IV.6. Resolution Approving Adjustment of Special Assessment on one parcel of Levy No. 20406; BishopMay 19, ?�2�} C'oiin�il Re�ort 24?[�-[�33 RESQL�iTIQ� APPR���I:VG ADJLrST1�EVT QE SPECIAL ASSESSMEVT ��i D�iE PARCEL DF LEVY �10. ZQ��6 ProposQd Artion. 5taff reco:i�n�ends that the Cou�:cif a�pro��e t}�e tollowii�� motia�3: Mo�e ta ado�t Resolution ?Q�fl-fl2G A��ro��i�a� Ada��str��eiit of Special Assessci�ent for- P1D Nv. 4 9-1 � 7-� l- I I-QQ�4, for LEVY Na. ?��OG. Adapti��n ot'this n�«tian �v':I [ redu�e t�e special assessn�en� by �?,50[1 ��i� tlie propei-ty identified. Dr�err�iew: �"l�e City nf Hopk":ns follo�ved ali pr��edures with re�ards t� tl�e Special Assessn�ent Lev_y R�1! No. ?�4UC�; however, a partiai payment for the special assesst3ient tor private sewer line re�airs was n�ade an A�igust �7, 2�} l 4. The pa_y�i�ent did nat ��et credited ta the �rop�rty aild ti3e tull speciai assessment was �u�s�c�ues�ify se��t ta Ne�r�epii� Cvunty to be certi�ed to t�e taxes be�:i:ini:3�: iii ?�?�. Property tax staten�ents }�ave beeil recei�ed �_y Hapkit�s reside:its. He�iiie�iil Coiint_y requires a certified resoiiition to a�just tl�e assessment and reissue a tax Statement. Tije s�ecial �ssessme��t adjL�stme�3t has �a ti3za��cia� inypact. S��ppnrting [n�orr��:�tio��: s Resoi�itian 2�?t�-�?� l I� J �t f �� a-� .� !' r� � �I �_ -�C,�--�•�� ��e�31i1� OCill Accounti��� Tec�ulicia�� CITY flF HOPKI�;S HE\\EPIV CDU�IT�', NT1�1�lES�T� RESQLUTIQ'4 ?�2[1-D26 RES�L!]T1D� APPRQVI�IG ADJLJSTME�T 0� SPEC[AL ASSESSI�TEVT FQR PiD �Q. �9-1 �7-2i-t l-O�Q9, LEVY ti�. Z0�#DG �'VHEREAS, [�uri�z� ?� 1 S certain pr�perty owners sig��ed a�reetilents petition for repair5 t� be dc�:�e to their pri�ate warer a��d sewer se�-vices; a��cl ��4 HEREAS, Council a�o}�ted Resoluti�� No. �0 ! 5-083 Appro�in� Special Assessme��t far l�l�ate�- a;�d Sewer Repairs 4�3 Pri�•ate Pro�erty; a2�d WHEREAS, it was deter��3ined that tlzis prope�-ry suY��izitted partial payment of'speciai a55e55tne��t prior Ca certiticatian, �;QW THEREFQRE SE IT RES�L�rED, that tl�e City C�uricii ❑f tt�e City flt Hu�l:isis ��ereby ❑rders s�ecial ass�ss�i�ent f�rr �'� D N�r_ ! 9-1 i 7-? S-1 1-fl 1?� Levy Na. 204DG to he rediiced by �2,5Ui1. Adaptec3 by the City Co�n��il t7f th� City of Hoptcins this 1�3`h ciay of May, ?C12�1. By. .laso�� �add, Mayar ATTEST� Aniy Do�z�ei�r. �ity� Cles-k