2020-034 Approving a Four (4) Foot South Side Yard Setback Variance for the Property Located at 227 Homedale Road (PID 20-117-21-33-0068) CITY OF HOPKINS
(PID 20-117-21-33-0068)
WHEREAS,the Ciri•of Hopkins (the"Cin") is a municipal corporation,or�anir,ed and e�isting
under the la��s of the State of Minnesota;and
WHEREAS, i��att and Trish Sieh (the "Applicants") are the fee owner of 227 Homedale Road
le�;all}�dcscribcd below:
Lots 8 &9,I31ock 10 of F.A. Savages Interlachen Park Addition,Hennepin Counn�,Minnesota.
(the "Propert}�");and
WHEREAS, the Propern•is zoned R-1-C, Single ramil}'i�ledium Densit�;and
WHEREAS,the Cin�has adopted a zonin�;ordinance and other official controls for reasons that
include, but are not limired to, protecting the character of properties and areas �vithin the communiri�,
prc�moting the proper use of land and structures, fiting reasonable standards to �vhich buildings,
structures and land must conform for thc benefit of all, and prohibiung the use of buildings, structures
and lands in a manner which is incompatible with the intended use or development of lands within the
specified zones;and
WHEREAS,Arricle�T,Secrion 102-160,of the Cit}�Code requires single-famil��d�vellings in the
R-1-C district have side}'ard setback of at least 12 feet for a 2-Story�dwellin�;; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the aforementioned code pro�risions, the r'lpplicants have made a
request to the Cin� for a south side 5�ard setback variance from t�velve (12) feet to eight (8) feet in order
construct a tt��o-ston'addition to their existing detached sin�le famil}'du�elling;
WHEREAS,pursuant to i�'�innesota Statutes, section 462.357,subd. 6(2),"[v]ariances shall on15�
be permitted u�hen the}�are in harmon}'�vith the general purposes and intent of the ordinance and when
the varianccs are consistent���ith the comprehensive plan. Variances ma}'be granted�vhen thc applicant
for the ��ariance establishes that there are practical difficulties in compl}'ing�vith the zonin�;ordinance.
"Practical difficulries," as usc:d in connection with the granting of a eariance, means that the property
owner proposes to use the propert}•in a reasonable manner not permitted b�� the zc�nin�ordinance; the
pli�ht of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the propern�not created bt�the lando�vner;and
the variance,if�,�-anted,will not alter the essential character of the locality.Economic considcrations alone
do not constitute practical difficulties.";and
WHEREAS,on 1�1a��26,2020,pursuant to the procedural requirements contained in Article III,
Section 102-91 of the Cit}' Code, the Hopkins Plannin�; and Zoning Commission (the "Commission")
held a public hearing on the Applicant's requested �rariances and all persons present were gi��en an
opportunit��to be heard.'I'he Commission also took into considerarion the�vritten comments and anal��sis
of Cin�staff;and
WHEREAS,based on a re�riew of the Applicant's request and their subnlissic>n,the�vritten staff
report, and after careful considerarion of all other�vritten and oral comments concerning the requested
�-ariances, the Commission voted 6-0 to recommend the Cit}� Council approve the requested variances;
WHEREAS, based c�n a revie�v c�f the Applicant's request and their submissions, the written
staff report,the Planning&Toning Commission's recommendation and after careful consideration of all
other written and ora]comments concernin�;the requested variance,the Hopkins Cit��Council makes the
following findings of fact with respect to the aforementioned criteria provided in �7innesc�ta Statutes,
section 462.357, subd. 6(2):
1. Is the variance in harmony with purposes and intent of the ordinance?
Hi»dzn�• 71�e r�pplic�nt.reek.r n forn-(4)foot.rotrtl�.ride�yar�l sethack v��rrn�rce fi�ne b��elz�e(92)feel to ei�I�t
(8)feet TI�P prrr�io.re r�»�I inte�rt of�tbe setl�ac�Zo�aia�.rtrmdards i.r to n��zutai��.re�i�rratrorr bPh��ee�r�i���ertre.r
for�1P�zsi1��, .rafe�}�rrn�1 e.rt/reti�rea.ron.c L7 tbi.r c�.rP, tGe.rovth.rr�le of tbe.rz�bject prope��y�bn/s tl�r Cit��
ou�ned I��1e�Iarbe�l Pa�k. Inlerinchen Park coit.rr.rl.r of open.rp�rce, u bq.rketball courl, n b�r.reba/l fielrl arrd a
.r�nr�ll picnre.rheher. Gir�eu tI�P�r,re.r�nrl de.rig�r of ll�i.r pmk,grnntr�t�11�e fa�rr(4)�not.rrrle_y��rd.retbn�k
i�ll17l1I1GC q1f01N1/7�t�JP I1P'I�IJ�)0)711�IJD/IIB t0 GC fOJlY�4�fPBt CIOSPJ t0 fIIB JI7CJ7'C!I p!'OpPI�IIJ1P 17�ZII1Illllll�tldll t{JP
p�opo.rP�rnd inteJrt of�tGe.eetback stni�d�rd.r.
2. Is the variance consistent�vith the comprehensive plan?
I�rrrdin�• Tl�e pro�o,re�l fom�(4)foot.rorrth.ride p�rr�l sPtUack a�ario�rce r.r co�zri_rte��t�vitl>hot{�the 2030
Cn��rprel�eir.rive Plrr�t�nd tbe Dr�ift 2040 Col�lprel�en.rit�e Plcm— Cirllrnrrte F�apkin.c. 71re 2030
Co��r�rel�en.rrne Plr�n Fi�lnre I aizd U.re 111a���ti�Ies tJ>e.r»I ject p�bperJ��U,r I.DA—I�r�t�Den.rily
Re.rr�'e��tinl. Acco�di�ig to tGe 2030 Co»d�i�eherz.ci��e PInr1, the L.o»�Density Re.rrde�lti�rl categor��i.r rnteirrled
to�rcco�nnrodrrte.ri�rgle fanrily detached Gor>.ri�rg rrt deia.rrtie.r Get���een � a�rd 7 rr��its�er r�rre.
By ca�rparr.ro��, the llr�fl 2040 Conrprel�en.rine Plan— Cultit�nte Hopkin.r Ftrtu�e I�r�zd Ll,rell�la�gi�i�Ies
tl�e.rrrGjert p�ope��j�a.r,S���burb�n Neigl.�bo�I�oorl. Tl�i.r I�nd u.re categor��r.r cba:zrcteri�er!by 101��rl��r.rTty,ri��gle
fnnrrly rl���ell�ng.r rrndgo f ro�n:re.r. 1Vei�;l>I�a�l�oorlr in tl.�is catego�y rrre de.cigne�l��a�a�rl a��lod fc:dg�z�l st�eP1
rtetivoi;�zvr>I�goo�l acce.cr to tl�e.rtr�roitttdi»X tran,rporlatiort�7et�z�o�;�. Prvpe�fiie.r in ll�i.r ailegoi��n��relrrlit�ely
lar�e for��op�i�ts, �a�itl�nio.rt I�nt�z��g a��rple p�zrutr_ya�zls nl��l�/tr�ch�dgni���es. "T'l�e 2040 pl�ri call.r fo�• -
coiatrnuation of�the lo�v derzrity.rir�gle fanfily la�td ir.re�attF�7�nloag�1�ith nccessory�rse.r.rrrcb a.r park.r air�l
�rer��JI701'I700lI.fC�TIBCJ��7fI7I1C 1111C�lll.ft/tHt10lICII/fTe.f. Gl'!7/IfliJg f�>P Y�Cftll.ftCl�1�CIl'1l111CC)17If 9)I!l1J1fl1111 II>P 1/ZfP11lIell
.rin�le fanlily xse a�ad�'e�r.rity req�urenient.r c�lle�l fii�rn bot1�tl�e 2030 nnd 2040 con�piebe�7�ir�e pla�z.r
3. Does the proposa] put propert}�to use in a reasonable manner?
Findi�7R• 7��e propo.r�l�vor�Irl p�st 11�e.rirl j�rt property to»,re in a rea.connble»��rir��er. I l�e pro�o.red t��rin�zce
���ould nllo�v con.r�i7rcli��1�o�'�secoi�d.rta�y ndditrorr to tl�e exi,rii���.ri��gle fanir��honre ei�l�t(8)feet fro��r tl�e
so»t/�e�7r�iro�er�y. ,S'taff fi�rds tl�i.r is reasonablegiveir tbe abrrttrirg p�o�iefly to tbe.ror�tb is n city��A�k
pri�innily u.re�l fo,�opP�,spaa�. A.r a�.rz�11, tbere���ill!�e no��i.rible or noticenhle r��rpnct on eilGer tbe park or
11>e sunoun�'a���re.cide�atinl p�opertr�.r.
4. Are there unique circumstances to the propert��not created b��the lando�mer?
�ii��li���• 'I'bere r�re tri�i�ue circ»m,rta�tce.r 101be�ropP��/{�a1 u�ere»o�created l�y 1he larzdola�ner: 1�7 lhi.r
ccr.re, tbe original f�lat c���rted a�i�j�ou>>terl pr�blic�m�on tl�e.rnntc�sidP of�tl�e.ruUject p�o�e��u�l>ere t{�P
v�aria�tce rs��qrrr.rt�rl. A.r n��ntra��d abot�P, S7J1CP tI>P ClllfllCP/If�l11i�I.C�17JI/!!l'II1��rsed for ope�t.c�ac�, th�rr
11�ZII I7P 110 TISI�7IL'01"YIOt!!'PQI7IP 1111�JClCJ 011 elJIJPI'tIJP p117i� O7'/IJP.c��n��a�din�re.rzdential praperties.
5. Will the variance,if�ranted,alter the essential character of the localit}'�
Fri�rlin�.• Gr�rn/i�7�ll�e re��re.rted>>arimrre u.r11 n�1 niter tl�e e.rseitti��l cb�rracte�-of tl�e sir�roz��rrlin�
�lei�l�borhood II�e pro�o,red.ro�iJh.rirle_��mrl.cPtb��ck a�a�znrtce�vill nllo�v r�2-s1oi��arldi/ro»to tl�e exi.rti�r�
si�r�IP f r��iil���lil�elliitg to be locr�te�l fo�rr feet do.rer to t/>e_ro»tbc��yr�i�pc�rtj�. .S'rncP tbe abtrttiitg f��npe���to t/�e
So„t!�rs�p�,l�l«p��k p,r»>�,�ly ILfel�f0/'O�ell Jp�]GP� IIJPJ P 117I��7C 110 7'1J1I)IC 0l'/IOl7CPl1�7IP IAIpQC/011 tI>P
NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hopkins that
the recitals set forth in this Resolution are incorporated into and made part of this Resolution, and
more specifically, constitute the express findings of the City Council.
NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Hopkins that based on the findings of fact contained herein, the City Council of the City of Hopkins
hereby approves the Applicant's requested variance.
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins this 2"d day of June 2020.
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my Domeier, City lerk Jason Gadd, ayor