing. There are restrictions on which dates cities are able to hold public hearings for their proposed 2006 budget and property tax levy. The legislature has set aside the first two Mondays in December for the use of cities to hold their Initial Public Hearing and the Continuation Hearing. The City of Hopkins can choose other dates but it must not overlap the county or school districts dates and must be between November 29,2005 and December 20, 2005. There are other restrictions that must be adhered to also. Staff is recommending the City Council set its initial hearing date for December 5, 2005 with a continuation hearing date (if needed) for December 20, 2005, and final adoption to follow at the close of the continuation hearing on December 20,2005. Ifno continuation hearing is needed the final adoption will occur on December 20, 2005. 2006 Preliminary Levy an d Budget PROJECTIONS OF YOUR CITY TAXES AND THE GENERAL FUND BUDGET I oea\-g6 \ ~. J~ " Limited Market Value has been extended to 2009 which mitigates the impact of taxes on property that experiences significant increases in value. " There has been no change to the Locai Govemment Aid formula as it relat ed to Hopkins. " Levy limits repealed in 200S were not reinstated for 2006.. " For 2006, city council and staff have been meeting and discussing options for m maintaining a balanced budget in 2006 and beyond. . Options include budget cuts, use of reserves, taxes and new revenue sources. . The 2006 General Fund budget details will be outlined prior to adoption in December 2005 of the final budget and levy. Truth and Taxation Process " Council adopts a proposed levy. . Council sets public hearing dates for final proposed levy and general fund budget. " The recommended public hearing dates are Monday, December S. with a continuation hearing set for Tuesday, December 20. (if needed). . A $1.00 per month franchise fee on electric and gas utility bills implemented in 2004 was extended to 2007. This adds approximalely $290,000 to revenues. . The council and staff co ntinue to explore aiternative revenue sources that wi Ii help keep taxes down. ? . The city experiences increases in the levy through increased spending or decreases in other revenue sources. . Spending may increase for several reasons. Inflationary increases in salaries and benefits, property & liability insurance, fuel & fuel related products, equipment cosls, additional programs, infrastructure improvements, debt etc... . Other revenue sources may decrease due to a slow economy, reduction in government aids, reduced interest earnings, etc... 1 F1o'.v do le':ieSil . The dly may reduce its tax levy by decreasing costs or increasing other revenue sources. To decrease costs the cily could eliminate programs or services ~ currenUy provides to the ciUzens. The cily may a~o oulsource certain cily services at a lower cost. . Increased revenues are derived primarily nom new fees and increased charges for services. . The Cily may receive grants for specific programs. n r I 2006 Preliminary Levy 2006 General Fund Budoet 200512006 Lew $8,946,738 $8,615,078 This is a increase over last This is an increase over last ~.~ years budgat of .28%. years levy of $495,000 or The minimal increase is a 6.1%. result of eliminating the The increase is a result of levy swap and using that inflationary increases, and levy authorily for olher debt service requirements general fund inflationary for G.O Debt. increases. ESTIMATED PROPERTY TAX IMPACTS FOR CITY LEVY'S RESIDENTIAL HOMESTEAD PROPERTY loc,/{D<<r) IT~~a..\e 4U36 47.6381 """Prew.u. c~ C~ """{(Deer) lr>:rf(Decr) VCllifTox ... '"" T."". ,~. overPreviow overPrevious R.lteiosamc ....." ...... ,,,.>< Payable V..ratsamc Vearol!ni:r wilIMad;tt ~~~.....l!!2L..Mark<tVa1Jo~~ $142,962 $164,406 . ." , '" . (21) . .. . "S S189,1l79 5217,441 SO"" . ],oJ6 , '''l , '" . '" "'m<> $)):5;:m $1>92 $l,sSO . ,'. , '" . = $427.349 $491,451 $2,40S ",., . 'M) . "" . '" II The 2006 preliminary levy has a proposed increase of $495,000 or a 6.1% increase over the 2005 levy. II The increase is a result of inflation ary increases in expenditures, primarily salaries & benefits, insurance premiums, fuel costs, fu el related product costs, heaUng and electric costs. Debt service payments on G.O Debt also has an effect on the tax levy. How wiIJ m taxes be affected? . The Cily of Hopkins' taxable markel value increased by 9.0% or $120 million due 10 new construction, development and increases in property values. . Due to increases in the taxable market value the preliminary tax rate for the d"J decreased by an estimated 2.7%. . The markel value of the median (average) home in Hopkins increased about 15% for 2006 nom $187,400 to $218,000.) . Property thai had signfficant increases in valuation will most lik.ely realize an increase in taxes. Cily property laxes for 2006 are going to be affecled by decisions thai were made over the past years for various development projects that continue to be added to the tax base. ,,$ This Council and pasl Councils have seen the wisdom of .. committing time, energy, and funding to projecls whose payoff may be years in the future. Projects funded by lax incremenl financing have added to the Cily's tax base. These projects have also crealed the environment for additional development. 2 2006 Preliminary Levy an d Budget 3 % Change PROPOSED 2006 BUDGET 2005 BUDGET 2004 ACTUAL 2003 ACTUAL 2002 ACTUAL Fund Budget SOURCE Current Revenues General 0.48% 8.54% -1.05% -15.11% -12.36% 7,308,078 411,910 621,400 11 0,000 186,200 19,150 290,000 8,946,738 $ 7,273,078 379,510 627,975 110,000 219,350 21,851 290,000 8,921,764 $ 6,372,727 743,812 687,655 48,919 277 ,206 56,283 242,431 8,429,033 $ 5,932,258 1,094,005 773,539 101,647 333,085 9,783 $ 5,799,310 1,522,152 583,667 116,211 295,001 16,019 $ CURRENT PROPERTY TAX INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE LICENSE, PERMITS & FINES INVESlMENT EARNINGS CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES OTHER REVENUES FRANCHISE FEES TOTAL REVENUES 0.28% 8,244,317 8,332,360 4.48% 4.17% 5.46% #DIV/O! 4.42% 6,703,637 3,177,817 400,000 6,416,183 3,050,591 379,292 6,291,222 2,780,197 82,186 6,259,361 2,400,725 276,306 6,111,391 2,449,202 701,283 86,186 9,348,062 1.00% 4.96% -95.20% 0.28% 10,281,453 (1,354,7l5} 8,926,738 20,000 8,946,738 9,846,066 (1,341,302) 8,504,764 417,000 8,921,764 9,153,605 {1,321,365) 7,832,240 313,408 8,145,648 8,936,392 (1,265,183) 7,671,209 161,600 7,832,809 (1,248,954) 8,099,108 55,378 8,154,486 SALARIES AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS MATERIALS, SUPPLIES AND SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL LESS EXPENDITURES CHARGED TO OTIIER ACTIVITIES NET TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES TOTAL EXPENDITURES Current Expenses (0) 4,071,296 $ 4,071,296 $ 283,385 4,071,296 $ 411,508 3,787,911 $ 177,874 3,376,403 $ CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE Total Fund Balance CITY OF HOPKINS INCLUDES GENERAL FUND, DEBT SERVICE, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT and PERA HISTORIC, CURRENT AND PROJECTED TAX LEVIES AND CITY TAX RATES Total City Levy Total Levy Tax Tax Gross Payable Before Tax Capital HRA Debt PERA Levy Capacity Tax Levy Years Credits Caoacitv 1m Tax Levy Tax Levy Tax Levy After Credits Rate Increase 12005/06 8,615,078 15,914,270 25,000 20,000 1,297,000 11,815 7,581,204 47.638% 6.10%1 2004/05 8,120,078 14,655,800 25,000 10,000 812,000 11,815 7,172,029 48.936% 5.40% 2003/04*** 7,704,136 11,901,703 1,038,000 11,815 6,767,872 56.865% 7.48% 2002/03** 7,168,252 11,140,721 106,000 883,000 11,815 6,348,865 56.988% 8.76% 2001102* 6,591,140 10,658,607 100,000 342,000 11,815 5,850,411 54.889% 9.78% 2000/01 6,003,993 13,451,366 342,000 4,314,233 32.073% 6.00% 1999/00 5,664,144 12,526,355 330,000 4,022,438 32.112% 5.23% 1998/99 5,382,640 11,749,302 330,000 3,811,583 32.441% 3.63% 1997/98 5,194,184 11,936,742 330,000 3,635,016 30.452% 0.30% 1996/97 5,178,800 13,194,123 739,663 3,647,887 27.648% 1.21% 1995/96 5,117,000 12,902,081 578,574 3,682,276 28.540% 3.30% 1994/95 4,953,600 12,981,406 573,947 3,510,380 27.042% * NO HACA .. First portion of new facility bonds levied "*Levy for second portion of new facility bonds and no local government aid. In 2002 the legislature removed HACA from the aids to local governments and reallocated it to school districts. In 2003 the city implemented the initial debt service levy to pay for the facility projects. In 2004 the legislature eliminated local government aids to the City of Hopkins In 2005 the Limited Market Value Credit is being gradually phased out. CITY OF HOPKINS ANALYSIS OF TAX LEVY Purpose General Operations General Fund Other Levies: PERA Levy Capital Levy HRA Levy Total General Levy . Special Levies: GO Bonds Improvement Bonds HRA Revenue Bonds 2003 2004 2005 $6,167,437 $6,654,321 $7,261,263 $11,815 $11,815 $11,815 $0 $0 $25,000 $106,000 $0 $10,000 $6,285,252 $6,666,136 $7,308,078 $190,000 $210,000 $190,000 $143,000 $150,000 $147,000 $550,000 $678,000 $475,000 $883,000 $1,038,000 $812,000 $7,168,252 $7,704,136 $8,120,078 (2) (3) $577,112 $535,884 $415,942 8.76% 7.48% 5.40% Subtotal - Special Levies TOTAL LEVIES Increase over prior year Percentage Incr (Deer) - Total Tax Capacity Rate 56.099% 48.936% 56.664% Percentage Incr/Decr in Tax Capacity Rate 4.167% (1) 1.007% (2) -13.638% Notes . Included in Operating Levy on Tax Statements (1) First portion of new facility bonds levied (2) Second portion of new facility bonds and no LGA 2006 Net Levy Proposed $7,261 ,263 $11,815 $25,000 $20,000 $7,318,078 $180,000 $147,000 $970,000 $1 ,297,000 $8,615,078 $495,000 6.10%1 47.638% est -2.652% CITY OF HOPKINS ESTIMATED PROPERTY TAX IMPACTS FOR CITY LEVY'S RESIDENTIAL HOMESTEAD PROPERTY City Increase City Increase City Increase 2003 Taxes over 2004 Taxes over Annual. 2005 Taxes over Annual Market Payable Previous Market Payable Previous % Market Payable Previous % Value 2004 Year Value 2005 Year Change Value 2006 Year Change $124,315 $704 $82 $142,962 $700 -$5 -0.6% $164,407 $783 $84 10.7% $164,417 $931 $108 $189,079 $925 -$6 -0.6% $217,441 $1,036 $111 10.7% $245,956 $1,393 $161 $282,850 $1,384 -$9 -0.6% $325,217 $1,550 $165 10.7% $371,608 $2,105 $244 $427,349 $2,091 -$14 -0.6% $491,452 $2,341 $250 10.7% MONTHLY COST OF LEVY $59 $58 $65 $7 MONTHLY COST OF LEVY $78 $77 $86 $9 MONTHLY COST OF LEVY $116 $115 $129 $14 MONTHLY COST OF LEVY $175 $174 $195 $21 ASSuMES A 12% INCREASE IN MARKET VALUE FROM 2002 TO 2003 ASSuMES A 15% INCREASE IN MARKET VALUE FROM 2003 TO 2004 ASSuMES A 15% INCREASE IN MARKET VALUE FROM 2004 TO 2005 Actual tax impacts may vary depending upon the actual inerease in market value for an individuals residence. CITY OF HOPKINS ESTIMATED PROPERTY TAX IMP ACTS FOR CITY LEVY'S RESIDENTIAL HOMESTEAD PROPERTY Incr/(Decr) over Previous Year if Tax Rate is same with Market Value Iner Incr/(Decr) over Previous Incr/(Decr) over Previous 47.638 City Taxes 48.936 City Taxes Tax Rate Year at Incr Market Value Year at same Market Value Payable 2006 Payable 2005 2005 Market Value 105 139 $ $ 84 $ (21) $ 783 $ 805 $ $164,406 208 $ III $ (28) $ 1,036 $ $1,064 $217,441 314 $ INCREASE IN MARKET VALUE FROM 2004 TO 2005 165 250 $ $ (42) (64) $ $ 1,550 $ 2,341 $ $ 1,592 $ 2,405 15% $325,278 ASSUMES A $491,451 CITY OF HOPKINS ESTIMATED PROPERTY TAX IMPACTS FOR CITY LEVY'S COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Annual % Change Increase over Previous Year City Taxes Payable 2006 2005 Market Value Annual % Change Increase over Previous Year City Taxes Payable 2005 2004 Market Value Increase over Previous Year City Taxes Payable 2004 2003 Market Value 3.8% $50 $1,373 $181,627 -7.8% -$112 $1,323 $172,649 $102 $1,435 $164,115 3.2% $79 $2,585 $308,765 -8.5% -$231 $2,506 $293,503 $142 $2,737 $278,996 2.7% $182 $6,968 $768,886 -8.9% -$662 -$1,382 $6,786 $13,940 $730,881 $1,461,761 $350 $699 $7,449 $15,322 $694,754 $1,389,507 2.5% $354 $4 $7 $15 $30 $14,294 $114 $215 $581 $1,191 $1,537,773 -9.0% $110 $209 $566 $1,162 $120 $228 $621 $1,277 MONTIIL Y COST OF LEVY MONTIIL Y COST OF LEVY MONTHLY COST OF LEVY MONTIlL Y COST OF LEVY ASSUMES A 5% INCREASE IN MARKET VALUE FROM 2002 TO 2003 ASSUMES A 5.2% INCREASE IN MARKET VALUE FROM 2003 TO 2004 ASSUMES A 5.2% INCREASE IN MARKET VALUE FROM 2004 TO 2005 Market value is depeudant au the location and type Actual tax impacts may vary depending on the actual increase in market value for a specific business. of business. The increase used for 2004/05 is the average of all conunercial businesses in Hopkins. CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 2005-083 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PROPOSED 2006 TAX LEVY, APPROVING THE PROPOSED 2006 BUDGET, AND SETTING PUBLIC HEARING DATES BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, That the following sums be levied for the current year collectible in 2006 upon the taxable property in said City of Hopkins, for the following purposes. General Fund Housing & Redevelopment Authority PERA Rate mcrease Capital Levy General Obligation Bonds Improvement Bonds HRA Leased Revenue Bonds Total Levy $7,261,263 20,000 11,815 25,000 180,000 147,000 970.000 $8,615,078 That the Proposed 2006 General Fund Budget be set at $8,946,738. Provision has also been made for the payment of principal an interest for the following bond issues: 1-1-97 Redevelopment Bonds 10-1-96 Redevelopment Bonds 12-1-89 Sewer Revenue Bonds 2-1-92 Taxable Refunding Bonds Refunded 10-15-93 & 12-4-01 12-1-89 Redevelopment Bonds 8-1-92 Improvement Revolving Bonds Refunded 10-15-93 Refunded 12-4-01 3-1-90 Park Bonds Refunded 10-15-93 & 12-4-01 Housing Bonds 5-1-99 Taxable GO Housing Improvement Bonds Housing Bonds 8-1-99 GO Storm Sewer Bonds GO Housing Improvement Bonds 4-1-00 Water Revenue Bonds GO Improvement Revolving Bonds 10-1-02 GO Improvement Revolving Bonds Redevelopment Bonds 10-1-02 BRA Lease Revenue Bonds BRA Lease Revenue Bonds 6-1-03 GO Storm Sewer Revenue Bonds 9-1-95 6-1-97 8-1-99 8-1-99 10-1-02 6-1-03 Bold = Included in Levy That the public hearing for the 2006 Budget and Tax Levy be set for December 5, 2005 with a continuation hearing date of December 20, 2005 at 6:30 pm in the City Council Chambers. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Hennepin County, Minnesota. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins this 6th day of September 2005. By Eugene Maxwell, Mayor ATTEST: Terry Obermaier, City Clerk