RZ05-23 CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota � RESOLUTION NO: RZOS-23 RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A VARIANCE FOR � LOT NOT HAVING FRONTAGE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-0E-WAY W}IEREAS, an a�plication (ol- �'ariance VNOS-5 llas been made by Mike Halley; and WHL;REr�S, the procedural historv oi the application is as follows: . l. That an application for Variance VNOS-5 was n�ade by Mike Halley on June 24, 2005; 2. That the Hoplcins Zoning and Planning Commission, pllrsuant to mailed notice, held a meeting on the application and reviewed such application on � July 26, 2005: all p�rsons present were given an opportunity to be heard; 3. That the ���ritten co�nments and analysis of the City staff were co��sidered; and 4. Legal description of the parcel is as follows: Lot 2 Blocl: 1 Oalc Rid�e Place 2"d Addition NOW, T'HEREFORE, BE IT RLSOLVED that application for Variance VNOS-5 is �- hereby rec��mmended for appro��al based on the follo���ing Findings of Fact: 1. That the City is not required to maintain a ptilblic road to the subject parcel 2. That a pt-ivate road will service both lots. 3. That tlle pat-cel ��-i11 ha��e a pel7nanent easement to the private road. � BE [T FGRTHER RESOL�"ED that application for Variance VNOS-5 is hereby reco�nmended for approval based on tlle followin� conditioils: 1. That the final plat is approved. 2. That the parl: dedication fee is paid. �. That the site plan is approved to construct the condo building. �. That the property is i-ezoned fi-om [nstitLitioilal to R-5. 5. That the property has tlle Comprchensive Plan desig��ation is amended fi�om Institutional to High Density Residential. 6. That there is a pennanent easement from the lot to the private road. ��cloptecl this 26th day of July 20U5. �TTEST: �� � Peter Sholtz, Chair