CR 2004-100 Goals and Objectives
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.. c_ ,. ' CITY OF
, ,
, Council Report2004-100
June 11, 2004 HOPKINS i
. :
Proposed Action.
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion. Move to approve Resolution. 04-47.
adopting qoals and obiectives for the Citvof Hopkins for the years 2004.:.2005.
Adoption of this motion will publicly announce the Council's goals and objectiv~s for the years
2004 and 2005. Further, these goals and objectives will: befeviewed as part of the budget
processto assure resources are allocated to the accomplishment of these goals.,'
From time to time, it is wise to project goals and objectives for the community. These goals
and objectives publicly state those items that the Council wishes to accomplish above and'
beyond the normal 'programs and services provided by the City of Hopkins.
, For the past several months, the City Council has been working to coalesce around a set of
goals and objeCtives, culmipatingin the attached Resolution; ,
Staff recommends adoption of this Resolution asa way' of completing the, goals and
. objectives process. From this point will be formulated to aSSlJre completion of the goals.
Primary Issues to Consider. ..
. How were these goals and objectives arrived at?
The City Council, with the assistance of city staff, discussed various issues
affecting the City of Hopkins and determined both areas of strength and weakness
that neededto be addressed.
Supportina Documents
. Resolution 2004-047
?'i:~ C c-~ ~~ _
Steven C. Mielke, City Manager
Financiallmpact: N/A Budgeted: Y/N .. Source:
. Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.):
'( '~
City of H()pkin's .
. HennepinCounty~ . Minnesota
,; ,
.. , ..
.. " " " ,
WHEREAS, the Hopkins City Council believes it nec~ssary for 'aneffectivelocalgoveinment to'
. clearly establish its overall mission and to prescribe the goalsand objectives necessary to' '
accomplish that mission; and ' ' .
WHEREAS, the Hopkins City Council has previously adopted the folloWing Mission Statement:
. 'I " "
Partnering with the Cornniunity to,enhance the quality of life ,
. ' Inspire
. Educate
.' Involve
. Communicate
Together, all of city goyernment pledges to:
. * Continually enhance partnerships with citizens.
* Inspire citizen leadership., '
* Educate and involve citizens. >:.
* Communicate openly and effectively.
* Be responsive.
* Be fiscallyresponsible.
As a City Counci!, we pledge to:
* . Continually enhance partnerships with the staff.
* Lead in the creation of a community wide vision. '
* Set policy.
, As a city staff, we pledge to:
* Continually enhance partnerships with the City Council.
* Develop and implement long temiplans.
* Provide quality customer service that is:
- Responsive to the needs ofthe community.
- Innovative.
" " - Accessible.
. ' '
, WHEREAS, the Hopkins City Council has identified certain goals and objectives for years 2004-
:; c.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Hopkins reaffirm
the previously adopted mission statement and formally adopt the listed goals, and that the City
. Council, City Manager and staff are hereby committed to the accomplishme~t ~fthesegoals:
GoalI, , To Improve Communications and Marketing Ef'forts to Residents, Developers and
Businesses, by
IA Publishing a newsletter once amonth
IB Conducting Resident Survey .
IC Performing marketing efforts,that: '
Publicize the activities that occur at HeA to. the media
Market Hopkins to Development Community'
Attract people to town
Attract Potential Businesses to Hopkins , ."", '
ill Producing educational materials to residents to show benefits of
development including:
The benefits of new development to. the tax base
The purpose/benefitof new public facilities, " ,.,. ,
IE Supporting the All America Festival with the Raspberry Festival
IF Emphasize and Celebrate Accomplishments by:, ' ',.. " ,
Providing publicity and information about Cityaccomplishnlents
IG Conducting a Citizen Academy as' an education opportunity:
, To inform residents about how the City fuhction~ '
. Goal II More Gatherings of Council and Staff to Discu~s Current Issues and Build
I1A Survey employees to see what they think wec3n dobettef
lIB Gatherings/social events to build relationships one-O'n':"one' '
I1C Gatherings of all employees with Council
Goal III Improve the Budget Process
IlIA Pre-budget meetings with eachdept. prior to fullbudget process
III B Analyze and Consider adopting atwo~yearbudget
III C Provide a better understanding of the budgetnumbers
III DExplore new funding sources for all programs '
Goal IV ' Improve the Quality of Life in Hopkins
NA Develop up-scale senior housing project
NB Target for redevelopment sites thatare showing blight and sites that are
causing community/neighborhood degradation
N C Partner with faith community to accomplish certain goals.
N D Review the location and operations of liquor stores to reduce youth access
IV E Improve bicycle and pedestrian safety and access
. N F. Reduce Traffic congestion/volume and limit cut-through traffic
Provide and Nurture Growth of Employees, Supervisors and City Council
Goal V
r ''f.
, ' '
VA Leadership DeveloPl11ent of Employees-For Supervisors and Future
VB SupeIVisors .,,' ,
. ,Evaluation and Review of Supervisory Employees to, assure quality
leadership ", '.
VC Develop feedback ,systems/metho~s 'for, CounCil member's
VD Improve City Council training
. "
, Goal VI Provide and Nurture Citizen Growth and Development
.' , " '.
VI A Encourage citizen participation in City activities, Boards, etc.
VI B, Strengthen efforts to involve residents from rilinoritypopulations in City
Goal VII ,Meet with groups/organizations to talk about mutual areas of interest