III.1. Bicycle Friendly Community Designation; YoungquistMEMO
To: Honorable Mayor and City Council
From: Jan Youngquist, Community Development Coordinator
Date: January 7, 2020
Subject: Bicycle Friendly Community Designation
The League of American Bicyclists has honored Hopkins with a bronze-level Bicycle
Friendly Community (BFC) Award. The award recognizes Hopkins’ commitment to creating
transportation and recreational resources to benefit residents of all ages and abilities while
encouraging healthy and sustainable transportation choices.
Staff from the Planning and Economic Development, Engineering, and Police departments
collaborated on the BFC application. The rigorous application process considered bike
infrastructure as well as other essential elements including efforts around education,
encouragement, evaluation, and enforcement all through the lens of equity.
Since 2002, the program has accepted over 1,600 applications for the BFC program.
Hopkins is now one of the 488 Bicycle Friendly Communities across the country who has
achieved this designation. Awarded communities must renew their status every four years
to ensure that they not only maintain existing efforts, but also keep up with changing
technology, national safety standards, and community-driven best practices. Hopkins BFC
designation is for 2019-2023.
Kate Matusenic from the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota will present the BFC award to the
City Council.