Memo - Hopkins Marketing Initiative
Planning & Economic
TO: Honorable May~~ Maxwell and Hopkins City Council Members
FROM: Kersten Elverum\ 0 ing & Development Coordinator
DATE: February 8, 2006
SUBJECT: Hopkins Marketing Initiative
The purpose of the discussion regarding this item at the February 14,2006, City Council work
session is to update the City Council on the efforts of the Hopkins Marketing Committee and
solicit support for a branding and marketing plan initiative.
In 2003 a group of residents, business owners, and City representatives began meeting to discuss
ways in which we could better promote our community. The committee dissolved for a period
and then regrouped in July 2004. The committee largely grew out of desire to draw people in to
experience the "new" Hopkins.
The committee adopted the following goal statement:
People in the metro area have a very positive image of Hopkins as a place to work, live,
shop and worship through personal experience and reputation.
After the goal statement was developed the committee brainstormed marketing ideas, prioritized,
and selected two activities - marketing current events and improving City signage- to
concentrate on. The committee has had success in these two areas but also a desire to do more.
It was concluded that Hopkins needed to develop our "brand" and adopt a multi-year marketing
plan. The goal being to develop a brand that communicates our vision and values and a
marketing plan that brings new people to Hopkins resulting in increased traffic for businesses,
resident pride and investment, and creates a "buzz" about Hopkins.
It was decided that the committee did not have the expertise or time to achieve these goals on our
own and as a result a Request for Proposal (RFP) was developed and sent to select marketing
finns. The RFP asked firms to:
o Facilitate community planning sessions
o Develop a brand including artwork and words
o Identify and recommend immediate, cost-effective ways to promote Hopkins
o Identify 3-year marketing strategies and costs
o Present results
Three proposals have been received to date, with three more expected. They are attached for
your review, along with the RFP.
The committee is now looking to the City Council for your support of this initiative, to detennine
your involvement in the consultant selection process, and solicit your input into this important
project. Several members of the committee will be at the work session.
Project to Develop Branding and a Marketing Plan
for the City of Hopkins
Preliminary Proposal January 12, 2006
Project Background
The City of Hopkins has undergone a transformation over the last several years, while
retaining its best qualities from the past. It is now a charming, eclectic mix of businesses,
neighborhoods, cultural arts, restaurants, and destination shopping. However, the City
recognizes that many people in the larger Twin Cities community still have a negative
perception held over from the past.
In 2004, the City of Hopkins initiated a grassroots marketing effort with the goal of
improving the City's image in hopes of increasing business opportunities and resident
investment. They would now like to extend this effort into a more formalized branding
strategy for the city, and then work in phases to develop all the marketing elements that
stem from it, including communication messages, visual brand identity, and a 3-year
marketing plan, that includes cost-effective promotional programs.
Project Objectives
1. To develop a brand strategy for the City of Hopkins including:
. Brand Position: target audience, audience insight, benefit, reasons to believe
. Brand Promise: focused singular idea for which the City of Hopkins will be
. Brand Personality: the style in which the brand is communicated
2. To develop an identity system and messaging that communicate the new brand
strategy, including:
. Brand architecture
· Identity system (includes logo and other visual elements such as color, fonts,
look & feel)
. Key messages
3. To develop and publish a comprehensive, 3-year marketing plan for the City of
Hopkins including
. Objectives
. Strategies
. Tactics (including cost-effective promotions)
. Costs & Timing
. Measurement
2511 Crescent Ridge Road - Minnetonka,MN5530S -- 952.545.2804V -. 952.545.7119F -.
January 6, 2006
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. 4. To involve as many community members as possible to create grassroots support for
this effort.
Id a Greenhouse Background
Idea Greenhouse is a marketing and branding consulting firm that adheres to three key
. Community Involvement. Each project is focused on the audience group that is
served by the outcome of the work, in this case the broader Hopkins Community. By
focusing on this audience, and uncovering their points of view, attitudes and desired
outcomes, we are able to develop branding that is relevant, meaningful to them, and
address their needs.
. Co-creation of solutions with all project constituents. All key groups within the
greater Hopkins Community-including civic leaders, businesses, residents, cultural arts
leaders and education leaders - will work collaboratively to create the branding. This
inclusive approach ensures that all solutions will meet the needs of everyone involved,
and will facilitate adoption of the end result by all key groups.
. Efficiency. We have developed extremely efficient methodologies that will maximize
the power of every dollar spent.
This proposal was prepared by Ellen Glatstein and Cindy Diamond of Idea Greenhouse,
LLC at the request of Kersten Elverum with the City of Hopkins.
Idea Greenhouse will provide the following staff for this project:
Strategists: Ellen Glatstein and Cindy Diamond will lead all phases of the project. They
will design the process, develop a detailed project plan, complete all analyses and
recommendations, and lead all discussions.
Documentation Manager: The Documentation Manager, through real-time reporting,
will record all ideas and discussions as they happen in order to compile an instant record
with which to make timely decisions. The Documentation Manager will also provide a
complete Project Summary Report within five business days of the project conclusion.
The City of Hopkins will provide the following staff for the project:
Client Team Steering Committee: 8-10 members of the Hopkins Community will
participate in the project to provide their perspectives on the opportunity, give input and
direction into work as needed at each stage, and to evaluate and refine deliverables at
each Phase. This group should consist of 4-5 civic leaders, and 4-5 community members,
representing the key groups: businesses, residents, cultural arts leaders, and educators.
Lead Client: The Client Team member with the greatest responsibility for project results
will act as the key decision-maker and project leader. The purpose of this role is to
ensure that decisions are made in a timely way, in order to keep the project moving
forward efficiently.
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January 6, 2006
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. Members of the Broader Community: The City will be responsible for recruiting up to
40 additional members of the community, to participate in the research phases of the
project: 8-10 business owners, 8-10 residents, 8-10 cultural arts leaders, and 8-10
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Phase IV
Phase II
Brand Strategy
· Community Brainstorm
· Brand Strategy
.Position i ng
Brand Identity
· Communication Architecture
· Logo
· Key Messages
· Look and feel
Phase III
Concept Testing
· Community Check
· Focus Groups
· Quantitative
Phase VI
· Present all results
· Summarize
1 week
Phase One I Market Research .
Internal Research Immersion
The strategists will immerse themselves in existing information, prior
surveys, previous marketing information, etc. to gain a grounding of
the current situation from an internal perspective.
1 week
Internal Situation Analysis
The strategists will conduct a series of interviews with leaders of the
City of Hopkins to attain a greater understanding of how final results
will be employed, ideal outcome, current brand perceptions, and
current city strengths and weaknesses. This information will help us
sharpen project goals and contribute to an understanding of the
2511 Crescent Ridge Road '=.I Minnetonka, MN 55305 '=.I 952.545.2804 V , 952.545.7119 F ,
January 6, 2006
Page 4
current perception gap.
1 week
External Situation Analvsis: Four Communitv Focus GrouDs
The strategists will conduct four focus groups, each with a different
constituent group within the Hopkins Community including business
owners, residents, school administrators, cultural arts
representatives, to uncover current attitudes toward the City of
Hopkins, why it's a good place to live and work, current perceptions
of the City, desired perceptions, strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats, in order to identify any gap that may exist
between current and desired perceptions.
These will be held at a convenient location in the City of Hopkins.
Phase I
Presentation of Situation Analvsis to Citv LeadershiD
A final presentation will be given to City leadership including market
research results, nature of the perception gaps, key branding
opportunities, and relevant ancillary issues that will contribute to the
project success.
Phase II Brand Strategy
1 day
Brandina Idea Generation with Communitv Members
In a process facilitated by the strategists, the Steering Committee will
generate ideas for the branding elements from their perspective as
community members.
Prior to this session, they will complete a homework assignment
about the City of Hopkins, designed to uncover branding
opportunities and communication leverage points.
They will begin the day by sharing the results of their homework
assignments, including multiple answers to each of the following
questions about the City of Hopkins:
. What qualities, characteristics and attributes describe the City
of Hopkins?
. What is uniquely different about it?
. What type of people, situations and occasions does it attract?
. What succinct descriptors "say it all" about the city?
. What are the benefits of living / working / visiting the city?
. What analogies and metaphors are particularly fitting?
Based on the answers to these questions, the group will choose
branding "themes" or topic areas they would like to explore in more
detail. We will s end the rest of the da develo in ositionin ideas
2511 Crescent Ridge Road -. Minnetonka, MN 55305 ... 952.545.2804 V ... 952.545.7119 F -.
1 week
Deliverables of
Phase II
January 6, 2006
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for each of the branding themes, including current attitudes, benefit
statements, and facts about the city that prove the benefit will be
The output of the day will include a large body of starting material
that the strategists will use to create concepts.
Utilizing the output of the Brand Strategy Idea Generation session,
the strategists will develop 4-5+ branding concepts including:
. Audience Insight
. Brand Promise
. Brand Benefit
. Reasons to Believe
In addition, they will recommend Brand Personality elements that
would remain in lace re ardless of which conce t is chosen.
4-6 Final Conceots
Final concepts will be mapped strategically to indicate Uniqueness,
Complexity of Execution, Risk, Relevance to Target Audience,
Believabili and Ownabili .
2 days-2 weeks
Phase III
We recommend qualitative testing each of the final Branding
Concepts with the greater Hopkins Community, to determine which
idea(s) has the greatest appeal and marketplace effectiveness.
One focus group will be held with each of the key constituent groups
for a total of 4 focus groups. Respondents will be recruited by the
City of Hopkins. Each concept will be discussed individually, including
appeal, relevance, believability, and uniqueness, and any other
information desired by the Steering Committee. At the end of each
discussion, all ideas will be compared with one another to identify
favorites and least favorites, and understanding of the reasons
behind these choices.
Final Research Reoort
The report will summarize methodology, sample size and screener,
research results, and recommendations.
Phase IV Brand Identity Development
2511 Crescent Ridge Road -. Minnetonka, MN 55305 '- 952.545.2804 V .. 952.545.7119 F -. www.idea~l!
IDEA lib!
4 weeks
Phase IV
January 6,2006
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Based on the final Brand Strategy, Idea Greenhouse will work with its
graphic design affiliates to develop options for the new identity
. City of Hopkins logo
. Color palette
. Key messages
. Tag lines (optional)
Once input has been given from city management, a Style Guide will
be developed for use by all who utilize the equity of the city in their
Comorehensive Stvle Guide
The Guide will include guidelines for the use of the logo, color
palette, and tag lines to ensure they will be used in a consistent way
for all future communication. It will also include layout examples for
key pieces to use as a template for all communication.
Phase V Three-Year Marketing Plan
4 weeks
(concurrent to
Phase IV)
Phase V
The Idea Greenhouse strategists will write a 3-year marketing plan
based on the branding work, including objectives, high-level
strategies, a communication plan, and possibilities for tactics,
including cost-effective promotions.
Marketino Plan Presentation to Citv Leadershio
Presentation will include City objectives, strategies to meet those
objectives, recommended tactics with costs and timing, and a cost-
effective promotional plan.
1 day
Phase VI
Idea Greenhouse will present final results of all work to City
Leadership and the community at large. An open forum will be held
for questions, edits, suggestions, etc.
One final revision will be made after the community meeting to
deliver the final results.
Final Communitv Presentation of all Work
Presentation will include a research summary, brand concept options
and test results, brand identity summary (with Style Guide available
for review), brand training, and final marketing plan.
2511 Crescent Ridge Road , Minnetonka.. r-.fN 55305 ... 952.545.2804 V '" 952.545.7119 F ...
January 6, 2006
Page 7
For Idea Greenhouse:
1. Plan the project, conduct all phases, recruit ConsumerVisionaries™ and research
respondents if needed.
2. Facilitate all discussions, conduct research, integrate findings, and make
For City of Hopkins:
1. Recruit Steering Committee and ensure their participation throughout the project.
2. Provide all facilities for meetings, with snacks / meals as needed depending on the
time of day.
3. Recruit Focus Group respondents from the City roster.
The project, as described above, is estimated as follows:
Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
Phase IV
Phase V
Phase VI
Situation Analysis
Brand Strategy
Concept Testing: 4 Focus Groups
Identity System
Three Year Marketing Plan
Final Analysis and Presentation
$35,000 - $55,000
NOTE: ALL PRICES ARE QUOTED AT +/-10%. Any out-of-pocket expenses will be
pre-approved by the City of Hopkins and billed at cost, in addition to the above amount.
Fifty percent (50%) of each Phase of the Project is due upon signature; fifty percent
(50%) upon completion of that Phase.
Prompt payment is always appreciated.
ACCEPTANCE BY BOTH PARTIES of the terms of this proposal, as outlined above, is
signified by their signatures below.
Ellen Glatstein
Kersten Elverum
2511 Crescent Ridge Road '" Minnetonka.,. MN 55305 " 952.545.2804 V -. 952.545.7119 F _
January 6, 2006
Page 8
Idea Greenhouse, LLC
EIN: 33-1099743
City of Hopkins
2511 Crescent Ridge Road -. Minnetonka, MN 55305 .... 952.545.2804 V -. 952.545.7119 F "
January 6, 2006
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Ellen began her career in corporate marketing at General Mills and Ralston Purina,
working on a variety of brands, including Nature Valley Granola Bars, Gold Medal Flour,
Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Golden Grahams, and Purina Cat Food.
She joined Ideas to Go, Inc. in 1993 and worked for 11 in marketing, branding, and group
facilitation prior to founding Idea Greenhouse in 2004. During that time, she worked on
hundreds of product and service categories and diverse business problems, for
corporations, universities, civic organizations, government organizations, and many
Ellen spent a year in Johannesburg, South Africa, and co-founded the Institute of
Creativity and Innovation at the Technikon Witswatersrand, a combination business-
consulting and creativity degree program.
Ellen received a Masters of Business Administration in Marketing from Indiana University,
Bloomington, Indiana; and a Bachelor of Art degree in Cultural Anthropology from Grinnell
College, Grinnell, Iowa.
Cindy Diamond provides consulting services in the areas of strategic planning, branding,
marketing strategy and market research.
Cindy focuses on the principles of collaborative consulting - that is, facilitating clients and
client teams through the strategic planning process. Using her unique ability to develop
creative and highly effective group processes, Cindy draws on the knowledge and
expertise of those who are most closely associated with the content and responsible for
the execution of the strategy.
Cindy is experienced using a full suite of custom market research products. Research
specialties include research design, qualitative and quantitative research methods and
Prior to focusing on strategic consulting, Cindy held the position of Vice President of
Strategic Marketing with Gage Marketing Group. Prior to that, Cindy held positions with
Rapp Collins Communications, The Pillsbury Company, Andersen Consulting, Merrill Lynch
and Apple Computer.
She has worked with clients across multiple industries with both consumer and business-
to-business products and services. Cindy has experience in consumer goods, technology,
financial services, health/medical related, park and recreation, hospitality,
advertising/marketing agencies and non-profit.
Cindy received a Masters in Marketing from the Kellogg School of Business at
Northwestern University and a Bachelor of Arts degree at Brandeis University.
2511 Crescent Ridge Road - Minnetonka, MN 55305 '- 952.545.2804 V .... 952.545.7119 F -. www.idea~l!
IDEA 1ft!
January 6, 2006
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from previous Branding and Community Collaboration Projects
Three Rivers Parks District: Barb Fisher, Director of Marketing, (763) 559-6773 (Branding)
Dooenheimer Wolff and Donnellv: lim Hodapp, Director of Marketing, (612) 607-7204
H.B. Fuller: Karen Muller, (651) 645 1675 (Cindy only; community collaboration project)
2511 Crescent Ridge Road '" Minnetonka, MN 55305 -- 952.545.2804 V .. 952.545.7119 F "
January 6, 2006
Page 11
American Express
Andrew Jergens Co.
Bristol Myers Squibb
CenterPoint Energy
Domaine Chandon
Fort James Corporation
General Motors
Gerry Baby Products
Hasbro Toys
High Liner Foods
Hunter Douglas
Minnesota Public Radio
Nestle USA
Playtex Apparel
Procter & Gamble
SC Johnson
Vanity Fair Intimates
Wenger Corporation
Astra Zeneca
Bank of America
Best Buy
Best Foods
Bush Brothers
Charles Schwab
Eastman Kodak
GE Consumer Finance
Gillette Company
Heinz USA
Hill's Pet Nutrition
International Dairy Queen
Land 0' Lakes
Park Nicollet
Playtex Products
Progress Energy
United Distillers & Vintners
Washington Mutual
Women Venture
Andersen Windows
Bausch & Lomb
Black Entertainment Television
Cad bury Adams
Church and Dwight
Del Monte Foods
Fellowes Manufacturing
General Mills, Inc.
Gerber Products
Hillshire Farms
Marigold Foods
Nestle Purina
Ocean Spray
Pennzoil/Quaker State
Public Radio International
Sara Lee
Three Rivers Park District
University of Wisconsin
Walsh Bishop Architecture
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Toys R Us
2511 Crescent Ridge Road _ Minnetonka, MN 55305 _ 952.545.2804 V -. 952.545.7119 F _
Maccabee Group, Inc.
211 North First Street Suite 425 Minneapolis, MN 55401
Tel. (612) 33T.008T Fax. (612) 337-0054
January 13, 2006
Kersten E1verum
Housing & Development Coordinator
City of Hopkins
1010 First Street South
Hopkins, MN 55343
Dear Kersten:
We're delighted to submit the attached Response to your Request for Proposals from
public relations firms, exploring how Maccabee Group Inc. could help the City of
Hopkins create a branding and marketing plan for 2006 and beyond.
We're confid~nt that our Minneapolis-based agency's experience with public institution
PR (Metropolitan State University, Office of EnVironmental Assistance, Friends of the
Saint Paul Public Library, Hopkins Online Academy), nonprofit PR (Haze1den
Foundation, Sierra Club, Guthrie Theater and others), and
marketingf communicationsfPR plan development (CIGNA Behavioral Health, American
Medical Systems, Kemps) would enable Maccabee Group to be an outstanding agency for
the City.
Please feel free to call me at 612-337-0087 with any questions. Thanks in advance for
considering the value that a partnership with Maccabee Group could bring to the City of
Yours sincerely,
Gw n Chynoweth
ce President
Public Relations. Marketing. Sales Promotion
City of Hopkins
Response to 2006 Request For Information
Submitted by Maccabee Group Public Relations
Consultant QuaIifications and References
A full-service, high-energy public relations agency, Maccabee Group's core competencies
include providing clients with outstanding:
. Marketing communications strategy - reflecting sound business judgment and
insights into our clients' industries, key audiences and the media that cover them.
. Corporate communications and brand messaging
. Media relations placement skills -- regional and national, consumer and
tradefbusiness-to-business, offline and online.
. Event marketing, including trade show support
. Sales promotions
. Writing for speeches, trade articles and other marketing materials
. Cause and philanthropic marketing
Our clients would say that Maccabee Group's strengths are:
. We deliver strategy plans, speeches, case histories and other PR materials that
are written at the highest levels of quality - exceeding client expectations.
. We are strategically creative. Yes, we can come up with zany ideas to promote
your cause, but the ideas are not crazy for crazy's sake - they are strategically on
target to meet specific marketing goals.
. We proactively initiate marketing opportunities that can build our clients'
businesses, rather than merely wait for assignments.
. We build relationships for clients that go far beyond media re1ations-
introducing clients to potential referral sources, business or co-sponsorship
partners, and other influentia1s/decision-makers who can build our clients'
. We strive to make our phone calls and meetings the most exciting parts of our
clients' day.
. We keep our eye on the ball- not just generating goodwill for clients, but driving
market share, sales leads and revenue.
Sixty percent of the work that Maccabee Group performs for its clients involves media
relations - in trade and consumer print media, as well as radio, TV, syndicated columns,
and interactive media (b10gs et al). Depending upon individual client needs, our role can
expand significantly - CIGNA Behavioral Health, for example, has relied upon Maccabee
Group to create an 1S-month Strategic Marketing Plan which covers advice on
everything from sales promotion and events/trade conferences to direct mail, sales tools
and Web content. We are currently executing a six-month strategic plan, which we also
developed, for American Medical Systems, which involves a nation-wide campaign
featuring non other than Dr. Ruth Westheimer. We also researched, developed and
executed a multi-tiered marketing and communications plan for Kemps "Nickels For
Schools" loyalty-marketing campaign, which has generated more than $1.5 million for
approximately 4,000 K-12 schools over the past 3 years.
Maccabee Group is independently owned, and managed by two PR professionals who
together bring the City of Hopkins nearly 50 years' experience in marketing, PR and
Page Two
Paul Maccabee, President
Paul Maccabee brings to the City of Hopkins 22+ years of public relations experience as
Vice President of Minda AdvertisingjPR, Account Supervisor with the PR firm of Mona
Meyer McGrath & Gavin (now Weber Shandwick) and Public Relations Director for
Kamstra Communications, Inc. Called "the class act of the local public relations cult" by
Format Magazine, Maccabee has performed publicity work for public entities and
nonprofits such as:
. Friends of the St. Paul Library, leading local media relations to support a multi
million dollar fund raising campaign to renovate the downtown Saint Paul
. The Jerome Foundation Centennial national PR campaign, involving the Museum of
Modern Art in New York City and the Walker Art Center, celebrating the
renowned arts philanthropist, Jerome Hill.
. Minnesotans Against Terrorism, in partnership with Padilla Speer Beardsley PR,
that won the "Public Service Campaign of the Year" award from the Minnesota
Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America.
. Sierra Club, for whom he conceived and performed a press conference in the
Minnesota State Capitol Rotunda to illustrate the "cocktail" oftoxins that
Minnesotans cope with every day.
Gwen Chynoweth, Vice President
Gwen Chynoweth brings to the City her 10 years' experience directing communications
and public relations activities for K-12 public school districts in Minnesota - including
the Hopkins Public Schools and the Rochester School District. She successfully guided
public awareness efforts for school district bond and levy referendums, including a $50
million bond referendum resulting in construction improvements to all 10 Hopkins
School District buildings and the creation of a new recreation center. She also
coordinated all internal and external communications efforts during crises including a
teachers' strike and the execution of district-wide budget cuts.
Chynoweth led program design and publicity for Kemps' grassroots loyalty marketing
program, "Nickels for Schools," which is offered to milk-buying consumers in seven
Midwestern states, and has generated hundreds of newspaper articles over the three
years the program has been in existence. She also supervised publicity for the Twin Cities
Natural Food Co-ops, The Wedge Co-op, Metropolitan State University and the
renowned Haze1den Foundation.
She also coordinated public relations and marketing communications campaigns for the
2005 "Go Organic! for Earth Day." This 50-state campaign, which required bringing
together 45 food manufacturers and dozens of grocery chain retailers, was the single
biggest boost for organic food awareness and sales in the history of this food category.
Chynoweth's background is rounded out with serving as Corporate Communications
Manager for NEXUS non-profit treatment centers, and professional experience as a
radio announcer and newspaper reporter.
Page Three
. Eileen Harvala, Communications Director for Hopkins School District
(952) 988-4024, or via email
. Todd Flanders, Headmaster, Providence Academy (763) 258-2509 or via
email at
. Jill St. Onge, Communications Director for CIGNA Behavioral Health
(952) 996-2479, or via email
. Deb Marshall - Former marketing director for PLATO Learning and
International Decision Systems. Deb worked with Maccabee Group at both
companies. Reach Deb at: 952-934-8480.
. Jackie MacMillan. Former marketing director for Maccabee Group client,
Allen Interactions. Work phone: 763-235-3004.
Description of proposed scope of services
Kick off meeting with City of Hopkins personnel
Maccabee Group has a proven track record of developing comprehensive, creative and
strategic communications and marketing plans for corporate and nonprofit/government
clients. We recently completed an 18-month marketing and PR plan for CIGNA
Behavioral Health; are currently executing a national six-month publicity plan involving
Dr. Ruth Westheimer, which we developed for American Medical Systems; and
researched, wrote and established all communication and publicity components for
Kemps multi-state Nickels for Schools loyalty marketing and school fundraising
program, which over the past three years has generated more than $1.5 million for
approximately 4,000 schools throughout the Upper Midwest.
Should the City of Hopkins choose Maccabee Group, we would begin our relationship
with an intensive kick-off meeting, during which we11 review your current public
relations and marketing strategies in a candid, in-depth manner, and discuss how you're
now promoting the city to your key audiences.
Additional information that would be extremely helpful to begin our planning process:
.:. Results of any public opinion research conducted by the City of Hopkins,
especially research focused on attitudes toward Hopkins held by Twin Citians
residing outside of the Hopkins city limits
.:. Copy of any long-term strategic plan currently in execution, especially sections
relating to marketing, public relations and communications
.:. Copies of other relevant plans, studies and/or communications pieces prepared
by or for the City of Hopkins
Page Four
Facilitating the planning process
Armed with ample background information and an agreement on the division of labor
between the City and Maccabee Group, we would work closely with appropriate City staff
to identify and invite key Hopkins opinion leaders and city boosters to no more than
three community planning sessions, seeking input on:
.:. Marketing goals
.:. Marketing themes and target audiences, tag lines and tactics
.:. Prioritizing themes and taglines
.:. Prioritizing tactics according to immediacy, ease of execution, prospect for results
and potential cost
Other planning tactics that we could consider:
.:. Establishing an online forum for community input, and publicizing the online
forum through city newsletters and through the Hopkins Sun Sailor
.:. Conducting a survey of Twin Citians residing outside the City of Hopkins to
measure their perceptions of the City's reputation, features and amenities
Proposed schedule
Immediately upon finalizing a contract between the City of Hopkins and Maccabee
Group, we would set up an intensive kick-off meeting to become familiar with past and
current promotion efforts performed by the City. We would then coordinate all aspects of
a working schedule, which will be customized to fit the City's unique needs, but might
look like this:
Week One and Two:
.:. Kick off meeting
.:. Identify community planning participants and timeline for meetings
.:. Invite community planning participants to series of meetings
.:. Develop a Twin Cities attitude survey and contract with polling firm
Weeks Three through Six:
.:. Secure participation of planning participants
.:. Conduct Twin Cities attitude survey and share results with planning participants
.:. Launch online community forum and seek media coverage of the forum to
encourage resident participation
.:. Hold first planning session; compile results of first session and develop
recommendations; send results and recommendations to participants
.:. Hold second planning session; compile results, develop recommendations and
send both to participants
.:. Hold third planning session to obtain consensus on results and final
Weeks Seven through Nine:
.:. Using results of community planning sessions, develop recommendations for
immediate, cost effective ways to promote Hopkins, and identify three year
marketing plan with strategies and costs. Include visual support options from
graphic artist. Run the plan draft past community planning group before
finalizing and presenting to appropriate city officials.
While marketing and branding support, public relations and communications are core
strengths for Maccabee Group, we do not offer graphic design services. Therefore, we
would partner with one of many Twin Cities graphic designers whom we have
Page Five
collaborated with in the past -- such as Bard, Sussner or Sassafras Design -- to develop
artwork that will visually support marketing efforts for this initiative.
Cost proposal
We realize that your budget is a precious asset - our billing philosophy is: "No
surprises!" Our billing rates range from $50 per hour for administrative support to $180
- $220 per hour for agency principals. We understand that you will invest up to $15,000
in fees for this planning process, and we will work with you to maximize your investment
in our services.
Creating a branding and marketing plan
for the City of Hopkins
Proposal submitted by:
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Citylmage Communications
January 13, 2006
Ms. Kersten Elverum
Housing and Development Coordinator
City of Hopkins
1010 First Street South
Hopkins, MN 55343
January 13, 2005
Dear Ms. E1verum,
Thank you very much for contacting CityImage regarding the city's branding and
marketing plan request for proposals. I believe you wil11ike our suggested approach to
create a plan to carry Hopkins into the future with a strong sense of identity.
CityImage's proposal for the City of Hopkins consists of three main components: a
Discovery Process; Plan Formation; and Measurement. I have also enclosed a brief
CityImage company background, work experience, clientele list, awards, and references
for your review. You may also view our firm's portfolio on our web site: www.citv-
image. com.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions. We would enjoy the opportunity to
speak with the marketing committee about this exciting and historic project.
Very sincerely,
Tom Bullington
CityImage President
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City of Hopkins Branding and Marketing Plan
In order to complete an effective and comprehensive branding and marketing
plan for the City of Hopkins, here is our proposed work content and methodology:
As an initial step, Citylmage will conduct a thorough audit of the city's current
marketing and communications practices and a comprehensive review of these
elements (newsletter, web site, media relations, television, logo use, advertising,
promotions, etc.). This "snapshot" will expose any gaps that exist, as well as
reveal the city's many strengths.
We will also analyze the city's most recent citizen survey results to identify
prevalent resident attitudes about the various aspects of living in Hopkins,
With an audit and survey review complete, Citylmage will facilitate 3-4
community focus groups (of 7-9 persons each). These will last approximately 90
minutes, and include:
Hopkins-based businesspeople
Citizens of Hopkins
City staff and administration
City elected officials and commission members
In addition to the larger focus groups, Citylmage will conduct one-on-one
interviews with selected community members, such as the mayor, city manager,
prominent business owners, and long-time residents as recommended by the
In the above interactions with various members of the Hopkins community, we
will ask several questions that will help us gain a stronger sense of the city's
identity, and allow for adequate follow-up discussion.
The goal of these sessions is to start a healthy conversation about the current
identity of the city that will lead us to creation of a Hopkins community brand.
Questions would include:
-What is the overall perception of Hopkins in the Twin Cities area?
-Which adjectives would you use to describe Hopkins?
-If there was one thing you'd identify with Hopkins, what would it be?
-What is the most positive thing you can say about Hopkins?
-What is the most negative thing you can say about Hopkins?
-How important is history to Hopkins?
-Which landmarks best typify Hopkins?
-What makes you proud to be from Hopkins?
-What kind of recreational offerings are there in Hopkins?
-What is the reputation of the school system?
-Do many people grow up and stay to raise families in the city?
-Last year, Hopkins won the boys' basketball championship. How important are
athletics (organized sports) to your sense of community?
-What does the Hopkins Center for the Arts mean to the community?
-You have 30 seconds to describe Hopkins to a stranger. What would you say?
- How do you think the city should promote itself?
- Anything else you'd like to add about City of Hopkins' need for branding and
Following the focus groups and personal interviews, Citylmage would formulate a
draft branding and marketing plan with information and feedback gained during
the Discovery Process.
The completed Hopkins Branding and Marketing Plan will include:
-2-3 variations of a city brand, complete with artwork, tag line and color palette.
-Recommendations for cost-effective ways to promote Hopkins' many positive
attributes. We will highlight promotional opportunities that are external (Twin
Cities region, western Wisconsin, Greater Minnesota, Midwest region), as well as
internal (promoting the Hopkins brand to residents). Citylmage strongly believes
that residents playa crucial role in creation of a city's reputation and image, and
should be viewed as "ambassadors" for the city.
- A comprehensive, three-year month-by-month marketing plan for Hopkins,
including strategies and costs (publications, advertising, promotional items, etc.)
Upon completion of draft plan, Citylmage would confer with city staff and others
to receive recommendations for changes.
After receiving input on the first draft, Citylmage would officially deliver the new
branding and marketing plan to City of Hopkins. The method and audience for a
formal presentation of the new plan is at the discretion of the city.
After the plan has been set into motion, Citylmage feels it's vital for the City of
Hopkins to monitor the branding and marketing plan. This will help gauge
effectiveness, keep the document "alive," and allow possible tweaks to strategy
and expenditures along the way.
This measurement component would consist of follow-up interviews to discuss
effectiveness of branding and marketing efforts with residents, staff, and elected
officials in 6, 9, and 12 months.
Expected timeframe: The City of Hopkins' branding and marketing plan will be
ready for review, approval and implementation 90-100 days after contract signing.
Citylmage will be available after plan is presented to participate in potential
discussions involving the Hopkins City Council.
Total cost: $13,900 (based on rate of $65/hour, includes necessary expenses such as postage,
travel, and related costs).
A sampling of related work experience
"Revive 35" branding campaign - 1-35W Solutions Alliance
With traffic jams and accidents along the aging southern 1-35W corridor reaching
staggering proportions, a group of cities, counties, chambers of commerce and
residents in this area formed the 1-35W Solutions Alliance to lobby for
The Alliance hired Citylmage in 2005 to provide its public relations, branding and
marketing services. Citylmage created the "Revive 35" campaign - complete with
a logo, web site (, brochure and poster featuring the new
tagline and brand. Press releases and guest editorials are also part of this
Members of the Alliance are: Hennepin County, Dakota County, Scott County,
Bloomington, Burnsville, Lakeville, Minneapolis, Richfield, Savage, and
Shakopee, along with most major area chambers of commerce, and residents.
City of Crystal, Minn. Communications Plan
Faced with a limited budget and stretched staff resources, the City of Crystal
hired Citylmage to create a comprehensive communications strategic plan for
Forming the plan included facilitating several focus groups, researching the city's
past and present communications practices, analyzing survey data and working
closely with city administrators and council members to set a direction for the
city's marketing and communications efforts.
Come Home to the Park campaign, Brooklyn Park, Minn.
Working as Communications Coordinator for the City of Brooklyn Park (1998-
2001), Tom worked to breath new life into the city's branding campaign, which
had been formed in 1993.
Named "Come Home to the Park," the effort was organized by a public-private
partnership with the purpose of changing public attitudes about Brooklyn Park as
a crime-plagued, second-ring suburb of Minneapolis. The market spanned the
70,000 residents of the city, the greater Twin Cities metro area and Upper
Midwest region.
With Tom's guidance, Brooklyn Park was named a Top-30 finalist in the national
All-America City award contest in 1999 and gained significant positive local and
regional press coverage.
In his position with Brooklyn Park, Tom managed all internal and external
communications (cable television broadcasts, city newsletter, Internet/Intranet
content, customer information), conducted surveys and focus groups, and
worked closely with the city manager, mayor, council, and staff to meet the city's
diverse communications needs.
Brooklyn Park, Minn. "Search for the Golden Spud"
This campaign was designed to specifically to gain positive media coverage for
the city as a fun place to live (not many other cities have residents search for a
golden potato in the middle of summer); and to coordinate with the Brooklyn Park
Recreation and Parks Department to educate citizens about the great number of
parks and recreational facilities present throughout Brooklyn Park. It worked!
Partnering with Wells Fargo Bank (which provided the $1,000 prize money), The
Spud campaign generated excessive positive media coverage both print and
television. By way of additional measurement, the campaign won a prestigious
national 3CMA Savvy Award in 2001 in the hotly contested Best for Least Dollars
Spent category.
Dakota County Technical College, Rosemount, Minn.
Under Tom's direction as communications director, Dakota County Technical
College implemented a new branding and marketing campaign to boost
enrollment, and increase awareness of the college in the Twin Cities area.
The comprehensive campaign included a tagline ("Grounds for Success"), new
web site design, and a full-scale advertising campaign featuring television
(broadcast and cable), radio, Internet, newspapers, magazines, and alternative
methods (coffee sleeve ads, truck-side ads). Enrollment hit new records each
year, despite declining numbers in other MnSCU institutions.
Minnesota Independent School Fund
The Minnesota Minority Education Project required both a full branding campaign
and the implementation of a community relations campaign, an image campaign;
funding and recruitment efforts; conference curriculum material for the
development of diversity within independent school populations throughout
The campaign targeted students and teachers of color to independent schools
through print, Internet and special events. The campaign involved funds seeking
strategies and grant writing. The result was a measurable 15% increase in
students of color and 7% increase in the recruitment and hiring of teachers from
diverse racial populations.
The Sl John's Bible
The St. John's Bible is the first handwritten and illuminated manuscript of the
bible in its entirety in 500 years commissioned by St. John's University in
Collegeville, Minn. As a leader of the launching task force, Robyn negotiated and
wrote a $2.4-million artist contract with Donald Jackson, calligrapher for Her
Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth's Crown Office.
Robyn also facilitated the development of the project vision, values and mission;
facilitated the planning efforts of a 1 O-member task force, wrote the 8-year
communications plan and created image brand and print material as well as the
web site.
Serve Minnesota
Serve Minnesota is the state agent for the federal AmeriCorps programs.
Campaign included development of new logo along with a branding campaign,
annual reports, executive case statements, communications collateral, show
displays and special material for events and new initiatives. Worked with
legislators on funding issues.
WSB Engineering
WSB is an engineering firm serving a variety of cities, counties, and states. WSB
engaged Citylmage and Designwrite studios to design and implement a new
corporate identity package that would elevate the image of this rapidly growing
firm. WSB not only manages a variety of transit projects, it assists clients in
securing funding for projects and these activities are key in the overall image and
impact of the firms materials.
Mercy Hospital
Mercy Hospital seeks to distill its new care delivery model in professional journals
and a variety of Internet venues. The goal of the project is to promote a positive
image of hospital care delivery by developing a unified message, an accurate
case study overview and compelling written materials. Project is ongoing and
includes strategies for promoting the model with other care professionals,
encouraging the replication of the model.
CIMA Labs recognizes growing concerns with the in-house operation of the
Gottscho printer as it interfaces with its blister packaging lines. The core issue
related to downtime in production seems to be one of streamlining
communication and maximizing effective communication processes.
This project includes garnering support from a variety of internal groups to
develop a stronger team approach, more effective written materials and the
redevelopment of reporting processes. This work is funded by a federal grant and
includes considerations for FDA compliance within documentation efforts.
Creative Team
Robyn Lingen : Partner, solutions designer, super easy-to-work-with
Citylmage Creative Director Robyn Lingen has focused her career on developing
communications solutions for print, Internet and media strategies. For 20 years,
she has been owner and creative director of Designwrite Studios, a design and
production studio serving non-profit organizations, cities, and service businesses
in the areas of print, video and Internet communications.
Robyn serves Citylmage clients in both strategic capacities and as a designer for
print and web productions. She leads focus group studies, creative sessions,
task force and other special committees. She has helped multiple organizations
develop or hone mission statements, delineate objectives, write and prepare
communication plans. Her open, honest and motivational style helps build
cohesive group processes.
Well regarded as a problem-solver, Robyn has served on the boards of non-profit
groups and has been involved in the launch of a number of community-based
and business initiatives. She has received numerous awards for her print and
web productions, as well as several recognitions for her leadership.
Robyn is a Sumasil grant recipient in creative writing. She holds degrees in
English, Fine Arts from the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, Minn. and has
completed graduate studies in Business Communications at Hamline University.
Tom Bullington: Partner, strategist, media relations specialist, all-around
smart guy.
Founder of Citylmage, Tom Bullington has held professional communications
positions in Minnesota and Arizona since 1990, working in newspaper, television,
Internet, magazines, and radio. His career includes time spent as an editor,
writer, communications team manager and city spokesperson.
Tom has managed campaigns, special events and strategic growth plans for both
city and non-profit organizations. He has written communications plans,
conducted media training, and worked closely with the media to enhance the
image of cities, colleges and other organizations.
Key achievements include a 2001 Savvy Award from the City-County
Communications and Marketing Association (3CMA) and numerous
commendations from the International Association of Business Communicators
(IABC) and Minnesota Association of Government Communicators (MAGC) for
his work with Citylmage clients.
A proud survivor of four years under the governorship of a former professional
wrestler, Tom has a passion for the importance of city government and finding
better ways for City Hall to connect with its residents. Tom earned his degree in
English from St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn.
ReQuest for Proposals
Branding and Marketing Plan
for the
City of Hopkins
December 20,2005
The City of Hopkins and our community partners have a shared goal of expanding the marketing
efforts of Hopkins. It is our desire to develop a brand that reflects the unique character of Hopkins
and a marketing plan to establish the brand.
Hopkins has undergone a transformation while at the same time retaining the character that makes
us unique. For many outside of the immediate area, however, the perception of Hopkins remains
rooted in the pasLfrom our "cars and bars" days or the all too quiet years ofthe early 1990s.
Hopkins is now an exciting place with an eclectic mix of businesses, a strong arts community,
entertainment, destination shopping, and restaurants.
In an attempt to spread our message, a grass-roots marketing effort began in 2004. The
marketing committee adopted the following goal statement:
People in the metro area have a very positive image of Hopkins as a place to work,
live, shop and worship through personal experience and reputation, leading to
increased business opportunities and a greater investment of residents.
ProDosed ScoDe of Services:
The following is an outline of the proposed scope of services. If you do not feel this approach will
provide the best results, please feel free to recommend an alternative approach.
. Facilitate community planning sessions
Propose the number and content of community planning sessions
. Develop a brand - including artwork and words
. Identify and recommend immediate, cost effective ways to promote Hopkins
. Identify 3-year marketing plan including strategies and costs
. Presentation of results
Submission Reauirements:
,/ Consultant qualifications and references
,/ Description of proposed scope of services
,/ Cost proposal
,/ Proposed schedule
In addition, please describe what background information or questions you would need answered
in order to begin your process.
Proposals must be received by January 13, 2006.
It is anticipated that the contract would not exceed $15,000.
General Conditions:
This request for Proposal does not commit the City of Hopkins to award a contract or to pay any
costs incurred in the preparation of the contract in response to this request. The City of Hopkins
reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any irregularity or information in any
proposal, or to modify the RFP schedule. The City of Hopkins reserves the right to withdraw this
RFP at any time without prior notice.
The marketing committee will review the proposals and may ask for an interview. The committee
will make a recommendation on the award to the Hopkins City Council. It is anticipated that the
award will be made February/March 2006.
Contact Information:
Kersten Elverum
Housing & Development Coordinator
City of Hopkins
1010 First Street South
Hopkins, MN 55343