02-12-2008 WSFebruary 12, 2008
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A work session of the Hopkins City Council was called to order by Mayor Gene
Maxwell at 6:30 p.m. on February 12, 2008, at the Hopkins City Hall. Council members
Kristi Halverson, Bruce Rowan and Cheryl Youakim were present. City Manager Rick
Getschow was present. Also present were State Representative Steve Simon and State
Senator Ron Latz.
2008 Legislative Agenda
City Manager Getschow briefly reviewed the 2008 legislative issues and
concerns, which had been sent to the legislators before the meeting. Senator Latz said at
the present short legislative session the bonding bill will be the main concern, as well as
finishing items not completed in the last session. The state is facing a large shortfall, now
estimated at $373 million, but he feels that figure will probably double. The state
Constitution demands a balanced budget. Therefore, any new spending bills are highly
unlikely to be passed, and many budget items will be slashed. He warned the Council
that their wish to see sales taxes eliminated for cities is highly unlikely to be considered.
He expects a transportation bill will go to the Governor in a couple weeks; it is much like
last year's except for a few changes to gain enough votes to override the Governor's
expected veto. The bonding bill is presently set at $965 million, which will create 33,000
new jobs in the public works and infrastructure areas over the next five years. He expects
no significant changes in education. Negotiations with the Governor are moving forward
to set up health task forces. Mr. Getschow remarked health costs are the biggest driver in
rising costs for city governments. '
Sen. Latz said he is carrying the bill for the Southwest Light Rail Corridor in the
Senate. Ms. Youakim noted it is Bill 2125. Sen. Latz said Senator Murphy is proposing
that all long term transportation projects be put in one bundle along with a 1/2¢ metro sales
tax increase; then the state could tell the federal government that there is a funding
mechanism for all of them. Mayor Maxwell asked if that might push back the Southwest
Corridor date. Senator Latz said scheduling is the Met Council's job.
Representative Simon thanked the Council and staff for the legislative agenda
document, saying it makes his and Sen. Latz's job easier and gives them the ability to
state "the City of Hopkins is for/against this bill." He agreed with Sen. Latz that the
rescinding of municipal sales taxes is unlikely. While the House bill for the Southwest
Corridor is a little different from the Senate's, he is confident it will be included in the
bonding bill, although it may not be the $10 million requested. The Southwest Corridor
is second in line for construction, after the Central Corridor between Minneapolis and St.
Paul; Hennepin County is still saying 2015 is doable for the Southwest Corridor. Both he
and Sen. Latz are working for the transportation bill. They hope to make MN DOT more
accountable in that they will need to set forth a priority list in an annual report. He feels
this bill is "poised to pass."
He asked that Hopkins staff give him and Sen. Latz more information on TIF
District 2-11. Mr. Getschow explained that in 2003 when the Legislature passed a bill
allowing Hopkins to extend the term of the TIF district for four years, special language
was taken from a bill pertaining to a Minneapolis TIF district which would not allow the
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money from this TIF district to be spent elsewhere. Other TIF districts that were worked
on it that session did not get this restriction. Hopkins needs that money for downtown
redevelopment. Sen. Latz asked Hopkins also send information on exactly what the
funds would be used for. City Manager Getschow said he will send both legislators
talking points and other information. Ms. Youakim added Council members and staff
would be willing to testify in support of the change.
Rep. Simon said he doubts LGA will be changed this year. However, if Hopkins
could supply information on how such funds would be used, he can start working on
future changes. Mr. Getschow said Hopkins would use the money for transportation and
infrastructure, as cities are having more of that burden put on them as time passes (as in
Shady Oak Road and Excelsior Blvd.). He feels the issue is a "fairness" issue as there is
such a disparity between core cities, inner ring cities and greater Minnesota.
$100 million would need to be added so most cities would not lose greatly. Tweaking
will not help; a major formula change is needed. Hopkins had a very large cut in 2003
and had to come up with other revenue sources such as franchise fees. Any LGA money
would not be used for operating expenses. Rep. Simon noted that after the next census
greater Minnesota will lose representation in the State Legislature so changes may be
made in the -formula before that. Mr. Getschow noted that Hopkins has set caps on
assessments, which is starting to hunt the infrastructure; the parlcs need capital
improvements. Mayor Maxwell added LGA monies would pay down city ,debt and be
used for infrastructure and capital improvements. Mr. Getschow noted these
expenditures would result in tax relief for residents. Rep. Simon noted that polls show
state citizens realize that local governments are getting more costs shoved onto them.
Mr. Getschow noted group homes concentration and notification could be a
concern. Immigration enforcement issues should be handled by state and federal
governments, not cities. Since Hopkins leas a very high rate of affordable housing, set
quotas for increasing such housing put an extra burden on Hopkins. Sen. Latz
commented St. Louis Park faces that problem also; the real need is for "move-up"
Rep. Simon said he and Sen. Latz will make TIF District 2-11 a top priority.
Mayor Maxwell said if public support is to remain high, something must be done on the
Southwest Corridor. Mr. Rowan said health care is very important, and ,he does support
the state's single payer plan. He asked about Glencoe; Rep. Simon said that is now a
federal issue. Answering Mayor Maxwell, both Sen. Latz and Rep. Simon said they had
heard nothing on eminent domain as a legislative issue. Rep, Simon said anything
pertaining to that would probably be done as specific exemptions to the current law.
State of the City
A general discussion was held on the format and topics to be used in the State of
the City presentation on March 18. General Consensus was to move ahead with using the
game show Jeopardy as a format. Mayor Maxwell suggested each Council member have
a member of the audience as a partner to give a first answer, which the appropriate
Council member could then expand on. Mr. Getschow said like last year, HBCA and
Twin West will promote State of the City with their members; Board and Commission
members and Citizens' Academy graduates will be sent invitations. He plans to publish
it in Highlights, the Sun Sailor, the e-newsletter and on the website. Ms. Youakim
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February 12, 2008
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it in Highlights, the Sun Sailor, the e-newsletter and on the website. Ms. Youakim
suggested Council members be given invitations to pass out or send to people they know.
She suggested some be given to HAMA to give to apartment dwellers.
Mr. Getschow~ noted the following:
The first Citizens' Academy session will be Feb. 28.
HBCA will have their annual meeting Thursday; a vice president from Cargill
will be the speaker.
Blake School will be having their long range plans meeting Friday. He and the
Mayor will attend.
Habitat for Humanity will have a public meeting Wednesday night. They will
appear before the Council Feb. 19.
There will be no work session February 26 as only three Council members will be
in town. Those agenda items will be moved to additional sessions before or after the next
Council meeting and on March 4.
On motion by Ms. Halverson and second by Ms. Youakim, the meeting adjourned
at 8:20 p.m. on a vote of 4-0.
Kasey Kester, Secretary