Memo-2nd Reading 2003-916 . MEMO To: City Council From: Nancy Anderson Date: March 11, 2004 Subject: Second Reading for Ordinance 03-916 Attached is Ordinance 03-916 for second reading. This ordinance will grandfather existing vacant 35-foot lots as buildable, but will not allow the razing of a home situated on two or more 35-foot lots for the construction of new homes on one or more of the 35- foot lots. The City Council's action is to approve the ordinance for second readinq and order the ordinance published. . . . . CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County. Minnesota ORDINANCE NO. 2004-916 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS DOES HEREBY ORDAIr\ AS FOLLOWS: The Ordinance Code of the City of Hopkins is hereby amended by amending the tollowing sections: Subd. 97. Lot: means a designated parcel of land delineated upon and thereafter described by reference to a separately established and described by plat, subdivision, registered land surveyor ~r's sabdivision, or other simil:1r recorded dedicatory docLlment. as otherwise permitted l'!.l law. "Lot" also means and refers to any single parcel of land that is assigned an indi\'idu<lJ propcliy identification number [or real estate taxation puqJoses. (Amend\:d Ore/' 1\'0, <)4-74~) (Amcnded Ord. No. 2000-833) (Amended Ord, No, 2004-916) Subd. lOG, Lot of record: part of a recorded platted subdivision, or parcel or l~lHtl--+H€ tleed to \\'hich was recorded means a lot, the legal description ofw'hich was lmvfully established prior to August 11, 196G, in the office o[the Hennepin County recorder or registrar of titleS, ~l1lli . which has lot lines identical to those described as of August 11, 1966, (Amended Orc!, No, 2004- 916) 520,05. Lot provisions. Subdivision 1. Grandfather. A lot ofrecord located in the R-2, R-J, R- 4, R-5 or R-G uistricts which does not meet the minimum requirements set [011h in this code as to area and dimensietts lot width for the district in which it is located, may be used for a singk family detached dwelling provided that the width of such lot is not less than 40 feet flRfi said lot I I contains iE. at least 5,000 square feet in area and otherwise meets the requirements of this cadi':, [[such A lot of record located is in the R 1/\, R-l-B, R-I-C or R-I-D districts;-tt, which do~ not meet the minimum area or lot \\i'idth requirements of this code may be Hfi-J.i.T.ett used fl.')r ~I single famlly detached dwelling provided the area and \vidth of said lot ts are not less Ihall t\\ u- thirds of the minimLlm~ reftl:tife+R€Hts required for such use in the district wi+1+i+r in which SUdl lot is located and the Jot otherwise meets the requirements ofthis code, A Jot ofrecorcl located in the R-I-E distr'ct~ which does not mcet the minimum area requirements of t]lis code m~lY be utilized used for a single family detached dwelling provided the area of said 101 is not less than one-half of the minimum requirements for slIch use in the R-] -E district!i within '.\4tt8t-sltt:4t-ID1-i-s .J.e€ilfeJ Jnd the lot otherwise meets the requirements of this code, A lot of record located in the R-l-A districts 'vvhich does not meet the minimum area or lot "vidtll requirements or this code may be used for a single family detached d\velling provided the width of such 101 is not less I than 40 feet, the area of sllch lot is not less than 2/3 of the minimum area required in the R-l-A districts and the lot otherwise meets the requirements of this code. In addition, a lot of record . located in the R-l-A districts which does not meet the minimum area or lot width requirements I t!IJl~s cOl]e alldJws no buildill!! located on...iLi10 or Mprch 2~, 2()(14. l1lay he lIsed 1'(\1 d ';IIJSk . . t~l1l1 il y dct~l(' hed dwell i ng provided: a) such lot is not less than 35 feet in width. b) the area (} r I sllch lot is not less than 2/3 of the minimum area required in the R-] -A districts, c) the lut otherwise meets the requirements of the code, and d) construction of a single family detached dwelling on such lot will not cause any contiguous lot or any structure located thereon to fail to meet the requirements of this code. (Amended Ord. No. 87 - 572 and Orc!, No, 04-9]6) First Reading: March 3, 2004 Secoml Reading: March 16, 2004 Date of Publication: March 25,2004 Date Ordinance Takes Effect: March 25, 2004 Eugene 1. Maxwell, Mayor A TrEST: Terry Obcrmaier, City Clerk . APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: - City Attomey SibJnature Date c "('pei," lrd/ll"l1cc52()05 .