1950_Minute Book.r A regular meeting of the council of the City of Hopkirzs, Minnesota, was held at the City Hall at 7;30 o�clock P.M. on Tuesday, January 3, 1950. Members present y were; Mayor �if. ?-iarlan Perrix, Councilmen Joseph T. Anderla, Len J. �ilbert, Stuart E. Beclanan, John Ziegler,�and City Manager C.C. Congdon. D.4embers absent; none. ;:�:.:� Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the followir� bills be paid. Carried. 1356 1357 7.358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 �364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 390 391 392 393 394 395 298 299 300 301 302 303 24 50 Sl 52 50 51 52 53 GENEF� F'UND First National Bank Treasurer, State of Minn. Road & Bridge F�znd General Fund V�ater Fund C.C. Con;don, Trea�surer R.R. Bowker Co, Doubledar & Co.c� Hopkins Fire Department Mike Holm, Sec. of State National Geographic Society N4Y Bell Telephone Co. Phelps Drake Co. Suburban Henn. Relief Bd. Suburban Press Salaries uolirly Payroll �ithholdin,; Ta.�c � Retirement deductions Reimrurse payroll paid uas from General Fund Reimburse payroll paid Petty Cash 1 yr. renewal to .lib. journal 1 �liT�TIO�? �OF GRF�ORY Fire call & d�ill Tax�exe�rot license plates 1 yr. sub. to geogra?�hic magazine Ser�ices • Estimate #1 and final �enditures for Dec. 1949 Printin; Last 4 Dec. 1949 Period ending 12/31/49 ROAD A1�ID R�.IDGE FUND First National Bank Treasurer, State of Minn. General �nd �fater F�.?nd General Fund N91f Bell Telephone Co. Salaries - Withholding Tax Retirement deductions Reimburse payroll paid Reimburse payroll paid Gas from General Fu�d Services Last 2 Dec. 1949 ViTATF�ft FUND First Naticaxial Bank Treasurer, State of i+�Iinn. F�oa� �; Brid.�e �.ind General Ftznc� C.C. Congdon, Treasurer Rockwell �Rtg. Co. Salaries First National Bank witnrioZaing taX Retirement deductions Reimburse payroll paid Gas from General Fund Petty Cash D.4eter supplies Last 2 Dec. 19l�9 Bo1vD & zr�rE�T Certif?cates and coupons SE�PAGE DI�1'OSAL FUND First National Bank VPithholding tax Anton A. Olson Use of car DeJraff il�olff Estimate �4 REVOLVING FUND General Fund Road & Bridge Fund Faegre �, Benson Phelps-Drake Co., Inc. Reimburse payroll paid Reimburse payroll paid Legal services Esti�ate #1 and final � 287.80 12l�,11 1098.32 1289.25 3b3•67 12..J2 1�. 00 2.00 211.00 .35 1�.25 57.)�0 3370.00 232.25 365.1-� 19l�2.l�0 56.30 62.00 21.70 576.26 5.95 9�s.z7 11.00 343.10 44.60 10.00 25.00 149.24 2.00 72.48 370.20 q� 1�.250.00 � 1.60 17.00 �3a�.5.36 305.00 66.51 100,00 . 56.50 � �� Pa�e 2. Councilman Anderla presented the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHER.EAS THE CiI'Y COUNCIL OF THE City of Hopkins is in receipt of an estimate in writing by Ralph D. Thomas & Associates, �.gineers,,that the value of i.morovements and additions completed, in connection with the Sewer Project being financed by the �2�7,000 Sewer Revenue Bonds, dated December ]., 1945, is in excess of $�3,845•3d• IJ�11f, �HEREFORE, BE IT R�OLVID THAT the Mayor and �ity Clerk of the City of Hopkins are authorized and��nstructed to deliver to the i�orthwestern National Banl;, Minneapolis, Depositary, instructions to r elease �l�3�8�.5.36�to the City of Hopkins� for the purpose of paying for said completed portio��-of the imnrovements and additions in accordance with the engineer�s sstimates. BE IT FURTriER RFSOL�IED that said Depositary is authorized to liquidate such U.S. Treasury securiti�es i.n which said funds are invested in an amount sufficient to make said ��.3, 8l�5.36 payment. Councilman P�i3bert seconded the motion and upon vote it was declared duly adopted, Perbix, Anderla, Beclonan, Niilbert, and Ziegler voting in the affirmative; and no one voting in the negative. Milbert moved, Anderla seconded, that the license application of Betty & Carl�s Cafe that was tabled at the meetir� of December 20, 191.�9� be granted. Carried. Pllilbert moved, Ziegler secorided, that the following license applic�.tions be grant- ed subject to approva.l of bonds tsy the City Attorney and that the license applica- tion of Albert R. Maeder be granted subject to some definite plan and agreement to have driveways i.n and around filling station fixed up by June l, 1950. Carried. NQMF Helmer A. Nordby Suburban Equipment �o. Henry Pokorr�y Bert J. ��tchell & Tony Johnson� Twin City Gas Heat F�g. Co. Theodore G. Noble Standard Oil �ompany Gust Hoglund. F.S. I,amson Co. George L. Shoppe Justin Lund Nelson-�atchke L.J. F1lsworth Merle V. Sipprell Albert R. Maeder George Jasperson Sween Bro�. Dairy Farms, Inc. FOR Installation of gas and oil burners. Installation of gas and oil burners. Installation of gas and oil burners, Plumber. Installation of gas burners. Installation of gas burners. Gasoline bulk storage station. Plumber. Plumber. , Plumber. 3 gasoline service filli.ng station pumos. 2 gasoline service �illing station pumps. 3 gasoline service filling station pump�� Cigarettes. 2 gasoline service filli.ng station pumps, Soft drinks. 5 gasoline service filling station pumps, Cigarettes, Soft drinks. 1� milk trucks. 2 milk trucks • Arthur H. Parenteau Jorgenson Bros. Olson-Pfeiffer Phey. Donald S. Edson R.H. Herzan & M.R. Bastyr Page 3. 3 Taxi cabs. G�igarettes, 2 five ball mechanical amusement devices. Cigarettes. Soft drinks, Milk, Cigarettes. Off-sale nc�n�intoxicating malt liquors� Soft drinks� Mi.l.k, Ciga.rettes. Karel Lhotslqr On and off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquors, Soft drinks, �ilk, Cigarettes. La.wrence W. Colson Soft drinks, Fluf Dufi Adilk, Cigarettes, 1 five ball mechanical amusement device. E.G. Hawkins On and off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquors, Soft drinks, Milk. �Talter J. Ronnei On and off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquors, _ Soft drinks, Milk, Cigarettes, � Danc e hall, 1 five ball mechanical ami;.sement device. IVI.J. ii�eldon On and off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquors, Soft drinks, P�ii.lk, Cigarettes, 2 five ball mechanical amusement devices. � Fritzie�s Grill Soft drinks, hBi l k, Cigarettes, 2 five ball mechanical amusement devices. N.J. Poague Don�s Texaco Service 5 gasoline service fillin; station pu�nps. gnderla moved, Beckman seconded, that the request by the Knights of Columbus #2232 ior permission to conduct bingo ga_mes be granted. Carried. Ziegler moved, Beclanan seconded, tdhat the com�eunication dated December 20, 19l�9, by the Red Owl Stores, Tnc. returning our check #374 � the amount of �50.00 in connection with work done on Adams Avenue, be placed on file. Carried. Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that the reading of Ordi.nance #28, "AN ORDINANCE REZATING TO ZOIdING AND AI�NDING ORDINANCE N0. 8 OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS," be. accepted as the first reacling. Carried. _ Page �. Beclanan moved, Ziegler seconded, tha.t the recoffinendation by the Zoning Commission dated December 15, 1949, that no change be made in the zoning map along and adjacent to both sides of State Tru.nk Hi;hway #7 be accepted and placed on file. Anderla and Perbix voting N0. Carried. Ziegler moved, Beclfln.an seconded, that C.C. Congdon be confirmed. Carried. A.T�1'1T. Elm.quist, City Clerk, Albert E. Larsen, Auditor, Dr. F.J. Kucera, Health Officer, LeRoy O�son, Fire Chief. the following appointments ma.de by City Manager, BeclQnan moved,,Ziegler seconded, that the meetino be adjourned. ATTF�T : . � . . �e�t� ..C�.�(,�,.� �G. Har an Per �.x, I�ayor. A.11�. Elmquist, cretary to the Council C OUNC II�N: �� t% , f � � � ,�i � A regu� ar meetin,; of the council of the City of uop�cins, l�innesota vras held at the CitJ Hall at 7;30 o�clock P.rR. on Tuesday, Jarivary 17, 1950:, Members present were; rRayor Z�V. Harlar� Perbix, Councilm�n. Josepr T. And.e.rla, Len �T. ?�ilbert, John Zie�ler, and City Manager, CeC. Con�don, 'It4embers absent; Stuart �...Becl�nan. Anderla. moved, I�ilbert seconde3, that the followir�,; bills be paid. Carried, 1387 1L2!� 1� 25 1l�26 1427 1�.28 1429 Zl�30 1431 1432 7-433 143� 1435 1436 1437 ?438 �_439 1l�0 1l�1a1. 11�.t�2 1443 1441� 407 408 4�9 l�.o 411 !�12 413 414 4.15 41.6 L�17 1�18 419 310 311 312 313 37-�. 315 316 317 GE�ii�'1�.AL FL'i\TD r�opkins Second Hand Store Coal stove for Peaceful Jalley American Liner Comnany 1� roller towels Club Cafe B�ard of prisoner. Dahl�erg Brothers Police.repairs Duncan Tdeter Corporation Parking meters R.F-I. Gardner Counting meter fur_ds Gustafson �;c Fuxa Recreation supplies nl�ike Holr�, Sec. of State Listin� 6 Hopkins Fire Departse_�t Tire call and telephone Kokesh Hardware Supplies F.J. Kucera, M.D. Nea_lth officer duties• V�tilbur Locke 2 dogs picked up Lund�s Sinclair Service Repairs It4iller-Davis Office supplies Minnesota ;'ire Equipment �o.?Utotor for �tRodel-X Pioneer Lumber Co. Coal Polcorny Pluznbin; Co. Boiler in Dow uouse H.A. Rogers Co. Blueprints_ Standard Oil Company Repairs oc oil Suburban Press, �nc. Printing Tonka Sign Co. Letters on Ford car (�.C.C.) Unde�rood Cor?�oration Repair typeti^rriter _ Salary lst z of Januar�f, lySU Hour_ly Payroll Period ending December 31, 1949 Hourly Yayroll 'Period endin;; January 15, 1950 ROAD A�1D BRTDGE I'LTND qnderson Bros. First ldational Ins. Agency Kokesh Hardvvare . Lampert_Yards A;qorton Salt �ompany NN! Nat � 1. Bank of �Iopkins Park 1,Rachine Inc. Rosholt Equipment Co. Service Parts Co. Smith-Dunn Co., Inc, Standard Oil Com�any 1l6m. H. Ziegler,Co. �Ifm. H. Ziegler Co. Salary Hourly Payroll Hourly Payroll Repair �. & I tractor Premium on tractor insurance Supplies C oal Rocksalt Interest on warrant #38 Fit �ir�s Rental street cleaner Heavy duty drill Sweeper operation Repairs & oil Hydraul�c pump MM Util, Tractor lst 2 of January, 19�0 Period ending Dec e:nber 31, 19LG9 Period ending January 15, 1950 �'JATER FUI�TD Kol:esh Hardware IUlona.rch Company Neptune Meter Corporation AJW Bell Telephone Co. Rockwell. �11fg. Company Standard ��il Compar�y Suburban Chev. Company il�aconia ia?otor Fxpress Salary Hourly Payroll Supplies Chlorine Supplies Services Class register T�:be for Utility truck Chev. Panel Truck Frei�ht on 2+� meters lst 2 of January, 195� Period ending January 15, 195� � 8.00 1.80 2.90 77.54 372.18 60.00 107.36 ,70 598.31 2l�.12 100.00 7,00 r�3.75n �,G� a 3J 14.67 31.65 91�7.00 39.b4 19b.65 99 s cµ 6a�0 5.28 1680.63 871.36 588.82 .� . 8. 80 17.08 12.71 ' 67.69 53.50 315.88 0 63. 60.00 73.01 ' 557.69 7.1�5 53.�� 5557.50 31�7•30 125.02 175.01 � 10a01 90.00 15.05 8.13 8.58 3.50 131G3. ol 1.08 436.87 25.00 a 25 51� 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 6L� 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 7L� 75 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 55 Page 2. SPI�7CTAL ASS£SSIt'E'1ENNT BO�v� & ii�TER.EST FUl�TD Se�+rage Disposal Fund Trans�'er from Special Assessment � 1250.00 Fund to Sewage Disposal Fund . S �NA�E DISPC�SAL FUND gwan G. Anderson Willian N. Anderson l�I6r. & Mrs. Charles H. Bann' �ilr. & P�rs. C.E. Blomquist l��r. & I�s's . O.G . C ermak Robert W. Chermack Winslow R. Cherma.ck r4r. & ft4rs. J. J. Culsha�r . Mr. & h4rs. F.E. Duckert P,�ary L. Gladwin Mr. �c b7rs. G.A. Isenbarger Mr. & Mrs. V. Jackels n.�r. & �VLrs. A.C. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. E.A. Johnson Mr. & r�rs. L.O. Johnson Ros� Kaisershott Mr. & Mrs. C. Kline Edward L. Kokesh I�rr. & ��rs. P.VP. Itokesh Mr. & 1ldrs . C. J. r4cNally Mr. & Mrs. C.J. Newm.an Mr. � r,�s. w.�. scn�.at Edward Slice �R2r. & Mrs. E.J. Winkelsnan Joseph Zajicek Ms. & Mrs. R.H. Zerban Phelps Drake Co., Inc. H.A. ftogers Co. Ralph D. Thomas & Asso. Hourly Payroll Hourly Payroll H.A. Robers Co. Hourly Payroll Assessment. Refund on 17th Ave. �Iater � Sewer/ 129.37 �> >� �� �� �� �� i55.25 ,ng n a �r n n n 129.37 n n n rr n n 63. 00 n u n n n n 63.00 n rr n n �� �► 60.00 n n n �r n tr 120.00 n n n �r n n 88.20 n n n n n n 60.00 �� �� �> >< « �� 63. o0 o n o n n n 122.�.7 n �r n �� n n 91�'.50 �� +� �� �� p �� 129.37 n n n n n n 129.37 �� �� �� �� �< <� 75.60 �� �� �� n �� �� 54, 06 u n n n n n 60.00 t� �� ;� �< <� ;� 75.60 �� ,� �� ►� �� �� �63.00 �� �� �� �� �� �� 63.00 �� �� t� �� ►� �� 63.00 n n n n n n 129.37 n �t n ►� ir �� 120.00 u n n n n tt 9►.��5p 11 II ti 11 p tt 2'7�_el� �t n n �r �r ir 63.00 Estimate No. 2 _ . .. 583l�.80 Blueprints 2.20 Engineering fees on new trunk sewer 993.56 Period e�ding December 31, 1949 77•35 Period ending Januazy 15, 195� 93•60 REVOLVIlYG .FUND Blueprints 318.70 Period ending December 31, 1949 5•63 Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that the following license applications be �rant- ed, subject to approval of bonds by the Cit�r Attorney. Carried. I�►�r���1 Hopkins Drug Co. Smetana � s Drug Roger �. Bjorklund Albert TrJ. Ha�unerlund Daniel A. Kopesky FOR Ci�arettes. Cigarettes. Insta�lation of gas and oil burners. Installation of gas and oil burners. Installation of gas and oil burners. Oak Knoll Heating & Sheet Metal Co., Installation of gas and oil barners. Abe Pentel. A1 A. Benson Plumber. 5 gas service filling station pumps. Joseph Eide Rober.t M. Jacobs Gordon Noleen. A.P. Plankers Clarence Skogh Ed Viska page 3. � gas service filling station pur�s� Soft dri.nks. 3 gas service filling station pumps. 2 gas service fillino station pumps. Cigarettes,. Milk. Cigarettes, b�ilk, Soft drinks. Cigarettes, �liiilk, Soft drinks. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that the application for an On-Sale Liquor license by Matt J. Y�eldon be placed on file. Carried. biilbert moved, An�.erla seconded, that tre bond of Herman Olson be accepted, subject to approval by the City Attorney. Carried. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the reading of Ordinance �28, ��AN ORDII�TANCE RF�ATING TO ZONING AND AMENDING ORDINANCE ATO. 8 OF THE CITv QF $OPKINS," marked �hibit A, be accepted as the second reading thereof and that the ordin�nce be adopted and published according to law. Carried. Mayor Fl. Harlan Perbix appointed George Miles as V�eed Inspector for the year 195�. Dr. F.J. Kucera�s report dated January 14, 1950, on Health Conditions in Hopkins for the year 191G9, was read and ordered placed on file. A petition signed by approximate],y two hundred (200) proPerty owners and residents of Hopkins asking that the property on both sides of State Trunk Highway No. 7 at the intersection of 5th Avenue, now zoned as comrnercial� be perm.anently zoned,as residential, vras presented by lllr. Robert J. Hendershott, who also submitted reasons for such request. . Zie�ler moved, Mi�bert seconded, that the motion made by Beckman at the regular meeting of Jan�:ary 3, 1950, and seconded by Ziegler, reacLng as follows; "That the recosmendation by the Zoning Commission, dated December 15, 1949, that no change be made in the Zoning Map along and adjacent to both sides of State Trunk Highway No. 7 be accepted and placed on file�� be reconsidered. Zieg]_er, Anderla, P.4ilbert and perb� voted in favor of said motion to reconsider and it was carried� unanimously. Said.motion of Janu�,ry 3, 1950, being then put by the Mayorr Ziegler, Anderla, Milbert and Perbix.voted against the same and the motion was declare� losts ,Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the council meot �ith tYie Zoning Commission on Tuesday evening, January 2�., 1950, at 8:00 otclock P.1�4. for the purpose of discussing zoning of.P�perty adjacer_t to No. 7 Highway at 5th Avenue. Carried. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that no building permi.ts be issued for any build- ings on property adjoininJ No. 7 Highwaf until further action bv the City Council. Carried. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution #124� ��RESOLUTION ORD�.ING INSTALL- ATION OF SANITARY SEWER AND V�ATE^�Z I�IAIN �TEDTSIORTS N1 CERTAIN LOCATIOA?S," marked F�chibit B, be adopted. Carried. � page �. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that the report dated �Tanuar�� 17, 195�, �Y City Attorney Whitney pertaininj to estimate and damages to car as presented by Earney Gross be placed on file and a copy be mailed to r2r. Gross. Carried. ��ilbert moved, Anderla seconded, that the City �anager advertise f or bids for a fire siren. Carried. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that the City Manager purch�5e a cab for the new r�Ioline Tractor. Carried. Anderla moved, �2ilbert seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. ATTEST : � � yV. Har an Perbix, Mayor. � A.W. Elmquist, S retary to the �ouncil. • � ' � ..:..� •f / / / / � i�. �,.. y� ' � �r� _ . � �� � � r�� fd �.� C" t � •'' I > . . i�-'„'� �o \�,�f � � o Q� "' a ►� ��' da CITY OF HOPKINS � � HENNEPIN COUDTTY� MINNESOTA ORDINANCE N0. 2g AN 0&DIDTANCE RELATING TO 7AIVING AND AMENDING , ORDIDTANCE N0. 8 OF THE CITY OF HOPgINS. Wl�REAS, on November 15, 1949, the city council of Hopkina adopted Ordinance No. 25� which ordinance a.nnexed to a.nd declared to be a part of said city of Hopkins� the follo�ri.ng described tract or parcel of laad. to-wit.: All that part of the Northweat �arter (NW'�) oF the Southwest �.iarter (SWQ) of Section Twenty (20), Townshin One Hundred Seeenteen (117), Range T'N►enty-one (21), lying Northerl� of the center line of �celsior , „ Road, and easterly of the West line of Section Twenty (20)� and Westerl� of the West line of Gerard's Meadowbrook Addition, according " to the duly recorded plat thereof on file and of reco rd in the office oF the reglster of deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota; AND WHEEEAS, said ordinance wae thereafter published in the official paper of the city of Hopkins and on December lj, 19�, said tract or parcel of land became a part of the city. and WHEBEAS� by�the proviaions of Ordinance No. g of the city of Hopkina, Section 2, said tract of land on December 13, 19�+9, became a part of the residential di et ri ct of the ci ty, and WHEREAS, the owner of said tract or paxcel of land hae petitioned that it be removed from the residential district and placed ia the industrial district� and the zoning commiesion of the city� after a public hearing on the petition pursuant to due notice thereof in accordance with Sectfon 11 of said Ordinance No. g reported to the council and recommended that said petition be gra.nted;IIOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS: Section 1. All that part of the Northwest f�.iarter (NW4) of the South- west �arter (SW�) of Section Twenty (20), Township One Hundred Seventeen (117), Range Ta►enty-one (21), lying Northerly of the center line of Exceleior Eoad, and easterly of the Weat line of Section Twenty (20), and Westerly of the Weat line of Gerard's Nleadowbrook Addition� according to the duly recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the register of deede of Hennepin Coun.ty, Minnesota, shall be and hereby ie removed from the residential district of the city of Hopkine (1) � and included in the industrial district o� the.city� and shall be subject to sll the regulationa of eaid Ordinance No. 8 relating to such induatrial diatrict. FIRST read at a regular meeting of the council of the city of Eopkine held on thia 3rd day of January, �950, and finally read and paeaed at a regular meeting of the council of said city held on the 17th day of January, 1950. A. W. Elmqui st, W. HARLAN pERBIS, MAYOR Secretary of the couacil Frank N. Whitney, City Atto rney Pablished in The Saburban Preee on January 26, 1950. copy for the paper �/� �j.r�o , �2) � � 1 CITY OF HOPgINS HENNEPIN COIINTY, MINNESOTA BESOLIITION No . 12�+. BESOLIITION ORD3�8ING INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SE'r1E8 AND �TATEB MAII�T • ERTENSIONS IN CERTAIN LOCATIODTS. N W1�REAS, on December 6, i9�+g, the city council of Ho�kins referred to the city engineer the matter of the proposed installation of eanitary sewer and water maine in certain locatione� and W�EREAS, said engineer inPeatigated the necessity and feasibility of eaid improvements, and on December 20, �949, reported thereon to the council and filed hie written report with the aecretary of the council, in which report said engineer recommended the installation of a sanitary sewer main in the following location,to-wit: Commencing at an exiating manhole in the main trunk sa.nitary eewer which is located approxima.tely in the center of Interlachen Road and five (5) feet southerly of the south line of F�celsior Av�nue; thence running northerly across Excelsior Avenue to a manhole to be constructed in Excelsior Avenue and about five (5) feet southerly of the north line of Egcelsior Avenue. at an esti:�ated cost of Six Hundred Dollare ($600.00} and ftirther recommended the inatallation of a water main in the following locwtion, to-wit: Beginning at a point 56.5 feet westerly of the east line of Secti�n Nineteen (19) , Township One Hundred Seveiteen (117) ,&a.nge Twenty-one (21) , and 15 feet aorth of the north line of Excelsior Boulevard, which is the termina� tioa of the present water line; thence running northeasterly along a Iine parallel to and 15 feet north of the north line of mcceleior Boulevard a diata.nce of abaut 96 feet� at an estimated cost of Eight I�undred Dollare ($500.00); or, as an alternate in lieu of eaid extension, to continue said water main egtenaion along the same line for an additional dietan.ce of about j50 feet at a total eetimated coat, including eaid additional distance, of Thirty-three ffundred Dollars (�3300.00), and WHEREAS, on December 20, �g�g, the city council of Hopkina adopted a reaolu- tion aetting Tueaday, the 17th day of January, 1950, at 7:j0 o�clock P.M, at the council chambere in the city ha11 ae the time and place for considering said report, and WHEREAS� �, notice of said hearing has been publiehed in the S�burban Preas in its issues o� December 29� �g�+9, and January 5� �950, and the afiida,vit of publication of said notice has been filed with the aecretary of the council� and (1) WI�REAS, no one appeared in opposition to the installation of said sanitary aewer and water mains, and no written.objections thereto were filed; NOW� THEREF'ORE, BE IT EESOLYED by the cit� council of the city of Hopkins that the inetallation of said eanitary eewer in the location above de�cribed, a.nd the installation of said water main in the following deecribed location� to-wit: Begznning at a point 56.5 feet westerly of the east line of Section Nineteen (19), Township One Hundred Seventeen (117), Ra,nge Twenty-one (21), and 15 feet north of the north line of Excelaior Boulevard, which ia the termination of the present water line; thence running northeasterly along a line parallel to and 15 feet north of the north line of F�celsior Boulevard a dietance of about 96 feet, are both necessary for the health, welfare and convenience of the city and its inha.bitants, and that it is hereby determined and ordered that said improvementa. be made, and that the coste thereof be asaeesed againat abutting property. ADOPTED 'oy the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof �eld thie 17th day of January, 1950. A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the council� Fra.nk N. Whitney� City Attorney .� 2� W. HARLAN PEF�BIX� MAYOR �D l , ��'�1� k A regular meeting of the council of the City -of � Hopki:ns, "Minnesota, Was held at-:the ;: , � . _�. _.._. . .. City xall at 7s30 otclock P.?�. on Tuesday, February 7, 19 0. Meinbers present �rere: Mayor W. Harlan Perbix, Gouncilmen Joseph�T.��nderla; Lea J. �.ilbert, Stuart E. Beckman, John Ziegler, and City B�anager C.C. Congdon. �fembers absent: none• Ziegler moved� Anderla seconded, that the following bills be paid: Carried. 11� lt�i46 1!ilG8 ]:ti69 1488 1li89 i5oi; 1502 1503 1504 i5o5. i5o6 1507 1508 1509 15io 1;511 1512 1513 55 �5i6 i517 1518 1519 i52o ]:521 1522 i523 152l� i525. 1526 1527 1,528 1529 1530 1531 1532 �533 � 153l� 1535 1536 1537 �538 1a20 428 �i29 l�30 1i31 432 �.33 GIIV�tAL FUND NortYiern 5tates Power Co. Minneapolis Gas Coinpar�y University of Pdinnesota D.�fT. Onan & Sons Breri Hardware ._ Gustafsori & Fuxa Andes, Inc. Otalcar Charvat Cpast to Coast Stores C.C. Congdon, Treasurer Corrie�s � Dahlberg Bros. Inc. Direct Service � � Doepke - Builcling Movers Ferris & Studer Compariy Laurenz A. Harris _. _ . Hennepin County Revie� Brii.ke Holm� Sec. � of State Hopkins Drag Co. _:. Hopkins Fire`Department_ Internat. �ssoc. of Chiefs of 'Police " Engrier A: Johnson Justus Luinber Co�pa.r�y Jean Karr & �ompar�y Leef Br.os., • _.... _ A.C. BHcClu.rg & Compar�y . _. ._ _. ___ VPm: - H;_ .�dC�oy Ddanagement Information Ser�rice �i11er-Davis Edward B�i.11er .__ Minriesota Fire Equipmerit Co: �irin. "Fire• �tinguisYier Co., I Mfnnesota NeWs Compar�y a y Nelson�s Inc. _ __ Northerri States'Power Co. North�estern Be11�Telephone Co. Pioneer Lumber Coa H.A.- . Rog ers C om�ar�y - Select Service Oil Co. Service Parts Compa�r � Sizbiarbari Chev. Compar�p Suburban Henn. Relief Board .. . Fred S�a.nsori �ilcox & Follett Compar�y Salary Hour�y Payroll Jurors Services -- - Services Couiicilmen� s School _.. 1 �light planti Equipment repairs Desk lainps &� bulbs Paint supplies Library tiooks 2 pad locks Petty cash � Reoreation supplies Car daIDages Tire repair Moving ?�and stand Cleanirig skati.ng rinks Ja.n. car allowance 60 placards Listing 6 B�agazines � _ , Fire call� dri11� & telephones Membership dues _ .. _� . Giiii repairs �Yar�ing house roaterial Library books Wining rags __ . .. . Boo� . Gasoline� Subscription ' Office sizpplies Stools ior - litirar3r �Shut off nozzle nc.l CoZ E�ct. recharged Boolss __ _ .. Boots & Mittens Xmas decorations Services Fue7. PTats � Tire repair Bulbs��for charger To�i.ng oars � _ . _. .... .. Relief � for Jan. 19 0 �qiiipment rental ._ __ Boo�. . La.st - 2 of Jan. 195� Period eiiding 1/31/50 Jury Duty � •�� � :• r� �� Northern- States Poi�ver Co: H.E. Ariderson, Gamble Store Bren HardePare � �m. Bros. -Boiler & Mig. �Co. C.G. Congdon, Treasurer Hopkiris �uto Supply Justus Lumber Co. Service§" - -.. .... _ Water pu�¢p for compresser �quipment repairs Steamer & hose PettS* �ash Trailer chassis Ftiiel � 732•7G. 167:I�9 16:00 2l�9.00 3:58 23:76 4.59 �•90 _ 2:50 16e2o 23•90 9.80 - 1.2� i85.00 ?e70 25:00 15.00 . . ,g5 69.00 28.8.00 10000 5.00 232:57 11:28 9.fl0 45:31 : 8l�:00 2�s�0 19:75 �.�a� 2l�:66 2050 398.83 40:85. 73.22 , .. 81�:91 33:15 8.52 I.2� 27:00 5�.00. 199.76 59:50 �:20 1952:30. 6u:43 11,00 9.31, 3.68 52.54 576.24 1:30 43.00 59.10 page 2. 1i31� Lund�s Sinclair Service Tire repair 1�35 �m. x. Bdcc oy . . _ . _.. - � Biesel Fuel � . - � _. .._ -- _.. l�36 NortYiwestern Bell Telephone Co.- Services _. ,. 1�37 State of Minnesota ' 000;0 cu. yds. gravel,materi 43$ Fred Swansori Equipment-rental g Cuttiig edge.. . , . , . 439 �m: H. Zie lE r Coo Sala:ry Last 2 of Ja.ri. 1950 Hour�y Payroll Period ending 1I31/50; �IfATER FU1�ID � 318 Northern States Po�er Co. , Services ' - . _ 319 Postinaster, Hopkins, Minn. Postcards 1500 _ . _. _ 325 Orfei & Mariani Balance du.e on Elmo Park 326 C.C. Congdon, Treasurer � Petty Caah _ . 327 First Nat�1. Izls. Agency Pi�einiu.m on panel txuck 328 Justus Lumber Co. Lumber 329 �Security Nat�l. Iris. Asency Borid premium 330 Neptune Meter Compa�y VVater ineter _ _ _ 331 Suburban Chev. Cor�any Utility truck repairs Salary � Last 2 of Jan. 195� SPF7CIAI, ASSESSI�2ENT BOND &.INTEREST FUND 26 First National Bank of Hopkins Bond #8 and coupons , - - 27 First National Bank of Hopkiris Interest 28 First National Ba.nk of Hopkins 2 certificates of'Indebtedness #8 and 9 and 10 coupons �.� S�1IPAGE DISPOSAL FUND Breri Hardware Equipment repairs Antori 9.> Olson 10 days use of car ' Hourly Payroll Period ending 1/31/50 , - PF�FtMANF�aTT IB�ROVEMIIVT REVOLVING FIJIm _ .. . . _ _,..: 56 C.C. Congdon, Treasurer Petty,,Cash 57 Gustafson & Fuxa Desk Iamps�& bulbs . _. . 58 Lee McNall,y & Associates �gi.neering fees 59 Orf ei & Ma.riani Balanc e due on Elino Park 60 H.A. Rogers Compar�y Plats 12.25 I6.61 11.00 250.00 520.50 b3.68 347:3� 338.13 5bo:i�2 15:.00 95:00 8:90 1T.71 l�:63 . 10.00 106.34 60.12 1�36.87 1l�.62. 00 9.s2� 310.12 2,s5�1 10�00 113.80 1.25 23:56 3o5.oi l�063.06 27.00 Anderla mo�ted� Mi].bert seconded,- that tlie followii�g license applications be granted subject to approval of bonds by the,City Attorngy. Carriedo �' NA�dE '�Earl F. Beaudry, Eeaudry Plbg. & Htg. Co, -Rnar�» Alf_ �inrlrl,�.,A n.;:. rT,�.,� ✓"John 0. Jensen, The Jensen Coo �Johnson & �ogt, Txic. ■ - _ - - - i - - - - - _e FOR , ; Plumber. T,�.e�F�ll��Finr. r.f r.��. �r�rl ni'i l��i�.rin�+c� . iss�b�l l��� .... r,f _..zc ,�..i ..� l 1..,.w,.�,v.e. Ixistallation of gas burners, 3 gas serv:i.ce:: station pumps. Tv.e.+nll.��{�r. �fl .r��. �r�ei_.r��l-4�i��r�ura_ � _ � - - ' _�iii*'!l��7^S'S-� 4s� .� � Page 3. _. _ . � . _ Ziegler moved, Beclanan seconded, that tkie petitiori as presented� by tax payers of Bellgrove Addition in Minrietonka Township for annegation to Hopkins be referred to the -City Attorriey for check of legal o�riership and if -'found in order to draw up an ordinance annexing same. Carried unanimousl�r. � Anderla moved; Ziegler seconded, that the petition as presented by the DBinneapolis Moline�Compa�y for anneXation of their property iri Ma.nnetonka Township situated �Pest of 17th Avenue North �and South of No. 7 High�a.y iri Section 23; �and the site South of the County Fairgrounds in Section 26 be referred to the �ity Attorney for check of legal awnersYiip and if found in order that an orclinance be dra�n up annexing same after being assured that tYie first property mentioned above will be zoned commercial and the second property zoned industrial and that a copy of the �,ixineapolis _ .. __ �Iolirie,Compar�y letter dated February 7,-1950, arid petition pertaining to above zoning be m�iled to the Zoning Commission. Carried• -Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution �125� �rA RESOLUTION REFERRING TO THE CITY EI�'iINEER'°THE 14�ATTER OF ITdSTALLING-SAIVITARY S�JfdER AND WATER MAIN ERTIIV�3IONS IlJ CERTAIN LOCATIONS", marked �chibit A, be adopted. Carriedo Anderla moved; �i.lbert seconded, that the communication dated Febriiary 7, 19 0, by tlie � Hopkins Public Schools pertaining to easement extending �estward 10 feet on 17th Avenue South froin'the Katlierine Curren School fence line be referred to the City �gineer for a sketch and report. Carried. � BBilbert moved, Anderla seconded, that the C.I.O. Auxiliary No. 1138 be granted per— mission to hold bingo games upon receipt of written request"setting up date and location. Carried. Milbert moved, Anderla seconded, that agreement between Suburbari Herinepin Count� Relief Board and tlie C'ity of Hopkins be approved and accepted and the �ayor and Clerk author— ized to sign same. Carried, Beckman moved; Milbert seconded, that the communication da.ted February 2, 1950, by the Zoning Commission pertain:isig to re-zoning of West Minneapolis Third Division be accepted and placed on fiZe. Carriedo ° Ziegler moved, Becl�nan seconded, that the reading of Ordinance #29, "AN �RDINANCE � RELATING TO ZONING AND A11(�NDING ORDINANCE N0. 8 OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS", be accepted as the first reading. Carried, 2iegler moved, Beckman seconded, that Resolution #126, "A RF�OLUTION ORDERING A HEARII� ON ENGINEER�S REPORT FOR THE INSTAT�,ATI�N OF SANITAFtY SEWER AI�ID iiP�TII� MAIN IICTIIVSIONS IlV V�EST R�TNEAPOLTS THIl�D DNISION", ma.rked E�chibit B, be adopted. Carried. Beckman moved, Anderla seconded, that the meeting be adjournedo AT TEST : � � ;i .� ;; , �� . _ G� � � ; . Har an er , Mayor. !� r ' a�.e:%� �u-e •g.�. quis , Secr tary o t e Counc COUNC II�110EN: � �` y ,�si.'� �i`' �.� � - �, ; � r. _ .,,. �.�.� ��,. ' _ _� � ' ��; �ii► a CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTg �soLv�rio� �o. i25. � A RE�OLIITION �RING TO THE CITY EPIGINEE& THE MATTEH OF INSTALLIPTG SANITARY SEWER AND WATEE MAIN F�TENSIONS IN CEHTAI� LOCAT.IONS. 0 a � W�BEAS� t�here hae been filed with the city clerk aad by the clerk presented to the city council petitiona aeking for the eatension of Banitary eerer and water maine in the following locationa: SAPTITA.RY SEWEH: Beginning.at the intersection of 17th avenue North a.nd 3rd street �Torth axid r�aning Northerly aloag 17th avenue North to a point One Hundred (100) feet South of the center line of atate highw�y No. 7; also beginning at the sewer lift station located in Black Eighteen (lg), West Minneapolie� and running Southerly tc a point abont Thirty (30) fe8t ldorth of the South line oP Section T�venty-four (2�+)� Townehip One Hundred Seeeateen (117), Range Twenty-two (22); theace running westerly along a line parallel to and approaimately Thirty (30) feet North of the 3outh line of eaid Section to 17th aeenue 3outh eatended; W9TEE: Beginning at the intereection of 17th avenue DTorth and 3 rd atreet North and running Northerly along 17th avenue Diorth to the South line of state highw�y BTo. 7; aleo commencing at the interaection of 17th and F�celaior Avenue and ranning thence Southerly along ljth avenue ex�ended to a point approaimately ten (10) feet BTorth of the South line of Section Traenty-four (2�F), Toanship One Hundred Seventeen (117), Range Twenty-tmo (22); thence Eastward].y on a line parallel to and. about ten (10) feet northerly from the south line of said Section for a diatance of approximately Three Hundred (300) feet, AND W�REAS, the coete thereof ehould be aesesaed against any property found benefited thereby, and V�REAS, the owaer of a portion oi the property against rvhich ea.id coata rvould be aesesaed hae petitioaed the city council for eaid im�rovemente; NOW� THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkina that the matter of inatalling and eztending saaitary sewer and water mains in eaid locatione be referred to Frank Lsaka, city engineer� to investigate the necessity and feaeibility ofsuch improvements and to report to the council as eoon ae possible. ADOPTED by the councfl of the city of Hopkins at a regular m�ting thereof held this 7th day oP Feb=uary, i950. , W. HA.RI,AN PERBI� � MAYOR A. W. Elmqnist. Secretary of the c aincil Frank DT. Whitney� City Attorney copy for Y�ir. I,aeka � � a � n W CITY OF HOF'RINS HENiIEPI DT COIIftT Y� MI IdI�E SOTA AESOI,IITIOId N0. 126. A RESOLIITION ORDERING A HEASING ODT ENGINTER�S REPORTS FUR THE INSTALLbTIOg OF SADTITARY SEWER AND WATEH MAIN EXTENSIONS IN WEST MIYNEAPOLIS,TgIRD DIIiISION. VVHEREAS, the couacil of the city of Hopkina oa November 22, �g�+9, adopted a resolution referring the matter of the exteneion and iaetallatioa of sauitary sewer and water mains into and throughout the plat of Weet Minneapolis� Third Division, �o Fre.nk Laska, city engineer� for hia investigatfon a.nd report, a.nd WSEAEAS� eaid engineer hae inaeetigated the neceesity and feasibi]:ity of said improvementa� and on F'ebruary 7, 1950� reported thereon to the council and filed his written reports with the secretary of the council, and WHEREAS, said engineer'a reporte recommendc: that water main� be installed in the follo�oing locations: Starting at the intersection of Third �treet DTorth and 17th. avernie and a point running North (Id) oa 17th. aveuue tq�One Hundred (100) feet 8outh (S) of the center line of atate hi�way DTo. 7; commenciag at the intersection of 17th. and P�celsio r avenuee and running Weat (W) along Ezcelaior avenue to 21st avenue; commencing at the interaection of 17th. aveuue North and 2nd. etreet North and ntnning Weat (W) on 2nd street North to 20th. aveaue North; commencing at the interaection of Excelsior avenue and lgth. avenue and running DTorth along lgth, avenue to South (S) line of right-of-may of The Minneapolie & St. Louis Ra,ilw�y; commencing at the intersection of 19th.� avenue and Exceleior aeenue and running DTorth (N) along 19th averine to 4th street North; commencing at the inter�ection of 2pth avenue and Excelaior avenue and running North (N) along 20th avenue to 3rd etreet North; commencing at the intersection of 21at ave�ue and Excelsior avenue and running North (N) albng 21st avenue to Firet etreet DTorth; commencing on 19th , avenue ATorth eab�3;the southerly line of Lot Ten (].p), Block Three ( 3) , and croseing Block Three (3) at about the southerly line of Lots Ten (lt� and Twenty-One (21) to 20th. svenu� North� thence �ortherly on 20th. Aveaue P�orth to �th..Street North; thenc� Westerly on 4th Street North to 21at avenue North; thence South (S) on 21st Avenue North (N) to abont the ao�th liae of. Lot T�aeaty-aix ( 26) , Block Five ( 5) , at an estimated cost of Fozty=ei�g,�it'._Thousand:;�:.:One�;Hiind-red:`�ine_ty:-seven':and�.�f.ive �.:: huudr.sdths_•bolla�s�,(-$�8;:,1.97:05) without conaectione for each lot running to curb, plue Seventeen Thousand Dolla,re ($17,000.00) additional if auch connectione are � (1) � desired� and WHEREAS, said engineer's reporta recommend� that said sanitary sewer maiae be inetalled in the followi.ng locatione: Starting at the interaection of jrd. etreet North and 17th. avenue and to a point rnnning North (1Q) on 17th avenue %ne Hundred (100) feet South (S) of the center line of etate highway No. 7; commencing at the interaection of 17th avenue and Ekceleior avenue and running West (W) along Exceleior aeenue to 21st avenue; commencing at the intereection of Excelsior aeenue and lSth avenue and ranning North along lSth avenue to the south line of the right-of-ro�ay of The Minneapolia & St. Lonia Bailway; commencing at the interaection of 19th avenue and Exc�lsior avenne and rnnning North along 19th avenue to �+th etreet DTorth; commencing at the intersection of 20th avenue and Eacelaior Avenne a.nd runaing�North along 20th avenue to 3rd street North; commencing at the intersection of 21at aveaue and Exceleior � avenue a.nd running North along 21st aveaue to ,�'irpt street 1Jorth; commencing at�the eoutherly line of Lot 10� Block 3� on 19th avenne PTorth/and croasing Block Three (3) at about the eoutherly line of lots Ten (10) and Twenty-one (21) to 20th avenue North; thence no�therly on 20th avenue DTorth to 4th etreet North; thence aeeterly on 4th. at�'eet North to 21at. avenue North; thence South on 21st avenue North to about the eouth line of Lot Twentg- six ( 26) , Block Five ( 5) , at aa estimated cost of Fifty-eia Thonsand� Four Hundred Nine and Pive hundrediha Dollars ($56�11U9.05) without connectione for each lot ranning to cnrb, plus Seventeea Thousand Dollare ($17�000.00) additional if such connections are desired;NOW�THEREFORE� BE IT BESOLVED that said engineer's reports will be considered by the council and action taken thereon at a regular meeting of the citg council to be held on �eeday, the 21st day of March, i95o, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., and �E IT FURTHER HE�OLVED that the city manager give notice of such hearing by publiehing a notice once in each week for two succeesive �aeeke in the oPficial newe- paper of eaid city, eaid notice to deecribe in general language the improvemente recommended in the engineer's reporte and the estimated cost thereof. ADOpTI�D at a regular meeting of the city council of Hopkine h�ld on the 7th day of Februa,xy, 1950• . w. HARLAtv PERBIS , r�nYoa A. W. Elmqui at, Secretary of the council Frank BT. Whitney, City Attorney �2) NOTICE OF HEABING ON ENGINEEH�S �P08TS FOB , THE IDTSTALI,ATION OF SANITARY SEWEE AND WATER MAIId ERTENSIOBTS IN S�EST 1�I1�'.�E�LI S� THIRD DIVIHIOA. NOTICE IS HEBEBY GIVEN that the city engineer of Hopkins did on the 7th day of Febraary� 1950, file reporte roith the city council relating to the ingtallation of eaaitary eewer and trater main egtensiona into and throughout the plat of West Mianeapolie, Third Division, ia the following locationa: WATE&: Starting at the intersection of Third atreet �orth and 17th. avenne and running North (DT) on 17th. aveim.e to a point One Hundred (100) feet South (S) of the center line of state highwe� DTo. 7; commencing at the fntereectioa of 17th. and Escelsior ave�es and xunning Weat (W) along Excelsior avenne to Plst. avemie; commencing at �he intersection of 17th. avenue North and 2nd. atreet North and ranning West (�d) on 2nd. etreet ATorth to 2pth. aveaue DTorth; commencing at the interaection of �celaior avernie.and lgth. avenne aad rnnning N'orth along lSth, avenue to the sonth (S) line of the ri ght-of-way of The Minneapolie & St. Louia Railwqy; commencing at the interaection of 19th. avenue and �celeior avenue a.nd running DTorth (1� along 19th. avenue to �th. atreet DTorth; commencing at the interaection of 20th. avenue and becelsior aveuue end zunaing North (1� along 20th. avenue to 3rd. Qtreet North; commencing at the intersection of 21st. avenue aad Escelsior avenue and running 1Porth (BT) along 21st avemie to First atreet North; commencing on ljth avenne North at the aoutherly line of Lot Ten (10), Block Three (j), and croeeing Bloc1{ Three (3) at about the southerly line of Zots 3'en (10) and Twenty- one (21) to 20th. avenue North, thence Northerly on 20th. avenne BTortli to 4th. street North; thence VPesterly on �th. street North to 21st avenue North; thence South on 21st avenne �orth to abont the south line of Lot Twenty-eis (26)� Biock Five (5), at an estimated coet of $�8�197.05 without connectione for each lot ruan.ing to cnrb� pine $17�000.00 additional if such connectione are desired; SANITAHY 3EWEE: Starting at the intereection of jrd. street Sorth and 17th. averro.e attd running �orth (DT) on 17th. aver�ae to a point One Hundred (100) Peet South (S) of the center line of etate23.�way No. 7; commencing at tha iaterse�.tion of 17th. avenue and F�celsior avenue a.nd running West (W) aloag F�ccelsior avemie to 21et. avenue; commencing at the intersection of Exceleior avernie and lSth. avenue a.nd 2vnaing BTorth along lgth avenue to the eouth line of the ri ght-of-mey of The Minneapolis & St. I,ouia Railway; commencing at (1) the intersection of 19th avenue aad �celeior aveaue and rn�ning North along 19th. anenue to �th. etreet Aorth; commencing at the interaection of 20th.avenne aad Egc�leior avenue and running BTorth aloug 20th.avenue to 3rd. street North; commenciag at the intersection of 21et. avenue and Eacelsior avenue aad rurming North along 21at. avenue to First atreet North; commeaciag on 19th. avenue North at the southerly line of Lot Ten (10), Block Three (j), and croesing Block Three (3) at about the eoutherly line of Lote Ten (10) and 'Pwenty- one (21) to 20th avenue �o rth; thence ao rtherly on 2pth. avenue North to uth. atreet Idorth; thence vaesterly on 4th. etreet North to 21et. avenue �orth; thence 3outh on 21�t avenue North to about the eouth line of Lot Tarenty-aia (26), Block Five (5) � at a.n estimated cost of $56, �#09.05 withont connectione for each lot running to cnrb� plus $17�000.00 additional if such coanections are desired. NOTICE I� FUflTHER GIVEN that the citp council hae bg reeolntioa fiaed Tnesd�p� the 21et d�y of March, 1950� at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the couacil chambera in the city hall as the time and place at rahich the council will hear snch persons as care to be heard in reference to eaid improve�eate� or auy or either of them� and �ill consider eaid engineer�e reporte and act thereon. Dated at Hopkina� Minneaota� this 15th day of February� 1950. C. C. CONGDO�, CITY MA1�TgGEE Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney p�blished in The Subnrban Preee on Febrnary 23rd, 1�50 aud March 2, 1950. �,_,�. copy for the paper v 411� ( 2) � b� �s� ��' �,� � A special meeti.ng was cal].ed by City Manager C.C. Congdon for 5:00 otclock P.M. on Februarsi 9, 1950; to consider the�request of W. Harlan Perbix for a building pex�aiit to reconstruct a building at l�20 bccelsior Avenue. Members pr�sent �ere: Mayor W: Harlan Perbix� Councilmen Joseph�T. Anderla� Len J. Milbert� Stuart E. Becl�nan, John Ziegler, and City Manager C.C. Congdon. Members absent; none. A written request was presented by W. Harlan Perbiac for a bizilding permit for the reconstruction of the Hopkins Fruit Pa.ckage ComQany building at l�20 E�celsior Averme. . . _ . .. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that a permit be granted for construct'ion in the mariner as-set forth in-the�request above referred to subject to approval of plans by Building Inspector. At the request of Mayor P�rbix, Councilman Anderla put the aliove motion and Ziegler, Anderla, Milbert, and Bec�anan voted in favor� Perbis not voting. Ziegler moved, Bec�nan seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. ATTFST: !` % � G!�,�Gl'-� w�" L� ' � . � � � . Har Per ix, Pdayor c A. . Elmquist� cretary to he Council � � ���� ���� ��� J ��__ � �. � � .. . ��__.�..���l�. .. / � � ,. �.�� � _ !.. : _1 r � - _ � ��� �� � vp, �� 0 �\ A regular meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held at the City Hall at 7:30 o�clock P.�. on Tu�sday� February 21, 1950. Mem.bers present were; Mayor �P. Harlan Perbix, Councilmen Len J. r,2ilbert, Joseph T. Anderla� John Ziegler' and City Manager C.C. Congdon. �dembers absent: Stuart E. Beckman. Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that the foll.ov�ing bills be paid. Carried. 1551� 1555 1556 1557 1576 1577 1578 1579 i58o �58� i582 1583 158l� i585 1586 1587 1588 1589 7,590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 GENERAL FUbID First Nationa.l Bank of Hopkins Treasurer, State of Dllinnesota Postmaster, Hopkins, Minnesota D.W. Onan & Sons, Inc. American Linen Compa.ny R.R. Bowker Compa�y ilifm. Bros Boiler & lldfg. C.C. Congdon, Treasurer Dickey & Milbert, Inc. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Duncan �eter Corporation First National Ins. Agency b�ti.ke Holm, Sec. of State La.mpert Yaxds Wm. L. Mallery Mrs . Aru1a Mill er �inneapolis Gas Compar�y Nelson�s, Inc. Northern States Power Co. Paste & Ink Sa1es Co. Remi.ngton Rand, Inc. H.A. Rogers Co. Security National Ins. Agency Select Service Oil Co. Skellg Oil Con�any � C.N. Smith stanaara a� co�a� Suburban Chev. Co. Joseph C. Vesely �Tendell�s� Inc• The H.�P. Wilson Co. Salary Hour7,y Payroll 1�ithholding Tax � Retirement �.ind Ded. 1500-2¢ stamps Light units, ext. cords, lamps To�rel rental Library books 11Pater tank for fire truck #2 Petty Cash Gasoline Library Books Parking meters Insurance Listing 6 I,umber �rchestra Library assistant Gas Heat 16 pr. mi.ttens Services, City Ha.11,light &prnRer Supplies Ribbons Plats Insuranc e Tire repair Gasoline �gns Gas & oil il�ork on garbage truck Atty. fees, Gerard case Carnival buttons Library books lst 2 of Feb., 195� Period ending 2/15/50 ROAD & BRIIJGE FUND l�L�3 First National Bank of Hopkins Itl�lt Treasurer, State of D�innesota l�51 Adolph Bettsahart I�52 ��orthern States Power Co. �t53 Fred Swanson 451� Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Salary Hourly Payroll 332 333 339 340 3l�1 3l�2 343 �ithholding Tax Retirement Fund Ded. Supplies _ Services, City Hall, light & pv�rer Fill dirt Heater for portable boiler lst 2 of Feb., 1950 Period ending 2/1.5/50 11�ATER FUND First IVational Bank of Hopld.ns Treasurer, State of Bdinnesota C.C. Congdon, Treasurer Northern States Po�er Co. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Roser�ald-�ooper, Inc. Skelly Oil Comgar�y Salary Withholding Tax Retirement F�nd Petty Cash � Light & power Telephone wires Steam Thawer Gas & oil lst 2 of Feb., Ded. 1950 325.60 175.87 30.00 io3.5o 1.80 l�.00 ].1i.2.00 18.69 168.00 l�0.00 372.58 20.76 .80 10.68 90.00 1�6. 22 205.17 7•33 728.83 3=90 2.20 3.12 97.87 .75 168.00 20.00 i8.75 6.21 357.00 88.60 9.20 1680.63 5b6.9? t�5,4o 10.00 12.00 11.13 1a.9l�.00 78.57 347.30. 209.39 l�..60 10.00 7.07 7o2.?J� 8.�3 262.21 10.60 l�36.87 � 61 Hour�y Payroll page 2. SE+�JAGE DISPCSAL FUDID Period ending 2��/50 PER�dANEI� 2�2PROVL+fi�IIVT REVOLVING FUPID H.A. Rogers Company T square � 80.00 10.25 Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the following license applications be granted, subject to approval of bonds by the City Attorney. Carried. • Egan & Sons Co�a.ny La.wrrence & Pdaynord Jablinske, d/b/a L & M �1ebb Station Plehal Heating Company, Inc.. FOR Installation of gas burners. 3 filling station pumps. Installation of gas and oil burners. Ziegler moved� Anderla seconded, that the request dated February 10, 1950, from the Northern States Poweir Compa�r for the placi.ng of one pole and anchor at llth Avenue and 2nd Street South be granted. Carried, Ziegler moved, M�lbert seconded, that Resolution #128, "A R�SOLUTION REFERRII�G TO THE CITY IIVGINEF,FZ THE I�BATTER OF INSTALLIlVG SID�A,LK 9D1D,.CURB IN CERTAIN.LOCATIONStr� marked.F�hibit A, be adopted. Carried. _ . .. . _ _ . _ Anderla moved, Ma.lbert seconded� that the request for a building permit dated February 17, 1950 by General Mills, Iuc. for a temporary structure at bccelsior and 7th Averiue North be denied. Carried. Anderla moved, �iilbert seconded� that the report b�r the City Attorney pertaining to the petition for annexation of Bellgrove Addition in Minnetonka Township to the City of Hopkins be accepted and placed on file.. Carried. Anderla moved� Milbert seconded, that the rea.ding of Ordinance #32� "AN ORDINANCE DEICLARING A PART OF THE NORTHWF�ST QUARTER OF S�TION 13, TOWNSHIP 11'�, RANGE 22, TO BE A PART OF �IE CITY OF HOPKiNS," be accepted as the first reading. _Carried. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded� that the report b� the City Attorney pertaining to the petition for annexation of Boulevard Manor in Mi.nnetonka Township, advising that there were not enough signers for the annexation to the City of Hopki.ns, be accepted and placed on file• Carried. , Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the report by the �ity Attorney pertaa.ning to the petition �r annexation to the City of Hopkins of property in Pdinnetonka Township owned by Adinneapolis I�oline Company, described as fol.lawa� Part of the Northeast Quarter (NE�) of the Northeast Quarter (NE4) of Section 23, and a part o£,the 1Vortheast Quarter (NF4) of the Northeast Quarter (IVE�) of Section 26, Township 11.7, -. Range 22, - be accepted and placed on file. Carried. Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that the reading of Ordinance #31, "AN ORDINANCE DDCLAI�ING A PART OF THE NORTHEI�ST QUAftTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF.SDCTION_23� AND A PART OF THE NpRTHEAST �UARTER OF.THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SFrTION 26, TOWNSHIP 117� RANGE 22� TO,BE A PART OF THE CITY QF HOP'KINS,'� be accepted as the first reading. _ Carried• . .. :. - 0 Page 3. Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that the reading of Ordinance #29, nAN ORUINANCE RELATING TO ZONING AI�ID ���:�TD1iVG ORDINANCE N0. 8 OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS"� marked Exhibit B, be accepted as the.second reading thereof, and_that_the ordinance be adopted and published according to law. Carried. Nlilbert moved, Ziegler seconded, that the easement as presented by Hennepin County for a thirty (30) foot strip along the East side of 17th Avenue South, to be used for street purposes be accepted<and that same be registered with the Register of Deeds of Henn�pin County. Carried. � Anderla moved� Ziegler seconded, that the �ayor appoi.nt a committee for the pur- �ose of calling on the School Board pertaining to a twenty (20) foot easement on the Fast side of 17th �venue South. Carried. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded� that the commiuiication dated February 18, 1950, from Vogel Albinson pertaining to the re-zoning of Lot 93, Auditor�s Subdivisior} 239, be referred to the Zoning Commission. Carried. .. Anderla moved� �a.lbert seconded, that the City �ianager advertise for bids for tar� tar mix and concrete work for the year 1950� and curb and gutter forms. Carried. Milbert moved, Anderla seconded, that the City Manager check as to rental arrangements in the purchase of a street sweeper and report back to the City Council. Carried. Anderla moved� Milbert seconded� that the re-spouting of the I.O.O.F. building for the proper drainage of surface water be referred to the City Engineer. Carried. Anderla moved, Milbert seconded� that the annual fee for a dance hall license be �15•00. Carried. , Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded� that the meeting be adjourned. A : . W� W. Har an Perbix, Mayor � � �-+�.� A.W. quist, S retary to the Council. COUNCII�t: a � a � ,CITY OF HOPKINS HENNII'IN COUi1TY, MINN�SOTA RESOLUTION N0. 125. A:tESOLIITIO� BF�RTRG TO THE CITY ENGINTEES TBE MATTER OF INSTALLING SIDEk1ALB AND CIIRB IN CERTAII� LOCATIONS. �A; WHFREAS, there has been filed with the city clerk and by the clerk preseated to the city council petitions asking for the inetallation of eidewalk and curb in the following locations: SIDEWALK AND CIIRB: On the South (S) side of Lake Street in fmnt of Lots Two (2) to Eleven (11) inclusive, Auditor's Subdivision DTo. 363, Hennepin County, Minnesota; also on the East (E) side of Twelfth Avenne North between First Street North and the Southerly line of the right-of-way of 'Ehe Minneapolie & � St. Louis Ra,ilway; SIDEWALK: On the weat (W) side of Harrison Aveaue between First Street South and the South ( S) line of Lo t Eight ( S) , Block - Twenty (20), weat Minneapolis Center. AND t�REAS� the costs thereof should be aaeessed againat any property found benefited tY!ereby� and WHEEEA9, the ownere of a portion of the property against which said coate would be aesesaed have petitioned the city council for said improvementa; iiOW� THEBEFORE, BE IT RESOI,VED by the.council of the city of Hopkins that the matter of inatalling aaid sidewalk and curb in said locations be referred to Frank I,aska, city engineer, to investigate the necessity and feasibility of such improvements and to report to the council as eoon as poesible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held thia 2lat day of Feb ruary. 1950. A. W. Elmquist, 5ecretary to t he council Frank 1�. Whitney, City Atto rney copy for Mr. Laeka W. HARLAN PEBBIX, MAYOR CITY OF HOPgI�S HENNEPIN COIIN`i'Y� MIANESOTA ORDI NANCE �To . 29 • , AN ORDINANCE &ELATING TO ZONING A�D AMENDING ORDINAIQCE r� N0. 8 OF THE CITY OF HOPgINS. �' 'X`" �,�` �l^� 11 � BE IT ORDAINED BY T� COUNCIL OF TH� CITY OF HOPgINS: Section 1. Lote �hirteen (13) to giaeteen (19), inclusive, Block Thirteen (13); Lota Thirteen (13) to �ineteen (19)� iaclnsive� Block Fourteen (14); Lota Thirteen (13) to Niaeteen (19). inclusive, Block Fifteen (15); Lots Thirteea (13) to Nineteen� (1�), inc�usive} Block Siateen (16) ; Lote Five ( 5) and Sig ( 6) � Block Oae (1) � and the tract or parcel of laad fommerly deacribed as Lots One il) . Two ( 2) � Thre e( j) � Four ( 4) � T�enty-four ( 2�F) and T�eatg-five ( 25) ( now vacated) , Block One (1), and adjacent vacated streets aad alleys, all fn West Minneapolis. Third Division, shall be. and hereby are, removed from the residential dietrict of the city of Hopkins and included in the commercial dietrict of the city� and ehall be subject to a11 the regalatione oP said Ordinance �o. 8 relating to euch commercial district. Section 2. A11 of the remaiaing lots, blocks, tracta, pieces and parcels of land which are a part of the plat of We�� Minneapolis� Third Divietoa� Hennepin County� Minnesota, eacept the lots and tract of land herein- fore ia Sectioa 1 described� shall be and remain in the residential di strict of the city of Eopkins. FIRST read at a regular meeting of the council of the city of Hopkina held on thie 7th da,y of Febrae:ry� 1950� and finally read and passed at a regul�r meeting of the council of said city held on the 21et da�s of Febraary� �950. 0 W. HARLAN PERBI%, MAYOH A. W. Elmquiet. Secretary to the council Frank BT. Whitney. � Ci ty At to rney Pablished in The Suburban Pre�a oa March 2� 1950. /�1 /i � L E 1J ?�'z vl.ro �i � e°�°°. 3�1 � .°.� � �� 9 \�` ti �� ^ ' `,,�a �/ �� 1 A regular meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins,��dinnesota� was lield at the City Ha11 at 7:30 otclock P.M. on Tuesday, March 7, 1950. Members present �ere: Mayor W. Harlan perbix, Councilmen Len J. Ma.lbert, Stuart BeclQnan,�and City Manager C.C. Congdon. 1'dembers absent; Joseph T. Anderla and John Ziegler. _. Becl�aan moved, �i.lbert seconded� that the followi.ng bills be paid. Carried. 1636 163? 1638 1639 1640 16l�7. 1642 1643 161�l� 1645 1646 16l�7 1648 16l�9 i65o ib5i i652 1653 i654 1655 a� �- � u Addressograph�liultigraph Cor. Direct Service Oil Company Feudner-David.son Agency Fowler Electric Co�¢par�p General F�ind Gustafson & Fuxa Laurenz A. Harris Henn. County Agricultural Society Hopkins Fire Department Lund�s Sincla.ir Service Miller-Davis Compar�r Miller Meters, Inc. Gordon Noleen N.�P. Bell Telephone Co. paulson Hardware Recreation Coffini.ssion Standard Oil Compar�y Standard Oil Co�npar�y � Sub. Henn. Cownty Relief Board Frank N. Whitney Salary Hourly Pagroll 3,1-1/8�� black ribbons Service call Compensation insurance Repair regulator �znd transfer B'Tiring warming house Car allowance � Appropriation for Henn. F'ire Calls� & Drill Tube repai� Office supAlies parking meter repairs Equipment repair Telephone service Winter CarrLi.val prizes Appropriation Supplies Gasoline Relief expenditures, Feb.� 195� Register fees Last 2 February, 19�0. Period ending 2/28/50 � County Fair R�AD & BRIDGE FUND !�6l� Kokesh Hardware 1�65 N.�P. Bell Telephone Co. 466 Republic Creosoti.n� Compar�y 467 Standa.rd Oil Comparr�r 468 �Pm. H. Ziegl er Company Salary Hourly Payroll Supplies Telephone service Road tar Supplies Repairs Last 2 February, 195� Period ending 2/28/50 V�AT�i. FU1�ID 3I�.9 Buffalo Meter Compar�y Meter repairs 350 Kokesh Hardware Supplies 351 New England �ieter Repair Co. Meter repairs 352 Rockwell �Nfg. Compar�y Meter repairs ' Salary I,ast 2 February, 1950 SEv'IAGE DISPOSAL FUND 89 Anton A. Olson IIse of car 90 Phelps Drake Co., Inc. Esti.mate #3 Hourly Payroll Period ending 2/28/50 SPF7CIAL ASSF�SINENT BOI�D & INTEREST FUND 29 First ATational Bank of Hopkins Interest coupons 3:83 l�.47 576.93 11.90 41L�•96 4o.7i 25.00 100.00 169:00 �:25 6?�.23 38.37 19.20 69.08 24.47 i5oo.o0 12:90 168.00 158•93 1.00 2028:10 �07.07 24.29 11.00 17.08 1.48 32.89 31�7.30 296.76 10.1�6 2.20 25.05 25.83 436.8? 8.0� 13064.91 88•40 ].91.80 page 2. Councilmen Beckman presented the following resolution and �oved its adoption: VO�iEREAS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE"City o£ ?�opkiris is in receipt of an estimate in writing by Ra1ph D. Thomas &�ssociates, Engineers; that the ealue'of improvements and�additions completed, in� connection witli the Sewer Project-bein� �financed by the �2l�7,000 Se�rer . Revenue Bonds, dated December 1, 191�, is in excess of �13,06l�.91. NOi�, TII�REFORE, B� IT RFSOLVID THAT the l�ayor and City Clerk of the City of Hopkins are authorized and instructed to deliver to the North�restern-National Barik, �dinneapolis, Denositary, instructions to• release $13,06l�,9I to the City of Hopkiris, for the purpose of paying for said completed portion of the improvemerits arid additions in accordance with the engineer�s estimates. ` BE IT FURTHER R.ESOLVID that said Depositary is authorized to liquidate sucYi.U.S. Treasury securities in which said funds are invested in an amount sufficient to make , .... . said �13;064•91 payment. � . Councilman NU_lbert seconded the motion and upon vote�it was declared duly adopted� Perbix, Bec!ctran, and �ilbert voting in the affirma.tive; and no one voting in the negative. _- Milbert moved, Beckman seconded, that tYie followa.ng license applications be granted subject to approval of bonds by the City Attorneye Carried. NAlt� FCR John J. Mahon & Willard E. Burke, d/b/a Burke Mahon Heating Company Ixistailation of gas and oil burners. Vernon Esler & Son Wel1 Company Installation of gas burners, do plumbing. C.L. b'IacKenzie & A.F. Vollrath, d/b/a " Theatre Cafe S'oft drinks, mi1k, cigarette�: __ William �urp�y, d/b/a St..Louis Park Plumbing & Heating Installation of gas burners, do plum.bing. Ed�ard M. 99�iik & Alfred 0. �`iiik, d/b/a T�rin City Plumbing & Hea.ting Com�any Installation of gas and oil burners. Fred Qogt & Co�par�y Installation of gas burners. Bec�nan moved, Mi�lbert seconded, that the request of the Ii�inneapolis Gas Compar�y for main extensiori, their riumber 6, be granted subject to provisions typed on bottom`of permit by City F�gineer Frank tT. Laska, Carried. � Becl�an moved, Milbet�t seconded, that Resolution #131� nA RF�OLUTION REFERRING.TO THE CITY ENGINEER T!iE ll?ATTER OF CONSTRUCTING SIDE�fiALK AND CURB ON A PORTION OF 17th AVENUE " NORTH A1�ID OF TfiF�ATING HI9VifATHA 'AVENUE IN �IlVNEHAHA OAKS �dITH TAR OII�," marked Exhibit A� be adopted. Carried. : � Milbert moved, Beckman seconded, ttiat an appropriation of $�IOO.00 be made to the �ennepiri County Agricultural Society per their commur.ication dated February 22, 195�. arried. -� M.ilbert moved, LeclQnan secon3ed, that the report by the ftailroad &�arehouse Co�i.ssion on telephorie rates be placed on file. Carried. Il�ilbert moved, Becl�.n seconded, that Resolution #129, "RESOLUTION DIRDCTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF HEARING ON SP�CIAL..ASSESSI��NTS," marked E��ibit B, be adopted. Carriede BeclQnan moved, bllilbert seconded, that the reading of Ordinance #31, "AN ORDINANCE DFr CLARING A PART OF THE NORTHEAST OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, AND A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUART� OF SD�TION 26� TCfV�NSH3P 117, RANGE 22� TO BE A PART OF THE C1�Y OF HOPKIIVS," marked E�iibit C, be accepted as the second read- ing thereof and that the ordinance be adopted and publiehed accorcli.ng to law. Carr'ied.. � Page 3. Bec�nan moved, Pdilbert seconded, that the reading of Ordinance #32, nAN ORDINANCE D� CLARING A PART OF THE NORTF�T QUARTER OF SECTION 13� TOWNSHIP 117� RANGE 22� TO BE A PART OF THE CITY (F HOPKINS,n marked bchibit D, ba accepted as the second reading thereof and that the ordinance be'adopted and published according to law. Carried. Milbert moved, Becl� seconded� that the reading of Ordinance #30, nAAt ORDINANCE RE— LATING TO THE R�ULATT_1�� �F� AIu� THE ISSUING DF LICENSES BY THE CITY OF HOPKINS FOR BILLIARD AND POOL HALIS, BOYTLING ALLEYS, PUBLIC DANCE HALIS, THE SALE OF SQFT DRINKS, PIDDLERS OR �, TRANSIENT P�tCHANTS, GgSOLIlVE FILLING STfiTIONS AND WHOLESAI�E O1Z AI�? GASOLINE STORAGE PLANTS, THE SALE OF MILA AND THE OPERATING OF MILK TRUCKS, P�]CHANiCAL AP�iUUSEI�ENT DEVICFS� BILLBQANDS AND SIGNEQARDS� THE SALE OF CIGARETTF�� ROLLER SKATIII�� RINKS, THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF AUTO�iOBII,E CAN�S .AND THE PARKING OF AUTOMOBII�E TRAII,ERS, TAXICABS, THEATRFS, SHC�S� CIRCUSES AND ENTERTAIN�HENTS, PLUU��iIDING V�ORK AND PLLTMBERS� II,ECTRICAL WORK AND II�EICTRICIANS, THE INSTAI,LATION OF OIL AND GAS RURNING DEfTICF�: PROVIDING PF�TALTIFS FOR VIOLATIQNS OF THIS OF�IDINANCE AND REPEALING CERTAIn1 ORDINANCES�" be accepted as the first readu�.g� Carried. Becl�nan moved, Milbert seconded, that a Special Meeting be held on Friday, March 10� 1950, at 7:00 o�clock P.n�. for further consideration of Ordinance #30. Carried. Nilbert moved, Bec�a.n seconded� that the following appointments and pay rates made by City Manager� C.C. Congdon, be approved. Carried. - � Frank N. ilPh.i.tney, City Attorney, at �1000.00 per year from January l, 195�. Frank V. Laska; City F�igineer, at �l�00.00 per month from March 1, 195�•� John A. Brecka, Fire Ste�v�ra.rd, at �50.00 per month from February l� 195�. �' Becicman moved, Mi.lbert seconded, that the city purchase the Wayne Motor Sweeper, serial rnunber 266, as advertised in bids called for November 15� 19l�9, to be paid for on a rental basis as outlined in theix letter of February 27, 1950. Carried• �� J BeclQnan moved, Milbert seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. ATTEST : , . ��/{1, �P. Harian Perbix, �ayor _ � A.�. Elmquist, cretary to the Council COUNCILN�IT: -����1�.'�I n CITY OF HOPKIi1S I�NNEPIN COIINTY, MI�SOTA RESOLIITION N0. 131. A BESOLIITIOId REFERRHI1Qa TO THE CITY ENGINEER THE MATTEH OF CONSTR�TCTI�G 5IDEWALK AND CURB ON A PORTIODT OF 17TH AVENIIE NORTH AND OF TRE9TING HIAWATHA A�E�IIE IN MINNEHAH9 OAKS WITH TAR OIL. � WHEREAS, there has been Piled with the city clerk and bg the clerk preaented to the city couacil petitione aeking for the followiag local improvements: SIDEWALg AND CURB: Conatracting eidewalk and cnrb on the West side of 17th. Avenue North between �celeior gvenue and Firet Street �Torth; TAR OZL TfiEATMENT: Placing tar oil on Hiawatha. Avenne in Minnehaha Oake; AND WHEREAS, the coats thereof should be asaesaed againat any property found benefited thereby, and WAEREAS, the owners of moat of the property against ahich eaid costs would be aaaesaed have petitioned the city council for eaid improvemente; AOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Eopkins that the ma.tter of constru cting said eidewalk and curb ia eaid location and the matter of treating eaid avenue with tar oil �iae referred to Frank Laska, city engineer� to inveatigate the necessity and feaeibility of euch improvementa and to report to the council as soon as poesible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkina at a regular meeting thereof held thie 7th day of March, 1950. W. H9RI,AN PERBIR � MAYOR A. W. Elmquiat, Secretary to the council Fr �k N. Whi tne�, City Attorney copy to engineer CITY OF HOPKIN3 HENNEPIN COIINTY� MINNESOTA RESOLIITIOIJ N0. 129. RESOLIITION DIRECTING PIIBLICATION OF NOTICE OF HEARING OAT SPECIAL 9S9ESSMENTS. WHEREAS� contr�cts have been let' for the local improvementa hereinafter listed, and the coata of such improvements have been determined, and the amount to be apecially as�eeeed for each improvement against every assessable lot� piece or parcel of land abutting upon euch improvement hae been calculated, and auch asaeasmente are. on fil� with the eecretary of the council and open to public in�pection, to-wit: Aesessment No. 1: Installing curb on the West aide of Washington avenue aorth from ✓ P'irst Street north to Second Street north, at.a total cost of $1,33g•�5• Aeeesement No. 2: Installing curb on both sides of 15th. avenue north from �+th. street � north to.the south line of etate highway No. 7,at a total cost of $1�2p8.25. Assessment No. 3: Inatalling curb on the East aide of Washington avenue North from � Fir�t etre�t north to Secoad �treet north, at a total cost of $1,�36.30. Aesesament No. �+: Inatalling sidewalk and curb on the west side of Monroe avernie �- south from Firat atreet aouth to 3econd at�eet south at a total coat oP $2,291.20. A�eessment No. 5: Tar oil treatment on Srveet Briar Laxie in front of Blocksl and 2, Kloas' First Ad.dition, at a total co et of �S�F6.69. Aseessment Ro. 6: Tar oil tre�tment on Farmdale Road east of Hazelazie in Hobby Acrea. at a total coet of $179.55• Aesessment No. 7: Tar oil treatment on Wa�side Road f rom Hazelane to Hollyhock Lane� at a total coet of $2�+9.78, Aasessment No. S: Tar oil treatment on jrd. atreet North between 5th. avenue North and ` 6th. avenue north� at a total coet of $3�F.Ok. Assesament No. 9: Tar oil treatment oa l�th, avenue north betweea �th. atreet north and ✓ the eouth line oi state highway No. 7, at a total cost of $57g•3�• Asseesment No. 10: Iastalling sanitary sewer from the street into reside�+e at Lot 20. Block 2� Weat Minneapo lis, at a total cost of $37g.50. Aesesameat No. 11: Installing sanitary sewer main on 12th. aveaue north from the south line of I,ot 1� to the north line of Lot 18� Block 77� Weet Minneapolie� Second Division, at a total coet of $1,052.00. Aeaesement No. 12: Installing water main on 12th, avenne north from the south line of Lot 1� to the north line of Lot 18� Block 77� �eet Minneapolis, Second Division� at a total coat of �1,167.00. Asaeasment No. 13: Inatallin� eanitar9 aewer main in Elmo Park Addition, at a total coat of $5.973•�- Asseasment No. 1�+: Installing water main in Elmo Park Additiona� a total coat of ot' $g,419.50. AND WHEREAS, the areas propoeed to be asseseed for said improvements numbered 1 to 12 incluaive, are all lote� pieces and parcels of la.nd abutting upon eaid improvemente; and WIiEEE9S, the areas proposed to be asaesaed for said improvamente numbered 13 and 1� are the plat of Elmo Park Addition; th�t part of the Aortheast Q}�a.rter (IVE�) of the Northwest �arter (NW�) of Section 24� Townehip 117, Range 22, l�ing aorth of etate highW�y DTo. 7; commencing at a poiat on the north line of the Northwest f�arter (NW�) of the DTorthwest q}iarter (NW�) of Section 2�, Toaraship 117, Range 22, 331 feet Eaet of the West line thereof, thence East 331 Peet along said north line� thence South j10.6 feet parallel with the West line thereof to the North line of state highw�r No. 7, thence �esterly along the north line of said highway to a point 331 feet East of the 4Pest line of said Northweat �iarter (N4i►�) of Northwest �iarter (NW�), thence North to beginning. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that notice be published in the official paper at least twenty da,ys before the meeting, that the councfl of the city of Hopkine will pase upon eaid proposed assesemente at ita regular meeting to be held in the council chambere in the city hall on Tuesdt�y, April �+� 1950- ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the council of the city of Hopkina held thie 7th de�y oP March, �95�• A. W. E],mquiat� Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorne� � W. HARLAN PERBIX. MAYOH � � �� �%1 . ` �� � � l�, p ` � �Irt NOTICE OF IiEARING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMIlVTS. NOTICE IS I�REBY GIVEN that the couacil of the city of Hopkina aill meet at the council chembere ia the city hal�. on Tuesday, April �4� 1950, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. for the pnirpose of paesing upon proposed aesessmenta for the following local improvemente, to-wit: Aaeeasment IJo. 1: Ineta111ng carb oa the Weet side of Washington ave�ue north from First Street North to Second Street North, at a total co�t of $1,33g•�5• Aaeessment No. 2: Installing curb on both eides of 15th. avenue aorth from �th. Street �'orth to the aouth line of at�te highway DTo. 7, at a total cost of $1,205.25. Asseasment No. 3: Installing curb on the East side of Washington avenue north from First Street North to Second Street �orth, at a tota.l coat of $1,�36.30. Aeseasment Ao. 4: Inetalling sidewalk a.nd cnrb on the areat side of Monroe ave�ue South Prom Firet atreet south to Second etreet south at a total cost of $2��91.20. Aeseaement No. 5: Tax oil treatment on Sweet Briar Lane f n front of Blocks 1 and 2, gloae' Firet Addition, at a total coet of $g�+6.6�. Asseasment Ao. 6: Tar oil treatment on Farmdale Road east of Hazelane ia Hobby Acres� at a total coet of $179•55• ' Asaessment No. 7: Tar oil treatment on Wayside Road from Ha.zelane to Holl�hock Lane� at a total coat of $2�+9.7g. Aesesement No. S: Tar oil treatment on 3rd. Street P'orth between 5th. Avenue DTorth and Sixth Avenue North� at a total coet of$3�.0�. Aseessment No. 9: Tar oil treatment on l�Fth. Avenue North between �th. Street North aad the sonth line of state highway �o. 7, at � total cost of $57g•3�- Aasaeement DTo. 10: Inetalling sanitary sewer from the atreet into residence at Lot 20, Block 2� Weat Minneapolis. at a total coet of $378.50. Aesessment No. 11: Inetalling aanitary se�ver maia oa 12th. Avenue North from the South line of Lot 14 to the north line oP Lot 18, Bloclt 77, �1est Minneapolie, Second Division� at a total coat of $1,052.00. ,�eeessment No. 12: Inetalling vaater main on 12th. Aeenue North from the South line of Lot 1�+ to the north line of Lot lg� Block 77, W�et Minneapolia� Second Divieion, at a total coat of $1,167.Op. Aesesament No. 13: Inetalling aa.nitary ae�oer main in Elmo Park Addition, at a total co et of $5 , 973 • � • Assessment No. 1�+: Inetalling water main ia Elmei Park Addition at a total coat of �g, �+19. 50 • (1) NOTICE I5 FVRTHEB GIVEN that the areas proposed to be aeseesed for eaid aeeeasmeata mimbered 1 to 12 inclusive, are all lots� p�ecee and parcele of la.nd abutting upon said improvemente, and that the areae propoaed to be asseased for eaid improvemente numbered 13 and 1� are the plat of �lmo Park Additioa; that part of the Northeaet f�iarter (ND�) of the Northwest Q�.arter (D1W�) of Section 2�, Township 117� Raage 22, lyiag north of state hi�way DTo. 'j; commencing at a point on the north line of the Northweet f�,iarter (NW�) of the &orthweat Q�arter (NW�) of Sectiom 2�+, Townehip 117, Range 22, 331 Peet Eaat of the West line thereof� thence Eaet 331 feet along said north liae, thence South 710.6 Peet parallel with the Weat line thereof to the North line of ata�e highway No. 7., theace Westerly along the north liae of said highwe.y to a point 331 feet F�.st of the Weat line oi eaid Northwest t,�iarter (NW4) of Northweet �iarter (NW�), thence North to beginning. Dated: March g, 1950. Frenk N. Whitney, Cit� Attorney. C. C. Congdon, City Aienager Published in the 3nburban Preee on Thureda,y, March 9, 1950. copy for the paper 3/ S,, v: i 2) � a . � �" �a � �' ,i �7 �c � CITY OF HOPgINS, ` �� C, �I1V CCIUNTY� MINNESOTA ��� '�S ~ . ,�.��.A �i.� rc oxnr�aarrc� Ao. 3i. �� ,,� , AN ORDINANCE DECZAEING A PAflT OF TSE NOHTHEAST QITARTER OF TAE NORT�AST QIIgRTER OF SEC�ION 23� AND A PART OF THE NORTSEAST QpARTER OF THE NORTF�AST Q�TARZ'ER OF SECTIO� 26, TOWATSHIP 117, aA�TGE 22 � TO BE A P.�F�T OF THE CITY OF HOPgIN3. WSEREAS, the real eatate described as: 2 That part of the Northeast Q}�arter (�) of the Northeast Q,iarter (1��) of 3ection Twenty-three (23)�. Toranahip One Hundred Seventeea (117). Range Twenty-two (22), lying 3onxtherly of the 3outherly line of etate highway No. 7 a.nd Northerlg and Ea.sterly of the bTortherly line of the ri�t-of-way of The Minaeapolie &� St. Lonis Railway; aad The �ortheast Qaarter (NF}�) of the Northeaet �arter (�g) of 9ection Twenty-eia (26), Townehip One Huadred Seventeen (117), Raage Twenty-two (22), egcept the Westerly lOg7.� feet thereof, an.d eacept that part thereof l�ing Southerly of the Northerly line of the right-of-way of The Minnespolis & St. Lonie Railway� and except the Northerly 96 feet of the Easterly 25.25 feet of the Westerly 1112.65 feet of said I�ortheast f�,iarter (NFr�) of Northeast �.iarter � �) . • . _� abuts npon and adjoine the city oP Hopkina, �ahich ig a city of less than 10,000 3nhabitants, and WIIEREA3, pursuant to Minnesota Statntea 19'�5, Section �13.1�+, the owner of aaid tracta of landh�.s petitioned the city council of Hopkine to annea said le.nd to the city of Hopkins and to declare the eame to be aa additioa to auch city; NOW, THEEEFOFE� � m BE IT OaDAI�D by the council of the city of Hopkins: Sectioa 1. The folloaing described tra.cts or parcels of land� and each of them� in Hennepin Cov.nt�, �iinnesota, to-wit: That part of the �ortheaet Qaarter (�) of the gortheast Q�arter (�) of Section Twenty-three (23), Toronehip One Hundred Seventeen (117), Ra,nge Twenty-two (22), lying Sontherly of the Southerlg line of state hi�wa� l�o. 7 and Aortherly and Easterl� of the �ortherl,y line of the right-of-way of The Minneapolis & St. Louia Railway; and � (1) � The Northeaet �arter (NE�) of the Northeast (�iarter (�) of Section Twenty-six (26)� Townahip One $indred Seventeen (117). Range T�enty-two (22), except the Weaterly lOg7.�# feet thereof� and eacept that p�rt thereof lying Southerly of the Northerly line of the ri�it-of-�aay of The Minneapolie & St. Louis Railway, and egcept the l�ortherly j6 feet of the Easterly 25•25 feet of the Westerly 1112.65 feet of eaid Aortheast �.iarter (ND�) of Northeast Qiarter (�) � are hereby annezed to and declared to be a part of the city of Hopkias, Hennepia County, Minnesota, as effectnally ae if they had beea originally a part thereof. FIEST F�AD at a regular meetiag of the conacil oP the cit�r of Hopkitts held on the 21st dey oP _F�bruary � 1950, and finally read aad pasaed at a regnlar meeting of the council of said city held on the 7th day of March , l9�jp. W. HA�,AN pERBIg�MAYOR 9. W. Elmquiet, � Secretary to the canncil, Frsak A. Whitne�, City Attoraey. Pnblished in The Suburban Prese on March 16, 19r�p- 0 CITY OF HOP%INS HEPtN�IN C0ITNTY� MIN�iESOTA ORDI NANCE N0. j2. �� �' N � �1 ' � ° � ,�� � ° . ,�� �'' �"�.\ AN ORDINANCE DECLA�Na A PART OF THE NOSTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTIOPT Ij, TOW�SHIP 117, �A.NGE 22, TO BE A PART OF THE CITY OF HOPgINS. WSEREAS� the real eatate described ae that part of the Northweet f�arter (DTW4) of Sectioa Thirteen (13) , Tomnship One Flundred Seventeen (llj) , Range Twenty- two (22), lying Southerly of the Northerly line of the right-of-way of the Great Northern Railwa�� abuts upoa and adjoina the city of Hopkins� which is a city of lees thaa 10.000 inhabita.nts, and WAEREAS, pursna.n.t to Minnesota Statntea �9�+5, Section �lj.l�� a majority of the owners of that portion of eaid tract of la.nd which is platted� and the owner of the tract or parcel of land theref n which ie unplatted, have petitioned the city council of Hopkins to a.nnes said land to the city of Hop;�ins a,nd to declare the aame to be an addition. to auch cit�; NOW, THEREFORE� BE IT OEDAINED by the conncil of the cit� of Hopkine: 0 Section 1. Tha.t part of the Northwest f�.iarter (P�W�) of Section Thirteen (13)� Township One Huadred Seventeen (117), Range Twenty-ttiro (22), Iying Southerly of the Northerly line of the right-of-way of the areat l�ortheran Ra.ilway� including ,,�����. , all lots, blocka� etreets� alleye�� c� r� ts aad parcels of laad coaetitnting and forming a part thereof� ia hereby aaneaed to and declzred to be a part of the city of Hopkins� Hennepin county, Minnesota� as effectually as if it ha,d been originally a part thereof. FIEST EEAD at a regalar meeting of the council af the city of Hopkins, Hennepin County� Minnesota, held on the 21at day of Febraary� 1950, and finally read and passed at a regnlar meetir_g of the council of said city held on the 7th d�y of March, i95o. W. HARLAN pERBTTs � P�AYOR A. W. Elmqui st. . Secretary of the couacil Frank N. whitney� City Attorney Publiehed in The Suburban Presa on March 16, 1950. copy for the paper A special meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held at the City Hall at 7:30 o�clock P.M. on Wednesday, March 15th, 1950. Members present were; �Iayor'�i. Harlan Ferbix, Councilmen Joseph T. �nderla,.Stuart E. Becl�nan, Len J. l�ilbert and John Ziegler. Members absent: none. The meeting was called for t he purpoae of further study of License Ordinance �30 and af�er considerable discussion and reading of said Ordinance, the meeting was adjourned. A• AT�EST : . Ul_l�/ /G%� _ - "� W. Har an Perbix, Mayor st,USecretarg COUNCILMEN; e Council. � �p �� �0 ��. ����► A regular meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held at the City Hall at 7;30 o�clock P.M. on Tuesday, March 21, 1950. P,4embers present were; Mayor W. Harlan Perbix, Counci]lnen Len J. Milbert, Joseph T. Anderla, Stuart E. BeclQna.n, John Ziegler, and City Manager, C.C. Congdon. Members absent: none• Anderla moved, r�Lilbert seconded, that the following bills be paid. Carried. 1672 1673 167l� 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1691� 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 i7ol� l�72 1�73 ?�79 480 481 l�82 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 3� GEnTER&L F[JRID First National Bank of Hopkins Treasurer, State of M�rinesota University of Mi.nnesota American Linen Supply Company Club Cafe Coast to Coast Store C.C. Congdon, Treasurer Dahlberg Bros., Inc. Direct Service Oil Compa.ny Duncan �eter Corporation Henn. Co. Dist. Boiler Inspector Hennepin County Review M;ike Holm, Sec. of State Hopkins Fire Department Johnson & [�ogt, Inc. Justus Lumber Company will�� x. ra�coa� Ma.11er-Davis Company bti.�uieapolis Gas Company Northern States Povrer Co�pany Suburban Chevrolet Co�apany Suburban Press, Inc. Salaries Hourly Payroll Withholdin� deductions Retirement deductions League of Minn. registration Tov�rel service Prisoner meals Prizes for V�inter Carnival &, Petty cash Auto repairs & towing Set chains & tire r.epair Parking Meter _ Boiler inspections Printing C2.r listing Fire calls & telephones Car repair & supplies �zel l�00 gallons gas 2 cabinets & office supplies Gas heat +' ectric light & pot�er Truck repair & towing Printing �irst 2 of March, 1950 Period ending 3/15/50 ftOAD & BRIDGE FUND First National Bank of Iiopkins Treasurer, State of 't�innesota Daril.berg Bros�, Johnson & Vo�t� t'Pilliam H. P�IcCoy Nor'�hern States Salaries Hourly payroll Inc. Inc, Pov�rer Compar�y �'�ithholding deductions Retirernent deductions Fan belt Car repair & supplies Oil & kerosene Electric light & povJer First � of P,4arch, 195� Period ending 3/15�50 WATER FUND -_.. First National Bank of Hopkins Trea.surer, State of Minnesota University of ��inn.esota Suburban Press, Inc. C.C. Congdon, Tressurer Neptune Meter Compar�y Northern States Power Company Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Rockwell Manufacturing Corr�any Salaxies � f ees : ._�� Withholding deductions Retirement deductions League of Minn. registration f ees Printing T'etty cash 50 water meters E1 ectric light & power Telephone Meter repairs First 2 of March, 195� SPr'7CIAL ASSESST,�PEi�1T F�ND 30 First National Bank of Mpls. Interest on bonds 31 Northwestern National Bank of Pd�ls. Interest on bonds SEJPAGE DISPOSAL FUND 91 First National Banlc of Hopkins Withholding deductions Hourly Payroll Period ending 3/15/50 PERMANENT 17�ROVE['QENT REVOLVII�IG FUND 63 bliller-Davis Compar�y 2 cabinets & office supplies Hourly �ag°roll Period �ai� 3/15/50 327.50 176.02 5.00 1.80 23.30 i7 .51� 10.72 i48.o5 lo� 45 !�].7 . 8!� ll.00 61.00 .65 182.00 91.53 5.00 81�.00 los.l�5 162.25 702.67 21l�.90 30.53 1707,33 471.69 45.40 10.00 Z.84 147.89 23.51 �I. s 23 347K3o 318.l�3 ZGl�.60 10,00 10.00 19.70 2.58 907.30 551.38 8.13 54.95 432.27 1037.70 38.08 6.40 5.20 69.50 2.50 Pa�e 2 Milbert moved, A,nderla seconded,' that Trailer Camp Iicense #17 issued to Dewey Anderson, doing business as Camp HaHa, be transferred to �. B. Hagen Company. Carried. - . Milbert moved, Anderla seconded, that a gas burner installation license be issued to Cronstroms Iieating & Sheet Metal, Inc., subject to approval � of bond by the Ci�y �,ttorney. Carried, Milbert moved, Anderla seconded., that bingo.permits be granted to C.I.O. �uxiliary #1138 and the Interlachen Needle Work Guild. Carried. Anderla moved, Milbert seconded, that�t he reading of' Ordinance �30, '�AN ORDINANCE RELATING, TO THE REGUI.,,I�TING OF, AND THE ISSUING OF _LICENSES BY THE CITY 4F HOPKINS FOR, BILLI,ARD AND POOL HALLS, BOWLING ALLEYS, PUBLIC DANC� HALLS, 'I�HE SALE OF SOFT DRINKS, PEDDL�RS OR_ HAWi�'RS, TRANSIENT 11�'RCHANTS., GASOLINE FILLING ST�ATIOI�dS AND WHOLESALE OIL AND GASOLII�IE STORAGE PLANmS,, THE SALE OF MILK AND THE OPERATING OF,-MILK TRUCKS, NI�CHANIC,i�L A1�NSEMENT DEVIGES, BILLBOARDS AND SIGNBOARDS, THE SALE OF CIGARETTES, ROLL�R SKt�TTNG� RINKS, TFiE NIAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF' ,A.UTOMOBILE C��PS AND TI� PARKING OF AUTOMOnILE TRAILERS, TAXICABS, THP�TR�S, SHO��fS, CIRCUS�,S AND Ei�TERTAINMENTS, PLUMBING WORK �ND . PLUMBER$, ELECTRICAL �VORK AND.ELECTRICIANS, THE INSTALLATION OF�OIL AND G�1S BURNING DEVICES: PR�VIDING P�NALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF THIS ORDIN�NCE ,AND RE- PEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCESt� , marked_Exhibit �i, be accepted as the ,� ° second reading thereof, and that the ordinance be adopted and published according to law. Carried. The Dli�yor announced that this was the time and place for a hearirig on engineer�s reports, for the installation of sanitary sewer and water main extensions in West fl�inneapolis Third Division. The Secretary of the �ouncil presented an affidavit showin� publication of a notice of said hearing in the official newspaper on February 23rd and March 2nd, 1950, which was examined and placed on file. 40 owners o� property affected by such improvement spoke in favor thereof; 5 of such owners spoke against same and 2 stated they were undecided. Bec�nan moved, Anderla seconded, tha.t the hearing on said engineer�s reports be adjourned to Tuesday, �,pril 4, 1950, at 7:30 o�clock P.M. Carried. Anderla moved, �fiilbert seconded, that �the City assume the expense of shutting off the water at the main in front of the I.O.O.F building on Excelsior Avenue as a new lead had been put in on the 9th Ave. side. Carried. Milbert moved, �derl� seconded, that the following be appointed to the Civil Service Commission, terms to have commenced 1�1�50. Carried. NIILTON A. GEER for one year term FRANK R. KOSS for two year term GERALD B. MARTINSON for three gear term April 11, 1950, was the date set by the Magor for the second informal meeting for the people of Hopkins to get together �rith the City Council. Ziegler moved, �.nderla seconded, that t�iie City Manager check into street li�hting in �est Minneapolis Third Division and make his recommendation to the City Council. Carried. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, t hat the appointment of Thomas J. Kosanda, by'�Cit� Manager, C. C. Congdon, as deputy assessor to supervise the assessing of real and personal property, be confirmed. Carried. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, t3�t the question of additional police ap- pointments be tabled until the next meetin�. Carried. Zie$ler moved, Becl�nan seconded, that t�he meeting be adjourned. Carried. �1TTEST : . . � � W. Harlan Perb x, Ma or Q���-��. u-'� �Imqui , ecre ary o t�ie (;ounci . 3�21�50 TABULATION OF RESIDENTS OF WEST MINNEAPOLIS THIRD DIVISION WHO SPOKE IN FAVOR OF OR AGAINST THE INSTALLATION OF SEWE�€ AND WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS. The followin� owners were in favor: G. iN. Rogers John Strachota Tom J. McGannon Otto F. Nielsen Joseph E. Tyler Ralph Souba Amos H. Gens Mr. Perkl Duane R. Henke Harvey Forbrook Leo Spott John Tobias Melvin 1Nerness Lyle E. Wynkoop Mrs. Carl Jacobson D. B. �ickit Ntr. Westling John P. Galvin Ernest Ryba John Dudycha He rb Ma s on Andrew J. Slamen E. H. Stenger Lawrence Alberg August G. Fitz Eliz�beth Peshina Elm�.er C . Farber Dou�las A. Myhre Edward D. Velner Robert l�. Smith C. L. Johnson Welch & Mason M. B. Hagen Co. A. J. Nelson Earl Roeser Vi c�V. Rans inge r Walter F. Grenke George Brandon of the Clarence A. Mueller Dick �vorak The followir� owners were against: Wm. Wolff Julia Kral Joe Dudycha Otto Lietzow L. W. Corcoran 25 19th Aye. N. 308 20th Ave. N. 109 19th Ave. N. 123 19th Ave. N. 111 19th Ave. N. 122 20th Ave. N. 36 19th Ave . N. 1823 Exc. Ave. 221 18th Ave . 1V. 202 18th Ave . N. 45 19th Ave. N. 142 • 18th Ave . N . 228 18th Ave. N. 238 19th Ave. N. 207 18th Ave. N. 20th Ave. N. 313 18th Ave. N. 307 18th Ave. N. 217 20th �ve. N. 20th AVe . N. 1917 Exc. Ave. 28 lSth Ave. N. 18th Ave. N. 1909 Exc. Ave. 320 18th Ave. N. 37 19th Ave. N. 201 19th Ave. N. 217 19th Ave. N. 134 20th Ave. N. 137 20th Ave. N. 20th Ave. N. 19th Ave. N. 311 19th Ave. N. �S 19th Ave. N. #9 19th �Ave. N. 125 19th Ave. N. M&ST.:L. Ry. Co. 224'� 18th Ave. N. 223 18th Ave. N. 138 18th Ave. N. 14 20th qve. N. 302 19th xve. N. 308 18th ave. N. 301 19th Ave. N. The following owners were undecided: Jim Frake s Al Vassar 217 18th Ave. N. 15 20th Ave. N. CITY OF HOPgIN5 FiENN'EPI�T COUNTY� MINNESOT� ORDI AdANCE NO . 30 . AN 0&DIPZANCE RELATIP3G TO THE REGIILATING OF, AND THE IS50ING OF LICENSES BY THE CITY OF HOPKINS FOR, BILLIARD.AND POOL HALLS� BOWLING ALLEYS� PIIBLIC DANCE HALLS� THE SAT�E OF SOFT DRINKS, PEDDLERS OR HAWKERS� TRAN3IENT MERCHANTS, GASOLINE FILLIATG STATIONS AND �aTfiOLESALE OIL AND GASOLIrTE STORAGE PLANTS, 'i'HE SALE OF MILK AND THE � OPERATIPdG OF MILK TI�TCKS� MECHANICAL 9MIISEMENT DEVICES� BILLBOARDS AATD SIGNBO�RDS, THE SALE OF CIGARETTES� ROLLER SSATIIQG RINKS., THE MAINTEATANCE AND OPERATION OF AIITO- MOBILE CAMPS AND THE PARKIP;G OF AIITOMOBILE TRAILERS, TARIC9BS, THEATRES� SHOWS� CIRCUSES APTD ENTERTAINMENTS, PLUNIDING WORR AND PLIINIBERS, ELECTRICAL WORK AND II,ECTRICIANS, THE INSTALLATION OF OIL AND GAS BU�TING DEPICES: PROVIDING PENALTIEB FOR PIOLATIOI�S OF THIS ORDIT;ANCE AND REPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCE3 BE IT ORIlAIN�D b� the council of the city of Hopkine: Section 1. Dutiee of City Ma.nager. Subdivision 1. The city manager shall iesue all city licenses or tranafers of liceases authorized by this ordinance. 9ubdivision 2. Applicatione. Every applicant for any licenae or tra.nafer of a licenae to be iasned or granted under the authority of thie ordina.nce shall make an application for such license or tra.nefer on a form to be i'urniehed by the city and ahall pay to the city the f1i11 amount of the license or transfer fee required by this ordinance, and ahall file with the city the bond and certified copy-of a atate licenee� if either or both are required for euch city license. All questions on the application blank must - : be a.newered and all information required muet be f'urnished. Any application for a - licenae made by a,n individue.l owner shall be signed and sworn to by auch owner; if made by a partnership, it ahall be aigied and sworn to by one of the partnere; and if by a � corporation, by one of the duly elected officiale of the corporatfon. Subdivision 3. Iasuance of Licenee. The city manager ehall make such inveatiga.- ;tion of the application and the pereon applying for such license or transfer as he deems . neceaeary and.shall� within thi rty days from the date of the filing of such application and bond�.and certified copy of a state licenae� or the payment of the licenae or tra.nsfer fee, �chever ia later, either issue the licenae or transfer� or deny auch applicatioa. If the application be denied� the amount of the license or,transfer fee shall be refunded to the applicant. 9ubdivision 4. Report to the Council. At the firat regular meeting of the council in each calendar month, the city manager ehall rep�rt to the council all licenses or tranefers iesued or applications for liceneea or transfere oP liceneee denied by him dnring the preceding 30 days. or since making hia last.report. The council may at aa time ..�,Y; . ' f� either with or without a notice to the licenaee, revoke ar� _tra�9fe.r�:.of:a;:; • . license iesued by the city ma.nager, or gra.nt any application for a.license or for a transfer of a licenee which the city manager hsa denied; . and::.may_,.revoke'�a�y: �= �:'°4 �`'>� Yicenae. after:-�,�� giving the licenaee at least eeven da.,ps notice by registered mail at the licensee'e addreas ehown on the licenee application, or, if none ia �hown, at the liceneee's last l�own addresa, of the intention of the council to revoke such license and giving the licenaee a.n opportunit� to appear before the council and be heard with referenae thereto. Section 2. Billiard or Pool Halla, go billiard or pool hall of an� deecription in �hich billiards, pocket billiarde or pool are pl�qed, or which includes any apparatue or paraphernalia for the playing of billiar@e� pocket billiarde or pool and which is conducted as a public place of business for profit ehall be carried on or maint�ined in the city oP Hopkine. Section j. Bo�rliag Alleye. Subdivi�n 1. A bowling alley shall not be kept or used on the eame floor of any building �uhere intoxicating liquors are kept, eold or otherwise diepoaed of. Sl,tbdivision 2. Licenae Heqnired. No bovrling alley ehall be kept or naed without first ha.ving procared a licenee therefor from the city. Srtbdivision j. Fee. �'he annual license fee eha.11 be $5.00 for each alley. Section 4. Public D�,nce Hall. 9abdivision 1. A dance in which danCi:ng ia pro- miacuoue, and admisaion to �vhich ie not based upon peraonal selection or invitation� is a public dance. A public da.nce hall is a place maintained for promiecuoue �nd public dancing� and admiaeion to which ie not based upon personal selection or incitation. 9ubdivisioa.2. License Eequired. DTo peraon ehall hereafter keep� maintain, con- duct or operate ar�y public dance hall� or place for holding public dances, in the city of Hopkins, without firat paying the licenae fee a.nd obtaining a license therefor. $15.Q0 is hereby fixed and eetabliehed ae a licenee fee for one �rear for euch licenses. 9nbdivision j. No Liqaor. No pereon shall at anry time bring to, or eell� dis- pense, give away, use or drink an�y intoxicating liquor in.aay public dance hall, or place for holding pnblic daxices, in the city. 9ubdivieion �+. Hours. �o public dance ahall be held, had or conducted on any 9anday, or bete�een the honrs of 12:01 o'clock A.M. and 6:00 o'clock A.M, on an,p.Monday, Tneeday, Wedneaday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday� and all placea in which public daacee are conducted in the city ehall be cloeed duriag the hours public dances are prohibited therei n. Section 5. Soft Drinks. 3�ibdivision 1. Whenever used in thie section, "eell" or "eale" includee all barters, gifte and all means of f'arnishing soft drinks; "eoft drink" means an,p vinous, carbonated or etill beverages, or an,�thing naed ae a drink or beverage other than.intoxicatiag liquor and noa-intoaicating malt liquor, as defined by other ordinancea of the city, and other than coffee� tea, chocol�te, cocoa, mil.]�. cream and other eimilar drinke generally used at meale in restaurante and other eating places; i2) "soft drink place" meane e.ny houee, room� tent� encloso.re� vehicle, reaort or place of any deacription where ie eold or mhere it ia proposed to aell or oPfer for �,le� or keep for sale, at retail for cons�amption on the premises, any soft drink. except a drag etore or pharmacy v►herein a pharmacist duly registered under the lawe of the etate of Minnesota ie i n actual and pereonal charge; "person" includes natural persons, partnershipe and corporationa; "eoPt drink dealer" includes any peraon keeping a soft drink place; "licenee" meane a license to engage in the business of a soft drink dealer. 9tibdiviaion 2. License Required. No person ahall engage in the business of a soft drink dealer without first having obtained a licen se Prom the city for the atand� place, room or enclosure, or for each suite of roome or enclosures which are in direct connection or commnnication or contiguoua to each other and run and operated ae one place. 9ubdivieion j. Fee. The ananal licenee fee rrhich sha11 be paid to the city for each license applied for before the same shall be issned, ahall be $5.00. �bdivi�ion �. Screene. No liceneed soft drink dealer shall constrnct� build or ma.intaia �ith screene� curtains or partitions of an� kind� aay atall� booth, room, or other enclosure of any kind in or connected �ith a�y room or place or bnilding wherein a�y kind of soft drink is sold or disposed oP by such dealer in the city� vohich is� ,or can by any iagenuity� aham or pretenee� be used as a lounging or drinking or gambling place, or fo r any immoral purpoee. 9ubdiviaion 5. Conviction. A conQiction in aay court of any_peraon or corporation licensed nader thia aection for violating aay of the provisions of this ordiaance, or of the laws of the etate of M9.nnesota or tiie ordins.ncea oP this city relating to the sale of intoxicating liqu.ors or non-iato�icating malt liqaors� shall in and of itself render null and eoid the license oP the person so convicted. Section 6. Peddlere or Aa�okers. 9abdieieQ.on 1. No person ehall enga.ge �, or follow the businesa or occapatioa of a p�ddler or ha,wker within the city without having first obtained a licenee for that purpose from the city. 9abdivision 2. Vehicle or Foot. The applicant for such a license ehall epecify in his applicatioa �rhether he intende to carry on his businees by a �aagon or other vehicle, or on foot. 9ubdivision j. Fees. The following ye,�rly ratea for licenses in the city are (3) 0 hereby figed and established: s �� � Where such person shall use in such business or occupation a wagon or other vehicle drawn by o ne or more horaes� or other beasts of burden, or automobile, or vehicle or conveyance propelled by ar�p mecha.nical power� the sum of �50.00; , Where he sha.11 use in such business or occupation a pash or hand cart or where he shall conduct euch buainess on foot, by means of a pack, basket or other means for carrying merchandise on foot, the sum of $25.00. 5ubdivision �+. Terms of License. Ebery such license sha�l authorize the person receiving the.same to use one wagon or other vehicle drawn by one or more horses, or other beaete of burden, or automobile or other vehicle or conveyance propelled by mechanical power; or one push or hand cart; or the basket, packs or other mea.ns necessary for one peddler,,.�carxying by himself; mercha.ndise on foot as the case may be. � � But one person shall be authorized to carry.on business under auch license, a.nd no person ehall conduct businesa under the same�license as co-partners, agents, or othexwise. 9ubdieision 5. Licenee_to Be Exhibited. It aha11 be the duty of a.ny person, licenaed as herein provided, upon the demand of any city official, police officer or e constable, to exhibit his licenae� and make affidavit that he is the �erson named therein. Any person failing to exhibit his license when requested by the persone above designated shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Si�.bdiviaion 6. Farm and Garden Products. The provisions of this aection sha.11 not apply to a�y person who- may eell or peddle the prodncts of the.}, farm or gardea occnpied and caltivated by him. Subdivision 7. Soldiers and Sailors. Discharged soldiers, sailors or' marines ahall, �, not.be exempt from the proeisiona of thi s section. Section 7. Tranaient Mercha.nts.. S�ibdivision 1. The worde "tranaient merchant" as herein used, includes all persons, individual�� co-partners and corporationa both as principal and agent who engage in, do or transact any temporary a.nd tra.nsient busineae in this state, either in one locality� or in traveling fron place to place in this atate, aelling goods� wares and merc,han.dise� and Who for the purpose of carrying on such businesa, hire, lease,� occupy or use a building, atrncture, �` ... .�.�;, :; or railroad car for the ex- hibition and eale of such gooda, c�ares and mercha.ndise. Subdivision 2. License Required. It shall be un1aY��1 for any tra.nsient merchant to engage in, do or transact any business as such, in the city of Aopkins, Minnesota, with- out firat obtaining a license from the city. 9ubdivision j. Fee. The application for a licenae for a tra,nsient merchant ahall include a statement showing the kind o f business propoaed to be conducted, and the length annual of time for �t.ch it is to be conducted. The/fee, for sn.ch license aha�l be $75.00. � �) v✓ viaions �bdivieion �. Pro=/of License. A license issued to ,a transient merchant shall be for the place described in his application and shall ahow the kind of busineea to bE done therein. No licenae shall be good for more than me peraon unl esa euch person shall be the member of a co-partnerahip, nor Por more than one place. 9ubdiviaion 5. Affidavit 8equired. It shall be unlawful for an,y transient merchant to adcertise, represent, or hold forth as being sold for an insura.nce, bankrupt� � insolvent� asaignee, trastee, te�tator, eaecutor, administrator, receiver, a�ndicate, wholesale o r manufactur�r; or closing ont eale, or a,s a sale of any gooda, wares and merchandise, dam�ged b� smoke, fire, water, or otherwise, or in any similar form; unless sach transient mercha.nt ehall file with the city manager an affidavit at the same time that the said application ia filed, showing a11 the facts relating to the reasons and character of such eale so to be adeertised or represented� and showing that such sale is in fact as it ie to be adeertised a.nd represented, including a atatement of the namea of the persons from whom the goods, wares and merchaz�dise so to be advertiaed or represented were obtained, the date of the delieery to the person applying for the,license, and the place from which said goods,�wares and merchandise were laet taken� and all details necessar� to exactl� locate and fully itemize a.11 goods, taares and merchandise to be sold. If such affidavit shall fail to ehow that such sale ie of the character as the same i e intended to be advertieed or represented as ahown in auch affidavit, and fails to dis- close the facta as herein reqaired, then the city manager shall refuse such applicant a. license for such ea1e. Should a license be issued to enich applicant, then such licenae . ahall state that such pereon is authorized a.nd licensed to sell such goods� wares and merchandise, and advertise and repreaent and hold forth the same as being sold as such insurance, bankrnpt, ineolvent, assi�ee, trustee, testator, ezecutor� administrator, receiver, syndicate, wholesale or ma.nufacturer, or cloaing out sale, or aa a sale of an� goods� wares a.nd merchandise, damaged by smoke, fire, water, or otherwise� or in any similar manner present other facts as ahown in such affidavit. 9uch affida.vit ahall be aworn to before a person authorized to administer oaths b� sach person so applying for such license, or if a partnership� by a member of such partnerahip, or if a corporation, by one of the officers of such corporation. • Subdivision 6. Ebidence. Whenever it appears that any such stock of gooda, wares and merchandise haa been brought into the ci ty of Hopkins by a person not a reaident therein, and that it is cla.imed that such stock ie to be cloaed out at reduced prices, such fact ahall be prima facie evidence that the peraon, co-partnerahip or corpaation offering such goods for sale, ie a traxisient mercha.nt ae defined in this ordinance. S�,ibdivision 7. Not Applicable to Certain Sa,les. The provision of this g�ection sha11 not apply to aalea made to dealers by commercial travelers or selling agenta in the (5) , ` �/ ✓' usua.l courae of businesa, nor to bona fide eales of gooda, wares and mercha.n.dise, by sample, for future deli4ery, or to hawkers on the atreets, or to peddlers from vehicles� baskets or packs carried on their backs, or to sheriffs� conatables or o�ther ptxblic � , officers aelling goods, ,ware's a.nd merchandise according� to lam; nor to bona fide assignees or receivers appointed in this state selling goo.da, wares and merchandise for the 4. ,. benefit of creditors, nor to 'any person who may sell or peddle the products of the farm or garden occupied and cultivated by him. , �ection S. �Gasoline�Filling Statione and Wholesale Oil and Gasoline Storage Plants. S�ibdivision 1. No person, firm or corporation sha.11' engage in the buainesa of keeping, maintaining, conducting or operating any gasoline aervice filling station or any wholesale or general oil or gasoline storage,place in the city of Hopkina without first.obtaining a• license therefor from the,city manager and pa,q3ng a license fee as herein provided. For the purpose of this ordinance, a gaeoline service filling etation is hereby defined to be any service and retail storage station place, building, pump or device maintained or used on private premises or upon any public atreet, public highuray or public place� or in a�y public garage in the city for the purpose of selling or serving gasoline for use in motor eehicles of any kind. Licenae Refused. Sabdivi�n 2: � The city manager sha11 reihse a permit for any such ga,soline filling atation or wholesale oil and gasoline storage pla.nt in a.n� case where, in the judgment of the city ma.nager� the establishment and maintena.nce of the gasoline filling atation or , . , ,:,,, wholesale storage plant fo r which a permit is applied, would unduly increase the fire haza.rd or othex�xrise be detrimental to the safety of the public, or in any case where in the jud��nent of the city manager it is for the public health, safety, general welfare and best interesta of the city or public that such permit be not gra.nted. 3�.ibd.ivisioa 3. Fee. The arm.ual licenae fee for. such licenaee sha11 be a.nd are hereby fixed as follows: Retail aervice and atorage station (drive in) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $15.00 Fo r each ex t ra pump mo re than o ne - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. 00 ..,,r. For each pump (on public atreet or place) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.00 Generalorwholesalestorageplacea-`- ----------------- 50.00 9ubdivision �+. Bond, when. No such license ahall be issued to ar�y pereon, Pirm o,r corporation for keeping, conducting, maintaining or operating any such gasoline filling station on any sidewalk or on a.ny portion of any public street or highway or pablic graund, until such person, f�iim o r co rporation eha11 have furnished and delivered a bond to the cit� of Hopkins in the sum of $5,000.00 conditioned to indemnify a.nd save the city harmless from ( 6) ✓ �` a.nd aga.inst any axid all loss, cost, clamage and expenae resulting to the city by reason of 'the existence, maintenance or operation of sach gasoline filling atation, and subject to paramount public rights:by virtue of�a.ny laa�, statute.or ordinance.. S'ubdivision 5. Safetp Requirementa. No licensee or other person or persona in charge of or operating any such gasoline filling etation in the,city, and no owner or other person driving, operating or in charge of any such motor vehicle ahall fill or allow or cause to be filled with gasoline the ta.nk or tanks of any such motor vehicle ' while the engine or motor thereof is running, and no person ahall smoke or be allowed to amoke in or about any gasoline filling station in the city. Section 9. Milk. Siibdivision 1. "Person'� as used in this section includes individuals, co-partnerahipe, aseociations and corporations. "NIilk". includes whole and fluid milk products � milk and cream/, except where the more limited terme are used with apecific meaning. Subdiviaion 2. Zicenae Requi red. No p erson shall sell milk, except for manufactur- ing purpo ses, within the city of Hopkins, without firet obtaining a licenae therefor a.nnual from the city, the�fee for which shall be �1.00. Subdivi�n 3. Source of eapply. The application for a milk license shall show the source of supply of the milk to be sold in the city, and the city ma.na.ger may, at . anJ time, require the applicant for or.',holder of a milk license to give the names and addresses of the various t�roducers of milk who furnish milk to or Por such aource of supply. 9u.bdieision �+. Authority to Prohibit Sale. The City Health Officer aha,ll ha,ve ' authority to prohibit the sale of milk for huma.n consumption, which has not been pro- duced or ha.ndled in accordance with the proeisions of thi� ordinance or the laws of the state of Minnesot�. Milk found in the poesession of ar�p person licensed to sell milk in the city ahall be considered as intended for sale in the city. 9ubdivisian 5. gind of Milk. Milk sold in the city ehall be the whole, fresh� clea.n, lacteal secretion obtained by the complete milking of aie or more healthy cowa, p roperly fed and kept, excluding that obtained within 15 days before and five days after calving, or such longer period as may be necessary to render the milk practically Coloats�am-free. It shall contain not less than 3.50 per cent natural milk fat and otherwise conform with the sta.te lawa as required by the atate agriculture; da.ir�p axid � food department. Sizbdieision 6. Tuberculin Tests. Milk sha11 be from cows free from tuberculosis. The city health officer may at any time reQuixe that tuberculin tests shall be made by a graduate licensed veterinarian of a.ny cowa producing milk which ma.y be sold in the city, which tests shall.be made in accordan.ce with the regulations prescribed by the State Live Stock Sa.nitary Board. A copy of each test shall be for�aarded to the secretary - ( 7) ,�_.� . .. .. _ ,... . _ , __ _ ._ _ ,. . _ _. - _. _ _. _ . . . _ . _ . _ , . � _ _ _ _ _ _ . , .. �,} , - , , . � � . � �� 4, � � � of the State Live Stock Sanitary Boaxd for approval. Herds in which tuberc�ilosis is found shall be subject to a.n examination a.nd retest in accordance with the,regulations of the State Live Stock Sanitary Boarci. All cattle v�iich are found to be affected with tuberculoais, or a�y other diseased condition� which renders the milk unfit for human consumption, shall be immediately isolated from the herd and the milk from such animals shall not be offered for sale or distribution in the city. Dairy herds identified on the list of "Tubercalosis Free Accredited Herds'� of the State Live Stock Sanit�.ry Board shall be egempt from the provisions of tYiie subdivision , _ �:� relative to tubereulin teating. � 9ubdivision 7. Cows Added. After such tests have been made of any herd� the city health officer /sYia�l be notified at once of the addition of cot�s to the herd, or herds, owned by licenseea selling milk, or the herd, or herds from which they obtain their milk� a.nd no milk shall be so sold from such cowe until they have been tuberculin tested as herein provided. The feea for testing such animala eha11 be paid by the owner of the herd. 9tiibdivision S. Cream. "Cream" shall be from milk pmduced by tubercnlin teated a.nd non-reacting cows and shall contain not leea tha.n 2p per cent of milk fat. Cream sold as whipping cream sha11 contain not less than 30 per cent of natural milk fat. 9ttbdivision 9. Cape. The milk bottle caps on all milk sold in bottles shall bear the name of the dietributor and shall state whether it is raw milk or pasteurized milk. Subdivision 10. Only Pasteurized Milk Sold. From and after July 1, 1950, no milk, cream or fluid milk prodncts ahall be aold, advertised� offered or esposed for sale or held in possession for sale in the city for the purpose of human. consunrption in fluid form unlesa the same• has been pasteuri zed as defined by the laws of the state of Minnesota; .; provided, this eu.bdivision shall not apply to milk secured or pnrchased for his personal use by a.ny consumer at the place or farm where the milk ia produced. 9ubdivision 11. Buildinge. No building shall be ueed for atabling cows for the production of milk to be sold in the city unless it ie in good repair and kept in a sa.nitary condition. The floors shall be water-tight and adequate drainage provided. The walls, ceilings and lodges of the barn shall be kept reason�bly fr�e from cobwebs and dust. Cows ahall be clean at time of milking. ;�'. Subdiviaion 12. Keeping Milk. Milk muat not be kept or stored in a,ny stable, or °.; ,;�� , in a.ny room uaed for sleeping or domestic purpoaes, no'�:�in unclea.n or ru.sty ca.na. � � 9ubdivision lj. Water 9upply. The water supply shall be so located, constxucted - ;�°: y and ma.naged that it will provide �;�: water of a safe sa,nitary quality. r �` _ ::i �ubdivision 1�+. Niilk Room. Producers who� retain milk eha,ll have a milk room which. ;� ,'ki + '� ;'�i sha11 be used solely for the cooling, separating, bottling and atoring of milk,. and the �; ( g) "v . . _ . . ,._. ., ... . . . . .._ ,. . .. �; _ . . s ✓ ,/ operations incident thereto. Milk rooma ahall ha,ve.tight wa11s and ceilings a.nd ah�ll be provided with sufficient window light and proper ventilation. The floor shall be v�atertight and properly drained. Milk rooma shall be kept in a clea.n, sanitary condition and effectively screened againat fliee. 8ubdivision 15. Milking. Milking sha11 be done with.clea.n� dry hands, or with a properly sterilized milking machine. A. small top milk pail shall be used. After each use, milk handling utensils shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried a.nd protected from contamination. �zbdivision 16. Cooling. Milk sha,ll be properly cooled after it ia drawn to a temperature of 50 degreea Fahrenheit or beloia, and thereafter atored under conditiona which will maintain it at or below this temperature until delivery to the consu.mer. 9ubdiviaion 17. Bottles. All milk intended for delivery to cons�ame � shall be placed in glasa bottles or sanitary paper carto na. All glaes ��t�t$�lg � bottles must be thoronghly cleaned and then sterilized with,live ateam or hot water at a temperature of not lese than 1g0 degrees Fahrenheit before Pilling with milk or cream or in such other ma.nner as ia aatiafactory to the Cit� Health Officer. gfter aterilization the bottles ahall be stored in an inverted position in a place where they will not become contaminated. All sanitary pa�er cartone muet be destroyed after the milk ie ueed thereProm. Subdivision lg. C�,pping. The apparatus.or device used in bottling milk, or capping milk bottles, ahall be auch that the milk will not become contaminated during the pro- cess. The device ahall be sizbject to the approval of the City health Officer. Subdivision 19. Place of Bottling. Milk ehall not be bottled on a�qp delivery wagon or at ara.y place other tha.n the milk hause at the d.a,iry or at the pasteurization , pla.nt. Milk in bottles aha,ll not be submerged in water for cooling purpoaes at dairiea or at pasteurization plants. Subdivision 20. Containers. Milk bottlea, milk cans, or ather receptacles for milk shall not be used for an,y purpoaes other than containing milk or milk producta. Milk bottles and cans eha11 be thorou�ly rinsed with clean water immediately after being emptied. 9ubdivision 21. Milk Cans. Milk cane shall be thoroughly sterilized and waahed before they are returned to the.shipper or p roducer. 9ubdivision 22. Medical F�caminationa. All persone engaged in the production or subsequent haxldling of milk or cleaning or eterilizing of milk apparatus and uteneila at da.iries from which the milk is produced or diatributed which is not sold as pasteurized milk, and all persone at pasteurization plants engaged in the paeteurization or bottling of milk or cleaning or eterilizing.of -milk apparatus a.nd utensils, shall pase the medical egamina,tion pre acribed by the State Board of Health and made by the City Health" Officer at such timea as may be determined by him to determine tha,t they are not chronic (9) ; � �, _ ,N,',� carriera of infectious diseases. f� ✓ A11 fees for such examinations aha11 be �aid by the holder of or applicant for a milk license. 3ubaequent medical.examinations without fee may be.required by order of the State Board of Health when the public health is ende.ngered by epecial circu.metances such as epidemics; or by order of the local health officer when he is informed or has reason to euspect that there is a peraon employed or reeiding on the premiaes where millt ie produced, handled or pasteurized, whose condition is such that disease may be spread to hia asaociatea. 3ubdieision 2j. Com�unicable Disease. Milk and milk containers shall not be re- moved from a�y premiaea.tahere communicable diaease egiats or hae existed, until permission ia given by the Health Officer, a,nd sha11 then be handled as the health officer may prescribe. Milk distributors, not voisliing to lease bottles at a houee �ohere communicable disease e�ciste, may require that a receptacle be provided into which the milk can be emptied. 9abdivision 2�+. Requirements. No person shall sell pasteurized milk unleas his ;� ' plant, equipment, methods of paateurization and subsequent handling conform with the requirement of the State Board of Health governing pasteurized milk. Section 10. Milk Trucks. Subdivision 1. No milk magon, milk truck, or other vehicle,.:::; the major purpose of which ie� or ahall be, the vending and delivery of milk within �the� city limita of Hopkina shall be used by a.ny peraon within eaid.city for such purpose,_with- � out first causing such milk truck, milk wagon, or other vehicle, to be licensed by the city. A eeparate license is necessary for each such milk wa:�n, milk truck orc�ther vehicle so used. _ 3u.bdivision 2. Information. fo.r Licenae. �bery o�vner or operator of such_milk wagon,. _�;'; milk truak or other vehicle, the major purpose of which ia the vending and delivery of milk, aha].1 li et upon such bla,n$ ,among other things the name and address of the oamer or operator of euch vehicle, its licenae number and. motor nu�iber, the a,ge of suc,h vehicle, its style and general description� and the total milk capacity of such.vehicle. ' 9ubdivision j. Tag. The cit� ma.nager shall iasue a eu�ixable identification tag or. ;I , "°'"�' i plate for each properly registered milk truck, milk wagon or other such vehicle, which identification tag or plate ahall be displayed upon each registered vehicle. Should the owner lose such tag or plate, the city manager shall flzrnieh, upon proper application,.a duplicate thereof. Failure to display such identification tag or plate shall.conatitute a miedemeanor. � 9ubdivision �F. Fee. IIpon making a�oplication for the registration of such vehi.cles, . an annual - the applicant eha11 pay to the city��L;fee, in the-sum of Ten dollars for any one � euch �,� vehiclea owned or operated by�such applicant, and the further sum of One Dollar for each. �:`5 ,:� :� of the other such. vehicles owned and operated by such applicant for. said purposes. ;.;..`�i (10) :.�':' `::i _,�_ .,J . . �% .� �..-...i," ?„':; .♦ ��/ "5 ✓ / 9�.ibdivieion 5. Inspection. All milk trucks, milk wagona or other vehicles, the ma,jor'u se or purpose of which is the delivery of milk within the city of Hopkins, shall at all times be thoroughly clean and shall-at least twice per year be tho roughly acrubbed and clea.ned and thereafter aterilized with live eteam or such other:preparation or method ae may be preacribed by the city Health 6fficer� and a11 euch milk wagons, milk trucks, or other snch vehiclea; as above described,.ehall be subject to inspection by the city Health Officer at such times as he may deem neceasaxg. Subdivision 6. Notice of Inspection. All such inspections shall be made upon proper notice mailed to each owner or operator of each au ch milk �agon, milk truck, or other vehicle, which notice sha11 specify .the time of such inspection a.nd place thereof and every operator or owner of such milk wagon, milk truck, or other vehicle, shall at the deeignated time and place appear with evex�r auch vehicle for such inapection. Sl�.bdivision 7. Inspection Failure. If ar�p owaer or operator, after. such notice, shall refuse or fail to appear for such inspection with such vehicle or vehiclea� or if any such vehicle ahall fail to pass a11 requirements prescribed by the city Health Officer, the license for such vehicle sha,ll,be temptyrarily guspended by the city manager and thereafter, upon vote of the cit� council, the same may be renoked. Section 11. Mechanical Amasement Devices. 9ubdividnn 1. A mechanical amuaement device� > for the purpose of this r�se��io��;. is a machine or other mechanism, which, upon the inaert- . -�i; ion of a coin or slug� operatea or may be operated for use as a game, contest or amusement .'..� of any description, or which may be used for any such game, contest or amusement and which contains no automatic pap-off device for the return of money, coins, checks, tokena or merchandise, or which machine or owner� keeper, leasee, or operator thereof providea 1., for no such pay-off by any other meana or manner; except that.thie pronision;;� sha11 not � ,y, prohibit the licensing or the maintaining, keeping, operating or selling of a machine or ' devic�;�. which returne slugs or tokens, not redeemable in money or merchandiae and, which sluge or tokens may be used only in such ma,chines, the ma.intenance, keeping� operation or . sale of which is licensed as hereinafter provided. Subdivision 2. License Required. No persons� firm or corporation ahall maintain, �ku. keep, operate or sell within the city of Hopkins a mechanical amuaement device, without = first obtaining a licenae from the city, but no such license sha11 be issued,for the main- -� t�ining, keeping, operating or sellin of an machine or device which is used ,r�,,,;�,�p� �„ ';; �,:�y;,: y g Y �` � - �s r{,. �.� r as a gambling device. '; Subdivision 3. Fee. The city mana,ger is authorized to iesue a license for the operar;.��;;; tion, keeping, maintaining or selling of such mechanical amuaement device to any peraon, . i. firm or corporation, upon the payment of an annual license fee of $50.00 for e ach such ',; device which returns tokens which can be uaed for additional plays on said machine, and upon,':;�� � the a ' �: �.��� p yment of an annual, license fee of $10.00 for each such device which returna no tokene �� (11) . `��- ':� . .,-'��'��:. °, :�:_ _.. , � ✓ which can be used for additional plays upon said machine but which regieters the number of additiona.l plays to which the player. thereoP is entitled on a dial provided on such m�chine for that pnzrpose. 9ubdiviaion �+. Identification. Every such device ahall contain suitable:identifica- tion marks or numbers� which marke or numbers ahall be written by the city ma.nager upon such licenee iasued, and such license shall be kept posted in full public view. Subdivision 5. Minora. No person, firm or corporation shall permit such mecha.nical amusemeat device to be operated by any minor under the age of 18 years, egcept when such minor sha.11 then and there be accompanied by his or her parent or guardian. 1 / 9ubdi�ision 6. No Prizes. No person, firm or corporation� by himaelf or another, ehall give any prize� award, merchandise, gift or an,ything of value to a.qy player or to any operator of such mechanical device. S�i.bdiviaion 7. No Money. No person� firm, or co.rporation sha11 keep, maintain, operate or sell or permit to be operated in his, its or their place of business any mechanical amusement device which has been converted into��n �u.tomatic payoff device which ahall discharge coins, money, checks or other tokene to the player or operator of sach machine, except as provided in subdivision 1 hereof� and no license for the ma,in- taiaing� keeping, op eration o r sale of an� machine hereby prohibited ahall be issaed; a.nd no person, firm or corporation ahall convert any mechanical•affiusement device into an automatic pay-off device, as herein defined. 9ubdivision g. Muaic. Thie section sha11 not apply to a device, which, upon the insertion of a coin or slug, operatea soley'in the production or playiag of muaic. 9�ibdiviaion 9. Seizare. Any machine� apparatus, contrivance or device which shall have been aperated or uaed in violation of the terms of�thi:s section may be aeized and destroyed in compliaace u�ith the terms and provisione of the �tatutes of the atate of Minnesota relating to gambling devices. Subdivision 10. Not to Apply. Nothing in this aection aha11 be held to apply to .. mechanical amueement devicee held o r kept in storage or for sale or in tranait in inter- state commerce, and which devicea are not actua.11y in use or displsyed for use. Section 12. Billboarde and Signboards. Subdiviaion 1. No billboard or siga having a, surface area of 16 square feet or mor e shall . be maintained, erected, altered, resur- � faced, reconatructed or moved, until a license has been secured from the city. The fee for..a license for the construction of new billboar�a or aigns shall be a sum equivalent to five cents for every aquare foot of advertising sarface of such billboarda or signs, ;._ , and the fee for every other license required by this aection �hall be $1.00. Subdivision 2. At the time of the filing of an application for a licenae to maintain,,�`: alter, conatruct, reconatr�zct, resu-rf�ce or move a billboard or aign in thia city, the �; ;_;; ,� , �. { �, , �-'� applicant ahall accompany such applicatiom with the deacription of said billboard;:�,i'r. r�;;� , � i? ' 11,�\.:-{ . , -:'.l \��J 5��,� :� � i7 �ti9 1 ,u .. .. .. . . . . . . ..._ . . _ . . . . _.. _..... .,., ... 1.-�; :,-�: - J • �. .. .� . . • 1� Y . . , ` .... . . / �';i«.'.�f..� .. a.nd a aketch showing the size, location,m;.anner of construction, and euch other information ae shall be neceseary full�r a.nd completely to adviae the city ma.na.ger of the kind,. size� constraction a.nd location of such propoaed billboard or sign; and no billboard or sign _. . :"` shall,hereafter be erected, constructed, altered, resurfaced,,reconstructed or moved in this municipality until the conatxuction of said billboard or sign, or any alteration, reconstra.ction or moving thereof, ahall have been approved by the city manager. This sub- ,; '-� ,� <<divisi n;,:eha11 not requ.ire application for permission to resurface an„y billboard or aign , ' . ����.�4�,� . . that may have been authorized under the proviaions of. this sec;tion`�-�:::�:.,, . �;.:. 9ubdiviaion 3. Requirements. DTo billboard or eign ahall hereafter be constructed in this mnnicipality except; until and unless the following restrictions,..and requiremente have been complied with in good faith by the applicant, � peraona, firm,..or corpaoation � desiring to conatract, erect or ma,intai.n such billboard or aign, name.ly: (a) . No billboard or si�n shall e�ceed 1�+ feet in hei�t above the ground and every billboard or eign ahall have an opening of at least taro feet between the loc�er edge thereof and the ground, which epace ehall not be•closed in a.ny manner while such billboard or sign stands. The ovrner� lesaee or ma.na.ger f� of �said bil�lboard or aign, a.nd the owner of the land on which the same is located, ahall keep all grasa, weede and other growths cv.t and cleaned up between the billboard or sign a,nd,the atreet� and also for a distance of 6 feet b�hind;and at the ends of th"e said board or sign. (b). No billboard or eign shall approach at ar�y point nearer than 6 feet to any building or the side of a.ny lot� nor nearer than 15 feet to a.ny street line; and wherever the established or cuetomary uniform building line upon the street where such billboard shall be erected is more than 15 feet from the street or property line, then ea.id bill- ' board shall not approach nearer the street than the eatabliehed or customary rtaiform . �, building line. (c). No billboard sha,ll exceed 500 equare feet in area. Provided that when said billboard ahall be co�osed of three sections comprised of,.rne center section and two.wing sectiona, of continuous conatruction, it may be composed of three sectiona of not ex- ceeding 250 aquare feet each. . �- (d) . No license aha11 be iesued to any persoa, ffirm ,or corporation to erect or �' V` conatract, or cause to be erected or constructed, any billboard or sign in any block,on ar�y; public atreet in which one-half or more of the buildings on each or either side of the � , street are used for residence purposea� unleas said person� f3_rm or corporation has first �_� obtained the written consent of the occupants of the residences, owners or duly authorized,.; agents of the owriers owning a majority of the frontage of the propert� on both sides of � the street in the block in whi ch said biTl�board or eign board ia to be erected� constracted,_�'; or located. Such written consent ehall be filed with the city manager and made a part 1J�'; � , . ., i i of the application above referred to, which shall be considered and a�roved by the ci:ty;.:�' ���; �13� , f� �S � manager before the-permit:ahall be issued for the.erection� construction� reconstructioa, alteration, regurfacing� location or relocation of..the.billboard or„sign board . governed by this section as aforesaid. ( e) . Any and all billboards a.nd ai�.s hereafter erected, constructed, altered or moved in this naunicipality shall be constructed in such a;manner aud of such material _ _na�" � � �� that they ahall be safe and subatantial; and wi'tihin the fire limits. _of said municipality l�i sha11 be constiv.cted,of inetal, and all posta, braces and,frames shall.be of iron (except horizontal bara, vuhich ma;��:�be of wood) . All poats ehall be eet three feet in the earth and in a concrete foundation no less than two feet aquare and three feet deep, according to plans and apecifications to be app roved by the city manager; provided that nothing in lthis f;�seCt3F:onL.:.,sha11 be interpreted as authorizing the erection or constraction of an,p billboard or aign not.permiesable under the zoning.ordinance.of thia municipality: � Subdivi�n �: Repairs. Every billboard or aign located in thia municipality which may now be o r hereafter become out of order, rotten or unsafe, a.nd every billboard or aign which ahall hereafter be erected, altered, resurfaced, reconstructed or moved contrary to the provi sions of thi s section, sha.11 be removed o r.otherwi se properly secured in accorda.nce with the terms of this section by the owners thereof or by the oduners of the ground on which.said bi�llboard or eign shall stand,, upon receipt of proper notice so to do� given b�r the city manager; arid no rotten or other unsafe billboarde shall be re- paired, or rebuilt except in accordance with the provisions of this section a,nd upon a permit i.,esued by the city manager. Subdivision 5. Removal. In the event of the failure of the owner or persoa� company or corporation having control of a�y billboard or sign, ,or the owner of the ground on which :? the billboard or sign is located� to remove or repair eaid.board or ai�p within,the time stated in such notice, the sa�e may be removed by the municipality at the ext�enae of the owner or mana.ger of said board or aign� or the owner of the ground upon which such bill- boaxd or sign stands. �— -�-��"""� Section lj. Cigaxettes. Subdivision 1. No person� firm or corporation ahall directly or indirectly, or by meana of a.ny machine or device, keep for retail sale, sell at � retail or otherwise, dispose of any cigarette or ciga.rette wrapper at any place in the city ;' of Hopkins unless a licenae therefore ehall first have been obtained from the city. � 9ubdiviaion 2. Fee. The fee for evexy such.license shall be $12.00 per year. ���3�1ax�8xx�8� ��al�xx�x��x$$��ex�$x�ex�e�atx��s�$�.�$�x ���1x��x�t�x�rz�B�x.���i��x�� �x�x���x��xa� 3ubdiviaion �. Requirements. No license ahall be i.asned except to a person of good moral cha-racter. .5{� No license shall be i esued to an applica.nt for sale of cigarettea at (1�) - ;; .� � ;�; °:,; "ii any place other than hia established place of.bueinesa. No license ehall be i asued for the salecff cigarettea at a movable place of buainesa� nor ehall auy license be iasued for the sale oP ci�arettea at more then one place of business, l�o person, firm or corporation ahall sell or give away a.ny cigarettes, cigarette papers or cigarette wrappers to any person belo�u the age. of lg years, or to any minor pupil in any school. No person shall keep fo r eale, sell, give a�ray or otherwise dispose of any cigarettea or cigarette wrappere containing opium, morphine� jimson weed, bella donna., strychnia� cocain� marijuana, or any other deleterioua or poisonous drug except nicotine. Section 1�+. Roller Skating Hinks. 9ubdivieion:����1. No roller �- ekating rink or roller derby or roller e�k�ting exhibition � roller �� akating hall, or other eimilar place,.ehall be hereafter opened, maintained, exhibited or carried on within the city of Hopkias by any pereon� firm or corporation unlese a licenee therefor shall have been previously obtained from the city. 9ubdivision 2. Fee. A,aeparate licenae sha.11 be required for each place or premises where the applicant may desire to carry on such bueiness. The fee for each such license sh�ll be �50.00 per year. 9ubdivision 3. Requiraments. The city manager is hereby granted the right to make and eetablish asid to attach any reaeona.ble conditiona in connection with any auch licenee which he may deem fit in ord�?',to protect the public health, eafety, welfare and peace, but s�tch conditions muat be approved by the council before becoming effective� and the violation by any licenaee of any su ch conditions, or of any city ordinance� or any other lawe, rules or regalationa� �hall be ground fo r eummary revocation by the council of any such license without notice. Section 15. Automobile Trailers. Subdivieion 1. For the purpose of thia section� "automobile camp" meana land or premises used or in— tended to be used, let or rented for occupancy by campers traveling by automobile or otherwise, or for occupancy by or of travelers or movable dwellings, rooms or sleeping quarters of an.y kind; and '�auto trailer't �15) - � __���..��,_.___. "� � _y _ - � - " �;; � means any st=ucture or vehicle used as living qua.rters or capable of human habitation, mounted on wheela and capablec� being moved from place to place, either by ite own power or by power supplied by some nehicle attachedE:Y�o:�`or to be attached thereto. Subdiviaion 2. DTo License. No licenee sha11 be issued to maintain or operate an automobile camp within the city of Hopkins. 9abdivieion 3. Parking 9uto Trailere. DTo auto trailer shall be parked and occupied ar�pwhere ia the city of Hopkins for a longer period than 2�+ hours, withov.t firat registering eaid suto trailer with the police department. Any pereon, firm or corporation desiring to register an auto trailer shall furnish the police department with the name, age� address a.nd occupation of every occupant of eaid auto traile r� together wi th information re- garding the place where said auto trailer ie proposed to be parked� and shall f�irther ehotv that fresh �rater a.nd toilet facilities will be_available to the occupants of said auto trailer at all times of the day and nig�it at a di stance of not greater tha.n 150 feet from the place where said auto trailer is propo�e a�: to be garked. 9ubdivieion �+. Permits. Upon the regiatration of snch auto trailer with the police department as hereinbefore provided� the officer regietering such auto trailer ahall, if he finds the provisions of thi� section fully complied with, issue a permit to park the said auto trailer at the place proposed for a period of not to exceed 30 daye; such permit may thereafter be rene�ed for additional perioda of 30 days� provided, however� tha.t a,fter May j0, 1950, not more than two (2) such renewals ehall be issued to an�y one auto trailer or auto tra3ler occupant in a�y calendar year. 9ubdivision 5. Form of Permit. All information required to be glven hereunder, furnished by the applicaat for a permit shall be written into the pexmit iesued and the giving of any false information by any applicant ahall constitute a miademea.nor under the terme of this ordinance. � Stibdivision 6. Parking. No auto trailer sha�� be parked and occnpied r'^ (16) _._, :� . n.y _.....�. .. . ..,..._. c.r:-.. . .....:. .. . ..... . :�. .........+. .. ..y ... : .. . -.. , .. . �.� � . .. . ... . . .. :.- n. r . .. • , _ _ , . . . . . _ .. .r .. , . .. � � , �;:T � � on aqy etreet or alley t�ithin the city of Hopkina for a longer period than 6 hours; ' - ,'; and no auto trailer ehall be parked for any period � time upon any private property without the permiasion of the owner of such property. Fo'r the purpoae of this aection� the term "private property° includes property ov,rned by the city of Hopkine, County _ of Hennepin, or the etate of Minnesota. Subdivision 7. Runaing Gear. ATo persoa,,firm or corporation occupging aa anto trailer within the city of �opkina ahall remove its running gear, mheele or other equipment deeigned for traneportation of such auto trailer or attach any structures thereto whi ch a�ill impair the mobility of the trailer and then continue to occupy �uch auto trailer ae a dwelling without first complying with all of the provisions of the building a.nd zoning ordinancea of the city. S�bdiviaion 8. Dealer. Nothing in this eection ahall be constraed to prohibit any duly licensed trailer dealer from occupying,, by himsel'f or his agent, one trailer at such place of business where trailera are displeyetl, provided toilet facilitiee and running water are available to such occnpantcc�uteide of eaid trailer ao occupied at a distance of not more than 150 feet from euch trailer at a11 timea of the day and night. 9�tbdivision j. Enforcement. The chief of police of the city ahall enforce � the terma and provieions of thie;��;B:e;c::ti�ori,...: W1leneeer the chief of police �hall deem it neceseary� he may direct the health officer of the city to inspect any auto ,. trailer parked under the proviaions of thi���rt:::°;$e`ct�i�on�rand report his findinga in writing. If in the opinion of the health officer� any such auto trailer has be- come so uneanitary ae to endanger the health of the occupanta oY ench auto trailer� or the surrounding community� the health officer ehall report euch fact to the chief of police in urriting, together with hi� recommendatione of the atepa neceseaxy to remec�y the condition. The chief of police shall forthwith give the occupant of euch auto trailer written notice of the Pindinge and recommendatione of the health officer, together with a demand that the recommenda.tions of the health officer be carried out wfthin ten daye after receipt of such written notice and demand. If the occnpent of auch auto trailer fails or rei�.iees to carry out and put into eYfect the recommend.e,tiona of the health officer as contained in the wri�ten notice of the chief of police, the chief of police shall report such fact to the council at its negt regular meeting and the council may at euch meeting� either with or without a public hearing� revoke the permit involeed. `.°�Sec�ioii�l6. Taxicaba. 9ubdieieion 1. IInless otherwise expressly stated, t�henever uaed in this aection, the following worde ahall ha.ve the meening givea to them by thia enbdivieion: "TAXICAB" means a�y motor vehicle engaged in the carrying of peraons for hire, whether over a fixed route or not�and whether the eame be operated from a etreet sta.nd or�; subject to calls from a central station�or other+�iae operated for hire;but the term eha1T�=: not include vehicle.s eabject to control a.nd. regulation � the Railroad and Warehouse �17) • �'<4;"",'..- � � Commission or vehicles regularly.:used by undertakers in carrying on their business; '�STREET'� meana �ny atreet, alley, avenue, cou rt� bridge, lane or public place in � the city of Hopkins; "TAXICAB DRIVER° me�na any person who drives a taxic�b, whether auch peraon be the , owner of such taxicab or.be employed by a taxicab oe�ner or operator; "OPERATOR" means any person owning or having control of the use. of o ne or more taxicabs used for hire upon the atreets or engaged in the business of operating a taxicab � within the city; ' "TAXICAB STAND'� me�.s any place along th.e curb or street, or elsewhere, which is excluaively reaerved by the city for the use of taxicabs; � °TAXIMETER'� meane any mechanical instrument or device by:which the charge for hire �l:'it'���1�`'` of a taxicab is mechanically calcul�tec�,whether by distance traveled or waiting time � �;���, or by both, and upon which such charge shall be indicated by figures. ; Snbdivieion 2. Licenae. No operator shall operate a taxicab within the city limite without firet having obtained a taxicab license therefor from the city. Each applicant for a taxicab license must comply with the following provisions to the satis- �; faction of the city manager: (a). Be a citi zen of.the United States; (b). Be of the age of 21 years or over if a natural person� and in the case of a�,y co-partaership, firm or corporation, �nust be authorized to operate taxicabe and carry ` on business in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota; • � ,4;, (c). Nh�st fill out upon the blank form provided by the city a etatement cocering , each vehicle to be so licensed, giving the i�ll name and address of the ov�er; the class and passenger-carrying capacity of each such vehicle; the length of time the vehicle has : �:� been in uae; the make of car; the engine number; the-serial number; the �e of boc�y; d. ' the state license number; whether the same is mortga.ged, and if it is the name of the , mortgagee and the amount of such mortgage; the holder of the legal title to such motor `.� vehicle, a�f other tha.n the applicant; or whether said vehicle is leased� licensed, or y, • under any form of contract permitted to be used and operated by,some other peraon tha.n. the one holding legal title thereto; and the name of the person� firm or corporation rahich collects the revenuee from the operation of sach taxicab and pays the expenses of operating the eame; the name or namea of the proposed drivers of sach taxicabs, their . ages a.nd addreeses and such other and further information ae the city manager may from time to time require. In the event of a change of driver for any licensed taxicab, the liceneee�muetr�-foT�ith.inform the city maaa.ger of the name, age, and address of the new dii ver. ..,::- r. , ..�. � f:: . . ;, annually 9ubdivision 3. Fee.The applicant applying.for a taxicab licenae shall pay�to the city the sum of $6.00 for each vehicle to be so licensed. 9ubdivfsion �. Inepection of Taxicabe. Before the granting of an.y license for '` ;: (1� ) ,, .,, � ;;i ;n i n.: �. . ,... ,..,._ . ,... _ _. . . .. ,. . ._ . . . , . .. . . . . , . _ � ' . _. . .. . . .. . . . . . . ,,u � . � .. . � „ ' . ` ,` � � . . � v ' . -Y r� any taxicab hereunder, eaeh such ta�icab : sha,ll be thoroughly and careflilly examined :':z and inepected by some city employee or agent duly appointe'd and authorized by the city '; "} manager. The cost of all such examina.tions and inapections shall be paid by the owner "�� or operator of such taxicab, and before a license ie granted to operate,any such taxi- c�b the application for such license sha.11 bear.the signature of the person who egamined and inspected such taxicab before the licenae is iesued. Other examinations may be ordered by the city ma.n.�ger at any reasonable time, either before or after the iesnance of a taxicab license, and on such examina.tions all inspections shall be at. the expense of the owner or operator or licensee of such.taxicab._,No taxicab shall be licensed which does not comply with the following requirementa: �(a) : It must be in thoroughcly safe condition for the. tr,,ensportation of pasaengera; '' (b) . It iuust be clean a.nd of good appeara,nce a.nd well painted and varniehed; (c) . It shall ha.ve painted or printed thereon in plaCtn legible lettere the words �'}:, "TARICAB" on at least two sides of each vehicle and it aha,ll have a lamp or li�t upon ��hich the word "TAXICAB" is printed for ni�t use. 9ubdivieion 5. Gra.nting License. If the city manager is satiafied that the public convenience and good order will be served thereby, he may grant a license to a.ny such apnlicant. Each licenae gra,nted ahall be given a number a,nd shall contain the number and an adequate description of the taxicab licensed thereunder. 9ubdivision 6. License Number. As eoon as a license is granted to any applicant for.a taxicab hereunder� the owner or operator of such taxicab shall� at his expense, cauee to be painted or printed upon each auch vehicle in -plan legible lettera the words "Hopkina Taxicab I,icense Number" followed by the number gi.ven to such applicaxit in his taxicab license, as well as the year of such license. ..:�� �:�•� U�.:��:�•ca;�r iru 1a't �:��: r�a.:'��:�r.�a:�� 'Y'upo: �, i \s•.c.a.:��: 'Uu: -u.4Y�:� 'f�v:��: 'u���uya�. C : u�::��.:. �: ��c: •I::r..�:�Cu::. rw:l:: ��4t�7riv,a.�:r'.e�i�•.::u:ti'to:u: '�'r..r,�C...:Yc ' u-u•uv�. r'ca�:�Yiu�- rr: ,•. r1:.�r1-. 7�I�r� C�_•:.�:. ,. .,�.�Ya u:•:: ,.�? y���/��u: •�iu'�v�(:.�' _��-. v�' 9ubdivision 7. Taxicab Carde. The operator of a.ny taxicab shall cau se to be p rinted in plain� legible lettera displayed inaide the taxicab a card giving the number of the license, the maximum rates of.fare to be charged� and a statement that any package �;; or article left in the taxicab must be returned by the ta$icab driver to the office of.the,::'; city manager where it may be identified and claimed. Ra,tes charged for conveyance in taxicabs in this city shal-1 `; .; 9ubdivision g. Rates. be fixed by reao�lution of the council from time to time. No operator or taxicab driver ahall charge any pa�senger a rate in exceea of such fixed rate. Ebery passenger shall, upon demand, receive a receipt,therefor when he pays hie fare. In the event that taximetera are used, they ehall.be firat approved by the city �' manager with case and gear intact, and sha11 at all times be kept accurate and in working �'<`' condition a.nd shall be in plain view of the passenger.. - '? � " (1�') - .`� . .. , �;t , � �. ,:� ,_ ,,_._..� , ..,:.-�: ,'� ✓ M1�i � :� 9abdivision 9. Standa.. Licensed taxicabs sha.11� when not in motion, be parked at standa designated for th�,t purpoae from time to time by resolution of the city council. Said resolution shall also designate the number of ta$icabe which may be stationed at any such atand. No ta.zicab shall remain parked at the head of a column of t�ao or more taxicabs at any stand for more than ane hour conaecutively. DTo taxicab driver shall solicit passengers as fares except when traveling around the streets or at a regularly deeignated stand. No driver shall dismount from his taxicab at a.ny time for the purpoae of soliciting passengers; provided that this ahall not prohibit any driver from dismounting from his cab to asaiet a passenger entering his taxicab and dis- mounting therefrom. No taxicab ahall park �vithin j0 feet of a.ny cross walk unless thie portion of the street ha.s been deeignated as a taxicab ata,nd. Onls licenaed taxicabs sha11 be permitted to park �t any taxicab stand. Subdiviaion 10. Drivera. No peraon, either the operator or employee of such operator, shall drive any ta�icab in this city without first having been licenaed as a chauffeur under the Lawe of the State of Minneaota, and every driver shall display such chauffeur's license badge conspicuously upon his coat or cap. No taxicab driver or operator ehall be le�s than 2�'. 3reara of age. 9ubdivision 11. Insurance. Before a li.cense sha11 be delivered to any operator, he shall deposit with the city manager a policy or policies of an insur�,nc� company or companiea duly licensed to tranaact such businesa in this state, insuring the operator of , any taxicab to be licensed against losa from the liability impoaed by law for damages on �;..f`#, account of bodily injuriea or death, or for damages to property resulting from the owner- .ship, maintenance or use of any taxicab to be owned or operated under sach licenae, and agreeing to pay to any jud�nent cred$or to the extent of the amounts specified in such . policy, an,y final jud�nent rendered against the assured by reason of such liability. The '�, . �; �, ',' policy or policies ahall be approved by the city attorney ae to form and complia.nce with ; this ordinance. The limit in any such insurance policy of euch liability of the insurer on account of the ownership, ma,intena.nce a.nd use of euch taxicab shall not be less than ; � , �5,000.00 for bodily injuries to or death: of one person, and �10�000.00 on account of.aay � � one accident resulting in injuries to or death of more than one person, and a total of :a ; � ' ,s $1,000.00 liability for damage to property of others arising out of any one accident. •�i 9ubdiviaion 12. Miscellaneous. All taxicab drivers shall be clean a.nd courteous at all times. Pdo driver of any licenaed taxicab shall carry any other than the peraon first emplo�ing the taxicab without the coneent.of such passenger. No peraon aha11 cha,rge, or attempt to charge, aqy pasaenger a greater rate of fare than that to which the taxicab is entitled under the resolution of the council. � ( 20) ;{;. ;;; .<� ;.� ;;- ,; ::� � �� �� _. :,.-�3� No taxicab driver shall deceive any paesenger who ma.y ride with him, or who may de- eire to ride in any euch vehicle, as to hia deetination or distance traveled or to be traveled. Every taxicab sha11 be provided with windom s in the tonneau sufficient in number and of such aize and dimenaiona that at all timee persone may be readily eeen throu� such windowa wl.th sufficient distinctneas to identiPy such persona� or passengers. Section 17. Theatres� Shows, Circnees and Eatertainmenta. 9ubdivisioa 1. No person� firm or corporation ahall give or maintain any ehow, circas, carniro�al� concert, game or public entertainmeat to which an admiesion is charged� or from which private pm- fit is expected either directly or indi rectly, without firet securing a license therefor, p rovided that ao license sha11 be necessary for aay entertainment given by amateura, or from which the per�ormera do not receiee ar�y pay, or which is given by or for the benefit of any achool, county agricultural eociety, church or beaevolent inatitntion�, or for any charitable purpoee. 9�ibdivision 2. Application. The application for such licenee ehall give the neme and addrese of the applicant� the nature of the entertainment. the place, time and duration thereoP, method of advertieing, reference ae to financial reanonaibility of applicant, a.nd euch other information ae the city manager ma.y require from time to time. 9ubdivision j. Fees. Such application ahall be accompanied by a fee of $15.00 fo r each day, or fraction thereof, that it is p rnposed to hold any such show, circus� carnival, game or public entertainment. The licenae fee for all motion picture theatrea, except drive-in theatres, shall be $75.00 per �tear. Subdiviaion �F. A"drive-in theatre" means an encloeed area iato which patrons drive with motor or other vehicles� and view the moving picture ecreen or stage on ahich the entertainment ie presented from snch vehicles.� DTo licenae Por a drive-in theatre ahall be iesued in the city of Hopkins. 9ubdivieioa 5. Conditions. Every licenaee shall comply with the following conditiona: (a) . A].1 theatree� opera houses, or other buildiags ehall ha4e at least one ezit to the gro�d in addition to the main entrance for use in case of fire� wktich shall be acceaeable at a11 timea, and if above.the ground aha11 have one fire-proof etairwqp or fire eacape leadiag thereto aad $herefrom; (b). Eber� p roj ection machine sha11 be housed in a fi re-p roof booth conatiucted to conform to the requirementa of the state law; (c). All such licenae holdera e,hall be subject to aqp other azid iiirther orders and regulations ae may be promulgated by the atate law or by flirther ordinance of thie manicipality� or by the city health officer� or b� any dn.ly coastituted municipal or etate authorit� having to do with public health, aafety and welfare. 9abdivision 6. Enforcement. For the purpoee of the enforcement of thie ordinance. or any other ordinance of the city or lawe of the etate, ar�y police officer of the city, or an4Yone duly designated by the city manager� shall be gieen admitta.nce to an,� pixhlic enter- tainment of a.ny form liceneed hereunder to diecover or prevent any niolations of the (21) r{``c ..i�; � , . . � . . law, a.nd shall be given full information upon request by any licensee in rega.rd to a�y coming attraction. 1� �' Section 1�,, Plumbing Work and Plumbera. Siibdivision 1. No peraon sha.11 carry on s� ` � �� the business of plumbing within the city, making a.ny connections whatever with the �rater pipes, water mains, bra.nch sewers, main aewera, drains or other service pipes of said city, or making any re�oaira, additions or altera;tions of any pipe, tap, atopcock, water closet or any other fixture connected with_or designed to be connected with the water worka or sewer eystem of said city, u�ithout first having obtained a license C��s ,,�, .-; ��, ,.�. ., so to do in the manner preecribed in thia ordina.nce;:,and��,except as�other�uise �>� ���.���+'� provided in aection 21 of this ordinance� no p.ermit forF�doing�any each �" work shall be issued except to a master plumber t�o has obtained such a license. A person must first be iasued a license as a ma,ater plwnber by the state of Minnesota \ before he.ia iesued a licenae as a plumber by the city� and such state license mo.st be in force and effect at the time the city licenae is ieaued. �bdivision 2. Copy of State:Licenae. Any person desi ring to aecure a city license for doing any of the rvork described in the preceding subdivision, ahall accompany his application with a certified copy of the license issued to him as a ma.ater plumber by the state of Minnesota� and shall comply with the requirements of the following ,' . subdivisiona � this aection. Subdivision.j. Bond. Before a city plumber's license ahall be granted to ar�y person, he shall execute a.nd deposit with the city manager a bond in the sum of $1,000.00 executed b� a. surety company authorized to do business in thie atate. 9uch bond sha11 be drawn on a form furnished by the city a,nd shall be conditioned that the applicant ahall in all respecte well�a.nd faithfully perform all things by him undertaken in the making of connectiona, repaire or tape of any kind with the water or sewer mains or pipes connected with the waterworizs or aewer systems of the city of Hopkins, and shall save the eaid city harmless of and from all accidents and da�ages conaequent thereto or consequent upon or by reason of a.ny opening in a.ny street, la.ne� alley� avenue or pizblic ground made by him or a.ny person in his employ, for the purpose of.putting down eervice pipes connecting with the water works o r aewer syetems of sai d city, and aha11 restore all etreets excavated by him to their former condition� egcept the placing of hard surfacing thereon, and ehall keep and maintain the etreet and sidewalk in good condition to the satis-.; faction of the city for the period of one year next th ereafter, and shall pay all fines and;:' penalties impoBed upon him for the violation of any rulea or regulations of the wa.terwo rks ;, or sewer departments a.nd aha.11 pay all city fees for,aewer and water connectiona and all ,; ��� feea for, licenses or permits iseued for a.ny work performed by hi�, and ahall strictly comply:; with and do a7.1 thinga required by the ordinances of said cit�r. '� � annual � � � � �`�� Snbdivision �. Fee. The�fee Por a plumber' a licenae shall be �►10� �0�.. a . '�,, ,Mx, , 9ubdiviaion 5. License Revoked. �rery city licenae ao issued_may be suspended or � 2:�) . e . .:�; :..._.S -� ✓ f� ' or revoked at a.ny time. by the council on satiafactory proof of.an� failure or neglect of the licensee to observe the rnles and regulatione prescri�"ed by any ordinance or reeolu- tion pasaed by the council relating to atreets, aewers and drair_s, or to obey anp reaaonable direction given by the city manager reapecting the performance;of any service undertak en by.such licensee in connection with said aewers a.nd drai ne. Subdiviaion 6. Firms or Corporationa. Whenever two or more persona are to be engaged in the business of plumbing as a co-partnership or corporation, the:::�cii.ty;;i�_;���: plumber's license may be isgued only to the person or persona in charge of the plumbing work of such person'B firm or corporation. 9ubdivision 7. No Other to IIse License. No person who hae obtained any such license ehall allow his name to be used.by any other peraon,t�:.�s=_::;.c_T;;' for the purpoae of obtaining . _ 1rpe1 . . . . permita. ,: ,.,-� <..: �,:�� .< :.:,� � :; ��., �;�V�; ?vi� °�lery person licenaed shall have re- � corded in the city clerk's office hia place of businesa, a,nd the name under �ich the buainess ie transacted� and ahall immediately notify the clerk of any chauge. 9�bdivieion g. State Code Adopted. The Minnesota Plumbing Code as adopted by the Minnesota State Board of Health July 20, 1937, amended May 9, 1939 �d Ja,nuary 1�+, i9�+7, is hereb�r adopted and ahall be in ftill force and effect in this city insofar �e , applicable to plumbing a.nd building construction therein. All work done in this city shall be done in accordance with the provisiona thereof. Three copies of said code sha.11 ,be filed by the clerk in hia office for inapection and use of the public,,,,and ehall be ma�ited by the cl erk with the words "City:of Hopkine, Official Cop�". 9ubdivision 9. Permits Hequired., It shall be unlawful to construct, install, alter �:: or re air �� p a�y plumbing, drain, vent, `:�mp, water cloaet,. sink, lavatory or ar�p other plumbing fixture within the city of Hopkina, Minnesota� �oithout first obtaining a permit from the city .manager to do sach work. Application for such permit shall be ma.de at the office of the clerk on forma supplied by the city. The application ahall be accompa.nied 'by the respective fees as follow$: For construction or reconstruction of cesspool or pr'ivy vault, $1.00 For the first fixture or figture opening, 1.p0 For each additional fixture or figture. opening, �25 For the repair or alteration.of any sanitary plumbing aystem, 1.00 Such fees shall be in addition to all other fees provided by this or other ordinances of the. � city. No permit ehall be required in case of repairs not affecting eanitation, such as mending. of leaks in faucets, valves or water supply pipes, mending of broken fixtures, tanks,,�� `:i kitchen boilera, releasing fro.zen pipea or rodding and flushing of any house set�er or drain. � Subdivision 10. Enforcement. It ahall be.the duty of the city manager, or such persons�:.; as ma be desi ;' y gnated by him, to enforce the provieions of this section. .All plumbing work {j � �3� t .� � �� -'; `i ,., . . . . - . . . �c:;. , jK d v � } t hereafter constracted shall be inspected� and if �ound not to be in accorda.nce with the said code shall be corrected. If aft,er written notice to the person installing work requiring correction thereof� such person neglects or refueea to conform to such order, the city or any duly appointed inspector may remove such work and charge the cost thereof to the person inatalling the same. No person shall cover any euch work withaut ita being duly inspected, and ref'using to correct work when so ordered by the city ,. manager or other inspector ahall be a violation hereof. / -. . / ���� Section l�. Electrical Work and Electricians. 9ubdieision 1. The city manager. , ,.. and his assistants authorized by him as electrical inspectors, shall a��� �,g;���g�x�. have genera,l supervision over a11 electri cal apparatus and machinery, and the stringing, placing axid attaching of electMc light and ppwer; telephone, telegranh and all other electric wirea of a�y other nature aihatsoever� now or hereafter placed in, or in any manner d3rectly attached to, any building, or a.ny tent or simila�' temp���ary atracture� in th e city of Hopkina, and shall inspect a.nd reinapect all such electrical apparatus, machinery and wi rea which they consi der to be of sufficient importance or hazard to require such inspection, so as to prevent fires, accidente or . , ;� injuries to persons or propert,p, and to cause a11 such electrical apparatus, machinery - , and wires to be so conatracted, placed� supported and guarded as not to cause fire or accident or endanger life or property; and any and all such electrical apparatus� ��'� -�; machinery and wires now exiating or hereafter constructed a.nd placed,:shall be subject ; _ "� to such inspection and supervision. It shall be the duty of s�id electrica.l inspector.as, to enforce compliance with.the state laws relative to electricians� as far a,s such lai�►s apply to the city of Hopkina. Subdivision 2. Electrical Inspectors: The electrical ins�ectors sha11 be subject to the order and direction of the city manager and are vested with iiill authority to enter..'� an,p buildings or premisea and a.ny manhole or aubway at any time in the discY�.rge of tlieir �.;;i ;:; duties, and to pass upon and decide any question arising under the provisione of thie - aection relativ.e.to the manner of construction or materials and denice.s to be used in the erection, alteration or repair of a�y electrical apparatus, machinery, wires or material. 9ubdivigion 3. Permita for Electrical Construction: No individual� fitrm or corpora- tion aha11 enter upon the erection, constraction, alteration or change of any electrical installation, work or uuiring in the city of Hopkins u.ntil proper application haa' been made to and approved by the city manager; and when required by him plans and epecifica- `J tions for the propoaed work must be filed with him before the permit ie granted and during;��n the progresa of said work. ` � No permits or applicatione for the sa.me will be required for the installation of i 2�) :i .. . ,_ �_..,� _ ,..... _ ,. _.. ,_ �. .. _ , , _ . ._ .. rr _ . . , .. - � . � � �' . • mires to operate electric bells, gas-lighting apparatus, house a.nnunciators, burglar alarme, telephone, telegraph, district messenger, wa tch-clock, fire alarm, or other. aimilar instruments� except that such pex�ite shall be obtai.ned when required by said cit� ma.nager. � . ::�t:� �: When any-;��;.t�;xing. or_ apparatus ahall be installed in euch a manner that the same could be uaed for electric li�t or power purpoaes, it shall be deemed that the eaid wiring ; or apparatus ie to be used for auch purpose, and permits aha11 be required a.nd inepections made as provided for ench installations. Subdivision �+. Permit Fees. The city manager sha11, before iss�aing any permit for the installation.of any electrical work, wiring or device, require the payment, by the applicant for such permit� of fees to the amount and in the manner hereinafter set forth: For each permit for new or additional electric lig�t wi•ring, for the first 10 li�ting outleta, or for any fraction thereof� if leas than 10, there ahall be a minimum fee of $1.00, and for each 10 such outlets� or fraction thereof, in excea� of the first 10, there shall be an additional fee of 75 cents. Lighting outlets shall be construed to mea,n an�r outlets installed for.li�ting fixtures, wa].1 receptaclea or floor receptacles where sach-receptacles are permitted on branch lighting circuits. Ebery such receptacle aha,ll be considered a separate outlet. The outlet fee shall,cover the installation of the wa11 receptaclea or floor receptacles. In the case of exposed l�ob a.nd tube or cleat wiring� a lighting outlet shall be conatraed to mean any conaection made to the circuit wiring for the purpose of attaching a lighting fia�ture. Lighting outlets also me�,n ar�p outlet� installed for future conne.ction for . ;'� -,°;, , ;l:;ighting purposes. Each group of lights for windo�v illumination, rigidly attached to one another a.nd, � =� .a; made up and installed as one unit and said unit insulated from all grourided metal work in the manner provided by ordinance for fixtures, aha11 be considered as one outlet only� r�M1'.. " when estimating the fee for a wiring permit, and ae y;,8r�e fixture oaly when estimating the . . r'�::�k• fee for a fixture permit. S'�ibdivision 5. Permit Feea Continued. For each permit for wiring or connecting an electric sign, for the first branch circuit required for euch aign, the fee shall be 50 cents� and for each additional bra.nch circuit required for such sign� the fee sha11 be 25 cents. ,7 9ubdivision 6. Permit Fees Continued. For each permit for wiring for, inatalling and�; . `�, connecting electric motors, or other apparatus rated in horse-power (H.P.), there shall be � a minimum fee for the firet one (1) H.P., or fraction thereof, of �1.00, and for each ;; additional horse-power (H.P.), or fraction thereof, in egcesa of one (1) H.P., but not exceeding Zpp H.P,, 10 cents, and for each 10 horae power, or fraction thereof, in e�ecesa of 200 H.P., 10 centa.. S`�bdivision 7. Permit Feea Continued. For each :permit for wiri.ng for, installing and connecting.transformers for lighting or heat or power, generatore, heating devicea� rectifiers or other apparatus rated in watts, there ahall be a minimum fee of $1.00 for the first one kilo-volt-ampere (R.V.A.) capacity or fraction thereof, except as. hereinafter provided in regard to emall traneformers. For each kilo-volt-ampere capacity, ��' or fraction thereof, in excess of one (1) but not exceeding 200 g.V.A., there shall be an additional fee of TO cents,.and for each 10 kilo-volt-amperes capacity, or fraction thereof� in excese of 200 K.V.g,� there aha11 be a.n additional fee of 10 cents. 9ubdivision S. Permit Feea Continued. In determining the amount of the fees in 9ubdivisione 6 and 7,.the units.in each class of the apparatus enumerated shall be figured collectively but each clasa shall be figured independently of the other class, e,nd motor-generatore sha,ll be rating according to the rated horsepower of the motor only. S�ibdiviaion 9. Permit Fees Continued.. For each �ermit for the installation of lamp socket� .or lamp receptacles for .use on lighting fixtures and drop corda or attached directly to the outlet, the minimum fee ahall be 75 centa for the first 10 eockets o�r• recep.tacles, or for,ar�y fraction thereof, if less tha.n 10, and for each 10 such sockets or receptacles, or fraction thereof, in exceas of the first l0, there ahall be an additional •' fee of 50 cents. 5lubdivi,aion l�. Permit Fees Continued. For each permit for the wiring of each. complete outline lighting (other than luminous tube lighting), marquise, stage border, stage footli�t group, stage proscenium strip� or temporary lighting when permitted, the fee shall be 50 cents for the firet 10 sockets, or receptacles; or for any fraction thereof, if lese than ten (10)� including the installation of such sockets or receptacles, and for the next 20 sockets, or fraction thereof, 50 cents� and for the next j0 sockets, or fraction thereof, 50 cents� .a,nd for a.n,y 50 socketa� or fraction thereof, in excess of' tre first 60 such sockets or receptacles, 50 centa. Outline lighting sha11 be constraed to mean that class lighting`nsed on the ozt- side of baildings to mark the outlinea thereof by the uae of incandescent.lampe. 9ubdiviaion 11. Permit Fees Continued. For each permit for wiring or installing out.- line decorative, display or other lighting employing luminoua tubes energized by trans- � formers� for the first 5pp volt-amperes,-or�fraction thereof, $1.00, and for each additional 100 volt-amperes, over the first 500, ten cente. This volt-ampere rating shall be based.on primary current and voltage. Subdivision 12. Permit i�ees Continued. For...each p ermit for the wiring of each electric sign for outdoor uae or of each bi13-board, e�loying incandescent lamps for illumination, or luminoua tubea energized by traneformers, for the first 500 volt- ���) amperes, or fraction thereof in the capacity of such sign or bill-board, $1.00� and for each additional 100 volt-amperee, or fraction thereof, 10 cents. The arords� °wiring of�" as used in thie subdivision, ehall be conetrued to include all electrical fittinge and devicea in or attached to the exterior of ar�y such eign or bill-board, but not iacluding an� enpply rairee thereto. 9ubdiaiaion 13. Permit Fees Continned: The fee for each permit for the altera- tion� rearrangement or repairing of existing electrical equipment� or for other electrical �rork not included in the above� shall be �1.00 for each $100.00 or fraction of each $100.00 of the estimated coat thereof. . Snbdivieion 1�. Permit Fees Continued. Where a combiaed permit is iesued for both wiring and fiatures� the fee to,be charged for such permit ehall equal the combined feea, as above set forth, for each euch claes of such aro rk or inetallation. For a permit for wiring for and installing a atereopticon, or stereopticons, whether a receptacle is nsed or not, for each complete ster�opticon or receptacle fo r one installed thereunder� the Pee eha11 be 75 centa. For each permit for wiring for� installing and connecting moning picture machinea, for each complete machine� the fee shall be �j.00� aot including the rectifyiag apparatue. For each peYmit for vviring for� inetalling and conaecting a storage battery, for each 10 kilowatt houra rated capacity, or fraction thereof� the fee ehall be $1.00. For each permit for installing and connecting mercury vapor lamps or arc lampa, other thaa those used in moving picture machines�or stereopticoas, the fee shall be in addition to the fee required by this ordinance for the permit for wiring for the outlets Por eame� and aha11 be, for each 10 �ch lampe, or an.y fraction thereof� 50 centa. 9ubdieieioa 15. Permits to be Iseued Only to Parties Operating IInder City Licenae: Except aa otherwiee provided in aection 21 of this ordina,nce, i�o permit for the erection, conatruction� alteration or cha.nge of aay electric �oork or r�iring ehall be i esued by the city manager to an� individual,Pirm or corpor ation, except he or they be licensed by the city to engage in bueiaesa ae an electrician as hereina.fter provided. No holder of a.�y such electrical license ehall alloa his or their nameto be uaed by a�y other party either for th� purpoae of doing �eork or obtainiag a permit,a�ta�y holder of euch electrical license who ahall violate this proviaion of this section ahall�npon con- viction thereoP�forfeit his or their license,and the city manager ehall thereafter refuse to ieaue a�y further permits t� �10 electrical taork or wiring under any license so forfeited. (27) Slibdivi sion 1�6;�. �;� three classes, to-tait: Classes of Licenses. Electrical licenaes shall be divided into Class A shall include a11 branches of the business of installing, operating and maintaining electric wires, apparatus and plants. C1asa,B shall include only the wiring of electric eigns. Clasa C shall include only ninor alterations, exten- sions and repairs to existing circuita in 'buildings apecifically deeignated on his license. No permit shall be iseued to any a�plicant not naving a state license in force. Every electrician applying for a licenae muat be not less tha.n. 21 years of age. For Class A, such applican.t muet furnish a certified copy of hie etate license as a Master and show p roof Electrician,�that he has a$1,000.00 surety bond in force with the state; and for C1ass B, a.nd C, su.ch applicant muet furniah a certified copy of his Journeyman License in force, and ehall �rnish a surety bond to the city of Hopkine in the sum of $1,000.00, con- . ditioned upon the faithful performance by said peraon, firm or corporation� as such ` licensee, of a11 work entered into or contracted for by eaid licenaee, and upon the strict compliance by the licensee with all of the provisione a.nd requirementa of the ordina.nces of the city of Hopkine relating.to the installing, operating and maintaining of electric wires, apparatus and plants, and indemnifyi.ng the city of Hopkins against any and all losaes and d.amage by reaeon of ar�y negligence on the part of said licenaee� or licensee's agents or employees� while engaged in the proeeciztion�;�>of say buainess as such licensee. 3ubdivision 1,�. Licensee Fee. An an,nual licenee fee of $10.0� for every auch license „,� : is hereby fixed and required to be paid into the city treassury before the issuance of the licenae. 0 �;'�; : '� � 9ubdivision 16. Place of Businesa. Every person, firm or corporation, upon receiving :. � � license to do business as an elec.tricia.n., ahall record in the office of the city ma.nager. his or their actual place of businese, and the name under which his or their iniainess is transacted, a.nd shall immediately notify the city ma,nager of every change in such name or place of buainess� and euch change sha11 be endoraed upon his license. �x�rs��x ��a"g���8��x��x�sx��n¢�ab�Sra����xa8x�s�sus������������a ��:_tr�����.��x,�z�r.���x��ae�tx�x��s..�lt�a��x���x�y ��xx���ssx��a �-. ���xp��a��._�h�x��xxa�x�x�x�x���x��x�x��s��x�8�}a�s����������� _ s��x�sx�cB��R�������uta�x 9tibdivision L�j. In General: In every electrical inetallation, a11 wires a,nd attach- mente rmxst be.of at least such capacity as unll eafely maintain service with the full connected load; provided, that the electrical inapector may authorize exceptione from the above when pl�ne or specifications are submitted a.nd �here the demand factor is such as will, in his opinion, warrant a reduction in the feeder aizes and equipment. No electrical work or wiring for which a permit is iasued or required ahall be put to.�; use until inspected a.nd accepted by the inepector, a.nd when auch electrical work or wiring is�; found to have been inst�lled without a pro�er permit or not in accordance with the `;; � 2�) � -,. _ . ... ...- ..... . . . .. . . , . ,: , ;,,� � _ � s' :.I� ; � . �, . ' , � . ' . . , . . _ . ,'e.f, I . :( i � . . J � � � - , ; provisi6na of this aection� the electrical inapectors may remo4e:.the f'uees, cut the cuires, �'� � ; or otherwise render the syatem inoperative until such permit,�has ,been secured from the city .;, r � � � � ;� � � ma,nager and the u�ork or �airing reinspected and approved by them. :,.: � " :; The electrical contractor shall file a request for inspection with the city manager ; before an� electrica.l work done by him ie covered up or concealed a,nd sha11 file a request for final approval within �FS houra after the completion of an,p electrical work done by said electrical contractor. Such requeats for inspections shall be reco"rded in a book kept� in the offi'ce of the city manager for that purpoae. � Before aqy electrical work or wiring shall be approved or an,p certificate of acceptance of the same be granted, it muet be complete; and in the,case of electric wiring ; s must, in addition to the other provisions of this section,.comply with the following re- '.i quiremente: All necessary bra.nch and feeder wires,. meter loops,' cutouts� cutout cabinets, �� �. fuaes, awitchea an.d other materials a.nd devices must be ilirnished at the time of installa- �r tion and muat be installed under the direction of the electrical inspectore, that the i installation may be.complete and ready for connection with the service; provided, that �' while the work of inatalling, conatructing., altering or repairing any electric wiring� or �`+ i syetem of electric wiring� in a�y building is in progresa� the.electrical inspectors may, in.�; �1 their diacretion, issue to the owner, contractor or other'person desiring to uae electric.'.:;� ...� :%i current in said building temporarily� a temporary permit for such use of such electric � current, which permit ehall expire �nrhen the electrical apparatua or w��,ring� or eyatem:of ''� ,; wiring, for such building, shall have been fully inst�].led, constructed. altered or repaired;Y �.7 and approved by said electrical inapectora.. �; The electrical inspectora ma,y iasue a temporary permit for, the temporary use of §. electric wiring not in full compliance with the requirements of thia section. In such case ;:; _ . �:� this permit shall atate the methods and materials to be employed and the date upon which ;,;,:; such temporary permit shall expire a.nd the said wiriag be removed. �'�� ;.::; �f. All outlets and jnnction boxes ahall be provided with approved covers by the wiring.:i'; contractor unless such outlets are covered by lighting fi$tures, drop cords� receptacles or .�,�' �� switches. All splices in circuit wires at�outlets aha,ll be eoldered and taped by the wire-.;�'� � � � � �3 �,� man� and only the leads to be used to connect the lighting fixtures may be left untaped. "� Conductors sha.11 be so spliced or joined as to be mechancially and electrica.11y ;; secure without solder. The jointe shall then be soldered, unleas made with a.n approved `�� ;, .; splicing device, and shall be covered with an insulation equal to that on the .¢onductors. 'r' S�.ibdivision 20. wires Not to be Concealed Before Inspection. No so-called con- �. `; cealed wiring for which a permit is issued or required shall be lathe.d over or in a.ny mauner�:�. concealed from si�t until inspected a.nd accepted by the inspectora. � � Ar�,p person ha,ving charge of the conetraction, alteratioa or repair of ar�y building � �i�9� d : _ _� `:i +. �or any other person who covera or conceals, or causes to be so covered or concealed, any '� wiring fo.r urhich a permit ha,s been issued or required, .before the said wiring ha.s been . �..,.. ; inspected and approved, without ha,ving officially notified the city m�nager, at least � hours previously, ahall be guilty of a misdemea.nor. `' ,. .� :,;, , 9tibdivision 21� Penalty for Cutting or Diaturbing Electric «ires, Etc,: An,y person, � except the duly authorized electrical inspectors, who sha11 cut, ,disturb, alter or change, � or cause to be cut, disturbed, altered or changed, ar�y electric wire, cutout� fuse� � �; apparatus, machinery or material in such a ma,n.ner as to render the aame inoperative, de- ? '�; fective or not in accordance with the provisions of this aection, shall be guilty of a ' mi sdemeano r. 9ubciivision 2�; Defective Apparatus and �iaterial: A11 generators, motors, wires or other machinery, apparatus, or material used foa� electrical purpose� w:�ich may at any �� time become so defective as to be likely, in the opini.on of the inspector, to cause fire S or accidents, or to endenger persons or property, eha11 be condemned by the inspector, and �3 � when, in hia opinion, it is deemed necessary, in order to prevent such accident or d.a,nger, '' said inapector may disconnect such wires or apparatus� or cauae the sa,me to be diaconnected, � - - , ,; from service; and upon such condemnation tne person or persons otaning or using the same ahall�' ., � immediately cauae the same to be put in a safe condition. � In case of any. person owning or using a.ny electric wires� generators, motors, or any s other electrical apparatus or material of an� other nature whatsoever� which may ha,ve been `a" condemned by the inspector, sYia11 fail to haae the same put in safe condition and accepted <i •, by the inapector within 4g hours after the same have been condemned� or within such other � reasonable length of time as shall be preacribed by the inspector, then it aha11 be the duty ; of said inspector to remove the fuees, cut the wirea or by other mea,na completely dis- , connect, or cause to be disconnected, the condemned wires, apparatue or material from the ; ' :x eource of electrical ener�y. _:� When electric wires � �y , generators, motora' or electrica,l appar�tus or material, of ' ';� any natare whatsoever have been in a,ny manner disconnected and rendered inoperative by the -� inspector, as set forth in the foregoing provisiona� it shall be unlawful for a.n� person or ``� nersona to in a.ny manner reconnect the same or cause the same to be reconnected to any source :� of electrical energy, or to use the same as a part of ar�y electrical system, until they ha;ve been put in safe condition and a certificate of acceptance has been iasued by the inspector. ' �5 Subdivision 2�`�j,". Penalties: Any person or persons who sha11 violate any provisions of ,1 this eection or who eha11 fail to comply with any of its requirements shall be guilty of a ,' miedemeanor. Each and every day�s continuance of any violation of a proviaion of this sec-' ;', tion ahall be and be deemed a aeparate offense. , ;j -_� S�.ibdieision 2u`. Materiale and Fittings: A11 materiala and devicea uaed for �� " �� �:, electrical purposes under the provisions of th�,s aection must be approved by the electrical -.:.'s ( 30') _ � � , � ; .� d � � r inspectors unless specified in the "List of Approved Electrical Fittings," published by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, and kept on file in the office of the city manager.; In the event of proposed or intended use.of materials, devices and method of installation not apecifically covered by thisy:��sec.tion°�; it aha,ll be the duty of the electrical contractor to aecure permiesion from the electrical inspectors to use such materials, devices and methoda, before eo doing. The maker's name, trademark or other identification symbol sha.11 be placed on aIl fittings and materials, and in the case of current consuming devices ahall, in addition, ha.ve permanently attached to such devices the rati:ig in au�peres or watts and the voltage such devices are approved for. . Subdiviaion 2.�j�'; Installation Standarda. All new electrical installations ehall be ��� in strict conformity with the provisions of this section, and in ever� case where no '�� ' � specific type or class of material, or no��Iepecific method of constructioa is preacribed ;� � , in this section� such ma,terial and method of construction ahall be in conformity with the ' , ; 19�7 National Electric�,l Code, approved October �+, 19�6, by the American Standarda �`' Association. Three copies of said code ahall be filed by the clerk in his office� a.nd ahall be maxked by the clerk with the worda "City of Hopkins - Official Copy.'� 9ubdiviaion 2�:. Installation Requirements for Servicea:' All $ervicee run on the " - '�ro �' ' � . . � exterior of or within buildings shall be in rigid metal conduit or in electrical metallic .�, � ::� tubing employing weatherproof fittings; except that buildin'gs requiring aervices in excess I �, of 500,.000 circulax, mila may utilize bus bara enclosed in a weatherproof houeing. ��� The ma,in service entrance conductors for all ne� reaidential buildings a.nd, when concea,led, in old residential buildings ahall consist of three No. 6 American Wire Gauge or larger conductore, and shall be provided with a 50 ampere or larger set of s e�ice entrance equipment. The minimnm auxiliary service to any such buii'ding ahall consist of ' No. 10 American Wire Gauge conductors and a 25 ampere set of aervice entra.nce equipment. Service entrance rigid conduit or electrical metallic tnbing placed within the structure of residential buildinga� unlees used only as an auxiliaxy service, shall not be �naller than the minimum requirements contained in the following table: 1 family dwellinge, 1 inch service; 2 family dwellinga, 1-1�� inch service; j and �+ family dwellings, 1-1�2 inch service; 5 and 6 family dwellings, 2 inch service; 7 through 10 family dwellings, 2-1�2 inch eervice; ll throug� 20 family dwellings, j inch eervice; 21 through 30 femily dwellings, j-1�2 inch aervice; 31 throu� 50 family dwellings, �+ inch service. The minimum eize conductors to a.n electric range shall be three number 6 � �: ?i �� ., . �.: . .._. _ � . . � . . � �. . . _ . . _ . � _ . , . . . . . . .. , . V insalated conductors in a one inch metaliic raceway which ehall be concealed within the wa11 behind the range and terminate in a.n approved manner. If wall thicknese doea not permit concealing, then raceway ahall come throu� floor along side of baseboard as�.d shall =, terminate in an outlet box or receptacle at least six �chea above the floor. Recording watt-hour metere (except sizbmeters)� sha11 not be located in clothes closets, bedrooms, bathrooma or attica in buildings of the dwelling house class, as defined by the State Houaing Act, unlesa otherwise approved by the electrical inspector. Subdivision 2s7:. Wiring Methods: A11 electric li�t� heat and power wiring ahall be contained within approved rigid metallic raceway systems, except as follows, or where otherwiae specified in this section. or. armored cabTes"�- � : Buildinga of frame construction may be wired in flexible metallic raceways,:�except ;;% A ' ,�':;i that all runs exceedfng three feet in length and located on or below the bottom face of �,; i the firat floor joists sha,ll be in rigid metallic conduit or electrical metallic tubing. _� � -, Grounding conductors need not be xun v�ithin metallic raceways if they consist �,i of a No. 6 or larger conductor and are not subject to mechanical injury. No alterations or additions to existing installations consisting of knob and tube i ��.��� sha11 hereafter be made until special permission so to do sha11 have been' obtained� in writing, from the electrical inspector. 16�oa7e�X�$����fi,��x���8�1x�.�xn��sa�p�axs��ekn���ffimcs�ah�six�E�ntnx�r � :::; � � � �; �1i��,�$11�ffi'R���II�'8R�l3��ID'RII�P��3'ab�$DS�7[�2�,PIDl9,�CY}l�il$S�1�X��E�t1�1�&1���X����]C�88�I ° ,; � ��lxnan���tix���L�n�t�.��n��.B��D&�t�D��s$tsna�ex�����1�e�ffixa.»n��sr��z�x� ) ;> ��8�n�n8nx�n����n148 , i �:i Neutral conductors aha11 have an approved insulation. . �-,:: za�., � ; The Service Neutral Conductor ahall in every case be connected to the groun,a:fing �,; �� � �; terminal of the service entra.nce ewitch and the meter connecting box. The neutral con- '` ductor ehall then continue to the equipment grov.nd clamp.on the supply side of the service� conduit and then to the ground clamp on a cold water pipe. i Subdivision 2�8. Color Coding. Each conductor of a multi-wire circuit shall be identifi ed throug�out by a readily distinguiehable, differently colored exterior finieh. Subdiviaion ��. 5pecial Branch Circuita. ti�There electrical equipment is installed , for the purpose of operating or aontrolling hea:�ing plants, a separatP circuit with dis- � connect ewitch shall be provided for the excluaive use of euch heating plants; provided� Q � .;; that if the branch circuit cabinet is not located in tr.e basement, such electrical equip- `� ment or controls may, if their total rating does not exceed 100 volt amperes, be - connected to existing circuite where such circuits .were installed in an. appro4ed ma,nner and are in good condition. Where exiating circuita are uaed, a disconnect switch aha.11 be placed in the � 3?) / supply circu.it not less . than four feet nor over six feet from the floor and located adjacent to the heating plant. S�bdiviaion 3Q�. Underground Raceways. An underground raceway shall be ao <h ��. arranged that it will drain to one or both ends. In unusual cases where this is not posaible, ali low pointe ehall be provided with drains to a depth of at least 2 feet , into the soil. 9abdivision jl�. Service Switches. A service awitch or manually operable ci rcuit .�„ breaker ahall in every case be located at tY+e first readily accesaible place nearest the point where service wirea enter the 'building. Al.l eervice s�aitchea or circuit breakers shall be encloeed a:icl egternally operable. Hequirements for marking of service suuitches� feeder switches, circuit breakera � and ilzse cabinets in all installationa egcept in single family residents are: k. (A). The equipment ehall indicate address (number) or room of premises served,I and if eerving light power or heat load; (B). The letters or numbera may.be placed on the face or front aide of door of equipment. In cases where it is oojectionable to place such marking on the front� it may be placed on the inside of the door. (C). The letters or numbers ehall be permanent and may be painted (printed) with a pencil bruah. Letters or numbers shall not exceed one and one—half inchea in hei�t. SS�bdiviaion j2. Overcurrent Protection. A11 plug fuee cutout bases for branch �:� circuits shall be provided with f�eee of the nontamperable type as approved by the electrical inapector. Stubdivision j�. Connections to Termir_als,�- Solderless lugs or connectors ahall be used on all No. �F American Wire Gauge or larger conductors. 9ubdiviaion ��. Through Studs, Joiats and Rafters. Joists and raftera sha.11 not be ' �� notched except on the upper edge, nor then exce�ot within 18 lACYlEB of the bearing. Holes may be bored through joists a.nd rafters only when halfway between the ttao edges. ; S�Zbdiviaion j�: Corrosion Reeiata.nt Materials. Met�.l raceways, cable armor and �``' all metallic elbows, couplings, fittings and boxes, unless made of corrosion resiatant � material, shall be suitably protected against corro�ion ineide and outside (except threads.;: �. ;, at joints) by a coating of approved corrosion resietant material s�ch as zinc, cadmium or ', aluminum. � Subdivision ,o. �onduit Drains: When subject to excessive moieture or when extending..�'; 3:, �. , ,- thx1ough areas subj ect to differences in temperature, all conduit runs shall be provided with adequate means of drainage. 9ubdivieion j;7. S�citching More tha.n 600 Amperes. Circuit breakera shall be used in ":::` , lieu of knife s�+ri.tches for all loads exceeding.��0 amperea. ( 3�) Subdivision j�. ' ; �; ✓ Srplicea and Taps. No .splices or tapa.,sha.11 be used within an arm� ,, stem, cha.in or pendant of any fixture. Subdivision �.9. Conductor Sizes for Motor Circuits. Motor branch circuit con- ductors ahall�ha.ve a current carrying capacity of at least 125 per cent of the f�.11l load current of the motor, unless special written permisaion shall have been obtained from the electrical inspector to utilize conductors having a current capacity of not less than � g5 per cent of the full load current of the motor for motora operating under epecial light load conditions. Subdivision �4f�. Wound Eotor Second.a,ry Conductors. Under no condition sha,ll the carrying capacity of the conductors connecting the secondary,of a wound-rotor A. C. motoar,:� to its controller be lesa than 110 per cent of the flzll load. secondary current. Subdiviaion �7:. Motor Overcurrent Protection. The overcu.rrent protection for a �: motor of over one horse-povrer but not'over five hersepower capacity eapecially designed and uaed for the operation of special equipment may egceed 125 per cent, but aha.11 not exceed 1�10 per cent, of the rated current of the motor. 9ubdivision 42. Oil Draina. Draine for transformer vaults sha11 not be connected to atorm or sanitary sewere. - �ubdivision �j. High Voltage Tube Lighting. The following rules ehall apply for the installation of exterior and interior hi�. voltage tube lighting with secondary voltagee in exces_s of 1000 volts: (A). Transformers: Al1 transformers are to be placed.in a poaition so as not to be accessible to unqualified peraons. If doors for accees are not locked, they ahall be fastened by meana of acre�u, etove bolt or similar means. Tranaformers must not have a rise in te�!perature more tha.n 190 degrees F. All tranaformers �ust be provided with high tension porcelain terminal housings as provided by the manufacturera for each tra.nsformer. Tranaformer case must be grounded. Metal housings shall be used to encloae the transformers; such housings ahall be properly ventilated a.nd made of 20 gauge metal. When approved window su.spension type of transformers are used� the outlet sha11 be tvithin aix feet of the trans�ormer. Tranaformers shall be capable of being reached quickly for operation, renewal or inspection. Each floor ahow case shall be provided with a separate tra.naformer a.n.d disconnecting awitch. The tra.nsformer and metal wiring ayatem �ust be properly ground.ed. Transfo�rmera for outline lighting installations ahall have secondary current ratings� not in exceas of j0 milli-a�perea. Since the maximum distance of the seconda.ry cables from a single trans�o;rmer ehall not exceed 20 feet in length, it ie re-- commended that a double outline of tubing be used whereever possible. (B) . Second,ary Conductors. Conductors ahall be approved for voltage uaed. �licing- :' of high voltage conductors and tube electrodes shall be properly protected in an app roved (3�) , ;;J .:� � ✓ manner. All secondary conductors shall be installed in an approved metallic raceway. In i order to reduce the open circuit vo�tage, it is recommended that the mid-point connection `;�. be used. Eq_uipment having an open circuit voltage or more than.1�000 volts ahall not be installed in d�aelling occupancies. (C) . Signs. Conductora used may be insu.lated, bare copper tubing or copper buss; if bare copper wire ia used, it shall not be smaller tha.n.No..12, Conductors on approved..=; � insulatora sha.11 be separated from each other and frora a11 objects other than insulators ;� on which they are mounted, by a spacing of not less than one a.nd one-half inches. Where `� electrodes enter the enclosure of an outdoor eign, approved recptacles shall be used where wires are used as the cond�:ctore of the sign wiring. Each. transformer m�st be �, arovided with an acceas door, a.nd sha.11 be within reach from the service opening. � • ,r; NIinimum distance between faces of signs aha.11 be 10 inches. Sheet steel for electric �' discharge aigns sha.11 be not less than No. 2�+U.S.S. gauge (.0239 inch). All metallic ' parts of enclosta.res sha.11 be galvani zed or otherwise protected from corrosion. Enclosures for outside v.se shall be weathergroof and shall ha4e an ample nv.mber of drain holes, each not larger than one-half (1�2) inch, or amaller than one-fourtY�� (1��+) inch. (D). Tubing. Tubing ahall be mounted on approved tube_supporta and shall be of �uch length and design as not to cause a continuous over-voltage on the transformer. The terminale of the tubing ehall be inacceasible to unqualified persons. Termina.ls m shall be isolated from combustible material and grounded metal by at least one and one- half inches. All jointa of electrodea shall be adequately ataggered to eliminate a fire hazard. It ie recommended th at app roved receptacles are used wherever possible fo r such ; , terminal connections. '; (E) . Switches. AlI signa must be controlled by a sdvitch that can be locked in the open position. Switches, flashers, and s,irmilar devices controlling tranaformer� shall be either of a type approved for the purpose, or ha.�e a current rating not less than twice the current rating of the tra.naformers. No flasher or controller shall be connected to the secondary circuit of a hig� voltage transformer except by special permission. S,i�bdivision �bd,}. Marking on Signs. (A) . Maker� s name; (B). Ivumber of lampholders; (C) , iV'umber of traneformers; Al1 eigns ahall be marked with: (D) . Input rating of aanperea or volt amperes, the input voltage and the open circuit, high tension voltage; and ti.;; � a (E). The markings of sign shall be,4isible for_inapection after installation. Subdivieion �fj. Fluorescent Fi�•tures. Fluorescent fixturea shall be served by separate outlets wherever posaible, but two individual fixtures may be connected to ��5) one duplea receptacle if the cord does not ran more than three feet horizont�lly with the ceiling and is not fastened thereto. Where fixturea are not mechanically secured to the outlet bog, or to a meta111c eyetem� the fixture ahall be grounded by meane of a three wire cord of an approved type. Switchea controlling inductive loads shall have aa ampere rating twice the ampere ratiag of the load, unlese they are of a type approved as part of an asaembly. 3ection 2Q. The Inatallation of 011 and Gas Burning Devicea. Subdivi �on 1. No peraoa� fj.thn or corporation ehall install in the city of Hopkins aay oil burning device for hea,�ing purposes or equipment connected therewith, without procuring a license to install oil burners from the city. The annval fee for such a liceaee ehall be $5.00. 9ubdivision 2. Licenee 8equired. �To person� firm or corporatioa ehall install in the city of Hopkine any gas burning device for heating purposee or equipm�nt connected �herewith� without Piret procuring a licenae to inatall gas burnera from the city. The annual fee for such a li�nae.ahall be $5.00. Subdiviaion 3. Bond. Before the iesuance of any license to inatall oil burnera or gae bu raers, the applicant shall ilirnieh a eatisfactory bond to the city of Hopkine ia the sum of $1,000� and one euch bond may be issued for the inatallation of both oil a.nd gas burners. The bond shall be drawn on a form furnished by the city and ahall be conditioned that the applicant ahall iliraish and inatall all such gae or oil burning devicee aad equipment by him itiirniahed and installed in strict coaformitg with the requirementa and regulatione of the ordinancee of the city of Hopkins, and ahall protect� indemnify and save harmlesa the city aga,inat all loes a.nd damage on acconnt of the operationa oP the applicant. and shall pay all fees for licenaee or permits iseued or requ�ired for work performed by him. 9nbdivision �+. Permit for Oil or Gaa Burner Installation. Before the isauance oP any permit for the inatallation of a�,y oil or gas bnrning device or of the equipment connected therewith, the applfcant therefor shall patiy to the city manager a permit Pee of $2.00 for each anch insta.11ation� aad sha11 i'arniah and file with the city manager plans and specificatione Por such device and equipment a.nd shall secure the approval by the city maaager oP such plane and specifications. DTo snch permit aha11 be iasued unleas such plans and specifications ahall comply with the provisions of this eectioa. (36) ;. � Subdivision 5. Regulatione for Installatica of Oil Burners. A11 devices and equipments installed in the city of Hopkins using oil fuels for the heating of buil�ings shall be designed, constructed and installed ia accorda.nce with eubdiviaions 6 to �Fg inclusive of this section. ! Subdivision 6., For the purpose of this section, '�Ft�.el Oil" means any liquid used �� as fuel and h�,ving a fla�h point not less than 1110 degrees. Fahrenheit. For the purpose of determining such flash point, the Pensky-Martens closed cup tester.sha.11 be authoritative. Subdivision 7. For the purpose of this seetion, "Oil Burner'� meane any device desi�ned and arranged for the purpose of burning "F�i.el Oil" or preparing such oil for burning, and ha,ving a tank or container with a capacity for more than 10 gallon� connected thereto. Subdivision g. It eha,ll be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or their agen_ts.;< governed by this section to install any "Oil Burner" until a.n application for approval of � such make o r tyoe of burner, on a fo rm to be f�arr�i shed by the. city manager, shall ha.ve `�,;; , -'� been filed with t�e city manager and a"Certificate of Approval" of such �arner issued. . by him. He shall issue a certificate of approval or of disanproval within j0 days�after the filing of any such application. S`ubdivision 9. The city.manager shall app rove a.ny oil burner listed by ,the underu�riters laboratory or a.r�y other nationall� recegnised inspection boar.d or laboratory. Oil burners not listed by the under4�riters laborator3* or any other nationally recognized board or laboratory ehall not be app roved until they.ha,ve beeu inspected and tested by the city manager. This inspection and test shall cover arrangement of parts, suitability - of material, strength of parts, electrical control, tYlermostatic arrangement, reliability � of auto�atic features, posit�yeness of ignition arid eafeguards against flooding. �In case the city manager does not feel competent to make the above inspection.an� test, he may reqaire that the applica�t submit a report of such an inspection and test from a recognized laboratory. Sub�ivision 1G. �ith a certificate of dieapproval, the city manager shall issue to. , the applicant and to the manufacturer of the device a clear and concise statement as to the reasor_ for disapprova.l. After the issuance of a certi�icate of disapproval, a new applica- tion shall not be made until 30 da,ys from d.a,te of issue of said certificate. A neti�u applica- ' I`�-� , ��; ti'on shall be accompanied by a clear and conciae statement giving reasona for reconsideration:,` based on information received with the certificate of disapproval. � Subdivision 11. T9hen making an application to the city manager for �, certificate of ;; , 1 approval, or a re-application for such a certificate after a previous issu�nce af a �; . �; certificate of disapproval of the same make or type of burner, the applicant shall be re- �- ..;;; ,:��� quired to pay to the city, in connection with each such a lication or re- � Pp application $' `+ � 3�,;� , ; � . ,,..,.;� <:.; � - '� � a filing fee in the sum of �15.00. Subdivision 12. For the purposes of this se.ction, the term "Oil Heating Equipment,'� meaus and includes all equipment or appurtenauces connected to and contributing to the operation of an oil burner, as such, and located within the same building� including interaal and external,supply or storage tanks and provisions for filling and venting same. piping, wiring and all accesaoriea. S�bdivision 13. Any person, firm, corporation or their agents having a"Gertificate of ApproJal,° may install "OiI Heating Equipment,'� in connection with the make or type of oil burner approved by such certificate in accordance with the provisions of thia section. Slzbdivision 14. Tanks sha11 be conatructed of galvanized steel, opea hearth ateel or wrought iron of a minimum gauge (II.S. Sta.nda,rd) depending on the capacity as given below. 1 to 285 gallons 286 to 560 gallons 561 to 1,100 gallong 1,1p 1 t o�+, 000 ga11 on e �+,001 to 12,000 gallone 12,001 to 20,000 gallons 20,00�� to 30,00o g�a.ioae 16 gauge 1�F. gauge 12 gauge 7 g��e 1��F inch 5/i6 inch j/g inch. If adequate internal bracing is provided� tanks from 12,001 to 30,000 gallons capacity may be built oi one-quarter (I��-) inch plate. For,tanks of 1�100 galTons and more, a tolerance of ten per cent in capacity may be a,llowed. �Subd.ivision 15. All _io'_nta sha.11 be riveted an.d caulked, brazed, welded or made: ti�t by some eq�ially satisfactory process. Tanka sha11 be tig�t and sufficiently strong .�� to bear wi.thout injurSr the moat severe atrains to which they may be subjected in practice. _ Shella of ta.nks shall be properly reinforced where connections are made. All connections shall be ma.de thru the top of the tank above the liquid level, egcept in tanks ha,ving a � capacity of 275 gallons and less where one connection may be ma,de, not larger than me inch iron pipe size, in the bottom of the tank. Unenclosed inside storage or gravity tanks of 275 gallons capacity and lese may be provided vTith A_,n additional one-inch opening in the bottom of the tank for an approved key stem valve to aid in the cleaning , of the tanks. SuUdivision 16. IInderground taY-�ka aha11 be thoroughly coated on the outside with tar, asphaltum, or other suitable rust-resisting material, dependent upon the condition of tre soil in which they axe pla.ced. S�,ib�iiviaion 17. Inside and above ground tanks and auuiliary tanks ahall be coated (3�) ::�; ,:�, . .� i .,;��, ;: �..:i ,�� �1 :;;;� �� with a good quality rast-resisting paint. Subdivision lg. Inaide atorage, gravity, and auxiliary presaure tanks, not enclosed in maeonry or concrete� shall be provided with securely attached substantial incombustible supports, and be secu rely bolted to basement floor or o therwise secured to avoid strains on.pining, and ahall not be located within ten feet, measured horizontally, from any fire or source of flame, unleas an incombustible barrier is interposed providing equivalent protection. 9ubd.iviaion 19. The aggregate capacity of exposed storage tanks installed in an�r @omestic cellar or basement ahall not exceed 550 gallona. The maximum capacity of any one expoaed tank sha1l not exceed 275 gallons. For the purposes of this ordinance, the word "domestic," where it occurs in such phrases as "domestic cella.r or basement,'� or "domestic installation," shall be taken as referring to or indicating inatallationa in one or two familjr dwellings only. 0 Subdivision 2p. Storage tanks of over 275 gallons capacity and not exceeding 550 gallons shall be placed in an enclosure o� inside dimensio�as eix inches greater on all sides than the outside dimen�i�ns of the tank. The walls of the enclosure ehall be constru.cted of reinforced concrete not less tha.n six inches in thickness or of eig�t in- chea of masonry. The walls sha11 be properly bonded to the floor and carried up to a height of not less than one foot foot above the tank and the space between the tank a.nd the walls and the top of the encloaure shall be completely filled with sa;nd or well tamped earth. For sucr� tanka of over 55p gallona capacity� which ahall not, except as � , J hereina.fter prgvided for, exceed a gross capacity of 5�000 ga.11ons in buildings of "ordinary" construction nor 1p�000 gallons in buildings of fire-proof construction,'the walls of the enclosure ehall be conatructed of reinforced concrete not less tha,n ei �it inches in thickness or of ma,sonry not less tha.n 12 inches in thickness. 5uch walls ahall be bonded to the floor and caxried to a height of not lesa thaxi one foot above the ta.nk on the space between the tank and the walls and roof of the enclosure shall be filled with sand or well tamped earth. In any buiTding, if loc�.ted in a fire resistive room cut off vertically and horizontally, in an approved manner� from other portions of the building, the gross capacity of such tanks may be greater than as above provided for, but in no case in excesa of 50,000 gallons, with an individual tank capacity of not to exceed 25,000 gallons, provided the insulating sa.nd or. earth is increased� in each.such caee, to 12 inches on the aides and lg inches on the top. Each auch enclosure, irrespective of the si ze of the tan2� encloaed, shall be tightly roofed over with a slab of reinforced concrete with a safe carry capacity of not less than 250 pounda per square �oot and not less than four inches in thickness, or with other fire resiative conetruction of equivalent strength. (£��g�) _ /�: � 1 3ubdivision 21. �'�hen located underneath a buildirig, tanks used for such storage of . , fliel oil ahall be buried with top of tanks not less than 1�8 inchea below the lev��,l of the floor. The floor immediately above each such tank sha11 be of reinforced concrete at least six i nchea in thicknese� capable of withstanding a uniformly distributed load of 250 pounda per em�.are foot, or some other type of conatruction of equivalent atrength a��d fire resistance, extendino at least one fcot beyond the outline of tarus and in all directions, a.nd provi�.ed with ainple means of s»pport independent of a,ny tanl�. Slzbdivision 22. Any such tax�k used in connection with a domestic installation only and having a capacity of not to exceed 1,500 gallons, when inatalied under a building, shall be surrounded with sof t earth or sa:d u�ell tamped in place, a.nd the floor immediately above the tank sha11 be of reinforced concrete at least four inches in thickness, capable of withatanding a uniformly d.istributed load of 2FjC} pounds per aquaxe foot, reinforcement to extend at least 12 iilches on all sides of the ��,nk. �lhere the capacity of any euch taxik exceeds •l, 500 gallons, it sha11 be installed in accordance with the proviaions of the preceeding subdivision of this section. �u.�divi si on 23. Taxlks of 275 ga,lions capaci ty and less may be used to supply oil to the �zrner by gravity, provided that there is a suitable automatic safegaard to prevent abnormal discharge of oil at the burner. When more than one such gravit� tank is installed, such tanks shall be connected �aith the main pipe line le�,ding to the burner, through a manuall�-operated approved three-wa�r valve, so that no+ more than one tank can in any w�,y diacharge its contents at one time. 5ubdivision 2�+. Ta.nks of 6d gallons capacit�T and leas may b� used under pressure, provided they sY+all be designed for sig times the maximum .working pressure, which maXimum workiag preesure shall not exceed 50 po�.�nds per aquare inch. Such tanka shall be proved tight at twice such maximum working pressure. Preasure ta.nks ahall be equipped with a reliable pressar� gauge and an automatic relief va,lve piped to di�charge by gravity to the storage tank. �bdivision 25. Tanks located outaide of the building underground ehall be so placed that the top of the tanit is nat less than two feet beloiv the s�rface of the ground, �cept that, in lieu of the two feet cover� tanks ma,y be buried under 12 inches of e�rth and a cover of concrete at least three inches in thickness; provided, reinforcement in such co:- crete cover shall extend at least 12 inches on alI s�i�,s;of the tank. 9ubdivision 26. Where ta.nk s are iocated eo that the top of the tank is above the level ': of the suction inlet of the pump supplying oil to the bu rner or burner assembly� a siphon- breai�ing device consisting of an anti-sipron valve, a vacu�.am tank, underwriters vacuum siphon breaker, aiphon bresking pump set or equivalent depices to prevent siphoning ahall be installed. (i.,_.�. . 9ubdivi eion 27. No sand or earth aha11 be filled in aronnd an� ne�ely inatalled tank until ench tasilc ahall have been inapected a.nd accepted b�r the city maaager. 9nbdivisioa 2g. .�ll storage tanka eha11 have an open or automatically operated "Vent Pipe° of ample aize to prevent abnormal preesaree in caeea oP fire`or Fohen filliag. In no caee shall aqy such vent pipe be leas thaa one and.one-qnarter (1�-1��F) inch iron pipe e�.ze, aad oa aqy ench tank egceeding 1�500 gallons in capacity� the ee�it pipe ahall be aot emaller than the fill pipe. The lower end of the ven�E pipe shall egtead throagh the top of the .��ank for. 7, a diatance of aot more than one iach. The vent pipe shall eatend from the taak to the ontaide air� terminating at a point outeide of the bnilding t�ro feet above the level of the cap on the fill pipe and preferably not leee than two feet. measured vertically or horizoatallg from an,y aiadov� or other bciilding opeaing. The outer end of the vent eha11 be provided a�ith a return bend. or a voeatherproof hood,��' Snbdivision 29;; All filling pipee a}��e11 terminate outside of bnild3ng aad eha11 be r provided reith a metal cover or cap arhich sha11 be cloaed tight �hen not in use. It ahall be unla,e�1 to uee a scre�oed or other tight connection on the fill pipe of an egpoaed domestic fU.el oil tank for the purpose of filling eaid �ank �vith oil. Where tanke are buried undergranad, euch screNed or ti�t conaectioas ehall be permttted. 8nbdivision j0. l�o oil tank need in 'connec�ioa with oil heating equipment ahail be equipped �rith a glaes gaaige, or vsith aay ge�a.tige the breaking of vahich mill permit the oil � to escape fram the tank. 9ubdiviaioa 31. Teet wella sha�.l not be located ovithin baildinga. Teat r�elle , � located outeide of bnildinga sha].1 be locked. , 9nbdivi sion j2. A ecavengl.ng line, inatalled ia connection wi th a tank located arl.thia �_� a bniiding, may be ueed and ahall termiaate outeide the building. It sha11 be capped oil ,_.:t; ti�t whea aot in uae. 9nbdivisioa 33. Standard itall weight �ronght iroa� eteel or brasa pipe ooith anb- ataatial fittings or approved brase or copper tubing wi�th,approved fittinge� shall be used :.,: and ehall be careftillp protectedagainet mechaaical injnry. In all piping syatems proper allowance ehall be made for eapansion aad coatraction. jarring and vibratioa. b'lexible metallic tubing m�► be ueed to reduce the e8fect of jarring and vibration. �tbdiviaion j�F. A11 threaded joints ehall be tight aad ehall be made up �oith litharge and glyceriae, ahellac or saitable pipe componnd.� � �bdivi eioa 35. All pipiag aha7,1. be eecnred rigidly and protected from injury� ia a manner that is coaaiatent t�ith good pra,ctice. � 9ubdivisioa j6. All auxiliary pumps,ueed for pumpiag oil from the etorage tank to auxiliary tanks eha11 be of approved type. Thep she,ll be rigidly mannted. i �+1) . ��•r: , __ _. ., .. . _ , . . _. >v� _. _ . . � �� 3 9nbdivisivn 37. Automatic pumps not an iategral part of the oil barner shall be ;� of approved ,type, provided with an eoatomatic meane for preQen�i ng a coatinuoua di scharge of oil ia case of pipe breaking. They ehall,be rigidly mounted. �bdivision 38. Esch oil buraer ehall be equipped �vith a deeice, meahanical or electrical tohich aill automaticallg prevent aa abnormal flow of oil, and ehall be pro- vided �ith a permaaent eaitomatic devi.ce, so deaigned that oil, upon being turned iato the Oombastioa chamber� will immediately become ignited or.ahnt off. Each oil bnrner �, nsed in connection eoi�th a hot aater� steam, vapor or warm air heating eyetem� ahall be equipped �uith an automatic device to reduce or estingnish the fire ia event of undue preesure or overheating within the boiler or farnace. The,,proviaione of this snbdivision shall not apply to iadustrial or commercial installations where aa attendaat ie ia coastaat charge. 9nbdivision 39. A haad operated gate valve shall be installed in each feed pipe line ae aear tank as practicable. 9nbdivision il0. Electrical inetallatione nsed in connection �i.th oil heating eqnip- ment sha11 be installed ia accord,a�nce with the reqniremente of the ordinances of the city of Hopkias regulating the inatallatioa of electric vaires and apparatne. Stibdivieion 41. No oil burner shall be inetalled in ar�y boiler or heater unleee said boiler or heater ie connected with a chimaey having enfficient draft at all times to insare the safe operation of the burner. $abdivisioa �2. Pipe dsmpers ehall be removed or locked ia the desired poeition, and no demper cloeing off more than g0 per ceat of the pipe area shall be allo�sed. �tbdivisioa 4j. A].1 boiler or flirnace rooma ehall be provided voith adeqnate ventilatioa to eecnre continuoue complete combustioa. 9ubdiviaion �F. A�p �roodwork, �vooden lath sad plaster partition or o ther com- bnatible material �oithia three feet of the aidee or back or eix feet from the front of ,tiie f'urnace ehall be covered �oith plaster board aot les's than one-qatrter (1��F) inch in thick- aese or rei th other iacombuatible material of at leaet eq�ial inealation value. No com- buetible mate Ma1 shall be etored mithin ten feet of t'nrnace door. �bdiviaion �FS. If-the ilirnace room ceiliag ia less.;thaa three feet above the hi gh- eat clean-out opeaing of the flirnace o r boiler� that portion of eaid ceiling �rhich ie -: < immediately over snch �rnace o r boiler aad extending a dietance of ta�o feet beyond the sides and back and fanr feet beyond the front thereof ahall be conatrncted of plaeter board � covered �vith eheet metal, or of cement plaster on metal lath, or of other fire-reeietive materiel oP at leset eqnal insulation value. Snbdieision �b. �nokepipes eha�,l be loc�ated �rith minimwm clearsacea to ceilinga, partition�, etc., in accordance �ith the follo�ing table: � �) �, � � �oodwo rk Plaster on wood lath Plaster on incombustible lath� on e�ooden beame or etnds Minimum Clearance If II�rotected 2� inchea lg inchee 9 inchee. � Minimum Clearance If Protect�,d 12 inches 9 inche� 6 inches - ,y �� V r�, The protectiqn required by the above table eha,ll coaeiet of a sheet metal or eqnivalent coeering placed at least one inch from the surface to be protected, extending lengthFviae of the emokepipe aad at least 12-inches beyond the emokepfpe and/or the enrPace to be protected� on both eidee. Subdivision �F7. The commercial ata.ndards (gradee 1� 2, 3� �}� 5 ead 6) for domestic aad industrial t'�el oils, set up bg the II. S. Federal Goeernment� Department of Commerce, Bure�a of Sta.ndarde �u].letin CS 12-29 (issned �ovember 7, �929) sha11 conetitute etaadard. grades for ft�.el oil eold or delivered to oil burning planta within the city of Hopkine� aad it is hereby declared a viola.tion of thie ordinance for ez�r per�on� firm or corpora- tioa to deliver or pnt into the etorage tank of aay oil bnrning plant a grade of oil ia- Perior to that ordered by the pnrchaser. Ido oil shall be used in err�,�y oil t�u.rner heating eye:�em �vhich ha,s a flash point loxer th.�► 110 degrees Fa,hrenheit. Snbdieie0on 4g. A printed copy of the rnles and instractioas of the manufacturer eha11 be oonepicnon sly posted near each oil buraer. It ehall specify the gra,de of oil re- qui red fo r the burne r. Bubdiviaion �g. Regulations for Inatallation of Gae Bnrners. The constiuction, arrazigemeat aad manner of inat�l.lat3on of all gas burnere aad ga.e burner equip�ment here- a.fter inatalled for use in connection with heating eystems� and the alteratioa and r epair hereaPter of all gae burners and ga,s burner eqnipment used or to be used in connection " �+ ;, � vith heating syetems� ehall conform to the provi�aions of eubdivisions � to 82 inclnsive :Y, of this section. . ::'; �:, i Snbdinieion 50. Fo r the purpose of thie sectiAn� the term '�gas burner° meane a deviee .;�; for the final conveyance of the ga,s� or a mixtn,re of gas s,nd a3r� to the combustioa zone of a boiler pr t�raa,ce need in connection �vith a heating syetem. The term, "gas burner equip- ment�" inclndea gae burners, as above defined, and all piping (other than euppl� pipin� from:;.':`;;' ;. meter to appliance shut-off ealve), blowers, control denicee and accessoriee connected to the burnere. .' Sabdivision 51. It shall be unlawFul for any person� firm, corporation or their agente,� to install aqy gas bnraer, such as above defined� nntil an application for apprcval op such make or type of bnrner, on a from to be fnrni ehed by the city manager� shal,l ha,ve been +r+'y . \ ��� � c. . :.� , �s .!i � filed with the city manager and a Certificate of Approv�l of euch bnrner iesaed by him. He sha11 iasue a certificate of approval or disappmval rvithin 3p days a.fter the filing of an,y en.ch applicati6n. 9nbdivieion 52. The city manager ehall approve ax�,y gae bnrner approved by the American Gae 9s�ociation or any other nationally recognized inspeetion board or laboratory. (�ae bnraere not approved by the Americaa Gas Aesociation or any other „'. natioaally recognized board or labora.tory aha11 aot be approved until they shall haee been�'� iaepected and tested by the city ma.nager. Thia inspection and teet ahall cover arrangement'-", , of parts, saitability of materisl. atrength of parts, electrical control. thermostatic ? arraagement, reliability oP automatic features and positiveness of ignition. In case , the citp maaager does not feel competeat to make the above inepection and test� he may j'� require that the applicant enbmit a report of euch aa inspection aad test from a � recognized laboratory. 9�ibdivieion 53. �1ith a certificate of dieapproval, the city ma�aager ehaa.l iseue to the applicant aad to the mam�facturer of the device a clear and concise etatement ae to the reaeon for dieappr�val. Lfter t.he iesuaace of a certificate of dieapproval� a new application ehall no% be made until 30 daye from date of is�ue of s aid certificate. l aew application shall be accompanied by a clear aad concise atatement giviag �eaeons for reconeideration, baeed oa information received with the certificate oP disapproval. ,9tiibdivieion 54. When making an applicati of approval, or a re-application for euch certi certificate of disapproval of the same make or the city� in connection t�ith each ench applicati the sum of $15.00. Snbdivision 55. It eha11 be nnlamihl for to install� alter� repair and service gas bura to the citg maaager for a certific�te cate after a previoua iesnance of a pe of burner, the applicant eha].1 pay to n or re-applicatioa, a filing fee in person� firm or corporation liceased roithin the cit� of Hopkins to iastall any nsed gas bnrner� or for the city manager to ;issue aay permit authorizing him or them� , so to do. until aaid licensee ahall have firet permit� a copy of the purchase order stating th beaMag a etatement by the pnrcha.ser ac�aoevledg etatement by ea.id liceneee that eaid burner haa in every �oay wi th o rd.inance reqa.i rement a for ne� etandards and ac�juatmente. 9abdivieion 56. Gas burners ehall not be room oohere the normal facilitiee for ventilati unlesa special proviaion ie made for eupplying r+r � ��� tted� �rith hie application for gnch a ueed barner ie to be iaetalled and that to be the case. together ooith a een properly reconditioned aad taill comply ;� equ.ipment, a s to operation� safety in an appliaace located in a do not permit prope r combnatioa of the gas,;;? � �i fficieat air for complete combustion. - ✓ 9n.bdivision 57. All.appliance flues throngh which flne gaees are conducted aha11 be thorou�ly cleaned and eaam.iaed for .leaks aad draft conditioaa. The chimne� flne eand flue pipe ahall be egamined and reconditioned� if neceesary, eo that �hey v�ill freely , condact the flue �asee to the onter air. Where flne pipes are rneted or bnraed ont, they eha11 be replaced by new pipe. Material nsed for flue pipe ehall be each ae to resist the corrosive actioa of flue gases. 9u.bdieieion 5g. A draft hood or ite equivalent� evhich ie desigaed to (1) insure the reac'�y eecape of the produc�a of combnstion in the event of no draft, back draft or atoppage beyond the appliaace� (2) preeent a back.draft from entering the appliance� and (3) neutralize the effect of etack action of the flue npon the operation of the appliaace� ; sha}.1 be placed ia and made a part of the flne pipe from the appliance. or in the appliauce ;,,' itself. The draft hood si�all be located at a point:aot lo�er than the top of the hig�est flue pasesge ia the applieace. Appliancea of the revertible flue type ahe.11 have the draft hood located at leaet one foot higher tbaa t,he top of the hi�est flue paseage. In all boilere or tt�rnacea oP the revertible flue type aot epecifically deaigned for the use of gas fnel, ��per provieion ahall be made to prevent the accumnlation of gae in a� part thereof. 8n.bdieieion 5j. The internai crase-eectional area of the eection of the flne pipe betaeen the ontlet of the appliance and the draft hood ahall be snch as to provide not less � thaa one equare inch of flne �rea per ��Spp honrly B.T.U. iaput. In ao caee sha,ll this aection of flue pipe be less than 3 inches in diameter and it shall not be larger thsa the ae$t integral iach diameter above the sise given in the Yollo�ring table: Inpnt Rating B.T.II. per Honr 52. 500 9�, 500 i47,000 212, 250 2gg.75o NlI1JIMIIM PERMISSIBLE FLtTE SIZES FOE GAS BURAIER INSTALLATIONS Area of, Flue Outlet -- 3a.In. 7.0 i2.6 �9.6 2g.3 3g•5 Diameter of Flue Pipe-------Inches 3 � 5 6 7 377,250 50.3 � � �77,000 63.6 g Based on 1 eq. in. flne area per 7,500 B.T.II�, per honr inpnt. . , In caees �here the outlet Yrom the appliance ie larger th�u the above indic�ted. eize� an orifice plate may be inserted, or a section oP the flue pipe reatricted as to the si ze indica�ed. 9abdtviaion 60. �he draf� hood should ox� .inarily be located ac'�jacent to the �� � applianc �e��. In caeee vuhere it appeara desirable� to place the draPt hood at a distaace g y �;.,:, � � � r��w� . . ... , � � �. \ �'�� . v? J from the appliaace, th�e size of the restricted section may;:;be modified.according to the length sad rise of the flue pipe. 9ubdivieion 61. The proportioned eection.oP the flue ontlet of the appliance ,;; , �, '' F: �4 elimina,tes the neeese�`tiy of usia� an ac'�jnatable damper, in,.the flue pipe. Where dampera �;. �av,�. . , �_ ;:`� are an, integral part of�the�boiler or;ftirnace, the� ehall..be removed or permanently `° secared ia the �side open position, egcept euch daaopers �the f�inction of which is to alter the paseage of flue.geaes thron� the appliances;:��hich�ehall be locked ia ench a position as not to iaterfere with the aormal operation of the barnere. 9ubdiviaion 62. P�ue pipe shall be relocated,-�YLere,;,neceseat�r� to avoid eharp tLtrne or other constructional features which monld create exceseive resietance to the floi�fi`of ,.. the flue ga.ses. Means aha�� be employed �ahich mill prevent the flue pipe irom entering beyond the inner mall of the chimaey flue. Flne pipe eha11 be cemented to the chimaey r�all, so ae to prevent infiltration of cold air. Sabdiviaion 63. No bafflea �hal.l be applied aThich �vill interfere voith the proper combuetion of the ga.s. Flue pipe sha11 be well snpported to preveat saggtng, shali be ad.eqnately insulated from, and in no case shall be lccated eloser thaa one iach to, combustible building materials. The heating enrfacee ehall be thoroughly cleaned before bnrners are inetalled. �he combnstion chamber and a11 flue ga.a passages sha7.1 be gas:�: ti�t. Whea the ashpit d.00r ie cloaed� it ia recommended that the fuel door oP the heating. `; appliance be arranged to relieve preesase due to pnffa or backfire caueed by dsl�yed igai tion. � 9nbdiviaion 6�+. Gas 'burners of a11 typea shall consist of factory aseembled a,nd teeted units and shall be accompanied b� complete-and-comprehensive installation an.d operation inatrnctions. The bnrner or bnraera shs11 be located according to the manufacturer�e inetrnctions aad sha11 be sectxrely fastened in place to prevent twisting� slid3ng or dropping ont of poaition. . 9nbdivieion 65. The burnere aha11 be installed as to be readily acceesible for cleaaing and inspection. �'he burner or burners Bhall be so inatalled that no part of the flames impiage ao aa to cauae incomplete combnstion. Air shuttere shall be acijusted to pro- duce a good.flame at the prevailing gae pressure. 9ubdivisioa 66. Where seQondary air ie necessary� secondary air openinga shall be provided� of eaPficient area to_suppl�r an ad�quate amoun� of air Por complete combuetion. Where aa automatic secondary air oontrol ie provided the conetrnctioa aha11 be such that, in"�:�. caae the control fails in any �a,y�.either the gae will�be ehut off or the secondary air ' door �vill remain open. 9abdivision 6j. Either a thermostatic pilot� � � �J�/ so constracted and adjusted that no gas � ✓ can flo� throngh the main burner unleae the pilot Plame is burning� or some other eimilar type of safet� device serving this eame end, eha11 be employed. The operation of thie eaiety device sha11 not depend oa the closiag of.an electri:c?ci rcuit to ehut off the main , , �s �PP1Y• 3abdivieion 6g. Pilot buraers ahall be sa.pported in such,a maaner that their position� relative to the maia bnraer or buraers �ill be Piged. Pilot bnrners ah,a,ll be ao placed that they can be eaPely lighted a.nd they ahail be readilp accessible or removable for cleaniag. 3nbdivision 69. Pilot lines ehall be connected to vertical main gas s�tpply linea or to the aide or top oP horizontal lines ahea.d of a11 contro.la eacept preasare regalatora, and ahall be su�ceptible to independent coatrol.. 9�tbdivieion 70. A maaually operated ahut-ofP valve ahall be insted7.led at ea.ch appliax�ce to ehut off the eatire gas �npply to the appliance in caeee oF emergency. �ch valve ehall be�ao located that it ie readily acceesible and shall clearly indieate the "on" a.nd "off" positiong, or direction of rotation to open or cloee. 8nbdivieioa 71. Electric control valves eha11 be installed gecording to the inatrnctions �raished by the manufactnrer. All electrical connections ehall be made ia confozmity with the proviaioas of the ordin�ncee of the city of Hapkine regulating the installation of electMc rviree and apparatue. 9nbdivision 72. A gae pressure regnlator ahall be iaetalled on a11 gas burner inatallatione. The boiler or tlirna,ce ahall be eqaiprped �aith eafety devices arranged to limit hi� steam pressnres or t�ater temperatnres� as �ell ae hi �i air temperaturee in warm air f4�irnaces. On a ateam or vacnum vapor boiler,- meana shal.l be provided to gasrd agaiast firing a dry boiler or one in which the water is dangerously low. Safet� devices operated electrically ahall not depend upon the closing of a circait to shut ofY the main gae snpp].y. Thie reqnirement shall not be coaetxued as prohibiting the uee of electrical regulating devicea� pronided the requir� eafety devicea are also installed. 8ubd3.vision 73. t�hen sir under preseure ie uaed in conaection tvith the ga.e enpply� � ePfective meana eha11 be provided to preeent the air from going back into the gae piping. :. All gas piping installed for the aervice of the gea burnere to be u sed in conriection �rith a�p heating s�stem eha11 be snppliea by an independent line df rect from�the meter. 9nbdivision 7�. After the piping has been thornu�lg pnrged, the pilot bnrner ehall be lighted and adjnated and the bu.rners put iato operation �in accordance �rith the manufactarer'e inetructione. �.-. 9nbdivieion 75. Pilot flemes aha11 effectively ignite,the gas at the main baraer or �_� . ;� ,, liurnere and shall be adeqnately protected Prnm drafte. g�device �hich ia at leaet equal ia -, performa.ace to the draft hood hereinbefore praeided for sha11 be interpreted as fulfilling �; � ��� � a the secoad part of this reqn.irement as far as chimney drafts are coacerned. Pilot flamee `� sha11 not become extingniehed when the main burner or bnrners are tnraed on or off in a noimal manner, either manually or.by antomatic coatrols. Lnmiaoue flame pilote ahall not shom carboa deposite �ahen ad,justed a�cording to the maaufactarer'a instructioas. �Vhere escapement pilote are naed, their fiamee. eha11 be freely ignited by the conatant ba.rning pilot. 9abdivision 76. In making tests, great care ahall be exerciaed to preeeat the accumulation of unburned gae in the appliance or fluea e�hich mi�t res�lt ia eaplosion or fire. �bdivisioa 77. The flamea from each 'bnrner ahall freely ignite the gas from adjacea� burners whea operating at the prevailing gas pressare or when the main control valve ie regulated to deliver about one-third the i�].1 gas rate, egcept vahere additional - pilots are provided. 9abdivieion 7g. Burner flames shall not flash back upon immediate iga3tion, nor upon turning the gas cock nntil the gae rate to the burner is abont one-third the ftill suppl�. Bnrner flamea ahall not flash back when the gae ie turned on o r off by any automatic cont�l mecha.niem. Ma,in barner flames sha11 ignite freely, from each coaatant 'burning pilot, rahen the main contrnl valve is regnlated to deliver about oae- third the f1i11 gae rate. �Phen ignition is made in a aormsl manner� the flames ahall aot flaeh outside the appliaace. Buraera ehall not egpel gas throngh air opeainga in mixer facee �ehen operating at the prevailing preeeare. 9�tbdivisioa 79. The concentratioa of oxygen � the flne producta shall, in no case, be lese thaa fonr per cent, nor more than ten per cent. 9nbdivision g0. The rate of flo�u of the gas shall be ac�j�ated to �ui�thin plue or minue fiee per cent of the required honrlp B.T.II. inpnt rating at the manifold pressnre specified by the man�.facturer. When the prevailing pressnre is lesa thsn the manifold preesn.re speciPied, the gas rate ahal.l be ad,jueted at the prevailing presaure. The appliance ahall be allowed to operate until the staclt temperatnre becomes etabilized, after rohich a sample of the flne products ehall be taken at a poiat ia the flue after the outlet of the appliance b�ut ahead of the draft hood, and an�lgzed Por carbon dioxide and oxygen. Siibdiviaion 81. The various controls of the. appliance sha11 be checked by both inepector and installer� to inaure their proper operation. Subdiviaion g2. The cnetomer ehall be thoroughly inatracted by the installer as t.o the proper aad eafe operation of the appliance before it ie placed in contianous service. Saitable printed instructioae eva11 be supplied by the inataller and poated in a .i 1:. promineat poaition near the appli,aace. _ _L 4 `,- Section'y2i+:�zJ General Pra�isione. 3nbdivieion 1. All licensea granted under �� ' i'K . . . - £.�,' � �i� �� � . a� %•' ' ..1 the provisions of this ordinance, ahall e�pire on the 31et da� oP December of the year in �ehich granted� unleea sooner revoked. 9izbdivision 2. �iolations. Any person who ahall make a.�p falee or untrue statement in an,p application for a licenae authorized by thie ordinance, ox who ehall decei�e or attempt to deceive the city manager or city council or his or its agente or emplo�ees by any atatement or anawer made in connection with such application, and any liceneee who sha,ll not comply �r3th the requirements of this ordinance which apply to his particular licenae� and any officer or public official who ehall refuse or neglect to perform his duty under the provisiona of this ordinance, shall be held to have eiolated the provieione of thi e ordinance. Snbdivisioa j. S�plit Fee. If any part of the license year hae elapsed when aa application ia made Por ar� license autho M zed b� thie ord.inance, the fee for arhich licenee ie $�.00 or more, then the license fee sha11 be one-fourth of the fee provided by thie ordinance for each three months or part thereof for the remainder o� the license year. 3nbdivieion 4. Transfer of License. Aqp license issued under the authority of thie ordinance, upon vohich a licenae fee of $5.00 or more hae� been paid� may be traneferred or asaigned, should the licensee desire to change hia place of bnsinese to a new location, or traasfer and assign such license to a aew owner. The city manager may, at his discretion and uader such regulatioas ae he may prescribe� a.nd on sarrender of th� origlnal licenae. and the pa,�- ment of a fee of $2.00, issue a new license for the new location or to the new owner, provided that the proeisions of this ordina,nce authorizing the granting of sach licease are complied �rrith. ' �bdivision 5. Police. All peraons liceneed under the proviaione of thie ordinance are sabject to police earveillance, so far aa to give the police oPficers of the citg the ri�a.t and power at all times to enter npon their premieea for the pnrpoae of aecertaining the manner in which the bueiaeas ie conducted. Subdivision 6. Permit Fee Doubl�d. Should any peraon, firm or corporation begin the construction, inatallation� alteration or repair of ar�y plumbing� drain� vent, eump, voater closet. eink, lavatory or other plumbing fiature or ax�p electrical installations as set forth in section 19 of this (�g� _ .. �. ... _._ _ r . . _. _. _ . . ... _, :i ordinance, or the installation of any oil or gae burnirig device or the equipment connected therewith� or aay other inetallationa for which a permit from the city manager is required by this ordinance� without having secared the nea:essary. permit therefor from the"city manager either previone to or during the da�r of the commencement of an� such work, or on the next succeeding da�y when such work b`s commenced on a Saturday afternoon or on a 3unday or a holid.ay, he ahall� when sub- eequently securing euch permit be required to pay{�double the fee hereinbefore pro- �. vided for euch permit, and ehall be sabject to all the penal proviaions of this ordinance. Subdivision 7. License Displayed. gll licenaes, tags, plates or other method of identification a.uthorized b�r this ordina.nce shall be kent on disulay at a conspicious place on the liceneed premieee, vehicle or device, or where neither p remises, vehicle or device are lic�nsed, on the pereon of the liceneee, or in the case of licenses for bill-boarda or eignboards, at the place of busineae of the licensee. Subdiviaion S. Ownere' Permita. The bona fide owner of any residential property in the city of Hopkina� may� upon making application therefor a.nd the payment of the proper fee, obtain a permit to do pinmbing or electrical work in and on snch residential propert� eo owned by him� provided said work ie performed by auch owner personally� and in accordance with all the �}�i1,ea,. �oecifications and regulations prescribed by thie ordinance, and such a�ork pasaes the inapection of the plumbing or electrical inepectors of the city. Section 22. Penalty. �,bery pereon� Pirm or corooration who_.sha,].1 engage in or follo�r a.ny busiaesa or occupation for which a licenee ia required by this ordinance with- out having obtained such a licenae, and any pereon, firm or corporation who ahall violate any of the provieione of this ordinance, ehall be gailty of a misdemeanor. Section 2j. Repeals. 9ubdivision 1. '�An Ordinance to License and Regalate Auctioneers and Peddlers and to License a.nd Regulate the Reeping of Billiard Tables� Pool �'ables and Bowling Saloone in the Village of j�eat Minneapolis," which t��as adopted by the village council of West P�inneapolia on June 6� �g95, is hereby repealed. 9ubdivision 2. "An Ordinance to License and Regulate the geeping of Pigeon Hole Tables in the Village oF West Niinneapolie," which wae adopted by the village council of West Minneapolis on July 2, 1g95, is hereby repealed. 9ubdivision j. "An Ordinance to fix the.date of expiration of all licenses, except.��'. liquor licenses granted under the provisiona of any ordina.nce heretofore paeeed by the v37.lage council of the Fillage of We st Minneapoli s, " which was adopted by the village council ( 50) :�c 1, • . I �. of Weet Minneapolis on February 9, 1905, is hereby repealed. Sabdivision �. "gn Ord9,neace Amending Seation Two o.f aa Ordinance to License and Regulate �ictioneers and Peddlere a.nd to License end Eegulate the. geeping of Billiard Tables� Pool Tables 8ad Bo�oling Saloons in the Village of Weet Minneapolis," which v�ae adopted by the village couacil of West Minneapolie on May 22, 1906� is hereby repealed. Snbdivision 5. "An Ordinance to License Small. Circnees, Moviag Picture Shov�s and Other Eghibitioas and 3hor�s�" which wae adopted b� the.villa.ge:council of West Minneapolie. on Febxuary 3� 1910, i� hereby repealed. Snbdivision 6. "An Ordinance to Eatablish the Office of Electric Inspector for f the Village of Weet Minneapolis, to aegul.ate;and Define the Daties of 9nch 9ffice and to �etablieh i�.tles and Heg�].ationa Concerning Electrical Wiriag and Appliancea," tahich t�eas i adopted b� the village cov.ncil of Weet �Iinneapolia on Ja.nuary 7, 19�3, is hereby repealed. �bdivisioa 7.. "gn Ordinaace to Amend an Ordinauce Entitled "Aa Ordinance to Zicense::�; a.ad Regalate Auctioneers and Peddlers a.nd to License and 8egta.�ate the Keeping of Billiard Tables, Pool Tables a.nd Bowling Saloons in. the Villa.ge of West Minneapolie, .Approved Jnne 6, �g95," t�hich was adopted by the village council of Weet ARinneapolis on Jnne 9,.1914, ie hereby repealed. 9p.bdivieion g. "An Ordinance Defiaing Axblic Dances aad Public Dauce Houeee and Pico- viding for the Regulation and Licenaing of Pablic Daacea and Public Dance Houses aadt,Places for Hold�ng Public Dances ia the Village of Weet Minneapolis�" which �as adopted by the eillage canncil of West Mi.nneapolie on �'ebruary �, 19�6� is hereby repealed. Subdiviemon 9. "An Ordinance Regu].ating the Liceasing of Plumbers in the �illage of Weet Minneapolis� A�innesota,� �ohich mas adopted by the village couacil of.West Minneapolis , a.ad is printed in the book entitled °�].es of Procedure, : Ordina.ncesand By-Laws, n�hich wae compiled under the direction of the village council of Weat Minneapolis and isaued F b 1 1 2 h b d e��='9 5� 9 3� i a ere y repeale . � � �. 8u.bdiviaion 10: "Au Ordinaace to License and. Regulate the 3ale and Disposal of Soft Drinke, Near Beer� and Other Non-Intoaicating Liqaors aad Beverages in the Village of �eet Minnes�polis, ° whi ch aras adopted by the village couai�il of 1�est Minneapolie on May 2� 1922. ie hereb� repealed. 9nbdivieion 11. "An Ordinance to License and 8egulate Peddlers aud Ha�rkere in the Yillage of �Test Minneapolis,p which �ae ad�opted by. the village council of S�eet Minneapolia on Juae 1� �926� is hereby repealed. . � , Snbdivi�n 12. pAn Ordiaa,nce to License and Eegnlate Tran.sient Merchants in the Village of;Weet Minnespolis," �ahich �as a.d.opted by the village cauncil of West Minneapolia ;:� on Augxat j. �926, is hereby repealed. 9nbdivieion �. pAa Ordinance Relating to and Eegu.lating sud Licensing Gasoline , -� Filling Station� and Wholeeale 0i1 and Gaeoline Storage Plante in the Yillage of West pEf b ��t'• L `��., �.1 �?" � . , �:�;�.�..��=�.� ..( 51) Minneapolie," whieh v�as adopted by the village cov:ncil oP West Minneapolis on June 21� 1927, ie hereby repealed. 9nbdivieioa 14. "An Ord.inance Permitting _the Transfer or Assignment oP Certa3a Licenaes�" which mas ad,opted by the village covncil of West Minneapolie on Febrnary 7, 192g� ie hereby repeal ed. m " �'_I "! 9abdivision l5. "Aa Ordinance to Preserve Pnblic Health by Providing for the � Iaspection of Niilk So]:d Withia the Yilla.ge oi :Weet. Mianeapolis and oP Dairiee and Dairy � - Herde gept for the Production of Such Milk and.of the Plante Where 9uch Milk is Bottled or Pastenrized� aad to Licenae and 8egulate the Sa1e and Disposition of Milk in Said Village and Providing Penaltiea for the ViolB,tion Thereof, �J which �vae adopted by the village council of �deat Minneapolia on Febxuary 2, 192(, ie hereby repealed. Snbdivieion 16. "An Ordinance Regalating the Liceneing of Plumbers in the Village of ; Hopkina, Minriesota, and Cr.eating the Office of Plumbing� Inapector, ° which �eas adnpted by the�; � vill age council of Hopkine on Sept ember 1�, 1928, ie hereby repealed. „� �bdivi sion 17. "An Ordinance to Amend An Ordinance Fntitled 'An Ordinance to Ziceaee and Regnlate Auctioneere and Peddlers and to Licease and Regulate the geeping of Billia�d Tables, Pool Tables and Bowling Sa.loone ia the Village of Hopkins. Approved June 6th, sg95'u m�ch aae adopted by the villag� council of Fiopkins oa Sept�mber lg, 192g;._.;= ie hereby repealed. �,ibdivieion 18, "An Ordinarice to Provide a Licenae Fee for the Use and F�erciee of aay (3rant or Privilege ia the Pn.blic Streets� Places or Property in the Village of Hopkine,;n'; vohich �as adnpted by the village council of Hopkins on Diovember 14, �93�, is hereby repealed. ;;;_ �.bdivision 19. "An Ordinance to 8egnlate the Conetraction� �tenaion, Alteration ., and 8epairing of Plumbing @�ork iVithin the Picinity of Hopkine, and to Provide for the Saaitar� Iaetallation of 9uch Plumbing Work,° which was adopted by the village council of ;;� ::;z Hopkins on April 15, 1940, is hereby repealed. `�•` 9abdiviaion �p. "An Ordinance to amend an Ordina.nce entitled pAn Ordinance regulatiag the licensiag of plumbers in the Village of Hopkins, Mianeeota, and cre�ting the office of plumbing inepector," vehich u�ae adopted by the village council of Eapkins on October 20. 19j1, ie hereby repealed. �ibdiviaion 21. "An Ord3nance 8elating to and $egnlatiag the Conetiuction a.nd Installation of Oil �nrning Devicee and. Equipments for Heating Pnrposee and the Storage and IIse of 011 �hele in Connection Therewith in the Village of Hogkina, and Providing for the Liceasing of a11 Persone Iastalling Snch Devicse aad Equipm�ata in Said Yill�g�e," arhich voas adopted bg the village council oP Hopkins on Julg 23. �.935. ie hereby repealed. 9abdivieion z2. "A.n Ordinance Relatiag to and Regnlati ng the Conatractioa and , Inatallation of Gae Burning Devicea and Equipments�for Heating Purposes ia Lhe 9illage of „ :.'�_jiU h"._�'.'Y�'�. � 3; . -�-. ( 52) � :� � . � y • ,� ! Hopkias, and Providing Por the licensing�of all Peraoas Inst�dl.ing 9ach Devices and Equip- mente in Said �illage," �hich ivas ad.opted by the village couneil of Eopkins on December g, �936� is herebyrepealed. 9nbdivieion 2j. "An Ordinance to License:and Regulate��the Ma��i.,ntaiaing, &eepin�g� dperating or Selling of Certain Mechanical Amusement Deeicea..in the Village of IIopkina� a.nd Providing Penalties for 9iolatioi%Thereof,a which was adcpted by the village conncil of Hopkine on Bebniary 2, 1937, ie hereby repealed. Sabdivieion 2�. "A.n Ordinance to Pix the date of expira.tion of all licenaes, granted nnder the provieions of a�y Ordinance heretoPore passed by the 9illage eouncil of the Village of Hopkins�" which v�as adopted by the village.conacil of Hopkins on April 1, ,°:� �930, ie hereby repealed. ' �;�i ,;'; s ; 9nbdivision;2'�, °An Ordinance 9aiending an Ordinance-Entitled 'An Ordinance Eelating � io and Regalating the Licensing of Plnmbera, Snperviaion aad Inspection of Plumbing, and the Ad,option and Enforcement of Minimum Staadards and. Requirements of the Mianesota Plumbing Code of the S�ate Board oP Health," which wag adopted by the villa.ge council of Hopkins on 3eptember 21, 1937, is hereby repealed. � 9f�' 9ubdiviaion�2�. "An Ordinance to �mend aa Ordinance �ntitl�d, 'An Ordiaance to r,��r• Preserve Pablic Health by Providiag for the Inepectioa of Mi1k Sold Within the Yillage of Weat Minneapolis aad oY Dairieg and Dairy Herds gept for the Prodnction of 9ach Milk and of the Plante Where 9nch Milk ia Bottled or Pastenrized; and to Licenae aad 8egulate the Sale aad Dispoaition of Milk in Said Villa,ge aad Providing Penaltiea for the Yiolatioa Thereof," which �vae ad,opted b� the village council of��Hopkins oa December 6. �938, f e hereby,� repealed'. 9�ibdivision 27. "An Ordinance providing for Liceneing aad 8egnlatiag Billboards and ` Signboards and Preacribing a Peaalty Por the Yiolation Thereof," which wae adopted by the „4,fi _ ; _village;?�.�wncil of Hopkine on A�a� 21� 19110, is hereby repealed. ; �� Sabdivision 2g. "An Ord.inance Relating to and fiegalating the Licensiag of Plumbers. .� :� Supervision and Inspection of Plumbing, and Eaforcemeat of Minimum Staadards aad Bequirement�.s' ;.,�r of the Minnesota,Plumbing Code of the State Boara. of Health�° which waa adopted by the village council of Hopkine oa Dec�ber 3, 1940, ,is herebg repealed. 9nbdivision 29. "Aa Ordina.ace Liceneing and Regulating the Hetail Sale of Cigarettee and Cigarette Wrappers a.nd Providiag.a Penalty for the �iolatioa Thereof,p which ;' was adopted by the village council of Hapkina on September 16� 19�F1� ia hereby repealed. 8nbdieiaion 3p. pAn Ordinaace to Licenee Roller 5katiag Rinke� Roller Derbies and �' � '� ��: Other Simila.r ;Enterpriaes, °�hich �vae adopted by the village�� conncil of Hopkins on September,� � 1, 19�2. is hereby repealed. � 9nbdiviefoa 31. "An Ordinance Regtil.atiag the Ma.intenance �ad Operatioa of Automobile � Camps and the Parking of Automobile Trailers ..Within the Village of Hopki,ne, p �v�.iQh �as ��,� ��',' ,� :; ����s� (53) _ � .� � � ;� . 5 r.�.-... ..,.... . .: ... .. . ... . . : .�;... .... T.p...;� . _ ... . . ..- .. ' ._ . ^.1„ .. _i .. . .. . .- . , . .. : .. S, , ' 1' � . . � I I adopted by the village con.ncil of .Eopkine and::,publiehed oa Jnly 12. 1945, ie her,eb� � , repealed. �:t 'fi ��ti .r� i;, �� "� -:� � 9abdivision 32. "Ordiaance Providing for the Licenaing of 'Paxicabs and =� � � ��ti Hegnlating their Operation ia the 9illage of Hopkias� °�hich .ovas a.dopted by the village ''' � � council;of Hopkine on September 25, �g�+5, ie hereby repealed. `? ;�i 3nbdiviaion 33. "An Ordinance Licensing.and Eegulating Theaters, Shotae, Qircaaes �� � and Eaterta,inmen%s;" e�diich wae adopted by the,village council of Hopkins on September ,.k 25� �9�+5, ie hereby repealed. ., �ibdivision 3�. Ordinaace,No. 1 of the,city of Hopkius� which �aaa edopted by �I the city council of Hopkina on January Z0� 19�8� is hereby repealed. I 9ubdivision 35. Ordinaace A1o. 2 of the city oP Sopkins, which haaa adopted by the I city canucil of Hopkina oa Februs,ry j� 19�� iei hereby repealed. _. r.... � yry:,��� � i , Sectioa,`2�:��EPfective Date. This ordinance shall ta�ce effect 2Q days after �.,�, the date of ite publication, as pro�i.ded by the, charter and ordina,nce mzmber l�+ oi i the city� egcept aection 18 of this orrlinance, vahich eha11 take effect Jnly 1.� �950. First read at a regular meeting of the couacil of the city,of Eopkins held on the 7th d,ay of March � 1950, and final].y read aad passed at a regnlar maeting ; of the cotincil�of said city held on the 21st �, op. March , 195�• i W. Harlan Perbix� �r A. W. Elmquist, Secretar� of the Council Frank N. 1�hi tne�, City Attorney. Pablished in the Su,burbaa Press on Thursday, April 6, , 195�• ��d...... ��`� �) �/J�/� a p� . �'\. , / /��- ��i-vn�atrt...rrt. �� � �✓ [.1 1 � , � �� v� � `' �b�� ,l^ ��, p' [��Pi vv 'J: 4 H. �. j ��`� �:!:�`.',�: °,� . �,�;?��`���':�'�� '� S;t3 S Y� . t�.� � I['._:. s� �� ' :� �� ;,J��*�� ( 5�): <,. ; r �a` 5M';y;4� ��-!:'i� � . '�'t 1577'��'a� f� � �� � ._ ��• ,.a ���� A regular meeting of the council of the City of Honkins, h�iru7esota, was held at the ' City Hall at 7; 30 o t clock P.R�. on Tuesday, A�ril 1�, 1950. Menbers pr esent were; Mayor %. H�.rlan Perbix, Counciliaen Len J. Milbert, Joseph T. Anderla, Stuart E. Beckman; John Ziegler, and City Mana.ger C.C. Congdon. Members absent; none. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that the follo�ing bills be paid. Carried. 1705 1738 1739 17l�0 1741 17Lt2 1743 171�t 1745 17l�6 1747 1748 17l�9 i75o 1751 1752 GEN�tAL FUND G.J. Berg, Attorney Amc.-LaFrance Foami.te Cor. First Natl. Insurance Agency Laurenz 9. Harris Hennepin Councy Hopkins Fire Department Kinn Service Lund�s Sinclair Sernice �4iller Meters, Inc. Minn. Fire Equipment Coirroar�y �inn. paper & Cordage Compar�y N.�iV. Bell Telephone �ompar�y H.A. Rogers Compa�y Sub. Henn. Co. Relief Board Suburban Press, rnc. Robert SUndin Salaries Hourly Payroll Garnishment of Donald Olson Cylinder head gaskets Ins. premium on equipment Car allowance Board of poor Fire call, drill, telephone Replace windshield on fire truck Tire repair parking meter repairs 6 bulbs paper to�rels & cabinets Telephone Prints Relief Publishing Delivery of Star Journal I,ast 2 of March, 195� Period encling 3/31�50 ROAD AND �RTDGE FUND �.89 N.W. Bell Telephone Compar�pr 1�90 Republic Creosoting Couroar�y 1�91 Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Salaries Hourly Payroll 372 Electro Rust-Proofing Cor. 373 Postma.ster, Hopkins, Minn. 374 Wallace & Tiernan Company Salaries 9!� 61� Anton A. Qlson Hourly Payroll Frank V. Laslca Telephone Road tar Repair parts & torch Last 2 of March, 195� Period ending 3/31/50 WATII� FUND Maintenance service water tank 3� white envelopes Repair parts Last 2 of �.4arch, 1950 S�YAGE DIaSPOSAL FUND Use of car Period ending 3�31�50 PII��AP!ENT II��ROVIl�IVT REVOLVING �'UND DRiZeage for Dec., 191�9 � 39.52 1t�.55 993•63 25.00 180.00 256.00 13.50 3. oo, 37.02 2.10 2i.56 68.30 16.38 166.77 215.70 5.� 2oi4.00 706.65 11.00 16.12 �.9.80 347•3� 275.23 210.00 73•52 6.35 432.27 Milbert moved, Anderla seconded, that application for dig;�er machine license by Thomas Sheehan be denied. Carried. 12 � 00� Ia.1.�.20 15.82 Beckman moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution #132, "A RFSOLUTION REFERRING TO THE C ITY II1G INEII� THE MATTER OF INSTALLII�TG SANITARY SE4PER AN� �'IATER r�AIlV E)CTENS IONS . INTO AAJD TI�OUGHOUT THE PLAT OF KNOLDNOOD," ?narked �hibit A, _be adopted. Carried. Becl�a.n moved, Milbert seconded, that the City Council go on record as opposing the .Kerr amendment to Natural Gas Act Bill No. S1l�98, and that the TRayor send a telegram to President Har7y S. Truman with reference to same. Carried unanimousl.y. � G��,µ,�.�� � �• a page 2. � Anderla moved, Beckman seconded, that the report by the Zoning Commi.ssion dated r.2arch 23, 1950, recominending that no change be made in the zoning of Lot 93, Auditor�s Subdivision #239, be accepted and �laced on file. Carried. Beclanan moved� Ziegler seconded, that the bZayor and City Council does by proclamation designate the week of April 3� to P�ay 6; 1950, as "Cl�an up, F�int up� and Fix-up Week,n in Hopkins. Carried. _ Pursuant to notice bids were opened for sidewalk, curb.and gutter and blacktopping material for the year 1950. The following bids were received: Carl A. Anderson - Straight curb 6�� wide & 16�� deep.........�. .................�1.l�0 per lin. ft. Combination curb and gutter ..................................�2.70 per lin. ft. Curved curb 6�� �vide �c 16« deep................. .:...........�1.45 per lin. ft. Curved combination curb & gutter ............................�2.80 per lin. ft. Driveways 6�� thick ..........................................� .�8 per sq. ft. Sidevrallcs �,rr thick ..........................................� .,�5 per sq. ft. F,�ansion jqint 1/2n by I�t�......... .........................� .08 per lin. ft. �cpansion joint 1/2!� by 6�� hy 16" ...........................� .18 per each' Exp�._ision joint 1�2!� thick to fit combination curb �c gutter �.1�8 per each Curb and gutter forms to be furnished by City. Victor Carlson & Sons, Inc. 100 ft. to 1,00 ft. Straight curb, 6" wide by 16�� deep 1500 ft. to 3000 ft. Straibht curb, 6" wide by 16" deep � 3000 ft. or more Straight curb, 6n �ride by 16!! dee� 1000 ft. to 3000 ft. Combination curb_and gutter ,_ 30Q0 ft. or more Combination curb and gutter Curved curb, 6�� wide by 16'! deep Curved curb, combination curb and . gutter Drivetivays, 6« thick 5000 S.F. to 10,000 S.F� Sidewalk, 4n_thick 1Q000 S.F. to 20,000 S.F. Sidewalk, 4" thick 2Q000 S.F. or more Sidewalk, !�!� thick Expansion joint 11� thick by �" wide bcpansion joint -��-�� thick, 6�� wide by 16�� deep I�cpansion joint �!� thick, to fit comb�ation curb and gutter _ Q �1.70 per ft« Q �j1.65 per ft. Q �1.50 per ft. p ��,02.30 per ft. C �2,20 per ft. Q �2.00 per £t. Q �2.50 per ft. � � .69 per sq. ft. Q � .52 per sq. ft. Q � .�.9 per sq. ft. C� � .1�5 per sq. ft. � � .05 per lin, ft. � � .10 x�er each. � ,,�� .25 per each. Republic Creosoting Company Ro Tar De ivere an Applied to the streets of the City of Hopkins as directed ,,��.1600 per gallon. Glenn Johnson Contracting Co. Hot ready-mix Bitum�nous Usir� Tar - loaded in your truck �$1�.20 per ton Using Asphalt- �� " �� �� l�.20 per ton Hot reac�y-mix Tar delivered_to �3opki.ns load lots ��..70 tr Asphalt �r tt n. n n ��7p Jay W. Craig Compar�y V1e will furnis , heat, haul and apply Road Oil SC-2 or 3, meeting the specifications of the rQinnesota Highway Department, in 1200 gallon t�.ckload lots, ior the, sur� of ?�.125 per gallon. We will furnish, heat, haul and apply Cutback Asphalt r?C-?, 2 or 3, meeting the specifications of the Minnesota Highway Departmer_t, in 1200 gallon truckload lots, for the sum of �,.135 per gallon. �e will furnish, heat, haul and app]tiy Road Tar, RT 5 or 6, meeting the specifications of the ��nnesota Highway Department, in 1200 gallon truckload lots, for the s�am of �.17 per gallon. � �.s... . � ... .ti I � i.�. ...-. ,"�' i.< .� ,-I'.. i � . . �^ . '. . .. _ C E� � ' .. v . fi }w'Fr-:'•, �ti . . �/ �. . 7e ', � - . . . . . . - - �. . . . . . ' S y>47 r. . . � � F.� - ' - ' � , ,�L�:L•i _ . ' � ':;fi� , . ... i:°"�. `; 1,� � ',. ��p�I . . � 1�� "4 k' . � �'il PV � � � �! ;: Page 3. �, ; �; a'� ,; Bury & Carlson; Inc. Hot Roa Tar Mlx -�1�,50 per ton F.O.B. our b'tixing Plant located in the ll4innesota Sand & Gravel Co. Pit, Belt Line (T.H.100) & Cedar La.ke Road, St. Louis Park, Minn. (Technical specification attached.) Road Tars, delivered in Tank Trucks, applied to the streets of Hopkins at a price of �.16 per gall�n. SC Asphalt, delivered in Tank Trucks, ap;�lied to the streets of Hopkins at a price of �,1.275 per gallon. PdC.Asphalt., delivered in Tank Trucks, ap�lied to the streeta of Hopkins at a nrice of �.1375 per gallon. Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that the above bids be referred to the City Engineer for stu�r and report. Carried. Ziegler moved, Beclana.n seconded, that the City Engineer advertise for bids for se�rer and vPater ma.in extensions in West 1l;inneapolis Third. Di.vision in locatians shown i:n Er�ineer�s report, except that sewer and water mains be not ir_stalled in the folloaring locations: . ncommencing on 19th. avenue North at the southerly li.ne of Lot Ten (10), Block Three (3), _and crossing Block Three (3) at about the souther�y line of Lots.Ten (10) and Taventy- .. one (2l) to 20th. avenue North, thence Northerly.on 20th av:snue North to„�.th. street ,North; thence Westerl,y on �.th. street North to 21st avenue North; thence South on 21st avenue North to about the south line of Lot Twenty—si.x (26), Block Five (5).�� Carried:,, . , Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution #127, "A RESOLL'TION ORDF'�R.ING THE INSTALL-`�; ATION OF SANITARY S�'PER AND �TATER TJIAAZN EXTENSIONS . IN WEST 1VIINNEAPOLIS� THIRD DIVISION," ��; marked F�hibit B, be adopted. Carried. _ ' Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that building permi.ts be granted to 3uburban Chevrolet Company for the_erection of t�o garage buildings, one at 1110 E�ccelsior Avenue and one at #8:12th Avenue South, which permits �ill pro�ride for two drivea+rays on �celsior Avenue. pne to replace the present driveway by being moved �Testerly and one n�r drive=� �ay not to exceed a riiaximum width of thirty (30) feet and the old Phillips 66 driveway_ to be closed up.. Carried. Ziegler mo�Ted, Beckman seconded, that Resolution #130, ��R.FSOLUTION ADOPTII� SP�CIAL ASSFSST�VTS," marked bchibit C, be adopted. Carried. .. , Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that Resolution #133, "A RFSOLi7TI0N ORDERING A HE�RII� ON E�iTGINEE.R�S REPORTS I'OR,THE INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SE� AtJD.V�ATER NATN EXTENSI011�TS I1�1 CERTAIN LOCATIONS,�� marked Exhibit_D, be adopted. Carried. _ _ � Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that the construction of additional main trunk sewer �„;; on Washington Avenue South from �ccelsior Avenue to South of the �Iilwaukee Railway tracltis''. >� be�added to the present contract. Carried. `,+ �� /�The City Manager presented to the council a certificate stating that on �arch 1.5, 1950, ,,`t in accordance with the provisions of Section S.OI� of the cYiarter'. there was filed with him by a committee.of five electors of the city a vea�ified copy of a proposed ordinance initiating a measure of public-coneern, name�; a proposed ordinance "relating to zoning and amending ordinance Noo 8 of the city, a copy of which proposed':ordinance was also filed on said date; that on �arch 27, 1950, in accordance with the provisions of Section ;:.`;', 5,05 of the charter, an initiative petition proposing said ordinance was filed �rith the ��:; City �anager� together �vith signature:-papers and affidavits attached thereto; that in accordance �rith the provisions of Sections 5.06 and; 5a,07 of the charter, the City �anager� `�.'� within five da.ys after the filing of the peti�ion,. examined the petition and the signa� -'a tures appended thereto and found that the num.ber of petitioners�,,,is 235, which number is -A�s>•:. ,• equal to 16j, of .the total of 11�72 votes cast at the last municipal.�� election. The secretary of the council thereupon read the proposed ordinance.. - ,aa., . ._ ; Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that the measure be referred`�to the council as a. .�; com�i.ttee of the whole. Carried. �.,i�f`� -' ���. i ° ,� Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the council hold a public hearing upon said measuxe .Y at 7;30 ofclock P.A.�I. on Tuesday, April 18, 1950, at the council chambers.at the City Hall,,;:, Carr.iedo . / � Th�e -wage. rate for Deputy* Assessor, Glyndon J. �Thite, �as set at �1.25 per hour from April l, 1950• Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that street lights be ordered in at lst� 2nd and 3rd Streets on 18th Avenue North and 2nd and 3rd Streets on 19th Avenue North. Carried. Becl�nan moved, Ziegler s�conded, that the reading of Ordinance #33,, "AN Oi�DINAAICE RDsULATING THE USE OF HIGHR�AYS, STRE�TS, ROADS, AZLEYS, BOULEVAR�JS AND AVENUFS �THIN THE CITY OF HOPKT�TS; IMPQSING PEntALTIFS FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; :�EPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCES," be accepted as the first reading. Carried. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the reading of Ordinance #31�, "AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND RD�ULATING THE USE AND OPII�TION OF BICYCLES WITHIN THE CITY OF HQPKINS;: PROVIDING A PEATA.LTY FOR THE VIOLATIQN THEREOF AiJD REPEALING CERTA�N ORDINANCFS," be acc.epted as the first reading. Carried. _ Ziegler moved, Beckma.n seconded, that the reading of Ordinance #35, "AI�T ORDIIuANCE RE- LATING TO THE NtJMBII�TNG OF HOUSF� AND RE'PEALING A CERTAN ORDIl`1ANJCE,n be accepted as the first reading. Carried. .. Anderla no�-ed, Beckman seconded, that the salary of City �dana.ger C.C. Cor�don be in- creased to ��6,000•00 per year effective as at Januar,y 1, 195�, as verbal�,y a�reed at time of appointment; sa.me to be paid from the water fund; all voting ��aye�� except Mayor Perbix who abstained from voting. Carried. . . . Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. ATT�'ST : , G2�a.�% �P. Har an Per i.x, Mayor �� A.�. mquis , S cre ary o e Council CO'JNCIIN�d: ` � , CITY OF HOPgIBTS� �EPI� COIIbTTY, MIftN�SOTA RE30LUTI0�1 N0. 132. A RESOLIITIOBT REFERRING TO 'PHE CITY EAGII�EER TiiE NIATTEH OP' IASTALLIIQG `�� SAIQITAHY SEi4ER A�D �ATEE MAIN E�TEI�3IONS INTO AND THI�UGHOD'I' T� :�;`h PL9T Ol� �OLI,�l00D: ;.�� ;� �BEAS, there has been filed aith the city clerk aad by the clerk presented to the city couacil a petiiion aekfng Por the exteaeion of ea.nitery eet+er aad t�e.ter me,ias into and thronghont th� plat of gnollwood� aad ��� �REAS, the conacil of the city of Hopkine deeme it neceseara► for the heatth, �elfare and convenience of the citg aad ite inhabitante that eaid petition ba granted, and , WHE�EAS� the coet thereof ahould be aeseseed againat aay property fouad benefited thereby; �OW� THEREFORE� BE IT RE�LVED by the council oP the city of Hopkiae th�t the matter of fnetalling and eatending eanitiary eewer and vater mains into aad througktont ..the plat of Bnollwood be re�erred to Frank Laska, city engineer, to inveetigate the neceseit� and feasibility oP snch imorovementi and to report to.the cottncil e�e aoon as poss3ble. ADOPTF�D by the eouacil of the city of Hovkias at a special meeting thereof held thie 4th. da�r of April, 1950. �. HARLAN P�RBI%, MAYOE A. �i. .$mquiat. . Secretary to the cauncil Frank BT. Whi tney, City gttoraey copp for Laeka �. , �. CITY OF HOPgINS � HEgN�IN COII1D'PY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 127. A RESOLIITION OHDERI�G THE IATSTALLATION OF SAIQITARY SEWER AND WATER MAIN ERTENSIONS IPT WEST MINDIEAPOLIS� �HIRD DIVISION. w v M✓ " WI�REAS, on Vovember 22, 194g. the city couacil of Hopkina referred to the city engineer the matter of the proposed installation of sanitary sewer and arater main egtensiona into axid throughout the plat of Weat Minneapolis, Third Divi ai on, and WSE�AS, said engineer investigated the neceasity a.nd feasibility of eaid improvementB,.and oa Febrnary 7, 1950, reported thereon to the council a.nd filed his arritten r�porta with the aecretaxy of the covncil, and �REAS, eaid engineer's reports recommend that water mains be inatalled in the following locationa: � m` ' Starting at the intersection oP Third street North and 17th. avemie�and�. �" �'F' rinning DTorth (N) on 17th. avenue to a point One Hundred (100)� feet South (S) of the center line oP state higkiway DTo. 7; commencing at the intereection of 17th. aad Excelsior avenues and ranning West (W) along Egcelsior avenue to 21at. avernie; commeacing at the intersection_of 17th. avenue North a,nd 2nd. street Aiorth and running -West (� on 2nd. " etreet �orth to 20th. avenue North; commencing at the intersection of �celsior avenue and lgth. avenue and rinning North along lSth. avenue to the south (S) line of the ri�t-of-we�r of The Minneapolis & St, Louie � Railway; commencing at the intersection of 19th. avenue and Excelsior aQenue and running North (N) along 19th. avenue to �+th. etreet Idorth; commencing at the interBection of 2pth. averrue axid �celsior avenue and x�unning BTorth (DT) along 20th. avenue to 3rd. atreet North; commencing at the intersection of 21st. avenue a.nd Excelaior avenue and running North �, (DT) along 21st avenue to First street North;'.commencing on 19th. avenue � , .r_._ra_.....v PTorth at the southerlg line of Lot Ten (10) , Block Three (3) , and crosaing Blocic Three (3) at about the southerly line of Lote Ten (10).and Twenty- one (21) to 20th. avenue North, thence Northerly on 20th. avenue DTorth to �+th. strset �orth; thence West,erly on �th. atreet DTorth to 21at ave�ue �orth; thence South on 21st avenue North to about'the south line of Lot !� T�enty-sig (26) � Block Five ( 5) ; and , � WHEREAS, said engineer'e reporte reco�►end that said sanitary aewer mafna be installed in the follo�ing locations: � Starting at the interaection of 3rd. street BTorth and 17th. avernie and (1) running North (N) on 17th. avenue to a point One Hundred (100) feet South (S) of the center line of atate Highway �io. 7; commencing at the intereection of 17th. avenue aad Exceleior avenue and runaing iVest (W) s].ong Exceleior avenue to 21at. avenue; commencing at the interseetion of Exceleior avenue and lSth. avenue aad rnnning l�orth elon� lgth. avenue to the south line of the ri�t-of-way of The Minneapolie & St. Lot�ie Ra.ilway; commencing at the intersection of 19th avenne and P�celsior avenue and running North a].ong 19th. avenne to �th. atreet DTorth; commenciag at the intersection of 20th. avemie and E�celaior avenne and ranning �orth along 20th. avemie to 3rd. street North; commencing at the tntereection of 21at. seenne and bccelaior avenne and xuan3ng North along 21et. avenue to �'i.rst �treet North; commenciag on 19th, avenue �orth at the Southerly line of Lot Ten (10). Block Three (3), and croeaing Block Three (3) at about the southerly line of Lots Ten (10�) and Twenty-one (21) to 20th aveaue DTorth; thence northerly on 20th. avenue �orth to 4th. street North; thence weaterly oa �4th. atreet Aorth to 21st. avenne North; thence South on 21et avenue North to abant the eouth line of Lot Tarentg-siz ( 26) � Block Five ( 5) . AND W�REAS, on Febxuary 7. 1950, the city council of Hopkins adopted a resolution setting �heeda�p, the 21st da,y of March, 1950� at 7:30 o�clock P.M. at the city covncil chambere in the city hall ae the time end place for considering sa3d repo rtg � and i�REAS, a notice of sai8 hea�ing has been publiehed in The Sizburba.n Prees in its iasaes of Febrnazy 23rd. aad March 2nd. i950. and the affida.vit oP publication oP said aotice has beea filed with the secretarg of the council, a.nd WHEREAS� no petition setting forth oppo�ition to said improvements waa filed �rith the city manager prior to the date and hour eet for heaxing said engineer's repo rta, and S�S, at the place and on the date aud hour so set, the council proceeded to hear said ma.tter, and lietened to oral atatemente made by many persona who were preeent a.nd interested in said improvements, and WHEREAS, the council then acl�journed the hearing on said reports to Tu.eaday, r�a,rcn 21, 1950, at 7:30 �' clock P.l�i. , ana ( 2) . � _.. _ .. _ .. � ., ,-. ...._. ,; . . _..:, :. ,._ ,._ .: . ,. . . ��_' C.,.: � . � .. � , . . �r� .. , . ' - , . �� .,.. , . . . . :� . T�REAS� prior to eaid adjourned date� a petitioa voaa,filed with th� city ;� - manager oppmeiag the ineballation oF saaitary se�ver and o�ater main eatenaione ° in that part of West �linneapolis, Yhird Divieioa, located north of Third Street �� y ;' '� ,�,+:. ?x '� , �'��i :, �� �orth� ahich petition eree eigued by niae (g)�af,fec,;tedrproperty o�ners locate8 �; - : : r � .. t: _; .�,, in eaid area� a:n8 ;j , �..� WSF�CA.S, eaid petitioa in oppoeition to srxch portion of eaid improvement '�j ;i d,oes not conetitnte ninety per cent (90�) im m�mber a.nd in intereet of the affecte8 � resident propert� owaere for the area covered by aaid proposed improv�enti or for the area lyiag nortii of Third Street DTorth, and W�8EA8, pMor to eaid ad,jonrned d�te, a petition aae filed �vi,th the city maaager eigned by elevea (11) affected prcpert�r oanere mho own property ia the weeterly one-half of Block Two (2), West Miaaeapclie, Third Divieioa, reqaesting that said sewer and toater main eatensione be placed in 19th. lvenue North beteveen Third aad Fon.rth S�reets I�or�h. and WH�REAS, on eaid adjourned d�te. the aouncil procee8ed to coneider ea.id petitions aad to hear all persone preeent pho �vere interested in said locel improve- meat; g0�1� �F�REF�R�, BE IT BESOL9ED by the ci�p conncil oP the city of Hopt�ins t�hat the iae�allation of ea.id water mains ia the following described loc�.Liona, to-aoit: , S,tariiag at the interaection of 2'hird etreet �orth and 17th. aeenue and mnaing Aorth (N) on 17th. a$eane to a polat One Hundred (10�) feet South (�,S) of the ceaLer line of etate hi�iway No. 7; commenciag at the inter- � i eection of 17th. end Esceleiar av�nuea aad ruanfn� iVest (� along Egcelsior ; , , , ave�ne to 21et. avenue; commenciag.at the intersection of ljth. avenue �ort] arid 2nd. sireet DTorth and ruaning �est (S� on 2nd. etreet North to 20th. f avenae North; commencing at the iatereection of F�celeior avenue and lSth. e.venne aad ivaning North along lSth. avenue to the south ( S) line of the ri�t-of-a�g of The Minneapolis & St. Loule Bailway; commencing at bhe iatereection of 19th. avemie and �celei6r avenne and runaing North (�. alc ^ 19th. avenu� to 4th. atreet �orth, commencing at the intersectioa of a0th. avenue and Euceleior aeenne and ranning �orth (� alon� 20Ch. aveane to 3rd. etreet 1Qorth;M3 c3ommencing at the iatersection of 21at: avenue and �xceleior .._----�_....._.� • aven�ne and rnna4ng �orth (N) along 21et avenne to Firet street �orth, and the inatallatioa of saSd eanitary eet�er malae in the following described locatioas, to-evit: (3) ` -:��': , :: ._... : .. =r�.. �` \. ..e".� 3tartiag at the intereection of 3rd. etreet North aad 17th. avenue.and- n�nning Borth (D� on 17th. a'venne to a poini One Hundred (100) fee� Senth (3) of the cent�r line of state hig�.�e�y BTo. 7; eommenaiag at � the intersection of lj�h. avenue ead mcceleior aveane.aad tvnning k�eet (� along, �celeior avenae to 21at. a�eav.e; commencing at the iatersection of Eaoelaior avenne aad lgth. aeenne and ranning �orth along lSth. aveaue .to the eouth line oP the rig�t-of-Way oY The �dinneapolie & 3t. Louie Ra.il�+ay; commenoing at the intereectioa of 19th avenue and Escelsior avemie sad iunaing Aorth along 19th. aee�ae to �th. etreet �orth; commenoiag at the intereectiva oP �th. avenne � � i and F�celeior aeemie aad ranning ffior�h along 20th. aveaue �0 3rd. ... � � ..�...__ _--__�_�,_� , � ,�__.._. --- - _... .,-; _..._.._.____..... _..__--------...._. etreet �orth;' co�en`ciag.at the intersection of 21st. avenue and __...�......r � �celeio r aveane and rnnaing �orth aloag 21et. aveaue to �`irst street ]�o rth, and the inetallation oP conaec�ione ooith eaid aewer and aater maias rnaniag.Prom the mains to th� carb of each lo�, or sach larger area thaa one lot ae may be determined by the city;engi__n;��r;-are necessary for the health, �eZfare and coa- veni�ace of the city and ite iahabitante� and it is here�y determined and or8ere8 that eaid improvementg be made, aad.that the cost of t�he main �rnak sewer npon �- Excelsior Aveaue from 17th. avenne to 21st. avenue.be asseesed as an area assess- ment agaiaet a11 of the plat of West A�inneapoli'e, ,�'hird �Divieion, and that all other coste of eaid local improvement be aeeessed againet abnttiag:property. ADOPT�D bg the conncil of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting Lhereof held thie �th dt�y of ApMl, 1950. g. W. �imqaist� Secretary of the council, Fr�ank �. i�hi tney. City Attorn�g. � �) �. HA�.ADT PESBIg, P�AYOS ,, ;:: �;:�� , 4ti ;� w � CITY OP' HOPSIPTS �E'PIN COQNTY, MINYTESOTA �SOZIITION N0. 130. &ESOLIITION ADOPTII�G SPECI.AL ASSESSI�A]TS. � WI�REgS� pursuant to direction from the council� notice ��as publiahed in the official paper of the city of Hopkina at least ta�nEy d.ays prior to April �F� 1950� stating that the council will meet at the council chambere in the city hall oa Tueeday. April 4, 1950, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. for the purpose oi passing upon proposed aeseesmente for the following local improvements, to-wit: Asseesment No. 1: Inatalling curb on the Weat side of �iaahington Rvenne North from Firet Street North to Second Street North� at a tot�l coat of $1,33g•�5• Aseessment No. 2: Inatalling curb on both eides of 15th. Avenue North from �th. Street ATorth to the aouth line of state highway No. 7, at a total cost of $1,208.25. Aeses�ent �o. j: Installing curb on the Eaet side of W�,shington Aveuue North from P'irat Street North to Second St�eet North, at a total coet of $1,�36.j0. Assessment �o. �+: Inata111ag eideuralk and cnrb on the West side of Monroe Avenue South from Firat Street South to Second Street South at a total coat of $2,291.20. Asseesment No. 5: Tar oil treatment on Sweet Briar Lane in front of Blocka 1 and 2, Hloes' Firet Addition� at a total cost of $8�+6.69. Asseeament No. 6: Tar oil treatment on Farmdale Road east of Hazelane in Hobby Acree, at a total coet of �179.55• . -. Asaeesment Dio. 7: Tar oil treatment on Wayside Road from Hazelane to Hollyhock Lane� at a total cost of $2�.78. Aaaessment No. S: Tar oil treatment on jrd. Street bTorth between 5th. Avenue �orth a.nd 6th. gveraxe I�orth� at a total cost of $34�+.0�. Asaesement No. 9: T�r oil treatment on l�+th. �venue North between �+th. Street North 8ad the 3outh line of atate highway No. 7, at a total coet of $578•j�+• Aseeasment No. 10: Installing sa.nitary sewer from the street into reaidence at Lot 20, Block 2� West Minneapolis; at a total coat of $378.50. Aseeasment No. 11: Iastalling eanitary sewer main on 12th. Anenue l�orth from the South line of Lot 1�+ to the North line of Lot 16� Block 77, Weat Minneapolis� Second Diviai6n� at a total coat of $1�05�.00. Aese�sment No. 12: Installing c�ater main on 12th. Avenue l�orth from the South line of Zot 1� to the north line�of Lot lg,� Block 77� �Vest Minneapolia, Second Diviaion, at a total coat of $1,167.00. (1) Asaeasment �o. 13: Inatalling sanitary eewer main in Elmo Park Addition, at a total cost of $5,973•�- Aseesameat No. 1�: Inatalling water main in Elmo Park Addition at a total coet of ' �g, �+i9 . 50 . AND WSEREAS, said notice t�rther stated that the are�s propoaed to be assesaed for eaid aseessmente nn.mbered 1 to 12 inclueive, are all lots, piece� a.nd parcela of land abntting upon said improvements, and that the areae proposed to be asaeesed for eaid improvements numbered lj and 14 are the plat of Elm�o Park Addition; that part of the Northeaet Q.iarter (DTF�) of the Northwest��-�arter (NW�) of Section 2�+, Township 117, Range 22, lying north of �tate highwa� No.. 7; commencing at a point on the north line of the l�orthwest Q�zarter (1VT �) of the BTorthwest Qiarter (DTW4) of Sectioa 2�+, Townehip 117, Ra,nge 22, 33i feet $aet of the West line thereof� � thence Eaet 331 feet along eaid north line� ihence South 710.6 feet parallel with the Weat line thereof to the 1Vorth line of state higkiway 80. 7, thence Westerly along the north line oP eaid highwag to a point 3j1 feet East oP the Weat line of eaid Northwest �.arter (NW�) of Northweat �arter (NkT4) , thence l�orth to beginniag, and � WHEBEAS� no objectione to eaid aeaessmente, or 8ay or either of them, were filed with the eecretary of the council, and no one appeared in person at the hearing thereon to object thereto NOW, THERE�IORE, BE IT RESOLFED by the council of the city of Hopkins that eaid proposed aases�nents ae above set forth, and each of them, are hereby adopted and an aeaeeament is hereby levied againat each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces or parcels of the land deaeribed in eaid asse9sments in the suma therein reenectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the asseesment levied against it therein. BE IT F4R'I"�R RESOLYED that each of said seseesments� with accraing interest thereon at the rate of eig (6) per cent per annum� ahall be a lien upon the property againet which the same is asaesaed, coneurrent with general taxes a.nd ahall be payable in eqaal annual inatallmeats� eatending over the followiag periods� namely: Asseasments anmbered 1, 2, 3 and �F shall eatend over a period of five yeara from January 1, 1951 to January 1� 1955, incluaive. Aesessments rnimbered 5, 6� 7, S and 9 aha11 extend over a period of three yeara from Janua.ry 1;, �951 to Ja�uary 1, 1953+ inclusive. i 2) AasesBments rnwibered 10. 11� 12, 13 and 14 sha11 e�ctend over a period of ten yea,re from January 1, 195� to January 1� 1960� incluaive. ADOPTED by the city council of Hopkine� Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereog held thie �th. ds,y of April, 1950. A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney, City Atto rney copy to county auditor G 0 ( 3) w. HARI�AN PEBBIX � MAYOR '; GI'�Y OF HiOPKINS HII1N3��I1V C4UNTY� NlINNESOTA x�soLumio�r �o. �33• A SESOLDTIO� ORDERIg(i A�AAiN(� flN LNGINEEA' � RaP08T8 IPOB TH� IDi3T9LLATIO� OB 3AftITABY SL+'WER AND i�A'I'E8 MAIDT ESTEN3IOAS IBT CE�AIN LOCATIOHS. �VHER&A8, the council of thm city of Hopkiae oa Febrnary 7� 1950� adopted a reeolution referring the matter of.the exteneione and inetallation of sanitar9 eeover aad avater maine in the followin� locationa: B�ANITARY SEWER: Beginning at the seaer lifi etation located in Block �ighteen (18), Weat �4lnaeapolis, and runaing eoutherly to a point abont thirty (34) feet north of the eoath line of Sectioa 24, Toreaehip 0ae Hundred Seventeea� Range Twenty-t�ro; thence raaning weeterly aloag a liae parallel to and approximatelg thirty (30) feet Rorth of the aouth liae of aaid Section to Seventeenth Aveaue South ex�ended; �dATEB: Commenc3ng at the interaection of Seventeenth B,gd �celsior Avenae aad runaing thence eoutherly along Se�enteentih Avenue extended to a point r approgimately ten (.10) feet North of the saath line oP.3ection 24� Toxnship 117. iia�a,ge 22; thence : eaetroardly on a liae parallel to and abonL ten (10) feet northerly from the eonth liae of.said eection for a dietance of approxima.telg three hnndred (300) feet; ta Frank Laeka. city engineer� for his inveetigation and repart, and W�RI�AS, �aid enginmer he.a inveetigated the necesaity and feaeibility of eaid improvemente and on April �, 1950, reported �hereon to the conncil and filed his written reports aith the secretary of the council, and �9HF�RE�13� eaid engineer's reporte recommead that said esaitar� eewer mains be inetalled in the folloai.n� locatione: Be�inning at the eev�er lift statioa located in Block Eighteen (18)� West Minneapoli8� aad rnnning sontherly to a pointebout thirty.(30) feet Aorth of the sonth liae of 3ectioa Trreaty-fonr (2�) , Townehip One Httndred Seventeen (117), Rauge Twenty-tvo; thenee rnnning aesterly along a liae parallel to and approaimately thirty (30) Peet north of the sonth liae of m esid eectioa to the center line of Sigteenth Avenue egtended at an eetimated coat of 81g Thonea�ad One Hundred 2'9venty-five Dollare ($6� 125.00) , and _ W�EREA9� eaid engineer'e r.eporte recommend the.t �aid �ater maina be inetalled in the folloNing locations: Commencing at �he iatersection of Firet 3treet South end Twelfth Avenne; thence eoutherly to a point a'bout ten (10) feet aorth oP the center line oP the abandoned 'ri�t-oP-�ay of the St. Paonl, A4inneapolis & Minaetonka �1) Ra.ilway; thence ae�terly aloag eaid abeadone8 ri�t-oP-tot�p about ten (10) feet north oY the�center line thereof �o a poiat approximately tmenty (20) feet �rest of the areet line vf 8lateenth gvemie estended, at a.n eetime�te� co�t of DTine Thousa,nd 8evea H�ndred Taenty-five Dollara (�9�72�j.00) for an eight (6) iach aater main, aa8 $even�Ceen Thoueand �ine Handred �inety-five dollare ($17.995•�0) for a t�velve (12) iach rooater main; �OW, TAEREFOBE, BL IT SESOLY�D that eaid engineer's reporte will be coaeidered by the coa.ncil aad sction taken thereoa at a regular meeting oY the city aouacil to be held on Tueed�� %he 2nd d�q of Ma�. 1950, at 7:30 o.'clock P.M., and, BE IT PURTEER SESOL9ED that the city manager give notice of sach heaMag by pnbliehing a aotice onoe in each �veek for tv�o enccessive aeeke ia the official ne�vepaper of sa,id city� eaid notice to describe in general lang�age the improve- mente recomme�ed in the engineer'e reporte and the estimated coete thereof. ADOPY'ED at a regnlar meetiag of the city council of Hopkina held on the 4th d�y of gpril, 1950. A. i�, Elmquist� Secretery of the council� �raak �. �hi tne�� - City Atto rney f � 2) T�. HABLAN P�EBI%� MAY08 � . � � � � ma 1� �� 1��� ,� � 3 0 IdOTICE DF �ABI�G ON EAQIN�ES' $ RFPORTS, FOH R'� I�STALLATI 08 OB S�.IJITARY 8�6VE& A�iD t�1TER MAIDT E�TEPTSIODTS I� CERTAI� LOCA'PZOIQS. ffiOTICE IS �BEBY QI�EN that the city engineer of Hopkias did oa the 4th day oP lpril, 1950, file reporte mith the city conncil relatisg to the in�tallation of seait�r9 s'�,'�e�aer and �ra�er main eaLeaeioae in the follo�oing 1ocaLionss SBaitary Se�ver: Beginning at th� se�ver lift station located in Block Eighteen (18)� �eSt Minneapolie� and rnnniag �ontherl� to a poin� abont thirt�► (30) feet �orth of the soath line of Section �►eaty-fowc (2�) �'Povrnship � One Hundred 3eventeen (117)� Range Tweatay-two (22); theace iunniag aeeterl� a].ong a liae parallel to and approgimately thirt� (3(j) feet ncrth of the eouth line of said Section to. the center line of Sigteeath Avenue extended� at an eetimated cost of'�;���x��=s;�=°'�., �6,125.00; � iPater maias: Commenciag at the interaectioa of First Street South and T�selfth Ave�:e; thenae southerly to a poiat abont tea (10) feet north of the ceater liae of the abandoned ri�t-vP-�e�y of the St. P�nl. Minneapolie & l�innetonka Railae�q; thence weeterly aloag aaid abandoned ri�t-oP-�ve�,y abaat ten (10) feet north of. Lhe cen�er liae thereoY to a point apprnaima.tely t�eaty (20) feet west of the �veat liae of Sixteenth Avenne extended� at an estimated cost oP $9.725.00 for an eight (8) inch rvater main� aad $17,995.00 for a tr�elve (12) iach water main. 1JOTI CE I S�RTSEB �IVE�T that the ci ty cotiaail hae by resolution fiae8 `Pns eday, the 2nd day oP Bda�p� 1950, at 7s30 o'clock P.M. at the crnsncil chambers in the ciiy hall ae the time and place at r�hich the council o�ill bear euch persons as care to be heard ia refereace to eai8 improv�ente� or aq9 or either of them, end will consider eai8 eagineer's report� and act thereon. � Dated at Hopkine� A4ianesota. thie 7th day of April� 1950 FraBk �. t�Vhitaey. City Attorney C. C. Coagdon, City Maaager Pablished ia The 9�a.barban Press on April 1��, 1950 and April 2p; 195p. , " �. cop� Por paper , ?; .::;� �: � ,. ;; � �'� �o I� ��f ,�� � A meeting of the City Council,"acting as a conunittee of the�ole� wa.s held at tlie Ci�y _ _ _. ��� Hall at 7:30 o�clock P.M. on Tuesday Apri1 18, I9 0. �Iembers present�were: Mayor W. Harlan perbi.Y,_Couricilmen Len J.��dilbert, Joseph T. Anderla, Stuart E. Bec�an, John � Ziegler� City 1�anager C.C. Congdon; City� Attorney Frank N. �Ifhitney, and City Eagineer Frank C►. Laska. Members absent: none. , �� TYie Mayor stated that the meeting �as for the piir►�ose of Yiolding a public hearing on- a proposed ordinance relating to zoning along�State Trunk Highway No. 7�and amendirig - Ordi.nance No. 8 of the City' of Hopkins ��hich had been initiated `liy -a petition filed �i.th _ -.. . _ .. the City Bdana;ger on B�arch , 19 �. No one appeared for or� agairist, so, the co�riittee of the whole adjourried; and the City Council reconvened in regular session'�vith the foregoing members present. Ziegler moved, 9nderla seconded, tha,t the following bills be paid. Carried. 1769 1770 1782 1783 178l� 1785. 1786 1787 1788 1789 ]:790 1791 1792 1793 1794. 1795 1796 I79T 1798 1799 isoo 1801 1802 1803 180l� i8o5 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 li95 l�96 5oi 502 503 504 505 506 507 5os 509 5io First ATatl. Bank of Hopkins Treas. State of Minnesota Amc. Linen`Company Bren Hard�are Otakar Charvat Club Cafe Corrie�s Dickey & Milbert Doubleday & Co., Inc. Duncan Meter Corporation Farnham Stationery Compax�y First Natl. Ins. Agency Gaylord Bros.,-Inc. Hennepin Co. Re�.e�w Hopkir�s . Fire Department Johnsori & gogt� Inc. T.J. Kosanda Lampert Yards _ A.C. AHcClurg & Compar�y �m. H. McCoy . . A1Liller-Da.vis co�par�y Mpls. Figure Skating Club M;irinesota News Compar�r P�nama Carbon Coazpany Schaaf Mfg. Co�npai�y Slcel:ly Oil Compai�y Standard Oil Compa.ny Suburban Chev. Compar�r Treas. Hopkins� Band Parents _.._ . Frank N. �hitney Northern States Power Co, salars - _ _ Hourly payroll GIIdERAL FUAID Withtioldirig deductions Retirement dediictions March toarel s ervic e Supplies Library books� Prisoner mea.ls polley balls _ ._ . ._.__ ... _ Gas Librazy books _. . ____ _ . Final paymerit parlQng meters Ditto sheets ._ . _... Additional-3nsurance premium Books &'supplies Pririting Fire calls Oil"& tires _. _ Deputy assessor bond premiums Lumber Books Gasoline Office supplies Ice shawr for VPinter Carnival Books _ _ . _ . . _ ... _ _ !�� tioxes carbon paper TropYiies , .. . _ Gasoline , , Gas� oiI & Supplies ' Truck repair _ _ . _ _ 180 diririers basketball ba.nquet Register of Deeds fees F�.ectric light`& power lst 2 of April, 1950 Persod ending 4/15/50 ROAD A�TD BRIDGE FUI�ID First Natl. Bank of Hopkins Treas. State of Minnesota - Bren Hardv�are __ _ _ Duda.-Blacksmith� Shop � Jotinson 8c Vogt., Inc. , �. Kokesl� - Harc3�are Lariders-Norblom-Christenson Co. _.. _. �m. H. McCoy - Ne�vm�ari-RYioads �iotors, Inc. H. PokornQr Plbg. & Htg. _. _. Standard Service Northern States Power Co. Salary Hour�y Payroll Withholding deductions Retirement deductions Siipplies- ' - Blacks�i.th �ork � Tire repair Supplies --� � Pea rock ��gravel I}iesel 0i1 � Auto repairs .. __ Pipe for steamer _ � -_ _ . , . . Gasoline Electric light & power � �� lst 1 of ,�pril, Period ending 1�f15/�50 Z95o � 325.��90 �l�4:50 1.80 3: it5 i8.o5 :: 2.20 :8:50 1�7.20 102.17 329:99 .2.00 26.55 95.16 233.lS 3i9.00 70.91 20.00 19. �11 76.07 147.20 233.30 bo.00 5.57 18:00 �22092 1%8v�� 28:65. l.i1.69 180.00 �5.00. -809.07 1707.33 655.72 60:00 23.98 20.70 9:28 7:�5 6.09 259.68 23•96 ' 1.10 �.s�� � �1:38 �7.52 347.30 377.23 page 2• MATER FUI�ID 380 First Natl. Bank of Hopkins WitYiiiold'ing deductioris 381 Treas. State of Ma.nnesota Retirement deductions 3$3 Lampert Yards . Liunber _ - _ . ._ 38l� Neptune �Meter Company 2-1n' �ater �meters .. 385 New II�gland Meter Repair Meter repairs 386 N9� Bell Telephone Company TelepHone, 387 Ske11y 0il Company Oil change 388 Sta.ndard Service 1 tube � 389 �VTaterous Compan�y l �drant ' Salary lst 2� of� April; 1950 Hourly Payroll _ . _ period ending_l��7,5�5� . , 390 Northern States Power Co. fl.ectric light & power SIII�AGE DISPOSAL FUrID . .:. , 96 Phelps Drake Co., Inc. Estimate �# ;. S�e"r Liit Stations iiourly Payroll Period endi_n� 4/7,5/50 � 51.80 12.00 21e�µ 77•99 2.95 8013 1.50 ' 3:25 i5i.o5 432027 21:75 560.42 6lr.la.3:t�t�- 24.70 Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution #135, RESOLUTION ESTABLISHIlVG ELF�CTION - DISTRICTS AND POLLING PLACFS THff�E�'QR LT�T THE CITY.OF HOPKINS, HENNEPIN COUNTY�. MCNNESOTH�a roarked �hibit A, be adopted. Carried. Beckman moved, Anderla seconded, that Qrdinance #36, "A1V ORDINANCE LICENSING �I�ID RE- GULATING DOGS; PROVIDING FOR IMPOUNDIN� DOGS; PRESCRIBING A�PF�W,LTY�FOR VIOL�TION AND REPEALING CERT&IN OR�IlVAIVCES," as read, be tabled and an alternate ordinance be drai�n up and submitted for consid.erationo Carriedo , Becl�an moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution #136, "A RESOLIITION REFERRING TO THE CITY II�IN.� THE DBATTER OF INSTALLING CURB AND �GUTTFR, AI�ID S�F�ALK iN CERTAIN LOC�TIONS �ND TREATIl� Cr'�TAIN AVENUES �ITH TAR OIL," marked bchi.bit B, be adoptedo Carried. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that Ordinance #3�� "AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND.RE�ULAT- �Tv THE USE AND OPII�ATION �' BICYCLF� WITHIN THE CITY OF HOPKINS; PROVIDING A PENALTY�FOR THE VIOLATION THERFAF AND�REPEALII� CEftTAII��ORDINAI�ES," marked Exhibit C, be accepted as the second reading thereof, and that the ordinance be adopted and published according to lawo Carried. Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that Ordinance #35, AN ORDINANCE RELATIlVG TO THE NiJ]1BBER- IlVG OF HOUSF� APID REPEALING A CERTAIN ORDINAI�E." marked F�iibit D, be accepted as the � second reading thereof, and that the ordinance be adopted and published according to la�v. Carried. . _ . _.. _ Beclanan moved, Ziegler seconded, tYiat tYie report by the Zoning Co�ission dated April 1� _. _ _ 1950, recommending two changes be made iri the present- Zoning Map of Hopkins' affecting tYie b'j711rieapolis Moline pronerties that �ere annexed to Hopkins on April 11, 1950, be accepted and placed on file. Carriedo Aziderla moved, Ma.].bert seconded, that Ordinance #37, "AN Oi�DINAI�E RELATING _T0 ZONII�TG AAID AbIENDI� ORDINANCE N0. 8 OF TAE CITY OF HOPKINS," be accepted as the first readi.ng, Carried. Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded� that Resolution #137, "A R�SOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING ON ENGIIVEER�S R�PORTS �N THE INSTALLATION OF SID�YALK AIVD CURB IN CERT�iIN L�ATIONS," marked �hibit E, be adopted. Car-ried. � ,' bert seconded, that the petition for stoi�m se�er to-extend from the Beckman moved M�1 alley in Block 2, VPest BHinneapolis to 7th 9venue South be placed on file. Carriedm Anderla moved; Beckmari seconded, tYiat the Engineer be instructed to ea�clude se�er and water main extensions on 21st Avenue North when calling for bids. Carriedo , � Beclflnan moved, Ziegler seconded, that the proposal�by DeGraff;:VPolff in the amourit of- - -- -.. , . _ � ...-. _ _ � �6950.00 for the construction,oi a sanitary sewer on �ashington A�eniie coiiriecting the present lift at F�ccelsior Avenue to the nei�r sewer at B�i.l.waukee Str.eet as an addition to present contract dated �arch 29, 191�9, be acceptedo Carried. Page 3. 3iegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the City �anager be authorized to purchase a n�r fire siren. Carried, Becluaan'moved, Ziegler seconded, that the followi:ng Deputy Assessor Bonds in,the amount of �1�000.00 each be accepted subject to approval by City Attornep. Carried. Thomas J. Kosarid�a �ai�y A. Haskiri G],yridon J. ll�hite Trudy Kosanda. Anderla moved, Milbert seconded, tliati the 1950 license of �Pillia:m J. Sellner d/b/a Mirineapolis Gas Heat II�gineeri.ng Co�iar�y �be transferred to Williata J. Sellner d/b/a Sellner Gas Heat �igineeririg Company� also t"ransfer of Matt J. Weldori license from � 823 E�celsior Avenue to�'809 �ccelsior Avenue,-arid licerise application of Belden Porter Compar�y for pliunbirig license arid gas and oil 'burrier installations and John'M. Hageman cl,/b/a BGinrieapolis Gas Heat �gineering Co�iax� for gas burner installation� be granted subject to approval of bonds by City Attorneg. Carried. Anderla moQed, Becl�nan seconded, that no charige be ma.de in the license ordinance which would legalize digger or claw machines, Carried. Ziegler moved, Beclanan seconded, that the meeting be ac�jovrned. AT� . � �G�t� W. Har an perb�.x� Mayor . . . 9.�P. u�.st� S retary to the Counc COUNC II,MEN: Z. i^f_.. '. " .•r. ' . . � ,{ � CITY OF HOPKIN3 � HENNEPIN COIINTY� MINNESOTA H (r/� 1 1 RE90LOTION �0. �35.i ; RESOLII3'IOld ESTABLISHIIVG ELECTION DISTRICTS A�D POLLINa PLACE3 T�BEI+bE IN THE CIgY OF �PKI&3�HENNEPIIJ COUIQTY, MID?N�SOTA. WHEBEAS. it ie neceeear,�� egpedient and required tha� the city of Hopkine be dieided into five election dietricta for a11 el�ectione ;���ereafter held in the city and that polling placea be designated in each district; bTOW, THJ�SEI�SD, BE IT RESOL9ED by the cit� coe�nail of the city oP Hop�cias. Hennepin Couatq� Mianesota, that the city of Hopkins be dividedlinto five election districts or precincte ae hereinafter eet forth, and tha.t the polling place in each euch di strict be ae follo�va � to-r�i t: DI STRI CT DTO . 1. A BoundaMegt Al1 that part,oP the city of Hopkina lying east of the eenter lise /extended oY Waehington avenue/aad south of the center line of etate trnnk highwag No. 7. Polling place: The Harley Hopkine echool bnildiag is hereby deei�ated ae the polling place therein. DISTRICT &0. 2. � Bounde.ries: A11 that part of the city of Hopkina lying eonth of the center line , of Escelaior avenue and toest of the center liae of Waehington aveaue. �olliag place: The Hopking Public Library, formerly knoaa as the Dovr Homestead� ie hereby designated as the polling place therein. DISTBIC�' DTO. j. �: Boundariee: All that part of the city oP Hopki�ng lyiag north of the cen�er line � /.e�ended oP �sceleior avenue� weet of the center line of Waehington avenue�'East of the center line of '�leventh aveaue s.nd eouth of the center liae of atate trung hi�wa4y No. 7. Polling plaaes The Hopkiae A4uaicipal bnilding, othera�ise kaoevn ae the City Hall� designated ie hereb�r � ae the polling place therein. � DI 9PRI CT �0 . 4. Bonndarieet 111 that part of the city of Hopkine lying north of the center line of �celeio r aeenne� aeet oP the center line of Eleventh avenne and south of the center line of et�,te trnnk highe�y ATo. j. Polling place: The Jnnior Hi� achool 'bnilding ie hereby deeignated ae the polling place therein. ' �;� .�F! DISTRICT N0. 5. Bonndaxies: All that part of the city oP Hopkina lying aorth of the ceater line of �J� s tat e t rank hi g�r��y l�o . 7. Polling placet The Oak Ri desi ated dge Count;ty Club houae ie hereby ae the polling � � �1� h 14 _:;.,� place thereia. BE IT �JRR�iER SESOLVED that t�is resolutioa be pniblished once in the official nee�epaper aad that copies thereof be poated ae required by la�. ADOPTED by the c ouncil of the city of Hopkine at a regalar meeting the reoP held this 18th. day oi 9pri1, 1950. W. AART,AN PERBIX, MAYOR A. W. Elmqui st, Secretarg of the council �'raak A. Whitney� Ci ty gt to rney Publiehed in The 9uburban Preea on April 27„ 1�j0._ copy fo r the paper �2) ;i,;j I ;� ;P j ``; . :,_.�=:, CITY 0� HOPgINS HIIti1NNEPII� COIINTY. B�iI1�1+TESOTA AFF'i�AVIT OF POSTIDTQ RE30LIITIQN ESTABLISHING ELECTI016 DISTRICTS AIQD POI.LINa PLACES � STA�'E OF MII�TTNESOTA) ) SS COIINTY OF HENNP�ID� A. W. Elmqniet� beiag first duly 8`vorn, deposee e.nd eaye that on the 2_�_ day of May, 1950. in the city of Hopkine� Hennepin County� Niinneaota� he poated copiea of the attached EESOLUTIObT ESTABLISHING II,E��'ION DISTRICT$ AND POLLIDTG PT�ACES THF�REFORE IN THE CITY OF HOPKIDTS, HIlJNEPIN COIINTY, MINNESOTA, in five of the moat public placee in said city of Hopkine� namely: one copy at each of the polliag places named in said resolution, as follora: No. H-53 (I.egal Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA � RESOLUTION NO. 135. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING ELEC- TION DISTR.ICTS .�ND POLLING PLACES THEREFOR IN THE CITY OF HOPHINS, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA. WHEREAS, it is necessary, expedi- , ent and required that the city of ' Iiopkins be divided into five election districts for all elections hereafter held in the city and that polliag places be designed in each district; �row, z�.�oxE, sn rr x.�- , SOLVED by the city council of the city of Ho� pkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that the city of Hopkins be divided into five election districts or precincts as hereinafter set forth, and that the polling place in each such district be as follows, to-wit: DISTRICT NO. 1. Boundaries: A11 that part of the city of Hopkins lyin� east of the center line of Waslungton avenue extended and south of the center line of state trunk highway No. 7. Polling �lace: The Harley Hopkins school building is hereby designated as the polling place therefn. DISTRICT NO. 2. Boundaries: All that part of the city of Hopkins lying south of the center line of Excelsior avenue and west of the center line of Washingtofl avenue. Lib arygformerly�known as�the Dbow Homestead, is hereby designated as the polling place therein. DISTR.ICT NO. �. city of iiopkinslllyingt north of the center line of Excelsior aveniie, west of the center line of Washington avenue extended, East of the center . line oY Eleventh avenue and south of the center line of state tninit highway No. 7. Polling place: The Hopklns Munici- pal building, otherwise known as the Gitv Hall, is hereby designated as the ' polling place therein. DISTRICT NO. 4. Boundaries: All that part of 1,he city of Hopkins lying north of the ' center line of Excelsior avenue, west of the center line of Eleventh avenue and south of the center line of state trunk highway No. 7. Polling � place: The Junior High school building is hereby designated . as the polling place therein. � DISTRSCT NO. 5. Boundaries: All that part of the center f lineP of sta e trunk�h gh ay No. 7. Polling place: The Oak' Ridge Country Club house is hereby des- ignated as the polling placa therein. BE IZ' FURTf�R R,ESOLVED that this resolution be published once in the official newspaper and that cop- ies thereof �be posted as required by law. .9DOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting , thereof held this 18th day of April, � 1950. W. Harlan Perbix, Mayor A. W. Elmquist, i Secretary of the Council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney , one copy on the bulletin board at the Harley 1 Hopkins school bnilding in said diatrict No. 1; one copy on the bulletin board at the Hopkina public library in eaid dietM ct No. 2; one copy oa the bulletin board at the eouth-arest corner of the Hopkina municipal building, cthertaiae known as the city hall� in eaid district No. j; one copg on the bulletin board of the Jnnior gigh school building in said di strict No. 4. and one copy at the Oak &idge Conaty Olub house ia said dietrict DTo. 5. `�2��� � �i. �. �il.IIl((11 9ubecrib� and aworn to before me this_,� day of May, 19�j0 'r�nk N. itney� nota ublic� Hennepin County� �dinne ota My commieeion eapires a.n. 9, 1955• _ - ..;,. µ b � :;� � OITY OF HOPgIPT3 HE1dDT�PI� COIT�TY, MINNESO�A RE�I,IITION N0: i36. A RE80LIITIOIQ REFERRI�G TO 2AE CITY ENGINEER THE MATTER OF IAT3TALLIDT(3 CURB ""��' AND GQTTER A@TD 3IDE;WALg IN CERTAIN LOCAZ'IONS AND �REA'�ING CERTAII� AYENUES WITH TAR OIL. WHEREAS, there has been filed roith the city clerk and by the clerk presented to the city council petitions asking for the following local improvemeats: C[TRB AD1D GUTTEH: Inetalling curb aad gutter on the west side of 12th. avenne NortY► from �th. etree� North to the Soath line of etate trnnk hi�rra8y No. 7 and on the North eide oP 4th. etreet BTorth from 12th. ave�ue to the alley in Block 107, We st Minnea.poli e, $econd Divi gi�nn; SIDa4tIALg: Conetxucting sidewalk on the East side of Van Buren aveaue from Firet atreet 3outh to Second street South; TAR OII, TBEATMENT: Treatiag the North ead Sonth a11ey aad the Eaeterly One- half oP the �ast a.nd Weat a11ey in Block 6g. Weat �inneapolie, Secoad Divieion� �►ith tar oil, �TD WHEB�A3, the coete thereof ehould be eeaesaed againet any propertp found benefited thereb�, and WF.�RFAB, the oavzters of portione of the property againet �ehich ee.id coete pa�t�ld be asses�ed have petitioned the city council for said improvemente; NOW, THEREFOHE, BE IT 8E30LVED by the conacil oP the ci�g of Hopkine that the matter of makiag aaid local improvemeate ia sach Iocations be referred to Fraak Laeka. city engineer, to investigate the neceesity and feaeibility thereof and to report to the cauncil aa eoon as poeaible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkias at a reg�lar meetiag thereof held this lSth. da,y of ApMl, 1950. W. HAFff,AN PE�I%, 1NAYOH A. VP. Elmqui at, . 8ecretary oP th e council Frenk Id. TiVhi tney, City Attorneg copy to Laeka �� � . ����; 1:: � . _ _- r; : i �� ��' i0 ti�'' � ��a. CITY OF HOP�iI�TS HEN'i+1T+.�PIN COUNTY, .MIIVi�TESOTA ORDTNANCE N0. 3�+. v �' ` �� �� � � �� � �� N ,�� � sa � �i 1� � AN ORDINANCE LICENSIIvG AI�TD REGIILATING THE USE AND OPERATION OF BICYLES WITHIV THE CITY OF HOPKINS; PROVIDIIVG A PENALTY �OR THE VIOLATION THEREOF AND REPEALING CERTAIN ORDIIV'ANCES. BE IT OI3DAII�TED BY THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPgINS: : ',: � '? Section 1. No person shall ride or use a bicycle upon any public street, hi�wa,y._:; or boulevard in the city of Hopkins unlesa the same ahall be licensed and registered as herein provided. Section 2. Ebery owner of a bicycle shall list and register with the Clerk of - =�° � the city, his name and address, the name and manufacturer of hia bicycle� ite number, � , �tyle and general deecription. Section j. The city clerk ehall provide metallic licenae plates and seals which shall have numbers etamped thereon in numerical order, a.nd the year or yeare for which the eame is issued� and the letters HBO atamped thereon; auch license platee sha.11 b� suitable for attachment upon the frames of all bicycles. All oaraers of bicycles ahall cause metallic license plates to be attached during the period of such.licenee. The clerk ehal.l iceep a record of the date o.f each licenae; to whom iasued� and the number thereof. Section �+. Vo person.ahall purchase or sell any bicjrcle which has no frame number plainly eet forth thereon. It shall be the duty of every peraon who se�ls or tra.nefers ownerahip o� any bicycle within this city to report.such sale, or tranafer �; � ��,: to the city clerk, together with the name and addresa of the person f rom whom� �nd to• �`" �rhom sach bicycl.e was sold or tra,neferred, and such report shall be made within five daye ,:':� f� �� of the date of said sale or tra,nsfer. It shall be the di�ty of the purchaser or transferee of such bicycle to apply for a licenae, and for a tra.nsfer o� registration therefor within five daye of said eale or transfer.. � Se�tion 5. It shall be unlawflil for any pereon to roilfully or maliciously deatro remove mutilate or;�a�ter the number of bic cle frame or of y� , � �,�,� a�y y , ar�y license . plate� licensed pursuant to this ordina.nce� provided, that nothing in thie ordina.nce aha11:; -� prohibit the clerk cf this city from stamping numbere on the framea of bicyclee on which no; ,fi serial number can be found, or on which said number is illegible or ineufficient for `; identification purposea. ;? � r Section 6. The license�a:fee to be paid for each bicycle;shall be twenty-five �� cente per year. Pursuant to Section � of this ordinance, such licenges ma,p be tranaferred;r5;; ' :.h mhen the ownerehip of eaid bic�cle is transferred, a,nd a fee of tarenty-five cents shall �,�`� be pa.id for the reglstration of each such transfer. IIpon losa of any licenae plate, a (1) ne� plate or a aew �plicate ehall be issned upon the payment of a fee o4 taeaty-five cents. Section 7.. If any bicycle is fov.nd on asi� etreet o r alley of the city oP , Hopkias. �vit�out a liceaee plate or with a broken or mntilated `plate, it ehall be prima. faaie evideace that eaid bicycle ie being cperated oa the etreets of �hie city withont having been registered. 3a,id bicycle sha].1 immedie.tely be' impounded aad sha11 oala► be enrreadered to the owner thereof apoa preof of oan�rehip eatieFactory to the chief oP police�and npoa�oof that euch bicycle hae beea dul.� li:censed pnren.anb to thie ordineace. Sectioa g. At the expiratioa of 60 da,�e after s�ch impoundiag� if se�c� bicycle ha,s aot been claimed, it �hal.l be eold by the cit� aterk at public auetioa. �otice containing the deacription of euch bicycle or bicyclee to be eold ahall be publiahe8 oace: in the official ne�►�paper of the city of Hopkine�;at leaet trro weeks prior to such sale. 3ection 9. All liceasee ahall e�pire oa the 31st da,y of December aext aYter. iss►xaace thereof. bnt the city council may by pmper reaolutioa adopt.euch liceaeee and tage for periode of tmo or more years. in �vhich case such biaaaual.or other l�censes aad platee sJaa7.1 e�ire on the 31st d�y .of the year prov�ided by ench reeolntiono Secti�n 10. Conditiona o f License. Eeery license iesued hereunder si�a].I be deemed to be granted and ehall esist eabject to the folloeoiag coad3tione: ( a) . go person ehall ride or propel eay bicycle in gach .maaaer=:Aae�;�to . fi iaterfere vaith aay pedestrian; (b) . 1Qo person Shall ride or propel a biea►ele npon a pnblfc atreet or higk��e4y eacept in a p=vdeat an,d careft�]. me�aner aad rm].ese� snch pereon eha].l be capable oY ePPicient control aucl operation of euch bicycle; nor ahall aqY pereon propelling or operating a bicycle npon a public street or hi�arq� carry, or permit to be carried, aay other per�on npon snch biaycle; (c). �o. bicycle shall be ridden faster thau ie reasonable and propar, bnt every bieycle ehall be operated vei.th reasoaable regard to the eafety oY the operator and other peraoas upon the streete and other public highways of the c3ty; _- (d) . Pereoas riSiag bicycles shall obeerve all traffic;. eig�e and etap at all stop=:signe; (e). No bicycle ehall be pexmitted on any �treet or other.public highwa�y oP the city betroaeea �hirty miautes aPter eaaset aad thirty minutee before. eanr9.se, aeithont a headll�t vieible from the Pront thereof Por not lese thaa 200 Peet indicating the approach or preseace of the bic�cle fi�n7.� attached to euch bicycle a.nd properlg li�ghted, aor without a red tail li�t �or ia li�o. thereoP a reflector attached to aad visible f`rom the rear of �ch bicycle for a distaace oi not lesa thaa .200 feet. �o,pereoa.' under the age oY 16 years ehall ri8e or propel a bicycle upon any street. or hi�hway� at ni�t after the honr of 9:00 o'clock P.M; ;; � ( 2) � , f�k. (f). No person eha.11 ride or propel a bicycle upon any public atreet or hi�way in the city abreast or to the Ieft of any other pereon eo riding or propelling � bicycle; (g). Every person riding or propelling a bicycle upon any public atreet or. highway in the city of Hopkins ehall observe a11 traffic rulee and regalations applicable thereto, and shall turn only at intersections, eignal for all turns, ride at the right ha.nd side of the street or hi�iway� pass to the left when paseing overtaken vehicles that are elower moving a.nd shall paea to the ri �it when meeting, Section 11. �r person who shall 8iolate any of the proviaiona of tk�is ordina.nce ahall be gu.ilty of a misdemeanor. Section 12. Repeals. 9ubdivision 1. "g,u Ordinance to Prevent the Riding or Driving of Bic�cles, Motorcyclea,or Dangerons Vehicles on Sidewalka," which was adopted by the village conncil of,West Minneapolis on October 3, 1912� ia hereby repealed. 's Subdivision 2. "An Ordinance Ziceneing.and Regulating the IIse a,nd Operation .� of Bicycles Within the Village of Hopkins� and ProQiding a Penalty for the Violation � Thereof," which was adopted by the village council of Hopkina on May 25, 1937, ie- hereby repealed. a�bdivision 3. ���n Ordinance Amending the 'Hopkins Bicycle Ordinaxice"'� whfch was adopted by the village conncil of Hopkins on July 5, i93�, is hereby repealed: FIRST RF�AD at a regular �eting of the council of the city of Hopkins held on the �th day of April, 195p, and finally read and passed at a regular meeting of the council of said city held on the lSth day of April� 195Q. �l. HAIi�,AN PE�IX, MAYOR A. W. Elmquiat� 5ecretary of the council Frank N. Whitney, Ci t�r At to rney Publiehed in the 9nburban Prees April 27, 1�50. (3) � � �;:;: ,`'� � :.�; �> > ; # _._ „��: ��� � r � 3�� �r° �' ;;,;.�.j" CITY�OE HOPgInTS HENNEPII� COUNTY� NIIDN�ESOTA � or,nirr�rrcE �to. 35. � AiT ORDIidANCE RELATING TO THL+' NIIMBERING OF HOIISES AND REPEALING A CERTAIId ,ORDINA�YCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKIN3: Section 1. "An Ordinance Reg�lating the �iumbering of Housee and Lote in the Village of West Minneapolis and Deai�nating the Direction of Such Houses and Lote from Baee Street Linea in Said Village," which was adopted by the village council of Weat Minneapolia on April 2, 1901, is hereby repealed. FIRST READ at a regular m�ting of the council of the city of Hopkina held on the �+th. d�y of April, 1950, and finally .read and paseed at a regular meeting of the council of said city held on the 18th day of April, 195Q. W. HARLAN PERBIX, MAYOR g. �i . Elmc�i e t � Secretary of the Council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney Publiehed in the 9uburban Press April 27, 1950 u �� CIR'Y OF HOPKIN3 HIIJNEPIA OOIINTY� MINNE30TA �sozrnrio� xo. i37. 9 RE30LIITION ORDSEINa A HEl�BI�a O�i ENGI�B' S REPORTS ON T� INSTALLATI ON OF SIDEVJALR AIQD CIIF{B I� CERTAI� LOCATIONS. S�REA3, the cotinoil of the city of Hopkina on Feb:ua,ry 21, 1950, adopted a reeolutioa referring the matter of inetallation of eidewalk an8 carb in the followin� locatione: SIDENTAL$ AND Cl7HB: �n the 3outh side of Leke Street in front oP bots 2 to 11� inclneive� gu8itor'e Snbdieiaion No. 363, Hennepin County, Minnesota; alao on the East aide of 12th. avenue North between First etreet �orth and the �outherly line of the rightaof-w�► of the Mianeapolia & St. Louie Railway; SID�SVALS: On t�e Weet aide oP Harrieon 89eIIt18 betWeen Firat street 3ou th and the south liae of Lot S, Block 20, West Minaeapolie Ceater� to Frank Laaka, city engi neer, for hie inveetigatioa end report, and WgEHEAB, the conncil of the city of Hoplcine oa March j, 1950� adopted a reeolution referring the matter of conatructing sidewalk aad curb on the West eide of 17th. avenue bTorth betv�een Eacelsior aeeuue and Firat street BTorth, to Frank Laaka, cit,y enginee r� for hie inveatigation and report� and WHEREAS, said engiaeer has investigated the necese�ty and feasibility of said improvemente, aud on April 18� 1950, reported thereon to the council and filed his writtea reporte with the eearetary of the couacil, aad WHEREAS, eaid eagineer's reporte recommend that eidewalk be conatracted on the South side of Lake Street in front of I+ote 2 to 11 inclusive, Auditor's �,ibdivieion No. 363� Hennepin County, Minnesota� and tha.t combination cnrb and gutter be iaetalled on the 3onth side of Lake etreet in front oP Lots 2 to 16� inclusive, Auditor'e 9ub dieision No. 363, Henaenin Connty, Minnesota, and oa the North eide oE Lake Street in front of Lots 1, 2, j, �., 9, g and 7� Q.H.SmitYu4•e Addi�tibn, aad I+at��+9;Atxd�to�'e 9ubdiviet'on P�o. 2�9;arud cori��nufng�along the North -- aide oP Leke Street to.a point distant 150 feet at ri�t angles from the West lfse �vf-�Lot •�9� Anditor's Snbdivision No. 239, at an estimated coet of Five `�housaad Eight gundred Eighty-eig and 37/100 Dollars ($5.6g6.37). ana WHEREAS, eaid. engineer'e reporta fhrther recommend that eidewalk aad carb be constracted on Lhe Eaat side of 12th. a�enue North between First street 1Qorth and the eoutherly line of the ri�ht-of-ws4Y of the Minneapolie & St. Louia Railws4y, at an eetimated cost of Tao Thousand Two guadred Seventy-eeven and 95/100 Dollare ($2.277•95), and (1) : -, � _ ., . , . . . , .. � �'1� ':� ��' �iSEEEAS, said engineer'a reporlte Further recommend tha:t side�►a1k be const:ucted on the West side of Harrison aveane between First etreeb South and ; , the South line of Lot 8� Block 20, �eet �inneapolis Center� at a.n estimated coet oY One �'honeand Two Huadred 3ixt�-oae and 83/100 Dollars ($�,2(1.83) and WHExEA3� said engineer'e reporta, iurther recommend that sidewalk and'cnrb be coaetracted on_the Weat side of 17th. avenae North between Excelsior avenue and Ffrst etreet �orth at an eetima.ted coat of Two Thoueand Five Hundred Eighty- ��~ three Dollars ( $2� 5g3.00) ; BTOW� �.'HEREl+'f�E, BF IT RESOLVED th�t said eagiaeer' e reports will be con�clered by the council aad action taken thereon at,a re�ular meeting of the city aouncil to be held.,;,at the counc�l cY;ambera at the cit - �'��Y' Y Y. . at 7:30 o'clock P.M., and ��ti '14�eeday, e lvth. da of A9a 950 BE I� FURTSEa RTSOLPED that the city manager give aotice of said l�ring � ; by publishing a notice once in eachlweek.for tovo encceseiee weeka in the oYficial aewepaper of eaid city� said notice to,deecribe in general language the improv�enta recommended in the��engineer's reporte and the eetimated cost thereoP. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meetiag thereof held this lgbh, da� of April� 19�'j0. W. HARLAIQ PEHBIR � P�AY08 A. W. �lmquist, Secretary of the cauncil� Frank N. Whitney� Ci ty At to raey ( 2) copy for Laska ,i�.� . . ... , ,, •-i .:, ,i '.; . r ,�J � '.i j,+ :,+ ,� l. � i' J ` ;7 � `, :��-' . . .., . ._ .. .F _...... _.. , �. . _,.,.:., , w.,, .-:c �-: E . � . . . . - . . . _ . , _� � � . �I 1�' � p �' � � � ,,W, `�.� d ; ,� 's CITY. OF HOP�IDTS � HENN�PZPT COIINTY. MINNESOTA �. .�,�-� :� NOTICE OF �ARING ON;;E�ii�I�E8�5 REPO�S ON T� I�STALLATION �.; OF SIDEWAT�S � CUBB AND GUTTEES IN CEBTAIN LOGATIO�TS. �a;,.� fi� g�r'�k ��- NOTICE IS HEEEBY GI9EN that the cit�engineer.�"of��Hapkine did oa the lSth day of April. 19�, file reports �si.th the city council >relating to the ins'ta].iatioa of aidewalk, curb and guttere in th� Polloaing locatlone: SID�WALg: On the 3outh eide•of Lake Street in front of Lote 2 to 11 inclusi�e, Auditor's �i.bdivieion No. 363� Hennepin Count�,Minneaota, and �CO1++�IN4TION�CURT3 AND��DTTER;:on the 3outh side of Lake atreet in front of Lote 2 to lfi inclueive, Auditor'e Subdivieion No. 363, Hennepia County. Minnesota, and on the North side of Lake gtreet in front of' Lots 1, 2, 3, 9. S and 7� Q. 80 3�nith'e Addition, and Lot �� Auditor'e ,, � 9abdivieion No. 239, e.nd continuing weeterly along the North slde of Lake Street to a point dietant 1�j0 �eet at ri�it anglee frnm the Weat line of Lot �9, Auditor's �.bdivieioa BTo. 239, at an eetimated cost of $5�gg6.37; SID�WALK 1DTD OU�t On the P�igt side of 12�h. avesnue North between �'iret street North and the southerly line of the ri�t-of-way of the Minneapolis & Sto Louis �ilw�y, at aa eetimated cost of $2�277e95+ SIDEW�: On ti�e West eide of Harrieon avenue bettveen Fi rst etreeb, ��Sonth and the South line of Lot S, Blocds 20, �1eet �4lnaeapolie Center� at aa eatinated coet of $1,261.g3; SIDEWALK AND CURB: (3n the V�eet eide of 17th. avenn.e North bete�een Excelsior avenue � a.nfl �'iret etreet DTorth at an estimated coet of, $2, 583.Q0. '`• � �OTIGE i� �U87'HER ($VEN that the city council hae by r�solution fi�ed Tueeday, the 16th. day of M�y, 19Fj0, at 7:30 o�c].ock P.M. at the council ahambere ia th� city hall ae,the time and place at,which the council �eill,hear ench persons ae caxe to be ,.�• }� � F heard�Fi�referexice to eaid improvemeate, or aay or either of them, aad orill consider eaid engineer'� reporte and act t�hereoa. Dated at Iiopkine� D�innesota, this 20th. day of April. 1950 Frank �. Whitney, City Attorney C. C. CONGDOI� � CI TY MANAGE& Publiehed in the 9n.burban Pree� on ApMl 27th. a,ad M�► 1Fth. � 1950 copq tb the paper.'' � �.I � p0 � ,� � ��I � �� CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MII�TNESOTA BIDS ON WATER MAINS �� � r , � �� ��� � �� � �n l , � � � �e,d Sealed proposals will be received until 7:30 P.M. , of May 16th, 1950; at the office of the City Clerk in the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, for furnishing of all tools, labor, equipment and materials necessary for the construc- tion of water mains in the �ity of Hopkins . �lans, specifications and bidding forms may be obtained from the City Engineer,on deposit of the sum�.of five ��5.00) dollars, which deposit will be refunded on return of said plans and specifications. Each bid must be accompanied by a bidder�s bond or certified check payable to the City of Hopkins, in the amount of ten (10�) percent of the bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract. Bids will be opened at 8:00 �.M. on�1Vlay 16th, 1950; and read in open meetin� of the City �ouncil. The right is reserved to accept any.bid, or to reject any or all bids. CITY OF HOPKINS BY C. C. CONGDON, CITY MANAGER � (Ma� 4 & 11) � t �i � � � � �� � q' ��'�" DITY OF HOFKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA BIDS ON SANITARY SEWERS Sealed proposals�will be received until 7:30 P'.M. of l�ay 16th, 1950, at the office of the City Clerk in the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, for furnishing of al1 tools, labor, equipment and materials neces- sary ior the construction of sanitary sewers in the City of Hopkins. �lans, specifications and bidding forms may be obtained f rom the City En�ineer on deposit of the sum of five (�5.00) dollars, which deposit will be refunded on return of said plans and specifications. Each bid must be accompanied by a bidderts bond or certifie d check pa�able to the �ity of Hopkins, in the amount of ten (�:Of ) percent of the bid as a gu�rantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract. Bids will be opened at 8:00 P.M. on May 16th, 1950, and read in open meetin� of�:ithe City Council. The right is reserved to accept any bid, or to reject amly or all bids. (MAY 4 & 11) CITY OF HOPKINS� BY C. C. CONGDON, CITY MANAGER ti r� . � � �� la` ,�`�a� A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held at �the City Hall at 7:30 o+clock P.I�. on Tuesday, May 2, 1950• Pdembers present were: Bdayor W. Harlan Perbix,_Councilmen Len J. L�ii.lbert, Joseph T. Anderla, John Ziegler, City Manager C.C. Congdon, City Attorney Frank N. 1Nhitney, and City Engineer Frank g. Laska. Members absent; Stuart E. Beckman. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the following bills be paid. 1832 1833 i85� 1852 1853 �85l� 1855 i856 1857 is58 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 186l� �865 1866 1867 1868 Minneapolis Gas Compat�y Arlo B. Dickerson Anaex, Inc. C.C. Congdon, Trea.s. R.H. Gardner Laurenz A. Harris Hennepin County Hopkins Fire Department Jean Karr & Compa�y Keller Bros. Sporting Co.' Wilbur Locke Lund� s Si.nclais Serv:ice Miller Danis Company �iller Meters,�nc. B�inn. News C o�par�r N.�P. Bell 7�.ephone Co. H.A. Roge�s Compar�y Standard Oil Compa�y Sub. He,nn. Co. Relief Bd. �ike Y�T. Zipoy Salary Hourl,y Payroll R� 520 C.C. Congdon, Treas. 521 Harry L. Lawrence 522 N.%. Bell Telephone Co. 523 Republic Creosoting 52l� Smith-Dunn Co.� Inc. 525 Fred S�anson 526 �Pm. H. Ziegler Co. Salary Hourly Payroll 396 Postmaster, Hopkins, Mi.nn. 399 C.C. Congdon, Treas. 1�00 Wallace & Tiernan Co. 401 VPm. H. Ziegler Co. Salary Hourly Payroll GIIdERAL FUND xeat Convention expense Paint Petty cash Counting meter money Cax allowance Radio rental Fire calls Library books Recreation equipment Pick up 1 dog, 1 cat Tire repair Office supplies Parking meter repairs Library books Telephones Prints Gasoline Relief Typewriter �s� �� o�,f„ Qpri 1��RI�E�N�3i�5o Petty cash Rental of equipment Telephones Tar oil Rental street sweeper Equipment rental Repairs & tractor cab Last 2 of April Period ending i;t,/31/50 VPATER FUND 1500-1¢ postcards Petty cash Solenoid coil 1 two wheel truck Last 2 of April Period ending I�31/50 S�ITAGE DISPOSAL FUND Carried. 99 C.I�.St.P & P. Rft. Compa�y �,g. expense jacking pipe trunk sewer 100 N.�ff. Nat�l. Bank, Mpls. Services as depositary 101 Anton A. Olson Use of car Hourly Payroll Period ending 1�./31/50 � 131.31� 10.00 1.t�5 13.7 2 56.00 25.00 700.00 272.00 11.32 53.50 5.00 3.00 27.85 9.83 1.80 75•33 19.66 7.la7.20 242.l�,3 65.00 2021.80 698.52 i.o4 15.00 11.50 199.16 2500.00 i75.5o 51�3.00 347.30 1�26.21 ].5.00 8.88 7•75 ],5.89 432.27, 47.25 176.06 800.00 17.00 19.35 REVOLVING FU1VD 65 H.A. Rogers Co. prints 9.24 Pa.ge 2. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution #134, "6 RFSQLUTION ORDERING THE IlVSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWER AND WATII�. MAIN EXTENSIONS_IN CERTATN LOCATIONS,". marked E�rhibit A, ,be. adopted. Carried. . . . . .. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that the City Manager ad�ertise for bids for sewer and water mains as outlined i.n Resolution #134. Carried. �ilbert moved, 9nderla seconded, that the license application of the Lions Club for the sale of On-sale Non-intoxicating Ma1t Liquor for one day, May 7th, 1950, be granted. Carried. Milbert moved, Ziegler seconded, tha.t Resolution #139, "A RF50LUTION REFERRING TO T'�IE CITY ENGIl� THE MATTER OF TREATITdG THE ALLEYS IN BLOCKS NITI�BER..ID 101 AND 107 � �T MINNEAPOLIS, SECOND DIVISION, WITH T�R OIL," marked �hibit B, be adopted. Carried. � Malbert moved, Anderla seconded, that a building permit be granted to Justus Lumber Company for a n�r office building as ger plans submitted� . Carried. t�ilbert moved, Ziegl.er seconded, that the bid of Republic Creosoting Compar�r for the furnishing of road tar at 16¢ per gallon and the bid of Glenn Johnson Contracting Co. for ready-mix blacktop at �.20 per ton be accepted. Carried.. Milbert moved, Anderla seconded, that the bid of Victor Carlson & Sons, Inc. for the insta.11ation of combination curb and gutter at �2.,30 per foot for 1000 to 3000 feet, and �2.20 per foot for 3000 feet or more and curved combination curb and gutter at �2.50 per foot and the bid of Carl Anderson for the installation of straight curb at �1.l�0 per foot and sidewalk at 35¢ per square foot, be accepted. Carried. The Clerk then read a revi.sed Dog Ox�dinance �hich the City Attorney was instructed to draw up at the meeting held on April 18� 1950, and after_an hour�s discussion on the matter� Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded� that Ordinance R�ULATING DOGS: PROVIDING FOR IN.�OUNDING DOGS: AND REPEAI,ING C�RRTAIN.ORDINAI�TCES," as read at a 1950, and tabled,.be accepted as the first read Carried.. � #36, "AN ORDINANCE ZICENSING dND PRFSC$IBING A PF�.VALTY FOR.VIOLATIONS regular meeting held on April 18, .ng thereof. �ti.].bert voting N0. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that Ordinance #33, "AN ORDINANCE R�GULATING THE USE OF HIGH9ITAYS, STREI�TS, �QADS, ALLES.'S, BOULEVAi�DS �iD AVENUFS WITHIN THE CITY OF HOPKINS: .�'OSING PENALTIFB FOR THE. VTOLATION THEFtEOF; REPEAZING CERTAIN ORDINAIdCFS,'� ma.rked Exhibit C, be accepted as the second reading thereof, a.nd that the ordina.nce _ be adopted and published according to law. Carried. Ziegler moved, Anderla second.ed, that Oxdinanc�e #37, "AN ORDINANCE RELATII� TO ZONI1� AND A�IENDING ORDINANCE N0. 8 OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS�".marked.Exhibit D� be accepted as the second rea.ding thereof, and that the ordinance be adopted and published accord- ing to law. Carried. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that the City Manager proceed with the installation of sewer for the �ccelsior Products Company. Carried. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution #].1.�0, "A RESOLUTTON REFERRING TO THE CITY ENGINEER. THE MATTER QF DEF�PENING, �IDENIPIG AND 07�iEI�ISE IlU�'ROVIIVG SO-CAI�L�D N�NE- MIZE CRE�X," marked �chibit E, be adopted. Carried... . . _. Ziegler moved� Milbert seconded� that the meeting be adjourned, AT .�� , W. Har Per ix, �ayor. . A.�. Elmquist� ecretary to the Council COIINCII,��: ,.,-,,.-,- .. � . .�.. �.�,-..,..: _ , . . . . .!. . . ._. � ., , . . _.. , . .. , ... . ,-, „-.Yr -.c ,; ,. � .., ' . . ,. � ��' . -;1: ' � � �,� �� �. ' CITY OF' HOPgID18 HENNEPIBI COII�TY� MIRNESOTA RESOLU'�IO� A0. 134. A EESOI�U�'I0� OHDEBI�E3 THE INSFALLATION OF SADIITAEY SEW�S ABTD WATEH MAIN EST�IJ3ION3 I� CExTAIbT LOC6TIOBTB. iVS�tEA3. the conacil of the cit8 of Hopkine on B'ebxuary 7� 19�� adopt�� a reeolntion. referring the matter of the eatensione aad iaetallaLioa of sanitary eeroer and water maine in the folloaiag locatione: SANITA8IC SE'6�EE: Beginning at the seo�er liPt etation. located in Block I�ighteea (18) � �Veat.�inneapolia�._and,rnnning sontherly to a poiat abo�at thirty (j0) feet north oP the eoutll 1'iae of 9ecti on Tweaty-fonr ( 24) , Township One Hundred Seventeen (117) , Range T�venty-trvo ( 22) ; theace rnnning eveaterly along a 13ne paxallel � to and approximately thirty (j0) feet north of the eouth liae of eaid Seetion .. ,, to Seventeenth Avenue Sonth eatended; �9TE&: Commencing at ,the intereection of S�venteenth and Esceleior. Avenue and running ,- thence eoutherly along Seventeenth Avenue extended to a:point approaiffiately ten (10) feet BTorth of the sonth liae of Section Tv�eaty=four (24) � Toronship .One Hun- dred Seveateen (117)� Range �aenty-t�o (22);.tiheace eaet�ardly on a line parallel to and about ten (10) feet northerly from the south line of said Sectioa Por a dietsace oP approgimately three hundred (300) feet; . ���' to Fra,nk Laeka, ci ty entineer, for his investigation aad. report� and :; ; �;�,•. W�REAS; said engineer hae ineeetigated the neceeeity and feaeibility of said, �,:� improvemente and on April �� 1950. re�ported thereon to the council and filed hi a roritten,. ;�;,� ., '�°, reporte ivith the eecretarg of the oonncil� aad �PHEREAS, eaid engiaeer'e reporta recommend that eaid eanitar� eemer maina be inatalled , in the Polloa►ing locations: � Beginning at the sewer lift etation located ia Block Ei�teen (18), �feat �? �, ��;, Minne�rpolie, and rnnniag southerly to a.point abont thirty (30) Peet North „�''''r : -5 �. '`, oi the south line of $ection Traenty-four ( 24) , To�nahi� One Huadred $eventeen �-'� r; : �.' � (117) , Range Tv�enty-to�o ( 22) ; thence rnnning weaterly along a liae pa=allel � ,� to and approaimately thirty (j0) feet north oP the eouth liae of, eeid Section .��.� . ,; �to the center line of Siateenth Aveaue extended `� _� et an estimated coat of Sia 'Phoueand Oae Flundred Taren�,p-five Dollare ($f>�125.00) � and �;;r ��'eS, eaid engineer' e reporte recommend tha.t eaid a�ater maine be iastalled _` . - :�:; „r in the folloiring locationB: t�; �°�"' , ;;,{ Commencing at the interaection of First Street Sauth aad Tevelfth Avenne; tW.:L=��. , � �� � � � ,�.� thence eoutherly to a point about ten (10) ieet.north of the center liae of .the,;, � - i l) `` ._..�..,::>:: ., abandoned right-of-way of the St. Paul, �inneapolie � Mianetonka Rail�ay; thence westerly along said abandoned M ght=of-r�ay abont Ten (10) Peet north of the center line thereof to a point approximately Trvent9 ( 20) feet �veet of the t�eet line of Sigteenth avenne egtended� at aa eatima.ted cost of �irie Thouaand 9even ilundred �oenty-five Dallare ($9,725.00 for an ei�ht (S) inch water ma.in, aad Seventeen Thoneand Niae Hundred ATinety-Pf ve Dollars ($17,995•00) for a twel�e (12) inch water main� and WF�REAS� on April 4, 19rj0, the city council of Hopkins adopted a resolu- tion setting Tuesd�y, the 2nd. day of May, 1950. at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the council chambers in the ci ty hall a� the time and place for coneidering said improvements, and � Y+►�REAS� a notice of eaid hearing has been pdbliehed ia The 8ubu rban Preea in ite issaee of April ljth. and April �th. 1950, and the a.ffidavit of publication of said notice has been Yiled with the aecrete.rv of the council, e.nd WHE'�RDAS� ao petition aetting forth appoeition to said improvements has been filed rv3.th the city mana�er prior to the date s.nd honr set for hearing sai8 engineer�a reporte, and no one hae appes,red in opposition to said imprcvemeate; NOW, R'HERE�'ORE, BE IT F.ESOLYED by the city council of the city of Hopkins that the installar tion of eaid sanitary sewer in eald location and the inatallation of a 12 inch �uater main in eaid location, except that there be added to the said �►ater main ae deecribed in the enginaer'e report a contimzatioa of said main in a weaterly direc- tion along a line parallel to and appro�imately Thi rty (30) feet DTorth of the South line of eaid eection to the eseterly line of 17th; avenue South, ia neceesary for the health� welfare and convenience of the city aud its iaha.bitants. aad it is hereby determined and ordered that Baid improv�eata be made� and tha.t the coate thereof be aseeeaed against any property found beaefited by eaid improvemente. ADOPTED at a regnlar meeting of the citg council of Hopkiae held on the 2nd. day of Mey, 1950. A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney� cop� fo r Laeka � 2) W. HARLAN PERBI%� NiAYOE � CITY OF HOPKIN3 , �IbT COUNTY� MI�NESOTA BESOLUTION AiO. �39. A RESOLIITION REFERRI�Ta TO TAE CITY �GIN� THE 1�TTER 0� TREATIZJG 2'HE ALLEy3 IN BLOCB$ NUMBERED�101 AND 107, WEST �iID1NF�POLIS, SECOBTD DIVISION, WITH TAR OIL. WSEBEAS, there has been filed with the city clerk and by the clerk presented to the city council petitioas asking for the iffiproeement of the alleys in Hlocke numbered 101 and 107� �egt l�i�eapolis� 3econd Division� by treatin� the eame with tar oil� a.nd 6�REAS� the coets thereof ehonld be aeaeesed against any property fouad benefited thereby, and T9SEREAS� the ownere of moe� of the propert� againet vrhich sa3d coats would be aeaeased have petitioned the city ca�uncil for said improvements; NOW, THEBEP�ORE, BE IT 8E30LFED by the council oP the city of Hopkins tha.t the matter oP treating eaid alleys in said locatioas be referred to Freak I,aska� city engineer, to investigate the neceseity and feasibility of such improvements aad to report io the council as soon as poseible. ADOFTED by the council of the city of Hopkina at a regnl�r meeting thereof held thie 2nd day of May. 19rjp. W. EAHi,AN PERBIX , NIAYOE ' �. W. Elmquiat, Secretary to the coancil Frank RT. Whi tney, City �ttorney copy for Laaka .�' � µ � � �� � �' �' �s'� J CI TY OF HOPgINS �1 � � �IN COONTY, MII�INESOTA � r �� � f � ORDIi�ANCE �10. 33 . ��,r � � 1, � 1" AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF HI(�iWAYS� STREETS, RO�DS, ALLEYS� BGULEVARDS AND AVENUES WITHIN T� CITY OF HOPKINS; IMPOSING PENAL'iTES FOR THE VIOLATION THEEEOF; REPEALING CERTAIN 08DIrdANCE3. BE IT�,OFtDAiI�'D BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS: 5ection 1. Definitian. When used in this o�irianc�, in addition to streets� the word "streets" includes roads� alleys, boulevards and avenues. Section 2. Carelesa Driving. No person shall operate or halt any vehiclea npon streets or hi�iways within the city of Hopkine, Minnesota, carelessly or heedlessly in disregard of the ri�hts or safety of othera or in a manner eo aa to. endanger or be likely to enda.nger any perstin or praperty. Section j. S�ieed Eegulations. 5ubdivfeion 1. No person driving a vehicle within the city of Hopkins ahall drive the same at a epeed greater tha.n is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and hav,�ing regard to the actual aud potenti�l hazards then existing. In every event speed shall be so restricted as ma.y be neceasary in order to avoid colliding with aRy person, vehicle or other conveyance on or entering the streete or hi�ways in compliance �aith legal requirements and the duty of all peraona to uae due care. No person ahall drive a vehicle at euch a slow speed as to impede or block the normal a.nd reaeonable movement of traffic -ex.eept when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or in compliance with la�r. 3ubdivieion 2. No nehicle shall be driven thereon �,t a speed in exceas of 30 milee per haur on any streets or hi�ways on which a different speed hae not been eetabliehed by the commissioner of highway� of the state of Minnesota. On az�y atreete or highaaya u�here a different speed zone has been so eatablished� and aigna have been posted calling attention to such � ne, no vehiclee eha11 be driven in the city at a speed greater than tha,t indicated on �ch aigna. Section �+. Oper�ting a,nd Turning Yehiclea. IIpon all atreete and hi�waare within the city of Hopkins of safficient width� except upon one-way streets or hi�iways or except upon thoae with three traffic lanes established and plainly ma,rked thereon� the driver of a vehicle shatl drive the same upon the right ha1 P of the roadway and shall drive a slow moving vehicle as closely ae poeaible to the right-hand edge or the curb of such atreet or highway, unless it ia impracticable to travel on such side of the street or hi �iway and except when onertaking and paseing another vehicle. No person ahall etop or turn a vehicle or change from otte tr�.ffic lane to another unless the same can be done with aafety a.nd without interfering with the normal flow of pedestrian and vehicle traffic� and if any o ther eehicle may be affected, the intention to meke euch etop, change of position, or turn ehall be indicat ed by the driver by extending his left arm from and (1) 0 beyond'the left eide of the vehicle in the manner epecified by law or by uaing a.n approved a.nd efficient device to give snch marning and by giving a,n aoadible warnin� by aounding the horn, if neceseary. to warn pedeetriaris. Section 5. Parking Regulatione. Subdivi�n 1. Every vehicle parked upon any street or highro�ay �ith a curb eha11 be parked para11e1 �o the curb aad with the ri�t. I hand v�,heels of aach vehicle veithin 12 inche�s of the eurb. On other atreets or hi�way�, a vehicle shall be parked to the M�t of tlhe main traveled portion thereof and parallel thereto sad ia snch a maaner as not to interefere Mrith the Pree flo�v of traPfic. The foregoing reqnirementa shall not applp to aay vehicle diaabled upon ar�y atreet or high- �oay� but any police officer of the city m�r require the person in cha,rge thereofato move it to a place of eafety; and if auch movement ie not made or if a.ny motor vehicle is left alone or abandoned in any such poeitioa, the officer may provide for the removal of anch vehicle �o the aearest convenient ga,ra�e or other place of.safe keeping.. �bdiviaion 2. No person shall atop� atand or park a vehicle� except �ahea aeceasary'to avaid conflict wit,h other traffic or in compliaace �ai.th the directione of a police officer or traffic control device. in aqy of the followiag placee: 1. On a eider�alk; 2. In front of a�blic or private drivemay; j. Within an intereectian; �F. Within 10 feet of a fire ?.�ydraat; 5. On a croeewalk; 6. Within j0 feet upon the approach to aqy flashing beacon, etop aign, or traffic-control eignal located at the aide of a, roadwqp; 7. Within 5p Peet of the neareet rail of a rail- road croeaing; 8. Withia 20 feet of the drivewqy entraace to saq Pire etatioa and on the eide of a etreet oppoeite the entrance to aqy fire etation� within 75 feet oi eaid entrance when properly sign posted; 9. Alongeide or oppoeite any street eacaea- tion or obetraction when euch etopping� standing or parking wonld obetruct ta�affic; ,,, 18. On the roadway side of a�}r vehicle etopped or parked at the edge or c¢rb of a street; 11. Upon a.qy b�'idge or other elevated structu re upon a hi�way� except as otherref ae provided by ordinance; 1Z. gt any place where ofPicial signe prohibit etopping. 9nbdivieion 3. DTo peraon eha11 leave or paxk a house trailer on any atreeta or highwayg or the rigkit of ar�r thereoP for a longer period than 6 houre. 9nbdivieion �. �o peraon eha,ll stop or park a vehicle on a etreet or hi�iovay �ohen directed to proceed by anp peace officer �oith authoMty to direct traffic. Subdivision 5. Mo vehicle ehall be parked on a�y atreet or hi�i.way for the purpoee of diepl�ring it for eale. 9ubdiviaion 6. No vehicle, except that of a physician on an emergency ceall, ehall be parked for more thaa 30 minutea between 2:p0 and 6:00 o'clock g.M., and no i 2) vehicle shall in any caee be p�rked upon any street or highvoay in any one place for a longer continuous period than aig hours. Subdivision 7. Ido person having control or cha.rge of a motor vehfcle shall allow such vehicle to stand on aay highway un�ttended without firat effective].g settiag the brakea thereoa� and t�hen atanding upon any grade without turning the front wheele of euch vehicle to the curb or side of the highway. Section 6. 9pecial Regu].atione. 9abdivision 1. The city manager, with the approval of the council� may eatablish "No Truck Parking" zones in the cit� and shall mark by appropriate signa ang zonee so establiehed. Such zones aha11 be establiahed where heavy traffic by commercial vehicles or other traffic congeation makes parking by commercial vehicles a hazard to the safet� of vehicles or pedestr�aae. No personr. shall park a commercial vehicle of more than one ton capacity between S o'clock A.M. , and 6 o'clock P.M. on a�y week d�p upon any etreet in any "No Tzuck Parking" zone, but paxking of euch vehicles for a period of ao�emore than. 30 miriutea ahall be permitted in such zone for the purpoee of having acceas to abutting property when such acceae cannot conveniently be secured from an alley or from a aide �treet where truck parking ie not eo restricted. S�,ibdivieion 2. The citg manager, �ith the approval of the council, may deeignate certain blocks or portions of bd�ocks within the city as no parking zonee, or as jA�mimite, one-hour, two-honr or longer (but not to exceed ei$ houre) limited parking zonee and ehall mark by app ropriate signe any zoaee so eetablished. Snch zones shall be established wherever neceesary for the convenience of the public or to minimize traffic hazarde and to preserve a free Plow of traffic. P�o peraon sha].1 paxk any vehicle in a no parking zone or in a�q limited parking zone between the hours of g o'clock A.M. a.nd 6 o'clock P.M, of any week-day for a longer period than is specified on the eigns marking such zone. Subdivi�ion 3. The city ma.nager� with the approval of the council� may eatablieh in auy block one or more loading zones and sha11 mark by appropriate si gns any zone so eatabliahed. 9uch zones sha11 be located at places most convenient for the uae of the public t�ith regard to traffic conditiona in the block. No per�on ehall, betweea the hour.e of S o'clock A.M. a,nd � o'clock P.M. of any week-day, park aay vehicle ia any loading Zone except for the purpose of receiv3ng or discharging pasaengers or freight and then only for a period no longer than is necessara* Por the diecharge or receipt of such passengera or freight. Shbdi.vieion �. The city manager� with the approval of the conncil� m�y, whenever necessary to preserve a free flow of traffic or to prevent accidents, design.ate any intersection as one where the turning of vehicles to the left or to the right, or both� (3) or the turning of a vehicle so as to reverse ite direction, ia to be reatricted or p rohibited and ehall mark by apprap riate si gas ang intersection eo designated; but no intersection on a trunk highway shall be eo designated un.til the consent o� the State Commisaioner of Hi�ways to �nch designation is obtained. No person shall turn a cehicle at any such intersection contrary to the directione on such signs. Subdivision 5. The city manager, with the approval of the council� may establiah parking zones in the city for vehiclee engaged in commercial paesenger transportation other tl�.n taxicabs as the eame ahall be required for public safetg and convenience. �cept for the time necessa ry to load and nnloa.d passengera, no person driving, operating or ha.v3 ng under his control any vehicle engaged in commercial passen- ger traneportation other than taaicaba, ahall cauae� permit or allow such vehicle to park, stan.d, or remain at, npon, or in ar�y stree� or hig�ways in the city or along the curb adjoining thereto, except at the parking zones designated a.nd established for auch vehicles. Such vehiclea sha11 etand or be parked para11e1 t�ith a,nd within one foot of the curb and sha11 not be parked nearer to each other than fi ve feet. No p ereon except a driver or operator hav3 ng under hia control a vehicle engaged in commercial passenger transporta- tion other than taxicabs� ahall park aay vehicle in any snch parking zoaea at any time. Stubdivision 6. The city manager, mith the approval of the coun.cil� may mark on the streeta� hi�waye a.nd curbe in the city space� and methods of parking or atanding vehic�ee other than para11e1 with and alongaide of the curb. 6Vherever and whenever such spaces are so marked, the driver or person in charge of a�y vehicle ahall not parlt or stand his vehicle in any other manner than that indicated by such maxkings. 9ubdivision 7. The city manager� with the approval of the council, may eatabliah within the corporate limita of thia city '!Tru.ck Traffic Routee" to be identified by aigns and maxkinge erected and maintained by the city. When any auch "Truck Traffic Houte" has been eatablishec3 and identified, an� peraon driving atruck ha.ving a capacity of two tons or more sha.Il drive euch truck on �euch route or rautes and none other, except when it ia impracticable to.do so or where necessary to traverae another etreet or atreets to a destina.t3on for the purpose of loading or unloading commodities and then only by snch deviation �rom the neareat °Track Traffic floute" as is reaeona.bly necessary. and One-rv�y 9ubd��i�#on g. Through/Streeta and Stop Interaectione. The city manager, with the approval of the council, may designate ar�p atreet or hi.ghway ae a throngh etreet or or ae a one-reay street or highwey� ,, - highway�/and aa� inte�section as � etop intersection where necessaxy to preserve the free flow of traffic and to prevent accidenta; and he ehall poet appropriate signe at the entrance to such streets or hig�ways or intersections; bat no trunk highway shall be or one-m�► � desi�nated as a througY� hi�iway and no intersection on a trunk hi�way shall be de- aigriated ae a etop interaection unless the consent of the Commieaioner of Highways to snch ( �}} � :.V,:..�.1"^;�J�.'�' -. designation ie first secured. Ebery driver of.a,vehicle shall bring hie vehicle to a full stop before entering any stop street or highway or intersection properly deaignated and poeted as such by the Commiesioner of Hig�waye or the city manager, or before entering upon any grade crossing of any railroad� which grade crossing has:been deaignated ae a atop cro�aing. �'; _ , Section'�7'. $treet Cars. 9ubdivieion 1. The gates of eeerSr etreet car upon a etreet or highway aha11 be kept closed at a11 times egcept when receiving or dis- charging paasengere. Siubdivision 2. The operator'of every etreet car ehall obey the directions given by aigna, si �nale aad markingscaused to be pl�.ced and maintained on the atreete or hi�hways by this city for the purpose of guiding� infozmin�� warning or controlling traffic. 9nbdivision 3. No etreet car ahs11 be permitted to stand or remain on any street or highway in this city in such a manner as to interfere vrith the movement �;:x ; of traffic upon such�{a�,tr�eet��orj;hi:ghwsy. y ;;:: � ; Section'&: �ties oi Drivers After Accidents. Subdieieion 1. The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident reeulting in injur� to or death of any person or damage to any vehicle which ia driven or attended by any person eha.11 atop and give his name, addreas� and the registration number of the vehicle he is,driving and ahall upon reqaest and if available exhibit hia driver's or chauffe�ur's licenae to the pereon struck or the driver or occupant of or person attending any vehicle collided with. He sha11 render reasonable asaistance to any person injured in such accident. 9ubdivieion 2. The driver of any cehicle which colli des with a,nd d.amages an� una.ttended vehicle ahall immediately atop and ahall thea �.nd there either locate and i notifv the driver or owner of the vehicle of the name a.nd address oF the driver and owner ; :J of the vehicle etriking the unattended vehicle, eha11 report the same to a police officer,,�,�� � or aha11 leave ia a conepicuoua place in the vehicle atruck a�eritten notice giving the name and addreea of the driver and of the o�ner of the eehicie doing the etriking. °�? Subdivieion 3. The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in in,jury to or death of any person� sha11, after compliance �oith the provieiona of the atate law and 9ubdiviaion 1 of thie section, give notice of euch accident by the quickeet means of communication to the police department. � , . h �''� . , .`� %` Section��9: Driver's License, Vehicle Ownership. D?o person eha11 drive or operate �� � �c��_ `.J ' ;j a vehicle upon any etreet or higk�wa,y in the city aithont having in his poaseasion� as ��% required by the laws of the State of Minnesot�, �a va,lid driver''s license or chauffeur's licenae. �o peraon ehall drive a motor vehicle belonging to another �eiti�ut the owner's conaent. '�f,- ( 5) �:�,,_ ,_ . Section 10. Eqnipment, Use of. 9ubdivieion 1. No peraon shall drive or operate a motor vehicle on ang street or highwa,y �ithia the cit�;;` unlesa each mo�or vehicle ia eqn.ipped �aith a muffler in good working order a.ad in consta.at operation to prevent excessive or unusnal aoiae. It sha11 be nnlawfhl to uee a"muYfler cut-out" on ar,�y motor vehicle upon an� sach street or high�ay. Srzbdivision 2. �o vehicle eha11 be need upoa any street or hi�way in the city without lighting equipment� a raiadehield eriper� a rear vieion mirror, a horn or other warn.ing device� front and rear bumpers, a,nd brakes ae required by the etate highw�r traffic regulation act. Lamps ahall be lighted at allltimes �hen aap such vehicle is operated upon the etreets or highxays in the city from a half hour after eunset to a half hour bePore ennrise and at aay other time arhea there ia not sufficient light to render peraone and �ehicles clearly diaceraible 500 feet ahead upon the gtreet. Section 11. �ergeacy Vehicles. 9nbdivieion 1. 'Phe speed limitation and other regalatione of thie ordinance shall not apply to vehicleg when operated with s due regard for eafety, under the direction of peace officere in the chase or appreheneion of violators of the law or peraons chargedval.th or �uepected�' aqy snch violation, or to fire department or fire patrol eehicles �shen traveliag in reaponse to a fire alarm� or to public embulancee ia emergency use or service. Snbdieieion 2. When a fire alazm or the v�arning device�of aqy emergency vehicle eha11 be eounded� all vehiclee upon the streets or hi��v�re of the city �hall drar� to the right side of the etreet and permit ench vehicle to pass. DTo vehicle of any kind ehall precede fire apparatne to a fire using the same street that it ie ueing. 8o vehicle ehall follow Pire apparatus cloeer tha,n 5pp feet or be parked mrithin the bZock where fire apparatug ha� etopped_in anewer to a fire alarm. No vehicle ahall be driven over ar�y unprotected hoae of a fire departmeat when laid down on ar�V street or highway or private driveway to be used at any fire or alarm of fire� �ithout the consent � the fire department official in command. Section 12. Driving IInder the Inflnence of Liquor or �Tarcotica. No person �eho iB an habitnal user of narcotic drage or tvho is under the influence of narcotics or liqnora eha11 drive or operate a vehicle on aRy etreet or hi�wa� within the city, aa8 no pereon shaa.l congnme liqnor r�hile an occupeat of a eehicle upon aRy etreet or hi�.way ia the city. Section 13. Pedeetrians. , PedestMans ahall move when practicable upon the rig�it half of croe�valks. PedestMans eha11 croee etreets in accordance �sith aignale at con- trolled intereection�. When traffic at intersectioas ie not controlled, motor vehicles ( 6) 0 ahall yield the. right, of wa,p, elowing dro�vn or stopping if need be to so yield, to a pedeatria.n croseing the roadwa�r within a crosewalk when the pedeetrian is upon the half of the roadway upon v�hich the vehicle is traveling, or when the pedeatrian is approaching so closely from the oppoaite half of the roadwa� as to be in d.a,nger, but no pedestrian ah�l.l suddenly leave a curb or o ther place of aafety and walk . or rnn into the path of a vehicle which ie eo close that it ia impoeeible for the driver to yield. No vehicle �ha,ll pase another vehicle that has atopped at a marked crosawalk or at a.n intereection for a pedeatrian to paas. �t aay point other tha.n a croast�alk, pede�trians shall �;eld - Y.�. the right of way to motor vehiclea. This ehall not reliece the driver of any motor vehicle of the obligation to use due care. No person sha11 etazid in the roa.dway for the purpose of soliciting rides. Pedestrians walking upon a roa�lmay ahall aralk near the left ', eide of the roadwa,3�, giving w�r to oncoming traffic. ' f:.. _, � Section 1�F. 8chool Police. � ��x,� The city m�.nager ehall appoint special :�, . policemen.who shall be deaignated as achool police and ehall aerve without comrpensati6n. The aaid achool police shall be appointed fxbm the student bodies of public and prieate '�ti� , ., achoola of thia city and �::m�y:�> be equipped with badges marked "School Police" and are authorized to regulate traffic of all kinds upon the streeta of thia city between the houre "� of g:30 A.Ni. and 4 P.M. on achool days. The appointment of each of said school police ��i shall deaignate the streets upon �hich he ahall have power to regulate traffic� and achool police shall be eubordinate to and sha11 obey all the orders of ar�y regalar officer of thie city. The drivers of all vehicles of all kinds ahall comply.wiyth the directiona or ordera of said schoo�,police. . Section 1`��j. Miacellaneous. �bdivision 1. 9ny police officer in this city in case ofn,;� �. �;: the necesait� or emergency� or of congeation of traffic,..may make special ordere to ,. . pedeatriane or to drivers of vehicles as in his jud�ent may be necesaary to meet the emer�ency or to relieve the congestion. �bdivision 2. No unauthorized person shall regulate or attempt to regulate traffic upon the hi�ways of thie city. P Shbdivision 3. No unauth�rized pereon shall erect or maintain upon en�r hi�i�►a,y a�y -:�' warning or direction sign, marker, aignal or Iig�Zt in imitation of an�p official sign, -marker, aignal or lig�i.t erected under the provisions of this ordinance. �ibdivision �. No person sha,ll deface� injure� knock down, or remove any eign poeted as prcvided in this ordinance. 9ubdivieion 5. No person, firm or corporation aha11 operate a.ny radio or other speaking equipment attached to aqy motor Yehicle for the purpoae of advertising or any other purpoae upon as�y street or hi�way within the city of Hopkins Hoithout f3rst obtaining '' ` �, a special permit for the operation of euch eq�tipment Prom the city manager, eacept that �; ( 7) ';'� �,__ � � � � -�� ;.., ;�,.,.: � �::,,,,� �, �.;�t' �' thie. aubdiviaioa shall aot apply to radio receiving apparatus attached to vehicles, and not equipped for broadcasting by the driver of such vehicle. 9ubdivision 6. Vo person shall park a vehicle or permi� it to. sta.nd, whether attended or unattended, upon any alley within the city:.,of Hopkins;. provided that thie �' shall not prohibit the parking of such vehicles for less than a period of one hour along �` aay.such a11ey for the purpoee of having access to any property.abutting thereon for the �.�, ;� a purpose of loading or unloading merchandiee or other material when such access cannot � �: conveniently be seca.red upon the property itself. Subdiaision 7. This ordinance sha11 be deemed to be in addition aud supplementary ".� to� and not in conflict with, nor a repeal of, ordina.nces eatablishing parking meter zones �� and regulating a,nd controlling the parking of vehiclea in such zones, and ordinances licens-.;' ing and regulating taXicabs and bicycles. 5lubdivision g. 9nbject to the provisiona of Section 12 of thie ordinance, no 's. driver of a vehicle or motorman of a street car or pedeetrian� or person driving an animal ;`� � � ;�t� " or riding a bicycle, shall.disobey the instrnctions of a.ny official traffic-control device ��', Iaced 'b the cit or the Commiasioner of Hi hw 6' p y y g ays or by any railway compan,y under the - .. i ,: authority and direction of the state railroad and �varehouse commission, unlesa at the time , othexwise d4.rected by a police officer or employeei of a railwey company. , Section lb;: Glass and Other Injnrious 9ubatance1on Highways. No person sha11 throw �� . or deposit glasa, metal, garbage� tin ca.na, or ar�p other similar subata.nce upon any hi�iway�'': :� and anyone who drops or throws, or permits to be dropped or thrott�e�n auy such deetr�ctive ;r , or injurious snb$tance eha.11 immediately cause the eame to be removed. Any wrecked or ''f <,; dama,ged vehicle on a etreet ehall be removed therefrom without unreaeonable delay� and enciin removal shall be arded durin the eriod when 1'�� ���` i` , p g gn g p ����e are required on vehicles ? �.� ; ��rr � � ',` with proper Iighta, eqaal in inteneity to ordinary parking Iigk�ta, or by red flaree; and ` when removed, no glass or injurious snbatance ehall be left upon the street or roadway '� by the person �removing the vehi.cle. �-' Section 1�;. Penalty. Any peraon violating any of the proviefons of this ordinance lti�� ahall be guiltg of a miademeanor. If� a minimum fine or imprisonment ia prescribed by the �' ,:� etate hi�hway traffic act for an offense, such penalty ehall apply to a person convicted of the same offenae uader this ordina.nce. Section 1�`.. Tags. Subdivision 1. In case.of a violation of thie ordina.nce the arresting officer may, in lieu of taking the prisoner before a magistrate, serae a writtea notice npon him to appear before such ma,gistrate,at a time and place figed in said notice. 3uch notice sha].1 be made out on a triplicate form, and ahall indicate the time, da.te and � nature of the violation, and tre vehicle lic.ense number. Subdivision 2. The arresting o�ficer shall deliver one copy of sach notice to the violator in person or affix the same to a prominent place on or withi.n the vehicle, one copy to the PoYice Department, and one copy to the office of the city manager. ig) � Section �T9� Repeals. 3ubdivision 1. "An Ordinance to Prevent Fast Driving," which was adopted by the eillage council of West Minneapolis on February 20. 1g9�+, ie hereby �� ;,(�` repealed. ..t,�.., Subdivision 2. "Traffic Ordinance Regulating Riding�.Driving� Travel a.nd Traffic in the Streete of West Minneapo�lis a.nd Providing a Punishment �for a.ny �iolation Thereof� �' which was adopted by the village council of West Minr� apolis on.Auguat 6� 1918, ie hereby repealed. 9ubdivision 3. "An Ordiaance to Regulate the Uperation of Traction Engines on Streeta of the 9illage of West Minneapolis, Minnesota,"'which was adopted by the village conncil of West Minneapolis and.published in The Hennepin County Enterprise on September 16, 1g20, is hereby repealed. Subdivieion �F. "Traffic Ordinance Rsgulating the Parking of Vehicles in the Streets of West Minneapolis and Providing a Paziiahment for any Violation Thereof��' which wae adopted by t'r�e village council of Glest Minneapolis on November �� 192�+� i� hereby repealed. 9�zbdivision 5. '�An Ordinance to Promote and Conserve Public Safety, Health, Peace, Con�enience and Welfare by Regulating the Operation of Yehicles and the IIse of the Streets of this Village Prescribing Penalties for the Violation Thereof;_�� which was adopted by � the village council oi West Minneapolis m February 19, 1929� is hereby repealed. Subdivision 6, nOrdinance Regulating the Uee of Highways� St.reeta� Roade, Alleys and Avenues Within the Village of Hopkins, and Impoeing Penalties for the Violatioa Thereof,!!� � t�hich was adopted by the village council of Hopkina on Auguet 17, 1937, ia herebg repealed. .3 FIRST read at a regular meeting of the council of the city of Hopkina held on the �th d.a.y of ADril , 1950� and finally read and p�ssed at a regular meeting of the ��j � council of said cit� held on the'���rd�:�� day of �k;_:��Y-, 195p, }>, _ � � , -; W. HARLAN PERBI�� MAYOR A. W. Elmquist � Secretary of the council Frank N. Whi tney, City Attorney , , �:.r�:. ::;�: Published in the 9ubnrban Prees on r����t� =��ay 11. , 1950 (9) CITY.OF HOpSIN$ H�IN COIINTY, NiI�NESOTA ._ �: o$�tx�cE �o. 37. A�T ORDINANCE RELATIIVG 'PO ZO1dING AND AN�NDING OBDIRT�iATCE N0, g. OB 'PSE GI�PY OB HOP�IDTS. • .- .: `"r '�x . ,r - I `; �� '� i ��� ; �°� � :; � "�� - ��: ; r :� .i J, p '; ,�. �� �1� BE I'P ORDAINED BY �HL COIIACIL OF �E CITY OF HOPgI1�8: • $ 8ection l. That part oP the �ortheaet �iarter (NF3�) of the Aortheast �arter (�F�) of Section Tmentg-three (23)� Townahip One Aundred 8�v�een (117)� Range T�enty-t�oo (2Z)� lyiag eoutherly of the southerly line of etate high�ay �To. 7 ead aortherly and eaeterly of the northerly line of the ri�t-of-��r of the �inneapolie &$t. Louie Baila�„y� shall be� a.nd hereby is. removed from the re�iden�ial dietrict of the city oP Hopkine and iacluded ia the commer�i,al dietrict of the cit�, ana shall be �..,... subject to all the regulatione of Ordinance No. S oP the city relating to ench commercial district. Section 2. The �ortheaet �iarter (NPf�) of the �Tortheaet �.arter ! (ffiD�' ) of 3ection 't�aent�-sig (26);� Toa►nship One Hnndred 9eventeen (117) , Eaage �►ea�,v-two ( 22) , except the t�esterly Ten Huadred Ei�hty-seven and �/10 (1087.�) feet thereof, and except that part thereof lying southerly of the � norLherly line of the right-of-�qy of the �iinaeapolis & 8t. Louie Haflxs�r� 8ad eacept the northerly Ninety-si$ (96) feet of the Eaeterly Twenty-fiee and 25/100 (25.25) feet of the meeterly Eleven Hundred Tavelee aad 65�100 (1112.65) � feet of eaid Northeaet �arter (�F}�) of T�orthea.at �iarter (NH�) � ehall be, �nd hereby ie. removed from the residential dietrict of the city oP Hopkine and included in the iad�u�trial di atri ct of the ci ty, aad ehall be scnb j ec� to all the regnlatione or Ordinance BTo. g of the city relating to euch induetrial 8istrict. �IxST RE9D at a regnlar meeting oP the cauncil of the city of Hopkine held on the 18th. dap of April, 1950� aud finally read and pa�seed at a regular meeting of the conacil of eaid cit� held on the 2nd. day of May, �950. W. BARI,AN PEBBIB � NiAYOE A. W . Elmqui st � Secretary of the council Frank HT: ' Whitney, City Attoraey Published ia the 9uburbaa Preee on May 11. 1950 copy fo r paper �j CITY OF HOPgINS HENNEPIN OOURR'Y, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 140. A E'ESOLUTIOD� REFERRING TO THE CITY ENGIN�B THE NIATTEE OF DEEPE�ING� �'dIDENIDTG AND OTHERTi'TISE IA4PROVING SO-CAI,LED NIRE-�ILE CREEK. W��AS, the council of the city of Hopkins deema it neceseary Por the health, welfare and convenience of the city and ite inhabitante, to deepen, widen or otheraise improve in ench manner ae may be determined by the city engineer and approved by the council, that portion of e�;: called Nine-AHile Creek which lies �rithin Section 25, Towaship 117, Range 22� Hennepin County, Minneaota, aad _ �%•. 1--' � y�`' -Y:_;.,,�. WHE�AS� the coets thereof ehonld be assessed agaiast aay •pxop���t't�r , .� . found benefi ted thereby; 1QOW � THERE�RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkine that the matter of deepening� widening or otheriaiee improving said so-called �Tine Mile Creek be referred to F'rank Laska, city engineer, to inveati�ate the necessity and feaeibility thereof and to recommend the na,ture ead extent of eaid improvement and Lo report to the council.�;+�e eoon as poseible. ADOPTLD by the council of the city of Hopkiae at a regular meeting thereof held thi e 2nd. d�y of Ma,y, 1950. W. HA8LAIQ PERBIX� MAYOfl A. W. Elmquiet� $ecretary to the conncil �'rank �T. Whitney. Cit� gttorney copy for Laska . . _. .. .. . __. , _ ._ _ . . , ;: � - ��. A special meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held at the City Hall at 5:00 o�clock P.�i. on Friday, B�ay 12, 1950• Members present were: 1�ayor VJ. Harlan Perbix, Joseph T. Anderla, John Ziegler, City Manager C.C. Congdon, City Attorney Frank Whitney, City Engineer Frank �r. Laska, and Herman Olson and Ray Bergerson were also present. '�embers absent were: Len J. Milbert and Stuart E. Beclffian. The purpose of the meeting was f or a discussion on the condition of Pump and P�ell No.3, which has been damaged, and what might be done to put same in working order. After an hours deliberation i,t _was decided��to�;call.s-:a. :�eeting vaith P�r. McCarthy for May 19, 1950, and the: meeting ..was -then adjourned. . A.ti'Y. F�.mquist, cretary to the Council l� � ti � f� � q- �� �� �1 A regular meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held at the City Hall at 7;30 o+clock P.PS. on Tuesday, �ay 16, 1950• Members present were: Nlayor W. Harlan Perbix,.Councilmen Joseph T. Anderla, Stuart E. Beckman, John Ziegler, City Manager C.C. Congdon;_and members absent were; Len J. Milbert. Beclanan moved, Ziegler seconded� that the following bills be paid. 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 :L890 1891 1$92 1893 1891� 1s95 1896 GII�tERAI, FIJND First Natl. Bank, Hopki.ns Treas. State of Minnesota Bren Hard�vare J.A. Ess & Sons Hennepin County Review Mike Holm, Sec. of State �iopkins Fire Department 8inn Service Lampert Yards �ilbur Locke Standa.rd Oil Co. Suburban Press, Inc. salary Withholding deductions Retirement deductions Nite latch & floor brosam Repair lites in library Notice of Police �ca.mina.tions Listing 6 Fire calls & phones Service Fire Truck Lumber Pick up 2 dogs Gas & oil Publications lst 2 May, 195� ROAD AND ,BRIDGE FUI�ID 531 First Natl. Bank, Hopkins V7ithholding deductions 532 Treas. State of �innesota Retirement deductions 533 Anderson�rane Rubber Co. Belting for street ., Salaxy lst 2 of �day, 1950 1�07 t�08 409 Lr.10 �.12 1i13 !�1l� 4�.5 l�].6 wAT� �u� First Natl. Bank, Hopkins Treas. State of �innesota Carl Anderson Andex� Inc. Buffalo P�eter Co. Koss Paint 'x �allpaper Lampert Yards Neptune Meter Co. N.i�f. Bell Telephone Co. H. Pokorr�y Plbg. & Htg. Salary �Pithholding deductions Retirement deductions Cement floor in Pu.ra� House #1 1 gall.on paint . Pdeter. repairs Barricades Lumber (corrected invoice) 2-2�� �ater Pdeters Telephones Repair leak in main lst 2 of May, 195� SEd�AGE DISPOSAL FUND Carried. � 337.20 1l�7.. �.9 8.75 �..lo 1.80 2.70 17l�.00 l�.60 2.92 6.00 21.95 783.00 1715.43 67.l�0 29.32 37•77 463.30 5i.8o 12.00 82.75 4.50 6.73 2.70 1.20 212,69 8.13 6.35 432.2? 102 N.�P. Natl. Bank, Minneapolis Tnterest 2796.10 BOND & INTEREST FUND 32 N.1N. Natl. Bank, �dinneapolis Interest 48�..28 REVOLVING FUND 66 Carl Anderson Balance due on Monroe Ave. sidewalk 199«08 page 2. •Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Orclinance #36� "AN ORDINAnTCE I,IGENSING DOGS; PROVIDING FOR I�'OUNDING DOGS; PRFSCRIBING A PEI�ALTY FOR� VIOLATIQIdS A1�ID RFPF�LING CE�i.TAIN Or2DINANCFS," marked E�chibit A, be accepted as the� second readirig thereof, and th�t the ordinance be adopted and published according . to law. Carried. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution #138, "A,R�SOLUTION ORUERING THE INSTAi�I.ATION OF SIDE�i7ALK, CURB APID GUTTERS IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS,n marked t+,�.�hibit B, be adopted. Carried. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded� that Resolution �1Lt1, u� RF50LUTION R4,F�RRIl�1G TO THE CITY IIJGINEER THE �IlATTER OF CONS`PR�[TCTING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AL011�'r THE SOIITFi SIDE OF FIRST STRE��T SOUTH BETtNEIIV BdONROE AVENtJE AND TI�E ALL� IN BLOCK 35, �T D�II�TNEAPOLIS CENTER,"`marked.Exhibit C, be adopted. Carried.:. Ziegler moved� Beckman seconded, that Ordinance #38, "AN ORDINANCE RELATIl�. TO THE WATER WORKS SYST�d OF THE CITY OF HOPKTNS; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE V20LATION THERFAF AAID RE;PF�LING CERTAIN ORDIN�NCF�," be accepted as the first reading. Carriede pursuant to notice bids were opened for sewer and water mairi construction in 1;Vest I�di.nrieapolis Third Division and 2nci Street South bet�reen llth �venue and 1?th Avenue. The following bids were received; NAME . D�GRAFF WOLFF ORFEI & B�ARIATTI SANDSTROM & HAFNEft s. �• u a�-� - � � '. � e•� SE4QEEt �. - � 67,972.15 68,568085 69,163.00 75,1a2.l�o 76,265.00 V�ATER � 67,7i5.io 65,492.5l� 67, 386�:35 69, 61�5:00 69,300.00 Anderla moved, BeclQnan seconded� that the above bids be referredito the�City Engineer for study and report at a`special meeting to be held May 23� 1954� at which ti.me the residents wil.l be advised as to the bids received. Carri.ed. Pursuant to letter dated Bday 15, 19�0� by City Manager C.C. Congdon-to the McCarthy Well Co�¢pany, copy of which is "attached hereto ; and-ma.de a` part of these minutes, �fi�. Fred BIlcCarthy and other represen.tatives of tYie �compa.ny appeared before the council and requested the right to examirie worn and broken parts �hich had been removed from Well No."3. The couricil made arrangements for such examination and Mr. McCartY�y promi.sed to make a re— port of his fi.ndings and his recommenda.tion as to the repairing of the � well at a special�meeting of the council to be held at 5:00 otclock P.M. on Friday, BBay 19� 195�+: ' BeclQnan moved, Ziegler seconded� that Orclinance #39, "AN ORDINANCE RELATIIJG TO CERTAIN RAILVlAY � TRACKS AND RAIL�AY CROSSINGS, AND REPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCFS," be accepted as the first readi.ng. Carried. Ziegler moved, Becl�an seconded, that Qrdi.nance �l�O,T1AN ORDINANCE REI�ATING TO THE MANUFACTURE, SALE APID�DISTRIBUTION OF GAS, AAID REPEALIlVG CERTAIN ORDINANCFS," be accepted as the first reading. Carried. Ziegler moved� BeclQnan seconded, that Ordinance �la.l� "AN ORDINANCE' RFSATING TO A CONTP�ACT TO DIG A DITCH IN SDCTION 31� TC�ONSHIP 117, RANGE 21, AND RF� PEALINa A CERTAIN ORDIlVANCE," be accepted as the first reading, Carriede �::�; ,_�:,.t .�, �,.�: page 3. BeclQnan moved, Ziegler seconded� tYr�t Ordinance #42, "AN ORDINANCE RII�TING TO LAYIIJG OUT A STR�T ACROSS BLOCK 3, �T B�INNEAPOLIS, AND RF�PEALIlVG A CERTAIIV ORUINANCE�" be accepted as the first read.ing. Carriedo. Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, tha.t Ordinance #l�3, "AAT ORUIlVANCE REZATING TO STREE�'r SPRINKLING AND REPFALING ��CERTAIN ORDINANCE," be accepted as the first reading. Carried. Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that the agreement as drawn`-up �rith the Minnesota Stat'e HighNvay Departinent for sesni-actua,ted traffic control signals to be instaTled at 5th, 12th, anci�l7th flvenues and High�ay No.7, be approved and accepted and tha,t the Mayor and City�Clerk be authorized to sign sa�me. , Carried. Anderla moved, Becltniari seconded� that the request by Highway Display & Ad- vertising, Inc. for a permit to erect a signboard on the Joseph Zitka pro- perty South of No.7 Highway� be deniedo Carried. Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that the meeting.be"adjourned. - �,......�--�-�--� A.W. Flmquist, cretary to the Counci�. COUNC II1��T: �TTF�T : . . . ���� � 1N. Harlaa Per ix, Mayor .T �..,..-. . . . �:.vL;., . „ _n... -..- . �r . . .. . T . . .. - . ... :-�;:, .. . , �''- - .. � � C+. - r ; . _ .1' 1 � � M � � L+ �.�� � � � CITY OF HQPKI�$, : HI�NDTEPI�T COUNTY. B�IIIBTESOTA ��,�� � i � � v ; . oa�rr��� �e. 36. ° � '��� �� � AN ORDI-VAIQCE LICSNSIIdG AND REQUI,ATI�G DOGS; P�9IDIIdG Fb$ IMPOIINDINa DOG9; PBE3CBIBIi1G g PEBTALTY FaR PtOLATIQNB 91�D AEPEALIIPG CERTAIft OR�P�AITOES. • BI� IT OB�AI2dED BY T� CO'UPiOIL OF TH� GI�PY OF HOPSI�Ss S�ction 1. Definitioas., 9abdivieion l. Ae used in thia ordinance, �oevaer�. means any person� firm, or corporation oovaing, harboring or keeping a dog. �bdieieion 2. plt large" means off the premiaea of the o�ner aad not under the con�rel of the o�raer or a member of hia immediate familg, either by leash or othereri. ae. Section 2. f�icense Reqnired. No person eha11 keep any dog_evithin the city e�ithont eecaring a licenae therefor from the clerk� aho eha11 keep a record oP a,7.1 licenee� is�ed and ehall ise�e a metal tag.for each licenae. The aanual license fee shall be: $1.00 for eaah male dog,or ep�yed female dog and $3.00 for each unspa�ed Yemale dog. Liceneea ahail eapire on the 31st da� of December next following their i saaance. Section j. Tags. 8a.bdivision l. The o�raer ahall cecnse said tag to be affixed :� °` by a permanent metal fastea�'ng to the collar of the dog eo licensed in euch a manner that the tag m�y be easilg seea by the offieere of the city. �he o�aer eha11 see that the tag ie conetantly morn by sach dog. 3abdivieioa 2. Ia case aqy dog tag is loet; a dnplicate m�y be issned by ihe clerk npon presentation of a receipt shoo�iag the p�yment of the licenee fee for the `; cu.rreat year. A charge of 25 cente shall be made Por each snch duplicate t;ag. ••� �; �i Section 4, l�inniag at.large. Dariag the ye�.r 1950, no dog eha11 be per�itted � : � .�,� ; ta rnm at las�e �rl.thin the limite of the city betrooeen Jul.y�,�l�t;.'uk��and September 30th,, ; `s` both�dates iaclu�ive� and during t�he year �951 e,nd each. yc�ar thereaf.ter� no dog $ba�.l ',� be permitted to run ai lsrge withia the limit� of the cit� bet�veen April 1s��8ad September 30th., both datea inclnsive. 3ection 5. Poundmaeter. The city manager eha�.l appoint a ponadmaeter a�d� eubject to the approvai oP �h�+ conacil� preecribe: hie compeaeation and duties. � Sectioa 6. PounB. The city manager eiigil eetabliah a poand in arhich eha11 be confined aay dogs taken np by the pouadmaeter or:ather ofPicers af the;city. Th�:ponnd map be r�ithia the ciLy limita of Hopkine or �oithin the corpor�te limite of aaA to�n� � villa� or ait�r ac�jaceat to Hopkine. ` Section 7. ,Impounding Doge. The ponadmaeter or police officers of the city sha];1'�:G � .� teke up and imponnd any dogs: fonad ia the cit� oeithout �the tsg:providefl for by thi,e . . '� �ordiaaace� or any dog raaaiag at large either �►ith_ or �vi:thont a tag �riag that port3;on� .�; , .�. �a'� � '�;+ �. , . , : ��,� of each,year when such running at large ie prohibited by thie ord3nance; and to enforce thia ordinance said poundmaster and police officere m�y enter upon aqy priviate premises �ehere they have reasonable cause to believe there is a� unliceneed dog, or when in pur- suit of a dog �hich ie ruuning at large during the portion oP the year such running at large ie prohibited. Section S. BToti ce of Impouading. 8ubdivision 1. IIpon taking up and impound3ng aa,q dog. the poundmaster ahall forthwith poet at the city hall a aotice of impoundiag in subatentially the follo�ing form: �, NOTIC�.OF IMPOUNDRNG D0a ( Date�:, � 19 To Whom I t Mr�y Coacern: I have this d�y taken up and impounded in the ponnd of the city at , a dog anewering to the follo�eing deacription: � Sex: ` , ; Coloresi. , Breed: Approaimate age:� Hopkine licenae no. (if an9) PTeme of Owaer (if known) ATotice is hereby given that unlese said dog ie cla3me8 aad re- deemed on or before o'clock M.� on the d�,y of — � 19 , the same will be eold or killed as provided by ordinance. � Si gaed: Pouadmaster. Subdivision 2. The da,te of gale or killing of the dog ehall be the fift}i dey after the posting of the notice unlese that date falls on a Snnday or holiday, in which caee it eha11 be the folloaring d�r. 9tibdivision 3. If a Hopkina licease number ie given on eaid notice of imponnd- ing� the city clerk eha11 as soon ae practicable after the poeting of e�id notice, mail a copy of the aotice of impoundi�g to the ot�ner of the dog ae ehown by the dog licease � reco rde o f the ci ty. . Section 9. Redemption. Aay dog m�r be redeemed from the pound by the owaer within the time etated ia the notice by the pe�y�aent to the clerk of the licenee Pee for the cnrrent year (provided eaid dog wae not preaiotzsly liceaeed) a�ith an impounding , fee of $3.00. and $1.00 for each day the 8og is confiaed in the ponnd ae the co�t of Peeding. Sectioa 10. Releaee. IIpon the preaentation of a correct licenae tsg a.ad a re- ceipt for a dog license for the current year (provided esid dog wae not previously licensed) and for the feee provided ia 3ection 9, the poundmaeter shall release to aq� owner the dog claimed by him. Seotion 11. Dispoaition of IInclatmed Doge. Aqy dog which is not claimed ae pro- eided in Section 9� prior to the date and hour aet forth in the notice of impounding, maFy be sold for not less than the amount pmvided in Section 9 to aqqone desiring to par- chaee the dog. The money shall be paid to the clerk and placed in the general i'und of the city. Aay dog which ia aot claimed by the oorner or aold ahall be painlesely killed and baried by the poundmaeter. � 2) Section 12. aS�t,spbsit#o�i� oY_Certain Doge. 9nbdiviaion 1. �o female dog ;� in heat, no dog of vicioue habite;or likel� to cauee injnig to auy person aad no dog �ohich habitually chasee antomobiles shall be allowed b� ite o�ner to ron at large. lny omner who permits each a c1og to rnn at large eha7.1 be gui.lty of a miademeanor. 9abdivi�ion 2. The ponnd:master or .police officers of the cit9 ai�al.l take up and imponnd an� dog fonnd ranning at lar�e in violation of this �ectioa� and shall forth�vith poat the notice of impouading providsd by eectioa 8 oP thi e ordinance. �.ch dog m�y thereafter be redeemed b�r the o�►ner in the manner providefl by sectioa 9, eacept that av.ch 8�og can be releaaed only on order of the city manager. 9abdivi�a 3. �,qy e�ch dog not claimed and relessed b� order of the city manager prior to the date arid hour eet forth in the notice of impounding, ehall be diepoeed of in the man,ner set forth in eectioa �11. Section 13. Interference �vith Officera. I� sha11 be unlawflil for any unanthorized pereoa to break open the pound or to attempt to do ao. or to take or let out an� doga therefrom, or to take or attempt to take from the ponndmaeter or aqy officer a�y dog taken up by him ia compliaace with thie ordinance or in eax maaner to interfere avith or hinder such pov.ndmaster or oYficer ia tJ�e discharge of his du�ies under t?�ie ordinanceo Section 1�. Offeneea Involving Tage. It shall be unlawiii7, to connterfeit or attempi to cov.nterfeit the taga pmvided for in this ordiaance or take From any dog a tag legally placed upon it by its owner or to place s�tch tag upoa aaother clog. Section 15. Tags Not Traneferable. Dog tage ehall not be tran�ferable and ao ref'�nds ehall be made on any dog lieease fee becanse of leavia� the city or death of the dog before the expiration of the license period. Section 16. Bennele. �o pereon, firm or corporation aha11 maintain in thie city a kennel where doge are kept for sale. Section 17. Penaltyo Any"pe raoa eiolatiag a.ny of the provisioae of thie ordinauce sha11 be guilty of a miedemeenor. Section 18. 8epeals. 9nbdi�deion 1. "�n Ordinance to Prevent the $ianing at Lax�e of DogB and Authorizing the Destraction of the 3ame in s 9nmmary Ma,nner iVhea at Large Contrar� to '�hie Ordina.ace,p �vhieh a�aa adopted by the village council ,; s:�,: '! � of West Mianeapolis on l�ay j, 190?�; ie herebg repealed. ;=tr.:.. �ibdi�i�nn 2. uAn Ordinanae to Amend au Ordina,ace Eatitled �An Ordinan.ce to Preveat the Ennning at Large of Dogs and Anthorizing the Destzuction of the 3ame in a 9ummary Maan.er �ihen at Zarge Contrary to Thie Ordinance,' Approved May 3, 190�," (3) � �hich �as adopted by the village council oP West Minneapolis on October 3, 1912, . ��� is hereby repealed. �bdivision j. °An Ordiaance Amending an Ordinance Eatitled, 'An Ordiaauce to Preveat the �nning at I,arge of Doga and Authorizing the Destruction of the Sanue ia a 9ummary b�aaner When at I�arge Coatrary to This �rdinance," tahich was adnpted by the �illage council of Hagkias on August 12� �937, is hereby repealed. FIRST READ at a regn].ar meeting of the council of-the city oY Hopkins held oa the 2nd. da,p of Mav , 1950. aad finally read and paeae8 at a regular meeting of the council of eaid city held on the � 6th. cl� of Ma3r , i95o. W. H9BLArT PEI�IS � . MAY08 A. W. Elmqniat. Secretary of the council Braak N. I�Vhi tne�, City Attorney Pnblished in the 8i.ibnrban Prese on Mav 25 _. 19rj0 � � �� � �� cop� for the paper �y��u�� J`1 �� f D `.� �� � ��(, g � �.X '�� : v'� �! i +i 1 _�, ::a LL; t' � .__:�i:i.%�i � �� CITY OF HOPKIYS H�TEPIY OOUiVi'Y� �1,TiJESOTA RFIS�LIITION �0. 138. A RESOLIITION ORDF�tING TSE INSTgLLATION OF SIDEWALK. CIIRB AND Gi)TTERS IPT CERTAIDT LOCATIO�S. �IHEBEA�, the council of the ci�y of Hopkine on February 21, 1950� adopted a resolution referring the matter of inetallation of sidewalk �nd curb in the following locations: SID�WALg AND CURB: On the Sov.th side oP Lake Street in front oP Lots 2 to 11, inclusive, Auditor's �bdivieion DTo. 363� Hennepin County, Minaesota; aleo oa the East eide of 12th. aveane 8orth be�weea Firet etreet 8orth aad the eontherly line of the ri�t-of-aay of the Minneapolia & 3t. Lauie Railway; SIDT�WALKs On the Weet eide of Earrieon ave�e betvoeea P'9.reb etreet 8aath and the South line of Lot 8, B1ock 20, Weat Minaeapolie Center, to Frsak Laska� city engf.neer. for hie inveatigation and report, and �IEREAS, the oouncil of the city of Hopkiae oa Nlarch 7, 1950� a.dopted a resolution referrfng the ma,tter of conet2uctiag eidewalk an� cnrb on the West aide of 17th. avenne North beto�een Escelaior aveane and Firet street North. to Fraak Laeka, city en�i.neer, for hie investiga.tion and report� and �FA4� said engineer haa inveetiga.ted the neceasity and feasibility of'' said improvemente, and on April 18� 1950. reported thereon to the covncil and filed hie xritten reporte jvith the secretary oP the council. e.nd f�SEAS, eaid eagineer's reporte recommend that aidewalk be conatracted on the South eide of Lake Street ia front of Lot� 2 to 11 inclusiee� Auditor'e 9ubdivision No. 363, Henaepin County, Minnesota, and that combinatioa cnrb and gu�ter be inatalled oa the Sonth eide of Lake Street ia front of Lotg 2 to 16, inclueiPe, Auditor's Snbdiviaion No. 363� Hennepin County, Minneeota, aud oa the NOrth eide of Lake Street ia front oP Lote 1, 2� 3� 9, S aad 7, Q. H. �nith's Addition� and Lot �9, Auditor's 9abdivieioa No. 239, aad continning raeeterly along the �orth side oY Zake Street to a point dietant 150 Feet st ri�t anglea from the Weet liae of Lot �9, Auditor�e SubdivisLon No. 239. and 1�BEA3, eaid engineer's reporte flirther reco�aend that eidewalk and curb be conetrncted on the Saet side of 12th. aeenue North between IHirst �treet Horth and the aontherlg line of the ri�t-of-�+ay of the �iinneapolis & S�. Louie Bail�ay� an8 r_ `� �.. ::: t,��S�, sai'ti �esgineer! �` repor�eT Yii7rthex�'�e�a�mend :-the� eidewalk be constYucted on the West side of Harrieon avenue between Firet street 3outh aad (1) ��: the Sonth liae of Lot S, Block 20� �1eet Minneapolis Center, and WSE$EA3� said engineer'e reporte i4irther recommnend that eidewalk and cnrb be constructed on the Weet eide of 17th. avenue IJorth be�raeen P�celeior aveane and First etreet North, and WHE�EAS� on April lg. 19rj0, the cit� council of Fopkiae adopted a resolntion eettin� Tuesd�y� the.l6th. day of �Ia�, 1950� at 7s30 o'cloak P.M. at the council chaffibers ia the city hs11 aa the time aad place for aonsidering eaid reports� aad WHEREAS, a notice af said hearing hae been pv,bliahed in the Snbnrbaa Preee ia its issnes of April 27th. aad May 4th. 19�, and the affidavitaf publiaatioa of aaid notice hae been filed with the_ eecretary of �he couaail, and WSEREA5, ao petitioas setting forth opposi�ioa to �eaid improvements �as filed with the city mana�er prior to the date;.�dtli�n�i'ryee��', �o,r heariag eaid engineer' a reporte, a.nd no one appeared ia oppoeition thereto; i�OW� T�lEEH'OB�� BE IT RESOL�ED by the city council of the city of Hopkins that the"�inetailat'i.on:��, �.�,. �.. . . : r� . of said impmvemeate at the loc�tione and in the manner recommended b� the engineer in his reports are neceseary for the he�i�h, welfare and convenier�ce of the aitg a.nd its inhabitants and it ia hereby determined and ordered that said improvmieats as eo recommended. by the engineer be made, aad that th e costs thereof be aeeesaed againat propertg abntting upon eaid improvemente. ADOPTTD by the council of the city oP Hapkiae at a regular meetiag thereof held on the 16th day of M�y. 1950. A. �. Elmquist� 3ecretaxy of th e council Frank N. Whitney, Ci ty At to rney � 2) W. HAi�APT PERBI%� NIAY08 � f,,_ .,. . ,.. . . .. - M � CITY OF HOPKIN3 HEIVNEPI� COUNTY, MIr1NESOTA RESOLUTIODT No. 141. � A RESOLUTION REFERRIIdG TO THE CITY Et�GINEER TI� MATTE& OF CODTSTR[JCTIDTG CONCRETE CURB A��tD GII'!'TER ALONQ THE SOUTH SIDE OF FIRST STREET SOtTTH BETWEEId MONROE A�ENUE AND TE�E ALLEY IDT BLOCH 35, WEST MINA?EApOLIS CENTER. WHEREAS. there ha,s been filed with the city clerk and by the clerk presented to the city council a petition asking for the inetallation of concrete curb aad gatter along the South side of Firet Street South betrveen Monroe Ave�e and the alley in Block Thirty-five (35), West Minneapolia Center� and WI��AS� the coeta thereoi should be aaseesed against property found benefited thereby, and WI�REAS� Independent 5chool Di�trict Dio. 135� the owner oi all of the benefited property aga.inet which eaid coste would be asseaeed ha.s petitioned ;,. the city council for said imp rovement aad agreed to p�y the costa of the installation thereof; 1dOW, TSEREFORE, BE IT BESOLVED by the cov.ncil of the city of Hopkina that the matter of conetructing ;said concrete curb and gutter in eaid location be referred to Frank Zaska� city engineer� to inveetigate.the necesaity and feasibility thereof aad to report to the council as soon as poeeible. ADOPTED by the council of the ci ty o� Hopki%e at a regnlar me eting thereof held thie 16th. day of May, 19500 A. W. E].mq�tiet, Secretary to the council Frank BT. Whitney, City Attorney copy to Laska W. HARL�'V PEHBIX � N,AYOH _, . .r ';i :� �$!y �.7� �.Y��r. �eGarthy l�eil �o�n�y. 6ia �a�3s Street �t.. Pa�]. tc, i5innesotx �e��lemono. � , L�- ; ,L t�ader an �;reem�nt of the 18th of November,. 1947,� the �cGartY�y �;ell Comparry contracted to i�irn9.eh ail labor, mater�a2s, toola, machinery� equ�pment, and �k�ll,l to eonatruct 4 well for �Ctie V3�.3a�;e of Hopk3ne. The F4�.rbaNcs I�orse Co� �ra� awarded the con�Cract for f�rnis2� ing send ir�stalL�ing the pump equipment� i7e asa in�or�ned t%at thEs �rork of installation w�s perform�d alao by �he �taCartl'�y �e11 Compan�y. Under cZate of May l�t, 1950, our enp3oyees. reporteci a blovm gaeket at the base o� ti�e pun�p. :1e a�ecured the� �ervices of a�rell cpmpar�y tio make the neces�ary repairs. Upon removin,; the motor and �wap base we €aund that the gasket was bloan and on P.u�ther invest3,gat�.on £ound thai ihe 3p�.der in the flrst p3pe ao],umn �ra� brok�n. Tiii� condition' appeared �erious eo �e aut�or3,�ed the vrel�. compar�q► io ContS.nue the reraoval o£ the coiumn and shaft to aecert�in the extent oS furt�ier ciam�a�e 3f ar�y. Un �hursday, ?Say 11� ZqSf�, �re I�a.d �ompleted tRe renomal a�d had fcnrui the �'a1lo�rin� �dama;oe Top �� column ;Zeede new �hreads. Four 10� colnrnns Coupixn„s �,n bad orc�er. One 10� co�umn f;oup�i� in bad orciar, thre�ds in bad oz�der. �uo i0+ colw�ns �hr�ada 3n iyad order. Two ��iders ' Ifl bad ordm�. ana bro�an and one With str3Apecl t�3rc;s�dg. �rro Goupl3n�,s �3ere aerioua� �arrl on outside indica�C�i.r�; . wear on aa��.n;� �3owis of puz� 2�gn: s si�o�, looae ehaft. F3eaa�:ir�� worn n All eplder bearings aro rQorn. �� . On �hursdsy, l�ay 11i 1950� �re ran an alignment check of �ho �rell i ueing a► 1,5" dum�qy. The 2lt" *�e11 casin; elopas to the eest to a d�pth of ; c32�s xhere the 20" casin� farma a alight an�la �n the ali�;nment. i D1 r �. Pa�e '�• afe alsa n6t�.ced g�wirl iss the �ater in tt�e �rell, �hTah ind3csted an entrance or 1�ak in cs�ain�. � On Friday mornin;, �i�ty 22, 1950, xe +oontacted the of�ice of ihe ffia��►r�tT�,y ':r"tjll Co;np�r�}i by te].e�hone and infasm�d r,�r. t'cCnxrEP�y af the cond3� tiome found, the �teps taken� arid need of im�diata correction. �te xc3re aZnformQd t:�t �dr. �:oGartAy hac� aome a��o�nt�c3nts and would come tc ��opic�.n� as eaon as poa�ible. A�acond contact �ras matie �baut 9:00 �. ".. on k'r�day, and an a�p43.ntment was mac3e for lOs{)0 A.�'. on Saturclay, �day 13, 19�0. , On arrival �t �.1a20 A.;�. on Saturday mornirib, � �re conferrerl �rith Mr. tieCarth�y►, aha�red h��t tho b�oken ��iider, one of the pump bo�+►]].�a and irupQl].or, and th� t►is�ted tho �re12,s Dur3ng the last tRelve mo�th$ Re had �tnes�ed st ].ar�;e amount of fi.ne �and in the xater meters �.n i�,he�i� �ast part v£ the c5.ty, �rhicb ha� neeeea3t�ted the reg:�ir3n� of most of theae meters at consicierable e�penee. ° �tie are of the opinion th�t the d�ma�s oi the pu� and colu�n has besn due �arl;e7�r to tho f�ct tY�at the welt is not proper�y built; the►t Y aarid has entered tl�rou�h �he g�aekin� at the �oint where the 20n ca�ing enters the 2I�a Cae3n� aetd ha�! caueed undue xear in the pum�� tha� the pum�, colurnn, bearin�s, and s�a.fts aro heyond econo�ical regair; and that no pump of this size could be operated vory lon� 3.n. this �re11 �rithout s�,m3lar reaulte. Th� C3ty of Hopks,na ia �.a �er�.ous nee�i of �:hQ su�ply from thi.s xe12 or one af the same aize, and steps �ust be t,ak�;n ��ediatel,y to furnish �:�at eupply. � T'he C�ty of Hopk�.ris t�e15.e�es ti�a� 3t is �rotu� ob2ioation and duty to furnish #�he city rrith a n�r �rcjll. of the s��e and kind provide�i for by your contract� Hoxever, thie �ia,b probably taice aome t�me and the c3ty ie na�r► 3n the aerious aituat�on oY fac3.ng �h� ioss of its beat Re�.i w��n the t3me �S the year is rapid�y a�proac�iiag r�ere a].1 of the r�esl� �vill � be baa113r neCde�i. . 0 .� -D .� r pa ;e 3. �efore conetruct3,n; t�e �e�r ReII eb as to sup��3y an 3.�medi.ate need af �ater even thau�h such anpp�,y �wii1� not be of tho ca,�acity w�iGh �he cit� ox�i�3.na11.g contracted foz�, tk►e city �.s oi the opini.ori that at once se ne� and emal].er �ump •rrith a capacity of 900 gaLlona por minu�e shouid be pincec� avc�z� thc� o�ci xell 3r.n suc� a�.o�at�.on �i�at i� can be P�PQ��,iT a'l��rieci. °, . � T�ie plgoiri; sind aii�n3ng af thi� ne�r p�wnp aannot be de].ayed and �ntese you talce o�.r� oP �a�me at yvur o�rn e�ense in the f.��acii�u�e Puture it �Ri7.3 be neoesaary for 8he city to contract wS.Lh �dms dther we11 corapany to makQ these repa3r� at your expense. The City Council will meet on Tihead�y, l��y lfi! 19�4, and arrap�;e.�►ent,a have b�crn mada For yau to tslce thi� m���eri up vri�h �he council at 9:00 P.�T. aaid advise the Council at that t3,me oE your deoision. �`iir°E'i 21"CC� 'Very t�'u],y youre, CI�'Y' �� �iCiPKIt�3 C.C. Con�don� C3ty �[ana�er. 0 '���.. ':���� A special meeting of the council ef the City of Hopkins, Hennepin County, �Iinnesota, was held at the City Hall at 5:00 0� clock P.P�. on Friday, ;�ay 19, 1950. P�embers present were: 94ayor �V. Harlan Perbix, Councilmen Len J. Milbert, Jo:u1 Ziegler, City Manager C.C. Congdon, City Attorney Frank N. Whitney, City Engineer Frank V. La.ska. ;�embers absent were: Stuart E. Eeckman and Joseph T. Anderla. The meeting was called in order to discuss with Mr. Fred McCarthy, of the P�IcCarthy �Pell Conpany, the condition of Well No.3 and what the possibilities were in putting the v�rell in number one condition. He stated that same could be put in good order and he vJould submit a letter stating just what they would do at their own expense. The meeting vras then adj ournede � A.W. Elmquist, ecretary to the Council. (9 � � � � � � � � �� �f J A special meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held at the City Hall at 7;30 o�clock PeD��. on Tuesday, �ay 23, 1950• Members present were; ft�ayor 1tJ. Harlan Perbix, Councilmeri Len J. Milbert, Stuart E. Becl�an, Joseph T. Anderla, City Manager C.C.;Congdon, City Attorney Frank N. �{Thitney, City Engineer Frank V. Laska, ll4embers absent; John Ziegler. Anderla moved, P�filbert secon�ed, that Ordinan`ce #38� "AN ORDINANCE RE��ATIlJG TO THF �iTATER WORK$ SYSTEM OF THE C�ITY OF HOPKINS; _PROVIDING _PENALTIF�.. FOR THE VIOLATION THEREUF AND REPF,ALING.C�RTAIN ORDINANCFS,".marked_F�hibit A, be accepted as.the second rea�ing thereof.and that the �rdinance be adopted and published according to law. Carried. Becl�nan moved, Anderla seconded, that Ordinance #39, "AN ORDINANCE RELATING T0 CERTAIN RAII��NgY TRACKS AND RAIL�JAY CROSSINGS, _AND gII'EALING CERTAIN ORDINANCF�,° . . _. . a marked_Fxhibit.B, be accepted as_the second.reading thereof.and that.the _ ord.inance be a�.opted and published accorcling to law. Carried. Beclnnan moved, Anderla seconded, that Ordinance #40, �tAN ORDINANCE R�LATING ' TO THE 11BANUF9CTCIRE, SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF GAS, �ND_RF�f'FALIl1� CERTAIN.ORDINANCES," marked �hibit.C, be accepted.as.the second reading thereof_.and that the _ _. ordinance be adopted and published according to law. Carrieda �Ufilbert moved, �nderla seconded, that Ordinance #La7., "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO A COr1TR�CT TO DIG A DITCH IN SF]CTION 31, T�P7NSHIP 117, RAI�rE 2]., AND. REPEALING A C�TAIN ORDINANCE," marked �chibit D, be accepted as the second reading _ thereof.and that the_ordinance be adopted and published according to lava. Carried. L�.nderla moved, TQi.lbert seconded, that Ordinance #1�2, "AN ORDINANCE RII,ATTNG TO LAYI1� OUT A STREET ACRQSS BLOCK 3, �T M]TdNEAPOLIS, AND.REPEALING A. CERTAIN ORDINANCE," z�arked E�hibit.E, be accepted_as the second reading_ thereof and.that the ordinance be adopted and published accordir� to law. Carried, Beckman moved, �ilbert seconded, that Orcli.nance #l�3, "AN ORDINANCE RII�ATING TO STREET SPRINKLING AND REPEALING A CERTAIN ORDINANCE," marked F,�thibit F, be accepted as the�second reading thereof �nd that.the �rdinance be adopted and published accordin.g to l�aw. Carriedo Anderla moved, �ilbert seconded, that Orclinance #la1t, "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO I�1IITNICIPAL BUILDINGS AND PROPERTY, AND AT�O REI�ATIIJG.,TO A.PUELIC LIBRARY AIVD THE fl�ANAGII�!�I�1T AND C�NTROL THEREOF; .PROVID2NC P�IALTIFS FOR... VIOLATIONS AND REPEALING C�'�R.TgIN �RDINAIJCES," be accepted a.s the first reading. . Carried. Beckman moved., 9nderla seconded, that the request of the M�nneapolis Gas Company for main extension on 9th Avenue North, their nwnber 70, be granted. Garried. P�i.lbert moved, Anderla seconded, that the request by the Hopkins Basebal]. Club for a perm.it to sell on-sale non-intoxicatin� ma.lt liquor.and soft drinks. at their baseball games dux�ing the 1950 season, be granted, Carried. Anderla moved, rBilbert seconded, that the cit�f accept the proposal of the 1�cCarthy Well Company da,ted'May 23, 1950, for the repair of Well No.3• Beckman voting N0. Carried, D�iTbert moved, Anderla seconded, that the bid of DeGraff Wolff �io�ether wi�h an alternate proposal da.ted May 23, 1950, for the construction of sev�er ma.ins in �est Minneapolis Third Division, be accepted. Carried. Page 2. Anderla moved, Milbert deconded, that the bid of Orfei & Mariani. for the construction of water mains in West Mi.nneapolis Third �ivision be acceptedo Carried. Anderla moved, Beckmari seconded, that the mee�ing be adjournedo ATT�'T : . . �c�,� W. Har an Perb�.x, �ayor , ._ yr�-• A.W. Elmquist, Sec ta.ry to t,he Council C OUNC �P�3V: --� / T �✓/'i � � � �� '//'�!� I . _ . . . � F:-r.x n� .`.v. �. :�' -c- ,�.. r cr .r . ,� ..r.,.:..., ti,.• . _ ,_t . , . ._ .. -,,. . : 7,.� . . , , . , � .. l�'! ;.p . ' � ' � . � � . , , . � . . . ` . , ,1 _� r . . �; � ci�Y o� �o�xi�s. E�IN COII�R'Y. A�INNESOTA oa�i��c� �o. 3g. ��a �� i' � .,,� a�� a ��� � �� � e� �� �v. �' q ' �o�l AN ORDIP�9NCE RP��ATIIda TO � WATEH �POR[S 3YS�EEI�II OB 'PSE .CITY OF HOPKIBT3; P$OVIDIat3 PEBTALTIES �OR T� �IOLATIOBT �BEO� AND REP�ALIbiG CESTAIN OHDI��CES. B� IT ORDAI�D BY THE COIIBTCIL OF 'PHE OITY OF HOPgINB: Section l. t�ater �perintendent. The city mauager at�a].1 appoint a�+ater �aper- intendent.mho ahall have the immediate control and meaagement of everythiag pertaining to the ooater worke of the city of Hop�ins, and �rho shs11, do and perform all aate that may be neceseary for the pradent aad efPicient m�nagemeat sad protectioa of said aorks., Section 2. Powere and dutiee. �bdiviaion 1. The water euperinteadent ehall keep a complete eet oP books, �ehich at all timee ahow di�etribation of acconate of the trater department, and ehall keep a recorti of all taake� reeervoire, maine laid, caetinge� valvea� ga.tes and i�ydrante located in the system. 9nbdivieion 2. The rvater enperintendeat ehall keep a correct acconat of a11 receipts and make ont all bills for �vater renta or materiale fftiraiehed to coneumere, collect:the eame and depoeit the mone� ao aoZlected �aith the city treaeurer� to the aredit of the water works ltind of eaid cft� and in aacordaace with lar� and requiremente P of the city maaa�er and city conncil. �� :�� ;4:) 8nbdivieioa 3. The Mater enperintend.ent ghall isene all per�►ite for tapping maine. "�� aad e�all keep a record of all tape and eervicea, their eizee and locatioa. and shall be reqnired to eahibit his accoant aad receipt book to the city manager: ?i � 9abdieision 4. The aater eu,peMntendeat ehall eee that i�ydrants and valvee are ia �:' � _ , �`�� <.,� order aad that all leske are promptly repaired, aad he eha11 be he18 responeible for all ,;t city tools and materisl used by hie department. . ,, Snbdivision 5. The water �aperintendeat she11 enperiatead all tape for eervices aad�:�`� eaamine all service pipee aad see that they e�re properly laid, and etap_cocke placed ia. proper poeition� and perfarm snch other dutiea as may be directed. SabBiviaioa 6. The raEer saperintendent eha11 keep a fhll eet oP record books, eho�oittg in deta.il the location and meaearementa for all water pipee, hydraate. valvee, tape� stop-boxee, teee� croeaes aad other measo:rementa or records avhich may be neceseary in the �ater dep�.rtment. Snbdivision 7. The �vater saperintendent she11 report the locatios, and at lesst � tao measuremeats taken Prom tro eeparate permaneat poiate. Po.r<each ta� and stop-boa made��,°;; _. , i` 1n the water maias aad aervice pipes. He aha11 aot remove or ohange the loca.tion of aqy I�� fire hydrant� valve, eoater pipe� tap. atop-box, or an�y other .permanent improvemeat ���� r +; �eithont first having ea order therefor from the city maaager. , , � �,; Snbdivision S. The tvater enperinteadent eha�11 have charge of iaspecting the �. ;, -..�. :�.�.;� (1) ,',},_ ; r. premiaea entered by service pipea, and of eaamining into the condition of all metere and other water figturea; and shall be vigilant to detect and Naxn against all abuses, whether from reaste or other improper u�e of �rater; and report at oace all inYringements of city ordinences and regnlaxions. 9ubdivision 9. The �rater enperintendent ehall also keep a trae record of �'a: each meter in use and of the amount of water uaed by each coneumer. He ehall aleo ����ollect all water reat charges and pay eeme into the haade of the city treaeurer, a.nd make a report of all collections made, s.ndc� deliaquents, and perform euch other duties ae he may be directed. 9ubdiviaion 10. The �.ter euperintendent shall have charge of the pumping stations 8ad of the pump machinery and toole therein. Section 3. Fire Department. The chief of the fire department shall see that a11 gates and 2�pdrante are restored to their proper condition after uae by the fire department a.nd report to the water auperintendent a11 breaka, defective i�ydranta and tapa. Section �i. Thinge Prohibited. Subdivieion 1. DTo pereon, except the �►ater euperintendent or pereona sa�thorised by him� ehall tap any 8istributing pipee; or inaert stopcocks or corporation stops therein� or tnrn on or off re�ter from any aervice pipe or cause water to be eo turned on or off. 9nbdivieion 2. Any pereon violating an�y of the provisioas_ of this section ehe�11 be guil�y of a misdemeanor. Section 5. Permits. 3�ibdiviaion 1. Aio permit to tap the main reill be granted nn],esa application therefor be made in r�ritfng aad aigaaed by the owner or hie agent duly aaithoMzed by him to do the raork. The application maet be ma.de. to the water eaperintendent on a form to be i'urnishe8 by the city, aad all informatioa required bg such form must be given. The fee for euch a permit shall be �1.00, aud the fee for inspection of the connectioa to the water main sh,all be $2.00. 9abdivieion 2. All such permits sha.11 be sab�ject to the followi.n� terme aad conditione, and the meking of �he application for such a permit� the granting of the permit by the city. and the tapping oP the water main pursuant to auch permit ahall conatitute a biadiag acceptance of such terms and conditioas by the owner of the property� aad by all aeeigneea, eucceaeore� grantees� heire or repreeentatives of stitch owner: _ 1. The applicant ehall backfill the opening in the etreet and leave the atreet, curb and si dewalk in a condition satiefa�;tory to the city. .� , 2. No permit shall �uthorize ar�ything not atated in the application, and for � 2) � =h , �� a.ny misrepresentation in such application the permit �ill be reeoked. 3. The ovJner ahall abide by all the la�ve, rnles and regulatione governing or relating to the uee of city water� or perta3ning to the �sater worka of the city of Hopkine that are now in force or may hereafter be enacted. �+. The permist is to be used for no other premiees than those stated in the application. � The orvner ehall make no ob ection to the °�;' f��' 5• j „xliaying of atlditional �eater ti�,,,_ , mains in the etreete a�joining said land,.a.nd npon axiy such maina being laid the owner ehall eever the connection hereby permitted and_make a aew connection with< such ma,ins laid after the gra,nting of ench permit iF�, required by the aater euperintendeat so to d.o. 6. The or�aer waieee all claima for dama,gee againgt the city of Hopkine on account of damages to water pipes caueed by freezing� breaking or from aay other cauae. >�i 7. All water rente accxuin� for water ueed through the connection permitted � :> by the permit aha].1 be a charge againet aad be payable by the oarner of eaid land, :';; se reell as by .the peraon using aaid water, aad the city eha11 have the rig�t at all ' 'i times to cut�off the connection permitted for non-peyment o.f water charges, and to ` ti�, keep the ssme cnt off nntil the proeieione of the pex�it have been complied vith and \ a11 back charges and penalties have been ftilly paid. S. The ovener shall pay for the meter in advance and slaa].1 be responeible for a11 repatre which it may be neceesary to make on same. 9. The meter ehall be acceasible to the water euperintendent or persona anthorize@ by him at a11 times, and sha11 be kept free from debris at s11 timea. � i' 10. The meter ia to remain a fixture in tlie premises, de:scribei%�-1�n:�:the�^permit. � �°� ������ , ,.. � 3ection 6. Work a.nd Material. Subdivieion 1. All work performed and ma.terial used in the tapping of a�ater main pursnant to a permit iesn.ed in accordauce with this �; ;° � ordinance shall conform to the requirements of thia eection. � '? , ,., S�.ibdivieion 2. The corporation cock to be ineerted in the distribution pipe `�; , � j' �uuet be of the eize epecified in the permit or order. ;� �bdivision j. Every Bervice pipe muet be laid in such ma.nner as to prevent rapture by aettle- meat� and muet extend from the main to the ineide of the building or, if aot taken into a building, then to the hydrant or other fixtures which it ia intenden$;to aupply� aad a stop=cock mnat� in a11 cases, be placed outside in an egteneion seraice bog pla.ced betrooeen the eidewalk and the curb, and eYa�.t-off etop-cock or other atop-cock, �,iith waete, of the eise and atreagth required, shall be placed close to the inaide of the building, well protected from freezin�. Where a pipe pa�see through or ie laid withi!a two feet of foundation ��alls, the pipe ehould be protected from frost by enclosing in � � ;�. '� (3) �ood. 9u.bdivieion �. All eervice pipes from '�he main to the ineide slrut-off ehall be a� followe: For a 3�� inch service� a jf�F inch corporation stop� j��+ inch copper tubing, ground �top curb stop aith extension aervice bos; for a 1 inch aervice, a 1 inch corporation stop and 1 inch copper tubing shall be used; for a 1-1�2 inch eervice, either two or three,��4 inch taps spaced at least 10 inchea apart connected .�:, ., by a�ranch Water Connection ma� be uaed arith 1-1�2��inch copper tubing, or, a tapping sleeae a.nd valve with copper tubiag; for a two inch aervice, a tapping sleeve and valve �ith copper tubing eha11 be used. For eervice lines over 2 inchea� tapping sleeves aad valves muet be u�ed aad caet imn service pipe. All materiale to be of a�proved size and design. No deviation in size or areigxits of pipe arill be permitted; unlese speciel permit ia obtained in writing for that purpoae. 9ubdivieion 5. The atreet mnst be opened in a manner oahich will occaeion the leget iaconveaience to the public� and provide for the paesage of water along the guttera. One half of the street must be in good and safe condition at all times for the paaea.ge of v�hicles. No tunneling will be permitted� except when the exigencie� of the case require such a permit. No excavation in e.ny street or pnblic place sha11 be left open over night, except thoroughly barricaded or railed off� aud properly li�ted so as to secure publia eafety. In a11 casee when� Prom necessity� a trench for pipe ie left open du ring the ni�t� a sufficient aumber of lighted .. ,�,��.��; . lanterns or torches ehall be plaaed over such trench, from twilight nntil dqylii>ght;? and the trench ehall be properly railed in. Subdivieion 6. If any openings be made for any purpose v�ha�soever� a.nd water mains and eervice pipe6 exposed, measnree must be taken to protect them f rom froet. In re- filling openinga, a11 the earth muet be replaced in the trench� and if the earth be frozen� it mnst be removed and the excavation Pilled with pure benk sand, in layers of not over eix inchea, and thoroughly rammed to prevent after-eettlemeat. Subdivision 7. The water euperintendent and pereons authorized by him must be permitted at all timee to egamine, inepect and saperintend a7.1 plumbing wo rk, excavating, refilling, materiale aa d fixtures. 9ny refneal-to permit such inepection, or any interference with the inspector in the performaace of his duty, ahall be immediately follomed by a euepenaion or forfeitnre of the license. Sabdivieion g. If� Prom ar�y cause, the plumber laying the eervice pipe ahould fail to ha.ve the corporation etop ineerted at the ti�e specified in hie application, �. then aotice mn�t be left with the water �tperintendent, fi$ing another day on atich � �) , _,.__._:�:� � he voiehee the corporation atop to be inserted. The notice maet be given at least tvro days previous to the excavation for laying of the eervice pipe, and the corporation stop mnst be ineerted be�ore five o'clock P.M., egcept in special caeea, and then the work shall be done only by written order Prom the office of the water snperintendent. ; S�bdivision 9. A11 plvmbere sha11 make ftill retnrns of the ordinarq aad epecial ueee to which the water ie deeigned to be applied. under any permit granted f rom the department; rsith a descript3on of all the apparatus aad arrangements Por using the water in every case. The return. ehall be made by the plumber �rho obtaine3 the permit� within five d�ye after the main ie tapped, and filed with the water superintendent. ,�: The p�umber's return shall aleo contain a correct measurement of the distance north �; or aonth� east or �a�et, of the particular service pipe from the nearest corner� the _� . meae�urement to be made on the face or Yront of the honeea on the etreete. Said return ehall eleo contain the name of the atreet containing �he pipe r�hich hae been tapped� and whether the service pipe enters on the north, eonth, east�or west side.of the street� eud the egact locatioa of the stop-cock� aud a�,y other pa,rticalare that the caee may call fora 9ubdivigion 10. A�y person violating any oP the provisione of thie section eha11 be guilty of a miademeanor. 5ection 7. Miscellaneous. 9ubdi9ieion 1. In case of failure upon the part of any consnmer�or oumer to repair any lesk occurring upon hia or her eervice pipe, within twenty-four hours af�er verbal or �vritten notice to the ooaner or occupant of the pre- mieee, the aater will be shut off aad will not be turned on uutil the aum of five dollare hae been paid, together �vith sach additioaal snm as may be neceseary to reimburee the city for all expeneea incnrred by it beca�aee of auch hreak.. When the roaste of water is great, or �vhen dsmage is likely to regu].t from the leak, the water �rill be turned off if the repair ie not proceeded with immediately upoa the giving of the notice. 9nbdivision 2. No pereon not acuthorized by the department shall connect or die- connect or take apart� or in any manner change or cauae to be chau�ed� or interfere r�rith the actioa or regilation of a water meter. Any person violating the provisiong of thie eubdiviaion ehall be guilty of a miademeano r, and in addition thereto, the water supertntendent m�y dieconnect the water Supply to eueh meter. 9ubdivision 3. A fire hydraat shall not be opened withont the proper authority. - Any pereoa violating the provieiona of thia subdivieion eha11 be guilty of a miademeanor, and in addition thereto ehall be liable to the city for the value, at regulax city ratee� for the amount of �ater running out of eaid 2�ydraat during the period it �ras open, aB each amount of water ma� be estimated by the arater superintendent. ( 5) Snbdivisioa �. No person ehall aecenQ'the ladders or atepe connected with the mater towere or tanks of the city, or stand upon the platforms thereof� unless authorized to do eo by the water superintendent or city manager. 9ubdivision 5. The city ahall aot be liable under aay circumata.aces for any deficiency or failnre in the supply of water to consnmera, whether occasioned by ehutting the water off for the purpoee of making repaire ar conaectiona, .or for ar�y other cav.se t�hatever. Subdivieion 6. �he city manager� with the approaal of the council� may make rnles and regnlations eupplemental and in addition to, but not in conflict rrith, the terme and proaisions of thie ordinance� regulating and governing the water worka eyatem of the city and the employeee of the city working in or assigned to the water worke. department. . 9ection 8. Ra.tes. 9nbdivision 1. No water eervice pipe sha11 be aseeseed to yield a revenue of lese thaa $12.C�0 per year, which eha11 be aeeeesed at the.rate of $1.�J0 p�r month and shall become due and pa3rable on the first da�y of the month follawing billing by the citg. In a case where the w�ter service ie not metered, or the meter is out of repair, the minimum charge for water farnished ahall be $1,00 per month. �.ibdivisioa 2. The groeB raste for all metered water ae ahowa by the meter register in all cases ahall be as follo�re: A. rar the firat 15,000 gallona per quarter� or Praction thereof� the rate ahall be $.25 per 1,000 gallone; B. Commencing from 15,001 gallons to 30�000 gallone per quarter or fractioa thereof, the ra,te ahall be $.23 per,..1;0�p gallone; C. Commencing mith 30.001 galloaa to 500,000 galloae per quarter, the rate ehall be $.19 per 1,000 gallons; D. For alI water over 500,000 gallone per qaaxter, the rate ehall be �.16 per 1.000 gallona. Auy and all metere m�y be read by the water department every month, aad in those , case� �shere the water department electa to read the meters every month, the cha,rge to the coneumer ahall not be greater tha,n the charge �sould be if the metera,were read ,,� � ��� �'�� �:� qaarterly. �,�' '+� R;. 9ubdieision j. All water rate charges ehall be due and payable on the firat day of the month follov�ing the date of billing. and all such water oharges paid on or before i the firat day of the month following.billing ehall be entitled to a.nd receive a diecaunt of five (5) per ceat of the groea rate and bill. All such water cha,rge� not paid by the � first day of the month following billing ehall be paid at the grose rate and all stich i charges not paid on or before ninety daya after due date aha11 bear intereet on eu.ch groes �, � 6) 6 rate at the rate of aig (6) per cent per annum from the due date until paid. 3ubdivieion �. Whenever water shall be turned off for non-payment oY water chargea, it ahall not be turned on again until all back rent and charges ahall be Pully paid,.to- gether with the iiirther eum of $5.00 for turning the water off and on. . ,9nbdivision 5. �o abatements for water rent ehall be allowe8 by reason of removal from premises, disase or vacancy of premiaee. unleas notice be given at the time of snch removal, dieuae or eacanc� to the �aater department� accomp�nied by payment of $1.00 for turning ofP the water. 9nbdivieion 6. The city manager or water euperintendent or the employeee of the vaater department shall have the right of access at a11 reaeonable hours of the de3r to a11 parts of the premisea Lo which �sater ie anpplied to mal�e examiaatioas. Section 9. Penalty. A�y pereon violating any of the provisione oP thiB ordinance ahall be guilty of a.misdemeanor. ' Section 10; Bepeals. 9ubdivisio� 1. "An Ordir_ance for the Erection of a System of Water Zti'orks .i;n the Yillage of F.'est Minneapol.i�," which waa �.dopted by the village council o¢ Weat R�inneapolia on Anguat 23, 1901� is hereby repealed. 9u.bdivision 2. "An Ordinance Authorizing an Issue of Fifteen Thoneand Dollare of Bonds of the �illage of West Minneapolis for the 1'urpose of Erecting and Constnzetin� a Sy�tem of Water Worke in 8aid Village," which was adopted by the village council of West Minneapolie on Au�at 23. 2901, ie hereby repealed. 9abdivision 3. "An Ord.inance Prescribing the_ Form of �tlater Works Bonds and Directing the mcecut�on and Deliver�► Thereof," which wae a.dopted by the village council of West Minneapolie on September 2�, 1901� is hereby repealed. 9ubdiv�.sion �. "Au Ordinance.to Prevent the Improper II8e or Interference vuith the Water Works of the Pillage of West Minneapolis or the Water in Said Water Wor�ca�" v�hich aras ado�ted by the village council of Weat Minneapolia on �'ebruary 7, 1905, is hereby re- pealed. Snbdivision 5. "Au Ordina.nce to Authorize the Exteneion of the Water Maine in the �illage of West Minneapolig�" which was adopted by the village council of West Mi�aeapolie and published in the Bopkins P�ewe on Nlay 6, 1909, ie hereby repealed. 5 :, {.�`'i-_ •; " Scibdivision 6. "An Cr�.ina,nce to Eegular the Uee of Water from the �later Worke of the ,;i Village of We�t Minneapolis� aad to Eetablish 8ules and Regulatione for the (iovernment of �ployee and Bates Pertaining to the Same,°�which was adopted by the village council of West Minneapolis on April 11, 1911. is hereby repealed. Subdivision 7. Ordinance No. 7 of the city oP Hopkins, mhich was adopted by the city council of said city on gugzat 17, 19�, together with all ordinances or parts of ( 7) :�, : , � ordinancea repealed thereby� are hereby repealed. FIRST READ at a regalar meeting of the council of the city of Hopkina held on the 16th. d�y of May� 1950, and finally read and paesed at a�pgcia� meeting of the council of ea.id city held on the 23rd � o� May � 195p� � W. HAI�LAN P�RBIX, NlAYOR A. W. Elmqui st. Secretaxy oi the council. Fra,nk DT. 1�hitney� Cit�r Attorney Published in The 9uburban Prese on J`�uie lst, 1950 copy for the paper �g) � , �� a , :� ;, :;�' ':�r, � , ;;i�� 1Y•_ . . . . ... . ....:. .. . — , ' ' - .\ � .��.._ .�. �..... _ _ . . ... . ._. . , . . . .v. : . ' . � . . 1 .Yi , . . . . . .� � . .. �:S_�+' ,H :�: . F_ . . . �. '_ . � �., . ' . . ` . � 'e . J � � � �, �,: `� g T J � . � � a�� , 1` CI TY Og HOPBIN3 � � H�NNEPIDT C�tTN'i'Y, MINNESO'�A ` � � � �, � �• � �_ .. oarnx�c� xo. 39 • �` a a_. : ;; .. AN OBDIBTABCE RELATI�T(i TO C�RTA.I1� BAILWAY TRACgS AND RAILS�AY CR038IN(�S, IBTD SEPEALINQ CERTAIAI 08DI1�ANC�18. . � � HE IT ORDAINED by the conacil of the city of Hopkina: Section 1. "Aa Ordiaance Graating to the Minaeapolis & 3t. Louie Bail- road Company the Hight to Locate� Coastract. Niaintain ead Operate a 5pur Track Acroes �Pa+elfth and Thirteenth Aeenues aad the Alleys in Blocks Tr�entg and Tmenty- oae in the 9111age of West Ninneapolis� 3tate of Minaeeota," e�hich �vas adopted. by the village couacil of �est Minneapolie on June 2�F,�1908. ie hereby repealed. $ection 2. "ln Ordinance Requiring the A4laneapolie & St. Louis Rail�aad :4: Com�any to Coaetr�ct, Operate and �ainta�n Automatic Electric Atarm Belle and Movable Flag� or Other Movable Devicee at the Following 8treete Croseing the Tracks oP Said Minneapolia & St. Louie Ee,ilroad Compar�q ia the Villege of West Mianeapolis� D4lnnesota, Vis: I�aehin�ton Avemie a,nd Exceleior Avenne� in the 9111age of West Mianea,polis, Minnesote.." which arae adopted by the eillage council of Weat Minneapolie and aae printed in the compilation of "Fhilea of Procedure. Ordinances and By-La�s" issried under direction of aeid village conncil oa Febrn,ary 15, 1923� ie hereby repealed. 8ec$ion j. °An Ordinance Requiring the Chicago� MilNaukee & St. Paul �ailt�ay Compa�y to Construct, Operate and Maiataia Automatic Electria Alarm Bella and Movable Flage or Other Movable Devicee at the Followin� Streets Croseing the Tracks oP Said Chicag�o. �iil�vaukee & St. Paul Baileva�p Company ia the Village of �1eat Minneapolie, Minnesota, �fiz: �►aehington Aveaue and �celsior lvenue, ia the �il�age of �eet Minaeapolie, Mianeeota," �hich v�ae adopted by the village couacil of Weet Min�eapoli e aad a�ae prin�ed in the compilation of "&iles of Procedure. Ordinaacee and B�-Laeosp iesned nnder direction of eaid village conncil on B'ebrnary 15, 192j, ia hereb�r repealed. Sectioa �. "An Ordinance Reqairing the Great �orthern Rail�vaa,� Compaay to Conetract, Operate and Maintein Automatic I�lectric Alarm Bells and Movable Fla�s or Other Movable Devicea at the Fo1.lo�ing Streets Crossing the Tracks of Said areat 8orthern Railt�s4y Compaay in the Village of West �inneapolie� I�in� sota, Viz: Escelaior Avenne, ia the Village of Weet Mianeapolie� �Iinneaota. ° t�hiel� vrae adopted by the eillage council of.West Minneapolie aad which was printed in the compilation of "Etulee of Procedure, Ordinancee ead By-La�rs" iesaed under the direction of eaid village con.ncil on Febrnary 15, 1923, ie hereby repealed. �1) ,�,;:j ''; �; - :; ,.:�� � n•11 :: J FIR�P READ at a regalar conncil meeting of the city of Hopkins held on the 16th �� of �ay , 1950, arid Pins.11y read and paseed at a spgiai� meet ing oP the council of said ci tg held on the 2 3rd �v of — �y , 1950. w. ��,�rr ��Ix, �yox A. w. ��i st , 8ecretary of the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney Pnbliehed in The Snburbaa Prees on J�e lst � 19�. copy for the paper � 2) � G1 �. � � .� ��� 4a� � crTY oF xoPgixs, H�I� COIIBiTY. MINNESOTA ORDI�IANCE �0. 40. �� � �� �\a� �e� � AN ORDIIQANC� BELATI�a TO THE MANUFACTORE� 3ALE AI�D DI81'RIB�R'IO�T OF GRB, �IQD aEP�AALINa CERTAI�v ORDIDTANCES. BI� Ig OBDAINED by the cvuncil of the city of Hopkine:. �ection 1. "9n Ordina,nce Directiag the Issue and DTegotiation of $12�000.00 of the Boade oP the Village of West Minneapolie for the pur�oee of_ Pnrchaeing, Bnilding a,nd Eetabliehing tb.� �Tecesearg Buildinge� A�s"chi.nery a.nd Apparatua for �iakiag, Generating and 9upplying (�,s Light for Pablic and Private IIee in the Village of Weet Niinneapolia, Mianesota," which wae adopted by the villaga council of �lest Minneapolis on �y 2, 1905, ia hereb� repealed. , Section 2. "An Ordinaace Anthorizinga��iin&'yDirecting the Issne of the DTegoLiable Coupon Bonde of the 9111age of Vdest Minneapolie, I�inaesota� for the Parpoee of Parchaeing� Buildiag aad �etabliahing the �eceaeary Baildings, Machinery and Apparatna for �aking, Geaeratiag and 9uppl�ing Qas Light for Pnblic and Private IIae ia the Hillage of West �inneapolie, Minnesota� Prescribing the Forme of Said Bonde aad of the Conpoae to be thereto Atta�hed, and Fi$in� Other Detaile of the Ie�e;'�ahich �as adopted by the village conacil of West Minneapolie oa 1�ag�et l, 1905� ie hereby repealed. Section 3. "An Ordinaace Gra,nting to John g. S�saneon, His S�scceesors aad Aaeigns, Certain Aights with Rsference to the 3treets, A11eye and Pnblic Places of the Village of Hopkias, Minnesota, for the Coaetraction� Opezation, Maintenance and Alteration of a Plaat and Distributin� Syetem.for the l�anniacture and-or Distribntion and Sale of f�as. and Fising the Rates to be Chargea for Gae for aa Initial Period oP �'ive (5) Years. and Providing a Nlethod for the Fi$ing of Ratee Thereafter," which �r8e adopted by the village council oP Hopkins oa July 9� 1929� ie hereby repealed. Section 4. pAn Orflinance �sspending the Isening of Permite for the Installation of (�as 9pace-heatiag Eqnipment and Iaduetrial Equipment Usiag FiYm Gas," which �►as adopted by the village couacil of Hopkiae oa Jaanar� 21, 19�Fj, ie hereby repealed. FIR$T REA� at a regul.ar conncil meeting of the citg of Hopkina' held on the 16th day of _MaY , 1950. aad finally read and paseed at a��g��a].y mee�ing oP the canncil of eaid city held oa the 23rd d�y of + 1 . �r� . 950 W. HARLAN PT�RBI%. P4AYOH A. �. Elmqaist� Secretary of the Couacil � �'rank N. Whitney, City Attorney Pnblished ia the 9ubnrbaa Prese on June l�t , 1950 copy for paper _- ';} � Y. . l.nn,r" ' .*{'�:'"�rl" . . .. .. ...... ... i. -....... . , . _ ._ ..- ' .' . �� ci�Y o� Ho�zxs, �IBT CQIINTY, D�INNESOTg ORDIi��CE ATO. �1. � � ' s �� �� �4 � � �� �. A� ORDI�ANCE B�LAgI16Q TO A QODTTHACT TO DI G A DI�'CH IPd $E�TI OA jl, TOWiQSHIP 117, �TdE 21, A�TD B�PB�LIDTa A CFRTASN ORI�IDTANCE. BE IT OHDAINED BY Tf� OpU1QCIL �' THE CITY OF H4PgIA8; 8�c�ioa 1. "An Ordinance �ithorizing a Coatract to Dig a Ditch ��,s, ia $ection Thirty-one (=j1)., Town One Hundred and Seventeen (117), Range; T�venty-one (21) �eet� in the Tilla,ge of Edina, Oounty of Henaepin, Miaaeaota� for t�e Puarpose of Repa,ir],ng aag Improving the Hi�wa� arhich Bnne Alon� the Bouada.ry Line Betaeen the 9illage of l�est Migneapolie sad the ���� Vi11 age of Edina, Particularl� Atong the Weet Bound,ary Line of 3ection . TwentB-five (25) � ia To�vn One Hunc'�red and Seventeen (llj') �orth� of Bange Taenty-t� (22) Weat," which t�vae adopted by the village conncil of Weet m �Minneapolie o n Jaanary 2� 1902, ie hereby repealed. F'IRST BEAD at a regulex meeting of the coancil of the city of Hop�ine held on the l� de�y of �Y � 19rjp� ead finally rea,d aad paeeed at a� meetiag of the council of aaid city held on the 23= � of �ay , 1 95cf • �• HA�AN P1�RBIS. A�AYOx A. W. Elmqotist. 8ecretary of the eouacil �'rank Pi, Whi tney, City ittoraey Pabliehed in the 3�burban Prees June lst 19� . Cl2'Y OF H4PgIN8� �PIN OOU�Y, MINNESOTg . ORDI �GE N0. 42. �q �� 3,�� , s� � �� 0 —r : — i' f1: . 9� � L � 4':i . sl; m� ��� - 4� � a" t �a ; � �� � • ;: � 1 � ORDIA�ATCE BELATINa TO LAYING �T A S`rBEPn' �.CRpSS BLOCg 3. WEST 1�4INNEAPOLi S� AB1D REPEALII�G A CERTAIN ORDII�AN��. BI� IT ORDAINED BY TSE COIIbTCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKI�S: �ection l. "An Ordinaace Laying Qu�t a Street Acroee Block Three (j) in the Vills�e of Weet A�inneapolig aad Appropriating 7�ree Hundre8 Dollare for the Pnrchaee oP the band �y�ken for That Parpoae. p �ich orae adopted by the villeg� cbunail of S�est Mianeapolie on A4ay . 15, 1901; i e hereby repealed. FISST -READ at a regular meeting of the couacil of the eity of Hopkine held on the 16th d� o� May ��95p� �d finally read and p8ased at a a���� meeting of the crnincil of gaid city held on the .23rd day of May , 195p, �T. HAHI.AN PFi�BI%, NiAYOB A. �. �lmquist� Secretary of the conncil Frank DT, Whi tney , City Attoraey Pnblished in the 3aburbaa Preee on 1�e lst , 195� 0 � :.+sv.�vin�.�:. ... . . . �. ...: .,>.c ., .,. ..-,... �. . _-,.- .�, ,� _ V � � � � � J �"� r � ' � �� � CITY OF HOPgINS, HEANEPIN COUBTTY� i�I1Wi ES�'g oarn �rcE �o. �+3. b! � a � � � � � �V � ��� �!� � AN OBDINAIdCE HELATINa TO STREET SPRII�DiG A1�TD RFPEALING � A CERTAIN OHDIl1ANCF. Section 1. "Au Ordinance for Sprinkling Yillage Streets,'� t�iich was adopted by the village council of VTeat D�inneapolie on May 3. 1910. is hereby rep.ealed. FIRST READ at a regular council meeting of the city of Hopkins held on the 16th �ay of �aY , 1j�j0, and fi:�ally read aad paeaed at a�g�ia� meeting of the council of aaid city held on the 23rd g�, of May 1g50. .._ , . . ,...,., . W. HARi.AIJ PERBI%� A3AYOH • A. W. Elmqui st � Secretary of the council Frgnlc N. iS�ihhitney, City Attorney Publiehed in The Snburbari Prese on June lst, 195� copy for the paper � �' The Eollowing Licenses Were Issued During 3'he IlBonth of May, 1950: John A. Blaylock, d/b/a Blaylock Plumbing Company • To do plumbing. Thomas J. Doyle, d/b/a Econon�y F�zrnace Company Install gas burners. Ray M. Spande, d/b/a Glen Lake Plumbing &, Heating Install gas bu rners and do plumbing. __;�:::: ,.:.�� . ��f�: �� � � ��b ��� �� _ � reguTar meeting of the colancil'.of the City of -Hopkins, Minnesota, � �ras held at tiie City HaII` at ?:30 0� clock .F.Ma on Tuesday, Jun.e� 6th, 1950. Ntembers present were; Mayor 1N. Harlan Perbix; Councilmeri ,; Joseph T. Anderla, Stuart �. Bec�nari, Len �. Milbert and JoYiri- Ziegler; Ci�y Nianager C. C. Congdon, City Attorriey Frarik N. WYiitneg and Citg Engineer F''rank V. Laska. Members absent; none. ~�� Ziegler moved,_..Anderla seconded, that the following bills be paid. Carried: 1930 1931 1961 1962 19 63 1964 1965 1966 I967 1968 I9 69 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974� 1975 1976 I977 1978 I9?9 1980 I981 1982 544 554 555 5�56 557 558 559 424 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 43 3 105 33 69 70 GFNERAL FUND Mp1s. Gas Co. Gas heat Northern $tates Power Li�t & power Bi-Lateral Fire Hose Fire hose Bolander & Sons Crane rental Club Cafe - �risoner meals �. C. Congdon, Treas. �etty Cash Cons�ers Union �ubscription �ickey & 1Vlilbert Gas Laurenz A. Harris Car allowance Hopkins Fire Dept. Fire calls Kokesh Hdv�. Supplies, valve Lampert Yards Gement, lumbe r, stakes- League of Minn.MUN. 1950 Directory of Minn. __ Municipal Officials �ilbur Locke Pick izp 2 dogs Luridt s Service Tire repair Lyon Chemicals Inc. Esteron 44�and can DDT Miller-�avis Co. Supplies for office Minn. Paper & Cordage Sweeping Co�npoun.d N. 6'V. Bell Tel. Co. Telephone Olson & Pfeiffer Drug supplies Suburban Chen. Co. Garbage truck r epair Sub. Henri. Co. Relief Relief Fred Swans on " Equipment r ent� Williamson Stamp Co. Dog tags ` " Salaries Period ending 5�31 Hourly Payroll 1st�2 May Hourly Payroll Last 2 May ROAD & BRIDGE FUND Northern States Power t& power Fred Swarison Equipment rental Ann Borland Gravel for streets Lampert Yards � Cement, lumber, stakes N.W.Bell Tel.-Co. Telephone Smith-Diann Co. Inc. Broom machine & supplies liVm. H. Ziegler �o. Tar kettle � Salaries Period ending 5�31 Hourly Payroll 1st"2 May Hourly Payroll Last 2 B�ay WATER FUND Northsrn �tates Power Lig t& Power Addressograph Corpri. Machine r epa3.r & pTates ChipPewa Motor Inc. Freight on pipe cutter Clary Addirig Maahine James Clow & Sons �4 pipe cutter C. C. Congdon, Treas. Pettg Cash Kokesh Hdw. Supplies, valve Monarch Clesa�ing Chlorine Nepturie Meter Co. Meter parts ' Sa�aries Peridd endin� 5�31 Hourly �°ayroll ls t 2 May Hourly Payroll last 2 May SEWAG� DISPOSAL FUND Anton A, Olson se of car HourTg Fayroll lst 2'-of May Hourly Payroll Last 2 of Ma-y � SPECIAL ASSESSNIII+TT FUND N.W. Nat�l. Bk. of p s. Coupons PERMANEL�TT I�PROV�NT R�VOLVING F'UN'D Lampert Yards Cement, lumber, stakes H. �. Rogers Co. Frints Hourly Payroll Last 2 of May 84058 7?�3 . 92 343.00 178000 4.75 ?.98 5.00 156e00 25.00 199.00 5.46 3.05 1,50 6.00 1.50 30e55 90.41 6:90 78.80 2.00 35.30 283:40 184.00 5.50 2372:10 73T.88 1041,29 6.9.0 72:00 41:92 1,00 11050 356,46 '7:20 463;30 661.13 644.53 370.44 8.24- 2:06 229.50 122: 50 11e51 '6.95 90:00 5.18 432.27 134;65 103.40 6e00 36;40 2.60. 2033.11 30:�D0 71e28 32.15 / Page 2.. Anderla moved, Milbert seconded; tYiat the request by�Floyd Oe Swanson� for perinissiori �to �onriect to tYie sewer at �249 Interlachen. Road, be granted subject to the signing of an agreement to be drawn up covering same. Carried. ,�nderla moved, Ziegler seconded; tYiat tYis Steeple CYiase R�idin� Club request for a licerise to se1T Non-Iritoxicating � malt�liquor and soft drinks at t he Fairgrounds on June lOth, , g ied. _.�. ____.. 1950 be ranted. arr , _ _ �nderla moved, Beclflnan seconded, that the additional �rm sewer cliarge of �150:00 against �arl Gerard Motors be cari- � celled az d that all bills of theira against the City be paid. Carried. MiTbert moved, Bec�nan seconded, tYiat- tYm request of �the Minneapolis�Gas Company for�main�extensioris, their nurnbers 142 and 143, be granted subject to approval by the City Engineer. Carried. Becl�nan moved, An.derla seconded, that the reque st of the Northvlestern Be1T Telephone Compnay for' permissioii to pTace buried cable in tYis alley �test of 9tYi Ave. No. and North of �xcelsior Ave. for service- in.to the new First Nationa� Bank building be granted, subject to approval by the City �ngineer. Carried. Ziegler moved,,Milbert seconded, that Resolution #142, "A RESOLUTION REFUSING TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE RELATING�TO ZONING UJHICH � WAS � PROPOSED - BY � A COMII�ITTEE OF ELECTORS" , marked �xhibit A, be adopted. Carried. Anderla moved, Milbert seconded,t hat Resolution �143, ��A RE�OLUTION SUBMITTING TO T HE VOTE OF THE ELECTORS AT A SPECIAL �I;ECTION AN ORDINANCE RELATING TD ZONING WHICH�VVA� PROPOSED BY A CQMMITTEE OF EI�CTORS't, marked Exhibit B, be adopted. Carrzed. _ _ _.. �ieg�er moved� Milbert secorided, that a'compromise settlement of 50/ be made on the Trombley and Vasko claims. Carried., Ziegler moved; ilbert seconded, that the agreement�for-settle= ment sa subniitted to t he City��Council be approved and ths Mayor and City Manager be authorized to -execizte same ori behalf- of tY�e City aru3. tha.t checks tie dra�ti on tYie � Sewage .Disposal Fund for amounts as provided in the agreement. Carried. Ziegler moved, Beclmnan aeconded, that Resolution ,-�145, t�A RESOLUTION ORDERING A I-�EARING ON ENGINEER t S REPORTS ON 'I'fiE INSTALLATION OF SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER.IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS AND THE TR�ATING OF CERTAIN STREETS AND ALLEYS WITH TAR DIL A,ND BL1�CK TOP", marked Exhibit C, be adopted. Carried. Bec)�ina�h moved, Ziegler aeconded, that R esolution �144, nA RESOLUTION REF�RRIIVG TO T�iE eITY ENGINEER THE DaATTER QF TREATING THE ALLEY IN BLOCK 108, WEST MINNEAPOLIS, SECOND - - DIVISION, WITH TAR �ILn, marked Exhibit D, be adopted. Carried. ,.. � ; .. ... ..., . . ..._ . ... ;: "' . . .. . . .. .. . .. . ... . . .. : .. . : , . , ... _ ._ . . . .. . .- ._ . . . . . __ .. . . . . ..-v, l,.<o,� �.. . . - _ . ' _ • _ a Page 3 _. __.. _ _ � ... ,.. � . , . � Ziegler moved, Bec�nan seconded, that Ordinance #44, nAN ORDINANCE RELATING TO T$UNICIPAL BUILDINGS AND PRq�ERTY,. AND ALSO RELATING TO A PUBLIC LIBRARY AND THE MANAGEM�NT AND CONTROL THEREOF; PROVIDING PENALTIES`FOR VIOLATIONS AND REPEAI,ITdG CERTAIN ORDINANCES", marked �xhibit E, be accepted as tl� second� readi-ng tFiereof, and that the ordinance be adopted and published according to law. Carried. �iegler moved, Bec�nan seconded, that �rdinance �45, "AN ORDINANCE R�LATING TO TFlE DUTI�S OF TIiE DaARSHAL .AND R3�PEALING A� CERTAIN ' ORDINANCE", be accepted as the first reading. Carried. Beclunan moved, Ziegler seconded, that Ordinance #46, "AN ORDINANCE Rr�LATING TO THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF' GAR�AG� AND RUBBISH, �.`�� PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR ITS VIOLATION AND�REPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCES��.;:>;t be accepted as the first reading .' �arried. ' . _ _ _ .. . , __ .. .._ _. .. , ;�: Ziegler moved, Beclunan seconded, that Ordinance �47, "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO EL�CTIONS AI�ID R�PEALING CDRTAIN ORDINANCES'�, be accepted as. the first read.ing. Carried. . Ziegler moved, �ec�nan. seconded, t hat Ordinance �48, "AN ORDINANCE � RELATING TO A WATER AND GAS COLI,�CTOR, AND REPEALING A-'iCERTAIN ORDINANCE", be accepted as the first reading. Carried. '' _ . . _ _ . ,. . . . :.: . . . .. , .a Ziegler moved, Bec�nan seconded, that Resolution ,�147, rr,A RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING ON ENGINEER t S REPORTS ON THE � INSTALLAT ION 0�' SANITARY SEV�'ER AND WATER MAINS IN KNOLLWOODtt, marked Exhibit F, be adopted. Carried. �ilbert moved; Beckirian seconded, that the �ity Nlanager advertise for bids for a pickup truck. Carried. � H�ilbert moved, Becl�na:n s econded, tYiat the salarg of Mae ' K. "�lnderson be set at �225.00-per month and Rose&lary �upslaff at �130.00 per month, effective 6�1�50. Carried. Ziegler moved, Beclflnan seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. le- _ . . _.. .;. ._ . _.. _ . _ .. . w. �lmqu�.st, ��cretary to the Counc � COUNCILMEN: ATTEST: � . G�/��I-( i �r . ar an er ix, a or �� �; CITY OF HOP%INS HE:P�IEPIN COIII3TY� MINNESOTA RE30LUTION N0. I�2. A RESOLIITION REP'ITSII�G TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE RELATII+G TO ZOrTING WHICH WAS PROPOSED BY A COMI�IITTEE OF ELECTORS. WHEREAS� a verified copy of an ordinance which by its terma propoeed to remove from the commercial and multiple-dwelling districta into which it had been zoned all that part of the Northwest �arter (NW�) of the Northeast Qiarter (N�) of Section 21+, Township 117� Ra,nge 22, lying eoutherly of the 3outh line of etate highwa;� No. 7 and northerly of a line drawn para11e1 to and 300 feet southerly of said highw�y, and eaeterly of the Eaet line extended of Eighth avenue Diorth ae ahown on the plat of West Minneapolis, Second Division, and all that part of aaid Northweat Qµarter (NW4) of the Northea.st �arter (NDa) and of the Northeast Q}�arter (1VD�) of the Northwest �arter (NW�) of Section 24� Township 117� Ra.nge 22, lying northerly of the PTorth line of state higkiway No. 7 and eaeterly of the plat of Elmt� Park, and Block One (1) � Hobb� Acrea, and place said area ia the residential district of the city , together with the namee and addressee of five electors who formed them- selvee into a committee for the initiation of said ordinance as a meaeare of public concern, was filed with the city manager of the city of Hopkine on March 15� 1950, pureuant to the charter of the city� chapter 5, section 5.0�� and WHEREA,S� a petition for the adoption of said ordinance� together with signature papers and affidavits thereto attached, was filed in the office of the city manager on Ma,rch 27, 1950, pureuant to the chaxter of the city, chapter 5. sections 5.05 end 5.06, and WFiEREAS, within five daye after filing said petition �aith the city manager� said manager ascertained by examination thereof the number of electore whoee eig- natures are appended thereto, and that the number of electors signing said pe�ition consisted of more than ten (10) per cent of the total number of electore who cas+C their votee at the last preceding regular uninicipal election and that said petition wae suf�'icient - anii• r�gular, and WHEREAS, at the ne�t regular meeting of the council held on March 27� 1950, the city mana.ger certified to the council that 235 electors eigned the petition� being 16,percent of the total number of electors who caat their votes at the last preceding regular municipal election, and � VIHEREAS� the council thereupon and at once read the measure and referred it to the council ae a committee of the whole a.nd provided for a public hea.ring to be held upon the measure on 'l�.ie aday, April 18� 1950, at 7:3� o' clock P.M, at the (1) � council chambera in the city ha11, and , t�IHERF,AS� a public heariag on esid measure was held before the council acting ae a cammittee of the whole on Tnesday, April 18, 1950, at 7:30 o'clock P.M, at the council chambers in the city hall; 80W� THEBEP'ORE� BE IT RESOLVED that the council of the city.of Hopkins reiitsea to adopt said proposed ordinauce�:and hereby approve� the recommendation of the Iiopkina zoning commiesion that no change in.the zoning in the area desaribed in said ordinance be made. ADOPTED by the.council of the city of Hopkine at a regular meeting thereof held this 6th. da.� of June� 1950. , W. HARLAN PERBIX� MAYOR g. W. Elmquiat, Secretary to the cauacil Frank �1. Whi tney. City �ttorney . ;4 %; 's ;� � 2� =?; , . '`:� . �; -. "� , >�Y�. � f':�C' � � .. - . . . , � . . , . . _... .. . � ., . ..._ _ . i; CITY OF HOPKI�S. HE.�?EPIDT COUNTY, I�IINZ?ESOT9 RESOLUTION N0. 143. u� � LI A 1�SOLIITIO�T SUB�IITTING TO THE VOTE OF THE II,ECTORS AT A SPECIAL ELECTION AN ORDI�TAI�7CE REL9TING T0� ZONING WHICI3 �4A5 PSUPOSED BY � COT•��4ITTEE OF ELECTO&S. WSEBF,�iS, a verified cop� of an ordinance which by its terms proposed to re- move from the commercial and mnitiple-dwelliag districts into which it ha,d been ;, - zoned � all that part of the Northwest �.iarter (�i�g) of the �Tortheast Q�.iarter (ND�) of Section 2�+, Township I17; Ra.n.ge 22� lying eotitherly of the Sonth line of etate hi��!wap No. 7 aad northerly of a Iine drawn parallel to and 300 feet southerly of eaid highw�y� and ea�terly of the Ea.st line extended of Eighth avenue North ae .���Q . y aho�n on the plat of Weat Minneapolie, Second Divieion� a.nd all that part of and of the Northeaet f�arter (NF}�) of the Northwest �arter (NW�) said Northwest Qu.arter (NW�) of the Northeaet �.iar�er (N�}�)/`;of Section 2�+� Town- ehip 117� Range 22� lying northerly of the DTorth line of state highway 1Jo. 7 and eaeterly of the plat of Elmo Park, and Blocc� One (1),: Hobby Acrea,'�a.nd place eaid area in the residentiai diatrict of the cit�r, together with thevnames and r II . addreses of five electors who formed themselves into a committee for the initiation of aaid ordinance as a measure of public concern� was filed with the city ma,na.ger oP the city of Hopkina on March 15, 1950, pursuant to the charter of the city;;: chapter 5� eection 5.0�� ari.d WEERF3A5� a petition for the ad.option of said ordina,nce, together mith signature papers and affidavita thereto attached� was filed in the office of the city mana,ger on March 27, �950, pureusnt to the charter of the city, chapter 5� sections 5.05 and 5.06, and 4dl�REAS� within five days after filing said petition with the city manager� said manager ascertained by examination thereof the uumber of electors eohose sig- naturea are appended thereto� and tha.t the number of electors aigning said petition coasieted of more than ten (10) per cent of the total mimber of electors who cast their votes at the last preceding regular municipal election and that said petition was eufficient and regular� a.nd ' WAEREA3, at the next regular meeting of the council held oa March 27, �950, the city m�nager certified to the council that 235 electors._signed the petition. being 16 percent of the total number of electore �vho cast their votea at the laet preceding regular municipal election, and WHEREAS, the council thereupon and at once read the measure and referred it to the couacil as a committee of the whole and�p rovided for a public hearing to be held upon the measure on Tuesday. April 18� 1950, a�t 7:�0 o'clock P.�I. at the council chambers in the city hall and � +/ WHEREAS, a public hearing on ea.id measure was held before the council acting as a committee of the whole m Tuesday, April 18, 195Q, at 7:30 o'clock P.R�i. at the council chambers in the city ha.11, and WHEREAS� the council of the city of Ho�kins by a resolution duly adopted on this da.te has rei�Zsed to adopt said �ropoeed ordinance; IdOW� TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED� that the propoaed ordinance be submitted by the council to a vote of the electora of the city of xo�kins at a epecial election to be held in and for the city at the polling placee heretofore designated for the fiee election dis- triete heretofore established by.reeolution of the city council, on Monday, the 17th. day of July� 1950� between the houra of 3��� o'clock P.M. and 5:00 o'clock P.M.� and BE IT �VRTHER RE�I,VED, tha.t Elizabeth Slavin Y Glad.ys Escher and �el�i1� Pahl for election diatrict No. 1; ��Q1ga;�K�lle�i:: ::_ _ , `r:� �i1�abet�i�=l:�i�rike and �ouise �_�iassier for election district IJo. 2; . � �s:ther�r�=:-, oss ., L;n3_a� �'J� .Ya4c�e�;, and �A'a'ey��: �oocl� for election district No. j;_ ���-ce���Nfi�:.Aride:��.on � ��a.arl'es l�'.�.=He�zan , ,:� and B�idget�:I�arkin for election district No. �+ and �a��uer.3te_:I�osie�-: _ • L'aah:�.Chri�t'er�sen�:. An�e .Bor3and- -. and - �_ �--- - for election district No. 5 are hereby appointed to aerve as judges and clerks of said election,.and `a BE IT P'(TRTHER RESOI,VED that the clerk give notice of said election by causin� a >>� . - _� �.�` notice thereof to be-publiahed in the 9ttburban Press, the,:official newspaper of said `� _ :,;� . w,� cit,y, for two successive raeeke prior to said election and by poeting capiea of said 'Y notice in one public tilace in each of sa.id five election districts, at le�.et 10 days prior to the date of said election, and BE IT �TRTHER RF�OLVED, that the p ropoaition to be submitted to the electors shall be in substantially the following form: '�Shall a proposed ordinaxice which h�s been initiated by a committee of five electorg, by the terms of which the following described real estate in the city of Hopkins� Hennepin County, Minneeota� would be removed from the commercial and multiple dwelling districts a.nd placed in the residential district of the city, be adopt ed? A11 that part of the Northwe.st �arter (NW¢) of the Northeast �arter (ND�) of Section 2�, Townehip 117,.Ra.nge 22� lying southerly of the Soutr� line of atate highway No. 7 and northerly of a line drativn parallel to a.nd 300 feet eoutherly af said highway, and easterly of the East line extended of Eighth avenue NortY+ as sho�n on the plat of Weat Minneapolis� Second Dfvieion� and all that part of said Northwest �2� and of the NortH:east�.t�axter (NE�) of the P�orth�uest Q�arter (N6'14) �'" ' Quarter (NN1�) of the 1Qortheast �arter (N�)% of Section 2�� Town- ship 117� Ra.nge 22, lying northerly of the north line of state hi�way No. 7 and easterly of the plat of Elmo Park� and Block One (1)� Hobby Acres,n BE IT FtTRTHER RESOLVED, that the clerk shall cauae suitable ballots to be prepared for use at eaid election, and that such special election shall be held in the same manner, as far ae practicable� as provided for annual city elections. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkine at a regular meeting thereof "� held this 6th. dag of June� 1950. W. HARLAN PERBIR, MAYOR A. W. Elmqui at, Secretar� to the council, Frank N. �'Jhi tney, City Attorney. `'� `'�, '_`i .; , � s s; � J C, ��I ',� �4 s ��.:, !T, " ' .r-, , . . � . .. .. .-... . .......-r-- ,.i}.-a � 4 . _ . . . . . , `r� ,; CITY OF HOPKIldS HENNEPIN� COUIdTY, MINNESOTA �� 1��` NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION ON INITIATED ORDINANCE. gOTICE IS HEREBY GIYED? that a special election of the electore of the city of Hopkina, Hennepin County, Minnesota� will be held in and for said city at the polling places for the five election:districts of said city, to-wit: The Harley Hopkins achool building for District No. 1; The Hopkins Public Library� formerly known as,the Dow House� for Diatrict No. 2; `�he Hopkins Municipal �iilding� otherarise known as the city ha11, for District No. j; The Junior High School for District No. �+, and The OaJ.c Rid.ge Country Club for District No. 5, on Monday� the 17th, day of July� 1950. between the hours of 3:OQ o�clock P.M. and 5:00 o'clock P.M., to vote upon the following question: "Shall a proposed ordinance ruhich ha.s been initiated by a committee of five electors, by the term� of which the following deecribed real estate in the cit� of Hopkina, Hennepin County, �inneeota� would be removed from the commercial s.nd multiple dwelling dietricts �nd placed in the residential district of the city, be adopted? All that part of the Northwest �.iarter (Nt�) of the Northeast f�.arter ,- { i (ND�) of Section 2�+, Townahip 117� Range 22, lying southerly of the south line of state hi�iway No.,7 and northerly of a line dra�rn parallel to and jp0 feet eoutherly of sa#d hi�way, and easterly of the Eaet 1 line extended of Eighth Avenue ATorth as ehown on the plat of West ; Minneapolis, Second Division, and all that part of said Northwest Q�.iarter (1'TfrdQ) of the DTortheaet �arter (NEff�) .and of the Northeaet �.iarter (ND�) of the Northwest Qxarter (NW�) of Section 2�+, Townahip 117� RI ge 22, lying northerly of the north line of atate highway No. 7 and eaeterly of the plat of Elmo Park, and Block One.(1)� Hobby Acres," Dated: thia 7th day of June, �950. � A. W. F�MQIII ST, CITY CLE&S Frank N. �h.itney, city attorneg Published in The �burban Presa on June 22nd and 29th., �950 copy for the paper �I �'��"`�"' , �; 'i .,, ,�;; ' ,-i ..,;+ ;»� `:;: ;.ai� ;:;� �;, ;� :� ...._:, ��- � � OFFICIAL B�I,LOT SPECIAL ELECTIOPT ON IIQITIATED ORDIATANCE CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COIINTY� MINNESOTA July 17, 1950 Shall a proposed ordinance which has been initiated by a committee of five electora, by the terms of which the following desc Mbed real estate in the city of Hopkine, Hennepin County, Minnesota� would be removed from the commercial and multiple dwelling districts and placed 9.n the reaidential district of the citg, be adopted? All that part of the Diorthweat f�,iarter (NW�) of the Northeaet �arter (N�) of Section 2�+, Township 117, Range 22, lying southerly of the south line of atate hi�.way No. 7 and northerly of a line dra�vn parallel to and 300 feet southerly of said highway, a.nd easterly of the East line extended of Eigh�h Avenue North as shoran on the plat of West Minneapolie, Second Division� and all that part of said Plorthwest Quarter (NW�) of the Northeast Q,iarter (NEQ) and of the DTortheast Q}tarter (N�) of the Northweet fl�arter (NW�) of Section 24� Township 117, &a.nge 22, lying northerly of the north line of state h3ghway No. 7 and eaeterly of the plat of Elmp Park, and Block One (1), Hobby Acres. �s � NO �� 1 � ---------------------------------------- INSTI�TCTIONS TO YOTER'S: An elector desiring to cote in favor of the adoption of �said initiated ord.inance aha11 mark a croas (X) in the equare �ppoeite the word "YES".. An elector desirfng to vote against the adoption of eaid ordinance sha11 mark a crose (X) in the equa,re opposite the word "r10". copy fo r the paper � �,,�' �� � STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) COIINTY OF HENNEPIN) SS ) CITY OF HOPgIBTS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE OF ELECTION The undereigned� the duly qualified and acting clerk of the citg of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minneaota� being duly sworn on oath, deposee a.nd eays that on the 30th day of June� 1950, he poated copies of the attached NCTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION ON INITI9TED ORDI�IANCE in one public place in each of the five said election districts in and for �aid city of Hopkina, to-wit: __ One on the telephone pole located acroas the street from CITY OF HOPICINS RENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA � and near ti�18 lII8�Y1 entrance of the Harl�y Hopkins NOTI IN TIA ED ORD NANCE.N oN school building for �$tiI'1Cti N0. 1� NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that i � a special election of the electors of tne city of Hopkins, Hennepin coun- ; One on the front door of the Hopkins public library ty, Minnesota, will be held m and for � satd city at . the polling places for fo rmerl kIIOWri 8,8 the Dow home et ead, for D St Ii Ct I�10 . 2� the five election districts of said city, jt i to-wit: The Harley Hopkins school building for District rro. i: One on the bulletin board at the Southweat corner of the The Hopkins Public Library, former- 1y known as the noW House, for Hopkine municipal building� otherwi se known as the ' District No. 2; The Hopkins Municipal building, � � ' otherwise known as the city hatl, Ci ty ha11 � for Di stri ct No . � for District No. 3; The Junior High School for District • No. 4, and � One on the bulletin board for the Junior High school The Oak Ridge Country Club for Dis- trict No. 5, on Monday, tr,e i�th aay of aUiy. ' buildi�g, for Diatrict No. 4, and 1950, between the hours of 3:00 o'clock P.M. and 8:00 o'clock P.M., to vote upShalleafprop sed4ordinance which , One on the door of the Golf Supply Building has been initiated by a cominittee of f��e electors, by the terms of which , at. the Oak Ridge Country Club for District the following described real estate � in the city of Hopkins, Hennepin � NO . 5� County, Minnesota, would be removed � from the commercial and multiple . dwelling districts and placed , in tiie � residential district of the city, be adopted2 � All that part of the Northwest Quarter (NW?'4) of the Northeast , AttaChed Quarter (NE?'4) of Section 24, Township 117, Range 22, lying southerly of the south line of ofata lineWdrawn� paralei to''ana hereto and made a part hereof�ie a full, true and correct 300 feet southerly of said highway, � and easterly of the East line ex- tended of Eighth Avenue North � CO of the notice of the meeting SO poeted. as sliown on the plat of West �%� Aitnneapolis, Second Division, and all that part of said Northwest � Quarter (NW1� ) of the Northeast Quarter (NE1'4 and of the North- ' east Quarter (NE?4) of the North- west Quarter (NW','a) of Section 24, Township 117, Range 22, lying ; northerly of the north line of state highway No. 7 and easterly .of the plat of Elmo Park, and � Block One (1). Hobby Acres," Dated: this�7thVdayELMQUIST950. � c�tY Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me Frank' N. Whitney, � thi a f� O f 9 5Q . City Attorney � � �. (June 22, 29) • i � _ _ / % /. _ `rank N. Whitney, Notary lic Hennepin County� Minneso a My commisaion expirea J uary 9. 1955 � �` �@�_ 4/ CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COIINTY� MI�PTESOTA RESOLIITION N0. 1�5. � A&ESOLUTIODi ORDERING A HEARIPIG OR ENGINEER'S REPORTS ON THE INSTALLATION OF SIDEWALg, CURB A�TD GUTTER IN CERTAI�T LOCATIONS AND THE TREATING OF CERTAIN STREETS ADTD ALLEYS WITH TAR OIL AND BLACg TOP. WE�REAS, the couricil of the city of Honkina on May 16� �950, adopted a ,. resolution referring the matter of the inetallation of concrete cnrb a.nd gutter along the South eide of First Street South between Monroe Avenue and the alley in Block 35� West Minneapolis Center, to P'rank Laska, city engineer,�� r hie investigation and report, and WHE&EAS� the council of the cit� of Iiopkine on September 6, �9u9� adopted a reaolution referring the matter of conetracting aidea�alk on the West �;-: `. ,,.• �� �. �; side of Van Buren Avenne South from F�celeior Boulevard.:�:�:�,at Firat Street 3outh, and of treatin� $ie East and West a11e� in Block lj� Weat Minneapolie, and the alley in Block 11� West Minneapolis� Third Division, with tar oil, to Frank Laska, city engineer� for hie inveetigation and re?�ort� and WHEREAS� the council of the city of Hopkine on October �� �9�+g, adopted a resolution referring the matter of treating the North and South alley�in Block. 71, West Minneapolie, Second Divieion, with tar oil and black top� to Frank Laska, city engineer, for his investigation and report, and WHE REAS, the council of the city oP Hopkins on Ma*y 2� 1950� a dopted a reaolu- tion referring the matter of treating the alleys in Blocke numbered 101 and 107, � We at MinneaAoli s� Second Diei si on, uri th tar o il � to Frank Laska, ci ty engineer, for his ineeatigation and report, and WHEHEAS� the council of the city of Hopkina on October 5� 1948,�adopted a reaolution referring the m�tter of treating Oakwood Road from Goodrich Street to Boyce Street rorith tar oil, to Frank Laeka� city engineer, for hie investigation and repo rt, and WHEREAS, said engineer has inveatigated the neceeeity and feaeibility of said improvemente and on June 1, 1950� reported thereon to the council aad filed hie written reporte with the secretar�r of the council, and WSEREAS� said engineer'e reporte recommend that said curb and gutter.and sidewalk be inatalled in said locations and said atreets and alleys be treated �eith tar oil and black top, at the following eatimated costs, to-wit: �. Inatalling carb and gutter on the Soutr side of First Street South between Monroe Avenne and the alley in Block 35, Weat Minneapolis Center� at an estim�ted �;;�- co et of �1216. 70; E. P'. - � . . � \1/ . .1 Constrncting sidewalk on the West eide of Van Buren Avenue South from . F�celeior Boulevard:;;��ta, Firet Street South, at an eatima.ted coat of �1765.36; Treating the East and West alle� in Block 13� Weat Minneapolis, with tar oil and black top, at an estima.ted coet of $290.00; Treating the alley in Block 11� «est Minneapolis� Third DiPision� with tar oil and black top, at an estimated coat of $61(J.00; Treating the North and South alley in Block 71� West Minneapolia� Second Division, with tar oil and black top� at an estimated co�at of �4�.00; Treating the alleye in Blocks numbered 101 and 10%� West Minneapolie� Se- ,k: :F f�; �:;':. , .cbnd�:�=;'Dieieion, with tar oil arid black top� at an estimated coat of $j85.00� and ,'.J • . Treating Oakwood Road from Goodrich Street to Boyce Street with tar oil and black top, at an estimated coat of $12p0.00; NOW� THEREFORE, BE :IT' RESOLVFD that eaid engineer'e reporte will be coneidered by the c ouncil and action taken thereon at a regalar meeting of the city council to be held on Wednesday� the 5th. day of Julq� 1950� at 7:30 o'clock P.M.,,and BE IT FURTHER RE�LVED that the city manager �ive notice of �uch hearing by �ubliehing a notice once in each �eek for tv�o su��esaive weeks in the official newapaper of said city� said notice to describe in general langua,ge the improee- ments recommended in the engineer's reporta and the eatimated costa thereof. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 6th. d.�y of June, 1950. A. W. Elmqui st � Secretary of the council Frank Id. Whitney� City Attorney i 2) W. HARI,AN PERBIX, A�AYOR . , �_� v. . : . � � . �� � � � 4 ' 1 1 ��� NOTICE OF HEARING OPd ENGINEER' S REPORTS FOR THE�;I�IQSTALLATIOId.: OF SIDEWALg, CURB AND GU'I'TER IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS AND TSE TREATING OF CERTAIN STREETS AND ALLEYS WITH TAR OIL AND BLACK TOP. NOTICE IS HEREBY.GIVEN that the city engineer of Hopkine did on the 6th d.ay of June, �950� file reports with the city council relating to the installation of sidewalk� curb and gutter in the following locatioaa axid the treating of certain streete and alleys with tar oil a.nd black top, namely: Inatalling curb and gutter on the South side of Firat Street South betti�een �Ionroe Avenue and the a11e� in Blocx 35� West Minneapolie Center, at a.n estima.ted cost of $1216.70; Constracting aidewalk on the Weat side of Van Buren Avenue South from E�celaior Boulevard to First Street South� at an estimated dost of $1765.36; Treating the East and Weet a11ey in Block 13, West Minneapolis. v�ith tar oil a.nd black top, at an estimated cost of $29Q.00; Treating the alley in Block 11� Weat Mi�eapolis, Third Diviaion, vrith tar oil a.nd black top� at an estima.ted coat of �y610.�0; Treating the North and 3outh alley in Block 71� �+�eat Minneapolia� Second Division, �rith tar oil and black ton� at an eatimated cost of $�+50.00; Treating the alleys in -Blocke numbered 101� end 107, Weat Minneapolie� Second Division, with tar oil and black top, at an estimated cost of $3g5.00, and Treatin� Oakwood Road from Goodrich Street to Boyce Street with tar oil and black top, at an estimated coat of $120Q.00� NOTICE IS FTJR7�iEE GIYEN that the city council haa by reeolution figed Wednesday, the 5th. day of July, �950, at 7:30 o'clock P.I�. at the cauncil chambers in the city hall as the time and place at F�hich the council will hear euch persone ae care to be he�rd in reference to said imp rovements� or any or either of them, and will conaider said engineer's reporta and act thereon. C. C. CONGDON, Dated at 3opkins� Minnesota, thia 7th. day of June, 1950. Frank N. Whitney, City Atto rney PUBLIS1iED IN 7�E SUBURBAN PRESS ON JUNE 15th. and 22nd.� 1950 copy fo r the pape r �� � p�.� 6 Cit� Manager CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNT Y, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 1�F�+. A RESOLIITION REFERRING TO THE CITY IIVGIY�'EE& Ti� MATTER OF THEATIRTG THE AI,LEY IN BLOCK 108, SVEST MINNEAPOLIS� S�COiQ'D DIVI�QN, WITH TAR OIL. WHEREAS, there has been filed with the city clerk and by the clerk preaent.ed to the city council� a petition asking for the treating of the alley in Block lOS� Weet Minneapolia, Second Division, with tar oil, and � WHE�� the co�t thereof ahould be aeaessed againet an�y property found benefited thereby, and WHEREAS, the owners of most of the property against which aaid coats would be asseesed have petitioned the city council for said improvement; NOW� THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLYED by the couacfl of the city of Hopkine that the matter of treating said alley with tar oil be referred to Frank Laeka, city engineer, to inveetigate the necesaity and feasibility of such improvement and to report to the `council ae soon ae poesible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meetin� thereof held this 6th. day of June, 1950. A. NI Elmquist, Secretary of the council Frank PT. W'hitney� City Attorney copy for Laska �/ W. HARLAIV PERBI%, NiAypR \ � � �� � � 0 �1 CITY OF.HOP�INS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MIiZI�TESOTA � ORDINADTCE ATO. �+. t�' AN OBDINADiCE RELATING TO NNDTICIP9I, BIIILDIDTGS AND PSOPERTY� AND 9LS0 RELATI4a TO g PfTBLI.G I,IBRARY AND TEE MANAG�l.II�TI' gND CONTAOL THERFAF; PROVIDINa PENAI,TIE5 FOR VIOLATIONS AIrTD REPFaALING CERTAIN ORDINA�TCES. BE IT ORLIAINED by the council of the city of Hapkina: Section l. City hall. Subdivision 1: The entire building in which is located the cf ty hall and jail sha11 be under the immediate care, control� mana.�e- ment and direction of the city man�,ger. 8abdivision 2. Tha,t part of the buildiag on the first floor, not includiag that part thereof set aeide for jail and office purposes and vaulte,�aitidl�.:pump}tiroom;:� , ... �-=i�'�:re'"se�r.ved for the uae of the fire departmeat of the city for fire department qnartere a.nd for the houeing of apparatus a.nd equipmen� thereof. and shall be under the care and management of the chief oP the said fire department and such other officere designated by the fire department, s�bject to the control and direction of the cit�r manager. and eubject to the provieions contained in thie eection and a11 the rnlee. by-lawe and.oreiinances:oP the city. 3ubdivision 3. The aecond floor aha11 be used for public assem�lages, council meetings� officea and other_municipal purpoees. 3ubdivieion �+. The basement eha.11 be used for the etorage; preaervation aad repair oP the property of the city. Subdiviaion 5. That�.part of the building used for jail pnrpoaes shall be under the care a.ad management of a member oP the police 8epartment designated by the city mana.ger who ehall cauee the jail and the bedding therein to be kept clean, wholesome a.nd free from vermin� and shall cause the jail to be saept thoroughly and cleansed with water at leaet once every tvro �reeka, and who shall keep -; .`�i in a book i�.irniehed by the city a complete register of all prisonera committ�dY� `.� thereto aad all persone admitted as lodgers therein� in the form prescribed by the state. ;�� : �.>:; 3ubdivision 6.. No person sha11 post. paate� paint or a.ffig any placard� bill� notice or aign upon aag atructure, thing or part of the building or p remiees, except upon such hulletin boards ae may be provided therefor. S�bdivision 7. Intogicating liquors and aon-intoxicating malt liquors or beverages aha11 in no case be brou�t or uaed abaut or upon the. build3ng or premiaee, by any officer, employe or any person. �ibdieieion 8. No police ofFicer or other person sha11 give, sell or deliver to an� prisoner in the jail an�► intoxicating liquor or non-into$icating malt liquor ualeee a reputable physicie.n certifies in writing that the health of snch prieoner �1) k' : �;� ;� or inmate requiree it, in whioh ca,ee he may be allowed the prescribed quantity� aud no more. 9nbdivi aion 9. Any peraon violating any of the provisions of this eectioa ehall be gnilty of a misdemeanor. Section 2. Library. 9abdivieion 1.. It ia necess�ry and egpedient to establieh and maintain a public library and reading room for the use oP the inhabitants�of the city of Hopkins aad of euch other pereona a8 �y become entitled thereto by the pro- ,,; - visioneof thie ordinance, or other action of the city; and the ground floor of the eo-called "Dow House" or ea.ch other placea� quartera or buildinge as.the council ma,y from time to time d.eeignate by proper motion or reeolution� are hereby eetablished and eet apart for the benefit and u ee thereoP. • 9ubdiviaion 2. Board. There ie hereby created a library board oi Yive directors, not more tha.n one of whom ehall �- be a member of the city council;�; A].1 of the present members of the library board of the city of Hopkine, �rhich board was created and eetabliehed under the terme aad provieions of the ordinance which ie repealed by eection 3� eabdivieion g, of th3 e ordinance, sha11. be,and become membere of the library board created by thia ordinance for�the respective periods of time for which they �vere appointed to said former board. Annually hereafter, and p rior to July let in each year, the mqyor, �oith the approval of the council, shall anpoint for terms of three yeara commencing on July let. a sufficient number of directar� to fill � �. the placea of thoee whose term o r te=ms expire. The mayor� by and with the consent of the council� may remove an� director � r miaconduct or neglect. 5ubdiviaion j. Yace�ciea. Pacaxiciea in the board of directore shall.be reported to the can.ncil aad filled by like appointment for the unexpired term. Slubdivision �+. Orgax�ization and Dutiea. �ich board shall orgaaize by electing one of ite member ae preaident and one as eecretary aad m�y, enb�ect to the approval � of the city manager, adopt each by-lawe and regulatione for the government of the ,. library and for the conduct of it� bueinese ae map be e$pedient and conformable to law. It aha11 advise the city manager in the egpenditure of all moneys collected for or p resented to the credit of the library i'uad, the conetruction of library buildinga and the.management of all grounde, roome and buildings provided for library purpoaes. All moneys received for such ltbrary shall be p�id to the city, be credited to the library fund, be kept by the city eeparate from other,moneye of the municipality a.ad be paid out in the eame manner as other city funds are egpended. w�_:, 9nbdiviaion 5. �tension of Library Benefite. The board of directors m�y admit to the benefit of the public librar� persons not reaiding within the manicipalitq under snch regulations and upon �ch conditioas ae it may b�:rule preecribe� aubject i 2) '[ to the appmval of the city manager. Section j. Hepeals. Subdivision l. nAn Ordinazice Authorizing an Issue of Seventeen Thousand Dollars of Bonda of the Village of West Minneapolia for the Purchase of Ree1 Estate axid �rection oP a Mnnicipal Building Suitable for a Firepraof and Sanitary Jail, for Fire Department Qxartera, for Cov.ncil Chamber, Court Room aad Other Municipal Purposes and DTeeds," which was adopted by the village council of Weet Minneapolis on June 20,,1911� ie hereby repealed. Sabdidsian 2. "An Ordi nance for the Purchase of Real Eetate aud Erection of I�Iun;.cipal Building S�iitable for a Firep�oof and Sanitary Ja31, for Fire Department �iarters, for Council Chamber, Court Hoom and Other ffiunicipal Parpo ses and Needs,° which was adopted by the village council of West MinneapoliB on_June 20, 1911� ie hereby repealed. Subdivieion j. °An Ordinance Preacribing the Form of Bond for the Proposed Iasue of $17,000.00 Yillage of Weat Minne�olie l�inicipal Building Bonde�" which wae adopted by the village council of VJest Minneapolis on Augaat 29� 1911�ia hereby repealed, Subdivieion �. "An Ordinance to Provide for the Preeervation of Public Property;:" which was ad.opted by the village couric3l of Weat I�inneapolia on Februar� 6, 1912, is hereby repealed. 9ubdivieion 5. "An Ordinance to Provi de for the Maaagement and Uee and �lea and Segulations for the ii!gu.nicipal Building and J�il of the Village, of West Minrieapolie�'� � � �,�:� which was adopted by the eillage cauncil of Weat �inneapolie on Febraary 6� 1912� ie hereby repealed. 9ubdiviaion 6. WAn Ordinance to �mend an Ordinauce Entitled 'An Ordinance to Provide for the Mena,gement as�d Uee and &tlee and Hegulations for the l+�unicipal �uilding and Jail of the Village of West Minneapolis' Passed and App roved Febxuary 6th� 1912," which was adopted by the villa�e council of West Minneapolie on Febraa,r� 7, 1928� ie hereby repealed. � 9ubdiviaion 7. °An Ordinan ce Eetablishing and Setting Apart Pnblic Property for the Use and Benefit of a E�.iblic Library," which voas adopted by the vil]age conncil of Weat Minneapolie and printed in the book entitled "&ulee of Procedure� Ordinances and By-Lawa�" which vuae iseued under date of Febraary 15, �gz3, is hereby repealed. 9�ibdiviaion 8. °An Ordina.nce to �mend an Ordinance Entitled 'Au Ordinance Eet�,bliehing and Setting Apart Public Property �or the IIse and Benefit of a Public Library,''!`•, t�hich was adopted by the village council of Hopkina an DTovember 20, 1g�5� ie hereby repealed. � FIRST READ at a�pg¢iai council meeting of tY:e ci ty of Hopkfne held on the 23rd ' day of �.aav � �950. aad finally read and paesed at a regular meeting of the council- of eaid city held on the 6� d�y of .Tune � 1950. W. HAP.L9N PF�RBIS, MAYnR A. W. Elmqu3at, Secretary to the council �'rank N. Whi tne�, City At to rney Pnbliahed in The 9u'burban Preas on 6f15/50 °` (3) _ copy for the paper (,� ��r1 r�J N ., ; CITY OF HOPKINS HENNII'IN COUNTY� MIN,fESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 1�7. �, � RESOLUTIOIQ ORDERIATG A HEARING ON ENGIr1EER' S REPORTS O8 TH.E INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWER AND WATER MAINS I1Q gNOLLW00D. W�REAS� the council of the city of Hopkins on April �, 1950, adopted a resolution referring the matter of installing sanitarg sewer and water main extensiona into and througk�out the plat of gnollwood to Frank I,aska, city engineer, for hia investigation and report� and WHEREAS, said engineer hae investigated the neceaeity and feasibility of eaid improvemente and on June 6, 1950, reported thereon to the council and filed his written reporta with the secretary of the council, and WHEREAS, said engineer's report recommends that said sanitary aewer aud water main extensions be installed in the following locatioae, namely: Along Edgemoor Drive from the interaection of Hazelaxie arid Wayaide Road in Hobby Acrea to the intersection of Edgemoor Drive a.nd Cottage Downs in Knollwood; commencing at the inter�ection of Wilshire Walk and Oak ridge Road and r�nning Eaeterly along the enti re length of Wilehire Walk; commencing at the intersection pf Wilehire Walk arid Valley Way and � running Northerly along Valley way to �i��,,intersection with Gottage Downs; � :W, � commencing at the interaection of Palley Way and Bridle Lane and running Easterly along Bridle Lane to Edgemoor Drive; commencing at the inter- eection of Valley Wey and Park Terrace and running Easterly and 9outherly a�ong Park Terrace to ita intersection with Bridle Lane; commencing at the intersection of Oakridge Road and Cottage Downe and running Eaaterly aloag Cottage Downs to its interaection with Edgemoor Driee, at an eetimated co�t for the installation of said sanitary ae�ler extenaions of Thirty-two thoueand� ei�t hundred twenty-nine a.nd thirty hundredths dollara ��32�829•30), and at an eetimated cost for the installation of eaid water main egteneione of Thirty-one thousand� eight hundred fifty-five dollars (�j1,g55.�J0�; NOW� THERF�'ORE� BE IT RESOLVED that said engineer's reports will be coneidered by the council of the city of Hopkins and action taken thereon at a regular meeting of the city council to be held on Wedneaday, Ju�y 5, 1950� at 7:j0 o'clock P.M, and B� IT FiTRTFIER RESOLVED that the city manager give notice of auch he�ring by publishing a notice once in ea.ch week for two succeseive weeke in the official newspaper of said city, said notice to describe in general langaage the improvements recommended in the engineer'e re�orts and the.estimated costs thereof. ADUPTED by the council of the city of Hopkina at a regular meeting thereof held this 6th day of June, 195�• W. HARLAN pERBIX, MAYOR A. W. Elmquiat, �ecretazy of the council. Frank 1V. Whitney� `'. City Attorney � � ����� � NOTICE OF HEARING ON ENGINEER'S REPORT5 FOR THE INSTALLATIOId OF SAIdITARY SE�+IER AND WATER MAIId EXTENSIOIQS INTO AND TH&OUGHOUT THE PZAT OF KNOLLWOOD. ,� � � � ��. r� � .� ; � � a�� � :� 1 F NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the city engineer of Hopkine did on the 6th day of June, 1950, file a report with the city council relating to the installation of sanitary sewer and water main extensions into and throu�out the plat of" gnollwood in the following locations, namely: Along Edgemoor Drive from the in�ereection of Hazelane and Watiyaide Road in Hobby Acree to the intersection of Ed.gemoor Drive and Co�tage Downs in Knollv�ood; commencing at the intersection of Wilshire Wa1k a,nd Oakridge Road and running Easterly along the entire len gth of �'�ilshire Walk; commencing at the intersection of Wilahire Walk and :�;x;;;�'_ ' Valley Way and ranning Northerly along Valley. Wa�y to��;�t's�intersection vribh Cottage Downs; commencing at the intersection of Va11ey.Way and Bridle Lane and running Easterly along Bridle Lane to Edgemoor Drive; commencing at the interaection of 1Talley Way and Park Terrace and running Easterly and Southerly along Park Terrace to its intersection with Bridle Lane; commencing at the intereection of Oak ridge Roa.d and Cottage Downe and running Easterly along Cottage Downs to ita intersection with Edgemoor Drive, at an�estimated cost for the installation of said �anitary aewer extenaiona oP Thirty-two Thousand, Eighty Hundred Twenty-nine and thirty hundredths��ollars (�j2,82q.j0). and at.a.n estimated coet for the installation of said water main �cteneione of T,Y�irty one Thoueand Eight�`�rHundred Fifty-five Dollara (�31,s55.00) � NOTI CE I S I+VRTFiER GI VEN that the ci ty council has by resolut ion figed. Wed.needay, the 5th day of July� 1950, at 7:30 o'clock P.M, at the council chambers in the city hall as the time a.nd place at which the council will hear such persona as care to be heard in reference to said improvements, or either of them, and will considen aaid engineer's reports and act thereon. Dated at Hopkins, Minnesota, this 7th d�r of June, 195Q Frank N. Whitney, Cit,y Attorney C. C. CONGDON� CITY MANAGER Pablished in The Suburban Press on June 15th and 22nd. 1j50 copy for the paper ���d'� � � �� ,� v° � ' �,� �,� °' '� °� � �>� �I�� . �� � A regular meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held at the City Hall at 7•.30 o�clock P.�I. on Tuesda.y, June- 20, 1950.. Members present �eree Mayor �. Harlan Perbix, Councilmen Joseph T."�Axiderla, Len J. Milbert, John Ziegler, � Stuart E. Beckman, City P,�anager C.C. Congdon, City Attorney Frank N..V'dhitney, and City �gineer,Frank V. Laska. Members absent; none. Anderla moved, �Ii7.bert seconded, that the.follo�ving bills be paid. 1998 1999 2000 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 203l� 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 201�0 2ota 2042 2043 201�.1� 20�.5 56u 565 572 57� 575 576 439 Ii.l�O �2 �i3 � � l�1�6 �.�47 �$ 449 1�50 107 109 110 111 112 113 GENEE�iL FUND First Natle Bank, Hopkins Treasurer, State'of Minrio M.J. Schneider, Clerk Garl 9. Anderson Stuart E. Beckman C.C. Congdon A.�P. Elmquist General Mills, Inc. Gustafson & F1�ca Hennepin County Hennepin County Review Hopkins Fire Departanent Johnson & Vogt, Inc. ,Tustus Lumber Company gl.bert E. Larsen �plse Gas Company Ma.nn. Fire Extinguisher Co. Northern States Power Co. Sersri.ce Parts Co. Skelly 6il Company Sta.ndard Oil Co�any Salaries Hour�y Payroll 11�ithholcli.ng deductions Retirement deductions Filing fees Bandstand & storm sewer repair Convention.expense Convention expense Convention expense Grass seed Banclstand and light poles Board of poor Printing Fire�calls and telephones Supplies Cedar posts 19l�.9 audit Hea.t CO2 recharge Light and power Supplies Gas Supplies lst z of June Period ending 6/15/50 RQAD & BRIDGE I+'�TND First Natl. Bank, Hopkins Tressurer, Sta.te of �dinn. F�nil' Brokl - Johnson 3c Vogt, Inc, Justus Lumber Company Northern States Power �Uestside Blacksmith Salaries Hotir�y Payroll �Vithliolcling deductions Retirement deductions b mos. telephone & use of car Supplies �' Cedar posts Light and power 3 picks sharpened lst 2 of June Period �ain� 6/i5/5o V'1A�'ER. FUND First Natl. Bank, Hopkins Treasurer, Sta.te of B�inn. Buffalo �eter Company Consolidated Electric Gustafson & F�ixa - Joseph A. Hromadko Northern States Povrer N.W. Bell Telephone Co. Herman Olson St. Joseph�s Catholic Church Skelly Oil Company Salaries Hourly Payroll LeRoy Trombley, et al Charles & Anna Vasko DeGraff Wolff Gustafson & �a Johnson & Vogt, Ince Phelps Drake Co. Frank N. il�hitney Hourly Payroll Withholding deductions Retirement deductions Meter repairs B�Iercury'tubes Repairs 6 mos, telephone Light and power Telephones 6 mox. telephone Sale of water meter o� lst 2 of June - � Period ending 6/15/50 SE�`IA�E DISPOSAL FUND Carried. Damage claim settlement Damage claun settlement part payment on Est.#5 trunk sewer Lif t station Snpplies, keys - Est.#5, sewer lift stations Attorney fees - ` Period ending 6/15/50 � 32oa70 133.78 1.00 600.l�6 v..65 34:50 26e25 28.15 267.36 172.00 79.05 i86000 46.52 5:00 255.00 67.54 3.50 745.30 i7.75 160.00 12:� 1536e73 12b9.32 107.10 5o°i2 102e00 68.65 3.1�� io.53 1.50 1�63•30 599'.5i� 51.80 12000 21�. t�2 5.00 �.75 12.00 350.61 . 8.13 12.00 25.00 5.10 t�57.27 36.25 i3$7e5o 11�000, 00 52. ot� 6:00 6127:71 150:00 60.45 _ �_, ' �1'' page 2. Anderla moved, L�Zilbert seconded, that Resolution #150, "A RESOLUTION REE'ERRING TO '!'HE CI7.'�' ENGIN�t THE i1�.4TTER OF TREATING CERTAIN STREETS AIVD ALLEY V9�ITH BLACK TOP SURF'ACII�," marlced Exhibit A, be adopted. Carried. Beckman moved, Anderla seconded, that the tYiree r.equests by the fl��.neapolis Gas Company for gas main extensions, their numbers 157, 163 and Bellgrove Addition be granted. Carried. � Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution '�151, "A RF�OLUTION REFERRII�ICt TO THE CI7'ir ENGIN��t TfiE rJ1ATTER OF TREAT.� I� SECOND STREET NORTH BETWEEN FIF°rH A�TENUE NORTH AND SIXTfi A�'ENUE ATORTH WITH BLACK TOP 5URFACING," marked �hibit B, be adopted. Carried. Ziegler moved, Beclaaan seconded, that Ordinance #l�5, "AN ORDINANCE r�F�AATING TO- THE DUTIES OF THE r2ARSHAL`AND REPF�LING A CERTAIN ORDITJANCE," rn�.rked �hibit C, be accepted as tlie second readi.ng thereof � and that the orcli.nance_ be adopted and published accordin� to lav�r. Carried. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that Ordinance #1�6, "ATd ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE AI�ID RUBBISH, PROVIDING A PENALTY F0� ITS VIOLATION AND REPEALING Cr�ftTAIN ORDI�PICF�," �►zarkecl Exhibit D, be accepted as th� second reading thereof and that the ordinance be��adopted and published according to law. Carriede � � - Anderla moved, �Jlilbert seconded, that Ordinance #1�7, "AN ORL`INANCE P,.ELATING TO ELECTIONS AND REP�ALING CEftTATN ORDINANCES�" �narkecl. �hibit E, be accepted as the second reading thereof and that the ordinance�be adopted and published . sccording to law. Carried. Ziegler moved, 1#�nderla secended,, that Ordinance #?�8, °AN ONDINARTCE P�LATING TO A 1�lATER AND GAS COLLECTION, AND REPEALIIIG A CERTAIN OFiDINANCE�" ma.rked E�hibit F, be accepted as the second reading thereof and that the ordinance be adopted and published according to law. Carried. Beclanan moved, Milbert seconded,.that Resolution #149, "A RFSOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TET�Il'ORARY LQAN FROPI! WATER FUND TO POLICE FUND," marked E�chibit G, be adoptedo. Carried. �ilbert moved, Beckman seconded, that the request by Z C B J Lodge #ll for an on- sale beer, soft drinks, and to conduct bingo games at their.Harvest Festival to be held on August 27, 1950, be grantede Carried. Pursuant to notice bids were opened for a three-quart�r (3/4) or one ton pickup truck and the following bids were received; Dahlberg Brothers, Inc. F-2 3,�4 Ton ... 122 "�PB 95 HP 6 Cylinder, Fresh Air Heater, Directional Lights, 5 700 x 16 C p T1res, Less License. Delivery approximately two weeks ............................�1270.50 8 Cylinder, 100 HP, Delivery at Once �1294p00 F-3 3/4 Ton ....122n VV$ Heavy Duty 95 HP 6 Cylinder, Fresh Air Heater, Directional Li�hts, 2 700 x l7 6 PIy Fron , 3 700 x 17 8 Ply Rear & Spare. Delivery Two weeks� �p1350.00 Less Licensee 8 Cylinder, 100 HP, Delivery At Once. Earl Gerard Motors. � /Truck One 1 ton Dodge Pickup with 72� �cpress Body @ One 1 ton Dodge Pickup Truck with 9' Body p� One 3/� ton Dodge Pickup Truck � �1373.5� �1L�3.10 a�1524.00 �a1393.35 page 3, Newman-Rhoads T1lotors, Ixic. O�e L122 Tnternational Pickup Truck, wheelbase I27��, S.D. 220 cu. in. engine, oi� filter, air conditioriing heater and defroster, 7c00 X 16 tires, spare tire and turn signals� ior the sum of ...................................�1395.00 Suburban Chevrolet Co. 1- 195� Chevrolet 3�L� Ton Pick-Up Truck witYi box. .Also includin�g "'`:. directional indicaters, heater and defroster,..........�121)a.a00 1- 1950 Chevrolet 1 Ton Pick-Up Truck vrith box. Al.so inclucling directional indicaters, heater and defroster...........$�1298.00 Milbert moved, Ziegler seconded, that the bid of Suburban Chevro]� Compa.r�y for the one ton pickup truck at �1298.00, be accepted. Carried. 9nderla moved, I4iilbert seconded, that the meeting be adjourned, A.T'I�ST: �� . W. Harlan Perbix� Mayor � Sr-�-`'`'`� A:N. Flmquist, c. to the Council. • � � � .J + � __ � �/ ��� �� ���:..��.�:.�,;- ._.�..�.�.. CITY OF HOPSINS HENNII'IN COURTY, MINNESOTA , RESOLIITION N0. 1rj0. A RESOLIITION REFERRING TO THE CITY ENGINEEE THE MATTER OF TREATING CERTAIN STREETS AND ALLEY WI'�'H BLACg TOP SURFACING. Wf�REAS� there has been filed with the city clerk and by the clerk presented to the city council, petitions asking for the treating of the following etreete a.nd alley with black top enrfacing, namely: Seventh �venue a.nd Eigk�th Avenue South between Seventh and Eighth Streete South and the North and South a11ey in Block 70� west Minneapolis, Second Division� and WHERF�AS, the cost thereof ehould be assessed againet ax�y property found benefited thereby� and WHEREAS� the ownere of most of the property againet which eBid coste would be aesessed have petitioned the city council for aaid improvemente; N0�4 � THEREPORE � BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkine that the matter of treating said streets aad alley with black top eurfacing be referred to Frank I,aska, city engineer, to investigate the necessity and feaeibility of euch improveffients and to report to the council ae soon as possible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkina at a regular meetin� thereof held this 20th. day of June, �950. A. W. Elmqui at , Secretary of the council Fraxik N. S'Jhitney, City gtto rney copy to Laska W. HAALAN PERBIX, MAYOR � �� CITY OF HOPgINS HEt1NFaPIBT COIINTY� MINNESOTA R�,SOLOTION N0. 151. A RESOLUTION REFERRING TO�THE CITY ENGINEEE TFiE MATTER OF TREATING SECOND STREE'T NORTH BETWEEN FIFTH AVENUE NOKPH AtdD SIXTH AYENIIE NOF�L'H WITH BLACK TOP SITRFACING. WHEREAS, the council deems it neceesary for the hea,lth, welfare and convenience of the city and its inhabitants to treat 8econd Street North between F`3.fth Avenue North and Sixth Avenue North with black top surfacing, and WF�REAS, the coat thereof should be assessed againat any property found benefited thereby; NOW, THEEtEFORE� BE IT RESOLYED by the cosncil of th e city of Hopkins that the ' matter of treating Second 5treet North between Fif th Avenue Idorth and Sixth Avenue North with black top surfacing be referred to Frank Laska� city� engineer, to investige.te the necessity and Peasibility of such improvement and to report to the council as soon as posaible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkina at a regular meetin.g thereof held this 20th. day of June, �950. W. fiARLAN pERBIX� MAYOH A. W. Elmquist� Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitney, Ci�ty Attorney copy to Laska , ., .,, . . . .. . . , .r .. . ... .. ... :: _ , .. ..,. . .. . . _ . `b� , � � �` � � � .� � ,� � � � �. ` � 1 �' , � � C� i� ��� � � at� ot � � ��� �� � CITY OF HOPgINS, : HFNN'EPIN COIINTY � MI NNE�TA ORDI�TANCE N0. �FS.� AN ORDINAPICE RELATING TO THE IRT�IES OF THE 1�[ARSHAL AND REPEALING A CERTAIN ORDI�TAPtCE: - BE IT OP.D4INID by the council of the city of Hopkins: aection 1. "Ari Ordinance Prescribing the Duties of the Vill�.ge Marshal�p which was adopted by the nillage council of Weet Minneapolie on October j, 1912, is hereby repealed. FIRST RE9D at a regular council meeting of the city of Hopkine held on the 6th. day of June, 1950� and fina.11y ree�d and passed at a regular meeting of the council of sa3d ci ty held on the �th. day of June� �950. W. HA�'Q,AN PERBIJC, MAYO& A. W. Elmqui et � Secretary of the council Fra,nk N. Whitneg, Ci ty �t to raey July 6, Publishe@ in The Suburban Press on�, �950. copy for the paper ,'''j ti - /� � �� � L �x � � � ti�' J��� _ � � � � � �� e � �l CITY OF HOPgINS HIIdNEPI� COUNTY. MINiiESOTA ORDINANCE N0. �6. . ..s . . . _ . . . . . . . ..:.5� 1 M �� ��� � N lf. � ,+ +tP�B AN ORDINANCE RE�,�TI TdG TO THE COI,LECTION AND DI SPO SAL OF GARBAGE AND RUBBI SH o . . ; .,'� tr ; y; "� . ,�"v',"- '1 r i�°:,�.=f ttA S-+�a�. � z„a �. �;. r> � � :, PR4YIDING A PENALTY` FOH ITS �IOI�ATIO&"`A�TD�Rf�PI�i�LI�G'�•CERTAIN ORDI�ANCES. BE IT ORDAIP�ED by the council of the city of Hopkine: Section 1. Definitioae. Subdiviaion 1. The rrord "garbage" include� only orgaaic refuse reaulting from the preparation of food, and decayed and spoilt food from a.ay eource. Subdivision 2. The word "rubbiah" includea all inorga.nic re�use matter �uch as tin c�as, glass, paper, ashes, aweepings and aimilar matter: i Section 2, Disposal.. 3ubdiviaion 1. Ever-y houaeholder or occupant of any dwelling house, boarding house, reetaurant or ar�y place of bueinees, having ga,rbage to di spo se of � aho doea not o therwi se provide for the di epo eal of guch garbage in a eani tary manne r, shall p rovid'e himsel f wi th one o r mo re fly- ti �it metal cane sufficient to receive a11 garbage �rhich may accu�ulate between the times of collection. Each can shall have �. capacity;:of not to exceed 30 g�l.lons, a.nd ahall be provided with a bail or handles and a.tight fitting cover. �.bdiviaion 2. All g�,rbage accumulating between the timea of collection shall be first t�rapped in paper or placed in paper bags and then placed in euch cane. Subdivision j. Rubbieh accunnzlating bet�een the times of collectioa m�y also be placed in such cans� bnt the city mana�er� with the approval of the council may, at any time he deems the collection of auch rubbieh by the citg placee an undue burden upon the garbage collection or dispoeal facilities of the citg, or that the finsncial condition of the city no longer warrante the payment of the coat of callection of such rubbish by the city, require that no further rabbiah be placed in such caae and that the city ahall diacontinue the collection thereof at th"e city's expense. � 9ubdivision �. It ahall be unlawtw.l for any person, firm or corporation to fail to dispose of garba,ge and rubbieh which may be or may accumulate upon property ov�ned or occupied by him or them in a saaitary manner. 3ubdivi sion 5. Ga.rbage cans ehall be kept at or near tthe back door of the building using the same or at the rear of the property if there ia an alley. and eha.11 be acceseible to collectora at all reaeonable timee. (1) . �. _„'�i, Section j. City Dumping Ground. 9ubdivision 1. The city ehall nrovide a mnnicipal dumping ground on land oumed or leaeed by the city, and shall provide facilitiea for the collection 0�� such garbage as mey be properly �rapped and placed in garbage cans, end ahall employ the necessary men for the collection thereof and the operation of euch dumping ground. 9ubdivfaion 2. Residents of the city may bring garbage or rubbish to the municipal dumping ground on euch daye and at such hours a.s may be determined bg the city manager and approved by the council� and if notice of such days aad houre i s poated at the entraace to the city dump� no person� firm or corporation shall dump any garbage or rabbiah or other substance or matter on said municipal dumping grounda at ar�y time other than specified in such notice. Section �+. A.ny person who violatea any of the provisiona of thie ordina.nce ahall be gailty of a miademeanor. Sectioa 5. Repeals. Snbdiei�on 1. "An Ordinance to Regulate the Deposit aad flemoval of Garbage an d Other Retllse in the Village of West Minneapolis and to Pnnish Violations of thie Ordinance," which aae adopted by the village council of Weat Minneapolie m Feb niaxy 2� �915� ie hereby repealed. 9nbdivision 2. "An Ordina,nce Concerning the Collection and Disposa.l of G�.rbage and Rabbish," which v�as adopted by the village council of West Minneapolis on Dqay 10, �927, ie hereby repealed. Stiibdivi�on j. "An Ordina.nce Establiehing and Eegulating the A�unicipal Dumping Grounds�" which was adopted by the village council of Weat Minneapolis on r�ay lor;m;. �927� is hereby repealed. �..�; 3ubdi�iaion �. nAn Ordina.nce Amending an Ordina.nce Entitled 'An Ordinance con- cerning the Collection and Diaposal of Garbage and Rubbieh "'� which was adopted by the village council of Hopkine on March 1, �93'g', i e hereby repealed. FIRST READ at a regular council meeting of the city of Hopkins held on the 6th day of June, 19�0, and finally read and paesed at a regular meeting of the council of said cit�y held on the 20th day of June, 1950. A. W. Elmqui st, Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney*, Ci ty At to rney copy for the paper W. HARLAN PERBIX � MAYQR July 6, Published in The Suburba,n Prese on �d�.ne-�, 1950 �2) 1 P � 3� �, la� � �� o � � l� ` ��° �1 CITY OF HOPBIBTS HENNEPII� COUNTY� MINNESOTA ORDINANCE N0. �7. AN ORDIDTANCE RELATIIdG TO E�ECTIONS AND REPEALIPTG CERTAI�T ORDINANCES. DE IT ORDAINED by the council of the City of Hopkins: Section 1. "An Ordinance Providing for the Manner of Conducting ; Village Elections in the Village of Weat riinneaoolie and Rroviding for the , ��.. IIse of the So-called "Australian Ballot System�° and. Penaltiee fo r the - �����.�; Violation Thereof and Duties of Candidates�.and Registration Days," which was ad.onted by the village council of West Minneapo�lis on September 7, �9�5, is hereby repealed. Section 2. "An Ordinance Providiag for the I�a.nner of Conducting Village Elections in the Village of Ho�kins and Providing for the Uae of the So-Called "Auatralian Ba11ot Syotem," and Penaltiea for the Violation Thereof and Duties of Candidates� and Registration Days,° which was.adopted by the village council of Eopkine on Febxuary 19, 192�� ie hereby rep ealed. FIRST READ at a regular council meeting of.the city of Hopkins held on the 6th. day of June, �950, and finally read and passed at a regalar meeting of the council of said city held on the 20th day of June� �950. W.HAxL�N PERBIX� MAYOE A. W. Elmqui st, Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney July 6, Publi"shed in The 9uburban Press on �dnne�; 1950 :,a copy for the paper � , �. �f � � , CITY OF HOPgINS. HENNEPIDT COIINTY, MIrTNESOTA ORI7INANCE N0. �. AN ORDINANCE RELATINa TO 9 WATER AND GAS COLLECTOR� ADTD BEPEALING A CERTAIN ORDI NANCE. BE IT OP,DAINID by the couneil of the City of Hopkins; Sect3on 1. "An Ordinance by the Pillage Council of the Yillage of West Minneapolie Requiring the VJater and Gae Collector to Give Bond�'� which �vas adnpted by the village council of West Minneapolia on November 2� �9�5� ie hereby repealed. FIRST READ at a regular council meeting of the city of Hopkins held on the 6th. da,y of June, 1950� and finally read and p assed at a regular meeting of the council of esi d city held on the 20th day of June, i95o. g. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the cou�il Frank N. Whitney City Atto rney. copy fo r the paper W. Harlan Perbix� Mayor. July 6 Publi:9hed in The Suburban Press on d�t�e-�, �950 i / r-� �, �.� ,,� a �FI �,.�.r'"''"�a a� ,� CITY OF HOPKINS �NEPIN COUNT Y� MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 1�.9. A RESOLUTION .AIITHORIZING THE TEMpOR6RY LOAN FROM WATEH FfTND TO • POLICE ,FtTND. WHEREAS� recent annexations of additional tracts of la.nd to the city of Hopkins which give the cit� a larger area to patrol for police pu rposes, together with the location ofaadi�i�or�a� indaetries in the city� increased Uasiness activities therein and an increase in the aumber of crimes and criminal inaestigations in the city, have all served to incresee the coata of operating the city police department over and above the estimated coets and the amount included in the budget for the year 19�0, and � WHERE�4S,as a reeult thereof, there will be insufficient monies in the police fund to pay the necessary operating expense of the police dep�rtment for the year 1950, a.nd WHEREAS, there is at the p reeent time sufficient money in the water fund to meet all necesBary and anticipated payments from said fund and leav�r; a eurolue on hand sufficient to permit the temporary Zoanfng from said water fund of the aum oP $��700.00; NOW� THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the police fund borrow from the water f'u.nd� and that there be tran�ferred from the water fund to the police fund the sum of $�F,700.00� and BE IT FtTRTHER RESOVED that there be included in the budget for the year 1951 the said eum of $4�700.00 to be levied ae a tax along with and in additfon to other tax levies of the city, and that when euch money ie realized from the collection of taxes that i t be �aid back to sai,d water fund. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkina at a regular meeting thereof held this 20th d�. of June 1950� � � W. HARLAN PERBI%, MAYOR A. W, Elmquiet, Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitney, City attorney. � A meeting of the Board of Equalization of the City of Hopkins was held on r;2onday� June 26, 1950, at , 8:00 0� clock P.I�. at the City Ha.11 for the purpose of reviewing the assessments of the city for the year lySU. P�embers present: Mayor �If. I;arlan Perbir., Councilmen John Ziegler and Stuart E. Beckman, Ci�r T?anager C.C. Congdon, and De�uty Assessor Thomas J. Kosanday P;Sembers absent: Councilmen.Joseph T. Anderla and Len J. �ilbert. L.D. V�Iinterfield of 22-llth A�renue South and �Irs. � Eval Johnson of Bellgrove, ap�eared before the �oard with re�ard to taxes and equalization. After consideral�le discussion on t�x assessments, the meeting was adjourned to July >, 19�0, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., at which time,County Supervisor of Assessments Roy Haeg, vrill be present. A.VT. Elmquist, City Clerke 4 e , � "p 1 ,� a I�� �1 a A regular meating of the counciT of the City of Hopkins, held at the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.?UI. on Wednesday, Members present were; Mayor W. Harlan Perbix, Councilman Stuart E. Beckman, Len J. Milbert, Joseph T. Anderla, and C.C. Congdon. Members absent: none. Also present wrer Frank N. Whitney, and City Engineer Frank V. Laska. Milbert moved, Ziegler seconded, that �3,500.00 be set up Budget for band purposes. Carried. � Minnesota was July 5� 1950. John Ziegler, City Manager e City Attorney in the 1951 Zisgler moved, Milbert seconded, that the f ollowing bills be paid; 2102 210 210 2105 2io6 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 211� 21].l.� 2115 2��6 21�7, 2118 21�.9 2120 21�i 2122 212 212� 2125 589 590 592 59� 596 598 599 GENERAL FUND Paul Burian iVlowing grass City Treas., �ity of Mp1s.Prisoner at workhouse C.C. Congdon, Treasurer Petty Cash Club Caf e Prisoner meals Crown Rubber Stamp Co. Supplies Dahlberg Bross Service & supplies Joe Eide Station Tire repair Farnha.m Stationery Co. Supplies Earl Gerard Motors Serviee & parts Laurenz A. Harris Car allowance Engner A. Johnson Conference expense F.J. Kucera, M.D. Health ofiicer Je Leslie Paper Co. Shipping ta,s Len. J. Milbert Convention expense Miller-Davis Co. Office supplies Minn. Fire Equipment Co. Fire hose gaskets N.ZN. Bell Telephone Co. Telephones W. Harlan Perbix � Convention expense Sub. Henn. Co. Relief Bd. Relief Suburban Press, Inc. Publication Suburban Press, Inc. Printing Fred STn►anson Rental of equipment Frank N. Whi.tney Convention expense Lampert Yards Lumber & supr�lies Hourly Payroll Period ending 6�30�50 Salaries Last 2 of June ROAD & BRIDGE FUND Dahlberg Bros. Earl Gerarc3. NIotors Glacier Sand & Gravel Jari Products Glen Johnson Contracting Voi d VJm. H. McCoy �[erchants ChemicaT N.W. Bell Telephone Co. Republic Creosoting Co. Fred Swanson Hourly Payroll Salaire s Service & supplies Service & parts S and Repair parts Blacktop Fue 1 oi 1 Calcium chloride Telephones Road tar Rental of equipment Period ending 6/30/50 L�st 2.June WATER F'UND Bergerson-Caswell C.C. Congdon, Treasurer Flox Co., Inc. General Fund Mpls. Iron Store Suburban Press, Inc. Hourly Payroll S alari e s Pull #3 pump Petty.. Cash 10004# Nalco Balls Part temporary loan Machine belts Printing '�� Period ending 6/3 0/50 Last 2 June � 5.00 27.63 17.02 10.15 2.�.5 298e58 1.00 7s27 251.93 25,00 1�8000 100.00 3.82 22.0 15.7� 3.00 98.91 io.97 279.01 �b.00 8 • 93 108.00 9.�5 37.48 2227•35 i9l�8.70 5�07 8.80 6�.0 .12 16e20 927•?2 36.io 238.10 11.50 1276.30 1005.00 659.4� 463•30 451.50 1.20 1580s00 2500,00 35�85 77•95 1+57 • 27 <. �: . ' , , 118 �19 120 121 122 P age 2 . SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND City Treas., City of Mpls, C.C. Congdon, Treasurer West End Blacksmith Shop R.D. Thomas & Associates First National Ins. Agency Hourly Payroll RIooking up new sewer Petty Cash We ldi ng Engineering fees Ins. premium on new truck Period ending 6�30�50 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND 82 C.C. Congdon, Treasurer 8 Lampert Yards 8� Miller-Davis Co. 85 Suburban Press, Inc. Hourly Payroll Sala'r.ies Petty Cash Lumber & supplies Office supplies Printing Period ending 6/30/50 Last 2 of June � � 12057.74 i-� e 8 0 .75 384052 35�74 ,67.50 4�8�. 3301 1.50 �.50 29 .80 178.00 Anderla moved, Milbert seconded, that Resolution # 146, "A RESOLUTION s ORDERING TI� INSTALLATION OF SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER rN CERTAIN LOCATIONS,:; AND THE TREATING OF CERTAIN STREETS.AND ALLEYS UVITH TAR OIL AND BLACKTOP,tt ' marked Exhibit A, be adopted. Carried. ` •��:? Anderla moved, TJtilbert seconded, that the Hennepin County Review be de- ::s signated as the official newspaper oP the City of Hopkins for the fiscal �,°�� year July 1950, to July 1951, and that they alternate ever� other year � with the Suburban Press, Tnc. Garried. �'' - Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that Resolution #li.j:8, '�A RESOLUTION . ORDERING TI�EE rNSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWER AND W9TER MAIN EXTENSIONS INTO AND THROUGHOUT THE PLAT OF KNOLLWGOD," marked Exhibit B, be adopted. Carried. _ , Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the city advertise for bids to be opened on August l, 1950, for the installation of water and sewer mains in Knollwood Addition. �arried. � � Milbert moved, Ziegler seconded, that the meeting be adjourned temp,orarily at $:1+5 P.M. �o that the council can meet w3th the Board of Equalization. Carried. City Council reconvened at 9:30 P.M. Anderla moved, Bec�nan seconded, that Ordinarice #1.}�9, nAN LATING T0, ZONING AND AMENDING ORDINANCE N0.8 OF THE; CITY be accepted as the Pirst reading. Carried. ORDI NANCE RE- � OF HOPKINS,'� Ziegler moved, l�nderla seconded, that the recommendations as made by the Zoning Commission in their communication dated July 3, 1950, be accepted and placed on file, Carried. � July 11, 1950, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. is the time and date set to meet with the Zoning Commission as per their request to discuss oif-street parking. Carried, Becl�nan moved, Ziegler seconded, that the request by George.R. Wolff Pos.t #4.25 V•F.W. for on-sale beer, soPt drinks and cigarette license,.at the.ir Club Room at # 10-12th Avenue South, be gr..anted. Carried. � ,;;�,� '<< - :,k; _� :;: s°+ ``i;;: . '�,-: ::r! , _�;; �Z , .. i :� '>j Pa�;e 3. Beckm.an:moved, Ziegler seconded, that the request by George R. Wolff Post #1�25 V.F.W. for on-sale beer, soft drinks and cigarette license , f or July 20, 21 and 22, 1g50, during tne County Fair and beer, cigarette license and bingo games during Raspberry Festival being held July 28, 29 and 3Q, 1950, be gr.anted. Carriedo Ziegler moved, Becl�nan seconded, that the request by the Henneoin County Agricultural Society to conduct bingo games during the County Fair being held on July 21, 22 and 23, 1950, be granted.. Carried. Ziegler moved, Bec�nan seconded, that Resolution # 152, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING A HE�RING ON ENGINEER'S RE��RT ON BLACKTOP SURFACING OF CERTAIN STREETS AND ALLEYS AND INSTALLTNG CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEW�'�LK IN CERTAIN. LOCATIONS,'� marked Exhibit C, be ado�nted, Carried. Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that Resolution #1�4., "A RESOLUTION REFERRING TO THE CITY ENGINEER THE MATTER OF BLACKTOP SURFACING 14.th STREET NORTH BETW'-'LEN 9th AND lOth AVENUES NORTH," marked Exhibit D, be adopted. Carried. . Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that Mayor Perbix.be appointed to the �. Library Board for a three year term expiring July l, 1953• Carried. Ziegler moved, Becl�nan seconded, that verbal request of Hennepin �ounty for re-zoning,of fairground property from residential to commercial be referred to the Zoning �ommission when written request received. Carried. ��Z1`��� v Anderla moved, Becl�n.an se�onded, that John Brecka and Joseph Hromadko be paid �50.00.per month extra plus overtime for actual time worked for the months that they are subject to call twenty-four hours per day, the above to be paid or taken out as compensatory time. Carried. Anderla moved, Milbert seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. ATTEST: r ♦ ��/ - ^ - \ � W. Harlan Perbix, Ma r. . A.W. Elmquis , Secretary to Council. �OUNCILMEN: ,.w.,�" �'�' �' � ,�.,:�u.;:.. � ��.<. �� � CITY OF HOPKINS � HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA BIDS ON SANI TARY SEUVERS Sealed proposals will be received until 7:30 P.M. on August 1, 1950, in the office of the Gity Clerk in the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, for furnishing of all tools, labor, equipment and rnaterials necessary for construction of sanitary sewers in Knollwood Addition in the City of Hopkins. Plans, specifications and bidding forms may be obtained from the City Engineer. Each bid must be accompanied by a bidder�s bond or certified check payable to the City of Hopkins, in the amount of ten ( lOf ) percent of the bid as a guarantee that the bidder v�ill enter into the proposed contract. Bids will be opened at 8:00 P.M. on August l, 1950, and read at open meeting of the City Council. The right is reserved to accept ang bid, or to reject any or all bids, CITY OF HOPKINS By: C.C. Congdon, City Manager. Published in the Hennepin Count� Review July 20 and July 27, 1950, ✓ , �, � - I , ' �� � ' � CITY OF HOPKINS HEN�!�IE:PIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA BIDS ON WATERMAINS Sealed proposals will be received until 7:30 P:M. on �ugust 1, 1950, in the office of the' City Clerk in the �ity of Hopkins, Minrtesota, for furnishing of all tools; labor; equiprrient arid materials necessary f or construction of vaatermains in Knollwood Addition in the city of Hopkins , - Plans, specifications and bidding f orma may be obtained from the �ity Engineer: Each bid must be accompanied by a bidder�s borid or certified check payable to the City of Hopkins, ih the amount of ten (lOf) percent of the bid a9'a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the ;oroposed contract�o Bids will be opened at 8:00 P:M:� on August 1; 1950, and read at open meeting of the City �ouncil, The right is reserved to accept any bid, or to reject any or all bidse CI TY OF HOPKTNS By: C.��,” Congdon, City Manager: FuULis�ed in. the Fi�nnepin County Review , Jaly 20 and Jul� 2?, i95o. �, � -� _,: CITY OF HOPgINS HENATEPIiJ CODNTY� MINNESOTA � RESOLIITION N0. 1�F6. ' � A RE�LUTION ORDERIIJG THE INSTALLATION OF SIDEWALK, CURB gND (�T7.+TEg I�T CERTAIhT LOCATIONS AND TSE TREATING OF CERTAIiV STRe,�ETS AND ALZEYS WITIi TAE OIL AIdD BLACK TOP. - WHEREAS� the council of the city of Hapkina on May 16, 1950, adopted a resolution . referring the matter of the in stallation of concrete curb and gutter along the South eide of Eirst Street South bet�reen Monroe Avenue a.nd the alley in Block 35� West Minneapolis Center, to Frank I,aeka, city engineer, for his in�estiga.tion and report� and WFIEBF,AS, the council of the city of Hopkina on September 6,, �9�+g� adopted a reaolu- ; tion referring the ma,tter of constructing eideu►a1k on the West side of Van Buren Avenue. South from F�celsior Bouleeard to First Street South, and of treating the East and West v ; a11ey in Block 13, West Minneapolie, and the alley in Block 11, West Minneapolis, Third ;_ Digision, with tar oil, to Frank Laska, city engineer, for his inveatigation and report, and WHERF.AS, the council of the city of Hopkins on October �+, 19�+9, adopted � resolution..� referring the matter of treating the North and South a11ey in Block 71� Weet Minneanolis, ✓-� Second Diviaion, with tar oil and black top, to Frank Zaska, city engineer� for his investigation and report� and .' �REAS, the council of the city of Hovkins on MaFy 2, 195�. �.opted a resolution referring the matter of treating the alley�,n Blocke numbered 101 and 107, V�est � Pdinneapolis� Second Divisibn, with tar oil, to Frank Laska cit en �' , y gineer, for hie `:,,; .' investigation and report� and W�REAS, the council of the city of Hopkina on October 5� 19k8, adopted a resolution referring the matter of treating Oakwood Road from Goodrich Street to Boyce �� Street with tar oil, to Frank Laaka. city engineer, for hia investigation a,nd report, and '=' WHEREAS, said engineer has inveetigated the necesait,y and feasibility of gaid � improvemente and on June 1� 195p� reported thereon to the council and filed hie writt.en �, reports with the secretary of the council, and �' WF�REAS, said engineer's reporta recommend that said curb and gntter a,nd aidewalk be � installed in eaid locations a.nd said atreets and alleye be treated with tar oil and black top� at the folloaring estimated costs, to-�rit: Installing curb and gutter on the South side of Firat Street Sonth between Monroe '' Ave�e aad the a11ey in Block 35� West Minnea.polis Center;at an estimated cost of $1216.7p; Conetracting sidewalk oa the Weat aide of Yan Bu ren Avenue South from F�xceleior Boulevard to Firat Street South; at an eatimated cost of �1765.j6; � � (1) Treating the East and West a11ey ia Block 13, West Minneapolis� with tar oil and black top, at an estimated cost of $290.00; Treating the a11ey in Block 11, Vdeat Minneapolis� Third �ivision,� with tar oil a.nd black top� at an estimated cost of �610.00; Treating the North and South alley in Block 71� West Minnea�oolis� Second Division, with tar oil and bla.ck top, at an eatimated coat of $�+59.00; Treating the alleys in Blocks numbered 101 and 107. Weat Minneapolis, Second Division� with tar oil a.nd black top� at an estimated cost of $j85.00� and Treating Oakv�ood Road from Goodrich Street to Boyce Street arlth tar oil and black top, at a.n estimated co �t of $1200.00 � aafl WHEHEAS, on June 6� 1950, the city cuuncil of Hopkine adopted a resolution aetting Wednesday, the 5th. day of July, 1950� at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the council cham- bera in the city ha.11 as the time an8 place for considering said reports� and ' �'OHEREAS, a notice of said hearing has been publiehed� in The Suburb�,n Press in its iesuea of June 15th. and 22nd. 1950, and the affidavit x�f publication of eaid notice has been filed with the aecretary of the council, and WIiEREAS� no petition setting forth opposition to said imp rovemente was filed with the citg manager prior to the date and hour aet for hearing sai,d engineer's reporta and no one appeared in opposition thereto; NOt4, THEREF'pRE, BE IT BESOLVED by the city council oP the city of Hopkina that the installation and. construction of said side�oal.k� en.rb and gutter in eaid locations aad the treating of eaid atreets and alleys with tar oil and bl ack top are neceasary for the health, welfare and convenience of t�he city and its inhabitants, and it is hereby determined and ordered that said improve�nenta� as so recommended by the engi�er, be mad.e, aaad that the costa thereof be assesaed againet ar�y property abutting upon said improvements. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regv.lar meeting thereof held this 5th d�* of July, 1950. A. W. Elmquist, Secretary to the council, Frank 1V. Whi tney, City Attoraey co�y for Carl Andereon copy fo r Frank Laska copy fo r copy for � 2) W. HARLAN PERBIg, MAYOR ':; - _ �-.4 :. ' ,' . . . . .. . . .. . . . CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COIINTY� MINNESOTA RESOLUT.IODT I�17. 1118 A RESOLUTION ORDF�ING THE INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWER AND WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS INTO �IJD THROU(�OUT TTiE PLAT OF KNOLLWOOD. WFIFREAS, the council of the city of Hopkins on April 4, 1950, adopted a ` reaolution referring the matter of inatalling eanitary sewer and water main exteneions into and throughout the plat of Knollwood, to Frank Laska� city engineer, for his investigation and report, and - WHEREAS, said engineer investigat ed the necesaity and feasibility of eaid improvementa� and on June 6� 1950. reported thereon to the council and filed his written report witYi the secretary of the council, recommending that said sa.nitary aewer a.nd water main extensions be iastalled in the following locatione: Along Edgemoor Drive from the intersection o f Hazelane and Wayeide Road in Hobby Acres to the intersection of Edgemoor Driee and Cottage Downa in gnoll- wood; commencing at the interaection of Wilshire Wa1k and Oakridge Road a.nd running Easterly along the entire length of Wilehire Walk; commencing a.t the intersection of Wilehire Walk and Yalley Way and xunning Idortherly along Palley Way to its intersection with Cottage Downs; commencing at the inter- section of Valley Wa� and Bridle La.ne and nzn.ning Easterly �long Bridle La.ne to Edgemoor Drive; commencing at the interaection of Valley Way and Park Terrace and running Easterl�* an.d Southerly along Park Terrace to ite inter- aection with Bridle Lane; commencing at the intersection of Oakrid.ge Road. and Cotta.ge Do�uns and running Easterly along Cottage Downs to ita interaection with Edgemoor Drive, and WHEREA5, on June 6, 1950� the city council of Honkine ad.opted a resolution setting Wedneaday, the 5th day�of July, 1950. at 7:30 o'clock P.M, at the council chambers in the city hall as the time and vlace for considering said report and acting thereon, and WHERF�S, a notice of said hearing h�s been published in The 5ubu.rban Press in its issues of June 15th. and 22nd. 1950, aad the affidaeit of publication of eaid notice has been filed with the secretary of the council, and WHEREAS, no petition� setting forth oppoaition to said improvemeats or either of them, were filed with the city manager prior to the da.te and hour set for hearing said , engineer's report� and no one appeared ia oppoaition thereto; NOW� THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the city council of the city of Hopkins that the installatione of said improvements at the locatione and in th e ma.nner recommended by the engineer in hie report are necessary for the health, welfare and convenience of the city and it� inhabitants and it is hereby determined and ordered that said lmprovemente, (1) a.nd each of them, as eo recommended by the engineer be made� and that the costa thereof be asseesed againet property abutting upon said improvements. ADOPTED by the council of the city o.f Hopkin� at a regula.r �eting thereof held on the 5th. day of July, 1950. A. W. Elmquist� Secretary of the council Frank N. t11hi tney, City Attorney ;": co�y for : copy for copy for � 2) W. HAHLAN PERBIX, MAYOR _._ . . . " . � , I ... .. . . �� . _ . . . . _ . _.,. �1�,1 rr _ , . �-- - -"� ,,.-�. - i�. - - - . n - . . - ��� � - � � �� � !, ' CITY OF HOP&INS HENNEPIN COIINTY� MINNESOTA SESOLIITIO� N0.�152. .. , . .. � ..—..,.a'?:..:"",� .�.^- . .�. �—y..� .�—.,.. . . — `:� •\ � A�ESOLIITIOPT ORDEAING A HEARING ON ENGINEEB'S REPORT ON BLACg TOP SUEFACING OF CEBTAIN STREFJ!'S 9I�TD ALLEYS AND I1dSTALLING CIIRB� GUTTEE ADTD SIDEWAi,g III CERTAIN LOCATIODTS. N WFiEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkins on lpril 18, 1950, adopted a resolution referring the matter of installing curb and gutter oa the West side of 12th. Avenne DTorth from Fourth street North to the South line of sta.te trnnk high- way D?o. 7 and on the BTorth eide of Fourth street North from 12th. Aee�e North to the alley in Block 107, �eet Minneapolis, Second Division, and of constracting eidewalk on the East eide of Van Bnren Avenue from Fir.at atreet 3onth to Second street 3outh and black top surPacing the Northiand South alley and the Easterl.y i:. ; One-half of the East and West alley in Block 6�,t, �'�est Minneapolie, Second Division, to Frank Laska� city erigfiaeer, for hie insestiga.tion and report, and WHE�AS� the council of the city of Hopkins on May 2, 1950, e.dopted a resolution referring the matter of black top snrfacing the alleye in Blocke nnmbered 101 aad 107, Weet Minneapolis, Second Divieion� to Frank Laeka� city engineer, for hfa investigation and report, and WHEREAS, the couacil of the ci ty of Hopkins oa May 16, 1950� adopted a reeolution rePerring the matter of the inatallation of concrete cnrb and gutter along the_South side of Firet Street South between Monroe Avenue and the alley in Block 35+ Weet Miane�polie Center, to Frank Laska, city engineer, for his investigation a.nd repo rt, and WHEREAS� the council of the city of Hopkins on Juae 6, 1950� adopted a �reaolution referring the matter of black top eurfacing the alley in Block 108, West Minneapolis, Second Dieiaion� to Frank La,s2aa, city engineer, for hia investigation and report. and WHER�AS, the council of the city of Hopkin�bn June 20, 1950� adopted a reaolution referring the matter of bl'ack top eurfacing Second Street North beta�een Fifth avenne North and Sixth avenue 1Qorth to Frank-Laeka� city ea�ineer, for his y inveetigation and report, and WSEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkine on.June 20, 1950�'adopted e� reeolution referring the matter oP black top surfacing Seventh avenne and Eighth � avenue 3outh bett�een Seventh and Eighth� 8treets''South, and the ATorth and South alley in Block 70, �est Minneapolf s. 3econd Division� to Frank. Laska, city engineer, for hi s invegtigation and report, aad ( l) � � ,z .._.�_..� .:..•.:J � W1�REA3, said engineer has investigated the neceeaity and feasibility , of eaid improveffiente� aad each of them, and on July 5, 1950� reported,' thereon to the council a.nd filed his written reports with the secretarg of the cauncil, and WHEHEA3� eaid engineer'a reporte make the follo�iag recommendations and the estimated coata hereinafter gieen� to-ait: Constxucting cnrb and gutter on the Weet eide of 12th. Avertne �orth from Fourth street North to the South line of etate trunk highwa.y No. 7 and on the North aide of Fonrth street North from 12th. Avenne l�orth to the alley in Block 107, west Mianeapolie, Second Diviaion, at an estimat�d cost of $1,285.65; Conatx�cting eidewalk on the East side of Yan �Zren 9venne from F'iret etreet South to Second street South at an estimated oo st of $1� �12.97; - Black top snrfacing the North a.nd Sonth alley and the Eaeterly One-half c of the Eaet and Weet alley in Block 6��; Weat Minneapolis, Secoad Divieion. at an eatimated cost of $59g.00; Black top snrfacing the alleye in Blocks nnmbered 101 and 107. West Minneapolis, Second Divieion� at an eatimated coat for said Block 101 oP $�+20.00� and at an estimated co st for said Block 107 of $350.00; Installing curb and gutter on the 3outh side of First Street South from MOSroe to Jackeon avenuee and from Jackeon avernie to the alley in Block 35� West Minneapolis Center� at an estimated co at of $1�209•�9: Black top anrfacing the alley in Block 108, Weet Minneapolia, Second Division� at an estimated coet of $365.C►0; Black top eurfacing Second etreet DTorth between Fifth aeenne North and Siath avenue North at an e�timated coat of $6�9.00; a Bla.ck top surfacing Seventh avenne and Eighth aeenne South between Seventh Street Sonth a,nd Eighth Street Sonth at aa ea.timated, cost of $2��00.00; Black top sarfacing the North and South alley in Block 70, �iest Mianeapolie, Second Div iaion� at an estimated c�at of ��4�7;,00�;'`';'' - NOW� THEBEFOHE� BE IT �SOL9ED tiiat said engineer's reports aill be considered by the council and action teken thereon �t a regalar meeting of the city counciZ to be held on Taesda�y� the firet day of Augv.et, 1950� at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the conncil chambera in the city hall� aud BE IT FURT�R RESOLVED that the city manager give notice of sach hearing � by publiehittg a notice once in each reeek Por two saccessive t�eeks in the official news -= � 2) : ,� , _ .. . .._ _ . .:. � , . , _ _ _ _ , ,._: ; .., :. _ . . .., . .. ;., paper of s�id city, eaid notice to deacribe ia general langnage the improvements recommended in the engineer'a reports and the estimated cost.e thereof. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regnlar meeting thereof held this 5th. de,y of July, 1950. A. W. Elmqaiet, Secretary to the council Fra.nk N. Whitney, City Attorney (3) W. EARLABT PERBI%� MAY08 �:�_ ; `: ��;; _. CI TY O�i�PgINS � �IDi COUBTTY, MI�NESOTA � � `� � �o ! �' � i� ° NOTICE OF HEARIIIa ON ELJGINEER'S REPORTS ON BLACA TOP SUBFACING OF CF�tTAIN STREETS AND ALLEYS 9ND INSTALLING Cl7RB, GIITTEH 91JD SIDEWALS I� CER'PAI16 I,OCATIONS. �OTICE IS �flEBY GIVEN that: the city eng3neer of Hopkine did on the 5th. day of July, 1950, file reporte with the city conncil relating to the black top earfacing of the following named atreets and alleye`and installing curb, gutter and sidewalk in the follod�ing locatione: Conetructing cnrb �nd gutter oa the Weat side of 12th. Aveaue North from�Fourth Street Aorth to the Sonth line of a�ate trunk highvo�y No. 7 and on the North side of Fonrth Street North from 12th. Avenue North to the..alley in Block 107. West Minneapolis� Second Dieieioa, at an estima.ted cost of $1,2g5.65; Conetnicting sidewalk on the East side of Van �uren Aveacue from First . atreet South to Second atreet South at an estimated cost of $1,�F12.97; Black top surfacing the 1Vorth and South alley and the Ba.sterly One-half of the East and Weet alley ia Block 6g, West Minneapolie, Second Dlviaion. at an estimated co st of �59g.00; Black top eurfacing,the alleye in blocke rnimbered 101 aad 107, Weat Min�sa,polie, Second Division, at an estimated coat for eaid Block 101 of $iF20.00, and at an estimated cost for said Block 107 of $350.00; Inetalling cnrb and gutter on the South side of First Street 3onth From Monroe to Jackeon aveanes and fram Jackson avenne to the alley in Block 35, West Minneapolia Center, at an eatimated cost of $1,209•29: Black top snrfacing the a11ey in Block lOg. �1eet Minneapolie, Second Divi�uun� at an eatimated co at of $j65.00; Black top eurfacing Second Street North betwesa Fifth Avenue North and Sixth Avenne North at an eatimated oo st of $619.00; � Black top surfacing Seventh Avenue and Eighth Avenue South bet�oeen Seventh Street �� South and Eighth Street Sonth e�t an eatimated cost of $2,400.00; '� Black top surfacing the 8orth aad'S'ov.th alley in Block 70. West Minneapolie, ;:, Second Divieion, at aa eetimated cost of $�57.00; ,=4 1VOTICE IS FQRTHER GIPEN that the city conncil ha� by resolntioa fiaed Tnesday, the firet day of Auguet, 1950, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the cov.ncil chambers at the city ha11� ae the time aad place at which the conacil vrill hear auch peraone ae care to be heard in reference to said improvements, or an,y or either of them, and mill consider eaid (1) . .._. .. .. ... ..... .:. __ . .. .. . . .. .,. .- . . , . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ .. . . . _ _ ._ . . . . . ,... _ :..,: ,\� � ��� engineer'e reports and set thereon. Dated at Hopkine� Minaeeota� this 7th. de� oP July, 1950 Fre,nk N. Whitney, � City Atto rney � C. C. Congdon� Ci ty Maaager Published in The Hennepin County Heview Julg �th and P�th., 1950. copy for the paper `� � � � ( a�) }f v, ; J� ,:,. :: .. ..: � .. �.,. , ,.. _ ._ ,. . ... . .- `;,- .. . . 4 . . ��� . , . 0 14' � �Y �l � � •z i . ;1 CITY OF HOP�I�S `' - �NNEPI� COUNTY� MINNE�TA �' ��:,..,;y , `� � '`� , RESOLUTION �0. 15�+. . A RESOLIITIObT HEFERRIIVG TO THE CITY IIJGINEEE THE MATTER,, OF BLACg TOP SORFACIDTG. FOIIETS STBEET NOHTH BETWEEN 1�INTH gND TTN't'A A6ENUES"I�OSTH. �lS, the conncil deema it necessarg for the health� e�elfare and convenience of the city aad its inhabitante to snrface with black top I�onrth Street North bet�veen �inth and Tenth Avenues PTorth, and W�REAS. the coat thereof should be aeseeaed againet any property Ponad benefited thereby; NOW� TSEaEFORE, BE IT RESOLPED by the cartincil of the city of Hopkine that the matter of black top snrfaciag Fourth Street North betv�eea Ninth aad Tenth Avenues North, be referred to Frank Laska, city engineer, to investigate the neceasity and feaeibility of snch improvemeat and to report to the conncil as soon ae poesible. ADOPTED by the cottncil of the city of Hopkina at a regular meeting thereof lield this 5th. da� of July, �950. W. HARLA� PERBI%� MAYOR A. W. Elmquiat, Secretary to the council Fraak N. Whitaey, City Attoraey copy for Laska � �;= �� A meeting of the Board of Equalization of the City of Hopkins was held on Wednesday, July 5, 1950, at 8:t�5 o��io�k P.M. Members present: Mayor W.Harlan Perbix, Councilmen John Ziegler, Stuart E. Bec�nan, Len J. Milbert, Joseph T. Anderla, City Manager C.C. Con�don, �ity Attorney Frank N. Whitney, Deputy Assessor Thomas J. Kosanda, and Mr. Roy Haeg, Supervisor of Assessments. Members absent: none. After some discussion and checking over tax assessments the meeting was adjourned to August 1, 1�50, at �:00 o'clock P.M. i A.W. Elmquist, City Clerk. � ;, �� �j �� I`�� t�la I A regulax meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins, D�innesota., was held at 7:30 o�clock P.�. on Zi,iesday, July 18, ],950. �embers present were: Mayor �T. Harlan Perbig, Councilmen Len J. Milber,t, Stuaxt E. Beckman, John Ziegler, Joseph T. Anderla, City �anager C.�. Congdon, City Attorney Frank N. Whitney, City Eagineer Frank V. Laskao Milbert moved, Beekman seconded, that the following bills be paid; 21.42 27.�3 2181 2182 2183 218l� 2�85 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 219� 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 220l� 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 22].l�. 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 21l�. [e'S��I�:r��l��io7 First National Bank Treas. State of Minn. Alice �o Anderson Anne C. Borland James Chmel Leah M. Christensen Glad�s Escher Mae Good Charles �. Herzan Theodore H. Johnson Olga gelley Esther Koss Brid.get Larkin II.izabeth Lemke Marguerite H. Losie BGrs. Louise Lussier Matt B�cCauley Selma Pahl Herman J. Puck Jake Scheffler Elizabeth Slavin Lola Yackel Carl �nderson Stuart E. Beckmari Coast to Coast James K. �orthy � Gamble Store �Pi11i.�m Gummo� Gustafson & Fuza Harold Hegberg Hopkins Drug Co.. Hopkins Fire Department Keller Bros. wal.ter xi nn �Pm. H. �cCoy Minnesota. N�rs Co. LeRqy101son Ray Peterson Public Adm. Service Staaadard Oil Co. Robert Sundin -- Herbert VPeck�an �.C. �Thitney B�pls. & St.Louis Salaries Hourly Payroll Jr. Rail�ay ll�ithholcl.ing deduetions Retirement deductions Special Election n n p n n n n n n u n �� n a n n n a Hopkins p n n a a �� u n n n n � n a n n H n Fruit Package fire n n n Recreation_supplies Fire Convention Soldering iron Hopkins FruitePackage Supplies Hopkins Fruit Package Fire Congention Dr�g supplies Fire calls, telephone Recreation snpplies Fire Gonvention Gasoline Books Firemen's �onvention Hopkins�Fruit Package Action For Cities Gas & oil Delivery of Mpls. Stax Convention dates Electric Inspector f ire fire & fire Frei�ht charges fire siren lst 2 July Period endi�g 7/15/5� ROAD & BRID,GE FUDID 603 First National Bauk 60l� Treas. State of Min.n. 613 Benson Super Service 61la. Landers-Norblom 615 �Pm. H. Ziegler Co. Salaries Hourly Payroll Withholding deductions Retirement deductions Street S�eeper repairs Pearock Bepairs lst 2 Ju�y Period ending 7/15/50 � Carried. �l,5e7o �l s Ji 5:50 5.50 5e5o 5.50 5.50 6vo0 SeSo 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.50 6.00 5.50 6000 5.50 5.50 6.00 6.00 5.50 6.00 1.88 5.00 3�.97 5.00 lolu 5.00 15.07 40.68 10.46 389.00 263.50 5.00 i56.00 99.1�3 23.68 5.00 ..5aoo 16.20 5.00 33•18 68.95 16.35 1642.93 `21�.9 e 33 103.20 42.40 1l�.02 11�9.7l� �4.57 3�6.30 550.24 c{ .n'\- . ��. 1�68 First National� Bank �469 Treas. State o% Bdinn. �.71 Gustafson & Fuxa l�72 AT.�P. Bell Telephone Co. 473 Wallace & Tiernan Salaries , Hour�y Pagroll Page 2. WATER FUND Withhold.i_ng deductions Retire�nt deductions Service call, supplies Telephone 2 solenoid coil lst 2 July Period endi.ng 7/]..5/50 SEW�GE DISPOSAL FUI�ID 124 Gustafson & Fta�ca Service call 125 �nton �. Olson IIse of car 126 Sub. Chev. Co. 2 ton pickup 127 Tonka Sign Co. Na.me on truck doors 128 DeGraff V�olff �Pashington Avenue se�ver Hour]�r Payroll Period ending 7/1,5/50 PER�ANENT 1�ROVE6�IITT RE�OLVING FUU1�1ID 87. 88 93 94 95 96 '�Firs:t"�- Na#�ional Bank Treas. State of Minn. Carl $. Anderson Victor Carlson & Sub. Chev. Co. DeGraff .�Polff Salaries_ Hoiarly Payroll Sons, Inc. 1�ithtiolding deductions Retirement deductions °Curb Curb & gutter Repair w�rk Est. #l, W. �pls. 3rd lst 2_July Period _ enda.ng 7/].5/50 � 53•40 �.2e�0 16.00 8.13 ],5 e50 1a57•2? 44.85 4.45 13e0o i3uo5o 8.50 7123•57 52.50 1�.G.20 1Zi.18 851��.28 � t�5o2;eo7 , 2e00 7992.0l� 178000 266.50 Beel�an moved, Ziegler seconded, that license app"lication presented bg John Wilbur �doore Post, American Legion, for on-sale beer and soft drinks for Ju],y 21, 22, 23, 1950, during the County Fair, and soft drinks for Jul,y 29� & 30� 1950, duri.ng Ra.spberry Festigal� be granted. , Carr'ied. - Ziegler moved, Becl�an seconded, tha,t lice�nse applic�tion presented by Minneapolis Briddle and Saddle �lnb for on-sale beer and soft drinks for Jul.p 23, 1950, be grantedo Carried. „ Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that Minneapolis Gas Co�pany request for main extensions their number�s 208, 209, 229, 23o and 231 be granted subject to approval by the City Eagineere Carried. � Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that resoluti.on #1,56, "� RESOLUTION RF�'ERRING TO TfiE CITY ENGIlSEER TI� MATTER OF INSTALLING SAN�TARy SEiI�.AAIII.�ATER MAINS IN CERTAIN LOC9TIONS�'.' maxked.Exhibit A, be adopted. Carried.. ,, - -. Beckinan moved, Ziegler seeonded� that Suretg Bonds of A. VP. Elmquist, �dae:T. Anderson, RoseMary C. Dupslaff and Cl,yde L. Johnson be accepted subject to: approval by City Attorney� theu placed on..file. Carried. Beckman moved, Ziegler seconded, tha� Resolution #]$7, "A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLADTS FOR I:�ROVING TRUNK HIGH9�'AY NU�1[BER SEVIIV," marked_�bibit, B� be„adopted. Carried. Beckman moved, Anderla seconded� that Ordinance #la.9, "AN ORDIIJANCE RIIATING TO ZONING AND AMENDING ORDINANCE N0.8 OF TliE CITY OF HOPKINS," marked �hibit C, be accepted as the second reading thereof and that the ordinance be adopted and published accorcling to la�. Garried. ..�.....�. _ . ; `.;' Page 3. Ziegler moeed, BeclQnan seconded, that Resolution #]s 8, "g RESOLIITION CAN— VASSING TfiE �OTE AT THE SPDCIAL ELECTION HEI� JULY 17� 1950, AND DBCI,ARING TI� RESULTS THEREOF,�� marked �hibit D, be adopted. Garried. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution #160, "A RF�OLIITION ORDERING A HEARING OD1 PETITION TO VACATE � PORTION OF 6 STREET,"_marked E�chibit E, be adopted. Carried. � . Becl�an maved, Ziegler seconded, that Resolution #159, "A RESOLUTIOIV PROHIBIT— ING CONNECTTONS T� THE SANITARY SEWER A1�ID �PATER SYSTEMS_OF THE CIT3C FOR THE. PURPOSE OF SERVING PROPERTY LOCATID OUTSIDE OF THE CITY LIMITS," ma.rked Ti.�hibit F, be adopted. Carried. _ Anderla moved, Ziegler secondeyl� that the meeting be ac�jonrnedo, AT -T� . � . ar an Perbix, Mayor l . Ao�. Elmquist Secretary to the Con�acil. , _ . .. . �-�� ;.:�� ,�:{,. ,�, N ;,,, .� a�; ,,�, � >>, ��, �� CITY OF HOPgIqB HENNEPII6 COIINTY� MINNESOTA ';� � �� ,t,. RESOLIITIOR NO.�'1�6 �� � `�: �,:-�,,� �:� A RESOLIITION BEFERRI�G TO THE CITY EIQGI�EER THE MATT�R OF �,� INSTALLIBTG SgNITARY SEWER AND W9TE& MAINS Ild CEHTAIld LOCATIOI�S. ::�� �- ;; WHEREAS� there hae been filed with the city clerk and by the clerk ;; t presented to the council. g petitioae asking for the installation of ; ; v�ater m�in eatensions from the intersection of �'ifth Aveaue �orth aad ,.. ` the north line of etate tmnk highwey No. l� and rnnning thence �oeeterly . ;i :;; along the north line of said highwa� for a distance of about 650 Peet. .,ti and the the installation of eanitary aewer main extenaione from the end ''•;;;;� k _ , � ':{;.,. of the present eanitary sewer main on fifth aeern�e aorth and exteading ` ; northerly along fifth avenue north and croesing state trunk highsaay No. ;� 7 to the north line of eaid highway� and running thence �oesterly aloag �� � � �.���s '; the north liae of said hi��ray for a distaace of abont �50 feet, and �'i WHERF�S, the coat thereof shonld be aseeeaed against any property found benefited thereby, and � �VEEBEAS, the ovoner of a portioa of the property against rvhich eaid costs would be assessed have petitione� the city council for eaid improvemente; DTOW� THEREFORE, BE IT HESOLVED bg the council of the city of Hopkine the.t the matter of installing s�ch eanitary sewer and a�ater main egtensions in eaid locatione be referred to Frank Laska� city engineer� to ineeetigate the �, aeceseity and feasibility of each improvemente and report to the conncil as soon �s poesible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkine at a regnlar meeting thereof held this lSth. dqy of Jnly. 1950. A. W. Elmqai st, Secretary of the Council. Frank ldo Whitney. City Attorneyo � �d. HARLAId pEBBIg � NiAYOE •,. ~ i� � ` ' �� " CITY OF HOPgIN3 �� � 50-2-5 HENNEPIN COIINTY� MIDTAESOTA RESOLUTI ON No.157 A HESOLIITIO� APPROVI�G PLAIIS FOB IMPBOYIAG TRIINg HIG�W9Y NIIMBEH SEYEN. S o P, 2706-]l.� ( 7=12 ) Henne��, County S T A T E 0 F M I N N E S 0 T A ) ) ss, CITYQ�+ HOPK.�IP1S ) '�iiREEIS, The Comiaissioner of Highyve,ys of tho Sta�e of I��Iinnesata has nocs determined to designate and r.iake pe�rmanent the location of Trunls High�,�uy l�o„ 7, fornerly desi�nated us Trunk Highway No, I2 , through the City of � --w. Hopkins as sho�m upon thel pians which are presen;,ed herevrith and made a pa:t hereofs and �'1�TEREASs Said Co�missioner of fiighr�vays is desirous of constructing, racon- structing ax�d ir_iproving said Trunls HighcJay tnrough said City �.nd has prepared plans for said construation9 reconstruction and i.ripro�emen�� a cop;{ of which said plans are presented here�rith and �►ade � p�rt of this resolution; and WHEREAS, The construction, reconstruction and �npro�ement of said Trunk Hi�hv��a,y requires a c:�ange in the �rade of the st:•eets in said City . along and upon which said Trunk Hi�hvray passes, said chan�e of grade boing dosignated �.nd shown on said plans� and. ��P.EAS, It is to the best interests of said City that said Trunk Highway be constructed, reconstructed snd ircproced through sai3 Cit.y in �ccordance with said plans and the standnrd Plfi.nnosota Hlg:�way Speoifications and upon the grade designated thereinQ and VTi��EASD The Commissionor of Highwuys is desirous that the City of Hopkins a v�rill not liconso or porr�.it hQrc�afLtar� an.y encroq.chm�� of any n�,ture, inaiuding curb g�.s pumps or gas stations or billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, on the right of vrQy of saiw� Trunk Highv�ray No� 7=12 tivithin the corporate limits of said Cit� of Hopkins as sho�m. upon the plan and maps hereto attached, and VTHEREAS, In the f�.irtherance of the public �Jell being and safety it is desirable and necease.ry to eliminate traffic hazards by eliminating any encraachments whataoever including gas pum.ps or g�.s stutions or billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, now or hereafter existing in or upon the said Trunk Highway •- right of way, exid _ ., .. . 50_2�5 WHEREAS, Said Co�nmi.ssioner o� Highvrays desires, in the interest of public s�.fety, the.t a.11 parking of vehicl�s on said Trunk Highway be parallel with the ctzrb and at least 20 feet from any crosswalk at all public streets intersecting said Trunk Highw�zy within the corpor«te limits of suid Cit� ,�;nd ?'Vf�REAS, It is to the best interests of said +�� that a11 parking of vehicles be p�rallel to the curb; NOV'T,, THEFw�'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That s�id pl�.ns and specifications for the construction, reconstruction .:�nd improvemer,t of scid Trunk Hi�hv,rwy through s�.id ' Cit,y , be a�nd tn.e same hereby are approved,, e,nd said CitY hereby consents to the ch^n�e in grude of the strcets alon�; wliich sr�id Trunk Hibhv���.y passes, as shown in said plar_s; and BE Ii F'URTI3ER RESOLUED, That said Cit.Y does hercby agree anc� convonant that it v�rill ncver permit or suifer, within its corpor^te limits, any encro^.chment of �ny kind tivhatsoever, including curb gas pumps and. gas st�tions, bill— boards or other structures of any kind rrh�tsoever, upon the r�ght of w�y of Trunk High�r;y No. 7 �s shotivn on s�.id pl�ns cnd th^t to the �;bove end said City hereby ��recs that it will nev�r issue �ny license, perznit, or gr�nt, or mive any le�ve or liberty or �ny other consent of. whatever form for the construction or m�intenunce of any encroachment wh�.tsoever, including curb g^s pumps ^nd g�s stations, billbec.rds or other structures of �ny kind whutscever, vpon s� id right of way; �nd thct said �i� will cocperate insofar as possible to elimin�,te existing encrouchments constituting traffic h;�zards and will f�.irther takE eny necessary action to elimin�.te �.ny encroachment tha-t mc.y heree:fter exist on said Trunk Highv�ray right of tiv�y; and BE IT FURT��R P�SOLUED, Tn^,t said �ity � does hereby ngree to require the parking of' alI vehicics on s�.id Trunk Highti•.ray to be parallcl tivith the aurb ra.nd at le�.st 20 fect from �ny crossw�lks �.t all public streets intersecting said Trunk High�vay ti�rithin the corpor�te limits of said City • this��� day of , 19 rp . CITY OF NOPKIn1S B , \J . Y. B�.^.y or Dated at Hopkins , �7innesot ;, c Atto st �.were.� Clerk Recordor s .�,,,.,�. .,.—,�.-,.,,,_._ . _ , ♦ ' .+ � 50�2-5 J STATE OF MI!V�T�SOTA COUDTmY 0� HENNEPIN CITY OF HOPKINS. CIIt1^IFIC.ATE I do hereby certif�r that ut a regular meeting (e.t a special meeting of which due and lsg�l notice was given) of the City Council of Hoplans , r�innesota� on the � g� day of 9 19.�pg et cvhich a m�.jority of the r.iemUers of said City Council were prosent9 the forogoing resolution was unanimously �.doptedo Given under my hand and sesl this / d� day of �,_19 >Q e � C 1 erk Ree�s��l�:a., V,� �.`'%:� .7.;';t 1�'t . ' � , . . . � �' . � . N - � V � � � x�' � � �� � . �` �� � � � �\ � :b� �_ � � � �.. CITY OF HOPKINS e�V� d (� €� '� � . HENNEPIN .COIINTY� MINNESOTA . � ��` �`� !� ORDINANCE N0: �+9. AN ORDIT.ANCE RII�ATING TO ZONING AND AMEI�TDING ORDINA�TCE NO.g , , OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS. BE IT ORDAINED by the c8uncil of the city of Hopkine: Section 1. Ordina.nce No. S of the city of Hopkina, Section j, Subdivieion 6, paragraph (b), is amended to read as follows: (b). On a corner lot� the eide yard on the street side of �uch corner lot eha.11 have a width in addition to that hereinbefore specified eo that the total width of such eide yard sha11 be equal to not less than 50 per cent of the front yard depth required for auch lot, to a maximum width required of 12 feet for such.side �ard; provided that this regulation ahall not be so applied as to reduce the buildable width after providing the required interior side yard of any such corner lot to lesa than 20 feet. FIRST READ at a regular council meeting of the city of Hopkins held on the 5th, day of July, 1950. and finally read and passed at a re�ilar meeting of the council of said city held on the lgth. datiy of July, i95o. � W. HARLAN PERBI%, MAYOR 6. VJ. Elmquist, � � Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney, City Atto rney copy for paper ��u,Q¢.� '�%l g�.�'� Publiehed July 27, �950 / ;;, � � � � � �_ � � '`''���, ; �. .. � _,.:. . . _. - ,.. .�. _ . ,. _.. ,_ y, r�,,r � CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPII� COUNTY� NlINNESOTA fiESOLIITION A0. 15g A RESOLUTION CA�TVASSIBiG THE 90TE AT �'HE SPECIAI, ELECTION HELD JOLY 17, 1950� AND DECLARING 't'xE RESULTS THEREOF. WSEREAS, the Clerk has pr�sented to the City Council affidavita ehowiag poetiag and pnbliahing of notice of Special Election on initiated ordinance� oehich wae held in the City of Hopkins, Hennepin � County� Minneaota� oa July 17. 1950� ia accorda.nce with the pro�'isione oP the charter of the city a,nd the lawa of the 3tate of Mianesota� and WiiEREAS� esid affidavits were examined and found eatiefactory and ordered placed on file. and .. WSEHEAB. the follo�ing question wae voted on at said electioa: : "Shall a propoeed ordinance �hich has beea iaitiated by a committee of fi•ve electore� by the terme of e�hich the follo�oing described r�al estate in the City of Hopkias� Hennepia County� Minnesota� .vaould be removed from the commercial aud mn].tiple dwelling districte and placed in the r�eidential dietrict of the city� be adoptedt All that part of the Northwest �.iarter (D1W�) of the Northeaet �iarter (1�) of Section 2�, Townahip 117� Eange 22� I.yiag southerly of the south line of etate Hig�way �0.7 and northerl�► of a line dra�+n parallel to and 300 feet sautherly of said highwa�, and easterly of the East liae extended of �ighth Avenue North aa shooua on the plat of West Minneapolie, Second Division� and all that part of said Northweet �.iarter (�) of the �ortheset �.iarter (NE�) and of the Northeast �iarter (�Eg) of the Northmeat Q�iarter (IQW�) of Section 24� Township 117, Eange 22� lying northerly of the north liae of etate highway No.7 and easterly of the plat of Elmo Park, and Block One (I,�� Hobby Acrea�p and _ .. ... ,. . _ �SEREAS. the C lerk presented the official returna of the judges:a�d cTerk of the five preciacts for the city� and said returns were duly egamined aad ca.nvaeaed and found to be ae follows: PRECI�CT YES NO #1 (Harley Hopkiae) �g 19 ¢�2 (Dow House) �3 (city xati) $� (Jnni o r Hi �) �5 (Oak Sidge) TOT.� � 2oi 79 �+6 �+o�+ 39 7�+ g1+ 9 225 NOW� THEREFOEE, be it resolved that it is hereby fouad.aad deter.. mined that at the Spe�ial Election held in and for the City of Hopkine, Hennepin County� Mianesota� oa the llth day of July, 1950. to vote upon the question hereinaboae set forth� drhere mere cast a total of Six Hundred Twenty—Nine (629) �otea of �rhich Four Hundred Fonr (11p�F) �qere in favor of the adoptioa of said iaitiated ordinance aad T�ao Hundred Twenty—Five (225) arere agaias,t its adoption� and said initiated ordinance is hereby declared to have been adopted by the electors of the cit� by more than the requiaite majority vote. ADOPTID by the council of the city of Hopkine at a regular meetiag thereof held thie lgth day of Jn.ly� �950. W. HA,RLAN PERBI7C, MAYOH. A,�d. Elmquist Secretary of the Conncil Frank N. �ihitney City Attorney. CITY OF HOPKIDTS HIIdNEPIN COIINTY, MIIu'i�r SOTA o�nR�usc� �ro. 50 • ;� �%� � �y �' �� . � AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZODTING AND Ai�1ENDIi1G ORDINA'�TCE N0. g OF Ti� CiT�f OF HO�KIDTS. � BE I�' ORDAIiJED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKIDiS: — �. Section 1. Block One (1)� Hobby gcres, and the Easterly Four Hundred Thirty-three (433) feet except road� of the.t part of the DTorthwest Q�arter (N�) �<-�� of the North�aet �.arter (ND�) of Section Twent�-four (2�), Townahip One Hundred Seventeen (117)� Hange Tdaenty-two (22), lying Southerly of the South (S} lirie � of state highway DTc. 7 and Northerly of a line drawr. parallel to a.nd Three Hundred (j00) feet Southerly of said highway, and the Easterly Three Hundred Thirty-three (333) feet� eacept road, of tha.t part of the Northweat (,�zarter (DTW�) of the NortheaBt �.iarter (D1F�) of Section Twenty-Pour (24)� Township One Hundred Sevea�een (117) �£+a.nge Twenty-tvro (22) � l�ring Northerly of the DTorth (N) line of atate highway Aio. 7, ahall be and hereby is removed fram the commercial dietrict ,of the city of Hopkins and included in the residential diatxSct of tne, city� and ehall be subject , to a11 the .regulations of. Ordina,nce No. S of the city of Hopkins relating to such reaidential district. Section 2. All that part of the Vorthwest Q�.iarter (DiW4) of the Northeast �.iarter (NF�) of Section Twenty-four (2�) � Townehip One Hundred Seventeen (117), � Ra.nge Twent;�-two (22) � lying Southerly of the South �( S) line of state highway �To. 7 and Northerly of a line drawn parallel to and Three Hundred (j00) feet southerly of said higkiraa�y� end Ea.aterly of the East (E) line extended of Eighth avenue North as shot�rn on the plat of Weat Minneapolis� Second Division� except the Easterly Four Hundred Thirty-three (�F33) �eet thereof, a:nd all that part of the North�aest and of the Alortheast �arter (NFr) of .the,,Northwest Quarter (.NW4) Q}�arter (DTW�) of the Northeast �iarter (NE�)�of SectionTwenty-four��(2�F),� Township One Hundred Seventeen (117), Bange Twenty-two (22), lying Northerly of the North (�) lir_e of etate highway No. 7 a��d Easterly of the plat of Elmo Park, except the Easterl� Three Hundred Thirty-three (333) feet thereof� ahall be and hereby ie removed from the multiple-dwelling district of the city of liopkine and inc2uded in the residential district of the city, and ahall be subject to all the regulatione of Ordinance No. S of the cit� of Hopkins relatin� to such residential district. A YERIFIED COPY of the�foregoing ordinance� together with the na.mee and addresses of f�.ve electors who formed' themselves into a committee for the initiation of ea.id ordinance as a meaeure of public concern� was filed with the city ma.nager of the {' city of Hopkins oa March 15� 1950. pareuant to �he ciiarter of the city� Chapter 5, Section 5.0�+. A PETITION for the adoption of the foregoing ordinance, together aith signatnre papers and affida.vite thereto attached, �as filed in the office of the city mana�er of the ci�y oP Hopkias on March 2j, 19rj0, pur�uant to the charter of the city� Chapter 5, Sections 5.05 and 5006. �VITHIN five da,p� a�ter filing said petition �vith the city managero said manager ascer�ained by examinatioa thereof the nnmber of electore whoae eignatnree are appended $hereto, that the nnmber oP electors sigaing eaid petition conatitu�ed more than 10 per cent of the total number of electors arho cast their votee at the last preceding regnlar municipal election, and that eaid petition mae.eufficient aad regnlar. 9T T� 1QE%T REGFJLAR NEETII�(3 of $he coancil held oa March 27, 195p� the cit�r mana.ger certified to the conncil that 235 electore aigned the pe$ition� being 16 per ceat of the to�a1 number of electors �rho caet their votes at the laet preceding regnlar manicipal electioa. � CC�NCIL Lhereupon aad at once read the measure and referreS i� to the council as a committee oP the �hole aud provided for a publie hearing to be held npon $he measure on Tueed�g, April lg� 195p, at 7:30 o'c�ock P.M. at the council chambera in the city ha11. A Public Hearing on said meaenre �ae held bePore the council acting a� a committee of the t�hole on Taesday, Ap ril 18, 1950, at 7t30 o'clock P.M. at the council chambers in t�he city hall. THE COU�CIL on Jnne 6� 1950� reih sed to paes said initiated measnre. either in the form ia which it wae �resented or in a different form, THE COIIATCIL on June 6� 1950. ad.opted a resolution eu�mittin�g the pro_ posed meaia�tre to s vote of the electors at a apecial election to be held on �Iondqy, Jnly 17, 1950� between the honrs of j:00 o°clock P.M. and 5:00 o°cloc.& P,Nf. THE CITY CLERg, having given d�ie and legal pnblished and posted �otice of snch Special-Election� the same was held in the five voting precincts of the citg on Nionday, Jnly 17� �950. between the hours of 3:00 o'clock P.A�I, and 5:00 o�clocic P.M, �- CITY OF HOPgIDTB H�NNEPIR�'COU�TY, MIDTNESOTA HE30LUTIODT N0. 160 A BESOLIITIO� ORDEBI�G A HEARIBIG 0� PETITION TO YACATE A PORTI� OF A STREETe WHEREA3, all of th� owners of property atfutting upon both sides of �'iret Street Aorth betareea Walahington Avenne and the Rig�t—of—i�ay of the Great ffiorthera Bailway Company have petitioned the council to vacete the same, aetting forth the facts and reasona for su.ch vacation, �hich petition ie accompanied by a plat of the stre�t � propoeed to be eacated a.nd ie v�rified bp the oath of t�o of the petitioaers, and DiT�BEAS. the council deeme it egpedieat that the matter �honld be p�oaeeded �ith; NOW� THEHE�QRE. BE IT HESOLYED that eaid �etition be filed of record with the City Clerk �eho �hall give aotice by pn.blication in the official newepaper of the city for four weeks, at leaet once a week, to the effect that such petition has beFn filed and etating in brief ita object and that the petition eeill be heard and coneidered by the council at a regular meeting thereof to be held oa the 5th day of September, 1950, at 7:30 o�clock PoM, in the council chambera in the Cit� Hall of eaid city, ADOPTED by the council of the city oP Hopkina at a regular meeting thereof held thie lgth dsy of Jv.ly, 19500 W. HARLAN PERBIXo MAYOE. A, W, Elmq�tiat, Secretary of the Conncil. �'raak N, Whitney� City Attorneyo . . - -:, � , '. :4 �_ , 1': �� G, .;,, �-' ��J �` 4 �l'o a �,, CITY OF HOP�I�S H�NIVEPIN COII�TY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEAEI�G ON PETITION TO VACATE A PORTION OF A ST�E'�. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIBEN tha,t a petition hae been filed of record �oi.th the clerk of the City oP Hopkins, Hennepin Connty� Minnesota, the object of �hich ie to vacate �'iret Street 8orth betmeen Washii�gton Aveane and the Rig�t-of-Wa7 of the areat Northern 8ailway Compaqy� and that the petition �vill be heard and coneidered by the council oa the 5th day of 3eptember, 1950� at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the couacil chambers ia the City Hall of said city, Dated: Jnlg 26, 1950. A. @J. �lmqui e t, C ity Clerk. Pablished in the Hennepin County Heviea► on Aagast jrd� lOth� 17th� aad 2�th, 1950. 0 . � �. � � � ,. �. ' PETITION FOR VACATION OF FIRST STREET NORTH BETWEEN WASHINGTON AVENUE AND THE RIGHT OF WAY OF THE �, � 4�4•�TB�A RAILROAD IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS - ��y•�..y- .�7�-h e � ►1 �� TO THE CITY COiTNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS: We, the undersigned, bein� the majority of the o�ners on the line of such.public street known.as Fir.st Street North and situated b��tween Wash,i,� ton Avenue and the . right. of wvay of the �,—�, �a r e a7� ./Yo Y� 7�11 � j/� yt �a.i�Y�e �.e� �a�.�...,_�,,,,,;e a a AR.��.LA-��... D.,+,., .,a� do hereby petition the city council � of the city of Hopkins that said public stree:t -be� vacated and -in support of said petition do hereby state: _ 1. That the alley.between_First and Second Streets North, Block �ight :.(.8), West Minneapolis Center,,has been. vacated _by. the . city of Hopkins, , ` " , 2.. That said street can not-serve any useful purpose for the cit9 as First Street PTorth East of the right of way of the 'S't'. �r�•t /P%'�7`�rEerK �a.i/roa,d , has been'vacated b9 previous J � � action��of the city o�:;.HbpT�ins. That this petition is ma.de pursuant to �innesota Statutes Annotated, 1�11. K9. Le�al Description of Propert� . _ , �" Lots Five � 5), S� ( 6.` _.; ���;;� _ Ceni�. �, des^r.;ti,sd as SfK �:;; . _ : � _ .. .. .. ..... .. 'Z ,_� _. .. -.� � � �� ��---- - � - �,-r``: i ; , . Aq;'�� � . ` -.-- . _ � �„�'n°-*�".,. � . .�w . '% �t Sixteen (16) Block Nine ( 9), . VPest Iu�ls. -�nter, accordi.ng o e recor e p a ereof �g� on file in the Registxy of Deeds of�said `t/�.oJ � Hennepin County; STATE OF MINNESOTA� COIINTY OF�HENNEPIN : Geor�e L. Solbere and G. Naomi Solber� � bein� duly sworn, say that they have read the fore�oing petition sub- acribed by them and know. the contents thereof.; and that the same� is � - true of their o�rn lmowled�e, except as to the matters t-herein stated on infor.mati.ox} and belief, aad ��o t ose matters they believe it to be true. Subscri e and sxorn to before ' . e hi 17thday of July, 1`�50. _ � ' tt. �-t. ctir���a�� �io¢nry Public. Henncpin Co�:nty. I�Sine. ,. . . 1,�ldy G:o�aisaioa Expia2a Ihuv. Evs li5�'. � �. . :.. '. - . � ._ . �, . •� • • - � All that part �,.. �, �even (7) and vacated alley in Block ��ht (8) -�lest i�Iinneapolis .�„ �'ollovrs: Beginnin� at a point on the l'lest line of Block �,ight (8;, �4i�� ieet Jouti af the I�dorth,�rest corner of said Block Ei:�ht (8); ; thence East and parallel to the Dlorth line of said Block Ei�;ht ( 8) to the �iester]_y right of tiray line of the Great Northern t�ail��ay Corrpany; thence Southvresterly along said l,�esterly line 63.52 feet more or less to its intersection v,�.th the South line of said Block Fight �� (8); thence '���rester]_y alon� the South Iine of said Block Eight (8) to the Southi•rest � corner of said Block �i�ht (8); thence North alon� the �'�est line of said Block Ei�ht �(8) to the noint of beginning, according to �the plat thereof on fil.e or of record in the office o� the Register oi Deeds in and for sai� Hennepin �ounty. Subject to minerals and riineral rights reserved by the State of P:�Linnesota. 0 : -. , '+rir:h.i o �� : .� CITY OF HOPgIN3 HENNEPIN COUNTY� �NiI1�NESOTA EESOLIITION �0. �59 A RESOLIITION PROHIBITING CONNECTIONS TO THE S�AIJITARY SEWEH AND WATF�B SYSTEMS OF THE CITY I+nB THE PUBPOSE 0�' SEHVIDiG PflOPEBTY LOCATED OII�i1• -SI� OF THE CITY LI�IITS. WSEREAS. it has heretofore been the policy of the City of Hopkine to permit orenere of real estate located ontside of the city but adjoiaiag th� city limite to contract with the city for connections to the sani— tary aewer and v�ater syatem oP the city and for the ilarniehing by the citg of water and sanitary sewer facilities, and WHEREAS� receat annexationa of additional area to the city and the building of nea� homes and induetriee ia the city have greatly increaeed the demands upon the water and sanitar� ee�aage facilities of the city� �a tdHEREAS. the city� by the terme of ite contract with the City of N�inneapolie, is limited in the aman�nd of ser�age which it may put into the aewer maina of the Cit9 of l�inneapolie for treatment at the disposal plant of the Metropolitaa Area Sewage Diapoaal System� aad WSET�AS� the constrt�ction of an additional well a.nd the neceasary pumping eqninment to increase the water eupply system of the city v�ould require the expenditure of large suma of moaey;HOW, THEREFOEE, BE IT HESOLVED, that the city conncil of the City of Hopkins doea hereby determine and establiah a� a polic;y of the city that no ilirther connectiona eviill be permitted to the aa.ni.tary sewer and water mains oP the city for the purpoae of serviag prope�rty located outside of the city li�its. ADOPTED by the council of the City of Hopkine at a regnlar meeting thereof held thie 16th day oP July, 1950. Ae W. Elmqni at Secretar� of the Council Frank N. Whitney City Attorney. W.,HARLAN PERBI%. MAYOHo t�,. �4 "� ,�b ''i w� . ,; �` ";� A regnl.ar meeting of the council o.f the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held at the City Hall at 7:30 o�cl.ock P.M. on Tuesday�.August 1� 1950o B�embers present were; �ayor_W. Harlan Perbix, Councilmen.Len J. Milbert, Stuart E. Bec�an� John Ziegler� Joseph T.. �nderla, City Nfana,ger C,.C. Congdon, City Attorney Frank .N. �Phi.tney, and Citg F�gineer Frank V. Laska, �embers absent: none. Ziegler moved, B�ilbert seconded, that the fol7:owia� bills be pai.d: 2222 2223 22lur 2246 22l�7 22�.8 22l�9 2250 2251 2252 2253 225l� 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 226� 226s 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 227l� 2275 61b 620 621 622 623 62t�— 625 626 627 1�81 1�83 481t �86 GENEE�AI� FU1�ID Minneapolis Gas Co. Northern States Power Co, Olga Bren Leona.Carlso� Bernadette DeRosier Helen Donovan B�argaret Empanger Katherine F�g Alice Fessler Frank G. Gardner John Archie Kelley Merril]. L. Kempfert C.C. Congdon� Treasuxer Duo�afety Corporation �celsior �ress Falk Paper Co�par�y Farnham St,ationexy Compaqy Fowler Electric Co. Gardner Company Gerard Motors L.A. Harris Hennepin Gounty Review Hopkins Cleaners Hopkins Fire De�artment Jo�son & Vogt Leslie Paper,Company N.W. Bell Telephone Co. A.H. Parenteau H.A. Rogers Compar�y 3tandard Oil Compar� Ster"ling �larm & Siren Co. Sub. Henn. Co. Relief Board Frank. N. �Ifhitney . Salaries Gas heat Light & po�rer Jnry Duty . Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury l?uty Jury Duty JnrY ��Y Juz'Y �� Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty Petty.cash Folding ladd.er Paper tawels Paper to�els �. Recreation supplies Police car repairs Sof tballs Police car repairs Car allowance Publications Bla.nkets cleaned Fire call, drill, telephones Police car repairs Shippin.g tags, �rires Telephones Grading Parkridge skating rink Prints Gas Fire siren Relief Attorney fees Eide case last 2 Jul� ROAD AND B�RIDGE FU11ID Northern States Power Co. Light & po�er Anderson Broso Tractor repairs Anderson �tors Truck repairs Depend�le Motors �uck repair Geraxd Motors Truck repairs Ixiterna,tional Harvester Co. Truck repair Jari Products B�ower parts Johnson & Vogt Truck repairs N.�P. Bell Telephone Co. Telephones Salaxies Last 2 July _ �PATF�t FUND Northern States Po�er Consolidated E'lectrie Crane Company Flox C o�ar�y General Electric Monarch Co�pan�r Neptune B�eter Co. Salaries Co. Light & poWer fte�rind, :100 h.p. Gaskets Freight charges 100 h.p. Motor Chlorine �Pater meter La.st 2 Ju.7,g �P�P) __.13.77 677.46 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 24.99 40.00 1.05 1�• � 9.2lt 7•90 lt2, 50 25•1� 25.00 38.40 6.25 165s00 1.70 3•�4 91e27 ZDs�O 7.58 162,00 J�OOe00 235e82 20000 19�.8.?0 1091 293.03 2.60 ]3 .11 26. iiJa. 13•57 5a7o 35•!�6 ii.5o 346.30 559.30 326e8� 6•95 93•84 177.76 180,00 106.3t� 5o7e27 Page 2e S�AGE DI5POSAI, FUND 129 Northern States Power Coo 130 Fairbanks Morse Co, 131 Skelly Oil Compa�y 35 98 99 ioo 101 Light & power Parts for pumps Gas BOND & INTERFST FUND First National Bank Hopkins Bonds & coupons REQOLVING FU1�ID Garl A. Anderson Harrison Avenus He�. Rogers Co. Prints Hennepin County Review Publications D�raff ll�olff Estimate #2 Salaries Last 2 Jnly � 132.24 78.30 ioo5o ]„l�89e00 1869098 380l�9 24030 5891009 178e0o Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution #163, "� RF�QLUTION RELATIIVG,TO RFSURFACING TRUNK HIGHWAY NUB�BER SEPEN," marked Eghibit_i, be adopted. _Carriedo Beclnna.n moved, Ziegler seconded, that the request by NoJ. Poague for a permit for a dri�e-in on 5th 9venue between Excelsior and lst S�reet North be deniedo Carriedo Pursuant to notice bicls �ere opened for sewer and water main construction in Knollwood �dd.ition, the follm�ing bids being received and referred to the City k�igineer for study and report: NAB6E Lametti & Lametti ORFEI & �llARI�1NI PHII�PS�DRAKE C0. VVFS TERN UNDERGROUND C OIuS � C 0. DEGRAFF �POLFF BONANDER & CODQPANY SANDSTROI� & HAFNER xzcx�rn �ae �.oN SE� , � .31,006034 28, 71�9 e75 26,367075 47,266050 32,239.25 34,328eoo 26,274e5o 25,465.30 �dATER �3o;i64vo5 28,o9s.5o 30,776050 42,799°00 29,98004�. 3J�,328000 31,898•75 25,656.50. An.derla moved, Beckman seconded� that Resolution #153, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE BLACK TOP SURFACING OF CERTAIN STREETS AND ALLEYS_��ID INSTALLATION OF CURB, GUTTER AAID SI�Ef�ALK IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS," marked brhibit_B� be adopted. Carriedo �% Anderla moved, Milbert seconded, that the lovP bid of Richard B�e Ferron be accepted �� for the construction of se�er and water mains in Knoll�ood �dditiono Carriede Ziegler moved, An.derla seconded, that license application by U E Union #1138 for the sale of beer and conduct bingo at the Fairgrounds on Saturday, August 19� 1950� be granted, Carriedo . Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the request by the Northern States Power Co. for per�.ssion to place one pole on Polk Street North of Excelsior Avenue be granted subject to approval by the City �5ngirieere _ Carried. Ziegler moaed, Anderla seconded, that the request by the B�inneapolis Gas Co�pany for approval of gas ma.i.n extension on HoLly�ock Lane their number 238, be,granted subject to approval by the City �gineer. Carried, _ Page 3e � Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution #161, "A RF�OLUTION RELATING TO 7�iE SALE BY THE_CITY OF CERTAIN R�L ESTATE," marked Exhibit C, be adopted. Carried. Ziegler moved,�9nderla seconded, that the report by City �gineer Frank Laska on the deepening and �ri.dening of Ni.ne Mil.e Creek be accepted and placed on file and he, together with �ae City Attorney Frank N. ll�hitney, procure the necessary easements and the cost of the above project to..be paid from the Sewage Disposal Fund. Carriedm Anderla moved, ]1Bi.lbert seconded, that Resolution #162, "A RFSOLUTION PROVIDING F�t Tf� ISSUANCE AND SALE OF NECOTIABLE COUPON BOI�IDS TO MAI�TTAIN THE. PERIV�ANENT . I�llPROVF�NT REVOL�ING FUND,'� marked.�hibit.D, be adopted._ Carried._. _ _ Anderla moaed, Ziegler seconded, that the meeting be adjourned at 1Os30 o�clock P.B�o ATTEST: � !� � �. Mayor �. Harlan Perb . � . A.W. Elmquist, ecretary to the Gouncil. r n Rt� �h� � � . - . , �"V' Y'. , .4.�- . �'. , '"' . . �1_;. . : .... �.5: . . . . � . - _ _ � . F. . , . ._ . _ _ `. _ , - - '- ` . . � . . ';; �� ,�:;' . 50.=2-5 CITY OF HOPKINS. HENNEPIAT COIINTY� MII4NES0'PA . R E S. 0_L U T I:0 N g0. S$7pL$ 1(3 e::� ... . ., .._ . . A BESOI,IITI:OA REI,ATING TO RESURFACIbTG TR�TAig HI GHWAY NjTMBER SEVEN. SoPa c.(�—�`�T�Aa.?a��, � Hennepia County � . S T A T E O F M I N N E S O T A ) ) ss. VILLAGE .fl F HOPBINS ) , . �r�,� ��� ' '�'3„ .r . . � _ . .- . � � �� , 4�ER�S, The Conu�i.seioner of .Highways of tho Sta'ce , of ;Tdlinnesota has noxJ deterr.�ined to designate and malse permanent the location o� Trurils High�ruy Noo 7:��� :' �� forrierly designated us Trunk Highvuay No, ��12 , through .the Village of Hopldns as shoern upon the plans which are presented� hererovitn .:and-�me.de a. pa;^t hereofr and TfJiIEREASe Said Co�issianer of fiig�ways is desirous of constructing, rscon- structing and, ir.iproving said Trunk Iiighvray tnrough said Village �.nd . has prepured plans for said construction, reconstruction and.ir.ipro4emen�a a cop� of �rhich sdid plans are presented here�,rith and r�a.de. a part of this �resolution; and i�iEREAS;; The construotion, re:,onstruction and impro�er�ent of said Trw1k Highway requirea a change in the grade of the stree�ts �n said. ,�>�f.,illage a�ong and upon which said Trunk High�ray passes; said chango of grade boing dQsignated and shown on seid plans9 �.nd V:�?3REAS, It is to the best interests of said gillage that said.Trunk . Highway be conatructed, reconstructed and i�proved through said Qillage in accordance with s�.id plans and the standard PIli.nnosota Highway Speaifications nnd upon the grade designated therein, and Viii�EAS9 The Co�issionor of Highways is dosirous that the �illage of Hopkina a�i.11 not liconse or porait h�src�aft�ra an.y encro�;chmmt of any na,ture� ina:uding curb p�as pumps or gas stations or billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, on the right of wQy of sai�:� Trunk Highv�ray No� 7 tivithin the corporate li.mits of said Vi11Qge of gopkins as sho�m upon the plan and maps hereto attached, and VIHL'REAS, In the flartherance of the public �rell being and sufety it is desir�.ble and necesse.ry to eliminate traffic he�zards by eliminating any encrae.chments whateoever including gas pumps or gas stutions or..billboards or other-�str..ucturos of o.ny kind whatsoever, now or her-eafter existing in or upon the said Trunk Highway right of t�ya snd ; :-� , '�; ,�� �. . ..: . ._ ..... _ . .:r�, .. .�, .r� .. _ . .. . . .. ... .. . . ,.. ,.. ' . ri .� , , .. . .... ..., . ,.: ,... : . . x. . , ... .. . , _ . . . ' , - � . . �' . i'_";;,,,�; � �. _ � . - - . . . . %x � - . " - •.,� , 50-2-5 ;t:: - . WAERF�AS, Said Comm3:ssioner of Highvrays, desires, in the interest of public sz.fe.ty, tha.t a.11 parking of vehicl�s on said Trunk Highw�ay be parallel with �.. the cvrb and at least 20 feet irom any crosswalk at all public streets intersecting ;��: : s�.id Trunk Highway within the corpor�te limits of s�id Village ,��nd _ �4Vf�REAS, It is to the best interests of said Village that a11 parking of vehicles be p�rallel to the curb; NOV'J, TIiER�r'QRE, BE IT RESOLV�D, That s�id plans and specifications for the construction, reconstruction .�nd improvemert of s�id Trunk Aightil�.y through s�.id Village , be and t'rie same hareby are �pproved, ��nd said pjlla�e heroby. consents :to the ch^n�e in grude of the strcets alon� which s�id Trunk HibhU��y passes, as shown in said pl�ns; ar_d BE Ii FURTiIER RESOLUED, Th^.t said Village docs hereby agree anci eonvonunt th�.t it vsill ncver permit or suffer, within its corpor�te limits, any encro^chment of �.ny kind y�rhatsoever9 includin� eurb gas pumps and. g;tis stntions, bill• : bonrds or other structures of nny kind r,�h�tsoever, upon the right of wny of Trunk High��.y No. 7 as shotivn on s�id plans e.nd th^t to the � bove end said Village _, hereby �.�rees th�t it will never issue � ny licensc, �ermit, or grant, or mive c.ny leave or liberty or �.ny other consent of. whatever form for the construction or maintenance of any encroachment whatsoever, including curb g^s pum�s ^nd g�s st��tions, billbe�rds or other structures of any kind whtitsoever., upon said right of way; and thct said Village i�rill cocperate insofar as possible to eliminate existing encroachments constituting traff'ic h�zards and will f�.irther t�ke �±ny necessary action to eliminute �ny encroachment that mr..y hererfter exist on s�.id Trunk,Highw�y right ;i^ ,, of ti�r�y; and BE IT FURTi�R F.ESOLVED, Th^�,t said Qillage does hercby cgree to require the p�.rking of � 1� vehicics on said Trunk Highti�ray to be pa,rallol with the curb and at least 20 feet from �ny crosswalks �.t a11 public street� intersecting snid ' Trunk Highway ti�r'thin the corpor�te limits of said Village . Dated at � ; I4finnesot� , this %� day of , 19�'� . — �-- '@`�� OF HOPKIP� , IIy . b� y or :�; � ,::;� ;`<:. :,_ ;`` _�. ,. , �r Attest _ . -. r : Cler�t � Recor`or � , ... - �� ,.;,, , :,;; ::. . _ . .,. :. :. _._ . _.. .._ ... _ .... _ . . .. . . ` ,. . ,. . , ' y ` � � � � � . ,- . .- 50-2-5 ' STATE OF NlI:dN�SOTA ) ) COUI�i TY Or �pIg ) ss Q CIItTIFIC.ATE ) VILLAGE �F HOPSIATS ) I do hereby certif� that ut a regular meeting (at a special rmee�ing of which due and Ieg�l notice vJas given) of the p�ll� Council of gogkins � , P�inne�ota� on the /� dny of 9 I9d;�a �:t �rhich e� m�jority of the rlemUers of said Qilla�e Cotancil yrere preseit, the foregoing resolution we�s unanimously adoptedo Given under my h�,nd and seal this /M day of �,�,`9,�,��•- , 19d-'o . . C lerk. Rec�rr�i*�x CI TY OF: HOP'gIbTB �IIu COUNTY� MIANESOTA � $EsozII�iox �o. i53. � 1 RESOLUTION OR�RING .T� BLACK TOP SURFACI1dG OF CESTAIN STR�TS gND ALLEYS f':°. AND IRSTALLATION OF CUEB, GQTTER AND SIiIEWALg IN CEETAI� LOCATIONS. W�S, the council of the city of Hopkins on gpril lg� 1950, adopted a v � � resolntion referring the matter of iaetalling concrete cnrb aad gutter on the West eide of 12th. aveaue North from Fourth atreet Rorth to the South line of etate tsvnl� highwa,�y No. 7 aad on the aorth side of Fonrth street �orth from 12th. avenne North to the alley in Block 107, West Minneapolie, Second Divieion, and of conatracting eide�valk on the � East aide of 9an �nren A�eaue from F`irst etreet Sonth to Second atreet Sonth and black top stirfacing the Borth and South �a11ey and the Easterlg one-half of the Ta,st aad West s11ey in Block 68, Weet Minneapolis� Second Division, to Frank Laeka� city engineer, �for his iavestigation and report, aud WSF�.EAS, the council of the city of Hcpkias m May 2, 1950� ad.opted a reeolution referring the matter of black top surfacing the alleys in blocka numbered 101 and 107, �est Minaeapolie� Second Division, to Frank Laska. cit� engineer, for his investigation aad report, aud WSEREAS, the cov.ncil of the city of Hopkine oa May 16, 1950� adopted a resolution referring the matter of the inatallation of concrete'ca.rb and gutter along the Sonth aide of Firet atreet Sonth between Monroe Aveane and .the alley in Cent e r, V Block 35� Weat Minneapolie�;�to Frank Laska� city engineer, for his investigation and � repo rt, and WSEHEAS� the conncil of the city of Hopkins on Jnne 6� 1950, ad,�pted a resolution referring the matter of blaclt ,top su.rfacing the a11ey ia Block lOg� �eat Mfaneapolie, Second Divi �n, to Fraak Laeka, city engineer, for his inveetigation and Wf�RF�1S. the conncil oP the city of Hopkina on Jnne 20� 1950, a.dopted a resolution referring the matter of black top snrfacing Second etreet DTorth bet�een Fifth avenue �orth and Sigth avenue North to Frank Laeka, city engineer, for his inveetigation a,nd relport, and Wl�EI?A9, the conncil of the city of Hopkias on Jn.n.e 20. 19�j0� adopted a resolutioa referring the matter of black top surfacing Seventh ave�e and Eighth aveaue � South betwe�n Seventh and Eighth etreets Santh� and the North and South alley in Block 70, west Minneapolis, Seco nd Division� to Frank Laska, city engineer� for hie investi- . gation a.nd report, and �RT''AG, eaid engineer hae investigated the aecessity and feaeibility of said improvementa and on July 5� 1950, reported thereon to the council and filed hie aritten reporte vai�h the secretary of the council� and � (1) . x � �, =��� , .�.::...,....,�F.;..�.� � �r.,,� _: r:j..�. . WSEREAS, on July 5, 1950�.the city council of Hopkins adopted a reeolutioa setting Tnesd.a,y� the first da� of August, �950, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the. council chambera in the city ha11 as the time aud place for coneidering said ` reports and acting thereon, and V�RF.AS, a notice of said hearing has been published in The Hennepia County Bevie��o in its issnes of Jnly ljth. and 20th. 1j50� aad the affida.vit oP publication of eaid notice h�e been filed �ith the aecretary of the council, and W�BEAS� no petitioa setting Yorth oppositioa to said improv�ents, or any or either of them, roas Piled with the citg manager prior to the da,te and hour aet for hearing said engineer'e reporte and no one appeared in opposition - - �F,�.r;1fr:..; . . . . �� thsre��.; �OW� THEREF'08E� . , n.,{�;. BE IT RESOLYED by the city council of the city of Hopkins that the installa.tion and conetruction of said sidewalk, carb aad gutter in said locatioae aad the black top eurfacing of said etreete and alleys are all necessary.for the health, � ovelfare and convenience of the city and ite inhabitante, and it ie hereby detezznined and ordered th at said improvements�'and each oP them as so recommended bp the engineer, be made, aad that the coeta thereof be assessed a�a3.nat an� property abntting upon said improve9ments. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkina a� a regalar meeting thereof held thie first da�y of 9ugo.st, 1950. A:.: W. Elmqniet, Secretary to the cauncil �'TBIIk �. � i'iII6�'r Ci ty At to rney copy, for: i 2) W. HARLAN PEI�I� , MAYDB ,=� :: ,� � r; , . �: , ;�; . :; 'J �4 � � CITY OF HOPBINS HENNEPIN CODNTY, A4INNESOTA . EESOLUTIOIQ A0. 161. �� A EESOLII'PION RELATING TO THE SALE BY THE CITY OF CEBTAIN REAL ESTATE. WBEREAS� the cit y of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota, ie the ov�r of the ,w Weeterly Thirtg (30) feet of Lot 79� egcept the South 55 Peet thereof, 6uditor'e 9nbdiviaion 2j9, Hennepin County, Minnesota, accordi ng to the plat th�reof oa file and of record ia the office of the $egistrar of Titles in and for Hennepin County, Minnesot�, snbject to an agreement that the public ehall have acceas over and across a strip of land j0 feet wide on the West side of said Lot 79, Auditor's 9�ibdi$ision 239, Hennepin Connty� Minnesota, as ahown by Certificate of Title �o. 6518�+ iasaed by the Hegietrar of Titles of said connty, and WHE&TAS, the cit� does aot aow have, aever did have and tvill aot in the Puture have any use for said j0 foot strip of land, either for etreet purpoees or any other public or city purpose; �OW. THTREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED, that the city manager be, and he hereby is� authorized to accept offers from any persone, fixms or corporations avho ma� desire to purchase said land from the city, subject to eaid agreement for public access over a.nd acrosa the same, and communicate snch offers to the city couacil for their conaideration� and BE IT FU$TFiEH RESOLVID� that in the eveat the city sells said 30 feet strip of land to any peraoa, firm or corpora,tion, that the city tranafer and con�ey its ri�t� title and intereat in said land to ench pnrchaser by qait-claim deed, and that the city will not warrant the title to same and evill aseame no obligatioa, �.ity or expenae iacideat to removing from the title to sai d land the righta, if a�y, of the public to accesa acrosa the same. �Y ADOPT�D by the conncil of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held thie�� first d�p of August, 1950. W. B9RLADT PERBI-� � MAYOE A. W. Elmqaist� Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitaey, City Atto rney ti� CITY OF HOP'KINS HENNEPIN COIINTY� MINNESOT9 RESOLIITION DTO. 162. A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF NEGOTIABLE COIIPON BOND3 � TO MAINTAIN THE PERMANII�TT IMPRUY�IENT REPOL9IIJG P4T�D. V1IHFRF6G� the City of Hopkina has heretofore undertaken numerous local improQements for which special asaeaemente may be levied agaiast property, and , WHEBEAS, the city has iasufPicient flind.s in the Permaaent Improvem ent Revol�ing I+hnd to pay the amount �e on contracte heretofore �ntered into or hereafter to be made for the conatruction of said improvements, and WHEREAS, the city counci�l haa d�termined that it arill be aeceesaxq to provide the sum of $150,000 in eaid tl�ind for euch purpose� �OVd, T��HE�; BE I'P RESOLgED by the city council of the City of Hopkins� Minneeota� as follows: 1. In order to provide money in the.Permanent ImproPement R�volving �lind and for the purpose of maintainin� eaid flind� the city ehall forth�ith isaue a.nd aell its negotiable coupon Permaneat Improvement Hevolving Ftind Bonda in the aggregate principal amount of $150,000� eaid bonda to be dated September 1� �950� to be 150 in number and numbered from 1 to 150� both inclusive, and in the denomination of $1,000 each, to bear interest at the rate desi gnated by the sncceesful bidder� payable semi-sanually� and to mature eerially on September lat in the amount of �15,000 in each of the yeara �95i to 1960..both inclusive, a11 �ithout option of prior pe�yment. 2, The city council shall meet at the city ha11 on Tueaday� the 5th. day of September, �950, at eight o'clock P.M.� Por the pnrpose of opening and con- eidering eealed bide for the purctas:e:of said bonds� and th� city clerk is authorized and directed to canse notice of sale of said bonds to be given ae pro- vided by lav� by publication in the official newepap er and in Commercial Weet, a financial newspaper publiahed ia the City of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Said notice ehall call for sealed bide,.at one or more intereat rates in multiples of one-quaxter or one-tenth of one percent. shall state that the bonde �oi.11 be made payable at any snitable b�nk or tniat compan� deeignated by the purchaeer and that the city rri.11 i'urnish printed bonde and approving legal opinion of Meesre. Faegre & Bensoa� 1260 Northwestera Bank Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota. both doithout expense to the purchaaer, and ahall require that each bidder ahall furniah a good faith check or bank draft in the sum.of at least $j,000.00. ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the city conacil of Hopkins held on the first d�y o i Augast, 1950. W. EARLADT PERBIX, NiAYI�Et A. W. Elmqnist� Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitneg� City Attorney w � 1� I I� - �� � � - � (Ufficial Publlcation) � NOTICE OB BOND SALT. �ILy�i_Idopktns; Mina�so�a � � N, TICE is hereby .given th�at the , CiLy� Councll of the City ot FTopkina, , ;' of �� PJ co ch � m� ci1 � 1 bo $1, R or �bii j mi � pa I a�� in esaba, will meet at the City Fisl� � id city on Tuesday, the Sth day �ptember, 1950, at eight �o'clock I for the purpose of recetvi g aad � iering aealea bids for the pur- � of $150;000 Permanent Ixj�prove- ' Revolving Fund Bonds . of eaid dated September 1, 1950, said , ; to be in the denomination of each, to bear interest at qhe rate tes designated by the.succesaful r, payable semi-anaually, �and to � - re serially, without option oI prior ent, en September lst �n the � nt of $15,000 in each of the years � to ]960, both incluslve. �, bonds will be made pa}�able at auitable bank or trust compar�y aated by the purchaser. � city will furnish printe� bonds ' rm satisfactory to purchaser and �ving , legal opinion of � Messr'e e '.da Benson, 1260 . Northwester.ti Bui]cUng, - Minn@apolls, I Minne- bath without expense �to the iaser. Delivery will be �ade at >urchaser's city within forty days date of sale accompanied by legal �n and customary closing.�roofs, I 1nc�udina a certiflcate as to ihe ab- t senEe of litigation aPfecting saifl bonds. I A l bids must be submitted' !n writ- 1 in enclosed in a sealed envelope, state ; 14 one �ates-•iu� mulLt- Dles of one-tenth or one-quarter of P o4e percent, and left wlth the under• Islgned pr�or to the tlme oP said meet- ing accompanled bq a certlfled �chedc, cashier's check or bank draft payable S to the order of the city in the amount ' ��,.. 3 000 to be iorfeiteil as � � liq da� aamages the-'bYcfi is so- ' cep ed and �he bidder faile to i comply i' 2he with. T�e bld wlll be accepted j whibh sho s the lowest � net Inte t cost fro� date .oP issue to ..maturi y date � af ch bond, less the premfuml iP any ofte ed. The council reservee t'e right to ject any or all blds, to w ve any � infoF' mality in any bid, and to djourn ``the{sale if deemed expedient. � 1 A. W. ELMQIIIBT � � Secretary to the Uncil,, I � Hopkins, Minnesot FRANK N. W�HITNEY � �' QSty�StiorneY-----------� __ _ : � Hopkins, Minneaota Publiehed Sn Hevnepin County Re- view August 17, 3B50. (Aug. 17) � L--.-.--� -------- ---_ ,��- .1 0 An adjourned meeting of the Board of Equalization of the City of Hopkins was held at the City Hall on Tuesday, August 1, 1950, at 10:30 o�clock P.D�. Members present: Mayor W. Harlan Perbix, Councilmen John Ziegler, Stuart E. Beckman, Len J. Milbert� Joseph T. Anderla, City Manager C.C. Congdon, City Attorney Frank N. l�hitney, and Deputy Assessor Thomas J. Kosanda. 9�embers absents none. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the Assessor�s books and figures on assessments be accepted and the . Clerk be authorized to sign same and they be certified to the County Auditor.,. Carried. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. A.W. Eimquist, City Clerk. k� � � ���o �� � �� �� � � A special meeti�.g of the Council of the City of Hopkins, BQinnesota, was held at the City Hall at Ss00 o�clock P.�. on �ugust 2, 195�. - Members present were: BBayor W.�Harlan Perbix, Counci�men Len d. �.i.lbert, Joseph T. Anderla, Stuart E. Beckman, John Ziegler� City �anager C.C. Congdon, City lttorney Frank N. 1110'hhitney, and City F�igineer Franlc V. Laskas Ziegler moved� Seckman seconded, that Resolution #164, n� RF�OLUTIOAi INITIATING AMEND�ENTS TO THE Z�NING ORDINAAICE RFaLATING TU DRNE IN STANDS," marked �hibit �, be adopted. Carried.. Beel�an moved, Ziegler seconded, that the meeting be adjournedo ATTE� T: V�. Harlan Perbix, Bdayor. . 8.11P. Elmquis t, S ecr ry to the C ouncil. COUNCIL�QEN: CITY OF HOPgIN5 H�NE�I� COUNTY� MINNESOTA • RESOLUTIO�' N0. 16�F. 1 RESOI,IITION INlTIA'1'IVG 9MENI�+IE[�!'S TO THE ZANING ORDIDTANCE RII,ATING TO DRI VE I� STANDS. BE IT 8Ey0LVID by the crnzncil of th� city: o,f Hopkine, H�nnepin Count�, Minneaota: That the council iaitiate the following amendmente to Ordinance No. S(the zoning ordinance) of the city of Hopkins, namely: as follows: �mend Section 1. by adding a new eubdivieion thereto, reaa.ing 9abdiviaion 27. DRI�E IN STAND: A building from which cooked foode and soft drinks and similar merchandise ie sold and delivered�from the stand , to pereons in parked automobiles. Amend Section 5� Subdi9iaion 2, paragraph (g) to read as follotvs: ( g) . IIndertaking establi ahmente and drive in standa, but only upon the eecuring of a epecial uee permit ae provided in Section 10. BE IT FUHRHEH SESOLYED that the city council requeat the zoaing commiseion to hold a public hearing upon the above proposed amendmente after �v�:.ng eeven (7) d.�ys pul�li�she����;�notice of the time and place of :such hearing and that the zoning commiaeapn then make a report of i ta findinge and recommends,tions wi th reapect to said amendments to the aecretar� of the council. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a apecial meeting thereof held thie 9th day of Auguat, 1950. W. HART,AN PERBIX,MAYOR A. W. E].mquist� Secretary of the council Fraak N. Whitney, City Attorney � -s cz �a o8 � so�ias A�r"�lPli� OQUi�'i, MI14�3F.Sd1'A ��Lcpri o� so. �.6�►. - s �sc�t�tTag tr��t�z�ra a���rs �co �� �t►�t�a o�t��a� ���a _ ��� �� �� s��s. 8F I�' �E9(9L.gED by �Ae cc�uncl,l ot Lhe of tp of �opkia�, genne�oin Connty� Miane�otss �lut �h� ootincil �aitia�e �he following �eeacl�euis to OrdSn�►ce� IIo. 8( the zoniag ord�narace) o� the city of Har�kiae� a�,ely. ; , as tolloMr: � /lmend Sec�lon 1� by a8diug s nerr s►►Ddi�i,aion thezeto. xea�ting 9u�l�flivi!!on 2�. DRIi'►� xbT $Th'�Dt A bnilding trom ahlGh aooke8 i'oofle aad soti drin�e eEad si�ilsr nerch�n@ire la so�e� and deli�e�red fraa ibe etead to per�one in �erked antomobiles. Amend 8ectioa 5� 9�bdi�3sion 2� persgrsph Eg) to rea8 se 8o13ovas (�) . Unt3ertak4n� eetablS �menta sad drive ir� �tar�ds� bu� cnly upon the eecnring of a sneoial gae �era►it as nmv3de8 in �ecticn 10. 8]'r I'£ i�tiH'l$EB �90L'►ED �ha�t the oiLy counc�l reque�t the ss�t►in�; commieeic�t� to hoid w pnbl4c he�rir� apoA the sbore �rox�c►aed enenc3m�te �ifter �i�r� serea {7) days pub].ished_ � aotioe oP Lhe Qime end p�soe of euch he�*ring and that the soniag commise� then oake s report o� ite tindin�r aad rer�mme�de.tione wiLh respea� to eaid amendnents to tbe eecretsry qi the eonacil. ADOPT�D by the council of the ci ty ot Hop�cins a� s es�ecial mee�iag thereot helfl Bhis 9Lh day of du,�a�.st� 19�. !�. �. L�1m�qiat, � gecretaxy ot the eaanci2 Fraak �f. �1hi tneyY. Ci t8 A�to rnsy , W. FiAR�,AAB� P�B13��:;LAYO� a `� ,��� � � � � 1� � � � �{ � _, A regular meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held at the City Hall at 7:30`o�clock P.�. on Tuesday, August 15,1950a Members present were: Councilmen Joseph_T. An.derla, Len J. �ilbert� John Ziegler, City Bdanager �. C. C. Congdon, City Attorney Frank Na �Uhitney, and City Engineer Frank Q. Laskae Members absent; Mayor �. Harlan Perbix, and Councilman Stuart E. Beckman. , — \ �, Ziegler move�, B�ilbert seconded, that Councilman Anderla be appointed B�ayor pro t�m, Ziegler moved, h4ilbert seconded, tkzat the following bills be paide Carried0 2329 2330 2332 2�33 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 23l�1 2342 2344 23�,5 23t�6 23�.7 2348 23�.9 2350 2351 2352 2353 235l� 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 638 689 6l�0 6l�.7. 6i�2 61a.3 61�.l� 6l�5 6lG6 6�.7 6l�8 6li.9 650 65i GENEE�IL FUND First National Bank Withholding Tax Treasurer, State of �innesota Retirement deductions A.B.C.O�ygen Renta.l Service Inhalator re.f.ills Club Caf� Prisoner meals Feudner Davidson Fire Insurance City of Minneapolis. Prisoner Costs Coast to Coast 8tore Paint Earl Gerard Motors Truck Repairs Gustafson & Fuxa Repairs A.116.Hammerlund !� sheets iron Hennepin County Review Printing Hobby King Recreation supplies State of B�.nnesota . Listing Hopkins Drug Co. 2.gals. H20 Johnson & Vogt Tires & repairs Johnson & Vogt Tires Johnson Trucking Trucking Justns Zumber Co. Luinber Justus Lum.ber Co, Lumber Keller Broso Supplies Kelley Sales Co, 2 Raincoats Kokesh Hardware Supplies Lea.gue of Minnesota Mtusicipalo Lea.gue Dues Wm.H.McCoy Gasoline Mi11er-Davis Co. Supplies �diller B�eters, Ince Repair parts Mine Safety Appliances Chemox �annisters Olson_& Pfeiffer Pharmacy Drugs RockePood Sprinkler Waterfog Nozzle Rosenxald-Cooper Street Signe Royal Type�uriter Cqmpany Recondition Royal Suburban Chevrolet Repairs Fred S�anson Eq,uipment Rental Hopkins Municipal Band 1950 Season Salaries lst 2 of August,1950 Hourly Payroll Period ending 7/31/50 ROAD & BRIDGE FUPID First National Bank Z`reasurer, Sta.te of �Hinnesota Anderson Brose Bren Hardware F'lour. City Brush Jari Products, Inco JoYinson-Vogt, Inco Johnson-TTogt, Inc. Glenn Johnson Contract9ng Kokesh.Hard�are Wm• H• MCCoy Fred Swanson � Republic Cresoting Smith Dunn Coo, Inco Salaries ' Hourl,y Payroll With.holding Deduc tions Retirement deductions Tractor Parts Mower Rental Sweeper Brooms Repair parts Tires & Repairs Tires Blacktop Supplies Diesel Oil Equipment Rental Road Tar Se:ee�er Repairs lst 2 of August, 1950 Period ending 7/31/50 � 656.90 1µ9s7� 11�.00 5055 5io.3l� lot�.38 �..29 79.39 166a25 16m00 bt�v s5 219.99 io65 1.00 152e1a.9 157.92 30.� 391�052 137e�6 20e10 30°61 13.27 11�6.00 ].56e00 39 01�3 1�8.23 �2e57 1.85 72.29 165.36 i2o5o 5.80 125.75 1000,00 1675,95 2355a8o � 99.10 38.06 2.70 60eo0 282,73 3el�1 331eV2' 63,08 �55 ob8 �2e95 19096 125.75 57 s.8t� 22.40 3�.6.30 60�093 �__. ' 488 l�94 495 496 497 1�9 8 la.99 500 501 502 Page 2. WATER FIIND �� Postmaster First National Bank Treasurer, State of lldinnesota Gustafson x F�xa Johnson & Vogt Johnson Trucking Kokesh Hardware Skelly Oil Compar�y Standard Oil Company Wallace & Tiernan Salaries Hourly Payroll 133 Gustafson & Fuxa 134 Kokesh Hardware Hour].y Payroll 108 109 110 111 112 113 �� Postcards 1'Vitrholding Tax Retirement deductions Repair Tires Trucking Supplies Gas & oil Gas & oil 185� Hose lst_2_of August, 195� Period ending 7/31/50 SEWAGE DISPOSAL Repair Supplies Period ending 7/31/50 PERAIIANENT I11�ROVEN�NT REVOLVING F'UI� First National Bank Trea.surer, State of Mi.nnesota Johnson Vogt Glenri Johnson Contractor Lampert Yards l�iller Davis Companbr Republic Cresoting Salaxies Hour]y Payroll Withholding Deductions Retirement.deductions Tires Blacktop Material -_ Supplies Road Tar lst � of August, 195� Period encling 7/31/50 � 17•50 64000 12000 �9.75 57e13 20.00 3.l�� 2s90 2080 7�..00 L�S�-a2'j 5.p.00 11.25 13eo7 57e5o s5.5o 1b.00 37.16 5331.�0 87.21 33.90 1076096 178.00 273.98 Dfli.lbert moved, Ziegler seconded, that a payment of �1000,00 be made to the Hopkins �unicipal Band covering the 1950 season. Carried. �Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that the Suburban Chevrolet Compan� be �ra.nted perm.ission to place a gas tank under the sidewalk east of their ne� building, just south of Excel�ior gvenue on 12th Avenue, and that the pumg� be placed outside if not allo�red to be installed on the_inside of the building� all this subject to the furnishing of a boncl0 Carriedo • l�ilbert moved, Ziegler seconded, that the further request by At. J. Poague for a permit for a drive—in on 5th Avenue North be tabled until the next regular meeting, Carried. .. �l[ilbert moved, Siegler seconded, that the U. E. LTnion, No.1138, be granted a beer license for August 20, 1950, in case they are rained out on August l�/�O,this being added to License No.157• •Carried. PBilbert moved, Ziegler seconded, that Peterson & Hede be granted permission �o erect a storage wa.rehouse on their property on 17th Avenue Northo Carried. 'Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that the bids for a 30� strip of land as referred to in Resolutioa #161 be ta.bled until the next regular meetingo Carried. Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that City l�ana.ger C. C. Congdon arrange for a meeting with Minneapolis Moline Compar�y ofiicials pertaining to the petition received on the smoke and soot nuisance in Hopkinso Carried, Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, t�at the notice of a heari.ng received from the Railroad and �arehouse Co�i.ssion pertaining to the proposed bus rate increase be referred to the �ity Attorney Whitney. Carriede Ziegler moved, Ntilbert seconded, that the request by Northern States Power Compar�y for the placing of two poles on Interlachen Road between Preston Lane and Boyce Street be granted, subject tA approval of City Engineer Laska. Carried. Page 3 �'�� Ziegler moged, Milbert seconded, that the request by Northwestern Bell Telephone �. Compa�r to place buried cable i.n �celsior Boulevard, east of Interlachen Road� be granted, subject to approval of City ��i�ineer Laskas Carried. Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that Resolution #165, "A.RF�SOLUTION REEERRING TO THE CITY ENGINEER THE MATTER OF BLACK TUP SURFACING QXFORD STREET FRO� 11�iJRPFiY AVENUE TO COLUNBUS AVENUE"' marked �Ch.ibit "1'.' � be � adopted. Carried. Bbilbert moved, Ziegler seconded, that Resolution #155� "R.ESOLUTION ORDERING INSTAIJ�ATION OF A TOILET IN THE RFSIDENCE LOCATED _ ON LOT 21, _ BLOCK 80, TIfiFST MINNE�-LPOLIS� SECOAID DIVISION, WITH S�VJER APID VIi9TER CONNECTI01� THFR.ETO": marked �chibit "B", be adopted. .Carried, _ Milbert B�oved, Ziegler seconded, tl�.t the City Attorney draw up an ordinance perta.ining to the rezoning of the Blake School property, along Excelsior Avenue� to be presented at the next regular meetingo Carried. Ziegler moved, DBilbert seconded, that the appointment of Thomas Kosanda by City Mana;er C. C. Congdon as Assessor for the next two years be.approved. Carried. � Ziegler moved, Milbert secon�ed, that the following clerks and judges f or the primar�r election, to be,held on September 12, 1950� be approved. Carried, DISTRICT #1 — Harley Hopkins School Elizabeth Slavin Gladys Escher Selma Pahl grdis Patterson Betty Carlson DISTRICT #3 — Cit�r Hall Esther M. Koss Lola M. Yackel �Iae B. Good Margaret C. Owens Florence Abraham DIS�.'RTC T#2 — Do� Nous e Olga Kelley Elizabeth Lemke I,ouise Lussier Nona Sundquist Dorothy �6interfield• DIS TRIC T#�. — Junior High School Alice �. Anderson Charles W.Herzan Bridget Larkin Ida K. Olson Adeline Sedesl� DISTRICT #5 � Oa.kridge Country Club Marguerite Losie Leah Christenson Anna C. Borland Marie Geer Kay Sullivan Milbert moved, Ziegler seconded� that ;the fol�owing appointments by City Manager C. C. Congdon be approved. Carried. :� . '' r ;�:� ' ;�:�:' �a _:� . ,��_. ;'� Page !�o Doroth� Isenbarger —�150.00 per month from August 6, 195�e Elmer Bielke, Road Supervisor —$�260.00 per month from August 1� 1950, Donald Olsen, Poundmaster —�2.5Q per hour: . Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that the meeting be adjournedo � ATTFST: � � o Elm�uist� ecreta,ry to the Council A.. W,_.::, ,.:�. - COLTAtCILMENs. . � � � r �1 ��; � - , ( CITY OF.HOPKINS �TPTEPIDT CC�UNTY� MINNESOTA RESOLIITION N0. 165. � ��� ��� �� �:��: �� '�� 1R A RESOLUTIODT BEFERRING TO THE CITY ENGINEII� THE MATTER OF BLAGg TOP �RFACING ORFORD STREET FROM MUBPHY AVENIIE TO COZIINlBUS AVENIIE. WHEBEAS, there has been filed with the city clerk and by the clerk presented to �the city conncil a petition aeking for the black top surfacing of :9xford etreet from Murpi�y avem�e to Columbus aveaue� aud WHEaEAS� the cost thereof shonld be aasesaed aga,iast property found benefited thereby� and WSF�i.EAS, moat of the owners of _ the benefited property against which said coata would be asseeaed have petitioned the city council for eaid imp rovement and agreed to pay the cost thereof.; PTOW, THEREFORE, � BE IT RESOZPED by the council of the city of Hopkins that the matter of black top surfacing of Oxford atreet f�m Murp�y avenue to Columbue avenue be refer red to Frank Laska, city engineer. to investigate the necessity and feaeibility thereof and to report to the cauncil as soon as poaeible. ADOPTED by the conncil of the ci ty of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held`thie 15th. day of August, 1950. A. W. Elmquiet, Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitney, City Atto raey copy for Laska W. HAFQ,AN PERBIX � MAYOR � ��� CITY OF HOPgINS HIlODTEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA u � RESOLIITIOId N0. 155• RESOLUTI01� ORDERING IPTSTALLATION OF A TOILET IN THE RESIDENCE LOCATED OIJ LOT 21, BLOCg S0, WEST MINNEAPOLIS� SEW1�D DIVISION� WITH.SEWER AND WAT� CO�ECTIOAS 't'HERETO. W�RE9S, the cit� water and aanitary sewer eyateme ha9e for eometime exieted aad been inetalled along Ninth avera�.e DTorth betweea First and 9econd etreeta �orth,l abutting upon Lot Twenty-Eiae (21), Block Eighty (SO). West Minneapolis� Second Division, and , the owne rs and occupante of aaid lot bave not inatalled a toilet in the residence located therein and have not connected the same to the city arater �and sanitary ser�er systems, and .; Wi�REAS, the health officer of the city of Hopkine inepected said premi aes and found that for the preaervation of the public health and welfare it ie aecessary to initall said toilet aud make eewer and �eater connectioas thereto, and W�REA3, more thaa thirty (30) days prior to the date of thie reeolution, the ownere and occnpante of Qaid lot �rere duly served with a r�ritten notice to inatall eaid toilet and make said s�,wer aad e�ater connections thereto, all as more i'ally appears by said notice aad proofs of service attached thereto on Pile and of record ari th the ci ty clerk, and WSEREAS, eince the date of the service of said notice, said owners have.made ao attempt to comply theremith or make the reqni red inatallatione; NOW, T�REFORE, I�T IS HEREBY RESOLPED that ia the preservation of the public health and general welfare� there shall be immediately installed in the resideace located upoa Lot Twenty-one (21), Block Eighty (SO), West Minneapolis, Second Division� a toilet and that the same be coanected �ith the water and sanitary sewer egstems of the bity e.nd that the entire cost of euch installation ahall be pa.id in the first instance ont of the Geaeral Revenue �d of the city� and BE IT FURTSER &ESOL9ED that after such inatallation and connectioas are com- � � pleted, the coat thereof ahall be assesaed againat said property and there ehall be eerved a written notice of such aasesemeat and an order directing the o�uners o r occnpante of eaid property to p�y euch aseesemeat within ten;,(10) dags after the aervice of said written aotice, to the cit�► of Hapkine� a.nd if auch aseessment be aot paid withia eaid ten (10) days, the eame be certified to the county eoaditor for collection se other asseesments are collected, and that euch aesesament � ;_,,: � .., _ . _ . � .T., ___-__ ._ _ ...� shall be sprea.d over a period of three (3) years and shall become a lien upon eaid property, until paid. ADOP'i'ED by the counc3l of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 15th. day of Auguat, 1950. A. W. Elmqui et, Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitney� Cit�r Attorney � 2) W. HARLAN PEQBIX. MAYOR �.d� - , "t �i � �� UROOF OF NOTICE TO INSTALL A TOILET IN THE RESIDENCE ,� LOCATED ON LOT TVVENTY-4NE�' ( 21) , BLOCK EI GHTY �(�80 ), � WEST MI NNEAP OLI S SEC OND DI VI SI ON AND MAKE SEWER � AND WATER CO�NECTIONS THER�TO,:��•' � � J! ��, STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � � ;,.�°� � � � s g �� � C OUNTY OF HENiVEPI N) �� � Engner A. Johnson; bein� first duly sworn, deposes and says: That on the ll�th day of JuYy, 1950, in the . City of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota, he served the attached notice on Henry S,patn,y and Anna S;natny personally, by handino to and leaving with each of them a true and correct copy thereof. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ll�th. day of July, 1950, �� �''�c�e- T Mae T..Anderson, Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota. My Commission Expires Jan. 29, 1956. � .::� _ _�:_ . PROOF OF NUTI�E TO IN5TALL A TOZLET IN THE RESIDENCE LOCATED ON LOT T�irENTY-ONE ( 21) , BL�CK EI t�HTY ( 80 ), WE�T MTNN�;AYOi,IS SECOND DiVI�ION AND i�AKE SE�YER AND �JA`PER CONNEC`FIONS TIiER�TO. n S2AT� OF MINNE50TA) ) ae C OUN'z'Y OF HE iv NEP I N) Engner A. Johnson, being first duly sworn, de�oses and says: That on the ]a.�th day of July, 1950, in the Cit�r of Hopkins, Hennepin Gounty, l�inneaot�, he serv�d the attached notice on Henry �patny and Anna Spatny personally, by handing to and leaving with each of the� a true and correct copy thereof. 9ubscribed and sworn to before me this 1l�.th. da�t of July, 1950, • r%'��-� 7., �fae.T..Anderson, Notary Public, H�nn�pin Coun�y, Minnesota. • My Co�nmission Expires Jan. 2q, 1956. �L�� O� �Of2�Ll2�. HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS, MINNESOTA July 13� 1950 Mr. C. C. Congdon, City Manager, Hopkiae� Mina. Dear Mr. Congdon: Incloeed find original and two copies of notice directed to Heary Spat�y a.nd Aana 9patn,y, reqairiag them to install a toilet in the residence located on Lot 21, Block S0, West Minneapolis� Second Diviaion� and make rrater and sewer connections thereto. I would suggeat the follocving procedure: 1. The parties whoee names appear at the bottom oP the aotice should persoaally sign each copy thereof; 2. A police officer ehould eerve a copy on Henry Spatny aad a copy oa Aana Spatny at their reeidence at 133 Ninth Avenne Horth, and attach hie retnrn of service to the origiaal. Thia ehould be done on or before the 15th. instant: 3. If the Spatn�a do not talte care oP the matter before the meeting of Augnet 15th. the council should at that meeting adopt a resolution� which I�vill prepare� ordering inatallation by the city and aseeesment of the coste thereof againat the property; �F. At oace thereafter the city should proceed with the aecessary iastallatio n, and st the completioa thereof give the 9patnye notice of the costs and� if not paid, aseese this amount ag�►inet the property. Yonr very tntly, . F ank.R. Whitney, City At ri CITY OF HOPgINS FDTW:VS _� NOTICE TA ItdSTALL A TOILET IN THE RESIDENCE iOCATED pN �.�T T�1ELITY..O%iE ( 23) ,�LOCK �I t}H�'Y ( 8!1) , WFEST MINiV�,A,POLIS, SECOI�D DI�ISIUN� ,AND tdAKE W,AT.E}� A.P1l� SEW�R Cpr�TEC7,'Ifd�tS TH���1'4. To k[enrg S��,Ln�' Pee own�r and occant�nt, az�d Anaa Spatny� life tenan� �ud occa.pant, of the reeideace lccat�d on Lot 21, Bloal� �f�, �eet Mi�aar�pol.ie, Br��cr�d Divia�Qr.. (?�j �#.trth �lvenue North, �iopkine, Minn�sota) . NBTIC� IS I3�REBY G�VE?3 Chat on �r before thirt.y t3f�� ��ayA fx+3� �he� d�.t� A� L�+e e�xvl�c� s��' �his n�t�ce, you� c�nd �ar.h of you. e.re to inetall a toilet in the re�idence 1oca�pc3 ur,�n ��ot, �raerity-i�ne" (?.1) . B]Loc�. E�.p;htar ( $'(�} o ��at Minn�m�olie� 6econd I�ivi�ion. and make sewer and water connec- tt,rn� b�+tHner� eaq i yni'.�,t ar�d tha� tr.ux��,�sip�' u�r�er t�nd w;�ta�r }�lpe� 4n the otreet cn which eeid lct fmn�e. P.ND IF Y�Q EAIL, i�Fi1SE �R �EG�.ECT to '1���+�il rn�oh �c�� lmt sLz�d ��lr<3 ���v�� �,n�� ���.�pr � can�n�.r.ti�r�ffi thAb r�tn wiLhi,n said time� then the council of the.city of Ho�,kine wi11. by ��cira�r �^a'oltYt�.oz�� di�'w.c;� ���� :�uch Loi? �t u::d ep:ir+�ct:r,n� �hereto ahall be' inetalled and that Lhe coat ther�of ehal,l be »elid Sn ;2:a f{ r�t i.as� ��c�� Qit�i p� LZ'1P. Cr�A��i!3�, R�sv!f2lCtc? F�.ind o� t'h� cit9 and Lhe actual cQat thereof ��ees�ed a{►,ainat the nroperty benp�Oi t�d . e A. E�. �`.lm�iat, C; � Cl�x°k ,/.� �� �,, y.•� ,-�� !� � , ',,, � / `—�4�y/ � =%�.-- i �-_ ,i� - �_ c'; }' � �--- _... � C. C. Can��c3�n, Ci�y�i�.na�er ` ATTEST: � W. Hr�.rlan Pprbi*, bi��or . ' � h� �� . 1 �` � � � A special meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, �innesota, was held at the City Hall at 7:30 o�clock P.114. on Tuesday, August 29, 1950. Members present were: Mayor �J: = Harlan Perbix and C;ouncilmen Joaeph T. Anderla, Stuart E. Becl�nan, Len J. Milbert 3::: �.. - , - =':-:and� John Ziegler. M�mbers abs}e�t.: �one. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that t he appointment by Mayor Perbix of Russell H. Zakariasen, as I7irector of Civil Defense f.or_the City of Hopkins, be approved, Carried. Becl�nan moved, Ziegler seconded, that Ordiaance �53, "AN ORDINAI`TC� RELATING TQ ZONING AND AMEN�IVG ORDIN�ANCE N0. S OF THE C ITY OF • HOgKINS", be accepted as the first reading. Carried. Z�e�e�. moved, �ec�nan seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. �arried. . W., �lmquistd/5ecretary to trie �ounc C OUNC II�MEPJ ; ^ ATTEST: � , � .� � Magor iN. Harlaz Perb x ,�.� � f: . . '.. _ ' . . n:-'� J: . ..� v { � ,� � � J � +� �1. a A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, held at the Citg Hall at 7:30 otclock P.M. on Tuesday, September 5, Members .present were; Mayor i�1..Harlan Perbix;; Coun.cilmen Joseph T. Stuart �. Becl�nan, Len J. Milbert and John Ziegler; City Nlanagez� C. Congdon; City Attorney Frank IV. �hitney, and City Eng'ineer Frank V. Members abaent; None. was 1950. Anderla,:_� C. Laska. Becl�nan moved, Anderla seconded, that the following bills be paid. Carried. 2393 2397 2:451 2452 2453 2454 2455 �456 2457 � 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2'466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 Northern States Fower Co. Minneapolis Gas Co. �merican-LaFrance Coast to �Coast �ahlberg Bros. Daniels Studio J. E. �eVeau Farnham Stationery Feudner-Davidson Gardner Hdw. L. A. Harris Henn. Co. Review Hobby Kino Hopkins ��ire �ept. Kokesh Hdw. Leef gros. Inc. Lorin� Transfer Co, Mashek�a Tailor Shop Miller-Davi� Virgil Miller N. iN. Be11 Te1. Co. Panama Carbon Co, SChaaf Mfg. Co. Select Serv. 0il Co. Skelly Oil Co. Sub. Henn. Co. �Relief Board Suburban Press �d. C . L"ITYhitney � VVilcox-Follett Coo Salaries Hourly Payroll n n 658 No. States Power �o. 669 Dahlberb Bros. 670 G. Fleetham 671 Glacier Sand & Grav�l 672 G. Johnson Contr. Co. 673 Kokesh Hdw. 6'74 N, W. Bell Tel. Co, 675 Republic Creosoting Salaries Hourlg Payroll rr ,r 506 C. M. St. P, RR. 507 M/St.L. Ry. 508 No. States I�ower Co. 509 C. M. St. P. RR 517 N.��. Bell Tel. Co. 518 Waterous Co. Sa"laries Hourly P�yroll �� n GENERAL FUND �ower & Light Gas Service Fan belt Suppli�es Repairs Negatives Bus service Supplies Bonds Softballs Car allowan�e Printirig Minutes Supplies Fire calls Supplies Towels Movin� Piano Cleanir._g Drapes Supplies S and Service ' Supplies Trop3�y & Lettering Repairs Gas Relief Publishirlg Elec. Permits Supplies Last 2 of Au� st lst � of Au�ust Last a of ,August RDAD & BRIDGE FUND Power & Light Repairs Weed Spraying S and Blacktop Supplies Service Road Tar Las t 2 of Augts t Period ending 8�15/� 0 " " 8�31/50 WATER F'UND Freiglnt Freight Power Frei�ht �iring Standp�ipe� Last 2 of August Period end�ng 8�15�50 " " 8�31/50 670.59 11.83 7.88 3.62 281e17 9.00 400•00 6.24 25.00 34.00 25,00 3.00 2.25 2311.a8 19.33 9.00 13,91 �.8s�� 120.57 81. .13 94.70 3.50 5.18 1.00 156,00 242.18 43.40 133.30 83,06 2057.24 I958.37 1219.44 14.80 144.80 111.00 408000 551.78 1.88 11050 1734,08 354.70 627.83 678041 55.35 23.48 566.02 78.19 8.13 82 .38 505.27 lll051 79.10 ;:- 136 No. States Power Co. 133 : C. Mo St. .P. R, R. 139 Kokeah Hdw. Hourly payroll i/ fl 36 First National Bank Page 2 SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND Y'ower & Light Expense at Wash. Ave. Supplies' Per�od end� g 8/15�50 8�31�50 SPECIAL ASSLSSMENT FUND Bonds & Coupons PERMANENT IMPROVET�iENT REVOLVING F'UND 126 Cor�nercial �est 127 Richard M. Ferron 128 Hennepin County Review 129 G. Johnson Contr. Co. 130 Orfei & Mariani 131 Republic creosotin� �o. 132 H. A. Rogers Co. 133 �eGraff "a'�olff Co. Salaries Hourly Payroll I1 f➢ Notiee Bond Sale Concrete Fipe Notice Bond Sale Blacktop �iater Ma3ns Road Tar �upplies �Nater Main �as� 2 of Aug. Period ending 8,�15�50 n H 212.00 20.52 6.15 13075 36.25 2931.03 9.00 1500000 7.80 1362.27: 19272.19.,:: ' ` '78. 01-:: r. 38�.16 1656�,90 1�8.00 373.15 435.28 Anderla moved, Bec�nan seconded, that Ordinance �51, "AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTIQN OF FIRST STREET NORTH", be accepted as the f irst reading. Carried. ' . �xiderla moved, Milbert seconded, that N. J� Pogue he� granted � building permit f or a restaurant, but not as a drive-in, on their property on 5th Avenue North, being part of Lot 6, Auditor�s Subdivisior_;�242, provided that t he loi�:level be �raded up to a l� grade sloping toward Fif th Avenue.. Carried. Bec�nan moved, Ziegler seconded, that Resolution,;�166, ��A RESOLUTION DII�TT.'ING ' AN APPLICATION TO MOVE A BUILDING", m arked Exhibit A, be ado�pted. Carried. � Anderla moved, Beclunan seconded, that Ordinance �54, "AN ORDINA�E RELATING TO THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS AIdD REP�A�,ING CERTAIN � ORDINANCES", be accepted as the first reading. Carried. ;:� ; .� 'z'v� ::�;�: �.,:; At 8�00 o�clock P.M. the Mayor announced that this was the ti me and place '_ � for ths opening of bids for the purchase of �150,000..00 �ermanent .. Improvement Revolving Fund bonds of the �ity advertised for sale.in accord- � ance with the resolution ado�ted August 1, 1950. The gecretary of the . CounciT then presented affidavits showing publication of notice of sale in. the Hennepin County Review, the official newspaper, and i'n Commercial �es�.;;, ::;, a financial paper, which affidavits were examined and found satisfactory and ordered placed on �'i le. The secretary reported that five sealed bids � had been received. These were then opened, tabulated and found to be as � follows; NAME OF BIDDER INTEREST RATE Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis, and Northwestern National Bank, Hopkins 120 Blyth and Co., Ince 1951-52 maturities, 1�� 1953 to 195'7 inc. maturities 1958-59-60 maturities, 12a �llison-Williams Company and ^Je M. Dain.& Company and Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood 120 First National Bank, Hopkins, and First Natiorial Bank, Minneapolis, and �irst N'ational pank, �t. Paul 120 E. J. Prescott & Company 1.60f AMOUNT OF BID �?T51,120 0 50 l� , 150,010,00 150,212.10 180, 42'7. 50 150,375.00 " Pa�ge 3 Becl�nan moved, Ziegler seconded, that the two requests by the Minneapolis Gas Compan.y for approval of gas main extensions on Van Buren Avenue South, also Fifth Avenue North of Exce]:sior �venue, be granted subject to ap- proval by the City Engineer. �arried. Becl�nan moved, Ziegler seconded,, that the preliminary plat of Campbell �ddition as presented by Hermaii �d Cecil Kloss be accepted sub ject to approval.by the City �ngineer in regards to drainage and the Mayor a1d City Clerk be author'ized to sign same. Carried. ,- •Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that Resolution �169, "A RESOLUTION REFERRING TO THE CITY ENGINE�R TH� �7ATTER OF INSTALLING.WATER AND '�:�;' � SANITARY SEiNER MAINS IN A CERTAIN LOCATION", marked Exhibit B, be ;'� adopted. Carried. Becl�nan moved, �iegler seconded, that Resolution �170, "A RESOLUTION REFERRING TO THE CITY EIdGINE�R THE NtATTER OF INSTALLING.CONCRETE CIIRB ON THE �AST SIDE OF' FIF'TH AV�NUE NORTH IN FR�NT OF LOTS 1 T0 9, INCLUSIVE, BURNESIDE ADDITION", marked �xhibit C, be adopted. Carried. � Becl�rnan moved, �iegler seconded, that Reaolution #171, "A RESOLUTION ORDERII��G A HEARING ON ENGIN�;ER � S REPf3RT ON IiVSTALLIi�TG� CONCRETE CURB ON THE EAST SIDE 0� FIFTH AV�NZTE NOP.TH IN FRORTT OF LOTS 1 TO 9, INCLUSIVE, BURNESIDE ADDITIOiv", marked Exhibit D, be adopted. Carried. Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that all bids received for t he sale of ���� the westerly 30� of Lot 79, except the south 55� the�of, Auditor�s ;�' '1+.;`, . Su�idivision ;�239, Hennepin County, Minnesota, as proposed by Resolution #�161, be rejected and that all proceedings to sell the same be abandoned. - Carried:'unanimousl�. Councilman �nderla then introduced Resolution �167, being "A RESOLUTION AWARD i NG 'I�HE SP,LE OF �150, 000,00 PERTd1ANENT IMPROVEMJ�N'i' R�VOLVING r UND �ONDS", (attached Exhibit �) an d moved its adoption. The motion for�the adoption of said resolution was seconded. by Councilman �iegler and the motion was carried unanimously, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, and the 1Vlayor being present affixed his signature thereto in approval form. . '�- Councilman Beclunan then introduced Rgsolution �168, being `�A RE50LUTION � FIXING 'Z'fiE F ORM AND DETAILS OF �150, 000.00 PERIvIANENT IMPROVEi14:ENT REVOLVING FUND B01�tDS, DIRECTIDiG THEIR F�CIITIOI[ AND DELIVERY AND LEVYING A TAX FOR �`''"' THEIR PAY[V�NT", (attaehed �xhibit F) and moved its adoption. The motion for adoption oi said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderla and - the motion was carried unanimously, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, and the Mayor being present affixed his signature thereto in approval f orm.. Beckman moved, Milbert seconded, that the roquest of Geor�e R. Wolff Post �425, V.F.��., to conduct bingo games at their new club house be granted. Carried. �Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that t he report dated 8�24�50 by the Health Officer be placed on file. Carried. Ziegler moved, Becl�nan seconded, that the surety bond of �orothy Isenbarger be accepted subject to approval by t�.e City Attorneg. Carried. Anderla moved, lViilbert seconded,.that approval be given to apply:�vnused portion of, contribution towards the County ��elfare Survey", or�ginally made to the Henriepin County League of Towns aZ d Municipalities� for the county separation survey. Carried. Fage 4 Mayor Perbix appointed �rs. Samuel b.,McClocklin to a three �rear term on the Recreation Board commencing 9�1/50. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that the above appointment He approved sub ject to the approval of the Chairman of the Board of Education oi School j}istricts Nos. 19 and 135. Carried. Beclunan moved, Ziegler seconded, that Ordinance �53, "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING AND A1V�NDING ORDINANCE NQ. 8 OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS", marked Exhibit.G, be accepted as t he second reading thereof� and that, the ordinance be adopted and published according�to law. Carried. Becl�nan moved, Anderla:`seconded, that Ordinance #55, "AN ORDINANCE REQUTAING THE INSTALIA TION 0�� TOIT�TS �ND THE CONNECTING OF SAME 1PJITH THE W,l�TER AND SANITARY SEW'ER MAINS OF 'I'I� CITY IN CERTAIN CASES, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THLR�Or AND REPr�ALING CERTAIN ORDINANCES", b� accepted as t he f irst reading. Carried. � Anderla moved, 1Vlilbert seconded, that Ordinance #56, "AN ORDINAN C� - RFLATING TO A HEALTH OFFIC�R AND A BOARD OF H�;A.LTH FOR THE CITY OF HOPKINS, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIO]�1�TIONS 1HEREOF AND REPEALING .: A CERTAIN ORDINANCE", be accepted �s the first reading. Car�r7ed. �iegler moved, Becl�nan seconded, that Resolution �173, "A RESOLUTIOId CONCURRING IN �. TEIVDTNG AND RELOCATIBG CERTAIN STATE AID RQADS'` , marked �xhibit H, be adopted. Carried. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that the meeting �ae adjourned. Carried... AT�EST : . (t/LC ,/� ayor �. ar an er ix . �lrnquist,lbecretary to the Counc COUNCILMEN: ... �.,..: .. . . . � , . ,_,.. . _ ..... ...._ _ ; ;o. �• . CITY OF HOPKINS ` HENNEPIN COIINTY� MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. �66. A RESOLIITION DENYINQ�AN APPLICATION TO MOVE g BUILDING. w a � _ r/ - , - - i , ° WHEREA3, Donald Poague has applied to the city of Ho�pkins for a p ermit to move a frame building�nsto a portion of Lot 6� Auditor's Snbdicision No. 2�+2, Hennepin County� R4innesota, to be used as a root-beer drive-in sta.nd, and said applicati on hae been referred by the building inepector to the city council, and WHEREAS, said buildin.g is to be located in the commercial diatrict and Ordinance No. g of the cit�, Section 5, Sizbdivision 2, details the usee which are perm3tted in the commercial dietrict� wY�ch does not include such a drive-in stand, but does inclnde other bueiness uses which in the same , opinion of the city council are of the�general cha.racter as the uaes enumerated in said eubdieiaion and vaill not be obnogious or detrimental to the district in which located, and h1�IF�tF�AS, it ie the opiaion of the city council that said root-beer drive-in stand is of the eame general character as the usea enumerated for sach commercial district bnt that the proposed location of said drive-in etand will be obnoxious and detrimental to the diatrict in whi ch locat�d; NOW� T�REF"C�tE, BE IT BESOLVED that eaid application of Donald Poague� hereinbefore described, be, and the same he reby ia, denied. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 5th. day of September, 1950. A. W. Elmqui et , Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney Df ty �ttoraey W. HARLAN PERBIR� MAY08 ,�� N � CITY OF HOPKI�TS HIIrfNEPIN COONTY, MINNESOTA RESOLIITION IVTO. 169. 9 RESOLIITION REFEEHING TO THE CITY ENGINEE� THE MATTER OF IIQSTALLING WATER ADTD SANITARY SEWEH MAINS IN A CERTAZ 1Q LOCATION. i' ; � WHEREAS� .there ha.s been filed with the city clerk and by the clerk presented to the city council a petiticn asking for the installation of water a.nd sanitary sewer maina in an extension of Althea Lane from the south line of the plat of Hobby Acres southerly along Althea Lane ae the same ia located in the propoaed plat of Campbell Addition� and VdHE&EAS, the cost thereof should be assessed against property found benefited thereby� and WHEREAS, the purported owners of the benefited property againet which sa,id cost wauld be assessed have petitioned the city conncil for said improvement and agreed to pay the coat thereof; I�OW� THEREFG&E� BE IT EESOLVED by the council of the cit� of Hopkine that the matter of inatalling said water and sanitary eewer maine in euch location be referred to Franlc Laska, city engineer, to investigate the necesaity and feasibility thereof and to report to the council as aoon aa po saible . ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 5th d ay of September, �950. A. W. Elmquiet, Secretary of the council Frank �T. Whi tney, City Atto rney copy for Laska W. H9RLA� PERBIX� MAY08 � � µ a CITY OF HOPgINS HIIQI�TEPIN COIINTY, MINNESOTA RE�LIITION N0. 170. A RESOLUTION REFERRING TO THE CITY ENGINEER THE MATTER OF INSTALLI�IG CONCRETE CURB ON THE EgST SIDE OF FIFTH AYF�IVUE NORTS IN FRONT OF LOTS 1 TO 9, INCI,IISIiTE, BIIRNESIDE .ADDITION. Wf�REAS, there has been filed with the city clerk and by tY!e clerk p resented to the council a petition asking for the installation of concrete curb on the East aide of Fifth Avenue North in front of Lots 1 to 9� inclusive, Bu rneaide Addition, and WHEHEAS� the coste thereof should be assesaed against property found benefited thereby, and WHEBEAS, the owners of the benefited property against which said costs would be asaeesed have petitioned the city council. for said improaement and agreed to pay the coats thereof; NOW� THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED by the council of the citf of Hopkins that the matter of inatalling concrete curb in such location be referred to Frank Las�a, city engineer� to investigate the necessity and feasibility thereof and to report to the council as soon as po ssible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkina at a regular meetilg thereof held this 5th. day of September� �950. W. HARLAN P�BIX � MAYpE A. W. Elmqnist, Secretary of the council Frank N'. Whitney, City Attorney copy for Laska CITY OF HOPgINS HENNEPIN COIINTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 171. A RESOLUTIOI3 ORDERING A HFASING ON ENGIDTEER' S REPOHT ON INSTALLING COIJCRETE CIIRB ON THE EAST SIDE OF FIFTH AVEi�fJE N'OHTH IN FRONT OF LOTS 1 TO 9, Ir?CLUSIVE, BURNESIDE ADDITION. V�BEAS, the council of the city of Hopkins on September 5, 1950� a,dopted a resolution referring the matter of installing concrete curb on tlie East side of Fifth avenue North in front of Lots 1 to 9, inclusive, Burneside Addition� to Frank Laska, city engineer, for hie inaestigati8n and report, and tr,�HEAS� said engineer has investigated the neceesity a.nd feasibility of said improvement and on September 5, 1950, reported thereon to the council and filed hie written report with the secreta.ry of the council, a.n.d k�R�AS, said engineer's report recommends that said concrete curb be installed in said location at an estimated cost of Twelve Hundred Sixty- five Dollars ($1265.00); �OW� THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said �ngin.ger'"s:����� be aonside�ned by the council and action taken thereon at a regular meeting of the cit� council to be held on the third day of October, 1950� at 7:j0 o'clock P.P�., and BE IT F4k�THER RESOLYED tha,t the city manager give notice of euch hearing by publishing a notice once in each week for two succeasive weeka in the ofPicial newepaper of eaid city, said notice to deacribe in general language the improvement recommended in the engineer's report and the estima.ted cost trereof. , ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkina at a regular meetin� thereof held this 5th day of September, 1�50. W. HARLAN PEHBIg, MAYOH A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the council Frank PT. Whitney, City Attorne� copy for Laska CITY OF HOPAI�TS HENNEPIN COUPITY� MINNESOTA � � �-Y, v� � � ., NOTICE OF HEARING ON ENGINEER' S REPORT ON Ir1STALLIVG CONCRFlI'E CtTRB ODT THE EAST SIDE OF FIFTH AVENIIE DTORTA IPT F'F�NT OF LOTS 1 TO j, INCLOSIVE, BIIRNE3IDE ADDITION. - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the city engineer of Hopkine did on the 5th. day of September, �950, file a report aiith the city council recommending the installing of concrete curb on the East eide of Fifth Avenue North in front of Lots 1 to 9. inclueive, �urneside Addition, at an eetimated coet of $1265.00. NOTICE IS F�TRTHER GIYEN tha.t the city council has by reaolution fi�ed Tueeday� the third day of October, i95o, at 7:30 o'clock P.M, at the council chambers in the city hall ae the time axid place at which the council will hear euch p ersons ae care to be heard in reference to said improvement and will consider eaid engineer'e report a,nd act thereon. Dated at Hopkine� Minneaota, this 7th day of September, 1950. C. C. Congdon, City Nlanager � F ra.nk N. Y�'hi tn ey � City Attorney Published in The Hennepin Co�unty Review on September l�th and 21at.� 1950. copy for paper � CITY OF HOPRINS HENNEPIN COUNTY� MINNESOTA RESOLIITION N0. 167. A RESOLUTION AWARDING THE SAZE OF $150,000 PERMANEI�P IMPROYEMEDTT REPOLYING FUND BONDS. BE IT RESOL9ED by the City Council of the Cit� of Hopkins, Minnesota, that the bid of Northweatern Nationa.l Bank of Minneapolis and DTorthwestern 1Vational Ba.nk of Hopkine, Niinnesota� to purchase $150,OOQ Permanent Improvement Revolving �,ind Bonds as advertieed for sale pursuant to a re�ol�ztion of this council passed Aug�zat 1, 1950, which bid ia to pay $151�120.50 for bonda bearing interest at the rate of one and one-half per cent (12�) is hereby found to be the moet favorable bid received� and ahall be and ie hereby accented. BE IT �TRTHER RESOLVED That the aecretary sha.11 return the good faith checks of a11 unsuccessful bidders and retain the check of eaid purchaser until delivery of the bonda. ADOPTED at the regnlar meeting of the City Council of the City of Fiopkina held on the 5th day of September, 1950. . A. W. Elmqui , Secretary of the council `%/%i�� � . W. Harlan Perbix, Mayor � Extraot of Miautee of Meeting oP the � CiLy Conncil of the City of Hopkina, Hennepia �- � Couaty�. Mianesota. . ;� . A regular meeting of the� council of��the city oP Hopkins, Minneaota� wae held at the aity hall at 7.:3Q�o'clock P.Ad, on Tnesd�y; Sept�ber 5, �950. � Members present we-re Mayor 41. �Ha�la.n Perbix� coeincilmen Len J. Milbert� . , _ ; . Stuart E. Beckman, Joi�t Ziegler� Joseph T. Anderla, city manager C. C. � Congdon, cf ty at to rney �'rank N. �Vlhi tne�; .� and ci ty engineer Franlc 9. Laska. . . . � � . Members abeent: none, � � � .. � *,� �� . �* At S:pC� o'clock P.M:, the Mayor annonnced that this w�.e the time and . place for t�e opening of bids foT the purchaee of �157�400 Permanent Improv�ent xevolving �nd Bonde of the city advertieecl for s�le in accord�uce with a resolution adopted Augu,st 1, i95o.: The secretary of the council thea preaente@' aPfidavite ehow�ag pnblication �f notice of sale in the Hennenin County Aeview� the official aewspaper, and in Commercia.l Wfest� a financial p�per� which � affidavits�tvere examined and found saCiePactory aad ordered placed on Yile. �The'secretary reported that five sealed bide had been received. Theee were then opened� �abulated.and found to be as follo�s: � 14eme of Bidder Interest R�te �mount of Bid Northweatern National Bank. Minneapolie� � and�ftorLhwestern'National BBak� Hopkias 1� �151�120.50 Blyth and Co. Inc. 1951-52 maturitieg, 1�-;� � 1953 ta 1g57 inc.maturitieg llp . :� ; 195g-59-� m$turities, 12� 150,010.00 Allison-Williams Compaqy and � � J. M. Dain & Company aad ' P4per� Jaffra�p & Hopwood . 1'�� , 150, 2I2.10 Firat Nat3oaal Baak, Aopkine, and , , , FY rst Netional �ank�.Minneapolie aad . . Firet Nstional Bank, SL. Paul . 1a� l�jt�,427.5� E. J: Preecott & Company , 1.60`� 150,375•�0 � � . � . ` �� . Councilman Anderla then iat�rodaced Resolution. No. 167� being "A RESOLUTIOIT AWARDIN(} THE SAL� 01P �150.�00 PERNIANEDTT �IMPRQVENIENT RE�fOLYIDta .�� \ . ,� - bVND BOND9," (attached F�hibit P) and moved ite adoption. The motion for the , ' . : ., adoption of said reeolution was aeconded by councilman Ziegler and the motion `�. - � - ., . (1) • , , was carried unaaimously� arhereupon said reeolutSon waa declared duly paeaed and adopted� and the mayor being present aff3aed hie eignature thereto in approval form. Councilman Beckman then introduced Resolution I�o. 165, being "A RESOI,IITIOPT rt'IXIIJG THE FO&�I AlC(D D�,fiAII�3 OF �+1�j0,000 PER�IAN�EN'r I�IPROYEMEDTT REVOLPINQ FUND BONDS� DIRECTINa TI�;IR EXECUTIOI� ADTD DELIVESY AND LEVYING A TAX �Dx THEIR PAYt�1ENT�" (attached Exhibit 1� and moved ite adoption. The motion for adoption oP eaid resolutioa wae seconded by councilmaa Anderla and the motion was carried unanimously, rrhereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, and the maYyor being present affiaed his ei�nature �heretio in approval form. � S�ATE OF AlINNESOTA) COIIN'1'Y OF HENNEPIN} SS CITY OF HOPKINS) I� the undereigned. being the duly qualified �nd acting secretary og the aouncil of the City of Hopkias� Minnesota� hereby certii`� that the a�tached and foregoing is a f'ull� true and correct copy of a11 that part of the minutea of- S regalar meet.ing of eaid council held on the 5th. day of Septe�m ber� Z95o� insofar ae the same relates to the iesuance of $150.000 Permanent Improvement �evolving Fund Bonds of said city and the levy of te�es for the p�neat thereof� a.nd that the attaahed and Pollowin� resolutione Dio. 167 and 268� are flzll� tzue and correct copies of ti�e resolutione rePerred to in the foregoing minutes. WI!fNESS My hend and the oPfiaial eeal of said city this 6th. day of September, 1950. � A. W. Elmquiot� Seareta�y of the Council Ci ty of Hopkina, l;inne eo ta CITY OF HOPgI�tS HETNEPIN COIINTY� MI�iNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 168. A RESOLUTION FIXIIVG THE FORM AND DETAILS OF �150�000 FERMANENT I1�'IFROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND BONDS, DIRECTING THEIR EXECUTION ANU DELIVERY A1VD LEVYING A TAX FOR THEIR FAYMENT. BE IT RESOLVED by the City�Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, as. followsr 1. The City of Hopkiris shall forthwith issue and deliver its negotiable coupon Perma.nent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds in the aggregate principal a.mount of �150�000, dated September 1, 1950, sa.id bonds to be 150 in number and numbere.d from 1 to 150� both inclusive� in the denomination of �1�000 each� to bear interest at the rate of one and one-half per cent (12�) , � payable semiannually on the lst day of March and the lst day of � September in each year, and tro mature serially in.order of serial. numbers,�on September lst in the amount of $15,000 in each of the years 1951 to'1960� both inclusive; alT�without option of � prior payment. 2. Both� principal of and interest�on said bonds shall be :.payable at the main office of Northwestern National Bank of �Iinneapolis, Minn. . and ttie c it shall � y pay the reasonable charges of such bank for ,acting as paying agent. : ; . . 3. The bonds and the interest coupons to be attached tr.ereto shall be in substantially the following form: UNITBD STATES OF AMERICA _,... STATE OF MINNESOTA . COUNTY OF HENNEPIN CITY OF HOPKIIV� No. . �1�000 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND BOND.OF 1950. RNOW ALL MEN BY.THES� PRESENTS That�the City of Hopkins� a municipal corporation of Hennepin County� Minnesota� hereby �acknowledges itself to be indebted and for value received promises to.pay to bearer the principal sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the lst day of September,.19- � and.to pay interest thereon from the date hereof until the princi��al sum is paid at the rate of one and one-half percent ( 12 �� per annum� interest to maturity payable semiannually on the lst day of March and the.�lst day of September in each year in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as they severally become due. Both principal and interest are payable at the main offiee Of Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis, Minn. in any coin or currency of .the United States of America which a� the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts, and for the prompt payment of said principal and interest as the same respectively become due the full f aith, credit and axing nowers of the city have been and are hereby irrevocably �edged. -1- �. � This bond 'is one of an issue:in the total principal amount of �150�000� all of like date and tenor except.as to i - maturities, all of which are issued for the Permanent Improve- ment Revolving Fund to pay for any improvement the cost of -• which is to be assessed aga.inst'benefited property pursuant to Section �.14 of the home rule charter of the city and by �, authority of a resolution adopted- by four-fifths vote of �the city . council� and.pursuant to�and.in full conformity with the - Constitution� and� Laws of �the State of Minnesota :and the charter • of sa id c ity. � IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED That all acts, - conditions and things required by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Minnesota and the charter of the city to be done� to happen and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance , of this bond have been done, have happened and have been performed.in legal and due form� time and manner; that prior to� the issuance hereof a direct annual irrepealable ad valorem �.tax has been levied sufficient to pay and for the purpose of paying this bond-�and interest thereon when due, and that this,:: bond, together with all other indebtedness of said city out- standirig on the date of its issuance; does not exceed any constitutiona7� statutory or charter limitation of indebtedness..; IN WITNESS WHEREOF� the�City of Hopkins, Hennepin � County� Minnesota, has caused this bond t.o be signed in its � behalf by its Mayor and the City�Manager and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and the attached interest coupons to be executed by.the facsimile signatures of.said officers, all as of the lst day of September, 1950. , � � . /6���,`,,�� ; . 0 Mayor ' ity an er . - (Seal) - (�orm of Coupon) No. . � � • On the lst day of.-March (September)� lg� , the City of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota� will pay. to bearer the sum of DOLLARS� lawful money of the United States of America, at the main office of Iv�orthwestern National Ban'. of I�Iinneapolis, Minn. for interest then due on its Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund � Bond dated September 1� 1950, No. . - s�i`� � , Ma.yor . ity Man r . - . 4. The City Manager shall cause said bonds to be printed - at the.cost of .the city, and said bonds shall be - executed in behalf of the city by the mayor and the city manager.� and shall be sealed with the official corporate seal� and said � , =2- coupons sha.11 be executed and authentic�ted by the printed� engraved or lithographed�fa.csimile signatures of said officers. When said bonds have been so executed.they shall be delivered,. � to the purchaser the�reof-upon.receipt of the.purchase price and. . the purchaser shall not be obli'gated to see to the:proper . application of such purchase price beyond its payment to the city. 5. The full faith and credit of the city are hereby irrevocably pledged.to the prompt and full payment of the principal.of and interest on said bonds as sucli.princip'al �. - and interest become due. In compliance with Minnesota Statutes� 1949, Section 475.61, and�in order to provide moneys for the, � �_ � ; payment of the prir�cipal and interest on said bonds, there shall be and is hereby levied.upon all the taxable property in said _ city a direct� annual ad valorem tax to be spread upon the tax � � rolls and col_lected,with and as a part .of other.general city taxes in,t he years and amounts as follows: Year. Amourlt - Year �.mount ' . 1950 �z6,600.00 . 1955 �17,000:00 � _ . 1951 - 17:�00:00 � � 195.6: � : i6,7oo:00 . 1952 17,700.�0 ` . 1957 16:500.00 , 1953 � �7,?�00.0o i95g 16,200.00 ,. . 195� . . � : �7, 2t�o.00 . , . 1959 . �16,000.00 . , ,,, Said�levy shall be irrepealable provided�that when and if other , moneys are available in the special �inking fund to pay said- .� principal and interest�, the secretary shall certify such amount '. to the county auditor on or before October 15th of any .year a�nd . direct.him to reduce.or.cancel said levy. ; 6. There is her-eby created a separat�e sinking fund for the � payment of _the�principal and.interest on said bonds� � known as the "Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bond Sinking Fiind"� into which shall:be paid the proceeds of the foregoing levies and such other sums as may be directed to be used for the, payment of said bonds and out of which fund there shall be paid the interest on and principal of said bonds as such principal and � interest become due� and said_fund shall be used for no other,, purpose until all of said bonds have been paid. � 7. The secretary of the council is hereby.directed to cause �a copy of th3.s resolution� certified by the secretary� �.to be fil�ed in the office of the County Auditor of , Hennepin County, Minnesota�'. and,to obtain from him the certificate required by Minnesota Statutes� Section 475.63. ' � Adopted at a.regular meeting of the city c ouncil of the City of Hopkins held on t he 5th day of September� 1950. � _ �Xt.�� � � Mayor r�-�-+-i-� : Secretary the Council ' - , . ,I -3- � , ;L ',`� }'` �. _ �.. ��� W;�� � �1� � � pv CITY OF HOPF{INS � ' HENNEPIN COIINTY� MIId�TE�T& ORDINANCE �io. 53• AN OEDINANGE RELATING TO 7ANING AND AN�I�TDING OBDINANCE N0. g OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS. N a G d�� � �.� c �' ,t"� :; �, M�� ' � � ;�( � � ` `� �� i �1 �:-l� , O� BE IT ORDP�INED by the council of the city of Hopkins: Section 1. All that portion of Lots 81, g2 and 83, Aiuditor�s S�bdiviaion 1Qo. 239, Hennepin Count�r, Minneaota, which lies southl rly of F�ccelaior aeenne aad northerly of a line par�7.le1 to and 200 feet southerly of the South liae of Excelsior avenue, shall be� aad he�leby is, removed from�, the resideatial district of the city of. Hopkins and included in the commercial diatrict of the city, and aha11 be enbject to all the regvlationa of Ordinance No. 8 of the ci ty relating to such i commercial district. Section 2. No permit for the erection or conatiuction of a building on the property deacribed in Section 1 ehatl be granted unless at least ,. ,r: � ;.;25+ per cent�;'� excluding driveways, of the area of the tract or parcel of land on which said building is to be constracted, ie aet asidel,and reserved, to be used for the pariting of motor vehiclee. FIRST BEAD at a special conncil meeting of the city of Hopkins held on the 2�th• day of Au�a-at , �950� and fi'nall� 1 read and paseed at a re�,lar meeting of the council of eaid citp held on the �� day vf September , 1950. A. W. Elmquist, � Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney, City gttorney W. HARLAN PERBIR,IMAYOH I Pnblished in The Hennepin County Revle� on S_eptember 14,�, 19�0. copy fo r pap er yr�r cu-��+ �� "� � � ��� i�/ � . /:" � ,� "� CITY OF HOPKINS HENTNEPIIQ COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION IQO. 173. RESOLUTION CONCIIRRING IN EgTENDING AND RELOCATING CERTAIN STATE AID ROADS. W?��EAS, the board of county commissioners of Hennepin count�, Minnesota, has previotisly a,d.opted reaolutions relating to State Aid Roads, numbered 73, lg and 20� extending and relocating the eame as followe: �tending State Aid Road No. 73 in the cit� of Fiopkins, as follows: Beginning at the interaection of State Aid Road IJo. 73 and Trunk Highway No. 7 on the west line of Section Twenty-four ( 2�+) , Township One Hundred Seventeen (117) North, Range Twent�-;two (22) West; thence south on the vuest line of said Section Twenty-four (2�+}, being 17th Avenue North in Hopkins, to the intersection with State Aid Road No. j� being Excelsior Boulevard, and there terminating; &elocating State Aid Road DTo. lg in the city of Hopkins, as followe: Beginning at the intersection of State Aid Road No. 18 and County Road No. 71 in the Eaet One-half (�) of Section Twenty-four (24�) , Township One Hundred Seventeen (117) North, Range Twenty-two (22) �^Test; thence continuing so�itheasterly and southerly along County i3oad No. 71 to ita intersection with State Aid Road No. j on the east line of said Sectior_ Twenty-four (2�) a.nd there terminating; F�tending State Aid Road No. ZO in the village of Edina and the city of Hopkina, as follo�as: Beg�:,nning at the junction of State Aid Road No. 20 and County Road No. 6�+ in Zot Twenty-aeven (27), plat of Mendelssohn in Section Thirty (30), Township One Hundred Seventeen (117) 16orth, Ra.nge Twent�-one (21) West; thence northwesterly and northerly along County Road DTo. 6�F in said Section Thirty (30) and continuing North along �Ionk Avenue in the plat of F. A. Savage� s Interlachen Park to it's interaection �vith County Road I�o. j in the plat of Auditor's 9ubdivision No. 239 and there terminating. NOW THEREF'ORE, BE IT BESOLVED b�i the council of the city of Hopkina that the city of Hopkine concurs in the extensions and relocations of said State Aid Roa.ds aa above set forth. ADOPTED by the counci7. of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 5th., da.y of September, 1950, A. W. L].mqui st, Secretary of tre council Frank N. Whitney� City Attorney � 4� P `� ti�. EA.F.LArd PF�?B�tX, MAYOR � �� �` � � . k ,,� a� a � '� � � �`� ��'� ����, �,.�� � �� � � �� 3��D � � S'p � �'v � . g special meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Misinesota, was held at the City Hall at 8 o�clock P. M. on Septeieber 12, 1950. 'Members present: l�ayor W. Harlan Perbix, Councilmen: Stuart E. Beclaman, Joseph T. Anderla, John Ziegler, City Attorney Frank Pt. V�hitney, City Manager C. C. Congdon. D�ember absent: Len J. Milberte Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that Tdayor �If.Harlan Perbix be auth�rized to attend the Warehouse Co�nission hearing on the proposed bus rate i.ncreases.. Carriede The armual report by the Recrea.tion Commission was accepted and ox�iered placed on file. Beckman moved, Ziegler seconded, the meeting be ac�journede ATTFST: . Ma�or W. Harlan Perbix � _� o...��.� A..We Elmquist, S retary to the Council i.0 � ` , � �r,,, �,, .�. /', �- / .,.1 /� . _! ,!.;.i W �.. � , y.., . � , � . . , , � 1., d �� �re� 1 � � ,`�1` A regular meeting of the Council of the City.of Hopk'ins,��.nnesota; was held the City HaZ1 at 7:30 o�clock P.P�. on Tuesda.y, September 19� 1950. Members :�� were: T.4ayor W.Harian Perbix, Councilmen JosepYi T. Atiderla, Len J. Milbert� Stuart E. BeclQnan, John Ziegler; City Tv�anager C. C. Congdon; City Attorney VJhitney, and City Engineer Frank V. Laska. Members absent; 'Nox�e. Ziegler moved, �i.lbert seconded, that the foll�ri.ng bills be paido Carriedo 2495 2l�96 2497 21�98 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 250� �505. 2506 2507. 2508 2509 2510 25u:. 2512 2513 25� 25i6 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 25�5 251�6 25�.7 251�8 2550 2551 2552 2553 255l� 2555 2556. 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2561�- 2565 °►. GENERAL FUND First'National Bank Treasurer, State of �finnesota Alice 1�.Anderson ?t+�r�°tle Axiderson Anne Borland Betty E. Carlson James Chmel Leah I�. Christenson Glac�ys Escher N[arie B. Geer 11Qae Good Charles W. Herzan Gust Japs Hilda M. Johrison T. H. Johnson Mrs. A. J. Kelley Esther Koss Thomas �If.Lapic, Jro Bridget Larlsiri Elizabeth I,emke �darguerite H. Losi'e Mrs. Louise Lussier Matt McCauley Ethel M. Olson �Iargaret Ou�rens Selma. Pali1. , Herma.n J. Puck Adeline Sedesk,y Elizabeth Slavin Kather�ie J o Sulliva.n Nona Sundquist Dorot�y Wi.riterfield Lola �. Yackel Filmack Corporation Club Cafe Coast to Coast Stores C. C. Congdon� Trea.sizrer Dickey & Milbert, Inc, Farnham Stationery & School Gardner Hardware Co. Earl Gerard Motors Gus�afson & F'Uxa � Hennepin County Revie� 1Lqiilte Holm; Sec. of State Hopkins Fire Departnent JOhnson & Vogt, InC: Justus Lumber Co. ` Lar�ert Yards MillEr-Davis Company Sup. Northern States Power Coriipany Royal Typewriter Compar�y, Inc. Standa.rd Oil Company Suburban Chevrolet Company Salaries Ist 2 of September Hour]Yy Pagoll � Withholdirig Tax Ret'iranent Deductions Primary Election Prima.ry �lecti.on. Primary Election Primary Electioii Primary Electiori Primary Electiori_ Pr'i�ary Electiori Prima�T Electiori Primary Election Pri�iary Election Primary Eleotiori Pri.mary Electiori Pri��a.ry Election Primar,y Election Pri.mary IIs ctiori Prim.ary Electi'on Priinary �Election Priiriary Electiori, Prirriary E].ectiori Priinary Election P'rimary Electiori Primary Election Primary Electiori Primary Election Pri�ia.ry Election Pri:mary El.ectioii Priinary IIection Prima.ry Electiori F'rimary Electi.on Primary Electiori Primary Election _ Film �'risorier �eals Supplies Petty Cash Gas Supplies Supplies Repai:rs Siipplies I'Einting & Publs List F�.re Calls Tires, Batteries & Supplies Lumber Supplies Supplies Service Service Gas Repaixs lst � of September lst 2 of September at present Frank N. � 698:00 159`.62 19.00 Z9:00 17.00 18.50 2�:.40 17.00 i8:5o 17�00 2t�;oo i9:5o 19000 18.50 T1o52 19000 21�.00 5.76. 19«00 u:oo 17:00 19e00 19050 2I�.00 24�00 18.50 i9e5o I9:00 i8:5o �.7s� 19e00 19.00 24.00 6.50 2.80 14007 28e�1 168.00 8016 Z7e� 10s9Jr J�.l�o28 90:80 1:00 170e00 98a86 24.16 5:90 57:85 7��..1.9 3:75 168,00 ]1.00 16l�6, 03 752.96 Page 2 $QAU & BRI�E FUI�ID 679 First Nation,al Bank � tiNithholding Tax 680 Tressurer, State of �eso�a Retirmment Deductions 690 C•C.`Congdon, Treasurer Petty Cash . 691 Flour City Brnsh Gutter Broom Section 692: John'son-�ogt� Inco Tires,Batteries, & Supplies 693; 1�m. HdcCoy , �el oil 691� Northern States Power S.e�ri.ce .. 695 i�in. H. Ziegler Coe Supplies Sala,r3es lst � of September Iiourl,� Payroll Period ending Sept.)�5, 195� 11�ATER F'[JI�ID 524 First National Bank 5� Treasurer� State of Minnesota 526 Postmaster, Hopkins 528 C. C. Corigdon� Treasurer 529 North�estern Be11 Telephone Co• 530 B�onarch Cleaning Chemicals 531 RTor.thern Sta.tes Pa�er Sala.ries , Hourly.Payroll TifTithholdirig Tax ftetirement Deductions Envelopes Petty Cash �ires . Liquid Chlorine Service lst 2 of September Period enda.ng Septol5, 1950 SP�CIAL ASSE'SS�NT FDI'm .,. __ . 37 First Natiorial Bank, �Biruseapolis Bond Issue Payment 38 DT�orthwestern Bank� �inneapolis Bonds:& Conpons SE�ITAsGE D?�POSAL F'[T1�ID _ . . _ .. . . ]l� Gustafson & F�a�a St�plies 11�5 Northern States Powrer Service Service Hour]�y Pa�roll Period ending Septe �� ��� PERB6ANENT II�PROVEdiII�TT REVOLVING FtmID 135 First National Bank Wit hholdi.ng Tax 136 Treasurer, Sta te of B�i.nnesoia ftetirement Decluctions ].�1 Johnson-Vogt� Inc. Ca].cium Cloride ].l�2 La�ert Yards . Suppliea Salaries lst � of September Hour�y Payroll . Period ending Septo7.5� 1950 •. , � �� � . 49.30 4.50 55�50 ' 5b5 077 �5.0�. 6.90 77.l�1 . 5�4•� , � 30` 651m30. ` .. 14ts:� 73052 3.79 8.�,3 18b•00 ?b3.51 1S7e2? 70�02 1t050e20 1688A1l� 3020 32•90 27052 53070 i7.Zo 65000 1080 178000 375�28 Ziegler moved� �dilbert seconded, tY�at license . application of �a.ry N. Skoog for �on a.nd off sale of mait liquor� soft drinks and cigarettes at 9�:Ninth,Avenue South be g�antedo �arrieda . � , . Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution #17lt�"A RESOL��IQ�T �RING TO Tf�E CITY ENGIATEfft THE' �T�R OF I1V�TALLING CURB _Al�ID 73iE R�AIR OF _ SIDII�PAT� IN . CERTAIN ZOCATIONS��s. marked:;F�hibit aA.'.'_ be adopted. . Carried. . _ _. gnderla�moved, Ziegler seconded, that reco�endations.by the Zonin� Co�ission to rezone Lots 7 and. 8� Block 1, West D�inneapolis , Ttiird Division� from residential to co�ercial be rejected. Beckman voting n►�, carriede Ziegler moved, �nderla seconded, ;,that the ZoILln� Conmmi.ssion report, da.ted Segtember 15, 1950, e�cept that part perta.ining to the rezoning.of..Loct 7 and 8, Block l� West Minneapolis Third Division, be accepted and placed on file. Carried. Auderla moved, �Hi.lbert seconded, tk�at Ordinance �2:� aAN ORDINANCE RF�ITING TO ZONIT�TG APID A�EI�IDIIdG ORDIlV�IJCE N0. 8 OF THE CITY OF HOPK]NSn�' �e:�•�ccepted. at the first readi.ag. Carriede _ � . - - �, F r � (. a a; f: °,<:' y.;.��< i: ;,.' �e 3 Ziegler moved9 Becl�oan seconded, that Resolution #1759 "� RESOLIITION ORDEftIt�TG A HEAR.IlJG ON ENGINELft o S RFPOt�TS ON BLACg TOP SURFAC INa OF _ FOURTH _ STREET lUORTH BE�T NIATTH AnID TFNTH �VENUES NORTH AI�ID OF �QRD S TREET FR(?� BQURPHY A9ENUE _ . TO`CQLUMBUS.AVIIVUE"9 marked bchibit.aBar9 �_adoptedo .Carriedo . Beclflman moved, Ziegler seconded, that the two requests of tYie �dinneapolis Gas Compar�tfor gas main e�tensionsa their numbers 3?0 and 372 be granted9 subject to approval bp Citg Ea�gineer, Carriedo ,Ziegler moved9 Bec�nan seconded' that Ordinance �1� _pABi ORD1�1dCE VACATING 9 PORTION OF FIRST STREET NOR7�I°9 B�arked F�rhibit �C"9 be,accepted as the_second reading thereof , and t�hat the. ordi.n,ance be adoptsd_ and published according to la�ro Carried� Ziegler moved9 Beckman . seconded, that Ord.i.nance �59 "AN ORDIIVAI�E i�QUIRII�TG T4iE INSTAT�ATTON OF. �ILETS AI�ID Tf� CONNi�7CTING OF S�AME �VITH Tf� 11�ATER �I�ID_SANITA�X SD9�F�R_ � OF _ TgE. C ITY IN CEftTAIN C�SES, PRAVIDING PENALTIF� � FOR VIOLATIONS TF�F �AND REPEALING. CER.TAIIV ORDINANCFS�, marked �ctii:bit �a ,be accepted a� the second.reading.thereof_and_that_the ordinan�ce be adopted_and published according to la�o .Carriedo .Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that Ordinance #569 "�IJ ORDINANCE REf�F1TIlVG TO A HEl�L�i OFFICER AI�ID � BOARU OF HEALTH Ff)R THE CITX C�' HOPKIl�TS, PRiDVIDING. PENALTIFffi FOR._ VIOI,ATIONS 7H�tFAF APID REPE�LI�TG A CERTi�IN. ORDTNANCT"9 marked E�chibit °Ena . be�accepted as the second reading. thereof and that. the ordinance be adopted �d publishecl according to la�a Carrieda Anderla moveda.Beclflnaa seconded9 that Ordinance �79 "�N ORDINANCE RELATIlJG TO Tf� USE QF BASF�3JT ROOB�S FOR LIVING PURPOSES AND PRO�ING .A PENALTY, FOR ITS VIOLATION"9. be accepted as . the. first readingo _Carriedo _ . _ _ _ . . . .Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that ftesolution #177'."A RF50LUTION APPRAVIlVQr 7� F�TABLISFID�iT BY THE CITY BQANAGER OF CERT�IN LI�ITID P�RKING::ZONF�, THR.OIIGH STRE'E�5 AND Bi0 PARKING. ZONFS, AAID,.EST.ABLISHING A TAXI�CAB STAIVD"y marked. . F�chibit TMF", be adopt�lo Carri.edo . .- - . . _ _ _ - - Anderla moved9 Becltmau seconded� that Resolution #1789 ."A.R'ESOLUTION RELATING TO DRIVIII�AYS IN THE RFSIDENTI�,L, CO�tlHdERC?1L OR IlIIDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS:QF TI�.,CITY OF HOPKII�S� I�INEPIN COUNTY9.�INNESOTA"9.marked_Eshibit.aap' be:adopted...Carriede.. Ziegler m�oved, Becl�aai seconded, that t�e meeting be ac�jonrnedo Carriedo 1T _ Gt/�'�/ Wo Harlan Perbix,D6�or . , �..-� Ao.W,•Flmquist, Se etary to the ounc �;1.,_..�'�% =_,����� / _ � , �1�(/ . � " " - .... w _ � - CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COIINTY, MIP]NESOTA RESOLIITION N0. 17�+. A RESOLIITION REFERRING TO THE CITY ENGINEEH THE MATTER OF INSTALLING CURB .AND THE REPAIR OF SIDEWALg IN CERTAIN LOC�TIONS. WHEEEAS, there hae been filed with the city clerk a.nd by the clerk presented to the council a petition asking for the installation of concrete curb on the West �ide of 17th. Avenue North, opposite Lota One and Two, Block Nine, Weat Minneapolis, Third Diviaion, a.nd WHEREAS, there ha s been filed wi th the city clerk and by the clerk preaeated to the council a petition aeking for the repai r o f sidewalk in front o� Lot Ten� Block 10, Andersone First Addition, and WHEREAS, the costa thereof should be assessed against property found benefited thereby, a.nd , WHEREAS, the owners of the benefited property against which said costa would be asseeaed have petitioned the city council for said improve- ment and agreed to pay, the coste thereof; DTOW� THEEEFORE, BE IT RESOI,VED by the council of the city of Hopkins that the matter of installing concrete curb and the repair of sidewalk in such locations be referred to Frank Lask�, city engineer� to inveetigate the neceasity a.nd feasibility �ereof and to report to the council as soon as poesible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of gopkina at a re�ular meeting �-� thereof held this 19th. day of Sep�tember, i95o. �4. HARi,AN PERBIX, MAYOR � A. W. Elmqui at, Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitney, Ci ty At to rney cony to I+aska. •�fl `t � a � CI TY OF HOPgIIJS HENNEPIPT COUPTTY� MIATNES'OTA RESOLUTIODT NU. �75. A RESOLUTIODT ORDEFQNG A HEHRING ODT ENGINEEE' S REPORTS ODT BLACK TOP SURFACING OF FOUHTH STRF�T NORTH BETZ1)EEN NINTH AND TENTH:=: AVENUES NORTH AND OF O�FORD STREET FROM MIIRPHY AYENUE TO COLIIMBUS AVENUE. WHEHEAS, the council of the city of Hopkina on July 5, 1950, adopted a resolution referring the matter of black top aurfacing Fourth Street North between Ninth and Tenth Avenuea North, to Frank Laska, city engineer, for his investigation and report, auid WHEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkins of August 15� 1j50, adopted a resolution referring the ma.tter of black top eurfa.cing Oxford Street from Nlurphy Avenue to Columbus 9eenue, to Frank Laslca� city engineer, for his investigation and report� and WSERE,AS, said engineer ha.s investigated the neceesity and feasibility ; � �, ; of said improaem enta and on September 19� �950, reported thereon to the council and filed hie written report r�ith the secretary of the council� a.nd WHEREAS� aaid engineer's reports recommend that Fourth Street North between DTinth and Tenth Avenues DTorth be black top surfaced at a.nces.ti:m�ted coat of Five Hundred Seventy-five Dollars (�575.00). and i�FpiEBEAS, said engineer's reports recommend that Oxford Street from Murphy Avenue to Columbue Avenue be black top surfaced at an eatima,ted coat of Nine Hund red Thirty-five Dollars (�935•00); NOW, THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED that said �engineer� s reports will be considered by the council and action taken thereon at a regular meeting of the city council to be held on the 17th. day of Uctober , 1950� at �:30 o'clock P.M. and BE IT FiTRTHER RESOLPED that the city mana,ger give notice of auch hearing by publiahing a notice once in each week for two succeaeive weeks in the official new�paper of said city, said notice to describe in general language the improve- ments recommended in the engineer's reporte and the estimated costs thereof. ADOPTED by the council of th e city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 19th. day of September, i95o. W. HARLAN PERBI$, MAYOE A. W. Elmquist� Secretar� to the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney � � �� � �� ������. CITY OF HOPKIDTS FiENNEPIN COUIdTY, MIDINESOTI NOTICE OF HEARING 02d ENGINEER' S BEPORTS ON BLACK TOP SURFACING OF FOIIRTH STREET NORTH BETWEEId NINTH A1VD TENTH gVENUES NORTH AND OF QRFORD STREET FROM MIIHPHY AVENUE TO COLIIMBIIS AVENtiE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEDT that the city engineer of Hopkins did on the 19th. day of September, 1950� file reports with the city council recommending the black top surfacing of Fourth Street No rth betweea Ninth and Tenth Avernxes North, at an eetimated cost of $575.00, and recommending the black top surfacing of Oxford Street from Murnhy Avenue to Columbus Avenue at an estimated cost of $935.00. NOTICE IS FiTRTHER GIVEN that the ci ty council hae by resolution figed Tuesda,�, the 17th day of October, i95o, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the council chambere in the city hall as the.time and place at which the council will hear �uch pe rsone as care to be h�ard in reference to said im�rovements and each of them and will conaider said engineer'e reports and act thereon. Dated at Hopkina, Minnesota� this 22nd, day of September, 19�j0. C. C. Congdon, City Mane.ger Frank N. Whitney, City Atto rney Published in The Hennepin County Review on Se�ptember 28, �B;,�October 5, 1950 copy for the paper ✓ � D � �� � � � � 11 � �� CITY OF HOP�INS HENNEPIBT COUNTY. �IINNESOTA , ORDINANCE �0. =51 � � � ��� "� � � A� ORDI�ANCE VACATI�G A PORTION OF FIRST STREET NOSTH. BE IT ORDAIAED by the conacil of the City of Hopkinas 3ection l. That portion of P'irat Street �orth lying bet��ea Waehingtoa Avenne aad the Hi�t-oP-FI� of the areat Northera Railw�y Co�paay in the City of Hopkins, H�nnepin Connty, Minnesota� ie hereby vacated. I�irat read at a regular meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins held on the 5th dag of 3eptember� 1950. and fiaally read and unaaimously adopted at a regular meeting of the council of said city held on the 19th day of September, 1950. W. HABLAN pERBIg. MAYOH. A. W," E].mqai at � Secretary of the Conncil Fran�c DT. Whi tneg, City Attorney. �c>o.BE/� `� Pnbliehed in the Hennepia County Hevie�r on 'Phuraday, S�Le-�zZ� 19500 . ��It�. .n:h� � Ml.'�'-:j-''.._ . ..... . . .. ... .�.�. .,..l:' � " . , �' ' . • . ' � . - . . . � ' . .. . ... . . . . . � �° fo � � ,v� , 1 . ,�� � \� � � � ,��� CITY OF HOP�INS, � � G�� HENNE�IN COIINTY. MINNESOTA '" `�`' � ,°� �A� 1 ����� ORDI NANCE NO . 55 � AN ORDINANCE REQ,UIRIAG THE INSTALLATION OF TOILFJTS AND THE GONNECTING OF SAME WITS TI� VdATER AND SANITARY SEWER MAINS OF� THE CITY. IN. CERTAIN CA.SES, PFdJVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF APTD REPEALIIVG CERTAIN ORDINANGES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COIINCIL.OF THE CITY OF HOPgINS: Section 1. 9abdiviaion 1. �ery _owner or oceupant of sny real property haviag a dwelling house or bueiness building thereon� shall install a toilet in said dwelling or businees building and make connection thereof with the rvater and sanitary eewer mains in the atreet or a11ey ac�jacent thereto within j0 days after written notice ia given to such owner or occupant to inetall such toilet and make s�tch connections. The authority to give auch notice ie hereby delegated to the city manager. � 9abdivision 2. S�hen the owner or occnpant of any property so notified in �rriting to inatall a toilet a.nd make sanitary se�rer and water connections thereto eha.11 for 30 days after such v�ritten notice is g3ven, fail� refuse and neglect to make auch connectione and inetall such toilet, then.�the council.of the city of Aopkins may by reaolution direc.t that a toi�,et be inetalled and connectione ma.de with the sanitary ae�rer and water maine and that the cost of eaid inatallation be paid in the first instance out of the.peimanent improvement revolving flind of the city, and the actual cost thereof asseseed againat the said property so benefited. 3ubdivision 3. After each installation and connections are aompleted, there shall be served a written notice of auch aeae�ement and an order directing the owner or occupant of such property to pay such assessment within 10 da,�s after the ,service of said written notice� to the city of Hopkins, and after proof of the aervice of euch notice and order and that said asseasment has not been paid within said 10 days, the same ahall be certified to the county auditor,for collection ae other asaessments and benefits. 9ubdivisioa �F. Such asseasment eha11 be spread over a term of three yeare and ehall become a lien upon aaid property until paid. Section 2. Any person who shall in any wa� interfere with the carrying out of th.e provisiona of thie ordinance eha11 be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section j. Repeals. 9ubdivision 1. "An Ordinance Providing for the Public Health of the Village of West Minneapolis by Requiring Sewer and Water Connections in all Dwelling Houees and Businesa Houaes and the Inatalling of Toilet$ Therein and the Prohibiting,of Privies on All Property Platted iato Lots and Blocks and Abutting upon Streets in Which Have Been Laid and Conetructed � (1) ��. ;;; �� Municipal Water and Sewer Syetem ax�d Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof,'� which �►as �dopted by the village council of West Minneapolie on Septe�mber 10, 1917� is hereb� repealed. 9ubdivision 2. "An Ordinance Providing for and Eequiring the Installation of Service Gas, Water and Ser�er Connectione to All Property Abutting 5treete which have been or mag hereafter be araded to Establi�h Grade and wherein Municipal Ga.s, Watex and Sewer Syetems have been Installed," which waa adopted by the vill age council of West Minneapolie on July 3, 1923, ia hereby repealed. FIEST READ at a regular council meeting of the city of Hopkins held on the 5th. day of September� �950� and finally read and paeaed at a regular meeting of the council of sai d ci ty held on the 19th, day'of September, �950. W. HARLAN PERBIX. NIAYI�S A. W . Elmquist, Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney DeroB E� •l� To be publiahed in The Hennepin County Heview on , 1950. , � 2) � ~ :# : . _, _ � � �� �� � � �� CITY OF HOPKINS 1� 1`� HENNEPIBT COUNTY, MIDTATESOTA � a� �q� oaDi�ar�cE �o. 56. 1 � M ��"� ,�� �����• � AN ORDINANCE RII,ATING TO A HEALTH OFFICER 9ND A BOdRD Ob' HEALTH FOR THE CITY QF HOPSINS, PROVIDING PENALTIES �R VIOLATIONS TH�,'REOF AND REPF�ALING A CEflTAIN ORDINAIQCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUDTCIL FOH THE CIT,Y OF HOPKINS: Section 1. Oa the date of the first annual meeting of the council, the city manager shall appoint a physician ae health officer and ae a member of the eity board of health, and the mayor, with the approgal of the council, shall appoint two ad.ditional members of the board of health. Section 2. S�ibdivieion 1. The city health officer and the board of health ehall have such power and perform euch duties as may be provided by the laws of the atate of Minnesota, or bg the ordinances of the cit� or resolutions adopted by the city council. �he�r shall make euch investigat�aons and reports and obey such directions concerning communicable diseasea as the etate board of health may require or give, and cauae a11 etatutee,.ordinances, by- laws, rules and regulations concerning public health, lawi'ally made, to be enforced and obe�ed. 3ubdivision 2. It ahall be the dnty of the health officer to mak �/ once in every three months� and oftener if necessary, a thorough eanitary inspection of the city, and present a written report of euch inspection at the next meeting of the city council. 3ection j. It ahall be unlawiiil for a,n.y person to oppoae or obstxuct a member of the city board of health or the health offiee�or physician charged urith the enforcement of health lawe.in performing any legal duty; or for any peraon to obetruct or hinder the entry of such health officer upon premiaea or into bu.ildings or other placea where contagion� infection, filth or other aouree or cause of preventable dise�se exists or is reasonably suepected to exist. Section �F. The city health officer shall employ at the expense of the city such medi cal and oth er help as may be necessary in the control of communicable diaease. All statements of expense incurred in establishing, enforcing a.nd releasing quarantine shall..after payment,be certified to the county auditor for allowance of one-half the amount by the count� board to the city as provided by law. Section 5. The city health officer shall receice a salary of $200.00 per year, payable aemi-annually an.d such fees for apecial services aa map be agreed upon in advance in writing between said health officer aad the city council. (1) „ :`,: �, The other members of the board of Yiealth aha,ll aerve without compeneation. Section 6. Penalty. An,p pereon, firm or corporation violating an,p of the proviaions of this ordinance sha,ll be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 7. Eepeal. "An Ordinance Creating a Local Board of Health, Defining Ite Powers and Duties and Providing for a Penalty for the Yiolation of Ita Lawilil Ordera�" which mas adopted 'by the village council of Weat Minneapolis on May j� 1927, ie hereby repealed. FIRST READ at a regular council meetiag of the city of Hopkine held on the 5th. day of September, 1950� and finally read and paseed at a regular meeting of the council of said cit� held on the 19th. day of September, �950.. W. HARLAN PERBIX , MAYOR A. W. Elmqui at, Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney Published in The Hennepin County Heview on September 28, 1950. � 2) M H � CITY OF HOPgIN5 HEIVNEPIN COUNTY� MIDTNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 177 A RESOLUTION APPROOING THE ESTABLISHMENT BY THE CITY MANAGER OF CERTAIN LIMITED PARKIATG ZONES, THRC)IIGH STREETS AND NO PAR$ING 7ANE S, AND ESTABLISHING A TAXI-CAB STAND. WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 33 of the city of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Miruieaota, the city manager, with the approval of the council, may eatablish certain blocka or vortione of blocks within the city as no parking zones or as j9-minute, 1-hour or 2-hour or longer (but not to exceed 6 hour) limited parking zonea and may eatablish parking zones in the city for vehiclea engaged in commercial tra.neportation other than taxica.be as the same ehall be required for �ublic safet� and conaenience, and may deaignate any atreet or highwa,y as a throngh street or hi�way, and WHEREAS, by 0 rdina,nce No. j0 of the ci ty of Hopkins, Section 16, subdivision �, the city council may by resolution establish taxicab atands, and WHEREAS� the city manager has established the following limited parking zones within the city, namely: (a). One-hour limit from g A.M, to 6 P.M., weekdays on both sidea of Eighth avenu�, IJinth avenue, Tenth avenue� Eleventh Avenue and Twelfth Avenue between the a11ey north of �celsior avenue and the alley south of Excelsior Avenu e. (b) . Two-hour limit from 8 A.M, to 6 1'•M. wee�days on both eides of the following streete: Ninth avenue no rth, from the a11ey north of Fxcelaior avenue to a point j�0 feet north of F�celsior avenue; Ninth avenue south, from the alle� sou th of Excelaio r avenue to a point 300 feet south of �celsior avenue; Tenth avenue north� from the alle� north of �celsior avenue to a point 300 feet north of �celsior avenue; Tenth avenue aouth, from the alley south of bccelsior avenue to a point 300 feet south of �celsior avenue; Eleventh ae�nue north, from the a11ey north of Excelsior aQenue to First street north; Eleventh avenue south, from the alley sonth of �celsior avenue to a point 300 feet south of F�celsior avenue. (c). Two-hour limit from S A.M, to 6 P.M, weekdays as follows: West eide of Eighth avenue south from Second atreet to the a11ey north of Second etreet� North side of Second street south from Seventh avenue to DTinth averrue. (d). Fifteen minute limit from g A.M, to 6 P.M, weekdays on the weet eide of Ninth avenue south in front of the poet office property. (1) . ' " -� AtdD WHERE�A5, the city manager has established the following limited parking zones for commercial passenger nehicles within the city, namely: (a) . The North side of r.�celsior avenue from Diinth anenue westward a distance of Z4U feet; (b). The South side of Excelsior avenue from Ninth avenue westward a diatance of li0 feet. AND WHEREAS, the city manager has established the folloruing ae through streeta within the city; namely: (a). Excelsior avenue from the east city limits to the west city limits; (b) . Seventeenth avem�.e from E�celsior avenue to state highway No. 7; (c) . Twelfth �venue from Excelsior avenue to state highway No. 7; (d). Eleventh aPenue from Excelsior avenue aouth to the tracka of the M. & St. L, i�p. ( e) . Fifth avenue from Excelsior avenue to and including Drillane road; (f). Washington avenue from Second atreet eouth to Second street no rth; (g). Blake road from the southern city limita to bccelsior avenue; (h) . Lake street from Columbua avenue to Aionk road; (i). Minnetonka Niills road from Washington avenue to Twelfth avenue. AiVD WHEREAS, the city manager has established the following no-par�ing zones within the city, namely: The �leat aide of Eighth avenue from Excelsior avenue to the alley north of Excelsior avenue. PtOW, THEREFrORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkins that the foregoing limited parking zonea, through streete and no parking zones ae establiahed and deaignated by the city mana.ger be, and they hereby are, anproved, and BE IT FtTRTHER RESOLPED that the West side of Ninth avenue from Egcelsior avenue no rth a dieta,nce of 75 feet be deaignated as a taxi-cab stand. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 19th. d�y of September, 1950. W. HARLAN pERBIX, T�4AYOR A. W. Elmqui st, Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney, City Atto rney i2) �LfL� O� �O�/2LYL�. J / HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS, MINNESOTA The ll�ayor and City Council City of Hopkins � Hopkins,.Minriesota. Gentlemen: September 19� 1950 Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No.33 I would make the following recommendations, subject to the approval of Council; l. Tliat the following locations�be designated as limited parking zones; a. One-hour I,imit from 8 A.�d. to 5. P.M. weekdays on both sides of Eighth AYenue, Ninth 9venue, Tenth Ave�e� El.eventh Avenue, . and Twelfth 6venue between the a1 ley north of Excelsior Avenue and the alley � south of E�ccelsior Avenue, � b. Two-hour Limit from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. weekdays on both sides of the follo�dng streetss:" � Ninth Avenue North, from the alley north�of bccelsior Avenu� to a point 300 feet north.of Excelsior Avenue. Ninth Avenue South, from the alley south of Excelsior Avenue to a point 300 feet south of bccelsior Avenuea •�enth Avenue North, from the alley north�of F�ccelsior Avenue to a point 300 feet north of Excelsior Avenue,� ` Tenth Avenue South, from the alle� south of F�celsior Avenue to a point 300 feet south of E�celsior Avenue. � Eleventh Aver�ae North, from the alley north of Excelsior Avenue to First Street No�th. Eleventh Avenue South, from the alley south of �celsior Avenu� to a point 300 feet south of �celsior Avenue. c. Two-hour Limi.t from 8 9.M. to � P.M. weekdays as follaws: West side.of Eighth Avenue South from Second Street to the alley north of Second Street. North side of Second Street South from Seventh Avenue to Ninth Avenue. d. Fifteen minute Limit from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. weekdays on the west side of Ninth Avenue South in fromt of the Post Office property. 2. That the following locations be designated as limited parking aones for Co�ercial Passenger Vehicles: a. The North Side of E�celsior distance of !�0 feet. b. The South Side of bccelsior a distance of 1�0 feet• gvenue from Ninth Avenue westward a Avenue from Ninth Avenue westward Page 2 The Mayor �.nd C ity C ounc il � 3. That the following streets be designated as Thr�ugh Streets: a. Excelsior xvenue from th e east City Lim.its to the west City Limits, b. Sevent�enth Avenue from �celsior Avenue to State Hijhway No.7. c. Twelfth Avenue from F,�celsior Avenue to State Highway No.7. d. Eleventh Avenue from E�ccelsior Avenue south to the tracks of the M. & St. T�. Rys e. Fifth Avenue from Excelsior Avenue to and including Drillane Road. f. yYashington Avenue from Second Street south to Second Street North, g. Blake Road from the southern city limi.ts to bccelsior Avenue� h. Lake Street from Columbus Avenue to Mon� Rca d, i. Minnetonka Rca d from �Pashington Avenue to Twelfth Avenue. � 4. That the west side of Iuinth Avenuae from �celsior �venue north a distance of 75 feet be designated for Taxicabs. 5. That the west side of Eighth Avenue from F,�ccelsior Avenue to the alley north of �xcelsior Avenue be designated as DIo Parking Zone, CCC:dai spe �f ly submitted, . � ._/��.,%�,�.,��.-� C. . ongdon�!� City P�anagex�'. CITY OF HOPKINS HEN�i�IN CUIINTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 178 N � � �� ���� � � .��. � .,�� ',` � � � .���� ��' �„� •� , A RESOLUTION RELATING TO DRIVEWAYS IN TI� RESIDEI�TTIAL, CONINIERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL DI STRICTS OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, SEI�TiVEPIZd COUNTY, MINNESOTA WI�REA,S, there is now being prepared for consideration b� the city council a neu� building code for the city of Hopkins, and WH�REAS, it is desirable prior to the adontion of said code to determine the width of driveways in the reaidential, commercial .and industrial districts of the city; NOW, THEkEFORE, BE IT RESOLAED by the city council of the city of Hopkins that in constructin� driveways in the cit� the following regulations be obaerved: 1. The private driveuray in a residential district ahould not exceed 10 feet in width. 2. In the commercial or industrial zones, driveways to filZing stations or garagea ahould not exceed 22 feet in width. The minimum dietance between adjacent openings —.d-. on any one property should be;30�feet. 3. The radius of the face of the curb on any opening shBuld be a minimum of 3 feet �nd a maximum of 6 feet. BE IT FO'RTfiER RESOLVED that the city engineer and building inspector hereafter prohibit the constxuction of drivevaays in violation of thia resolution and tha,t the provisions of this resolution be included in the neta Hopkins building code. ADOPTED by the council. of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 19th day of September, 195�. A. W. Elm quiat, Secretaxy of the council Frank N. Whitney, City Atto rney W. HARLAN PERBIX, MAYOR li(C � ,..�'^., �;. �,.. �� e. J•• . � � .... •l.`y„��..L<<..�v..-m„a.:.-� �. �. �'s ��'°' �� �' b.J� 4,�.. � 4.�t�vr .i-q� C'.�F—nh..h..N� ��.. �� . 1rI :.'•. ! ��.. . `{. ' ) .` ^ �I +Iw� . • �,(�, (,��� �f11 � ����IV � '• �di�.L; ^ .. �i"'%t•,.✓�, f�. .�..-.___......-...-..�,,,,.,,,,e 'LL �L.c,_- 'e.6.i✓'t.fL-^i./l �'I! s.nv � V ��: � V � �� ,% 0 � 0 ,� � � C:.LftJ O� �O�h.LYL�. J HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS, MINNESOTA September 19� 1950 The Mayor and City Council City of Hopkins Hopkins,Minneso�. Gentlemen: .We would recommend the passage of a resultion covering the following regulations concern.ing the construction of drigeways: 1. The private driveway i.n a residenial district should not exceed 10 feet in width. 2, In the Commercial or Industrial zones driveways to filling stations or garages should. not exceed 22 feet in width� The m'inimum distance between adjacent opening on ar�y one property should be 30 feet. 3. The radius of the face of the curb nn any�opening should be a mi�Tm�m of 3 feet and a ma,x���m of 6 feet• CCC;dai Resp ec tfully submitted� �. � . yr . " ��L. . . C ongdon City Manager. � �,._...�.........�,�.., .:.__-..,...:. �:,_........... _.. ._.. .,,. .. .. ._ . . . . . _ ., , . .. . , _, . .._. _ -. , . . . ,. .. . . .. . _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _.. _ . . . . . .. . .. . _ . . ,. ' S. � � n `,, � � � � ,►1 _� A special meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins9 B�nnesota9 vras held at the City Hall at 8s00 o�clock PaB�e on �,iesd�y9 -Sep�tember 269 1950a D�embers present weres �ayor �P, Harlari Perbix; Councilmen Stuart Eo Beclana.ny Joseph To �Anderla9 Len Ja �B6i.lbert9 City Mana.ger Ce Co Congdon9 City.Attorney Frank No Q9'hitnepo . A�sents Cowticilma.n John Zieglerm , Anderla moved, BQilbert seconded� that the follo�ing levy for city ta�es for the yeax 1951 be certified to the County Auditore -Carriedo R�CAPITULATION OF I,E'9�C FOR THE YF�R 1951 .. - u -- GE��AL � �'UnID � � ]59630eoo _ POLICE.. _" . 29�T25e00 PARK " 3s94�o00 RFX`REATIOId ° x , 10y000o00 �.uszc r,u� - 395�000 F� �� _ 6,io5aoo ��' " l�,670000 LIBRARYn 69000000 I �� SANITATION FiTAID 17987.�e00 FIRIIi�[J�S RELIEE FU1�ID 200000 . ROAD & ERIDGE. _ p. 669300,00 FIRE DQU�TT BONDS -.19500000 _ _ . - TOTAL �1�'j:9Ij�10e00 �• AT�Ta c�"�' �+� �s� il�o Harlan Perbix� D�or / � � . . .. Ao.Wo�Elmquist, S cretary of the Council s �-. � � � /�?� �*^ � -- . . � . , � • ' � � - . . -���--.. _._..._.._. _.- -- . , � _ r � , � � . � - � Y C ' � � . . F F � O ' � . ,.� �' �� � � �� � - � � � �� ,� � � ,��. . " " r/, \ V _ __ . _ _. _ ,L ..... .... .. . ... .. . ._ .. . _ _..-. _ . C � � r � � II � S TATE OF BdINNESOTA�� ). County of H�Ep� ) ss. ) City HQPKIi� . ) � City �anager City I� .... C. C. Congsion ................ x�at o.f said� of: AoPkirt��........ ' ion at a speci.al meating hereby certify that thefollowing Resolut� �as passed held in said �� �er 26 ....��14 �0 ,..., by a majority of t,�e electors presa�t or voting thereat: . . • On motion it ��rdered that the folowing sums of money be raised by tax upon the � property in said � for the following purpose�, for the current year: a e For General � �1� Purposes, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15,630.� For , police .................................................. 29�7�5.00 FOl' ` P$��i� •������������.�����������������������������������• 3�9��W For �—Recreat3on .............................................. 1�0,00O..�JO For -- Mtitsic ................................................... 3,500..,00 For • Fire ................................................... 6�1��..fl0 . For •itelief ................................................... ��6?0.00 For .Library ................................................. ��.00 For •saniLation. .............................................� I7,87o.00 For •Fireman�s fielief .• ....................................... 200.� For •Road & Bridge ............................................ bG�3U0.00 For Fire Equipment IIortde ..................................... 1,500.�- ��u .................. �i65;4�0:� And i further certify that I have co�pared the foregoing with the original entry; of the mir utes of S ecial meeti Se tember proceedirigs of the ������C held � . . . . 26 . . . . . .. . .19 50 , as the same are recorded in the Book of Records ofsai $� and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom. Given under iqy hand this.....g9��..... day of.... . e ber� ......... 19 50 ... / .i�� �...... . ............. � Gity �anager tl �� 3~ � � �,..�..... (.-�'•� � � c �%`,,T / �� ��..�j ���,rs�t r�t� �"��1, ��r�* � � �' �i �.�r�'`i� t.,�•�`� � ��f a,f r".�` .� Z/ J� e•e� , � �'� �Z�/ � � � �,. .r' 0 1� �' v s � c.' °• �'" "' � �- � � Z�' /���y G � �Q.�a ` �� *� �/ �Y— � � Fw �. � �` e -,% �+i ,P 9 y � .� ; .�a � � / 6,.�/�,.�o �...�--._.....,.. � ����o����fl � '�� (��,�''�- � , � �� ����i� 7, c�� ✓�C O � ►� � �v 1 �) +�l�: � �° \�� . 'U`,►�" 1 g regular meeting of the Cmuncil of the City oY Hopkins� �asinesota� was held at the City Hall at 7:00 o�clock P.�, on Tuesday, October 3� 1950, �Members present were Mayor �P. Har1an Perbix, Councilmen Joseph T. �nderla, Len J. BBilbert� Stuart E. Becl�an,_John Ziegler; City �anager C. C. Gongdon, City Attorney Frank Ne VUhitne�r� and.City Eagineer'Fr� V. Laska. Members absenta_ None• Bec� moved� Ziegler seconded that the following bills be paid. Carried. 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 26ot� 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 26� 2616 2617 2618 26�9 e � �• : i� Carl A. Anderson Repairs Dahlberg_Bros. Rep�.irs Direct Service Service & Tires g. H. Gaxdner Coun.ti.n.g::Pdeter Money Laurenz A. Harris Car Allo�an.ce Henriepin_County Countg Home Hennepin County Review Publications � Hopkins Home and Auto Supply Service & Parts & Supplies Kokesh Haxd�are Sup�lies F. B�. Madden, D. D. S. Professional Services Mi l l er Davis C ompanpr Supplies ABi nneapolis Gas Compar�y Service Minnesota News Compar� Book� - Library �innesota Paper & Gordage Compa�y Supplies_ Nelson�s, Lnc. Firemen+s Boots Northwestern Bell Telephone Coe Service� Radosta Gara.;e Repairs Roser�ra.ld-Cooper, Inc. Signs Standard Oil Co. Service Station Charges Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board ftelief Orders VPilcox & Follett Co. Books 3alaries Iast a of September Hour�y Payroll Period endino 9-30�0 RQAD & BRIDGE FUAID 699 �:'- General �nd _ 706 Hopkins Home & �uto Suppl�r 707 gokesh Hardware 708 Northw.estern Bell Telephone Co. ?09 Smith-Dunn Co., In�. _ 710 Wm. H. �Ziegler Co., ?nc. Salaries . .-r Ho�ar�y Pa�roll V�TER. FUI�ID 538 General Fwnd � � 5l�0 Hart�ig E. Aniierson 5�t.1 Rokesh H�rciware 51.�2 H. Pokorr�y Plumbing & Heating 5!� ft. De�Thomas & �ssociates, Inc. 5l�lt �allace & .Tiernan Salaxies. � Hour�r Payroll General F�rid C rane C ompany Kokesh Hardware Phelps-Drake Co. Allocation of Gasoline Service & Parts Supplies._ Service - Supplies Hose Last 2 of Septe�ber _Period ending 9 34-�� ,, Allacation of Gasoli.ne Rent, l mo.ending 9/30/50 Supplies Repairs-& Parts Investigation & Report Valve Last � of September Period ending 9-30-�0 SE�PAGE DISP06&F, FUAID � 25.00 is.55 2.00 92000 25voo 103000 4o.eo 22.1,5 17.1�7 12.00 �s� �.,3 e 35 131.9�t �- 70.76 19090 75.1�3 - 2,25 60,58 55.56 281.1�5 10.16 1952.70 695061 i2i3.5o 104e15 5002 iie5o 66.70 6.96 350450 lt95 096 125m60 — 95.00 1.50 7.25 265.62 19attb 507,.27 110030 . � All� ation of Gasoline 19080� Packillg lle9il Supplies 1e20 Balance Due Lift Station 500.00 � page 2 �ERMANIIVT I�ROVII2ENT REVOLVING F'fTAID ,_._ .. ..........__.. ..... _ -. - -- '_ -.._- . 1!� General �.ind Allocation of Gasol�ne 1�9 Car1 A..�nderson � Curb Construction 150 Hartvig E. Anderson Rent, 1 mo.ending 10/31/50 151 Hennepi.n,County Review Publications 152 Hopkins Home & Auto Supp�y Supplies ].53 Poucher Printing & Lithographing Bonds Salaries � Last 2 of September Hourly Payroll Period ending 9-3�0 � 43.65 . i925.24 95•� 7.20 21�l.i..00 94.80 178,00 341�•70 And.erla moved, Milbert seconded, that the curb on the east sirde of Fifth Avenue North in front of Lots 1 to 9 inclusive, Burnside Addition� as described in Resolution Noel72,_,be located 12� from the east line of said dtreet� instead of the customary 15� and the engineer to stake out as such. Car�.ed. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded� that Resolution #1�'T2�.aA RESOLUTION ORDERING THE INSTAI�TION OF CONCRETE CURB 0�1 THE EAST SIDE OF..Fg'THvAVENUE: NORTH IN FRONT OF ,zoTs.i..To.9, IATCLUSIVE,_BURNSIDE ADDITION"�.maxked_F�rhibit�'A" be adopted. Carried. Ziegler moved� Anderla seconded, that thewfollowing requests for Bingo permi.ts be granted. Carried. Harley Hopkins P.T.A. at Harley Hopkins School Church of St. John the Evangelist at St. Joseph Church �uditorium Snights of Colwmbus Couacil No.2232 at St.Joseph Church_Auditor�igm Beckmari moved, Ziegler seconded, that the request of tkie North�vestern Bell Telephone Compa�y to place buried cable in Excelsior Averrue and Ashlep Road be granted� subject to.approval of City Engineer. Carried. , ' Beckm�n moved, B�il.bert seconded� that Ordinance #52�:.TMAN Oi�DINAIVCE RELATN� G TO ZONIITG AND A�IDING ORbIiVANCE N0.8 OF THE CITY OF HOPKITJS"� _marked �hibit B� be acce�ted_ as the second; reading thereof and, that. the . orclinance be adopted and published-according to lax. Carrieda Ziegler moved, Mil.iaert seconded, that Ordinance #57� .mAN ORDIIVAIvCE RII,�4TIlVG TO THE USE OF BASF.,�TT SOOMS FOR LIPTaJG PUftPOSES AVD PROitIDI�TG .A PENALTY._ FOR ITS VIQ?LATION",. marked. Exhibit _C:� be accepted, as the ,second _readzn.g thereof and. that the., o�din�nce be ::�,adopted and published according to law. Carriede Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded� t,hat Resolution #179, "A R�50LUTION Rr�TLNG 2'0 Z�NFS AND FARF� , ON THE �IIiVN�AYOLIS-EKC ELS IOR-GI�EN ., LAKEr-'1�NKA _ BAY : BUS LINE . BE'��iEII�T , THE CITY �L�ITS OF MINi1T�.POLIS AND NINT.. H_AVENUE IN. THE_ CI.TY OF HOPKINS", marked Eghibit "D° be adopted. Carried._ . . . .. .. _ ,- Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, tkiat Resolution #180, "A R�50LUTION RII�TING TO CHARGES FOR TRANSFERS FRO� AND TO �iE �ddINN�'�1YOL�S_EXC�L.�IOR�LEN.LAxE-T01�IISA BAY . . _ _ - - - BUS LINE.AND. TfiE.STtZEET C�R..SYSTEM.OF THE CITY_:OF MINNEAPOLIS", marked F�chibit E, be adopted. . Caxriedo , . _ � - . - _ . . � .. .Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that Resolution #181, "A RF�OL@TION �dAKING AN IRF�EVOCABLE 9PPROPR�iTION TQ Tf� SINKING FUND OF �IONIES�AC�YTALLY.�ON _HAND.FOR_,Tf� PURPOSE _ OF PAYING TI� A�OUNT TO , BE , INCLUDED IN _ THE 1950 LE'OY _ FOR CERTA17�1 BQNDS. I,SSU� FOR V6ATER SYS�ii I9�ROVF�'ENTS"� ,ma.rked F�hibit F,> be adopted.. .Carrieds Ziegler moved, An.derla seconded, that Resolution #182, "A RESOLUTI�N M�KING AN 1RR.�'VOCABLE APPROPRI�TION TO THE SINKING FUND- OF �ON2�„AC 2�JALLY ON HA1VD . FOR �iE PURPOSE OF PgYI�TG A_ PQRTION ID�': THE.AMOUNT � TO . BE . INCLUDID IN THE 1950: LEVY _ F�R. . - -.... _ _ _ _ _ . CERTAIN BOI�S T'SSUED FOR. THE .PEk�dANENT Ip�'ROVF�dENT' REVOLVIIvG. FUND"� ma�cked . Exhibit G, be adopted._ Cax�riede _ , _. . _ Ziegler moved� D�i].bert seconded� that the light agreement as drawn up for the IImo park Housing Project be approved and the mayor and city manager be authorized to sign same, Carriedo .� ..... . :....... _ _ �, •. . ..�._�.._•_ --••... __. . . . . '� � i .. /.� .: . .. . . � , � Page 3 Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded� that the one year "lease on the rear 32� of the :- ��;� Gamble Store builcling, located at 8th Avenue and bccelsior AQenue North� to be � used for the stora�e of motor eo,u.i.pment, be approved and the mayor and citg manager be authorizeci to sign same. Barriedq � .. Becl�an moved� �ilbert seconded� that the meeting be adjourned. Carriede ATTFSTs ._._... � � . �. Harlan Perbz.x� B6ayor f . ; '� k � �. W. Elmqui , Secreta.ry of the Counc `` COUNCILlI�1�T: � � �. r'. J� / CITY OF HOPKINS HEIVNEPIN OOIIN�I'Y� MII�TESOTA RESOI,IITIOId N0. 172. A RESOLIITION ORD�ING THE INSTAI+I�ATION OF CONCRETE CIIRB ODT TSE EAST SIDE OF FIFTH APEi�IIE NORTH I1Q FRONT OF I,OTS 1 TO 9, INCLIISIVE� BIIRN�^,SIDE ADDITION. WHEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkins on September 5� 1950, adopted a resolution referring the matter of installing concrete curb on the East side of Fifth Avenue North in front of Lote 1 to 9, inclusive, �urneside Addition, to Fran_k Laska, city engineer� for his inveatigation and report, and WHEBEAS, eaid engineer has investigated the necessity and feasibility _. ;-�of said improvement and on September 5, 1950, reported thereon to the council and filed his written report with the aecretary of the council, and WHEREAS, on September 5, �950, the city council of Hopkins adopted a resolution setting Tnesday, the third day of October, 1950, at 7:3p o'clock P.M. at the council ch ambera in the city hall as the time a.nd place for consid ering said report and acting thereon� and it�EEAS� a notice of said hearing hae been published in The Hennepin County fieview in ite issues of September l�th, and 2lst., 1950, and the affidavit of publication of said notice ha.s been filed with the secretary of the council, and WHERF,AS, no petition setting forth oppoaition to said improvement was filed �ith the city manager prior to the d.a.te and hour aet for hearing said engineer's report and no one appeared in opposition thereto; IJOW� �THr�tEFpRE� BE IT RESOLVID by the city council of the city of Hopkine that the installation of concrete curb in said location is necessary for the health, welfare and convenience of the city and its inhabitants, and it ie hereby determined and ordered that said improvement be ma,de and that the coet thereof be aesesaed againet any p roperty abutting thereon. ADOPTED by the council of th e city of HoAkins at a regula r meeting thereof held thia third d.a.y of October, �950. A. W . Elmqui st � Secretary of the council Frank N, Whitney, Ci t� gtto rney copy for Carl Anderson Frank Laska W. HARTsART PERBIX � MAYOR CITY OF HOPgINS HELVNEPIPT COUNTY, MIDINESOTA ox�RArrcE �o . 52. . �, , � 1 tl �,��11 � � .�� ,�i�� �'� � �� AiQ ORDINADTCE RELATING TO ZO�IIATG AND AMENDI�TG ORDINANCE N0, g OF THE CITY OF HOP'KINS. BE IT ORIaAINED by the council of the ci ty of Hopkins: w �Q r� �� � r� � �1°� Section 1. Ordina,nce No. S of the city of Hopkins, Section l, is amended by addiag a nek+ subdivision thereto reading as follows: Stiibdivision 27. DRIVE IN STAND; A bnilding from which aooked fooda and soft drinka and eimilar merchandise is sold and delivered from the stand to persona in parked automobiles. Section 2. Ordinance No. S of the city of Hopkins� Section 5, 9libdivision 2� paragraph �g) is amended to re�d as follows: (g). Undertaking eatabliahments and drive in atands, but only upon the securing of a special use permit as provided in Section 10. Section j. The North 330 feet of the South 66p feet of the DTorth 3036.72 feet of the East 350 feet of the Eaet Ha1f of the East Half of Section 25� Township 117� Range 22, sha.11 be� and hereby is, removed from the reaidentia,l district of .the city of Hopkine and included.in the multiple dwelling district of the city� and sha,ll be subject to a11 the regulations of Ordinance No. g of the city relating to such multiple - dwelling di�trict. FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the council of the city of Hopkins held on the 1Qth. da� of Senteffiber, 1950, and finally rea.d and passed at a n regular meeting.of the council of said city held on the 3rd. day of October, 195p. A. W. Elmqui at, Secretary of the council Frank N, Whitney , City Attorney W. HARLAN PERBI%� MAYOfl Publiahed in The Hennenin County Review October 12, 1950 copy for the paper yy��,�,� �,tf��i4,�.,�r / . � ����� r 4 01 � � � CITY OF HOPgIDTS +� � �`� HENNEPIN COUNTY� MI�TESOTA ORDINANCE N0. 57. r ��� �e� � �`, ,,� � � a 1 AN ORDINANCE RII�ATING TO THE IISE OF BgSE'i+2IDTT ROOAiS F08 I,IVING PURPOSES gND P�VIDING A P�ALTY FOH ITS YIOI,ATIODi. BE IT ORDAINED by the council of the city of Hopkina: Section 1. In ar�r one or two-family dwelling, the erection of which ie commenced after the effective d.ate of thia ordinance, no mom in the cellar or basement sha,ll be occupied for living purposea. Section 2. In multiple dwellings, the erection of which is commenced after the effective date of this ordiance, ao cellar or basement room may be occupied for lfving �urposes unleas light, ventilation and ceiling heighta are i"urniahed and provided in accordance with the requirements of the ordinances of the city and the basement or cellar is well drained and dry. Sill heights of windowe in basement or cellar rooma used for living purposes ahall not be over four feet above the finiahed basement or cellar � floor and the ceiling shall not be less tha.n four feet above the ac'�joining grade line and street curb. Section 3. Any person violating a.n.y of the provisiona of this ordinance ahall be guilty of a misdemea.nor. FIRST READ at a regular council meeting of the city of Hopkina.held on the 19th. day of September, 1950, and finally read and pasaed at a regular meeting of the council of aa3d city held on the jrd, dap of October; 195p. W. HARLATT PERBIX, MAYt)8 A. �d. Elmqui et, Secretary to the council Fraak D1. Whitne�, City Attorney Published in The Hennepin County Review on Thursday, October 12, 1950. copy for the paper yy,�r �� /�l'��� ��1 `i� �� ,-%- I ��� � ¢ , 1r � 4l� ,.+ � � � �r ; � CITY OF HOPRINS HENNEPIN COIINTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 179 A RESULUTION RELATING TO ZONES AND FARES ON THE MINNE�IPOLI5- EXCEL�IOR�GLEN LAI�-TONKA BAY BUS LINE BETWEEN THE CITY LIMITS ":-�OF MINNEAPOLIS AND NINTH AVENtJE IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS. �RF.AS, there is pendin� before the railroad and warehouse commission of the state of Nlinnesota an application by the Twin City Motor Bus Company (ATC docket 2) for an increase in fares on five bus lines owned and operated by said company, including the Minne apolis- Excelsior-Glen Lake-Tonka Bay line, wrhich operates on Excelsior Boulevard and State Trunk Highway Number 7 throu�h the city of Hopkina; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVID bg the Council of the City of Hopkins, that in the event the Railroad and Warehouse Commission of the state of Minnesota considers it necessary to increase the fare9 on this bus line, the city of Hopkins requests and petitions the commission to establish•zones and fares on said line between the city limits of Minneapolis and Ninth Avenue in the city of Hopkina as follows: The first zone outside the city limits of Minneapolis to terminate as at present at Dekota Avenue in St. Louis Park, and the fare to any point in said zone to be tueenty cents (� .20), which is 5� in excess of the present fare for said zone. The� second zone outside the citg limits of Minneapolis . to commence at Dakota Avenue in St. Louis Park and to terminate at Ninth Avenue in Hopkins and the fare to any point in sa.id zone to be twenty-five cents (� .25), �hich is 5¢ in excess of the present fare for the present zone from Dakota Avenue to Interlachen Avenue. ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 3rd day of October, 1950. 1N. HARLAN PERBIX, N[AYOR A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the Council Frank AT. Whitney, City Attorney w M � CITY OF HOP�II�S �iNEPIIv COUNTY, MINNESOTA ;,. RESOLUTIUN N0. 180. A BESOI,IITION t�IIsATI NG TO CHARGES FUR TRANSFERB FROM AND TO THE MIN'v�ApOI,I S- F�XCELSIORrGLEN LAKE-TON7SA BAY BIIS LIATE AND THE STREET' CAR SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF MINNE�POLIS. WHEREAS� there is pending before the railroad and warehonae commisaion of the etate of Minneaota an application by the Twin City Motor Bus Compa.n.y (ATC docket 2) for an increase in fareg on five bus lines o�med a.nd operated by sa.id compa,n�, including the Min.neapolis-�celsior-Glen Lake-Tonka Bay line, which operates on Fxcelsior Boulevard through the city of Hopkina, and WHEREAS, in connection with said application� the Twin City Motor �us Company ha.e requested the railroad a.nd warehouse commiasion for authority to deny its passengers on said bus line, a.nd other suburban bus lines operating from suburban areas adjacent to the city of Ninneapolis into said city, transfer privileges from said bus line onto the street car aystems of the cities of Minneapolis a.nd St. Paul, and tranafer privileges from said street car syatems onto said bua 1 i ne s� and � WHERF,AS, the Twin City Motor Bus Compa�qy, the Twin Cit� Ra.pid Tranait Compa.ny and the five or six other companiea tha.t operate or participate in operating street cars and bu�sea in the cities of I�inneapolis and St. Paul and in ac�joiaing suburban communities, are a11 owned by the same stockholders and the officera of each compan�r are practically the aame a.nd any prQfits made by the various companiea accrae to the same inc�ividuals, aztd any losaes by one company are losses of all the companies, and r �dHEREAS� the profits on the,Pdinneapolis-E�celsior-Glen Lake-Tonka Bay line which were made in the year �g�+g� anc� the anticipated profits to be made in the year �950, have been and will be used to make good loasea of other bus lines operated by the Tarin City Motor Bus Compaz�y, including the Minneapolis-St. Paul express line, and WHEREAS,_ in the opinion of the council, the collection of a charge for street car tra,nsfers from and to said bus lines azid atreet car e�rstems would decrease the amount of traffic on such busee and thus adveraely.affect the income of all of these interlocking, connecting and,co-ordinated companiee; NOW� T�REI�RE, BE IT RESOI,VED that the city council of Hopkina goes on record as being opposed to any charge for transfers from or to the Minneapolis-F�celaior-Glen Lake- Tonka Bay line and the atreet car syatemr� of the city of Minneapolia. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regulax meeting thereof held thi s 3rd. da,y of October, 1950. ��. HART,Q�T pEF�IX, MAYbR g. W. Elmquist� Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney� City �ttorney CITY OF HOPgINS EIl�TNEI'IN COIINTY, MIIJNESOTA RESOLIITION N0, l�l A RESOI,UTION Ni,A,KING AN IRRE'VOCABLE APPROPRIATION TU THE SINKING �TJND OF NIONIES ACTUALI,Y ON HAND FOR THE PIIRPOSE OF PAYING T'iiE 9MOUDTT TO BE I�VCLUDED IN THE 195� LEPY FOR`..C�&TAIAN `BONDS :I1SSIIED:�FOR -WATER f=SYSTEI'�I .IMF&OVEMENTS '-. .r�a � . ` WfiEF.EAS, on February 6, �9�5, the conncil of the village of Hopkins adopted a"RESC�LUTION gUTHOFiIZIi�G ISSUANCE A�'�D YdEGaTIATION OF NEGOTIABLE BO1�DS OF THE VILLAGE OF HOPgIPdS IN THE �M OF �50,000.00 FOR THE PTJRPOSE OF �TENDING, CONSTFdJCTIIdG, ETIZARGIPdG AND II�TPROPING 'I�fIE VILLAGE MIINICIPAL '.VATER SYSTEM BY THE ERECTIOIJ OF g WATr'� RESERPOIR AND CONNECTION THEREOF TO THE r�XISTING.WATER SYSTEM; AATD I+�TRTHER AIITHORIZING THE CLFRg TO ADPERTISE �R BIDS FOR SAMF� AI�TD PROVIDING A TAX L�'VY FOE PAYM,�,�NT OF PRIPTCIPAZ AlVD INTEREST," �nd WHEREAS, there was included in the tax leviea provided and established by said resolution a levy of Three Thousand Two Hundred Fifteen Dollars (�3,215.00) � �7G p� for the year i95o, a.nd � `t J" 1 WHEREP_S, said sum is actually on ha.nd in the water fund of the city of Hopkina to be uaed for the purpose of paying the bonds u=hich were payable from said 1950 levy; NOW, THEREFORE, iy ri BE IT RESCLVED by the council of the city of Hopkina that said eum of Three Thousand_ Two Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($3,215.�0) is hereby appropriated. from the ��ater fund of the city of Hopkina to the sinking fund tvhich is used for the pu�ose of paying said bonda, and that the secretary of the council certify to the county auditor such fact and da�rect�rthe au ditor to omit said 195Q levy in the amount of � � �..� Three Thousand Two Hundred Fifteen Dollars (�3,215.OQ) for said bonde. ADOPTr,D by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting th ereof held this jrd. @ay of October, 1950. � `->,� � � °�� � . � W. HA.RLAN PERBIX, MAYOR A. W. Elmquiat, 5ecretary of the council Frank N. SJhi tn ey , City gttorney ` CITY OF HOPKINS HENT7EPIN COIINTY, P�IIDTI`�SOTA RESOLIITION N0, 1g2. A RESOLUTION MAKING AN IRREVOCABLE APPROPRIATION TO THE SINKING FTTND OF MONIES ACTUALLY ON HAND FOR THE PIIRPOSE OF PAYING A PORTION OF THE AMOUNT TC BE INCLIIDED IN THE 1950 LEPY Ft�R CERTAI�d BONDS I SSUED FOR TFiE PE1��IANEPiT IMPROYEMENT REVOLVIPTG Fl7ND. WHEREAS, on Sentember 5, 1950, the aouncil of the city of Ho�kina adopted resolution No. 168, being "A RESQLUTION FIXI�fG THE FORM AND DETAILS OF �150,000 PERI�'i91.��TENT II�4PI�JVFI�IENT REVOLVII�G FUND BODTDS� DIAECTIATG THEIR F�ECIITION AND DELIVERY A�JD LEVYING A TAX FOR THIIfi PAYMEAIT," and WHER�IAS;� there was included in the tax levies provided and eatablished by said reaolution a levy of Twenty-six Thousand Six Iiundred Dollars ($26,600.00) for the year �950, and WHEREAS, the purcha.ser of said bonda paid a premium of One Thousand Dollars (�1,00�.00) for same, over and above the principal amount of Qne Hundred Fifty Thousa.nd Dollars (�150,0^O.��J) and accraed interest, which money is actually on ?land in the Sinking F4�nd of the city of Hopkins to be used for the pumose of applying on the payment o.f said bonds, and WHEHEAS, there is also actually on hand in the General F1ind of said city the sum of Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (�6,500.0�) to be used for the purpose of applying on the pa�rment of said bonds; NUk'� THEREFORE�.. BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkins tha.t said sum of One Thousand Dollara (�1,00�.00) which was received as a premium at the time of the sale of said bonde and said sum of Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (�6,500.4C�) which is actually on hand in the General Fund of the city, or a total of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500.00), ia hereby approp riated to the Sinking Fund which ia used for the purpose of paying said bonds, a.nd that the secretary of the council certify to the county auditor such fact a.nd di rect the auditor to reduce said 1950 lev� of Twenty Six Thousand Sig �undred Dollars ($26, �0.00) by, sa'id sum of Seven Thousaxid Five Hun- dred Dollara (�7�500.00), and to levy the amount of Nineteen Thausand One Hundred Dollars ($19,100.00) for the year 1950 for the payment of principal and interest on said bonds. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkine at a regular meeting thereof held thie 3rd. day of October, 1�50. A. �'J. Elmquist, Secretary of the council Frank N. S�Thitney, City Atto rney W. HYpiiRLAN PERBIx , MAYOR 5 v STATE OF MINIdESOTA) ) COUNTY OF IiENN:h�l'IN) ss } CITY OF HOPKINS ) I� the unclersigned, being the duly qualified and acting secretary of the council of the �ity of.Hopkins,Minnesota, hereby certify that the attached copies of City of Hop�Cins Resolutions No. 181 and 182 are full, true, and correct copies of the original Resolutions adopted by the City Council on the 3d day of October� 1950. WITNFSS BQy hand and the official seal of said city this l�th day of October, 1950. � � r-�.-�-..-. A. W. F,j.mqu Secretary of the Council City of Hopkins,Minriesota, ,� - STaTE oF �[r:.��Ta) )� C�IINTY Qr H:r�iJ'i�'�PIN} as ) . CIiY 0'r' HOPKI�13 ) I, �he undc�rs��;ned� bein� th� du�y yualified and a�tin� secretary of the council af the �ity of Hopkins,.li�nesataD hereby eortif�r _. that the attachQd copies of Vity oP Hopkins ReBoluiions Dio. 181 �nd 1$2. are full, truo� and correct copiea of the or3�ina1 Resolutions as�opt,ed by tYie City Council on the 3d dag of Octobor, 1950. �7T�JESS �,y hand and the official seal of eaid city th3.g �tth d�y �of October, 1950. � A. w. �3.mqu' -�-�-'' secretary of tl�e council � � Ci�ty of Hopkins�Liir�nosofia. C��': � `f � ,.�O � ��� �� 1 r+ , A regular meeting of the-Council of the City of Hopkins, �i.nnesota, �as held at the City H�all at 7;30 o�clock P.�i. on Tuesday, October 17�.1950. �embers present �ere: Mayor W. Harlan Perbix, Councilmen Len J.-Milbert, Stuart E. Becl�an� John Ziegler; City�Manager C. C. Congdon, City.Attorney`Frank N..Whitney, and City��gineer Frank p. I,aska. Bdeanbers absent: _Joseph T. Anderlao .Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that the iol:lotivi.ng hills be pai.d. Carried. 2636 2637 264b 26l�7 26l�8 261�9 2650 265i 2652 2653 2651� 2b55 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 lst Nation,al Bank Treasurer, State of Minnesofa Club Cafe Dah lberg Bros. Diebold, 2nc. Gustaison:& Fu�~a Herinepin County Reviev� Herzan & Bastyr Hopkins ,Bdotor Sales Co. Le��s K�A Acres ll�illiam B�cCoy � D�innesota Fire Equipment Co. Olson & Pfeiffer Pharmacy Skel]:y_ Oil Compar�r Ruth Stag Standard Service Fred S�anson Frank N. . V6hitne3r Salaries Hourly Payroll Withho],ding Deductions Retirament Deductions Prisoner Meals Repairs Check Lock & change comb.. Lamp Posts,.,.Labor,Trucking Printing & Supplies supplies Repairs Poundmaster Gas Booster Tank Parts Prescription Gas Magazine Subscriptions Grease & Change oil �quipment Rental Filing Titles ]. �alf of October lst � of October ftQAD & BRIDGE FUAID 71l� lst National Banls � �Vithholding Deductions 715 Treasurer, State of �f[ix�nesota Retirement Deductions ?22 E�nest J. Duda �Peld3ng 723 Flour City.Brush Co. Supplies ?2!� Gooc�year Tire & Rubber Co.., Inc.Tire 726 International Harvester Coo . Seals ?27 Glenn Johnson Contracting Cos B],ack top 728 Willia,m H. �cC_oy Gas ?29 Republic Creosoting Road Tar 730 Fred Swanson Equipment Rental Salaries lst � of October Hourly Payroll lst 2 of October VffATER FU1�ID � 550 lst National Bank � Withholdinb Deductions 551 Trea.surer� State of �Iinnesota Retirement Deductions 553 E�nest J. Duda Vlfelding 55� Henry Herzan Option Payment 555 Prema.cks Supplies 5�6 VPallace & Tiernan Co., Inc. Solenoid Coils �alaries. . lst � of October Hourly Pay�oll lst 2 of Qctober SF�IQAGE DISPOSAL FU1�ID 151 Glenn Johnson Contracting Coo B1,:ck top 152 Republic Creosoting Co. Road Tar ' 153 Suburban Chevrolet Compang Repairs Payroll, Hourly lst 2 of.October �6 161 162 163 PER�ANF.�I`T ]MPhh'�OVEMIl�TT REVOLVING FUI�ID ��� lst National Bank �� l�ithholding Deduc tions Treasurer, State of D�innesota Retixemerrt Deductions Faegre & Benson Begal Services Richard M. Ferron Constr.Coo Sewer H�ain n " ,� n a ViTater 11Bain � � 381e23 1,38.l�7 8s9o, 55.39 11.37 7510�5, 15.75. 1.59 22ola.]. � 35.00 168600 10000 2.00� 168.00 82s95 uo65 1192:00 2.00 1619.53 262.5�, 13?080� 49.80 8s00 55e�0 1�0.l�0 1s9� 1iO3e07 25.94; 157.5b� 188s00 347a5o: 520:96. 78.30, 12Q00 10e00 5��00 2036: 32.43. l�2.07 , 60e18 33i.7o 47.81� 10.l�5 39.3,? , 62050 16voo ��A00 5ois.6s 63l�l.�.23 ; .i s� _. _ .. . �"` ,; ,• 161� Glenn Johnson Contracting Co, Black top 165 Republic Creosoting Road Tar 166 DeGraff lf�olff Se�er. Mai.n Salasy lst � October Hour�y Payroll lst 2 October � 1269.79 � 31�4.2b 1773os58 17�.10 327.03 �tilber� moved, Ziegler seconded� that Resolution #176, °A RFSULTION ORUERINr TI� BLACK 7.'QP SL'RFACING OF FOURZYi STREET NORTH BE1�IVE�T NIN7�I.AI�ID TF�1TH AVENUES ATOR7�i AND OF 0%F"ORD STR�T FROP� �tTRPHY AVFJNUE TO COLiJMBU5 AVENtJE", Marked_�h.i.bit "A° be �. adopted. �}arried, . _ _ _ . ° . Ziegler moved, Beclnnan seconded, ihat license application of Bernard Labowsky and Albert Feldman for on-sale and off-sale malt liquor, soft: drinks,_. and cigarettes at 9-9th Avenue South be granted. Carried. Bec�an moved, Bqilbert seconded, that the request of Cal Scholtz for the placing of advertising benches in Nopkins be referred by P:�ayor Perbix to tlze Chamber of Commerce for reom�aendation. Carried. Ziegler moved� BeclQn�an seconded, that City Attorney Whitney be authorized to � attendi tdze Northwestern Bell Telephone Company hearing, seheduled for 10 o+clock A.Me� Octoher 25, 1950. .Carriede Beclsm�,n moved, Milbert seconded� that ; the follaeving clerks and judges for the� General Election to be held November �.�.�� 1950� be appraved. Carriede DJBTRICT #1 Harley Hopkins School Elizabeth Slavin Gladys Escher Selma Pahl Hilda. Johnson Betty Carlson DISTftICT #3 City Hall Lola B�. . Yackel Njyrtle ]�. Anderson Anne Borland Esther M.-Koss Margaret C. Owens DISTR3CT #2 Dow. House Olga Kelly Carrie Spott Elizabeth Lemke Nona Sunidquist Dorot�r �lfinterfield DISTRICT #4 Juni.or Hi h School A].ic e. M. ers on Chas. V�.Herzan Bridget Larkin gdeline Sedeslty Louise Lussier DISTRIC T#5 Oakridge Country Club Marguerite Losie Leah Christensen fl�arie-Geer I{ay Sullivan Helen �cGlasson. Ziegler mnved, Beckman seconded, SANITARY S�,Y�iER SYS T�+Q OF THE C I be accepted as the f irst readingo NIilbert moved, Beclanan seconded, Herzan be authorized to cover -the for a future well site. Carried, that Ordinance #54�t'AN ORDINANCE RELATING T0� THE TY OF HOPKI��TS AND _ REPEALING . CERTAIN ORDIIdANCFS"�, . Carriedo . .. _ that a check for �50.00� made payable to Henx•y option of the purchase of one acre of land <Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that t�he meeting be adjournedo �Z�e�.-�� - ` �% �P. Elmquist Secretarg to tkze �oU,ncil ';: r s . J, �� H CITY OF HOPBINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNE SOTA RESOLIITION BiO. 176. A RESOLUTION ORDERING TSE BLACK TOP SIIRFACING OF FOIIRTH STREET IdOFcTH BETWFEN ATINTH AND TENTH AVEWES NOR2'H AND OF OgFORU STREET FEOM MiTRPHY AVENIIE TO COLUN�IIS APIIJUE. WHEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkins on July 5, 1950. adopted a resolution referring the matt�r of black top surfacing Fourth Stfeet 1Qorth between Ninth and Tenth gvenues North, to Frank Laeka, city engineer� for hie investigation a.nd report, and WHEREAS� the cauncil of the city of Hopkins on Auguet 15, 1950, adopted a resolution referring the matter of black top aurfacing Oxford Street i r from Murph� Avenue to Columbua Avenue, to Frank Laska, city engineer, for his inveatigation and report� a.nd WH�+REAS� said engineer has investiga.ted the necessity and feasibility of said imp rovemente and on September 19, 1950, re�orted thereon to the council and filed hia written reports with the secretary of the council, aud WIiEREAS, on September 19, 1950, th� city council of Hopkins adopted a resolution aetting Tuesday, the 17th day of October� 1950, at 7:30 o'clock P.i�. at the council cha.mbers in the ci t� hall as the time and place for conaidering said reports and acting thereon, a.nd �VHEREAS, a nqtice of said hearing has been published in The Hennepin County ' and October 5, review in its iseuesof September 28� 1950, and the affidavit of publication of said notice hae been filed with the aecretary of the cauncil, and 6VHFRF'AS, no petition aetting forth opposition to said improvements� or any or either of them, was filed evith the city ma.nager prior to the date az�d hour set for h earing said engineer's reporta and no one appeared in oppoaition thereto; NO`J� THEREF'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the city council of the city of Hopkins that the black top surfacing of said streeta is neceaeary for the health;`welfare and convenience of the city and its inhabitants, and it is hereby determined and ordered that said improvemente� and ea,ch of them as so recommended by the engineer, be made; and that the coste thereof be asseesed against any property abutting uponsaid improvemente. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Ho�kins at a regular meeting thereof held this 17th day of October, 1950. kl. HARLAPd rERBIR, MAYOR A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the cauncil Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney cony for ''ti „ ,.. . ..,. .. � . .... . . .. ....., ,. �.” _ Y � � ��� � ,'' ''' ti 1 A special meeting was called for 5 ofclock P.M.,.October 19, 7.950� by Mayor Perbixe� Present were Mayor Wo Harlan Perbix� Councilmen BeclQnan� Ziegler� Milbert, and Anderla; City �anager Congdon� and City F�gineer I,aska, Ward Dahlberg and Vfi. C. Grosshauser appeared before council per�aining to sidewalk and curb grades at the property of Skelly Dil Compar;y at bccelsior and B�onk Avenues Northb Anderla moved, +�ilbert seconded, tha.t the �idewalk and curb put in by Skelly Oil Company on the northwest corner of Excelsior and B�onk Avenues be replaced to a point approximate]�r 1�0 feet east of their �est line with a gradual slope to�ard the west, bringing sazae to �rade with present sidewalk on the �est side of their property as suggested by City Engineer Laska� and that the Skell,p Oil Company furnish the city with a letter stating that,at ar�y future date, should the sidewa].k and curb require bei.ng replaced on account of non-conformance with street grades that the entire repla.cing of same would be done solel� at their o�m. exp ens e., :� ,;�. � 5 � 5 , ,� ;::+': r.�.c-c�. A. W. Elmqvist, cretary to the CouAci`�. ��, : �'.. ., .. _..:IY1 .. . �.:� . ..... ... .... ,.. � ,/ ,+ �, � 1 � � 1� s ° � l i � A special meeting was called f or 5 Pe�d., Qctober 23� 1950, by Mayor Perbix to_ consider the plan of School District No.19 for use of land. nort,h of the DQi].ls' Road for a school site arul possible `extension of 8th Av�ue to Noo7 Aighway. Present were B�ayor v�.. Harlan Perbix� Councilmen Anderla� 1�il.bert� and Ziegler; Czty Mar�a.ger Congdon and City Attorney �9hitney. Abserit:. , Councilman 3eel�nan and City Clerk A. Wo Elmquiste O. J.Parks, President, and L. N. Tanglen� Superiritendent of School District No.l9� aPp�red before council and explained the plan to acquire tlle land of Joseph Zitka lging east of the west line of 8th �venue e.xtended from Minnetonka B�il.ls Road to No,7 Highwap. It was their plan to expatld the proposed school site easterly across the axea of Sth Avenue extended, and have sufficient land for the development of a street east of 8th Avenue , and parallel theretoo a .. . �� rIY<�t It was moved by Anderla, seconded by Ziegler, and carried tY�at in the �vent the school district advises the city in �rriting that� if and when the district acquires the Zitka property, the district will grant the city a strip of land up to 66 it. in �ridth for a roaciway across the eastern portion thereof at the same cost per acre as paid by the district, the city will abandon a,uy plans for the extension of 8th Avenue NoEth from B�innetonka BQi.].ls Road to Highway No, 7 e ATTEST: , . Haxlan Perbix, �a,y or 2 CC - School District No.19 Mr. L. H. Tanglen November 9, 195� �� "��._, -(' , ti�ti".r--�-- ��C. "C. Congdon; / City bQanager � � � � I �j .. �( �.� �d� 1 A regular meetir� of the Council of the City. of Hopkiris, Minnesota, v�as held at the City Hall at 7;30 otclock P.P�a on Tuesday., No�rember 7, 1950. �d�nbers present were; l�ayor W. Harlan Perbix, Councilmen Len J., Milbert, Stuart E. Heckman�,; City Manager C.C. Congdon, City Attorney Frank.Ne Whitney� and City Engineer Frank V. Laska. I�embers absent:_,Joseph Te Anderla and John Ziegler, �ilbert moved, Sickman seconded, .tY�t t�-ie followi.ng bills be paid. Carried. -2663 2685. 2686 270l� 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 271l� 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 272I 2722 2723 272�. 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2?30 2731 731 740 7l47. ?Lt2 ?%� 745 7l�6 748 749 565 566 568 569 ;70 571 C�VF,RgL FUND Northern States Po�er Compan�r Service Hed Owl Stores Reimbursement Minneapolis Gas Compar�y °ervice American Library Assoc. Books Club Cafe. P�isoner Meals C. C._Congdon, Treasurer Petty Cash Dahlberg Bros. . Repairs Dickey & It�ilbert, Inc. Gasoline Farnha.m_Stationery.& School Supplies Gardner Hardware Supplies La.urenz A. Harris Car Allowance, October Hennepin Co.LeaguE ofT. & Mo Dues Years 1948-191�9 Hennepin County �evie�r Publishing Mike Holm, Sec�y. of State Listing � 756.3�. 10000 31.71 �o� 26.l�0 13.92 as2� 252s0� , 36e3� 17.00 25,00 10.00 84.60 Ie00 Hopkins Fire Depta Fire Ca71s, Fire Dri1�,Lblephones 386.00 �iopkins Home.& Auto Supp],y Supplies _ . Engner Johnson _ �onference F�penses Jean Karr & Co. Monthly Service I�inn service Service & Rental Koss Paint and Wallpaper Coe Supplies.. W.A.l�atthies, Sheriff �cpenses - Farnsworth . Bloomie �iountain gssociation,Meeting Expenses NeZson�s Inc. Repairs Northwestern Bell Telephone Service Olson & Pfeiffer Pharmacy Prescription Paste and Ink Sales Co. Pa.ste Select Service Oil Co, Suppl'ies �Pi7.liam Stodola Repairs Suburban Hennepin County Re1.Bo, Relief expend.October �io C. UVhitney II.ectrical Inspection Coast to Coast Stores Supplies Salaries 2d 2• October H ourly Payroll i'eriod ending 10-30�0 RQAD & BRIDGE FU�ID Northern States Power Coo Bren Hardware Flour City Brush Co. F.c.xoiling Hopkins Home & guto Supp]�y Glen Johnson Contracting Co. 1I�m.H.McCoy � Nor.th�vestern Bell Telephone RepubZic Creosoting Smith-Dunn Compar�y, Inc. T�fm.HeZiegler Co.,Inc. 3alaries Hourly Payroll Service- Supplies Supplies Refund 3upplies Blacktop Gasoline Service Road Tar Supplies Sup�lies 2d z Qctober Period ending 10-30-50 VIiATER FiTI� Northern States Po�rer Company Servic e " American �ast Iron Pipe Co0 Supplies Hartvig E. Anderson Garage Rental C. C. Congdon, Treasurer Petty Cash Items Interlachen�Garage Supplies Idorth�estern Bell Telephone Service Wallace & Tiernan Co..,Inc. Supplies Postmaster, Hopkins Postcards Salaries, 2d. 2d � October Hourly Payroll Period ending 10-30-50 3.94 64,50 22,s6 14.00 io.85 �..70 33.27 .75 98.76 2.00 6e75 1.35 40.00 433.58 12�.�q 8:62 1926.20 56oe�,3 10.88 82033 56.55 18.00 52.54 567•92 22.55 11s50 134.9l�. 36.93 ??.43 31�7.50 497079 532.48 `` 101s52 95.00 5.08 i2o5o 8.13 3e99. 17000 5�Oe07 78.85 ..'r�. � r r' . . . . �. - ^ _ � SEWAGE DISPOSAL. FUI�ID 15Lt Northern States Power Company Service � 185.01 ].55f Bren: �HardwardrCompar�y Supplies 11024 160 Plorthwes,tern Nat�l.Bank of Mplsa Bonds & Coupons � 18�816a10 Hourl,y�%Payroll _ Period ending'10-30-50 98a11 SPECIAL ASSF�SMENT FUND 39 Northwes�tern Nattl.Bank of Mplso Bonds & Coupons PERMANENT T�RQVF�Ei�TT REQOLVING FUnID 1�7� Carl A.gnderson 172 Richard P�e Ferron Construction Co. 173 Glenn Johnson Contracting �o. 174 Master Block Co. 175 Minneapolis.�c St.L.Railrw�y Co, 176 Republic Creosoting Go� Salaries Hourly Payroll Curb Construction Sewer. Main Blacktop Cement Blocks Sewer Pipe Road Tar 2d 2 of October Period ending 10-30-50 2, 257.1�9 1,802:65 7,539.61 655.83 10a00 �.a �0 �.4.30 175.10 248a53 Beckman moued, Milbert seconded, that Resolution #183, "A R�OLUTION REFERRING TO T'�IE C ITY ENGINEER THE �;ATTER OF IPJS TALLING CONCRETE CUP�B A1�ID GUTTEft ON THE EAST SIDE OF 'I°iI�ELFTH AVIIVUE. NORTH_BENIEE�T_ FOURTH STREET NORTH AND THE SOUTH. LIT1E OF _STATE. TRUNK_ HIGHJVAY NUN�BFR SEV�.N"� marked �hibit _"g", be adopted.. Carriedo � _ Milbert moved, Becl�a.n secor_ded, that the license application for off-sale non-intoxi.cating liquor by Hovander Foods, Inc. be granted. Carried rtIilbert moved, Bec�nan seconded, that the Surety Bond of Quentin i�e Krautkre.mer be accepted, subject to approval by City Attorney. Carriedo _ Milbert mo�tecl;�.;�.Becl�.an seconded, that the re�uest of Richard 1�e Ferron Construction Company for the extension of compls tion date of sevrer house connections in �nollwood from 11-15 50 to 12-31-50 be granted; and the cost of construction, of approximately 125� of 8�� sewer raa.in, at a depth of l�.t to 16� at �7.50 per lineal foot be approved, �ubject to approval of City Engineero Carried. BeclQnan moved, �ilbert seconded, that Ordinance #51�, nAN QRDII�TANCE RET�AT7NG TO THE SAIVITARY S� SYS� OF THE CI`I'ir OF HOPKINS_A��TD REPEALING C�iTAIN ORDIIVANC�" marked �chibit �'B" be accepted as the second. reading �thereof and that the,ordin- _ ance be adopted_and published according to lativ. •Carried. Beckman moved, �,�ilbert seconded, that the request o£ Cal ScYioltz for the placing of advertisng benches in _H_opkins be denied as recommended by the Chamber of Commerce Association and reported by PQayor Perbixa Carried, Beclanan moved, Milbert seconded, that notice of intention to exercise option for the purchase of one acre of land at ��1,800.00 for a future well site be delivered to Henry Ce Herzan as per copy ma�ked exhibit ��C" and made a p�rt oft�.ese minutes, Carriedo � _ „ Becl�an moved, �filbert seconded, that the petition as presented by residents of the vicinity of ll�th Avenue North and the rdinneaPolis and St.Louis Railway right-of way in opposition to the placing of a fire siren in said vicinity be placed. on file, Carried. BeclQnan moved, I�+Iilbert seconded, that the Board of Park Commissioners of l�i.nneapolis be authorized to complete the soddino and seeding around our sewer lift station and along the sewer line at bReadowbrook Go1f Course� as per their proposal dated 10/18f50, at a cost not to exceed �3,00O.00a Carried. ,, . ����:�. '�:�':�;, „ ��. , � �;-. ,J 4. `,�:r'�; Beclflnan moved, b2ilbert seco�ded, Township to extend fire lim.its as ba tabled pending the receipt of '4 - 3 - that the verbal request of Eden Prairie covered by the Hopkins Fire Department a jvritten request for same� .Carriedo Bec�an moved, L„ilbert seconded, that the str"eet lights located in West Minneapolis Third Division at the foLlov�ng locations be, authorized. Carried. 17th Avenue North anc� Second Street 18th Avenue North and Excelsior Avenue 19th Avenue North and Excelsior Aeenue 19th Averiue North and First Street Becl�an moved, B�ilbert seconded, that Ordinance #58, ���I�T ORDINANCE �.�ATT_lUG TO THE COATSTRUCTION OF ORDIlV'AI�ICES 3ND REPEALI�IG A CE�RTAI�i_ ORDINAI�E"� �e_ accepted a�s the f irst. reading. Carriedo„ _ , _ - B�eckman moved, biilbert seconded, that Ordinance �9, "�N ORDI1VAi�TCE RELATING TO 1'!� ��AKINC OF CONTRAC TS BETWEEN 7HE CITY OF HOPKINS . AND OZ�R GOV�.RNT�TTAL ,. _ .. SUBDNISIONS .FOR FIRE.PROTECT�ON. TO BE. FUR!VISHEp_BY THE HOPKINS F]RE DE�'AF�N� AND .REPEALING_CERTAIN ORDITdANCES", be accepted as the first, reading. .Carried.. - � . _ � Beckman moved,_ �iilbert seconded, that Qrdinance #60, "AN ORDINANCE RF',,LATING TO STAdDARD TIP.� AND REPEALING A CERTAIN ORDI[�1ANCE"� be accepted as the first . reading. ..Carried. _ _ _ _ _ Mi.lbert moved, BeclQnan seconded� that the meeting be adjourned0 ATTFST• �� _ / / 1V. Harlan Perbix, 11Qayor � i..A t'� i,..'c.,cr c.�„�,L ,L _,c_ l; �. -W. Elmquist, ecretar�r to the ouncil CITY OF HOPgIDiS HENNEPIN CODNTY� MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. lSj. 9 RESOLUTION REFERRING TO TfiE CITY EDTGINEER THE MATTER OF INSTALLING CONCRETE CIIHB AND GUTTER ON THE EAS� SIDE OF TWl;I��l�'!'H AVENUE NORTH BETWEEN FOIIRTIi S�REET NORTH AND �'HE SOIITH LINE OF ST9TE TRUNK HI GHWAY NiTMBER SEVEN. WHEREAS, there has been filed with the city clerk and by the clerk p resented to the council a petition asking for the installation of concrete curb and gn.tter on the East side of Twelfth Avenue North betr�een Fourti� Street North and the South line of state trunk highway number 7, and WF�REAS, the coste thereof should be asseased againet property found benefited thereby� and WH�REAS, the otvners of the benefited propert� againet which said costs would be asseased have petitioned the city council for said improve- ment and agreed to pay the costs thereof; NUW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLQED by the council of the city of Hopkins that the matter of inatalling concrete curb and gu.tter in such location be referred to Frank Laeka� city entineer, to investigate the necesaity a.nd feasibility thereof and to report to the council as soon as poeaible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkine at a regu.lar meeting thereof held this 7th day of Nov�nber� 1950. W. HAHLAIV PERBIIC � MAYOR A. W. Elmquist, Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney M �� �V V pt�., r( v,l Y" �1 � CITY OF HUPgIVS � q�� HIINEPIPI COUNTY, MI�dESOTA � �� ` ORDIiJANCE N0. 5�F Ai� ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTE'iK OF .THE CITY OF HOPKINS AND REPEAI,ING CERTAIPI ORDI�dANCES. BE IT ORDAIVED BY THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF HOP�INS: Section 1. No person ahall tap or make any perforation or opening of any kind in any sanitary sewer pipe, or make any connection to any saziitary sewer main or building sewer within the City of Hopkina, without firet having obtained all licenses and permits and paid all fees required by other ordina.nces of the city. Section 2. Subdivision 1. The rules .set forth in this section mu at be observed and carried out in all work relating to sanitary sewer connections. Subdivis;on 2. Connections with the main sanitary sewer must be made to the Y or T branch, or to the house connection alreac�y put in by the city. Subdivision 3. In case a Y or T branch ia not available o�posite the particui ar lot, permiasion may be granted to tap the main sewer pipe. A �cast°�-i�ron or clay ` saddle inserting T or Y�of approved pattern may be inaerted in such tapped hole a.nd the joints thorougY�ly cemented. S1a.bdivision li. Building sewera from the sewer main to the building ahall compl,y with the proeisions of the Minnesota Plumbing Code, aections jg, j9+ 52, 53+ 5� ' and 125 thereof relative to materials and joints, or any other sections of said code applicable thereto. �bdivision 5. Al1 building sewers must be laid to a true line and grade from the sewer to the building. Pipe must be enveloped by clean sand to a , depth of four inches. �� 3ubdivision 6. The street must be opened in a manner which will occasion the least inconvenience to the public and provide for the passage of water along the gutters. One half of the street must be in good and safe condition at all times.for the passage of vehiclea. DTo tunneling will be permitted except �ahen the exigencies of the case require such a permit. 1Vo excavati�g in any etreet or public place shall be left open over nig:zt, except thoroughly b�rricaded or railed off� and properly lighted so as to secure pnblic safety. In all cases when� from neceaeity a trench for pipe ia left open during the ni�t, a sufficient number of lighted l�nterns or torches s}�all be placed over such trench, from twilight until d�ylight, and the trench shall be properly railed in. 9ubdivision 7. If any o�enings be made for any pu rpoae wha,tsoever, and water maine and aervice pipes expoaed, measures must be taken to protect them from frost. In refilling openinga, all the earth must be replaced in the trench� and if the (1) earth be frozen, it �ust be removed and the excavation filled with pure bank eand, in layers of not over siA inches, and thoroughly rammed to prevent after�ettlement. No rock lar�er than four inchea in any direction sha,ll be put into any excavation. Subdivision 8. All work muat be done under the superviaion of an inapector appointed b� the city, who must be permitted at all timea to examine� inspect and superintend all plumbing work, excavating, refilling, materia.ls and fixtures. Any refusal to permit such inapection, or any interference urith the inepector in the performance of his duty, shall be iuunediately followed by a suspenaion or forfeiture of the licenae. Section j. gny person niolating any of the provisiona of thia ordinance shall be gailty of a misdemeanor. Section �+. Repeals. Subdivision 1. "An Ordinance Creating and Establishing a Sewer Syetem and Sewer Diatricts for the Village of West �Iinneapolis� Hennepin County� Minnesota, Said Sewer Syatem to be Compoaed of Diine Dietricts� Numbered One (1) to Vine (9) Inclusive, and Defining and Limiting the Boundaries of Said Districte,�� which was adopted by the village council of ��est Minneapolie on DTovember 7� 19i6, ia hereby repealed. 9ubdivision 2. "An Ordinance Regulating the Tappin� of Sewera in the Village of Weet Minneapolis, Minnesota�" which was adopted by the village council of West Minneapolie on September 10, 1917, is hereby repealed. Slzbdivieion j. "An Ordinance Creating and istablishing a Sewer System and a Sewer District lto. 10 Within the Village of Hopkins," which was adopted by the village council of Hopkins on Feb nzary 18, lj�+l, ia hereby repealed. Siibdivision �+. "An Ordinance Creating and Establishing a Sewer and a Sewer District No. 11 �lithin the Village of Hopkina," which was adnpted by the village council oi Hopkins on June 3, 19�1, ia hereby reioealed. Subdivieion 5. "An Ordinance Creating and Establishing Sewer Districte Numbers 12, 13 and 1�+," which was adopted by the village council of Hopkins on October 2, 19�+5, is hereby repealed. 9ubdivision 6. °An Ordi nance Creating� Establishing and Fixing the Limits and Territory of Sewer District I3umber 10-A of the Village of Hopkins, H,�nnepin County� Minnesota," which was adopted by the village council of Iiopkins on June 17, 19�7, is hereby repealed. Subdivision 7. "An Ordina.nce Creating, Establishing a.nd Fixing the Limita and Territory of Sewer District Tdo. 6-A of the i�illage of Hopkins, Henr_epin County, Minnesota, which was adopted by the village council of Hopkins on July 15, 1g�+7, is hereby repealed. � 2) Subdivision g. "An Ordinance Creating, Eatablishing and Fixing the Limite and Territory of Sewer District No.l(�-$ of the Village of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Y�innesota," which was adopted by the village council of Hopkins on August 5, 19�+7, is hereby repealed. FIRST READ at a regular council meeting of the city of Hopkins held on the 17th. day of October, i95o, and finally read and passed at a regular meeting of the council o` said city held on the 7th, day of Nover�ber, 1j50. tiV. FiARLAN PERBIX � �IAYOR A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the cauncil Fra,nk id. Whitney, City Attorney Published in The Hennepin County Review on Iuovember 1�, 19�0 . � o /� � D t �, � �� �-' �� � �1 �"D /rF V � �r' N� ���i 37�v , (3) /z: av n�o�er �• •' . E. TC�ePri�we:NOPKINe7695 FRANK N. WHITNEY ATTORNEY AT LAW BTROB6CK BIJILDING HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Mr. C. C. Congdon, City Manager, Hopkins� Minn. Dear Sir: �ov�nber g, 1950 Incloeed find original and two copies of notice of intention to exerciae the Herzan option and purchase the nroperty deacribed therein. After this notice ia aigned by you a.nd the mayor, one copy should be delivered to Mr. Herzan and one to hie attorney: �4r. Vesely; aud one copy retained by you. On the copy which you retain, yon should make notation of the d.a,te or dates u�on which copies are delivered to Mr. Herza.n and Mr. Yesely. FNW:vs Yours eery truly� /r ` a w NOTI CE OF IIVTENTIOPT TO ERERCI SE OPTION. TO �IENRY C. HERZAN: � � � WHEREAS, on Octob er lg, 195Q� you executed an option contract ruherein �ou agreed to sell and convey to the City of Ho�kina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, th.e following described lands aituated in said county and state, to-wit: The South (S) Two Hundred Seventeen and g�10 (217.g) feet of the West (W) Two 13undred (200) feet of the East (E) Six Hnndred (600) feet of that �art of the West One-half (W2) of the Southweet �.axter (SW4) correaponding to Lot Seven (7), of Souba's 9abdivision, Hennepin County, Minnesota, now eacated, in Section Thirteen (lj), Township One Hundred Seventeen (117), Range Twenty-two (22), upon payment of the city of the s�m of Eighteen Hundred Dollars ($1800.00), Fifty Dollars ($50.00) of which said sum gou ha.ve received; NOW, THEREFORE, YOII WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that it ia the intention of the City of Hopkine to t�.ke said property and to purchaae the same from you for said sum of Eighteen Hundred Dollars ($1g00.00), and that the city ia read� and willing to perform the conditione a.nd comply with the terrqs of said option, and that the city will pay to you the balance of the purchase priae of Seventeen ffundred Fifty Dolla.ra ($1750.00) upon receipt of a warra.nty deed from you accompa.nied by aa abstract or an owner's duplicate certificate of title evidencing good title in you at the da.te of aaid deed. Dated at Hopkins� Minnesota, thie Sth. da,p of November, 1950. CITY OF HOPKINS, . HENNEPIDT C TY, INNESOT . .. , �� . � Td �L � ' T � W. Harlan Perbi$. Mayor and `� � . C. Congdon� Ci anager �; 0 �v °� pa1 a� � `� .� �'� i A regul�r meeting of t,3ze �ouncil of the City of Hopkins � Minnesota, vwas held at the City Hall at 7z30 o+'clock P.:-D�. -on Tuesday, November 21, -1950. BQembers present �ere: B�ayor Perbix, Counci]men- Anderla� Beckman� DrIilbert� Ziegler,• City Manager Congdon, City, �Attorney VYhitney, and_�City Engineer I.aska. �dembers absent: None. � , . .. Beclffian moved, �il,bert seconded� that':�bi1Ts� as presented be paid from the following fundss Carriedo GENERAL FUTID 2732 �like Holm,Sec�y..of State Tax Exempt License Plates 2733 �ike Ho1m,Sec!ye .of State t� a n= a 2750 First. ATational B�k of Hopkins_1l�ithYioldin� Deductions 27�1 Treasurer, St. of Minn. . ftetirement Deductions 275$ .Aiice �. Anderson General Electio� 11-7�0 2753 �Yrtle �nderson " u p� 275�t �e C. Borland 2755 Betty E. Carlson 2756 James Chmel 2757 Lea� Bd. Chri.stensan 2758 Gladys E�scher 2759 Marie B. Geer 2760 Charles W. Herzan 2761 Gust Japs 2762 Hi.1da,M. Johnson 27b3 Theodore H. Johnson 276l� �rs. Olga, Kelley 2765 Estner �..xoss 2�66 Bridget I,arkin 27b7 Elizabet�i Lemke 2768 Marguerite._Losie 2769 Louise Lussier 27?0 �att McCauley 2771 Helen N. �dcGlasson 2772 Margaret OuPens 2773 Se1ma Mo�Pahl 2771t Hezman J. -Puck 2775 Adeline..Sedesky 2?76 Elizabeth Slavin 2777 Carrie M. $pott 2?78 NOi1S $U.11C1CjL113ti 2779 Edr�a C. .Wilcox 2780 Dorothy Winterfield 2781 Lola B�. Yackel 2782 Northwestern National Ba.nk ofHo 2798 R. R. Bowker Co. 2799 Coast to Coast Store 2800 Joseph T.�nd.erla 2801 Stuart E.,Beckman 2802 I,en J. Milbert 2803 John.Ziegler 2804 11�. Harlan Perbix 2805 Due-Sa.fe.ty Ladder Corpe 2806 Farnham staty. & Sch.SupoCo. 2807 Feudner Davidson Agency 2808 Gaylord Bros., Inc. 2809 Hennepiri County.Review 2810 Bdi.ke Holm, Sec �y. State 2811 Hopk�ns Cleaners &..Tailors 2812 Hopkins Fire Dept. . 2813 Hopkins Bdotor -Sales 2811�. Soehler ]l�fg. Co. 281.5 Lu�d � s Sin�clair Servo 2816 Mine_Safetp Appliances Co• 2817 Bdpls. Gas Co. 2818 Minnesota NevPs 2819 Northezm States Power Cos• 2820 Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc. 2821 Standard Oil Cor.�pany 2822 Standard Oil Co�ar�r 2823 Suburban Che�rolet Co. Salaxies Hour�y Payroll n n n n' n u n a n n fJ q' a u n n u n n u n m u u s� n n n n n a n n u n a n a a n ir n n n u n, n a p p n a_ n a a a Interest_on Subscription Supplies n n. a n n n n n n a p n n n �� n n n u n n a n n It n n n Gen.�nd ck.#1368 Salary, last 2 1950 n n n n n n n n n n n n Loc�s _ _ Supplies Premiums�Bond & Rene�.Cert, Supplies Pnb].isYiis�g Listi.ng Cleaning Fire Calls & Telephone Repairs Spoto & Batteries Repa:iss . Chemox Canisters s�� , Books Servi.ce Signs � Service Gasqline Repairs lst 2 November Period ending 11-15�0. � 3s� . .70 375.35 13b.].l� 28.00 33.00 33.00 22000 33e� 19.� 22.00 19.Oo 28.50 ��� 22000 19•00 2l�.00 33.00 28•00 24.00 ],9s00 28.00 28s00 19a00 33.00 22.00 23.� 28.00 22000 21�.00 2�,00 19.00 2��00 33.00 111.21 �i.� 4.56 50000 5��� 50.00 50000 ].50�00 24048 4.40 892,60 25.20 53.40 s5o 5.75 !�l�7.v�0 25.�5 78091 2.25 38.81 54.82 171.59 707.36; 122.�8 19.95 168e00 13.35 1619.53 !�la6.67 753 751� 755 ?61 762 ?63 764 765 766 767 768 -2�- RQAD AI1ID BRIDGE FUNH lst National Bank of Hopk�ns �Pithholding Tax Ded. Treasurer, State of Minne Retirement Fund Dede - Northwestern Nat.Ba.nk of Hopkins Tnterest on RoBc.B,Ch,#!a9 Armco Draina,ge &�Ietal Prod.Coo 1�eta1 Pipe _ Feudner-Davi.dson Agency Renew. Cert. Hopkins_�otor Sa1.es Coo ftepairs Justus Lumber Co. C embnt La�pert Yards � Cem�nt AQinnesota Sa1t Coo Salt Northern Sta.tes Pov�er Cos Service �m.H,Ziegler Co.,Inc. Supplies - Parts Salaries lst � November H ourl� Payroll Feriod F�hdi.ng 11 15-50 VPATER F[T1�ID 57? lst National Bank oi Hopkins �Withiiolding Tax Dede 578 Treasurer� State of �d.inn. Retirement F'uiid Dede 580 Feudder Davidson Agency Rene�. CeEti.ficate 581 Northern.States Pa�er Co« Ser�rice 582 NeVP, Bell Telephone Coe �Yires � Salaries � : lat Z Noveinber Hourl„� Payroll Hourly� period ending 1].-1,5-50 S�YiAGE DISPOSAL FffDID 163 S �tandard Oil C ompar�r . C ' . ,- - - _ oe Service Service Hourly Payroll Period ending 11-15-50 PER1�iNENT INtPROVE[V�'dVT REVOLVING F'UAID 178 lst National Bank of Hopkins �ffithYiolding Tax Ded. 179 Treasurer, Sta.te of �H.inn. Retirement �ind Dec. 183 Lampert Yards C mnent 18l� Suburban Chevrolet Co. Service Salaries lst 2 November Hour]�r payroll Period end.11 15�0 � 86.60 1�3440 174•73 33•12 373.82 36.58 2020 3.60 io5.00 6.90 61m06 31�7a5o 531.70 91010 1!�•00 108,99 5o7es� 8e� 1S2m07 �59�9��. 1� e33 7.95 16,87 1t7o00 35e03 3.25 175010 225e73 Becl�n moved' Anderla. seconded, that the following license applicatians be granted. �`�" Carriedo Hopkins Liquor Store " Blue Ribbon Bar Sheehan�s Superb Liquors Of€-sale �.ntoxicating liquor and soft drinks. On and off�sale intoxicating liquor� On and Off-sale nqn-i:ntoxi.cating malt liquors� soft drinks, cigarettes and one mechanical amusement devicee Off-sale into�dcating liquor, Off-sale non-into�i.cati.ng malt liquors, soft drinks and cigarettes. 908 Bar Qn �an�d Off-sale intoxicating liquor, On arid Off-sale non-intoxlcating malt liquors� sof t drinks and cigarettes. 6rchie�s -� and Off-sale ini-.oxicating liquor' On and Off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquors, soft drinks� cigarettes, and 1 mechanical • a�ausement device. Bursch�s I,iquor Store On and Off-sale intoxlcating liquor, -. On and Off-sale non-into3o.cating malt liqnors� soft drinks, milk, cigarettes and two mechanical armisement devices. Centre Liquor Store Off-sale intoxi.cating liquor� Oif-sale non-iritoxicating malt liquors� soft drinks and ci.garettes. ... ;°'���t� Oak R.idge �ountry Club The American Legion ..g; . On-sale club liquor, '. On sale non-into�dcating malt liquors, soft drinks and ci.garettes. On-sale club liquor Becl�an moged, Anderla seconded,that the request t�y,Northern States Power Comgany to pla.ce poles at lSth and 19th Avenues North at Second 3treet be granted, Carried. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded� ttiat letter d,ated November 15� 1950� by Mro G. L. VJa�e�_pertaining to the grading of Interlachen Road �mom ESccelsior to Boyce be placed on, file, and City Bdanager Congclon to prepare and submit a sketch for recommendation as to the placing of street lights on Boyce Road from B�ke. to Interlachen Roads. Carried. �nderla moved,:Ziegler seconded, that the request da.ted Nov�nmber ].li.� 1950, by. Eden Prairie To�mship for extension of fi.re protection limits be granted� subject to an.additional annual reta.iner fee of �50.00. Carriede Anderla moved, Beckman seconded, that the request by the Junior �Chamber of , Commerce� clated November 21, 1950� for permission to hold:a Bingo Game on December 8, 1950, at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall be granted. Carried. 2iegler:moved, Beckman seconded, t2iat the plat of Campbell Addition as presented by Herman Kloss and Son be accepted, subject to all streets being put to grad.e and prbper drainage being made by Kloss and Son; also that the mayor and city clerk be authorized to sign said plat, Carried. Ziegler moved� Bec� seconded� that the letter by George ft. Wolff Post #I�25� da.ted November 20� 1950� perta.ining to rent control for Hopkins�be tabled to meeting of December �.9y '�j�Oy in order to see �rhat action Congress� , takes on the subject.. Carried. Ziegler moved� Beclffaan seconded, that letter dated November 15, ].9509 bg the Chamber of Commerce, perta�ning to railwa�r caossing signals and havi.ng a man at crossings be tabled for further studyo Caxried. Ziegl.er moved, Beckman seconded, that Ordinance No*58, ttAN ORDINANCE REL,ATIlQG�TO �iE CONSTRUCTION OF OH9INANCF� AND R�EA,LING A CERTAIN ORDIlVANCE"� marked. . E�hibit "A"�.be accepted as the second reading ther,eof and_tna.t the ordinance. to adoptsd_and published according to lava. Carried. Anderla moved� 1VHil.bert seconded, that Ordinance Noo59� "A1V ORDINANGIE REI,�TIlVG TO THE hQAI�'L1TG OF��.COPdTRAGTS BET6�E�1 THE CITY OF HOPKINS AI�iD_OTHER _GOVERN�NTAL.BUB- ;,�: - DNISIONS FOR FIRE PROTF�TION �0. BE FURNI�HID.BY.THE HOPKJNS FIRE DEPgRTI�[JT A11D REPF..�LIlVG CERTAIN ORDLNANC�"� . ma.rked brhibit "B", ��be_ accepted. as the s�cond . reading thereof.and that the_ordinance be adopted and published accordi.ng to law. Garriede � � � Anderla moved, Ziegler::�.seconded� that Ordinance No.60� "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO �� STANDARD TI�dE AND REPEALIlVG A CERTAIN ORDIlVANCE"� maxked, bchibit .°C"'� be _ accepted as the second readi.ng thereof and. that ti�e ordi.nance be adopted amd_published - accorcling to la�. Carriedo � � Beckman. moved� Ziegler seconded� that Ordinance No.61�:"AN ORDIlVANCE RELATI[UG TO INTUXICATII1iG LIQUORS AND Ab'l�+i�IDI'1VG ORDIiJANCE NOe19 OF '1�iE_ GIT3C .OF _ HOPKINSn� . bE accepted.as the.first reading.. Carriedo ._ _ �deeting adjourneds 6 - ��--� _ \/ � �P. Harlan Perbix, B�ayor . . A. �. Elmquist� ecretary to the CoTubci� ��� ,�; , . . _ .. The following license applications �aE the year 1957. are submi.tted for �niir approvaT: � Hopkins Liquor Store Off-sale intoxicating li.quor and soft drinks. Blue Ribbon Bar On and. Off-sale intoxicating lic}� or, ` On and Off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquors, soft drinks, cigarettes and one mechanical ` amuse�ent device. Sheehan�s Superb Liquors Oif-sale intoxicating liquor,. Off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquors, sof� drinks and cigarettes. ` 908 Bar On and Oif�ale intoxicating liquor� ' (?n and Off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquors, soft drinks and cigarettes. grchiets On and Off-sale intoxicating liquor� . Qn and Off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquors, � soft drinks� ciga.rettes, and 1 mechanical � a..*mis ement d�vic e. Burschts Liquor Store On and Off-sale intoxicating liquor� Qn and Off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquors, soft drinks, milk, cigarettes and two mechanical amusement devices. �entre Liquor Store Off-sale intoxicating liquor, Off-sale non-intoxicating •malt liqu ors, soft drinks and cigaxettes. Oak I�.dge Country Club On-sale club liquor, ' On-sale non-intoxicating malt liquors, soft drinks and cigarettes. The American Legion On-sale club liquor PLEASE NOTE; The above application to be acted upon at the next regular council meetin;,to be held November 21, 19KOv e m � 0 � : ' �; ' �� � � � ��� �,� � ,�r� ► � V CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COIINTY, MI1dNESOTA �, �`� ORDINAATCE N0. 5g. 1 � N � � �.} �� p��i � � wa , � -J � �1 �' � AN ORDINANCE REL9TING TO THE CONSTEIJCTION OF ORDIVANCES AND REPE�.LING A CERTAIPT ORbIiVANCE. BE IT ORLIAI2TED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF "HOPgINS: Section 1. Definitions. �bdivision 1. In the conetruction of the ordinances of thia citg, the word "peraon" includea "firme", "partnershipe�" associations" and �'corporationen whenever aecesaary to give effect to any ordina.nc�; the male gender includea the female and nenter �nd the singular number, includee the plural and vice versa. 9ubdiviaion 2. T�rpographical and clerical errora shall be ignored where the mean ing i a otherbri ae plain. Section 2. IInlees there ie a proeision in the ordinance. that the provisione ahall not be seeerable� the provisions of all ordinancea sha.11 be severable. If any provigion of an ordinance ig found to be nncanstitutional and void, the remaining provisions of the o rdina.nce ahall remain valid, unlesa the court finds the valid provieione of the ordinance are so eseentially and inseparably connected �vith, and so dependent npon, the void proviaione that the court cannot presame the council would have eaacted the remaining valid provisions without the void one; or unlees the court finda the remaining valid proviaione� etanding alone� are incomplete and are incapable of being execnted in accordance with the council'a intent. Section j. Repeal. "An Ordinance Coacerning the Conatraction of Ordinances and tthe Manner of Enforcing the �ame and Helating to Fines and Pnniahments and Providing. Hard Labor Sentences for Jail Prisoners�p �vhich was adopted by the village council of Hopkina on February 19, 19Q�, is hereby repealed. FIRST READ at a regular council meeting of the city of Hopkina held on the 7th day of ldoeember, 1950, and finally read and paseed at a regular meetiag of the council of said city held on the 21st da.y of November, l9�jp�. W. HARLAPT PERBIX � MAYOH A. W. Elmquist, Secreta,r3r of the council. Fraak N. Whi tney� Ci ty gttorney. Publiahed in The Hennepin County Review on 1Vovember j0, 1950. v � �� � � ��� �� vle CITY OF HOPgIN3 HIIdNEPIN C�NTY� MINNESOTA o�r��rcE �vo . 59 . V� AN ORI7INANCE RELATING TO TAE MAKINQ OF CONTRACTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF HOPgI1QS AND OTHER GOVERNMEN'TAL SUBDIVISIOI�S FOR FIRE P�TECTION TQ BE FURNISHED BY THE HOPKINS FIRE D�ARTMII�IT AND REPEALING CERT9.IN ORDINANGES. BE IT OR�AINED BY THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPgII6S: Section 1. 9nbdivision 1. Vdhenever any governmental eubdivieion desires the city of Hopkins to i�rnish it with fire p rotection, it ehall make written application therefor to the city manager of Hopkins, epecifying the corporate area for arhich such fire protection is to be flirnished, and accompanying such application vvi.th a map aho�i.ng all roads in snch area. �bdiviaion 2. The city manager ahall refer such applicati � to the chief of the Hopkins fire department who a}�all �nd.orse thereon the recommenda� tion of the fire department and return the application to the city manager. 9ubdieision 3. The city ma.nager ehall then present snch applica- tion to the city council, and the council ma4y anthori ze the execation of a contract for ench fire protection between the applica.at and the city of Hopkine under euch terms and conditions as the council deems necesaary. Sectioa 2. Any euch contract ahall be eubject to the following terma, conditfons and provisions, whether or not the same be egpresely e�ated therein� na,mely: In conformity with the rnle of the la�o of non-liability of the city of Hopkins to its reaidenta in the performance of governmental functione of fire protection� the applicant relea.aee the city of Hopkina, ite officers� agents and employeea, and the Hopkina Fire Department from all claime for damages or loeaea re- eniting from failure to ftirnish or dela,y in furniahing men or apparatus� or from failure to prevent, control or egtinguieh ar�p conflagration whether resulting from the negligence of the city of Hopkina, its officera, agents, or employees, or the Hopkiaa Fire Department, or otherrvise. The applicant will indemnify a.nd eave harmlese the citg of Hopkins, ite agents, officera and employeea a.nd the Hopkins F`lre Dgpartment from a11 claime for injury, los$ or d.amage to persons or piroperty ariaing ont of the nse a.nd operation of the equipment of the Hopkine Fire Department in connection with the furniahing of fire p mtection provided for by the contract. The ch3ef of the fire department of the city of Hopkins, or in case of hia abaence or disability, the person in active charge of the fire department, may in hia discretion retain in the city of Hopkina such equipment and personnel� a� may ia his opinion be necessary for the proper and adeqnate protection of the city of Hopkine� �l� and sha11 dispatch for the protection of the applicant only anch peraonnel aad eqnip- ment in reeponse to fire alarme or calle as ia his opinion can for the time being b� safel� spared from the city of Hopkina, e,nd in case an emergency arises within the city of Hogkins while the eqaipment and persoanel of the fire department are engaged in figklting a fire for the applicant, the chief, or other pereon in active charge of the fire department ma.y, ia his discretion, recall to the city of Hopkins from the �ervice of said applicant anch equipment and pereoaael as he may, in his opinion, consider necessary to meet eaid emergency. The determination of the chief, or the active h�ad of the �ire department, ae to what eqaipment shall be �rnished or v�i.thdrat�n, as �, provided herein, ehall be final a.nd conclueive. Section j. The applicsat ahall p�y any charges accruing under the contract taithin thirt� d.�ys after the city ma.ils applicant a bill therefor, and in case of non- paymeat t�i. thin that time the ci ty of Hopkina may, upon wri tten aoti ce, immediately terminate the contract. Sectioa �+. Shbdivision 1. The applicant shall pa� for the fire prot,ection as follows: the sum of $45.00 for each hour� or fraction thereof, for the use of eaeh fire tzuck or other motorized equipment, snch time to be computed from the time the alarm is received by the fire department of said city of Hopkins� and continue until the men and equipment nsed in anewering said alarm for fighting a fi re Por said appliceut ahall have retnrned to the proper qnarters in said cit�, and such equipment has been put in shape for further service. 9ubdivision 2. In addition to sach hourlp charge, the applica,nt ehall pay a yearly "stand-b�" charge in snch amonat as may be determined by the city council • and agreed to b�r the applicant. Section 5. DTo charge ahall be imposed for the use of fire equipment and peraonnel in the case of communitiea whi ch may have reciprocal agreemente for such service v�ith the city of Hopkina. Section 6. PTo contract sha,ll be entered into between the cit� of Hopkina or its fire department and any private person, firm or corporation for fire protection to anp property located outside the corporate limits of the city. Section 7. Hepeals. 9ubdivision 1. pAn Ordinance Providiag for the Making of Contracta with Cities, Villages� Townships, Other Governmental Subdivisions, Private Corporations aud Individuals for Fire Protection to be l�,i.rniehed by the Fire Department of the Yillage of Hopkina Outside the Village Limits of said Village of Hopkins, and Establiahing a Schedule or Rates to be Charged Therefor," which was adopted by the village council of Hopkins on M�y 20, 1941� ia hereby repe�led. Subdivision 2. "An Ordinance Prohibitiag the Making of Contracta with ::r. ' � 2) � Private Corporations and IndiPiduals for F'ire Protection to be Ftiraished by the Fir� Department of the Village of Hopkine Qataide the Village Limits of said Pillage of Hopkiae from and after July 1, 19�+7," which wae adopted by the village oouncil of Hopkins on October 2, �9�+5, is hereby repealed. FIRST READ at a regular couacil meeting of the cit� of Hopkins held o n the 7th da,y of DTovember, 1950� and finally read a.nd pasaed at a regalar meeting of the council of said city held on the 21st day of November� 1950. g. W. Elmquist, W. HAI�LAI�T PEHBIX, MA.Y08 Secretary of the cou.ncil, Frank N. Whitne�, City Attorae�. � I v'� l Publi ahed in The Hennepin County Eeview on �Tovember jd, 1950 � /V'� (3) M � • �y�t' �� � ne � �� 3. � �.a ��j �� ( .' ,� �w �►I I , ,�,$ `.. CITY OF HOPgINS HENNF�PIN COUNTY, MID]NESOTA �j � y1� �'` ORDI NANC E PTO . C. �N ORDINANCE EELATING TO S2ANIlAED TIME AND BEPEALIDTG A CERTAIN ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPgINS: Section 1. "An Ordina.nce Relating to the Standard Time in the Village of Hopkins," which was adopted by the village council of Hopkins on Jnl� j. 19�5, is hereby repealed. �'I�ST read at a regular council meeting of the city of Hopkins held on the 7th datip of Nove�ber� �950, and finally read and passed at a regular meeting of the council of said city held on the 21st. day of Nov�aber, 1950. W. HARLAN PERBIR, MAYOR A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the council Frank N, Whitney , Ci ty Atto rne� Publiehed in The Hennepin County Review of November 30� 1950. l� yti � � � .A�� !V" . ... .. _ . _ _ . '•, . . �, . , . . ... �7...,�.:�. .. . A special meeting was held at the City Hall at 5 o�clock P. Me, November 28, 1950. Present were �ayor Perbix� Counci.lmen Anderla� Ziegler� and Beckm,an, City 1lllanager Congdon, Cit� Attorney �9hitney� and City IIzgineer Laska, Absent; Councilman �il.berto �nderla moved, Ziegler seconded,�that Resolution Noa178 ��� RFSOLUTION RF�ATING �0 DRIV�fAY5 IIV TI� R.ESIDE�iiT�I,, CO�IERCIAL OR INDIISTRIAi , . . . _ . ., .. . �. DISTRICTS OF THE CITY OF HOPKNi S� HEIVNEPIN COUNTY� MNNESOTAny that was adopted at a regula.r meeting held on Tuesciay' September�l9, 1950, be resci.ndedo Carried, �eeting adjournede ATTEST: / `�, Ma r Wo Har an Perbix��/? �� . _ .. 4 -;L'�. ,� a . �. W. E�mquist Secretai^y to the Connci5. COUNGII�T: , .. ... � .. . . . � c-' - . � ; �� 1 �� �� ,�r4M �l ��`, �`� � A regular meeting of the Coun�il of the City of Hovkins,Minnesota.� t�as held at the City Hall at 8:00 o�clock P.M on 21�.esday� Becember 5� 1950. Members present wer�: .;� 1�ay�Perbix, Councilmen Milbert� Becl�na.n� Zi�gler; City Manager Congdon, City . Attorney lfi�hitney� and City �gineer Laska. Members absent:Councilman �nderla. Ziegler moved� Mil.bert seconded that the following bills be paide �Carried. 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 77? ?78 779 784 781 782 781� 785 786 787 78$ C ENF•RAL F'UDID Bi-Lateral Fire Hose Compar;y Bren Hardware C. C..Congdon, Treas. Dahlberg Bros.,.Inc, Farnham Staty. &.School Supply Co. Feudner Davidson Agency .. Fowler II.ectric Coe Laurenz A. Harris`II The Hennepin County_Re�i.e�v Hopkins Iiome and Auto Supply Justus Lumber Company Kelley Sa1es Co. Iiokesh Hard�a.re �e J. �Kosancla �,und S i.nc lair S exrvic e Pda.11er Davis Compar�r PdorthweStern Be11 Telephone Co. Suburbari H'ennepin Co,Relief Boaxd Twin City. Tile Rc rBarble Co. . Vd. C. 1�'9hitney Salaries last 2 of Rlovember Firehose & �oa�al�ngs G7�. ss Petty Cash .Items ftepairs & Parts Supplies � Policements Bonds Repaa.rs _ - Car Allowance November Publications Supplies Supplies Raincoats, & Water Nozzle Supplies . AssessorTs Bond �ire & '!'ube. Repair Supplies S ervic e Rel:ief F�end.�Bo, . of Navembe LRarb].e Slabs E]e ctrical Insp ection Hourly Payroll Period ending 11-30--�0 R�AD & BRIDGE FUND C. C. Congdon, Treas. Dahlberg :Bros., . In�c. Ernest J:-�uda Glacier,Sand & Gravel Co. Hopki.n s H ome &�uto Supply Glenn Johnson C ontracting C o. Justus _I,umber Co. Kokesh H ardware Landers.-Norblom-Christenson Coe North�estern Be11 Telephone Co• Republic Creosoting Coo Tl�m. H. Ziegler Co.., Inc. Salaries Hour�y Payroll 589 Postmaster, Hopkinc 592 American Cast Iron Pipe Coo 593 Hartvig E. Anderson_ 594 C. C. Congdon, Treas. 595 Justus Lumber Compar�y 596 Kokesh Hardware Salaries Hourly Payroll 165 Justus Lumber Compar�„�r Hourly Payroll Petty Cash It�ms Repairs Repairs Sand Supplies - Tires & Tubes B]a. ck Top . Supplies Supplies Limestone Servic e Road Tar Parts. Last 2 of November Period En�� n,g 11-3�-5� �A� � Postcards � �al.ve boxes & lead Rent, one mo, end.12-31-50 Petty Cash Items Supplies . Supplies Last a of November Period �hdi.ng 11-3�-5� SE�6AGE DISPOSAL FUND _. . - Supplies .. Period encling 11-30-50 � 15�.35 . 63010 18.16 la18.26 ii.00 �o:oo 22.'26 25 000 68.20 252e9.7. 10.20 89.25 1,5 e00 9a25 12.25 �.9e15 46050 r 352.56 7000 9800b 1926e20 421.47 .L19 2.75 18000 7,52015 291a],3 3J5.1S i3so5i 9a64 137.78 u.5o 72.93 11.20 3�7.50 502.90 i5.00 471.20 95:.00 8.52 1.35 1.60 502.0,7 .. �.8�s05 8%s2$ 13a75 rf:.e. h't-.% �"=� :M1 . .. ..._ . . . . .. . : .. .. . .. _. . . . . _ . . .. , .. S:' r 2 �. PERMANENT II�.�ROVEl�1T ftEVOLVINs FUI�ID i86 Richard �. Ferron Const.Co. _ Wate.r Est..2';Sewer Est.#4 �13987.5� 187 Kinn Service � Anti-freez� _ � . 1.35 188 Kokesh Hardware Supplies 1.10 189 Lampert.Yards Supplies 33.3� Salaries Last 2'of November 175.10 Ziegler moned� Milbert seconded, '�hat Resolution #184� "A RF�OLUTION ORDERING A NF`ARTNG ON A PETITION TO �ACATE CERTAIN STREETS AIv-D ALLE'YS"'� marked Exhibit ngn� be„adopted._ Carried. . .. . _ - -_- Ziegler moved, P,�filbert seconded� that the City Attorney drav� up an agr�ement and present it at meeting of January 16� 1951s for VQinston & Ne�ell Compa�y�s signa- ture whereby the city wi.11 be pr.otected as far as td�e storin sewers are concerned in the streets to be va.cated as per Resolution No.181�. Carriede D�il.bert moved�Ziegler seconded� that the request by Ceorge R..11Polff Post No,l�25� dated �2-1� 50� .for permission to conduct Bingo Games from J�uary 1, 1951, until Easter� be granted, Carriede Ziegler offered the following resolution: � BE I'� RFSOLVID, 'i'hat the contract submitted by the Suburban Hennepin Gounty Relief Board of_the �ounty of Hennepin for the administration and supervision of poor relief in the City of Hopkins be accepted and approved: and BE IT FUR�iER RE50LVID� That the proper officers of said City of Hopkins be direct�d_to execute said contract in duplicate and when executed t� return one of said contracts to the Suburban Hennepin Cour_ty Relief Boardo The question was on the adoption of the resolution arul the roll bei.ng called there . were !� y�as and no na.ys, as f ollows : W. Harlan P erbi.x John Ziegler Len J. Milbert Stuart E.Becl�aan And so the resolution was adopted. Milbertlmoved, Ziegler seconded, that the follo�i.ng police surety bonds be accept�d, subject to approval of the City Attorney. Carried. I,ouis Faucher George Hopkins �'�Tinters Z"homas �IT.Lapic, .Jr. Theodore H. Johnson La�rrence E. Schutz. Havrard A. Puck �hgner 1�. Johnson Milbext moved� Ziegler sec.onded, that the Zoning Commission report and recom- mendations dated 12-2�0� be accepted and placed on file• �A��t'Eq Zi�gler moved, Beclflnan seconded, that petition dated 12 -5-50s Pertaini.ng to parking of trucks and caxs on 12th Avenue Sowth be accepted and placed on fil�� and that the Cit,� Manager notify the Suburban Chevrolet Compa� that, unless remedied� th�re v�ill be a tvr�-hour restriction placed on said street; also notif`y School District No.]9 as to parking on 1l�th Avenue North� and Dahlberg Bros., Inc.� as to llth Avenne North parking• Carri edo Ziegler moved� Becl�nan seconded, that pe�ition by residents of Peaceful Valley, pertaining to the closing of 5th Avenue South�be accepted and placed on file and the City Manager to revieva the two reports from the Railroad and V�arehouse Commi.ssion pertaining to same, anc]. report back at next council meetings Carried. Ziegler moved, Becl�an seconded, that the recommendation by City Pdanager Congdon to have street lights placed at the foll�ng locations be ordered in. Carried. Boyce Road at Ashley Road on Preston Lane, mic�way between Ashl�y Road Boyce ftoad at Holly and Interlachen Road. „ Boyce Road at Oakwood _._. _ ,. _ . .r .: . ' '_ _ 3 _ Ziegler moved� DGil.bert seconded, that 9rdinance No.bT�;; "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO IIdTOXICATING LIQUORS AND AMENDING Q:RDINANCE N0.19 OF THE . C ITY _ OF . HOPKINS!' �. marked Exhibit_��B"'� be,accepted as the second readin; tl�lereof and.that the orciinance be adopted and published according to law. Carried. Ziegler moved, Becl�an seconded, that Ordinance No.62� "AN ORDINANCE TO F�TABLISH 2'HE GRADESOF STR�TS, AVIIVU� AND ALLEYS AI1ID CERTA .T1i SIDE-i'�ALKS AND CURaS IN THE. CITY OF ..HOPKINS AND REPEALING CERTAT.IV ORDIIVANCES!'� .b� acceptsd as iche first readingo . � E9�f��6� �e�ting adjournede A�T: /? i . , . . Harlan Perbix, ��ror ;; � , p. V�. Elmquist, secretary to the Council �nTrnmrrnrt�T. � TO TH}+� GITY COUNCIL OF THE r,ITY OF HOPKINS The undersigned represent that they are the ma.jority of owners of real property in Blocks twent;�-three (23), ttiventy-four (2?��, thirty-two (32) and thirty-three (33) in Ydest.�inneapolis Center addition to the City of Hopkins. As such, we petition to have vacated the following streets and allies: Tiadison Avenue from �ilwaukee Street to Second Street Fi.rst Street from Jefferson St�reet to the �'West line of the alley between �adison Avenue and hSonroe Avenue. All allies in block t�renty-four (2!�) and thirty-two (32) arul the jcwenty alley in block ,�hree E�3�) running from �iad�son Avenue to the JVest line of the alley running North and South� in block 23. The vacating of First Street is subject to �n��xt3F3ment right of the City of Hopkins for the o�mership, maintenance� operation, repair and access of the storm s�ver which runs on First Street from Jefferson Avenue East to Van Buren Avenue. The �act�and reasons for the application axe as follo�rs: That we have purchased all of the property in Block twenty-four (21t) and thirty-two (32); also lots No. one (1) through nine�6een (19) inclusive in block twenty-three (23) and lots No. thirteen (13) through twenty'�four (21�) inclusive in block thirty-three (33) West b�Iinneapolis Center, and wish to erect a building on the same covering the entire track. Dateds November 20 � 1950 �� WIPdSTON AND NE�VE �7 • V� It► ' C BY It�s ecy. CORiPANY �T�TE OF ?�NNFSOTA� ) SS COUN'I'Y OF HENNEPIN) On this 20 day of November, 1950, before me a notary public, within and for said County personally appeared T. G. Harrison a� t�r� R,.�]„�or _ to me personally lrnown, who, being each by me duly sv�orn did �ay tha.t they are respectively the President and the Secretar3r-Treasurer of the l'Vinston and N�rell Company the corporation names in the foregoing in- strument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument �vas signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said T. G. Harrison and l�. R. Olsen acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. �Q�%;o / � % • (.�C� �� �� Notary Public . County,�!�;�c/ . I�Iy commission expires ,1�D ' .- � ' � � Lt��=:'�'.._J._� -. .. .., ...._•_ � . .�. . . . " _ J; j � '.S±•�_' ."1.'. ._ . -. � ,� .� -� .. i � ' NOTE: � This petition �uust be accompanied by a plat of the streets and aileys proposed.to be vacated.. � � CITY OF HOPgINS HENNE�IIJ COII�TY, MINNESOT6 RESOZUTION N0. 18�F. A RESOLIITIOIQ ORi�&ING A HEA.RII�G ON A PETITION TO VACA�'E CERTAIAi STREETS A�D ALLEYS. WHEHEAS, the orrner of all of the property abutting upon both eides of the following named etreets and alleys in the city of Hopkins� Hennepin County, Minnesota, namelp: �Iadieoa aveaue from Milwaukee etreet to Second street Sonth; F'irst street Sonth f rom the Eaaterly line of Jefferson avenue to the �esterly line exten,�ed of the alleys in Blocke T�eeat,y-three (2j) aad Thirty-t�ree (33), west Minneapolie Center; A7.1 of the alleys in Blocka Ta►enty-four (24) and Thirty-tv�o (j2) , Weat Minneapolia Center� and That portion of the Easterly and Westerly alley in Block 'i'�vent�-three (2j), �'est Minneapolia Center� lying between Madieoa avenue and the � Weeterly line extended of the North (N) and South (S) alley fia eaid block, has petitioned the council of the ci ty of Hopkins to vacate the same� setting forth the facta and reasons for euch vaca.tion� �h petition ie accompanied by a plat of the streets aad alleye propoaed to be vacated and ie verified bg the oath of the petitioner, aad WSFREAS� the conncil deems it expedient that the matter should be proceeded �vith; NOW� �REFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that said petition be filed of record with the city clerk who shall give aotice by publication in the official newspa�er of the city for Pour week e, at least once a week, to the effect that such petition hae been filed and atating in brief ite object and that the petition arill be heard and coneidered by the oouncil at a regular meeting thereof to be held on the 16th. day of Ja.rivary� �95�, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the council chambere in the city hall of said city. ADOPTED by the cauncil of the citg oP Eopkins at a regular meeting thereof held thia 5th. day of December, �951. �. HARLAAT PERBIX , MAYOR A. VP. Elmqaist� Secretary of the conncil Frank N, t�hitney� City Attorney Copy to Winston-Nevrell Company 300 6.th Ave. North, N�inneapolis &ttention: �;r. R. �. ti"dinslow e �D . I�, �4 Y � 1► �, CITY OF �PgINS HII+�TEPI� CCJUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEA.RING ON PETITION TO VACATE CERTAIN STREL°I'S AND ALLEYS. NOTICE IS I�REBY GIPF�T th�t a petition hae beea Piled of record with the clerk of the City of Hopkins, Hennepin County� Minnesota, the object of which ia to vacate the folloering named streeta and alleys.in the city of Hopkins, Hennepin County� Minnesota, namely: Madieon avenne from Milwaukee etreet to Second atreet 3outh; First etreet South fmm the Easterl�► line of Jefferson avenne to the r�eeterly line egtended of the alleye in Blocks Twenty-three (23) and �'hirty-three (33), West Minaeapolis Center; Al.l of the alleya in Blocke Tro�enty-four ( 2�+) a.nd Thi rty-two ( j2) , Weat Minnea�olis Ceater� and Tha,t portion of the Easterly a.nd Weaterly alley in Block �aent�- three ( 2j) , West Minneapoli s Ce,ater, lying betvaeen Madison aveaue axid the Westerly line egtended of the IIorth (DT) and South (S) a11ey in said block� and that the petition `vill be heard and considered by the coancil on the 16th. dap of Jannary, 1j51� at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the council chambera ia the city hall of said ci ty. A. �d. Elmqnist, City Clerk Dated: December 5, 1950. 1950 Publiehed in The Hennepin County Reeiew on �ecember 1Lth 21st 28th and January Itth 1951 COPY I+'OR PAPER COPIES OF NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITIOId TO VACATE CE�.TAIN ST_RELTS ANL� ALLEYS AS PtTBLSIHED IN THE HENNEPIN COU1dTY REVIE1rI ON DFCEI�ER ].l4, 21 AND 28, 195�� AMD JANUARY 4, 1951, MAILED TO THE FOLLOT��ING HOME OWNERS ON THE WEST SIDE OF MONROE AVENUE FROM EXCELSIOR AVENUE TO SECOND STREET SOUTH: � . E. .4nder son � M. A. Beers iMrs. E. Appelby ✓J. M. Tei•williger �erman Runsberg Harold Mattson ,iDonald E. Tyler ✓R. Geissen �aynaxd Bastyr •�lbert Carribeau 'C. J. �agel ✓J. K. Frakes ,�Mrs. �len Olsc� ✓Wm. R� Skold /Raymond Hanson � � � (Official Publ'cation) CITY OF HOPKINS RENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON P6TITION �4'O �AC#PE CER'fAiN 6!i'REETS ,AND ALLSYS I�POTICE.IS HEREBy GNEN' that a pet}tlon has been filed of rec0rd wlth Hennepin C unty,eMinnesota, {tlie ob- �ectl ot which le to vaca,te thq follow- ing named atreets and alleya� in the � clty� of Hopkins, Hennepin County, � aesota, namely:, dison avenue from �jlwaukee I s et to Second etreet South• Flrst str�'et South irom the Enaterly line of JefEerson avenue to the west¢rly line extended of the alleys !a Blocks Twen- ty-three (23) and Thirt9-thr�e (33), West Minneapolia Center; All of the alleys in Blocks �Pwenty. four l24) and Thlrty-two (3�), Wes6 Mlt�ueapolis Center, and � Tpat portioa oi the I+ast�t'1� and Weqterly alley in Block Twellty-threa (23F. Weat Minneapolls. dent r, lying , between Madison Qvenue u.nd t e;p¢�_ erly"+ line extended of the N rth (N) sa� Bouth (S) alley in safd lock, un that the petltion wlll qe heard and� coneldered by the council oa the 16L duy of January, 1951, ( at 7:30 o'c] ck p.m, at Lhe council hambers � ia he city hsll of said •city Cit wCl�k Q T� • i D6v `�ecs[rber�.-295� — - _ I F?Wblfehed Sn TIIe Henaepin Countq R�lem on December 14, 21, 28, 1850 sad J6nuary 4, .1981. (Dec. 14, 21, 28, Jan. 9) j ' � 18 Monroe Avenue 22 Monroe Avenue 32 Monroe Aven ue 38 Monroe Avenue �.2 Monroe Avenue 102 Monroe Avenue 106 Monroe �venue 110 Monroe Avenue 118 Monroe Avez ue 12 2 Monroe Av� ue 126 Monroe Av� ue 130 Monroe Avenue 134 Monroe Avenue 138 Monroe 4venue ].!}2 Monroe �venue � �'�d � � y�a� �� � � :` � 1�' ��ql �td � a� � �, � � , CITY OF HOPgINS HENNEPIN COIINTY, MIPINESOTA ORDINANCE N0. 61 AN ORDIYJANCE RELATING TO INTOXICATING LI�JORS .AND AhiEI�DING ORDIPLANCE Y0. 19 OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS. BE IT ORDAI�TID BY THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS: Section 1. Ordinance No. 19 of the city of Hopkins� Section 2 thereof, is amended by adding a new subdivision thereto reading as follows: K n H ' :=i i� 9ubdiviaion �+. "On Sale" licenaes ma.y be iasued� in addition to the limita� tions prescribe�. in eubdivision 2 of this section, to bona fide clubs in existence for 20 yeara which are duly incorporated and which licenees ahall be for the sale of intoxicatir_g liquora to memb,ers only, for an annual licenae fee of $100.00. Section 2. Ordi nance No. 19 of the city of Hopkins, Section 9 th�reof� is amended to read as followa: �' Section 9. Restrictions on Consumption. S�bdivision 1. There shall be a clear glass window in the front of a.ny place licensed to sell intoxicating liquore,_except bona �_. fide clubs, so located ae to give an unobstructed eiew of the interior of said licenaed premises to any person atanding on the sidewalk ir. front of-'said premises, of a aize not leas than one foot by two feet� the longer dimeneion of which windov� shall be para11e1 to the sidewalk in front of said building and the lower edge of which window shall be not more than five feet above sidewalk level. In the event any que�tion arises as to which portion of the licensed p remiaea conatitutes the fro nt therPof, the city manager eha.11 determine the question and hie decision shall be final. Nothing shall be placed so as to onstruct the view from the sidewalk through euch window into the interior of the licensed premises, an.d the view of the whole interior shall be unobstructed by screens, curtains or partitions. There shall b e no partition� box, etall, ecreen, curtain or other device which sha11 obstract the view of any part of said room from the general observation of peraons in said room. Partitions, subdivieions or panela not higher than �+g inchea from the floor aha11 not be construed as in conflict with the foregoing. FIRST READ at a regular council meeting of the city of Hopkins held on the 21st day of November, �950, and finally read and passed at a regular meeting of the council of said city held on the 5th, da�r of December, 1950. W. HARLAN FERBIx, MAYOR A. W. Elmquist, Secre.tary of the council Frank N. Whitney, City gttorney Published in The Hennepin County Review on December 14, 1950 copy for the paper ;. ; .� �� �� �ft � �� � �` 1 A regular meetin� of the Council of the City of Hopkins� Minnesota.� was held at the City Hall at 7:,30 o�clock PeMo on Tuesd�� D:ecember lQ� 1950+ Members present -- were: �flay.or Perbix, Councilmen 9nderla, Reckman� fl4ilbert, Ziegler; City PRanager Congdon, City Attorney VPhitney, : and City�. E�ngineer La.ska, Members abaent : None, Ziegler moved, Beclonan seconded�. that bi11s as presented be paid froin t he � follo�g funds. Carried. - 2898 First Nat�l.Bank,Hopkins 2899 Treasurer, State of Minn.. 29T6 Ba.rbeau Suppl� Coe 2918 C. C. Congdon, Treasurer 2919 Dr. E. Lo Fitch 2920 Laurenz Harris 2921 Hennepi.n County 2922 Hennepin County Review 2923 H opkins Fire Dept. 2924 Hopkins Home & Auto Supplies 2925 Hopkins. P�So�ror Sales 2926 JO�ITISOI2 rt1'Y'UCL{1Tlg 2927 w�.rRccoy 2928 I�inneapolis Gas Cob 2929 Miller: Davis �orspar�y 2930 1Linnesota I'ixe Equipment 2931 Minnesota Pa�er & �ordage 2932 NaTiP.Bell Telephone . 2933 Skelly Oil Co. 293� Standard Servi.ce Salaries Hourly Payroll 792 793 802 803 804 805 806 807 so8 597 603 604 609 �10 bll 612 613 6].L� 6],5 GEI�TE�ZAL F�[Ti�ID -� Withaolding Tax Deductions Retir�ement Deductions Supplies Petty Cash Items,� Dog Pound Car �►7.].ovv�ance� December Board of Poor Publishing Fire Calls & Telephones Supplies Repairs D�oving 11�armin.g House Gasoline Service Supplies Foam Liquid Supplies Servi.c e Service & Gas & Oil S ervic e . _ lst 2 of December Peri.od eziding 12-15�0 RQAU AND BR.IDGE FUI�ID First Nat�1. Bank,Hopkins Treasurer, State of �inno Geo. It�ichl �.bt•Robe�$ �' �: . Elmer Bielke Hopkins Home R Auto Supply Kokesh Hdvse. TPm. I�cCoy- _ �m. H. Ziegler Co. Salaries Hourly Payroll VJi.thholding Tax Deductions Retirement Deductions Trti�ck Rental � Tata.ck �_&ental Telephone 2d 2 1950 Supplies Supplies Gasoline Sup�lies lst 2 of December Period ending 12-15�0 tiVATER FUND) Postmaster, Hopkins Postcards First National Ba�k, Hopkins Withliolding �ax Deductions Treasurer� State oi �,i.nnesota Retirement Deductions Henry Herzan Land for new sell Jos..A.Hromadko Telenhone 2d 2 195� Neptune I�eter Co, �eters Nol+'P.Bell Telephone Servic e Herman Olson Telephone 2d 2 195� Security n?ational Ins„ Bond Skelly Oil Co�rpar�r_ Service $� 380090 . 128.67 15 e52- 5 o�b . 98.25 25v00 978� 58.70 237.00 1,5 `�.o �2p65 25„00 Z68s�� 136a �.�.b 20,�,5 32,►1�0 1b,95 37 s5o t' 175.75 2t�.65 1619,53 l�64.16 119.00 i�9.65 27.63 30.88 12.00 G5s4� 30.76 22,61 25.75 3�.7050 589.2b 10„00 93��0 12b00 i75��o0 12iQo 907`30 ": �.e�',� 12.00 l.�a� ��oo �,. _;.,,:— { .. ' �:. _ ... .. . . . . ! � 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 City of �innea,polis C.C.Congdon, Treasurer Village of St.Louis Park DeGra.ff Wolif DeGraff Wolff DeGraff UPolff DeGraff Wolff Hourly Pay��7.1 S�VAGE DISP0.SAI, FUND Bonds & Tnterest ' Petty Cash Items Balance Sanitary Sewer Contract Sewermain n rt n� Period ending 12-1,5-50 SPECIAL ASSFSSB� NT�� FUl�ID 1�0 First� Nationa.l Bank,Hopkins Bonds & Interest f� n o n n g onds &.Coupons l�2. No�Ti . B� k of Blfinneapolis �. � Bonds &. C oupons PE�AN�VT ]�dPROVFS4�TT REVOL[TIlVG FUI�ID 191 First I�ational Bank�Hopkins j�Tithholdinb Tax Deductions 192 Treasurer, Stateof �finnesota Retirement F�and Deductions 19� Victor Carlson & Sons Break.curb & Haulir,g 195 Hopkins Home &�uto Supp]�r Supplies 196 Orfei & �dariani Watermain 197 " m � a� 198 H.AeRobers Co; Supt�lies 199 Roya�:�.�rp:e�iter�:Campa.ny T�pevPriter 200 Suburban Chevrolet Co, Repairs Salaries lst � of December Hour�y Payroll Period ending 12-15�0 �g 81�8,1�2 1.18. 309.75 197�9e83 700.� 3?9454 325e82 15s00 ].5120000 ::r:1�,,56a00 18667.].li,. 54e7o 26e38 2299.31 16465 5oio4.83 100000 I3,86 11�2.38 11.9�t 175.T0 �.�e� BeclQnan. moved� Anderla seconded, that the follo�ai.ng license applications be granted, Carried. Donald S.Edson,d/b/a Ea.st End Food E.G.Iiawkins�d/b/a Eddie�s Fountain Grill . Q��-sale Non-intoxicating �Ia1t Liquors� soft drinks� milk, cigarettes, . On and Off-sale Non-intoxicatin.g Pdalt Liquors, soft drinks� mi]k, R.H.Herzan & MeH eBastyr� Off-sale Non-intoxicating �Talt Liquor' d/b/a Jack Sprat Food St�. soft �drinks, -mi71s, cigarettes Philip Hovander,d/b�a Hovander Foods, Ince Albert Feldr.lan �C Bernard Labowsl�� d,/b/a Liberty Bar Off-sale Non-into�.cating �dalt Liquor� mi.lk� cigarettes, . � On-and Off-sale Non-intoxi.cating malt Liquors, soft dxinks, 2 mechanical amusement devices, ci�aretteso Karel Lhotsky,d/b/a Karel�s On� and Off-sale Non-intoxicating malt � . Restaurant _ liquors� soft drinks� milk� cigarettes. . Len Milbert�cl,/b/a Pdi].bert�s On-and Off-sale Non-into�.cating m�.lt Grocery & Confecto -. liquor, soft drinks, milk, 1 mechanical ann�.sement device, cigarettes. . -'.[�� `�1, , Ellen J. Post,d,�b,�a On- and Off-sale Non-intoxicatin� �.lt liquor� Nighthawk Tavern soft drinks, milk, 1 mechanical annasement device� (5 ball)�l gasoline service puzap,dance hall,cigarettes,' :,`�;` Betty & Carl Realander,d/b� On-and Off-sale Non-intoxicating malt liquors� �" Betty & Carl�s Cafe soft drinks� milk� mechanical amusement devlce� cigarettes. I' Red OuPl Stores� Inc. VJalter J. Ronnei�d�b�a Ronr�+ s Cafe Robert A. Sc�}mit�,d/b/a Big Little Grocery Godfrey J. Totushek,d/b/a Club Cafe P Tap Room M. J. �Peldon, d/b/a P�att� s Cafe George RoWolff Post:#1�25. -3- Off-sale Non-intoxica�ring malt Zi�u.ors� soft drinks�.milk� 5 gasoline filling stat?on pumps, cigarettes. Off-sale a� On-sale Non-Intoxicating malt liquors, soft drinks, mi],�� 1 mechanical amusenent device, dance hall� cigarettese Off-sale Non-intold.cating malt liquors� soft drinks� milk, cigarettes. On and Off-sale Non-intoxicatino malt liquors, soft drinks� milk, 1 mechanical amusement device, c igarettes. On- and Off-sale Non-intoxicating malt liquors, soft drinks, mi.lk, 1 mechanical amusement device, cigarettes. On-sale non=into�dcating malt liquors�soft � drinks,cigaretttes� dance hall� ' BeclQnan moved� �iegler seconded, that the request by Northern States PauPer Company to place a pole at Farmdale Road� �rest of HolJ.yhock Lane be granted' subject to approval by City.�gineere Carried. _ Beclanan moved; Ziegler seconded, that the surety bond of Herman Olson be accepted, subject to approval by City Attorney. Carried.. Msr�✓9pER Beclflr.an moved� Ziegler seconded, that the �ayor and City �� be authorized to sign the �arl Gerard judgment satisfaction on the ardinance NoaB zoning suito Carried. Ziegler moved� Anderla seconded, that the first readir�g of Ordinance No.63 be tabled until next meeting. Carried. BeclQnan moved, Milbert seconded� that Ordinance ido•62., n.�IV 0#�DINANCF TO ESTABLISH T`dE uRAD�S OF STRE�;TS, AVENUES AND ALLEYS AidD CER�A�PT SI7��ITALKS AI�T1D CtTRBS IN TI�� CITy OF.. HOPKINS . AND . REP�LING C�RTATi�T.. QRDINANC�" � ina.rked�::�'.�hi:bit . ngn'� be _ acc.epted as the s ecoxld reading thereof and. that the ordinance be adQpted and_published according to law. Carried. , Becl�an moved, DlIilbert seconded that the water meter contract �uith Aleptune Meter ,°` Company _for a six mont�r period from December 29�; 1950 to June..29,195m� be approved'. and accepte�. Carried, ' , Ziegler moved� Beckman seconded� that the check ior �1750,�00 payable to Henry Herzan� being the balance �ue on purchase of well-site� be given to City Attorney V�Jhitney to be�turned over on delivery of �title to property.� Carried. z . rQilbert moved� BeclQna.n seconded� that �60l�2.1�. be transferred from the Vdater �'und to the Sewage DisposaZ �d� v�rhich is the 30� of water collections from 7-1-?�8 to 12-31�l�8o Carried. . L4eeting adjourned. ATTE�ST; �. � , l ��� VP.Harlan Perhix' May�or . A.W.�].mquist� cretary to the Counc�. � �- � ox.. a.1 r q ��� CITY OF HOPgINS HENNEPIN COIINTY� MINNESOT9 ORDINANCE N0. 62. ��1_ N � a �f t _� �'`�� N ; /" `` j d� 1'� � ; �� �►q � � AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE GRADES OF STREETS, AVEN[JES AND ALLEY3 AND CERTAIId SIDE- WAi,KS AND CORBS IN THE CITY OF HOP'KINS AND REPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCE3. BE IT ORDAINED BY 'i'F� COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPgINS: Section 1. The datum line or base from which the gradee of the etreeta, avenues a.nd alleya within the city of Hopkins ahall be determined ie hereby eatabliahed and fixed by reference to a chiaeled mark on the water table of the Hopkins manicipal building, otherwise known ae the city hall, which city hall is located on the north- east corner of the intersection of E�celaior avenue and Eighth avenue in said cfty, and which water table ia located at the southwest corner of said building, a.nd which chiaeled mark is ahovon thus: "B-M, Elevation 92�+.70 ahove sea level; 93.�1 Hopkina datum.0 Section 2. The grades of the eeveral atreets and avenues liated in thia section are hereby establiehed at the several pointe hereinafter deeignated at the height above datum indicated in feet and decimals of a foot by the numbera given oppoaite the aever�l specified interaectione of streets a.nd avenues a.nd other placea� respectively, to-wit: Second Street South at ite intersection with Sixth avenue, Second Street South at its intersection with Seventh Avenue, Second Street South at its intersection with Eighth avenue, Second Street South at its intersection with Ninth avenue, On Ninth avenne, 200 feet DTorth of Second Street South, Second Street South at its intersection with Eleventh avenue, Second Street South at its intersection with Twelf th avenue, Firet Street South (ae opened through Block 3 of the plat of Weat Minneapolis), at its intersection with Seventh avenue, First Street South (as opened through Block 3 of the plat of West Minneapolis), ab ita interaection with Eighth avenu�� First Street South (as laid aut on original plat of West Minneapolis), at ite intersection with Eighth Avenue, Firat Street South at its intersection with Ninth avenue, First Street South at ita intersection with Tenth avenue, First Street South at its intersection with ElePenth avenue, F'irst Street South at its intersection with Twelfth avenue, Excelsior avenue at its intersection with Park Lane, Point in mid.dle of ESccelsior anenue, 1,150 feet East of east line of Seventh avenu e, (1) g6.65 s6. 60 s�.90 9i.65 93•00 g1.g0 73•60 �7•90 9i.6o 92. �o go.go g9.7o g�.00 79•30 g�+. o0 9 6. go Point in middle of E�celsior avenue, 1,000 feet East of east line of Seventh avenue, Point in middle of �ccelsior avenue, S00 feet East of east line of Seventh avenue, Point in middle of �ccelsior avenue, 35p feet East of eaet line of Seventh avenue, Point in middle of Tenth avenue, 300 feet South of south line of �'i.rst atreet 1Qorth, Sev�nth avenue North at its intersection with Minneapolis & St. Louis railway, Eighth avenue North at ita intersection wi th Minneapoli� & St. I,ouis railway, � Second street North at ite intersection with Sixth avenue, Point in middle of Seventh avenue, h�lfway between First and Second streets North, '` Eleventh avenue South� 300 feet South of south line of Excelsior a4enue, Section j. The grades of the aeveral streeta, aveuuee anc� alleys liated in 9 6, go 9�+.00 91.60 96.00 92.�0 9�-• 50 g1.6o s7.2o g5.60 this aection are hereby established at the several points hereinafter designated at the height above datum indicated in feet a.nd decimals of a foot by the nnmbers given opposite the several specified intersectiona of streets, avenuea and alleys and other places� respectively, to--wit: Excelaior avenue, at ita interaection with Sixth avenue, F,gcelsior avenue, at its intersection �rith Seventh avenu�, �celaior avenue� at its intersection with Eighth avenue, �celsior avenue, at ite interaection with PTinth avenue, Excelsior avenue, at ite intersection with T�nth avenue, �celeior avenue, at its interaection with Elenenth avenue, Excelaior avenue, at its inte.rsection with Twelfth avenue, Excelsior aeenue, at its intersection wi th Thirteenth avenue, F�celsior avenue, at its intersection with Fourteenth avenue� F�ccelsior avenue, at its interaection with Fifteenth avenue, F� celsior avenue� at its intersection with Sixtee:nth avenue, �celsior avenue, at its intersection with Seventeenth a�enue, r"�celsior avenue at a point 150 feet Weat of weat line of Blake road, Excelsior avenue at the West line of Blake road� bccelsior avenue at the East line of Monk avenue� Excelaior avenue at a point 100 feet East of Ea.st line of Monk avenue� Blake road at the South line of bccelsior avenue, Monk avenue at the North line of Egcelsior avenue, Monk avenue at a point 150 feet North of �Torth line of Egcelsior avenue, ,; First street North, at its interaection with Sixth avenue, ( 2) 9i.6o gg.90 9i.go 93•60 92.70 91.60 9�•30 93 • �+o 9�• 50 95•30 9�+. go 95•30 g5•55 s 6. 30 86.55 g6.so g6.3o g6.55 g5•go g6.5o First street North, at its interaection�with a11ey between Sixth avenue an d Seventh avenue, First atreet North, at its intereection wi th Seventh aeenue� Firat etreet North, at its intereection with Eighth avenue North, First atreet North� at its intersection with DTinth avenue� Firat atreet North, at its interaection with Tenth avenue North, First st reet North, �t its intersection with Eleventh avenn� North, First etreet No rth, at its intersection with Twelf th avenue No rth, First street No rth, at ita intersectio~� with Thirteenth avenue No rth, Firat atreet North, at its intersection with Fou rteenth avenue North, Firat street North, at its intersection with Fifteenth avenue North, Firat street North, at ite intersection �aith Sixteenth aeenue North, First street North� at its intersection with Seventeenth avenue North, Second street North, at its intersect=on with Sixth avenue, Second etreet No rth, at ita intersection with Seventh avenne, Second street North, at its intersection with Eighth avenue, Second atreet North� a.t its interaection with Ninth avenue, Second �treet North, at ita intersection with Tenth avenue, Second street North, at its intersection with Eleventh avenue, g5.5o g9.�o 93•30 g 6. 50 100.00 95.20 g6.00 96.2� iai.3o lOg.10 1� 5. 60 9 6. �o gi.6o Sg.90 ' 9o.io 9i.7o 93•70 95•�0 Second street North� at its intersection with alley between Eleeenth avenue a,nd Twelfth avenue, Second atreet DTorth, at its intersection with Twelfth avenue, Second atreet North, at its intersection with Fourteenth aveuue, Second atreet North, at its intersection with Fifteenth avenue, Second. street North, at ite intersection with Sixteenth avenue, Second street North, at its intersection with Se�enteenth avenue, Third street North, at its intersection with Sigth avenue 1Vorth� Third street North, at its intersection with Seventh avenne North, Third street North, at its intersection with Eighth acenue North, Third atreet North, at its intersection with Ninth avenue No rth, Third street North� at its intersection with Tenth aaenue North, Third street North, at ita intersection with Eleventh avenue DTorth� Third street Alorth, at it� intersection with Twelfth avenue North, Third street North, at its intersection with Thirteenth avenue North, Third street North, at its intersectfon with Fourteenth a�enue North, Third street Piorth, at its interaection with Fifteenth avenu e North, Third street North, at its intersectioa with Sixteenth avenue North, Third atreet North, at its interaection with Sevent�enth avenue North� (3) 9 �+. zo 102.10 95•50 ii5.5o ii2.�o io9.7o 90.70 96.70 gi.go 91. �0 95•60 9s• 5c� ioi.3o 100.50 io5.2o l0 6. 20 ii3.3o 114.10 Fourth atreet North, at its intersection with DTinth avenue North, Fourth street North, at its intersection with Tenth avenue North, Fourth street North, at its intersection with El.eventh aven�se North, Fourth street North, at its interaection with Twelfth avenue North, Fourth etreet North, at ita intersection with Thirteenth avenue Ydorth, Fourth street North, at its intersection with Fou rt�enth avenue No rth, Fourth street North� at its intersection �aith Fifteenth avenue North, ioi.Lo 100.80 l05•75 112.75 iii.5o ilo.5o ii3.6o Section �. The grades of the several streets, Aidewalka, curbs and alleys in the vicinity of Lota 7, S, 9 and 10, Block 5, West Minneapolie, are hereby established at the several pointe hereinafter designated at the height above datum indicated in feet and decimals of a foot by the number given oppoeite the aeveral specified inter- sections of streeta, sidewalks, curbs and alleys respectivel�, to-wit: In the alley at the northwest corner of Lot 7, In the a11ey at the Southwest corneijof Lot 10, Elevation 93.50 feet. Elevation 92.00 feet. On the inside walk line oppoeite the Northeast corner of Lot 7,Elevation 92.70 feet. On the curb opposite the Nort:�east corner of Lot 7, Elevation 92.�+5 feet. In the center lir.e of Ninth aaenue South on the DTorth line of Lot 7, Elevation �2.j� feet. On the inaide walk line oppoaite the Southeast corner of Lot 10, Ele�ation 92.00 feet. On the curb opposite the Southeast corner of Lot 10, Elevation 91.75 feet. In the center line of l�inth avenue opposite the South line of Lot 10, Elevation �1.60 feet. Section 5. Sabdivision 1. The grades and elevations set forth in this section are hereby adopted as finiehed center-line grades and elevations for the designated streets and avenuea. All distances referred to are measured in a sou therly di rection from the centerline of Excelaior avenue. Subdivision 2. Firat atreet South. The elevation at the centerline of Monroe avenue is hereby established at g9.4j. A minua 1.17 per cent grade sha11 be carried 330.6 feet to the centerline of Jackson avenue where the elevation will be 85•53• The grade from the centerline of Jackaon avenue to the centerline of Van Bu ren avenue (330.60� feeii ehall be a plus .97 per cent grade� providing a.n elevation at the centerline of Van Buren avenue of Sg.73. The grade from thie poiat to the centerline of Harrison avenue (33o.6p; feet) shall be a plus 1.05 per cent grade, eetabliahing an elevation of �2.23 at the centerline of Harrison avenue. � 9ubdivision 3. Monroe avenue. The elevation at the centerline of �celsior 9venue.is.hereby established �s 91.33 with a minua 1.17 per cent grade extending 6p Peet to the centerline of Milwaukee avenue� tiuhere the elevation will be 90.63. A minua .75 per cent grade aha,ll be carried from this point to 100 feet where the elevation will be 9�•33• From this point a plus .26 per cent grade ahall be extended to 600 feet, the elecation at thie point being 91.63. From this point to 778.60 feet, or the centerline of Firet street South, the grade shall be minus 1.23 per cent and the resulting elevation at 775.6 feet shall be g9�1�j. The grade between 778.6 feet and 900 feet aha,ll b� plus .91 per cent with the resulting elevation at 900 feet of 90.53. From this point a plus 1.25 per cent grade shall be carried to 1150 feet with an elevation of 93•63 at this point. The grade from 1150 feet to 1379.�40 feet, or the centerline of Second Street eouth shall be plus 2.1�+ per cent with an elevation at 1379.4 feet of 9g.5j• 9ubdivision �+. Secon�. street South. The elevation at the centerline of Monroe avenue ahall be establiahed at 9g.53. From this point to the centerline of Jackson anenue (33�+.2 feet) a grade of minus 2.5� per cent ahall be provided� giving an elevation at the centerline of Jackson avenue of 90.03. The grade f rom the centerline of Jackson avenue to the centerline of Van Buren avenue (33�+.2 feet) shall be a plus .51 �er cent grade and the elevation at the centerline of Van Buren avenue shall be 91.73. The elevation at the centerline of Ha.rrison avenue� a distance of 33�•3 fe�t f rom the centerline of Yan Buren avenue, shall b e 105.23 and the grade between these two points shall be a plus �+.0� per cent grade. 9ubdivision �j. Harrison avenue. The elevation at the centerline of Excelsior avenue is established at gj.2j, g minus .63 per cent grade sha11 extend from thia point for a distance of j00 feet where the elevation will be 87.33. This point ehall be the beginning of a 200 foot vertical curve with elevationa at 1100 feet of g7.23 and at 500 feet of gS.Oj. A grade of plus 1.29 per cent ahall extend from 500 fee.t to a point g25.90 feet, the centerline of F`irst street Sou th, whe re the elevation will be 92.2j. The grade from this point to a point 900 feet ahall be plus j.37 per cent with a resulting elevation at 900 feet of 9�+.73. This point shall be the beginning of a�400 foot sertical curve with elevationa at1100 feet of 100.23 an.d at 1j00 feet of 103•6j from where a plue 1.16 per cent grade sha11 be c�rried to 1��+3.8 feet, or the centerline of Second street South, re- sulting in a.n elevation at that point of 10�.2j. Subdivision 6. Van �uren avenue. The eleeation at the centerline of E�celsior avenue is established at 88.93. A plus 1.g7 per cent grade shall extend from this point Por a di stance of 150 feet where the elevation will be 91.73. Thie point shall be the beginning of a 200 foot vertical curve with elevations at 250 feet of 92.6j and at 350 feet of 91.5j. A grade of minus 2.06 per.cent sha11 extend from 350 feet to 470 feet where the elevation will be g9.03. A minus .10 per cent grade aha11 be carried f rom �70 feet to 810.2 feet, the centerline of First street South, with a resulting elevation at thi s point of Sg.73. From thi s point a plus .� per cent grade shall e�tend to 1�+22. �+ feet, or the centerline of Second street South where the elevation will be 91.73, �` � ( 5) � � � Subdivieion 7. Jackeon aeenue. The elevation at the centerline of Ezceleior avenue is hereby establiahed as 90.53. A minua .6j per cent grade ahall extend from this point for a distance of 79�.5G feet to the centerline of Firat street South where the resulting elevation will be g5�53• Section 6. Subdinision l. The elevationa set forth in this section are hereby adopted ae finiehed elevationa of the intersection of th� centerlinea of the deaignated roada� avenues a.nd lanea. 9ubdivision 2. Aahley road. The elevation of the interaection of the centerline of Aehley road with the centerline of Exeelsior avenue aha11 be g6.70. A level grade aha11 extend from that point to the South line of Excelaior ave�ue, a.nd a etrai�it grade from that point sha11 e�tend to the North line of Preston Lane where the eleeation sha11 be Sg.00. A 0.0 grade shall extend from the north line of Preston Lane to the South property line of Preston Lane a.nd then sha,ll extend on a uniform grade to the ldorth line of Boyce Road where the elevation ahall be 85.9. Sta.bdivision j. Interlachen road. The elevation of the intersection of the centerline of„Interlachen road and the centerline of Excelaior avenue shall be g�-.6. The grade of Interlachen road shall e�tend at an 0.0 grade from that point to the South line of E�celaior avernte and ahall egtend from the South line of Excelaior avenue on a uniform grade to the North line of Preston lane where the elevation shall be g2.6. The grade of Interlachen Road shall extend level from the North line of Preaton � e to the South line of Preston lane and then shall extend on a uniform grade to the North line of Boyce road urhere the elevatdaon ahall be Sg.S. 9ubdivision �+. Preston Lane. The elevation of the intersection of the eenterline of Preston lane arith the centerline of Ashley road shall be �5.00 and the centerline grade of Preston lane eha11 extend from that point � an 0.0 grade to the East line of Ash�.�y road and shall then extend on a uniform grade to the West line of Inter- lachen road where the elevation shall be g2.6p. Section 7. The elevations set forth in this section are hereby adopted as finiahed elevations of th� intersection of the.center line of the deaignated atreets a,nd a11ey, and as the finished elevation of the designated alley. Starting at the interaection of the centerline prpduced of the alley in Block 71F, West Minneapolis� Second Diaision� and the centerline of First street North� where the elevation sha.11 be 103.96; thence North on the centerline of alley at a mi�ua grade of O.g per cent to station 1 plus 00, being a point 100 feet PTorth of the point of beginning, where the elevation shall be lOj.16; thence North along centerline of a11ey at a minus gra@e of.0.16 per cent to station 3 plus 00, being a point j00 feet North of the point of beginning� where the elevation ehall be 102.g�; thence North at a plus � 6) grade of 1:8j per cent to station � plus 00, being a point 400 feet �orth of the point of beginning, where the elevation shall be 103•67; thence �orth along centerline of alley at a plus grade of 3.� per cent to station � plue 75, being a point �75 feet North of the point of beginning, whe re the elevation ehall be 10 6.22; thence North along centerline of alley on a 100 foot vertical curve to station 5 plus 75, being a point 575 feet North of the point of beginning, where the elevation shall be 105.8�; thence North on the centerline of a11e� at a minue grade of 4.16 per cent to the South line of Second Street North where the eleva.tion shall be 103•j�• Section g. Unless otherwiae provided in this ordinance, the grades of the streets and avenues between the points designated in thie o rdina.nce are establi shed above datum at the elevations of strai�t lines run from the given eleva.tion of any one of said Qoints to the given elevation of the next deaignated point on the same street o r avenue respectively; and the elevation of the line so estabhshed between an,p one of s�.id: points a.nd the next point on the same street or avenue sba,ll be 'the grade of that pa.rt of the street o r avenue betweea such two points. Section 9. Subdivision 1. The grades and elevations set forth in this section are hereby adopted ae the curb grades and elevationa for the deaignated streets and avenue s. 9ubdivision 2. F�celsior avenue at Seventeenth avenue, Excelsior avenue at Eighteenth avenue, Exceleior a�enue at Nineteenth avenue, Excelsior avenue at Twentieth avenue, F�celaior avenue at a point 131 feet West of the West line of Twentieth avenue, Subdivision 3. Seventeenth avenue North. At Third street North, At a point 167 feet North of Idorth liae of Third Street, At a point 267 feet 1Qorth of North line of Third street, At the rails of the Minneapoli� & St. Louis Railway, At a point 367 feet North of North line of Third street, At a point �+67 feet North of North line of Third atreet, At its inter�ection with Fourth street North, (7) 95•30 9g. g0 ioi . �+5 10 �+.00 101.78 11 �.10 115. 40 117. �IO 117.70 11g.00 120.28 122.10 At a point 39 feet North of North line of Fourth street, 12j.1g At a point l39 feet North of �orth line of Fourth street� 12�.2� At a point 239 feet No rth of North line of Fou rth atreet� 125.j2 9ubdivieion �. Eighteenth avenue North. At a point 42 feet North of the North line of Excelaior a�enue, 100.00 At the end of a 300 foot vertica? curve and at a point j42 feet North of the North line of Exceleior avenue, 99.(p At a point ��+2 feet 1Vorth of the North line of E�celsior avenne, 9h.�40 At Firat atreet PTorth, �5.50 At a point 1S5 feet Diorth of the North line of Firat Street, 100.Q0 �.t Second Street North, 10z.10 gt a point 267 feet North of the North line of Secand Street, 110.110 At Third Street DTorth, 112.�0 At a point 17g feet North of the DTorth line of Third street North, 11g.50 At a point 5�+g feet North of the North line of Third atreet, 112.20 9ubdivision 5. Nineteenth avenue North. At First street North, 99,65 At a point 100 feet North of First street� 102.55 At Second atreet North, 105.00 At Third street North, 106.20 At a point 37g feet N'orth of Third street� 108.10 At Fourth street, 117.30 Slibdivi si on 6. Twenti eth avenue . At a point 112 feet North of the North line of F�celsi6r avenue, 101.00 At Fi rst st reet Idorth, 99• �5 At a point ��+1 feet North of the 1Vorth line of First atreet, 114.j0 At Second etreet North, 122,jp At a point 21 feet North of Second atreet, 121�.�40 At the end of a 20Q foot vertical curve�a �i.tstande of 221 feet No rth of Second street, i3 4.30 At a point 271 feet North of Second street, 13�•55 �t the end of a 200 foot vertical curve and at a point 471 feet North of Second street� 1�40.00 gt Third street North, 145.00 Section lp. 3abdivision 1. "An Ordinance to Establish the gradee of Streeta and Avenues in the Yillage of Weat Minneapolis," which was adopted by the village conncil of Weat Minneapolis on March 2, 1909, ie hereby repealed. Subdivision 2. "An Ordinance to Eetablish the Grades of Streets a.nd Avenuea in i g) the Village of Hopkins," which was adopted by the village council of Hopkina on November 5� �g29, is hereby repealed. 9ubdiviaion 3. "An Ordinance to Eetablish the Grade of Streets� Sidewalks, G�rba, and Alleys and Designa.ting the Width of the Several Streets, Sidewalke and Boulevarda in the Vicinity of Lota 7, g, 9, 10� Block 5� West Minneapolis," which was adopted by the village council of Hopkina on October g, 1931, ia hereby repealed. Slibdiviaion �+. "An Ordinance Amending an Ordina.nce Ehtitled 'An Ordinance to Eatablish the Grades of Streets and Avenues in the Village of Hopkins� "' ,wh�c�� ` was adopted by the village council of Hopkins on Febrnary 20, 19�J, is hereby repealed. S�.ibdinision 5. "9n Ordinaxice to Eatablish Street Grades For Harrison, Van Bu ren� Ja�kson and Monroe Avenues Between Exceleior Avenue and Second Street South, and for First and Second Streete South Between Harrison and Monroe Aven�.�es, in the Village of Hopkins,�' which was adopted by the village council of Hopkins on Ap ril 28� 19�+7, ia hereby repealed. S�.ibiiivision 6. "An Ordinance to Eatablieh Street Gradea for Ashley and Interlachen Roa,da Between Boyce Road and Excelsior Avenue� and fo� Preaton Lane from Ashley Road to Interl achen Road� in the Village of Hopkina," which was adopted by the village council of Hopkins on October 21� 19�+7, is hereby repealed. Subdivision 7. Ordinance No. 26 of the city of Hopkins, which was adopted by t}ie city council of Iiopkina on December 6, �g�+9, is hereby repealed. FIRST READ at a regular council meeting of the city of Hopkins held on the 5th. da� of Dec�ber, �950, and finally read and pasaed at a regular meeting of the council of said city held on the 19th. day of December� �950. W. HARLAIV PERB�X, MAYOR A. W. E1mQiist, 5ecretary of the counail Frank N. Whitney, �i ty At to rney copy for thP paper � A►� r�'� �����d � �d ,-s _ r g •r / PUBLISHED IN THE HF.I�TIIEPIN COUNTY R�,VIEW ON , cj�g , (9) f n�-' - . _ " , -... � . . , . . . { , • _ i�:� � :i � �� � "1 � , _ - ;;� � � `Q� , . ':::; '-�. � I���; ; �".. ... � , ' The followin; license applications for the year 1951 are submi.tted for your ap}�roval: Donald S. Edson,d/b/a Ea.st Off-sale 1Von-Into�i.cating �falt I,iquors� End Food soft drinks, milk, cigarettes. . E. G. Hawkins, d/6 /a Eddi e t s Fountain �3ri11 . Qn and Off-sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquors, soft drinks, :nilk. R.H.Herzan & �.R.Bastyr, � d/b/a Jack Sprat Food Str. aff-sale Non-intoxicating �?alt Liquor� soft drinks, milk� cigarettes• .. , Phili;� Hovander�d/b/a Oif-sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor� Hovander Foods, Inc. mil�, cigarettes4 Albert Feldman & Bernard LabowslqT,d/b/a I,iberty Bar On-and Off-sale Non-intoxicating roalt � . Liquors, soft drinks, 2 mechanical amusement devices, cigarettes. Karei Lhotsl�,d/b,Ea Karel�s On- and �ff-sale Non-intoxicating zr�.lt Restaurant _ liquors� soft drinks, milk, digaretteso � Len Iulilbert, d/b/a l�ilbert � s On-and Off-sale Non-intoY,icating malt Grocer�f & Confect. liquor�soft drinks�milk� 1 mechanical - amus emerit device, cigarettes. Ellen J. Post,cl/b /a On- and Off-sale Non-intoxicating malt Nighthawk Tavern liquor�sof�t dr�nnks� mi.lk� 1 mechanical amusement device (5 ba11)�l gasolime service pump� dance hall, cigaretteso Betty & Carl Realander�d./� /a On- and Off-sale Non-intoxicating malt Betty 3: Carl�s Cafe liquors� soft drinks, mi.lk, mechanical . _ amusement device� cigarettes. Red Owl Stores, Inc. Off-sale Non-intoxicating Malt Liquors� soft drinks, milk, 5 gasoline filling station pusps, cigarettes. �alter J. Ronnei,d/b/a On-sale and Off-sale Non-Intoxicatin� Roru�y! s Cafe ma.lt liquors, soft drinks, mi]1c, 1 mechanical _ amus�anerrt device� dance hall, cigarettes� Rohert A. Schmitz,d�b/a Off-sale Non-intoxicating �nalt liquors, Big Little Grocery soft drinks, mi.Lk, cigarettes. Godf°rey J. Totushek�dJ�a On- and Off-sale Non-intoxicating malt Club Cafe,& Tap Room liquors� soit drinks, milk, 1 mechanical amusement device' cigarettes.� �de J. �Jeldon�d/6�a On- and Off-sale Non-intoxieatir� malt Matt�s Cafe Tiquors, soft drinks, milk, 1 mechanieal _ amusement device; cigarettese George R. 11Tolff Post #l�25 Qn-sale �nori-intoxica�ing-malt °:.liquorsy soft _ driiilis; cigarettes, dance hallo