IV.1. Minutes of the February 18, 2020 City Council Regular Meeting ProceedingsHOPKINS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 18, 2020 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council was held on Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 7:01 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 1010 First Street South, Hopkins. Mayor Gadd called the meeting to order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance with Council Members Beck, Brausen, Halverson and Hunke attending. Staff present included City Manager Mornson, Finance Director Bishop, Director of Planning and Development Elverum and Public Works Director Stadler. ADOPT AGENDA Motion by Halverson. Second by Hunke. Motion to Adopt Agenda. Ayes: Beck, Brausen, Gadd, Halverson, Hunke. Nays: None. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS III.1. Update on the 22nd Annual Empty Bowls Fundraiser Tarrah Palm, ResourceWest Executive Director, invited the community to attend the 22nd Annual Empty Bowls Fundraiser on Tuesday, March 1 0 at Hopkins Center for the Arts. All proceeds benefit the ICA Food Shelf and ResourceWest. Volunteer and silent auction donation opportunities are still available. Visit www.hopkinsemptybowls.org for more information. Mayor Gadd commented that the event brings the community together in many different ways and encouraged everyone to attend. III.2. Fourth Quarter Financial Report Finance Director Bishop gave and overview of the 2019 fourth quarter financial preliminary and unaudited report. Mr. Bishop gave an overview of the General Fund and Special Revenue Funds and comparison to prior years. Mr. Bishop gave explanation of expenditures and financial position commenting that the Arts Center has exceeded revenue projections. Mr. Bishop discussed the Depot Coffee House budgets and the actions taken to adjust revenues and keep expenditures down. Mr. Bishop gave an overview of the Enterprise Fund revenues and expenses discussing the transition year for Pavilion depreciation and that it is anticipated that operating costs would be covered by operating revenue going forward. Mr. Bishop discussed the next steps of financial reporting and budget engagement. A public meeting to discuss the budget process and Financial Management Plan (FMP) is scheduled on Tuesday, May 19, 6-7 p.m. at Hopkins City Hall in the Council Chambers. Member Brausen asked that the fourth quarter financial presentation be added to the City website. HOPKINS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 18, 2020 CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Beck. Second by Hunke. Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda. 1. Minutes of the February 4, 2020 City Council Regular Meeting Proceedings 2. Minutes of the February 4, 2020 City Council Work Session following Regular Meeting Proceedings 3. Minutes of the February 11, 2020 City Council Work Session Proceedings 4. Declare Cost to be Assessed and Order Assessment Hearing – 2020-2021 Street and Utility Improvements, City Project No. 2019-10 5. Resolution Supporting Local Cable Franchising Including Public, Educational and Governmental Access Channels Ayes: Beck, Brausen, Gadd, Halverson, Hunke. Nays: None. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS VII.1. Resolution Approving the 2020 Goals and Strategic Plan City Manager Mornson discussed the 2020 Mission, Vision and Goals. Mr. Mornson gave an overview of the accomplishments and highlights in 2019 and what is upcoming in 2020. Mr. Mornson discussed the improvements to the Mainstreet valuation, the investments that have been made to maintain the vibrancy of the Mainstreet and future focus on the west end of Mainstreet. Council Member Brausen commented on staying focused on the vision and mission of Hopkins. Mayor Gadd commented on the importance of staff and City Council to come together to work on the strategic plan as Hopkins moves into the future. Mr. Mornson read comments from a business that is grateful to be part of the Hopkins community. Motion by Beck. Second by Hunke. Motion to adopt Resolution 2020-006, Affirming the City of Hopkins Mission Statement and Adopting the 2020 Goals and Strategic Plan for the City of Hopkins. Ayes: Beck, Brausen, Gadd, Halverson, Hunke. Nays: none. Motion carried. OPEN AGENDA – PUBLIC COMMENTS AND CONCERNS Renee Kessler, 210 Ashley Road, commented on the financial report and management of the Arts Center deficit. Mr. Bishop discussed the levy process. Maggie Sedoff, 122 Oakwood Road, spoke about concerns of the rental property at 101 Oakwood Road. Mayor Gadd commented on the customer service process and that staff would address the concerns. HOPKINS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 18, 2020 ANNOUNCEMENTS  Next Regular City Council Meetings: Wednesday, March 4 and Monday, March 16 at 7:00 p.m. The March Work Session has been rescheduled to Tuesday, March 24 at 6:30 p.m.  Visit www.hopkinsmn.com for updates on the City Council meeting schedule. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Brausen, second by Halverson, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 7:47 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Debbie Vold ATTEST: ______________________________ __________________________________ Jason Gadd, Mayor Amy Domeier, City Clerk