2020-049 Resolution Appointment Election Judges for the November 3, 202 General Election CITY OF HOPKINS
WHEREAS, Minnesota Election Law 204B.21 requires that persons serving as election
judges be appointed by the City Council at least 25 days before the election.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Hopkins City Council that the following election judges are
on file in the office of the City Clerk and should be appointed as the General Election Judges for
November 3, 2020; and
Jennifer Allard Christopher Gilson Marlene McEwan
Ann Anderson James Green Meghan Mclnerny
Bill Arthur Emily Grodzik Laurie McNeill
Mollie Atkins Patrick Guire Theresa Melles
Kimberly Bachand Kristin Hanneman Sonja Milkovich
Mary Baker Jane Heimerl Nathan Miller
Kari Bakke Ryan Hemauer Rachel Molepske
Cathy Baldwin Lydia Hemmer Micayla Moore
Andrew Balira Amy Hendrickson Rosetta Muhammaz
Anne Bartow Charles Hendrix Ben Mullen
Holly Bayer Katherine Hiegel Karen Murrary
Romaine Bechir PETER HIRSCH Lisa Nelson
Tom Behnke Brynn Hirsch Hazel Nelson
Shel Berg William Horner Sarah Nesset
lennifer Berman Jordyn Horvath Roni Neymark
Kristen Bethke Polley Howell Kathleen Noll
Gloria Bjerke Mark Iris Karen Norum
Bryon Bougie Judy Johnson Will O'Berry
Mary Kay Brokaw Bill Johnson Dana OBrien
Jane Campbell Todd Kalk Allen O'Leary
Ivan Cardona Bonita Kearns Catherine 0'Neil
Zachary Chelikowsky Ava Keller-Brude Patrick Patrias
dawn cruze Jacki Kesterton Susan Pauly
William Dahlgren Jessica Klugman Yolanda Pauly
Maureen Davis Axel Kornfuehrer Kathleen Pfaendtner
Peter Demarest Mark Krafve Cynthia Pratt
Cyndie DeRidder Terri Kruger ponald Rademacher
Sophia Desanto Lyndsey LaGrange Laura Ranweiler
Peggy DeVaan Lisa Lang Sarah Ruhland
Kent Dolphay First Name Last Name Ethan Ryan
Carol Dunn lillane Lawrence Linnea Schmidt
Douglas Dyrland Briana Lee Kristopher Schmidt
Trica Falk Peter Leih Karla Schmitt
Baileigh Faust-Johnson John Lillibridge S. Ella Shaw
Rebecca Freese Rebecca Luxford Patrick Solomon
Patrick Gambill-Read Robert Mader David Specken
5usan Gauthier Andrew Marlow Jane Specken
Whitney Storvick lulie Trombley
Lisa Stroessner Ann Van Sickle
Kate Summers Emily Waitz
Patricia Sykes Mark Weber
Tony Tallman Kody Williams
Michelle Tanner Jenifer Williams
Caitlin Tegels Laura Wolfson
Jeanne Terhaar Jodi Woodruff
Whitney Terrill
Jackie Thoennes
Chantry Thongrasmy
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Hopkins City Council also appoints other
individuals and all members appointed to the Hennepin County Absentee Ballot Board as
authorized under Minnesota Statute 204B.21, subd 2 under the direction of the Hennepin County
Election Manager to serve as members of the Hopkins Absentee Ballot Board; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is with this, authorized to make any
substitutions or additions as deemed necessary.
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins this 6`" day of October 2020.
ason Gadd, Mayor
Amy Domeier, City Clerk