CR 08-068 Results of Cambridge Street Traffic StudyHOPKINS July 11, 2008 Council Report 2008 -068 Proposed Action Staff to install additional traffic control at Texas Avenue and Cambridge Street. No Council action requested. Overview In accordance with Legislative Policy 8 -A, the petitioned traffic study for Cambridge Street has been completed. The study finds that traffic volumes, while well within the capacity of the street, are influenced by Hwy 7 cut through traffic. The following charts show the combined, eastbound, and westbound traffic counts by speed and time. As can be seen on charts, nearly all eastbound traffic is at or near the speed limit of 30 mph (yellow line). In contrast, 16% of the westbound traffic is going 40 mph or faster (red line). Both volumes and speeding are at their highest during the noon and late pm rush hours. We recommend installing a no right turn sign on southbound Texas Avenue at Cambridge Street to reduce the number of cut through vehicles and speeders on Cambridge Street. The no right turn would be in effect from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday only. Additionally, we recommend installing a no U turn sign to prevent drivers from making a U turn and then a left turn onto Cambridge Street. This signage may have the impact of pushing some traffic onto Oxford and Lake Streets. However, because these streets do not have signals at Blake Road, vehicles attempting to make left turns onto Blake will have a very difficult time. This should moderate any impacts to these streets. We will be conducting traffic counts before and after the signs are installed to measure the impact on these streets. Residents on Cambridge Street will need to access their properties from Blake Road during these hours. We have been in contact with the lead petitioner and other residents and the response to our study and recommendation has been positive. Supporting Information • Traffic Count Charts ohn R. Bradford, P. City Engineer GLTY OF Results of Cambridge Street Traffic Study Financial Impact: 10 Budgeted: Y/N N/A Source: Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: 160 140 120 100 as 80 U 0 z 60 40 20 0 0: )0 -20 Cambridge Street Speed Counts Combined 6:00 12 :00 18 00 0:p0 6:00 12 00 1800 Time of Day 0:00 6:00 12:00 18 00 0: )0 <30 MPH 35 MPH — >35 MPH —All Speeds 90 80 70 60 50 L V 40 0 z 30 20 10 0 -10 Cambrige Road Speed Counts Eastbound Time of Day 0:30 6:00 1200 18 ;00 0:00 6:00 12 ;00 1800 0:b0 6:00 12 ;00 18;00 0: 30 <30 MPH 35 MPH —+ — >35 MPH All Speeds 80 70 60 50 i 40 0:1 0 0 z 30 20 10 0 -10 0: Cambridge Street Speed Counts Westbound Time of Day <30 MPH 35 MPH -�-- >35 MPH All Speeds;