CR 2004-121 Zoning Ordinance Amendment-Site Plan Review G\li OF . July 29,2004 ~ Council RepOli 04-121 i-fOPK1N5 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - SITE PLAN REVIE'V Proposed Action. Staff recommends the following motion: Move to adopt Resolution 04-58, recommending approval of Ordinance 03-913, to amend the zoning ordinance to add a site plan review ordinance for first reading. Overview. In the summer of 2003 the Planning C0111111ission and the City Council reviewed a site plan review ordinance at a work session. The reason for this discussion was the criteria that requires a conditional use pennit (CUP) to review proposed developments. This discussion has focused around the threshold of requiring a CUP if the cost of the exterior improvements is over $150,000. There have been criticisms that applicants take out several permits so as not to trigger the $150,000 threshold and have to go before the PlaIming C0111mission and City Council for approval. The proposed process would be a site plan review process for new construction and additions without a dollar amount. The review process will be very similar to the CUP process that is . currently done, but there will be an oppOliunity to review a few more improvements that were in the section under the $150,000 threshold. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the ordinance at their November 2003 meeting. The City Council reviewed the site plan ordinance at their December 9th work session and their June 8, 2004, work session. HBCA reviewed the proposed ordinance at their July 8, 2004, meeting Primary Issues to Consider. . Should the City change to a site plan approval process? . Tfthe City changes to a site plan review process, what should be the requirements? Supportin2 Documents. . Analysis of Issues . Resolution 04-58 . Ordinance 04-913 '\ . Financial Impact: $ N/A Budgeted: YIN Source: - Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: CR04-121 Page 2 . Primary Issues to Consider. . Should the City change to a site plan approval process? The site plan review process will be very similar to the existing conditional use process, but will allow the City to review some projects or developments that in the past did not require a reVIew. . If the City changes to a site plan review process, what should be the requirements? The following are the requirements for a conditional use pennit: A conditional use pennit is required for the following: l. The proposed use is specified as a conditional use, provided that a new conditional use pemIit or amendment to an existing conditional use permit shall not be required for i) remodeling or improvement to the interior of an existing conditional use that does not change the nature or increase the intensity of such use, or ii) changes in an . existing conditional use that are detennined to be non-significant under the provisions of subdivision 15 of this ordinance. 2. The proposed use is listed as requiring, under either the general or special provisions of this code, a conditional use permit; or 3, The building pennit requested is for a new constmction or for the enlargement, remodeling or repair of the exterior of any existing building, including structures accessory thereto, at the cost of at least $150,000, except one through four-family structures. The cost shall be determined by the building inspector using the latest published state building code valuation data. If a building pennit application docs not meet one of the above requirements and the pennit involves exterior improvements, the planning department does an administrative review for zoning compliance of the improvements. The following are other types of requirements that can be used: In researching the thresholds other cities use to review developments, none use a dollar amount as a threshold for a review. This discussion brings up another topic, on whether the . CUP process is the conect procedure to review and approve developments. None of the cities reviewed uses a CUP process for approving developments. Other cities use a site plan approval process. CR04-121 Page 3 . It appears that the cities use certain actions to require a site plan approval and then have exceptions to that. The following seem to be the requirements many of the cities use to require a site plan review: 1. Construct a building. 2. Move a building to any lot within the city, 'l Expand or change the use of a building or parcel of land or modify a building, :J. accessory structure, site or land feature in any manner, which results in a different intensity of use, including the requirement for additional parking. 4. Grade or take other actions to prepare a site for development, except in conformance with a pennit or an approved plan. 5. Remove earth, soils, gravel or other natural material from or place the same on a site, except in conformance with a permit or an approved plan. Examples of the C0111mon exceptions cities use are the following: l. Construction or alteration of a single or two-family residential building or accessory building on a lot zoned for residential use. 2. Enlargement of a building by less than ten (10) percent of its gross floor area, provided that there is no variance involved and also provided that the director of plamling has conducted an administrative review. 3. Changes in the leasable space of a multi-tenant building where the changes do not . intensify the use or require additional parking. 4. Modifications, additions, or enlargements which do not increase the gross floor area of the building by more than 25 percent and which do not involve a variance from the provisions of this zoning code may, at the discretion of the city manager, be exempted from some, or all, of the procedures for building and site plan approval. In these instances an administrative site plan review shal1 be performed and suitable documentation of such be placed in the property file. The city may require such improvements as deemed necessary to meet the intent and standards of this code and to maintain or improve the quality of the existing site plan. 5. Changes in the use of leasable space in single or multi-tenant buildings where the change of tenant does not intensify the use of such space nor require additional parking or result in an inability to maintain the required perfomlance standards, G. Expansion of parking not related to modification, addition or enlargements to the gross floor area of an existing building. 7. Construction of structures or buildings accessory to a pennittcd or conditionally permitted use within the respective zoning district when such accessory use is also pennitted in said district. Altematives. 1. Approve the amendments to the zoning ordinance, By approving the amendments to the . zoning ordinance, the City will now use a site plan review ordinance to review new developments. 2. Deny the amendments to the zoning ordinance. By denying the amendments to the zoning CR04-] 21 Page 4 . ordinance, the City will continue to use a conditional use pennit process to review new developments. If the City Council considers this aItemative, findings will have to be identified that support this alternative. 3, Continue for further infonnation. If the City Council indicates that further infonnation is needed, the item should be continued. . . CITY OF HOPKINS . Hennepin County~ Minnesota RESOLUTION NO: 04-58 RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE TO ALLOW A SITE PLAN REVIEW ORDINANCE WHEREAS, an application for Zoning Amendments ZN03-8 has been made by the City of Hopkins; WHEREAS, tbe procedural history of the application is as follows: 1. That an application for zoning amendments has been made by the City of Hopkins; 2. That the Hopkins Zoning and Plamling Commission published notice, held a public hearing on the application and reviewed such application on November 25, 2003: all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard; 3, That the written comments and analysis of City staff were considered. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application for Zoning Amendments ZN03-8 is hereby approved based on the following Findings of Fact: 1. That the proposed amendments protect the hL:alth, safety, and welfare of the community. Adopted this 4th day of August 2004, - Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor ATTEST: Terry Obel111aier, City Clerk . . CITY OF HOPKJNS Hennepin County, Minnesota ORDINANCE NO. 2004-913 AN ORDINANCE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROTECTING THE PLANNING PROCESS AND THE HEALTH, SAFETY, AND WELFARE OF CITY RESIDENTS BY REGULATING THE SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCESS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Subsection 525.13, Subd. 2, ofthe Hopkins City Code is hereby amended as follows: 525.13. Subd, 2. A conditional use pennit is required whenever: a) the proposed use is specified as a conditional use, provided that a new conditional use permit or amendment to an existing conditional use pe1111it shall not be required for I) remodeling or improvement to the interior of an existing conditional lIse that does nol . change the nature or increase the intensity of such use, or II) changes in an existing conditional use that are dete1111ined to be non-significant under the provisions of Subdivision 15 of this ordinance. b) the proposed use is listed as requiring, under either the general or special provisions of this code, a conditional use pennit; or c) the building pennit requested is for n ne'.\' construction or for the enlargement, remodeling or repair of the extelior of any existing bailding including slructJrcs nccessory thereto, at the cost of at lellst $150,000 except on throagh four family structures, the cost shall be detemlined by the building inspector using the latest published state building code valuation data. 525,13 SubcJ. 1. Special case: application andcr subdivision 2c. The application for uny building pemlit for the constrLlction or alteration set forth in subdivision ?c shull include 6f--&!*!cifyat lellst the follo\ving additional infon11ation, and u copy such :.:tpplication n~lIst be attached to and accompany the application for the conditional ase pennit: a) exterior elevations of the proposed stracture; b) height, size, design and appearance of all elevations of the proposed building or addition facetin,; any pablic thoroughfare or other area owned or opernted by the . public; c) description of the construction and thc material proposed to be ased; . d) grade of the lot in relation to the street; e) location and sarfacing of all proposed parking facilities; f) location of proposed building or addition on such lot; g) all access to public sidewalkG, streetG and alloys available to Occ'Llpants and users; afltl h) description of the function plan or the proposed structure when erected. SITE PLAN REVIEW The following subsection 526 is hereby enacted and adopted as pmi of the Hopkins City Code. 526.00 Purpose. This section establishes site plan review procedures and provides regulations pertaining to the enforcement of site design standards consistent with the requirements of this section. These procedures are established to promote high quality development to ensure the long-temI stability of residential neighborhoods and enhance the built and natural environment within the city as new development and other areas . redevelopment activities occur. The specific goals of the city are: 1. To ensure the application of quality design principles within new and redevelopment projects. 2. To protect the long-tenn public interest by ensuring the intemal and extemal relationship of propeliy improvements. 3. To ensure the active pariicipation and review of site plans by the affected public. 4. To mitigate to the extent possible adverse impacts of one development upon another. 5. To ensure new development contains elements of inte111al cohesiveness to promote good neighborhood atmosphere. 6. Implement the Comprehensive Plan. 7. Promote the orderly and safe flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. S, Protect public safety" 526.01 Site Plan Review. Subdivision 1. Purpose. It is the intent of this section to serve the public interest by promoting a high standard of development within the City. Without first obtainin,g site plan approval it shall be unlawful to do any afthe following: a) construct or enlarge a building, . b) move a building to any lot \vithin the city; . c) expand or change the use of a building or parcel of land or modify a building, accessory stmcture or land feature in any manner which results in a greater intensity of use, including the constmction of additional parking. Suhd. 2. Exceptions. Notwithstanding the provision of Subdivision 1 of this section, the followinS!, shall not require site plan approval: a) changes in the leasable space of a multi-tenant building where the change does not intensify the use, require additional parking, or result in an inability to maintain req uired perfomlance standards as specified in subsection 18 of this ordinance; or b) the construction, enlargement, or the moving into the City, of one-through four- family structures. c) enlargement of a building by less than 20 percent of its gross floor area, provided that there is no variance involved, that the Planning Department has conducted an administrative review and the enlargement is under 10,000 square feet. d) Reconstruction, rep lacement, and remodeling of materials on less than 50 percent on any part of the exterior of a building. . 525.13 Subd, 3. Application. The application for a site plan review must contain at least the 1'0 Ilowin g data: The Planning department may waive inclusion of one or more of the items ifnot relevant to an individual application: a) a plat or map of the property showing the proposed improvements prepared by a Registered Land Surveyor; b) existing site plan; c) site plan showing location of all buildings and structures with dimensions; d) complete landscaping plans reflecting all information and standards set f011h in the adopted city landscape ordinance, including species and showing planting size, pathway system, width and material, screening fences with detail, lighting system, and recreational features, if any; e) drainage plan indicating existing and proposed drainage pattems showing catch basins and underground improvement; f) utility systems for sanitary sewer, water, gas, telephone, and electric which shall all be underground for new construction and indicating public or private . ownership of utilities; . g) off-street parking, drives and access plan; h) off-street loading plan, if any is necessary; i) such other info11nation as may be required by the Plmming department. j) location of trash container, screening and type of material for screening of the trash container and pick-up plan k) plan for adjustment to existing right-of-way, easements, utilities and nevv dedications; and I) architectural plan showing elevations, entrances, heights, floor plans and material to be used on the exterior. 111) exterior elevations of the proposed structure; n) height, size, design and appearance of all elevations of the proposed building or addition facing any public thoroughfare or other area owned or operated by thc public; 0) description of the constmctioll and the material proposed to be used; . p) grade of the lot in relation to the street; q) iocation and surfacing of all proposed parking facilities; r) location of proposed building or addition on such lot; s) all access to public sidewalks, streets and alleys available to occupants and users; t) description of the function plan or the proposed structure when erected; u) stoIll1Water management plan; v) potential for adversely affecting historic places or affecting known or discovered archeological sites. w) areas requiring environmental review under state or federal law; x) potential of affecting threatened or endangered species or their habitat. y) temporary and pel111anent erosion control and sediment plan; . Subd. 4. Filing. Applications for site plan review shall be filed with the Planning department with such filing fee as may be from time to time established by resolution of . the City Council. The request shall be considered as being officially submitted and complete when the applicant has complied with all the specified infoTInation requirements. Subd, 5. Ownership. The applicant shall supply proof of ownership of the property for which the site plan approval is requested or supply wlitten authorization from the owncr(s) of the property in question to proceed with the requested site plan approval. Subd. 6. Additional infol111ation. The Plmming Commission, City staff, and City Council shall have the authority to request additional infonnation from the applicant concerning operational factors or to require expe11 testimony with the consent and at the expense of the applicant concerning operational factors. Said infonnation is to be declared necessary to evaluate the request and/or to establish perf0l111ance conditions in rc lation to all pertinent sections of this subdivision. Failure on the pm1 0 [ the applicant to supply all necessary supportive infonnation may be grounds for denial of the request. Subd. 7. Expiration. A site plan review expires one year after it has been issued unless the use for which the pennit had been ~ranted is in effect. Extensions may be granted provided the applicant submit a letter to the Plamung department requesting an extension 30 days before the expiration of said approval. The letter shall state the facts of the request, showing a ~ood-faith attempt to utilize the approval, and it shall also state the additional time being requested to begin the proposed construction. The Planning . Department may grant the extension jf it is determined that construction will be commenced within the one-year extension period. Only one slIch extension may be granted. A second request for a time extension shall be presented to the City Council for consideration. Subd. 8. Public hearing. At least ten (10) days before the date of a public hearing a notice of said hearing shall be mailed to the owners of all prope11y within t11ree hundred fifty (350) feet of the subject property. The assessing records shall he deemed sufficient for dete1l11ining the location and ownership of all such properties. The notice of public hearing shall include the time and place of the hearing, the specific request to be considered, any proposed use of the propelty different than its existing use, the legal description of the property, the propelty's street address, and the property's current zoninQ, classification if applicable. The Planning Commission shall hold the public hearing on the application at its first regular meeting following appropriate legal notice. The alJ111icant and/or his representative shall appear before the PlmminQ, Commission at th1s hearing to answer questions regarding the request. Subd, 9. Commission recommendation Within fifty (50) days following the submission of a completed application for a site plan review, the Plalming Commission shall forward a recommendation on the application to the City Council, and it shall recommend approval of the application as submitted, approval of tIle application subiect to certain modifications or conditions therein, or disapproval of the application. The Commission's . recommendation shall be in resolution form stating said finding of fact in SUPP0l1 or opposition to the request as filed or amended. If no action on an application is taken by . the Planning Commission within fifty (50) days and there has been no delay caused or requested by the applicant, or the City has not notified the applicant the item will be continued [or up to an additional 60 days, the application shall be forwarded to the City Council without comment. Final approval of the site plan requires a simple maiority vote of the City Council. Subd. 10, Specific proiect. Site and building plans shall be valid only for the proiect for which approval is granted. Constmction of all site elements shall be in substantial compliance with the plans and specifications approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. Subd. 11. Multiple applications. Any site plan review application, which is accompanied by a request for a conditional use permit, variance, Comprehensive Plan amendment, preliminary/final plat and/or for a zoning map amendment to this ordinance shall be considered by the Plmming Commission concurrently with the site plan review application. Subd. 12. Conditions. The Planning Commission and City Council may impose conditions in granting approval to the site and building plans to promote the intent of this section or to protect adjacent properties, Subd. 13. Preliminary concept plan. The applicant may request a preliminary meetin~ . with the Commission in connection with a site plan review application to explore the concept ideas and all other peliinent general infomlation. The request shall be accompanied with at least the infonnation as required by the Planning department. Subd. 14. The Planning Commission may recommend and the City Council may impose such conditions and restrictions as deemed necessary to protect the public interest and to secure compliance with the requirements of the ordinance. The conditions may include the execution and submission of a development agreement with a supporting financial guarantee that the subiect propcrty will be constructed, developed and maintained in conformance with the plans, specifications and standards. Subd. 15. Development agreement. A site plan review approval may be conditioned upon a development agreement to be signed by the City and the developer. Any costs incurred in preparing the development agreement are the responsibility o[the applicant. Subd. 16. Amendments. Holders of an approved site plan may propose amendment to the plan at any time following the procedures for a new review as set forth in this section, except where administrative approval lllay be granted by the Planning Department. No si gnificant changes in the circumstances or scope of the site plan shall be undertaken without approval of those amendments by the City. The Planning depmiment shall deteml1ne what constitutes significant change. Changes include, but are not limited to, expansion of structures and/or premises, different and/or additional signage, operation or . modification resulting in increased extemal activities, the location, sitting and heights for bui Idings and structures, landscape plan, traffic or other circumstances not foreseen at the . time the final plan was approved. The Plmming Commission may recommend, followinl!: the procedures for hearing and review set forth in this section, and the City Council may approve significant changes and modifications to the site plan, including the application of additional or revised conditions, Subd. 17. Evaluation Criteria. The Planning Commission and City COLlncil shall evaluate the effects of the proposed site plans. This review shall be based upon, but not be limited to, compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and the following standards: 525.13 Subd. 18. Standards. In evaluating a conditional use pe11l1it site plan review application and the granting of a site plan review approval, the Plmming Commission and City Council shall consider and require compliance with the following standards, conditions and requirements: a) the consistency with the elements and objectives of the City's development plan, including the Comprehensive Plan, public facilities, capital improvement plans, and any other relevant plans at the time of the request; b) consistency with this ordinance; c) creation of a hamlonious relationship of buildings and open spaces with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; . d) creation of a functional and hamlonious design for stmctures and site features, with special attention to the following: 1) an intemal sense of order for the buildings and uses of the site and provision of a desirable enviromllent for occupants, visitors and the general community; 2) the amount and location of open space and lmldscaping; 3) material, textures, colors and details of construction and expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with the adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and 4) vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in tenns of location and number of access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and anangements and amount of parking. e) promotion of energy conservation through design, location, orientation and elevation of structures, the use and location of glass in structures and the use of landscape materials and site grading; () protection of adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage sound and sight buffers, preservation of view. Light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses and; g) the use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already pemlitted, nor tend to or actually dimlnish . and impair property values within the neighborhood, . h) traffic impacts such as increases in vehicular traffic, changes in traffic movements, traffic congestion, interference with other transportation systems or pedestrian traffic, and traffic hazards shall be considered by the Planning Commission and City Council in evaluating an application for a site plan review. The applicant shall demonstrate the proposed site plan shall not cause unacceptable increases in vehicular traffic, traffic congestion or interference with other transportation systems or pedestrian traffic, and will not create traffic hazards or excessive traffic through residential areas or otherwise cause adverse effects on residential areas or dwellings. The City staff may require the applicant to submit a traffic study prepared by a traffic consultant approved by the City to demonstrate the applicant's compliance with the requirements of this paragraph. As a condition of the approval of a site plan, the City Council may require the applicant to incorporate in the applicant's proposal and construct such traffic control measures and improvements as the City Council may deem necessary, including but not limited to direction signalization, channelization, stand-by tum lanes, sidewalks, removal of access points to public streets and moving of access points to public streets. First Reading: August 4, 2004 Second Reading: August 17, 2004 Date of Publication: August 26, 2004 . Date Ordinance Takes Effect: August 26, 2004 Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor ATTEST: TelTY Obennaier, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attomey Signature Date .