Think Hopkins Marketing Strategy; Elverum CITY OF HOPKINS Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Council Members Mike Mornson, City Manager From: Jan Youngquist, Community Development Coordinator Date: January 8, 2019 Subject: Think Hopkins Marketing Strategy _____________________________________________________________________ PURPOSE The purpose of the work session is for the City Council and community to participate in a strategic briefing process led by Alan Schutte of Plat Hollow Road that will inform and strengthen our city’s marketing campaign, Think Hopkins. INFORMATION As discussed at the December 11, 2018 work session, staff is interested in taking a fresh look at the Think Hopkins marketing campaign, which was launched in 2006 by the City of Hopkins with the Hopkins Business and Civic Association (HBCA). City staff has hired Alan Schutte of Plat Hollow Road to guide the community through a strategic briefing process to help shape the branding of Hopkins. It is important that stakeholders and other interested people be involved throughout the process, beginning with completing a strategic brief worksheet. Participants will be given three weeks to complete their worksheet. Alan will go through all of the completed worksheets to find key statements and themes. Invitations to the community meeting were sent to stakeholders, including the Think Hopkins Marketing Committee, HBCA Board, Planning Commission, Cultivate Hopkins Committee, Blake Road Corridor Collaborative, Hopkins School Board, and Hopkins Historical Society, as well as other individuals and organizations. Additionally, Alan and City staff will lead another session of the strategic briefing process at the HBCA general membership meeting on January 15. For those who are not able to attend these meetings but are interested in participating in the process, City staff will email strategic brief worksheets to complete and return. The initial results will be presented at a follow-up meeting. With additional community input, a final document will be delivered. Staff will then decide if additional work is needed to develop a positioning statement and/or tagline. The strategic briefing process will also help determine whether additional graphic design or a new logo is recommended. Planning and Economic Development FUTURE ACTION The results of the community strategic brief process will inform future action. Based on the direction of the final briefing statement, it will be determined if the current logo, marketing strategies, and image are supportive of the desired message or if alignments are necessary.