1951_Minute Book���_ �. .; � . ::i.f.,.i�� ., . ., � ' � V "r � 1 �.� �1�d ." . �': A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, L�nnesota, was held at the City Hall at 7;30 o�clock P.T�. on �.i.esday, Jarnzary 2� 1951, Members present were: �4ayor Perbix, Councilmen Anderla, NLilbert, Ziegler, C�_ty IUianager, Congdon, City r�ttorn.ey �Jhitney, and City. �iheer Laska. Members absent: Becl�aan. �,nderla mo�red� ?s7i.lbert seconded� that bil].s as presented be paid from the followino funds. Carried. 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 Northern States Power Co. �arjorie Sundin �Ii.nneapolis Gas Coripany � General Fund First I�Tat � l. Bank of Hopkins Treasurer, State of P�Zinn. General Fund C. C. Congdon, Treas. Federal Laboratories The :�innesota News Co. N.Ztd.Bell Tele�hone Co. Standard Oil Co. Suburban Henn.Co.Relief Board Frank N. VPhitney � Williams on S tarrro C o. H.�'7.qPilson Co. Salaries 812 Northern States Power Co. 813 General Fund $].1a. First Nat � 1. Bank of Hopkl Y1R 815 Treasurer, State of �innesota 816 I�Torthwestern Nat � l.Bank of Hop. 822 International Harv�ster Co. 823 N.�.Bell Telephone Co. Salaries ' 622 Northern states Po�rer Co. ('' � 623 Sewage Disposal Fund 624 General �and I � � 625 General Fund 626 c.�i.St.P. �: P. I�.R.Co. 627 First �3at�l.Bank of Hopkins 628 Treasurer,State of �innesota Salaries 174 Northern sta.tes Fower Co, 175 General F�ind 178 Hovander Foods, Inc. 179 De^�raff Wolff GEATEL�AL F'IJI�ID Service De1�y.Pdp�s.Sta� Jnl.. Servic e Transfer of F'unds SYithholdino Tax Deductions Retirement Fund Deductions Tran$fer of ?�1,incls Petty Cash Items Gun Rack Books Service Gas Relief �pend.December Fees & �xpenses License Plates �, Tags Subscriptions last 2 of Dec, ROAD & BRDGE FUND Service Transfer oi runds T�ithholding Tax Dec3uctions Retirement F�i.nd. Deductions Interest,registered checks Parts Service la.st 2 of Dec. �qATER � � Service Transfer of �.inds Gasoline from Gen.to V�ater �ind Balance of Loan Prepaid Freight VPithholding rax Deductions Retirement �znd Deductions last 2 of Dec. H�NAGE DISPOSAL FUND Service � Gasoline from �en.to S.D.�.ind Refund Sew.Assm�t. Catch Basins . PERMANII�TT 1�11PROVIlt�1T REVOLV ING Ft,TND �738•84 5„00 55.67 i8u..43 376.80 126.3? 5375s�� 10.80 17.61 201.99 53.84 168.00 388.25 225.00 1�t;..3o 9.20 1926.16 12,�8l� 646.91 ii6.5o 51.99 802.91 13.57 11t50 347.50 l�16,,l�9 601�2.4t� 65.85 2200.00 55.36 84.�0 26.98 500.07 227.82 30.66 50.00 931.03 202 Ger.eral Fund Gasoline from Gen.to P.I.Ii. 27.21� 203 Treasurer�State o.f l�inn. Retirement Fund Deductions 16.00 I�:�� :;::�e 201� First Nat��. Bank of I?opkins l�ithholdin� Tax Deductions 33.80 . 205 �DeGra.ff Wolff Final Fst.Sewer Corrtract 15597.72 • 206 DeGraff �Yolff Withheld for unsettled claims 150.00 � Salaries last 2 of Dec. 175.10 � �. . ' _ •. '�•��,. � ��: , :'�'."`, -2— Anderla mo�ed, Milbert seconded, that the � dated December 26� 1950� to conduct Bingo to Bday 31� 1951� be granted.. Carried. • � � � request by the Knights of Columbus� Games at the St. Joseph Church Auditorium Anderla moved� Milbert seconded� that the request by R. �I. Ferron Construction Compa�y for an extension of time, to 1/31/51� for completion of Knollwood sev�er and �ater contract be granted� subject to appro�aal of City II3gi.neer. Carried. Anderla moved.� Ziegler seconded� that ftesolution 1Vo. 185� pA RF�OLUTION PROTESTIlVG �[IE CLOSING OF Tf� FIFTH AVIIJUE SOUTH RgILRQAD CROSSIlVG� AD1D DIRDC�IiTG T_HAT A PETITIOId BE PRFS�ID . TO T� M�OTA RAII�CIAD AI�ID WAREHOU3E COB1�iISSION F�DR AN ORDER REOPE@1ING THE SA�E TO PUBLIC TRAV�"� marked bchibit pA"� be adopted. Carried. .- .- And.erla moved� Milbert seconded t�at the proposed Ordinance No.64, pAl1T ORDINANCE ESTABLISHIIdG A�6NING AND PLANNING COI�MISSION F'OR TI� CI'PY OF HOP�II�S, A1�ID. _ At�NDING ORDTNAVCE. N0. , 8.OF 7�iE CITY"� as drawn up by City Attorney Yfhitney� be referred to,the Hopkins Zoning_Commission for their reco�endation. Carried. The following appointments were made for the year ],951: Leroy Olson� Fire Chief Geor&e M, Mi.les, �Peed Inspector The prnposed pay—rates f or all city e�loyees for the year 1951 Were discussed. The City Manager reported that the surv�y bei.ng made by the neighboring suburban co�tuiities �was sti.11 in progress and that the uniform personnel policy plan should be available for council action before the end of Janua.ry, 1951. It was decided to defer final action until such persormel plan was completed. �eeting adjovrned, �T��' � r%'l � � , ", "... . l � �� ���' � :/ ( . � �`�i�ti�''�1 ti W. Har an Perbix, BBayor G2�`--•-r ` A. W. Elmquis Secretary to the Council COUNCILr�Ns � CITY OF HOPgI�S HENNEPIN COIIIJTY, MINNFSOTA RESOLIITION 1�0. 185. w A RE�LIITIO� PHOTES'BNG � CLOSING OF THE FIFTH AVENUE �IITH RQIL&09D C80SSIDTGS� ADID DIRECTING THAT g PETITION BE PBE3ENTED TO THE NlIIdNESOR'A R6SLROAD AATD WAREHOIISE CONIMI SSIODT F'OE AN ORDER REOPENING 2'SE 3AME TO PIIBLI C TAAVEL WI�REAS, Fifth avenue South in the city of Hopkins croases the railroad tracke of the Chicago� Milwaukee� St. Paul and Pacific Railro�.d Compan,p, also the railroad tracks of the Minneapolis & St. Louie Railway Compaqy. a.nd said Fifth av�nue South has been open for traffic and used bg the general public as a street for about fifty years past� a.nd S�i�REA.3, eaid two compaaies have recently clo$ed said crossings and have atopped the public from crossing said tra.cks, and WHEREAS, about �100 reeidente of the so-called Peaceful Valley section of the city of,gopkins are seriousl� inconvenienced by eaid closing �td are required to travel east�rly to Waehington avenue or westerly to Eleventh avenue in order to get from their homea to the schools, cYnirches, businese places and homes of their friends and neighbore ia the cit�* of Hopkins� and WHEREAS� the closing of said croesings across said tracks greatly increaees the fire hazard to about 100 d.omiciles now located in said area in that it will leave only t�oo approaches to eaid area� nam�ly: �aehington �venue a.nd Eleventh avenue So�th� and increasee the diatance that the fire eqaipment of the city of Hopkine �ust travel to get to eaid domiciles a.nd increasea the dsnger of said fire eqaipment being blocked by trains acrosa said tracks. and increases the danger of said domiciles being deatro�ed by fire before the fire equipment of the city of Hopkins can reach them� and WHEREAS, this situation will decrease the value of property in said Peaceful Valley area and result in a conaiderable financial loss to the inhabitanta thereof; �OW, THEREP'OBE, BE IT RE90LVF� tha,t the city council of the city of Hopkins hereby protests the. a.ction of the Chicag�� Mil�aaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Compar�y and the Minne�polia & St. Lonis Railway Compan� in cloeing said Fifth aeenue South crossinge, and hereb� directs the mayor and city manager to file a complaint or petition raith the railroad. end warehou�e commission of the atate of Minnesota requesting the commiasion to issue its order directing said companies to open said Fifth avenue South crossings. -, �OPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof �,J �' held this 2nd. day of Ja.nuary� 19rj1. G'' `'`�_ W. HAHI,A�t PEF�I%� MAYOR A. W. Elmqaist, Secretary of the council � �� ��,t,v`�`�! � � �� Frank DT. Whitney, City Attorney �,` �V' � v F^ . � �r� � �1 � � � �. �� ��R � r.,; � � 1������� � A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins�Minnesota� was held at the City Hall at 7:30 o�clock F.B�. on Tuesday' Jannary 16� 19510 Members present �rere: N�ayor Perbix, Counci.lmen Anderla, Milbert, Ziegler; City �danager Congdon, City �t�orney VPhitney, and City Engineer Iaskao �6embers absent; Beckmat� .. Anderla. moved� �Bil.bert seconded� that bills as presented be paid fxvm the follo�ing funds, Carried, 2988 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 303? 3038 3039 3440 831 832 833 835 836 6l�1 6l�3 61�1.� 646 6t�7 Jorgenson Bros. Club Cafe . Elkhart Brass �dfg.Co.,Inc. Hennepin County Review. Hopkins Fire Department Hopkins �otor-Sales Cos Hopkins Secondhand Store Justus Lumber Coo Kelley Sales Co. F. J. gucera, A�.D. Lampert Yards �innetonka B�otor �press W,Harlan Perbix Smith Duxu2 Comp�y� Inc. Suburban Chevrolet Co. W.c.�Nhitney 3alaries Hourly Payroll Anderson Broso Dickey & Bdilbert F'eudner-Davidson Agency Justus Lumber Co. 1�elley Sales Coo Ernest J. Duda Salaries Hour�y Payroll Allied Industries, Inco Hartv�g.E.gnderson . Bren Hardw�re Feudner-Davidson �gency Hennepin.Cou.nty Revie� Kelley Sales Coo Neptune Meter Co. Sal,aries Hourly Payroll 183 Ernest J. Duda 184 gelley $ales Co. Sa.].aries Hourly Payroll 1�3 Sewage Disposal F�nd GENEf�1L FUND Refund License Fee � Meals . Couplings Snpplies & Publishing Fire Calls,_Drill & Telephones Repairs2 , Stove Supplies F,�ctinguishers Call, Jail Inspection,Health Off. Supplies Frei,�ht Tivo days at R.Re& �arehs.Comm.Hearo Springs Repairs �ectrical Inspections lst 2 Jano Periock.ending 12-31-51 •�: � : o :• �e n Parts Gas �dd � 1.Prern.ium Supplies Extinguishers Repairs lst 2i Jane Period . en�n� 12 31�1 �ATER FU1�ID _. _ Printing Garage RentalL Blo� Torch Add�l. Premium Utility Permits Egtiizguishers I�eters & Connections lst 2 Jane Period.ending 12-31-51 S�ifAGE DISP06AL FUI�ID Repairs Extinguishers ].st 2 Jan• Period.ending 12-31 51 SPDCIAL ASSESS�iT FUI�ID Transfer of Funds PERB(fANII�iT I�PROQF,G�dvT REVOLVING FUDID 206 Richard MoFerron Const,Coo 209 Kelley Sales Co. Salaries VPater Estimate #3�Knoll�rood E�tinguishers _ lst � Jan. 20e00 8056 73•33` 98e65 273.00 19e30 15.00 35.�5 290� 1O6s00 339�91 1e05 20000 19000 18431 4�.��: 1567�03 615,?9 25.05 84s�0 405.?�0 50072 86.35 20oQ0 31�7.50 256.74 5.� 95.00 7s50 202a71 24s25 31��05 1966a10 380.27 170s15 35�� io.45 1Q2.30 2�3�a75 1250000 27.l�5 0 82 10.l�.5 175.10 r 2 rei A�derla moved� Milbert seconded� to approve the application to the District Gourt of Hennepin Courity of Gordon Vff. Booth an.d wife to remove the dedication for parl� purposes fmm Lot 17, Block 3� Parl�id.ge Aclda.tion� and aut�orize the Mayor and City �danager to e$ecute for the city_.the consent for such applicationo �arried• Anderla moved� Ziegler seconded, that the request by the Interlachen Park Branch of the Needlework Guild to hold a Bingo Game at the �ed 0�1 Auditorinm on Februazy 2� 1951� be eranted.o Carried, . Ziegler moved, �di].bert seconded� that Ordinance No.65� !!AN ORDINANCE VACA°PIlVG CERTAIlV STREETS AND ALLEiS IN 7.'N� CITY OF HOPKIIJS", be accepted_as the_first reading, Carried. Ziegler moved� �nderla seconded, that the agreeme�� dated 1-11-�1� between the 1Rinston�Newe11 Company and the�City of Hopkins, pertaining to t�e storm sewer on First Street 5outh from:the eastorly line of Jefferson Avenue to the �rester�y line extended of the alleys =��i� Blocks 23 and 33 Rfest Minneapolis Center� be accepted and_ placed on file and the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to execute same• Carried9 Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the time limit for repair of the sidevralk and curb at the Standard Qil Station at Sth and Escelsior gvenues be extended to 5-1�1. Carri eda . Anderla moved, Milbert secanded, that the appointment by Bdayor Perbi.x of B�i].ton �. Geer to the Civil Service Co�i.ssion for a three year term from l/1/51 to 1/1/5�,be approvedp Carriedo' Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Ordinance Noo63, "At� ORDINANCE PRAVIDING FOR FIRE LI6QITS, AND REGULATIO1dS GOVERNIldG THE CONSTRUC TION, , ALTEFt�TION� EQUIP�ENT, � t]R RF�OVAL OF BUIT�DINGS OR.S TRIIC TURFS,.AND REPEALIlVG CERTAIN.ORDINANCFSp�,be accepted as the first readin�• Carriedo - . _ - A sua�narq of the survey made at the bccelsior Ave,nue Crossing of the C.Me St.P'. & P. i�ailwa.g Company and the D�. & St.Lo �ilroad Compar� was presented by �e City B�anager Congdon and ordered placed on file. B�eeting adjourned9 �TTFST:� � - � �-�-'-�, � �� 1 . �.���.-�' - �P. Harlan Perbix, Mayor � � �.°���{,�..��-t��. •�.�-�.�� A. W..Elmquist, S retary to the Council COUNCII11�td: .._�, , ,� a . � b.. `� �� �/ ! `s�,/ ' r z�- �✓�P r� ..A��..���'°`.��.i0o—' � �a; � � ll ,,y ,k �. � o �% � `w� �,. � '! `��y: `r � Ci of Ho ' s ' nn 3o wa :� A special meeting of the Council of the ty pkin ,D�.. e ta9 s held at the �ity Hall at 5 o+clock PoMe on �arsday9 Janwar9 18' 1951• Present �ere Mayor Perbix� Councilmen Beclan�an� Pdilbert� -Anderla, and �-- City Mana.ger Congdonm Members absent: Ziegler� Bdi.lbert moved, �lnderla seconded, that the folloae�.ng pay—rates for employees as listed be approved, effective as of 1/1/51' subject to further consideration and stndy upon receipt of report of salary and wage rate surney now being madee �arriedo ' ,����. ��,,,;�'- , � FeNosNhitney . $100000 Frank VeLaska. .425000 Electrical Inspector Fee less �1.00 �a�o�q,ust 3500�0 Assessor ThosoKosanda 1075 �'o Dorothy Isenbarger 188000 lldae �ndexs on 250000 Herman Olson 300000 Jos.9oHromadkQ, 2750�0 John BreckaC 275000 I�abor 1030 hro Fire Stew�ard John Kinn 50000 Parking B�eter .Repair, Jake Scheffler o.- LoEeSchutz Dispatchsr Godfreg Totushek Custodian, Part Time Bloomie �dountain B�eeting adjournedr, ATTESTs �. � �,,..--._ � �. /'' -��4;�� ���,^,'" Wo Harlan Perbix, Bdayor 60�00 270000 � 120�00 1025, hI', ].50000 Library Assistants Laurentz Harris Elmer Bielke John UPi].lman Ralph Melin Truck.Drieer Ra1ph Johnston Jolui �iecken v�� s�tten Frank Stodola �-Engner A. Johnsan .,� Ted Johnson � Howard Puck � I,ouis Faucher � Extra Polic e Quentin Krautkremer '�,,�� 4 � `� � � . 0 75 �'o m85 liro 3�Do00 275000 - 270.00 270000 1a35 �o 27oaoo 270e00 270.00 200e00 300000 - 270a00 270000 2700� 1030 �'o 25e00 ������ ��� Ae VPo Elmquist, cretary to the Counc 1 COUNGIZl1�iT: � .. �.r ( �^ /��� � r'--- - /'� 1 '�, ��,�,s''�i��°'��C',���.,� A regular meeting of the �onncil of t�he �ity of Hopkins� the City Hall at 7;30 o�clock P.�. on Tuesday� Febrnary �ere Magor Perbix, Councilmen Anderla,.Beckman, �i.lbert, Congdon� City Attorncg V�fiitngy, and City �ineer Laskaa �. �� � f � �' �� Mi.nnesota, �s held at 6, 1951e �iembers present Ziegler; City Manager Bdembers absent: nones Anderla movad, Ziegler seconded� that bills as presented be paid from the follo�w- ing funds. Carriede 3� 3061 3ob2 3107 3108 3109 3110 3115 3116 311? 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3121� 3�5 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 Mi nneapolis �as Coe, 1Vorthern States Pa�er Cos n a n R GENF�tAL FUDID Service sex�ice m American LaFrance Foamite Corp. American Library �ssoc• R. R. Bo�rker Coo C. C. Congdons Treasurer Maeders Direct Sc�rvice Fo�ler IIe ctric Co, Laurenz A.Harris Halnepin �o.I,eague Tnsp, & �unic� Hennepih County Review Be�jamin Hilf�n Hopki:ns Fire Department H opki.ns Home -& Anto Supp�y Inter�n;Assoc.Chiefs of Police Jean Karr & Co. Lampe�t Yards �anag�ment Iniorm.SerQice No�.Bell Tel�hone Co� Panama Carbon Company A• HeP3I'ellte8il Sewage Disposal F�uid $tandard Oil Compar�r Suburban Henn��CoeRelief Board Fred S�aanson Wendell�s, In�e• �. C. �Phitriey ll�ilcog & Follett �o• S ourly Pagroll S�7.ary Honrly Payroll Add�leSalary AddtloHourly Payroll Service and Parts Booklist Subacription Petty Cash Items Service & Battery , Ser�ice Car 911ow-ance, J� uary Dues, 1950 Publishing Books Fire �alls & Drill Supplies Dues Books Supplies Subscription Service Supplies Cleaning Skating Rinks Correcting Receipt #8l�9 Sex�vice Station Charges 8elief Exp�ena. January Dozer Rental Carnival Buttons Electrical Inspections Books lst � Jarniary 2d � J�inary 2d � Jannary lst � January lst � Jarivary r, � :�7� ►�� : : u �o��u 81.�1� Northern States Power Co. 851 Dickey & Nf3.lbert 852 Hopkins Home & �luto SuPP1.V 853 Kokesh Hardware 854 �1�.f.3II1 Hs �C(i'O� 855 B6innesota Salt Coe 856 N.�.Bell Telephone Cop 85? Skelly Oil Cor 858 TIPm.H.Ziegler Co.�Inc. Hourly P�yroll Salary xourly Payroll Add�l.salasq Add�l.Hour]�r Payroll Sereice Gas Suppl3es Supplies Gas Salt Servic e Fuel Oil & Gas Supplies lst 2 Jannary 2d � Januar,� Za 2 a��ar� lst 3 Jaivary lst � Janu�.ry � 227032 � 773e40 181�.83 138e64 5400 5�00 26,47 19�95 � ���0 25e00 5.� 186.40 ?�95 99��� 39e79 10e00 11.28 58.58 30�00 l�6�60 19e� 93.25 50,�00 26.10 57o�s5 116@00 9.8066 59�09 6l��57 ?18s�.9 2047.2l� 828m28 103�lt1� 13.69 17.88 168d00 7.53�01 28062 191.�?6 98.90 11.50 168�� 36.81c 291e91 373460 26s.53 26m10 11.89 — 2 e �PATER FUND 655 Postmaster Hopkins 651� Northern States Po�rer Coo Service 664 C. C. Congdon� 73easo Petty �ash Items 665 Neptune Meter Co. B�ters 666 A1.W.Be11 Telephone Coa Ser�ri.ce — 1f�ires 667 R�kwell Mfg. Co. Parts 668 Skel.�y Oil Coe Oil & Gas Hour7� Payroll lst a January Salary 2d � Jarivary Hourly Payroll 2d 2 January Addtl,Salary lst � January Add�l,�iour�y Payroll lst 2 January s�c�t �ssr�s�rrr � l�l� First National Bank of Hopkins Coupons SE9PAGE DISPOSAL FUND 188 Northern States Po�ver Co� 195 R.D.Thomas & Assoco Hour],� Payroll Salary Hourly Payroll Add�l.sa]arp idd.f 1.Hour]$ Pa,yroll 213 21l� �5 216 2].7 218 219 Service Services lst � Januarg 2d � Jamzary 2d � January lst � .J�uary lst � January PERMANII�IT IN�ROVEtI� REVOL�IlVG F'[fiID R.�,Ferron Cons to Coo a a n a a a n a n a e n a n a a Lampert_Yards . , H.�.Rogers Coe Sal.ar,� Hourlg Payroll- AddtloSal�xy Se�el' ESts � it q p �Pater Est• #�. u a n p p p Supplies _ Supplies 2d � Jarniarp 2d � danuazy lst 2 Jamtary � 73.52' � f.�146•07 2.l�2 36?7«90 8�13 17e5� 24.8� 156.23 489el�7 221.l� 54.90 5.2a� 230.48 844.36 49.3? 112„20 62t15 9.90 1.98 5723.99 250�00 5463�00 500.00 25opoo 12.l�0 91Q29 185.80 S.Zo 10,20 Anderla moved� �.i.lbert seconded, that the request of the Bdinneapolis �as Compar� for main extension No,67 be gran.ted� subject to City �gineer�s approval. Carri ed� . Zie�ler moved, Becl�an seconded, that Ord.inance No,65�AN Q�IN�N�E:::�BCA�NGS- CERTAIN STR��'S AND ALLEYS IN THE CITY OF HOPRINS", marked E�hibit rtA"�� . be accepted as the second rea.ding thereof and that the ordinanc� be adopted and published according to lawe �arried. Anderla moved, �ilbert seconded, that Ordinance No.65 not be published nntil O.g.�d by the City Attorney for publication+ Carriedo Ziegler moved, License No.63, ��. Carried. — 3 -- Beckman seconded, that Off-sale Non-intoxicating Malt �iquor of Donald S. Edson, be revoked,$� Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that Resolution No.186� "A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 'R� SELL CERTAIN REAL ESTATE OWJNED BY THE COUNTY AD1D LOCATED IN THE CITY OF HOPK Ild1S"� marked Exhibit "B" be adopted. Carried. Meeting adjourned. ATTFS T: /� - i� � " Y�. Harlan Perbix, Mayor GZtit�6-� �t A. W. Elmquist Secretary to the ouncil COliNCILMEN: r �.. � � �y t �� �4 w CITY OF HOPKIDTS �9`, HENAEPIN CO'JN'TY� MIN��TESOTA OFiDINANCE N0. C5. v� ��6 L;�z: � . a A �w.y��.� �. r� � � �,} AN ORDINADTCE PACATING CEHTAIIQ STREETS AND ALLEYS IN THE CITY OB HOPSINS. BE IT 08DAII�D BY THE COIINCIL OF TF� CITY OF HOPKINS: Section 1. Madiaon avenue from Milcaaukee street to Second street South� a11 of the alleys in Blocke Twenty-four (2�) and Thirty-two (32)� West Minneapolia Center, and that portion of the Easterly and Westerly a11ey in Block Twenty-three (23), West Minneapolis Center� lying between Madison avenue and the Westerly line egtended of the North (N) a.nd South (S) alley in said Block 'I�venty-three (23) , all being in the city of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minneaota, are hereby vacated. Section 2. Firat atreet South from the Easterly line of Jeffereon avenue to the Weaterly line e�tended of the alleys in Blocke Twenty-three (23) a,nd TY�irty- �. three (33), West Minneapolis Center� in the city of F%pkina, Hennepin County, i�innesota� is hereby vacated, provided that the city of Hopkins shall at all times ha,ve accesa to the atorm aewer located in and un.der said street with the ri�t to enter upon eaid etreet for the puxpoae of maintaining, operating� repairing or rebuilding said atorm sewer. FIRST READ at a regular council meeting of the ci ty of Hopkins held on the 15th. day of January, 1951� aAd firially read and passed at a regalar meeting of the council of said cit�r held on the 6th. day of Feb�uary, 1951. W. HARLAN PERBI��� ARAYOE A. W. Elmquist� Secretary of the cauncil Frank N. Whitney� City Attorney M9y �7 Ptxblished in The Hennepin County 8eview on 1�51 `, � copy for paper �`a��� �,�� �� Ca,��^�c.�.�w: �-�°"°��':��. - i�2• "6't^.,,� �,�fll,e���,��-;,`s.nx*�' �� . l� Y �J n,.. J' �8n" �� �� ,�cQ � • Y�'d�f+`{j-,:�+'�'�s��tka�,, � is �> �� ,�: CITY ���II� �D��2i1�8 . HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Mr. A. �rl. Elmquiat, City Hall� Hopkine, Minn. Dear Art: May 17, 1951 On February 6, �95�, the council a�lopted ordinance No. 65 which vacated certain streete and alleys for the benefit of Winston and 1Vewe11 Co. At the same meeting, the council adopted a motion delaying publication of the o rdina.nce until approyal of the city attorney. Winston and Newell Co. has advised me in writing that the James �: I,eck Construction Co. has a contr�,ct for clearing the aite of their near Hopkins warehouse and constiucting the reinforced concrete foundatione. ' I am therefore of the opinion that the ordinance_should be publiahed forthwith. FNW:vs � You rs very truly, � ��� ' . � ` , ✓.E F ank N. Whitney� City Atto rney � � CITY OF HOPFCINS N y ^ ki CITY OF HOPgIiJS HEDRdEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 186. A RESOLUTION REQIIES`II NG THE COIINTY OF HENi�TTF;PIN TO SELL CERTAIN RF4T, ESTATE OWI�TED BY THE COUNTY AND LOCATED IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS. WHEREAS, the county of Hennepin is the owner of a�-acre tract of land located in the East Cne-half (E2) of the �Tortheast Quarter (NEa) of Section Twenty-five (25), To�rnship One Hundred Seventeen (117), Range Twenty-two (22), on which is located the Hennepin County Home for the Aged� and WHEREAS, the county is also the owner of Blocks Twenty-five (25) to Twenty- eight (28) inclusive, Fort;�-four (�+) to Fort�-aeven (�+7) inclusive, a.nd Blocka Twenty-nine (29) , Forty-three (�j) , Forty-ei�t ( 48) and SiRty-three ( 63) , West Minneapolis, which blocks adjoin said �+0-acre tract of land on the North (id) - and k�eat (h� thereof, and WHEREAS, said �0-acre tract of land on which is located said Home is of ample size to accommodate said Home and all poasible ilitu re expansion thereof� and 1r��EBEAS, the above deacribed blocka have been owned by the county of Hennepin for many yea.rs past but have not been uaed for any purpose, �nd WHEREAS� said blocka are nicely located and could be used for the construction and erection of dwellings thereon� a,nd WHEREAS, th ere is lack of building space within the city of Hopkins for euch �rurpo ae, and WHERr,AS, if said blocks were sold to private investora they would in a short time be covered with residences, thus helping to alleviate the dwelling ahortagg in the Minneapolis area and at the same time produce subatantial ta,x income from property which is now tax exempt; NOW, THEREF'pRE, BE IT RESOLVED that the muncil of the Cit� of Hopkins hereby requests the board of county commissioners of the county of Hennepin to offer said blocks for sale, with the provision and condition that said Block Forty-ei�t (�+g) be used only for park purposes, :so that said Block Forty-eight (�+g) may be acquired by the City of Hopkins for use as a public park� and BE IT PURTHER RESOLVED that in the event said blocka are so offered for sale the county of Fiennepin give to the City of Hopkina an easement over and acroes the Westerly thirty-three (33) feet of said �0-acre tract of land for $treet purposes so as to permit the opening of Fifth avenue in said city to ita full width of iI) sigty-six (66) feet. 9DOPTED by the council oP the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof. held this 6th day of February, i951. A. �. Elmquist, Secretary of the council Frank N. V1hi tn ey � City Attorney � 2) W. HA.RLAI�T PEFBIX, MAYOR m � �,1� t1�: �� � od � � � 3 , ,�''` ~ A special meeting oi the Caancil of the City of Hopkins, �Hinnesota� was held at the �ity Hal 1 at 5 ooclock P.B�o Friday� February 16� 1951e Present were Mapor Perbix' Councilmen Mi.lb ert and Anderla� City BBanager ,�Congdon� and Citg �ttorney �lihitney. Council Members absent: Ziegler and Becl�a.� The meeting was called for the purpose of goi.ng over the proposed pers�nel ardinance being drawn up for emplayees of Hopki.ns and of surrovnding municipalities• After considerable discussion on the proposed ordinance the meeting was adjourned. ATTFST: / � �' , _ / ` Wo Harlan Perbix� Mayor � A. 4P. Elmquist, cretary to the Coun.cil COUNC � , �°'� ,.a =� �.,.,;= � �.-�`�"� �r �� ,, �' � � � �, • .J L� �'� ��,• �� y� A regular meeting of the �onncil of the City of Hopkins� fl�linnesota� was held at the City Hall at 7;�0 o�clock P.Ma pn Tuesday� February 20, ];951. �embers present �vere: Mayor Perbix� Councilmen 1n�derla� B�i.].bert� Ziegler� City B�anager�Congdon� City Attorney Whitney� and City Engineer Laskae �Ilembers absents Becl�ano Ziegler moHed� Milbert seconded.� that bi].ls as � esented be paid f rom the followi ng fundso Carrieda 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 678 679 680 681 682 b83 68?� 685 686 687 688 c � a�- � n Andex� Inc. Supplies Club Cafe Mea1s� Prisoner Dahlberg Brothers, Ince Repa.irs Dablberg Brothers, Inc. Repairs Farnham Stationery & Sch.Sup.Supplies Feudner—Davidson Agency Policy Renewa.l R. H. Gardner Counting Meter �oney Hennepin CooRevieflr Publishing Hopkins Fire Dept. Fire Calls and Tel�hones Hopkins Home & Auto SnppJ,p Supplies Hopkins D�otor Sales Repairs Tnd.. School. DistoNo.1,9 Janitorial Service�Square Lampert Yard.s Supplies Miller-Dav3s Co. Supplies Bdinnesota paper & Cordage Supplies Northern States Povrer Co. Service Olson & Pfeiffer Pharmacy Prescriptions & Supplies Red 0�1 Stores League o� B�unicipalities Select Service Oil Coa Battery Gharge Gustafso n& Fi�xa Supplies � Labor Salaries lst � February Hourl.� Payroll Period ending 2/15/�l RO�D & BRIDGE FIJA'D Dahlberg Bros., Inc• F�nest Je Duda Flour City Brush Co. Aopkins Home & &uto.Supp].y 1Vbrthern States Power Coe Standard Oi.l Co. �m. H. Ziegler Co.'.Tnc. Sa�aries Hour],y payroll Repairs Repairs S�reeper Refi.l]. Suppli:es Service Gas �P lst 2 February Period . endi.ng 2/15/51 �ATER FUDID Da�e �eeting Postma.ster� Hopkins Postcards Hartvig E. Anderson Garage rent, month of February�1951 Andex� InCo. Supplies E�nest J. Duda Repairs The Flox Com�ar�y� Inc. Na1co Balls & Sokesh Hardware Supplies �fonarch Cleaning Chemicals,Inc. Chlorine Neptune �eter Co. Connections Northern States Power �o. Service Ne1I�aBe11 Telephone Co. Service Skelly Oil Co� Service Salaries lst 2 February Hour�y Payroll Period ending Freight SP�TAL ASSFSSNIENT F[l'nID � 6.l�0 . 10.61 70.10 54.64 7.3e 20 25�00 8l�e� 63.l�0 300.00 7.75 t�.2o 9.00 1�5.83 26009 5i.o6 753.05 5.14 48� a5o 95.64 2215.37 730.96 ,60 6050 �2e59 46.57 15.06 168.00 86s90 519e30 280.86 20e00 95.00 4.l�0 3000 1752.00 13.30 180,00 �5.59 4si.9k 8013 2.50 550.25 i56.o3 !u� N.�IT.National Bank of Mpls. Bonds & Coupon 112905� 200 Ernest Je Duda 201 Kokesh Hardware 202 Northern States Power Coo 203 Gustafson & F'u�a, Salaries ' Hourly Payroll Salaries r 2 a� S�6AGE DISPOSAL FUND � Repairs Supplies Service Supplies & Labor lst � February Period ending 2/15/51 PEft�II�iT 29�ROV�TT REVOLVIl�TG FU1�ID lst 2 Februaxy � 76�� 3078 163a72 I26o11 162080 68.90 � 239e70 Ziegle�► moved� �Iil.bert seconded� that the City 9ttorney draw up an amendment to our la�qUcr ordinance raising.the limit of on-sale liquor licenses from faur to fiveo Carriedo Ziegler moved, An�erla seconded, that the present City Council go on record as being in.favor of spreading the assessments over a period of t�renty years on the praposed water and sewer mains to be constructed on Althea Lane � the proposed Campbell Addition �hea the assessments are �inal],y adoptedo Carried, ,_;'. ,An.derla moved9 Ziegler seconded, that the City Ehgineer reports on sewer aod wa.ter main extensions �n. Althea Lane, i.n the proposed Campbell gddition be tahled until next meetingo Carriedm • Anderla moved9 Ziegler seconded� that the two requests of the Minneapolis Gas Co�ax�y for main exten.sions' their Noe�s 71 and 75� be granted� subject to Ci�t� �gineerts approvale Carried, Ziegler offered the following resolution and moved its adoptions WHEREAS� tdle City Council of the City of Hopkins,Hennepin County� Minnesota' has received from the �ounty Aud.itor of Hennepin CoUnty� BIlinnesota.9 a list of Zands in said city which became the property of the State of D6innesota under the provisions of law declaring the forf eiture of lands to the State f or non paymerrt of taxes �which said list has been designated as I,ist "323-Cp, February 11�' 1951; and �9�RF�1S� each parcel of land described in said list has heretofore been classified by the Board of �ounty Commissioners of Hennepin County, Minnesota� as non-conservation land and the sale thereof has h.eretofore been authorized by said Board of County Commissioners; :�'. N�, THER�FORE, Be it resolved by said City Council� actin� pursuant to Minnesota Statutes for 191�5' Section 282,019 that the said cla.ssif5.cation by said Board of County Commissioners of each parcel of land described in said list as non-conaervation land be and the same is hereby appro�ed and that the sale of each. such parcel of land be and �he same is hereby approved, mhe question wason the adoption of the resolution and the x''o1Z being called� there �rere !� Yeas and No Nays4 Anderla moved, B�ilbert seconded� that the reco�r►enda.tion o£ the Hopkins Zoning Commission' dated February 20� 1951� as to the prop�sed Zoni.ng and planning Commission Orclinance Noa6lt be accepted and pZaced on �ilee Carriedo Siregler moved, Anderla seconded, `Ehat Ordinance No,63, �AN ORDINANCE PROVIDI�TG FOR FIRE LIMITS, AND R�ULATIONS GOVERTJING THE CO�TSTRUCTION, _ALTERATION9 DQUIPB�NT OR REMOVAL OF BUILDINGS OR STRIICTURFS,.AND REPFALING CERTAIN ORDNANCES".y be accepted as the.first reading, Carriedo. Ziegler moved, �nderla seconded, that Orclinance No,649 �'AN OF,DINANCE ESTABLISHING fi ZONIIiG AND PLANNING CO�t�IISSION FOR THE CITY OF' HOPKIP�S, A�ID .AZJ�IDING ORDINANCE N0.8 OF ZYiE.CITY", be accepted as the.first.reading. Carriedo Ziegler moved� �4ilbert seconded, that Ordinance No.66y �iAN ORDINANCE FROV7�IiVG FOR FIRE PREVElUTION AND P�O�IO1V IN �ONNEJLY'ION � H�ZARDOU9 Pd�TERIt�T�S AND PROCF�SFS AND R�EA�ING A CERTAIN. O:ZDIIJANCE"' be accepted. as. the first reading, and:;alla::�oncerned who will be affected by said ordinance be notified by�letter advising them of the proposed ordinanceo Carried, r 3 �. �nderla moved� Milbert seconded, that recommendation No,2 by City DIlanager Con.gdon, '� dated February 20, 1951�.pertaining to pax�i.ng meters on the v�est side of 9th Avenue North� from a point 75� north of bccel�ior Avenue to First Street North� be tabled. Carried, Ziegler moved� Anderla seconded� that Resolution No.i87, nA RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ESTAI3LISHMENT BY THE CITY MANAGER OF A LIMITID PARIffNG ZONE ON TI� E9ST SIDE OF TV�ELFTfi.AVENUE NOR� BET�EEN E�C�SIOR AZ�Tt� AND FIRST STF'��T NORTH"' marked �hibit ttA"� be adoptedo Carried. _ �deeting adjourned�, AZTFST: . . � ' Vif. .Harlan Perbix� Mayor �. W�. ,Elm.quist� retary to the Council � � ��. -..►, �/ l , ;,� ' ' .�:,....r�. :..�' .-,,,: ,,...,�,_. .. ,` ,/ / .�: ,. �.� .,.�..��,� .p�'' i , � � ' � . -. February 23, 1951 � ' , , P. Hennep4a Oaunt,�r Land Department � � � 108 Court Houee � . � Minneapolis 15D �3lnneaota;. , , , . , (3�ntlemena �ttentions Elm�r Hs L�!'lS011 Land Cor�iesion�r _- _ F ■ � 1� ^��1�� . . � � Per qour requeat of February � we are,returnir� to you ane � copy oY the list of tax forfeited land loaated in t,�e �i�y oP , i�opkin�� designated as Liat �23�Cy February ]:ja.D i951� to� gether.�lt� ��o eert9.fi�d copies of Lhe resolution adopted by . _ the City Cauncil oY Aopl�ins on Febavary 20, 3.9ti1. . �' , . J ' ' . . . _ . . . � . . . , C/@1'j��'�1�°i1�1 �Out'$p . � T�i�E CITY OF AOPHIlV5 . . .. < , , , . - , . . . . � Al19EaDA� � A. W. E1�quist � . Citey Clea�s �. , . � . e � H . � ` . ' � . . . � . . . / ' . . ! ' , � � ' � . C� �' ' . _ ' , . . ' , . . / ' � � '�� ��t�t���x� ELMER H. LARSON LAND COMMIHBIONER A• Ws- Flmqui8t� 100'� Excelsior Ave�O Hopkins, Minnesota Dear Sir: , ���� - ��. � � ������nY��# 1�08^TCO,U�;RT :,HOUSE , i ,. ;�: M 1 N N EAP O Lf8',�.15 �'';�M 1 N N E S OTA � t � tq��,.��'gy��L� t%� - QENEVA 9331 February 1�� 19�1 3ectioa 282,01 of Minnesota Statutes for 1945, provides that after the Cou�ty Board has claasified taa forfeited land, the cit�r council of the city in which the property is located, must approve its classificatioa and the sale thereof. � I a.m herewith enclosing two copiea of a list of taa forfeited land located in the City of Hopkias, which for identification purposes I�s been designated as Liat "323—C", Bebruary 14, 19510 �'he land der acribed in this list h�� been classified by the County Boar d of Hennepin Couaty ae norr-conservatioa land and the eale thereof has been euthorised by said board. __ , I am also enclosing threa copiea of a proposed reaolution.appro�►- ing this claasification aad the sale of said laa d. iVill you please hav your city council act on thi� resolution at their ver� earlisat coneen— ience and ss soon as the resolution is adopted return to this office oae copy of the liat together with two certified copies of thie resolntioa . The reeolution without the clerk�a certificate thereto attached, which ia marked "Original°, shoul d be retained by your city council. We are very anaious to hold a public aale of thie land and other laada at the earliest possible date, but cannot hold this sale until we� have received oae copy of the enclosed list and tvro certifi�d copies of the enclosed resolution. � EBI,: lm Eacso Yours very truly� � .�.�,..� �-'-_ I�+�e�./ Elmer H, Lareon, Land Commissioner. •" "ORIGINAL" � . �"_ 7;,�Pr�l Pr offered the fal2owin�; resalution end moved its � adoptioa� . : �. 1�i�AS� the City Council of the City oY Hopkins . �� Hennepin County� Minnesota. has reoeived from the�Cotu'�ty Auflitor of Hennepin County. rlinnesote,� a Iist oP l�nda in seid cityr rrhich bec�.me the vroperty oi the 9tate of Minnesota uader the provieions of 1aw deplsxing the fo�feiture � of lands to the St�te for aom-paymeat of tr;aee� which �aid list h�e been deaig- nated as Liat ��i93_C{`�► —'H''al�riiarq l t� „T � 1% � � f3IIf� �, �, tn�?h�AS, e�.ph p�arcel of l�nd �de.scribed in eaid liet has �ereLofore been ciaesified by the Board of _County Couuniaelonere of Hennepin Couttty� Minnesota ae non-conservation �and �nd the sale thereof,has heretoPore been auL�orized by said Boaxd oY CounLy Commiesioneray ' NOW, T��RF�b'OAc�, Be it resolved by. ar�id City Counoi�� acting pursu�nt � . . to I�innesota statutes for 1945� 5eotion 282:O1, that the said claseificc�tioa by eaid �oerd of County Commioelonera of each pe.rcel of land deearibed in saic�-liat aa non-coagervetion laad be aad the e�ame i_g hereby approved a.ad that the s�le of e8ch �ucY� paroel of land be aad the eame is hereby apAroved. � The queation w�ie on.the adoptioa of the resolutioa snd the roll being called,. there were. 4 Y�AS and no NAYB, as �ollor�s: � ie�ler � p�rh;R • , _ Anderl�. � � . ��ilbe'rt � � " . � Reeolut�on e.dopted. - � , � � . � . , � . .. � \ . ' , . . , . " .. A . ATTESmt � � � � .. . C1.�; OF. �� � �¢�[�C�F CI`�Y COUNC L . . . . " . :;`�X�ft . . . _ . _ . , . ._ �. THE GITX OB Hopkins THE CITY OF Ho�kins , .. . . � � . . . � . �, ( S�;AL ). . - , � � � � CI�ASSI�'ICA�ION.ATQY4—CpNS�iiA?!Ia� LiST a�23,.Ca � � NO. 44DB LIJND PRE88�MINNHAPO .� � - , _ . , � .. . . . . .. , .; Sec. or T}vp. or Appraised Value SUBDIVISION Lot Block �nge Dollars . .:,� LY'�'Y- OF HQPKIYSS _ _. . . .0�. ... _ , .... .. r. . � . . t��st �iinn�golis P�,��e� �ao. �1376 - ��zs �8 . . PE��r..C�� 1Y0:• ���%/ ' w,. ,i�2� , J'r� . ' . . ... _.r \ � . t�est �4inneapolia $econd Divis�oa � Parcel No. 138�s -� 1926 Parcei �'o. 1387 — 1926 I 2z 67 21 ' 7?' m CITY OF HOPKI�S HE1dATEPIAT COIINTY� MINNESOTa RESOLUTION N0. 1g7. A RESOLIITIOA 9PPROYING TSE ESTABLISffi�TT BY THE CITY 1�TAGER OF A LIMIT�D PARKIAG ZONE 0� THE EAST SIDE OF TWELFTH A�ENIIE NORTH BETW�EN F�CCII�SI08 AVENtTE gND FI RST STREET NOHTH. WAEREAS� by Ordinance No. jj of the cit� of Hopkine. Hennepin County, Minnesota� the city manager, �sith the approval of the conncil� may eatablieh certain blocka or portions of blocks within the city as no parking zonee or ae 30-miuute� 1-hour or 2-houre or longer (but not to exceed 6 houre) limited parking zones, and WHEREAS� the cit�► maaager has establiehed the follot�iag limited parking zone e�ithin the city, in addition to all euch zones heretofore established, namely: a 2-hour limit from g:00 A.M, to 5:00 P.M., weekdays, on the Eaet s3de of Tw��fth ,>:,�. Avenue DTorth between Excelaior Avenue a.nd �'ir�t Street; NOW� TSEREFOAE, BE IT RESOLPED by the oouncil of th e city of Hopkine that the foregoing limited parking zoae be, andit hereby ie, approved. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkina at a regnlar meeting thereof held this 20th da4y of Febivary, 1951. W. HAHI�AIQ PERBIS, MAYOR 1. W. Elmc�tist, Secretary of the conncil Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney e�y� �" � D �� � ��' ��� A special meeting of the Council of the City of Hopk:ins � P�innesota' was held at the City Hall at 7;30 o�clock Po�. on Tuesda.y� February 27� 19510 Present were Mayor Perbix� Councilmen Bdi]l�rt, Anderla, and Ziegler, City �Ianager Congdon and City �ttorney 1Nhitr�ey. Coumcil �([ember absent: Becl�nan, 1'he meeting �vas called for further stuc�y of the proposed personnel ordinance bein� drawn up for e�loyees of Hopkins and surrounding mm�icipalitieso After several hours of study on the.proposed ordinance the meeting was adjourneds AT�T: . ��:� p , We Harlan Perbix, r2aa*or tif� �" A, W. Elmquist, ecretary to the Counci.l COiTNC]7�EN: V �� . .. �' :.a � a�� ;�ax ' �� � ,. � � ,'�� , � . � �� -a�l 3 � �t f� � � � regular meeting of�the Conncil of the-City of Hopkins, Minnesota, �as Yielii at. �he Ci Ha11 �t 7e30 o�cloCk P.B�s �, �ere: Bda _ _ 6, 1951e �embers present . , � yor Perbix, Councilmen Anderla;eM.ilber�t,�Ziegler,• City Bdana.ger Congdon, iit� --. _ . - _ .. , _ ... _... _ _ .. ._ _ _ _... .. .ts Becl�ano Attorne �lhitne and Ci ineer Laska, Members absen Y Y Y� tY � � 9nderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that bills as presented be paid from the follo�ing funds. Garried� . . _ GENEFt�L FUDID , - . _. 3271� �dinnea.polis Gas Co, - Service � 132m67 3232 Coast to Coast Stores Skates ` � 13090 _. . _ � . 3233 �'1 Grommett Services Square Dan�ce 30.00 _. - .._. .. . 323 F'ar1 Drebenstedt Services, Carnival 2.00 _ _.._ 3235 non�ala s. Edson Refund- off-sale non-intox��alt I,ic� 10.00 3236 FarnYiam Stztionery & Sch.Supply SuppZies, Library Fee 18;�? 323? Figure Skating Glub of Mpls, Ice Shotiv ?9;00 � ......._. ... . 323$`Gaylord Bros.," Inco Supplies 1?.�?023 _ . 3239 Laurenz A: Harris II � Car Alla�ance� mo.February 2 040 3240 Mike Ho1m,.Sec.of'State Listirig _. _....... 1e6� -.. ._ . 32l�7. Hopkins Fire Depto Fire -Calls and Drill 138004 _ . __...._.._... .. . . 3242 ginn Service � Truck Repairs .00 _ Aai 32l�3 Luna�s Sinclair Service 8e irs 2s75 _ _... _ 32 Minnesota New,�Co�ar�r _ Books� 27 e0'T .. . 32lj,5 NortYiwestern Bel1 Telephone Coo Serviae l�8.80 . _. . ,... _... . _ . . 32?�b Select Service Oi1 Com Servi.ce - 3m55 32}�7 Suburban Herinepin County Re1.3d, Relief �`xperiditures ino•�'ebruarg 384s01i .. . .... , _, . 32�.$ Frank N. whitney Al'lari 11�aGarrison suit 2�00 __ ,. ... . 32�9 �• C. �dhituey Electrical �.nspections 1 •22 - . Salaries La.st 2 of February 205608l� Hourly Payroll Period ending 2-28 51 515.22 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND i882 Anderson Bros. - - 3 Flour City Bra3h Coe j88?� Glacier Sarid & Graqel Co: ;88�j Hopkins-Home & Auto-Supp]y !886 Metro Transfer, Inco � �� � 887 Ddirie Safety Appliances Co. �888 �innesota Salt Coe ! 8a9 Norti�estern Bell Telephone � Salaries ��� � ' Hourly Payroll '1 SalariesE.�nderson � 696 Hartvig ... _ Hour],y Payroll Co. Repairs Fiti%e Stalks Sand�� �.:. ,:• :: . ; : . �. ; ..: . . -. . . ... _. . _....._. Tires- Transfer ch�ges Supplies Salt Service �: Last�2 of February Period en�3in� 2-28 51 �PATER FiTND Garage ren� moeR�aicch . Last � oi February Period ending 2-28-51 SP�+7GIAL ASSESSI�TT FUhID ' 4b First Nation,al Bank of Hopkins Coupon� �208 Healy-Ruff Coe Sala:ries i Hour],y Payroll I ' �224 H.A.Rogers Co. Salaries S�AGE DTSP06AL FUND Ta.e � P Last 2 of February Period` ending 2-28�1 PER�dANENT IB�ROVF�MENT REVOI..�ING FUND Supplie§ � � last � of February ` `:'r.,i._: � 108;80 302040 �4�s�0 202000 39.11 , 16:16 94•90 ' 110�0 373.60 367.81 95aoo 439:t�7 123.O1t 19:9? 160:20 65.00 7i�e80 185.80 m 2 � �riderla moved� Ziegler seconded� that t�ie off=sale.non-into�.cating malt liquor license application by S. Lo Edson be granted. Carried., Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded� that„Resolution No.l88,u� RF50LIITION RE�'ERRING TO TiiE"CITY ENGINE}� THE ?��ATriER QF INSTALLING S�ANIT.ARY SE9NER AI�ID �J�TER DdAI1VS Ild Lo� 69, AUDITOR�S SUBDNISIQN NUMBER 239� HENN�IN COUAITY, �IIlVI�Te"marked �hibit a9�, �e adopted. Carriedo for Ier moved� Anderla seconded' that the request Dy the �inneapolis Gas CompanX Zieg�� exterision on 1l�th Avenue North be granted� subject to the City Ehgineer�s approval. Carried., Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that t�e request by the Northern States Po�er � Compar� to place three poles on Boyce Road, bet�een 0akwood and,�shley be gran�ed� subject to the City �ngineer�s approval. Carried.o g , , for permi.ssion to� pla,ce a� 10 drive�a:y from Excels�r Avenue �ed Zle er moPed 9nderla seconded that the etition from tlie Econo Refri erat Lockers Inc. t },� Y,ot 3, Block 8, West BQirinea.polis, be referred to the City Engineer for reporto Carriedm Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded� that Ordinance No.66 be tabled until the meeting of April 3, 1951. Carrieds _ _ Anderla moved, r.Rilbert seconded, that tiie City advertise for bids for 32l�8' of _. _. n, Grade 150;mechanical joint water main with 12 fittings; also 3I20� of 8p and 1260� of 6� glazed clay sewer pipe vuith 195 fittings, bids to be considered at 7r30 o�clock P.E�., April 3, 1951. Carriede Anderla moved Milbert secorided tliat bids be called for 8 o�clock Apri1 3, 1951, ' . � ._ for the furnislurig of road mix� road tar, arid road asphait for the 1951 season; also for the construction and repair of sidewalks, curbe� a.nd curb and gutters for 1951. Carried, _. . _ _. Fire �Hilbert moved Anderla secorided� that commiinication by the Hopkins/Department, � , dated Bdarch 2, 19 l, pertain�.ng to the changirig of fire protection boundaries with I�innetonka To�mship. be placed on file, the City Hqanager to get in touch �rit� the township and �Payzata on this:subject. Carriedo Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded� that the reading 'of Ordinance No.63, "AN ORDIN.ANCE Pt'�OVIDIlVG FOR FIRE LIDd2TS, AND REGULATIOIVS GOVEt�NG THE CONSTRUCTION� ALTERATION� EQUIP�IT, QR RENIO�TAL OF BUiLDINGS OR._STRUCTURES� AND_REPEALIidG CERTAIN ORDINANCES"' marked�E�Yiibit nB"�� be accepted as -tk�e second read'ing�thereof and that the ordinance be adopted and published according to la�r. Carriedp Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that the reading of Ordinance No.64,nAN ,. ORDINANCE F5TA3LISHING A ZOIJING AND PI,ANNi�lG C011��ISSIO�' FOR TfiE CTPY OF HOPKINS, AND AMENDING ORDINANCE NO., 8 OF THE CITY", �arked Exhibit "C"� be accepted as the second readiiig thereof and that the ordinance 1oe adopted and published according 60 la�. Carriedo �iegler moved, D�ilbert seconded, that Ordina,nce No.67� "AN ORDiNAA�E R�LATTIITG T0 INTO%ICATIIVG LIQUORS AI� AMIIV�ING `ORDINANCE N0.19 OF� T�� CITY ; be accepted � as the first reading thereof but on the call for votes Anderla and Perbi.x voted no. Motion lost. Ziegler moved� Anderla seconded, that Resolution No.189, A RFSOLUTION AUTHORIZING COND�iATIdN PROC�INGS T� 9iCQt�IRE CERTAIN RQAD EASEI�EIVTS", marked Exhibit 'rD"� be adopted. Carriedo 3�eeting adjournedo . /.Z�-�-�*-�� - . _ .. .�9'. Elmquist, ecretary to e Counc� ATTFSTs ��� /� / , � �P. Narlan Perbix, �Iayar e�rt: � ��i� � �� � �.; � CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY� MIATNESOTA RESOLIITIOPT N0. lSg. A RESOLIITIdN REFERRIIJG TO THE CITY ENGIPTEER THE MATTER OF IPTSTA,LIIdG SANITARY SEWER AND WATER MAINS IIJ LOT 6g, �TTDITOR�S SUBDIYISION N��BEfi 239� HENNEPIN COUNTY� MINN. WHE REAS, there has been 'filed with the city clerk and by the clerk presented to the council a petition asking for the inatallation of sanitarsr sewer and water mains in the North (N) Fifty ( 5p) feet of the South ( S) Ninety (90) feet of Lot Sigty-nine (�), Auditor's S�,ibdivision Number 239, Hennepin County, Minneaota� being an extension Westerly of O�ford etreet� as shown in the plat of Auditor's 9ubdivision Number 239, Hennepin County, Minnesota� and WF�REAS, the costs thereof would be assessed against �roperty fonn.d benefited thereby, and WHEREAS� the owner of the benefited propert,y againat which said costa would be asaessed ha.s petitioned the city council for eaid imn rovement and agreed to pa,p the coet thereof; IdOW, THEREP�ORE, BE IT RESOLPED by the council of the city of Hopkins that the matter of installing sanitary sewer and water maina in auch location be referred to Fra.nk Laska� city engineer, to inveatigate the necessity and feaeibility thereof and to report to the council as soon as possible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 6th day of March, 1951. A. W. Elmquist, Secretar,y to the c ouncil FrarLk N, �dhi tney, City Attorney �d. HARLADT PERBIX, MAYOH ,� . __� ,�'� 1 �- �� ,'' �� �`�� `:; � r����� ...: :,,� � �� �� � �.. �� �� � SEINER PIPE AND ��TER MAIN BIDS Close — �pril 3, 1951 Hopkins� Minnesota NOTICE TO BIDD�S: Notice is hereby given that the �ity Council of the ' the delivery of the follavPi.ng Citg of Hopkins v�ll receive bids for _ material, F.O.B. Hopkins, B�i.nnesota, up to 7:30 otclock P.l�., Tuesday, April j, 1951, at which time the� will �e public]y opened and read: 6p Class 150, �dechanica]: Joint �ater Main 3248 LineFto _.._... 6n �T"s - Mechanical Joint Fittirigs 7 6" lt�o Bends, �echanical Joint Fittings 5 8" Glazed Clay Se�er Pipe 3120 Lin.Ft. 6" Glazed Clag S�er Pipe � 1260 Lin.Fto 8Rx 6a alazed Cla�r Y Branches {� 6p Glazed Clay 45o Curves 65 6+� Standard Disc Caps 65 Specifications may be obtai�ed from the office of the City Hngineero City �ouncil reserves the right to reject ar�y or all bidso �11 bids shall be accompanied by a certified check equal to five (5) percent of the bid@ C. C. Congdon City Nlanager. To be published in the Hennepin County Reviev� March 15 and 22, 19510 The 1 � � ` � �. �� (Official Publication) CITY OF AOPKINS HF:I�TNEPIN COUNTY� B�'INNFSOTA, NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR ROAD MIX, ROAD TAR AAID ROAD ASPHALT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Clerk of Hopkins will receive sealed bids until 7:30 o�clock P.B�. on T�esday, April 3, 1951, at the City Hall for furnishing Road �dix, Tar, or Asphalt for the year 19519 Said bids to be opened and read in Council �deeting at 8:00 0� clock P.M., April 3, 19510 '� 'r�' '�, �� Bidders on Road Mix to submit specifications and prices for materi.al either at the plant or delivered in truck loads on the streets of Hopkins as required. Bidders on Road Tar and Asphalt to submit specifications and prices for materials to be delivered in tank truck lots, distributed on the streets of Hopkins in quantity and at locations as required. The right is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids, G. C. Congdon City Manager. To be published in the Hennepin County Review March 15 and 22� 1951. , -y�,-•"'� �''=•ct:,. -r..-.w, �'� ! � � �' ! s /� k' «- e � �n�° �3� �,t i� �1 � (Official Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUTY, B�INNF�OTA NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR OF SIDFAaALKS� CURB$, AND CURB AND GUTTERS NOTIC� T5 HEREBY GIVEN that the City �lerk of Hopkins Wi.11 receive sealed bids until 7:30 o�clock P.�. on Tuesday, April �� 1951, at the City Aall for the construction and repair of side- Walks, curbs, and curb-a.nd-gutters for the 1951 season. Said bids to be opened and read in Council Meeting at 8:00 o�clock P.M., .. _'. April 3, 1951. Specifications and further details are available at the office of the City �gineer. The success£ul bidder must enter into a contract with the City in such form as will be approved by the City Attorney, Which contract vriYl include a provision that the contractor must commence the con- struction and repair of the sidewalks, curbs, or curb-and-gutters within fifteen days after being notified by the City Manager to proceed �rith any designated worko The successful bidder must also flirnish a contractor�s bond in the sum of �5,000.00• The right is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids. C. C. Congdon City �Eanager, '!'o be published in the Hennepin County Review March 15 and 22, 1951, � , r � 0 �, j1 ` ��` � � � �1 � � CI TY� OF HOPgINS HEN�dEPIPT COIINTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE N0. 6j. ��� ��� ���� � AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR FIRE LINiITS� AND BEGULATIONS GOVERNING THE � CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION � EQIIIPME6TT OE RF�IOYAL OF BIIILDIPTGS OR STRUCTURES� AND REPEALING CERT9IN ORDINANCES. BE IT ORLIAINED BY THE COIIN'CII, OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS: Section 1. Adovtion of Building Code. 9ubdivision 1. There is hereby adopted b� the City of Hookina for the purpose of eatablishing rales and regulations for the conatruction� alteration, removal� demolition, equipment, use and occuAa.ncy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits therefor� that certain building code known ae the National Building Code, Abbreviated Edition� recommeaded by the National Board of Fire Underwriters of New York� being particalarl�r the 19�F9 edition thereof, except Sectiona two, sig, 27, 31, �+1 and �+2 thereof. 9ubdivieion 2. Three copies of said code ehall be filed by the clerk in hia office for inspection a,nd uee of the public, and ahall be marked�b� the clerk with the �aords: "City of Hotikins, Official Copy," and the same, excent said sections ti,ro� eix, 27, jl, �+1 a.nd �+2, are hereby adopted and incorporated in this ordinan.ce ae fizlly as if set ov.t-at length herein, and from the date on which thia ordina.nce shall take effect, the provisiona thereof ahall be controlling in the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, eqaipment� use and occupancy, �.ocatioa and maintenance of buildings and other strizctures within the corporate limits of the city. Section 2. Definitions. Subdivision 1. Where the word "municipality�' is uaed in said code, it sha11 mean tp�e City of Hopkins. Subdivision 2. Whenever the term '�corporation counsel° is used in sa3d code, it shall mean the attorne� for the city of Hopkina. Subdivision 3. Whenever the term "building official" is uaed in said.code, or in thi s o rdinance, �it sha.11 mean the engineer for the city of Aonkina, or some other employee designated by the city manager. Section 3. Fire Limits. The fire limits of the city of Hopkins sha11 be a11 that portion of the cit�l which now is or ma,y hereafter be placed or zoned in the commercial and industrial districts of the city. Section �F. Buildings Damaged by Fire. Aqy existing building u�ich does not comply with the requirementa of this ordina.nce, if damaged by fire, decay or otherwise to one-half or more of its present value, exclusive of foundation� ma.y not be re- paired or rebuilt as a non-com�lying atracture but must be torn d.own and removed. (1) � ''''r�.?.� D Section 5. Dntiea of.Building Official. It shall be the duty oP the building official to enforce all laws relating to the construction, alteration, removal and demolition of buildings and structures. Section 6. �Zles. S�bdivi�ion 1. The building official ahall pro�lgate rulea as prescribed in said code and consistent therewith, it being the intento f this reqairement i that the sta.ndards of federal or state bureaus, national technical organizatione or fire underwriters, as the same matip be amended from time to time, shall serve as a guide in fixing the minimum rules of p ractice under this code. Si.ibdivision 2. For the puxpose; of securing for the public the benefits of new developments in, the building induatr� and yet insuring public safet�, the building official shall make or caase to be made.inQestigations, or may accept duly authenticated reports from recognized sources, of new mateMals or modes of constraction, intended for uae in the co nstruction of buildings or stractures in the municipality which are not provided for in said code� and shall promulgate rulee aetting forth the conditions under v�ich such materials or modes of constru.ction may be used. Subdivision 3. No rule of the building official shall become effective until four weeks after notice of intention to enforce it shall have been given through the publication in the official paper of the city and until a public hearing on the same ahall have been held; provided that sa�d public hearing shall not be.necessary unless a request shall have been made for such hearing during the said period of publication. �uch rule ahall be dra.wn in ita proposed form and open to public inspection at the time the notice to enfo rce is published. S�bdiviaion �. Rulea promulgated as herein prov�.ded sha�l have the same force and effect as �rovieione of said code. Subdiviaion 5. Any zule may be a�aended or repealed by the aame procedure prescribed for the adoption of new ralea. Section 7. Parapets. �bdivision 1. Except as listed below, parapets shall be provided on a11 fire walls, party walls, and exterior wa11s of masonry or reinforced concrete. Parapets are not reqnired on: ( a) . constrnction; (b). Walls connecting with roofa of fireproof conatruction or semi-fireproof A wall of a building the roof of �ohich is at least three feet lower than the roof of, or any opening in, an adj acent building wall; (c). ( d) . Vdalls facing on a street ha,ving a width of 30 feet o r more; t�alla of a building which is 30 feet or more distant in all directions from propert$r lines and from other buildings on the same property; (e) . Walls of a build3ng which is 30 feet or more di.stant in all directions from . property lines but less than 30 feet d3stant to one or more buildings on the same property, where the total area of the baildings within 30 feet of each other does not exceed 1-1�2 timea the allowable area for a,ny one of the buildings conaidered; �f) • Wa11s of a detached d�oelling� or of a building not exceeding 1�000 square feet in area; �2) (g). Wa1.ls of a building where the roof has an angle of more than 20° with the ho ri zontal . Subdiviaion 2. In dwellings arid in buildings in v�hich g-inch wa11s are �ermitted� �% such parapets ahall be not lesa tha.n g inches thick and carried at leastlg inches above the roof. S�bdivision 3. In all other buildinge such parapets aha11 be not less than 12 inches thick, and carried not leas than lg inches above the roof. Subdivi sion �+. Parapets aha11 be properly coped with noncombustible, weatherproof material and flashed with the flashing extending through the parapet wall under the coping. A11 corners of all parapet walls sha,ll be reinforced �rith at least one 1�1i- inch round bar in every third joint, continuous around the corner a.nd extending into the masonry at least j feet from the corner. Section g. RoofYng. Subdivision 1. Except as provided in subdivision 2 of this section, every roof hereafter placed on a building shall be covered with an approved roofing of brick, concrete, tile, alate, metal� asbeatos, prepared asphalt asbestos-felt shingles, or of built-up roofing finished with asphalt, elag or gravel� or other approved material. F�cept where roofing is of a cha.racter permitting attachment direct to frame work, it eha11 be applied to a solid or closely fitted deck. Roofings which are listed as Clasa A or B roof covering materials by IInderwriters' Laboratories� Inc., ahall be accepted as meeting the requirements of thia section. Roofinga whi ch are liated as Class C roof covering materiala by IInderwriters' Laboratories, Inc., shall be accepted. as meeting the requirements of this aection on buildings as follows: ( a) . Dwellings; (b) . Buildings of �000d frame construction; (c). �uildings located outside the fire limite which do not exceed 2 storiea or 30 feet in height, nor 250p aquare feet in area, and are not occupied as ato rea, factoriee or warehouses; and (d). Buildings which under this code could be of wood frame conatiuction. The uae of cork, fiber board or other approved insulation is permitted on top of the roof deck provided such insulation is covered with an app roved type of fire resistive roof covering applied directly thereto. No roofing on an exiating roof ahs11 be renewed or repaired to a greater extent than one-tenth of the roof su rface, except in conformity with the requirements of this aection. Subdivision 2. Outside the fire limits, dwellings, prieate garages and barns, (3) separated bg at least twelve feet from other buildings, may be roofed with app roved vertical grain or edgegrain wooden shing�es. The combined thicknesa of each five ehin�lee measured at the butts ehall be not lesa than two inc�.es. The egposure of sach wooden ahing].es to the �eather shall not e�ceed, on roofs greater tha.n one-third pitch� five inches for aixteen-inch shing..�.ea, five and one-half inches for eighteen-inch ehingle�,.'and senen and one-half inches for twenty-four-inch ahinglee; no�� on roofs with les� than one-third pitch but not less than aie-quarter pitch, four inchee for aigteen-inch shingles� four and one-half inches for eighteen-inch ehingles, and eix and one-half inches for twenty-four-inch shingles. Such shingles aha,ll be firmly n�iled to the roof deck �aith non-corrodible and rast-resiative naila according to accepted good practice. Ualess otherwise specified by ordinance or duly promulgated rules, the Commercial Standard for Wood Shingles, CS 31-3g of the II.S. Department of Commerce, ahall be accepted ae mea.ns of establiehing the grade of shinglea. Section 9. In the constraction of a residence, the grade level of the earth that comes up to the wall of said residence shall be at least tarelve (12) inches higher , 6� � . tha.n the higheat point i n the sidewallcA in front of the residence. Section 10. Sidewalks a.nd Curbe. 9ubdivision l. A building permit shall not include permiaeion to constract, repair or rebuild any driveway, sidewalk, cnrb or gutter adjoining the propert� on mhich the building ia to be constructed, altered, re- � paired, removed or demoliahed, unless euch driveway� sidewalk, curb or gutter permission is apecifically mentioned and included therein. Sabdivision 2. No permit ahall be required to constract a driveway, sidewalk, curb or gutter in the residential dietrict. but no driveway, sidewalk, carb or gutter ehall be constzucted, repaired or rebuilt egcept at grade levels established by the city engineer� and un�der hia directian; and in the commercial and induatrial districts no driveway� sidewalk, curb or gutter ehall be constructed, repaired or rebuilt until a written permit therefor is firat issued by the city engineer. SubdiQision 3. No eidewalk, curb or gutter shall be constzucted, repa.ired or rebuilt except by the contractor urho is under contra.ct �sith the city to do and perform such construction at the time the same is commenced, but the city engineer may authorize a person other than auch city contractor to.do and perform such construction provided sach person first files with the city clerk a�5000.00 aurety bond, approved by the cit� attorney, protecting the city from any and all liability tha,t may arise because of sueh constraction. Section 11. Building Permits. Subdivieion 1. Application for a building permit shall be made and the permit obtained before work ia commenced unon the foundation for any snch building or atructure or before demolition is commenced� or before the removal � �) df any such building begins and stzch aroplication sha11 state the exact aite to be occupied, the ma.terial, dimensiona, a,nd estima.ted cost of the proposed bui�.ding, etructure or addition� the purpoae for which the same is to be occupied and the proba.ble time when the work �ill be completed. Subdivieion 2. Before an.y building permit is issued� the applicant shall pay to the city engineer the p roper fee therefor, according to the following achedule: (A) . For work or improvements of a,ny kind, the costs of which� se determined by the cit� engineer, total less than $100.Q0, no fee; (B). For work or improvemente of any kind� the coats of which� as determined by the city engineer� total between $100.00 to �1�000.00� a fee of �2.00; (C). For work or improvements oF any kind, the costs of which� as determined by the city engineer, total over �1,000.00, the fee shall be �1.00 for each $1,000.00 of such constraction or improvement after the first �1�000.�0. Subdivis=on 3. An�r building permit ahall be void aix (6) months after date of iasue, unless ��uithin such period work is commenced on the improvements covered by the permit. Section 12. Saving Clause. Nothing in this ordinance or in the code hereby adopted ehall be constrned to affect any suit or proceeding now pending in a�y court, or any rights acquired� or liability incurred, nor any cauae or causes of action accrued or existing, under any act or ordinance repealed hereby. Nor shall any right or remec�p of a.ny character be lost, imp��f�`ed or affected by this ordinance. Section lj. Penalties. Subdi�ision 1. Aqp person who violates a.ny provisione of this ordinance or of the ordinance adopted b� reference in Section 1 of this orclina,nce or fails to comply therewith� or who violates or fails to comply with an� order or regulation made thereunder, or who builda in violation of az�y detailed statemeat of specifications or plans eabmitted and approved thereunder, or any certificate or permit issued thereunder, aha,ll for each such violation or non-compliance be guilty of a mis- demeanor. The imposition of one penalty for any violation of this ordinar.ce ahall not excuse the violation, or permit it to continue; a,nd all such persons shall be required to correct or remed�r such violations or defects within a reasonable time; and when not other- wise apecified, each ten days that p roribited cor.ditions are mE.intained shall conatitute a separa.te offenee. 3ubdivision 2. The o�vner of a building, s�tracture or premisea, where anything in violation of this ord.inance ehall be placed or sha,ll exist, and any axchitect, builder, contractor, agent, person or corporation employed in connection therewf�h and. who may have assisted in the commisaion of such eiolation shall each be guilty of a separate offense. Section 1�+. Repeala. Subdivision 1. ( 5) Nothfng in the ordina,nce a.dopted by reference in Section 1 of this ord3nance shall be construed to repeal any of the provisions of an,y ordinances of the city adonted prior to the adoption of thi a ordinance, except the proviaions of those ordinances hereinafter specifically repealed. In case of any conflicts or inconsiat�ncies bettiveen the terms of such ordinance so ad.opted by reference a.nd the ordinances of the city ado�ted prior to this ordinance and not herein repealed, the proviaions of said prior ordinances shall govern. Subdivision 2. "An Ordinance Establishing a Building Code, Figing Fire Limita, Regulation of Location of Offensive Trades, and of Zocation of Buildings and Objectionable Occupati�ns," which was adopted by the village council of Hopkins on February 19� 1929, is hereby repealed. Subdiaision j. "A,n Ordina.nce to Amend an Ordinance Entitled 'An Ordinance Establishing a Building Code� Fixing Fire Limits, xegulating the Location of Offensive Trades� and of Location of Buildings and Objectionable Occupations,"� which was adopted by the vi.11age council of Hopkina on October 15, 19�+6, is hereby repealed. S�bdivision �+. Ordinance No. 5 of the city of gopkins, tshich was �udopted by the city council of Hopkina on July 20, 19�1$, together �,nth the ordinance repealed thereby, are hereby both repealed. FIRST READ at a regular council meet.ing of the city of Hopkina held on the 2pth. d.a.y of February, 1951, and finally read and passed at a regalar meeting of the council of said city held on the 6th. d�,y of Ma,rch, 1951. Vd. HARLArT PERBIX, MAY�R A. t�. Elmqui st, Secretary of the council Frank N. tdhi tney� City Atto�a$y Published in The Hennepin County Review on March 15, i95�. co�y for the naper ��� �f�7�'�s ( 6) _ ,f � p A �a $1 `���.'� ,T( � �0�� -I� CITY OF HOPgINS, � a � x\'H` HENNEPIN COIINTY� MINNESOTA ORDINA�ICE N0. 6�+. 4 . ._ %`-. , , �; �,( b� J + � `~ � ; � AN ORDINAIVCE ESTABLISHIPJG A ZONING AND PLANTdING COA�iI5SI0iti FOR TF� CITY OF HOPgINS, AND AMENDING ORDINAl�?CE PTO. 8 OF THE CITY. BE IT OR]aAINED BY THE COUNGIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS: Sect�cn 1. Ordinance No. S of the city of Hopkins� Section 9 thereof, is amended to read as follows: Section j. Zoning and Planning Commission. Subdivision 1. A zoning and planning commiesion ia hereby established and vested with suc� administrative authority as is hereinafter provided. Such commission shall conaist of five citizen freeholdera who ha.ve been residents and taxpayers in the city, or in territory formerly adjacent to the city whicYi ia now part of the city, for at least five �ears, and also the mayor� city mana�er and city engineer aa ex officio members, and one member of the city council other than the mayor� to be eelected by the council for such term as the council may determine. Each member, including the ex officio members, shall have the right to vote on all matters before the commission. The five citizens sha.11 be appointed by the ma.yor and approved by the council. The commission ahall serve without compensation other than such compensation as its members�may receive for other services performed for the city. One of eaid citizen membera shall be appointed for a term of one year; one ahall be appointed for a term of two yeare; one shall be a�pointed for a term of three years; and two ahall be appointed for a term of four yeara. Thereafter, each citizen member shall be appointed for a term of four years. Any citizen member may be removed by a four-Pifths vote of the council. The secretary of the council ahall act as secretary of the commission and the city atto rney ahall act as legal couns'el for the commission. 3ubdivision 2. When acting as a zoning commisaion� the zoning and planning commiss�on ghall have the powere and perform the dutiea enumerated in sub- divisions three to six inclusive of this section. Siibdivieion j. The zoning a.nd planning commission, subject to the approval and confirmation of the city council� in each case as hereinafter proa3 ded, shall have power to grant adjustmenta and exceptions in and to ax�y of the provisions of this ordinance to the extent of the following and no further: (a). To vary or modify the strict application of any of the regula- tions or proviaions contained in this ordinance in cases in which there are practical difficulties or unnecessary ha,rdships in the way of such strict appl3cation; (b) . To permit the egter.aion of a c8atrict where the boundary line thereof divides a lot in one ownership at the time of the passa.ge of this ordinance. S�.ibdiviaion �+. Application for any adjustment permissible under the proviaions of thie aection shall be made to the city building inspector in the form of a written applica.tion for a buil�ing permit to use the property or premises as set forth in eaid apz�lication. Upon receipt of any such application, such officer shall set a time and (I) place for a public hearing before the zoning and planning commission on such application. � Such officer sha.11 cauae public. notice of such public hearing to be given by causing one notice thereof to be published in the official newspaper of the City of Hopkina at leaet eeven days before the date of eaid hearing. lt said hearing the applicant shall p resent a statement and adequate evideace, in such form as the zoning and planning commisaion may require, showing: �. (a). That there are apecial circameta.aces or conditions affecting the land� building or use referred to in.the application; (b). That the granting of the application is necessar� for the`� p reaervation and enjoyment of substantial p roperty Tighte; (c). That the granting of euch application will not materially affect adversely the health or sa.fety..of persone residing or�working in the neighbor- ' hoad of the p roperty of the applica.nt and will not be materiall� detrimental to the public welfare or injurione to propert� or improeements in eaid aeighborhood. Subdivision 5. The commiseion ehall thereu�on make ite decision u�oa the said application and shall report its recommends.tion to the city council within 15 days after the filing of the application. 5libdivieion 6. In recommending any adjustment or varia.nce under the provisions of this eectioa, the zoning and planning commission ehall deeignate such conditiona in connection therewith ae will, in its opinion, aecure aubstantially the objectives of the regulation or provision to which such adjustment or variance ie granted, as to light. air and the public health, eafety, comfort, convenience and general welfare. No permit shall be isaued under the provieione of thie section unless and until a decision of the zoning and planning commission, aa aforesaid� haa been acted upon by �� the city council which may either reject or confirm the deciaion;� of the zoning a,nd planning commission. In reporting ita decigion to the city conncil� the commiaeion ehall report ite fin@ings �rith respect thereto and all facts in connection therewith� e.nd shall specifically and fully set forth any adjustment or variance granted and the conditiona � designated. In a11 cases in which adjustmente or variancea are granted under the pro-- visione of this eection, the commission and the council sha11 require euch eeidence and guaranteea as it may deem to be neces�ary that the conditione designated ia connection thereraith are being and will be complied with. 3nbdivision 7. When acting ae a planning commiseion, the zoning and pla.nning commiaeion sha11 have the powers a.nd perform the dutiea enumerated in sub- divisions ei ght to 12 inclu sive of thi s section. S1.ibdivieion g. The commission eha11 etudy the qaestion of poesible future anne�ation to the city of tracts of land adjacent to�the cit�, and especially as ( 2) to hoar euch annexatione would affect the w�ter� sewer a.nd other public aervices of the cit�r, and as to whether or not such aaaexations �rould be beneficial to the persone residing in such adajacent tracts and to the city as a whole, and ehall make ita reporta and recommendations to the council. Subdiviaion 9. The commiesion ahall prepare aad recommend to the city council for adoption a comprehensive city plan for the pi�yeical development of the citg, including proposed public buildings, street arrangemente a.nd improvements, public utilit� aervicee� parke, playgrounde and other aimilar developments, the uae of property, the deneity of population� and other mattere relatiag to the physical development of the city. 9uch plan may be prepared in secti8na, each of which eha11 relate to a ma,jor eubject of the plan. 9ubdiviaion 10. Before recommending to the cit9 council the adoption. of the city plan or any aection of it or any eabstantial amendment thereof or ad.dition thereto� the commiaeion shall hold at least one public hearing thereon� notice of the time aad place of which ahall be publiehed itt the official newspe�per of the city at least seven days before the date of euch hearing. S�.ib di vi ai on 11. The ci ty council may adopt o r re j ect an,y su.ch ci ty plan� or aziy amendment of or �ddition to euch plan� which may be submitted to it by the zoning and planaing commiesion. The city council may amend or add to any plan eo sub- mitted. to it� but shall hold at least one pnblic hearing on any such amendment or addition after giving the published notice hereinbefore required. Subdiviaion 12. The commission, with the assiste.ace of the cit� engineer, m�y and upon inatruction by the city council sha1.1 prepare an official map of the platted and unplatted portiona of the city and ad,joining territory, or portions thereof, indicating upon such map the proposed future extension or windening of streets of the city within such existing platted and developed territory or across each unplatted territory. 9abdiviaion 13. After such map has been prepared a.nd a hearing on it has been held as hereinbefore provided� it ehall be sabmitted to the cauncil, which eha11 thereupon consider euch map and may, either with or without a public hearing, adopt it or an,y part of it with such amend.mente as it deems advisable. After auch map has been adopted by the council, whenever any egieting street or hig�w�y ie �idened or improved, or whenever any net� atreet ie opened or aequired by action of the city, it ahall not be requ.ired in such proceedings to pay for any building or etructure �hatsoever conetructed upon snch mapped street, or eituated outside of any building line that may have beea eetablished upon the existing etreet, or within any area thus reserved by the map for public purposea, ii such buflding or etru.ctu�re has been placed there without a permit or in , ( 3) violation of the conditions of a permit after the adoption and publication of such map. Section 2. Ordinance No. g of the City of Hopkina� Section 10� Subdivieion 2, is amended to read: Subdivieion 2. Applicatioa for the i$suance of a special uae permit shall be made to the zoning a.nd planning commisaion; provided that aay proceedinge to clasaii� certain uaes as conforming uaes ae provided in this eection may be initiated eit�er 'by such application or by the city council or b� the commission. The zoaing and planning commission mag hold euch hearings oa the proposal to iseue a epecial use permit as it may consider neceasary. Follo�+ring the aforeaaid. hearing, the commiasion sha,ll make a reuort to the council upon the propoeal and sha11 recommend to the council whatever action it deems advieable; but it ehall not recommend the granting of a permit unless it fiada that the eatabliahment, maintenance, or conducting of the uee for which a new permit is eoug�.t v�ill not under the circumetancea of the particnlar case be detrimental to the health� safety, morals, comfort� convenience or �velfare of the persone reaiding or working in the neig.�borhood of �ch uee a.nd �ai.11 not under the circumatances of the particular case be detrimental to the public avelfare or in,jurioua to property or improvements in the neig�- borhood. It ma,y designate conditions and reqaire guaranteee in the granting of use permits in the maaner provf ded in Section 9 for the granting of ad.�justmenta. IIpon receipt of the report of the commiasion� the council ahall hold whatever public hearings it deema advisable and shall make a decision upon the proposal to graut a use permit. If it finda that the conditione exist ahich are neceasary under this section before the zoaing and planning commisaion may recommend the granting of a use permit, the council may grant the uae permit and it may attach to the permit auch conditions sad guarantees as are provided for in Section 9 for the granting of ac�justments. Section 3. Ordinance No. S of the City of Hopkine� Section 11, 9ubdivieion 2, ie amended to read: 9ubdivision 2. An amendment may be initiated by the city co�uncil or the zoniag a.nd planning commiseion. Section 4. Ordina.nce DTo. g of the City of Hopkina� Seation 11, 9u.bdivision 3, ie amended to read: Snbdivision j. Before any amendment ie adopted, the zoning a.nd plauning commiasion shall hold at leaet oae public hearing thereon after eeven days publiehed notice of the time and place of euch hear3ng. Folloroing such hearing, the commission ehall make a report of ita findings and recommendatione arith respect to the propoaed amendment and sha,ll file a copy with the secretar�r of the council within 10 daye of the meeting at which the date of. the be��ing �rae set. Failure of the commi asion so to report wi thin s�id 10 d�ys aha11� be deemed to be approval by the commiaeion of the propoeed amendment. � �) Section 5. Thia ordinaace ehall become effectiee June 1, �95�. FIRST READ at a regalar council meeting oP the city of Hopkins held on the 20th day of February, 1951, aad finally rea.d and passed at a regular meeting of the con.ncil of aaid city held on the 6th. day of Nlarch, 1951.. A. iV. Elmqtiist. Secretary of the council Frank N. i�hi tney, City Attorney copy for paper w. a� �aBi�, r��8 Pabliahed in The Henaepin Connty Review oa March 15, 1951. �„�a �( �} .� � ( 5) . . , __._ .�,,.; ,. _ ;: CITY OF HOPgIN3 HENNEPIN COIIATTY� MINNESOTA oxrnR�rrrcE �o. 67. AN ORDINANCE RELATIRTG TO INTOXICATING LIQjJ08S AbTD AMENI7ING ORDINANCE N0. 19 OF THE CITY. BE IT ORDAINED by the council of the city of Hopkine: Section 1. Ordinance DTo. 19 of the city of Hopkine� Section 2� 9ub- diviaion 2, is amended to read: 9nbdivision 2. "On sale" licenses ahall be granted only to qualified applica,nts for an exclueive liquor store, and bnt five (5) sach licenaee shall be iasued. The license fee for an "on eale" license shall be $2,000.00 per year. FIRST READ.at a regular council meeting of the city of Ho�kine held on the 6th day of l�tarch, 1951, and finally read and paesed at a regnlar meeting of the council of eaid city held on the 20th day of P�arch, i951. W. HA&LA�T PERBI%, 1�AYpR A. W. Elmquiet, Secretary of the council Fra.nk N. Whi tney, City Attorney copy for paper Pn.bli ahed i a The Hennepi n Count�► Eevi ew on March 2g , 1951. � CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COII�I'Y� MINNE SOTA BESOLIITION N0. 1g9. A F�SOLUTIOAT AIITHORI ZING COPTDEMNATION P1�CF.EDINGS TO ACQIIIRE CERTAIN ROAD EASEMENT3. WH�REAS, in order to nrovide a highwa,y which will furnish a more direct connec- tion between state tx�nk hi�hway No. 7 and the area in the city of Honkina in which is located the wholesale distributin� houees of National Tea Co. and Red Owl Stores, Inc., which hi�hway can be used by the many trucks rtinning to and from said wholesale diatributin� houses and by other vehicles runnin� to and from the Easterl� nortion of the city of Hopkins, it is necessar�r to extend Monk.avenue in said citp in a Northerly direction until it connecta with said state trunk highwa� 1Vo. 7 and , �Vi�BEAS, eaid egtension of Monk avenue will also open up a considerable area of the city which is now undeveloped for home conetruction, and WHEREAS, as a nart of and in connection with said �roposed Northerly extension of Monk avernie, it fe desirable and necessary for the convenience of the -�ublic to provide a connection between said proposed extension and Hiau�atha. avenue, and to widen said Hiawatha avenue from its preaent width to a width of forty (�) feet so as to nrovide for increased traffic thereon� and _ WHER�AS, in order.to construct said hi�wa.y improvements, it is necessaxy for the city to acquire b� right of eminent domain the easements hereinafter aet forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLPED tha.t the cit� acguire by the right of eminent domain the right, privilege a.nd easement to construct and maint�in a street or road., to�ether with aidewalk, curb and gutter, and to install sto rni and aanitary eewer maine and water and gas maine, over� under and across a11 the following tracta or parcels of land lyin� and bein� in the county of Hennepin, state of Minnesota� deacribed as follows� to-wit: Parcel No. l. The Westerly Thirty-three (33) feet of the Northerly One Hundred Fift�-fiee (155) feet of I,ot Sigty-eight (68)_, Auditor's S1ib- division Number Two Hundred Thirty-nine (239�:, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Parcel No. 2. The LOesterly Thirty-three (33) feet of .that part of Lot Seventy (70), Auditor's S�bdivision Number Two Hundred Thirty-nine (239), Hennepin County, Minne$ota, lying South (S) of the North (N) Two Hundred Forty (.2�!0) feet, and excepting that part lying South- westerly of Minneha.ha Creek. Parce]. No, j. That part of Lot Seventy (70), guditor!s Subdivision Number Two Hundred Thirty-nine (239), Hennenin Countg, Minnesota, deacribed . as followa: Be�inning at the Sotitthwest (SW) corner of said Lot Seventy (70), thence North (AT) along the Weat (W) line of said Lot Seventy (70) to Minnehaha Creek; thence Southeasterly along Minnehaha Creek to a point which i» Thirty-three (33) feet East (E) at right an�lea of said Weat (��V) line of Lot SePenty (70) ; thence Srnzth (S) along a line which is Thirty-three (33) feet from and parallel to the said West (W) line of Lot Seventy (70) to a point which is One Hundred Fifty (150) feet North (N) of (1) the South (S) line of said Lot Sevent� (70); thence Southeasterly to a point in tre South (S) line of Lot Seventy (70), which point is Sixt,q-six (66) feet East (E) of the Southwest (SW) corner of Lot Sevent� (7C?); thence West (W) along the South (S) line of Lot Seventy (70) to the point of be�innin�. Parcel No. 4. That part of the East (E) Six Hundred (6(10� feet of the Northwest Quarter (1Wd�) of the Northeast Quarter (NE�) of Section Nine.teen (19), Township One Hundred Seventeen (117) PTorth; Ran�e Twaaty_ one (21) Weat, described ae foll.ows: Commencing at the Southeast (SE) corner of said Morthwest Quarter (NW�) of the Northeast Quarter (A3Fra) ; thence North (RT) along the East (E) line of said Northwest Quarter (NW�) of the Northeast Q�iarter (NF}�) to the ATorth- east (NE) corner thereof; thence West (tn') along the North (N) line of ��id Northwest Quarter (NW�) of the DTortheaat Q�,iarter (NE4) to a point which is Thir.ty-three (33) feet distant at right angles from said East (E) line; thence South (S) alon� a line parallel to and thirt,y-three (33) feet from the East (E) line of aaid North�veet Qaarter (PTWs) of the Northeaet Q�arter (NE�) to a point One Hun.dred Fifty (150) feet North (ld) of the South ( S) line of said Northweat �Zarter (NW�) of the Northeast quarter (NEE�); and thence 5outheasterly to the point of beginnin�. Parcel No. 5. That part of the East Six Hundred (E (��) feet of the Northwest Quarter (D1W�) of the DTortheast Quarter (NE4.) of Section BTineteen (19), Tov�nship One Hundred Seventeen (117) North, Range Twenty-one (21) West, d�scribed.as follows: A strip of land Forty (�) feet wide bein� Twenty ( 2Q) feet on each aide of the follov�*in� described center line: Commencing on the Weeterl,y line of eaid East (E) Si$ � Hundred ( 6p0) feet of Northwest Q�,iarter (NW4) of Northeast O�iarter (NI�}�) said Section Nineteen (lQ), at a point One Hundred Fifty (150) feet North (N) of the South�est (3W) corner thereof; thence runnin� Easterly along a line para11e1 to and One Hundred Fifty (154) feet North (Pt) of the South (S) line of said East (E) Six Hundred (600) feet of NortY�v�est Quarter (NW�) of Northeast (�.iarter (N�a) of said Section Nineteen (19), a distance of Four. Hundred (1-t()0) feet; thence Southeasterly to a point on the Ea,aterl� line of said Northweat Qu�rter (NW�) of 1Vortheast Q�arter (NP}4) of s�id Section Nineteen (19), which point is Ei�hty (g0) feet �orth (N) of the Southeast (SE) co rner of eaid Northwest Q�.iarter (N6T�) of .Northeast (�.iarter (NFr�) of said Section NineteFn (19); eadent that �art thereof which lies Eastprly of a line beginnin� at the Southeaet (SE) corner of said Northwest Q�zarter (NWa) of Northeast 6�.iarter (NE4) of said` Section Dlineteen (19) , and runnin� PTorthwesterly to a�oint One Hundred Fift� (150) feet North (N) of the South (S) line of said DTorth�sest Q�i.arter (NW4) of Northe�.st �arter (NF,�) of said Section Nineteen (19) , and Thirty- three (33) feet West of the East (E) line thereof. Parcel No. 6. That part of the Northea.at Q�iarter (1��) of the Northwest Quarter (RTW�) of Section Nineteen (19)� Township One Hundred Seventeen (117) 1Qorth, Range Twenty-one (21) West, described as followa: Commencin� at a point which ie the interaection of the South (S) line of State Highway Number 7 with the East (E) line of said 1Qortheast �arter (NE�) of ATorthweat (�iarter (�Y+T¢) ; thence $outh ( S) alon� the said Ea,st (E) line of said Northeaet �.iarter (N�) of DTorthwest �arter (NW�) a distance of Five Hundred Twenty-five (525) feet; thence Westerly at right angles to said Ea.st (E) line a distance of Seven (7) Peet; thence Northerly along a line parallel to and Seven (7) feet distant from said East (E) line of said Northeaet Quarter (NFr�) of the Northwest �.ia.rter (NW�) to the South ( S) line of State Higha�a.y No. 7; thence Easterly along the South (S) line of State Highway Number 7 to the point of beginning. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that �roceedin�s to_ acquire �aid right, privileges and easementa over� under and acro�s said tracts or parcels of land under the right c� ��... � _ , . r.,, „ .- :���mi-nent domain according to the lawa of the atate of Minnesota be commenced, and that ;�:.� � �) the city manager and mayor are authorized and directed, on behalf of the city, to sign a petition to the District Court of Hennepin Count�, Minnesota, for the acquiaition of said rights, privileges a.nd �asements a.nd the appointment of commi ssioners to apprai se the same. - ADOPTED by the council of th e city of Hopkins at a regular meetin� thereof held thie 6th, day of Ma.rch, 1951. W. HARLAAT PERBIX, MAYOR _ __ A. W. Elmquist, Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney �3) � �0 ���,Is'y 9 regular meeting of the Gouncil of �he "City of Hopkiris, D�inriesota., was Yield at the Cit y Hall at` 7:30 o�clock P.Mo on '�ia:esday, B�arch �0, 1951e- Menibers resent��ere. �a r Perb -� _ _ p • y�o ix, Councilmen �filbert, ZiegTer, Becl�an, City A�anager Congdon� City Attorney �Phitney�,and City Engineer Laska. Member abserrt: �nderla, Ziegler moved� Beckman seconded, that bills as presented be paid from the fo11oW ing funds. Carriedo GIIVERAL FUND .. . 3250 Jack Niles Dir. of Recre , .. � B.B:F•Yhtry Fee - _ - .- � 32 1 IIniversity of Minne Registe &�.iition Fee. 3266 First IVational Ba.nk of Hopkins �itnrioia� � nea� 3267 Treasurer, Sta.te of B�innesota Reti.rement Fuiidi�'Ded, 3283 C. C. Congdon, Treas, Petty CasYi Items� 328l� �Yx'1 Crominett � Square Dance Calling _ . .. 328� Direct Service Oil Co, Tow�.ng � 3286 Gehrma.n Ani.ma:l Clinic & Hospital Bd. �Dog� Euthana.sia � _ . ... 32 Chester E. Groth Music Co. Ba1. Eass Horn 3288 Henriepiri Co,Dist. Boiler Inspector Irispectioris 3289 Hennepin Caunty Revie� PublisYiing 3290 Justus Lumber Cos � Supplies 3291 Ke11ey Sales Com Supplies, Raincoats 3292 Kilgore Mfg. Co. �.ises � 3293 gokesh Hdwe. Supplies 3?94 Koss Pairit 8c 11Pa].lpaper Co. Supplies 3?95 Miller—Davis Coo "� Supplies 3296 Mi11er Meters, Ince Pai�s 3298 N�orthern1States�Power Co Service . Service 3299 Bdi.11er-Davis Coe Supplies � 330o Staridard Oil Co, Charges � moe' Febriiary Salaries � �_ �,st`. � of �a�ch�:=":: ;- Hourl,y Pa.pro11 Period e�diaag 3—�5-51 893 894 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 702 703 707 708 709 710 7I1 712 ?13 ?1� ?15 RQAD & BRIDGE FtIB� �First Natiorial: Bank of Hopkins Treasurer State of B�innesota Richard Johnsori Robert J. Feltl Harry Liriclberxq George Michl � .. . C: C. Congdori� �eas. Direct Service Oil Co. Justus nmber Co. _ NortYiern Sta.tes Power Coo _.. Sa].aries Hourl.p P�yroll Withholclin.g Tax Ded, Retirement�Fund Ded. Track Rental '�ruck RentaS Tr�uck Rental Trti.cls Rerital Petty Cash Items SuppTies Supp].ies S�ervice �s���:; � of _�a.rch :.: ;,: Period ending 3-].,5�1 ��TER FUAID First Idational Bank of Hopkins Treasurer, St, of Minn. � Addressograph-Mul.ti,Corpe - Burroughs Add.e�acYi.Coo C. C. Con.gdon, Treaso Kokesh HdWe. _ Koss Pa.int & i�allpaper Co„ Tom Motzko Coe _. _.. _ � Northerri States Power Co� NortYiv�estern 8e11 Telephone Co. Skelly� 0i1 Coo Salaries iiourly Payroll � 20000 2f�� l�11.� a 21 129.Lu : : 22:23 i5:oo I.e�O �.?s�� 220000 17.e00 67p3o 2so85 121�.70 30:2� 27.98 9a� 153:88 80091 70.42 ?53:1#r 2I:36: �.22 �6�6b1� lil�:?m�� 116080 50:94 52.00 50.�-8 66e63 102:38 053 1�.50 38:28 13:05 368s60 53�082 �ithholelirig Tax Decluctions 113.10 Retirement Ftiind Decbict�_ons 20:�.2 Al1oy Plates �5:10 Adding B�achine 292e50 Petty Cash Items 5001� Su.pplies " :55 Siipplies -10.50 Allo4�arice on im*• to �.0 12th Ns50o00 Serv3ce 390:13 VPires . 8:13 Fuel Oil 30e60 lst 2__of- March . .. 1�39e1�? Period ending 3-z5 51 206.98 SPDCIAL ASSF�SIU�TT Fti11ID 47 First Natiorial Bank of Bdplse Int: -.�: Service Charge 1�8 N.W.National Bank of B�pls. Coupons SE9�fAGE DISP06�L FUAID 210 lst National Bank of Hopkins Withholdirig Tax Ded, 2I2 Treasurer, State of B6�.nnesota Retirement F'und �ed. 2]:!� Northern States Povrer Co. Service -- 2 Kokesfi Hdwe. Su�iplies _ . Salaries � lsti of �darch Hourly Payroll Period- ending 3-7,5-51 � 922.li0 25.72 39:60 13000 94042 14.87. 112,20 55e9� PF�dAN�?T IMPROVF�TT REPOLVING Ft1DID . _ :� 22� First National Bank of Hopkins VPithholdirig Taa� Ded. 37�e 0 226 Treasiirer Sta.te of BBinn. - �- �16:00 � Retirement Fund Ded. 227 ���aries lst � of �6a.rch 185.80 Becl�an moved, BBilbert seconded,- that �he �t�o requests from the'�inneapolis Gas ComFiany for main extension, their-No.�e 116 and 120� be granted, subject to the City Engineer�s approval. Carried. Becl�azi moved, Ziegler seconded, � that tYie appoi:ntment of La�vrence 0. Hauge by Mayor Perbix� as a member of the Health Board� be approved. Carried. _ - Bec lanan �oved ie ler secondePd tha Pthe etitiori signed by the home o�rs in the northeast section`of Ho kins rotesting the erection oi' doub�e bunga— la�s Zn their neighborhood be placed on fi].e. Carried, . Ziegler`moved� �ilbert seconded, tYiat the reques�t-of the Econo� Re�rigerated ' Lockers, Inc.� to place a-10�� drive�day from Excelsior 9venue�irito Lot� 3", Block 8� VPest Minneapolis, be granted as approved by City F�gineer Laskae Beclanan voting no, carriedo Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that Resolution Idoa190, "A RF�OLUTION ORDERIIVG A HF�RING ON IIdGii��R�'S REPORT ON THE IAJSTALLATION OF SAA]ITARY S_� 9TID �ATER PdAIN5 ON ALTHEA LANE IN CAA�BELL ADDITION Ta HOPRINS"� marked �hibit Ql�� be adopted, Carriedo Meeting ac�j ourned, A. .��nquis , creta.ry o the Counc COUNC IL�ELJ: �TTFSTs �c�„�„`..-_ � _ , � �P. Harlan Perbix, ��r or 0 e t � .+ � CITY OF HOPKINS HENI�EPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLIITION N0. 190. A RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING ODT ENGINEER� S REPORT OiV THE IAtSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWER AND WATER MAINS ON ALTHEA LANE IId CAMPBELL ADDITION TO HOPKINS. WI�REAS, the council of the city of Hopkins on September 5, 1950, adopted a reeolution referring the matter of inatallin� sanitary sewer and water main e�tensions in Althea Lane from the south line of the plat of Hobby Acres aoutherly along Althea Lane as the same is located in the proposed plat of Campbell �Addition to the cityr of Hopkina, and WHEREAS, said en�ineer ha,s investigated the necessity and feasibility of said im�orovementa and on March 20, 1951, reported thereon to the council and filed his written report with the secretary of the council, a.nd, � WHEREAS, said engineer'�� report recommende that said sanita.ry sewer and water main extenaiona be installed in the following location, namely: Commencing at the intersection of Minnetonka Mills Road and Second Street North; thence runnin� northeasterly alon� Minnetonka Milla Road to ite intersection with Althea Lane; thence running northerl� along Althea Lane and through the plat of Campbell Ad.dition to Ho�okina to the south line of Hobby Acres; thence continuing northerly along Althea La.ne to the intersection of Althea Zane and Farmdale Road, at an estimated coat for the installation of said water maina of $12,�+25.00, and at an eatimated coat for the installation of said sanitary sewer ma.ina of $10,746.75; NOW, THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED that said enginee's report will be considered by the council of the city of Hopkina and action taken thereon at a re�ular meeting of the city council to be held on Tuesday, April 17, 1951, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., and BE IT �TRTHER RESOLVED that the city manager give notice of such hearing by publishing a notice once in each week for two aucceasive weeka in the ofPici�al news- �aper of said city, eaid notice to describe in �enera� language the improvements recommended in the en�i.neer's report and the estimated coets thereof. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a re�ular meeting thereof held this 20th, d�,y of March, 1951. A. W. Elmquiat, Secretar�r to the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney W. HARLAN PERBIX, MAYOR � A.= � V �"Gy 1��1 �� � � 1`� DTOTICE OF HEARING ON ENGINEER' S� REPOE�.' FOR THE INST�I,LATIOPT OF SADTITARY S�EWER AND WATER MAINS ON ALTHEA LANE IN CAMPBELL �lIDITION TQ HOPKINS. NO'E.ICE IS HF�REBY GI6EN that the city engineer of Iiopkina did on the 20th day of March, 1951, file a report with the city conncil re�:ating to the installation of sanitary sewer and water main;4;extensions in the follo�ving location, namel�: ,6bmm�ncin� at the intersection of Minnetonka Mill.e Road and Second street north; thence running aortheasterl� along Minnetonka Mill s Road to its intersection with Althea La.ne; thence running northerly along Althea La.ne and through the plat of Campbell Addition to Hopkins to the south line of Hobby Acres; thence continuing northerly along Althea La.ne to the inter�ection of Althea Lane and Farmdale Road, at an estimated cost for the installation of said water maine of $12,�25.00, a.nd at an estimated coet for the installation of said sanitary sewer maine of $lo, 7�+6. 75. NOTICE IS �URTf�R GIVEN that the city council has by resolution fixed- Tuesday, April 17, 1951, at 7:j0 o'clock P.Ai, at the council chambera in the city ha.11 aa the time �nd place at urhich the council will hear such persons as care to be heard in reference to said improvem ents, or either of them, and will consider said engineer's report and act thereon. C. C. CONGDON, Dated at Hopkins� Minneaota, City Managpr this 22nd. day of March, 1951 Frank N. WhitnPy, City Atto rney Publiehed in The Hennepin County Review March 29 and April 5� i95i. w � 0 x.� ��� � � ��� � regul.ar meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, B�innesat�, �as held at the City Hall at 7;30 otclock P.M. on Tuesday, �pril 3, 1951e P.�embers present �ere: fl�ayor Perbi.Y, CoUncilmen Anderla, Milbert, Ziegler, Beckman� City B6anager Congdon� Cit� �ttorney �lhitney� �nd City �gi.�eer Laska, �dembers absent; Noneo Ziegler moved, Beckm�an seconded, that bills as presented he paid from the fol- lowing funds and that the check in the amount of �1,599+50� issued to the Sta.te of Nlinnesota, covering our share of t11e txaffic signals on No. 7 Highway at _,12th Avenue, be registered; also register the check in the amount of �59185a009 issued to Smith Dunn Company9 covering the balance due on the s treet s�aeepere Carri. ed, 3301 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 331�3 33l� 331.�5 3346 33�.7 334$ 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 336i� 3365 3366 336? 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 33T5 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 GENERAL FU11ID Minneapolis Gas Company June.Bnderson Erena Bakeberg I,ura Else Lus].la Finch John R.�Fox Calvin J. Hromatka Victor R. Johnson Harland B..Jones Don R. Kadlec Edua n J. Kalash G�y E. Knuth Joseph T. Anderla Stuart E. Beckman Len Jo BBilbert John.Ziegler W. Harlan Per�ix- Americana Corporation American LaFrance-Foamite Corpe B3.-Lateral Fire Hose Coo Consumers Union , Dahlberg Bros. Direct Service Oil Coo Doubleday & Compar�y, Inco Federal Laboratories,_Sncb The Fideler Co. _ First National Ins. Co, ieRoy Fish Laurenz A..Harris Hennepin, �o,Reviev� Hopkins Fire Depto Hopkins Home & �u.to Supply. Hopkins Pdotor Sales Imperial Suppl,y Co, Jean Karr & Co, I,ampert Yards Matt�s Cafe St. of ]l�inn, Dept, .of High�ways N,�eBell Telephone Cos The Staurday Review Soha.af Mfgo Cos Suburban Chevrolet Co, 3uburban He,nn.Co.Relief Board Subuxban Press, Inc. W.C.�hitne� Ii.�P.�ilson Co0 3alar.ies Hourly Payroll Service Jury Dutg n n n n n n n a n n n a N q rr n n n n n S�lary"lst � 19s1 3alary.,lst 1951 Salary lst 1951 Salary Ist 1951 Salary lst . 1951 March Payment Parts . Hose Subscription Repairs Service Books Tear Bas Guns,Shells Books x��ai Square Dance �allin� Car �7.lov�ance, �oo March Publishing Ca11s,Drill�Telephones Repairs &�Supplies Rsps�s Pump Fire Truck AddsA�2,Ch e Tape Books Supplies 85 Dinners (Recreation) Traffic Signal System,Coritm Service Subscription Trophies Repairs Relief Expendomo.I�arch Printing ETectrical Inspections Subscription last � �arch Period ending 3-31�1 � 120ol�b . 1•00 1000 1e40 1s00 1000 1p00 1.00 le� 1000 - 1000 1000 25s00 25e00 25.00 25.00 75.� 82.30 ].�t�, 81 ui.7.00 5.00 106,71 2,60 3�.s22 �901? 28o6i� 509.37 lla 00 25s00 105000 100�00 171e71 359e36 18050 �.�.e 28 2e84 55.25 1599a50 78.34 6000 28a1�2 156019 ].1�6016 107.72 88,32 2036.8 525.24 9].1a. 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 725 726 ?27 728 729 ?30 731 732 -2- ROAD & BRIDGE FUI�ID First National Ins, Agency Hopkins Home & �uto Suppl� Hopkins Motor Sales �Im. H. B�cCoy National Bushing & Parts Coe NaIR.Bell Telephone Coo Skell.y Oil Compan� Smith-Dann Compa�, stanaara a�i co�� Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Salaries Hour�y Payxoll Inc. Inc. First National Ins.Agency Hi].lcrest Gaxage . National Bushi.ng & PaEts Co. W.S. 1Vott_ Co. Rockwell Mfg. Coe A.P.Smith Mfg.Cod Suburban Press, Irbce Frank N. .Whitney Salaries Hourly Payroll Rene�eal Supplies & Repairs Parts Gas Pa.rts Service Gas & Fuel Oil Balo�otor S�reeper Gas Parts last 2 March Period enda3-31�1 �; ►s �!• � premium Renewal Tha�o�fater �a.in Repairs Hose Parts Hydrant Valves Printing Fees for filing deed,etc. Last z March Period end.3-31�1 S�IPA�GE DISPOSAL FUND � 326.7� �85.62 20.90 198.7a 16.25 11.50 184.2l� 5i85.00 168soo 121�.85 368.60 394.76 32•!�9 30e� 20•00 34.33 8.21� ].500e00 ?2s12 3.� 489.�.7 144eT5 219 First� IJat�l.Ins.Agency Premiva Renev�al 35.08 220 Browne Plumbing Co, Refund Sewage Disp.9ssmft• 50000 Salaries La.st 2 �arch . . 112,20 Hourly Payroll Period end„3-31�1 8�..50 P'E�AN�NT I�RRO�NT REPOLVING F'UI�ID 229 Fix'st Nat�loInssAgenCyr 231 Hennepin County Revie� 232 H. H. Rogers Co.� 233. Suburban Press, Inco Salaries Iiourly Payroll Pr�mium RenevPa.l Publishing 3upplies Printing Last � �darch Period endo3-31 51 4oe73 17e10 2a58 18,00 i85oso 20 015 Ziegler moved, Beclanan s�onded, that tk�e petition presented by the taxpayers of 12th A�enue North� from Egcelsior to First Street North� for twu hour parki.ng from 6 Ao�. to b P.M. and five�hour parking from 6 P.M. to 6 A.M. be referred to the.City ffianager for recommendation, together with a report on one-way traffic in the east and west alleys just north and south of Excelsior A�enue. Carriede Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that the request by the Idorthern States Power Compar�r to place a pole on Preston Lane� b etween Interlachen.an d Ashleg be granted, subject to the City Ehgineer+s appraval. Carried. Becl�an moved� ��i.lbert seconded, that the letters by the ldorthern States Power Compar�y� dated .1,2-7-50 and 3-20-51� referring to agreements for the fu.rnishing of street lighting servi.ce and �ater pumping service� be Pe,ferred to the City Manager for recommendationo Carriedo Beclanan moved, I�ilbert seconded, that an appropriation of �100Q00 be made to the Hennepin County �griculture Society to�a.rd the 1951 Fair, �Carriede Becl�a,n moved� Ziegler seconded, that �rs. �ni.].y Haskin and I�re. Gertrude Kosanda be appointed deput�:es to the assessor. Carried.� -3p Pursuant to notice� bids xere opened.for sidea�alk� curb and gutter, and black- topping nnaterial f or 1951, also for wa,ter m�ain and se�er pipe. The follm�ing bids were receivedr Cut Back Asphalt � 1-2-3 Road Oil sc 1-2 3 Jay �. G. Bury & Republic J. V. E. Craig Johnson Carlson Creosoting Gleason Sewall Os135 0,1l� �s�.25 �s�.3� Hot Ready Mix ,Tar - ou� truck Asphalt " � Tar-their tr�ck Aspha,lt � n� 3.C..Asphalt _ Tar American �ast Iron U.S.Pipe & Foundry Co. James B.Clow & Sons 0,137 oai27 l�070 l�080 4.30 5.20 l�.80 oe195 0.195 6" C.Ie 0.13l�1a. o,i2t�,. 1�.80 4.35 l�.60 4.35 4e85 �s�� �.5� 0.19.�5 0�19 T's Iu°Bends Plugs � 1077 � 24�5� 1e71a5 23.84 i.77 25.50 � � 11�.95 � 4.03 . ]1tel�1� 15e55 Victor Fitzgerald Carl Carlson & Sons Bros� Anderson �e�w Straight curb,6u w:ide by 16�� deep 1075 ATew Combination curb & gutter as sho�un on tkie attached sketch 2e50 New Curved curb, 6n wide by 16n deep 2.2p Pte�v •Curved curb and gutter� combination curb and gutter 2•75 Ne� DrivevPays, 6" thick 0.70 Nev� Sidewalk, 1�" m thick 0.52 Repair Straight curb, 6Q tiride by 16n deep: 3050 Repai.r Combination curb_and gutter �s sho� 5,pp on the attached sketch Repair Curved curb, 6a wide by 16tt deep l�020 Repair Curved curb an�l. gutter�comi�ination curb and gutter, 5,5p Repair Drivevaays, 6" thick 1.1�0 Repair Sidewalk, I�n�thick 1��, �cpansion jQint 1� thick by !�n wide Oa10 �cpansion joint � thick�6�wi�.e by 16n deep 0015 Expansion joint 2n thick,tfl fit combi�ation Oo75 curb an� gutter F.O.B. Car Hopkina 8�� Pipe 6n Pipe 8x6 Y�s 6.+!t ; 1/8 Bend 6�� 3toppers F.O.B. Job site, in truckload lots 8n Pipe , 6m pipe i�t�i Y t 3 6:�`> 1/8 Bend 6� Stoppers 1.5t� 1.45 2s�.9 2�55 109�.1. 1e50 2 031� 2.65 4�55 OsJr2: 0.1�7 oe38 2.30 1.65 �- 2e94 2.75 2s91� 1.70 3034 0,80 0.72 0.06 Bsa.2 O,la.S Justus Lumber Co. per ft. .520 per ft. .3L�1 3 � eae 2.l�65 - " 1e239 "- ,15�. per ft. s51� pex' fta a,35? 3� ea. 2.577 °' 1r295 '�j eT61 2s85 0.72 0.�8 0, 0$ 0.20 0.48 _ � � Ziegler moved, �ilbert seconded, that Resolution No,1929 "A RESOLtiTI01V ORDERING A HFARING ON ENGINE�t�S REPORT ON BLACK TOP SURFACING TF�A�S AVIIJUE,FROM DNISION ._ _ . S'PREET, TO I�AKE STREET"� marked �hibit. ng��9 be adoptedo Carriedo ^ ..._ _- . - _. _. . ,LL Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded� that the�proposed fire ordinance A1oo�66, be tablede Caraied, Beckman moved, Ziegler seconded, tliat the bid of James B. Clow and Sons, as listed above, for water main pzpe be acceptedo Carried, Beclrnlan moved, Ziegler seconded� that the suggestions regarding the florid�ation ;:� of the Hopkins water supply, as presented. by Dro Jo Je.Hersman, Chairm"an� be referred to the �ity II�gineer and City B�anager for stuc�r and report0 Carriedo Beclanan moved, Ziegler seconded, that the bid of Justus Lumber Compar� for sewer pipe� as listed above, on job delivery be acceptede Carriedo Beclnnan moved, Ziegler seconded, that the salary rate of Jake Scheifler be set at �40e00 per month from 3/1/51. Carried. BeclQnan mo�ed9 Ziegler seconded, that the bids of Earl 3e�all and Sons for reac�r mix materi.al, Republic Creosoting for road tar, and Ja� W. Craig for cut back asphalt and road oil material be acceptedo Carriedo B�eeting adjournedo ATTESTa _. ��l�'� ���,-- � / , �. Harlan Perbix� �dayor.� Ao o qw.s � re ary to e ounc COUNCII�Ta � /� i - . � � CITY OF HOP'KINS ' HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA - RESOLUTION NO. 192. .5� ' ;�`. A RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING ON ENGINEER'S REPORT ON BI�ACK TOP S[TRFACING T�CAS AVENUE FROM DIVISION STREET TO L1�KE STREET. _ Wf�REAS, the council of the.city of Hopkins on June 7, 19��, adopted a reaolution referring the matter of black top aurfacing Texae Avenue from Division street to Lake atreet to the city engi.neer for his inaeatigation and report, and V1i�REAS, Frank Laska, city engineer� ha.s investiga.ted the neceasity and feasibility of said improvement and on April j, 1951� reported thereon to the council and filed his written report �vith the secretary of the council, and WIiEREAS, said engineer�s report recommends that said street be black top surfaced at an estimated cost of �a1,0�.00; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED that sa.id eneineer's reoort arill be conaidered by the council and action taken thereon at a regular meeting of the city council to be held on the first day of May, 1951, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cit� manager �i.ve notice of such hearing by publiehin� a notice once in each week for two succesaiee weeka in the official newenaper of sa.id city, said notice to describe in general langua�e the improve- ment recommended in the en�ineer's report and the estim�,ted cost thereof. ADOPTED by the council of the city of HoDkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 3 rd, day of.Ap ril, 1951. W. HA.RLAN PERBIX, MAYOR A, k�. Elmc�ui st, - Secretarsr to the council Frank N, Whitney, City Attorney ` '� � J� � I' � 1 , � a CITY OF HOPKINS� HENNEPIN Ca[TNTY, MINNESOT� NOTICE OF HEARIVG ON ENGINEER'S REPORT ON BLACK TOP SURFACING TE�AS A�ENtTE FROM DIVISION STREET TG LAKE STREET. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the city engineer of Hopkina did on the 3rd. da.y of April, 1951, file a report wi th the city council recommending the black top surfacing of Texas �venue from Division Street to Lake Street at an estimated cost of $1,OOO.C?0. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the city council has by resolution fixed Tuesday, the first day of 2day, 1951, at 7:j0 o'clock P.M. at the council chambera in the city hall aa the time and place at which the council will hear auch persone a.s care to be heard in reference to said irrro rovement and will consi der said en�ineer's repart and act thereon. Dated at Hopkins, Minnesota� this 5th day of April, 1951. C. C. CONGDON, City Manager Fra.nk N. Whitney, City Attorney Publi�hed in The Hennepin County Review on Anril 12 and 19, 1951 a �� l � c� 1 a j� � � �, I A special meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, B�innesota� vras held at the City Hall at 8 o�clock P.�.� on April 11, 1951. Members present were: �4ayor Perbix, Counci].men �nderla, Becl�a.n, Pl�ilbert, Ziegler, City Manager Congdon, �City Attorney �fThitneye �embers absent: None. Ziegler moved, geckman seconded, that Resolution No.191�� "A RF�SOLUTION DEZ'II�INIAIG THE N�7CF�SITY AND �CPIDIENCY OF BORR:dING �IONEY FOR ZYIE ACQUISITION �F FIRE FIGHTING EQUIP�IENT, ISSUARrCE OF �NDS TO PAi FOR �iE SA� AND CAIZING AN ELF�CTIQnT'�� marked Exhibit "A"� be adoptedo Caxried?unanimously« � ATTFST: � __ - .�1�-'_. � , � �� �s ///r'�r � �'�¢ j�1/`�°� p' /�,"/{p� � � � > �I.,,,wp0.Y.rh�r1�,��•Y ���'L✓bf'"'�i.�l�l i ,' ��' ' `� -� $ �If. Harlan Perbix, P�ayor � e`� n � A. 1Y. IImquist, Se etary to the �ouncil COUNCII�T: � ✓ rv ,�-::.. � ` � .�� _ '-�,. . I. . �i �J' �5 .: .. . r. �,; .�,•.. {�,. � ....,��..,,,,y+t �� � 3 1 o�� � �,s > �. - '�"�,�.",.e-� ,� �9�-�GO`�sa� �� � �� � � CI TY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0, 1�t}.. A RESOLUTION DETERMINING TI� NECESSITY AND EXPEDIENCY OF BORR04�IING MONEY FOR THE AC�UISITION OF FIRE FIGHTING EQUIFMENT� I�SUANCE OF BONDS TO.PAY FOR THE SAME AND CALVING AN ELECTION. BE IT RFSOLVED by the Council of the City of Hopkins � _ Mir�nesota � a.s follows: . 1. It is deemed nec.essary and by issuing the negotiable c : the total amount of $�5,��.� fo �ighting eauipment� said bonds to mat date� form� denomination and in such h.ereafter determined by the council. xpedient to borrow money upon bonds of the c ity in the acquisition of.fire re serially� be of such ther details as shall be 2. The question of�approving t�e issuance of bonds to - provide mor�ey for- such purpose shall be sub�itted to the legal voters of the city at the annual election to be held at the regular polling pla.ces in the c�ity on Tuesday� the 15th " day . of May � 1951. . � 3.'t' At said election there shall be submitted to the legal : voters of the city the following propositior�: : Shall the City of Hopkins issue ilts negotiable coupon . bonds in.the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed � 25,000.00 for the purp�ose of the acquisition of f ire f ight ing e quipment'� 4.' Notice_of said election shall be given by publication in the official newspaper at least once� not less than one week prior to the date of said election� and by posting notice thereof in three of the most public and conspicuous places in said city not .less than five days before such election. 5. � The secretary of the council is authorized and directed to cause suitable ballots to be printed for the use of the voters at-said election in substantially the fol.lowing form� - and said balTots shall be posted and published with the notice. of election. ' OFFICIAL BALLOT BOND ELECTION CITY OF.HOPKINS� MINNESOTA May 15� 1951 Shall the Gity of Hopkins issue its negotiable. bonds in the a.ggregate principal amount of not exceed � 25,000000 for the purpose of the acquisition of fire fighting equipment� �s �i•� coupon to ` Instructions to Voters� If you wish to vote in favor of issuing the above bonds� mark a cross (X) in the square opposite the word YES. If you wish to vote against issuing the bonds� make a cross (X) in the square opposite tYie word NO., 7• All of the provisions of the statutes of the State of Minnesota relating thereto shall govern said election and the council shall meet on Wednesday � the 16th. day of May, 1951� for the purpose of canvassing the vote thereat and determining the results of said election, and taking such further actior� relating to the issuance of said bonds as may be necessary. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a special meeting thereof held this llth. day of April, 1951. A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney� City Attorney 0 � ��. HARLAN PERBIX, MAYOR 0 �- � �� ��� NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION � �' ��, CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA MAY 15, 1951 NOTICE ie hereby given that at the annual elec.tion to be held in a.nd for the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, on Tuesday, the l�th. day of May, 1951, a vote will be taken on the following question: SHALL THE CITY OF HOPKINS ISSUE ITS NEGOTIABLE COUPON BONDS IN THE AGGREG9TE PRINCIPAL AMOIIr1T OF DTOT TO EXCEED $25,000.00 FOR THE PIIRPOSE OF THE ACQUISITION OF FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT? Said election will be conducted in the regular nolling �laces for said city, aa follows: District No. 1: gt the Harley Hopkins School Building. Diatrict No, 2: At the Hopkina Public Library. District No. j: At the Hopkins Municipal Building (City Hall). District No. �F; At the Junior High School Building. District No. 5: At the Oak Rid�e Country Club: The polls for eaid election will be open at 7:�Q o'clock A,M. and wi.11 close at Sc00.o'clock P.M. ,A11 of the qualified, electors of the city are entitled to vote at said election. BY ORDER OF THE COIINCIL, •, � Secretary of t e Council � Published in The Hennenin County Review.on Anril 26th. and May 3, 1951. � N �� `��5� . � "�� A regular meeting of the Council� of the City of fiopkins, Minriesota� was Yield at the ��it Hall at 7 s 30" �o � clock Po�+ . on Tues� ' -� y day� Apr�.l. 17� 19 1. ��feinbers present were; A�ayor Per�ix� � Couzicilmen �PP1fii]:bert, Ziegler, -Anderla.,� Beckman, Gity Manager Congdon� City Attorney �fihitney, and City �gineer Laska, �embers absentr None, Ziegler moved.� An.derTa seconded� that bills as presented be �aid from the follrnving fundsb �arriede 3396 3397 31�12 3Li13 31.�14 34i5 3la:6 3ti17 3l�I8 3419 31�20 3l�21 928 929 935 936 937 93g 939 94� ?38 739 742 743 7!� 7t�5- 746 GENIIiAI, FU11ID Fisst National Bank of Hopkins Treasurer� State of B�innesota C1ub Cafe � George Gusta.fsonJ Laurenz A. Harris Henriepi.ri County . _ . _ . Henriepin Co.AgpioSociety Ra.doata Garage Skell.y Oil Compamy Soil Testing I.aboratory Staridard Oil Company Fred Sv�ranson Salaries V�ithholding Tax Ded: Retirement Furid Deci. Prisoiier B�eals - � � ` Sqo�ance�Calla�AinteCarnvo E�p enses� Conierence Board �of Poor Approre�l951 County Faix Repairs Service : Soi1 Testirig Service Dozer Rental lst � of �pri1 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUAID First National Bank of Hopkins Treasurer�State of 1�innesota Aiiderson Brosa ' Berison Super Service Dickey and Milbert' Inc. Glacier 3and & Graeel Coe J. Q. GZeasoii Skelly Oil Co. Salari.es �ithYiolding Tax Ded;, Retirement F�uid Deds Repairs Service Gas_ Sand Blacktop BBix Gas and Oil lst a of April WATER FUUID First National 3ank of Hopkins Treasurer� State of Minnesota Ha`rtvig E. �nderson � Aqna Survey & Instrument Co. L.N:Browning Neptune Meter Coo � NoW.Bell Telephone Co• Salaries �ithholr3ing max Decla Retiremerrt �inr3 Decle Garage Rent, mo April Repair§ _ Curb Box Repairs Meters & Flanges �Pir es . lst z of Anri1 SEWAGE DZSPOSAL FIIPID � 394:l�8 127:e77 21e05 20;00 19:�.2 _9oeoo 100.00 3:25 22;OI� 106� 2.65 3iti�; 00 1666,17 � i58:5o 59:10 53:25 -6:80 168:00 8084 22 v57 191020 368060 � 113:70 19:83 95:00 8:l�0 20000 100e01 8:7,3 439.47 222 First-National Bank of Hopkins Withliolding Tax Ded. � 223 Treasurer, State of �innesota Retireinent Ftand Ded. _ 225� Gamblea � ' � �renches 226 Gustafson & �`ux�. Grease 227 Ds�.Onan & Sons, InC• Parts Salaries lst ��\ of April � 23� 235 238 SPDCIAL gSSF�Sb�NT FU1�ID Stanley Feltl � ' Certificates & Coupons '" . , . . , _ �. _I�PROVE�IT REVOLVING FUi�II9 First National �Bank of Hopkiris �ithliolding Tax Dedo Treasurer, State of,B�innesota Retirement Fund Dedo Dorrell Office �►ac}zines Coo �oriroe Calculator Salaxy • lst 2 of �pril 39060 11�00 3;62 5v� _ 4:85 u2s2o �6e6� 37�v1�0 16e00 i25:oo i85.8o � ::.r 2 .. Ziegler mo�►ed, Anderla seconded, that Resolution No.195, "9 RFSOLIITION REE'Eft- RING TO THE CITY �TGI�T�'ER THE MATTER OF l3LACK TOP SURFACING AND REPAIRING OF SIDEVNALK IN CERTAIN LQCATIONS"� BQarked �iibit "A"� be adopted. �arried. Ziegler moved, �Un.derla seconded, that getition dated 1�-13-51, by residents of East Lake Street, �t�eenJA�urphy arid Monk �venues,.f or a street li�ht, be referred to the Cit �ana�er for recommendation. Carried. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded� that Resolution No. 191, "A RFS�ZTITION ORDERING THE INS�.4LIATION OF SANITARY SEqi�ER AND WATER MAIN EXT�dSIONS ON 9L�IEA LANE IN CAB�BELT� ADDITION TO H�PKINS", marked �hibit "B"� be adopted. Carried, Anderla moved; Ziegler seconded, that the request by the Minr_eapolis Gas Company � for main extension No.ls2 he �ranted, subject to City �gineer+s approval.Carried4 BeclQna.n moved, Milbert seconded, that recommenda.tion of the follo�ring � for c].erks� judges, and ba.l].ot counters for the city election on 5/15/51 be approved, with same rate of pay as paid in prior elections. Carried. , DIS TRICT #l,HARLEY HOPRINS SCHQ�L Elizabeth Slavin " Gladys Escher Se1ma pahl Dundee Rae Nimes Betty Ca.rlson DISTRICT #3, CIT7C HATT• D_TSTRICT #2, D01V H�USE Olga Kelly Carrie Spott Elizabeth Lemlce Nona Sundquist Doroth�r VPinterfield D�TRICT #1�, JU1�tI0R HIGH SCHOOL Lola M. yackel Alice Me Anderson .. . . o , - - �YIR(' �.9L EN Chas.... �P.. Herzan Aririe Borland �"'` "`h''0'"'`` �'e . t� .�. y,rrtE .N AAi��c�z.so.v Lillian Elmquist Adeline Sedes�jr �argaret �. Owens Louise Lussier D2STRICT #5 OAKRIDGE COUNTRY CLUB BAT�OT COUNTERS: c. K.Ra.c�tisr. . Marguerite I;osie �ani �,r�� -.:� Leali Christensen , -��� Director of the �ount . . F. F. Sefcik _. sAt�r M� B�ATN / Os G• C@T'IIL3It Edria 11�ilcox Sanfred C. Gusta.fson Helen �cGlasson _ . . ,��c�Ya a� T..BErKa�.o,v Anderla moved, Milbert seconded, that the city construct a retaining �all iri front of �,ots 20� 21� and 22, Block 3?, West B�inneapolis Center, as per recom- mendation �,y the City �gineer. Carried. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the reading of Ordinan,ce �,To.66� "AAT ORDI_N- ANCE PROVIDING FOR FIRE PREVIIVTION AND PROTF�CTION IN CONl�?�'�'I�N ifiR'TH HAZARDOUS MATERTAI.S AND PROCESSES AND RII'EALING A CERTAIN ORDINANCE"� be accepted as the first reacling thereof. Garried„ Anderla moved, 1�ilbert seconded, that Resolution No,I9b, "RESOLUTION DIRF� TTP1G� PU3LICATION OF HE�'.RING ON SP�IAL A.SSFSSH�NTS"� ma,rked E�rhibit "C", be.adopteda Carr.iede Anderla moved, Milbert seconded, that Resolution No� 198� nA RF50LUT?'QN DIRDCTING PUBLICAT20N OF NOTICE OF HEAR2r?G Or1 SUPPLIIu�NTAL ASSF�S9�NT TO CORR�CT ON�SIONS AND ERRORS II� PR��IOLTS SPF7CIAL ASS�SMENTu, marked Exhibit "D", be adoptedo Carriede Anderla moved; IIdi,lbert seconded, that commiuiication dated )��13/51, from the Chicago, �ilwaukee, St. Paul� �and Pacific -Rail�ray Compar�y, pertaining to Diesel Locomotive service`for Superior Separator Com;�any and Wiriston=;Vewe11 Compariy be referred to the City �igineer to procure something more defiriite iri v�rritirig as to Diesel service and wYien received the Citp Erigineer will b e authorized to issue permits for construction of spur tracks leading into both properties' as per dravaings received. Carried. - ___ . license�application B�ilbert moved, Anderla secor�ded, that on=sale non-intosicating�malt liquor/bg ' the Lion�s Club for one day, Pday 6, .1951, 3�e granted. Carr-.ied. l -� 3 � Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, tliat the bid of �arl �nderson for straight curb and sideWal.k and the bid of FitZgerald Brothers�for combination curb and gutter arid driveways on coinbina.tion curb and gutter work, recei_ved at the meeting of ��3/51 be acceptedo Carried, Ziegler moved, r:2ilbert seconded, that �dartin Vanek he appoihted Deputy Assessor to be paid on an hourlf basis at the rate of up to �1.30 per hour. Carried. �iilbert moved, Ziegler seconded, tliat� upon reco.inmendatiori of th.e Electrical ._ Inspector and C ity Mariager, Mro V�ilbur J.�Tellers be notified by re�istered mail that the City Council intends to revoke his 19 1 licerise.and tha.t hey be given the opp"ortunity to appear and be heard by the council�on Tuesda.y� 5/1/51. Carried0 . Ziegler moved, Ma.lbert seconded9 tha.t� upori reco�imendation by City Manager Congdon9 renewaZ agreements for�5-�ear periods with-the-Plorthern States Po�er Company for street lighting service and municipal pumpin� be approcedo Car.riedo Ziegler mo�red, geckma.n seconded that Resolution No;200, pA RESOLiTTI0A1 FSTABLISH- ING LI?�.ITID PARKING ZONES ON �9PEI,FTH AVENiJE NORTfi"9 marked F�chibit ttE", be adoptedo Carriedo Meeti.ng adj ournedo ATTF�T : / � � . _ /�ti l%� �� �1��i�� . � A. �p EL-�quist, ecretary to the Council a � CITY OF HOPgIRS HE�TbTEPIN CdITBT'I'Y, MINNESOTA RESOI,IITI016 N0. i95- A RESOLIITION REFERRING TO THE CITY EIQGINEEH THE MATTEH OF BLACg TOP SURFACING A�TD REPAIRIIdG OF SIDEWALg IPT CEETAiN LOCATIONS. WfiEREAS� there has been filed with the city clerk and by the alerk presented to the city council petitions asking for the black top.sarPacing of Fourteenth avenue north bet�een Third etreet and Fonrth atrePt, and Ashley roa,d bet�een Boyce and �celaior Boulevard; also a petition asking for the repair of sidewalk in front of Lot One and the North One-half of Zot 2, Bloc� 64� West Minneapolis, Second Division, and WHEREAS, the cost thereof ahould be aseessed against property found benefited thereby, and WHEREAS, most of the ownere of the benefited property against which said coeta would be aeseesed have petitioned the city council for sa,id improvement and agreed to psy the cost thereof; IdOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED by the council of the city of Hopkine that the matter of black top eurfacing of Fourteen avenne north betweea Third etreet and I�ourth street, and Aahely x�ad betr�een Boyce and Excel�ior Boulevard.; and the repair of sidewalk in front of Lot One and the North One�-half of Lot 2, Block 6�� We et Minneapoli s� Second Divi aion, be referred to Frank Laaka� ci ty engineer, to investigate the neceasity and feasibility thereof and to report to the council as eoon as possible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regnlar meeting thereof held this 17th. day of April, 1951. W. HARLA.,N PERBIX , MAYt�R A. W. Elmquiet, Secretary to the council Frank N, Whitney, City Attorney � CITY OF HOPgINS HENNEPIN COUNTY� MINNESOTA RESOLIITION N0. 1Q1 A RESOLUTION ORI�ERIVG THE INSTALLATION OF SANlTARY SEWER AND WATER MAIN EXTENSIOP�S ON ALTHEA LANE IN CAMpBET,L ADDITION TO HOPgIb�S. WHEREAS� the council of the city of Hopkins on Septem ber 5, 1950� adopted a resolution referring the matter of installing sanitary sewer and water main extensions in Althea Lane f rom the aouth line of the plat of Hobby Acres eoutherly along Althea Lane as the same is located. in the proposed plat of Camnbell Addition to the city of Hopkins, to Frank Laska, city en�ineer, for his investigation �nd report, and Wi�REAS, said en�ineer investiga.ted the necesaity and feasibility of said imnrovements� and on March 2�, 1951, reported thereon to the council and filed his written report with the secretary of the council, recommending that said sanitary sewer and water main extensione be installed in the following location, namely: Commencing at the intersection of Minnetonka Milla Road a,nd Second. Street North; thence running northeasterly along Minnetonka Mills Rc�ad to its interaection with Althea. Lane; thence running northerly along Althea Lane and throu�h the plat of Campbell Addition to Hol�kins to the south line of Hobby Acres; thence continuing northerly along Althea Lane to the intersection of Althea ?�ane and Farmdale Road, and ih�BERF.�S;:x�,on March 20, i95�, the city council of Hopkins adopted a resolution settin� Tueaday, the 17th day of gpril, 1951, at 7:30 o'clock P.M, at the council chambers in the city hall as the time and Dlace for considerin� said report and acting thereon, and WHEkEAS, a notice of said hearin� ha.s been �ublished in The Hennepin County Review in ita issues of March 2�th and Anril 5, �95�, and the affidavit of �ublica- tien of said notice has been filed with the aecretary of the council, and ffi�EREAS, no �etitions aettin� forth opposition to said imx,rovements, or either of them, were filed with the city manager prior to the date and hour set for hearing said engineer's report, and no one appeared in op�osition ther�'�; NOW, THERE�RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the city council of the city of Hopkins that the installatione of said improvements at the location and in the manner recommended by the engineer in his report are neceasary for the health, welfare and convenience of the city and its inhabitants and it is hereby determined a.nd'ordered that said improvements, and each of them, as so recomnended b� the en�ineer be made, and that the costs thereof be asaessed againat �roperty abutting upon said improvements. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkina at a re�ular meeting thereof held on the 17th. day of April, 1951. W. HARLAN PERBIX, MAYOR A: W. Elmquist, Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney �.,, � . _� w CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN OOUIQTY, MIA]NESOTA �soLu�riox No, i96. RESOLIITION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF 160TICE OF HEARING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. WH�S� contracte have been let for the local improeements hereinafter liated� and the coata of such improvemeats ha,ve been deternniaed, and the amount to be apecially asaessed for each improvement ag�inet every asseasable lot� piece or par- cel of land abntting upon euch improvement has been calc�zlated, a.nd such asaesa- ments are on Pile with the secretary oP the council and open to pnblic inapec- tione, to-wit: Aaseeament No. 1: Inatalling curb on the east side of 12th, avenue north from Lst. etreet north to Milwaukee and St. Louis Railway right-of-way, at a total cost of �g87.65. 9eseesment ATo: 2: Inatalling curb on weat aide of 17tr, aPenne north from Exceleio r avenue to lst. street north� at a total coat of �1073.13. Assesament �To. j: Installing curb and gutter on aouth side of let. atreet south from tdonroe avenue to alley east of Jackson, at a total coat of $13g7.qg. Aaseasment No. �+: Inatalling cnrb and gutter on west side of 12th. avenue aorth from 4th, street to highway No. 7 and north side of 4th, atreet from 12th. avenue west to alle�, at a total cost of $1256.20. gsaessment No. 5: Inetalling curb on east side of 5th, avenue north from 2nd. street to Minnetonka Milla road, at a total cost oi �1164.05. Asseasment No. 6: Installing cnrb on west side of 12th. avenue north from Milwaukee & St. Louie Railway right-of w�y to Third street no rth, at a total coat of $go9.00. Assessment No. 7: Installing cu rb on both aidea of lst. atreet south betvreen Harri son and Pan Buren, at a to tal co et o f$982. �0. Aeaeasment No. S: Inatalling sidewalk on veeat eide of Harrison aveaue from eouth line of Lo�t S, Block 20� �1est Minneapolis Center, to First etreet aouth, at a total cost of �1214.03. Aasessment No. 9: Inetalling curb on Harrison avenue south from F�c�eleior aaenue to south line of Lot 30� Block 19 and Lot 9, Block 20, �est Minneapolis Center� at a total coat of �936.56. Aaseeament No.10: Inatalling curb on south aide of First street north from 15th. avenue east to alley� at a total cost of $253•3g- Aeaesament No.11: Placing blacktop on 15th. ave�ue north from kth. street to highway No. 7, at a total coat of $648.77. Aaeessment No.12: Placing blacktop on Oakwood road from Boyce to Goodrich at a total cost of �713.10. Asaesement No.lj: Placing blacktop on Harrison avenue from �celsior avenue to lat. atreet eouth, at a total cost of $1096.1g. Assessment No.l�+: Placing Blacktop on First atreet south from Harrison to Y�n �uren avenue, at a total cost of ��+63.g2. (1) • " . . F.� � � ,/ gesessment No. 15: Placing blacktop on alley between 12th, aeentte and ljth. avenue north from the east az►d weat alley to Firet street north, at a total cost of $331.g0. Aasessment BTo. 16: Placing blacktop on Second street I3orth from � Fifth avenue to Sixth avenue, at a total coat of ��6.93. Assessment �o. 17: Placing blacktop on a11ey between �inth and Tenth avenues north from the east and weat alley to Firet etreet north, at a total co at of $239.90. Aeaessment No. lg: Placing blacktop oa alley between llth a.nd 12th. avenues north from the east and west alley to i+'lrat street north, at a total coat of $177.52. Aasessment No. 19: Placing blacktop on alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth avennes north from �'onrth atreet to � highvaa,� Bo. 7, at a total coat of �152.60. Aeaeasment �o. 20: Placing blacktap on east and arest alley between P'iret and Second etreete eouth from Eighth to Ninth avenuea, at a total co st of $111.0�. Asseasment No. 21: Placing blacktop on alley bet�veen Sigteenth and Seventeenth avenues north from Second �to Thi rd etreet� at a total cost of $209.02. Asaesement BTo. 22: Placing blacktop on Third atreet north from Sixteenth to Seveateenth avenue. at a total coat of $3�+3.g�+. Aeseasment No. 23: Placing blacktop on alley between Seventh and Eighth avenue a north from Third street to Minnetoaka Mills road, at a total coat of �155•g2• Asaeasment No. 24: Inatallin� curb and gntter on both aides of Lake street from Texae avenue west to Creek, at a total coat of �5445.20. Asaeasment No. 25: Placing blacktop on Tenth avenue south from Siath street sonth and ninning southerly approgimately 450 feet; on Eighth avenne eout m i tr et u �:��:,:_� ...;; -:.. . _ „ to Eighth atreet eonth�����e��t�i�a�����th����p1s.Annex; --...-... Seventh street south and rnnning southerly approximately 225 feet; on Seventh etreet south from Sixth aventze south to Eighth avenue south, at a total cost of $29�+5.6�. AND WHEHEAS, the areaa propoaed to be asseased for said imp ronemeata are all lots, pieces and parcels of land abutting upon said improvements; 1VOW, THEBEF(�Ei�� BE IT RESOLVED that notice be published in the official �aper at leaest -twenty (20) days before the meeting, that the council of the city of Hopkins will pasa upon said proposed asseasmenta at its re�n.tlar meeting to be held in the council chambera in the cit� ha11 on Tuesday� June 5, 1951, at 7:j0 o'clock P.M. ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the council of the city of Hopkins held this 17th, day of April, 1951. A. W. Elmquist. Secretary of the councfl Frank N. Whitney, City attorney W. HARLAN PERBIX, MAYOR ., .``'�� , - . �� ��� ��� �, 1�OTICE OF HEARING ON 5PECIAL gSSESSMENTS. 1QOTICE IS EEREBY GI�E�T tha.t the c ouncil of the ci ty of Hopkins will meet at the conncil chambers in the citv hall on Tuesday, June,�, 1951� at 7:30 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of passing upon proposed aseessments upon all the lota� piecee or parcels of land abntting upon the following local imnrovemente� to-�it: Asaesementi�No. 1: Iastalling curb on the east side of 12th. avenue north from lst. street north to Milwaukee and St. Louis Rail�ay right- of-way, at a total cost of ^�gg7.65. Asaessment No. 2: Installing curb on weet eide of 17th. avenue north from �celsio r avenue to lst. atreet north, at a total coat of $1073.�3. Asse�sment No. 3: Installin� curb and gutter on south eide of lst. atreet south from Monroe avenue to alley east of Jackson, at a total cost of $1387.99- Asaeeament DTo. �: Insta111ng curb and gutter on weat ,�ide� of 12th. avenue ao rth from �+th. etreet to hi ghway No. 7 and north side of 4th, street from 12th. avenne west to a11ey, at a total cost of $1256.20. Asseasment No. 5: Installing curb on east side of 5th. avenue north from 2nd. street to Minne tonka Mills road, at a total coat of $1164.05. Assessment BTo. 6: Installing cn.rb on arest side of 12th. avenue north from Mil�aaukee and St. Louie Ea.ilway ri�ht-of-way to Thi rd atPeet aorth, at a total coat of �909.00. 9asessment DTo. �: Installing curb on both sides of lat. etreet sonth betrseen Hax rison and 9an Buren, at a total costof $9g2.up. Asaessment No. S: Inetalling aidewallc on west side of Ha.rri son avenne from south line of I,ot S� Block 20� Weat Minneapolis Center� to Firat atreet aouth, at a total coat of $121�+.03. Asaessment No. 9: Inatalling curb on Harrison aveuue south from �ccelsior avenne to south line of Lot j0, Block 19 aad Zot , Block 20. West Minneapolia Center, at a total coat o� $93�.56. gsaessmeat No. 10: Installing curb on sot�th aide of Firat street north from 15th, avenue east to alle�� at a total cost of $253•38• Assessment DTo. 11E Placing blacktop on 15th, anenue north frvm �+th. street to . highway �o. 7, at a totaa. coat of $6u�.77. Asseeament No. 12: Placing blacktop on Oakwood road from Boyce to Goodrich at a total cost of $713.10. � Asaessment DTo. lj: Placing blacktop on Harrison avenue from Excelsior avenue to let. street sou th, at a total coet of $1096.18. Aeseasment �o. 1�+: Placing blacktop on First atreet south from Harri son to Van Bizren avenue, at a total cost of ��+63.82. Aaseesment �o. 15: Placing blacktop on alley bet�►een 12th. avenne aad 13th. avenne north from the eaet and ovest alley to First street north, at a total cost of $33i.g0. As�essment No. 16: Placing blacktop on Second street north from Fifth avenue to Sigth avenue, at a total coet of $�106.93. Aesessment No. 17: Placing blackton on alley between Ninth ,a,ad Tenth avenuea north from the east and weat alley to First street no rth, at a to tal coat o� $239.90. (1) gssessment No. 18: Placing blacktop on alley between llth. and 12th. avenues aorth from the east a.nd v�eet alle� to Firet street north, at a totai coet of $177.52. Assessment DTo. 19: Placing bl acktop on alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth avenues north from Fourth etreet to highway DTo. 7, at a to tal cost of $152.6p. Assessment No. 20: Placing blacktop on east and west alley beta►een Firat and Second streets south from Eighth to Ainth avenues, at a total coet of $111.0�. Asseesment Ao. 21: Placing blacktop on a11ey between Sixteenth �nd Senenteenth avenues north fmm Second to Thi rd atreet, at a total cost of $Z09.�2. Aaseasment No. 22: Placing blacktop on Third atreet north from Sigteenth to Seventeenth avPune, at a total coat of $3�+3•g�• Asaeaement No. 23: Placing blacktop on alley between Seventh and Eighth avennes north from Third street to Minnetonka Mills road, at a total cost og $155•g2• Aasessmeat �o. 21�: Installing cnrb and gutter on both sides of I,ake Street from Texas avenue west to Creek� at a total cost of $5�1+5.20. Assesament No. 25: Placing blacktop on Tenth aeenue south from Sixth atreet sonth and running eoutherly approximatel� 45p feet; on Eighth aveune south from Sixth atreet aouth to Eighth street south except I+ot 25� Block 7�y, 11�est Minneapolis Annex; Seventh�a�t,ena� ":,. south from Seventh etreet eouth and rq.nning aoutherly approgimately 225 feet; oa Seveath street south from Sigth aeenue south to Eighth avenne eouth� at a total coat of �2945.61. Dated: April 19, 1951 C. C. CONGDO�� City Manager. F'rank N. Whitney, City Attorney Published in The Hennepin Couaty 8eview on Thuraday, Ap ril 26, 1951. � 2) � CITY OF HOPKINS �IPT COUNR'Y� MINNESO'I'g RESOLIITION �0. 198. A RESOLUTIOAT DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF HEARING OA SUPPLFd�III6TAL ASSESSMENT TO CORRECT OMISSIONS AND ERE�ORS IN PREVIOUS SPECIAL ASSESSAtiEN'1'. WHEREAS, on October 19, 19�8, the council adopted two special assess_ mente, one being for the installation of sewer mainm end the other for the installation of vuater mains, both in Preston's Interlachen Park, and WHEEF�S, certain omissions and errora were made in eaid asaesamenta in there there was omitted from the tracts or parcele of land to be asseeeed certain tracta or parcels which were adjacent to gaid Preston's Interlachen Park and edbuld benePit from ea,id inatallationa of sewer and v�ater maina� and WHEREAS, the inclueion of eaid omitted tracts or parcels of land will reduce the amount to be assesaed aga.inet the tr�cts o r parcels of lan8 epecially aeaessed on October 19, 19�, a.nd WSEREAS, the amonnte to be epecially asseased againat said omitted tracts or �oarcels of land, and the amount fi�* rehich the tracts or parcels of land previausly asaeased are to be reduced� have been calculated and such corrected aseessments are on file with the secretary of the council and open to public inspec- tion and YdHEREAS� the tra¢ts or parcela of land which were omitted and whic� are now inclnded in said special assesament are described as follows, to-ait: 1. The north 60 feet of the south 9�F feet of th at part of Lot 77� Auditor's Subdivision No. 239� Hennepin Couaty, Minnesota, lying east of the west 133 feet thereof, except the east j0 feet. 2. The DTorth 5�+ feet of the eonth 1� feet of that part of Lot 77, Auditor'a 9ubdiviaion No. 239, Hennepin County, Minnesota� lying east of the west 133 feet thereof, except the east 30 feet. 3. The voeat 165 Peet of Lot 79, Auditor'a 9ubdivision No. 239. AND WHEREAS, the amount of sanitary sewer assesement to be asseseed againet each of the above parcels is $�+50.00, and the amount of the voater maia o�� oB asseasment a.gainst each of said parcels ie �A,.A9� and WHEREAS, the tracts or parcels of land on which the aeeesaments are to be re�ced are as folloars� to-wit: 1. Lote 1 to 30 inclusive, Preston' a Interlachen Park. 2: The South g0 feet of Lot 32� Preston�s Interlachen Park. 3, The North j1.62 feet of Lot 32 and the South 71.6j feet of Lot jl� Preaton's Interlachen Park. (1) �. The �orth Z4U feet of Lot 31, Preston's Interlachen Park and the eouth 3�F fcet of that part of Lot 77� Auditor's 9ubdieieion bTo. 239; Hennepin County� Minnesota, lying east of the rreet 133 Peet thereof, except the east j0 feet. NOW� THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LPED that notice be published ia the oFf�icial paper at least tarenty (20) days before the meeting, that the council of said city will pass upon said propoeed aupplemental asaeas- ment to correct ommisaions and errors ia eaid previous asaeesmeat at ite regular meeting to be held in the oouncil chambere ia the cit� hall on Tuesds..�, June 5. 1951, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. A. W. Elmqn.ist� Secretary to the conncil Frank 1Q. Whitney, City Attorney � i2) W. EARLAN PERBIX � MAYOR �� ;� � �f � � NOTICE OF HEARIPTG 016 3UPPLIIKENTAL SPECIAL ASSESSNiENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIQEIQ tha.t the cauncil of the city of Hopkina �ill meet in the council chambere in the city hall on Tuesd.ay, June 5, 1951, at 7:j0 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of correcting certain omiseione and errors in thoee tovo epecial asseasments adopted October 19, 19�8, one of which was for the inatallation of �uater maine and the other for the installation of sanitary aewer mains � Presffian's Interlachen Park� by aeeseing the enm of ��50.00 for the installation of sanitary�se�rer .sv� �� mains, and the sum of $��$s60 for the installation of aater mains againat each of the following tracte or parcels of land� to-vrit: 1. The north 60 feet of the eouth j�+ feet of that part of Lot 77, Auditor's 9nbdivision No. 239, Hennepin County, Minnesota� lqing east of the r�eat l33 feet thereof, except the east j0 feet. 2. The North 5�+ feet of the south 1�+8 feet of that part of Lot 77, Auditor's Subdivision No. 239, Hennepin County� Mianesota, lying east of the v�est l33 feet thereo f, except the east j0 feet. j. The avest 165 feet of Lot 79� Aud.itor'e 9ubdivision No. 239• and for the further purpose of reducing the asaesaments for the iastallatioa of eanitary se�oer and water maine againat each of the following tracte or parcela of land� to-wit: 1. Lots 1 to j0, inclusive, Preston's Interlachen Park. 2. The South g0 feet of Lot 32� Preeton'a Interlachea Park. 3. The DTorth j1.62 feet of Lot 32 aad the South 71.6j feet-of Lot jl, Preston's Interlachen Park. �F. The North �+0 feet of Lot jl� Preston's Interlachen Park and the south 3�+ feet of that part of Lot 77, Auditor's 9nbdinision No. 239. Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying east of the west l33 feet thereof, except the east 30 feet. Dated: Ap ril 19� 1451. Frank N. Whitney, City gtto rne� C. C. COATGDON, City Manager Published in The Hennepin �ounty Heviev► on Thursday� April 2(, 1q51 CITY OF HOP'KINS gII�TNEp�N COIINTY� MII�NESOTA RESOZIITION N0. 200. A RESOLIITION E3TABLISHING LIMITED PAEi�IBTG ZONES OAT TWELFTH APENIIE NORTH. WHEREAS� by Ordinance 1Qo. 33 of the city of Hopkina� Hennepin Count�� Minnesota� the city manager� r�ith the apnroval of the council, may eat�blish certain blocka or portion� of blocks within the city as no parkiag zones, or 30- minute� one-hour or 2-houre or longer, (but not to exceed 6-houre) limited parking zonea� and WHEREAS� the city manager has established the following limited parking zone within the city, namely: A 1-hour limit on both sidea of T�uelfth avenue north from bccelsior avenue to the firat alley north of �celsior avenue� and a 2-hour limit ai both sidea of Twelfth anenue north from the firat alley north of Excelaio r avenue to Firat street north� both of eaid limits to ap�ly between the hours of 5:00 A.M, and 6:00 P.M. weekdays; 1�OW, THERE�RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the oouncil of the cit� of Hopkina that the foregoiag limited parking zonee,as establ��hed and desi�ated by the city ma�ager be, and they hereby are, approved� and BE-IT �JHTFiER &ESOLYED that reeolution No. 1S7 of the city of Hopkine arhich eatablished a 2-hour limited parking zone on the east side of said Twelfth avenue north betr�en �celsior avenue and Firet atreet n orth� �vhich reaolution wae adopted February 20� �951, be, a nd the same hereby is, repealed. ADOPTED by the council of the ci ty of Honkins a t a regular meeting thereof held this 17th. day of Ap ril, �951. W. H1�RLAN PERBIX � MAYt�R A. Pl. Elmqaist� Secretary to the council Frank N. �Vhitney, City Attorney � � r P10TICE OF REGULAR C ITY ELEC TION TO THE LEGAL V0�'FR3 OF THE C ITY OF HOPKT_NS : � 9 ;� � � � x � NOTICE IS �ER.EBY GNEN THAT A RF7�ULAR ELECTION FOR SAID CITY, IN 'rHE HARLEY HQPKINS SCHOOL FOR DIS7RICT NUP�ER O1VF AA� IN THE PiTBLI(: LIBRAFtY BUILDING FOR DISTRICT NUD9BER TVVO AND IN THE CI'I7 HALL• FOR DISTPICT A1iP.VIAER �IREE AND IN THE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL FOR DIS TRIC T ArUMBER FOUR AND IN 04K..RIDGE COUNTRY CLUB FOR DIS`_►'�3.ICT NUMBER FI�JF, WILL BE HELD IN SAID GITY, ON TUESDAY, THE 15TH DAY OF �AY, 1951, BET9VEEN Tf� HOURS OF 7:00 O�CIACK IN THE FOR�VOON AND 8 O�CLOCK IN THE AFTII�NOON OF Tf� SAII� DAY FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPQSF,S,VIZ: TD ELEC Tr OAIE MAYOR, FOtJR COUNCIISQEN, AND Ol`E NIUNICIPAL COURT JUDC=E: THE NAI�1lE OF THE CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR IS: W. FiARLA._N PF.�tBIX THE NAMES OF THE CANDIDATES FOR COUNCI�� ARE: JOSEPH T. ANDFRT,A EARL A . DA?-II�RFRG LEN J. �ILBERT JOSEPH C . �T�$�,Y R'JSS�'�,L H. ZAKAF.IASEN JOHN ZIEGLER THE NAN►ES OF THE CANDIDATES FOR MIINICIPAL COURT JLTDGE ARE: J. RUSSELL Cl1RROLL RQBERT P. HARRIMAN ROSS �. THORFINNSON ALSO TQ uOTE ON: � (OfYicial Publication) � NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION � CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA MAY 15, 1951 NO'I�CE is hereby given that at the , annual election to be held in and foi Ithe City of FIopkins, Minnesota, on ��day, the 15th day oP May, 1951, ' ' a vote will be taken on the following � � question: � 5HALL THE CITY OF HOP�,LNS ISSUE ITS NEC,OTIABIfE CQIIPON ' � BONDS IN THE AGGREGATE PRIN- CIPA�, AMOIINT OF NOT TO EX- , CEED $25,000.00 FCTR Z'Ii'E PURPOBE ' OF THE ACQUTSTTION OF FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT? Said election . will be conducted in ; the regular polling places for said c1ty, as followa: IDlstrict No. 1: At the Harley Hopklns School Building � District No. 2: At the Hopkins Public Library District No. 3: A�t the Hopkins Municipal Bullding (Clty Hall) DSstrict No. 4: At the Junior High School Building � Dlstrict No. 5: ; At the Oak Ridge Country Club , I The polls for said election will be �open at 7:00 o'clock a.m. and wlll close ', at 8:00 o'clock p.m. All of the qualifled electors of the clty are entitled ho vote st sald election. I BY ORDER OF i`AE COIINOII, � A. W. Elmquist � Secretary of the Council Published in The Hennepin County �Review on April 26th and May 3, 1951. i -- (Apr11 26, MaY 3)— — SHALL THE CI?7C OF HOPKINS IS�UE IT5 NEGdTIABLE COt?PON BQ?VAS IN THE AGGREGAT� PRINCTPAL AMOUAIT �F NOT TO EXC.EID �k25,000.00 FOR THE PURP06F OF THE ACQUISITIUN OF FIRE FIGHTIPTr EQUIPI�ENT. A. W. E:LM�tJ IST CITY CLERR DA TED Bd.9Y 1S T, 1951 TO BE PUBLISHED IN 7HE HEiVNEPIN COUIdTY RE��IEUIr MAY 3d, 1951 '' y�' �/i � \ �� � regu.lar mee�ing of the Counci� of the �ity of Hopkins; Minnesota, was held at the Citf Nall at 7:30 o�clock P.Ag. on Tuesda.y, May I, 1951. �embers present were; �Qafor Perbix, Coiuicil►nen rlli�bert, Ziegler, Anderla; City Tlfanager Congdon, Czt�r lttorney Whitney. Members absent; �ec�nane Ziegler .moved, Anderla secon_ded, t�at biLl.s as ;�resented be paid from the following fundss Carried. 3�I.2 Northern States Potiver Co. 3��3 MinneapoZis uas Co, � 31.�. Dahlberg Bros;, Inc. 3445 Laurenz A. Harris 3lj.1.�6 Hennepin County Reviel� 31��7 State of l�iinnesota 341�8 Hopkins Fire Department 3�49 Hopkins Home 8c Auto Supp]�r Coe 31�50 ?iopk�s l�otor Sales � �o. 3�1 Ralp� Johnston 3�.52 Kokesh Hardware 3�u3 T.J.Kosanda � 3�.51� Leef Bros,, Inc o 3�a5 11�illiam Mallery 3I`S6 B�iller. Davis Co. 3457 Minnesota News Compari�* , 31�8 A1.�IT.Bel1 Telephone Co. 31�9 H.A.�ooers Co, � ' 31�60 Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc. 3�.61 Select Service Oil Co�; 3462 Suburban Chevrolet Co. 3�.b3 Henriepin �ounty Relief �oard 31�6� �arjorie Sundin 3465 w,C.VPhitney - 3�.66 �ilcox R� Foliett co� 3�.6'j Hennepin County Salaries Hourly Payroll GEIIERAL FUP1D Service S ervic e Repairs Car Allowance A pril Publishing ListinG � � Fire Cal1s, Drills, Phones Repairs & Supnlies Repairs Truck Rental Supplies Postage Sliop TotiRels � Salary 1/2 yr.l�!un..Band Snpplies Books " Service. Supplies S igns Repairs � . Rep�iss - Relief �en.d.R?o.ApriT ' Del �y. of I1Qp1s.Star Jnl. Electrical Inspections Books Radio Rental. last 2 ApriZ Period endin� 1�-15-51 '�OAD & BRIDGE FU�ID 9l1�. Northern �tates Power �o. - 91�5 Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. 91�6 Ernest Je Duda � 9�7 Hopkins Home �c Auto Supply Co. 9�.8 H opkins ?�qotor Sales �o� 91t9 Glenn Johnson Contr. �oe 95� Kokesh Hardwa,re 951 Leef Bros., Inc. 952 WiLliam H. I�IcCoy 953 N.W.Eell Telephone Co. 95�. ►SIlLltih—Ih171Y1 L' O w� IriC s 955 �m.H.Ziegler Co., Inc. Salaries Hourly Payroll 752 Northe*n States Power Coo 753 HennPpin Cou.nty Review 751� Kokesh Hdwe. Co, 755 Leef Bros.,�Ince 756 �iller Davis Co. 757 Neptune �4eter Co. � 758 �Pallace & Tiernan Co.,Inc. Salaries Hourly Pa�roll Service Pa.rt Repairs Sv.pplies Repairs - B]]� ck Ton Supplies Shop Towels Diesel Fue1 Oil Ser�ric e P32't, S Parts last 2 April Period endind t�-15-51 wA� F�n S ervic e PublishinP Supplies Shop Towels Su.pp].ies �eters & Parts Block last z .Apri]. Period ending 4-15-51 � 7�.7•33 102q08 38d59 25.00 66s65 .t.t5 !.1.9Qe00 11�00 132e�f 9;62 5;00 3�m00 9e00 75.Q0 2idz5 ��.�22 99:52 21e95 z8:5o 1,Q0 15t'5.4-3 �.}�e3� ' So00 155050 18:52 700s4� 2o36o8i� 575a73 � 14:61� 37.72 6oe5o 565:30 12e2� 8$�.8 �6 2s80 9*00 22.51� 11,50 $7is3�. , �.9s�2 368e60 502.77 � 305016 35.50 7.28 9,00 3400 39.67 16s10 l�39.�.? 5�.e29 � 2 r SEINAGE DISPQSAL FUnID 230 Plorthern States Power Co. Service � 231 Albert Gin-lcel R� Sons Refund Overest.S.D. 232 Leef Bros., �nc. Shop �'av�re].s Sala`ries Last 2 April Hourly payroll Period ending 4-15-51 PERMANENT IMPROZ�T REVOLVING FUI�ID 21�0 Herinepin Countd Review 2�.1 ��Ii]1er Davis Co, Salaries Hourly Payroll Publishing Supplies Last 2 Ap riI Period ending 1�-15-51 � 287�.33 456:68 9.00 160;20 50.05 1l�0�.0 �..56 185.�0 27.30 �ilbert moved, Ar_derla seconded, that Resolution ATo.l93, °A R�SOLUTI�N ORDERIAt(: `_i'HE BLACK TOP $L�RFAC II1TG O F' T�A.S A�TL+�]1TE � RQll�i D2T.1IS 70N S TREET TO I�A� S T.REE'►'Q i marked �hibit ��An, be adopted. Carriedo Ziegler moved, �r_derla seconded, that Resolut�on P1o.201� "A R�OLUTION RF�FERR- ING TO THE C TTY ��rcTrnT� �: ��f�TT�.�'R OF COA1S'_�RUC TIl�TG Ci.�B, GUT'.�'F�? A1��D SIDF�PALK IN CERTAlI�T LQCATI�NS, APJD BLACK T�P SURFACING A PORTION dF 20't'H AV�WE AIQRTH", marked Fxhibit "B"� be adopted. Carried. �ilbert moved, Anderla seconded, that license application for on-sale , non-intoxicating m�.lt liquor and soft drinks for P�ay 27, i9 l, by t11e Silver Cor_cho Norse Show at tre Fairgrounds and for June 9, 1951, by the Steeple Chase Horse Show be granted. Carried. Zie�ler moved, Anderla seconded,--�that request' by the T,ti.nneapolis CTas Compar�y for ma.in extension of their I�To.l65 be granted, subject to City �ngineer�s approval. Carried, Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded,'that recommen�a.tiori No.l of the Zoning Co*nmission, dated i�ril 27, 1951, �rariting permission to Pfeiffer Construc- tion Coircpany for gravel removel be accepted. Carriedo Ziegler moved; Ar_derla seconded, that recorrur�endation No.2 for a change 'in the Zoning Qrdinance e�owering the City �gineer to pass on special use permits be referred to•,the �ity Attorney for study and report. Carried, Ziegler moved, Nlilbert secended, that reco»unenda+iori Noe3 be referred to th� Cit� Engineer coRering the removal of gravel by Harry Lindberry from Lot 2l�� Block 1, Stevens Oa.kwood Park �d.ditiona Carried� zoninerr����tionserlaf �coad�doftLot 6eCAuditor�s�5 bdi4� referring to � ..- > > g �; � p , vision 21�2, be ta.bled for further stuc�y. Carried, Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that reconnnendation No.S, referring to ca_r parking space for multiple dwellings be Peferred to the City En.gineer for report. Carried. Anderla moved, Zieoler seconded' that the City Attorney check on ordinances reaulatin� the erection of fences. Carried. Ziejler moved, Milbert seconded, tYiat a�reement dated B�arcli 1, 1951, as drawn up by the Great Northern Ra.ilway Company and the C�tf of Hopkins for the placing of 8" sewer pipe�u.nder their tracks between llth and 12th Avenues, south of Second Street South, be approved and the mayor and city clerk be authorized to sign samee Carried. � Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Ordinance No.66, "AN ORDI?VANCE PR.OVZO?�VG FOP� FIRE PFFVIIVTION AND PRO'_�TION IN COPd��EC`I'IQAi tiifIgI HAZARDOUS 1RAT�R?A�S ANT) PROCF�SES AND R.EPF4LTITG A CERTAII�1 OFt�INANCE", marked �hibit "C", be accepted as the second reading thareof and that the ordinance be adopted and published according to la�r, Carried. �- 3 - Ziegler moved� Anderla seconded; that, in line �ith �he minutes of ineet'inff of April 1�, 1951� �r, �6ilbur J. Tellers appeared before the council wi.th� reference to notice received as to the inten.tion to re�roke his electricians ].icerise and wa,s informed that, in the future if permits are not applied for prior to starting of jobs, license Bvill b e revoked. Carriec3, Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded� that Resolution No.202, "A FF�S�LUTIQN ORD�???�� A HEARIPIG ON E�GIT?�R�S REPOR'IS ON BLA.CK TOP SURFACIlVr I�TAVlATf1A AVENUE� IN MINATEHAHA QAKS AND AS?�EY ROAD FNOPvi BOYCE STREET 'I'a'�CFLSIOR AVEWE, AND Rr�AIRING A CERTAIN SIDEGPALK", marked F�hibit 'rD�', be adoptedo Carried. �.lbert moved, Zieg?er seconded, that street light be placed ori Lake Street approximately 150� east�of the bri.dge over Minnehaha Creek as recommended by City �Nanager Congdon. Carried. Ziegler moved, Anderla secoridec�; that the proposed grade foi^ Third Street South, between Washin;ton Avenue and Fifth Avenue, as sub*nitted by the County �ngineer, �be approved. Qa.rriedo Ziegler moved, Ariderla seconded, that City �Ianager Corigdon advertise for bids for a-police car and�trucic ior the Road and Bridae Depart�ent; bids to be opened on Ju-ne 5� 1951,� Carri�d, MeetinL adjourned, ATT�T: :^ � ' �lia Harlan Perbix, �ayor A. �. II.mquis�, ecretary to the �uncTi� COiJNC ILI�,�EN: , _ - . �� � � � CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RE SOLUTION N0. 19j. � A RESOLIITION ORDERING THE BL9CK TOP 5URFACING OF TEXAS AVEI�iJE FROM DIPISION STRE�'P TO LAKE STREET. WF�RFAS, the council of the city of Ho�kins on June 7, 19�+9, adopted a resolution referrin� the matter of black top surfacin� Tezas Avenue from Division atree to Lake street to the city en�ineer for his investi�ati'on�a.nd report� and WHEREAS, . said en�i,neer has investi�ated the necess�cty and fe��aibility of ��.. said improvement and on April j, �95�� reported thereon to the council and filed his written report with the secretary of the council, and WF�REA5, on April 3, 1951, the city council,of Hopkina adopted a resolution settin� Tuesday� the first day of May, 1951, at 7:j0 o'clock P.M. at the council chambers in the city hall as the time an d place for considering said report and acting thereon� and WHEREAS, a notice of said hearin� has been published in The Henneoin Count� Review in its issues of �� ril 12th. and An ril 19th. i951, and the affid avit of publication of said notice ha.s been filed with the secreta.r� of the council� and WfiEREAS, no petition aettin� forth opposition to said improvememt was filed with the city manager prior to the date a.nd hour set for hea,rin�: said en�ineer's repo rt and no one appeared in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AESOLVED by the city council of the city of Hopkina that the �b}.aCk��4to�i,:ri�.:� ,T . ...,, ., -. . . surfacing of said avenue ia neceasary for the health, welfare and coneenience of the city and its inhabitants, and it is hereby determined and o rdered that said iumrovement as recommended by the engineer be ma,de� and that the costs thereof be asaessed againRt any p ronerty abatting u�on s aid improvement. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Ho�kins at a regular meeting thereof held this first day of May, 1951. F^?. HARLAN PERBIX, NIAYOR A. ki. Elmquist, Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIR GOUNTY, MINATESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 2p1. � RESOLII`I'ION REFER�NG TO THE CITY ENGIIVEEH THE "NIATTER OF CO1VSTi�TCTING CURB, GUTTER AND SILIEWALg IN CEHTAIIV LOCATIONS, AND BI,ACg TOP SURFACIgG A PORTIO& OF 20TH. AYENiJE DTORTH. WHEREA3, there bae been filed arith the city clerk and by the clerk pre- eented to the city oonncil oetitione asking for the following local imp rovements: Improeement No. 1.'� Conetruct cnrb and gutter on both aidee of 14th. Avenue North between jrd. atreet DTorth and �+th. street North� and constxuct sidewalk in front of Lot 15 aad the South 15 feet of Lot 16� Block 95, Weet Minneapolia, Second Division; Improvement No. 2. ✓�onstruct curb and eidewalk in front of Lot 16, Block 93� west Minneapolis, Second Diviaion; Imnrovement Ido. 3. ✓Constnict aideraalk on West side of l�+th. avenue DTorth between 2nd. street North and South line of right-of-way of Minneapolis � St. Louis Railway; Improvenent Ho. �+. r'Black top eurface 20th. ave�ue North between �celsior Boulevard and 2nd, street I�orth; and WHEAEAS� the cost thereof should be assessed against property found benefit�d thereby, a.nd WgEREAS, moat of the own�ra of the benefited propertyr againet which said costs would be assessed have petitioned the city council for eaid improveffient and agreed to pey the coat thereof; NOW� TfiERFF�ORE, BE IT BESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkins that the matter of constructing curb and gutter on both sidea of l�+th. Avenue North betw�en 3rd. street North and �th. street DTorth, and constracting aidewalk in front of Lot 15 and the South 15 feet of Lot 16, Bloclt 95� West Minneapolis, Second Divisioa; conetrncting cnrb and sidewalk in front of Lot 16, Block 93� West I�inneapolis, Second Division; constructing sidewalk on W�st aide of 14th, avenue North betro�een 2nd. street RTorth and 3outh line of right-of-�ray of Mianeapolis & St. Louia Railwa,3*, and the black top surfacing of ZOth. avenue North bet�►een Excelsior Boulevard and 2nd. street No rth be referred to Fraak Laska� ci ty engineer� to inveatigate the necessity and feasibility thereof a.nd to report to the council as soon as possible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meetint th�reof held this let da� of Ma,p, 1951: W. HAELAN PERBI%, MAYOR A. W. Elmquist� S�cretary to the council Frank N. Whitney� City Attorney copy for Laeka �� �� d � � �� e CI TY OF HOPKINS ��' , :4 HENNEPIRi COUNTY, MINNESOTA �� ORDINANCE N0. 66. � ..A� � �� y.� �dy .. R a �1 �k�� M N � � AN ORDIIdANCE PROVIDII�G FOR FIRE PREVEIdTION AND PROTECTIUN IN CONNECTION WITH HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AP1D PROCESSES AND REPEALING.A CERTAIN ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDiAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPgINS: Section 1. A.doption of Fire Pr�vention Code. Sitbdivision 1. There is hereby adopted by the City of Hopkins for the purpose of providin� for fire prevention and protection in connection with haza rdoua materials and processes� that certain code lrn.own as the Fi r� Prevention Code, Abb reviated Edition, recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters of New York, beine. barticularly the 19�+9 edition thereof� except sections j01 to 326 inclusive and 1001 thereof. Subdiv�sion 2. Three covies of said code.shall be filed by the clerk in hie office for insoection and uae of the public, and ahall be ma�ked by th� clerk with the vrords: "City of Aonkins, Official Copy," and the eame, except said sectiona j01 to 326 inclusive and 1001, are hereby adopted and incorporated in this_ord.inance as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the d.a.te on which this ordinance ahall take effect, the provisione thereof sha.11 be controlling within the limits of the city. Section 2. Definitions. �bdivision 1. "Municipality" as used in said code� meana the City of Ho�kine, . r `� Sttbdiaieion 2. In aection u0li of said code, p'Siate of ," meane "State of Minnesota," and "Statutes of �" means "Statutes of Minnesota." Section j. Minnesota Statutes, 19�+9, Section 73.171, and the rules a.nd regulations made and promulgated by the state Pire marshall of the sta.te of Minnesota pursua.nt to the authority contained in said aection� shall �overn the safekeeping, storage, handling, use, transportation or other disposition of petroleum and petroleum producta within the city limite of Hopkins. Section �+. Penalties for �iolation. A peraon who shall violate a provieion of said code or fail to comply therewith, or who sha.11 violate or fail to comply with. any order or regulation made thereunder, or who sha.11 build in violation di' a detailed statement or plan submitted and approved_thereunder, or of a�er�it issued thereunder, shall aeverally for each and every such violation and non-compliance be �uilty of a misd.emeanor. The imposition of a penalty for a violation oi said_code ahall not excuse the violation, or permit it to continue; such violation shall be.remedied within a reasonable time, and each ten days that such violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a se-�arate offense. �he apnlication of the above per_altv ehall not be held to prevent the il) 1 enfo rced removal of prohibited conditione. Section 5. Repeal. °An 0 rdinance Regulating the Manufacture, Stora�e and Handlin� of E�plosives and Providin� a Penalty for Piolation Thereof,'� arhich was adopted 'by the villa�e council of West Minneapolia on June 21, 1q27, is hereby repealed. FIRST 1�EAD at a re�lar council meeting of the city of Hopkins held on the 17th, da� of April, 1951, and finally read and passed at a re�ular meeting of the council of said city held on the lst. day of Ma.y, 1�51. W. HARLAN PERBIX, MAYOR A. W. Elmquist, Secretar� of the council Frank �?. �Vhi tney, City Attorney Published in The Fienneain County Revie�t on May 10, 1951. � 2) �;. '•i � CI TY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUPTTY, MINNESOTA RESbLUTION ATO. 2p2 A RESOLUTION ORDERIIVG A HEARI�QG ON ENGINEER' S REPOaTS O8 BLACK TOP StJRFACINQ HIAWATAA A�ENUE IN MINNEHAHA OASS AND A5HLEY EOAD FROM BOYCE STREDP TO F�CELSIOR AVENUE, AND REPAIRING A CERTAIN SIDEWALK. ' WHEREAS� the council of the city of Aopkina on March 7, 1950� adopted a resolution referring the matter of black top eurfacing Hiawatha Avenue in Minnehaha . 08ks to the ci ty engineer for hi s ino.�-:sti�tion and repo rt � a.nd laTHEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkins on April 17, 1951� adopted a resolution referring the matter of black top surfacing Aahley Road from Bo�ce etre�t to F�cceleior avenue, and repairing the eideeealk in front of Lot 1 and the North One-half of Lot 2, Block 6�, West Minneapolis� Second Division, to Frank I,aska� city engineer� for his investigation aad report� and WHE8EA5, said city engineer ha,a inveetigated the necesaity and feasibility of said improvemente and each of them and on May 1� �951, reported thereon to the council and filed his written reporte with the secretary of the council, a.nd WH�REAS, said engineera reports recommend that said Hiawatha avenue in Minn�haha Oaks be black top eurfaced at an estimated cost of $1�5�.p�, and that said Aah�:ey road from Bo�rce street to �celaior avenue b;e black top surfaced at an estimated cost of �1200.00. and that said eidea►alk be repaired at an estimated coet of $55•00; ATOW, THEREPbRE� BE IT RESOLVED that said engineers reports aad each of them vill be oonsidered bg the council and action taken thereon at a regular meeting of the city council to be held on the 5th day of June, �951, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., and BE IT F4RTHER RESOLVED that the city manager give notice of auch he�ring by pnblishing a notice once in each week for two successive weeks in the oficia� neveeoaper of said ci ty� said notice to deacribe in general languag� the improvement� recommended in the engineer's reports aad the estimated coets thereof. j,, ADOPTED by the oouncil of the city of Hopkina at a regular meeting thereof held this lst. day of May, 1951, W. HARLAN PERBIX, NlAYOR A. W. Elmquist, secretary to the council Frank N. Whi tn ey, �ity Attorney CITY OF HOPKIbTS �'� � � HF�VI�TEPIN COIIATTY, MINNESOTA � • �� NOTICE OF HEARING � NOTICE OF HEARING ON ENGINEER' S REPORTS ON BLACK TOP SURF'ACING ffiAWATHA APENUE IN MINNEHAHA OAKS AND ASHLEY ROAD FROM BOYCE STREET TO EKCELSIOR gYE'16UE, AND REPAIRING A CERTAIN SIDEWALg. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the city engineer of Hopkina did on the let. day of May, 1951, file his reports,with the city conncil recommending thQ.t�black top surfacing of Hiawatha avenue in Minnehaha Oalta at aa eatimated cost of $1k50.00; the black top snrfacing of Ashley road from Boyce atreet to Egcelsior avenn� at an estima.ted coat of $1200.00. and repairing the sidewalk in front of Lot 1 and the North One-half of Lot 2� Block 64, Weat Minneapolis� Secoad Division, at an �stimated cost of $55•00; NOTICE IS �TJRTHEE GIVEN that the city council has by re�olution fixed `i�a.esday, the 5th. c�.,q of June, 195i, at 7:30 0' clock P.M, at the council chambere in the city hall as the time and place at which th� council will hear�sach persona aa care to be heard in reference to eaid improv�ments� and each of them� and will consider said engineerb reports and act thereon. Dat�d at Hopkins, Minnesota, thia 3rd day of May, 1951. Fraak N. Whitney� 0 City Attoraey C. C. CONGDDI�, City Mana,ger Pnblished ia The gennepin �ounty xeview on May 10 and 17� �95� copy for paper � A special meeting of +..1�ie Coun.cil of the �it,y of Hopkins, Minnesota, viras held at �he Cit� Hall at � o�cTock P.R:q. ori ffi�nday, I�ay 7� 1951. I�embers present were; P�ayor Perbix, Councilmen fl.ilbert; Ziegler, �,riderla� Beclrnia.ri, City 1t2anager Con$clon, City $ttorney 1Nhitney, and C ity Engineer Laska. Members absent; None. b:ilbert moved, Perbix seconded, that Resolution No,20l�, "A RESOLUTIQI�T ORDE.'�..�TG A HEARI?dG ON �VGPIIE��S' Rr'�ORTS ON CO`;STR,UCTIATG CURB, GUT�EF? �AI`m SIDE�IfALK IN CF'?TAIN LOCA�On?S��y' marked Exhibit "An, be adopted, Ca_rriedo ,� Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that amount due Fr�.nk .�rchambo coi*ering period � from 1�/19/51 to !�/30/51, inclusive, be paid; also that he be paid up to and including �ay 7, 1951. Garrieiio __. :. . __. _ed Ziegler moved, Becl�an aecoriyi/,that a memo letter be v�iritten to Police Chief �Engner A. Johnson, se��ing forth excerpts from Attorney General�s opinion as , to resporisibilities of the police chief under pro�=isions of th.e City Charter of Hopkins. Carried, �eetin� arjourned„ AT!'FST: , !� j �" �. , . V�. Ha.rlan Per� , �Tayor � . _ . _ . _ �ti� A. �T. �lmquist, cretary to the Cour_cil COUNCTLA�'F_'Na � h CITY OF HOPKffiJS HENNEPIN COUNTY� MINNESOTA RESOLIITION N0. 20�+. , A RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING ON ENGIIVEER' $ REPORTS ON CONSTF{[TCTING CIIflB, GUTTEB 9DTD SIDEWALK IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS. WHEREAS� the conncil of the city of Hopkine on Ma„p 1, 1951, adopted a �..... reaolution referring the following local imvrovemente to Frank Laska, city engineer, for his inveatigation and report� namely: IMPROVF�IIlQT N0. l. Construct curb and gutter on both aidea of l�th. averiue l�orth between 3rd. etreet North and 4th. street North� and construct sidewalk in f ront of Lot 15 and the South 15 feet of Lot 16, Block 95, West Minneapolis, Second Di vi si on ; IMPROVF3�fENT N0. 2. Constrnct curb aad sidewalk in fro nt of Lot 16� Block 93, Weat Minneapolfe, Second Division; IhSPROVEl�1JT N0. 3. Conetruct sidewalk on West side of l�th, avenue North between 2nd. street North and South line of right-of-way of Minneapolie & St. Louia Railway� and WHEREAS, said cit�r engineer ha.s investigated the nece$sit� and feaeibility of said improvements and each of them, a.nd on May 7, 1951, reported thereon to the council and filed hia written reports with the aecretary of the.council� and WHE�tEAS� eaid engineer's reports recommead? the constru.ction of curb and gutter on both sidee of 14th. avenue DTorth between jrd. street North a.nd 4th. street North and the constraction of sidewalk in front of Lot 15 and the South 15 feet of Lot 16. Block 95, West Minneapolis, Second Division, at an estimatedc0st oP $j,165.2j; and the construction of curb, gutter and sidewalk on the E�.st side of 15tY�. Avenue North from 2nd. etrePt North to the South line of the right-of-way of the Niinneapolie & St. Louis Ra.ilway at an estimated co�t of $2,029.95� and the conatruction of side- walk on the �est aide of ltith. avenue North between 2nd. street North and the South line of the right-of-wa� of the Minneapolis & St. Louie Railway at an estimated co at of ��6.67; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a�id engineer'a reporta and each of them will be considered b� the council and action tal�en thereon at a regular meeting of the city council to be held on the 5th. day of June� �95�, at 7:j0 o'clock P:M., and BE IT FfJRTHER RE�LVED tha.t the ci ty manager give notice of auch hearing by publiahing a notice once in each week for two successive weeka in the official newe- paper of a�,id city� said notice to deacribe in general langaage the improve�enta re- commended in the engineer'e reports and the estimated coats thereof. ADC)PTED by the council of the ci ty of Hopkins at a special meeting thereof held thi s 7 th.�: day o f May, 1951. W. HARL.A,^t PERBI3C � MAYOR A. �T. Elmquiat, Secretary to the council � Frank N. Whitney, City gtto rney CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY� MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING .� � �6�p��'` 1�\ NOTICE OF HEARIVG O1� ENGINEER'S REPORTS ON THE CONSTRITCTION OF CIIRB� GUTTEH AND SIDEWALg IN CERTAIPT LOCATIONS. NOTICE IS HEREBY Q PIl6 that the city engineer of Hopkina did on the 7th. day of A4�y, �95�� file his reporta with the city oouncil recommending the construction of cu rb aad gutter on both sides of l�th. avenue North between j�rd. street North and �+th. etreet DTorth and the conatruction of aidewalk in fron.t of Lot 15 and the South 15 feet of Lot 16� Block 95. West Minneapolis� Second Division, at an estimated coat of $3,�65.23; and the constractioa of curb� gutter and sidewalk on the Easteide of 15th. avenue North from 2nd. street l�orth ,to the South line of the right-of-way of the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway at a.n estimated coat of $2,029•9g� and the constrnction of aidewalk on the West eide of l�th. avenue North between 2nd. street North and the South line of the r�glit,:of-way of the Minneapolis & St. Louia Railway at an eatimated cost of $666.67; RiOTICE IS FiJRTHER GIVEN that the city council has b�r reaoluti.on fixed 'll�.esda.y, the �jth, dsy of June, 1951, at 7:30 0' clock P.M, at:�,the, council chambera in the cit9 hall as the time and place at mhich the council will hear such persons as care to be heard in reference to said improve�ments, and each of them, and will consider said engineer's reaorts and act thereoa. Dated at Hopkins, Minnesota, thie gth day of May, 1951. Frank N. Whitney, City gttorney C. C. Con�don, Cit�r Manager Published in The Hennepin County Review on May 10 and 17, i95� copy for paper � � �`� , � � �' \ � `,� , � 4� �. C ITY OF HOPKIATS Hennepin Cau�ty��innesota Notice for Bids for Police Q9ar Notice is hereby gaven that sealed bids will be received by the �ity Council oi the City of Hopkins up to 7:30 P.�ie oE �esday, June 5, 1951,for furnishing one two—door sedan for use of the Police Depa.rtmento Bids must be accompanied by a certified check in the amount of 1GC �of -the amount of the bide �._ Spe��fications may be obtained on request from tlie City Adanagera The r�ght is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids. C. C. Congdon City Manager. C ITY OF HOPK IlVS Hennepin �ounty,Minnesota ATotice for Bids for Truck �� � � � � /►% � Notice is hereby given that sealed bids'Will be received�by the"City .. __ Counc��l of the City of Hopkins up to 7z30�P.Bd, of Tuesclay� June � 1951, for furnishing one dump truck for use of the Street Departmento Bids must be accompanied by a certified check in the amount of 5� of the amount bid. Specifications may be obtained Prom the �ity Mana.ger. The right is reserved to accept or reject ar�g or all bids0 C. C. Congdon� City �anager. 3�0 BE PUBLISHED IM THE FIENNEPIN C OUATTY REOI�If ON �6AY 17 � 1951e a , `�y 1���1 � 1 regular meetirig of the Council' of - the City of `Hopkins, Pdinnesota, �was . - - _ ..._ _ held at 13ie City Hall at 7=30 o�clock P:B�. on Tuesday� �ay � 19 l. " �embers present �ere; Mayor Perliix, Couriciiinen Anderla, Becl�an� and;Ziegler� City Manager Corigclon, City�lttorney �9hitney� and City EY�gi.neer Laska. B�ember absent: Councilman 9Qilbert• BeclQnan moced; Zieglex seaonded, that bills as presented be paid From the folloqring f�.inds. Carriede � GER�L FUI�ID 3485 35om 35oi 3502 3503 3504 3505� 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 35u 3512 357;3 35� 35�.6 3517 3518 3519 3520 Doriald Olson � First Nat.Bank of Hopkins � Treasurer, State of Bdiruiesota Miiineapolis Ga§ Co. �arjorie Akerson Doris Bale . n�:�.area B�gi,�a Vivian Blomquist � Christine Dickhoff Lnella B..Dovenberg Evelyn Ehvil &].3.ce Ess Ed�ard E. Hruska George R. Klinkhaimmer Cecil B�e Kloss Daniel A. Kopesl� �a� _ . _ .. D�trl Crommett Security Nat�loIns�gency Fred S�anson: . Frank N. �Phitn�r Salaries _ Hour],� Payro]1 Poundmaster . V�ithtiold:ing Tax Deci: Retirement Fuad Ded, Sei-vice Jury �uty Juiq Duty Jury Du.ty Jur� DutY Jtiry Dut� Jiiry Dn.ty Jury Du.tg Jury 1Aity , Jnry Duty Jury Duty Jury Diity Jury_Dutp Supplies Square Dance Calling . - Policy Equ:ipte Rental at Beach Fees paid clerk ..:. ., , . . lst..2_of �. ,. � Period ending �•-��1 ROAD A�ID BRIDGE FUND _. _ 961� F3:rst-NatoBank of Hopkins Withholding Tax Ded. 965 Treasu.rer, �State � of �dirmo Retiremeat Fund Dedo 967 Dickey & Bdilbert, Inc, -_ _.._. � Gas - - _. 968 Sec�ity Nat�1.�Insurance Agancy Policy 9b9 Standard Oi1�Coo Gas - - 970 Sti�anson & co, . _. 273 Loads of fill 971 �m.H.Ziegler Go., Inc, Ptuup - . ., . ... Salaries �� lst 2 May Hourly Payroll Period enc�.ng l�-30�1 �TER FiJAID ? First Nat:Barik of Hopkiris 767 Treasurer,�State of B�innesota 768 Postmaster, Hopki.ns 769 Hartvig E.-�nderson 770 Securi.ty Nat�l.Ins.Agency Salaries __ _ . Hour�p Payroll �PitY�iol�ng Tag Ded. Retirein.ent F�nd Ded. Postcards � ,- _ Ga:rage Rental� B�ay�1951 Premium - �st � � _ Period ending 4-30�1 S�AGE DISP05�I, FUM) 235� First NattleBank of Hopkins 236 Treasurer; state of Minn. 237 Dickey-arid Milbert, Irice 23$ No1�.Nat�le Bank of Mplse Salaries - Hourly Payroll lb'ithholcling Taa� Dedo Retirement f'und dede Gas Coupons lst -2 B�ay , Period ending l�-30�-51 � 158075 !4l�3�6T 128e�9 l�1.�:67 1e00 1.00 i000 i:oo �:oo 1e00 1000 1:00 x:oo 1s00 1�00 i:oo 200� ].5e00 31�e9? ` 200,00 1.25 1535m27 ?27.73 143:90 5903� 168�00 60.82 168;00 . 273:00 136097 l�80:00 488.33 10�:#�.0 20:66 120�0 95:00 277.6? 439:li7 112.?�,3 39a6o 130� -20.��2 2605060 172�020 36040 � 0 2 my SPDCIAL �SSFSS�iT FUD1D 50 N.VP.Nat�l. Bank of �pls. Coupons . . PF�ANIIVT Z6�RAV�B.�1T REPOL�ING _FUND _ . 2l�,5 First N rthern 1;y.Coe pe Line Permit �ggeemeat 2 3 Great N at+l, Bank of Hopkins �PithlzolcLi:rig Ta�c Dedo 2l�6 Treasurer, State of �6innesota Retiranent F�ad Ded. ;s2l�7 H.A.Rogers Coo Repairs Salaries - lst May Hour�y Payroll Period Ending I�-30�1 � 473.21 " 1e00 37-:40 16s00 7�s�0 i85:So 22,10 � time�from 5/1%511to15/11/51,deci, tkiat the time slip of Frank� Ai�chambo," eovering inclnsive, be approved for payment. CarrS.eda ' Anderla moved,�Ziegler seconded;--tiiat the transfer of Off-sale Liquor License from �Pilford �d. Scliaeider to Gayloi�cl. C.�atson be approved, subject to approval bg the Liqnor Control Co�missioner• Carried. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded� that Resolutioa NoA207� pR RESOI,UTION REFII3- RING TO THE CITY ENGINE� THE �(6ATTER OF BLACg TDP SiIRFACIlVG PRFSTON'LANE BETWEII�T INTERT�CAEN AVF�IUE AI�ID ASHLF�Y FOAD AND T� ALL�F'Y IN BL�K 5� GIBB�S FIRST� ADDITION TD'�5T MIAtATEAPOL� AI�D 'CODTSTRUCTING �CURB' OId �iE-SOIITfi SIDE OF T�OT lt�� BLOCIC 3, �PEST B�TNFAPOL7+S"� marked Y�shibit al", be adopted. Carrieda - ... , . .. . Anderla moved, Becl�an seconded,�that Gas �a.iri-bctension ftequest No.174,� by ttie BHinneapolis �Gas Company, be granted subject to approval by tdie City Engiaeer. Carriede Becl�n moned, Ziegler second.ed, that the reading of Orclinanee No.b8, "A�T ORDINANCE TO F��BLISH A POSITION-CLABSIFICATIOId PI�AN� A COMF'ENSATION PLAN, A�dERIT SYSTF�dd� AND A BASIC PERSONNEG POLICY FOR ZiiT � CITY QF HOPgINS, �IIdNF50TA"� be accepted as the first reading thereofo Carriedo Anderla mcved, Ziegler seconded� tfiat-the recommendation of the zoning commission der�ring permiasiori to construct a tyailding vPithin five feet . _ _ _ ,_ of ttie V�est li.ne of that 'part of Lot � Auditor � s Subdivision No.242� _ lying South of a l'ine parallel wi.th and 17 feet South from tlie South _ P ... _ lirie of First Street North and North of a line arallel �ith and ]:24 feet North of the North-line of FSccelsior Av+en.ue; be approved only as to the South 100 feet of the above described portioii of said Lot 6� aiid be disapproved as � _ _. � . to the remainder of said portion; and'that as to the'remainder of said portio�� the buildir� inspector may issue�permits for builcl.ings to be constructed up to five feet from the �Iest line thereofQ Carried. . . Ziegler moved, �nderla seconded, tfiat recominendation bp the City Attorney as to provisions of zoning ordinance relating to excavating be re�inede CarriedQ - 3 - Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution No. 208, "A R�OLUTION ORDERIIQG A HEARING ON ENGI1VEEft�S REPORTS ON CONSTRUCTING CURB� CURB AND GUTTFd�; 9.I�ID INSTALLIATG SF•VVER AND �PATER MAIllrS Il� CERTAIlV LOCATIONS AND. � BLACK TOP SURFACING A PORTION OF FOURTE`F1V�I AVF',�]UE NORTHTM� marked Exhibit "BB1� be adopted. Carriedo B�eeting adjournedo ATTFSTa /�� � - �. Harlan Perbix� �ayor `. . . ...... �=°-i .. . - g. �. Elmquist, ecretary to t� e Council COITNCIL�T: A CITY OF HOPI{IIQS HENI�TII'IN COIIBTTY� MINNESOTA RESOLIITION DTO. 207 A RESOLIITIOBT REFERRIDTG TO TFIE CITY E�TGI�TEE& THE MATTER OF BL9CK TOP SORFACING PRESTON LANE BETWEEN INTERLACHEN 9VENUE AND ASHLEY EUAD AND THE ALLEY IN BLOCS 5, GIBB'S FIRST ADDITION TO WEST MI�TNEAPOLIS AND CONSTi$TCTING CIIRB ON 'i'SE S�IITH SI� OF LOT 1�F� BLOCg 3� WEST MINNEAPOLIS. 1�RFAS, there has been filed with the cit� clerk and by the clerk preaented to the city council petitiona aeking for the black top surfacing of Preston La,ne between Interlachen avenue and Ashley road, and the alley in Block 5, Cribb's Firet Addition to West Minne�polis, and the constrnction of curb on the south eide of Lot 1�, Block 3, West Minneapolie� and WHERFAS� the coste thereof ahould be asaeased agaiast property found benefited thereby� and WHEHEAS� most of the owners of the benefited property against arhich said costa would be aesessed have petitioned the city council Por sa3 d imp rovemente and each of them, a.nd agre�dto pa�► the coate thereof; NOW� THEREFUHE, BE IT RESOLYED by the council of the city of Hopkins that the ma.tter of black top surfacing the above named etreet and alley and constructing curb in the above named location be referred to Frank Laska, ci ty engineer� to investi�te the neceseity and feaeibility thereof a.nd to report to the council as soon ae poseible. ADOPTED b� the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 15th. d ay of May, 1951. W. HAFd,AN PEF�I%� MAYt�R A. W. Elmqnist, Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitaey� City Attorney copy fo r Laeka CITY OF HOPKIAS HENNEPIN COUNTY� MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 20S A RESOLIITI ON ORDEF.ING 9 HEARING ON EIQGINEER' S REPO&TS ON CONSTi�JCTING CiJBB � CUHB AND GUTTER; AND I�TSTALLIIdG SEWER AND WATER MAINS IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS AND BLACR TOP SITRFACIBTG A PORTION OF FbIIRTEII4TH AVENIIE NORTH. WHE�S, the council of the city of Hopkine on September 19, 1950, adopted a reaolution referriag to Frank Laeka, city engineer, for hie inveatigation and report, the matter of installing concrete curb on the weet aide of 17th. avenue north opposite Lots 1 and 2� Block 9, Weat Minneapolis� Third. Diviaion, and WHEREAS, said city engineer }�ae investigated the neceasity and , feasibility of said improvem ent and on May l�j�� �95�, reported thereon to the council a.nd filed his written report with the aecretary of the council�.in mhich report the engineer recommende that said curb be not inatalled unleas ctzrbing ia installed on the weet eide of 17th. avenue north between First and Second streeta north at an estimated cost of $1095.00, and WHEREAS, the c ouncil of the city of Hopkina on November 7, �950, adopted a reaolution referring to Frank Laska� city engineer� for his investigation az�d report, the matter of inatalling concrete curb and gutter on the East side of 12th. avenue north between fourth atreet aorth and the south line of state trank highway No. 7, and WHEREAS, eaid engineer has investigated the necesa�,�y and feasibility of said improvement and on May I�, 1951, reported thereon to the council and filed hia written report with the aecretary of the cou�il, in arhicY�report the engineer re- commended the installation of said carbing at an estimated cost of �g50.00, and WHEREAS� the council of the city of FIopkins on March 6, i95i, adopted a resolution referring the ma,tter of inetalling ea,nitary sewer and w�ter ma,ine in the north 50 feet of the south 90 feet of Lot 69, Auditor's Subdivision number 239, Hennepin County� Minnesota, being an extension ree�terlg of Oxford street� ae ehowa in the plat of Auditor's 5lubdivision number 239, Hennepin County, Minne sota , to Frank Laska, cit� engineer, for his investigation and report� and WF�REAS, said engineer has investigated the neceesity and feasibility of � said improvement and on Mayj,� �951, reported thereon to the council and filed hie written renort with the secretary of the council, in which report the engineer recommended the installing of water mains in the follo�ring location� to-rouit: Commencing at the intersection of Oxford street and Murphy avenue� and extending westerly along the center line of Oxford atreet projected westerl-y to the weat line of the Northeast Q}iarter (NE�) of the Northeast Q}iarter �;�NE�) of Section 19, Toran.ship 117� Fta,.nge 21� and thence continuing southerly along said westerly line to its intersection with the north line of Lake street; and in which report said engineer (1) aleo recommended the installation of sanitary aewer maina fn the following location� to-wit: In the north 50 feet of the south 90 feet of Lot 69, Auditor'e 9ubdi�!��ion number 239� Hennepin County, Mianesota, being an extension weaterly of Oxford etreet as ehown in the plat of Auditor's 9ubdiviaion mimber 239, Hennepin County, Minneaota. and also running southerly from the above described portion of said Lot 69 along the weeterly line of the Northeast f�arter r�) of the Northeaet Qiarter (ND�) of Section 19, Township 117, Range 21, to the intersection of said westerly line and the north line of Lake street� all at an estima.ted cost for said sewer installation of $13,�g3.lg and at an eetimated coat for said water installation of �11,126.25, and W�REAS, the council of the city of Hopkins on April 17� �95i, adopted a reaolution referring to Fra.nk Laska, city engineer� for hi e investigation and report, the ma.tter of black top eurfacing l�+th. avenue Nor�h between Third street and Fourth st ree t No rth, and WF�REAS, said engineer has inveatiga.ted the necee�ity and feasibility of .... , said improvement and on May 1�, 1951, reported thereon to the council and filed hi e written report with the secretary of the council� in which report said engi.neer. recommended said imprtl�ement at an eatimated coet of $700.00; DTOW� T�REFORE, BE IT RESOI,YED that said enginser's reporta, and each of them� will be conei dered by the council and action t�ken thereon at a regular meeting of the city council to be held on the 19th d�y of June, 1951, at 7:30 o'clock P.M, and BE IT F4RTHER RESOVED that the city manager give notice of such heariag by publiahing a notice once in each week for two successive weeke in the official nevaepaper of said city� said notice to deacribe in general la.nguage the improvements recommended in the engineer's reports and the estimated costs thereof. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkina at a regular meeting thereof held this 15th. da�of Nlay, 1951. W. $ARLAN PERBIX, MAYOR A. W. Elmquist, Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitaey� City Atto rney ��) � P CITY OF HOPgINS HENNEPIN CGUNTY, MIDTNESOTA � � �� $ � `�a� � ��� � � � DTOTICE OF HEARING ON ENGINEEB'S REPOHTS ON CONSTRUCTING CURB� CUR� AND (�TTTER; INSTALLING SEWER AND WATEH MAINS IN CERTAtN LOCATIO�S AND BLACg TOP SURFACII�G A PORTION OF F'OURTEII�iTH AVENUE NORTH. DTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVIIV that the city engineer of Hopkins did on the 15th day of May, 1951, file hfs reports with the cit� council recommending the followiag local imnrovements, to-wit: Imp rovement No. 1. Installing curb on the west aide of 17th. averrue north between First and Second streets north at an eatimated cost oY $1,0�5.00; Imnroaement No. 2. Inatalling concrete carb a,nd gutter on the e�et side of 12th. aaenue north between fou rth etreet north and the south line of etate trunk highway No. 7 at an estima.ted cost of $g50.00; Improvement l�o. 3. Installing water maina in the follo�ring location: Commencing at the intersection of Osford etreet and Murph� avenue, end extending westerl�r along the center line of Oaford street projected meaterly to the west line of the ld�rtheast Quarter (ND�) of the Northeast Q�arter (ND4) of Section 19� Townahip 117, Range 21� and thence continuing southerly along aaid westerly line to ita intersection with the north line of Lake street, �t a.n estima.ted cost oY $11,126.25; Improve� ent No. �. Installing eanitary sewer maina in the following location: In the north 50 feet of the south 9p feet of Lot �y� Auditor's Subdiviaion number 239, Hennepin County, Minnesota, being an egtension weaterly of Oxford atreet as shown in the plat of Auditor'a Sub division nnmber 239, Hennepin County� Minneaota, and also iunning eoutherly from the above deacribed portion of said Lot 69 along the westerly line of the Northeaet Qaarter (N�) of the Northeast Q}�arter (NF}�) of Section 19, Tovmship 117, Range 21, to the interaection of said weaterly line and the north line of Lake etreet, at an estimated cost of �13,�F6j.18, Improvement No. 5. Black top eu rfacing 14th, avenue north between �hird street and Fou rth street north, at an estima,ted co�t of $700.00; ATOTICE I5 FiTRTHEE GIVIId tha.t the city council ha,e by reaolution fixed Tue sday, June, lj, 1951� at 7:j0 o'clock P.M, at the council chambers in the city ha11 as the time a,nd place at which the council will hear such peraona as care to be heard in reference to said improvements� and each of them, a.nd will consider said engineer'a reports and act thereon. � Dated at Hopk ins, Minneso ta, thie 17th day of May, �951. C. C. CODTGDON. City Manag�r Frank N, Whitney� City Attorney Publiahed in the Hennepin County Review on May 2u and jl, 1951 r' � � � ��� S. � A special meeting of �the Council of the City of Hopkins, I�innesota; was , held -at the City Hall -at � o�'clock P.�. �on� �Pednesday; �day 16, � 1951e Tlie follo�.ng v�ere present: Cauncilmen Beclffian, �i]:bert, �derla", arid �Ziegler and City B�anager C. C. Congdon. Mayor �1. Harlan Perbix was absento Ziegler moved, BQil.bert" seconded, tdsat Councilm.an Becluaan be appoi.rrted �ayc�r pro teme Carried, Zie�ler moved� lnderla seconded, ftesoltii�ion Noo246, �A RF�OLUTIO�T � CANV�SSING THE LLDCTION �ON THE ISSII9NCE OF F IRE FIGH�TAiG DQUIP�JT Bp���� �mar.ked•.;��xh�bit:;"A"r,:,;�e adopted. Carried. � � _ Zi.egler moved, Anderla secorided� tliat the minntes of tYie city election as submitted by tiie judges and clerks of the-`five �voting �districts in - .. Hopkins and the � s t;atemerrt of votes � as submitted iig� t,he Director� -of ttie count and"the fonr -assistant directors; f or the city � election,' held in the- City of Hopkins � on � Z'uesday; �ay 15, � 1951, be accepted arid "placed on file� and that the 8ity Covncil hereby certifies the resvlts to be as follows: � - - _ _ ._. . ._ _ _ . - -- ._ . �_ � �. Harlari Perbiu� elected Mayor for -a term of te�o jrearso � ': r Earl A. Dahlberg, l�uasell H. Zakariasen, Joseph C. 9ese],y �� �"� and-I,en J. �i].bert elected councilmen for a te� of-tw+��years,` J. Russell Carroll elected Municipal Judge for a�erm a�' Yfou� �yea:r�s. �otion carriedo �esting adjourned. . . -- . _.... .. •-�- - ._ - - . - A. . Elmquis � ecreta.sq the ounc COUNCII�'Na ' � , � ,�e � CITY OF �OPKINS . . HE�TNEPIBT COQNTY�' MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 206 " : ' � A RESOLiF�I01V CANVASSING � THE EL�CTIOIJ � ON THE ISSU�NCE OF FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT BONDB. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council �of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota� that at the election held in and for the . city on Tuesday� the 15th day .of May� 1951� to vote on the� � question of the issuance of bonds for.the purpose of the acquisition of fire .fighting equipmerit� there were� cast a total � of 1769 ballots� of which la3 votes were cast in. favor . � . of said question and 43$ votes were against the same� and 118 ballots were blank or spoiled, and said proposition carried by more than the requisite majority �- vote. AM?P�ED by the couuc3l of the City of Hopkins at a special � meeting thereo� held this 16th day of Ma4y� 1951• 4d. HAR.LAN ' PERBT7C� P�AYC�i . �. W. Elmquist�. , � ,.. _ _ , Secretary to the Council" � FTai1k N:s I�ihitIIeys _ City Attorney . � � f,;i°�i �"�` ����t� :'�d�`$�<'�`�'���i` 4if�J�a'.�"��� i"ii'�:ita:fa�w.G �+�'�►���� ��. �� � �s�e.�a�A.v�d53�Pf �a+�t`Y ��L7,6d�f� ,R 63� ��,rY'�+A i'�w�ai 4Ja�1� �iA�d A•�i.�',�f.slSb�i�i't,3i' �.d��k:a Z'����1�� F�'�y�d`J.^ai'f.L �A�:"li�O � i� F'�T'6�IvV��9 b�' �l�t� ��ty ��t�t���t.�. 0� ��e C1�3► O� l�op�C3:�a' 2�i�r�e:�w��� �h�t at ��e el.ectiQn beld 9.� �7� for ��ie c�.�� pt� �°c���e�y, th� �.!�th at��* of ?��yg A951, to vo�e �n the �u����a�a oi' �'�� 3.s�°���ce o� �ond� gQr �he pt�o�e of tiae �c��a�s�.t��n o�' f�re :�'�.�1�ailra� e��ip����9 ���re �r�re o��t a tQ��l . o�' 17b9 t��i�.vt�! o� �a��ah 1213 vo��� �a�re c��t �,r� f�vcrr o�' ��3d quep���n �.c�d 438 v�ates �r��� ��a�nst t�a� a�me# ��d 118 ballots were blank or spoiled, and a�.�d `p�c►p��ixlo� e��r�.ed b�► �z�rs� ���a� ��� r�r��.�.s�te a���c�rity � ' vE�ltE1. 1�i)C�`ED b�► th� ���k o! �he G�� ot fi�pirin� �t � sp�oisk m�ti.e�g t�hea+aoY tu� t�s 3�h dqg o�' Ma�, 15►51. i A. �v EL�quiet� J�cse��r�* �o td� Qounoil � Frank 11. �+hitneY� C3t� �t�c�ey � � i�. F�It�.A� �iHIXe 1�i3��,R ' .�iY ' . . _�� ,. MINUTES OF CITY ELECTION At the regular election of the City of Hopkins, in the County of Hannepin and State of Minnesota� held at the Harley Hopkins School in the City of � � ; ti�,�'CF � Hopkir�s for. Praei�na� No. 1� being the place �ere it �as directed to `b�. held bp the �ity Council after � l�i ��,�'� giving due notice thereof as provided by law� on the 15� day of M�pr, 1951� Elizabeth Slavin� Gladys Escher� Selma Pahl� Dundee Rae Himes and Betty Carlson, five qnalified voters of said election district in said city to act as judges and clerks of such election, each of whom had within ten days before such time been designated and a�pointed by the City Council to act as judges and �lerks of such election at said precinct, who� being present� at the hour of 7:00 o�clock A. M., each of them duly took and subscribed an oath to faithfully discharge the duties required of them at such Election; arid the said Judges arid Clerks being duly qualified, forthwith opened the polls by proclamation� and the Election pro- ceeded by ballot withrnxt adjourrnnent or intermission until closed. weres The subjects voted oa at such Election, as stated in the Notic� thereof, 'To elect a mayor, fowr councilmen and a municipal judge. At Ss00 O�clock in tdle afternoon of said day the polls Were closed� pro- •clama.tion thereof having been made by one of the Jucl�es thirty mirrutes previous thereto. As soon as the polls were closed, a aid Election officials at such voting place did� � thout opening� them� seal the ballot boxes and sent them at once, in the custody of said officia].s and the officer assigned to such precinct, to the City Ha11, the place designated as the central�counting place far the City. There was also sent with eact��of said ballot boxes a record of the number of ballots cast therein. � � Dated May 15,, 1951. ' �� J� , , �� _ �'! - - - � MINUTES OF CITY ELECTION At the regular election of the City of Hopkins, in the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota� held at the � House.in the City of Hopkins far Precinct No. �, being the place �ere°it xas directed to be held by ttie City Council after giving due aotYce thereof as provided try law, on the 15th day of A4ay, 1951, Olga Ke71y, �arrie Spott, Elizabeth Lemke� Nona �nndquist, and Dorothy �interfield, five qualified voters of said. election district in said citg to act as judges aid � clerks of such election, each of whom had within ten days before such time been designated and appointed by the �ity Council to a�t as judges and clerks of such election at said precinct, who, being present, at the hour of 7:00 o�clock A. M.� e�c� of them duly took and subscribed an oath to faithfully discharge the dut�.es required of them at such Election; and the.said Judges and Clerks bei.ng diil.y qualified, forthwith opened the polls by proclamation, �d the Election pro- ceeded by ballot"without adjour�nent or interiaission until closed. were: The subjects voted on at such �Lection, as s tated in the Notice'thereof�' To elect a mayor� four councilmen and a municipal �udge. At 8s00 o�clock in the afternoon of said day the polls �rere closed� pro- clemaation thereof having been made by one of the Judges thirty mir�utes previous thereto. As soon as the polls �ere closed, s aid T�lection officials at such wting � place did� Without opening them� seal the ballot box�es and sent them a t once� in the custod�r of said officials and the officer assigiied to si ch precinct, to the City $all, the place designated as the central counting place for the �ity. There was also sent with each of said ballot boxes a record of the nwnber of ba�.lots cast therein. Dated May 15� 1951. v MIAiIITES OF CITY ELECTION At the regular election of the City of Hopkins, in the County of�Hennepin and Sta.te of Minnesota� held at the City Hall in the �ity of Hopkins for Precinct No. 3, being the place xhere it was directed to be held by the �ity Council.after giving due notice thereof as provided by law� on the 15th day of May� 1951� Lola M. Yackel, Magdalen Klinkhamner� Anne Borland, Lillian Elmquist, �d Margaret �. O�rens, five qualified voters of said election district im �aid city to act as judges and clerks of such electfon�.each of whorn had within ten days before svch time been designated and appointed by the City Council to act as judges and clerks of such election at said precinct� who, being preseat, at the hour��oY 7s00 o�clock A. M.� each of �hem duly �ook and subscribed an oath to faithfully discharge the duties required oP them at such Election; and the said Judges and Clerks being duly qualified, fo�thrdith opened the polls by proclamation, and the Election proceeded.bg ballot without adjournment or intermission watil closed. weres The sub�ecta voted ori at such �eation, as stated in ttie Notice thereof, -To elect a mayor, four aounci].men and a municipal judge. At 8:00 o�clock in the afternoon of said day the polls were closed� pro- clamation thereof having been made by on�6f the Judges thirty�minutes previous thereto. As soon as td�e polls were closed�:said Electipn officials at such voting place did, �a �hout opening them, seal the b allot boxes and aent them at once, in the custoc�p of�said officials and the officer assigned to such precinct, to the City Hall, the place designated as the central counting place for the �ity. 1'here Nas also sent Witi� each of said ballot boxes a record of the number of ballots cast therein. Dated May 15th, 1951 A� � ; ' r ,' � �� ; _ ��-, �r �.�-�r.-_ ��_ i�--'� _�' � -j��--�� ���< ' . � :--;�� _... � � -r,: .` .;; �, _ =, ; ., . . __ �� ;� �"� - � �' - - 0 � 1�TUTES OF CITY ELECTION At the regular election of the City of Hopkins, in the County of Setinepin and �tate of Minnesota, held at the Junior High �chool in the City of Hopkins for Precinct No. 4, being the place where it was clirected to be held by the City �ouncil after giving due notice thereof as provided by la�, on the 15th day of May, 1951, Alice M. Anderson, Charles W. Herzan, Myrtle M. Anderson, Adeline Sedeslqr, amd Louise Lussier, five qualified voters of said election district in said City to act as judges and clerks of such election� each of �hom had within ten days before such time been deaignated and appointed by t�he City Council to act as judges and. clerks of such election at said precinct, Who, being present, at the hour of ?:00 o'clock A. M., each of them duly took and subscribed an oath to faithfully discharge the duties required of them at such ETecticn; and the sa�.d Judges and Clerks being du�p qualified, forthWith opened the polls by proclamation� and t he Election pro- ceeded'by ballot without adjournment or intermission until closed. were: �e subjects voted on at such Election, as�stated in the Notice thereof, To elect a mayor, four councilmen and a municipal judge. At 8:00 o'clock in the afternoon of said day the polls were closed, pro- clamation thereof having been made bg one a[' the Judges thirty mirrutes pre�ious thereto. .As,soon as the polls frere closed� said Election officials at such voting place did, without opening them,,seal the ballot boxes an d sent them at once, in the custo� of said officials and the officer assigned t;o such precinct, to the City Hall, the place designated as the centra7. counting place for the �ity. There was also sent urith each of said ballot boxes a r ecord of the number of ballots cast therein. �a�a_;��• i5, i95i. 0 _��� .� �� .��- � ` � �i� . �����, � .- � � � ��j t� -��iL�-c� � , . MINUTES OF CITY ELECTION �t the regular election of the City of Hopkins, in the C auit� of Hennepin. and State of Minnesota, held at the Oalacidge Country Club in the City of Hopkins :, for Precinct No. 5, being the place lahere it was directed to be held by the City Council after giving due notice thereaf as provided by law on the 15th day of May� 1951, ���� �C��9%NiE Marguerite Losie� Leah Christensen, , Edna'�iilcox, and Helen Mcalasaon, iive qualified eoters of said election district in s aid city to act as judges and clerks of such election, each of whom had within t en days before such time been designated and appointed by the City �ouncil to act as judges and clerks of such election at said precinct, who, b�iiag present, at the hour of 7s00 o�clock A. M., each of them duly took and subscribed an oath to faithfully discharge the duties reqnired of them at such Election; and the said Judges a1d Clerks being duly qualified, forth�ith opened t�he poZls by proclamation, and the Election pro- ceeded by ballot without adj�ourrmient or .intermission until closed. were: The subjects voted on at such Election� as stated in the Notice thereof, To elect a matiyor, four counci.lmen and a municipal judge. At 8:00 o'clock in the afternoon of said day the polls Were closed, pro- clamation thereof haeing been made by one of the Judges thirty minutes previous thereto. As soon as the polls were closed, said Election officials at such voting place did� without opening them, seal the ba]1ot boxes and s ent them at once, in the custody of said officials and the officer assigned to such precinct, to t he �City Hall, the place designated as th e central counting place for the City. 0 There was also sent with each of said ballot boxes a record of the number of ballots cast therein. ' /� W tiR.c..a.�1 Dated Mag 15� 1951. _ , C� y� V ��r�� , r MI�`tE5 OF �ZTY �LE�CTI01� At the tegular electian of #,h� Cit,yr of �opl�ine, 3n the County of Hear�ep►in and 5talt..s q� M3nn�so�a9 held at tlte �ari�r Hspkir�s �ahaol in Lhe �Sty ot Hopk�e for �c�cL iYoo la . beia� the place �3aere it� wae direct,ed to bE ileld i�y the �ity Covno3l after giving dv� aotice �ttiereof ae proeided by lawe on t,he 15th de�r of l�t� 1951a �:ii�abe�h Sla�g Gl�rs Fsecher� �eln�a Pehla Dutedee itae Hi�e� easd �e�ty Carleon� five Cjl1�I.���d VOt8Y8 of aald eleotio�a d9.strict l.a� eai.d o�.�y to ect as ,�nd�e$ and alerlce aP euch election9 eaah of who�n had r�.thin ten days begore suoh ti�e been de�igaated� anot appolnted by the Ci�y Gounoil t,o �ct ae judge� and clerk� of �g�h eleatian at esid pr�cinQ�D Whoa being present� at the hour of ?s� o'clock Aa M.' each of tbem c3u�r' took nnd eubscribed �ta aath tg fai�hPu21y clisoh�rge �he duties required o� tihem �t euah �'•I.ection� a�d ths said Judges and Clerke bein� dul.y qualified, forth�vith op�ned Lhe poll� by proalearatioaD and �he Eleotion p�4- oeeded by ballot withan.tt sci,ourruaent or iaitermiesion nntil clasede The �b��cte eoted on at such 1�lections ae �tated iai t.he �otice t�er��f, �oe�°e t _ �� - T:� elect e mc�ror, fora� r.d�unciLnen ead a munictpal �ut��s Ab .8a00 D�Q�c�ek in the aiternoon af aaid cia�r the polla were cloaedg pro*� cla�ation Lbereof �nving beon made by one of tbe Juc�es thirty mitaute� ��reqiaus �ereta v � ��oon ae the pol].s were closed, ..�aid Elec�iofl. oSficisl.� at such vo�ing plaae dide r�lt.hout openii�:; thema,seal t�e ballot boxes er� seat ihem �� oncQ9 i� the cue�Eoc� oP eairl ofticials �nnd the officer assigned to eucb precir�cts t� tha Oitg �1�119 the pla�e desigaated s� �he ae�rtr�l counti�g place far bhs Citya � Z'hers wss also een� �e�.th e�vh af s8id ballot box�e a�saord oS the number of bello�s eaet thereina Dated 2�Isay 159 1951e �/ __ . _ _-_ _�� �•-_ -,-� __- 1 �, � ��� _..�. � / � . .. U � � .�.�. 0 R � 1�Ni1T� !� C��Y E��(:�x�N .A� the regetl�.ar. �leat9.saaz c�f tiae G�ty of kIa�k�..n�o in �he �ounty o� .��a�pfn aa�d SLate ot I�lffau�esot�a. t�eld a�t th� �r Fiousa i�. �he City oP Ho�kins 1'ar k'x�eoin�� t�oo; 29. �ing ti�� pla�� �aYi�ra it v� d�3�c�d Lo be he7.d by the �i�y Ca�c31 �Ler giv3ng dne aotice #.hereo� a� pa�orr'lded br�t lr�w� on taaa 15�h d�y af t+i�rm 1951q 0].�� ��1�r� G�io �po��, �7.f$�beth T�mk�Q Atons �►tu�dq�ai�t� aiad Tk�°vt.�p ��'i���rf`i�la� Pive qur31�£��d v��ati 0f aa:€d el��tion c�igtrfo� i�n eaid ai'�y to aet ae �udg�s �nd cl�rk� of s�aah e��a�ion� ea��i of wham had �riLhia� �en dq,y� befe�se �ta}� tim� been de��r��ted and ap�ci�nted b�r tha Gi�y C����. to ��t as gndg�s an� alor&a af ano�i �lect�.on st s�9.d p�ecitact, �h�9 b�� pros�nt, a� th� hour o.t 7:00 o°�l�k g. D4oD eech of t�e� d�l.y taok etts9 sabaoral�id a�a oAih Lo fai�hfu�77�y d���h�ge �e dea�i��� raq�s�r�d o.f tk�em at; �uoh �' ection� ans�l t�he eaid Ju�e� e�d E37.o�rke b�� d�q qual9.fi�ed9 fort�r�ri4� opened t2ie p�lls by px��a��ivna a�d t�e Fl�ciian p��- caec�d b�r bal.l�t� wi�hou� aci�4�nt or 3.t�t�aa^ffii���on uut�.3. ���s+�d. ��� �ub�ects vated on at auah �.eotion, ae'�� t.��ed 3ra �ae Na;�ice �Y�raofs �r�re a �� c�l��t a a�ayor� faur couaci].onez� and a��ip�. ,udg�o �t �3s� o'��o�kk �n ihe af`Eernoon o� ea3d da� t,he po�].� �rsx� clo�ci, pro0 cla��tioa t,h$r�o#' havis�g be�a mad� by v�►e of the Jucl�e� th�lrt�r minutss px�evio�as the�too As �oon as �he polls �rere alo$ed, a eid �,1�aLion of�"lci�,ts at euvh veitfn� p2aCe di�, �aithout o�snin� L?asma sea3. '�ie ba3.ac�� box�� and �e�L Lhem a t a�naQg in the �u�tae'�r o� eaid eifia�ai� and tho ofSiae� et�s4.�ned to sa ch preaiact9 �o the 4�ity H�1, �tYze p�aQe desi�aats8 a� the contra2 eouastin� pl.�ce for t8e ��tg. 2hare a�-�s also s�n� wfth ee�ch of �a►id b�l�ti b�xes � recoa�d of the �aeamber of baZlo�� cn�t th�rein. Dgted l�te�r �.5� �951• , ���� :--, (�� , �' ' j, , ,� % �,""L ��' 9ri,i.,�;�, ,��y�,,��� ,m..�.�,�.. �......,. �, � , , - � ' �% � � �.G.e/ - ��-,�>-�"y�i : // � '� �,. � � � '� � " , P �, � ; \ g MIa:?�tt`� C� CI� �.L�TTd�i At �he z�guiat° electiorl c�f tt� Ci�� af �o�kins � in� t�►e �'ounty of Hennepin '' anfl •8�at� of' �in��ota' �eld et t�ae Ci�y Fia�. �.n the �it,y of iio�kine �or : Preci�ct �%o: �� beit�3 #hti� �2�e w�re 9Lt �e c�ren�ted t� k� helfl by� th� C3ty C���]!. af'ter g��rin� d�e �fl�ice �.ilereof ��ovided by la�e, on tla� 15�b d�g o� M�y, 19�1a �ole tio �3ek�l, �c�len kCltnklaara�nerD Axa�e �arl��� �,�31an �m.quis�9 end Me�garQ� �o i�e�� ilve qu�li�lefl v�a�cs c�.� sa�d eleoC3on �.9:Etr3bt� �n ��i.d aifi.y itg acL �s �udg�� r�d c].erke oP �ucY► elea�ican9 maaYa nf �o� l�au `wi� �o� s3�s b�for8 sumh L9.cnc� bQen d��3.$na9�,ed �d �ppoiate�l by �e a9.�iy Cout�c�.l ta� �ct as judgea �d clerk� of such e�,e��?�on aZ eaid pr�a3.a�t� who, i�eit�g �sen�L,� at the tao�r�.��v� ' 7g�? �ialr�� �� Ndse eaoh OF �iF3m duly $c�1� aflcfl snbearibed :�A31 a18th �'.a ��1LhfuZly diachar�e �he dutiee reqairad of the� at �uoH �ecr�ir�na atzd �hQ e�3ci Judg�s �ad Cler�a toeia�g duay' qualifisd9 £o�rth�'J.tb open�d th� palls b�t gm�lsmation, e�d Lhe . , � ,. F3ec'Lion �s°dce�a�d by b�llot wr].thou� aci�au�+nasar�� �r is��.ermiesicin until a7�oseda �re a Tho s�ab,acst� vot�ed an at such �Leo�lo�n9 a s etat�d ia the No'��ae t}�a reof � Ta e2ect a�ayQ�, � Pou� councilsc�n enc9 a muai�ci�al. jud�e.' �1t Ba�S� a��l�oQk in the aft�ernoo� of eaid da,� tho golle �ac��e ala�ed, pro- al�tion tts�a�of having been m�de b� on�f tbe dudgas �hhirty m9,e�tite� pravi.oua thsreto. A� �eoa� as t�e po13a were c2osedg. �a�.d �leation ofticiaie a� su�h voting pl�c� dide ��tho�z� o�ic�g th�m� ee�7. 'tffie b a3Zot �4xos axic➢ scanb tiiem at �noea 9.e1 tYie aue'�c� of �a�sl c�Y�'ici�1� e►nd ttae of�i�ex° �s�i��d ta euoh precsi�c�t, �o the City Hal�., thaa p�ace de�i�ataLed as �hc� aera�ral. �ounti.rig pl�ca for tdae �4iLyo i'here a�ae al�o ec�mL wi� each o� saf� ballot boxes � record of t,�e �ber of ballots c��st t.he�ino �$tr@� �8ai 17�1i �.i7�: "_`�' � �., ���_,-�,,�-- �. : a� � �'�� - G -:- �.. � f��. , .. �.;�q ,. ., ���� . �;�� . �r._ ,- , _ _i , r�� • .I � , � a P7 I�$�T�S �i� CTTY w�CTI�I�+ At t�e ra�►a1a� e2ection oY th� C9.ty e►f #�op�cinsa ln the County of �i�n�aepia and ��at� of l��.nnes�taa held a� �he Jeu��r l�i�;h �chool �.r� ti�e �:ity af �Ye�p�a'lns fox° i�eaf�aa� Idoo !aa �3x�g the plr��� �here it x� d�i�c'F.�d t� bs �e1d bg �h� C�.'G� �ouaai� c�te�° �1v� due s�otice th�a�aci a�. p�avided �y l�a oxa the YS�h da� ca� �, 3�9�1a , �13c� �e �t��arse�as� Ghas°lea �.� �er2�➢ F��].e 4�0 �,��rsr�n, !'del3rse u�edegk�t� �d Louise �,�eaier, five Qual�fied eo�Ger� of said �1e��io�a dt��rfa� in eei�1 Ci.�y �o acst m� ,ud�e� r�nci clsr�se of �uch �lea�ion9 maah of whom� h�c� �al.t�►in te�s �laye before �ueh tirae b��a ds�ignated er►8 ap�int�d �► tdaa �i�ty� C�31 to �ab en �ud�e� �i cl�r�ss o� suoh eleation �t �aid precinct, whon bei.n� pre�en�, at the �oua^ o� �a00 oecloak �. �1., esah a� t�hem c�il„y tiook �uad �bstsribed aa o��h to ga4.th�iil.ly disch�rge �hc3 duties raquired oP them a►� sach �lec�ticn; and 4he ��.ca �3ud�e� ar�d Caerko being du3,y gualified, forthvith apezied the poi�.e by proolaanat�.on� and Lhe €d.leotion pro- ��eded bg ballo� �rithout adjourxm�ent or Ante�ni.�eion uabil clnsed. �re a 'l�am sub�ects v�ot►ed on at euah �1�ation$ �s �tated ir� �Ghe �totice �hereo�,� `�o eleet a mayoa�e fws counciaman an�l a atun3c1pa1 �uc�ge. At 6�00 o'a1o�k in tbo e�ternoon of s�ici day tkde pol:� orero cloae89 pro� ol�nmation tEier�of havi,n� '�een �aade b� �t�;a�" fi�e �udge� tihi�°ty �int��a� pr��3aus theretoe , �1e soo� a� the �alls �ere aloaed, eaid �lectf.on afficira�6 at sucPa votin� plarse did, arithaut open� �h�ma s�al �.he i��.11ot boxe� and aent them at ano�a i� t�ae �uatoc3y e�r �aid officiale an� the oS�i��x� �ssi�aad �o �uah preoinct� to the C�.ty f�all� the �iace desi�tsd ar� t.he cent�°�1 oouutiog plaae ior the �:.fi�ys There was alam �ent tirlth eacsb oY eaid baliot boxe� a r eaord of tfi�a rnunb�r c�� ba�.,a�s n��t �h�reino �t,ea:.:�a�*. �r, �g5�e , a..r �� -��� ��`�-�: �:� . �._..�..� . r~ .�L-�' ����' ,��' / � ., ,- , ' = . �' � �����" � � <��e _�.�._�.�... � ( ��� - ,�� .7�� `:��'.� - _ �. L. �. . an�s.• P.w e � • f 0 MINt3'I�S OF CI�Y � �' 2ION �� ihe regulax° election of i�hh� Cit� Af Hopkins., in the C�ty of �lennepin snd Sta$e of Minnescta, held at tile �akridge Country Club in the C3ty oi �Iapkins for Px��cinct No. 5,. be�n� ths plaoe wher� it �aas'directed ta be held b�r the City Coua�il after givirig due notioe thereo� as proqi�iefl by law, on th� 1'�th ciay o� ��9 i9S1� ��9�-� ���P�9Ti✓iE M2�rgu.eri�te Losiea I.eah Chr3.st�tsen� '�+dna _�ilcvx, ar�d H�len Mcal�eaon, .fiee qua].iiied vaters of. �aid eleoti.on district in 5�i.d city �o act as judges and clerks oi SUCh electiong each og �ao:n had �r9.tri9.n �t�as days b�fore sucPa �i�� bee�a designai;�.ed aad a�apointed bar the Ci�y �ouncil to act a� j�dges �nd olerks of �uch e].ectfon at said preci.ndt, who, being presents at ths hou� of 7$00 o'clock A. M.9 each of them du�y fi.00k asid enbscribed ar► o3ih to faithfuily d�sch�ge tkie deitiea required of them at eucb �3.ectiong aaicl th� �a�.si. Judges a� d CC;j::erks being dul�t qualifieda forthwi.th opened the po11a by proclazaat�on, .and. the Electiaai pro- ceeded b�r balsot withou� ad�ourr�ment or 3n,teri�ission until closedo The 5ubjects �roted on aL such �lcction, as �tat�;c! in the Nmtice t�aereoi' w�re s 3'o elect a mayors four cauncilmen and a municipal 3ucige. �t 8sd(? o'c�.ock �.a� tho afternoora of said day th� pol�� were closed9 aa�o- clasnation �hereoF laavin� b�en made by one of the Judg�t� thirtgr mirnates pz°evioua thereLo. �e �oon as the polls were alose�?, sa�d Elec�ion officials at such voting place di.d, wiChout opening theai,� sea2 tP�e ba7lot boxes and s ent them at once9 i.n the cusi,�dy of' �a�d offie3.a18 and th� off�cer assigned to such precinct, to the _ City Hall9 tha pZ�.ce de�i�ated as the central counting p].ace .�or 'Eii� City, �Yiere was aleo aer�� wfth each of eaid ballot boxes a record of the num.ber of ballots 8set thereiri. Aated P�a� 15� 1951. � � � . ' � _ � —� -- � - - / /, _�.a.�✓ _�:i / ' � � /. / � l � i � � r'=r==_ � _/ �� / � A` , 7\'` r � P�INUTES OF' CITY ELECTION At the regular eleatian of the City of Hopkins, in the CountB oP �€ennepin and State of Mian�sota� he�d at the Harl�y Hopkins School in t3�e City of �Iopkin� foa° Px°ecinct No. 1� being th� place �ere it was direat;�d to be held by the C�ty C�unoil after �ivimg due notic� theres�f aa, prAvided by law9 �on the 15th da;y of M�r9 19S1s Elizabeth Slavfn� Glac�� Escher, Sel�aa Patil.D Dandee I�ss� Hicaea and Betty Carlson9 five qualified voters of said eleation district in said city to act as �udges anci clerks of �u�h election� each�of xhvm had wit�in ten days before su�h ti�as been desiga�atod and �ppointed by the City Gouncil to act as judgee a�nd clerks of�suah electlon at said preciact9 �aho� being preseats at the �our of 7a00 o�a�ock A. M., each of them duly took and subscribed aza oath to Paithfully dischazge the' duties required.:of thenn at auch Electiony a�d the said Jndges and Clesk� bein� duly qualifisd9 Yorth�Yth opened the polls b� proclamatioa, and the Election prv- ceeded by balA:ot without ad�ourament ar intermiasion until closeds �rere e The �b�e�te noted on at such Election, as staxed in the �otice thereof, � To eleet a m�,yor, Your couaciLaen aad a municipal jud�e.. At 8a00 0'cic►ck in t�e after�oon of eaid day the polls were closed, pro- cl�mation thsreo� having been made by An� of the Jud�es thirty minutes p=°evions thereto. As �oori as the polle were closed, s aid Election ofF3cials at such voting place.didp r� tJiout Qpen�ng�- them, seal the ballot hoxes and aent them at once, in th� cusLody of �a9.d officials and the officer aseigned to euch precinct, to the , , City Aalis the pl�ce designated as the ceYrtral counting plac;e for the Citye �, There vas aleo sent wifi�h eac� oi said ballot boxe� a recos�d oY the num�aer of balloLs eas� therein. � ', � � Dated May 15, 1951. � ' � � G � � . ���.�i�L��tp �>�. � � � _ ' ` �: • � � ��� � .. f ,, I�IJ,NiT�ES (i� C�TY �I.ECTION A� thn t°egular eleation Af the C��y oi R�pk3.as, in the County� of.�ennepin and State of Mi.nne�otas held at the �rnt iiouee in the City of Hopk3sis for �recinct I�o. 2, being �Che pla�e w�aere �t wa�e d�r�oted �o be iae].d by t�he �ity �ourt�il aftes giein� da� a�tice t�e�°eof as provided b�r law, on the 15Lh day of l4ay, 1951, Olgg Keli�e Oarrie Spott, Eiiaabeth Lemke, No� �undquis�t, and Dorothy ��interfield, five qualif3ed voRe rs of �aid e�Lect�n, di�trxot �n �aid oityr to aot as �udg�s an d clerk� of �uct� el�ction9 each of Nhrna had xith�.n ten days befo�°e such t�e bees� deei.gaRte�d and appointed by the Ci�y Couneil to act as �udges and cl�rks o�' such election aL ea9.d precinct, �rhoe be�ng preeeat, e� the k�our oY 7:00 o��loci� Ae Mo, each of tliern ciuly took end aubseribed an math tn faitihiully �seharge t�ae du��es r�qulred of them at such Eleciion; and the eaid Judges a�id Clerk� being d�il,y qualifisd, .�orthvith opened the polls bq procla�aat�.on9 a�d the El�otion �o� cesded b� ballmt �thou� adjottrnment or it�$�r�.esior� uat�.l closed. .�he eub�ects vot�d on at snch �lection, se � tated in the Notice thsreof9 were� `To e].eat a m��ror9 four counciLnen aaid a m�3c3pa1 �udgae At 8e00 o�clock in the afternoon oY said day the polls ware closed9 pro- claac��ion �hereof havi.ng been made by� one of t7h� Jud�es thi�ety minutes pre�ious thef�eto. . , Ae soon ae the polls �rere closed, s sid �,lection of�icials at svcY� wtin� place did, withuut opezaing them, seal the ballot boxes and aent them a t once� in tho custody o� said officials and the o�fic�r a�ai�r�ed to �ach prsainct, to the City �iall, the plaae d�s3gnated z the central aountin� place for the �ity: �iare �rae also eent with each of said ballot boxes a reaord of the nrwr►ber of ba3�lat� ca�t theretLn. � Dated Ma� 15D 1951. � - � -�� � � � � /r � � � � � s� c�'1���' �� i,� :��z��.�-,Cv���-�:- ��� �� �' ��/. � • n (� � t.R'" I/t.� /,f . � �7 ,,f' ' � � -- , � � �. 0.i�� ^ , - y � �ll�iU�ES Q� CT�'Y �LCETIO� At the �e�ular election of tYve City of F�opkins, ia the County of Iiennepir► and State e� �i�nn�ssota,, hald at tiae Ci�y i�all 9.n the �ity of Hopk9.r�s for Preo�ct No.: 3, beiag the place ;akse�e i� w�e direated t,�, be kaeld by the �ity �ounoil a£t,or g�Erin� daze n�$ice thereot a� pa°aa�.ded b� �.a�a on th� i5� �►y. o� �I�aya 1951a Lola F�. Yaekels Magdalem Klinkhamaer, Anne �rland9 Lillian A�qniet, and P4argare� C. Q�rer��9 fSve qualified troters of �aid eleation di.strict in said city to act a� �uc�es and clerke of euc�a electfon, ea.ch of wi�om bad �thin t�n d�,ya before such iim� beera desig�ated and appointed by the City �ovncil to act as judges and clerk� of such eleetion at aaid precinct' who, being ppesent, at the hour�:of 7t00 a�clock A.. �4.s each of them duly �ook and enbecribed �n oaLh to faithfui].�r. diacharge the duties reqnired af them at such �teotiang aad the aa3d dudges and • Cl�rks being du].y qualified, for,th�'J.th opened the �oils by grocla�aation, and the �lectict� proeeeded by ballat wi�hout ad�ou��nent or intermi�sion un�il cioeed. werea The sub�ec�e voted on at such Election, as etated in the Notice tinsreof, �o e�eot a mayar, four counailmen and ��aunicipal judge. At Ss(3� v'cloak in the afternoon of: eaid day the polls �sere alosed� pro- olamat;ion �her�of having beem made by oz�qbf the Judges thirty r�9.nute� previ,ous theret,o 0 ga soon aa t,he polla were closed, eaid �leation officia].s at such vo�ing place duld, �i thout opea� them, aeal ti�e b allo� boxes and sent them at mnae, in �he au�t,oqy cf esid oYfici.als and the o�ficer ass��.ga�d to t�uch preci.�cts to the City H�.1.1, the place desi�nated as the centrat coursting place for the �ity.- �'here wae �lso eeat with eacta of said ballot boxea a record o� the number . of bailot� c�ast therefn. i f� 'r "e �7 L � ( • �,, � �r, J �ff ,, _/:� . j.. _ .� Y Dated May 15th; 1951 ';';�� _,�_ .v,: .fr��� :! -�%��.,.•.,�. _ ..�.�� , �; •. �, l r � � . � �'✓ WL� �/`� �-{� V a�uu�s o� c�Tx ��c�cTora A.t the �egti7.ar eleat�.�an of Lhe City of �iopkins, in the �ounty of �iet�epia� and ata�e of �l�.a�nesot�9 held at the dtuaior iii�h �chool 9.n the C%ity of Hopkins� ior F��cinct Noe �i�� beia�g i;h� piace where it W�� dYre�2ed f�, b@ k�e�d by the City �outtai3. after gie9.ng due notice th�r�of as pr�ovided by lax, on tha 15'�n day of May, 19�1, Aliee M. AindErse►nD Cha�rles u�. fler�a.n, i�,yrtle M. Aa�derson9 Adel�ne Sedesk,y, �d Lou�se L�ssier9 five qual�fied vo�Eers of sai@ election distriat in aaid City to act �s �udges anr� clerks af sucia eleetion, eaeh of W�om hac3 �'1.thin Len day� before such t3nne bse� rl�€��.g�a�d and appointed by t�ne City Counci7, to act as �udges ansi clerks oF auch eleetion at said precinct, �rho, being presea�t, at tha hour of ?e� o�elock A. �i.� each oP them duly took and subscribed an oath �o faithfuLty dische.r�e the duties required of them at such Electiari; ar�d the �azd Judge� end Clerke being du3,y q�alified, forth�rith opened th� polgs: by prcaclama�ion, arid the �i.ec'�ion px°o- ceedefl by ballot without adjournment or f.ntexmiesion un�il closed. �9rae subjects v�oted vn at auch Ei�ction, as st�fi,ed in the Notice �hereof, �6ie3 . To el,ect a mayor, four covnc3Laen a�d a munief�pal'�udg�. At �a00 o'alo�k 1n� the af'te�°noon of said .day the �oolls were closed9 pro- clam�tion thereof having been made by one�a�' fihe Judges Lh3.rty minutes psevious t4�ereto. .�s soon as �he polla Were closed, said Election offS.cials aic suah vot3ng place did9 without apenfng theYn� seal t�ie ball.ot boxea �d sent them at once, in the austa�dy of aaid oPficials and the officer aesigned to suoh precinat, to the City iia3l, the place desi�nated as. the �entx°al counting place for the c�t�. The.re was �lso sen� �i.th each of said ballot boxea a r ec�rd of Lhe �unber oY ballots cast ti�e.�egn. � �-- �C � ` L c. t ��=%����"'"`� " . �ateci.;�ay 15, 14�1. . �.�� �.�- � - ' � *; ,. . .' . . /; , ,i� • . . �^ . , G_- , . � ���•�.c�-��' �-1��-��_ `"��11� " __ .� --.�__.._� � - �,� ' . L � ' •� �' ;, , / � � , 1 ,i , �v MIN(]'��l:,� 0� CI"k"7C EL�'CZ'Z�:r �t #�kae ra�ar electior� of t.he Ci��► of Hopki.ns, in tt�e y cun��► oF i��nssepis� aabd Stn�� sai' �33�e�o�ag �Seld a�t the Qa�srid�e Couiata�r Glu� in t�e City �i' �c�,pkist� � ��r� !�s°�cin�t i��A 5� � . �3r� �ha plaae whs� it �aas c�ec�Led t,o ��i �ael� i�r the Gi�J f;ouncil after giv�n� �u� noti�e �hereof a,� ��ro�tided � ��r�9 �� the 15�h &�r �f t�y� �95�, o$q ti�, /�c B�P9in�j � 24�rrgia��d�e Lo9i�, Le� �hr3.�tens�ne: I� �d�iia �ilcc�, as�d H�lgr� �lat3Aae�on, �`iv� �t��.fi9d �rnters of eaic� elec�io� d3str�.ct in s� gl.ci c�t�r �o act ae �u�i�ee �rd �l�rks o� �zc�i eiectio�y eac�a o� whs�n ired zr9.Lhin tea d�y� bafca�e s�tah �ian� be�a� d�s3g�na�d �nd agpointe[� by th� City �aunci� to �at as �ud�es and a2�rks of su.ch ele�&fa� at sa:�d prea�c�, �rho� b���. pr�s�mtq �� the� hov,� o� 7�4a osclmck Ao i�oe eso�7 0� �aem du�,y tAolt and �ub�c�ibed a�s a�th tn faithfc�l3� d9.s�har�e ���fe� �equi�ed o� Llaem at suck� El�ctiony an�. t.l�� �aici �udges �� i;lerkg being dui�r qualiYied, forf,hwi'th o�e�ed �e po310 �sy px�oclamat�.ox�9� ar�d #�e �leoti�aa ��°� ev�d�d �a�r baAl�t c�iithou� ad�ourt�anen$ �° iea�ea���ian un�i1 ��.oaed. �re a �h� �i��r�ecLs �ro�Ged c�n at �uch �l�ctimra� as s�ated in ths No�ice fi�herc:o�a x"� elect s m�r, t'eur counc32�en and a m�n9.aipal �udge. �t �S;�D nocloci� fa the �ft�rnoon of �a3d dr�y tb,� po11s �ero closedD pro� Cl�m�.ti�an t,�rec3f h�v�ng �e�n �de by mn� �f '�� Judges thf,rty� minntes �a�evicue tha�re+�oo 1�� �aon a� �he polls �er� cla�s��i, said Eleotion oYfic3�le at �uah voting �I�ce d�..�, wi�hau� opening theal, gc�al �he ballot b�aee� ax�� ��nt th�er� � once, in th� ccbst.�r� of aa�rl of�9.a3ale and �he og.�4�ar �s�i��d to Suah pre�inct, t.� th� Ci�y �II�a, �Me ,�l�e de�i�;a�e�'t�d ae ti�e �senLrat coun�3.ng place xcar the Cit�r. �here �aQ also sesL �ith eacA af �sid b�1].e� boxes a record of th� nv�ber oY ballat� asat '�here3m. Aa'�ei� �S�y 3�� s . �.9�2 0 � ��11-�-a-SG�� . �, � • e 9 0 � STATE OF I�II�SOTA ) ) COUlVTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS.. ) CI3'Y OF HOPKINS ) OFFICIAL RETDRNS OF JUDGES AP1D CLERRS OF ANNUAL C ITY ELEC�I OI�; District Ato. 1 . We� the nradersigned� judges and clerks of the annual election held in and for the City of Hopk3ns� Minnesota� on Tuesday� the 15th day of May� 195i� do hereby certifp as followss 1. That we attended at the polling place for said election� to-wita at the Harlep Hopkins School Building in the citg on the date of said election. 2. Tha� the polls for said election were duly opened at �s00 o'alock A.M. and remained open continuously thereafter until 8:00 o'cloek P.M. of said dap� and no longer. 3. That said election was in all respects conducted accordir�g to law� and all qualified voters resident in said district of the City of Hopkins who desired t� vote thereat were permitted to do so. 4. That each person who eoted thereat was furnished by us with an official ballot in form identical with the one hereto attached. _ __ __ _ __ _ Official Ballot BOND Et�ECTIOPI CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA � MAY 15, i 951 Shall the City of Hopkins issue its negotiable caupon bonds in the oggregate principal amount of not to exceed $25,000.00 for the purpose of the acquisiticm of fire fighting equipment? ❑ YES � NO Instructions to Voters: If you wish to vote in favor of issuing the obove bonds, mark a cross (X)� in the square oppasite the word YES. If you wish to vote against issuing the bonds, mark a cross (X) in the square opposite the word NO. 5. That forthwith upon the closing of the polls f or said election� we proceeded to count and canvass the votes cast at sa.id election upon the said question� and thereupon f ound� determined and do hereb� certify and declare that such vote was as follows: this /.5� l SH�LL THE CITY OF HOPKINS ISSUE ITS NEGOTIABI,E COUPON BONDS IN THE AGGREGATE PRIATCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT T 0�XCEED �25�000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF TAE ACQIIISITION OF FIRE FIGATING EQUIPMENT'? Votes YE� Votes ATO Spoiled or blank ballots Total ballots WITNESS Our hands officially as such election officers day of May� 1951• 0 �.�1%(�L��'✓ \/C�-�(i�� ° Clerks STATE OF MIIVNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) �S. ) CITY OF HOPKINS ) OFFIC�AL RETDRNS OF JUDG�S �ND CLEF�KS OF A_NNUAL C ITY ELECTION� District No. 2 . We� the undarsi�ned� �udges and clerks of the annu�l election held in and for the City of Hopkins' Minnesota� on Tuesday' the 15th day e�f May� 195�.9 do hereby certify as followsa 1. That we attended at the polling place for said election� to-wits at Hopkins Public Library in the city on the date of said election. 2. That t�e polls for said election were duly opened at �:00 o'clock �..Ni. and remained open continuously thereafter until 8:00 0�clock P.M. of ��id day� anci no lo�ger. 3. Th�.t said el.ection was ita all respects conducted according to law; and a11 gualified voters resider�t in said district of the City of i�opk3ns who d�sired to vote thereat were perm3.tted �o do soo 4. Tha� each person who voted thereat was furnished by us with �n official ballot in form identical �aith the one hereto attachedo _—__ ___ __ _ __ __ _ Officoal Ballot BOND E�.ECTION GITY OF H�P9(INS, MINNES4TA MAY 15, 1951 Sholl the City of Hopkins issue its negotiable caupon bonds in the aggregote principal omounY of not to exceed $25,000.00 for the purpose of the acquisiticm of fire fighting equipment? ❑ YES � NO Instructions to Voters: If y�ou wish to vote in favor of issuing the obove bonds, mark a cross (X)� in the square oppasite the word YES. If you wish to vote against issuing the bonds, mark a cross (X) in the square opposite the word NO. A 5, That forthwith upon the closing of the polls �or said electiort� we proceeded to count a.nd canvass the votes cast at said election upon the said questian� and thereupon.found� dete�rmined and do hereby certify and declare that such vote was as followss SHALL THE CTTY OF HOI�K�� IS�I)E ITa NEG�OTIABLE G�UPUN BONDS IN THE AGf�REGATE PRIIYCTPAL AMOUNT OF N�T TO EXC�E1? $25�900 �OR THE PURPQSE �F THE ACQIIISITION OF FIRE FIC:H�ING Et�U�PMENT'? � ; �� Votes YES ; : � _.____ ,- , . Vt�te3 N� :'i f __.._____ a �7 Spoiled or blank bal�.vts __! �_„ Total ballots �;�; �� b�> '�TTNES� Our hands officiallg as such election officers `' �s:L th1.s ??' day of May, 1951. 0 v � � � ;� '��'t <e� . ��.'�r�`f���G ;-C`, Clerks STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) CODNTY OF I�NNEPIN ) SS. ) �3T� OF HOPKIIQS ) OFFICIAL RETURNS OF JUDGES AND CLERKS OF ANNUAL CITY ELECTIO� Distric� No. 3 . We� the undersigned� judges and clerks of the annual election held in and for the City of Hopkins� Minnesota� on Tue sday � the 15th day of May � 1951 � do hereby certify a s follows s 1. That we attended at the polling place for said election� to-wit: at the Hopkins Municipal Building (City Hall) in the city on the date of said election. 2. That the polls for said election were duly opened at �r00 o'clock A.M. and remained open continuously thereafter until 8s00 o'clvck P.M. of said day� and no longer. 3. That said election was in all respects conducted according to law; and all qualified voters resident in said distriet of the City of Hopkins who desired to vote thereat were permitted to do so. 4. That each person who voted thereat was furnished by us with an official ballot in form identical with the one hereto attached. Official Ballot �OND ELECTION CITY OF HOPlCINS, MIPINES4TA MAY 15, 1951 Shall the City of Hopkins issue its negotioble caupon bonds in the aggregate principol amount of not to exceed $25,000.00 for the purpose of the pcquisiticr� of fire fighYing equipment? ❑ YES � NO Instructions to Voters: If you wish to vote in favor of issuing the above bonds, mark a cross (X)� in the squore oppasite the word YES. If you wish to voYe ogainst issuing the bonds, mark a cross (X) in the square opposite the word NO. 5. That forthwith upon the closing of the polls for said election, we proceeded to count and canvass the votes cast at said election upon the said question� and thereupon fourtd� determined and do hereb`p certify and declare that such vote was as follows: SHAZL THE CITY OF HOPKINS ISSU� ITS NEGOTIABLE COUPON BONDS IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL �MOUNT OF NOT TO E�CEED �25�000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF THB AC�IIISIT ION OF FIRE FIGATING EQUIPMENT? Votes YES �� gotes NO � � Spoiled or blank ballots _ �f,� Total ballots �� WITNESS Our hands officially as such election officers this / r day of May, 1951. ♦ � � � . �` � --� - _ � � � / �� �1... L.'- - / �� / '_ � � _ ./��/ � /� / / i. ///✓ �'.� _ ' . _ _ _ - - / - 0 STATE OF MINN�'S(?TA COIINTY OF �IF,NNEPIN CITY OF HOPKTNS OFFICIAL RETURNS OF JUDGES AND CLERKS OF ANNUAL CITY ELECTION District No. 4 . We� the undersi�ned� judges arad clerks of the annual election held in and fox the City of Hopkins� Minneso�a� on Tuesaay' the 15th day of' IMay' 1951' do hereby certify as followsa 1. That *,ae attend�d at the po111ng place f�r said eleetion, to-w3t: at the Junior High School Building in the city on the date of said �lection. 2. Th�t the po11s for sa3d �lection wFre duly opened at �:00 o°clock A.M. and remained open continuously thereafter until 8:00 o'clock P.M. of said day� and no longer. 3. That said electi.on w�,s �.n all respects conducted according to law; and a11 gualified voters resident in said district of the City of Hopkins who desired to vote tl�ereat were permitted to do so. 4. That each person who voted thereat was furnished by us with an official ballot 3.n form identical with the one hexeto attached. Of�icial �allot BOND EL.ECTION CITY OF HO�PKINS, MINPIES4TA MAY 15, 1951 � Shall the City of Hopkins issue its negotiable caupon bonds in the aggregate principol amount of not to exceed $25,000.00 for the purpose of the ocquisiticn of fire fighting equipment? � YES � � NO � Instructions to Voters: If you wish to vo e in favor of issuing the above bonds, mork a cross (X)� in the square oppasite the word YES. If you wish to vote ogoinst issuing the bonds, mark o cross (X) in Yhe squore opposite the word NO. ' � 5. That forthwith upon the closing of the polls for said election� we proce�ded to count and canvass the votes cast at said election upon the said question, and thereupon found� determined and do hereby certify and declare that such vote was as follows: this SHALL THE CiTY OF HOPRINS ISSTJ� ITS NEGpTIABLE GOIIPON BONDS IN TI�iEE AGGREGATE PRIkVCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT T4 EXCEED �25�000 FQR THE PIIRPOSE OF THE ACQUISITION OF FIRE FIGHTING E�IIIPNiENT? Votes YES Votes NO Spoiled or blank ballo� Tota1 ballots .�^-. 3��P �iITNESS Our hands officially as such election officials � �� day of MaY � 1951. i_�` , /. _�� / 11 � / ���i�[1� � �� _ a i ' ,� r� � . � -- , � �; �� � -- C . lerks � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COIINTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS. ) C ITY OF HOPKI IQ5 ) OFFICIAL RETURNS OF JIIDGES AND CLERKS C�' ANNITAL CITY ELECTION District No. 5. We� the undersigned� judges and clerks of the annual election held in and for the City of Hopkins� Minnesota� on Tuesday� tt�e 15th day of May � 1951 � do hereby certify a� follows s 1. That we attended at the polling place for said election� to-wit: at the Osk Ridge Countrg Club in the city on the date of said election. 2. That the polls for said election were duly opened at �:00 o'clock A.M. and remained open continuously thereafter until 8s00 o'clock P.M. of said day� and no longer. 3. That said election was in all respects conducted according to law� and all qualified voters resident in said district of the City of Hopkins who desired to vote thereat w� e permitted to do so. 4. That each person who voted thereat was furnished by us with an official ballot in form identical with the one hereto attached. — -- - - Afficial Ballot BOND ELECTION GITY O�F H�PKINS, MINNESQTA MAY 15, i 951 Shall the City of Hopkins issue its negotiable coupon bonds in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $25,000.00 for the purpose of the acquisiticm of fire fighting equipment? ❑ YES � NO Instructions to Voters: If yQu wish to vote in favor of issuing the above bonds, mark a cross (X)� in the square oppasite the word YES. If you wish to vote agoinst issuing the bonds, mark a cross (X) in the square opposite the word NO. 5. That forthwith upon the closing of the polls for said election� we proceeded to count and canvass the votes cast at said election upon the said question, and thereupon fonnd� determined and do hereby certify and declare that such v ote was a s f olloms � this � f� SFIALL TI�E CITY OF HOPRINS ISSUE ITS NEGOTIABLE COUPON BONDS IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAI, AMOUNT OF NOT TO EXCEED $25�000 FOR THE PIIRPOSE OF THE ACQUISITION OF F IRE FIGATING E�UIPMENT� Votes YFS Votes NO Spoiled or blank ballots Total ballots � �3 � �� v WITIVESS Our hands officially as such election officials day of May � 1951. , � , /�.. .. �. �_ ./ <<` � , , , �.�. _. _,� / . _ / . . .� , � � � � � .� � � � .. . ' / l, � / /t _ _- � 0 STATE OF MINNESOT� ) ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) S�. ) C ITY OF HOPK7 NS ) I� the undersigned� being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the City oi Hopkins� Minnesota� do hereby certify that attached hereto is a full� true and complete copy of the official returns of the judges and clerks of the bond election held in said city on Tuesday� the 15th d�y of May� 19 51, as shown in the f iles and records in my office. WITNESS N�r hand and the corporate seal of saicl ci�y this / L� day of May � 1951. � • �� Ci y Clerk (�eal) City of Hopkins, Minnesota ` �- ; �TAT�:��`�TT �i�` ��U°CC� At �he �r'e�u7.a�r elseti,on a� the City ai' �opk�r� held! �n �„y ��: 19�1D �'Ar t.xs g�rpo�� �.� �1eo��n�� a�►yor, faur cou�i�men anr� e auanicipal judgo9 t�+� Clinton �. Blomqui�t wc�dersi;rce�, C�ira...�G.-� �j�rea�or a:� �he �cnurxts 9ani"re� Go �uata�aon, rrank �'. �efc9�k� ichard J. Becl�an � - �x�t.ou.d�-�bae�,�3�i and �7�to. C#. E?er�aTc, �r���tant�� �er�hy �e t�ho �fa�lc�►�.n,� �t�u� a� t�e ata�ni Q� t;he ��3.bta a�t e�ais� ,e���tior�. ;�� �rr��ived at t�e cen�trs��. c�ur���n� p��e d��igr�te� by the �at�nc��� r�4msl,�s th� C3:Ly Na�1, a1�. c�� th�e ba11a� baxas u�ed �'ar ��e �i�► c�9.st�ic�C� in �1s9,d ci+.�r, fra� �he e�eetion �l���.�;i.a�a o� aa�4 c�s�x�ict. Ea�h balio� ba�c e�on reoeirred b� u� xa� esar�.a� ami �ca�aniect b�► a reca� ai' '�h� �uab�r oi' ba�,l�te aast �hex�a�.�, ?l��e ��ai�a�+� o�eas:eeS tla� �a��.lc�t bax�e� ��nt �'��a es�ch �.b��r9.at, e�r�� cos�r� fi�ti� �au�la�� a.� tr�l�sa°Le �'or'e�rded x��i� �he �ac�orc�s �sent f�rom f�� c.�rx��pondir�� �ro�ixl$ �1�a89. '�h� fc�l.lorrl.n� dis��repara�i�� bdtwee� t;�e numbe�r� c�� b�k�c►�s fn the bcrnt�e �d ihe r�eo��cls r�coi�rod fr�m �he vot�3.r� �t�s�Y-f.c�a appe�red� � Tl�e t�lpta 3rt ea�h tso� vr��s ti�en �►x��,n�d fc�x va,�,�d�.�y anc� t,hos� �r��3.c� were frnu�c� t� bes i�aval�� �r U�anl� �re� e�e�r�a�ed from ti�s r�s�. �� ralrt�t�er a� =ralid' inva].ic� and bl�+nts ba�.].u�� ior �a�h vr���r,� paace �nd t�e tatal rnu�b�r �or eact� .._ o�'f�ce and tar ti�e rs�ty rre�re fcur�d �;,ca b� ao �a3.xorr�� F��Fi i�,�YU:� a � ���`t�i.c� tr'o.a. ��" � S�is�r�ct tJQ.2 �=� ��' �p ;31��r3c� No.3 c^,.;��� �4 �istri�� No.l� '� � . BistrS.ct �to.� g,�-.� ,�s�` �ot�� f'or k,�agr�r � P�t C��1CIT�b[s gi�i•ric� :40.1 Fi��rict ."�:�.2 i;�atrict t�o.3 Di�et��ct No.� I�iatri�t �o�.� Tot.al �or �ota�:xci�me� �'{lR MU�TIC�?Ai, Jt�?�`�F�t n9.��r�.�t kYo.� Ais'tr�.a�c i3o.2 ��strict .�0,3 I2isiz�ic�G No.� ��ts����at ��v.S �btal ior �uYt�c�p�l J�dye �QTAL F�:� �'��' ��`i`Xs I"�A�,� '!�AL.T,��S` �?Z�.?�t�; �ALTAi y � �7�0 1 '1'd� �77 0 � � �=--'`' �fifie #�i�°eator of th� Coun� �h�reupan det�rm�.asc� �k►e quol,� se�tfiitsient t� �3�c�s and �aid qua�� �ra� e����ax�d to be a� fa7,:la�ss For I�qyors . �vr C�c i2�nq Fflr" I�i�iu�#.o ij��. JUt��B L �3� �ctee. votees v0�,@8 s �e v�lid DaX�.obs f`rc�s the �'ive di��Lriets ��re �hen �i.xea t.o�ether b�fo� �r�y ec�unt�.�� s�ae done. �4a e�►ch t�allc�� w�►� t�en r�ma�re� Pro� th� i�l3ot bax� �t vra� munl�er�d u�aon 3.t� r�vers� �ida �imd sQr�ad accordi.n� �.o f.he �iro� chai�� marlted on it, l�fter �c�r�i�� �d t�l�.cat� a�e4rd�iB to t�Qir f�r�t o`hoiae$, �� �ollo�r3n� re�u].L was omt�9,x�edN � �(�tZ �AYQR � �. �.�rlan Pe�eb�ac r�c��v�@ 1% Y 3 firs� ct�o�ee votea. Paul Blake:. 1 Dr. Kucera' 2 Anton Olson 1 Frank �ldams 2 Dr. Madden 1 Ed Prochaska 2 Art Elmq,zist 1— Joe C. Vesely 19 Pete Simons 3 Floyd Lindahl 1 Matt ll�eldon 1 Mrs.J.T.Anderla 1 Russ Carroll 1 � �':�aer�.j:�s-r�r:�aQeer-- - i v--/� ' x'8 C�1b�tft3 � . �rl A. I�ahlber� rac�ived � 9� ,��.rat Pl�o�.ce wo���, icar� J. ��.lhert r�cei�ed '�'�- � f�.r�t choi.c� DO�'it)9s �o��sph �. v�se],,y r�;aeive� 3�'3 �irt��t eholc� v��cw�. . � :�ee7.�. �i. �ak��9�en ar�ee�ved �'y9 .�sr$t choice nofi.e�. �,John ����lt�r r�e�vd� , 7 3 firsL �h�3c� v�ateso an�s � i I.wu.rr � rwr�s:r xec�ivQ� firs#, chaice �a�es. r�coiv�d �ix�t c�ofcca voLoa. ��r�fve� �9.rst eY�aicc� evt,�:�. � x,ece�ved fir�t ehoice �ate�, __ _ . -� � _ _ �� � • ,��-.�'.�--�, � . _ e�ei� �aavin� s�ere3.�T� i�c�:�e 't��n ��� c�uo� re�a�.r�u for ���cti:o� v� t�e•r€rupnn �lecl�rc�d el+�ct�s� ce�usici7�mQn v�' tP�� oCi�y of kioz3k�.*�� �car ��ro y�r t�rrae � C ar� .��c . �tY iaaving �reve �v�d aaora ii��t �poic� vc�ies th$n i�xe� qu��a�, m31 i'�rst choice �mtcas 3n a�oc3es of �� qua�a.� ��a #�ae� res�ective ggle:� x�re rezaoved �Ltaor�frora in tl��r order c� the z�umbers or� th� ���ve� �� tFaex�eo� �d crer��.-C�a i,c� ��►Q .sed�n�. Choices �ho�n t.hAP�011' and agter such trans.Pers ger� �ada, #he fallo�in,� re�ulta axzr��� the cantinuin� canc�idrates �Qre obtainedp Anderla Dahlberg Milbert vese�y Zakariasen Ziegler- � Exhausted e C� 1�1. (�. L� r� I�t,•! ��' .s.,,,,.�,, . , �^''"'""'�`�.+�.,....,., ,.Sti . " . " . - Choice lst- Trarisfer 2nd Transf�r e 222 � � �31 � 253 � 33 286 498 -• 169 329 ` � _ _ 329 221. � 6�2 283 � 1�6 329 323 y� 6' 329 . 329 299 r� 30 329 ��� 329 ?3 " ' � 2�i 9?' - - 97 .. 0 f 16 16�� � 18 34 �� w 1b36 -- ' 163b — 1636 - C3) �'fl�d L1i��Cx�'RL J�(�� . / �. Rus��lY c�rroll r�e3,n��i 9�� ��.rat or,o�.Ge votas. �iobea� �'a �arrlman re�ceiv�d `/ $ � �'irs� �h��:ee vot��. Ros� I�. �`horfinneon re��3v�d y� � fir.�t cho�.ce votes. �'`l,c� c� re�siv�d � F3.r�� �ha�e vatee. r�ei�ed f�.r�� oho�o� vot►as�. a►eceiv�ad f 3r�� choice votes. receiv�d � fir�� ahaiae vatese .,u.�-I a� .8 h�vin� rec��v�e3 �o� t��n �he� quot.� ��quirect ;for �1c�tion,� �s th�rr�eeci�on c3e.,��:aras�. ele���d �u»ic�.pal jt�dg� a� thc� �.G� aP l�iogk�a £ax a fvu� ;�ear ter�. (3igne�.� {�) 5�AT1�JI�TT OP' �4TE9 .At the segular eleotion oP the Citq of Hnpkine held on �day 15� 1951� for tdie purpoe�s of el�eting a mayor' four ooundi3.men and a municipa�: judge� t�e Clinton K. Blonequist underai�ned, $arr�-�-�wl�, �3r�cior o� the t;ountA Sa�fred �. C�usta�son� Frank �'. Sefcik� Richard J. Beclanan �;�,�a�a T-,�����3art and 0'ttA Q. Cex�mak, ae$i�tanta� hereby �slse the follcn+ring returr� o� the count o� the bal.lote at said election. a�e.received at the central counti,ng plaae deaignated by the couna�.Zi namel,y; the City Ha11� a1Z o� the ballot bvxes uaed for the five dis�r3cta 3n said c3ty� from the e}.�tiwn offic3aZs of eaeh distri.ct• Each ballot box ehen received by us �ras sea].ed and aaco�aga,n�.ed i�y a revosd. af tk�e nnmber of bal].o�ts �ast there�n. '�Te thereugon o�ened the ballo� boxem $ent iram each diat�i.ct� a,zd compared tlie num��r of' ballo�s forwarded w3th the �scords �ent from tY�e corresgvndir►� voting plaeea. x'he follovring discrepanciea b�tween the nt�nbera oP ballote in tYie boxe� ,:3and the reaord� receimed from the voting �listriots appeareda Not�e T}te balla�s in each box xex�s th+�n e�amined For vaiidity and tho�e xnich Rere found tc� b� 3nval,id or bZank were separated froa� the re��. The number oi valid� invalid and blank ballots �or each troting place and tlae tvta2 rn�mber for ee.ch o�fi�ce �nd fd� the aity �rere found to be as follovrss � , FOR MAYOR: Pi.stric�t No.l Dis�rict No.2 �iwtrict �Jo.3 Dist�ric� Nt+.4 Di� #.ric � �To.5 To�al for i�ayor FQR C�TJ�C�s Disf,r�ct !1io.1 District i;o.2 Distriat I3o.3 D%strict Nv.1� District �Jo.S Tota1 far Caunc33men� �oR �UNICIPA.i. JtT�Er �i�triet No.3 Dis�:rict ido.2 ilist�ict No.3 DistFict No.l� D�.strict No.S �bta7. for &fun�.cipal Jud�e TO�Y, �O�t TH� CI�Cs VAT,m B!�?�LO�'S . : •• • �� 233 ��E r r 662 432 .�... �..� �. INVAI,m BAI,s'�,0'!$ 2 .. , 2 �T,A�s ��T.ci�S 1770 177A 1T70 � :�� ��n��ax� o� t�h� Grnui� �3����tpc� det�srnr�u� f.i�e t��aa�l,s a�at,�Jlo�,�� te, ���ttt, �nr1 s��a� c�v� tira� �Ia�rt�3 ies hQ a�r �o%'�ow� t �oar ��Cira �'�►�' G���.�as �or �»u�si�a1�1 �u�ae �r�t�s. vuteao ��t�eas _ . `�e va�..i.r� bal�.qLs �'r�a t�4ae ��.�e d��r�:a� �r�ora ��fifi�n �ati�sd ���tiier b��'orr� �r�r �+�u��i��� ��� don�o � �s e�s�t� b��n� �►r� t��� �c��now�� Fr�� �'t� �mI3�'C �at� �.t rad�� m��ni���.� ug�� i�s r�°�+rs� �id� �d �c�$ a�c�ar���a� �c► t.�� �£�z�t �ahei�r� z;a�r.��� � i.�. d��� �0�3,�; ��c� '��,lc�t� a�c�r�€9a�� tc �'���z�_ f�:�aL ����.ec�, �.�e �c�.cx� �aui W w�� ����cx�s � �iibA kr�#l'J��� �. i�:� H.�r];an �'���i� ��a�a�.v� 1{2 fiEs�t� c�afo� �otsa, .. __-. . , -.----- � .. -'— . � � . . . .. . , _ . . , .._., _. --•--- -��- -- - -�-'--. - _ ._ _ ' ' i ' - � , t. ' PSIi�. �Zc'�{@ �4 . . . ,.. , . , Dr. Kuaera - 2 Anton Olson 1 Frar�c Adams , � 2 . llr. Madden 2 Ed Prochaska 2 Art .�.mquiet 1 . Joe C.Vesel,p 19 . Pe�t,e S�monB � 3 �layd Linciahl 1 Matt �4eldon 1 . �rs. J.,x.Anderla Z - ' Russ Carroll 1 _.___ " 16�9 � V(a5l�ppl fir :►+i1t�el�l,� t'ecr8i�'�Ei 222 �,L'l;�ti <iiao��e �"e'�e �;�►�1� .4o- T�aial�e►r� x�ac�S.ve�i �$ .�"ix�'� �h��r:e ��i�x. ..��.......,�... - . ,, . y.,._. ��..,.,...,.,,�...:...,�......... L�a .�a �'�.�.�a�� x����+��� . 221 �i.r�� c�a�c� �t�s�. ' Jo�eg�► Wa =,i����,y x�euaa�r�� . 2 �'ir�� cl��i�+a �ta�d Ft���l�. 3�d ��kar��r� x��aiva� 299 ���� ch�i�� v����e ���� ��S�i�.� ���w��a T3 ���s� �t�ai�� ����s0 �a����r�r� ���� �irlc��c� va�t��o re���;v�d fiz�� ct�o3�� �o��so x�ca�v��i . ��r�t a�►�?&ac� ����; ����:v�d �9�.r�� ch��.c� v�a��e�. . . , . � �Mw+M.r�inGnia�w1irun�rw _'.�_ _ _ _ .^.'.�""_._ Earl A.Dah�.ber ,� wet� . e�► ���v�.ra�; z�:sai=f�� 'r�x^� �,h�r, i��.� q,u�►�� �x'���t�.�c� �vr el���.��� w� �;��a�:�on �a���ad ��.ao��sd cx,�ut�xc��r�:t s�:�° tl�a ����� a#' �i��k�:�� ��r �. ��ra �P��� ��p.. Farl A. Dahlbe�� i I�tv1AB r�aei��s ��r� ��� his �ia� ,v���� t,�t�i� �A�r q��a�� ��.1, �`i�st �h+�ia� �ro�A�s 9.r� e�rassa of �r c�ua� a� '� re��ee�tiva g3�es v�er� rs�o�re� ����i'�s� �� t�� a�i�r c�f Lhe �u�bora cr► �tae r�vez�o t��r+�� �d arc��:lr�s� �o L�a �eac�nu QhoY�e� ��o�rn t,��ia�on, a�d aft�s �aah � trar�s�'�rs �r+� �a+d�� fi�a fallc�v�n� z�e�u�.4,a a�o�;; ��� can�9.�u3.rtg �ar�did��s$ �r�r� Obt�►3�ted. -' � °� Ant��r� �lbera �.lt�rt ve�ely �ts�a�iasen �,ie�ler �t���ts3fl �t c�osce ��c ��� _..__.�._ �a2 � 3� a53 �a96 - 169 3Q9. � ��� � 62 �6� 299 � �4 �29 ?3 � �� 97 � 16 16 ,. _..... �. .».:... r., �. ..; r.. 1£�3� m— 163b 4�� 0 � F'pR 1�tTNTC�PA� ��IIJ(3� J., Russel� Ca;rrbl�. reaeived 975 fixat choice votes. Rob�rt P. Harriman rec��.ved 1�81 . first choiee trotes. < Ra�s L.,Th�rP3n�nsan reaein�d 286 farst chaice votes. Max Otte� received ' 1 � Pir�t choice votesa received � �� first cho3ce votes. � �ec�i.aed. � firat choice votes. received � �irst choice srotes. J. Russell Carroll , havin� received more than t,he quota sequired for e2ection, was �ereixpon deelared eiected mun�.�3pai judge t�� t�ii� Ci.�� of Hopkins far. a four year terms� {5�gned� . �o '— �� �� � c�� � � • S TATEP.�+T T OF �TOTFS �t ttie �gal�r election of the City of Hopkins held on �iay 15, 1951� for the purpose. of , electing �a mayor, four councilmen and a cma.nicipal judge� the Clinton �. Blomquist. G�xstafson Frank F. Sefcik undersigned, ����1� �irector of the Count� Sanfred C. ,_ � _..:=;ichard J. Becl�an . , � �:�.����t and Otto G. Cerc�ak, assistants� hereby make the follvwing return of the count of the ballots at said election. � V�e received at the centra]. counting place designated by the coiLncil, ' namely: the City Hall,�all of the ballot boxes used £or the fine dis�'ricts in sai,d city, from tlie eTection officials of each d.istrict. Each� ballot box when received by us was.sealed and accompanied by a record of the number of ballots cast therein. ,. � �Pe thereupon .opened the balZot boxes sent .from each district, and � compared the number�of� ballots forwarded with the records sent from the corresponding �. voting places. � _ The following� discre�ancies� between the mambers of ballots in the boxes a�-and the records.�received from the. voting �iistricts appeared: �dvno The ballots i.n each box �ere t�hen examined for validity and those which were found to be invalid or blank were�separated from the rest. The rn�mber of valid� im►alid and bla.nk ballots.�or each voting place and the total.number for each ,� • office and for the city were found to be as follo�s: FOR NlAYOR t District No.l District No:2 District No.3 District No.la. District No.S Total. for B�ayor FOR COUNCII�MENs Distz�ict A1o,1 District No.2� District No.3 District No,►� District No.S � Total for Councilmen FOR MUNICIPAL JIIDGE:, District No:l District No.2 District No.3 District No.4 nis trio t rro.5 Total for Municipal Jud.�e �=��aTOTAL� FOR THE CITY: . VALID RALL025 INt1ALID BALLOTS`: BLANK BALLOTS .: . • : :: . . : .. 2 2 ta 1 � 1770 1770 1770 � e The Direator of the Gount �hereuptin determi.ned the, quota seafficieni to e3ect� and said quofi.a �eas deQlared t,o be a� f oliows & For B��yors � � �3�, . voteso r Pe r �� ��e..��, ri r s�..r�.a..dr �- rr ..�..i.�.� P..rrr��. For �ounc�lm�ns , � votes: �, 29.,: � : ��.�. F�r� Municipal Judge� � votes, . - 0i���iY�irO�M�s 1 � ra�' �M �� ihe valid bal�.ota from the five distric�Cs w�re f,�en mixed �o�ether before anryy counting m�s donep �e each b�].].ot was then xomaved �from �i�e 2�a13.oi box, it was rnxmber�d upon its rever�e side and aorted aaeordi.ng to �he ffr�� choiae marl�ed on it:� After aorting the ballots acco�'ding to th�ir firat choiaes' the foilowin� result ara� obta9.ried� � FOI� �AFOR ..�.�.�,..�. _ _ _ �F� Har],an Ferbi� recei�ed . 1623 � ��irs� �ho�ae vote�;y , .� . �, . Paul=Blake... - - 1 _ .� �� . A ,,. --.._._ ___._. __ _____ � Dr: Kuc era • 2 � � Antori Olson l • Frank Ada.ms 2 Dr. Madderi 1 Ed Prochaska 2 , Art Elmquist 1 . Joe C.Dese�y 19 . Pete Simons- 3 � Floyd Lindahl 1 Matt Weldon � 1 �drs. J. T. Ariderla 1 - l�.iss Carroll - 1 � +._._ 1b59 � ' �oseph T. Anderla received 222 f�rat choice votes. Earl A. Dal�lberg r�eived 1�98 � first choic� votes. ..�.�.� I,en J� d�ilfi�er�t received 2?t first chofee votes. Joseph C. Vese],y received - 323 first choice vot�sa Ruseell �. iakariasen received 2�9 fir�t chaice not��� � John 2ie�Ier �^ec�ived 73 . firs� ahoice voteso , , roceived first clzaice votes�. received f�rst choics vot�sQ receiv�d first choice votes. reaeived first ehoice votesy , . ���. rleDah�b�P� . � ,�.+. .��, .,,.�. � ve�s . �.t°� hav�n�; z•eceiv�d mor.e_ tha� �t,he quota requirad for election we� thereupon� decl�red electe� cour�cilmen of the �ity of iiopk3.ris fnr a two ye�r t�rm� �'arl Aa Dahl,berg a having rece�ve�d r�ore .�irst��e vice vo�es t�an't�ir quota�s� aL7. P3r9t choice votes itrd exoess of �r quoi�:; en �ir respe�t3.ve piles were removQd iherefrom 3n the order ot' the numbers an the rever�e ti�aQreof and credited to �h� second eho3:eea sho�m thereon� and. after suoh transfers r�exe m�dP'the follo�wing r��ults ar�c�ra,� the cantirnzin� candidates �ere obtained� - �2) �� ' Cit�� 1�$ �ar�t�'�ar �r� �e� � ��a�r� �a� � �� �� � �� a� � , �1� 1��� �- 7,� ��� 3�9 �,�t�x�� � a�t � 6� a�� � � 3�� � '��� 3a� � � �29 ,�29 �gri�� �9 � � 9�9 ,�29 ����t�3 �� � �� . . 6. �- 9? � f . � �.� � _.__� �----� —�-- ...�.�.. ....�., 1636 �- 163� . �- 18�b ' ' i3) 4 FOR MUNIGIPAL JUDGE � . J. Russell �arroll received %i� first choice votes, � � Robert P. Harriman received ��1 first choice wtes. Ross L. Thorfinnson received �� � first choice vvtes. ��'��t� received 1 first choice votes. received firet choice votes, � received first choice votes. received � first choice �otes. •' Jv �seZl C�rroil � having recei�ed more than the quota reauired for election, was thereupon declared elected municipal judge of the City of .Hopkins for a four year term�;, (Signed) "- �� �� � Director of the .ount, . � , (4) � .. �� �, �� � q`�'�� A regular meeting of the �ouncil. of the City �of �Hopki:ns", M�,nnesota., was held ,. at the City Hal l at 7 a 30 0� clock Pe�. on �.iesday, June , 19 Ia� Meffibers - present were: Ma�or Perbix� Councilmeri �i].bert, Ziegler� �derla� Becl�a.n� City �anager Conodon, and City Engineer EaskaO Ahembers absent: l�one� Anderla moved� Bec�na.n seconded� that bills as presented be paid £ro� the �o1lovPing funds. Carried. 3536 353? 353a 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 354l� 35�5 3546 354? 3548 3549 3550 3551 3552 3553 3554 3555 3556 3557 3558 3559 3560 3561 3562 3563 3564 3565 3566 356? 3568 3569 357� 3571 3591 3592 3593 367.1� 3615 3616 3617 36z8 3619 362a 3621 3622 3623 3621� 3625 3626 3627 3628 3629 3630 3631 3632 3633 3634 3635 G�TII�AL FITPID �1.ice Me �nderson ection Board fl�rtle I. Anderson n n Richard J. BeclQnan n n Clinton. K. Elomquist n "� Anne C. Eorland p n Betty Ee Carlson n fl Otto G. Cermak " n James Chmel n n Leah M. Christensen a a Lillian Elmquist n a Glac�s Escher n n Sanf�l C. Gustafson ° " Charles �. Herzan n n Dn.ndee Rae Himes �' n Gust Japs . n u Theodore H. Johnson n �� _ Olga ge]1eg p " BQagdalen � Klinkha�ner " "� Thomas W. Lapic, Jr0 " " Elizabeth Lemke n n Marguerite Losie n n Lov�.ise G. Lussier " " Sally F. fl�cBratnie " " B�att T�cCauley . . �r n Helen N. h�cGlasson " a Margaret Ce �ens � " Se1ma Pah1 n o Hernian Je �Puck ". � &deline -A. Sedesk*y n - n Frank� F. SePcik � p " Elizabeth Slavin " " Carrie Spott " n Nona Sun.dquist n n Edna C. �i1Cox` n n DorotY�y �interfield " n Lola �.Yackel . a - n Northern States Power Co. Service �dinneapolis Gas Co� Service Northern 5ta,tes Paarer Coa Service Joseph T. Ariderla Salary, 2nd 4 1951 Stuart E. Beckman u n n a Len J. �.il.bert n a n n John Ziegler u n n a W. Harlan Perbix �� - a n_ rt Carl A. �riderson Si�ewalk�Repa:3:r Carl Bolander & Sons Com Equipment Rental Cl:ub Cafe � Prisoner Mea1s Croro�n Rubber St,amp Coo Stenc3ls C, C. �ongdon, Treas, Petty Cash Items DaYilberg Brose - .. Repairs Direct Service Oil Co. Sei�rice Doubleda.g & Co., Inco Books Ernest J. Duda . -V�elding Farnham. Staty. 8c School Sup4Co. Sia.pplies . Gardner Hct�re. Coo Supplies _ Chester E. Groth Music Coe Supplies Gustafson�& Fuxa Supplies & Labor � Laurenz A. Harris ' Car �,1]:ov�ance, Moe May, Henriepin aunty Review Pixblishi:ng _ _ Hopkins Fire Dept. Fire �alls &-Phones Hopkins Home & Auto Supp]� Supplies & Repa3rs 1951 � 14.50 14.59 9.38 _9:38 �5:00 �li:5o 9.38 15:� ��� 15eoo lti.5o .9:38 �li:a75 1lj.a50 �i:o� 7eC8 �4eoo i5:oo 1:92 �aoo �,.eoo 7.1a.o50 14.00 1l;.a5o 1�.00 i5:oo ].l�e50 i4:5o 7-li.5� 9:38 1l�:50 14.� 1�l�00� 11�:00 ]1.��00 ].5000 725:65 71.67 82.34 25,00 25�c�o 25:00 25m00 ?50�0 i5m5o 1l�3000 4m25 1e32 16020 283.61 la5o 79:83 6:00 16:95 5�1e 8� 15e78 9007? 25080 214:65 461.08 254.l�6 3636 3637 3638 3639 36?�0 36li1 3642 36l�1.� 361i5� 36l�6 3647 36l�8 3649 3650 365�. 3652 3653 3651� 3655 3656 3657 3658 983 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995� 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 ��4 779 7so ?90 ?91 ?92 794 795 796 797 is� 0 2 _ ( General Fund, Continu�d) Hoplans Bdotor Sales �o� Repairs gelle�y Sales Co, Parts' ginn Service Service & �railer Rental Kokesh Hd�ree � Sti lies � PA F. J. Kucera, M.De Profe§sional Services Lund Sinclair Service Service ?iyon Chemicals, Inc. Esteron li�ma H. �afCoy � Gas MiLler-Davis Go0 Supplies �innesota ATe�s'Co, Booka �i.nriesota. Toro Inc. Repairs 3�irinetonka Motor E�press�Inc. Drayage Nelson�s, Ince Repairs�& Firea►en�s Books 1Vorth�restera Bell Telephone Co. Ser�rice � Olson & Pfeiffer Pharmac� Prescripti:ons Donald Olson Poundmaster dosta Garage _. H. g: Rogers Coo Standard Oil Coe � Suburban Chevrolet Coo Suburban Herin.Co.Relief Board Franls N. �fYiitney �. C . VGhitriey HoLirlp Payroll Payroll Salaries - Iiourly Payroll Supplies Service Repairs � � Relief Expend. B�oe May�1951 Legal Services . ... Electrical Inspections Period Encling 5�a 51 Election Judges 1 .>,, _ . Last z May . Period �ding �-�1 RaAD & BRIDGE FURID Norther�n States Power Coe Anderson Bros, Bren Hd�e,_ � � C. �C. Congdon, " Treae. Da.hlberg Brose, Ince Ernest Je Dud3 � �� �.our :c�t� �sn cos_ _ Hennepin County Review Hopkins Home & Auto Supp Hopkins Motor Sa.les�Coa G1enn Jofirison ControCo. Kokesh Hdere. �illiam H. McCoy __ Minnetonka Motor Express, No�iT.Bell Telephone Coe Republic Creosot,ing Cos Earl Se�vall . � Smith-Dunn Co., Inc. Hour]:y Payroll Salaries _. xour�y Payrolt Service Repairs Supplies Petty Cash Items Repairs �a.chining . Sections Broom Publishing ly Repai:rs & Paxts Snpplies . B].aclstop Stipplies � � � � � Diesel Fiiel 031 IncoDrayage Servic e Road Tar_ Blacktop Pa.rts Period EaZding 5-1,5 51 � Last 2 �a4Y :-. •,... Period Ending §-�51 �TER F[?nID Northern States Pawer Co. Ro B�, Ferron - . � America:n Cast Iron Pipe Coa Hartvig E. Anderson C, C. Congdon, Treas. Gustafson & Fuxa BQi11er-Davis Coo � N.�P.Bell Telephone Co, Skel�y Oil Co: � Briggs Transfer Com RaMeFerron Hourly Payroll Salaries " Hourly Payroll Service Equipment Renta.l Parts �arage Rental Petty Cash Itenis Repairs & Labor Supplies Ser�:c e _ Service Station Charges Drayage _ Equipment Rental Period Ehciing 5-15-51 Last 2 May Period Ending 5-31�1 i2:5o -�8000 62:28 12:t�.l�. 3000 2e00 23:55 168:00 27:65 298.75 12e50 1e39 46020 80:89 �2:85 i9ie25 vn�a 6:62 3601;,�. 29:55 525090 15mo0 31.1e�1� 693:65 474:75 1905:94 774m�9 12:64 32.92 l�2e 80 �:85 6.00 25000 57050 2:I�0 118:91� 2:48 259otr� 13071 43•53 1v39 ..11.50 397:68 137�1eo3 165;l�0 852.12 4so:oo J�67�147 552.25, 590;00 1�3�v00� 9�i.00 - 10:21 Y1e15 367:00 8:13 10e50 82:32 1�9.0%„00 108.8� °� 489.:�t7 ', 69b.87 � -3- _ SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUI�ID 2l�2 Northern States Po�ver Co. 2ti5� �est a o nuaa . 2l�6 Hopkins Motor Sales Co. 2l�7 Republic Creosoting 2I�8 Earl Sewall 2l�9 Ske].ly Oil �oo Hourl;y Payroll Salaries Hourly Payroll Service . Se�+rer srate Repairs Bla►�ktop Road Tar _ Service Station Charges , Period IlZding 5-15-51 Last 2 May .. . .. Period �ding s-31-51 SPDC IAL ASSF5S11�ENNT F'�TND 51 NaW.Nationa� Bank of B�pls. Bonds & Coupons PER�ANII�TT I9�ROVIIVIENT RE90LVIl�1B FU11ID 250 American Cast Iron Pipe Co. Parts 251 Carl A. Anderson Sidewalk Constru.ction 252 Republic Creosoting Road Tar Hourly Payroll Period Encling 5-15-51 Salaries Last z �ay 207 ot�8 35:00 33:27- 62:56 291.69 8:30 89005 112e20 79a9� 9919.66 5�-9 000 2807,16 �9e�4� 20080 ZUjr s � Pursuant to notice, the followi.ng truck and police car bids were received: Dahlberg Brothers Inc• � ��L For eluxe Tudor, b cy].inder 95 H.P, Engine� � mp y p • .. �1360ao0 L'0 lete SS �'i0 OL12 s ecifications..........o..o.��.e An 8 Cplinder 100 H.P,� Engine will b e furnished £or an additional �70,00 Alternate Bidt 1� 1951-Ford Delwce Ti.idor� 8 Cyiinder, I10 H.P.Special Police Engine, HD I0n clutcfi� T� Springs and shocks �"" absorbers� complete as to your specificationso,o,so.a�i5a5o00 Suburban Chevrolet Co� - 1- 19 1 Chevrolet Sts►line Special Two-door�Sedan, �� �+ �- TOt'iS]. PI'1Ce9o���aoeee��eoe�oosoae�sse����osea6��13�7e62 Dahlber Brothers Inco � -� For F�-�hassis & Ca.b� 134" -�o�. 110 H:P. 6 cylind.er engine� StoPaul ox� 22 ydm I,evel� _ . ._ 32 ydo ends and rdodel 1�6 Hois�; .complete to � ' your specificatiorise.o....���e0�so���e��sa�o��o���so��2�m� Add �35e00 if ?" hois� is desired� ATewman-Rhoad.s Nlotors- Inae ' 1- International L1 2 Truck, 13�" 1�9heel Base, with an �ristocrat S25 Dump Bociy and a Heil Mode1 1715 double lift arm type hoist for t,he sum of.e........0.�3195•� Suburban Chevrolet Co. � - Che�role 2 Ton Truck v�ith Boc�}r a� d Hois� alternates on the above truck as follows: B�odel D-25 �+arion dwmp body to meet specifications v�ith B�odel 721-BL �Barion 7�� Hoisi�complete on above.....�2587.30 Model D-25 Marion dump body to meet spe�ifications � -= with Model 621 BL rdarion 6"_Hoist,complete on abovem,...�2565.34 .. St.Paul Drop=side body 2 I 2- 3 1 2 capacity 8+x32p � with Model $C� double arm low mount�corep].ete on above0000�2b47,80 BeclQnan moved� Ziegler seconded, that all bids rec�ived be Peferred to tlie City Manager for checking of specifications and recoimnendation. Carriedo _ � � Anderla moved� B�ilbert seconded' that Resolution No.203, "� RF�OLUTION ORDEftING TI� BLACK TOP SURFACING OF HIAVPAZY�A AVENtTE IN ML�VI��AAA OA� AATD ASHLEY ROAD FROM B�Y'CE STREFT T0 E�CEISIOR AV�1UE, AND TI� RF�'AIRLNG OF A CERTAIN SIDEUPALK",, marked Exhibit "A"� be adoptedo Carriecis Becl�an moved� Anderla seconded, that Resolution Ido.205' nA RFSQZUTION ORDERING T'.HE CONSTRUCTION OF CURB, GUTTF�i AND SID�LK I1V CERTAIN �LOCATIONS"� marked E�hibit tt3"� be adopted. Carriede Ziegler moved� D�i.lbert seconded� that the recommentation by the Zoning Commission, d�ated Jur_e 1�, 1951� to issue building permits for gaxages at 1lt.]1.�. and 1,la.8 Cambridge A�enue be accepted and approved. Carried. Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that the reco�nendation �iy tlze Zoning Commission, da.ted 6-4-51� to issue a�special use permit to"Her�ert'A. Ma.son� for one year, �i►i.:th a one year option,for the use of Lots 1.l� and 15, Block 8, West lllfinneapolis, for off-street�parking-for employees of the Suburbari Chevrolet Company, be accepted and approved but tha.t no lights be placed on said lots and no dead storage be made. Carried. ZiegTer moved, BeclQnan seconded� that Resolution No,197� "RF50LUTION ADOPTING SPEICI.AL ASSFSSPi�EN"PSn� marked F�chibit npn� be adopted. Carri.edo Becl�an moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution Noe199; °A RESQLUTION ADOPTING SIIPPL�IdTAL SPECI'AL ASSF�,SME�", marked �chibit "'D", be adoptedo Carriede Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded� that Resolution No. 210� "A RFSOLUTION REFERRIntG TO THE CITY �TGII�iE� TILF MATTII�. OF CONSTRUCTING CUR3, SIDEWALR, SIDEYifALK AIVD CURB, IN CERTAIN ZOCATIONS AND THE BI,ACK TOP SURFAC 1NG OF A� PORTION OF THIRD STREET NORTH"' marked E�rhibit "E'°� be adopted. Carried•. ..... .. . _ _.__ ._ .. . -- - � - � �; DQilbert moved, Ziegler secorided, that the request for main extension,' No.�� � by the �i.nneapolis Gas Co�par�y� be approved, subject to City F•ngineer+s approvalo Carried. Beckmari moved, Ziegler seconcied, ttiat request of George Re �Polff Post lUoo42�9 �eteraM.9:=of Foreign �Pars' for a Clu.b Liquor License, be granted, subject to approval of surety bond. Carriedo BBilbert moved� Auderla seconded9 that license application for On=sale ��� _ Non-intoxicatino malt liquor and soft drinks, for June 23 and 2l�, 1951, t� the Tri�tate Horse Sho� Association at the Fairgrounds� be grantedo Carri.edo BeclQaan moved 3di.lbert seconded that a lication � , pp by the Hennepin Cotuity Agricultural Soeietg to conduct Birigo�Games at tiie County Fair to be held Jn7� 20, 21, and 22, 1951, be grantedo Carriede Ziegler mobed� Anderla seconded, that the su.rety bonds of A. �o Elmquist � and Mae �,nderson be accepted� subject to City Attorney�s approva.lo Carriedo Beckman mov�ed, Ziegler seconded, that t�e Water �eier Contract wi�th Nepturie � Meter Compa�y for a six month period, from June 29, 1951, to December 29,1951, be approved and accepteda Carrieda Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that Resolution No.211, "A R.E50LIITION ORDERING A HEARING ON ENGINF��S REPORTS ON BIACK TOP SIIRFACIl�TG PRF�TON LANE BEI9�EIIiT INTER- LACHEN AVIIWE AnID ASHLEY ROAD� AND THE ALLEY IlV BLOCA FNE� GIBB'S FIRST AUllI2^20AT TO 11V�5T BdINI�FAPOLIS AND � CONSTRUCTION `OF CURB 'OPT �HE SOU�i SIDE OF LOT FOUR- �1, BLOCK �, �E.ST B�II�iEAPOLIS�', �r�t�dr�E�hibit �'F"� be adopted. Carried, Meeting adjournedo ATTFS Tr , ,_ . W. Harlan Perbix, May�r _ .. . ._. ._ _ .. __ . .,.. . . . . _ _ . .. .. . . - �� A. W. Elmquist, ecretary to the Council _. . � _,.. ' 1 i N ; ri � � � ! '1 ;s CITY OF HOPKINS '� HENN�IN COUNTY� NINNESOTA i RESOLUTION N0. 2p3. ' A RESOLUTIOIV ORDESING THE BLACK TOP SURFACIPTG OF HIAWATHA gYEI�IIE IN MIIdNFHAHA i OAKS AND ASHLEY i�AD F&�M BOYCE STREDT TO E�CEI�SIbH APENIIE� AND THE REPAIRING "� OF 9 CERTlIDT SIDEV7�T,K. ; WHEREAS, the council of the citg of Hopkins on March 7, 1950, adopted a resolution referring the matter of black top surfacing Hiawatha avenne in Minnehaha Oaks to the city engineer for hia investigation and report, and h1�RF,AS, the council of the city of Hopkias on 9pri1 17, 1j51, adopted a reaolntion referring the matter of black top eurfacing Ashley Road from Boyce str�et to �celsior avenue, and r�pairing the side�a�lk in Pmnt of Lot 1 and the l�orth One-half of Lot 2, Block 6�� West Minnea�olis, Second Divieion, to the city engineer for his investigation and report� aad �REAS� said engineer has investigated the necessity a.nd feasibility of �aid imnrove�mente� aad each of them, and on A�Iay 1. �95�, reported thereon to the covncil and filed his written reporta with the secretary of the couacil, and WHEREAS, on May 1, 1951, the city council of Hopkins adopted a resolution aettiag Tuesday� the 5th. day of J�e� 195�, at 7:j0 o'clock P.M. at the council chambera in the city ha.11 as the time and place for conaidering se.id reporte and acting thereon, aad WH�EAS, .a notice. of said hearing has been publiahed ia The Hennepin Connty Eevieva in its issuea of May lOth. and May 17th. �951, and the affidavit of publica- tioa of said notice has been filed �eith the eecretary of the co�uncil. and W�EEAS, no petition aetting forth oppoaition to said improvements, or either of them. wa.s filed with the cit�r ma.nager prior to the d.ate and hour aet for hearing said englneer� s reporta aaid no one appeared in opposition thereof; NOW, TAEREI+UBE, � BE IT BESOLVED by the city council of the city of Hopkins that the black top surfacing of said avenue and road, and the repairing of a:. sai�d::.:.:;,, eidewalkN are necessary for the health, welfare a.nd coneenience of the city and ita inhabitaats� and it is'hereby determined and ordered that eaid imnrove�ents� and each of them, ae recommended bg the eagineer, be made, and that the eosts thereof be aesesaed against anp property abutting upon eaid imnrov�nente. ADOPTED by the council of the cit�r of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this fifth d�p of Jnne, 1g51. W. HARLAN PERBI�� MAYOR A. W. Elmquiat, Secretary to the council Frarik N. Whi tney� �ity .�ttornqy copy for Laska; copy for copy,, for Carl Anderaon. �. , �' � �. CITY OF HOPgINS HENNEPIN COUNTY� MINNESOTA RESOLIITTON N0. 205. A RESOLIITI ON ORDERI NG THE CONSTR[i CTIODT OF C[TRB , GUT TER AND SIDE6JALg IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS. WHERF�S, the council of the city of Hopkins on May 1, i95�, adopted a reeolution referring the following local impro�ements to Frank Laaka� city engineer, for his inveatigation and report: IMPRUVEMENT N0. 1. Conetract curb and gutter on both sidea of l�th. avenue North between jrd. street North snd �4th. street North, a,nd conetract sidewalk in front of Lot 15 and the South 15 feet of Lot 16, Block 95, �est Minneapolis. Second 1}ivision; II+�'ROVIl�IENT IdO. 2. Conatract curb and eiciewal.k in front of Lot 16, Block 93, West Minneapoli s, Second Divi sion; IMPROVEMEDTT N0, j. Conetract eidewalk on Weet aide of l�th. avenue North between 2nd. street North and South line of right-of-�aay of Minneapolis & St. Louis Railr�ey. and WFiEREAS, eaid engineer hae investigated the necessity and feasibility of said improvements and each of them and on May 7, �95i, reported thereon to the council and filed hie written reporta with the secretary of the council, recommending � the conatruction of curb and gutter on both aidea of l�+th. avenue DTorth between jrd. street North and �+th. etreet �orth and the conatruction of sidewalk in front of Lot 15 and the South 15 feet of Lot 16. B�ock 95� �e$t I�inneapolis� Second Divi�ion; and the conatruction of curb, gutter and sidewalk on the East side of 15th. avenue North from 2nd. atre�t North to the South line of the right-of-way of the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway, a.nd the conatxuction of sidewalk on the West eide of l�+th. avenue North between 2nd. atreet �orth and the South li:ne of the right-of-r�ay of the Minneapolis & St. Zouia Railway, aud FaTHE&FAS, on May 7, 1951, the city council of Hopkins adopted a resolution setting Tuesd.ay� the 5th. day of June, �95�, at 7:j0 o'clalck P.M. at the council chambers in the city hall as the time and place for conaidering said renorts and acting thereon� and WHEBF.�S, a notice of eaid hearing hae been publiahed in The Hennepin Count�* Review in its issues of May lOth and blay 17th., 1951, and the affidavit of 7onblic�,tion of eaid notice has been filed with the secretary of the council, aad WSEREAS, no petition setting forth oppositioa to sai d improeements or either (1) of them w�.s filed wi.th the city mana.ger prior to the date and hour set for hearing said engineer's reports and no one appeared in opposition thereto; NOW� THEREFORE. BE IT 8E50LVED b� the city council of the city of Hopkins that the const nictlon of curb, gatter and eidewalk in said locatioae is necessary for the health, welfare and convemence of the city a.nd its inha.bitants, and it is herebe cletermined and or@ered that said improvements, and each of them� as recommended by the engineer be made, a,nd that the costs thereof be asseased againet any property abutting upon said improv�ente. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held thi a 5th. d,e.y of June� �95i. �. W. Elmqni st � � Secretar�r to the council Frank N. �Jhitney, City Attorney copy to Carl Ande�eon; copy to copy to Frank Laska. � Z) W. HAHI,AN PERBIS, Mapor `;_J CITY OP' HOPgI�S HENNEPIN CGUNTY, MINNE90TA R�SOLIITION N0. 197. BE�LUTION ADOPTING SPECIAI� A55ESSMENTS.. WHE&EAS, pureaant to direction from the council, notice was publiahed in the official paper of the cit� of Hopkina at leaat trventy daya prior to June 5, 1951, atatiag that the council �rill meet at the council chambers in the city hall on 'i'uesday, June 5, 1951, at 7: j0 0� clock P.M. for the purx�oae of passing upon proposed asseasments upon all of the lots, pieces or parcels of land alratting upon the following local improvementa, to-�►it: Asses�ent, DTo. 1: Installing curb on the east side of 12th. avenue north from lat. street north to Milwauikee and St. Louis Railway right-of-way. , Assessment No. 2: Installing curb on west side of 17th. avenue north from �celaior Aeenue to lst. atreet noTth. Aasea�ent Ro: 3: Installing curb aad gutter on eoath side of lst. street south �� from Monroe avenne to alle,y east of Jacksoa. Aaeessment No. �F: Installing curb a.nd gutter on west side of 12th. avenue north from 4th. etreet to hi�way DTo. 7 and north side of 4th. street from 12th. avenne west to a11ey. Asseasmeat No. 5: Installing curb on east side of 5th. a$ernie north from 2nd. street to Minnetonka Mille Road. Asseasment No. 6: Iastalling curb on weet aide of 12th. avenue north from Milwa�ikee & St. Lonia fiailway right-ot-way to Third street North. � ` Aesessment No. 7: Ineta111ng curb on both sidee of lst. street south between Harrison and Van Buren. Aaeessment No. g: Installing side�alk on weat side of Harrison avenue from south line of Lot S, Block 2p, West Minneapolia Center� to Firat street Sonth. 0 Aasessment No. 9: Installing curb oa Harrison avenue eonth from Esccelsior aveaue to south line of Lot j0, Block 19 and Lot 9, Block 20� �est Minneapolis Center. Assessment PTo. 10: Installing curb on aonth aide of First street �orth f�om 15th. avenue east to alley. Asaessment No. 11: Placing blacktop on 15th. a�eaue north from �+th. street to hi�way No. 7. gssessment No. 12: Placing blacktop oa Oakr�ood road from Boyce to Goodrich. : �F�....,_ Assessment No. 1�: Placing blacktop on Ha��rirsdnr�oen�e frsm,�Ex,cels�;or�acenue (1) to lat. atreet Sonth. Asseaement No. 1�+: Placing blacktop on First street south from Harrison to Van Buren avenue. Assessment No. 15: Placiag blacktop on alley betr�een 12th. aeenue and 13th. avenue north from the east and west alley to First street north. �ssesament No. 16: Placing blacktop on Second street north from Fif th avenue to Sixth avenue. Assessment No. 17: Placing blacktop on a11ey bet�veen l�inth and Tenth avenues north from the east a.nd vaest allep to First atreet �Torth. Assesement �'o. lg: Placing blacktop on s11ey betvaeen llth. and 12th. avenuee north from the eaat a.nd west a11ey to Firat atreet North. gsaeaement No. 19: Placing blacktop on alle� bet�reen 'Iwelfth and Thirteenth avenues north from �ourtr atreet to highwa� 1Qo. 7. Asaeasment No. 20: Placi ng blacktop on east and weet alley between Fi,ret and Second streets aonth from Ei�hth to l�inth avenues. As$eaement No. 21: Placing blacktop on alley between Sixteenth an.d Seeenteenth avenues north from Second to Third street. Aasessment No. 22: Placing blacktop on Third street north from Sixteenth to SeBenteenth avenue. Aaseasmeat �o. 2j: Placing blacktop on alley betvoeen Seventh aad Eighth aeeaues north from Third street to Minnetonka Mills road. Asseasment DTo. 2�: Installing curb and gntter on both aidee of Lake atreet from Texas aeenue weet to Creek. Assessment DTo. 25: Placing blacktop on Tenth avenue sonth from Sigth street s�uth aad rnnning southerly appro$imately 450 feet; on Eighth avenue south from Sixth atreet so�uth to Ei�hth street south except Lot 25� Block 70, West Minneapolis Aanex; Seventh avenue eouth frnm Seventh atreet sonth and runaing southerly approximately 225 feet; on Seventh etreet aonth from Sixth aveaue sonth to Eighth avenue Sonth. AND WHEREAS, no objectiona to said assessments� or a.ny or either of the�, �oere filed with the secretary of the conncil, and no one appeared in peraoa at the hearing thereon to object thereto; AOW, THE REFORE, BE IT RE50LY�D by the council of the city of Hopkins that eaid pronoeed assesemente as above aet forth, and each of them, are hereby adopted and an aseesament ie hereby le�ied against each oP the lots, aarts of lote, pieces or parcels of land deecribed therein in the suma therein resDectively eet forth, and eacr of ea.id tracta of land is hereby found to be benefited in the �►ount of the aesesament levied againat it therein. B� IT F4R2fiER RESOLnED� that each of said asseesments� �ith accruing interest thereon at the rate of aix (6) per cent per annum, shall be a lien upon the property againat which the same is assesaed� concnrrent with general taxes and ehall be psyable in equal a.nnual inatallments, egtending over the follo�+ing periods, namely: Aesesamente numbered 1 to 10 inclusive, aleo aeaeasment aumber 24, eha11 e�tend over a period of five yea.rs� from January 1, 1952 to January 1, 1956� inclusive. Asaessments number 11 to Z3 inclneive� also assesament number.25� sha,ll extend over a period of three yea.re� from January 1, 1952 to Januar�► 1� 195�+ incluaive. A.DOPTED by the ci ty council of Fiopkina, Minneso ta� at a regul�r meeting thereof held this 5th. d�y of June� 1951. A. W. Elm�qui st, Secretary to the c aincil '�rank N. Whitney, City Attonney W. IiARLAN PERBIX � MAYOR ( 3> . v � � CITY OF HOP�INS �NNEPIN COIINTY, MINNESOT� RESOLUTION N0. 199 A HESOLIITION ADOPTING SUPPL�TTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. 1�$F,REAS� pursuant to direction from the council� notice was published in the official newepaper of the city of gopkina at Teast twenty (@0) daye prior to June 5, 1951, atating that the council will meet at the city hall in the council chambere on �.iesdag� June 5, �95�, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. for the pnr- pose of paasiag upon certain proposed apecial aeseesmenta �ehich correct c;Amissiona and errars in those two special saeessments adopted October 19, 19�+8, oae of r�hich was for the inetallation of water maina and the other for � the installation of eanitary sewer mains, in Preston'e Interlachen Park, byi:�;� -as�e�s�gthe sum of $�F50.00 for the installation of sanitar� sewer maiae :��: �c7 00 and the s�tm of �y�9:'�9 for the iaetallation of water ma.ins agaiast each of the following described parcel� of land, to-wit: l. The north 60 feet of the south 9� feet of that part of Lot 77�,�uditor'e 9nbdivision BTo. 239, Hennepin Count�, Minnesota� lging east of the west 133 feet thereof, except the east 30 feet. 2. The north 5�+ feet of the south 11F8 feet of that part of Lot 77, Auditor's 9nbdivieion 1Vo. 239, Hennepin Countv, Niinnesota, lying eaet of the west ljj feet thereof, except the eaet 30 feet. 3. The west 165 feet of Lot 79, Auditor's 9nbdivision No. 239• and for the further purpose of rechtcing the asseesments for the inatallation of sa.nitary sewer aad �ater mains against each oP the following tracta or parcels of land� to��i: 1. Lots 1 to j0 inclusive� Preeton'e Interlachea Park� 2. The South 80 feet of Lot 32� Preston's Interlachen Park. 3. The �orth 31.62 feet of Lot 32 and the South 71.63 feet of Lot 31, Prestoa's Interlachen Park. �F. The North 140 feet of Lot jl, Preston's Interlachen Pa.rk and the south j4 feet of that part of Lot 77, Auditor's Snb diviaion No. 23q, Hennepin County, Minneeota, lying eaet of the vaest 1j3 feet thereof� except the east 30 feet. , AND WHEREAS, no objectiona to the correction of the errora and omission in aaid asseasments by adding the above described assessments againat the firet above described tracts or parcels of land, and by redncing eaid aseessments againat the second above described tracte of parcelt of land were filed with the aecretary of the council an.d no one appeared in person at the hearing thereoa to object thereto; NOW, 'PHEREFORE� (1) BE IT HESOLVED by the con ncil of the city of Hopkina that eaid correction of errors and omissions in eaid asseaements as above eet forth� aad each of them, are hereby adopted and an aeaessment is hereby levied against each of the Piret three above deecribed tracts or parcels of land in the snms therein respectively set forth, and that each of said tracta or parcele of land ie hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the asaessment leeied againet it thereia. BE IT �JR'II�R RESOLQED that each of aaid aesesameata, with accrning intereet thereon at the rate of aig (6) per cent per annum� ahall be a liea upon the property againet which the same ie assessed� concurrent with general taa�es and aha11 be p�yable in fifteen (15) equal annual installmenta. BE IT FUR`I'HER RESOLVED that each of the aseessments against each of the secoad d�acribed tracts or parcels of land be reduced to the extent and in the amount sho�va by the corrected assesament rolla ae prepared by and in the posseasion of the cit� clerk::.. 9DOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkiaa.at a regular meeting thereof held thie 5th, day of June, �95�. g. W. Elmquist� Secretary to the council Frank DT. Whitney�t� Atto rney C i 2) W. IIARLAN pERBIX� MAYna ca e � CITY OF HOPKINS �IN COUNTY, MINATE�TA RESOLIITION IdO. 210. A RESOLIITION REFERRING TO THE CITY ENGINEER Tr'IE MATTER OF CONSTRUCTING CIIRB , SI DENIALFC , SI DETr�ALg AND CURB , I N CERTAI N LOC ATI ONS AND THE BLACK TOP S[TRFACIPTG OF A PORTION OF THIRD STREET NORTH. . WIiEREAS� there has been filed ruith the cit� clerk and by the cl�rk nre- sented to the city council petitione asking for the conatruction of curb on the east side of 12th. avenue North from 3rd. street DTorth to the south line of etate trunk ,� � highway No. 7, and on the weat side of 12th, avenue North fmm 3rd, atreet north to 4th. street north, and for the constr�zction of sid�.���lk on the weat side of Jackson avenue from bccelsior av�nne to First atreet south� a.nd on the east aide of 12th. avenue north between 3 rd. street no rth and uth, atreet no rth� and for the conetraction of sidewalk and curb on the west aide of llth. avenue north in front _ of Lots 5� 6 ana 7, �Teat MinneaAolis� Second Divieion� and for the black top surfacing of jrd. street north from the alley between 14th. avenue north and 15th. a�enue north to 15th. avenue ao rth and WHEREAS, the coats of each of said improv�ents ahould be assesaed against property found benefited thereb�� s.nd WHEREAS, moet of the otan�ra of the benefited pronerty against which said costs would be aesessed ha.ve petitioned the city council for said i�morovements and each of them ha.ve agred to nay the costs thereof; NOW� THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the citp of Hovkins that said improve- ments, and each of them, be refer�ed to Frank Laska� city englneer� �o innesitigate the neceasity and feasibility thereof and to report to the council as soon as posaible. ADOPTED by the council of th e city of Honkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 5th, day of June, �951. W. HARLAN PERBI � Mayor 9. W. Elmquist, SecrPtary to the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney CITY OF HOPKINS HENN�IN COIINTY� MIIVNE�TA RESOLUTION N0. 211. A RESOLIITION ORDERING A HEARING ON ENGINEER' S REPORTS ON BLACK TOP 5'QRFACING PR�' STON LANE BETwEEN I�VTERLACHEN AVENUE AND gSfiLEY ROAD, AND 'PHE ALI,EY IN BLOCK FIVE, GIBB'S FIRST ADDITION TO WEST MINNEAPOLIS, AND 't'HE CONSTRUCTION OF CURB ON THE SOIITH SI DE OF LOT FOIIRTEEN, BLOCK THREE, WEST �IINNEAPOLI S. WHF�F'�AS, the council of the cit�r of Honkins on May 15, 1951, adopted a r�solution referring to Frank Laska, city engineer, for his inveatigation and report, the matters of the black top surfacing of Preeton Lane between Interlachen Avenue and Ashley Road and the alley in Block 5, Crlbb'a F`I.rst Addition to Weat Minneapolis, and the conatructing of curb on the south aide of ;��1ot�i�: 14, Block j� West Mianea- poli s, and WHE&F+AS, said engineer has investigated the necessity and fe�sibility of said improvementa, and each of them; and on June 5, �95�, reported thereon to the conncil and filed hia written reports with the secretary of the council in aaiich reports the engineer recommenda tha.t black top eurfacing be placed on �.id Preaton Lane betw�en Interlachen avenue and Ashley road at an estimated coat of $2650.00, and that black top sarfacing be placed on the alle� in Block 5� Gibb's First Addi- tion to Weat Minneapolis at an eatimated cost of $7�Q.p0� and that curb be constra.cted on the eouth side of Lot 1�?� B1ock 3, west Minneanolis, at an estimated cost of �233.16; �ow, �x�FoxE, BE IT RESOLVED tha.t said engineer's reports� and each of them, mill be considered by the council and action taken thereon at a regular meeting of the city council to be held on th� 9th daty of July, 1951� at 7:30 o'clock P.M. BE IT F[TRTHER R�SOLVED that the city manager give notice of such hearing by publishing a notice once in each week for two successiee weeka in the official newspaper of said city, said notice to describe in general language the improvements recommended in the engineer's reports and the eatima.ted costs thereof. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Aopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 5th da`p of June, 1951. W. HARLAN PERBIX, MAYOR A. W. Elmquist, Secretary to the council Fra.nk N. Whitney, City 9ttorney CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COIINTY� MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARII�IG ON EDIGINEER' S RII'ORTS ON BLACK TOP SURFACING PHESTON LANE BETWF.IIV INTEHLgCHEN AVENTTE AND ASHLEY R��D� AND '� 9LLEY I� BLOCg FIPE, �GIBB' S FIRST ADDITION TO WEST MID�TEAPOLIS, ADTD THE CONSTRUCTION OF CIIRB ON TIiE 90II`1'H SIDE OF LOT FOURTEF�, BLOCK THREE � W�ST MINNEAPOLI S. DTOTICE IS iiEREBY GIVEN that the cit� engineer of Hopkins did on the 5th day of June, 195�, file his reports with the city council recommending the follovuing local improeements, to-wit: Black top surfacing Preston I,ane between Interlachen avenue and Aahley road at an estimated coat of �2i50.00; Black top surfacing the alley in Block 5, Gibb's F`irst Addition to Weat Minnea�olis at an estimated cost of $700.00, a.nd Constructing carb on the south side of Lot 1�+, Block 3, West Minneapolis, at an estimated coat of �233.16. NOTICE IS FVR'IHER GIYEN that the city council has by resolution fixed Monday, the 9th. day of July, 1951, �t 7:j0 o'clock P.M, at the council chambers in the city hall as the time and place at which the council will hear such �ersons as care to be heard in reference to eaid improvements, and �ach of them, and will consider said engineer's reports and act thereon. C. C. CONGDON, Ci ty Nianager Dated at Ho�kins, Minnesota thie 12th c1a�r of June� �951. Frank N. Whitney� City Attorney Publiahed in The Hennepin �ounty Review on Juhe l�+th and 21et., 195� copy for the paper ,.: � ���� ����' �� - � � �a, v�v � i1�`` � �t ` �l. 1�` CITY OF HOPKINS ,� ��� ���rI�:EPI� C��UNTY, NIN�TESG?'�, BIDS ON �'J�T��`R:�,tAINS Sealed �ropos�ls will be received until '7:30 P.T�2. of June 19, 1951, at the oi�'ice oi the City �lerk in the City ot� Hopkins, T��innesota, for furnis:hinr�, of all tools, labor, er�uipment and materials necessary ior the construction of sanitarv setiti.er„�,,,in t�le City of ho�kins. . Plans, specifications and biddin� forms may be obtained from the City En��ineer. ` �ach bid tnust ':e accor�paried. by a bidder's bond or certii'icd ch.eck �ayable to the City of Hopkins, in the amount of ten (10�/) �;ercent of the 'oict as a�uarantee that the bicder will enter into the proposed contract. �ids will ��e opened a_t �i:00 P.Tv�. on June 19, 1951 and read. iri open r�eetin��; of� the Cit� Council. The ri,�ht is ;eser•ved to accept any bid, or to reject aryo ur all bids. GITY �i�' � �iOF:KT_l�TS �y: C. C. Con�don, City i"anaoer. Published in the Nennepin County Review June 7 and 14, 1951 CITY OF FiOFKINS F]E:i•'i�ir,I'IIV CGU!�TY, i�III3iVESOTA BIDS ��N S�.iV I TARY �L'iV�LRS Sealed proposals tivill be r�ceived until 7:30 P.rA. of June 1�, 1951, at the of�f'ice of' the City Clerk in the �ity of Hopk_ins, l�iinnesota, �'or furnishing o1 all tools, labor, equipment and materials r�ecessary for the construction of s�nitary sewers in the City of' �opkins. :cla� s, s�_�ecifications ar�d biddin.� forms ma;� be obtained f rom tr�e City Lngineer. Eacn. bid must be accomparlied by a bid.der's bond_ or certified check _payable to the Cit� of Flopkins, in the amour�t of ten (10�) percent of the i�id as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the �roposed contract. �ids ti�ill be or ened at 8:00 P.��. on June 19, 1951, ar.d. read in open :neeting of' the City Council. The ri�•ht is reserved to accept an�T bid, or to reject ar.,y cr all bids. CI'�'Y OF HOFKINS By: C . G . Con�don, City NZanager. Published in the Hennepin County Reniew June 7 and 14, 1951. �� ���,�, P� � � A regular meetirig of the Council of the City of Hopkins,��irinesota, Wa,s held °- at the City Hall at 7s30 o4clock P.�, on Tuesday,,June 19� 1951, Members �` present werer Mayor Perbix, Covncilmen BQilliert, Zieg.ler� Becl�nan� City �ana�er Con�don, and City Attorney VYhitney� and City ��ineer Laskam <�Sembe�s absent:::;��Anderla: , e Ziegler moved, Becla�an seconded, that bills as presented be paid from the follo�ring funds. Carried. GENII�L FUND 3673 First National Bank of Hopkins Withholding Deductions � 3671� Treasurer, State of Minnesota Retiremer_t Fund Deductions 3693 Andex, Iaco Supplies 369?� s. E. Beclanan Convention �penses, Cloquet 3695� Bi Iateral Fire Hose �00 Hose & Couplings 3696 CeW.�ottenfield Camera 369? George Boyd Spra�rino V�eeds 3698 Coast-to�Coast Stores Supplies � � �3699 C. Co Congdon � Con.vention F�cpenses�Rochester 37� Dahlberg Brothers� Inc• Repairs 3701 James ExwortY�y Coriventi_on Expenses� Cloquet 3702 Feudner-Davidson Agency Bonds 37�3 Gaxdrier Hardwa.re Recreation Supplies 37�4 R. H. Ga.rdner Counting Meter �oney 37� Gustafson & F�ixa Pepairs 37� " " Repairs 3707 A.W. Har�nerlund Repairs 3708 Hennepin County Revie� Publishi.ng 3709 �.i..ke Holm Sec f . , ym of State Listing 3710 Aopkins Fire Depto � � Fire Ca11s,Dril1 & Phories 3711 Hopkins Public Schools� Dist.;�19 Jan.itorial work,B,hythm Class 3712 Kokesh Hdv�e. � � Snpplies 3713 Luxor iighting Pro�u.cts,Inc, Pyrolux 3?]1.4 ZeRoy Olson Convention E�cpense,Cloquet 3715 Paulsori�s Supplies 3716 w, Harlan Perbix` Convention H�pense, Rochester 3717 Rosernvald-Cooper, Inco Signs & Posts 3718 Skelly Oil Com �� Gas 3719 Stanclard 0i1 Co. Service Station �harges 3720 Standard Stee1 Pier�Sales Pier Rental 3721 Suburlian Press, Inc. Posters Salaries lst � June Hour],y Pa�roll Period Ending 6-].s-51 ROAn Arm sR�E r� 1009 First National Bank of Hopkins 1010 Treasurer, Sta.te of �innesota 1016 E1mbE Bielke 1017 Hopkins Motor Sales Co�, 1018 Kokesh Hdwe, 1019 RosenWald-Cooper, Ince Salaries - Hourly Payroll �Yithliolcling Tax Dec3.uat'ions Retirement � Funcl Dechictions Telephones' lst � 1951 Repairs Supplies signs & Pos�ts lst 2 Jurie - - Period Ehdi.ng �-Z5-5]. �PATER FUAID 809 First National Ba.nk of Hopkins �4Pithholding Tax Deductions 810` Treasurer� State oi Minnesota Ftetirement Fund �eductions 819 Postmaster, Hopkiris Envelopes ' - � 824 Joseph Ao Hromadko Telephones� lst � 1951 821 Kokesh Hd�re. Supplies 822 Northwestern Bell Telephone Coo service� Wires 823 Tl�o . S. 1Vott Compar� Supplies - 824 Herman Olson - Telephones, lst � 1951 825 Rosenwald-Cooper, In�co Supplies 826 Suburban Press, Inco Printing R.MoFerron Equipment Rental Equi ment Rental Salaries lst � June �- Hour],y Pagroll Period �ding 6-].5-51 41�9el�5 1t�.6:35 21007 31m00 5��50 200;00 29e�0 . 30�7. l�2066 87.89 �1e00 10000 295:io 48.00 12Q02 25a35 4:75 235e90 l�� 300040 24eoo 22s29 14094 43:50 9:05 18m05 59:ho 168�00 23.80 150,00 ...16�50 1678.l�3 �005.87 155.20 ?2�1�,5 12;00 62e54 l��:58� 22056 l�80e00 527m7o 1106 �t0 24aoi 73052 12m00 4092 8:13 19e32 12�00 �2:56 17m70 1070:00 l�.9m47 692.17 �2- S�AffAGE DISPOSAL F[JND � 251 F'irst National Bank of Hopkins W'ithtiolding Tax Deductions �� 252 Treasurer, State of Minnesota Reti.rement Fuad Deductions 258 Car1 A.:Anderson Cement �ork Salaries _ lst � June .. Hour]�y Paproll Period Ending 6-15-51 PER�ANEIVT 7�IPROVE11�11T REVOLVING FfJ1�ID 25� First National Bank of Hopkins VPithYiold� rag Tax Deductions 255 Treasurer, State of Nlinnesota Retirement F�ind Deductions 258 Carl A. Ariderson Cement �Pork 259 Carl A. And.erson Ce�aent Work 260 Donald Av.'Olson Laying Sod in Knollwood 261 H.A. Rogers Coa Supplies Salaries - lst 2 Jurie --- Hourly Payroll Period �nding 6-1,5�1 � 39:60 1].e80 53�65 112;20 1l�8�85 � 37�:1�0 I6�oa 9e36 1921032 240�00 15.83 18s:80 32.32 Ziegler moved, BeclQaari seconded, that Resolution No.209, 41A RF�OLUTION � ORDERIlVG THE CONST'rZUCTION OF CURB, CURB �ND GtTTTER, INSTAI�LATION OF SE9PER gI�ID VdATER �AINS IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS APID THE BI;ACK� TOP SURFACING OF A PORTION�OF F'OURTEENTH AVENUE NORTH"� marked �chibit "A"� b e adoptedo Carriedo BeclQnal moved� Ziegler seconded� that the action taken to ad�ertise %r bids for sewer and vvater main extensions9 called for June 19� 1951� be ratifiedB Carriede Ziegler moved� Beckman seconded� that Resultion Noe213� RA RESOLUTION REE'ERRING TO TfiE CITY ffiVGINEER T4iE P�.�ATTER OF CONSTRUCTING CURB ON' THE VAF�T SIDE OF TWELFTH AVF�IUE NORTH IN F.FiONT OF LOTS 10 AND 11, BI,OCK 76y �T MI?1TI��EAPOLIS, SDCOND DIVISI011P�� marked �hibit "B"' be adoptedo Carriedd Ziegler moved' Beclan.ari seconded; that the �two requests � by the ��.rineariolis Gas Compar� for main extensions� their No.207�and No,208� be granted9 subject to City F�hgineer�s approval. Carriedo MLilbert moved , Beckman seconded� that.t he request tiy the Northern Sta.tes PovPer Compariy to erect one pole on ].5th Avenue South� bet�reen �ccelsior and. First Street South,be granted9 subject to City �,7igineerts approval� Carried4 Beckman moved, I�dilbert seconded, that license application�by Crystal Grocery Cor�par{y for off-sale non-intoxicating mait liquor� milk,a�l cigarettes be grantedo Carried. Beckman moved, Ziegler seconded� that Resolution Nom21�.� "� RESOLUTION REE'ERRING TO TI� CITY II�iGI��;ER THE MATTEFB OF HLACK TOP SURFACING Tf� AI.LEYS In? BLOCKs 91� gND 1099 �T �Il�TF�POLIS, SDCOND DIVISION, AND ' INSTAI�LING SAA]ITARY SIINER AND �1TATER ��AINS ON A PORTIQAI OF 16TH AVENUE PiORT�i'.� marked bchibit "C"9 be adopteda Carried• Pursuant to notice, the foll.o�v�.n.g bids were received for the construction of water and sewer main extensions or_ Althea La.ne and Oxford Street and l�onk Avenue� Ferron Construction Com�ar�ys�.00���oaaao•aeao�seeB�22;766�i}.3,�— OI'fe]. $t �1I'].3TI3Qeaooe��eses��soaeaaosese000e�vo�oo 2�.,349s8� DeGraff UPolff..e.e,v.e.,a.oa....;...,e:.ae..a..ase 35;767.25 Lametti ',X .UGII1Bl��1pOe00.0�6A�066G800000006Q0iO�a0$$ 22,l�87m83 Western Undeground Construction Company.ao.ovo..,D 33,�-?5.00 Becl�nan moved, Ziegler secorided� that the above�bids be referred to the City �gineer for audit and recommendation. Carriede -3— _ Ziegler moved, �ilbert seconded, that the City pay �p S�OO of the bi.11 of Tom Motzko Co a mp r�y agairist Claus Rasmussen at llth Avenue South, expense of locating old corporation stop. Carried.e Becl�nan moved, Ziegler seconded, that Resolution Nom?_ZS�i nA RF�UI,UTION ORDERING g HEARING ON ENGINE�t�S RF�ORTS ON INSTALLING CURB, CURB AI�ID GUTTER AN� SIDDNALK IN CERTAIN.LQCATIONS"y marked E�hibit nDn� be adopted, Carried. Becl�an moved, B�„i]_bert seconci.ed, that the recommendation by �ity Manager Congdon tha.t t3�ie alternate bid of Dahlberg Brothers for the 8 cylinder Special Police Car9 at a price of �i585.00� be accepted, and order placed for sameo Carriedo BeclQnan moved, Milbert seconded, that the recommendation by City �!lanager Congdon-that the bid of Dahlberg Brothers for the furnishing of one 1951 Ford F-6 Chassis and Cab, with a St. Paul boc�y with 7° Hoist� at a cost of �2635.� be accepted. Carried, Ziegler moved� aeclaaari seconded� tdiat the rec�amendation by City Bdanag.e��• Congdon for the placing of street �ights at 20th Avenue and bccelsior Avenue� lst Street North, and 2d Street North be accepted and ordered installed. �arriedo Beckman moved� Ziegler seconded� that Ordinance RToe 67, "�N ORDII�ANCE RE- ' LATING T0 ZOIVING g�ID AMENDING ORDINAI�E NiTMBER EIGHT OF 'rHE C�'I'Y OF HOPZiINS��� be accepted as the first reading thereofo Carriede �.i.lbert moved� Becl�an seconded, tYiat the quit claim deed, as executed by Philip A and Ahna T. Christopherson� covering the South 50� ef I,ot � Auditorf s Subdivision 239, be accepted vPi.th the understand.ing that ttiere will be no assessments for the extension of �ater or se�er main on Oxford Street, -Westward toi�a;rcl. B�onk �venue, or ffior black top on Oxford Street west of Zot 1�3. Carried� Milbert moved, Beckman. seconded, that certiiicate of title No,169085; iasued for the ne�r �ell-site as purchased from Henry Herzan be placed on fileo Carried, Ziegler moved� Becl�an seconded, that the follo�ring`appointmeats to the ne� Zoning and Plarm.i�.g �Comrnission� as ma.de by l�ayor Perbix� be confirmed effective from June 1' 195Z. Carriede �e Js Pa.I`iL3��eo�eeesseaeooassl ye�r term �d. B. Hagen.eoo.e.oass�o��sOa2 year term Stanley He Pivece.ve.oe..a..o3 y�' terin �ra].d A, Johns one .. .. o.. o. e e. � yeax' term Ziegler moved, Beckma:ri seconded, that Councilma.n Milbert be appoirited to the Zoning and Plann;ng Commission for a term of one yearm `Carriede Ziegler moved, Beclaaan seconded, tkiat Ordinance Noe68� "AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A POSITION-C?�ASSIFICATION PL�N, A COMPEIQSA'_►'ION PLAN, A l�flE.RIT SYSTF�, AND A B�ASIC PERSONlVEy POLICY FOR Tf� CITY OF HOPKINS� AdINNESOTA"� marked F�cliibit nE"� be accepted as the second reading thereof and t hat the ordinance be adopted and published according to la�, Carried, r � r . .. , .. , .. . . . . � - - - -. . . ., .. . _ !,^'_'__..�„ . , / Ziegler moved� Atilbert seconded� that H.P, Pederson be given rioti.ce to repair sidewalk on the west side of lOth Aven�e, �orth,Yrom Miiineapoi�s and-St. Louis right—of-�ay to Second Street North, and on tlie east side of 6th Avenue North from 2nd Street to 3rd Street� an:d if not done then the 'City to renlace sam.e and bi]1 ]Nx. Pederson for the cost of saanem Carriedo �----___ �eeting adjournedm . �' 9. �Pe E]�n.qu.ist9 ecreta.ry to the Cown.cil COUNC IL�N: ATTFST: ���p � W. Harlan Perbi�, Mayo u V Y� CITY OF HOPgINS �1'I�TEPIN COIIDTTY� MI�idESOTA RESOZt?TION N0. 2p9 `� 9 RESOLIITION ORD�RING THE CONSTI�TCTIOIJ OF CIIBB� CURB AND GIITTER; IAiSTAT,LATICIDT OF SEWEE AND WATER MAIIdS IN CEHTAIDT LOCATIONS AND THE BLACK TOP �RFACING OF A POR']� ON OF FOURTF�tTH gVENUE NORTH. �&EEEAS, the council of the city of Hopkins on September 19, 1950, adopted a resolution referring to Fra.nk Laska, city engineer, for his investigation and report, the matter of installing concrete curb on the t�est side of 17th. avenue north opposite Zots 1 and 2� Block 9, West Minneapolis, Third Division, and WH�{EAS� sa.id engineer has inveatiga.ted the necessity and feasibility of said improvement and on May 15, 1951, reported thereon to the council and filed his written report wi.th the eecretary of the council� in which report the engineer reco�nends that eaid carb be not installed. unlesa carbing i� installed on the west side of 17th. avenue north between First and Second atreets north, and �VSEREAS, the council of the cit� of Hopkins on PTov�ber 7, Z950� adopted a resolution referring to Fraak Laska, cit� engineer� for his inveatigation and report, the ma.tter of inata111ng concrete carb a.nd gutter on the east side of 12th. avenue no�th betr�een Fonrth street north and the eouthline of etate trnnk highway No. 7, aad WW�&E9S, said engiaeer ha,s investiga,ted the neceasity and feasibil.ity of said improvement a.nd on Ma,y 15, 1951, reported thereon to the council a�.d filed hie written report with the aecretary of the council, in which report the engineer recommend�d the installation of said curbing, aad WHEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkins on March 6, 1951, a.dopted a reaolution referring the matter of installing saaitary sewer and water mains in the north 5p feet of the sonth 90 feet of Lot 69, Auditor's 9ubdivision aumber 2j<j, Hennepin County� Mianesota, being an egtension westerly of Oxford street� as shown in the plat of Auditor's S�bdivision number 239, Hennepin County, Minnesota� to Frank Laska, city engineer, for hie investigation and report, and WHEREAS� said eng'ineer ha.s investigated the necessity aud feasibility of said improvement sad on May 15, 1951, reported thereon to the council a.nd filed hia written report u►ith the secretary of the council, in which report the engineer recommended the installing of water maina ia the following location� to-wit: Commencing at the interaection of Oxford etreet and Murp}�p avenue, and extending westerly along the center li.ne of Oxford street projected weaterly to the �vest line of the Northeast �.ia.rter (N�7�) of the Northeaet f�iarter (NE�) of Section 19, Township 117, Range 21� and thence continuing southerly along eaid weaterly line to its intersection with the north line of Zake street; �nd in which report aaid engineer aleo recommended the insta.11ation of sanitary sewer maine in the following location, to-�uit: Ia the north 50 feet of the south 90 feet of Lot 69, gu.cli,tor's (1) Sr�bdivision number 239� Hennepin County, Minneaota, being an exteneion westerly of Oxford�street as ahown in the plat of Auditor's 9ubdivision number 239, Hennepin County, I�linnesota� a.nd also running southerly from the above deacribed portion of Baia Lot 6g along the a►esterly li ne of the Northeast Qa.arter (NF}�) of the I�orth- east �erter (PT�) of Section 19. Township 117� Range 21, to the interaection of said weaterly line and the north line of I,ake atreet, and WHERF�AS, the council of the city of Hopkins on April 17, 1951� adopted a reaolution referring to Fra,nk Laska, city engineer, for hie inveatigatioa and report� the matter of black top surfacing 14th. avenue north betweea Third street and Fourth atreet North� and L�JH�',AS, aaid eng'lne�r has investiga.ted the necesaity and feasibility of said improvement and � n Ma,y 15, 1951, reported thereon to the council and iiled his written report arith the aecretary of the council, in which report said engineer re- commended said improvememt, and WI�ERr�AS, on May 15, 1951, the city council of Hopkina adopted a resolutioa setting Tnesday, the 19th. day of June �95�, at 7:j0 o�clock P.Ri. at the council chambera in the cit�r ha11 as the time and place for considering said reporta and each of them and acting thereon, a.nd GIHEREAS, a notice of said hearing has been published in The Henn.epin County Review in its issues of MAy 2�th a,nd May jlst., i951, a.nd the affidavit of publication of said notice has been filed with the secretary of the council, and WHEREAS, no petitions setting forth opposition to said i�provemeate, or either of ��� them, were iiled with the city manager prior to the d.s.te and hour set for hearing said engineer's reports, a.nd each of them� and no oae appeared i n oppoeition thereto; NOW� T.HEBE�U RE, BE IT RESOLPED by the city council of the city of Hopkina that the inatallatione of said improvementa, a.nd each of them� at the locations an.d in the manner recommended b�r the engineer in iiis reports are necessary for the health, welfare and convenience of the city and ite inhabitants and it is hereby determined and ordered that said improvements, and each of them, as so recommended by the engineer be made, a.nd that the costs thereaP be asaessed aga.�.ast property abutting upon said imnrovemente. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held on the 19th, day of s�,ne, 195�. w. EARLAN PERBIX, �YOR a. W. Elm quiet, Secretary of the council �'rank N. Whitne�, City gttorney � 2) � CITY OF HOP�IIV'S HENrTEPIN COIINTY� MINNESOTA RE SOLU TI O1V NO . 21 j. A 13ESOLUTION REFE8RII�G TO THE CITY ENGII�T�ER THE MATTER OF CONSTH[JCTING CURB ON THE WEST SIDE OF T�'d'ELF1'H AVENUE NORTH IN FRUi�T OF LOTS 10 a.nd 11, BLOCK 76, WEST MINNEApOLIS, SECOND DIVI SION. WAEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkins deema it necessary for the health, welfare and cenvenience of the cit� and its inhabitante, to construct curb on the �rest side of Twelfth avenne north in front of Lots 10 and 11, Block 76� Weet Minneapolis, Second Division, and WHEREAS, the cost thereof �hould b e assesaed against any property found benefited thereby; NOtiV TFfII�F'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hapkins that the matter of constrn.cting curb �n said location be referred to Frank Laska, city enginePr� to investigate the necessity and fee.sibility of said impro vement and report to the council as soon as �ossible. ADpPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held thia ��bh�day of June� i95i. W. HARLA�T PERBIX � MAiNR A. W. Elmqaiat, S�cr�tary to the council Frank N. Whitney� City Attorney N �1 � CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COIINTY� MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 21�+. A RESOLIITION REFERRIATG TO THE CIT Y ENGINEER THE MATTERS OF BLACIC TOP SURF9CING THE ALLEYS IN BLOCgS 9�+ A�3D 109, WEST MINNEAPOLIS� SECOND DIVISION, AND I�TSTALLIPTG SANITARY SEWER AND SPATER MAIIv5 Oid g PORTION OF 16�'ii. gV�NUE NORTH. WHEREAS, there ha.s been filed with the city clerk and by the clerk presented to the city council petitions asking for the black to� surfacing of the alleys in Blocks 9� and 109� 1Vest Minneapolis, Second Diviaion� and the installing of sanitary sewer and water mains on 16th. Avenue North from Fourth street North to the south line of etate t runk hi gY�way No . 7, and WHEBEA'�, the costs thereof should be assesaed agaiast property found benefited thereby, and FIHEREAS, most of the ovrners of the benefited pronerty against which said costs would be assessed have petitioned the city council for said imnrovements and each of them, and a�;reed to pay the coste thereof; PTOW � THEREFORE � BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkins tli'at the matter of the black top surfacing of the above named alleys and the installing of the sanit`ary sewer and water maina in the above named location be referred to Frank Laska, city en�ineer, to investiga.te the n�cessit,p and feasibility thereof and to report to the council as soon as � po s sibl e. ADOPTED by theaouncil of the city of Ho�kins at a regular meeting thereof held this loth. day of June, �95�. W. HARLAN PEBBI%� MAYOR A. W. Elmquist� 5ecretary to the council Frank N, WHtney, �ity Attorney � CITY.OF HOPKINS HEIVI�TEPIN COUNTY� ININNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 215. A RESOLIITION ORDERING A H�'�iRING ON ET�'GINEER' S RF�ORTS ON IN5TALLING CURB, CURB AND GUTTER AND SID�'ALK IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS. WAERFAS, the council of the city of Hopkins on June 19, 1951, adopted a resolution referring to Frank Laska, city engineer, for his investigation and report, the matter of inatalling curb on the weat side of 12th. avenue north in front of Lots 10 and 11� Block 76, [�Jest Minneapolis, Second Division� and WHEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkins on June 5, 1951, adopted a resolution referring to Frank Laska, city engineer, for his investigation and report, the matters of installin� curb on the east side of 12th. avenue north from 3rd. atreet north to the south line of state trunk highway No. 7, and on the weat aide of 12th. avenue north from 3rd, street north to lith. atreet north, and for the construction of sidewalk on the east side of 12th. av�nue north from 3rd. street north to �+th, street no rth, and WHEREAS, said engineer has innestigated the necessity and feasibility of said improvementa� and each of them, and on June 19, 1q51, reported thereon to the council and filed hie mritten reports with the aecreta.ry of the council in which reports the engineer recomm�nde that said curb be installed on the west side of 12th. avenuP north,in front of Lots 1(� and 11� Block 76, West Minneapolis� SPcond Divieion� at an eatimated cost of $170.00; and that curb and gutter be installed on both sidea of 12th. avenue north betw�en jrd. street north and �+th, etreet north, at an eatimated cost of �j,210.0�+; and that said sidewalk be constructed on the eaet side of 12th. avenue north between 3rd, street north and �Fth. atreet north, at an estimated cost of �1727.29; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that eaid engineer's r�ports� and each of them, will be con- sidered by thP council and action taken.thereon at a regular meeting of the city council to be held pAc.the 17th day of July, 1951, at 7:3p o'clock P.M. BE IT PiTP,THER RESOLVED that the city manag�r give notice of such hearing by publiehing a notice once in each week for two successive w eeks in the official n�ws�atier of said city, sai d notice to deacribe in general lan�uage the improvements recommended in the en�ineer's r�ports and the esti.mated costs thereof. ADOPTED b� the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 19th. day of June� 1951. W. HART,AN PERBIg, MAYOR A. W, Elmquiet, Secre:tary to the council Frank �i. t�'hi tney� City Attorgsey .� �W ��, � � � ' �r �a,l� CITY OF H4P�INS HENNEPIN COIINTY� MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEABING ON ENGINEER�5 REPORTS ON IIvSTALLING CURB, CURB AND GUTTER AND SIDEj�ALK I1V' CERTAIN LOGATIODTS. IdOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the city engineer of Hopkins d3d m the 19th. day of June. �951, file his reporta with the city council recommending the local following�i�uprOpements, to-wit: Installing curb on the west side of 12th, aeenue north in front of Lota 10 and 11, Block 76:;: West Minneapolis, Second Division, at an estimated cost of $170.00; Installing curb and gutter on both sid�e of 12th. avenue north between jrd. atreet north and �+th. street north� at an estimated co st of $3, 210.0�+, and Constructing sidewalk on the east sid� of 12th. avenue north between 3rd, atreet north and �+th. street nortr, at an estimated co at of �1727.29. NOTICE IS E�TRTHER GIVEN that the city council has by resolution figed Tuesday, July 17, 1951, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the council chambers in the city ha,ll as the time and plac.e at which the council will hear auch persons as care to be heard in reference to said improv�mente� and each of them, and will consider da.id �ngineer' a reports and act thereon. C . C . COPTGDON, City Manager Dated at Hopkins, Minnesota, thi s 2j rd. da.y of June � i951. Frank N. Whitney� City Attorney Published in The Hen.nepin County Reniew on June 28th and July 5, 1951. ; . . . , .. .. .. . . . , . .. . ... _ . .. . _ . ^a .. . . � . ' . . , - , M . , � J �� � .. . . . � . . ° �4'",, � �� i- � , � CITY OF HOPKIDTS �" o�� � a��`''�/. � HE�TDTE�IN COUNTY, MINNESOTA � 1� q � ��r ,,� � � �` ' • ORDINANCE 1G0. 6g. .� ° � `� / . AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A POSITION-CLASSIFICATION PI,9N� A COMPEN5A`I'ION �- PLAN, A MERI�P SYST�I, ABTD A BASIC PERSOANEL POI,ICY FOH 'PgE CITY OF HOPgIffiS � MI�PTESOTA. BE IT ORDAII�ED by the couacil oP the city of Hopkias: Section 1. PIIRPOSE OF THE ORDINANCE. The purpose of thie ordiaance is to eatabliah a uniform and equitable ayetem of municipa.� peraonnel administration for all employeee of the city of Hopkins based npon (a). The merit principle of eelection� promotion arid retention of em�loyeea; (b) . Eetabliehed vaa,ge ra.ngea for job classificatione; (c). Automatic coat-of-liviag adjustments in pay� and� � (d). Employee pa,rticipation ta the formulation of municipal personnel policiea. Section 2. ;,��FI�I,'�i0ffi8�:;;° 9ubdivision l. "Part-time employment" means emp�oyment regalarly engaged in oa a echeduled� lese than f�ll-time� basie. 9nbdivi ei oa 2. "C�su.a1 emplo�ment" meane employment t�hi ch i s iacidental to the main t'anctiona of the city goeernment, normally for ahort duration, aad compensated for on an honrly basis. ' 9iibdivieion 3. "Seaaonal employment" meana employment regularly eagaged in on a acheduled� full-time �ork areek basie for leas tha.n 12 months in ang one cal endar year. 9abdivision 4. "Benefits" meane privilegea gra.nted to an employ�e in the form of Qa.ca;tion leave, sick leave, overti�e allowancea, holidays, militar�r leave� military indnction pay, or pay received in lieni of accrned leave upon termination � of emplo�meat. - '�nbdivieion 5. "Budget time" meaas that period during which budget reqaire- meata Por the following fiacal year are estimated� considered, and adopted according to law. � Subdiviaion 6. °F'iscal year" ehall be January 1 to December 31, inclusive or as otherwise provided b� larv. Subdivi eion 7. "Appoiating autho rity" meane the ci ty ma.nager� except �here the power to appoint and remove personnel is othe�,rise provided b�r la�s or the city charter. Sectioa 3. POSITIONS C09ERED BY THE ORDINANCE. 9ubdiviaion 1. All officee and poeitions in the a�anicipal employ, now egiating or hereafter created, ehall be sabject to the provisions of this ordinance, except: (a). Officials elected by the people; i 1) :''i-; a (b). Members of boarde �nd commiseione; (c) . Aeaeasor, attoraey, health officer, volunteer firemen, �aeed inepector, electrical inepector,:;:;'e.;� diepatcher:; and parking meter repair man. 9nbdivision 2. Those employees who are subject to the provisiona of civil eervice etatntes and ordinancea aha11 be exempt from those proviaioas of thi a ordinance which are inconaieteat tei th civil service provisione of lav�. S�ction �F. RECI�JITMEDTT. Snbdivlaion 1. All appointmente in tdie mnnicipal service ahall be ma.de according to merit and fitnesa. 9nbdivisioa 2. By examination. When required by lat� or by the appoint- ing authority, merit and fitnese ma3r be ascertained by written� ora1, or other egamiaations and aha.11 relate to those matters which �aill test fairly the capacity aad fitnese of the candidate to diacharge efficiently the duties of the poaition for which ench e�amiaatioaa are held. 9ubdivision 3. Without examination. In case of ap�ointment to positioas ior which examinationa are aot required� the appointiag aoathority m�p appoint aay person r�io appeara to meet the reqniremente listed in the clas� apecifications and whom the appointing authorit�r de�me qualified to periorm the dutiea of the position. Section 5. PHOMOTIOIV FROM WITHIN T� SER�ICE. It shall be the policy to fill vacabnciee in the municipal eervice by promotion of permanent employeea� inaofar as practicable. Section C. PROBATIONARY PERIOD. 9nbdivision 1. Purpoae. The probationar�r . rr period shall be rega�rded as an integral part of the egamination proc�ae aad aliell be ntilized for closely obaerving the employee's �ork, for aecuring the mos,t effective adjustment of the employee to his poaition� and for rejecting ar�y employee whose performance doea not meet the reqnired mork standards. 9ubdiviaion 2. Duration. All original appointments aha11 be p robationary and snbject to a probationary period of six months of seraice after appoiatment. At any time during the probationary period, an employee ma� be tranaferred or diemissed if his performance does not meet the reqn.ired sta.nda.rd.s. F�►ployeea v�ho ehall not have completed aig montha ��11-time service as of the effective date of this ordinance aha.11 receive credit for auch ftill-time service as they ahall have performed in fulfilling the probatioaary period requirement. 9ubdivieion j. Applies to Promotions. All promotiona shall be subject to a probationary period of sig months. If an employee who has been promoted is found unsnited for the work of the class of poaitions to which promoted, he � 2) sha11 be reinstated to the poaition or other position in the clasa frnm vahich he was promoted� provided that he was a permanent employee. 9ubdivision �4. Affects Leave Benefits. During the initial probationar�r period� but not during 8 promotional probationary period, an. employee will not be entitled to eick leave� vacation leave, nor holiday pay. gfter eix montha of service an employee will be entitled to sick leave, vacation l�aee� and holiday p�y� the sick leave aad vacation leave to be accrued from the start oP probationary emnloyment. Subdivision 5. How Completed. An employee �rho has completed sig monthe of probationary aervice, and who hae not received before completion of sig months aervice a written notice fmm the appointing anthority that hia services are terminated� ahall be considered to have succeesfully completed the probationary period and shall automatically receive statue ae a permanent emnloyee. Snbdiaieion 6. Any employee who voluntarily or involuatarily leavee the employmeat o f the city and later is rehired, is sub,ject to the same probationary period ae a new employee. Section 7. PROVISIONAL APPOINTMEATS. Subdiviaion 1. When Made. If neceseary to prevent the stoppage of public business or inconvenience to the public� but not othex�,r3.ae, the appointing aonthority ma� make a provisional appointment to a poeition in a class for which examinatione are ordinarily � ven and for which appropriate emplo�ment li�fo are not then available. 9nbdivision 2. Eligibility. The person so ap�Oointed need not be on aa employment list based on the recraitment procednre provided for in Section �F. 9nbdivieion 3. Limits. No person sha,ll receiv� more than one praQisional appointment in any one calendar year. Snbdivision �F. Termination. When an eligible applicant ia available, the appointing anth�ity ehall � ve written notice to the provisional appointee that aa eligible applicant is aQailable for the position a�d the provieional appoiatee eha,ll be removed 30 days after notice ie given unlesa he voluatarily terminates his s�rvices �t an earlier date. 9ubdiv�sion 5. Benefits. No credit ahall be allowed in the rating of examiaations, and no other benefite shall be given for sereice rendered under a pro- viaional appointment� unless said provieional appointee eha11 ha.ve completed six months employment, in which case he ehall be entitled to the same vacation leave and sick leaee a.11o�rances that are provided Por probationary or permanent employeea. Section g. POSITION-CLASSIFICATION PLAN, 9ubdivieion 1. There aha11 be establiahed and ma,intained a poaition-cla$sification plan Por all positions covered by the proviaions of thie ordinance. All positions shall be grouped in classes having a ( 3) definite range of difficnity and responsibility. For each class of poaitiona there shall be: a class title deacriptive of the dutiea of positions within the class; a written class apecification which �ill contain a de�cription of the nature of the �rork and of the relative respoaeibility oF the positione in the class; e�camples of work which are illustrative of duties of poeitions allocated to the claea; requirements aa to knowledge, abilitiea end akilla neceseary for performauce of the urork; and a statement of ex�erience and training desirable for recraitment into theclaee. Snbdiviaion 2. Allocation of N��r Positions. Each new position ,in the municipal aervice sha11 be analyzed a.nd allocated to the proper clasa by the appoint- iag anthority. When a new position is created for which no appropriate class exists� or when the duties of an existing position are aufficiently changed so that no appropriate class exiats. the appointiag authority ahall create a new clase and eha11 cause an app ropriate class specification to be written for eaid clase. Subdivision j. Review of Plan. Th� poaition-classification plaa sha11 be review�d by the appointing authority and necessary adjuetmente mad.e therein not less oft�a than once each three years. 9ubdieision �F. Filing of Plan. Upon adoption of thi� ordinance, a copy of the poaition-classificat�ion plan shall be placed on file with the city clerk. The plan so filed, and eubsequently adjueted ehall hae� the aame effect as though it �rere a part hereof. Section <j. Compensation Plan. Subdivision 1. There ahatl be es+ttiblished a compensation pla.n for all poeitione subject to this ordinance. 9nbdivision 2. Elementa oi the Plaa. The compensa tion plaa shall consist oP a basic table of numbered pqy reuges� as hereinafter set forth. Each aumbered pay range in the following basic table consists of a minimum rate and maximam rate �aith fonr intezmediate pay ete�ps at apprn$imately four perceat intervale, ideatified as etepe "�p� °B", "Ca, "D'�, "E", an.d °F". A B.dSI C 2ABLE OF DIITNIBERED PAY RA�GES Pay Range DTumber flA" nBn n�u nDa aEu ngu 2 � 5 6 7 9 io �� i23 -14 �6 �7 18 �9 20 21 22 2� 2 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3� 36 37 3g �o �i �2 � 1+4 �6 1+g � 50 51 52 5� 55 100 10�+ lOg 112 1�6 � i2i ' i26 �3� , ��6 i� ,- 1�7 153 159 —�65 � 172 � is6 193 2oi 209 217 226 235 2a+4 25�+ 26� . 275 2g6 309 32� 33�+ 36i 375 �06 1422 �39 �+57 �+75 �9�+ 5��+ 556 �� 625 676 731 760 790 822 10 �+ lOg 112 ii6 121 �26 �3� �36 ��� 1�+7 153 i65 172 �g6 �93. 2oi �9 217 226 -24� 25�+ 26�+ 275 2s6 297 309 32� 3�+7 36i 375 406 Z422 �39 �57 �+7� �9 5�� 556 g 6oi 625 650 676 703 7� 790 822 g55 lOg 112 ii6 '12]. �26 -131 i36 ��� i47 153 159 �65 . �72 ig6 ,�i `,x �9 z17 226 24� 25�+ 26� 275:, 2g6` 29I 309 , 32� 33�+ 36i 390 406 1122 �+39 �57 �'9� 5�� 556 65o7i 625 676 703 7� 790 g22 g55 gg9 112 1�6 121 iz6 13� i36 i�� �47 159 �65 172 lg6 193 2oi �9 2�7 226 2�+ 25�+ z6�+ 2g6 297 309 32� 33�+ 3�7 36� 375 �06 �F22 �+39 �+57 �9� 51� 556 6oi 625 66 703 7� 790 822 g55 gg9 925 ii6 121 � 26 i3� i36 ��i 1�+7 153 �65 172 ig6 193 2oi �9 217 226 235 2� 25�+ 26�+ 2g6 297 309 32� 33�+ 3�+7 36� 390 �06 4Z2 �39 �+75 5� 556 6og 625 676 703 760 790 g22 g55 gg9 925 962 121 �26 �3� �36 l�i ��+7 153 i65 172 �g6 193 2oi 2og 2�7 226 235 2Z�1� 26� 275 2g6 297 309 321 33�+ 3�7 36� 375 uo6 422 �39 �+57 �9� 51�+ 556 6oi 6� 676 703 760 790 822 g55 SS9 962 i000 Subdivision 3. Aa gnnual Sche�le of Pay Eanges. There ahall be covered aseigned annually at budget time, to each of the cla�ees of positions�in Section S above. one of the pay ranges contained in the basic table of numbered p�y rang�s. The total of all claseea of positions in the mizaicipal service together with the correeponding number of the pa� range assig�ed ehall comprise the annnal schedule ( 5) � of pay raages. Asaignment of pa�-rate ranges a.nd individual pay rates ahall b� con- sidered and provided for by the conncil in the baidget, at which time the cooncil ehall take into account: (a). Wage levels and other economic factors; (b). Goet-of-living changes; ( c) . Q�,iality and length of emplogee eervice. 9abdivisioa �+. The budget and a11 its provieione become effective the firat day of the eneuing fiecal year. S�bdivieion 5. �'he annnal schednle of pay ranges aha,ll be established bg reaolution of the council npon adoption of this ordinance and azinnally thereafter immediately after adoption of the anaual bndget, and sha11 be filed with the city clerlt and shall have the same e,ffect as though it vere a part hereof. Subdivision 6. Individual Pay Rates. The.compensation ra.te for each indieidual employee ahall be established by reeolution of th� couacil and shall be atep "A", pB", "C"� �D", "D", or "F" of th� pay renge asaig�ed to hia clasa of ; poaf tions. ,; . Section 10. COST-OF-LIPIPTG AI�T[TSTM�TTS. S�bdivieion 1. Eow Computed. Prior to or during the preparation of the annual budget there ahall be conducted an investigation to determine the "Consumera' P M ce Index" (Hereafter deeignated as C.P.I.) ae reported by the II. S. Department of Labor (Bureau of Labor Statistics) or other appropriate federal agenc� for Minneapolie, or th� nation as a whole if the C.P.I, for Minneapmlie ie not available. Sabdiviaion 2. Ad.jnetments in the Cost-of-Living Allowance will be determined in accordance with changes in.the "Consumere' Price Ind�a for Moderate Income Families in Large Cities"--"A11 Iteme,p published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics� U. S. Departmeat of Labor (�935-1939 = loo), hereinafter referred to ae the BLS Consumera' Price Inde�c. 9ubdiviaion 3. Base for Computation. The C.P.I, of 170.0 (the.app rogimate aeerage of the C.P.I. for 19148, 19� and 1950) ahall be taken a� the base for iliture cost-of-living ad.jus�enta. The rate of pay applicable for the year �95i ahall be considered the app rop ri ate rate to correspond to the C.P.I. of 170.0. Thereafter, prior to p reparation of the annual budget, the avera.e� of the C.P.I. figures for March 15 aad Jnne 15 juat past sha.11 be compnted. � Subdivieion �. Pay Rate Ad�usted to C.P.I. Ra,tee of p�r for each class of position and each employee ahall be adjusted. Individual ratea of pay shall be ac�justed in the same pay sCep (ngn� aBn� n�n� aDn� nEn� or nge� from one range to another which corresponds to the changes in cost-of-living accord3 ng to t�e folloouing schedule: ( 6) :. (a). If an increase (or decrease) of over 2 per cent (3.4 C.P.I. pointa) but leas than 6 per cent (10.2 C.P.I. points) hae occurred betNeen the base figure of 170.0 and the average of the C.P.I. figares for March 15 and June 15 just past. the salary of each employee ahall be adjusted in the eame step of the negt consecutive hig�ier (or lower) pa�r ra.age. (b). If the increase (or decrease) is 6 per c�nt (10.2 C.P.I. poiata) or more but lese than 10 p er cent (17.0 C.P.I. points), the salary of each employee ehall be adjusted in the same step of the second coneecutive higher (or lo�ver) pay range, and so on depending upon the egtent of changes in C.P.I. figarea. Subdiviaion 5. The continuance of the Cost-of-Living Allo�vance is dependent on the availability of the official monthly BLS Consumera' Price Index in its preeent Porm and calcnlated on th� same basie as the Index for August 15� 1950. If� during the life of thie Agreement the BLS Coasumera' Price Index in its present form 15 and calculated on the same baeis �s the Index for Augus�l, 1950 is no longer avail- able� the council �rill establish an alternative basis for determining the appropriate Coet-of-I,ieing glloarance conaistent arith the intent of thia ordi.nance. 9ubdivieion 6. Effective D�te. All cost-of-living adj nstmenta shall be effective the first day of th� eneaing fiacal year. Section 11. TOTAI, RFi�tiTNERATIOR. 9ubdivieion 1. Moaetar�r Pay. Any salarg range establishe��for a clasa eha,ll represent the total remuneration for ftill-time emplo�ment in the class� but ahall not be considered as reimbursement for official travel or other expenses which may be allowed for the conduct of official business. IInlesa approved by the appointing authority, no �mployee eha11 receive pa� from the mnnicipalitg ia addition to the salar� authorized for any poeition or poaitions to which he hae been appointed. Thia shall not operate to prevent employees from working in more thaa one position when an.thorized. Subdiviaion 2. P$ymeat in Kind. The value of maintenance received by an ,: employee in the form of ineals, lodging, utilitiea, and the like ahall be dedncted from hie groea pa�. The appointing authority shall determine the valu� of such maintenance� giving consideration to such f�ctors as the conditioa of each individual employment, the additional service value of the employee to the municipality as a result of auch maintenance and the estimated cash value of such allowances. Section 12. WORK WEE� AND WORK DAYS. The regular work week ahall be: (a) for the police department, 4g houra; (b) for clerical employees, 140 houra; (c) for all other employeee, � haars. The regular work day shall be eight honrs egcept on Saturday �uhen it sha611 be four honre. (7) Section 13. Ft7LL=TIME SExVICE. Flill-time service meana work for that aumber of houre which make up the regul�rly acheduled weekly or moathly period o� aerjrice in the class, exclusive of leave arith pay. �here, in differeat departments or divisions of the municipal government, differ�nt regularly eetablished work weeke prevail� the �11-time period to vohich the pa� rate applies ahall be the prevailing taork week of the respective department or dieision. Section 1�+. PAY FOx PAxT-TIME, CAS(JAL� OR SEASONAL VdORK. Subdivision l. Pro-rata Basie. Whenever an employee worka for a period of l�ss than the regalarly eatabliahed number of hours a day� da.ye a week� or weeka a moath, the amount paid shall bear the same relationship to the ilill-time rate for the class as the time actually �rorked bears to fhll-time employment in the clase. 9ubdivision 2. In More Than One Department. The ps�yment of a aena.rate salarsr from two or more departmenta for �thorized duties performed .in each ia aermiesible if the total p�p received is not in egcesa of the maximum rate of the class receiving the hi gher pay. Subdieieion j. Benefits. Peraons whoee employment is entirely part-time or casual shall not be entitled to aick leave and vacatioa leave. Seasonal employeea, after completing a eix monthe probationar? period which muat accrue in consecntiv� ye�rs� ahall be entitled to sick leav� aad vacation leave benefita as earned� and the same achedule oP holidays ae provided in Section 2j hereof aha11 apply to part-time, casual, or seasonal employees. Section 15. HOU$LY AND DAII,Y RATES. 9ubdieision 1. Whea Used. IIpon approesl of the appointing authority, employees in specified claeaea may be comvensated at hourly or daily rates of pay when conditions of employm�nt warrant s�ch action. Subdivieion 2. How Determined. 9ach hourly rate shall be detexmined by dividing the monthly rate by 4 1/3 tfines the number of honra reg�laxly worked by employees of the clasa in a eveek. The dsily rate ahall be deteimined by dividing the monthly rate by �+ 1�3 times the number of daye regularly aorked by employeea of the claes in a meex. Section 16. PAY RATES IN TRANSFEE, PROMOTION 08 D�IOTIOBTS. If aa employee is transferred, promoted or demoted� his rate of pav for th� neva elasa sha11 be determined as followa: (a) . In the case of tranafer or promotion, if the rate of pay in the former class is less tha.n the minimum rate eatabliehed for the class of the new position, the rate sha11 be adva.nced to the minimum of the claes to which tranaferred or promoted; (b). In the case of transfer or demotion, if the rate of p�y in the � g) Pormer class is more than the maximum rate eatablished for th� class of the ne�r poeition, the rate of p�y sh�ll be reduced to the masimum rate or an intermediate step of the rauge of the class to whi ch transferred or demoted, such determination to be made by the appoi�►ting authority; ( c) . In case of tranafer for the �eood of the service _or the= m�lo �e � and not in the.nature of a promotion or demotioa, if the rate of pay of the former class falle within the range of the ne�o clasa� the pay sha.l.l remain.�the same or aha,ll be the next hi�er amount to place the pay on step, unlesa o�herariae agreed to by the employee; (d). In all cases of promotion, the pay ehall be increaaed by an a.mount equal to at leaat one step of the pa� range from which promoted� and in case of demotfoa aha11 remain the same or be reduced to a lov�er step at the discretion of the appointing au thorit�. Section 17. OOER-TIME PAYMENT. Authorized over-time work normally ahall be compensated for by allo�uin� emplo�ees an equal amount of time off� to be taken within 90 days of the time earned. All oaer-time v�ork in egcess of 16 hours earned in any one calendar month sha11 be paid for at the regular rate of pay. The aseign- ment of over-time work shall be conditioned upon uniformity.and equality of treat- ment as among employeee. Section 18. VACATION LEAYE. Subdieision 1. How D�ich. Each provisional� probationary, and penuanent �mployee shall earn vacation leave at the rate of one week per year Por the first t�ro yeare and thereafter ahall receive t�eo calendar weeks vacation each year� eacept that vacation leave granted probationary employees ahall not be available for uae nntil aatiefactory completion of the initial (aot promotional) probationary period. 9ubdivieion 2. When Takea. Vacation leave may be nB�d as earned� provided that the appointiag authority ahall determine the time at �uhich vacation leave mag be taken and no new employee may use vacation leave prior to completion of six monthe of eervice. 9ubdivision 3. Acezual. P�ployeea may accrue vacation,�leav� to a maximnm of lg working days. In the ePent of an emplogee being nnable to take advantage of vacation leave as earned, with the resnit that said employee has accumulated a total of 18 working days vacation� he ma.g absent himself from work yoith proper notice to take vacation leav� and thus prevent the losa of vacation leave beyoad the maximnm of 18 days. Subdivision �+. Termiaal Zeav�. Any employee leaving the mnaicipal eervice in good etanding after giving proper notice of auch termination of employment ahall be (9) compeneated for vacation leave accraed to the date of aeparation. Snbdivieioa 5. Waiving Yacation Prohibited. �a vacation lea�e ia graated to employees for a period of recreation, ao employee ehall.be permitted to waive such leave for the purpose.of receiving double pa�. Section 19.� SICK LEAYE. 9ubdivieion 1. E7.igibilit�. Sic� leave with p�r shall be granted to'a11 proviaional, prnbationary, eud permanent employees at the rate of on� wo rking day for each calenda.r month of thll-time service or major frac- tion thereoP� eacept that sick leave granted probationary employee� ahall aot be available for nse until sati efacto ry comple ti on of the ini ti a1 (not promo tional) �robationary period. 9nbdivieion 2. Accraal. Sick leave may be granted only for absence from �hitg:becauee of pereonal illneea� lega.l quarantine, or death or eerioua illn�sa in th� immediate fa.mily. Sich leave sha.11 be computed on a calendar year basie and may be accumulated to a total of not more thaa 60 morking days� except tha.t when aa employee has completed tbn years of service h� may accumulate not to e�ceed 75 days of sick leave. and after 15 yeara of service an employee may accumulate not to �ceed 90 daye. An � 9ubdivision j. Proof Required. �e�mployee:-, claiming sick leave mag be requi red to file competeat �uri tten evidence that he has been absent as au�hori zed in Section 19, 9ubdivision 2� aboee. If he ha.a been incapacitated for the period of his abs�nce or a major part thereof, he ma� be required to provide ee'idence that he is again physically able to perform his dnties. Subdivieion �. Penalty. Claiming sick .leave when phyaically fit� exceiot as permitt�d in thia aection� may be cause for disciplinary action� including transf�r, mispension, demotion or dismi�sal. Snbdivision 5. No T�rminal Sick Leave. No sick leave benefits of any kind shall be granted after termination of employment. Section 20. ACCF�JAI, DIIRING LEAgE. �aployees usiag earned vacation leave or sick leave shall be considered to be r�orking, for the purpose of accumulating additional vacation leave or sick leave. Section 21. MILITARY LEA9E. All municipal employees who: (a). Are membere of the National Quard; (b). Are membera of the Officere' Eeaerve Corpa of the IInited States of America, or of the Enlisted �eaerve; (c). Shall be snbjected to call or indnction into the federal service b�r the Preaident of the IInited Statee; or when ordered b� proper authorit� to active noa-civilian dut�; or enlist in the armed s�rvices; shall be entitled to a leave of absence for the period of such active service without (10) loss of atatue. If such employee shall have been in the i1i11-tfine aervice of the mnnicipality for at least eix months immediately preceding ca11 to service, he ahall receive the difference between his regular municipal pay and the leseer military pay for a period of 15 da�rs of such military leaee in the case of Heseree or DTational Buard peraonnel. He ahall receiQe full pay for 15 d�ye in the case of �tive military duty for prolonged dnratioa. SEction 22. LEAVE WITHC�tTT PAY. Subdiviaion 1. Limita. A permanent employee may be granted leave of absence without pay or benefita Por a perio8 of not to e�ce�d 90 daye, unlesa a rec�teet for egtension is appx�ved by the department head aad the appointing authority� for sicknesa, disability, jnry dnty� or other good and snfficient reasone which are con�idered to be in th� beat interests of the mnnicipality. 9ubdivision 2. Jury Duty. In the case of jury c�.tty, an employee shall receive an amount of compensation which will equal the difference b�tween the employee's regnlar pa,y and compeneation paid for jury duty. 9ubdivi sion 3. Approeal Reqni red. Leave wi tiwut pay eha11 requi re the advance approval of the department head aad the appointing �t2writy. Snbdivision 4. Exceptions. Attendance at official mee�inge�where the good of`the municipality'e service is involved, shall be considered aa time oa dnty within the mea.ning of thi s ordinance, egcept that euch attenda.nce at meetings outaide the atate or as other�,ise apecified by the appointing suthority mnet be approved in advance by the appointing suthority. 8ection 23. HOI,IDAYS. Subdivision 1. Municipal employees, whether working� on a iiill-time, hourly, daily or monthly basis, may observe six holidays unlese auch employees are required to be on regular dut�. The six holidaye shall be: New Year' s Day Deco rati on Day Fourth of July Labo r Day Thanksgiving Day Chri stmas Day The cit� hall shall be cloeed for business on the aix holidays epecificallg listed above. 9ubdivision 2. When a holiday falls on Sunday and it ie cuatomarily celebrated on the follor�ing Moaday, that Monday ehall be considered the holiday. Subdivision 3. All employeee who are required to be on duty on any holida,p shall either be gieen the following day as a holiday or given an additional day of vacation leave, at the discretion of the appointing anthority. Section 2�+. RESIGIJATION. Any employee wishing to leave the municipal service in good standing sha11 file with hie department head, ,at l�aet 1�+ days before leaving, a written resignation, atating the effective date of the reeignation a,nd the reaaon for leaving. Failnre to comply with this procedure ehall be cauee for denying sach employee Puture employment by the municipalit� and deaying terminal leave benefita. IIaexplained unauthorized absence from work for a period of three working days may b e considered by the department head as a resigaation taithout benefits. Section 25. GRIEVANCE POLICY. Subdivision 1. It shall be the policy of the manicipality to ac�jnat grievanc�e of employeea promptl�► and fairly. Within.the fram�work of existing lawe a.nd regulations, every effort sh�ll be made to ac�jnst grievancea in a ma.nner mutually satiafactorp to employeee and management. Ar� employ�e r�ho believea he ha,s received ineqnitable treatment becauee of some condition of his employment maq persona.11y.or thro�r,gh.his representative, appeal for relief from that condi tion. S�tibdivision 2. Proper Cha.anele of Appeal. An employee shall take up aa� grieva.nce with his immediate eupervieor first. If the matter is not then settled, the em�loyee may diecuss the matter with hie department head. If the grievance arisea out of a matt�r over �hich the sup�rvisor or department head hae no control, the employee ma,� request hie supervisor or department head to caxry sach grievance on hia behalf to the appropriate �cuthority. Th� supervieor or departm�nt head eha,ll be obligated to transmit such an appeal to the appropriate eaithvarity regardless of his evaluation oP the validity of the grieaance. 9ubdiviaioa j. Report in Writing. The snper�isor or depaxtment head shall furnish to the employee a dated atatement in writing of the resulta of such �n appeal. Subdiviaion �F. gppeals from Decisions of Departmeat Headg. F�nployeee who , desire to appeal to the appropriate authority decisions of their departmeat heads ia grieHance matters may do so. Shich appeale must be in xriting, muat be dated, aand must state fhlly the nature of the grieva.nce� and the steps which have been taken to achieve its se�tlement. Snbdivision 5. Protection of E�ployees. Officials of the city at all levels ehall be reeQnaeible for .rec�ivin� and acting upon grieeances of employeee under their . juriediction. In the pr�sentation of grievances at au�r en.peraisory level, employees shall be free from restraint� interference, discrimination or reprisal. Section 26. LAY-OFFS. Th� appointing authorit�r may lay off ea� employee whenever such action is made necessary by reason of ahortage of work or i'nnds, the abolition of a po sition, or becauae of changes in orga,ni za.tion. Iiow�ver, no permanent employee ehall be laid off r�hile there are temporary, prov�i.sional or probationary emoloyees eerving in the same clase of poaitione for aThich the permanent employee is qualified, eligible and available. In the event it becomea neceasary, for the abov� reasons� to lay o.-ff�'p'ermanerit: empToyees in any department� those'with the ahortest period of continuous aervice shall be laid off first. Section 27. S�SPENSIOIQ. Th� appointing anthority m�r suapend an employee.with- ont pay for diaciplina.r3r reasons. Such suspensions shall not exceed 30 days in any one calend.a.r year. (12) ____ ___ __ . . .. . _ . _ _ ,� Section 28. DIIvlOTIONS. Aa��employee may be demoted by the appointing authority for inefficient performance of his dutg� for disciplinary reasona, or for good and aufficient reason. Sectioa 29. DISMISS�LS. No officer or employee sab�ect to the proviaione of thie ordinance after completion of the initial probationa,ry period, aha11 be dismi�sed from th� �unicipal service except for cauae. Evidence of an,y of the following sha11 be sufficient� but not eaclusive,.cause for diamiesal: (a) . Incompeta.nce or inefficiency in the performance of his duties; (b). Conviction of a criminal offense or of a misdemeaaor involving mo ra1 turpi tude; (c). Violation of any lawftil or official regalation, or order or failnre to obey any lawfl�.1 direction made and given b�r his snperior officer where auch violation or failure to obey amonnts to an act of insabordination or a breach oY proper discipline� or has resLtlted or reaeonablg might be egpected to resalt�in losa or injury to the municipality or to the public; ( d) . Intoxication on dut�; (e). Contraction of an infectious disease; (.f). Phyeical or mental defect which� in the judgment of the aopointing authority� incapacitatee the employee Por the proper performance of the duties of hie poeition; ( g) . Wa.nton nse of offensive coaduct or language toward the public or municipal officera or employeee; (h) . Failure to pay or make reasonable provisione for future p�yment of just debts due or owing by him, cauaing thereby annoyance to officers and emplo�eee of the municipality; (i). Careleasness and negligence in the handling or control of municipal property; ( j) . Inducing or attempting to induce an officer or employee of the municipalit� to commit an unlawilil act or to act in violation of any la�fhl a.nd reaeonable official regulation or order; (k) . Taking any fee, gift� or other valnable thing in the courae of his work or in coanection u+i.tk}�it, from any citizen for his pereonal use, �vhen such fee, gift or thing ia given in the hop� or egpectation of receiving a faeor or better treatment than that accord.ed other citizene; (1) . Conduct in private life which brings discredit upon the �v.nicipal seraice; (m) . Proven dishonesty in the perfo�nance of hia dn.ties; (n) . Violations of the provisiona of this ordinauce. Section j0. RIGHT OF APPEAL, In all caaes of snspension, demotion aud dismissal �13) the reasons for such action must be pres�nted i n a dated written statement to the employee affected. IIpon the employee�a dated written request to the appointing authority, filed with the city clerk t�ithin five working days of receipt of the etatemeat of reasone, an.employee aha.11 be granted a heaMng before the appointing authority� eaid 'hearing to be held aot later than ten da.ye from the date of filing of a request for a hearing. Section �1. PHOHIBITIONS. DTo person ahall �aillfully or coriuptly make any false atat�ment, certificate, mark� rating, or report in regard to a.ny test, certificate� or appointment held or mad.� under the municipal personnel system or in any ma.nner commit or att�t to commit any fraud preventing the impartial egecution of the proviaiona of this ordinance. No person seeking employment to or promotion in the mnnicipal eervice ahall either directly or indirectly �.ve, render� or pay aay money� service, or other valuable consideration to an.y person for or on account of or in coanection with his test, propoaed appointment� promotion, or proposed promotioa. Section 32. POLITICAL ACTIVITY. No employe� aha.11 ee�k or acc�pt election, nomination, or a�pointment ae an officer of a political clnb or organization or take an active part in a municipal, count�, state or na.tional �olitical campai�,n, except on behalf of his own candidacy; nor aha11 any employee eerve as a member of a committee of erich club or orga.nization; nor seek signatures to any petition provided by aay law; nor act as a worker at the polls; nor diatribute badges or pamphlets, dodgera or handbills of any kind favoring or oppoeing any candidate for election or for nominatfon to a pnblic office� whether national, etate, county or municipal. This section aha11 nOt be constnied to prevent any employee from becoming or con- tinuing to be a member o� a political clnb or organization, or from atten�a.nce at a political meeting, or from enjoyiag entire freed.om from all interfereace in casting his vote� or from seeking or accepting election or appointment to public office. An� employee who shall become a csn.didate for any elective public office� shall automatica.11g rec@ive a leave of absence without �,a,y, and sha11 perform no duties connected with the poeition held by him until he is no longer a c�n.didate. If the le�ee of abeence egtends beyond �5 days and the needs of the municipal sernic� require, the vacancy created b�* his abaence may be filled end hia services teiminated. Section 33. EMPLOYEES' ADVISOHY BOARD. Snbdiviaion 1. There aha,ll be �stablished and maintained an bnployeee' Advisory Board to eerQe in an advieory capacity in the formnlation of peraonnel policy and adminiatration.of the personnel program and in the consideration of any mattera affecting the qaality oP service of the municipal de- partments. 9uch Board may investigate, consider, and report or make recommendationa on personnel mattera. (1 �F) Srttbdivision 2. Make-up and Selectioa. The Fh►ployees' Advisory Board shall conaiat of: (a). Three emplogees sabject _to the prnvisions of this ordinance� elected by the employees.subject to the p roviaivns of this ordinance; (b). `Phe city manager aad oae councilmaa to be selected by a majority of :the council at the firat meeting of each Jul�. All membere shall be selected within j0 daya after adoption of this ordinance� and thereafter members shall b e select�d during the month of July. to take office th� following Auguat lst. It ehall be the duty of the city clerk to arraage for aecessary elections and to notif�r the conncil when vacancies occur which mnat be filled from th� council. Snbdivision 3. Provisions ahall be made in the selection oP the three elected members ao that no turo of the elected members sha.11 be from the same department, provided, that no elected members sha11 be p recluded from completing his term on the Employeea' Advieory Board becanae of transfer or promotion. Sub division 4. Term of OPfice of �ployee Members. Each of the elected employee members shall serve three yeara, egcept that in th� first election the employee receiving the hi�eat nnmber of votes she11 eerve for a term of three yeara, the employee receiving the ne�ct highest number of votes eha,ll serve for a term of two yeara, and the employee receiving the third highest number of votea ahall serve a.term of oae year. There sha.11 be no reelection for consecutiee terms, but persona who have been off the �ployee's Advisory Board for one year ehall then be eligibl� for re-election. 9abdivision 5. Vacancies. In case of a vac�ncy among the �lected members, a new member shall be chosea by the two remaining elected membera to replace the elected member� if the unegpired term ia less than one year. If the unexpired term is more than one year, the vacancy shall be filled by a special employee electioa. 9ubdivision 6. The ihnction of the Employees'- gdvisory Boarti shall be aolely advisory and no member sha.11 ha.ve or attempt to exercise any administrative suthority beyond that of hia regnlar poaition. F'IRST REAn at a regular meeting of the council of the city of Hopkine held on the 15th. day of May, 1951 � and finally read aad pasaed at a regular me�ting oP the council of aaid city held on the l�th, da�r of June� �95�. W..HARLAN PEHBIR, MAYpE A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the council Frank N, Whitney C�ty Attomey Publiahed in Hennepin County Review June $g.� 1951. (15) ���� � � �� F I � . �°� � ��°9� �� g meeting of tdie Board. of Equalization of the City of Hopki_zs �ras held on �onclay� June 2�, at 7:30 o�clocic P.�. T�embers �resent v�rere: �ayor Perbix, Councilmen Beckman, Ati.l.bert, Ziegler, and Anderla., Also present was Thomas J, Kosanda, City Assessor. Me�mbers absent: None. 9fter somediscussion on tax assessments, Anderla moved� Beckman seconded' that the meeting be adjourned to 7;30 o�clock P.P�• June 26, 1951� at �hich time County Supervisor o� �.ssess�nents, �,o;� Hdeg, �rri11 be present. �. 'V. Elmquist, City Clerk 4� � I �� � � �' ti. �-► � , A meeting of the Board of Equalization of the City of Hopkins was held on Tnesday, June 26, 1951, at 7;30 o+clock P.M. Members present were: �ayor Perbix, Councilmen Milbert, A�hderla, and Ziegler; also Assessor Thomas J. Kosanda, Supervisor of Assessments Roy Haeg� and City b�anager Congdona Carlton M. Gustafson appeared iv�.th reference to the increase in his 1951 ta.gese Assessor Kosanda :�as instructed to check over the valuation set up on his propertya B�eeting adjournedo A. �P. Elmquist� �ity Clerk � �� � �, ,i I �, � ' � , - 3 regular meetin� of the Council of the City of uopkins; Iidinnesota, was held at the Caty Hall at 7;30 o�clock Pe�d. on Monday, J� 9, i951. Members present were I�ayor Perbix, CouziciImen Zakari�sen� �llilbert, Vesely� Dahlberg; also City Mariager Co�gdor_, �ity 9ttorney iilhitney, and City �gineer Laskaa �embers absent: None� �Tese�y moved, Dah].berg seconded, to dispense with the reading of the mirYutes of the regular meet�n� of the City Council, held on June 199 1951� Carriedd � tTesely moved, �ilbert seconded, that the first arid third muesdays of each month be designa.ted as the regular meeting dates. Carried.o �Tesely moved, Dahlberg seconded, that ttie appoiritments to t,�ie'Tibrary Board` for three year�terms�of Adrs. Aa N. Justus and Hugh �Pe Firmage9 from Ju�y 1� 1951,to July l� z954, as made by �dayor Perbix� be confirmed. Car.riede Dahlberg moved, Vesely seconded, that .the appoirit�.ents to the Health Board for one year terms of La.wrence 0e Hauge and Engner A. Johnson, from July 1� 1951,to July l� 19s2s as made by Pdayor Perbix� be confirmedo Carriedo Vesely moved� Milbert seconded� that the appointment,made tiy City B�anager Congdon,of Dr. Fo-Jo Kucera� as Health Officer for one ye�r, commencing July.19 1951' be confirmed, Carried, �.ilbert moved, Resely seconded� that the appointment9made by �ayor Perb3x, of Coun.cilman Dahlber� to the Recreation Commission be confirmedo Carried� � .9��/✓'e Vesely moved that the Hennepin County�Revie�r be desigriated the official paper for one year, commencina July l, 1951� but as there was no second to the motion, same was..withdrav�n. Vesely moved that tkie City have an impartial auditor make an investigation as to the net paid subscriptionsof eacYi of the two Hopkins ne�spapers but as the Suburhan Press refused to open its subscriptior�/for such an audity motion was �aithdrawno list '�filbert moved, Zakara:�,sen seconded� that the Suburba.n Press be designated � the official paper for one year� beginning July 1� 1951A Vesely voting�no; ��dilber-t� Dahlberg, and 2akariasen voting yes, carriedo Vesely moved, �2ilbert seconded, that bil)_s as presented be paid from the follotiving funds� Carrieds GENERAL FUND 3722 C. C. Congdon, Treasurer Petty Cash Items, Recro � 3723 Northern States Power Coe Service _ - 3721� P�inneapolis Gas Cos Service 37l� Northwestern Be11 TeSephone Co, Service 3775� Minneapolis Gas Compar�gr Service 37?6 Frank �, Archa.sbo Sex�vices 5-20 and 5-27-51 3777 Dickey and Milbert, Inc. �as 3778 Farntiam Statioriery & SchmSupoCo� Sv.ppl.ies 3779 Gardner Hardware��oa Supplies � 3780 La.izrenz 9. Harris Car Allowance June 1951 3781 H�inepiri Gounty Revi.ew Publishirig 3782 Hobby King Handicraft ?iandcraft Materials 3783 Hoplcins Home & Auto Supp],y Supplies & Parts 3781� Hopkins Insurance Co, F.hdorsement 3785 Justus Lumber Go, Supplies 3786 Jean Karr & Coe Books 3787 Kokesh Hardware Supplies 3788 F. J.�Kucera, M.Do Health Officer Services 3789 Larripert Yards Lumber 37�0::�1Ber:i:�E;barsen Record bcamination,195� 3791 Lund�s Sinclair Service Repairs 3792 Ydilliam McCoy Gas 18000 7�1�e�5 IS.]1.� 96;49 2�2; 24 26:83 168�00 2m50 t�b:80 250 00 180.do 22l�;56 1�1432 22003 235.52 L1,�28 l�9:96 100;00 22;96 50,�io00 --2;00 168000 ....�,»., : �� 3793 379t� 3795 379b 3797 3798 3799 3800 3801 3802 3803 3804 38�5 3806 380? 1020 io25 1031 1032 I033 1031� io35� 1036 103? 1038 1039 1.0�.0 10J.�1 M;ller-Davis Coa I�innesota Fire F�ctinguishe The ll�i.nnesota Ne�rs Company Z'he P1ei� York Nerald Tribun Northwestern National Bank Olsori & Pfeiffer Pharmacy Dona,ld Olson K. Maxfield Otto Suburban Chevrolet Co, Suburban Chevrolet Coo - 2 - Supplies r Co�Inca Recharging Extinguishers Books - e Subsoription of Hopkins CoU.nting �Ieter Money First. A�.cl Kit Poi2ndmaster E�cpenses, Duluth Repairs Repairs Suburban Hennepin �ounty Relief Board Relief bcpende Month,Jt�ne Suburban Press, Inc. Frarik Id. TNhitney � �ilcos & Follett Co. Hel�P,V�ilson Co, Salaries H ourly Payroll Pririting Fees, Books. _ . . Subsc.ription Last 2 J�ane � Period endir_g 6-3A 51 ROAD AND BRIDGE FU1�ID Northern Sta.tes Power Compar�r NortYYwestern Bell Telephone Co. Ariderson Bros. Anderson-Crane Bren Hardware � Flour City Brash Co. Hopkins Home & Auto Supply Kokesh Hardware Laanpert Yards William Ho ARcCoy Republic Creosoting�Coo� Smi.th-Dunn ComPany, Inco Earl S ewrall Salaries Hourl� Payroll Service S ervic e _ Rep aird Repairs parts Master Cycle Parts Supplies Supplies Supplies F�iel Oil Road Tar Parts Blacktop La.st 2 June - Period end�.ng �-30-�1 WATER FIJI�ID 27 Northern States Power Co. Service 828 R. B�e Ferron �- � Equipment Rental 838 Chicago, �filw,,StoPaul &. Pacific R.Ra Prepaid cYiarges 839 Ra�eFerron Equipment Rental ` 851 Hartvig Eo Anderson Garage *er_t, July,l951 852 Kokesh Hardware Supplies 853 Tom �otzko Co, Balance, Invoice #3223 854 H. Pokorny Plumbing�& Heating Services 855 Sub��rban Press� Inco Printing 856 Waterous Compa� Parts- Salaries �Last � June -- Hourly Payroll Period ending 6-30-51 S�lAGE D�POSAL F(TnrD 259 Northern States Power Co, Servl.ce 263 Suburban �hevrolet Coo Repairs Salaries Last 2 June - Hourly Payroll Period ending 6-30-51 SPDC JAL ASSESSL��IVT FUND 52 First Nat�1,Fa:ik,Hopkins 265 266 267 268 269 270 Coupons PE?MANEAIT I�'ROVID�TT RE�TOL�rING �'ZRVD Adler Steel Products Co. Manho].e Steps Carl A. Anderson Cement Mork Stuart E.Beclanan - ��arley Transit� Hennepin Ceunty Review Publ'ishing I,a.mpert Yards SuppTies H.Pokorr�y Plumbing & Heating Sewer &��ater Connection � �Oo70 9e5o ?le?�t 2950 2�:;00 6e25 113075 38e60 7a5o 93e43 1�2;Zo 30e 1a.0 �:25 5a23 6e00 2027 s�.8 1799e09 � 11.1�2 11050 2035 7be51 175.00 57:50 42a5o 25 e5l� 12;1:5 2-1:78 126e1�0 16�.095 b5oe1�7 l�89.10 50►�.73 � 743.3Z� 537a5o 57e5o 1800� 95�00 [,22 55�00 37:97 7+50 2��00 259047 532.99 � 225;17 13a94 1600 � 55e25 � 980.00 $$ 60so0 io5,00 l.�0.00 8010 3a�5o 222s00 r '' - ,��,� £. -- -------------------�--------------, , � a �j .. �t x �� � . . . . :.4N� 10a•�ecM � �" �f.�.� � � --' '_¢ ��"�� ..� _ :.�' T�� ' -�� . . � c -- � . ._ �--•-- e ,�, -- -� k.-_ , / � ' I c p , � I o i � ---�._. qp,�__ d\ � . . 4:-K k�o�� CuLc c.��pi �4N ,o � � . � . . . . , . rJ (.. I 1 �3 e � --------------- � R—W^ -- p j9 � S � TRUNK HIGNWAY r N�. 7 I SiATE �y I � � �z 4 1� d T �� N E CITY OF HUPSINS HEATNBPIN COIINTY, MINNESOTA O$DIKANCffi NO. 67 A� OR�DINANCE R E L A T I N G TO ZONING AND AMENDING OII�I� NANCE NUMBTR EIGHT OF THE CITY OF HOPHIN3. BB iT ORDAINED by the counoil o! the city oi Hopldns: Sectiott i. Ordinance number eight of the city of Iiopkins, section 2 thereof, is amended to read: Section 2. Establishment of Districts. Subdivision 1. For the purpose of this ordinance, the city of Hopkins is divided into the iollo�ving use dis- tricks: a residential district, a multiple dwelling district, a commercial di5 trict and an.industrial district. Subdivision 2. The boundaries o� these districts are delineated oa the map entitled "First Revised Zoning Map oE iiopkins, blinnesota," wluch map is hereby made a part of this ordinance, and from and after Sep- tember 1, 1951, said map shall be the official zoning map of Hopkins, Min- nesota, and shall supersede and take the place of the zonfng map which eigh't on thefdate of its adopti n on January 18. 1949. Subdivision 3. Any ]and w h i c h may be added to the city in the, future shall be placed in the resident�al dis- trict until spec�al action of the city council as hereinafter provided shall definftely assign such land to another district. FiRST READ at a regular council meeting of the city of Fiopldns held on the 19th day oP June, 1951, and finally read and passed at a regular meeting of the couacil of said city held on the 9th day of July, 1951. W. HARLAN PF.R.BIX, MAyOR A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney � � .� �� � r ,/ � -�� � i, �� � S� yi^,N� � � '�°,�,p � l / \ . � . � I � ❑ ❑ ❑ � . T oNk, � . � l �. I � - — l . . �P,HO � ¢ � 1�^ JT. ' No � I � ..—_ '� p /n . . , � � % ��—��.., i y- I Q � 'a '< a' ' i i �a . . i . ;�a - . . .. � �j . . i Q h�<<3 ' � � � I . ��i � � / i �'� �. '�j'�_ � �4!� > � . W � . . Q // � ��ji i�`f//. � � ✓;i . � I � - � - � � "// ;% . /i a�<� I � � ///: / f ''/ �// � �' 3 • 3� NO __ - _' _. . � ' . ' . ( 1 . /��'�/ . /�' . > I - � % ' '� � I � / � �i /��/ / / / � � . � QQ . �/F . // .%/���_ / I � ' // � ! / � / _ � 1 I � . I �// •%j �/��/ / / �/i i� �/� %� � J L � / / - � � % �� j �� / �, � �� j � �,� �_ 2�'^ VACqTED ST. ' � ; / ' •. i. , � NO. � 2 3T. % / � . :!/: ii% i f// / / - i / . ' � r__ � i• , j' i % ; `; ', ;�/' � ,� ' ' /i%/ �r;%i;;! ;/�;.; �/� IoI � , ' � / /, / l /// ���/ � � / /�/' ��wi - ! - o - ♦I � .'� � � , � �' 1NQ�/r � : > / : / ' ` ''/ � //�/ "� / �/ /�/ �S� ' � IF. g,� f - � �n�" I". Q / // Q / j; �, i �/ /' £ . ///, / i /�.��. :i /.Y � V I -N �I . �� �� � i�� I � � , ��, ai �i' /� � / / / � �:% %� � � y � /f '''�%_j'L '' , <�//� / � /��� � �ar � �7 . NO. t—� � . _ � � '4 LZED2 'y� �� j. /:/ u; � . . ��¢0� IoI � _I�l• ` ' 1 �' " 1z � � I 1 /.�% (�/////J �S�i ' ; Q' � y � �W� � . 1' - � . _ _I . r IWI g^-� . _I 'glg�I ml !-I .i�o t. �` % C� ri /� %�// J � la �,J ��:� � I<' � ! I � sT � �%� `_ S. � � � � ( . �,�. � I�I i ' � � �� � / �, � � � � ' � f` � , � � � EI.CELSIOR I I I �T� I � I �OYC[ ST. �, . 1 %CE�310R � + .AV i , / � v i i . i �- --- --, �--- �;---, � i i 1 � t � ; il I , '/�!� �` ji�- � � 1 I I '� ;� J � � � ,i ,' , i �'/��, f- � c ! � � i i ; i I I��� � � I ' ` I � ;; i, ��%.�'�✓ ;; � I � �' , � I. � � � � � i i I �� %. ' ��i��� ,> � � I �I �� r= -� �'� I � ; /�j <' ': a L�i I � I I I �_ J � _ _ �f � � I I ` 50. ,- ' L/ • . i 1 � �' SO__ . GOOORICH . ST . I I _ t�i� _. _ �r 5. � � i � `� ,� _,�CA7�y-. � � ST —1 II � � �I I � . SY I r I /��� ��i�i� �:�� / � �L . I . Z �a � � " � ' . � I p . / O �IO I I i � � �, i � �`I 5�.../:�/�";\, ��j �'� ,� ��/ �i ,. o� 2 U� Z,. pl I � t IZ �O� . �y�. . � , � � � � I l I st � - � : �� I ^ �% � � �� � ' � £ � f �L_ _J= _ � � a il o ��^� \ � i . � z. / , � ' �; '/ � — - -- — --'d' i9 °��-- �. e ---� �---- ---� �-- � :. �'z3 z, /�� / � `� �p` . ,� —�— - - - _- - - __ �\�Z - • ' ---- -- -- - - - --- - - - -- - - - - - -_ _ / � / / �a,, ��� / / � - - -- - � w , > ; �� . . /� `/� , :��1,'% ./' , i% 'e a V I LLAGc OF LDIN\ i�� / - : if� � i�/, /; � ' � /� " / I . -f,�; /i'/�i'%;. - �,� . . 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Salaries - Last�� June _ . . � Hour],y Payroll Period ending 6-30-5; � tu6;81 297�.21� 379:15 i85o8o 55.25 Vese],y moved, �i].bert aeconded� tdiat Resolution Noe212� p1 RT50WTION ORDffi�Il�Ta Tf� BI�CS TOP SURFACING OF P'RESTON LANE BE�EF�T INTERI�ACI�N AVENUE ,�11ID ASHLES[ RQAD, AND TSE ALLEY I1V BL@1Cg FNE, GIBB t S FIRS T dDDITIOId TO �5 T BdIlVNEAPOLIS � AND TAE CONS TRUC TION OF C URB ON THE SOII � S IDE - OF LOT FOURTII�1, BLpCg �tE;E, � T MINNFgPQLTS"� marked �hibit "A" � be adop ted. Carried. Vesely moved, Dahlberg second����that the bids received on June 19, 1951,�for � vPatermaia and seWex�ain const�riiction on j,7.thea Lane and Monk and Ozford Streets to be tabled to meeting of July 17� 19510 �ilbert moved, Zakariasen seconded, that Resolution Noa217, "A RE50LUTION RRF�E"ERR�RING TO 7giE CITY ENGINEER THE �ATTF.R, OF I�TTSTALLIIVG SANITARY SEINER MAIlVS IN A CERTAIN I�ATIONa9 marked Srhibit �B"� be adoptedo Carried. Bdilbert moved, Dahlberg secorided, tiiat- the On-sale, non-intoxicatirig malt _. . liquor"iicense application by�` George R. �olff Post DTo.li259 �V. F: il�.� for � Ju�y 18, 20, and,21; 1951; for the County Fair, and Jul� 2�', 28, and 29, 1951' for Raspberry;� Da,y, be granted. Carried. Vese�y�moved, Milbert seconded� that Bingo reqnests by George ft.�1�o1�� Post No,l�25, p.Fo�P. . and the �en� s Club of St. John the Stirangelist Chnrch be granted. Carried. , �ese�r moved,Zal�a�.ia���seconded, tk�at request dated Jt�,y 3� 1951' liy the C.�.St.P. and P. Railaa� �ompaRy for �peimit to coiistruct a� track��into � t�e- �inston NeWell property�be referred to tYie City F�gineer for report and t�- request a representative irom the rail�p compa� to be at the nezt meeting to discuas samee Carried. Vese�y moved, Dahlberg� seaonded,- ttiat "the irYvoice against the� �i.iineapolis Street Rail�ay �ompar�y�for damage to t2ie light post on �t�ie corner of �9th �� and �celsior Avenues, be turned over to the City �Lttflraey for collectiono Carriedo 'R�hlberg moved,Z�kar�ase�econded, t�at the liond of C],yde I,. Johnson be accepted,� subject to approval by the Citp lttorneg. Carriedo Pese�y moved, B6ilbert seconded., that Ordinance Noo67, n�T OaDINANCE RE,LATING TO ZO1�IING ADiD A�VDIldG ORDIN�NCE N[T9�F�ft EIGHT `OF THE CITY OF HOP�INS°� marked �hi.bit pC", be accepted as the second reading tdiereof and that the ordinance be adopted and pi�hlished according to la�r. Carriedo Vese�y moved, M3].bert seconded that Resolntion No.22Q� �A RF�OLIITION DIl�7C�TIlJa PtTBLICATION OF NOTICE OF HFARIlVG ON SPF�IAI� ASSF�SD�N75"� marked LSchibit flD"� be adopted. Carriedo Dahlberg moved, �i.lbert seconded, that t�ie Health Officer+s report for the first one-half of 1951 be placed on file. Carriede. Vesely moved� B6ilbert seconded� that Resolution Noo218� pA RE50LIITION ORDEftIlVG A HFARING ON ENGINEER � S REPORTS ON BLACK 7.+OP SURFAC ING CERT�IN ALI�YS �iD �E INSTALLATIdDT OF SIDE�ALK AATD CIIRB IDT CERTAIN LOCATIOI�"� marked Exhibit pFpa be adoptedo Carriedo July 2l�� �951, at 2 o�clock PvMe is the date set for the next meeting of the Board of Equalizat3.on, Jv],y 18, 1951, at 7:30 o�clock P�d. is the da�e set for the meeting of the City Council and Department Headse Vesely moved, Milbert seconded, tkiat Resolution ldo,222, �'A RffiOLIITION DIRDCT�G PUB,LICATION OF NOTIC� OF HEARING ON SP�CI&L ASSF55B�tS"� _marked �ibit "E"� be adopted. Carried.o �r. Claire C. Congdon tendered his resignation as�City�Mari�ger�of Hopkins, to be effective �u� 26, 1951e Vese];y moved, Dahlberg seconded, that said resig— nation be tabled to meeting of July 17, 1951• �eeting adjourned@ �TTFSTs J �/` � ,% , ; � "/ ,� ; �� ,������.-!�> . , W. Harlan Perbig, Il4ayor , A. 11�. Elmqui t, Secretary to the Council � N � CITY OF HOPKINS HENidEPIN COUI�TTY, MIPTN�'SOTA RESOLUTION R0. 212. A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE BLACK TOP SURFACII�G OF PRESTON LANE BETWEErT INTERLACHEl�? AVENUE AND ASHLEY ROAD, A1�TD Tk� ALLEY IT� BLOCK F'IPE, GIBB' S FIRST ADDITIOId TO WEST MIIJNEAPOI,I S, AND T� COATSTRUCTIOIV OF CURB ON THE SOUTIi SiDE OF LOT F(7URTEEN � BLOCA THREE � WEST MIIJI�TEApOLI S. ti�HEEEA5, the council of the city of Hopkine on May 15, 1951, adopted a resolution referring the matteYsof the black top surfacing of Preston La.ne between Interlachen avenue and Ashley road and the �].ley in Block 5� Gibb's First 9ddition to ��est Minnea�olis, and the constructing o¢ _:cn3rb on the south side of Lot 1�+, Block 3, Vdest Minneapolis, to Frank Laska, city engineer, for his investigation and report, and WHEREAS, said en�ineer investigated the necessity and feaaibility of said improv�enta, and on June 5, 1A51, reported thereon to the council and filed his written reporta with the secretary of the council, and WHF�EiEAS, on June 5, 1951� the city council of Hopkins ad�opted a resolu- tion setting Monday, the 9th d.ay of July, 1951, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the council chambers in the city ha11 as the time and �lace for con�idering said reporta, and each of them, and acting thereon� arid �e�AS, a notice of sa.id hearing l�as been publiahed in The Hennenin County Review in its iesuea of June 1�+ and 21, 1951� a.nd the affidavit of public�tion of said notice ba.s been filed with the secretar�� of the council, and WHE�tEAS, no petitions setting forth opposition to said improvementa, or ei ther of them, were filed avi th the ci ty mana.ger prior to the date and hour set for hearing said engine�r's reports� and no one apneared in oppoaition thereot; N0�1� TIi�FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the ci ty council of the ci t� of Hopkina that the installation of said improvements at the locations and in the manner recommended by the engineer in his reports are necessary for the health, welfare and convenience of the cit� and ita inhabitants and it is hereby determi.ned and ordered that said impr�cave- ments, and e�ch of them, as so recommended by the engineer be ma,de, and that the costs thereof be asseased against property abutting upon said improv�ments. AD(7PTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held on the 9th day of July, 1951. w. H�RT,Ai�T p�ggIX, MAYOR A. t�i. Elmquist, Secretary to the coun.cil Frank N. Whi tney � Ci ty At to rney copy for Carl gndereon copy fo r copy for .� N M r ( 1� CITY OF HOPKI�S HEI�',+TEPIN COIIITTY, MIIvl?ESOTA RESOLUTIOI�T N0. 217. A RESOI,UTION REFERRING TO TFIE CITY �GINEER THE 1IATTER OF I�75TALLING SAIdITA.RY SEi'JER MAINS IN A C�RTAIN LOCATION. WHEREAS, there has been filed with the city clerk and by the clerk presented to the city council a petition asking for the installation of sanitary �ewer mains in the following location: Commencing at the septic tank of the Nlinneapolis Moline Company located near the northweat corner of Lot Four (�+), Auditor's S�.ibdivision nurnber 195, and running therefrom westerly to approgimately the weat line of Eleventh aeenue extended; thence northerly a.long approximately said v�est lfne to ap�roximately the center of the east side of Block Eighteen (lg) , '�Test Minneapolis; thence vresterly across a portion of sald block until a connection can be m�.e aTith the sanitary sewer system of the city of Honkfns, and WHEREAS, the cost of sa.id improvp,ment should be assessed against property found benefited thereby, and Wf�REAS, the o�°ner of the benefited property againat u�hich said costs would be assessed has petitioned the city council for said improvement and agreed to pay the cost thereof; N06V, THEREFaRE, BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkins that said improve- ment be referred to Frank Laska, city engi.neer, to investigate the necesaity and feasibili ty thereo f and to report to the council as soon as po ssible. ADOP?'ED by the council of the city of Horkina at a regular meeting thereof held this 9th, day of July, 1951. A. W. Elmqniat, Secretary to the coizncil Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney ��. fiARLA��I PERBIX , I�1AYt�& . � "D V CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY� MINNESOTA Rr,SOLUTION N0. 220. A RESCLIITION DIRECTIYdG PUBLICATION OF NOTICE �F HEA_RIATG 0?Q SPFCIAL ASS�SSi�iENTS. V,�iERF�AS, contra.cts have been let for the installation of sanitary sewer mains in the follow�ing locations: Starting at the intersection of jrd. etreet north and 1.7th, avenue and ranning north on 17th. avenue to a point One Hundred (100) feet south of the center line of state highway Tdo. 7; commencing at the intersection of 17th.. avenue a.nd �celsior avenue and running west along Excelsior avenue to 21st. �venue; commencing at the intersection of �celsior avenue and lgth. avenue and running north along 1Sth, avenue to the south line of the right-of-way of The P�1ir_nea�olis & St. Louis Rail�aay; comnencing at the intersectLon of 19th. �.venue and �celsior avenue and r�znni:�g ncrth along 19th, avenue to �+th, stre�t north; comraer_cing at the interaection of 20tr, avenue and Excelsior avenue and runr.ing north along 20th. avenue to 3rd. street nortr�; also beginning at the sewer lift station located in Block Eighteen (1S) ,��est Minneapolis, and running southerly to a point about Thirty (�0) feet north of tre south line of 5ection Twenty- four ( 2�-) , Townshin One Hundred Seventeen (117) , Range T���enty:=two ( 22) ; thence running westerly along a line para11e1 to and approximately Thirty (3�) feet nor.th of the south line of said Section to the west line of Seventeenth avenue extended, e,�c.a total cost of �76,537.F�g, and WHEREAS, the cost of the installation of said sanitary sewer mains i n said locations has been determined, and the amount to be specially asse.ssed for said improve- ment a�.inst every lot, piece or parcel of land to be assessed for the sa.me, has been calculated, an� such asaesement is on file with the secretary of the council and open to public inspection, and WH�EAS, the area. proposed to be assessed for said improvement is all of the lots� pieces and parcels of land abutting said impravement and in addition thereto, � there ia to be assessed for a portion of the costs of the construction of the main trunk sewer line on Excelsior avenue from 17th. avenue to 21st. avenue, the following lots in ?'�est Niinneavolis, Third Division, u�rich do not abut upon any of the main trunk or lateral aewers above described, to-wit: (1) Lots 1 to 30 =nclusive, Block �; Lota 16 to 3� incluei ve, Block 3; Lots 16 to j0 inclueive, Block 5; Lots 16 to 30. Block 12, and Lots 20 to 31 inclusive, Block 13, west A4i_nneapolis, Third Divieion; Np?Q, THEREFI�RE, BE IT RESOLVED that notice be published in the official paper at least twenty (20) days before the meet3n.g� that the council of the city of iiopkina will pass upon said proposed assessmenta at its regular meeting to be held in the co�ancila'�.iambers at the city hall on Tuesday� Auguat 21, �951, at 7:30 o'clock P.i�1. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopk ins at a regular meeting thereof held this �'.;�t�. day of July;st�9g1; A. �1. Elmquist, Secretary to the council Frank N. Whi tney, City Atiorney i �) W. HAFtI,AN PERBIX, h1AY0R ti �, �' CITY OF HOPKINS h�Ni�TEPIN COiTNTY, MINi�TESOTA PdOTICE OF HEARIi�G OTJ SPECIgL ASS�S��I�7.'S. � �� � � ' �� �,, j`��� � �� IJCTICE IS HER�BY GIVF,�d that the council of the city of Hopkina cvill meet at the council chambera in the city hall on Tuesday, the 21st. da,y of August, 1G51, at 7:j0 o'clock P.yl. for the purpose of passing upon proposed asaesaments upon all the lots, pieces or parcels of land abutting upon the following local improvement, name- i�;� the installation of sanitary sewer mains in the following locations� to-wit: Starting at the intersection of 3r3. street north and 17th. avenue and running north on 17th. avenue to a point One Hundred (100) feet south of the center line of state highway i�o. 7; couunencing at ,the intersection of 17th. avenue and Excelsior avenue and runnir.g west along �celsior avenue to 2lst. avenne; commencing at the intersection of Escelsior avenue and lStl�. avenue a.nd ranning north a.].ong lgth, avenue to the south� line of the right-of-��ay of The Min_�?eapolis & St. Louis Railvray; commencing at the intersection of l�th, avenue and �celsior avenue and running north along 19th, avenue to �+th, street north; co�imencing at the intersection of 20th. avenue a.nd Excelsior avenue and running north along 20th. aeenue to 3 rd. street north; also beginning at the sewer lift station located. in Block Eighteen (lg) , West �linnea_polis� and running southerly to a point about Thirty (30) feet north of the south line of Sectien Twenty-four (2�+), Town- ship One Hundred Seventeen (117), Ra,nge Twenty-two (22); thence running weaterly along a line parallel to and approximately Thirty (j0) feet no rth of the so�ath line of said Section to tne west line of Seventeentn avenue extended, at a tota.l cost of �76,537.6�, and NOTICE I S FITRTF.ER GIF +�.'RT trat in addi tion to the prono sed assesament a upon all lota, pieces or parceis of land abutting upon said im�rovements� the council at said hearing will pass upon a proposed area assesa�er�t for �. portion of the cost of the construction of the main trunk sewer line upon �celsior avenue from Seventeenth avenue to TVaenty-first avenue, aga.inst the following lots� in West Minneapolis� Third Division, which do not abut upon any of the main trunk or lateral sevuera above described, to-�vit: Lots 1 to j0 inclusive, Block �+; Lote 16 to 30 inclueive, Block 5; Lots 20 to 31 inclusive, Bloc�; lj. Lots lo to 30 inclueive, Block 3; Lot s 16 to 30 ,--iii�cl�gi�te� Block 12, and Dated: July l�'-, 1951. C. C. Congdon, City Manager Frank id, W'hitney, City Attorney Published in 9uburban Preas on Thursciay, July 19, 1951. v ( V CITY OF HOPKINS �iENti"EPIN CG�TIVTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTIOiJ Y0. 222. A RESOLUTTO�t DIRECTING PUBLICATIO�; OF NOTICE OF HEARII�IG OiV SPECI�L ASSESSi�IENTS. HrHEREAS, contracta have been let for the installation of water maina in the followin� locations: Starting at the intersecticn of 3rd. street north and 17th. avenue and running north on 17t�i, avenue to a point One Huzidred (100) feet south of the center line of sta.te high4�ay No. 7; commencing at the intersection of 17th. avenue and Excelsior avenue and running west a.long Excelsior a.eenue to 21st. avenue; commencing at the intersecticn �f 17th. avenue north and 2nd. street north and ranning west on 2nd. atreet north to 20th. �.venue north; commencing at the intersection of �celsicr avenue and lgth. avenue and running north along 1Sth. avenue to the south line of the ri�t- of-wa�r of The Minr_eapolie & St, Louis Railway; commencing at the inter- section of 19th, avenue and bcceleior avenue and running north along 19th. avenue to �+th, atr.eet north; cotnmencing a.t the interaection of 20th. avenue and F� celsior avenue and running north along 2D th. avenue to 3 rd. street north; also commencing at the intersection of Firet atreet south and Twelfth avenue; thence southerly to a point about ten (10) feet north of the center line .of the abandoned right-of-way of f�he St:::�Paix�, Minnea�olis & Minnetonka Ra.ilwa,y; thence i,�esterly along said abandoned right-of-way about Ten (10) feet north of the center line thereof to the iaest line of Seventeer_th avenue extended; at a total cost of �g�-,�+93.5�F, and w t^iI�'REAS, the cost of the inst�.11ation of said mate�. mains in said loca.tions ha.s been determined, and. the amount to be specially assessed for said im-provement against every lot, piece or parcel of land to be asseased for the sa,me, has been calculated� and such asaessment is on file uaith the secretarv of the council and open to public inspection, and WgEREAS, tYie area proposed to be assessed for sa.id improvement is all of the lots� pieces and parcels of land abutting said improvement; IdJW, THERE�RE, BE IT RESOLVED TAAT notice be published in tre official paper at least twenty (20) days before the me�ting, that the council of the city of Hopkina will pass uroon said pro:posed assessments at its regular meeting to be held in th e council chambers at the city hall on Tuesday, August 21, �951, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. ADUPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 9th, day of July, 1�51. W. AARI,AN pERBIX, I�iAYOR A. �'J. Elmquist� Secretary to the council �'ranl� '`T. k'�.itne�, City attorney � �• � CITY OF HOPKiN5 HEIVNEPiN COIINTY, i+1IN�TESOTA NOTICE OF H�.?RIT?G ON SPECIAL ASSESSMII�?TS. � �� � � �� �� `'"� ° `�� ��� �� NOTICE IS I�REBY GIVEN that t'�e council of the city of Hopkins will meet at the council chambers in the city h�l or. Tuesday, the 21st. d�.y of Aubast, 1951, at 7: jQ o' clock P.M, for the purpo se of passing u�oon proposed assessments unon all of the lots, pieces or parcels of land abuttin� u-pon the following local improvement, na:nely: the irstallation of water mains in the following locationa: Starting at the intersection of 3rd. atreet north a�d. 17th, avenue and ranning north on 17th, avenue to a point One Hun�'red. (100) feet south of tr_e center line of state hi�'i.way No. 7; commenci.r_g at the intersecticn of 17th. avenue and Exce�sior avenue and runr_ing weat along r'�celsior avenue to ?1st. avenue; corarriencing at the intersection of 17th. avenue north and, 2nd. atreet north and running weat on 2nd. street north to 20th, avenue north; commenci�g at tY�e ii�teraection of Excelaior avenue and 1&th. avenue and running nortr� along lStr. avenue to the south line of the ri�lt-of-wa.y of The Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway; co�encing at tr�e interaection of 19th. avenue and Excelsior avenue and ru.nning north along l�tr, avenue to �+tr, streFt north; commencing at the intersection of 20th, avenue and �cceleior avenue and running north along 20th, avenue to 3rd. street north; also com�encing at the intersection of First street soutr ar.d Twelfth aaenue, thence southerl.y to a point about ten (10) feet north of the center line of the aba.ndoned right-of-way of the St. Paul, Minnea�olis & Minnetonka Ra.ilway, thence westerly along said abandoned ri�t-of-Uaay about ten (ld) feet north of tre center line trereof to the west line of Seventeenth a.venue extended; at a to tal co st of �g�, �93 • 5�+, �' �-- Dated: July 1�+, 1551. C. C. COivTGDON� City Ma,nager Fran� ti. S'Vhitney, City Attorney. Published in Suburba.n Press on Thursu.ay, July 19, 1951. 0 �,. '� � .L CITY OF HOPKINS H��TEP�N COIIi�TTY, MI�'1ESOTA P�ESOLUTION N0. 21g. A RESOLIITION ORD��RIN'G A HEARIIv'G OPd E:vTGINEER' S REPORTS ON BLACFi-TOP S[7RFACING CERTAIN AZLEYS AND TIiE IVSTALL9TION OF SIDEWALK�IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS. AIdD CIIAB Z�REAS, the council of the city of Hopkins on June 19, 1951, adopted a resolution referring to Frank Lasl�a, city engi.neer, fo r his investigation and re�ort� the matter of black-top surfacing the alleys in Blocka 9�+ and 10�, Vdest Minneapolis, Second Division, and � WHLREAS, the council of th e city of Hopkins on June 5, 1�51, a�opted a resolutiorL referring to Fra.nk Laska, city er_gineer, for his investigation and report, the matter of constru.cting eidewalk on the west side cf Jackson avenue from F�celsior avenue to F`irst atreet south, and the m2.tter of constructina sidewalk and_ curb on the west side of Elevent� avenue North in front of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 77, ��est Minneapolis, Second Division, and the m�,tter of blac?� top surf�cing 3rd, street north from the alley between 1�"-th. a.verna.e north and 15tr. avenue ncrth to 15th. �renue nort�, and T�'HFRL'AS, said engi.�eer has investigatec? the neceasity and feasibility of said improvements, and each of them, and on July 9, �951, reported thereon to the council and filed his writter� reports �rith t:�e secretar�r of the council in which reports the engineer recommends: 1. The black top surfacir.g of the �.11eys in Blocks 9�+ a,nd 109, Ztiest l�iinneapolie� Second �iv�sion, at.an estimated cost of $117�.33, and 2. The construction of side�valk on the west aide of Jackson avenue from Excelsio r avenue to F`irst street south, at an estimated cost of w2,079.50, an d ;, The consti�uction of sidewalk a.nd curb on the v�.�st side of Eleventh avenue north in front of Lots j to 7 inclusive, Block 77, t'lest i�Iinneapolis� Second Division, at an eatimated cost of .�"g02.27; and in add.ition thereto, the constraction of sidewalk and curb in front of Lot 20� Block 77, and Lot 11, Block ol, West Minneapolis, Second Div;.sion, 4�hich two lots are owned by the city of Hopkins anc? thP costs of such constr��ction in iront of said two lots to be paid by the city, and � �+, The black top surfacing of Trird atreet north from the a11ey between l�+th. avenue north and l5th. avenue north to 15th, avenue no rth at an eatimated coat of ��17.�; NOW, THEREFORE, � , BE IT RESOLV�:D that� said improvements, a.nd each of them, will be considered �1) L� by the council and action te.ken the,reon at a regular meeting of the city council to be held on the 21et. da.y of August, 1951, at 7:;•0 o'clock P.yf., and BE IT FqTRTI�ER RESOLVED tha.t the city manager give notice of such hearing by publishing a notice once each week for two successive weeks in the official newspaper of said city, said notice to describe in general langu.age the im�rove- ments recommended in the en�,3 neer's reports and the estima.ted coata thereof. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Aopkins at a regular meeting thereof held tr.is 9th �ay of Ju1y, 1q51. A. �1. Elmquist, Secreta.ry to the council Frank N, �Vhi tney� Ci ty Atto rney ( 2) ti� . HARLAN PERBIX , MAYOR CITY OF HOPKIi�S HENI�T�Ii1? COLfiITY, MIN?QESOTA � � � �`b� '� � \,�� ,t°' # o - �� �' �( t NOTICE UF HEARIi�G ON ENGIVEER� S REPORTS OI�T BLACK-TOP SURFACI�TG CERTAIN ALLEYS AI�D THE INSTALI,ATION OF SIDEV�'ALK AND CURB I�v? CEfiTgIFd LOCATIONS, IvTOTICE IS iiEREBY GIVEL� that the city engineer of Hopkins did on the 9th. c�,y of July, 1951, file his re�orts witr. the ci ty council recommending the fo11ok2n� local improvements, to-wit: 1. 2. J• The black top surfacirg of the alleys in Blocka 9� and 109, V1eat Minneapolis� Second Diviaion, at an esti�atedcost of �117�.33, and The construction of sidewalk on theWest side of Jac�son avenue from F�celsior avenue to First street so�a.th, at ar. eatimated cost of �,, ...__ --__.. _ �2,079•50, �d The construction of sidewalk and curb on the west aide of Eleventh avenue north in front of �,ots � to 7 inclnsive, Block 77, West A4inneapolis, Second Division, at an esti.mated cost of �g02.27; a.nd in addition thereto, the construction of sidewa]_i� and curb in front of Lot 20, Block 77, and Lot 11, Block �1, �ti'eat Minneapolis, Second Division, which two lots are o��ned by the city of Hopkins and the costs of such conetxuction in front of said t�eo lota to be paid by the citJ, a.nd �, The black top surfacing of Thir� street north fx�m the alley between l�th. avenue north a.nd 15th. avenue nortr to 15th. avenue nortr a.t an estimated cost of $317.�. �TOTIG`E IS �.TRTHER GIVEN that the city council has by reaolution fixed Tuesd�.y� the 21st. d.a.y of August, 1951, at 7:�� o'clock P.Pf. at the council chambers in the city hall as the time and plade at which the council will hear such persons �.a care to be heard in reference to s�id improvementa, and each of them, and will cor.sider said engineer's reports and act thereon. C. C. CONGDON, City Man�.ger Dated at Hopkins� Minnesota� this 13th, day of July, 1�51. Frank N. Vlhi tuey, Ci ty At to rn ey Publi�shed in The 9uburban Press on July 26th a,nd Auguat 2nd., 1�51. cony for the naper � �� a� �� � �� ��� � . _ . . _ _ .�.t- �... .._��� ! ' . __.._. � regalar meeting of the ConnciT of the City of Hopkir� ��i.nnesota� �a,s held - � : .. ._ _ . • 11 at 7 s30 of �lock P.Bde on Tuesday, ,Tuly 17, 19510 D�e��ers _ presentc eresa �ayor Perbig' Couincilme,u �i7,.'bert' �Zakara�ise�� Dahlberg� Vese�� City BBanager Congdon, City l�ttorney �hitney, �d Cit,y IIigineer Iaska� M�bers absenta Noneo Vese�r moved� �i].bert seconded, that bills as present,ed be paid from the $ollawing fl�nds; � . ' _ _ . _. 3 7 C. C. .Co don Treasm 3858 Farnhain Staty, & School Sup•Cos 38�9 Feudner-David§on ggency 3860 Hennepin County . 3861 Hoplciris Fire Depte � 38b2 Hopkins B�otor Sales Coe. 3�3 Justus `Lumber co. 38bl� I�amAert Yards � 38b�� Mi11er-Davis Co: � 386fi Staiidard `Oil Co� 3867 1�.C.�hitney _ lst Nattl.Bank � State of B�i.nnesota Salariea Hour�y payroll 1053 International iiarvester Co. 1054 Smith Dunri Co., Inc. 105� R. c.�Muir- - 1(J56 �Ifm. Ho :Ziegler Coe ls t ATat � 1 e Bank State of �innesota Salaries _._.. Haurly Paproll 864 Postmaster, Hopkins � 866� C. C. Congdon� Treaso ' 867 Richard Mo Ferron ConstraCoe 868' b1o1�.Be].1 Telephone Coe �.3ti �2.�'i�leBiilliC State �of Minriesota 3. _ .. alaries Hourly Payroll lst Nat�l. Bank State of Minnesota Salaries Hourly Payroll 279 C'. C..Cortgdon.� TY'ease 280 Car1�A. Ariderson- 281 Justus Lumber Coe lst Nat�l. Bank S�t of -Bdinnesota e � aries Hourl,y Payroll Ci �±' ' 1 I t Pett��Cash Items Suppiies , Bond, C�rde Lo Johnson oard of Poor ' _. Fire Ca11s�Drill�Phones ftepairs Supplies Supplies S�pplies Gas _ ._... _ ._ _. Electrical Inspections Withiiolding Ded, Retirement Ded� lst 2 of Ju7� _ u7 Period Ehding 7-],5 51 RQAD & BRID(�E FUTID Parts Parts . �eed Cutting Parts . 9�ithtiolding Ded. R:etirement Dedo lst z of 'Ju�y � . Period Eading 7-15-51 Postcards � Petty �ash Items Moving I�pdrant �ires-. . �ithholdirig Ded. Reta.rement-Dedo lst � of Ju�y Period Fhdzng 7-1,5-51 SDNfAGE DISPOSAL FUAID �Pith.YioTcling Ded. Retirement�Dedo ls t � of Jtii],Y - Period Ehding 7 15-�1 PFI�ANFIITT I9�ROV��TT REPO FUAID. Petty Casti� Items . Cement �ork Supplies . _ _ . �itiiholding Ded. Retixment Ded. lst 2 of Ju]y .. ' . �eriod Ehding 7..15�1 � 28021� 12.47 . .5�� 72s5� 139s00 l�:61 33e79 57e69 18:75 168;00 59s38 473:0? 71�5065 1671803 1925.►�z 19090 27.18 ].10;2� `�0:46 �:ti.$:10 57:91 ?17:72 278,9T 20000 3:23 39050 8:].3 i75e90 ��.17 433:97 35.75 39:60 13s00 I12;20 205.1�0 ---3074 166li;69 .7.�1 3?040 16:48 i85�sso 7be8o a _2v Vesely moved� Zakariasen seconded, that Resolution No.221�� aA �OLUTION REFERR7NG: -T0 T HE C ITY ENGIrTE�t T� MATTER ' OF BLACg TOP � SUFFAC ING . THE ALLEY � IN BIACB 6� GIBB�S FIRST ADDITION TO �'ST �NF�APOLISp� marked Eshib3t °A"� be adopted. Carried. , � _ � Pp . Mi].bert moved Zakariasen seconded that a ointmeri.t of er� non � ters b,� ' B�ayor Perbii��to f_ill out the uri�xpired term of Earl Dahlber�,. to Sept einber l� 1951� as a msmber at large of the�Recreation Co�ission� be approved, subject to approval by School Di.stri,cts 19 and 135s �arriede �dilbert m.oved, Zakariasen s�onded, that the Richard �d. .Ferron Construction I` . - Gompany be a�ardec]. tYie contract for the construct3:on of- se�er and -water ma3ns in Althea Iane,"in the new �ampbell �ddition, as reco*mnended by�City l�gineer ?,aska. Carriedo Vese],y moved� Dahlberg seconded��that the request oY tYie CoM.St.P. & Po I�e for permission to construct a spur track into t�.e �inston Newell property be tabled until the negt am�eting. Carried• �.1}�ert moved, 'Dahlbe#�g seconded, that request bg John �ilUur Moore� Post, � American Leg'ion No.�20, for Ori-sale non=irito�dcating mslt liquor Licerise for July 20, 21, and 22� 1951� durin.g the �ounty Fair� be grantedo Carriede Vesley moved� Milbert;seconded� that Resolntion No.216� �A RESOLIITION ON ORDERING THE INSTALLATIO1d �F CURB AND Si�EP�ALK IN CERTAIN LOCATI01�"s marked �ibit °B"� be:adoptedo Carried. P.sieariasen moved, Dahtberg seconded, td�at Resolutioa No.227,"R RESOLLiTIOPT ORDII3ING TAE IN5 TALLATION OF_ CU1�B AND GUTTER IN � CERTAIN. LOCATIONS"; marked. .- �hibit "C"� be adoptedo � vese�,y=`:and �4ilbert voting no, Sakariasen, Dahlber�, and Perbix voting ges, carried. Vesely moved, Dahlber� seconded, that Resolution No.225� aA RESOLIITION ORDE�.ING A HFJARING ON ENGII�TEF� ° S REPORT OAT THE BLACK TQP SURFAC ING OF ZHE gTT•F:P IN BLOCK 6, GIBB'S FIRST ADDITION TO �ST B�INNEAPOLZSTM� marked brhibit ��D�, be adopted. Carried, Vese�y moved, sakaria.sen seconded, that Resolution No,228, pA RESOLUTION REFERRING TO THE CITY ENGINEER �iE MAT`i'ER� OF INSTALL?NG CURB AND GUTTER ADJACII�TT� TO A PORTION OF LOT' 20, BLOCK 92� �T I�:IIJNEAPOLIS� SDCOND DIVJ�I011T� marked �chibit "E"� be adopted. Carried. Qese�p moved, Dahlberg seconded., that the followi.ng pay rate adjus�ments . .._ . _ . . _. _. be approvedo Carried� Theodore Johnson HoaPard Puck La�erenc e SchutZ Elmer Bielke John �illman Ralph �deline �drs. Bloomie �ountain Patrolman Patrolman �deter Patrol.man Te o"ra rate Recoir�ended rate _ e ��— ??o.00 270.00 Heavy Dquipt.Opro 275000 �ida:intenance Equipt. ' oPre 270,00 Sweeper Operator 270a00 Librarian 150000 All of the above ����o$��i�ve to Januaxq 1� 1951e �rs. Dorothy Is�nba.rger Stenographer Effectiv� June l� 1951 �a.ry D�ax�ell, Clerk typist Effective July 1� 1951 275000 275000 300m00 275 goo 275800 ].60Bo0 201000 ].72000 �r 3 w Dahl.berg moved, �&ilbert seconded, that Resolution Noo229� "► RESOLUTION 1CGEPT�TG TI� R.�IGNATION OF CITY MANAGER CONGDON"� marked E�hibit nFa� ,�� be adoptedo �Ieeting adjournede ATPF� Tr / / �c /� � � /, � � � , ✓,,. �/ /l ,' ��. I / '�P. Harlan Perb , yor �` �- ri . _ _ _ .._ . : a,--�-� �. �.mq st, ecretary to the Council COUNCILN�d: CITY OF HOPKIN3 HENNEPII� COUIQTY, MINNESOTA RESOLIITION N0. 22�F. A RESOLIITIO� REFERRIAG TO THE CITY Ei�aINEEB TEE MATTER OF BLACK TOP SURFgCING THE l�I,LEY IN BLOCK 6� GIBB' S P'IRS�P ADDITIOIV TO �ES�' MINI�EAPOLI S . WSEREAS, there bae beea filed roith the city cleric and by the clerk presented to the city conncil a petition aeking for the black top snrfacing of the alley in Block 6, C�ibb' e Firet 9�ddition to �Test Minneapoli s, and WFiEREAS, the cost thereof ehould be aeeeeeed againat property found benefited thereby, and WHEREAS, moat of the oanera of the benefited property agaiast mhich eaid coat wonld be asaesaed have petitioned the city conncil for eaid improeem.eat and agreed to pa�r the cost thereof; NOt�� TSEREF�RE� BE IT RESOL9ED by the coancil of the city of Hogkias that the matter oP the blaczk top sarfacing of the above named alley be referred to Fraak Laeka, city eagineer, to inveatigate the neceeeitv and Peaeibility thereof and to report to the c�uncil as soon ae po saible. ADOPTED by the c�uncil of the ci ty of Hopkins at a regalar meeting thereof held this 1?�•th. day of Jnly, 1951. A. t4. Elmqni et, Secretary to the oonacil Frank Id. �hitney, City Attorney 0 copy ior Laeka W. $ARLAN PERBIX, A�9.YOR u � � CITY OF HOPSINS �P]'EPIR COUNTY� 1�iIP9NESOTA FE�LIITIO& 1�0. 216. g RESOI,IITION ORDERING T� IBTST�LLATIClbT OF CIT�'B A1�D 3I�1A%S I1Q CERTAIl� I,OCATIOA3. WHER'EAS� the conncil of the city of Hopkina on June 19� 1957., adopted a reeolntion referriag to Fraak Laeka, ci�y engineer, for hia investigation and report� the matter of inatalling cn,rb on the weat side of 12th. a�enue aorth in front oP Lota 1Q and 11, Block 76, Weat Mianeapolie, Second Diviaion� aad �a1HEKEA.S, the co�nacil of the cit� of Hopkiae on June 5� �95�, adopted a resoln- tion referring to Fx�nk Laska, city engineer, for hie iaveetigation a.nd report. the matter of constrncting eideNalk on the east 8ide of 12th. avenne aorth from 3rd. etreet north to �th. etreet na�th� a.nd WHEREAS, eaid engineer has investigated the neceesity and feaeibility of said improvements and each oP them� and on June 19. �951, ret�orted thereon to the covncil aad filed hie �vritten reporte pith the eecretary of the conncil, re- commending the instalZatioa of cnrb on the ov�et eide of 12th. avenne aorth in froat of Lote 10 aud 11, Block 76, Weat Minneapolie, Second Divieion; and the constiuctioa of eidev�alk on the east eide of 12th. avenne north between jrd. etreet north aad �+th. etreet north, and W�RF�AB, on Jnae 19, 1951, the citg conncil of Hogkiae adop�ed a resolution eetting R�eedsyo the 17th. d�yof July, 1951, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the oonncil chsmbere ia the city hall as the time and place for coneiddring eaid reports and acting thereon� ead iVSEREA5, a notice of eaid hearing.hae been published ia '�he Henaepin County Revie� in ita issnee of June 2gth. aad July 5th. 1951� aad the affidavit of publica- tion of eaid aotice hae been filed aith the eecretary of the co�nncil, aad �EREAS, no petition setting forth appoeitioa to eaid improvementa, or either of them. tivea filed �vith the citp manager prior to the date aad honr eeL for hearing eaid engineer' e reporte, and no one appeared in oppoaition tYieP2�6:s PdOW� TSEREFORL, ,,. , aE IT BESOLVED by the city canncil of the city of Hopkine that the inetailation of curb attd the conatrnetioa of sidearalk in the loca.tions as recommended by the eagiaeer in hie reporta are neceaeary for the health� eeelfare aad convenience of the city aad it� inhabitaats, and it is hereby determined and ord.ered that eaid improe�meate� and each oi them as recommended by the engiaeer, be made, and that the coeta thereof be aeeessed againet any property abatting npon ea.id improv�nente. . ADdPTED by the conncil of the city oP Hopkine at a regnlar meetiag thereoP held thie 17 th day of Jn18. 1951 • W. gg� PERBIx, N�AYbH A. W. Elmqnist, Secretary to the conacil Frank N. Whi tney� City Atto raey copy for Carl Andereon . � CITY OF HOPgINS HIIQI�EPIId COONTY, MI�AESOTA RESOZIITIOAt BTo. 227. A RESOLIITIO� OR�BI�a THE IIJSTALLATION OF C�RB AAD GUTTER IN CERTAI� I,OCA�'IONS. W�3, the council of the citg of Hopkins on Jnne 5. 19rj1, ad.opte(i a resolution referriag to Frank Laaka, cit� �engineer� for his inveslligation and report, the matter of inetalling carb on the ee�at side of 12th. aeenue north from 3rd. etreet north to the eouth line of etate trunk higkiaay 80. 7, and on the Meet eide of 12th. avemxe north from 3rd. etreet north to 4th. etreet north, and �1�A5� said engineer haa inveetigated the neceeeitp and feaeibili�y oP ea.id improvemeat, and on June 19. 1951. reported thereon to the conncil and filed hie �oritten report �eith the eecretiarg oP the o�nncil� recommendiag the construction oP curb and gutter on both eidee of 12th. e,venue north betaeen 3rd. etreet north aa8 4th. etreet north, and taEEREAS. on June 19� 19�j7.� the city council of Hopkiae adopted a reeolutioa eetting q'uesde�y� the 17th d,� of Jnly, �95�� at %:30 o'clock P.M. at the council ehambere in the city hall as the �ime e,n8 place for caneidering eaid report en.d acting thereon, and WHEREAB, a notice of said hearing hae beea publiahed in The Hennepin County Review in ite issnes of Jnne 28th. eud July 5th. 1951, aad the affidavit of pnblication of said notice has been filed �i�h the eecretary of the cauncil. aad ]�iFREA3, no peti�ion getting forth oppoeitioa to eaid improvemeat, and giving the proper etreet addreseee and the descriptionaof the propert� oadned by petitionere to be affected by the improPement ae reqnired by Section S.O3, 9nb- division 5, of the city charter� mae filed �oith the city m8aager prior to the date and hainr eet Por hearing eaid engineer' e reporte; bat (�il Johaeon, Pat �►an aad F.W. Hammoad appeared in person in favor of the inatallation of crrtrb in the location re- commended by the engineer bnt oppoe�d to the inetallatiaa of combined cnrb aad gntter in said location; �OW, T$EBEI+UEE, BE I� BESOLYED by the city council of the city of Hopkins that the inetallation of carb a�d gutter. ae"recommeaded by the en�neer in his report, ie neceeeary for the heed].th, vrelfare and conveinence of the city aad its iababitaate, and it is hereby determined and ordered that ea3d improvemestrJ�'� ae recommeaded by the engiaeer, be made, and that the coate thereof be aeeessed ag8inet an,y property abnLting upoa ee3d im- p ro vement . ADOP`rED by the conncil of the cit� of Hopkins at a regalar meeting thereof held thi � 17th day of Julyo 1951. t�. EARI,AN PEF�IX, A�fAYbS A. W. Elmquiet� Secret�ry to the coaacil Frank 1C. �Thitney, City A��;orney copy to FYtzgerald Broe�: � CITY OF HOPBINS �TEPIN COUI�TY� MINIQESOTA RESOLIITIO� �0. 225. A RESOLIITION ORDERING A HEARINQ ON EDTGI�EER'S REPOHT ON THE BS,ACg TOP SQ�?FACI lda OF THE ALLEY I� BLOCR 6� GIBB' S FIRST ADDITIOld TO �PEST MII�NEAPOLI S. ,. �EEA3, the council of the city of Hopkins oa July 1��, �95�� adopted � a resolntion referring to Frank Laeka, city engineer� for hia ineestiga- tioa and report. the matter of the black top snrfacing oP the alley in Block 6, t3�ibb's First Addition to W�et Minaeapolis, and WHEREAS� eaid engineer hae inveatigated the necees�ity a.nd feaeibility of said improvement. and oa July 17�, 1951, reported thereon to the conncil e.nd filed his voMtten re-oort raith the aecretary of the conncil, in a�hich report the engLneer recommenda the black top sarfacing oP the alley in Block 6, Gibb's Firet Addition to Weet Minneapolis� at an eatimated cost of $697.00. 1QOW, THEREF'ORE, BE IT RESOLFED that eaid improvement will be considered by the couacil aad action taken thereon at a regular meeting of ti�e citg council to be held on the 21st. day of Auguat, �95�� at 7:30 o'clock P.M.� and BE IT F4ETHER HESOL9ED that the city manager give notice of �uch hearing by pnbliehing a notice once each eoeek for two sacceeaive weeka in the c�'l�itisl ne�spaper of �sid city. said notice to deacribe in general language the improvement recommended in the engineer'e report and the eetimated cost thereof. ADOpTED by the conncil of the cit� of Hopkiae at a re�ular meeting thereof held thi e 1'��th. da�r of Jnly, 1951. . W. HA,NI�1N PERBII{, MAYOR A. W, Elmqui st � Secretar� to the council Frar�c N. l�hi ta�►y� City Attomey w CITY OP' HOPgINS �EPIA COUId�,'Y, MIRNESO'PA ��� g � �'` ,. �,� a �\�`� � 1�OTICE OF �ARI�iG OA ENGIAEER' S REPORT 0� THE BLACK TOP S08FACI�a OF THE �.LLEY I�T BLOCK F� GIBB�S FIRST ADDI�'ION TO WEST MI��EAPOLIS. NOTI CE I S HEREBY GIF�Q that the city engineer of Hapkine did on the l�jith. day oP July, 195�. Pile his report with the city conncil recommendin� the black top eu.rfacing of the alley in Block 6, (3ibb' e Firet Add3tion to � �4eet Minneapolis, at ea estimated coet of $697.�0. 1QOTICE IS PtTRTffi�R GI9El� that the city counc3l hae by reeolution fixed Tneaday� the 21st. da� of Auguet, 1951, at 7:j0 o'clock P.M. at the oouncil chambers ia the citg hall aa the time and place at mhich the council �vill hear each persone a� care to be heard in reference to said improve- ment, and `oill coneider said engineer'a report and act thereon. C. C. CQNG�DN, Cit� I�anager Dated at Hopkine, Minneaota, thia 19th. de� of July. �95�. F'rank �. Whitney, City Attorney ( copy for the paper) Pabliehed ia The 9uburbaa Press on July 26th aad Aug. 2nd� 1951. CITY OF HOPKINS, AEANEPIId COi�TY. MII�TESO'i'A RESOLII�II08 A0. 22g. � A RESOLIITION REFERBIDTG TO TH� CITY ENGII�EEE T� MATTEE OF INSTALLIRG CURB ABYD �TTEH AnTACE'�T TO A POE�IO� OF LOT 20 � BLOCg 92. 9PEST MINNEAPOLI S� SECOI�D DITI SIO�. �9SEREAS� there haa been filed with the city cl�rk and b� the clerk presented to the city conacil e petitioa aekiag for the ineta.11atioa of curb and gntter along the desterly side aad approgimately the weeterly 100 feet of the aortherly side of Iwt 20. Block 92� T�eSt B�inneapolis� Seocnd Divisioa, aad WgEREAS� the cost thereof shonlS be asseseed ag�i.net property Pbund beaefited thereby, ead �iSEREAS, the owaer of said lot hae petitioned the city connoil for eaid improvement aad agreed �o pay the coet thereof; NOW, 'PHEHEI�OxE� BE IT RESOLYED by the oonncil of the city oP Hopkine that the matter oP inetalliag cnrb a�ci. gabter in the above loca.tiom be referred to I�renk Laekao cit� engineer� to ineeSti�ate the neceseit� and feaeibilit� thereof and to report to the council as �oon ae possible. ADOPTED by the council oP the citg of Hopkine at a regnlar me e�i ag �h ereo f held thi e 17th de4y o f July. 19 51. �T. HARLAN PERBIR � MAYOR A. W. Elmqui�t, Secretary to the canncil Frsak �T. 1�hitney� City Attorney � M � CITY OF HOPiCIgS HL�NI�EPIN COUNTY. 1�BIY9DTE�TA AESOLIITIOA 810. 229. A RESOLIITIO� ACCEPTIi�G THE RE3I (�ATI O1Q OF CITY MANAGER CO�TGDDA. 11a1�SEREAS� city maaager Claire C. Coagdnn bas preseated to the council of the city oP Hopkina his reeignation ePfective Augnet 26� 1q51� becauae he has aa opportnaity to advance in hi e profeeaion by accepting aa offer to eerve as city* �anager for the ci ty of gearney, �ebraeka, and W�REAS, Mr. Congd,on hae worked hard and faithfl�lly ae city manager of Ho�pkine siace December 1, 19�, and hae contribnted . mnch to the deeelopment of Hopkine from e viZlage into a city oP the 4th. class; DTOW� THEREFnRF, BE IT RESOLVED that the conncil of the city of Hopkina hereby accepte Mr. Congdon'e reeignation as city ma�na�er effective � gugu et 26, 19 51. and he reby e$p re sse s i t a thank s to him for hi a valnable services to the citye ADOPT�D by the con�ncil of the city of Hopkins at a regnlar meeting thereof held this 17th. d.a.y of July, 1951. W. HARLAN PEB�BI%, MAYOR A. �. E7.mquist. Secretary to the council Fraak AT. Whitney, City Attorne�r � �� '�+� � � � �� j- � � . ������ � ' A meeting �of the Board of F�ualitiation �ias held at tk�e City Hall at _. .... . 2 P; �; on Tuesds.y, Ju�y 2�., 19 lo � B�embers present� v�ere: Bday�or Perbix, CounciSmen BBilbert� Zakariasen� Dahlberg� and tTesely� City Manager Congdon' City �iasessor Kosanda0 �embers absent: Nonee Vesely �oved, Dahlberg seconded; tkiat the Red OoPl Stores, Ince � be " _ . - notified to have a representative present at 7 P:B�. on July 26� 1951�� ivith records-to suhstan�iate the figures submi.tted for tax purposed on personal property. Caxriedo �Hilbert moved� �Zakarias�en secon.ded� � that the Minneapolis-Bdoline Compai�' be � , . -- notified to have a representative present at 7;30 P.�. on J�],y 26, 19 l; Wi.th records to substantiate the figures submitted for tax purpose� on persona.l property. Carried� B�eeting adjau°neda .. . . ffimquis , ty Clerk � . ., ... - � .. �� , �j� �� �� � � � �= �� �e��� A special meeting of"the City Council o� the City of Hopkins was lield at the City Hall at 7:00 0� clock P.Bd: on Thursday�� JvJ� 26�� i951.° " B�embe�s �. . -- ` present xere: Bdayor Perbix,�Councilmen Da.hl,berg, Milbert� Zakariasen� : �esel�, Citg D6anager Congdon� �ity Assessor Kosanda.. �deanbers absent: Noneo �eselx moved, Dahlberg seconded,�that B�i.nnetonka �ills Road,-from approxi- mately 8th Avenue to lltii��venue, be graded for drainage as per City Engineerts recommendation. Carried. . _. . . fl�ilbert moved, Dahlberg seconded; t.Yiat the request of F'dvPard "IIiglebre , in B6innetonka Tov�nship� for pern�$saion to use our citg dump be denied, Garried. � Vesely moved' Milbex�t seconded, that ftesolution No.230� "A RESOLU TION DFr CLARING TiIPO VICANCIk� TO� ERZST IN THE HOYKINS POLICE CIPIL SERVTCE COMMIS- SIOId�" marked F�chibit�A"� be adopted. Carried. �ayor Perbix annown�ced the folla�-ing appointments to the Police Civ�.l Service Commission: � _ _ . .. i gsss Lo Thorfinnson, from 7-26-�1 to 1-1e53o iobert R. Williams, from 7-26-51 to 1-1 51ta Zakariasen moved� Dahlberg secc�nded� that the a bove appointments be confirmed, Carried• Dahlberg moved� Zakariasen seconded,�that�the Minneapo].is�oline Company+s � true arid full valuation on personal property, as set up by �ssessor Kosanda,� be approved. Vese�y voting no, �i].bert, Dahlberg� aad Za.kariasen voting yes� carrieds DaYil.berg raoved, Zakariasen seconded, that the National Tea Compa.�y� s- true and- ftii1.1" valuation on personal property, as 8et up by �ssessbr Kosan.da, be reduced. by��100�000o00e Qesely voting no, �ilbert, Dahlberg, and Zakariasen voting yes� carried. .V:ese],y moved that the � Red Oerl Stores, Incorporated� s true aad� fu11' tralu- __ . .. .. _ .. ation on personal`property be raised�from �582,303.00 to � O,OOO.00o �4s, there vPas no second to the motion� same vras declared lost. Zakariasen moved, Dahlberg seconded, that the Kilgore Lumber Compai�yt s� tri�e and full valuation on persorial�property; as set�up by Assessor gosanda� be Teduced by��3'OOOQ00• Vese]y voting no� Milbert� Dahlberg� and Zakariasen voting yes, carried. Vesely moved, Zakariasen secorided� that tlie Revi�w Publications��Irleorporated�s true and full valuation on personal property be raised by �1�00O,OOo Carriedo Zakariasen moved, 1�i.Ibert aeconded, tfiat Dahllierg Brothers,'Incorporated�s tru� and full valuation on personal property be raised by �1,OOOe00o Garried. Zakariasen moned, Mil.bert secorided� tYiat-the Assessor�s books and figures � on assessments be accepted, subject to a}�oee charige§� and the�clerk be author- ized to sign same and they lie-oertified�to the County Auditoro Vesely voting no, Milbert, Dahlberg� and Zakariasen voting yes, carriedo �eeting adjournede iTTF5- =-�1 � j � � / ����. �� ����2� . Har an Perb , Mayor - . _ __ __.,. . _ A. w:�Elmquist� ecretaxy to the Council COt1NC IL�IlII�1 s CI TY OF HOP�II�S ffiNEPIN COZTgTY, MINDTESOT� RESOLUTIO� N0. 234. A RE�LIITION DE�L'AHING TWO VACANCIES TO EXI ST IN T� HOP�I�S � POLICE CIYII, SEx9ICE COA�+IISSION. WF�8EA3� on Dece�ber $, �g�6� the council of the village (no� ci t8) of Hopkins appointed as members of the police civil service commieaioa Milton (ieer aad (3erald Martineon, and WHEREAS, on M�rch 21. 1950, the conncil of the cit� of Hopkins appointed said Milton fieer a member of eai d police ciQil service commi esion Por one year commencing Jaanary 1',; 1950 � and eadiag Jannary 1� 1951, and appointed eaid Qerald Martineon to eaid police civil aervice commieaion Por three year�, commenciag Jaauar,� 1, 1950, and ending Jannary 1, 1953. �d � � �BEAS, on ,Tanuary 16� 1951, the canncil appointed eaid Milton Qeer a member of eaid police civil eervice commisaion for three yee�rs commeacing Ja�ary 1� 1951 and eading Ja�uuary 1, �95�+. and W�SEA3� said A�ilton Geer ever eince December j, i946� has beea aad � etill i e ineligible to ee rve on eaid commi seion becan ae of the fact that he holds another office or employment under aaother political snbdiviaion of the sta.te of Minneeota� aamely: the office of principal of the senior ht� echool Por Independent School Dietrict �o. 1�� Hennepin Connty� Mianesota, and , WHERF�A3� eaid B�ilton Geer }�ae never qualified aa a member of the police civil service commiseion by filing an oath of office �rith the city clerk. aad Wf�8EA3, aaid Gerald Martinson has never qna.lified ae a member of the , .� police cfvil eervice commisaion by filing an oath of office vrith the city clerk; �06�� T�BEFORE� HE IT RE�LBED that vacanciee are hereby 8eclared to exiet on said police civil eervice commiseion for the remainder of the terms of both aaid Milton (3eer and (�erald Martinson. ADOPTED b�r the conncil of the city oP Hopkias at a special meetiag thereof held thie 26th. day of July. 1951. W. HARLAN P�B'BIR� MAY08 A. W. Elmqui et. Secretary to the council P'rank �. �hitaey� Cit�► Att�rnPy ,� � ��:a � P� � � a � �� � �,� , a�,�1 ,� j v d A regvlar meeting of the Cauncil of the Cnt�}r of Hopkins,,' Minnesota;' �ias-�he].d at the City Hall at 7;30 o�clxk F. �e on,Tuesday, August 7, 1951. �embers present were: �ayor Perbi.x, Gouncilm� Dahlberg, Milbert, Dese],y, $akar�3:a,sen, �ity Attorney 1Nhi.tney and City F�gineer Laska, . B�embers' absent: Gity �danager Congdona - Vesely moved, �i.lbert seconded, that bills as presented for payment, with the exc eption of the one for George �ITinter in the amotuzt of �!� e50' be paid. Carriede 3895 �3.tuieapolis Gas 3896 Northern States Po�er 3897 N. �. Bell T�ephone 3898 Martin Vanek 3930 C�.ub Cafe 3931 C. C. Congdon, Treas. 3932 Cbast to Coast 3933 Common�ealth Co. 3934 Cordes Signs 3935 Dahlberg Broso 3936 Direct Service 3937 �rnest d. Duda 393$ Farnham.Stationery 3939 Gardner Hdw. 39�0 (�stafson & Ftiiza 39�1 L. 1�. Harris . 3942 Henn. coo Revie�r - 391�3 Hobb� Sing Shop 391tl�. �ike Holm 391u Hopkins Drug 39l�6 Hopkins Fire D�to 391�7 Imperial .Book .Co. 39lt8 I�t. City �ana.gers 3949 thru 3970 (22 Jurors�salaries) 3971 Kokesh Hclwr. 3972 Lampert.Yards 3973 Lund� s Sex�r.i.ce 3974 �. H• McCoy 3975 �ashek�s Tailoring 3976 �attts.caf� 3977 �3.rgi1 Bdiller 3978 �inn. B�unicipalities 3979 �1inn. Ne�s Coe 3980 Donald Olson 3981 Ray Peter� n � 3982 SCh38f �6fgs C00 3983 Art. schultz 3981� Select Service 3985 Relief Board 3986 Subnrban Press 398? Fred S�wanson 3g88 Frank whitney Salaries Hour]�r payroll 1066 1067 1068 1072 107�t 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 ATorthern States Power AT• W Bell Tel. Bdike Ho]Jn Co C. Congdon, Treas. Dahlberg Bros. Ernest J. Da.da Flour City Brnsh Co. Int. Haraester Co. F'r'� �PP Earl Se�all Cont• Wmo H..Ziegler Co. Salaries Hour7� Payroll GENERlL FUND Serv3ce Serr�i.ce Seraice Salary 7/23 to ?/Bl Prisoner �eals Petty Cash items B�aterial Repair cables Panel sign Repair Road Servic e Repair work Supplies Recreation supplies R�pa�r s erei,c e Car allawance Printing Recreation Service Recreation Sup. Calls & phones Supplies Materia7. Jury duty Recreatica� supplies Material Repair (3as Clean Uniforms �Heals for �ury Recreation sup. Census estimate Supplies Poundmaster Fire Se�ool R�ecreation snpe Labor Repair RePair 9upport Publishing Excavating . Service Last 2 of Ju1�y Perioa ending 7/31/51 �;�i7����;iu: � ��n Service Service Service Petty Cash items Repa�r Repair work Svreeper refilled Repair parts Repaix supplies ffiacktop Supplies iast 2 of Jul� Period ending 7/31/51 � 22a� 791sb5 92.�5 16slur 18.70 23s2? l�.�e 23 74.79 2e00 �55089 1e50 82e00 1Om62 70.55 23017 �•� 73.05 18e�.? i.o5 7.68 155000 64,75 2.50 !�la.e00 14.95 e55 2a 00 168aoo 20s00 6�40 10� a00 136.00 l�56046 io3.75 27.40 19a20 12050 s.2� lt1o411 310 t�o 61�,00 20000 22�8e72 21o3s27 12e83 �.1e50 .35 7.86 9•59 6.00 52.92 29 e85 2.66 � 1133.63 1029 954e�2 376.96 875 879 880 881 882 883 88l� 885 Northern 5tates Power Addressograph �o. C. Ce Congdon,.Treas• gartvig �nderson Le H• , Bro�ening Justv.s Lbr. Coo $okesh �dvre Monarch:Chemicals Sa,],ax�ies Hourl� Payroll 272 BTorthern States Po�er 275 C. C. Congdon, Treas, Salaries - Hour�y Pa�roll �2— i ��T � � . ��� $gI'V'.�CB �Illoy plates Petty Cash items Ren� Garage Repair ser�rl.ce �te:-i�. Supplies chlorine Last 2 of July Per�.od ending 7/31/51 S�WAGE DISPO�SAL FUIdD SerPice Petty Cash items Las t 2 of Ju7� period e�ding 7/31/51 SPDCIAL ASSESS�TT FLTATD 53 First ATatl. Bke of Hopkins Bonds 54 DT. �. Natl. n� l�plso Bonds 285 28b 287 288 289 290 291 292 � _ r�r�nrr �ov��rrr �v. r� Richard Ferron Cons. Fitzgerald Bros. Henno Co. Review M& St L I�'. C o. H. �. Rogers Bo. Earl S�]�- Conta Fred Swanson Suburban Press Salaries gour�Y P�11 payment on s e�er payment on cnrb & gutter Printing _ Pipe material Bluepri.nts Blacktop �cavating publisning Last 2 of Ju7,y period encii.ng 7/31/�1 ?62015 5031 �v64 95.00 22a50 551s65 7s72 �52.00 481.97 123e33 s69.9d 2.75 112020 191s10 11�71�04� i6�8.25 1417.37 3728e35 - 8010 667;7.l� 19.83 927:96 83e00 ],5.60 i85.8o 115.70 Zaka�iasen moved, Dahlberg seconded� that Resolution �231' °A RF�OLUTION RF�ER— RING TO TI� CI7Y ENGINEEft �iT B�ATTERS OF CONSTRUCTIl�TG,CONCRETE DRIVFA`TAY LFAUING FROM P� T�NE ONTO LOT 2, BIACK 5� PARKRI�GE, AND IA►$TALLING CLTRB AND GUTTER IN CEI�� IAC�TIONS'', marked F�ch.ibit n�"� be adopted. Carried. �esely moved, ll�ilbert seconded� that the request by the �ights of Columbus for permission to conduet Bingo games in:. the St. Joseph+s Church auditorium; be grarrted. Carriede B�ilbert moved, Z�riasen seconded, that request by the DTorthern States Power Co� for permission to place on�e pole in the East and �Pest alley, sout� of Excelsior �ve., between Jackson and b�onroe Aveo, and one pole on A�.awatha Ave. South of No. 7 Hi-ghv�aF, be granteda Carried. Dahlberg moved, �i].bert seconded, that appoint�ment of M. J. Va.nek, as made by Judge Otto to serve as man,icipal court clerk at �50a00 per month, be confirmed. Caxriedd Zakariasen moved, Dahlberg seconded, that bond of Dorothy Isenbarger be accepted snbject to approval of bond by CitY �ttorne�. Carrieda . M,i,].bert moved� Dahlberg seconded, that.liceage application for On-,Sale Non- Into�dcating ma].t liquor and soi�t drinks, as made by M. W. Zipay for Sept�mber 9� 1,951, at t2ie fairgrounds for the Shriners Horse Show, be grantedo Carried.. Zakariasen moved� Dahlberg seconded� that the �ity F�ingir�e er investigate and snbmit a report on storm �uat�r.drainage from alley bet�reen Madison and �onroe Ave. So, between lst & 2nd Streetsa Carried. Dahlberg moved� Zakariasen seconded� that the City ffigineer investigate and sutnnit a report on rebui].d.ing of East and �est a11�y, south of Sxcelsior Aveo, bet�een 11th and 12th Avema�es For drainage purposes. Carr9.edo �� V�e�y moved, Dahlberg seconded, that request bg Lest�r Gink�l to constract a �20� driv�ag to the north and a].la.� driv�a,y to the south of his n�� apartment building on 5th $v�., just north of Excelsior, be granted. Carriede Vesel.y moved� �ilbert seconded.� that request of C�toP. & Po Ry. Company for a spur track constraction into VPinston & N�erell Compa� plant, be granted' as per revised plan subm�itted and that island carb be put in snbject to City �ingineer's approval. CarriedO . -. Zalsariasen moved, Dahlberg seconded, that the City Attorney check into and advise �at proaedure to follow i.n order to build up a case for insisting upon having a watch tower and man being stationed at the rail�y crossings over �celsior Ave. in East Hopkins. Carried. Vese]y moved� Milbert seconded, that the City ittorn� take nec�ssary st�ps to r�- open 5th A9e. So. which was recently closed by.the Railroad &�arehause Comaiission; also to proceed to acqn.ire land for the widening of same. Carrieda Zakariasen moved�:,Dahlberg seconded� that Resolution #235� �l RE50LIITION AU�iOR- I�ING CO�F�TATIOIV. PROCEIDINGS TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN: ftOAD EAS�", marked bchibdt TMBn � be 3dOpfi�eds Ca1'13edo , _ . Zakariasen moved� �ilbert seconded, that Richard M. Ferron be aw�,rded. the contract for the constructial of water and se�er mains on B�onlc Avenue an�d Ox�ord St. Ido. � as advertised. Carried. , Zakariasen moved, 9e�e�,y seconded' that request by �d Grossman far permission to construct two 12� drieeways on bccelsior Avenue leading into the ne� Iiopkins Shopping C�nter,_be granted, subject to proper exit signs; also permi.ssion be gra.nted for t�ree 1lE� driveways on �th �geaue leading into sa,me property. Parking lot �ust have a cnrb coastructed which meets �ai.th the approval of �e City &�gineer. Carriede Zakariasen moved, Vesel3r seconded, that abave motia� be amended to allo�r the use of�the East dri�eway on �celsior Avenue for both e�ri.t and entrance nntil such time as the Hopkins Shopping C�ter is substantial7y completed according to plane Carried. � Milbert moved, Vese�}r seconded� that Ordinance �{69, "gId 0�11NAI�TCE IUTHORIZIlVG PRINTTiVG OF A PER3�ANE�1T IQO�E-LFrAF' ORDINANCE BOOg,• B�NG TAE_SAME C�ETENFr h'PIDENCE At�ID REPEALING. C&RTA�IN. ORDIldANCES", be accg�pted as. the iYrst rea�.ng thereof. Carri�l. . Dahlberg mov+ed� Zakariasen seconded� that a vote of thanks be given to City Attorney,,�hitney for the great amoant of �ork, effort and time put i.n on the compilation and the making of a new permanent loose�leaf ordinance book for the City of Hopkins. Carrieda Dahlberg moved, Zakariasen seconded, that Resolution #232, nA R�SOLUTION ORDERING A HEARIlVG ON ENGINffi� t S REPORT ON I1�S TAT�IlVG CURB AND _ GIITT�3 ADJACENT TO A PORTION OF LOT 20, BIACK.92, �T MIlV�APOLIS, SDCOND DIVISION"�.ma,rked ffihibit °C", be adoptedo Carried. _ _ � �filbert maved� Dahlberg seconded, tha,t the.salary.of �dae 9nderson be set at �275.00 per month from dugast 1, 1951. Carried, _ pesely mo4ed, Dahlberg aecomled, that C. C. Congdon be paid fa71 salaxq up t o and deacluding ingnst 31, 19510 Carried. Dahl.berg moved, pese7�y� seconded, tha.t Resolution #234, �'A RF50LUTICIU AYPOINTING A. �P. II�QUIST AS �AC TII�TG C ITY �ANAGER OF HOPKINS°, mark�d F�hibit nD" � be _ adopted. Carried0 _ _ _ �. Vesely moved, Zakari.a.sen secor�ded., that an ad be placed at least twice in t he Minnesota 7,eagae and th� I�ternational City BQanagers� Associ.ation magazines adeertising f or applications for the City �anager' position left vacant by the resignation of �. C. Congdon. Carried. � Dahlberg maved� B�ilbert seconded� that Couacilmaa Za,k,ariasen place the above ad stating that the salary willbe in the �5000•00 to �6000s� ra.nge and. that all applications be mailed to �dayor 11P. Harlan Perbiz on the form prescribed. by the International City �anagersT gssociation. Carried� _�__ B�eeting adjourned. ATTEST: .�' /�' � � ���.�.��,� . Har Per , �ayor G��!'.l� � a,�.y�..�.-�-. .. qu f� Secre ry o t e Connc COIINC 1I�Ns: �R � CITY OF HOPKIDTS �DTNEPIN COUNTY� MIIQNESOTA BESOLIITIO� 1�0. 231. A RESOZIITION REFERRING TO TSE CITY E[daINEER THE MATTERS OF CONST�t[TCTING CODTCIlETL DRIFEWAY LEADING FAOM P�C L�NE O�TO LOT 2, BLOCg 5� PAitgRIDGE, 9�D I�ST�LLING CIIBB 9ND (it1TTER I� CEBTAI� LOCATIODTS. W�EEAS� there has been filed �oith the city clerk and by the clerk pre- eented to the city conucil a peLition asking for the coastruction of a concrete driverray leading from Park Lane oato Lot 2� Block �j� Parkridge� and t�BEAS, the o�ener of eaid lot againet which the coet oP iaetallation of said driveway o�ould be aseeesed eigned said petition and agreed to pag the coat thereof, and WHII�EAS� it ie the desire of the conacil to inveatigate the necesait� �ad feaeibility of iastalling concrete cnrb and gatter ia the following locations, namely: On the roveat �ide of 5th. aeenne north from jrd. etreet north to the eonth line of Minnetonka Mills Road and from the north line af Minaetoaka Mills Road extending approgimately 50p feet northerl�; on the eaet eide of 5th. avenue north from the north line of Minnetoaka Mille Road and extending approaimately 140 feet aortherly and from the s�uth liae of Minaetonka Mille Road aad extending approximately 140 feet southerly; on the northerly side of Minne- � tonka Milla Road from 5th. avenue sorth and exteading apprngimately 1�I0 feet southeaeterly and from 5th. aee�ue north a.nd extending approximately 1Z10 feet northweeterly; on �he eouth aide oY Minne- tonka Milla Boad fr�m �th. avenue north aad egtending approximately 140 Yeet aontheaeterly and from 5th. avenne north aad extending approaimately 11l0 feet northwesterl�r. On the north eids oP let. etreet nor�h from Moarne avenue to Van Buren aad on the south eide of lst. street aorth from the alley in gtock 36� West Mianeanolis Center, to Van Baren avenn.e� aad �AEAS, the cost of the inetatlatioa of said cnrb and gutter ehonld be aseeeaed agaiaet property found benefited thereby; NOW, THEEEFORE� BE IT RESOL9ED by the conacil of the cit� of Hopkina t,hat the matters of inetalling said concrete drive�r�y and concrere cnrb aad gntter in said locatione be referred to Fraak Laeka, city engineer� to ineeetigate the neceesity and feseibility thereof end to report to the council as soon as poesible. ADOpTED by the council of the city of So�kina at a repular meeting thereof held this 7th day of Auguet. 1951. Yl. FIARLAld PERBIX, MAYbR A• W• Elmqnist� Secretary to the couacil Frank Id. Whi, taey� City Attorney 0 � � �e \ � �o Y ' 1 � \ � \ ` CITY OF HOPSI�S HENATEPIB COTTNT7, MIRNESOTA RESOLIITION N0. 235• A A RESOLQTION AUTHORIZING CONDF�TATION PROCEEDING9 TO ACQUIRE CERTATN ROAD EAS�iENTS. ` WHERF�AS, in o rder to provi de a hi g�ra�p whi ch will furni ah a mo re di rect connection bet�veen atate trunk hi�a��y No. 7 and the area in the city of Hopkiae in which is located the rholeeale distribnting honaee of �ational Tea Co. and Red Owl Storea, Inc. � ahich highwag can be uaed by the many tnxcks ranning to and from eaid wholesa.le dietributing houeee and bg other vehicles rnnniag to and from the easterly portion of the city of Hopkine� it ie aeceesary to extend Monk avenne in eaid city from its preseat northerly terminatioa at the iatereectioa of Moak aeeaue and Lake street in a aortherly direction until it coanectea arith eaid etate traak hi��ray l�o . 7 . and WHEREAS� said eatension of Monk avenne aill also open np a coneiderable area of the city which ie aow undeveloped for home constructioa, aad WHEaEAS, moet of the ri�t-of-voay for said exteasion of Monk avenue has been donated to the ci ty of Hopkia8 by the varions oeunera thereof� and 4�EEAS, in order to constrnet said hi�way improvement, it ie neceeeary for the city to acqaire by ri�t of emiaent domain the easements hereinafter set fo rth; NOW, TSEREP'OBE, BE IT RESOLPED that the city acqnire by the right of eminent domain the right� pMvilege and eaeement to conatruct and maintain a street or road, together �oith aide- �alk. curb and gntter, and to i�all stvrm and eaaitary sewer mains aad �ater and �ae maina, over� under and across a11 of the followiag tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the city of Hopkine, Hennepin County, Minnesota, deecribed as follows�to-a1it: Parcel �o. l. The �aeeterly Thirt�-three (33) feet of that part of Lot Seventy (70) , Auditor' e 9nbdivieion Nu�mber Two Hundred Th.i rty-�iine (�39)+ H��ePin County, Minneeota, lying sonth (S) of the north (8) Two &indred Forty (2�0) feet� aad exceptiag that part lying eouthweeterly of Min.nehaha Creek. Parcel No. 2. The westerly 2hirty-three (33) feet of the westerly Taro Hundred Ei�.t� (280) feet of the northerly Oae Hundred Fif ty-five (155) feet of Lot Sixty-eight ( 68) � Audi tor' s Subc3lvi sion BTnmber Tv�o Hundred Thi rty- nine (23)) � Hennepia County, Nlinneeota. BE IT 1+VRTHER SESOLYED that proceedings to acquire eaid righte, privilegea (1) end easements over� under and across said tracts or parcel8 of land under the ri�t of eminent domain according to the la�+e of the atate of Minnesota be commenced� and that the city manager and mayor are authorized ead directed� on behalf of the city, to si� a petition to the Dietrict Conrt of Henaepin County, Minnesota, for the acquiaition of said ri�ta� privilegee and easements and for the appointment of commisaioners to app rai ae the same. A.DOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkine at a regular meeting thereof held thie 7th, da,g of Auguet� �95�. W. HA�AI�T PERBI%, MAYOR A. W. F�mquiet, Secretary to the council Frsnk DT. �'hitneg, City Atto rney i 2) � � � CITY OF HOPgINB HENNEPII�1 C�JNTY. MIbiNESOTA RESOLUTI01� 1V0. 2j2. A RESOLIITION ORDERI�G A�ARINQ 0� ENGII�EEH' S REPORT ON INSTALLING CIIRB AN'D GIITTEH AI3TACPDtT 'PO A PORTION OF LOT 20, BI,OC� 92, WE9i' MI1dNEAPOLI S, �CO1�D DI VI SI OA. VdAEREAS� the cana��l of the city of Hopkias on July 17. �95�� adopted a resolution referring to Franlc Laeka, city engineer, for hie investigation and report� the matter oP inetalling cnrb and gntter aloag the weeterly eide and approximately the westerly 100 feet of the northerly eide of Lot 20, Block 92, Weet Minneapolie� Second Dinisioa� aad W�EREAS, said engineer hag investigated �he neceasity and feseibility of eaid improvement, aad on Ang+xet 7, 195�, reported thereon to the couacil and filed his �arittea report with the secretary of the council, in r�hich report the en�ineer recommende that eaid cnrb and gatter be inetalled at said locatioa at aa estimated cost of $k2j.71; DTOW, THEREFbRE, BE I T 8E90LVED that eai d imp m vemeat will be con eidered by the cauncil and action teken thereon at a regular meeting of the city council to be held on the 4th, day of September� 1951, at 7:�0 o'clock P.P�. and BE IT FURTHEB BESOLVID that the city manager give notice of euch hearing by pnbliehiag a aotice once each week for tao encceseive weeks in the ofPiciel newspaper of said city� eaid notice to describe in gener�], langaage the improv�ment recommended in th� engineer�e repo rt and the eetima.ted coet thereof. ADOPTED by the council oP the city of Hopkins at a.regular meeting thereof held thie 7th day of Angnet� 1951. W. HAi�,AN PERBIX � MAYOR g. W. Elmquist, Secritary to the council Frank �T. 11�►�hitaey, City Attorney CITY OF HOPgINS HE�N'EPIN CODNTY � MI1�TE SOTA t � .r1 � �� � \ ���, �`�\ � � � NOTICE OF HI+'A�PTG ON ENGI�EER' S AE'POxT ON T� I1VSTILI,ATIO� OF CUHB ADTD GQTTEx AATACEIQT TO A PORTIOA OB LO'P 2p� BLOCK 92, WEST �I�EAPOLI S� SECOAD DIVI SIO1Q. 1�OTICE I3 HEREBY tiIVS� that the city engineer of Hopkins did on the 7th. da� of Angaet, 1951, file hi a report a�ith the cf t� council recommending the iaetallatioa of cnrb and gntter along the vaeeterly eide and approximately the �veeterly 100 feet of the aortherly side of Lot 20. Block 92, Weet Minneapolis� Second Division, at an estimated cost of $�3.71. ATOTICE IS ItTETSEfl GIYEN that the city council hae by resolution Piaed Tueeclay. the 4th. day of 3epte�ber� 1951, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the council chambere ia the city hall ae the time aad pla8e at which the conacil oviill hear e�ch pereona se care to be heard ia refereace to eaid improve�ment, and deill coneider eaid engiaeer' e report ar►d act thereon. A. W. ELM�JI ST � ACTING CITY MAATAQER Dated at Hopkine� Mianesota. this 9th. day of Augnat, 1951. Fraak �. �ihitney, City Attorney Pabliahed ia The 9nburban Preee on August 16th aad 2jrd., 1951. ( coAy for the paper� , a d� CI TY OF HOPKIN3 HE�NEPIR COUNTY� A�IANESOTg BESOLIITION N0. 2j�+. A RESOLIITIOBT APPOII�TING �. W. FLMC�TI ST AS ACTIIVG CITY MAIPAGF� OF HOpKIN3 . i�PIHF�iEAS� Claire C. Congdoa, city maaager of Hopkins� hae heretofore yue e�bmitted to the city council hie reeigaation as city maaager� effective d�}� 26, 1951� ,;�hi.cli resi�ation hae been accepted by the conncil� aad � ' 49HEREAS, Mr. Coagdon is entitled to pay f�m the city for vacation leave. and hae left Hopkins and has aseumed hie �ties as city maaager of gearney, Nebra,ska, ead is no longer available to perform the catiea of city meaager of Hopkine, thua creating a vacancy ia the office of city manager; AOW� R'HEEEF��, BE IT RESOZVED that from and aPter the date of the adoption oP thie resolution� A. W. Elmqui st be, and he hereby f s� appointed acting city maaager of Hopkina, to eerve aatil anch time as a city manager ie appointed by the coancil, and that during the period of hie eervice aa actiag city manager he shall be veated with a11 the pomers and perform all the dutiee conferred npoa him b,� the charter of the city of Hopkins and the laeoa of the etate of Minnesota. BE IT PtTATHER HE�I,VED that during the period that A. W. Elmquiet serves as city maaager he shall be paid at the rate of $�50.00 per month. ADOPTED by the muncil of the ci ty of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this �th. day of Auguat� �95�. .- W. HA$ZA1Q PERBI%, MAY�& �. W. Elmqui st, Secr�tary of the canncil F'rank N. Whi taey, City Attoraey A regularmeeti.ng of the Council of the Cit� of Hopkins, Minnesota., vQas held at the City H�1.1 at 7;3� olclock P.D�. on Tuesdag, August 21� 19510 �iembers present �rerea Mayor Perbix, Cvuncilmen Milbert� Zakaraisen� Dahlberg, Vese�y� City Attornep �Phitneya �embers absents City Engineer I�ska. Bdil.bert moved, Zakarisen seconded, tha.t bills as presented be paid from tdie follc�ing fundss 1��3 41�005 4030 f�o31 4032 1�033 4034 4035 4036 403? 4038 4039 l�040 I�OI�l 4043 1�01�l� 40lS l�046 4047 1086 108? 1091 1092` 109Lt 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 890 891 89l� 895 896 89? 898 899 GENERAL FUND 1.st•:;Na.tnona3;�Bank of Hopki ns Treasurer, State of Minnesota R. B. Cross_ Doublec�y & Co., Inc. Feudner-Daeidson �gency Hobby gin� Handicra.ft Hopkina Home & flut,o Supp7,y Hopkins �dotor .Sales Co. Justus Lumber Co. I,eague of �Hinno Municipalities �G:i.11er-Davis coe Bffinneapolis Gas Coa Northera States Po�rer Com Recl O�rl St�es, Incs Skelly Oil Coo Standard Oil Coo Suburban Chevrolet Coo Suburban Press, Inco Vita & Son Frank N. 3lfhitney W. Ce �➢hitney $alaries Hour]y Payroll Withholding Tax Ded. Retirement l�nd Dedo Postman�s Shoulder Pad Books _ , Surety Bond Supplies Siipplies & Parts Repa'irs � . , _ Supplies Directory Supplies Ser�ice Service PnboHealth ATurses Meeting Gas July �'ges Taa�i.ng, Track Repairs Printing Builaling Steps Filing Fees, Legal Serv� n.ectrical Inspections lst � of August Period ending 8-� 51 ROAD & HRIDGE FU1�ID lst �Tational Bank of Hopkins Treasurer, State of �dinnesota Carl 6e Anders o�n Da.hlberg Bros., Inc. Flour City Brush Co. Hopkins Home & Auto Suppl� Hopkins Insurance Agency �11�.j.8II1 �s �CCiO� „ Northern States Fower Coo Republic Creosoting Co. Smith-Dunn Coo, Inc. Salaries . Hour�y Payroll �Pithriolding Tag Ded. ftetiremerit Ftand Dedo Labor,Grading Drive�iay 1951 Ford Truck Parts Supplies & Parts Trucic Insnrance Fuel Oil SerPice Road Tar S�re er R�p�irs lst� of �ngast Period encling 8-1,5�1 �ATER FUrID lst �Tational Bank of Hopkins Treasurer, Sta.te of �inneso ta El.ectro �st�-Proofing Corpo Hopkins Home & Auto Supp]y ATe�.Bell Telephone Coe Northern States Pa�er Co. Suburban Press, Ince 9�allace & Tiernan Co.,. Inco 3alaries Haurly Pa+yroll Withholding Tax Dedo Retirement �.ind Deda �aintenance Service Plan Supplies Service service Priiiting Parts lst � of �ugust Period endi.ng 8-�-51 ' � 679el�.8 �s.�z 1:s85 26.31 5000 ?e90 274999 2025 8.85 1•50 35eoo 10.75 756.1�5 32e00 168.00 55°03 30,10 26.85 93020 32.25 . 139.92 1694e23 �,554.88 � 157�00 91e31 10•02 2635.00 52e92 1�61a74 27082 22,I�2 10.22 182009 197.95 731e62 291e86 $ 98000 29.94 pA" 210a00 _ .. 6e1�0 8013 855.56 u.75 16056 470087 162,71 r2� S�GE DISP06AL FUND 277 lst National Bank of Hopkins Tl�ithholding Tax Dedo 278 Trea.surer, State of B�innesota Retirement �ind Deda 282 Carl A. Bnderson Cement Work.. 283 idorthern_States Power Coo Service... Sa1ar3.es lst 2 of �ugast Hoiu'],y P�rroll Period ending 8-15-�1. s�c� essFss�rr r�v� 55 Permanent Improvement RevoFund Transfer of �.nds PEF�dA1�1iT I�GPROPE�I�IT REUOLVIIJG FUPID 29lt lst National Ba.nk of Hopkins 295 Treasurer, St�t e .of �i.nnesota 298 .Adler Steel �x�oducts Co. 299 Carl Ao Anderson 3� James B. �C1ovP & sons 301 Justus Lumber Co, 302 Republic Creosotin� Co� 3alaries Hour],y Pa.yroll Tl�ithholding Tax Dedo RetiremerYt Fand Dedo �anhole Frames &.Covers Cement �ork Pipe & Parts S�ver . Pipe Roa.d Tar lst �.of lugust Period ending 8-15 51 � 1t8.00 17.80 �t9.92 370.04 3.12:�20 126.75 �12�OOOa00 � 39e80 17=092 336000 2761s26 5826042 1556�4�. 457o9T i85o8o 159.84 Vesely moved, I�i.lbert seconded, that Resolution No.237, "'A RES�LIITION ftEFER- RING TO 7HE CITY ENGIA?ffi� 73iE MAR°�Et?S OF BLACg TOP SUl�F'ACIATG A PORTION �' �iIRD. STREET IdOR�i, OF I11�ST.ALLING. CtTRB AND.. aiTTTE� 0�T A_ PORTION OF ZiiIRTEIIITZH AVIIWE NOR�fi AI�ID INSTALLING CURB AND SIDFAPgLR. IN a CERTIII�T. LOCATION"� marked Exhibit "lp, be adoptedo Carriedo . _ Vesely moved, Zakariasen seconded, that letter clated August 21, 1951� t� Hasr3.s R. Lindquist, pertaining to the constxtiction of four svmp �ells on O�kwood Road, be referred to the City Engineer for report at the next meetingo Carri.ed.o Zakariasen moved, �ilbert seconded� that the City Council go on record. as being in favor of a t�renty-year sew�er main assessment ifyand whea,same �s ConstruCted in Peaceful Valleys C�rr3edo Vesely mored� B�3lbert seconded,, that Resolution ATo,238s "A RESOLUTION. RF�'ER- RIA1G �0 TI� CITY ENGIlQEER THE �6ATPF�t OF INSTALLIlaG �� SE4�ER B�AIlVS ODT PORTTONS QF SIS�� SEPIIV7gI APID EIGH7H AVENtJFS., SOUZS"� marked bchibit n�n� be adoptedo Carried. . _ _ Vese],y moved, Dahlberg seconded� that Q�i1 Johrison� s request for a building permit for the_construction of a neW gas aervice station at 12th and FXeelaior ivenue be granted, subject to approval of the City �girieer� also , driveways to be construeted as shovon on dra�ing. Carriedo Dablberg moved, Zakariasen seconded, that the City�Clerk advertise for bids %r a new fire truck as per specifications as dra�en� bids to be called for 8 o�clock P.B�., october 2, 1951. Carried. �ese�,y mo�ed� Zakaria.sea seconded, that the City F�ngineer su�i.t a profile of the all�s on both sides of ].3th Avenue, north of the M. & St. L. tracks� to Third Street ATortho Carriede .. Vese�y moved, B�ilbert seconded; that Rssolution Noo221, °RF50LUTIOPT ADOPTING SP�?AL ASSF�.SB�1TS�, marked �hibit pC"�, be adoptede C�,rrisda. . ,_ �esely moved, Zakariasen seconded9 that Resolution No0223, Ql�LfiOLUTION 9DOPTING SPDCIAL 9SSffiS�ENTB", marked E�hibit "DtQ, be adoptedo Carried. Dahlberg moved, Vesely seconded, that Reaolution Idoa219� "A RE'SOLUTION ORDERING THE HLACK-TOP SURFACING OF (3ERTAIN ALLEYS AI1ID THE INSTAI�LING OF SIDF.,44AI� � CIIRB �Id CERTAIN LOCATIONSny marked E�tibit "E"� be adopted. Carried� _ _ 3 �. Dahlberg moved,. Zakariasen seconded,.that Resolution Noo226, nA RESOLIITION ORDERING THE BLACK TOP SURFACING OF ALLEY IN BLOCK 6� GIBB�S' FIRST ADDITION � �O �T B�INNEAPOLIS"� m�rked bchibit "F"� be adoptedo Carrieds _. Vese],y moved, �4il.bert seconded� tkiat request by the Nortliern States Poflrer Company for permission to place one pole on �ITest St. Alban's Road, between �innetonka Boulevard and B�ani.toba Road�be granted; also request by the D�i.nneapolis Gas �omp�nny for main extensions� their Numbers 305 and 330, �� 339; also conatraction of a regulator pit or� Minnetonka Bou].evaxd and Ccrunty Road AToe73 be granted; all of above sub�ect to �ity IIzgineer approval. Carried� Dahlberg moved, Zakariasen seconded, t11at comznunication dated August 20�, 1951, by Electrical Inspector V�. C. Vvhitney, be referred to Cit� Attorriey F. N. Whitney for ammendment to the II.ectrical Ordinance Noa30e Carried, Vese�y moved, Dahlberg seconded, that Resolution No.236, pA RF50LIITION AUTFiORIZIATG A TRANSFER FROM THE SP�CIAL ASSESS�dT FUI�ID �0 THE PERMANF�TT �ROO�NT RE�TOLVING F'UI�ID�� marked Exhibit °G°`, be adopteds Carrieda Zakariasen moved, Dahlberg seconded� that communication dated gugvst 13, 195i' by g. BHaxfield Otto, in behalf of Godfreg Totushek, be placed on file. Carrieda Dahlberg mo�red� Zakari�sen seconded� that the city pay Joseph Kerchiel the sum of �125000 for easement, as settlement in full as outlined ia the city engineer�s communication dated 8-15-�1, but does not include the building of roa.dway, Carriede Zakariasen moved, B�ilbert seconded, tfiat letter dated 8-9�1 by L.�Po Zimmerman pertain� to proposed charige in grade of �ounty Road 18 be referred to City �ngineer Laska for report. Carrieds Vesely moved� Zakariasen seconded, tk►at Ordinance Noo69, AN ORDINANCE aU�iOR- IZING PRINTING _ OF A PERMANIIdT IAOS�LF�AF O�INANGE BOOB; MAKZNG . THE SA� . CO�ETIIdT EVIDENCE AND RFPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCFS", marked �chibit pHp, i� a�aep�r.�i ad � second reading thereof and that the ordinance be adopted and published according to la�ro Carriedo Dahlberg moved, �i�bert seconded, that easements as drawn up, perta.i.ni.ng to the ditching of Niner-mi.le CreeSt, be approved and that the B�ayor and acting city� manager be authorized to sign same and also authorized to advertis e f or bids • c,4 ,� �i +%D - Vesely mo�ed, Dahlberg seconded., that the application for on-sale non-intoxi- cating malt liquor and soft drinks license, for one day on�y, which is Iabor Day, Septe,mber 3, 1951, at the Fair Grounds, b� Mikel�o�Zipoy, be grantedo Carriedo Vesely moved, BBil.bert seconded, that the claim� of Leroy and Marcella Trombley and Charles and Anna Qasko for alleged da.mRges to their crops in 19Lt9� as served on the,�ity of Hopkins� due to the �looding of Nine-mile Creek, be denieda Carried.o Vesely moved, Dahlberg seconded� that the claims of Leroy and B�arcella Trombley and Charles and Anna Vasko for alleged damages to their crops i.n 1951, as served on the City of Hopkins, due to the flooding of Na�ne-�nile Cree�, be tabled. Carriedo Zakariasen moved, �il.bert seconded, that �ity Attorney VPhitney be author- ized to consult a competent surveyor as to making a survey of Nine-mile Creek area within the City of Hopkins, having in mind the possiY�ity of r � pe `� of acquiring a part of the la.nd tributary to said cree� by eminent domain, Carried. �eeting adjourned. ATTF� : �_� . "1 ,� , � .���. ��t��.-�. 9��'�a�:a��n A.�VP. Elmquist, S retary to the �ounc l. �� ` CITY OF HOPSINS HENPTEPIN COIINTY� MINNESOTg RESOLIITIOPT N�. 237. �::` g RESOLIITION HEFERRING TO THE CITY IIdGINEER THE 1KATTERS OF BI,ACg TOP SORFACI�G g PORTIOld OF THIRD STREET NORTH, OF IDTSTALLING CUAB AND GUTTER ON A PORTION OF TIiIRTEEBTTH AVEBNE PTOETH A1QD INSTBZLING CU� AND SII�EWALg IBT A CERTAIDT LOCATION. ' W1�REAS� there hae been Filed rrith the city clexi� aad by the clerk pre- sented to the city council petitions aeking for the black top earfacing of Eighteenth avenue north from Third atreet north to the ri�t-of-raay of the Minneapolie and St. Louis Railraay company� and the installing of curb aad gutter on both eides of Thirteenth avenue north from the right-of-raay of the Minneapolie and St. Lo�nia Railway company to Third street aorth� aud of constmcting enrb along the arnxth aide and sidewalk along the �reat eide of Lot Six ( 6) � Block One Hundred Six (106) ,�'Jeet Minneapolis, Second Diviaion, a�nd W�REAS� the ocvners oP mo at of the property agaiaet mhich the co et of aaid inetallations aad impronemente would be aaeesaed bave siAned said petitioae and agreed to pay the costs thereof, and V�BEAS, the coat of said improvements shonld be asaessed agaiaet property found benefited thereby; PTOW, THEREI+t�RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the conncil of the city of Hopkine that the mattere of black top eurfacing said etreet, installiag curb and gutter� and cnrb and eidewalk in said locationa be referred to Frank Laeka, city engineer, to invegtigate the neceseity and feaeibility thereof and to report to the council as soon ae poaeible. ADpPTED by the couacil oY the city of Hopkins �at a regular meeting thereof held this 21st. da� oP Augaet, 1951. W. AARLAN P'ERBIX, MAYt�R A. W. Elmquiat, Secretary to the cauncil Frank 16. Whitney, City Atto rney � CITY OF HOPgINS HENNEPIN COUNTY� MINI�?��TA RE SOLUTI OI� NO . 23 S- v. � A RESOLIITION REFERRIBTG TO THE CITY ENGI�EE THE MATTER OF INSTALLING SANITARY SEWER MAI�TS ON POR�'IONS OF SIgTg, $EPEN'I+g AND ETqi�i+g ApENiJES SOII�1'H. WfI�RF�AS, there hae beea filed arith the city clerk and by the clerk presented to the city conncil a petition aeking for the inatallation of eanitar� se�ver maina on Eighth avenue South from Sixth etreet to Eighth street� and on Seventh avenne South from FiPth street to Eighth etreet� and on Sixth avemte South from Fourth etreet to Seventh street, and on Seventh street Prom Eighth avenue South to Sigth avenue South, together with the necesea.t� eewer lift etaiion a,nd force main to conaect sa.id laterals erith the sewerage d.isposa], ey�t� of the city of Hopkins, anci �S'HEHEAS, the owners of most of the property againat arhich the cost of said inatallation of aanitary sewer mains would be aseessed have aigned ea.i@ getition and agreed to pa.y the cost thereof� and WSEREAS� the cost of sa.id improvement ahould be asseased aga.inst property found benefited thereby; NO��� THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED b� the council of the city of Aogkine that the matter of installing said eaaitary sewer mains, together tieith the neceesary sewer lieft etation aad coanecting force main be referred to F�nk I,aeka, city engineer, to investigate the neceseit� and feasibility thereof and. to report to the council as soon as poesible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Eopkine at a regular meetiag thereof held thie 21at. day of Auguat� 1 1. �. �. -._. .``-'i--, •�. .__.. 95 A. �. El.mquiet� W. HAELADi PERBI%, AQAYOR Secretary to the coun.cil F'rank PT. Whi tney, � CITY OF HOPKINS '� �,, HENNEPIN COU�TTY� MI1SiVESOTA �SOLIITIOPT 110. 221. RESOZJTION ADOPTING SPECIAL ASSESSI�ENTS. WHEREAS, pursu€�..nt to direction from the council, notice was publiahed in the official paper of the city of Hopkins at lea,st twenty days nrior to August 21, 1951, stating that the council will meet at the council chambers in the city hall on �eaday� Augusi 21, 1951, at 7:30 0' clock P.M. for the purpose of passing upon proposed asseasments u�on all of the lots, pieces or parcels of la.nd abutting upon the following local improvement, namely: the installation of sanit�,ry sewer mains in the following locations, to-wit: Starting at the interaection of jrd, atreet north and 17th. avenue and ranning north on 17th. avenue to a point One Hundred (100) feet south of the center line of state high��ay No. 7; commencing �.t the intersection of 17th. avenue and Excelsior avenue and running west along �celsior avenue to 21st. avenue; commencing at the intersection of �celsior avenue a.nd 18tn. avenue and ranning north along lgth, avenue to the south line of the ri�it-of-way of The �inneapolis � St. Louis Ra,ilway; coulmencing at the intersection of 19th. avenue and Excelsior avenue and running north along 19th. avenue to �+th. etreet north; commencing at the intersection of �th. avenue and Excelsior avenue an d running north along 20�h. avenue to 3rd. street north; also beginning at the aewer lift atation loca�ed in Block Eighteen (1&) , Weat Aqinneapolis, and r�znning southerly to a point about Thi rty ( 30) feet north of the south line of Section T�aenty-fo�.zr (21�) , Town- ship One Hundred Seventeen (117), Range Twenty-two (22); th ence runriing weaterly along a line parallel to and approximately Thirty (30) feet north of the south line of sai d Section to the west line of Seventeenth avenue extended, and �titiERTAS, said notice also stated that the council would meet at said time and place for the purpose of paasing upon a proposed area asaessment for a portion of the cost of the conatruction of the main trunk sewer line upon F�celsior a,venue from Seventeenth avenue to Twenty-first avenue, against the following lots, in Weet 0 I�inneapolis, Third Division, which do not abut upon any of the main trunk or lateral sewers above de�cribed, to-tvit : Lots 1 to 30 inclusive, Block �+; I,ots 16 to 30 inclusive, Block j; Lots 16 to 30 inclusive, Block 5; I,ots 16 to 30 inclusive, Block 12, and Lo ts 2� to 31 inclusive, BZock 13. (1) AND WHE&EAS, no objectiona to said assessments, or any or either of them, were filed ��ith the secretary of the couhcil, and no one appeared in person at the he�ring thereon to object thereto; NOW, THEREFOHE, BE IT RESCLVED by the council of the city of Hopkins that said proposed assessmente as above set forth, and eacn of them, are hereby adopted and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lota, parts of lots, pieces or parcels of land described therein in the suma therein respectively aet forth, ; and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied aga.inst it therein. BE IT �TJRTHER RESOLVED, that each of said assesamente, vaith accruin� interest thereon at the rate of si� (6) per cent per annum, sha,ll be a lien upon the property against which the same is assesaed, concurrent with general taxe s and sha11 be payable in ectual annual installments, extending over a periodo� ten (10) years, � from January 1, 1952, to January 1, 1q61 inclusive. ADOPTED by the city council of Hopkins, Minnesota, at a re�a.lar meeting thereof held this 21st. day of August, 1951. Z^1. HARLAi�i PETtBIX, MAYOR A. W. Elmquist, Secretary to tlie council Frank I�T. �'lhi tney� City Attorney ( 2) � M a � CITY OF HOPgINS HIl�TNEPIN COUNTY, MIATNE�SOTA R�'SOLTJTICN N0. 223. RESOLLTTION ADOPTING SPECIAI, ASSESSMENTS. WHEREAS, pursua.nt to direction from the eouncil, notice was published in the official pap er of the city of Hopking� at least twenty daya prior to Au�ust 21, �95�, sta.ting that the council will meet at the council chambers in the ci ty hall on Tueeday, August 21� 1q51, at 7:�0 o'clock P.M, for the purpose of p�,ssing upon propoaed assess- ments upon all of the lots, pieces or parcels of land abutting upon the following local improvement, namely: the inst�.11ation of water mains in the following locatior�s, to-wit: Starting at the intersection of 3rd, strest north and 17tn. a.venue and ru.�r.ing north. on 17th. avenue to a point One F�undred (100) feet so,ath of the center line of state h.ig�'Lway No. 7; commencing at 'the intersection of 17th. avenue, ana Exce7.sior �.venue and running west along E�celsior avenue to 21st. avenue; commencing at the intersection of 17th, avenue north and 2nd.. street north a.nd running t�eat on 2nd. street nortY! to ZOth. avenue north; commencing. at the intersection of Excelsior avFnue ana igtn. avenue and running north along l�th. avenue to the south line of the ri�t- of-way of The �inneapolis & 5t. Zouis Ra,;.lu�ay; commenc�ng at the inter- section of l9th, avenue and Excelsior avenue and ru.nning north along l9th. avenue to 4th. street no rth; commencirg at the intersection of 20th. avenue and Excelsior avenue and running north alo�g 2pth. avenue to j rd. street north; alao commencing at the intersection of Fi rst street south and T�t�elfth avenue, thence southerly to a point about ten (10) feet north of the center I.ine of the abandoned ri�ht-of-4ray of the St. Paul, Minneapolie & I�Iinneton�a Ra.ilwa;�, thence westerl� along said abancioned right-of-way about Ten (10) feet north of the center line thereof to the west line of Seventeenth avenue extended. AND WHEREAS, no objectio�s to said assessments, or any or either of them,w-ere filed with the secretary of the council, and no one appeared in peraon at the hearing thereon to object thereto; P'C��T, THERLFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkins t� at said proposed assess- ments as above set forth, and each of the�, are hereby a dopted and an assessment ie hereby levied against each of tr,e lots, parts of lots, piecea or parcels of land described therein in the sums therein reepectively set forth, and ea.ch of said tracts (1) of land is hereby found to be benefited in the emount of the aseessment levied against it therein. BE IT FIIRTHEFi FcESOLVED, that each of said assessments, unth accruing interest thereon at the rate of six (6) per cent per a.nnum� shall be a lien upon the property against which the same is asaessed, concurrent with general taxee and shall be payable in ec�ual a.nnual installments, extending over a period of ten (lp) years� from Janua ry 1, 1952� to Janua ry 1, 1961,�inclu sive. ADOPTED by the city council of iiopkins, Minnesota� at a re�,ular meeting thereof held this 21st. day of August, 1951. A. W. Elmquist, Secretary to the council Frank rT, Whi tney, City Attorney � �) V1. HA�,AN PERBIX, NiAYOR CITY OF HOPKINS HII`'NEPIN COUNTY, MIIT'ivTESOTA RESCILUTIODi �TO. 219. A RESOLUTIOPi ORDERING 2`HE BLACK-TOP SURFACIN(`r OF CEPtTAI� ALLEYS AND THE INSTALLATICP� OF SIDEWALg ATD CU&B IN CERTAIIJ I,OCATIONS. WHEREAS, on June 19, 1951, the council of tl^.e city of Hopkins adopted a resolution referring to Frank Laska, cit;� engineer, for his investigs.tion and report, the matter of black-top surfacing the alley�s in Blocks 9� and 109;,..West Minneapolis, Second Division, and WAEREAS�,:, on ,Tune 5:�.; 1951� the council of the city of Hopkins adopted a resolution �ref�rring to Frank Laska� city engineer, for his investigation and re?�ort,' the matter of constructing sidewalk on the west side of Jackson avenue from Excelaior avenue to First street South, and the ma.tter of constructing side��ualk and curb on the west side of Eleventh avenue north in front of Lots 5. 6 and 7, Block 77, West P�Iinneapolis, Second Division, and the matter of black top aurfacing 3rd, street north frorn the alley between 1�Fth. avenue north and 15th. avenue north to 15th. avenue north, and ti+IHEREAS, said engineer investigated the necessit� and feasibilit� of said improvements, and each of trLem� and on July 9, 1951� reported thereon to the council and filed his written re-�orts with the secretar�r of the council� ln��'.. ti•rhich revorts the engineer recommends: 1. The black top surfacing of the alleys in Blocks 9� and 109, �'�est Minneapoli•s, Second Divi aion; 2. The construction of side��alk on the west side of Jackson avenue from �celsior avenue to First etreet south; J. The construction of aide�aalk and curb on the west side of Eleventh avenue north in front of Lots 3 to 7 inclusive, Block 77, ti"Test i�inneapolis� Second Division; 0 a.nd in addition thereto, the construction of sidewalk and curb in front of Lot 20, Block 77, and Lot 11, Block 91, S'�e st i�linneapoli s, Second Divi sion, , whi ch two lots are o�aned by�.the city of Hopkins a.nd the coste of such construction in front of said two lots to be paid by the city, and �+. The black top surfacing of Third street north from the alley bet�aeen l�+th, avenue north and 15th. avern.ze north to 15th, avenue north, and Z.HEREAS, on July 9, 1951� the cit�r eouncil of Honkins adopted a resolution setting � Tuesday, tr�e 21st. day of Augast, 1951, at 7:j0 0' clock P.Ni, at the council chambera in the city hall as the time and place for considering said reporta, and each of them, and acting thereon, and WHEREAS, a notice of said hearing has been pabli shed in The Suburban Press in its iasu.es of July 26th. and August 2nd. 195�� and the affidavit of publication of. said notice has been filed with the secretar�r of the council and WHEREAS, er� petition setting forth opposition to said improvements, or any of them, was filed with the city manager prior to the date and hour set for hearing said engineer�s reports, and no one appeared in opposition thereto; NOW, THE�i.EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the city council of the city of Hopkina that the installation of said im�rov�ents, and each of them, at the locations and in the manner recommended , by the engineer in his reports are-necessary for the health� welfare a.nd convenience of the city and its inhabitants and it ia hereby determined and o rdere�._that said imp rovements, and each of them, as so recommended by the engineer be made, ana that the coata thereof be assesaed against property abutting upon said improvements, except the costs of aide��alk and curb in front of sa.id two city-o�oned lota. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held on the 21at. daylof August, 1951. _ i�. HARLAN �IiBIX, MAYOR g. W. Elmqui�st, Secretary to the council Frank N. Vllii tney, Ci ty At to rney cop;� for Carl Anderson Elmer C Bielke �, w� CITY OF HOPKI�JS H�VEPI�d COII1gTY� I�I�SOTA `` SE�LUTION N0. 226. A RESOLUTIOPT ORDERI�TG T� BLACK TOP �RFACIIVG OF°AL�EY.�;t� �� ,: ��'.�BI;O C'� 6, t3I �' S FI RST ADDI T I0� TO WE ST MINNEAPOLI S. WSERE�AS� the council of the citg of Hopkins on July 1�� 1951, ad.opted a reeolution reYerring the mat ter of the black top sarfacing o f=�:�he �: ���y in Blo ck 6� . Gribb's First Addition to West Miaaeapolis, to Frs,nk Laska� citg engineer, for hie investigation and report, W�REA3, eaid eagineer iaeeatlgated the aecessity and feasibility oP eaid improvement, and on Jnly 1�, 1951� reported thereon to the oon.ncil and filed hia aritten report arith the secretary of the conncil� aad al�REAS, on Jnly 1�, 1951� the city oonncil of Hopkine adopted a resolution eetting Tnesd&p, the 21et. day of 9u�et� 195�� at 7:j0 o'clock P.M. at the cauncil chambere in the city� ha11 ea the time and place for coasidering eaid report and acting thereon, and WI�REAS, a notice of eaid heasing has beea pnbliehed ia The �,iburban Press in ite ie�ae� of Julp 26th and Augaet 2nd. 1951, aad the affidav�i.t oP pnblica.tion of eaid notice has been filed �ith the eecretary of the council, an8 W�EEA3� no petitioa� eettin� Porth oppoeition to said improv�ent were filed rvith the citg mana.ger prior to the date aad honr set for hearing said engineer'e report, and no oae appeared in oppoeitioa thereto; 1�OW, THEBEPnHE, BE IT RE�OLYED by the city council of the city of Hogkins that the installation of said improv�nent at the location and in the manner recommended by the engineer in hie report ie neceseary for the health� �velfare aad coa- venience oP the city and ite inhabitante and it ie hereby determined and ordered that eaid improvement be ma.de. and that the coet thereof be asseesed ag�inet property abutting npon ea3d improne�ment,a� ADOPTED by the council of the cit� of Eopkins at a regalar meeting thereof held on the 21st. d�y of Augnet, 1951. W. HAI�,AN PF.i�BI%, MAY08 l. W. Llmqn.i st � Secretary to the conncil Fraak N. Wht taey� Citg Attornep copy for Elmer Bielke CITY OF F�PKINS HENNE'PIN COIINTY, MIPiNESOTA � � � FiESOLIITION No . 236. 6 RESOLIITION AiTTHORI ZI1dG `;:A;. TRANSFEB Fi�� THE SPECIAL ASSES�ENT 1�TJND TO THE PERMANIDTT IMPROVEME'NT BEYOLYIIVG FtJ�TD. WHIItEAS, for many yeare prior to the time that Hopkine became a citp of the fourth class oa January 1, 19�, the city iBened special aeaessment bonds at varioue times, the proceeds from which bond iesuee were paid into the special aesessment f5and� and out of o�hi ch f'nnd �ras paid the expenee of installing and conetructing eewer� arater� eide�valk� curb and tar oil. and W�REAS, the coat of inatalling and conetracting eaid improvementa maa aeaeeaed againet benefited property, and the proceeda from eaid special asseesments vaere used to pay �ch epecial aseesa�ent boncle, and WSE'AFAS, in computiag the amount oP each of said assessmenta� there �aes added to the ectua.l coat of the conetraction or inetallation an additional amount to cover coete arhich �rere not paid i�om the epecial aeeeaemeat fi�nd, snch ae engineexing feee� costs of publicatione, servicea of city officisls who �rere compeneated from other flinds, and other miecellaneoue items� a,nd WF�REAS, this practice over a period of yeare built up eaid special asseas-- ment ihnd to s.n amount greatly in egcesa of the charges against aaid fuad for the payment of bonds and intereat, and WHERF,AS, sach surplus aras sufPicient at times to permit the psyment of the coste of apecial aeseeement �oork aithvnt ieaniag bonds therefor, �nd �H�EAS, there ie now in eaid enecial aesesament fund $51,736.11� and the anticipated receipts iato saifl ft�nd from the Jnne and November, 1951, tag eettle- . mente will be abont $75.000.00. and WI�REAS� the obligatione to be met from said tlind by Jsnuary 1, 1952, amounts to �5g,555•00, plus a amall �monnt for bank charges, and WHEREAS, there ie no� in said ftind an amount in excesa of $1@,000.00 which � is not needed for the purpoee of paying obligatione againet eaid i'and and which was. placed in s�id fund for the e�preeeed purpoae of u eing eame for paying for local improvements �uhich are aesesaed agaiast benefited property, and VdHEREAS, aince Jaauary 1, 1948, the coet of all such local improvemente hae been paid from a permanent improvement revolving f'uad, and yVHEREA5, eaid last named fiinds neede said snm of �1Q,000.00 nora in said speciel asseeemeat ihnd for the purpose of pqying for ench local improvemeate; �OW, T�P��RE� BE IT RESOLVED that there be permanently tranefprred frc>m ea.id evecial (1) , aeseesment fhnd to eaid permanent improvement revolving iw.nd the aum of $��2,000.00� e.nd the city officiale of the d ty of Hopkine are authorized and directed to execute whatever checks or other documea�te are neceeagry for the purpose of effecting said tranafer. ADOP'I'�D by the council of the city of Hopkiae at a re�uular meeting thereof held thie 21at. day of Augu�t, 1951. A. �0. Elmquist, Secretary to the council Frank Pd. Whitney� City Attorney i2) W, SARL9N pERBI�, Mapor �� � �� �� �� �1 ���� CITY OF HOPSINS HF�TAI'EPIN COUDTTY� NtI1Q1�E�TA . oanir��cE xo. 69. AN ORDINANCE AIITHORIZING PRINTIPIG OF A PERMANF�iTT LOOSE-bEAF ORDIDi9NCE'BOOg; 1�SING THE SAME COMPETENT EPIDIlIC� AND R�F�ALIN(3 CERTAIN ORDINAATCES. BE IT 081�AI1�D by the council of the city of Hopkiae: Section I. Ordinance book to be printed. A7.1 ordinancee of the city of Hopkine adopted by the council prior to September l, 19�jZ, except those ordinances �hose eole purpose ie to repeal certain �rior ordinances, ehall be compiled by the city attorneq into one book and �riated in loose-leaf form� so tha.t it ma� become the permanent edition of the ordinancee of the city. Section 2. Competent evidence. Said ordinance book ehall constitute competent evidence of all the ordinancee contained therein in all conrte aad pro- ceedinge. Section j. Repeats. 9i.ibdivision 1. "An Ordinance to Provide Por the Preparation� Compilation and Publication of the Yillage Ordinances, �les and By-La�ve of the Dillage of W'est Minneapolis," which wae �dopted by the village council of �eet B�ianeapolia on Febrna,ry 6� 1923, is hereby repealed. 9ubdiv3sion 2. "An Ordinance for the Compil�tion and Pnblicatioa of the Village Ord.inances of the �illage of Hopkine (formerly Weat Minneapolie) � adopted since Febniary 15th, 1923, and for the 8e-adoption and Re-publication Thereof," �hich was edopted by the village couacil oP Hopkins on Feb=uar� 19. 1928, ie hereby repealed. 9ubdivieion j. "An Ordinance for the Compilation and Publication of the Yillage Ordinancee oP the Yillage of Hopkina, Hennepin Countyo Minnesota� ad.opted eince Febxnary 19. 1929, and for the Readoption and Republication Thereof," which wae adopted by the village couacil of Hopk'ina on Augn.et 17, i937� ie hereby repealed. FIR9T READ at a regular conncil meeting of the city of Hopkins held on the 7th. day of Augaet, 1951, and finally read and paeeed at a regalar meeting of the conncil of eaid city held oa the 21et. day of August, 1951. A. W. Elmqn.i st , 3ecre tar�r oP the council Frauk �. Whitney, Citg Attorney copy for the paper W. HARI,AtQ PEF�I�'� Nl�Y�OR Pnblished ia 9nbnrban Presa oa Auguet 30, �951. �,� �a ,,, �" , �' �. �,� � �� A epecial meeting of the council of the cit8 of Hopkins, Minnesota� �aas held at the city ha11 at five o� clock P.�I. on Friday� August 21+, �951. Membera present: Mayor Perbix, and councilmen Milbert and Zekariasen. Member� abeent: Conncilmen Dahlberg and Vesely: City attorney Whitney and John Brecka �rere aleo present. The meeting �sae held for the purpose of df scaseing �i. th l�r, McCarthy� Sr. and Mr. McCartY�y J r. of the McCart2�p Well Conpany, the mat ter of the failure of �►ell No. j to fb�nction. After a considerable discussion� it wae agreed tha,t the McCart2�p Well Company wonld take up the mell columa aad pump and eaamine them to aecertain �hy the �oell was not working at the present time; the McCartY�y Well Company uaas then to make recommend.a,tione on measnree to eliminate and correct the tivuble that the r�ell hae been giving and eabmit thege recommendationa to Ra1ph D. Thomas and Aesociatee for their approvai and after approval by these engiaeere the council will again caneider the matter. The meeting ad,jouxgedo � � ..,��_,,, 9TTEST: - �L�� . ar an er a, or ► I�eaell H. �ar aeea� gctfn cretar� � ��� .��"�,'� %�""�" Z �'� °, � s � �Z, / A special meeti.ng of the Gouncil of the City of Hopkins� A�inneso+.,a,� �as held at the City Ha11 at 7:30 o�clock P.�I. on Tl�ednesday, �ugust 29� 1951. B�embers present Werea Mayor Perbix, Councilmen Zakariasen and Dahlberge A�eent: Vesely and �ilbertm The meeting �ras called for the purpose of going over the proposed 1952 budget and after some study of same� meeting �ras ad,journed, ATTFST: � ;� , � - V�. Har an erb , �ayor „ . - . _ r�—�-�� A. . qu s, cre ry o t e Counc 9. c_ - '/%�ri�'' A � �a Ln \�` a � �\ F `+ A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins� Minnesota� was held at the City Hall at 7:30 o+clock P.M. on Tuesday� �eptember �., 1951s Members present werec Mayor Perbix, Councilmen �tilbert, Zakariasen' Vese�yr�bved���iber�yse�c����r �a��ills as presented be paid from the following funds: GENERAL FUI�ID 404$ 4099 �1� 1�101 l�.102 4103 4104 �.05 li.7.06 l4107 l�7.09 l�.17,.0 !�]1.1 1�11.2 4113 L41.7.�. 4071 BBike xolm Russell Zakariase Len bdilbert J. C. Vesely Earl Dahlberg 1�l. Harlan Perbix Dah lberg Bros, Gardner Hdweo Lo �A� H1Ii'1S Hopki.ns Fire Dept. Hopkins ?nsurance Int � 1,C ity B�anage Kel]tiy Sales Coo Dick S].ais Suhurban Hennepin Suburban Press� ii�. C . Vdhitney NaVP.Bell Telephon Salaries Hour]tiy Payroll License Plate n Salary, 3d Quarter Salary� 3d Quarter Salary, 3c1 Quarter Salary, 3d Quarter Salary� 3d Quarter New Police Car Recreation Supplies Car Allowance Fire Ca11s and Phones �gency In�urance Premonew police cax r Assoco.Application Forms _ Supplies DHo�ing Softball field Relief RelieY Expenditures Inc• Printing Electrical Inspections e Coo Service Last � of August Period �ding 8-31-51 RQAD & BRIDGE FUND 1106 N.W,Bell Telephone Co0 Service 1110 W. H. PdcCoy Diesel F�.iel Oil 1111 R. �C. B�uir Weed �utting Salaries Last 2 of Aiigust H ourly Payroll Period Ending 8-31-�1 908 Lo Brovaning 909 Lampert Yards 910 011ie�s Garage 3alaries Hour�y Payxoll 288 Hartvig Anderson 289 011ie�s Garage Salaries Hour]tiy Payroll WATER FU1�ID � .35 25.00 25.00 25s�� 25.00 75s00 1585.00 156.90 25e00 21�9•00 50s5� 1.50 21.?? 13,�00 41.33 213.60 150e19 i00032 21J.�0s6l� io3i�.5o � 11.50 22.88 126.00 731.62 3�1,..31� VlTork: at 213 13th Ave.Noo � 170e00 Repairing #1 Rzmp_House Roof 74•47 Truck Repair 23.40 Last 2 of August 493•87 Period E�ding 8-31 51 Z87a1.� S�AGE DISl'OSAL FUDID September Garage Rent � 95.� Truck Repair 7.50 Last z of August 160,20 Period F�ding 8-31-51 64035 SP�IAL 9SSESSMELVT FUND 56 First National Ba.nk�Hopkins Certificate of Ind�btedness �2903.63 PERMANENT I�'IPROVIIV�NT REVOLiTING FUND 3� R. �d. Ferron Construction Sewer &�Pater ��ns �L�862.01� 307 Suburban Press, Inc. Printing 23.l�0 Salaries Last 2 of gugust 185080 Hour],y Payroll Period Ehding 8-31�1 169s60 r 2 r �esely moved, Dahlberg seconded, that Resolution Nos239, " A RF�OLIPPION REFERRING TO THE CITY F�ITGINEE.R THE D.�fATTER OF INSTALT�ING CiJ�B AND GIITTER ON A PORTION OF FIFTEENTH AVE�Ti7F NOR'i�i"� mark�l �hibit "AR� be .adopted, Carried. .. Dahlberg moved� �ilbert seconded� that request by the Northern States Power Compar�y to place one pole in the alley be�mreen Harrison and Van Buren Avenues, south of E�ccelsior9 and by the B�.ruzeapolis Gas Cou�par�y for main extension� their ATo. 370� be granted9 subject to City Engineer�s approval$ Carriedo Vesely moved, Dahlberg seconded, that no b�ilding perniits be issued for construction �rithin 6 ft. on either side of the east and west alleys� just north and south of �ccelsior Avenue9 from 7th to 13th Avenues, with- out approval of the �it;� Council. ,Carried. Dahlberg moved, Milbert seconded, that communication dated 8-31 51, from the Hopkins Zoning and Plarnrning Commission� be pla.ced on fiie. Carried. B�ilbert moved, Zakariasen seconded, that the request of the Chicago,,_..---- MilvPaukee, St.Paul and Pacific Railway �ompany f or permission to c`onstruct a lead track over bccelsior Boul.evard, as shown on blueprint submitted, be granted, subject to the following conditions; a, that the approval and resulting construction of lead track by the Chicago, MiZwaukee, �t. Paul and Pacific ?�y, Co. shall be without prejudice to the applic�.tion and request by the �ity Council of the City of Hopkins, before the Railroad and�ifare- house Commission for a manually operated signal system at this intersection and9 b. that, in the various'switch operations by the Chicago, �?ilwaukee� St. Paul and. Pacific Ryo Co. no equipment sha11 be parked on �ccelsior Avenue and this lead track for a longer period than that allowed by' state law or by city ordinance. Carriedo Carriedo Zakariasen moved, Dahlberg seconded, tliat the petition as presented by a group of re�idents of Edina for 'annexation to Hopkins, be tabled. Carriede Vesely moved, Dahlberg seconded, that the city engineer make a survey of the above territory, as listed on petition on annexation, as to road and. storm sewer problemsa Carriedq � Vesely moved, �ilbert seconded, that communication dated ku,gust 21� 1951� . by Vill�age of Edina,as to making connection to the Hopkir�s sewer system for residents on property abutting Hopkins, be tabled. Carried. �esely moved, Dahlberg seconded, that Resolution No.2�.0, "9 RE50LUTION ORDF�ZIT��G A HEFi.�IPJG ON FNGINELR�S R�ORT ON INSTAI�ING SAIVITARY S�VER BdAINS 0A1 PORTIONS OF SIX�i, SEtTE'td7�i AND FIGHTH.AVII�tUE SOTJTH'!� be adoptede Carriedo _ Vesel�r moved, L�ilbert seconded, that four sumps be constructed on Oakwnod Road, between Boy�ce and Goodrich Avenues, subject to property owners pa�ing for the ma.terial, which they agreed to do� per Mr.Harris R. Lindquist, who was present at this meetinge Carriedo Vese�r moved, Milbert seconded, that bill of Le H. Browning� in the amount of �170�00� for locating and building manhole.over water main at 213 13th �venue North, be approved for payment.. Carriedo Zakar.iasezmoged, I�ilbert .seconded, that appointment of Vernon �`J'inter by �ayor Perbix, as a member of the Recreation Board for a three 3Tear term, and Ea.rl Da.hlberg for a two year term, be approved. CarriedQ �'` � Vesely moved, Dahlberg seconded, that City Attorney Whitneyts request for authorization of expenditure of �25050 to cover the cost of.transcription of testimony of the rearing held.Apri1 24, ].949, on the closing of 5th Avenue railway crossing, be granted. Carried, _. , . .:.;�;-i:.._..:,:,.�a...__.... r;isrr` -3— 1 � Dahlberg moved, Zakariasen seconded, that Ordinance No. 70' "AN ORDINANCE RELAZ`ING TO ELDCTRICAL WORK AArD �DCTRICIANS AND Al�l�NDI[�TG ORDINANCE,NO' 30n� ... _. be_accepted as the first reading thereof. Carried. _ Dahlberg moved, �ilbert seconded, that Resolution A1o, 233, aA RFSOLUTION ORDERING THE INSTALLATION OF CURB AND GUTTER �DJACENT.'::TO;`A�::PORTFON OF L� 20� BIACK 92, 1)U�ST_�Il�IEAPOLIS� SDC(3ND DIVISION'!� marked F�chibit "C"� be adopted. Carriede � . _ _ Zakariasen moved� pesely seconded, that motion passed at meeting of August 7, 1951, a7lowing two 12� driveways on �ccelsior Avenue, lead3ng into the neuP Hopkins Shopping Center, be �,raended to a71ow the west driveway to be 14� in place of 12t. Carried. , - Zakariasen moved, Dahlberg seconded, that the Fire Department�s request for permission to run the Buffalo Fire Truck to Norwood.for tkie fire school par.ade, held on September 16, 1951, be granted, subject to our being covered by our liability insurance policy. Carriede �Dahlberg moved, Veselty seconded� that a copy of C. C. Congdon�s letter, dated August l, 1951, be given to Police Chief Johnson with a_request for a reply, in writing, point by point, by September 18, 1951, as to charges � outlinedin said letter. Carried, Dahlberg moved, Zakari.asen seconded, that communication dated August 31, 1951� b4 J. Russell Carroll, pe.rtaining to the Libe$�r Bar, be referred to Police Chief Johnson for reporto Carried. Dahlberg moved, Zakariasen seconded, that couuaunication dated September 1� 1951, by �essrs. Whitney, Carroll� and Perbix, pertaini.ng to the formation of a la�r partnership, be placed on file. rQa�or Perbix not voting, carried. Meetin�; adjournedo A`_►'TEST�, ,/� G- /,�` % �f .' �� ;i: /J // / ` �/ v � /' ' W. Harlan Perbix, Mayor � � . ��� �-� A. W. Elmquis Secretary to the Council COUNCIIIVIEN: �����:��- IM�� a . � � CITY OF HOPgINB ' HIIQNEPI�T GOUNTY. MINNESOTA. RESOLUTION BToe 239.� A RESOLUTION REF�RRING TQ THE CITY ENGINEEB TSE MATTP�R OF INSTALLING CORB AND (�TTER ON A PORTION OF FIFTEENTH A9ENIIE NORTH. " � WHEHEAS,"there ha.e been ffl�d r�ith the City Clerk and by the Clerk preaented to the City Council, a,petition asking for the installation of cnrb and gutter on the Weet Side of Fifteeath Avenue North between Second and Thirci Streete North, and WHEREA9� the.owne rs of moet of the property against which the cost of installing a�i:d::.curb and gutter arould be asaessed have si�ped said petition and agreed to pa9 the cost thereof,.a.nd WHEREAS, the cost of said improvement ahould be asaeesed againat � property found benefited thereb�*: NOW� THFREF�ORE� BE IT RESOLPED by the Council of the Oity of Hopkine tha.t the matter of installation of�curb and gutter on the Weat side of Fifteenth Agemie Rorth between Second e.nd Third Streete �TortY., be re�erred to Frank Laeka, Citg Engineer� to inveetigate the necesBit� and fea.sibility thereof and to report to the Conncil as soon as poesible, ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Hopkins at a regalar meeting the reof held thie �+th day of September, 1951. Ae :W. Elmqui st, , Secretary to the Council Frank AT. Whi tney, City Attorney �" W. HARI,ADT PERBIx � MAY08 CITY OF HOPgIDTS HENNEPIR COUNTY. MI�TESOTA RESOLIITION NOo2�0 A RESOLUTION QRD�RI.Nt�'":A '.HEARIN�`:OR:' �NGIiQEEB! �''�1�'liOHT='�::�� 0� IATSTALLING SAAI TARY SEWER MAINS ON PORTI OIdS OF SIx7S. SEVENTH AND EI GHTH AVE61UE8 SOUTH, WSEREAS. the Conncil of the City of Hopkine on �gast 21� 1951, adopted a resolution referring to Frank Laska, City Eagineer� for hia ineeatigation and report� th� matter of inetalling eanitary aewer maiaa on Ei�th Avenne Sonth from 3igth Street to Ei�th Street, and on Seventh _: Aaenue South from I+'i.fth Street to Eighth Street� and on Sigth Avenue South from Fourth Street to Seventh Street, and on Seventh Street from Eighth Avenne South to Sixth Avenue South, together wlth the neceesary aewer lift Station and Force maia to connect eaid laterala with the sewerage dispoeal syatem of the City of Hopkina, and WHEREAS, said Engineer has investigated the necessity and feaei- bility of eaid imurovement, and on September 1�, 1951� r�ported thereon to the Conncil and filed his written r�port with the 8ecretary of the,Council, in which report the �ngfneer recommends that esid eanitary se�rer maina be installed at said location at an estimated coet of One Hundred Trueaty-five Thoueand D�oll�re ($125.000.00); NOW, TH�FORE� . BE IT RESOLVED that said i�uprovement, arill be coneidered by the Council and action taken thereon at a regular meeting of the City Conncil to be held on the 16Ch day of October� �951. gt 7�30 0' clock .p.m. � aad BE IT PURTHER RESOLVED that the City Man�tger give notice oP snch h�aring by publishing a notice once each �veek for two encceasive �oeeke in the official ne�spaper of 8aid City� eaid notice to describe in general language the improvement r�commended in the Engiaeer's report_a.nd.the eetimated coet thereof. ADOP`1'�;D by the Conncil of the Citg of Hopkina at a regular meetiag thereoP held thie �+th day of September� 1.951. 6�. HARLAN PEABIX. MAYOE A. W, Elmqai at, Secretar� to th� Council I'rank AT. Whi taey� City Attorney �� CITY OB HOP'gI1Q3 HENDTEPIII COUNTY. MINNESOTA NOTICE OP' HEARING OA E�TGINEER�S EEPORT Oft THE INSTALLATIU9T OF 9ANITARY SEWER MAIN3 ON PORTIONS OF SIgTH, SEIiE�TH ARD EI �'PH AVEb1UES SOLTH. 1�OTICE IS HEREBY GI�EDT that the City Engiaeer of Hopkins, did on the �+th day of September� TQ51. file hie reports with the City Council recommending the following local i�provementa, to-wits 1. The inatalling,of sanitary sewer maine on Eighth lvenne South from Sixth 3treet to Eighth Street, and on Seventh_Aeenne Sonth from Fifth Street to Eighth Street; and on 3ixth Avenue 3onth from Fourth ,. . Street to Seventh Street, and on 3eventh Street Prom Ei�th Avenue 3outh to Si�th Aeenue Sonth, tog�ther with the necessary aewer_lift station a.nd force maia to conaect said lat�r3le v�ith the aewerage diapoeal syatem of �. the City of Hopkina. , DTOTICE IS �T�PHER GIVIld that the"`Citg Council� has by reaolntion . fixed Tuesday, the lbth day of October, 1951. at 7:30�o�clock p.m, at the Council Chambers in the City Ha11 as the.time�and�place at�.arhich the Carnncil v�i.11 hear snch persone as care to be heard in reference to said ,. improvement �t, s�x��. and will consider said Eagineer� a report:� and act ther�on. � � A. W. ELM�TI ST , ACTING CITY MANAGEH . Dated at Hopkina, Minneeotao thia lStid.a,y of Septe�nber� 1951. Fra.nk g. �hitney, City Attorney Published in The Snburban Prese oa September 20 � eaa 27 . 1951• CITY OF HOPgIIdS HEbTNEPIN COUI�TY, MI�SOTA aEsozv�riox �o. 233. A SE30LUTIOIQ ORDEBI�G THE INSTALLATIO� OF CITBB AATD GQ�PTLR ADJACE�T TO A P08TION OF LOT 2p� BLOCK 92� WE9r MIAATF�POI�IS� SECODTD DI9I3IObT. Whereas, the council of the city of Hopkina on Jnly 17. �951. e.dopted a reeolution refeirring to Frank Laeka, city engineer, for hie inveetigation and report, the matter of inetalling curb and gatter along the �vesterly eide and approgimatelg the �veeterly 100 feet of the northerl� eide of I,ot 20, Block 92� Weat Minneapolis, 3econd Diviaion, and V�SEEF,AS, said engiaeer hae investigated the necesaitg aad feasib3lity of said improvement� , and on Ang�at 7� 1951� reported thereon to the co�ancil and filed hie eorittea report voith the eecretary of the oouncil recommending the improeemeat in eaid locatioa, and WSE�3. oa Auguet 7, 19510 the city council of Hopkine �dopted a reeolntioa eetting Tneeday, the 4th. day of Serutember� �95�. at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the conaeil chambere is the city ha11 ae the time and place for coasidering eaid repor� aad acting thereon� and W�BEAS� a notice of eaid hearing has been publi ahed in �he 9abnrbaa Prese in ite iesnes of 9ug�ust 16th and Angnet 23rd..1951. aad the affidavit of publication of said notice hae been filed with the secretary of the oonncil� and T�SI�iAB� no petition aetting forth oppoeition to aaid improvemeat rras filed �ith the city manager prior to the date and honr eet for hearing eaid engineer'e report, a.nd no one appeared ia oppoeition there�E6; B10T�� �HEREBC)8�, BE IT R�SOLYED by the city conncil of the cit� of gopkine that the installation of cnrb aad gutter in the location as recommended by the eagineer ia hie report is aeceeaary for the health� aelfare a.nd ooaeenieace of the city aad ite iahabitants� and it is hereby detkrmin�ed a.ad ordered that s�id improaement:be made� ead that the cost thereof be aesessed aga.iaet any property abn.tting npon ;sa�d improvemeat. ADOPTED by the conncil of the city of Hopkina at a regnlar meeting thereof held thie 4th. day oP 3eptea►ber� �95�. t�. HAH[.A�1 1�'EHBI%, MAYOR A. W. Elmquiat. Secretaxy to the conncil Frank N. Whitney� City Attorney �°� .��{�t?�-�.-,� ( � �; �,,�� �. I, ��.�� �- �'�� �� ��rs{ r'�'� �R[�"':� '"��,,.�:.:�, �` ! �' . .._,_;:r?: �.: , •f/f�{!,:� '� �.;�.� i p /`� � � � � y � �1 !�'g°� �� � , . . �.;... A special meeting of the �ouncil of the City of Hopkins,�flinnesota� - y _ ' � Thursday, September 6, �as held at the �it Hall at 7.00 o clock P.M. on 1951e Bdembers preserrt were: Mayor Perbix, Councilmen �.lbert, Zalcariasen, Vesely and Dahlberg. Members absents Nonee This meeting was called for the purpose of studying the proposed 1952 bud.get and after some stuc�, meeting was ad,journedo A�i' T: / ,'�� J � (,.:�V�� - . `� � W. Harlan Perbix, �1layor 0 � . _ - --.. , ._. .:_ .. ..�c.�... �-�-�-, A. . qu s, re ary e Counc 1 A special meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins� �lfinnesota� �as he].d at the City Ha11 at 7s30 o�clock P.D�. on Thursday, September 13� 1951. B�embers present �ere: D�ayor Perbix� Councilmen Milbert� Zakariasen� gesely and Dahlbergo �embers absen�� �one. After considerable stuc�y of the proposed 1952 budget, meeting was ac�journed. A �r ( � ��.�q;�, � , _ _ _ . I[. Har an Perbix, �ayore _ _, __._,. .._ _. ... ._ s �. .��Uaquist Secre ary to the Counci� �,/�p ��� C �� �' 1 ``\ A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins' B�irinesota, was held at the City Hall at 7;30 si!clock P.B�. on Tuesday� September 18�.1951. �embers present were: ��or Perbix, CounciLnen �di.lbert, Zakariasen, Dahlberg� and Vese],ye � Dahlberg moved, Milbert seconded, that the bills as presented be paid from the following funds; L�.130 L�1.31 1�.132 4133 4134 �.3s l�1.36 4137 4138 4139 41.��0 �,.�.��.�. �R3 4�1� 41l�5 li1�6 41�.? �9 4150 1��.51 , �►1�1s i �1111117 First Nat, Bank�Hopkins 1PJithholding Deductions `Preasurer, State of �innsRetmrement �ind Deductions C. Anderson Replacing Parking �eters C. Bottenfield ��ereation Supplies Club Cafe Mea1s — Prisoner Construction Bulletin Fire Truck Bids Dahlberg Broso Police Car Repairs J..E.DeVea.0 Transportation to Shady Oak Dickey & D6ilbert Gasoline Gartiner Hardvvare Recreation Supnlies Groth B�usic Coa Band Music Gustafson & �ixa Fire Hall Work �. Hammerl�nd Repairs, City Ha.1.l Roof Hobby King Coo Recreation Supplies Hopkins Drug "' " B�aster Block Coe B�iller—Davis Coe Minnesota Fire Equipment Donald Olson Paulson�s Standard O:i.l Co, Sutherland Corpo Fred S�a.nson Salaries 1118 �easurer, Ste of Minnm 1119 First Nat.Bank,Hopkins 1120 Anderson Brose 1121 Dahlberg Brosa 1122 Kokesh Hdwe. 1123 Republic Creosoting 1124 Ea Se�all 1125 W.H.Ziegler Coo Salaries 91.5 First Nat.Ba.nk�Hopkins 916 Treasurer�St.of Minn. 917 Neptune DHeter 918 N.V�I.Bell Telephone Co, Salaries Cement Blocks _ Filing Case & Suppli:es Fire Siren Lens Poundmaster 5 Boxes of 38 Special Gasoline Ban�l Uniform Bull Dozer at Dump lst 2.of September RQAD & BR7�GE FURID Retixement Fund Dedm �IfitBmld.ing Dede Equipment Repairs Truck Repairs Supplies Roa.d Tar Blacktop Lull Loader Parts lst 2.of Sep tsmber VPATER FLT�1D VJitl�holding Dedo Retirement F1uid Ded. Water �deter Tele�hone �Nires lst 2 of September SEVifAGE DI�SPOSAI, F'UDID 291 First Nat.Bank�Hopkins 292 Treasurer�Sto of Pdin_n. 293s Gustafson & �uca 291� Justus Lumber Co. 295 D.WeOnan & Son 296 Kokesh Hdwe. Salaries Withholding Ded• Retirment �.ind Ded. Lift Station Repairs Brick & Cement Parts for Sewer Lift Pumps Supplies lst 2 of September � 732.35 202.11� 16•00 10.10 5.15 io.00 �.oat�5 ?�.7.0000 168000 �..55 7.77 l�5.97 553.00 33075 J�.60 io.5o 52.75 109� 131e25 �9.25 168+00 53.90 6t�oo ],540.3� � 76�0?� , 169.50 2865 55.09 5e8i 161�.32 816,3� 1�1�.18 731,62 � 111.60 34.01 126.00 So13 l�2m20 � 39.60 130�0 97.97. 31e51 11e00 2.81 112.20 311 312 313 3� 315 316 309 310 — 2 — P�NF,iVT 1�ROVEflr1��TT REVOLV.ING FUI�ID C. Andersoa Justus Lumber Lampert Yards HoAoRogers Co, Republic Creosoting Co. Earl Sevvall lst Natl. Bank of Hoplcins Treasurer�St. of I�dinri, Salaries Si�ewalls Const. Sewer Pipe Stakes Range Poles & Tape Rpr. Road Tar Blacktop ., �7fiithholding Ded. � Retirement Fund Ded. lst 2 of Sept. SPDCIAL ASSESS�iENT FUND. 57 lst nTat.Ba.nk of Mplse Bonda & Coupons 58 N.W.NatloBank of fl�pls. Bonds &�nd�erest '{�j �-� 1 7 e 1 % 85o.3i 26.75 31085 218a�V 2557002 7�.80 18oT6 185„80 ��.��93�e9� 1,675.78 Zakarissen�-�moved, Dahlberg seconded, tdlat tdze two requests by the Idorthern States Pa�er Company, for the placing of one pole on 20th Avenue North and �cel�sior,and three poles on Minnetonka H�i.11s Road, between 8th an�3c,lOth Avenues North, be granted subject to the citv engineer�s approval. Carried. Vesely moved, Dahlberg seconded, that the reacling of Ordinance No070, ��AN ORDINANCE RELAT�G TO EI'��7CTRICAL i�ORK AND F��7C7'_RICIANS AND AP�'ErIDING ORDIN- ANCE NOa 30��, marked �chibit ��An, be� accepted as the second read� ng thereof and that the ordinance be adopt�d and published according to law. Carried. Zakariasen moved, Dahlberg seconded, that Milwaukee gvenue, from �onroe to �Ifashington Avenue,.be put to grade, subject to setting up the cost of same in the bud�et for 1952, to be paid in 1952; also authorizing the city engineer to advertise for bids for this work. Carried. TTesely moved, Dahlberg seconded, that the license of t�e Liberty Bar be revoked upon the next succeeding complaint of dr�uzkenness.and disturbance at that address. Carriede Vesely moved, Dahlberg seconded, that the above motion, pertaini.ng to the Liberty Bar, be tabled. Carriede Vesely moved, Zakariasen seconded, that Ghiei Johnson be in�tructed to submit a more detailed report on the investigation of.conditions at the I,iberty Bar and that the City Clerk write I+�r, I,ebowsl�y asking him to be present at the next council meeting, to be held on October 2, 1951. .Car.riedo �Vesely moved, Dahlberg seconded, that Chief Johnson be instructed to submit a reply to �. C. Con;don�s letter of August 1, 1951� as outlined in previous motion and inst�uctions._ Carried, �Milbert moved, Vesely seconded, that communication dated September 7.?.�, 1951� by Parker S. Nolan be tabled to next meeting. Carried. Vesely moved, Zakariasen seconded, that a new ordinance be drawn up, covering canopies and awnings, �hich will be a part of the building code and exclude saxne from the misdemeanor ordinance., Carriedo Vesely moved, Dahlberg seconded, that the canopy as built on the ne�r Lund Building be approved. Carried. �.. Zakariasen moved, Dahlberg seconded, that a report be submitted at each regular meeting,on��3dng road work done and to �e done. Carried. Vesely moved, Milbert seconded, that A. W. Elmquist be apnointed City Treasurer and furnish a��0000� bond: Carrieda Vese�y moved, Zakariasen seconded, tliat Herman Olson� s salars* be paid up to September 30� 1951 and then be reinstated at such.time as he returne to work. Carried, �3- �� Vasely moved, Zakariasen seconded, that Frank Archambo�s statement for ¢ vacation pay be tabled. Carried. -. :� Zakariasen moved, Dahlberg seconded, t hat the list of pag for band members, director� manager and librarian, be returned to the band committee with a request to resubmit a list totaling not more than �1,225m00, the balance of a,mount authorized in the 1951 budget for salary. Carrieds Dahlberg moved� �ilbert seconded, that Resolution No.21a.1, "A RF50I,UTION DDCI,�RING A VACANCY TO EKIST IN THE HOPKIPI5 POLICE CN]Z SERVICE CO�T..SSIOAT,u ma,rked �chibit "B"', be adopted. Carried, _ Vese�y moved, Dahlberg seconded, that a payment of �50e00 be authorized to Axel Johnson f or a deed to a pcation of his land,abutting ll4onk Avenue North, for road purposeso Carried. Zakariasen moved, Milbert seconded, tkiat Chief Johnson get in touch �ith the S State Highway Department, asking for designation of thirty mile zones and furnishing of signs for service ci.rives north and south of No. 7 Highway, from 12th to 17th Avenues; also a I.� mile zone on I�innetonka Boulevard, thru Hopkins. Carriedm ATTFST: �, _ , , �V. Harlan Perbix, Mayor• � s.�-�.4.•�, A. W. ELNI IST, S etary to t he ouncil COL� ILIUIII�T s '; _ <' � 9 �,/ \ � � �, \\ �/� ,l� • � •' �� � � CITY OF HOPgINS � , HENNEPIN COIINTY, MINNESOTA � ��� � , � �a i � ,� ( �� 1 ORDIIJ�NNCE PTO. 70. . ., AN ORDINANCE RELATI�a TO ELECTRICAL WOF� 9�D ELECTRICIAI6S AND �MEIQDINa ox�arurrc� No. 30. BE IT ORI�LINED BY TSE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPgINS: Section 1. 9ubdivision 13 of Ordinance �o. 30 of the city of Hogkin� i a amended to read as followa: Subdivi aion 13 . Pe rmi t Fee a Contimied. r The fee for each permit�for the alteration, rearra.ngement or repa,iring of egiatiag electrical ec�ipment. or for . other electrical �oork not included in the aboae, ehall be $1.00 for each $100.00 or Praction of each $lOQ.00 of the eetimated coet thereof. When a plant employa maintenance electriciane on a flill time basis, the permit Yee aha11 be one dollar per moath per licensed electrician in their employ, pqyable quarterly. The electMcian ia charge aha11 make a liet of the work done during that period and shall submit that liet to the city mauager when the permit is applied for. Section 2. 9nbdivieion 26 of Ordinance DTo. 30 of the city of Hopkine ia amended to read aa follows: 9ubdivision 26. Installatioa Rec�iremente for Services. All servicee ran on the egterior of or v�ithia buildinge sha11 be in rigid metal. conduit or ia electrical metallic tubing employing ureatherproof fittinge; except that buildiage�re- auiring eervicee in excees of 500,000 circular mile may utilize bne bars enclosed in a weatherproof honsing. The main service entrance coaductore for all new reaidential buildiage and� when concealed� in old residential buildings ehall conaiet of three No. 6 AmeMcan �ire Geuge or larger conductora� and ehall be provided �eith a 50 amperee or larger eet of aervice entrance eqaipment. The minimum anxiliary service to aay such building eha11 consiat of No. 10 �merican Wire.Gauge conductors a.nd a 25 ampere set of service entraace equipment. Sexwice entrance rigid con�it or electrica.l metallic tubing placed arithia the etrncture of residential baildinga� unlese used only ae sa aw4iliary eervice, ehall not be �naller than the minimum requiremente coatained in the following table: 1 famil� dwelling, 1 inch aerv3ce; 2 family dwellinge� 1-1�4 inch eervice; 3 and �+ f''amily dwellings, 1-1�2 inch aervice; 5 and E femily dwellings� 2 inch eervice; . 7.through 10 family dwellings, 2-1�2 inch eervice; 11 ;through �0 family d�ellings, 3 inch servlce; 21 through 30 family dwellinge. j-1�2 inch eervice; jl thraugh 5p family dv�ellinga� 4 iach service. (1) � \� The miaimum size conductors to an electric raage ehall be three number 6. These ma�p be in conduit or electrical metallic tube� armored cable; or t�pe 3. E. or type A. S. E. cable m�y be n�ed. Whea cable is used� it ahall be drilled through the joiets mhen nui below the ground floor oP a building. When it is placed in notches or drilled rvithin 2-1�2�;'inchee of the edge of �oista� etuds� platee or eimilar �rood members, it aha7.1 be protected vvith a eteel plate at least 1�16th. inch in thickneee before buildiag finieh is applied. Range rnns shall terminate in a bog at leaet 6 iaches above the floor: Recording watt-hour metere (except enbmetera) shall not be located in clothea closete, bedrooms, bathroome or attice in buildings of the d�aelling house claes, ae defined by the State �ousing gct� unless otherarise approved by the electrical iaepector. FIRST R'EAD at a regu].ar aonncil meeting of the city of Hopkins held oa the �+th day of September� 195�� aad finally read and paeeed at a regxlar meeting of the council of sa3d city held on the lSth. day of Septeffiber� 1951e A. W. Elmc�iet, Secretary to the conn�cil Frank N. Whitney� Ci ty At to raey copy for paper ���'�9�� ��+ Publiehed ia Shibnrbaa Preae oa �+��q, �95�. ( 2) W. gARLAN PE�IR, MAYI�H CITY OF HOPKINS HF,�I�tEPIAT GOUNTY� MINNESflTA RESOLIITION N0, 2�+1 A RESOLUTI UN DECLARII�G A FACANC Y'iC LXI Sl' IPT THE HOPKINS POLICE CIVIL SERVICE CONIlKISSIC�. VIHr;REFiS, On NLarch 21� 1950, the Council of the Cit� of Hopkins appointed Frank Ko�e a member of the Police Civil Service Commiseion of the Cit� of Hopkins for tr�o years commeacing January 1� 1950, a.nd ending Jaanary 1, 1952, aad �REA$, said Frank Boes haa never qaalified as a member of the Police Civil Service Commiaeion by filing an 6atn of Or'fice voith the City Clezic, and ��iiiEI�EAS. it is aecessa.rg that the City haze a Police Civil 3ervice Commission of three duly qaaliiied and acting members, NOW, T�?EF08E, BE IT RESOLVED that a vacanc� ie hereby declared to egist on said Police Bivil 3ervice Commission for the rema.inder of the term of said Frank goee, ADOPTyD by the Council of the City of Hopkina at a regalar meeting thereof held thie 18th day of September� 19rj1. A. �. Elmqui et � 3ecretarg of the Council Frank R. �hitney� �ity gttorney _ `� W. AARI,AN pERBIX, MAYt�R `�R � �, � �, . � V �,� `����� � ' d 9I, y � CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, BQINNESOTA BIDS ON GRADING, �1dNHOLE AND CAZCH BASIN CONSTRUCTION Sealed proposals will be received until 7:30 P.M. of October 16� 1951, at the office of the City Clerk in the City of Hopkins� �innesota, for grading, manhole and catch basin construction in — 1. Jefferson Arenue, from Milwaukee Street to 2nd Street South 20 �ilwaukee Street,from �ashington Averiue to Monroe Aaenue 3. lst Street South from Monroe to A1.ley west of �onroe� and same alley 300� southe , Specifications may be obtained from the City Ehgineer. Each bid must be accompanied by a bidder�s bond or certified check payable to the City of Hopkins� in the amount of �en (10�) percent of the bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract, Bids vrill be opened at St P.�d. on October 169 1951, and read in open meeting of the City Councilo The right is reserved to accept ar�r bid� or to reject ar� or alllnds. The right is also reserved to make payment for the above w�rk in 1952s CITY OF HOPKINS A. W. ELAdQUIST ACTTNG CITY MANAGER (October 4 and 11) i. ...n....,1 A special meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins� �Hinnesota� was held at the City Hall at 2 o�clock P.M. on Friday,_September 28� 19510 �embers present were: Mayor Perbix, Counci].men Milbert� Zakariasen�: vese].y, and Dahlberg. �embers absent: None. Vesely moved;�Dahlberg secorided, tfiat the General �dminiatration levy be set at �19�038,OOo Carried. Zakariasen moved �lbert s' � - • � , • e�o�aea, � tr�t �o�:leey be -set �up f or masic or bahd fund purposes as a-special uriit� liut that �1000•� be placed at the disposal of tr%e-Recreation Commission to be used specifica].ly for music or band purposes. Carried. Vesely moved, Dahlberg seconded., that a desk arid chair be purcliased - ... for the Police Department and paid from parking meter receipts• Carried. Vesely moved, Dahlberg seconded� that the Police Fund levy be set at �33,163.00. Carriedo Vesely moved, Dahlberg seconded, that, in 1952��a.transfer of �1000.00 be made from the parking meter fluid to the police fund. Carried. 9�eeting adjourned• ATTEST: ,�-� � ; i ���� � . Harlan erb � Mayore' . . _. , A. �ITo ELnquist, S retary to the Counci A special meeting of the Covncil of the City of Hopkans� B�innesota� '' was held at tkie City HalI at 2 otclock P.M: on�Saturdayy September 2�� . . . 19 le B�emtiers present weret ��ayor Perbix,- Councilmen Za.kariasen, Vese],y� and Dahlberg. Bdembers absent: B�ilbert. ' ° Vese�y moved� DaYilberg seconded� that the Park Fund levy be set'at �3,5�Oo00. Carried, Vesely"moved; Zakariasen seconded, that the Fire Fund levy be set at �5, 055 a0�. Carri eda Zakaxiaseri'moved�'�Vesely seconded, that the Relief Fund levy be set at �I��700ofJ0. Carriede �lese].y moved; Dahlberg seconded, that the Library Fund levy be set at �7�200.00, Carried. Zakariasen moved��Dahlber� seconded, that the Sanitation Fund leey be set at �26�190a00o Carried• � � Dahlberg � moved� Ves'ely � seconded," that tlre � Road ���and� Bridge �,in.d levy_be set at �83,377040. Zakariasen voting no� Carrieda ,... ,._ Zakariasen moved, Dahlberg seconded, tha.t the Recreation �.ind levy be set at �12�179.�. Carried. Vesely moved,-Zakariasen secorided, that the Firemen+s Relief fi�nd levy be set at �200m00. Carried. �deeting adjournede �TTF�Ta �),� ; j � i , ���,,,,. �, ,��,� �,�; A. Harlan Perb�.x� Mayor . . . . . ' -�-c. �,.,---� � � _ 1T1.—V�. ES.mquist, S retary to t e Counc �. 'o .i �a ,�. '�; ,s � � � h ,: � � \Y ��y^� Y � � . �i � � �� � % � � fq' t +� ��' i� f _ . r ! . /`�D . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... .. i � `�' ,; \ .. . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . �, � v � ��. �� � . . . �. � +�; � � �� �' � � � �� J � � S T�l TE OF �IINNESOT�1' ` 1 �.� t �� Y.� +.L �, County of H�IN � ss `' Citp .�� 'XX�SXK of HOPK IIdS.: ; � � City said Ci of ` 1, A. �J. Elmquist �Clerk o Hopkina hereby certify , a� � �pec 1 meeting a that the following Resolution �was va,ssed held in said Ci Se tember`29 ' ��: 19 ��� by a majori.ty of the �lectors presnt or voting thereat`s; On motion it was ordered that the follow��ng sums o£ money be raised by tax upon the taxabl�i Ci property in s for the followinn� ptmposes, for the current.yea.r: i� � 19,038.00=.. `' For Genera �;,Purposese .............e............,....e..........o... ,, For Polie9.............`......................lo..................e..... 33s163.00 ' For Parks.e......,..............................o......e..........._....... 3'S0�o�0 - �'or F� ........� ..........................-......e................a... 5,oS5.� - For Re1ic3F ....:' :................a................................. �,7��•�" � T 200.00 ' For Library....:: ....................................................... i - =For SaniY,�tion ................e .............................e..... 26,190e00.- For Recreatione:., ..............................................a... 12,1.9.00.' For Fiz�emen �elfief ......................._................,......... � A �- i `- For Road L Brid e � 8�, o e.e ..............................................o. �191�, 602. o0 And i further certify that I haee compared the foregoing Yrith the original entry,.of t he mini tes of proceedings of the Special meeting held September 29..-.......1951, as the same are recorded in the Book of Records of said City and t21at the same is a correct t.ranscript there- f ror.►e Given under my hand this... � ��1'i��� � � • C13� Ofo � � � � � .e�,`tiObk�i"e'L'� � �-� �1971e e � � � � • d��"' °� ` � � /�.,d,�-a.d..t �.�.r • •.���• -���.���r• •����e�������• � Clt� CZ � �� . � �.,� �L�6E � � � � �,...�` `�„Pvp- CJ���ea,.,�a.:� ; � /�/ 9 N � / � (� @ _ � �� � ' ,� � 9/ ; �, � ����.� Lr ���� �. �A,.6,,,..�r�.aan:s s�x� ���� �t�` , �� , �z a � �'� ��. � � . ������u G � � �. � � ,� 7 � � ��: �.�� -,,� �,.,.,-�......._._ � �,� �'�� o � � '1 _s r�___ _ . . , __ . , _ _ . ,.- =-n �` '; (� �, �l � � � \` ��� CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINnI�OTA BIDS ON DEEPENING, WIDENING & STRAIGHTENING NINE MILE CREEK Sealed proposals �ill be receined until 7;30 P.M. of October 2� ' 1951, at the office of the City Clerk in the �ity of Hopkins, Minnesota, for furnishina of all tools, labor, equipment, and materials necessary for the construction of Nine Mile Creek in the City of Hopkins, Plans, specifications and bidding forms may be obtained from the City Engineera ,, ; Each bid must be accompanied by a' bidder�s bond or certified check payable to the City of Hopkins, in the amount of ten (10�) percent of the bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract. Bids will be opened at 8:00 P.1�. on October 2, 1951, and read in open meeting of the City Councilo The right is reserved to accept any bid, or to reject a.ny or all bids, CITY �F HOPKINS A . . 'dV. ELr��1i? IS T AC TING CITY . A�ANAGF�Et ( Septe�nber 20 and 27 ) A regular meeting of held at the City Hal Members present were: Zakariasen� and City absents Vese�y. �.1 �i �a ��� S '' a 1 � the Council of the City of ?iopkins, Minnesota, vv�as 1 at 7;30 o�clock P.�. on Tuesday' Octotier 2� 1951. Mayor Perbzx, Councilmen ll�ilbert� Dahlberg, Attorney Whitney and City Ealgineer Laska� B�embsrs Milbert moved, Zakariasen seconded, that bills as presented be paid Prom the follovring funds: l�186 111.8? !�].88 l�7.89 Zt�.90 4191 l�192 4193 !�].91i- 1a.96 1:198 ia.99 4200 42oz 1�202 4203 �.20l� 420�6 l�207 4zo8 4209 l�210 �►��: ; x a�u� 0. C. Breviu, Offic.Reporter A. W. & Hannah Johnson Minneapolis Gas_Coe Northern States Poa�er Co, N. W. Bell Telephone Co, Americana Corpe Carl Bottenfield A. �P. Elmquist, Trea.so Gaylord Bros., Inc. La.urenz Harris Hennepin County Hennepin County Pevie� Hopkins Fire Depta Kinn �er�rice Sta.tion �Pilliam �cCoy �iller-Davis Co` �dinnesota News Co. N.W.Nattl. Bank of Hopkins Donald g. Olson R. S. ��: S. Coe, Inco H. A. Rogers Coo Suburban HennaCo,Relief Board Marjorie Sundin Frank N. �ffhitney W. C. Whitney Salaries Fiour�y Payroll Transcript Fee Deed to land �ervice Sergice Service C ontract Recreation supplies Petty Cash Iteme Library S�pplies Convobcp. & Car Alloti4e Board of Poor Printing Premium Service Gas Supplies Books � 25.55 50a00 16.33 725019 75d25 77.50 8,40 24�91 : 25.7.5 58.50 92.00 59.50 3280.85 3.15 160.00 19,88 63.32 Counting Parking Meter mon. 52@� Poundmaster Books Bluepr�nts Relief Expenda . Septs Mpls.star Jnl.Dely. Filing Fees Electrica). Inspections Last 2 of September Period end. 9-].5-�1 RaAD & BRIDGE FUND 1136 Northern States Power Coe 1137 N.W.Bell Telephone Co. 1138 Aa W. El.r.�quist, Treasurer 7-]-39 Fred Swanson 1140 VPm,H.Ziegler Co.,Inc, Salaries Hourly Payroll 926 Northern States Power 92? A.W.Elmquist, Tseasa 928 A. Pe S�-th !IQfg. Coo Salaries Hour],p Payroll Sereice Service Petty Cash Items Renta.l parts Last 2 of SeptemBer Period endo9-7.5-51 �PATER FUI�ID Co. Service Petty Cash Items Ba1,FJater �Qain Valves Last 2 of September Period endo 9-15-51 SDAAGE DISPOSAL FUND 300 Northern States Po�rer Co+ Service 301 A..li�. FLmquist, �eas. Petty Cash Items Salaries Last 2 of September Iiour�y Payroll � Period ende 9-� -5m 100e00 �.�.5 eZ? 16a25 ut} s�9 5.00 l0000 133.82 19l�6.21 387.67 � 1�052 11.5� 1.42 1t91.51 5��32 620022 35otl63 � 64l�s90 3057 t�89.o0 500.20 1I�.0s50 � 143079 3.91 112e20 a�a8� - 2 � PERIIBANENT ]�i[PROV�IIENP REVOLZ�ING FIIIITD 319 Adler Steel Products CoQ 320 A. �ii. E1.mquist, Treas, 321 R.M.Ferron Const.Co. 322 Fitzgerald Broth.ers Salaries Hourly Payroll SeWer Manhole Fremes Pett Cash Items Sewer & Water Mahs Curb & Gutter Last z of September Period ending 9 ].5-51 � 351a00 9s18 5337.89 3592 e38 i85.8o 51�.72 Zakariasen moved, Milbert seconded, that Resolut�on No.2?�3, "A RFSOLUTION REFERRING TO T�iE CITY ��1CrIIdEER THE I�dATT�ft QF BLACKTQP SURFACITdG THE..ALLEY IN . BLc�K ONE Hi1NllREU `?�ii0, V�'P MINNEAPOLIS, SECOND . DIVISION"' marked __.. Exhibit.'�A", be adopted, Carriede . Zakariasen�moved, P,ti.lbert seconded, that Resolution No.242, "A RF�OLUTION �RDER.LtdG A HE.ART�JG OAT FNGII�1FF�t�S RII'�RT ON CONSTRU�g'Ifl1(i CONCE.ETE DRIV�NAY LEADING FROM PARK LANE ON TO LOT �I'i0, BLOCK FNE, PAI�.KRIDGE"� marked F�hibit '�B", be adopted, Carried. �. _ Zakariasen moved, Milbert seconded, that the one request by Northern States Power �ompar�y for permit to place two poles on ?�ashington �venue and Herman Terrace, and three requests by Northwestern Bell Telephone Compa.ny for the placing,of one pole and anchor and underground conduit on Blake and Excelsior, be granted, subject to City �ngineer�s aporovalo Carried, Dahlberg moved, Zakariasen seconded, that Judge Carroll�s letter, dated Auotst 31� 1951, pertaining to the Liber�y �ar�be �ab�ede Carried. Dahlberg moved, It�U.lbert seconded, that City Attorney UPhitney�s opinion, dated October 1, 1951, as to whether Frank Archambo be paid for services �perfmrmed as a detective investigator for the period from 5-12-51 to 5-31 51, excepting 5-20-51 and 5-27-51, which were paid on 7-10-51� be accepted and placed on iile, and tnat Mre �rchambo be paid for above time and also for vacatior_ ti.me from 9-1-51 to 9-15-51, as other employees were allowed vacation ti.me prior to ef.fective date of new personnel ordinance, per City Clerk Elmquist. Carried. Pursuant to notice, bids were opened for the deepening and widening of Nine �dile Creek and the follrnving bids were received; Jack �lelsh Construction Company ...............$�3,788.75 Fred Swansong..o .............e................ 3,870.00 Terry Bros., Inc.�.... .......................0 4�9@09.00 Barnard Curtiss riO�o���.��•�e����e�����a�����• 6�o�O�� Dahlberg moved, l�ilbert seconded, that the above bids be referred to the city engineer for checldng and report. Carried. Bids were also opened for a n� fire truck, as advertised and the following bids �� �ere recei�ed: Mack �iotor Truck Corporation,..,..e.se•.�•o�s�16,966��� Four-wheel Drive Auto Com�ar�re ................18,085000 American I,a-France-Foamite Corporation..,...4 17�900e00 Zakariasen moved, Dahlberg seconded, that the above fire truck bids be referred to the �ire chief and committee for checking and report. Ca.rriede Hakariasen raoved, Dahlberg seconded, that C. C. Congdon�s letter,dated �August 1, 1951, and Chief Johnson reply, da.ted October 2, 1951, be placed on file. Carriede Dahlberg moved� Zakariasen seconded; that the appointment of Gilbe.rt Bakeber� as made b� Mayor Perbix, as a member of the Police Civil Service Commission, for the term expiring January l, 1952, be confirmed. Carriedo �3� �ilbert moved, Zakariasen seconded, that t,k�e reading of Ordinance No.71� "AN ORDriVANCE RELAT]NG TO B�ISDED�ANORS AND A�I�NDIIJG SUB�IVISION N0. 32 AND REPEALING SUBDIVIS ION N0. . 33 oF s�c TION , 5, ORD INANCE 1V0, 2l�n � be acc ept ed as the first reading thereof. Carriedo_ ,. Dahlberg raoved,Perbix seconded� tkiat the reading of Ordinance No.��2' AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO AVPNINGS �ND MARQUISFS AND AMENDING ORDINANCE N0.63t�, be accepted a� the first reacling thereof. Carried. . Dahlberg moved� Zakariasen seconded, that Quentin Krautkremer be hired to assist in the clerk�s office and vrater department, at a salary of �25l�.00 per month, from October 1' 1�51. Car.ried. Meeting adjourned� A�FF� T: _ � . ' , Wo Harlan Perbix, Mayor _. , v:.�;, �� �. .. quist, cretary to the Council COUNC ILN�N: CITY OF HOPKIDTS HEqNEPIIJ COIINTY, MIDTNESUTB RESOLUTIO� �0. 243 a BESOLUTIO� BEFERRIg(� TO T� CITY EN(3INEE8 THE MATTER OF aT,ACKTOP 5URFACINQ� THE ALLEY IN BLOCS ONE HUDTDRED TWO. W�ST MI�NEAPOI,IB� s SECOND DIPISIO�o WSEREAS. thsre hae been filed with the City Clerk aad by the Clerk presented to the City Council � petition aeking for the blacktop surfacing of the alley in Block One Hundred Two. We$t Mi,naeapolis, Second Di.vision� and WSEREAS, the owners of most of the property againat rvhich the coet of said ble,cktop �rfacing would be asaeesed ha.ve sigied said petition and agreed to p� the coat thereof, and V�iEREAS. the coat of sai.d i�pro.vement should be asseased against propert� found benefited thereby; NOW� �HEREIR�HE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Hopkins tha.t the matter of blacktop surfacing the alley in Block One Hundred Ttao, Weat P4inneapoli �, Second Divi eion, be referred to Frank Laska, Cit,� Eagineer, to inveetigate the necesaity and feasibility thereof sad to re�port to the Council as aoon ae poesible. ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Hopkias at a regalar meeting thereoP held this and day of Octob�r, �95�. W. HA13LA?7 PERBIX. MAYI�$ g, W. Elmqni at � Secretary to the Council Fraak DT. v7hi tney� Ci ty gtto raey i; : � u � CITY OF HiOpgINB HENNEPIDT COUNTY, MIDTNE90TA BESOLUTION DTO. 2112 A EE�LIITION OH�RI�G A�ARING ON IIdGINEERo, S REPOHT ON CONSTF{ITCTING CONCBF)I'E DBIVEWAY LEADING FBOM PARK T• A�''• OD1 TO LOT T�'�� B�,OCS Ft YE � PARgAI D(�. �3, the Council of the City of Hopkina on Auguat 7, 1951, ad.opted a resolution referring to Frank Laska, City E`ngineer� for his inveetiga�ion and report� the matter of conatractiag a concrete driveway leading from Pari� Lane on .to Lot Two, Block Five� Paxk�ic�ge� aad W�R�9S. eaid Engineer has investigated the neceseity and feasii�ility of eaid iacproeement. and on October 2, 1951� reported thereoa to the Council and filed his written report with the Secretax�► of the Cov.ncil� in �shich report the Engineer recommende that sa3d drive�ay be inst�lled at en estimated cost of One Hundred Dollara ($100.00); NOW� THEREFO�E, BE IT RE90LPED that eaid improvement voill be considered by the �ouncil and action taken thereon at a regulax meeting of the City Council to be held on the 6th d,ay of DTovember� 1951. at 7:30 o�clock p.m. and, BE IT I+U�HER R;SOLYED that the City &Ianager give notice of �uch heaxing by publishing a notice once each �reek for two succeaeive week� 3n the official newepaper of eaid C3ty, said notice to descMbed in �eneral la.ngua.ge the improvement recommended in the �agineer� e report and the estimated coat thereof. ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Hopkine at a regu.lar meeting ther�of held this 2nd day of October� �95�. w. HARLAN PERBIR� MAYOR A. W. Elmqui st, Secretary to the Council Frank N. Whi tneY. City lttorney ', CITY OF HOPgI1VS HF�INEPIN COUI6TY, MIDTiu'ESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING 0� ENGI�8�5 1�08T.ON THE CONSTi�L'CTIOAT OF CONCRETE DRIVEWAY LE4DID?G F'ROM PAI� LANE ON TO LOT TWO, BLOCK FIYE� PAT�RIDaE. DTotice is hereby given that the City Engineer of Hopkina did� on the 8econd day of October, 1951, file hi e report wi th the Ci t� Council recommending the constzuction of a concrete driveway leading from Park I,ane on to Lot 'i'wo. Block Rive� Parkridge� at an estimated cost of $100.�0. YOTICE IS F[TRTHEB given that the �ity �ouncil has by resolution fixed Tuesday. the 6th day of November� 1951, at 7:j0 o�clock p.m. at tne �ouncil Chambere in the City Ha11 of the Cit� of Hopkins, $ennepin County, A�Yinr.esota� ae the time and place at �rhich the Council will hear such ��rsona as care to be heard in reference to said improvement and will consider said Ehginee-r� s report an act thereon. Dated at Hapkins, Minnesota� thi e 6th day of October, �95�. A. W. ELMQUI ST. 9GTING CITY P�IANA(�8 Frank N. Whit�ey� City Attorney Publiehed in the 9nburban Preae on October llth and 18th� 195�. e p ial meeting of the Council of the Citp of Hopkins, �i.nnesota, was A s. ec . _ . . . � . . __ , held at the City Hall at 12 otclock noon onllJednesday� October 10, 1951. -.. . P _.� _Y _.._.ix, Cauncilmen Zakaxiasen, Dah lberg� ers resent were. Bda or perb Vese�y, and �dilberta D�embers a��ent;. Noneo The purpose of this meeting was to go over the applications received _,... ... . ....... .. _ gnation of or t e c ty manager�s position left vacant�.-by the resi C.�C. Congdonm Same wi.11 be t,aken up at a later meeting as no action YP'ds �3�LP.rie l�ilbert moved, Dahlberg seconded, that the bid of Fred Swaason� in the amount of �3�870e009 for the deepening and wideni.ng of Nine B�ile Cree� in Hopki.ns be accepted. Carried. flT Ts ' �-_ � �i , ( � . ,�� ��.�. ' �,�-. �P. Har erbix, yor,� ` . ,. �-.�-•-or�r A. W. �IImquist, cretax�r to the Counc r.nTrn�rrr�nr. :;; , � � �� r �� �.O //���� / A regular meeting of the C�uncil of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held at the City Hall at 7:30 o+clock P.M. on Tuesday, October 16� 1951. Members present werez Mayor Perbix, Couihcilmen T�il�ert, Zakariasen, Vesely, City �gineer La'ska, and City lttorney tiVhitneyo Members absentz Dahlberg. Vesely moved, PJlilbert seconded, that the bills as�presented be paid from the following funds; 1�239 42�.0 l�241 1�21�2 �.243 1�2� 42�5 la2Z�6 �247 42L�8 42�9 4250 4251 4252 4253 �.254 4255 4256 �257 4258 ��259 4260 I�261 ?�262 4263 l�261� � 265 4266 4267 �.268 4269 4270 t�271 L�272 4273 1�274 4275 l�276 4277 l�278 l�279 i�28o 4281 �.2 82 l�283 4284 �.285 1�286 4287 L�288 4289 4290 �.291 GE?�I�tAL FUND lst Tdational Bank of Hopk;ns Treasurer, State of NL�nnB Dahlberg Bros., Inc. Ernest J. Duda Feudner-Uavidson Agency Gustafson & Fuxa HerLnepin Co. Review Herzan R_ Bastyr Hopkins Drug Store Hopkins Fire Dept. Hopkins Home � Auto Supply Co. Imperial Supp],p Co. The K Company Kokesh Hdwe. Nliller n�eters, Inc. Minnesota �'ire �ctinguisher Coa N.V'P.Bel.l Telephone Cod Noruvood Cesspool Service Skelly Oil Co. Standard Gil Co, Su�aurban Ch evrolet Co, Suburban Press, Inc. Suburban Press, Inc. Lester Culver Mary Ga]leger F. J. Topka Alvin Slice T�arlene Lund Bill Tollefson Rob Nelson Einer Peterson L. Sonnenberg John Daniels,Sr. John Daniels, Jr, J . O. . Davis Ray Kotxback Da]_e_ C ongdon Rob Jacobson Ja�mes Chmel H. B. Miller I,ois Carlson June Lungren Bill �atchke Bert Gaertner Dorothy I14all ery �Ifil]a rd Ha7.ver Rob Pavelka VPm. Rousher Phil Lawrence C . C. _. Lanic �Ifm. L. T�4allery Leonard Pauly �. N. Rogers Salaries Hourly Payroll vdithholding Tax Ded, Retirement Fund Dede Repairs Repairs Treasurer Bond Labor Printina Supplies Supplies Fire Ca�1s,Dri11 & Phones Supplies & Repairs Supplies Bal.Ozone �achine Supplies Meter Parts Refills & Repairs Leased �ire Installin; Drywells Service Service Repairs and Service Pu.blishing Printing Band Salary Band Salry Band Salary _ 3and Salary� Band Salary Band Salary Band Salary Band Salary Band Salary Band Salary Band Salary 3and Salary Band Salary Rand Salary Band Salary Band Salary Band 8alary Rand Salary Band Salary Band Salary Band Salary Band Salary �3and Salary Band Sal ary Band Salary Band Salary Band Salary Band Salary Ba.nd Salary Ba.nd Salary lst 2 of October Period Ending 10-3�-51 � 397.58 172.29 206@79 I�6.00 25,00 7.L.0 21.50 •73 6.20 2Wp�� 195.70 l. �2 . !�2 e 50 4.33 11�.01 23.90 12,22 363.00 �Q75 60.94 ].t�..77 66.60� 97.40_ 35e39 ].1a..51 32.76 2oe83 11�.51 9e1� 3�a�8 32•75 33.67 33.6? 31�e58 35.49 36.l�0 24.57 31�.5a 18.20 23.66 12.74 36. �.o 27.30 l. 82 l.s$2 36.�0 26s�9 36.40 6a25 218.75 106.53 186.l�.0 52,30 i54o.31� 582.08 � _ 2 _ RQAD & BRIDGE FU11ID 1150 lst Nat�l. Bank of Hopkins . Withholding Tax Ded. 1151 Treasurer, State of Minn. Retirement Ftiind Ded, 1152 Kokesh Hardware Supplies 1153 Hopkins.Home &�uto Supply Supplies & Pa�ts 115�i Ernest J. Duda _ Repairs 1155 V�illiam.H..fl4cCoy Fuel Oil 1156 Republic.Creosoting Road Tar 1157 Earl Sewall, Contr. Blacktop Salaries lst 2 of October Ho�.rly Payroll Period Ending 10-30-51 935 936 938 940 9�.1 91�2 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 VPATER FUI�ID lst Nat8L. Bank of Hopkins Treasurer, State of �Iinn. Justus Lumber Coo Aleptune..Meter Coa Post,master, Hopkins Suburban Press, Tnc, Hopkins Home ?� Auto Supply Salaries uourly Payroll 'aVithholding Tax Ded. Retirement Fund Ded. Supplies . I�llet ers Postcards Printing Supplies lst 2 of October Period Ending 10-3�-51 S�d�AGE DISPOSAL FU� lst Nat�l. Bank of Hopkins Treasurer, State of 11�inn. Sta.ndard Oil Co. Skel]�y Oil Co, Hartvig �nderson Gustafson � Fuxa Hopkins T�otor Sales Co. H. A. Rogers Coe Salaries Hourly Pa; rroll �ithholding Tax Ded. Retirement Fund Dede Servic e Service Garage Ren�i, October Service Re;�airs Rlu.e�rilres lst � of_ October Period rr�iin� 10-3�-51 PFRb7ANEI�JT IlUI?PROV.ENi�:T1T RE�TOLVI:�1G FUi�D 325 lst Nat � 1. Bank of Hopk�ri.s 326 Treasurer, State of. I�Iinn. 327 Earl Sewall, 328 �epuhlic Creosoting Co, 329 H.A..'.�ogers Co. Salaries Hotirly Payroll Withholding Tax Ded. Retirement Fund Ded, B laclztop Road Tar Replace lense on '_►'ransit lst 2 of' October Period Lnding 10-30-51 � 146.50 71.19 1.�a93 288.68 18.50 21.37 36.32 29�..24 d31e55 267.22 � 93e2o 29r�0 �.3.10 92.L..o 20e00 14.30 080 1�3 S . !�2 15oQ6�. � l�1.60 z5.61 2. �.0 3e25 s5.00 11010 7a38 15�60 112.20 1��. s �� S� 59 e�.o 20.08 2819.26 337.49 57.50 ls��`. �0 �.7 ��� Vesely moved, Zakariasen secor�ded, that checks be �ssued to the band members as per revised list submitted by t�.e band committee. Carried. P•CEP�f�t Vesely moved, Zakariasen seconded, that the city engineer �e� plans an� speci- fications for the extention o.f sewer mains into Peaceful Val]_ey as petitioned for and prepare notice and advertise for bids for the construction of same. Carriedo Pursuant to notice, bids were opened for the gradinn of Milwaukee Street, Jefferson Avenue, First Street South � d alley west of n,Ronroe� � d the following bids were received� � Terry 13ros., Inc.. .............�2,�99.75 Park Construction Coeso.......a 3067050 �esely ---,- �� moved, ivlilbert secor_ded, that the bid of Terry Bros., Inc. be accepteda Carried. Zakariasen moved, I�iilbert seconded, that the fire truck bids and Fire Department recor,L�nendation dated 10-16-51 be tabled. Carried. Zlese)� moved, r�fil bert seconded, that the request by Daniel D. Svoboda for the installation of a street light at the dead end or 13th Avenue North, near the I�? 8� St. L. R.R. tracks, be oranted. Carried. Vesely moved, Zakariasen s econded, that a statement be prepared of the approximate costs tha.t would be imrolvec� in the annexation of that part of Edina which has petitioned for same, of the follobving: � 3 r Storm sewer. drainage, streets and alleys, also additional expense covering garbage collection, police, street ligrts and sno� plowin� Then arrange a special meeting for the City Council and Zoning and Planning Co�nission on same. Carriede ?�ilbert moved, Vesely s econded, that the request by Arlo E. P. Lee for a license for the sale of off-sale non-intoxicating ma.lt liquor, soft drinks,. milk� azd cigarettes at the Ea.st �d Grocery, 408 E. �ce?sior Avenue� be grarited. �arrieda Zakariasen moved, Ddilbert seconded, that the law suit as served on irhe City of Hopkins by G. F. 8ohman, pertaining to Lot l, Hobby Acres, be referred to the City Attorney Whitney. Carriede Zakariasen moved, ?��ilbert seconded, that the apnointment as made by M�or Perbix, of Joseph T. Anderla as a member of the Zoning and Planning Commission for a term from 10-16 51 to 6-1-55, be confirmed. Carried. �Tesely moved, Zakariasen seconded, taat the read�ng of Ordnnance No.71, "AN ORDINA�TCE RII�ATING TO �JIISD:F�I�'�;AVORS �ND A?vIEAIDING SLfBDIVISI0P1 TJO. 32 AND R�EPEAZII� SUBDIVISION N0. 33 oF SEc'rlol�? 5, ORDII�?ANCF DTO. 2���� ma.rked Exhibit ��A"� be accepted,as th e second reading thereof and t�hat the ordinance be adppted and published according to law. Ca.rried. Zakariasen moved, TvIilbert seconded, that the reading of Ordinance No, 72, "AN ORDIlVI�NCE F�ET�ATIA�G �i°0 A�VI�TINGS A1�lD MAR(�UISES AA�D �'NDING ORDINANCE N0.63+�, _ ma,rked E�hibit "B", be accepted as the second reading tdiereof and that the ordinance be adopted and publi�hed according to law. Carried. STesely moved, ll�ilbert seconded, that Resolution No. 2l.�la., °A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE CROSSIIdG OF FIFTH AVIIVUE SOU'I"i IN THE C I'I'Y OF' HOPKINS, HENNEPIPI COUnTTY, �fIiV1�OTA, OVEi� THE RIGHTS OF WAY AND 'I'RACKS OF TT� MZNiJF�OLIS AND ST. LOLTIS RAIZ�"dAY COA�ANY AI� THE CHICAGO, MIZT�dATJKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACr'IC RAILROAD COMPANY IT�T. SAD CITY BE REOPEI�]ID FQR PLt�LIC. TRAV�", marked E�chibit "C", be ado�t,ed. Carried. �ilbert moved, Zakariasen seconded, that George �Iinter be paid for time put in from 7-27-51 to 7-3�-51, in the amount of �L.5o50. Carried. Vesely moved, Zakariasen seconded� that seven swivel chairs be purchased for the council room, #�e--�e-��� €�+e�x����e*���:�, Carried. Meeti.ng adjournedm AT`� ; r�` �, , W. Har.lan Per�ix, Mayor. . A. W. �Lmquist, S retary to the Council COUIdC II,MEiV: n � � �,. -✓ �� ¢� ��� ` � � � ci�r oF xo�ixs HF�INEPIBT COUNTY� MIBINESOTA ORDINANGE N0. 71 ,a< �D` �'l ��� �,\ �,��� �� 1�� . AN 4RDZNA�OE RELATI�a TO MI SDEMEAIQORS ADTD AMEBTDINQ SQBDI VI SI ODT N0. j2 �IND REPF�ALING SQ3DI VI SI CIDT �0. 33 OF SECTIC�T 5, ORDINANCT �0. 24. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CCJUNCIL OF T!� CITY OF HOPKIBi$s Section 1. 9nbdiviaion j2 of $ection 5 of Ordinance �o. 2�F of the Citp of Hopkine is amended to reads � $ubdivision j2. Si�ns. It aha11 be nnlat�t'ul for any persoa to erect or maintain any eign for advertieing or other purpoaee acroae or npon aay etreet or eidet�alk unleas the same ie tea feet or more above the sidewalk or etreet aad doea not extend more than eight feet out from the building. �o eign larger than three feet by three feet in eize shall be constructed without the written permiasion of the city man�ger firat ha.ving been ae�ired. Sigus npon etreeta or eidew�llca or signs eztending from oae side of a atreet to the other side are prohibited unlesa first approeed. in writing by the ci ty maa�ger. Before grantiag any permi ssion required by thia eubdivision the city manager may impoee such conditions and requirements regarding the erectioa and mainteaance of such eign as he deems neceeeary� aad may reqa'!re a bond from the pereon to whom the permiesion is•granted. �ny peraon violetiag any of the provisioae of thie snbdivieion ahall be guilty of a ffii.sdemeanori 8ection 2. �bdivision jj�S,Ordinance No. S of the City of Hopkins ia hereby repealed. FIRST READ at a re�ular Council meetfng of the City of Hopkina held on the 2nd day oP O;ctober, �95�, and finally read and paseed at a regular meetiag of the �951. 1 of said City held on the 16th day of October, W. HAEI,AN PF�RBIX, MAY08 A. W. Elmqaiet� Secretary to th� Coancil I+4�ank 1�. whi tnep, City Attoraey Publiehed in 9nbnrb�a Preas on October 25� 1951. � CITY OF HOPgIBTB HENNEPI�T COUNTY, 1�INNESOTA ORDINANCE 1Q0. 72 � .r N' ��' ,� �, � �,\ �� A�t ORDINANCE RELATING TO AWNI�GS AND MAH�JI SES AND AMENDI�TG ORD�IDTANCE BTOo 6j. BE IT ORDAIDTED BY THE COUNCIZ OF THE CITY OB �PgIN3a Section 1, Section 13 of Ordinance No, 6j ie hereby renumbered to Section 14, and Section 1� oP eaid Ordinarice ie hereby renumbered to Section 15. Section 2. Ordinance No. 63 i e herebSr emended by adcling after Sectionl2 and before Sectioa 1� ae renumbered� the followiag: Sectioa 1�. S�bdivision l. ��ninge and Marc�iaea. Movable � �:�:��. awnin�s af cloth eapported on metal framea may �project into streete;�-voh�ea� lowered for use. Ne snch aoonin�s shall project into ar�p atr�et mor� than eig feet aaid the loweet part of the metal frame eha11 be at leaat eeven feet above the level of the eidewalke, and no part of the awning aha11 be lesa than six feet � eig inche� above the eidewalk. 3'abdiviaion 2. 1Vo marqaiee or fixed av�ing ehall hereafter be so erected ae to project cver the etreet line. until permiasion eha11 have firat been eecured from the City Ma.nager. Snbdivision 3. Every marquiae or fixed awning shall have it� framework conatructed of inetal� and shall be so designed as to eafely �zataia a load of at least fifty pouads per euperficial foot of ite upper sarface. Wherever glasa ia used ae the roof of a marquise or figed awning, it ahall be wire-gl.ase and not leee tha,n three.-eighths (3/B) of an ineh in thicknesa. �ibdivi sion �. PTo marqu.i ae or figed aoming ahall hereafter be so erected as to project to avithin leas than tw�nty inchee of the outer line of the curb of the atreet� and in case the roadraay of any atreet ie rvidened hereafter, all exiating marquises or fixed awnings extending or projecting over sach atreet ad,jacent to euch widened roadway shall be at once either removed or brought into conformitg mith the above requirement of thie sab- divisiou for marqu.iees or figed awnings hereafter erected. 9ubdivi sion 5. No marqui ae or fixed a�ning shall be� at a.x�y point. at a leae height than eig�t (S) feet above the sidet�a.lk. Each marqnise or figed a,�ning shall be provided �ith proper guttere and raia voater leaders to conduct veater from ita roof. 9u,bdivieioa 6. In ca.ae a marquiee or fixed aavning be eupported at ite outer eide or front by columae or poets� �hey shall be either e�eel or irn�land sha11 be placed tweaty (�) inchea fmm the cnrb linee Subc�ieieion 7. g marc�iee or fixed avoning ma3* be eupported by properly deeigned and properly anchored caatilener beams� exteaded into the building, or b� chains or eteel rode properly fastened to ite outer eide or fmnt and eatending from thence, at an angle of at leaet forty (1!0) degrees w3th the horizontal plane, to the vra11 of the building, �nd eecurely ahchored to said daa].1 and to the floor �or roof conetruction or the columne of euch building. Where any marqui�e or fixed a�oning isaipported by chains or steel rode. ae aboee provided, the diameter of the metal of the linke composing such chaine. and of ench roda. ehall not be lees than seven-eightha (7�g) of an inch. -• .�.:�.� �a.pporting ch�s or rode eha11 not be lese than two (2) in mimber, aad more ehall be prov�ded when reqaired by the City I�aaager. �TR� READ at a regular Council meetiag of the City of Hopkins held on the 2nd da�y of October, 195�. aad finally read aud paseed at a regro�l,ar meetiag of the Council of eaid city held oa the 16th day of October� 1951. W. HAi�AN PERBI$� MAYOB A. W. Eimqai et � Secretary to the Counail Frank II, �itaey, City �ttorney Published in 9�iburbaa Press on October 25� 1951. � � � CITY OF HOPKIDTS HEAiT�PIN COUDTTYo �lIN�Ti ESOTA RESOLIIR'ION DTO. 2� 1 RESOZIITION HEQIIESTING THAT THE CROSSING OF FIPTH A9ENUE SOTJTH IN THE CITY OF HOT'�IN3. �ID� COUATTY, riII�RdESOTA, 09ER THE RIGfl'ES OF WAY AND TRACKS OP' TH� MITJNEApOLI S AND ST. LOIIIS RAILWAY COMPANY AND THE CHICA�. MILW9UREE. ST. PAIIL AND PACIFIC RAILR09D CQMPANY IN SAID CITY BE REOPENED FOR PUBLIC TRAY�L. WSERF.AS. Fifth gaenue South in the City of Ho�kine crosaee the railroad tracke of the Chica�o. Milwaukee, St. Paul aad Pacific R�e,i.lroad Compeny, also the railroad tracks of the Minneapolis and St. Louis 8a.ilovay ComPany. and WHEREAB� On December 22� 1950� said companie� closed eaid croasing to traffic. ead Vd�iEREAB� Bbr a period of about fifty years prior to eaid date eaid croseing rvas open for traffic and used b� the general public as a etreet, aad WHEREAS, On April 2), 19�� a hearing wae held in the City Hall at Iiopkin� in the matter of a petition of the Board of Gommiseionera of �ennepin County� Minnesota� reqaeeting that the Minnesota Railroa� and Warehouse Com- miseion to investigate into conditione sarrouading the hi��eay railraod grade cro�sing located at the point �ahere County Road No. lg crossee the rights oP way and tracke of the. Chicag�. Mil�oavkee� St. Paail and Pacific Railra�ad Coa�pang ead the Minneapolis and St. Louie Railway Compas�,y in the Cfty of Hopkina� Minne- eota, and to order the ingtallation of autom�tic hi�way railrnad grade croseing • signals at aach croasing Yor the protection of the general public uaing ench croseiag, and W�RE�5� at sa3d hearing the attoraeys Por said railroad compani�eo t withont a.ny advanced information to the City of Hopkine of their intentioa so to do, agreed to the placiag of eaid automatic eignale at �aid Ei�teeath Avemie Crosaiag on condition that ea3d �'ifth Anenue croesing be clo�ed to trafPic, and WHEREAS. at eaid hearing Joseph C. Vesely� then mayor of the Citv of Hopkine, objected to the cloaing of eaid Fifth Aoenue croaeing and took th� rvit- ness stand and etated in detail his objections thereto, and no teatimony was offered at sa.id hearing in enpport of the poeition of said x�ilroad compaaiee demanding the cloeing of said I�fth Avenue crossing, and the matter of cloeing eaid Fifth Avenue croaeing wae not officielly before the Commie9ion at said hearing. and W�REaS� oa S�vtember 13, �9�+9. the Commisaion made its order cloeing eaid Fifth Avenue croeeing on certain terme and conditione therein set forth, and WW�REA3� eaid order atatee� among other thinge� that °the trae�lled way of Fifth Avertue ae it passea_ over the right-of-�vay and trac,ke of the Minne- e�poli s and S t. Loui s Rai.lway Compar�y leave s i t e ri g�t-o ��way to angle through and under the trestle carrying the etreet railwa� cumpany�e tracks over the right-of-toay and tracks of the �Iinneapolie aad St, Louie Railway Compa�,y aad the Chicaog, �Iilwaukee� St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Compa,�y, and thie coa- dition can be corrected only by reconatr�tcting a coneiderable portion of the street railvoay compa�y's treetle, the cost of which arould not be �varranted.��� and W�REA9� on January 24� 1951, the Railroad and �'�arehouse Commieeion made another order reftising to reopen eaid �'ifth Avenue crossing to traffic� which order atated, among other thinga� "it is impossible under preaent con- ditiong to inatall a cmasing within the rig�t-of-ovay lines of. F`Ifth Avenue South at the point �ohere eaid Fifth Avenue South croases the ri�t-of-way and tracks of the Minneapolis and St, Louie Ra,ilruay Company, for the reason that a eteel bent gupporting the atreetcar trestle that crosees Fifth Avenue South and the ri�ht-of-may and tracke of the Miarieapolie and .St. Louie Railvoay Company at thi e point i s located within the right--of-r.*ay linee of �'ifth Ave�e South, aad comnletely blocka gifth AQenue South°, aad � �REAS. since said t�uo ordere were made, the Street Bailway Company hae abaridoned its streetcar linea into the City of Hopkine and has removed its tracke Prom Ninth Avenue in sa,id citv and ie in the procese of co�pletia� the removal of all of ita tracks in said city� and WHEBEA$, said 3treet Railwa� Compan,p has advised the City of Hopkine that said treatle and all of its enpporting bente and pe�ste will ia the near ftitnre be remo9ed� ao t}aat there will be no obatiuction inaofar aa the track� of eaid Street Rail�vay Comp�n►,y are conceraed to opening of eaid I�`ifth Avenue croseiag, aad W$�REAS� ebortit Pour hundred reaidents of the eo-called Peacei'nl �alle� eection of Aopkins are seriouely inconeenieneed by the closing of eaid cro saiag �nd are required to travel Easterly to �ashington Avenue or West- erlg to Eleveath Avenne in order to get from their homes to the achools, , churches, buein�ss placee and homes of their friends and aeighbora in the Cit� of Hopkine, aad WAEREAS� the closing of eaid Fifth Aveaue �roaeing greatl� iacreases the fire hazard to about one hundred d.omicilee not� located in said area ia that it leavee only t�o a�proachee to said area� namely: �ashington Avenue and , Eleventh Avenue South� and increaees the di stance that the Fire Department of the City of Hopkine must travel to get to said domicilee and increasea the danger of eaid fire �quipment being blocked by traine acroee eaid tracka� aad increasee the daager of eaid domicilea being destroyed by fire before the fire equipment of the City of Hopkine can reach them� and �'JHEREAS� it ie the deaire of the City Council of Hopkina that said croesiuge be opened to the full width vf eixty-sia Yeet (66 ft.)� and in the event �ch opening ie ordered by the Railroad and Warehouse Com�9ission the City avill acc�uire auch road eaeements ae may be neceseax�r over ead acrase landa not.. included within the boundariee of said righte-of-r�vay in order to conetiuct aad a�intain a f4t11 eixty-eia foot (66 ft.) etreet acroee eaid railroad tracke; DTOW, TIiERE1�R�� BE IT RESOLYED that the City Council of the Citg of �opkina hereby dir�cte the May�or and City Manager to file a c�mplaiat or petition �ith the �ailroad and warehouae Commiseion of the State of Minneaota requeating the Commiseion to issne ite order directing eaid compaaiee to open F`Ifth Avenue South railroad csroseinge to the full vaidth of eiaty-•eig feet (66 ft.). ADC�TED BY TIiE Conncil of the City of Hopkin� at a reg�lar meeting thereof held thia ��%�day of �-c��b�l� , 19510 W. HABLADT PEHBIX � 1�AYOB A. W. Elmquiat, Acting City Manager Frenk DT. Whi. tneY, �ity Attorney l'��:,+�" ��. ��{' U �l� P' � ,� , � ��, _ - • -- A special meeting of the Council_ of the City of Hopkins, B�innesota� �vPas held:at the City Hall at 4 o�clock PeM, on B�onday,-0atober 22, 1951. �embers present weres Mayor:Perbix� Councilmen, �il.bert,�Dahlberg� Zakariasen� City Attorriey �Ifhitney and City hhgineer Laskae Members absent Counci].man Veselg. ' " Dahlberg moved� �ilbert seconded� that Resolution Noe2l�.5� "A RE50L- � UTIOAI ORDERING A HEARING ON ENGINEER�S REPORT OAT INSTALLIIJG SANITARY ShiN'ER DQAIN.S OAT PORTIOIUS OF SIX'PH, SEVEN� �ND EIGH�i dVENUES SOIITH"� B�AAftICID �hibit "A"� be adopted. Carried. �ilbert moved, Dahlberg seconded, tliat license application.by Nationa.l Tea Co�npany for off-sale non-into�.cating malt liquor at 21 9th Aeenue North be granted• Carried. � ATTESTs ,� : -�, /,(�-�,��- I � �0 � � 0 ..:.:... _ _ - _�-. _ :_ . .. . ,�-, l. . IImquist� Se etary to the Counci'. COIII� II1�N: �� CI�Y OF �PKIDT3 HFNNEPIN COUNTY, MIidNESOTA SESOLIITIODT N0. 2�5 A RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING OPl ENGIN�'ER� S REPORP ON I�tSTAISING SAAITARY SEWII� I�AINS ON PORTIONS OF SIXTH. SEVENTH AND EI GiiTH A�EBNES SdIITH. V�HEREAS, the �ounci 1 of the Ci ty o f Hopkin e on August 21. 1951, adopted a resolution referring to �rank Laska� City E�gineer� for hie investigation and report� the matter of installing sanitary aet�er mains on Eight Avenue South from Sixth Street to Ei�th Street� and on Seventh Avenue �outh from Fifth Street to Ei.ghth Street, and on Sixth Avenue Sonth from Fourth Street to Seventh Street, and on Seventh Street from Ei�th �verrue South to Sixth Avenue South. together �eith the neceseary eewer 13ft station and force main to connect said laterale �oith the eewerage dispoeal system of the City of Hopkins, and WF�REAS� eaid Engineer has inve�tigated the necessity and feasi- bility of said improvement� and on Sevtember �, 1951. reported thereon to the Council and filed hia written report with tre Secretary of the Council in which report the Engineer recommende that said sanitax�r eewer maina be insta.l.led at said location at an eatimated coat of Cne Htlndred T�aenty-five Thousand �ollara ( �125,000.00) ; NOta� THEREFORE. BE IT RE�LPED that esid improvement will be coneidered by the Council a.nd action taken thereon at a reg�lar meeting of the city �ouncil to be held on the apth day of November� 1951, at 7:j0 o�clock p�.m.� and , BE IT F'UFiTi�H RESOLVED that the City �ianager give notice of sach hearing by publiahiag a notice once each �reek for two succeasive vaeeks in the o�ficial net�spaper of sa.id City. es.id notice to deecribe in �eneral langua_P;e the improvemsnt recommended in the En�ineer'a report a.nd the estimated coet thereof. ADOPTED by the �ouncil of the �ity of Hopkine at a epecial meeting thereof held this 22nd day of October, �957.. � W. HARLAN PERBIX� P�iAY08 A. W, Elmqui e t. Secretary to the Council F4�ank N. �hi taey� �'ity Attorney � �: CITY OF HOPKINS HENATF�IN COUNTY, MI�TESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON IIJQINF.�R� 3 REPOFcT ON THE ID1�'9LLATI�N OF SADTITARY SEWER I�'iAINS ODi PORTIONS OF SIXTH� SEVENTH AIQD EI GHTH A9ENUES SC7UTS. iJOTICE IS HERN�Y GIVEN tYrat the City �gineer of Hopkins, did �on the �th day of September, 1951, file his reporta urith the City Council recommending the inetalling of sani�ary aevuer maine on Ei�th Avenue South from Siath Street to Eighth Street, and on Seventh Avenue south fmm Fifth Street to �i�th Street� and on Sixth Aoenue South from Fourth Street to Seventh Street, and on seventh Street from Ei�ith Avenue South to Sixth gvenue South, together witY! the ueceesary sewer lift atation a.nd Porce main to connect eaid laterals �ith the aewera�e di spo eal. syatem of the C4ty of Hopkine at an estimated coet of One Hundred Twenty—five Thousand �ollare ($125,000.00). NOTICE IS FIIRTHER GI�TEN that the City council has by resolution fiAed Tuesday� the 20th day of NoPember, 1j51� at 7:j0 o�clock p.m. at the �ouncil �hamber� in the City Ha11 as the time and place at which the Council vill hear auch persone a� care to be heard in reference to said improvement. and will consider said Engineer�e report and act thereoa. A. W. ELMQUI ST � ACTIIv G CIT Y 1�lAGEH Dated at Hopkine� Minneeota, this 22nd day of Octobero 195�. Frsx�k N. Whitney� �ity Attorney Published in the 9nburban Press on October 25 and November 1, 1951. � A special meeti.ng of the Council of the City of Hopkins� Minnesota� was held at the �ity Hall at 4 o+clock P.P�. on �vrsday, October 25, 19510 Members present were: Mayor Perbix, Conncilmen Milbert, Zakariasea, Vesely� Members absent: Dahlberg. �i.lbert moved, Zakariasen seconded� that the bid of the �Eack B�otor Truck Corporation, for the furnishing of a fire truck as per bids called for 10-2 51� in the amonnt of �16�966.00� be accepted, less �230.00 for equipment listed under "E"' of deductions on Page 33, making a net total of �16,736e00. Carried. Meeting adjourned. ATTESTs / ' ; ---�. '� , , ;: , ,, � , r ,� . � : , - . W. Harlan erb , B�ayor _._... �__._ . _ . A. W, Elmquist� S retary c the Counc � ��/' '' ' ! - .� ..��_ ._.:�� . ..� ' / � �I � �/_.� ��..i..t/� . `����;.� �� �� g � � E �- �� � � `" A special meetirig of the Council of the City of Hopkins� Minnesota� was - _. held at the City Hall at l otclock P.I�. on Tuesday� October 30�_19 1• B�embers present �were: Mayor Perbix� Councilmen Bdi.lbert, Zakariasen; � Dahlberg, Vesely, City Attorney �tihitney and City Fhgineer Laskae Members absent: None. ... This meeting was called for the purpose of going over the Noa 3 Pump situation with Mr. Hagglun� of Ralph D. Thomas Compar�y and �dr. Peterson of Byron Jackson Pump Compar�y, Zakariasen moved, Qesely seconded; that t�e City Gounc�il of Hopkiiis go on record as requestirig that 1�cCart�Vlie11 Company �install a suii- . mersible pump of 1500 ga.Tlon capacity, indluding a-starter, same to be comp�ete arid operatin� at no expense to the c�ity��the above to be in return for a relea.se� from liability for the �crooked Noa3 V�'ell m- drilled by them and also tYie present pump and starter would become ' th� property of the �cCartliy �ell C`orapany. Also, their invoice No.4333 �.a.ted 7-13-50� in �he amount of �253.��:, will be paid if the above conditions are me-to Carried. l�eeting adjourned. ATTFST: �I �^ ' � b. Har an Per �.x, I�ayor. I, _ .. _ � . . _ � sr"`"`.`�, � �5�. nquis � re ary e ounci� �,�� � �,�M��� :i�%Mr�. -��>>;,,�,P;�6;�$a F, V��` a.,o !`x� � regul�r meeting of the CouriciT of the Cit3* of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held at the City Hall at 7;30 o�clock P.M, on Tuesday, November 6� 195leMembers preserit �ere �Hayor Perbix; Councilmen Mi].bert� Zakariasen, Dahlberg� arid � �esely, City �ttorney V6hitney� and City �gineer Laskae B�embers absent: Noneo Vese�r moved, B�i.lbert seconded' that bills as presented be paid from the follow- ing funds: 4303 �3�1� 43ti1 �,31i� 1�343 1�3ti1� 1�345 1�3li6 1�3l�7 �348 !�3l�9 4350 t�351 t�352 1�353 l,354 4355 4356 t►357 4358 4359 t�360 4361 �362 �363 4364 4365 li366 4367 l�368 1�369 ��F"!.^l 1161 1172 1173 �:74 u75 1176 1177 u7s 1]:79 1180 1181 I182 1]:83 u:85- 1186 �ENERAZ FiJI�ID Northern States Pov�er Co. �inneapolis Gas coo _. Howell�s Ben Franklin Store James g: Blake, M. D.. . O.C. Breviu� R. P�cv�lik�R. J.Ern.st R. R. Bo�rker Co, Christiansen �Qusic Co. Club Cafe Dahlberg Bros.,Ince Donovan �rniture Co. Gar VTood Iridust�ries, 7nco Gardner Hard�are Coe Gustafson & Ftiixa Laurenz A. Harris Herinepiri Countp Revie� � Mike Holm, Secy: of State Hopkins Fire Depts Hovander Foods; Inco Jean Karr & Co• VP. E, Lahr Co. Lampert Yarcls � �dil:ler-Davis Co. � �Qiniiesota News Co• � Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Service Equipment Mfg. Co. B�rs. Ruth Stag � Standard 031 Coe _. .. _ .._ Suburban Hennepin Co.P.elief Board Suburban Press, Ince W. C. �hitney - Wilcox & Follett Co. Salaries � Iiourly Payroll Hourl� payroll Servic e Service Recreation Supplies Services .. . Reporters fees Recordse �dag zin & Player �Tl'fi82 F18 Repairs Sliades Parts Supplies Labor & Supplies ' " Car Allowsnce, October�1951 Pririting Listing - Fire Drill�Calls .:.:,-�-=:. -.:,:-.:,:.,, Recreation supplies Lilirarar Supplies Parts Supplies� - -. . Suppl.ies�clesk and chair Library Supplies Service Supplies _ _ �dagazine subscriptions ._. _. . Repairs - � -- Relief �pend. month October Publishi.ng _ ..... . - Electrical inspections Books _ .. _ . Las t a Oc tober .. Per�oa �aing iai5-51 Pe.riod Ending 10-31 51 RQAD & BRIDGE FIII� Nortliern Sta.tes FaePer Coo Service Dahl:berg Bros., `Inc+ Repairs Di:ckey & �Iilbert, T,nco Gasoline Flour City Brnsh Cos Parts -, Hopkins Home�& Auto Supp�y Repairs & Supplies Justus Lumber Co. Lumber � PP . C. seer Seefe A raiser� D�orik �veo Frank H. griz �ppraiser, �onk Ave. Newmaii-Rhoads Motors, Irico Repairs Northi�estern Bell Telephone Co, Sernice George T. �ari Co. Plo�r � �l.igene A. Scallen Appraiser, �donk �ve, Skel�y Oil Coo � Kerosene Wm. H. Ziegler�Co:; Inc. � Repairs � A.R.�rrier;G.J:Tu�ner�lst BiIDomington Nat.Bank,�dplse,P.S�A.ndersen,F.Eiedler� D�onk Ave.Easement Salaxies Last � October _, Hour�y Payroll Perioi3 ending 10-15-51 Hour�y Payroll Period ending 10-31-51 � 86$:�1 58.08 5p19 �::00 21:35 5.00 71:91 �4e � 112;03 �:50 16;83° 65025 9070 50:00 25s,00 :50 25i�:oo 3e15 11.28 7000 80.2? 239:18 122;�3 77:28 12`50 Z05o1�0 � 10.06 183:31� 98:60 92e35 _ .11i;57 197Te21 l�t:l:�: 525.81 � 10022 �e�. 168:00 54:ao ].�5:08 1e97 25,00 10e00 293:96 v:;5o 321;30 25.00 8.3? 10l�.1�.la. 33Om00 670087 3�.5.16 525.8� �2^ WATER F'�JND 945 Idorthern States Povrer Co. 95� Gustafson 8c F�ixa - � � 95� North�restern Bell Telephone Co. 956 H. Pokorr�y Plumbing & Hea.ting 957 Standard..0i1 Co, 958 ciub e�g Salaries -.__ H ourly payroll Hour�y Payroll Service _ .. 7�a.bor & Pa,rts Servic e Service� ftepair Gasoline Lantern - . - .... ..._ Last-� Oato%er � Period ending 10-7,5-51 Period ending 10-31-51 s�cr�, assEss�r r�n� 59 N.V�.ATational Bank of DHpls, Bonds & Coupons SE9PgGE DISPOSAL FUND 37.5 Northern States Power Co, Service 32� H. E. Ariderson � Garage Rent� November 321 B�.i.nnesota Fire Equipment Coa Red F�nergency l�aaning Light 322 Ske - • _. _ _ _..._. , Coo _ __ Gasoline rn National Bank of �pls• Bonds & Coupons 3�3 salar�ieste _ Last 2 October Iiozzrly Payroll Peri:ocl ericling 10-15-�1 Hourly Payroll Period ena.ing ia3i ;i P�ANENT I�40P�TT REVOLVING FUI�ID 333 skeLly oiI co. 33� Carl A. Anderson -� 335- Dahlberg Bros.,�Inc. 33b Fitzgerald Bros: 337 H. g. Rogers Coe "� 338 SuburUan Press, Irice Salaries Hour]:y P�yroll Hour�y Payroll Gasol�ne �e�ment Work Repairs Curb & Gutter E�gineering Supplies Publishing _ La.st 2 October Periocl ending IO-15-51 Period ending 10-31-�1 � 369:08 97e23 8:13 =15075 168aQ0 "lio87 57�.e� ]:L�8;30 i64.ol� ?252e67 � 3boo�.1 95ono 120�0 `99:33> 18�2�.60 160a29 61:86 7io5o a���U 3�0,80 . 2:45 375m89 11;21 7.20 i85.so 20e7:6 38016 Pese moved �Zakariasen seconded triat the Ho-kins Fire De'artment recommenda.tion� �-Y a s P P dated 11—lG 51� that 8th Avenue North� from F�celsior to B�innetonka Mills Road� be beengappointed for Hopki.ns, who will then make a stud� of s a c3:ty mariager.has esi nated Caution Fire Lane be tabled until such time as ame and report his findings to covnc�.l.. Carriede Zakariasen moved Dahlber seconded� tliat the Hopkins Fire Departmerit request - .. _ dated 11-5-�1� for periniasion to imrest monies from � their special f�.ind in the Minneapolis Savings and Loan Association be grantedo Carriede Zaka,riasen moved, Da.hlberg secorided� that the T�iri City Testing and I�gineering Laboratorg be notified to tex�ninate further investigation -of the smoke and " soot situation in�Hopkins and mail us copy of all letters and reports pertain� to sa.me. Carried. Dah].berg moved; Veselg seconded� that the Great Northern Railway Compai�r letter dated 10-26-51, inquiring as to the possible sale of Blocks 20 and � be tablede Carried, � Zakariasen moved� Vesely seconded, that Ed Viska be granted�a license for an ice cube vending machine atan annual fee of �5•00, Carried. � � � Twin City Testin� and �gineeriag Dahlberg moved� Bdi.lbert seconded that the Iaborato be hired to make soil bor'ing tests along the proposed sewer line i.n Peaceful Valley� per their estimate dated 10-31�1s Carriedo .. 3 0 Vesely moved, Milbert seconded, that the se�rer Iine in tlie city hall�be� changed as proposed by the State Board of Health and estimates received. Carriedo Vese],y m,oved, -Zakariasen seconded, tliat the bill of Jatnes Leck Gompari�r� iri the . _ ,. amount of �!�l�6.60� as mailed to u§ by the Wiriston-Newe11 Compar�y� for fill on Milwaukee Street for the spur track into their plant� be disallowed. Carried. Dahlberg moved, Zakariasen seconded, that Resolution No.21�6, pA RESOLUTION RF�,ATIhTG TO THE PROP06ID ANAJ�(ATION TO THE CITY OF HOPKINS OF .A PORTION OF THE . QILLAGE OF IDINA ma.rked bchibit A', be adopted. Carried. n�. n � _ .._ _ Vesely moved, Dahlbert seconded, that Ordinance No. ?�, "gN ORDINANCE DEICLATdII� TI-IE NOR� ON�HALF (N�OF THE NOR�IVUEST QUARTER (� OF SDCTION THIRTY (30)� T(IUPNSHIP ONE HUNDftID SEVENTEEN (11?)� NANGE TVPENTY-ONE" (21)� AAID TfiE VVF�T�TY ONE HUNDRID FORTY-01VE (7.�.F1) FEET OF BIACR SI%TEE�T (16), ��soxN n� �ns COUNTY, �OTA, INCLUDING ALL LOTS, TRACTS AAID PAFbCIIS OF LAND A� ALL RIGHTS-OF �AY, STREEZS AND AI.LBS T�OCATID �iEREIN, TO BE A PART �' THE CITY OF HOPKINS"' be accepted as the first reading thereof, Carried� Zakariasen moged, Vesely secorided; that the City of Hopkins will accept`a deed to the a11.ey back of tYie Qxford Street homes no�a��tieing� built by W. J. Lund� subject�to our citg engineer�s approval as to location, grade, and black topping of same. Carried. Zakariasen moved, �dilbert seconded, that�a�copy-of A. garlsson�s Ietter dated August 6, 1951, mailed to us by G. L. Ware, pertaining to telephone rates an zona.ng be mailed to the Cha.mber of Commerce. Carried. . Vesely moved� Zakariasen seconded, tkiat Resolution Noa2I�7� "A RE50LUTION REQUFSTTNG THE COUNTY OF HF�NF�IN T0 ACQiJIRE THE ABANDONID STF,.EET CAR RIGH`� OF-�TAY"� marked Exhibit "B"� be adopte�i, Carried. 1�; l hert mo�ed, Zakariasen seconded, that Resolution 1Vo.21.t1;, "9 RESOLUTION ORDERING T`riE CONSTRUCTION OF COIVCRETE DRIVEWAY LF,l�D3NG FROM P�.RK I�ANE ON TO u Exhibit "C�'� be adopted. Carried. LOT T�NO, BLOCK FIVE, PAFiKRIDGE , marked _._ ..,_ _ _ . ,. , �esely moved� Zakariasen seconded, that ��eading of Ordinance IJo.?3� "AN ORDI1VdNCE PROVIl�ING FOR CNII, DEFENSE �►�D FOR PROTECTION AND PROMOTION OF PUBLIC SAFETY, HEALTH AND VfIELF'ARE IAT THE CITY OF HOPK�TS DURIlVG CIVIL DF,FENSE II�tIERGENCIFS"' be accepted as the first reacling thereof. Carrieds Meeting ad j ourneda AT T: i r � -� , , W. Harlan Per�ix, �ayor r .' .' � _ ,� - .'. . - . : // . . _ __ _ �. - . : '. ..�. �.. . A. �. Elmqw.s , S re e�ry to e Counc 1 COUNCII�N�1: ;7 CITY OF HOPKINS � HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 2L}.6 A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF HOPKINS OF A PORTION OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA. WHEREA,S, more than a majority of the residents and owners of tracts of land of the section of Edina kno�r:xa as West rJliruzeapolis Heights has petition�d to be annexed by Hopkins and recognizing that such annexation would result in costs to the City of Hopkins greater than present tax receipts from that area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Hopkins should never- theless take proper steps to annex the above mentioned portion of Edina subject to the f ollowing conditions: l. That if for any �reason. Hopkins should fail to receive tax receipts from '�Vest Minneapolis Hei�hts, during 1952, the Gity of Hopkins would be under no obli- gation to furnish any services whatso- ever. 2. if there is legal action to prevent the annexation the City of Hopkins would not bear any of the costs of defending them- selves against such action. 3. The City of Hopkins would not extend sewer service to the area until adequacy of present main trunks is determined. (�. The residents of ti'dest Minneapolis Heights are willing,to recognize that the Cit� of Hopkins is obligated to take care of de- mands for improvements within the present city limits before the city would be in a position to improve areas within dVest Minneapolis Hei�hts, 5. The residents of West Minneapolis Heights have the council of the Village of Edina take proper action consenting to the annex- ��ti on. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL of the �ity of Hopkins at a regular meeting the reof held on November 6, 1951. iN. HARLAN PERBIX, MAYOR 1A1.. W. �lmqui s t, City Clerk Frank 1V. Whitney, City Attorne9 � CiT]� UF� HOPK�AS ��i�iPZN CA�dflTYf �iINAI�S�3TA RESQL�Jx'I0�1 P10. 2�},b A RESO�,II�TOi� R�L!►T�i�t� 2�0 Ti3E PROP45ED �1AN�XATiON �0 THE CITY 0F HOPKINS 0}' A POR�IiIN 0� �HE VILi�Af�F OF �DINA. �IER�, �ore than a ma jor�.ty oF th� reaid�nte and owners oF tr�cts o� land of tMe aectiva of �6ina kno�xar ae 6'�e�t i�2nneapolis �eighta hsa pet3.�ioned to be Qnneaed by Ropkina anci reao�nizing that auch �nne�ation �ould re�ult in c�oats to the C3ty of Hopl�ins greater than preaent tax receipta Prom th�.t areaj I�m�t, '�T�R�'ORP�� B8 IT R�S►OLVSD TkiA� the C ity of Hopk�.na should neve�r- theleae take proper atep� Lo ennex �he aboee mentioned por�ion og �dina sub jeat �o the i'ol�.owing conditions s 1. That i� for any rsaeon Hopkins ahould Pail to receive tQa remeipt� Pr�r�. ����st �inneapolis i��i�hts, e�urin� 1952, the �ity oP iiopkins would be under no obli- gati�n �o iu�n�sh �►ny sernicee avha.tao- ener. 2. Sf' there is 7.e�Bl ect�on to prevent the annexation the City of �apkins �rould not bear sng of the costa o� dePending them- aeives against euch ection. 3. The Cit� of gopki�a xould not e��end �eWer se�°vice to the area until adequea�r of presen� rnain trunks is determined. �,. The res3dents of ��as� t�inneapolie H�l�hta a�rn wS�.ling to �e�ogni�e thnt tha �it� of �iopkins is obligate8 �o take� cere oP de- mmnds for �,mprovensnta �it2�in �he p�e�ent city lim3ts befor� the aitg �►ould be in a poaition to l�mp�ove are�a wit2a�ln �a�t I�inneapalis �eighte. 5. The ree�.den�s oP GVe�t &liuneapo3i� Hei�hte ha.ve the coun��.l o�' the �ill�ge oP ��ina take prop�r aotiioa aonsentin,g to the ent�ex- �hi on. kDOF��D B'Y Tii£ CO'U�TGZL oP the �ity oP Hopkin� at , regular meet3n� the reof held on �ovember 6, 1g51. �. t'7. ��.mqu1 e t � Citg Clerk Frank N. �tney, Citg �ttorney W. HA �LRN P�tBIX, �lIAY�R . , . .. ,,,.J�t. '�'1 � y �� � , CITY OF HOPKIN3 HENNEPIN' COUNTY, BIiINNESOTA RESOLtlTION 1Q0. 2�}.7 A RESOLtJTIODT REQUESTING THE COUNT3d OF HENNEPIN TO ACQUIRE THE ABt3,NDONED 3TREET CAR RIGHT-OF-WA,Y. WHEREAS, the Twin City Kapid Transit Compan� no longer runs street cara to the City of Hopkina, and the present v�esterl� termine� of the former Hopkins line is Brookside �A�etion in �t. Louis Park, and I�iiHEREAS, said ri�ht-of-way as so abandoned could be used for the purpose of constructing an additional highway from said Brookside Station into the City of Hopkins, NOVJ, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOL�ED BY THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPRINS, That the Citg request the County of Hennepin to acquire such abandoned right-of-way for high�ay purposes. ADOPTID at a regular meeting of the City Council of the 6th day of City of Hopkins held on the/November, 1951.. W. HARLAN PERBIX, �ILAYOR A�. W. Elmquist� Secretary to the Council F. N. ��hi tne �r, City A►ttorney � n'l � , �� l �0. � '�; �i CITY OF HOPSIN$ HEDTNEPIN COUIJTY� MINNESOTA RESOI,UTION N0. 2�+�+. DRI VEV�AY A RESOLIITIODT ORDERING THE CONSTRIICTION OF CON'CR�7I'E�LEADING FROM PAl,� LANE ON TO LOT Tk'0, BLOCK FIVE. PAFcgRIDGE. �+1SEREAS. The Council of the City of Hopkine on Auguet 7, 19Fj1, adopted a resclution referring to F'rank Laska, City �gineer, for his in- vestigati�n and report� the matter of constrncing a concrete driveway le�.ding from Park Lane on to Lot Two. Block �.ve, Parkridge, and WHEREAS� aaid Engineer has investigated the neceseity and feasi- bility of said improvement, and on October 2. �95�. reported thereon to the Council and filed hia written report with the secretary of the Council in which report the Engineer recommenda that said driveway be constructed in said location� and '�'f�;REAS. on October 2� 1951, the Ciiy Council of Hopkina adopted a resolution �etting �itiiesday� the 6th day of November, 1951, at 7:30 0' clock p.m, in the Council Chambere of the Gity Hall as the time and place for con- sidering said report and acting thereon� aad WHEREAS� a notice of said he�ring hae been published in the Shiburban Preae in its issuea of �ctober 11� ax►d October 18� 1951� and the affidavit of publication of said notice has been filed with the aecretary of the Council� and WHER�"rAS, no petition aetting forth opposition to ea3d improvement was filed with the City Manager prior to the da.te and hour aet for hearing said - enginesr�e report, and no one appeared in opposition thereto; NOZd� THER�FOBE� BE IT R�SOLYED by the City Council of the City of Hopkine that said coner�te driveway leaciing from Park Lane on to Lot T�ro� Block Five� Parkridge, ie necessary for the health� welfare a.nd conneainece of the City.and its inhabi- tants� and it ia hereby detArmined and ordered that said improvement be made, and that the coat thereof be asseesed against said Lot. ADOPT�D 'by the Council of the City of Hopkine at � regu].ar meeting thereof held this 6th day of Naember, �957.. �1T. HA�' PERBIX� NI�YOR A. W. Elmqnf st, Secretary to the Council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney `� �� � ,� �r�^� .tc�"dc''��'.� / �/ z %� � �'j�. �p� g regular meeting oi ttie Council�of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, xas held at the Ci Hall at 7z30 o�clock P.M, on Tues ty day, �a�vember 20, 19 7.. P�embers present weres Mayor Perbix, Couricilmen Dahlberg arid Zakariasen� City Attorriey �hitney and City F�gineer Laska. �dembers absent: Milbert and Vese]$,. Dahlberg moved� Zakariasen seconded� that bills as presented be paid from the following funds; !�l�02 1i403 t�l�.01� 4405� 1�l�06 l.ili.07 L�oB 4409 1�1;]:0 � ti47.3 1�1i14 1�1�15� l,1i16 41i17 �.la18 l�19 14la20 1�21 l�22 liL�3 1�.! j2l�. ��25 la1:�26 lt�i27 l�1�28 �i385� 4386 1I87 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 I2o3 120l� 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 •1210 1193 1194 GENEEtAL FUND Andex �allpaper & Pa.it�t Supplies - Car1 Bottenfield Developing & Printing Christian.sen Music Co. Records Ernest J. Duda La.bor A.�T.Flmquist, Treas. �Petty Cash Items . FarnYiam Staty. & School Sup.Co•Supplies Feudner-Davidson Agency Premiums , Gopher State E�t�.Co, - Rat poison & containers Mike Holm, Secye of State Listirig - __.. _.. Hopkiris Fiire Dept. � Phones, December�1951 Hopk� ris l�otor Sales Co. � Repairs Ho�ell�s Ben Frank].in Store Supplies Justus Ltuuber Co. Lurnber Kokesh Hc1Weo Su.pp].ies _. Kokesh Hci�re. Supplies Soss Paint and Wallpaper�Coo Supplies Northerri States Povaer Co. Service� N oWeBe11 Telephone Co. Leased �ine for fire alarm Panama Carbon Coe Carbon Rosenwald-Cooper, Inco Signs� Rubber Froducts Co. F1oor Tile Skelly Oil Coo . Service Staridard Oil C o. Servio e Suburban Chevrolet Coo Repairs� . Suburban Press� Inc• Prin�ing & Publishing Fred S�ianson Dozer Rental � Vita and Son _ . . . Carpenter work First National Bank of Hopkins withYioldiiig Tax Dede Treasurer, State of BQinnesota� ftetiicement Fund Deductions Salaries lst 2 November " H ourly Payroll Period endang 10-31-51 RQAD �ND BRIDGE FUI�ID N.�l.Natiorial Bank of Hopkin� Burg & Carlson� Iric. A. tiY. Elmquist� Treasa Feudner-Davidson Agency Glacier Sarid & Gravel Co. Jizstus Lumber Co. Kokesli Hdvree _ ... _.. Lariders-Norblom-Christensen �].T1T1@SO't8. $8.1.f, �',Os . Ne�nan-Rhoads �otors, Iric. Northern Sta.tes Power Co. Republic Creosoting Co. Geo. T. Ryan Coo Earl Sewall _.- First 1Vational Bank of Hopk Treasurer, Sta.te of Minneso• Salaries � Hourly Payroll Iriterest on VParrant Blaclstop PettyfCash Items Premiums s�a C oal . �Supplies� Co.Lime rock CrusYied Rock Salt Repairs Servi.ce Road Tar Plo�r Frame & Pump Blacktop . _ ns WitYiYiolding Tax Deductions a Retirement ivnd deductions lst 2 November Period ending 10-31 51 $ 11025 5s� .8037 12000 11.87 _ 9a3o 1030e�. 20000 .._.1v30 6�;00 36.94 2087 83:95 60:36 4�05� 6e�o ?81:19 3:].3 9.50 226.65 23�;00 6.25 12.20 18,1`i6 59:t�o 36:00 _ 4oe76 386:54 181��22 1522 e 9p1t 525 e V�. � lllel$ 292;56 8.95 453•10 13�a51 72.60 29e28 77.� 128,00 lI:$0 11:33 162;81 33l.�� 787:T9 ].;31e20 67 e �.2 593:72 1�28.37 �� � ' 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 964 965 329 330 331 332 333 325- 326 343 31.�4 345 31�6 3l�7 3t�8 349 340 31�1 -2- WATER FIINID A. �7. Elmquist� Treasa Petty Cash Ite�ns Feudner- Davidson Agency Premiiims Great Northern �. Co. Freight Bi11 Neptune Meter Co� � Mete,Ts Northern States Power Co. Service . . N.�.Bell Telephone Coo- Leased 19nes� H.Pokorny plumbing & Heating Co. Service repair First National Banit of Hopkins �itYitiolding Tax Dedv.ctions Treasurer� State of BBinn, Retirment Ftiiriii Dednctiona Salaries _ lst 2 November Hour7.� Payroll Period ending 10-31-51 SF�PAGE DT�SPOS� FUU11�ID Lo H. Bro�iing �� � Correctirig service conno g. W. Elmquist, Treaso Petty Cash items gokesh Hdwe. - � � Sup�lies Northern States Power Coo Seririce Standard OiI Coo Service First National -Bank of Hopkins Withholclirig Ta,x Deductions Trea.surer, St,ate of bdin.nesota Retirament Ft�nd �eductions Salaries lst 2 Novemlier Hourly Payroll Period ending 10-31-51 PE.R�7ANIIdT IlUfftP�OVEBIIEPJT REVOLVING FIl1�ID Carl A. Anderson Cement �rork Bury & Carlson, Iric. Blackto P . Treas. Petty Cash Items Ri hard �qFerron ConstoCoo Monk Ave.se�er Re ublic Creosotin Co. p g Road Tar Earl Sewall � - Blacktop Suburban"press� Irics Publications First National Bank of Hopk3ns Wittilioldirig Tax Deductions Treasurer, State of �.innesota Retirement Fund Deductions , 1._ _ . Salaries lst 2 Novemlier Hourly Pa.�roll Feriod ending 10-31-�1 � 5:-27 1lG3:dt� 9.l�.6 231:00 437:44 8:13 3a75 76;10 36:97 567;02 1��te0l1 � I�0:00 2e81. 1.�5 lF93s31 '3.50 l�2;30 17e99 110�� 71.50 � l�8;61 99e8l� --- 2;1�5 602;1}�� 3li2:ti6 749:73 _ 7e20 37e4o 18:82 183:70 38.16 Dahlberg moved, Za.kariasen seconded, that t he followi�.; license applications be granted. Carrieda Sheehans Liquor Store Archies Bu�h�s Li�uor Store Blue Ribbon Bar On and Off Sale iritoxicating liquor� Oxi anci Off Sale nori-intoxicating/]:iquors Soft drinks and ci�arettes. malt Off Sa.le intoxicating liquor� Off S�le non-intoxicating mal� liquors� Soft drinks and cigarettes. on and Off Sale i.ntoxi:cating liquor� � - On ancl�Off Sale non-intoxicating mal� liquors, Soft drinks, cigarettes and 1 mechanical amusement device. On and Off Sale into�d:cating liquor� �� Ori and 0Yf Sale non-iritoxicating mal� liquors� Soft drinlss� milk, cigarettes, and tWo mechanical amusement deviceso Ori and Off Sale intoxicatirig liquor�- On and Off Sale non=in.tor,i.cating mal� liquors Sof t dri:nks, cigarettes and 1 mechanical amusement device. .. 3 «� Centre Liquor Store Hopkins I,iquor Store v.F.V�. #425 �merican Legion Off Sale intoXicati:rig liquor� � Off -Sale non-intoxicati.ng malt liquors, Soft drinks and cigarettes Off Sale intoxicating liquor and soft drinks On 9ale club liquor� Osi Sale non-iritoxicatirig maTt liquors Off Sale non-intoxicating malt liquors� Soft drinks, dance liall, cigarettes, and t�ro mechanical amu.sement devices. On Sa�le club liquor, Oak Ridge Country �lub On Sale club liquor� � On. sale non-intoxi:cating malt liquors, Soft drinks and cigarettese Dahlherg moved, Zakariasen seconded, that tlie clerk write the Great NoEthern Rail�ray.Compar� in response to the'ir�inquiry as to the possibility of the sale of property o�ened by f,he city in Blocks 20 -aiid 2I �Pest� B�irineapolis Addition; and adiaise the�a that tlie city Yias use for this property`waless some alternate proposal might be submitted for consideration, Carried, Zakariasen moved, Dahlberg seconded, that the bi11"of the T�rin City Testing and Engineering Iatioratory, i:n the amount of �90e00, covering smoke and soot i.nvestigation as ma.de by them� be paid. Carried. Dahlberg moved, Perbix secorided� that tYie list o� equipment to be purchased and iristalled ori the riew D�ack Fire Truck, as pre�ented liy the Hopkins Fi.re Department� be referred to the City �gineer Iaska for checking and reporte Carried, Zakariasen moved, Dahlberg seconded; that the surety bond of BRartin J. Vanek be accepted, subject to City Attorney�s approval. Carriedo Da�l.berg moved, Zakariasen seconded� that the City of Hopkins pay the electric bill covering the Christinas decorations as per Hopkins Chamber of Co�nerce communication da.ted Novernber 20, 1951� �arried. Dahlberg moved, Zakariaseri seconded; that tlie communicatiori dated November ].�� _. -- 1951, by the He„nnepin County �.iberculosis 9ssociation� perta�n�ng to the 1952 budget for public health nursing�be tabled. Carried$ _ Zakariasen moved, Dahlberg seconded,�that Josepli Kerchiel�s request for �17 ,00 as settlement for easement as�outlined in the City Engirieer+s communication dated 8-],5-5Z� be denied. Settlement tivill be made at $125000 as outlined in the minutes of 8-21-�10 Carried, Dahlberg moved, Zakariasen seconded� that Resolution No. 2�, aA RF�DLIlTIOAT --- ORDERING THE INSTALLATION OF SANITARY S� fl�AINS OAT PORTIONS OF S1XTH� SEVEN7H, AND EIGHTH AVEI�tUES SOUTH, IN TfiE CITY OF HOPKINS, COiJrt'?'Y OF F�IN, STA'.PE OF b'lINAT- FSOTA." marked E�ibit "A", be adopted. Carried. Zakariasen moved, Dahlber� seconded, that Ordinance No. 71�, "AN ORDINANCE DDCIfAR- ING THE NORZY-I QNE-HALF (N2) OF THE NORT �T QUARTER (NVV �--) OF S�CTIOAT THIRTY (30) TQ�UIvSHIP ONE HLTNDRED ° SEVENTEEN (117 ), FtANGE T9ff�i�iTTY-ONE ( 21) � AND THE iIPE�TERLY ONE HUNDRID FORTY-ONE (1LG1) FEET OF BLOCK SIXTEEN (16), MENDELSOIinT IN HEATNF�PIN 60UNTY� �lINNF�OTA, INCLUDIIdG ALL L�S, TRACTS AND PARCEIS OF LAN� AEm ALL RTGHT5=0E-a'�AY, STREE�S AND ALLEYS LOCATID THEf�EIN, TO BE A PART OF THE CI'I'Y OF HOPK7NS°� be tabledo Carried. P2eeting Adjournede A : � . ar an erbix, PBa,yor �� �i � � �!� ��i � � •j (� � �', �: r' i _ :� CITY OF Hf�KIBS � � �EPIN CfJQDTTY� MII�ESOTA ' HE�LIITIOBT �0, 2�5 A 8'E90LIITIOBT ORDEBI�a THE I�3T�I,LATION OF SA�ITARY SEWER MAINS Oa POHTI0�3 0�' SIxTH, SEPENTH. AND EI GH'� AVI�JIIES SC10TH, IN THE CI TY OF HOPBIATS. COII�TY OF' H�TI� PI�;`. STA�1'E OF NiIIIffiESOTA. WS�REA3� the Couacil of the City oP Hopgina. on Augnet 21� 195�� adopted a Beeolntion referring to gra,ak I+aeka, City Engineer� for his ia- veetigation and report, -_ �. the matter of iastalling eanitary ae�ver maine on �i�th Avenue Sauth from Sigth Street to Eight Street� and on Seeeath Aveixne 9outh from Fifth Street to Eight Street, and oa Sigtit Avemie 3onth fPom Fonrth Street to 3eventh Stree�, and on Seventh Street from Ei�th Aveaae South to Sixth Avenne South� together eoith the neceeearg eeaoer lift etation and Porce main to coaaect 8aid laterals eoi.th the ee�vage diepoeal e�etem of the Citg oP Hopkiae, aad WS�REA3, eaid Engineer has inveetigateS the neceeaity and feasi- bility of said improvemeut� and on September 4� 1951. reported thereon to the Conncil aad filed hie �oritten report �ith the 3ecretaxy of the Co�nacil, 4 in which report the �hgineer recommende that eaid eanitary se�ver maine be iaetalled at eaid locatioae, and WHEItEA9. oa October 220 1951. the Citp Conncil of Hopgine adopted a reeolntion eetting �iesday, �Ehe 2pth day of November� 1951. at 7s30 o'cloc� p.mo at the Conncil Chambera ia the City Hall� as the time a.nd place for coneidering saSd report and acting thereon, aad �EEAB, a notice of eaid hearing has been pabliehed in the �burban Preee in ite isenes of October 2�j and �ovember l, 19510 And the Affid�vit of Pt�blication of said notice has beea filed �ith the 3ecretaty of the Council. and S�REA3� no petitioa eettiag forth opposition to eaid imp�oPement aae iiled wlth the City 1�4anager prior to the date and honr eet for hearing eaid Engineer's report, a.nd ao one appeared in oppoeition thereto; BTOW T�RE.. INOR�, BE I�' RE�LVED bg the Council of the Citg oP Hopkine that the installatioa of sa.nitary ee�er maias ia the locatione as recommended by the �gineer in his report is neceseary for the health, welfare and con- venience of the Citg and ite iahs.bitaats, aad it is hereby determiaed and ordered that eaid improvement be made, aad that the cost thereof be aeseeeed agaiset the property abuttiag npon eaid iaaprovemente ADOPTED BY TE� COIIBTCIZ of the Cit� of Hogkiaa, at a re�].ar meeting thereof held this 20th d.�y of �iovember, 1,951. W. HAiiLAN PEABIX � MAYOH A, W. Elmqui et. 3ecretary of the Council Frank N. Saih��neY. �ity Attorney �������� q. G o g regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins,- �firinesota� was _ .,�' held at tlie City Hall at 7;30 o�clock�'P;M. on Tuesday� Decem6er �� 195T. � Members present were Mayor Perbix; Coia,ncilmen BFilbert, Zakariasen� Dahlberg� and Vese�r, City Attornev VVhitneg, and City �g�neer I,aska. �embers abeeats Nonea Vesely moved, �1lbert seconded, that bills as presented be paid f rom'the following; � GII�d�A� FUI�ID 1�29 T.C.Testi:ng 3�� �.gineering Lab, Smoke & Soot Investig. � 1�1.�,51 Americana Corp. Book 1�.lt52 BQ. Bush Iron & Metal Coa.� Beams I�I;�3 Dahltierg Bros.,Inc. Repairs 1�451� E. J. Ducia. Repairs �►.u`�5 Elvin First Aid Supp],y Bsida.ges _ ._ . . 1�.456 Feudner-Davidson Agency Bonds �57 Fitch Pet Animal Hospita.l Inpoundirig Dogs J;la.58 Gopher State Exterminating Co. Ra.t Poison. -� l�L1.59 Lau.reriz A. Harris Car �].lowance, Nov. !�l�60 Hopkins Cleaners C1ea.aing _. _ . l�1�.61 Hopkins 3)rug Co: First Aid Supplies 1GlG62 Hopkins Fire Depta Fire CaIIs,lst Aid Call, . _. _ . . �- Fire Dri 1�l�63 B�inneapolis Gas Co. � Service L��.6�. N.W.Bell Telephone Co, Sei^�ri.ce l��.6� R.S, &�.Co., Inc. B ooks - 4!� Rosen�aalci-Cooper, Inc• Signs 4l�67 Select Service 0i1 Cop Service _ _ . 4�68 Suburlian Chevr�Iet Co. Repairs � 4l�69 Sub �ban Hennepin County Relief Board Relie�, Nov.1951� l�1.�70 �P.C. Yiitney Electrica]. Irispections Salaries I,ast 2 of November Hourly Payroll Period ending 11-15-51 ROAD AND BRIDGF FU1� ].21I N.�.National Ba.nk of Hopkins 1217 Aaderson Bros.� � 121.8 Dah].berg Bros e, Inc. 1219 E. J. Duda � 1220 Gustafson & F'uxa. � 1221 Hogki.ns �otor SaTes Coo 1222 Bdinnesota Fire Equipt.Co. 1223 Ne�rman-Rhoads-Mot�rs,Inc� 1221� N.�.Bell Telephone Co• 1225 Franit N.Whitney Salaries Ho�arly Payroll 975 Postmaster,Hoplci.ns 983 Am.Cast Iron Pipe Co. 984 City of Nortli �ankato 985 Dahlberg Bros.,Inc, 986 Pratt�s �tpress Co. 987 ll�aterous Coe Salaries - Hourly Payroll Interest on Warrant Parts_ Sereice & Repairs ftepai.rs VPiring Garage P.epairs I,iglits Parts .._. _ Service Record� &: Atty.Fees Last 2 of November Period ending 11-15-51 11�ATER FUND E�velopes,stamped Valves, Covers 1�" V'Tater Meter Repairs y� �Qress Chgea Pa�ts .. Last 2 of November Period ending 11—i5 51 90:00 5:00 60.0$ 12v00 3:60 10000 358450 1.5;00 50m00 4000 11.31 196;00 79�24 83.70 12m01 130.39 1,00 1l�:05 361a11 232:49 1953e81 406a96 �92:45 6:00 110.20 92000 u5o�.o 22e75 25000 1�.70 _ u:5o 106�00 593�72 33oa54 73p52 18d;00 8l�.00 6:70 1e75 ..98:79 6],5.,;02 107.20 0 - 2 - SFA�fAGE DISPOSAL FUY�ID. 335 335 H• E. Anderson Garage Rent, December 336 Benson Super 66 Service Repairs 337 Dahlberg Bros.,. Inc. Repairs 338 E: J. Duda Repairs 339 Gustafson�& Fuxa Grease 3l�0 �Uest �Ipls. F�el & Ice Co. Fuel Oil Salaries Last 2 of November . Hourly Payroll Period ending 11-15-51 SP�7CTAL ASSESS�TT FU1�ID 60 N.W.National Bank of B�pls. Bonds & Coupons � 95�000 6.05 36:90 13000 5a00 29:00 110,00 93.30 �19,438.80 PER�IIANENT IlbIPR0VE91J�TT RE�TOLVIldG FUND �j2 H. A. Rogers Co. . Prints " � 13.12 Salaries La.st 2 of November 183,70 Hourly Payroll Period ending 11-15-51 ?�.32 Vese�y moved, Zakariasen secorided; tYiat N'ine Mile-Cree�t dredgin; be extended to approximately 150 ft. north�est of 9tii Ave. Sauth, or to t,he John�Shubert pro= � perty and City Attorney to pnocure the necessary easement from Mr.Feltl'. Carried. Zakariasen moved, Da�hlbe�g seconded, tYiat the Zoning and Planning Commission com- muiiication dated 12-1�-51, arid Chief JoYinsont s reco�ieridatiori dated 12=3-51�pertain- i.rig to the east and �rest alleys,just south and north of �celsior Ave.,being one--way alleys� be tabled to meeti.ng of January 15, 1952. Carried. Milbert moved, Zakariasen seconded, that the Citf Clerk advise the pastor of the Prince of Peace Efrangelical Lutheran Chu.rch, St. Louis Park; that noane, outside of Hopkins, is allowed to tap sewer or water mains. Carried. - _ . baksry anborn JacksonaandeBiorncone��a that com�n�nication da,ted November 27, I9 l, ias�n'moved, � �. p '��g to claim b� B�i�. Preston against DeGraff Wolff, be referred to the �cting City A.qanager for attention. Pesely voting no, @arried. Zakariasen moved, Dahlber� seconded, tliat City �gineer Laska nake a stuciy a� different water meters'before any contract is made for the six month period commencing December 29, 1951. Carr�ed. . _ Dahlberg moved, Zakariasen seconc�d� that appointinent as m�.de by Mayor Perbi:x of G. �'. Bakeberg:to"the Hopkins Poli.ce Civil Serv'ice Commission,�for a�erm from January l, 1952, to January 1, 1955� be con_firmed. Carried, Zakariasen moved, Dahlberg seconded, that the reading of Ordinance No. 73, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIN� FOR CNIT� DEF'�iVSE AND FOtZ PROTECTION AND PR4Z�OTIOAI OF PUBLIC SAFETY, HEALT�i AAI'D' 1dII,FAR.E IN THE CITY OF HOPKgNS DURING CIQIL DEFE�TBE IIJiERGENCIF�S"� marked �chibit °A", be accepted� as �the second readirig thereof and that tlze ordinance be adopted and published accordin� to law. Carried. �eeting adjot�rned. _ . .. ... . . . _ .. . . .. . a A. tiY. lmqu:_st, Se etary to the Counc� , yr, t �..:.., _, . . . . . .- l C�3�2'��°�'(S __ �� )� , e � S' .�, �'L. �' 1/I��� � .. . ... µ" f ..: . � � ^i� , �,�� �"� `� �� �.a;;`;�d� � ('. t a CITY OF HOPgI16S �6TNEPI� CCNNTY, MI�SOTA oa��axc� Ro. T3 � . _._____.. _.___ . . ,. :`M: o � ,, F� d� �t�,,.; .� .i .s� ,;�, d, '��� � i `' . a � AN 08�1��CE PBOYIDING �UE CIVIL DEP�SE gAD FO$,P�OTECTIO� �RD PAOMOTIODT OF PtTBI,IC SAF�.'Y� F�AL'PS AND TI�II�I�ARE ,II�THE CITY OF HfiPKI1�3 DUHIRQ CI9IZ DEF�S� b'd�iER�CIES. BI� I� OR�Ai�D BY T� C�CIL OF T� CI�Y OF B�OPgINBa Section l. PBLICY ADTD PUBPOST. Snbdivieioa 1. Becauee of th� eaietiag and iacreasiag poseibility of the occa�rrence of dieaeters of un- precedeated eize and deetrnctiveneee reenitfn� from enemy attaak, eabotage. or other hoetile action� aad in ord.er to inanre that preparatiaas of this city �ill be adeqns,te to deal vrith ench disastereo and geaerally to provide for the comman defense az►d to protect the public peace, healbh, and eafety, aad to preeerve the lieee and property of the people of this city� it ie hereb�r found and declared to be aeceeea.xy�s (a) To eetablieh a local cieil defeaee agency; (b) To provide for the exerciee of neceeeary powere ch,iriag civil defense emergenciee; (c) To provide for the renderiag oP mntnal aiS betooeea this city aad other political snbdivisioas vf this atate a.nd oP other etatee �vith reepect to the carrying a�at of civil dePenae fl�nctioneo 8nbdivisioa 2. It ie fbrther declared to be the pnrpoee oY this or8laance and the policy of the city tilaL all cieil defense fhactione of this city be coordinated to the maximam extent practicable with the comparable ihactions of the federa,l governmeat� of this etate. �d of other etates and lo- calitiee, and of private agencies oP every type. to the end that the moet ef- fective preparations and uae may be made oP the natioa' e maapower. reeonrcee� and facilitiee for dealiag �oith any dieaster that may occur. Sectioi� 2. �FISITI01�3. SnbdiQieion 1. pCieil defeaeep meane the preparation for and the carrying ont of all emergency ftinctione, other than l�nctiona for �ohich military forcee are primarily re�epnneible. to prevest, minimise and repair iajnry aad d�a.ge resalting Prom dieaetere ceaieed by enea�p attack. sabotage or other hostile actioa. Theee ilinctione include, �vitiwnt limitatioa, fire=fightiag eervicee, police eervices, medical an8 . .;''� l' health eerPices� rescne, englneerin�, airi-raid warning servicea. commnni- catioas, radiologlcal, chemical and other epecial weapons for defeaee, evacuation of peraoae from strickea areas, emer�encg �relfare servioes� emergency traneportation� e�istin� or properly assi�ed f'nnctions of plant protectioa� temporary reetoratioa of pablic utility eervicee. and other t'nnctione related to ci4111an protection, together aith a11 other activities aeceesary or incideatal to preparatfoa for and carrying ont of the foregoing fta.actione. 9nbdivieion 2. "Civil defease emergency" meane an emergency de- clared by the governor under the Minneeota Cieil Defen�e Act of 1951, Lawe 1951. C�. 69u, sec. 301. 9nbdivleion j. "�ivil defeaee forces" meane aay peraonnel emploped by the city aad an� other volnnteer or paid member of the local cieil defen�e ageacg eagaged in carrying on civil defenee i�nctione in accordaace aith the provieions of this ordinance or any rale or order thereunder. Section j. �S�L�BLI Sffi�T OF CIYIL DEFE�SE A(�CY. Snbdivi eion 1. 2'here is hereby created aithia the city g�eemment a civil dePenee ageacy� �vhich shall be nnder the �pexRieion aad control of a director of civil defenee. hereinafter called the director. The director ehall be appointed by the mayor for a.n indefiaite term and may be remoeed bg him at anp time. He shall serve �ithaut ealary� bnt ahall be pa3d hie aeceesary ezpenges. The director shall haee direct respoasibility for the organisa.tion, administratioa and operation of the civil defease agenc�, snbject to the direction end control of the magor. �'he civ�l.1 defenee agency e2�a11 be organi.zed iato sach dieieions and bureans, coneistent �iRh atate aad local civfl defenee plans, as the director deems neceesary to prnvide for the efficieat performeace of local civil defense fhnctions duriag a civil defeaee emergencye 9nbdivisioa 2. There ie hereby created Qoithin the civil defense agency a cieil defena� advieory committee, herein�fter called the "co�mittea". A4embere of the committee ehall be appointed by th� m�yor to repreaent city departmenta and other groupe concerned �oith civil defease. The mayur sha�ll be chairman and the director shall be secretary oP the committeee The Commit- tee ehall advise the director aad the city couacil on all mattere perta3niag to civil dePenee. Each member shall serve �rithout compensatioa and sha�.l hold office at the pleaeure of the may�or. -2- :I Section �. POT�EE3 A�D 7�TIES OF T� DIREC'1'OR. 9nbdiv�ieion 1. The di rector� with the conaent of the me�yor, eha11 represent the city on a�y regional or etate organi zatioa for.cieil defease. He ehall develop propoeed matual aid agreements with other political snbdieisions �oithia or outaide the state for reciprocal civil defenee aid and aasiatance in a civil defenee emer- gency too great to .be dealt aith unaseieted, and he ehall present each agree- meata to the council Por ite action. 9nah arrange�ents ahall be coneisten� erith the state civil defenee plan and during a cieil defenee emer�ency� it shall be the dut� of the civil defeaee agency a.nd ci�il defense forcee to render aseietance in accorda.nce ivith the px�oeiaione of ench mntn.al aid arran�ement e. �::: .Aay mntt�s,l aid arrangement vri th a poli ti cal enbd3vi sion o f anoti!er etate ehall be �abject to the e►pproval of the governor. 9nbdi vi ef on 2. 'Phe di rec to r ehall make euch etudi e s and earveye of the manpoaer� indnstries, reeouraee, and Pacilitiee of the city ag he deeme neceeear3r to determine their adequaay for civil defease and to plan for their moet efficient uee in time of a civil deieaee emergeacy. 9abdivision 3. The director shall prepare a comprehensive general plan for the civil defense of the city and sha,].1 preeent each pl�n to the conncil for ite approval. When the council hae approved the plan by resolntion. it ehall be the dnty oP aIl municipal a.genaiee aad all cieil defense forcee of the city to perform the dntiee a.ad fl�nctione assigied by the plan as approved. The plan mqy be modified ia like manaer from time to time. The director ehall coo rdinate the civil defease activitiee of the city to the end that they ehall be coasisteat and t4a].ly integrated with the civil defenee plan of the federat gceernment and the etate sad correlate8 aith the civil defenee plans of other politicsl �bdieieiong v�ithin the etate, �bdiviaion 4. In accordmnce �eith the etate aad city civil defense plan, the director eha.11 inatitnte each tra3ning programe and pablic information programs and ehall take all other preparatory etepe. including the partial or Pnll mobilisation/aiv�il defenge forces in advaace of actnal disaeter� aa m�y be neceseary to the prompt and ePfective operation oP the cit� civil dePeaee plan in time oP a civil defease emergency. He me�v, from time to time, coadutct snch pra.etice air-raid alerte or other cieil defenee egerci ees sa he matiy deem neceeear3*, Snbdivieion 5. The director shall ntilise the pereonnel, eerviess. -3- equipmeat, eappliee and facilitiee of egisting departmente and agescies of the city to the maximnm exteat practicable. The oPficers and personnel of all such departments an.d agenciee ahall. to the maximnm e$teat practicable, cooperate ooilh aad extend each services aad Pacilitiee to the local civil defenee agency and to the goeernor npon reqneat. The head of each depart- ment and agency, in cooperation with and nnder the direction of the director, ahah�.]..1 be reepoasible for the planuing and programming of ernch civil defense actieitiee ae �rill iavolve the ntilizatioa of t.he facilities of hie depart- ment ar agency. . 9tibdiaision 6. The director shall, ia cooperatioa aith, esieting city department e and agenciee affectedo o rganise, recrait, and traia air- ra.id wardeas� �iliary police. a�xiliary firemen� emergency medical per- goanel, and any other pereonnel that may be reqnired on a volunteer basie to carry aat the aivil defense plea� oF the city and the etate. To the egtent that ench emergency personnel ie recntited to au�nent a regnlar ci�,j► departffient or agenay for civil defense emergenciea. it eiiall be aesigned to euch depart- ment or agency for pnrpoeea of a�dmiaistratioa and comma.nd. The 8irector ma,p 8.iemiss any civil defenee volunteer at any time and reqni re him to enrrender aq7 eqnipment and.identificatioa farnished b�,the cit�►. 9nbdivieion 7. Consietent eoith the civil defense plan, the director ehall provide aad eqnip �ergency ho epitals, caenalt� etationa, ambulancee, canteene, evacnation centere, and other facilitiea, or oonveyances fo r the care of i�nr�d or homeleee pereoneo 8ubdivieion g. The director ehall carry out all ordere, zules and regulatione ie�ed by the �overaor�with reference to civil dePenee. 9abdieieioa 9. The director ehall direct and coordinate the g�neral operatione of all local cieil defense forces duMng a civil defenee emergency , in conformity with controlling regnlations aad inet:uctions of gtate civil de- fense authorities. The heade of departmeats and agenciea sha11 be gr►verned bg hie ordera in respect thereto. 9ubdieision 10. Coneietent �rith the civil dePenae plan, the director eha11 provi8e and eqnip at eome snitable place in the citg a control center and, if required by the et�Le civil defense plan, an avxiliar�r control center to be ueed during a civil defenee emergency ae headquartere for direction and coordin- ation of cieil defense forces. He eha11 arran�e Por represeatatioa at the _1� coatrol center by n�nicipal de�pa='tmente ead agenciea, pnblic ntilitiee and other agenciea authori$ed by federal or state authority to carxg on civil dePense activitiee duriag a civil defense amergency. ge shall arrange for the inetallation gt the oor�tml center of aeceeeary facilities for com�uai- cation avi.th aad bet�een heade of civil defenee divisione� the etatioae and operating naits of moaicipal eervicee and other agencies concerned ooith civil defense and for co�►nnicatione �ith other commnnitiee and control centere ovithin the enrrounding area aad v�ith the federal aad etate agenciee conceraed. Snbdivision 11. Duriag the firet thirty (30) da�re af a ci�il defenae emergency, if the legLelatnre ie in eession or the governor hae coupled hie declaration of the emer�ency �ith a caZl for a epecial seeeioa oP the legie-. lature, the director ma�. when aecesear�r to eave life or property� reqnire aay pereon. egcept membere of the federal or etate military forces and offi- cera of the state or aqy other political anbdivieion, to perYorm eervices for civil defenae purpoeee ae he directe. and he may commandeer, for the time being� any mo�or vehicle, toola, appliancea or an� other pmpertg, eab- ject to the o�ner� e right to juat compeneatioa ae proeided by lawo Section 5. (�ENERAL PROVISIO�S ON CIYIL DEFIIQSE WOASER$. Snbdivieion 1. No pereon ahall be employed or associated in aay capacity in the civil 8efenee agea- cy arho advocatee or has advocated a change by force or violence in the consti- tutional form of government of the IInited States or in this state or the over- throw of a�y government in the IIniteB 8tatee by force or violence, or e�ho hae been convioted of or is under indictment for informa.tion char�lag any eubvereive act agaiast the United $tatea. Each peraoa who ie appoiated to eerve in the civil defenee agency ahall, before enteriag np�n hie dutie+�, take an oath in variting ae preecribed by the �iinneeata Civil DePenee Act of 1951, Section 1103. Subdivieion 2, Civil defense volnnteere ahall be called into service only in caee of a civil defense emergency for which the regular municipal forcee are ina�eqnate or for aeceesar� traiaing ead preparation for each emergencies. All voluateere ahall seree vaiti�,ont compeaeatioa. S�tbdivieioa 3. �a,ch civil dePenee volunteer ehell be px�vided with ench eaitable insignia or other ideatification ae may be required by bhe director. 9nch identific�tion ehall be in a form and atyle approved by the iederal goeern- ment. �o volunteer eha11 exerciee 8ay authority over the pereons or property of others without his identificatioa. No pereon eacept an authorised volunteer S� sha11 nse the identification of a volunteer or otherwiee repreeeat himself to be an eaithorized volnnteer, 9nbdivieioa �. �o civil defenee voluateer ehall carry an,y fire- arm while on duty eacept on �oritten order of the chief of the police depart- ment. 9ubdivision 5. Peraonnel pm ceduree di the city applicable to regnlar employees eha7.l not apply to v�oluateer eivil defenee �sorkere bnt eha11 appl� to paid e�tploy�aes o4 the civil deP�ee agenc�. Sectioa 6. �HGIIJCY REGULATIOAS. �bdivi Bion lo Wheaever neceseary to m�et a civil defense emergency or to prep�re for ench aa emergeacy for Wh3ch adeqnate regulatione have aot been edopted by the gov- ernor or the city canncil� the mayor ma.y by proclamation pro�.lgate regnla- tione� coneieteat evith applicable Pederal or etate law or regulatioa� respect- ings protection against air-raide; the conduct of pereone and the aee of p�aperty duriag alarme; the sounding of air-raid alarme; the repair, mainte- nance, and safegaarding of eeeentiel pnblic servicee; emergency health, fire, and eafety regulationa; trial dtille or practice periode reqaired Por prelim- inary tx�e6aing; and all other matters e�hich are required to proteat public safety, health, and melfaxe in civil defenae emergeacies. No regulation governiag obgervation oP enemy aircraft. a3r attac�t, alarme, or illumination during air attacka shall be adopted or take effect ttnless approved by the etate director of civil defenee. Subdivision 2. Every proclama.tion of emergency regulatione sha11 be in wMting ead si�aed by the maynr. ehall be dated, ehall refer to the particular ciPil defen�e emergeacy to �ohich it pertaias. if eo limited. ead eha].l be filed in the office of the city clerk� �ohere a Qopy sha11 be kept ` poated and available for pablic inepeation during buaineee honrs. �otice of the eaistence of snch regnlation and its availability for inepection at the clerk' e office aha11 be conspicaanely poeted at the front oP the city ha11 or other headqnarters of the city snd at euch other place0 ia the affected area as the mayor ahall deeignate in the proclamation. Thereupon the regulation sha11 take effeet immediatel8 or at snch later time as may be specified ia the proclamation. By like proclemation the m�yor map modify or reecind aqy s�ch regnlation, 8nbdiviaion 3. The city council mey reecind any euch regulation by resolution at a�v timee If not eooner reacinded, every euch regulation �.:�;�:�'�� � shall expire at the end of thirty (j0) daye after ita effective date or at the end of the civil defense emergency to which it relates� ahichever occure firet. Any ordinance� rule or regnlation inaonaiatent �vith an emergency regulation prnmulg�ted b�r the mayor ehall be �spended 8�u.ring the period of time and to the extent that aach coaflict exiets. $ectioa 7, CIVIL DEFEL�SE AGEACY PROCEDITB�. 9abdiviaion 1. There i e hereby e stabli ehed aa account in the general ibnd to be kaoevn as the cieil defease account. There ehall be credited to thia accouat the proceede of taxee leeied for civil defense, money tranaferred from other fhnds� gifta aad other revemxee of tiie civil defense ageacy. From it sha11 be mad.e eg- penditnree for the operation sad maintenance of the civii dePense agency and other expendituree for civil defease. Regular accouating� diabareement, pnrchasing, budgeting and other financial procechires of �he city eha.11 appl� to the civil defense Qccount insofar ae practicable; but budgeting requirements and other financial procedures ehall not epply to expenditurea from the fund durin� 1951 or in an� caee �hen their application vaill prevent compliaace �vith terms and conditioas of a federal or atate graut of money or property for civil defeaee pnrpoeee. 9ubdivi sion 2, The di rector sha.11, as eoon ae poaeible aft er the enfl of each fiecal year, prepare and preaent to the citg co�n,ncil for the iaformation of the council and the pablic� a campreheneive report o� the activitiea of the civil defense agency chiring the year. Section g. C0�T1�0&A4ITY A�'D COOPERATION WITH �'•�aT. A�'D �ATE AIITHO� ITY. Every oPficer and ageacy of the city eha11 cooperate ooith federal and state authorities and with aathorized agegciee engaged in civil defeaee aud emergency meaeuree to the ihlleat poesible extent coneietent �vith the perfor- me,ace of their other �atiee. The provieioae of thie ordinance an8 of all regulatione made therenader ehall be eabj ect to all applicable ead controlliag pr�eiaion� of federal and etate laxe and of regnlations and ordera iesaed there- nader and shall be deemed to be snspended and inoperative so.far a� there ie.eay conflict there�rith. 'Phe mayor m� appoint a�y qaalified person holding a poei- tion ia any agency created under federal or etate authority Por civil defense purpoees ae e epecial. policemaa:;of the city raith sach police po�vere and dntiee within the city incident to the ft�actione of hie poeftion� not esceed.ing thoee of a regular policem�n of the city, �a mey be prescribed in the appointment. -7- P�`very e�ch epecial policeman sha7.1 be gnbject to the superviaion and control of the ahief of police a.nd each other polfce officers of the city as the chief mqy designate, Section 9. CI9IL �E�� A t30'PE�AI, �CTIO�. �11 �actioae here�under and all other activities rela.ting to civil defenge are herebg de- clared to be governmental Pnnctiona. The cityo and, except in casee of ailfnl miscon8nct, ita officere� agent$, employeee� or repre eentativea engaged in any civil defens� activities, �hile complying with or attempting to comply aith the �Iisneeota �ivil Defenee Act of 1951 or with thie ordinanoe or any ru].e, rega.- lation or order made thereunder, shall not be liable ior the death of or sap injury to persons, or damage to prnperty as a reenit of �ach acti�ityo The provieione oY this eection ahall not affect the ri�t of any pereon to receive benefits to which he voould otherwiee be entitled under thie ordinance or under the ao�icmea° s compensation' laar� or under an� pension laar� nor the right of any each perRoa to receive.say benefite or compeneation under �ng act of Congreee, Sectioa 10. PROHIBITED ILLIII�INATIO� A NUI SA�CD. Any illumination arithin the city contrary to the provisione of this or any othe.r ordinanc� pertainiag to civil defense or of any regulation adopted thereuader or of any federal o r etate law, regulation, o r order ahall be deemed a paiblic nuieance. �,ny regu3.ar or auariliary policem�n or ai�raid �rarden may abate snch nuieeace eummarily or may take 8ay other actioa neceeeary to enforce each provisione, inclndiag entry on private property aad the nee of whatevex reasonable force i e necesear�. Section 11. PASTICIPlTION IM LABOR DISP'O�E OH PO�ITICS. The ciwll �efenee agency ehall not participate ia sqy form of political activit�� nor ehall it be employed directly or indirectly for politicsl pnrposee, nor ehall it be employed it� a legitimate labor dispute. Section 12, PEI�AI�'�Y. �r pereon aho violates aay proeieioa of this ordinaace or of sr� regulation adopted therennder relatiag ta acte. omiseiona. or conduct other than oPficial acta of city officere or e�lbyees shall be gnilty of a miade�eeaor. Section 13, SEP�. � n�n ordinance providing for cieiliau defense and Por the pr�tection and promotion of pablic health� eafety sad welfare in the village of Hopkins during all emergenciee." mhich aae adopted by the village council of Hopkine on Jnly 21� 19112, ie hereby repealed. -8- 0 �IS5T RF�AD at a regnlar meeting o� the Council of the City of Hopkiae held on the 6th da�y of November� 1951, ead finally read and paesed (' at� a regalar meeting oP the Council of eaid city held oa the �:;�th c'i�Y of �ecember, 1951. �i. HAALl�N PERBIx� A�AYOH A. W. �lmqni et, 3ecretax�• of the Covncil Freak �. �itney, City Attorney Pnbliehed ia 9n�urban Preee on December T�', 1951. � �/�/, � ��. �v ? A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins� Minriesota, �as ,; t, held at the City Hall at 7;30 o�clock P.M, on Tuesda,�� December 18� 1951. � " �embers preserit were �Rayor perbix; Councilmen Milbert� Zaka�iasen, Dahlberg� t_ arid Vesely, City Attorney UQhitney, and City Engineer Laska. l�embers absentt Noneo �ahlberg moved, Veseiy seconded, that bills as presented be paid f rom the following funds: 1�500 4501 4502 1�503 4so4 4505 Ii507 l�508 �509 1ti5T0 45u 4512 ti513 �.514 4515 4516 4517 �18 45�9 �20 l�521 Lu�22 �.523 �.52Lt l�525 45?6 I:�52? la528 4529 u530 4531 la532 1�533 1234 1235� I236 1237 1238 1239 12I�0 12l�1 7.2I�2 1243 12Ii1� 121;,5 ]:246 1247 GENFRAL FU1�ID First National Bank of Hopkins Treasurer, Sta:te of Minnesota Carl Botterifield E�ic N. -clamons Mrs e b+�rl C x�ommett Club Cafe � - Russell H. Zakariasen Len J. �ilbert Joseph C. Vesely Fa.rl 9. Dahlberg VP. Harlan Perbix A. W. Elmqu:ist, Treasurer Gariiner Ha'rd�rare Co, John Gammell Gustafson�& F�.ixa Laurenz A. Harris- � Hopkins Fire nept. Hopk'ins Home & �uto Supply Intern�l.Assoc.CYiiefs of Police Justus.Lumber Coe Kokesh Hardware Lainpert Yards �dil]:er-Davis Co. Minriesota Fire Extinguisher Coo �n�esota paper & Cordage Co. Plelson�s Shoes, Inc. slael]:y oil co: Skelly Oil Co. s tandard. oil � c o. � Suburtian Chevrolet Co. Suburban Press� Inc. V.F.�. Geo.R.�olff Post #1�25 Wendell�s, Inc. Frank N. �fhitney Salaries Hourly Payroll Withliold'ing Tax Deci. Retirement Fun.d Dedo Developin� & Printi.ng S�ii.are Darice Calling Square Dance Calling Prisoner Meals- Councilman�s Salar�r I�th � tr n n n n n a u n t� n ��, Mayor�s Salary )�th � Petty Cash Items Supplies Square Dance Calling Resetting Light Post Car Allowarice, M000f Deca Phones� December Supplies - Annual Membership Dues Supp].ies Supplies Luinber Supplies Ref iII Supplies Repairs Service Oil &�Gas Servic e Repairs Putilish ing Hall Rental Supplies LegaT Serv:ices,- 5th Ave.RR. lst 2 of December Period ending 11-30-51 ROAD & BRIDGE FUnID First National Bank of Hopkzns Treasurer, State of B�innes ota E]:mer Bielke Bren Hardware � A. W. Elmquist, Treas. Hopkins Home & Auto Suppl,y Justus Lumber Co. Kokesh Hardware Lampert Yards Wm.�H. McCoy N.�i. Nat � l.Bank of Hopkins Republic Creosoting Co. Skelly Oil Co, � Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Salaries Hourly Payroll Withholding Tax �do Retir�nent Fund Dec3.e Telephories 2d 2 1951 Supplies � Petty Cash Items Repairs Suppl.ies Supplies Lumber R� S�ippl.ies Gas & Fuel Oil Interest on Y�iarrant Road Tar Service Parts lst 2 of December Period ending 11-3q-r51 � la.10.16 173�93 4a90 15`00 2�a7� 9:20 25000 25.00 , ;, 2�:00' 25000 75000 11.18 56.00 15.00 45.25 50�00 60m00 6,99 I.�eO� 3.36 40:53� T0�99 72.0� ��50 ].l�s 80 1.25 _1�,.:00 168mo0 6:90 17:29 l�8a 00 70.00 39:60 �De� 1522.91� l�71.81 � 180.80 ;68:27 :� s� �65:30 1000 89:7.l� 2�.55 52,s8 202088 186�,laJ� 155m77, 40.80. 60:70 325.80. 593.72 281.11 995 996 997 998 999 1000 I00� 1003 ioo4 1005 1006 1009 344 3�.5 346 3L�7 34a 30 351 r 2 w �211JJ1.L r U1WJ First National Bank oi Hopkins Treasurer, State of Minnesota Clary Il�ultiplier Gorps A.W.Elmq�.list; Treas. The Flox Co., Inc. Joseph �i. Hromadko Herman Olson � H.A.Rogers Coe Skelly Oil Co. Standard OiI Coo Suburban . CChevrolet�Cos Suburlia.n Press, Inc. Salaries; Hourly Payr�ll Withholc3.ing TaX Dede Retirement Fund Dede , Ribbon & �c�jiist�ent Petty CasYi Item.s Nalcb Balis � " Telephons, 2d � 1951 Telephone� 2d 2 1951 Tape - Service Servi.o e Repairs Publishing lst 2 of �ecember " Period ending ].].-3� 51 SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND First National Bank of Hopkins Treasurer, State of �innesota A.W.Elmquist, Treas Bren Hardware Hopkins Home 8c. Auto Supply Hopkins �otor Sales Coe l�fest Mpls. F1ie1 & Ice Co� Lampert Yards Salaries Hourly Payroll �'ithholdin �; Tax Ded. Retirement Fund Dede Petty Cash Items Supplies Supplies Repairs Fuel Oil Lumber lst 2 of December Period ending 11-30-51 PERMAN�IT Il�IPROV��ENT REVO�LVING F[JND 355 First Nationa.l Bank of Hopkins 356 Treasurer, State of �esota 357 AeW.El�aquist, Treasurer 358 H.A.Ro�ers Co. � 359 Standard Oil Co,- 360 Suburban Chevrolst Co. Salaries Hourly Payroll Withholding Tax Ded. Retirement Fund Ded. Petty Cash Items Supplies Service Repairs lst 2 of December Period endin¢ 11-30-51 3P� IAL 9SSFSS�Ti T FUND � � 112a60 39:72 502? 2:83 495poo 12,�00 I2sn0 17�50 5:20 7:86 Se63 25:90 567;02 107.66 l�7�, 00 16:10 1.00 2.70 34.90 4088 1�e50 11:�6 110s�0 90.35 1�1a60 20071 6:li5 1054 8:90 12e33 183a7o 8�«3� 61 First National Ba.nk of Hopkins Cert. of Indebt.,2 cpns, � 1l�28000 62 First idational Bank of Hopkins S@tiv &'�fater Certoof Indbt@ � Int.coii�ons 14980000 �Iesely moved; Dahlberg seconded, that the follotiving license applications be grantede -Carried, B. Lebo�sky & AoFeldman,d�b/a Libertf Bar On and off-sale non-intoxicating malt 1'iquors,soft-drinks,2 mechan- ical amusement devices �c cigarettes. Arlo F. Lee,d�b�a Ea:st �nd Grocery Off-sale non-intoxicat,in.g malt liq�zors, soft drinks, milk and cigarettes. Hovar_der Foods, Ince Off-sale rion-intoxicating malt liqours, soft drinks, milk and cigarettes. i�. Lhotsky,d�b�a Rarelts Restauran� On and off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquors,soft dri,nks, milk and cigarettes Red Orrl Store Off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquors� sof t drinks, milk, cigarettes and gasolv fill�rig station, � _�3 _ B. Bastyr & R.Herzan,d/b/a"Herzari Off=sale non-�toxicating malt liqours, and Bastyr Food Store soft drinks milk ar.d ci�arettes. _..� _ _ R. Schmitz,d/b/a Big Little �rocery Off-sale non-'intoxicatin� malt liqours9 soft drinks, milk and cigarettes. El]_en J.Post,d/b/a Niglithawk T�a,vern Ronny�s Cafe Eddies Fountain Gra.11 National Tea Co, On and off-sale non-intoxicatin� malt liqnnrs,soft drinks� milk, l mechanical amu:sement device, one gasoTine service pump, dance ha].l and cigarettes. _ Ori arid off-sale non-intoxicating..malt � liqours, soft drinks, milk, dance hall� cigarettes, one l-ba11 arid one 5-ball mechanical amusement devices„ L.J.P.R.ilbert,d/b/a �hilbert,s Grocery G. '!btushek,d/b/a Club Cafe Matts Sweet Shop Crystal Grocery Coo On and off-sale n:on=intoxicatirig malt liquors, soft drinks, and milk• Off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquors� milk and cigarettes. ,� On and off-sale non=intoxicating�malt liouors�soft clrinks, l mechar�ical amuse- ment device� milk and cigarettes. On and off-saZe non-�ntoxicating;malt liquors, soft drinks, milk and cigarettes On ancl off-sale non-intoxicatirig malt soft ciririks, milk; cigarettes and one ical amusement devi.cee Off-sale non-intoxioating malt liquors� milk and cigarettes. Vesely moved, Dahlberg seconded� that the agreement with 1�cCarthy Well Cornpai�y� �vith reference to the replacin� of pump in ZYell No.3, be accepted, subject to approval by our City At�orney and Fngineers Ralph D. Thomas and Associateso Carriede STesely moved, Milbert seconded, tliat� when the above agreement is sigmed,-.bp bqth the City of Hopkins and T1!cCarthy T�e11 �Company� the Northern States Pawer Compar�y should be requested to install a 1a.].6 �Patt line which is required to operate the new pumpo �arried• �Tesely moved, Zakariasen seconded,' that the couricil appoint .one member from the council and as� the �ha.mber of Coinmerce to yppoint one member to ineet with the Board of Courit Commissioners to discuss wa s and means by which the use of t he abandoned streetcar,` righff-of-�ray may be obtained for the public, to be used as a street or highway. Carriedo Zakariasen moved,'Dahlberg seconded, tYiat �ouncilman slesely be appointed as a member from the council to meet with the county �o.mmissioners on abo�e subject. Carried, County Rural�Hea.ltheNursing Serviceabetplaced onefile95iCarriede by the Hennepin Vesely movecl, Dahlberg seconded, t}iat the follov�ing siirety boncis be accepted� subject to approval by the city manager and city attorneyo Carried0 F�igner A. Johnson Hogrard A.Pack L. A. 5chutz T. H: Johnson J Louis Faucher Frank A. Archambo. s � � r �'r Zakariasen moved, Dahlberg seconded, that Resolution RTo.2�8, �A RFSOLUTION ALTTHORIZING THE REF'UNDING OF SFVEAITY-FNE PERCENT" OF MONE�'S COLLECT�';FOR '`� �' C�tTAIN BUILDING PERMITS"� marked E�ibit ��An' be adopted. Carried. � �esely moved, Da:hlberg seconded, that John Ess be refunded �9d7� of fee paid for'building permit ATo.51-6. Carriedo Vesely mo�red� Zakar.iasen seconded, that gas heat be installed in Noe 1 and Noa2 Lift Stations and Pump House Noo3• Carriede sewer and water mains to Oxford Street be extended to Marchpl' lon of the Vesely moved �tilbert secended that the ti�ne Iim�.t for com leti 952, per R. M. Ferron�s request dated December 18, 19510 Carrieds Vesely moved, Milbert seconded, that agreement dated December 15, 1951� as signed by Carl A., Rose J.,.and Eve],yn E. �vi1, be accepted and placed on file and check be dra�rn in the amount of �700,00 in full payment of samea Carried, Zppariasen moved, Dahlberg seconded, tpat the Acting City Manager secure a rai�als of the rr�rket value of the resent City ;iall property and the property on which the city garage is located, vaith tYie object in mind of sellin� them to obtain funds to build a new city office-meeting ha11- garage-fire station; arid that the city engineer be instructed to stud� the needs of the city for garage space, office space, and fire station spac,e9 anticipatin� the proba.ble growth of t he city for the riext twerit� years only, .After this information is obtained he will then get an estimate f'rom com- petent authority as to the probable cost of a modestly designed building to be located on the city propert� just west of �he Da�v House, fac�.rig no�th, with the fire station on the groun.d floor, the office over it, and t he city garage for aIl vehicles just back of it. Pro�isions for only a meditim-sized hall for meet�ngs, court sessions arid council meetings sYiould. be included. E�pansion of the buili�ing to east or west should be considered for future requirements. Carriedo _ STesely moved, Dah]_berg seconded, that a;reenent dated Decem�er 6, 1951, by e City of `Hopkins and 1V�inneapolis-Moline Compan,y, pertaining to reimbv_rse- ment of �70 7 per lineal foot for sewer main on Ilth ;�venue and paid fo� by the Minneanolis-Molirie �ompany, in'the eventS�uth, insta.11ed hat the city should sell saici property, be accepted and placed on file. Carried. Resel.� moved, Dahlber� sec,:nded, that the following applicants for the position of city r.ianager be invited to come to Hopk�_ns for personal interviews. Carri.ed, Dwight A. Ink . Walton R. L. Tay].or Meetin� adjourned. A U �t / -- • ��.� (� � W. Harlan Perb�.x, Mayor Fdwiri H. Allen Jra Robert C. Storey CQiJ?�TCII11�1 � a� �� � _s , �', } I-' � � �'. CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTIOAT N0. 21+8 A RESOLUTION �UTHORIZIAIG THE REFUNDING OF SEVENTY-FIVE PER CENT OF MONEYS COLLECTED FOR CERTAIN BUILDING PERMITS. WHEREAS, Ordinance ATo. 63 of the City of Hopkins, being the building code Ordinance, in Section 11, Subdivision 3 thereof, provides that any building permit shall be void six (6) months after date of issue, unless within such period work is commenced on the improvement covered by the permit, i�i0�11, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED th�t in the event any building permits ��� issued b� the City of Hopkins become void in accordance with the provisions of said section, there shall be reiunded to the person f the amount receiving the permit, seventy-five per cent ( 75f )%which was paid to the City for such permit. ADOPTED by the �ouncil of the City of Hopkins at a re�ular meeting thereof held this 18th day of December, 1951. W. HARLAN PERBIX, M�lYOR �. W. Elmquist, Secretary to the Council Frank N. Whitne,y, �� City �lttorney