IV.5. Resolution Cancelling Collection of Special Assessment on one parcel of Levy No. 20406; BishopMay 1�, ?a2�} � C'oii�i�iI Report 2�?fl-[l32 RESQLLiTIa�l CAI�CELLI�G C�LLECTID� pE SPE�IAL ASSESSViE�'T �� �VF P:�RCEL QF LEVY �iQ. ZQ�06 ProposQd Action. 5taff rec�s��mends that the Cou3�ci1 a�pro�e t}�e follc�wii��� r�iatia��: Mo�e ta ado�t Resolution ?4?fl-flZ5 Cancel�ii3� Coliectiori af Special A�sessment f�i� P1D NQ. i 9- I i 7-`� i-1 i_ -0124, for LEVY N�. ����6. Adaption �t'this motian �vil [ car�cel tl�e special assessment on tl�e property identified. Dr�err�iew: The City nf Hopk":ns follo�ved ali pro�edures with re�aras t� the Special Assessn�ent Le�_y R�rll No. ?a4DC�; l�owever, a payment for tl�e speciaf assessrne�t tor private sewer li2�e repairs was made iil fi�ll a3� No�eFi��er 13, ?fl 1�. The �a_yiz�e;�r c�id nat �et �re�ited ta t�e p�-apert_y aild the �peciai as�essnlent was �u�as�c�uznify se��t ta Ner�r�epin Cvunty to be certi�ed to the tax�s be�:i:3ni:3�: iii ?�?�. Property tax staten�ents have beeil received �y Hapkisis residents. He�liie�iil Coi�nt_y i�equires a certified resoiution to re:��ove t}�e assessnient and reissue a tax state�i7e:�t. Ti�e s�ecial �ssessmei�t caa�c�llatia:3 has ��o ti�za3z�ial i�ii�act. S��ppnrting [n�orr��:�titi��: s Resoltltion 2�?4�-�?S � -, ��-- ,� ��� � ��' �- -�_-��� il�elaiiie Ortiz Accounti��� Tec�ulicia�� CITY flF HOPKI�;S HE\\EPIV CDU�IT�', NT1�1�lES�T� RESQLUTIQI ?�2[1-D2S RES�L�ITID� �'�R CA�ICELLI�IG CDLLECTIQ�I QF SPECIAL ASSESSi1'IE11T F�R PiD �1Q. �9-1 i7-21-1 l-01Z4, LEVY \d. ?0�#OG �'VHEREAS, [�uri�a� ?� 1 S certain �r�perty ow��ers si���ed a�reet�lents petition far repair5 t� be �c,::e to their pri�ate warer a2�d sewer se�-vices; a��cl ��4 HEREAS, C�U1lC1� aC�aj7ieC� R�50IL1CI4F3 Np. �O I S-O�3 A�]�il"pVlil� S�]�CI�I A55�551Tl�lli fQt" 1�1'ate�- ai�d Se��ver Repairs 43� Pri�•ate Pro�erty; a2�d 1�'H�REAS, it was deter�isined that tlzis prope�-ry sub�nitted fiiil payment af special assessrne�it prior to certitication, �iaW THEREFQRE SE tT RES�L�rED, that tl�e City C�u�icil af tt�e City at Ho�lci�is ��ereby ❑rders special assess�i�ent f�rr �'] D N�_ ! 9-1 i 7-? S-1 1-� ] 2� Levy N�. 204a5 is Gancelied Ada�ted by tl�e City Co«s�cil af the City af Hopkins tttiis 19'}' day of May, ?[7?0. gy: .Iasar� Ciadd, Mayor ATTEST: Ai�iy Qameier, Ci[v Cl�rk