III.3. Hopkins Historical Society Proclamation and Update; GenellieAdministration
To: Honorable Mayor and Council Members
From: Mike Mornson, City Manager
Date: December 4, 2018
Subject: Proclamation Recognizing the City of Hopkins 125 Anniversary
The Hopkins Historical Society has requested that the City Council designate December
9, 2018 as the 125 Anniversary of the establishment of the City of Hopkins. Hopkins
Historical Society members John Cooley and Jim Genellie will be in attendance to make
the presentation and update the City Council on the move to the lodge.
A Proclamation Recognizing
the City of Hopkins 125 Anniversary
The area had been growing rapidly since the Minneapolis Threshing Machine Company was
established here in 1887. There were over 1,100 residents by 1893.
On October 12, 1893 a petition was presented to the Board of Commissioners of Hennepin
County. Signed by forty-one area residents, the petition called for part of Minnetonka
Township and a section of Minneapolis Township to be incorporated as the village of West
County Commissioners accepted the petition and set an election for November 18. The vote
was held in Olson Hall, a building that still stands at the intersection of Mainstreet and 9th
Avenue. The vote was favorable and the results were filed with the Commissioners on
November 27.
Village Council officers were elected on December 9, 1893. Chester Hopkins, son of early
settler Harley Hopkins, was elected President, along with Council members Fred Souba,
Andrew Olson, and William Hosp. The first meeting of the Council was held on December 14,
Although incorporated as ‘West Minneapolis’ the village was known locally as Hopkins. In
1928, the village officially changed its name to Hopkins.
WHEREAS, one hundred and twenty-five years ago the residents of this area desired to form
a village; and
WHEREAS, an election was held in November of 1893 to vote on incorporation; and
WHEREAS, the voters approved the incorporation; and
WHEREAS, the results of the election were filed with Hennepin County formally establishing
the Village of West Minneapolis; and
WHEREAS, the first city council was elected on December 9, 1893.
NOW THEREFORE, I, Molly Cummings, Mayor of the City of Hopkins in the State of
Minnesota, let it be resolved that December 9, 2018 shall be designated as the 125
Anniversary of the establishment of the City of Hopkins.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my
hand and caused the Seal of the City of Hopkins,
Minnesota to be affixed this 4 day of December
in the year 2018.
Molly Cummings, Mayor
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Albe* Pike Lodge No. 237 A-F. ond AM.
9OZ t\rlainsfreet
Hopkins, MN 55343
Defermined Eligible for l-isling in the Notionol Register of Hisforic
This study wos commissioned by the Hopkins Historicol Society to
describe lhe minimum scope of work ond ossocioted costs to occupy
the Albrt Pike Lodge. This documenl is o componion to the 2A17
Historic Structure Report for the Afbert Pike Lodge.
MocDonold ond Mock Architects led the proiect. Angelo Wolf Scott
served os Principol Architect-in-Chorge. Sioff member Soroh Word hod
o moior nrle in building onolysis-
MocDonold ond Mock Architects wos ossisted by mechonicol ond
eleclricol engineer, Cory Sutherlond of Hollberg Engineering.
I hereby certr'fo that this report wos prepored h me or under my direct
supervision ond thot I om o Duly Registered Archirect under the lows of
the Stote of Minnesoto.
'. - --.:
I .: .t _
Reg. No. 49347
Mor 16, 2018
Angelo Wcilf Scott
lf"-lT ffit) i3 [i {"Ti{} F\$
Upo* completion of the Historic Structure Report, the Hopkins
Historicol Society reoched out to fundroising experts ond become
concerned thot roising the funds necessory to execute the full
recommendotions in the HSR might not be reoli$ic. This document
endeovors to provide the Hopkins Historicol Society (HHS) with
olternote ond less expensive woys in which to rehobilitote the Alberf
Pike Lodge into the Hopkins Hisforicol Society Museum. The key to
this opprooch is to minimize the use of the building os much os
possible without limiting future developmenf. Guided by the progrom
provided by the HHS, the following informotion is intended to be used
by HHS to plon for limited rehobilitotion of the Lodge in o single-phose
of work.
The HHS hos revised the use of the building to be Jimited to the
following progrom:
l. Collections storoge in bosement
Moin Floor
l. Lobby in exisiing lobby oreo
2. Office in existing moin floor office roorn
3. ADA-comploint toilet room (or two) in existing onterooms
4. Moin exhibit gollery in existing moin ossembly holl
5. ADA-compliont enfry in, ond outside of, existing north oddition
Second Floor
I . Office or smoll meeting room
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The revised scope of rehobilitofion, os described obove, will be much
less demonding of the building then the progrom described in ihe
2017 Historic Structure Report. Therefore the systerns in the building
do not need to be os robust os described in thot $udy. While there
ore some ospects of the work described in the 2017 HSR thot ore
necessory in order to inhobit the building, redefining the progrom of
the building substontioily reduces the cost of the conslruciion work
In order to identify the work required lo occupy the Albert Pike Lodge
buifding it is helpful to hove criterio wilh which to prioritize building
mointenonce ond modificotions. In generol, issues reloted io ihe
following ore high priority:
o Woler infiltrotion
o lssues thot ollow woter to penetrote the building
envelope ore of criticol importonce. This includes
roofing, floshing, crocks/gops in mosonry, etc.
. Structure
o lssues thot compromise the structurol integrity of the
building must be deolt with promptly.
o Life Sofety
o lssues thot compromise life sofety within o building ore
of criticol importonce. Instollotion ond moinlenonce of
fire detection ond prevention systems, ond
modificotions for code-compliont egress ore o
. Hozordous Moteriols
o Contoct with hozordous moteriols, such os frioble
osbestos ond leod, con moke the interior of the
building unsofe. The encopsulotion or oboiement of
hozordous moteriols is of criticol importonce.
o Accessibility
o lssues thot interfere with the opportunity for onyone to
inhobit o public building regordless of physicol obility
ore of criticol importonce.
. Building Systems
o lssues reloted to the HVAC, plumbing, ond electricol
systems fiot interfere with the function of the building,
couse horm to the people inhobiting the spoces, ond
issues thot could potentiolly odversely impoct orchivol
ond exhibit moteriols.
h l .,i-.l,ii-;,'.:ri ii fz \,i r,r:;i A R C H I T E CTS
These generol cotegories of work con be opplied to the Albert Pike
Lodge ond prioritized. The essenliol work necessory for rehobilitoting
the Albert Pike Lodge into the Hopkins HistoricoJ Society Museum is
summorized os the following:
. Repoint mosonry ond repoir gops ond crocks in the building
envelope to prevent woter infiltrotion.
o Reinforce the moin ossembly holl floor ond the second floor
reoding room floor fo mitigote strucfurol deficiencies ond ollow
for reuse of those spoces.
. Abote moteriols contoining osbestos thol ore frioble or within
the public spoces.
. Provide on occessible entronce ond on occessible toilet room.
. Address egress issues, by reversing door swings where
necessory, instolling ponic hordwore on doors, ond bringing
stoir hondroils up lo code.
o lmprove life sofety wifi odditionol code-compliont exit
signoge, emergency lights, ond o fire olorm system.
. Instoll sofety gloss (in exterior siorm windows) in window
openlngs on the second level thot ore close to floor level.
. Plon for replocing the HVAC syslems in the building in lhe neor
future, but not immediotely.
We recommend the completion of some of the necessory exterior
repoirs to the building prior to HHS moving info the building.
Accomplishing this wort in o timely monner will prevent woter
infiltrotion into the building ihot con couse further domoge to the
interior spoces. The work to the soufh side of the building will olso
improve the museum's street presence. This work includes:
. Mosonry restorotion work recommended on poges 51 ond 52
of the 2Al7 HSR.
. Electricol ond utilities work recommended on poge 52.
. Signoge work recommended on poges 52 ond 53.
o Wood trim work recommended on poge 55.
The following work would be nice to occomphsh prior to moving the
HHS into ihe building:
. Concrete poths ond sfoirs work recommended on poges 53
ond 54.
. Doors ond windows wolt recommended on poges 54 ond 55.
The remodeling work for the lobby ond office of the moin floor is
centrol to the rehobilitotion of the building into the new home of the
HHS. As such, creoting o sofe, functionol, ond welcoming entry ond
service spoce to the museum is o high priority. The work for these
spoces includes:
o Lobby work recommended on poges 61-63.
o The moin floor office could be used os-is, olthough it should
be noted thot there ore few electricol receptocles.
The work in the lobby is entwined with remodeling work for the
second-floor meeting room. The second-fJoor room is under-
structured ond requires reinforcing to the floor ioists. This structurol
reinforcing should be completed concurrent wifh the remodeling of the
lobby spoce. The work for these spoces includes:
. The work to windows (poge 761 ond the structurol reinforcing
described in Appendix A for the second floor reoding room ore
necessory. The remoinder of the recommendotions in thol
section of the HSR for the spoce ore oesthetic ond/or optionol.
In order to provide on ADA-occessible toilet room on the moin floor,
the moiority of the spoce in the onterooms will need to be devoted to
thot purpose. Work required to remodeJ the eost holf of fhe
onterooms/storoge/eosf entronce to the moin ossembly holl into o
toilet room includes:
. Reconfiguring wolls ond doonvoys to occommodote o toilet
room lorger thon ony single spoce thot currently exists.
fubestos obotement will be required.
o Insfotlotion of finishes ond fixtures for o toilef room.
. Retrofitting plumbing ond ventilotion required for o toilet room.
Depending on the finol design, this plumbing moy be tied to
the existing, non-compliont toilet room.
. Moving existing ductwork ond ponels thot moy be in the woy of
on ADA-compliont toilet room.
. Depending on the flnol loyout of the new foilet room, the
exisfing toilet room could remoin. ln which cose, work
recommendotions for the Moin Floor Toilet Room on poge 64
. Another feosible locotion for on ADA-compliont foilet room
would be in the north oddition. This locotion would be
convenienfly locoted neor ihe occessibJe enfronce.
l,i,\.i,L.ti.r'!. r.i lt E, \i,r,i i"r A RC H ITECTS
The moin exhibit gollery is one of the most imporlont spoces in the
building. In order to occupy the spoce, the floor needs to be
reinforced. The structurol reinforcing described in Appendix A ond
the work recommendotions on poges 56-61 still opply.
The work ot the north oddition of the building will be limited to thot
necessory to moke it on ADA entronce to the building. In order {or this
to be o trvly welcoming ond equol entronce io the entronce on
Moinstreet, improvements to the spoce ond finishes inside the oddition
ore recommended. Modest improvements to the finishes ore included
in the cost estimote.
The survey provided by the City hod some dimensions thot seemed
inoccurote, but toking the informotion thqt oppeored consistent, on
occessible romp ond stoirs could shore o londing of o new door of the
north oddition. Both of the existing doors would be removed ond the
exterior woll infiiled ond pofched. There moy be some civiJ work
reloted to storm woter monogement os there is o cotch bosin or storm
droin inlet between the building ond the olley thot moy need to be
relocoled. This civil work moy be ovoidoble ond wos nof included in
the cost estimote.
The work to the lower JeveJ con be very limited if if is used only for
storoge. lf it is not open to visitors ond the commerciol kitchen is not
used, the spoces con remoin more-or-less os they currently exist. The
scope of work for ihis spoce includes the following.
. Becouse the moin coJlections gollery on the moin Jevel is
under-structured, the floor ioisis wiil need to be reinforced.
The ceiling ond lighting of the lower level moin room will need
to be removed ond reploced for thot structurol reinforcing.
r fubestos obotement in the lower level is recommended for ony
frioble moteriols. lf ihe loose pieces of the flooring qre
removed, the remoinder of the osbestos vinyl tile coutd remoin.
It is o duroble flooring thot hos life yet it in. lf HHS wishes to
fill the spoce with heovy files ond items thot wilJ be o chore to
move in the {uture, it moy be worthwhile to obote the osbestos
flooring now rother thon foce lifting oll the stored items off the
floor in order to reploce the flooring loter.
There ore woier infiltrotion issues ihot should be mitigoted with
the work on the south foEode. The mold resulting from the
woter infiltrotion should be removed from the toilet rooms ond
closets olong foundotion wolls. Mold is on neorly oll orgonic
finishes ond likely on the wood furring between the finishes
ond the foundotion wolls. While the extent of the mold
domoge is currenfly unknown, one con reosonobly expect thot
the moiority of fhe gypsum boord ond furring olong foundotion
wolls will need to be removed ond reploced.
lf the kitchen will not be used os o commerciol kitchen, HHS
could either gut the spoce ond use it for storoge or keep the
spoce os-is ond use os o stoff lunchroom. For estimoting
purposes, the spoce wiil remoin os-is.
The electricol system only needs to be reploced if there ore odditionol
electricol demonds on the building. lf there is no new elevotor or
commercioJ kitchen in the building then the existing electricol system
will likely be sufficient.
Required emergency exit lighting ond signs will need to be odded
throughout the building. Fire olorm will olso be required. Fire
suppression will not be required but is recommended. Life sofety-
reloted improvemenfs, such os doors swinging in the direction of
egress ond code-compliont exit devices ore required.
The existing HVAC syslem is neor the end of its usefuJ life. The
copocity of the existing system should be sufficient for the smoll
number of people HHS expects on o regulor bosis, however it would
be insufficienf to condition o spoce occupied by o lorge group of
people. The existing system is fine for the time being but should be
budgeted for replocernent ond upgrode in $e neor future.
Replocement costs for the HVAC system ore not included in the cost
# tr$N{ {# hi # r pR# ffiAffi [-Y {, {3 STS
In most coses, there ore mony unknown voriobles thot moke it difficult
to estimote the cosf of the finol construclion proiect. Becouse of this,
the costs should be understood os o storting point {or proiect plonning.
The treotment recommendotions will need to be refined by o
preservotion orchitect ond structurol engineer when the design of the
building is developed in greoter detoil.
Severol ossumptions were mode when compiling this estimote:
o Finishes: Where spoces ore recommended for rehobilitotion os
occupioble spoces. lhe finishes were ossumed io be reploced
ond improved. Modest finishes were ossumed which meons
they ore neither top-of-the-line nor ore they ovoiloble ot o
discount store (not thot there's onything wrong with discount
Lobor: Some work, like osbestos obotemenf ond mosonry
restorotion, must be completed by professionols ond/or highly
skilled lobor. Some work does could be self-performed if the
right volunteers could be found. The estimotes were colculoted
os if oll work would be hired, not self-performed.
l-evel of completion: For this estimote, it wos ossumed thot the
finlshes ond recommendotions would be executed completely.
For instonce, it is possibJe to occupy the second floor spoce
without replocing the missing bits of trim, however, it needs to
be repointed ond it mokes sense io reploce the missing trim
prior to pointing the lrim. For consistency, we ossumed thot
missing trim would be reploced ond thot oll work would be
done completely.
Phosing: Unlike previous estimotes, we ossumed thot this work
would be completed os o single construction project (not
phosed). lt should be noted thot the south foEode work could
be corried out in-whole or in-port relotively discretely from the
rest of the work without impoc-ting the costs significontly.
For. the scope of work discussed in this reporf, we onticipofe
construction costs to be opproximotely $600,000. We would
recommend budgeting on odditionol 25% (in this cose, $,|50,000) for
contingency funds due to the eorly noture of this esiimote ond the odds
of uncovering unforeseen conditions.
The estimoted costs do not include ossocioted professionol fees
(orchitecturol, engineering, etc.) which con be estimoted ot
opproximotely 10-20% (depending on complexity) "f the construction
costs for the purposes of plonning. With the current estimote ond
scope, these costs could be estimoted between $15,000 ond
$ l50.000.
The totol cosh (not including fumishings, museum disploys, window
treotmenh, etc.) for the more minimol opprooch lo treoting the
building would, therefore, be befween $700,000 ond $900,000-
We recommend reoching out to onother copitol compoign odvisor to
see if o different consultont might be more helpful thon the first.
Owners typicolly need some omount o{ design work (ortistic renderings
ond/or plons) to encouroge potentiol donors ond prove the likelihood
o{ success for the proiect. lt is typicol to hove o copitol compoign ond
design/construction document production hoppening concurrenily or
to hove the designfconstruclion document production slightly oheod of
fund-roising. Any proiect where fund-roising is o component requires
some storting ond stopping to occommodote the ovoilobility of funds.
Your proiect will likely require yourselves ond your teom to be flexible
ond occommodoting, but the process wiJI not be unusuol.
Pages from the original
H istoric Structu res RePort
Referenced in the revised report
Stone ond Brick Moson4r
Ensuring thot the mosonry ond ioints ore in good condition is vitol to
the overoll mointenonce ond core of the building. Any issues with the
mosonry or ioints con result in woter infiltrotion into the building, ond
subsequently, further domoge.
The ioints between the odiocent buildings on both the eost ond west
sides ore currently mortor. Since buildings shift slightly over time, it is
vitol thot these ioints be flexible so crocks do not develop ond then ollow
moisture to enter.
We reco mmend the mortor be removed ond o flexible ioinf be
The retoining woll is deterioroting ond leoning slightly towords the
sidewolk neor the stoirs. There ore olso loose bricks of corners neor the
We recom mend stobilizing ond repointing the retoining woll.
There is some residuol point on the bricks ond sondstone sills on south
(primory) foEode. The eost ond west focodes ore olso covered in o thin
white cooting. The bricks were domoged when point wos sondblosted
off. Sondblosting weokens brick by removing the hord, outer shell which
then exposes the soft, more permeoble center of the brick. The removol
of this loyer mokes the brick erode foster. In oddition, there ore olso
mony old onchors ond holes in the mosonry ond mortor ioints. Some
of the mortor is crocked ond some ioints hove chipped ond follen out.
We recommend removing any remoining point on fhe south
foEode ond the white cooting on the eost ond west focodes by the
gent/est meons possib/e. We reco mmend thot no sondb/osting or
high-pressure sproys be used. Due to fhe condition of the moftor,
we recommend totol repointing of fhe exlerior mosonry. We o/so
recommend selective replocemenf of the bricks fhot ore severely
eroded or domoged.
The limestone boses of the pilosters ore weothered, possibly due to the
erosion of the shole loyers of the stone. This oppeors to be noturol
weothering ond not couse for ony oction.
Joint befween Albert Pike Lodge ond
the neighboring building fo lhe eosf.
Deteriorofion of retoining woll ol
White point on sondslone sill.
Wood cover over gos ond woter
pipes ond mefers, ond dirt on botfom
of exferior mosonry woll.
We recommend thot the limestone ioints be repointed when the resf
of the exterior mortorioinfs ore repointed.
The point on the trim ot the top of the stone piloster bose ond the
piloster cop is thin ond weoring off. The point on the pediment is olso in
poor condition, ond is peeling off is lorge pieces.
We recommend thot the poinf be removed ond the trim, cop, ond
pedimenf be pointed o new, historicolly oppropriote co/or. During
the poinf removol process, poinf color onolysis should be done to
determine whot colors were previously used. Bosed on hisforicol
phofogrophs, fhe point oppeors to hove been o light color.
There is o lot of dirt on the mosonry on the south elevotion neor the
We recom mend thot grovel be ploced on fhe ground neer the woll
in order to slop dirt from getfing on the masonry.
Electricq/ ond Utilities
The purpose of the surfoce-mounted conduit on front foEode obove
front entronce ond below windows on the second floor is not cleor.
We recom mend thot the conduif be removed. Any needs for electricity
on the front of the fogode shou/d be oddressed in o /ess obtrusive
ond less visible monner. Su#oce-mounfed obiecfs on fhe exterior
mosonry shou/d be corefully considered ond limited in number.
There ore electricol wires routed through the mortor on the two lights
mounted to the pilosters oround the door.
We recommend wiring through the woll when fixtures ore rep/oced.
The gos, woter tonks ond their meters ore ottoched to the south foEode
to west of the front entronce, ond on ottempt hos been mode to conceol
them with wood.
We recommend thof fhe wood portition be removed.
The two ploques mounted on either side of the moin entronce ore dity,
ond the mosonry obove ond below the ploques is stoined.
We recommend the p/oques be removed in order to cleon fhe
Weothered pi/oster bose.
mosonry oround them. The gentlesf meons possible should be used.
lf the Historicol Society decides fo reinslo ll the p/ogues oftervvords, we
recomme nd they olso be cleoned. lf the plogues ore not reinstolled,
signoge for the Hisforicol Sociefy ond ifs museum could be instol/ed
in their p/oce.
The point on the circulor freemoson sign obove the front entronce is
foding ond weothered. The circulorfreemoson sign on the bock entronce
is olso foded.
lf the Hopkins Hisforico/ Society keeps the front sign, we recommend
if be repointed. We o/so recomme nd thot fhe bock sign be removed,
since fhe bock entronce is not hisforic ond we recommend the north
oddition be oltered for other reosons (see occessibility secfion).
Regordless of whot signs from the Albert Pike Mosonic Lodge ore
retoined, new signoge will need to be odded for the Hopkins Historicol
Society ond Museum.
We recom mend otleosione sign on lhe frrcntfoEode focing Moinstreet,
ond one sign ot the bock enfronce to the building. Possib/e opfions
for the front signs include: o sign mounted on posts in the lown, o
sign on eoch side of the front entronce in ploce of the ploques, o
sign mounfed on the retoining woll, ond o sign inco rporoted into
lhe fence (there is the potentiol to moke it integrol to the design if
fence is reploced, see "Concrete Poths ond Stoirs" section be/ow).
We do nof recommend plocing ony signo ge in fhe fronsom g/oss of
the front door, becouse it would become too infeg rol to the building,
ond the building did not originolly hove ony lettering on the gloss.
Any signoge designed should consider the visuo I impoct on the
building, legibility, ond street presence on Moinsfreet. Ughting ond
signoge designs shou/d olso be coordinofed to ensure fhot signoge
is odequotely lit.
Concrete Pofhs ond Stoirs
Both the existing ferrous hondroils ond fence posts on the south side
of the building ore corroding in the concrete. Not only is the concrete
stoined oround the posts, but the corrosion ond exponsion, or rust
iocking, will eventuolly couse the concrete to crock.
For o short-term solution, we recommend thot the concrefe stoins
be removed to slow fhe rusf iocking process, ond the fence ond its
gofe be repointed. However, ideolly, we recommend the fence ond
hondroils be reploced with oluminum pieces. Nthough oluminum will
Foded sign ond sfoined mosonry to
the west of the front entronce.
Coroded ferous fence ond
Crock in concrete steps on north
side of the building ond corroded
foux cost iron.
C/oseup of doors on photogroph
of Albert Pike Lodge, circ:o 1902,
/moge from Albert Pike Lodge I00th
An niv e rso ry Pu blicofi on.
still corrode, it will lost much longer ond will hove o higher-quolity
coofing. We suggesf consu/ting histo ric photogrophs of the building
when se/ecting on oppro priote fence design. We recommend thot
so/fing fhe concrete be ovoided to increose the lifetime of the new
There is o lorge crock in the concrete directly below the bottom stoir ot
the front entronce. Growing vegetotion couses this type of domoge to
We recommend thot vegetotion be routinely remoyed from oll
The concrete steps ond londings ot the north side of the building ore
in poor condition. The concrete mosonry units on the west stoir hove
shifted ond there is o lorge gop between the first course ond the second.
There is onother lorge crock in the concrete of the bottom of the lost
sfoir on the west side.
We recommend thot the bock entronce be redesigned for belter
occessibility ond egress. P/eose see fhe 'Accessibility ond Egress"
secfion for recommendotions.
The front door ond sidelights ore not originol to the building ond ore not
sympothetic to the originol design. The historic photo to the right show
the originol design, with two double-doors ond o fixed tronsom window.
We recommend thof the door ond side/ights be removed, ond on
enfronce simi/or fo fhe originol design be insfo//ed. However, the
originol design would nof be compliont with the current code for
egress, becouse fhe door opening is nof /orge enough for fwo doors.
ln order to recreote the oppeoronce of o doub/e door from the
exterior, while providing code-com pliont for egress, we recommend
moking one side o smo//e r, fixed pone/. We reco mmend the other
side be o full-sized, operob/e egress door. The new door shou/d
be provided with code-com pliont egress hordwore. P/eose see
the 'Accessibi/iry ond Egress" secfio n for on exp/o notion of egress
hordwore ond reco mmendofions for the bock-exfe rior door.
The screens ond storm windows on the south foqode of the second level
do not hove the some configurotion os the historic windows beneoth.
Deteriorotion on the cornice.
the roof soffrf.
We recommend fhe screens ond sform windows be removed ond
new storms fhot follow the divisions of fhe histori c windows betfer be
insfo//ed. Not on/y will the oppeoronce of the windows improve, but
new sforms cou/d improve the overoll thermol pertormonce of the
Wood Trim
Some of the wood window trim is weothered ond pointed over. Some of
the point is foiling. The cornice ond trim pieces ot the edge of the roof
ore olso in poor condition. Some of the roof trim is missing ond some
is crocked. The individuol trim pieces ore olso not lining up flush with
eoch other, ond the point is peeling on vorious oreos of oll the wood
roof components.
We recom mend fhof defe rioroted, crocked, or missing wood on the
windows ond roof be rep/oced. We o/so reco mmend oll window trim
qnd roof trim be repointed.
The textured stucco exterior ond the overoll design of the north oddition
is not sympothetic to the I902 building ond likely does not nieet the
oesthetic stondords {or the Hopkins Historicol Society. The stucco is
crocked in severol oreos. Most of the crocks stort of the top of the north
foEode by the roof ond run verticolly down the woll. In oddition, the west
foEode roof loint is not detoiled well from o woterproofing stondpoint,
ond needs floshing ot the wood foscio boord ond roof edge. The point
on the wood frome of the double doors is peeling.
With the redesign of the bock enfro.ncei; the door configurotion
would chonge, ond o significont gmount of stucco would hove to be
repoired ond opplied to new oreos. Wd rbcom mend fhot the sfucco
be sonded down so the fexfured trowelrnorks ore removed. We fhen
recomme nd thot fhe stucco be evened ouf ond given o sond-/ike
Sform Woter Monogemenf
The downspout from the moin roof is not connected to the gutter on the
north oddition.
We recom mend thot the downspo ut on the northeost corn er of the
building be rep/oced. Storm woter shou/d be contoined ond directed
oway {rom the building.
Downspo ut configu rotion o nd
ground droin on the norfhwest side
of the building.
Downspouf secfions on fhe norfheosf
side of the building thot ore not
Venf hole in riser, showing fhe /oyers
of flooring beneoth.
Some shingles ore coming up on the north oddition oround the
mechonicol equipment.
We recommend the roof be repoired. We ore nof cerfo in of fhe oge
of the roof, but typico/ shing/e roofs lost 20 yeors. We recommend o
more thorough evoluotion of the roof during fhose repoirs.
The north oddition is o logicol ploce for on occessible entronce. This
redesign would result in significont chonges to the north foEode,
including the removol of the owning, foux wrought iron, ond concrete
We recommend one of fwo options for fhe freofm ent of the roof :
I . Removing the owning ond repoiring the shed roof behind it.
2. Remoye the shed roof, roise up the exferior wolls, ond reploce it
with o flot roof ond poropefs. Ihis would ollow the mechonicol
equipment on the roof fo be conceo/ed behind fhe porop et, ond
would greotly improve the oppeoronce of the entronce. lf the
bock enfronce becomes the wheelchoir occessib/e entronce (see
'Accessibility ond Egress" section), then the north oddition is
fhe first thing mony occuponts wil/ see when they opprooch the
Moin,Assembly Holl
The Hopkins Historicol Society hos plons to use the Moin Assembly Holl
os exhibit spoce for their museum. This is on oppropriote new use, due
to the proportions of the spoce, os well os its centrol, moin floor locotion.
The flooring wos chonged severol times over the yeors, ond the top level
of flooring hos no historicol volue. The blue corpet on the floor is in foir
condition, ond the light groy corpet on the risers is in good condition.
The vinyl tile is in good condition, but the rubber tronsition strip from the
tile to the corpet is loose. The risers oppeor to be in decent condition
in some oreos. The riser on the north side of the room is seporoted
from the bose trim on the woll. This oppeors to be becouse the riser is
sogging. One of the loyers of flooring visible olong the perimeter of the
room underneoth the corpet is osbestos tile. The extent of the osbestos
tile is not cleor.
We recommend the f/orescent light fixtures ond ceiling fons be
removed. The Hopkins Hisforico/ Sociely could either remove the
co/ored light filters on the con /ights or remove fhe fixfures ohogether.
These /ights would neither odd or detroct significontly to the spoce.
With the removol of fhe exisfing lighting, there is fhe opportunily
to insto// new lights thot fulfill fhe needs of the exhibit spoce. We
suggesf thot the Hopkins Historicol Socie/y work with on electricol
engineer ond orchitect fo determine on oppropriote lighting design.
We recommend thot the p/osfer edges be fouched up ond the ceiling
be repointed o single, neutrol color. We suggest fhe letter "G" be
pointed over. We o/so recomme nd thot the grote be refoined ond
poinfed the some color os fhe cei/ing. Since the ventilotion is not
necessory for qn exhibit spoce, it is recommended thot the vent be
seo/ed off inside of the offic spoce, ond the choin be removed.
The lobby hos been chonged mony times throughout the building's
history ond therefore, does not hove much extont historic moteriol. The
flooring hos been chonged severol times. The top loyer is ton corpet
thot is stoined in mony oreos ond worn from high troffic, despite the
wolk-off mots ot the front door. The first loyer of flooring visible beneoth
the corpet is osbestos tile. lt is not known whot lies beneoth the osbestos
tile. There ore two floor registers under the windows on the south side
of the room.
We recommend fhe ton corpef be removed ond the osbestos tile be
oboted. Once the obotement is comp/eted, the condition ond type
of flooring beneoth should be exomined. It is likely thot the flooring
beneoth is domoged becouse of the tile odhesive. We recommend
fhe Hopkins Hisforiqo/ Society select new flooring this is opprop riote
for the new use.
The wood poneling itself is in moderote condition, but is peeling off the
woll in severol oreos. Behind the loose portions on the exterior woll, the
woll froming is exposed. lt oppeors thot there used to be ploster on the
wolls, but it wos removed before the poneling wos instolled. The metol
clock instolled onto the poneling over the eost door on the nodh woll
oppeors to be functioning. The wollpoper on the northwest woll is in foir
condition. The foux metol ot the top of the woll is in decent condition.
The edge trim for the wood poneling ond oround the doors is in good
We reco mmend removing the trim pieces, foux meto/ pieces ot
fhe top of the woll, the metol clock, the wollpoper, ond the wood
poneling. We suggest insfolling gypsum boord over the froming.
Woll poneling on woll ond over
door, dork trim, metol clock, ond
foux-melol of top-of-wo/1.
Stoined corpef ond wolk-off mof .
MncDoNnIo f'MIcr A RC H IT E CTS
Wres running through ho/es in the
woll from the lobby to fhe office.
The curtoins ore in good condition.
Since the curtoins ore not originol, the decision fo keep or remove
them is up to Hopkins Hisforico/ Society. Depending on the new use
for the spoce, some sort of interior odiusfob/e window covering moy
be desirob/e.
The doors leoding to the ossembly holl onterooms oppeor to be originol
doors covered with wood poneling on both sides.
We recommend removing the wood pone/ing ond refinishing fhe
doors. P/eose see "Exterior Conditions ond Recommendotions" for
recommendotions for the front door.
The ceiling tiles ore domoged in some oreos ond contoin osbestos. lt is
uncleor whot is beneoth the ceiling tiles.
We recommend the ceiling tiles be obofe d. After removol, the Hopkins
Historico/ Sociefy shou/d decide on o new ceiling finish bosed on the
new use. When moking this decision, spoc e for conceo/in g electricol
ond mechonicol work should be considered.
The suspended globe llght fixtures in the room ore in working condition.
However, they do not provide the room with much light.
We recom mend e new lighting design be done in coniunction with
the new ceiling p/on. We recommend fhot the lighting reguirements
for the new use be corefully considered when designing fhe new
The light switches ond outlets in the room ore mostly surfoce-mounted
ond unconceoled. There is on extension cord running from the south
woll of the office into the lobby. Extension cords ore not opproved for
long-term use ond ore o fire hozord.
We recommend thot new e/ecfrico/ wiring be done in this room.
We suggest o/l power be conceo/ed within the wollspoce or cei/ing
spoce ond ollfoceplotes be flush-mounfed.
The only extont chorocter-defining feoture of the lobby is the front
stoircose ond boluster. The newel post ond boluster ore in excellent
condition. The white point on the roiling is olso in good condition. The
corner of the stoir is over the eost window.
Cei/ing tiles in lobby.
We recommend thot the newel posf ond bolusfer be preserved os
it is, becouse if is the one remoining chorocfe r-defining feoture
of the room. Pleose see the seclion "Front Stoirtvoy" for other
In order to moke oll floors of the building occessible, on elevotor must
be instolled.
We recommend thot the elevotor be instolled in the spoce thof is
currently on office. lf it is, the room will become on elevotor shoft.
For this reoson, we did nof focus on recommendofions for individuol
finishes, buf sfi/l provide o conditions ossessment of the feotures
of the room. Pleose see Accessibility ond Egress" section for
re com m en do tion s f o r el ev otor re co mm endotion s.
The ton corpet is in moderote condifion but is loose oround the corners.
Beneoth the corpet pod, there ore wood boords. However, the wood
floor boords ore not finished flooring, ond ore covered with point drips
ond noil holes.
lf on e/evotor is instolle d here, the floor must be removed.
The boseboord trim, choir roil, ond crown molding oround the entire
room is in good condition, but is not oligned of the corners. lt is construed
thot the wolls shifted slightly in the .|950s when the building wos lifted
for the construction of o bosement. The door cosing ond trim oround
the pointing of Albert Pike ore in good condition, olthough the trim is
not originol to the building. The ploce where the pointing is honging
used to be o window tg the exterior. lt wos infilled sometime oround
when the building to the west of the Albert Pike Lodge wos constructed.
The door oppeors to be originol, ond in good condition. There is o
full-length mirror mounted to the inside, ond wood poneling over the
exterior side of the door. The door hordwore olso oppeors to be originol.
The ploster wolls ore in moderote condition, but there is wiring running
through o hole on the south woll, ond crocks of the corners. There is
olso o surfoce-mounted light switch, o closet rod, ond shelf mounted to
the eost of the door. The white ploster ceiling is in good condition, ond
hos o honging light fixture in the center.
Cords run through the woll from the
lobby fo fhe office.
Wood flooring beneofh the corpef
fhot is coming up of lhe corners.
Hole in boseboord trim ond woll on
soufh side of the moin floor toilet
Toilet fixture ond
uneven finish.
wood floor with
Asbesfos file beneoth corpef in west
Domoged ceiling oround ceiling
duct in west closet.
The ton corpet, woll poneling, trim, ond ceiling tiles ore in good
condition. There is one piece of trim thot hos been reploced with o light
wood piece obove the west closet door in the eost ontechomber.
We recom mend thot the woll poneling be token off ond the flooring
ond other finishes be updofed when the lobby is updoted.
Moin F/oor loi/ef Room
The moin floor toilet room hos o working toilet ond sink, but they ore
not ADA compliont. The medium-tone hordwood floor is in moderote
condition, but hos been refinished poorly. lt hos residuol splotches of o
dorker color of stoin. The boseboord trim is in good condition in most
oreos, but hos o smoll chunk missing ot the top of the trim behind the
toilet. There is olso o rectongulor hole in the trim ond woll on the south
side of the room. The opening is sheothed with exposed sheet metol thot
hos been folded over the sides ond screwed into the tdm on the exterior.
The interior door trim oppeors to be originol ond is in good condition.
The door itself is olso originol, but is covered with wood poneling. The
doorknob oppeors to be originol, but o modern lock wos odded obove
the knob. The ploster wolls ond blue point ore in good condition. The
ceiling tile oppeors to be in good condition. ,
We recom mend thot the toi/ef room remoin. Although the fixtures ore
not ADA compliont, the room is not /orge enough fo service os on
ADA toilet room. The only condilion we recommend be oddressed
, is the hole in fhe soufh boseboo rd. There ore fwo oplions fo enclose
this ho/e. Ihe first is fhot o new piece of boseboord be instolled thot
motches the profile of the exisfing piece. Ihe second option is thof o
blonk woll plote be insfol/ed over fhe ho/e.
Eost ond West C/osets
The eost ond west closets ore smoll rooms off the eost'ontechomber.
The corpet in both rooms is in decent condition but is peeling up ot the
edges. Beneoth the corpet in the west closet, there is osbestos tile. There
moy be osbestos below the floor in the eost closet. The ploster wolls ond
ceilings, ond wood shelving in the eost closet ore in good condition.
However, the ploster in the west closet hos severol holes oround the
door opening ond in the ceiling oround the lorge duct. The door cosing
on the interior of the west closet hos olso been removed. The door to
the eost closet hos o lock but no door hondle.