Memo - 2005 Budgets, General Fund Issues CITY OF HOPKINS . MEMORANDUM Date: November 30, 2004 To: Mayor & City Council From: Christine Harkess, Finance Director Re: 2005 Budgets ~ General Fund Issues The following are items in the 2005 General Fund Budget where questions were raised and for which we need a resolution prior to the 2005 Truth-in- Taxation Hearing that is set for Monday, December 13, 2004. . Assessing Department - Increased in 2005 budget as compared to 2004 . Municipal Building ~ Budgeted for one additional employee . Fire Department ~ Details on the budgeted increases . Public Works - Details on the budgeted increases . Planning & Zoning Details on budgeted increases . Fire Inspection Revenues - Question on why 2005 budgeted revenues weren't higher than . 2004 and where the fire inspection revenues budgeted . Contingency - Reduced to $150,000 following the 11/16/04 councll work session . Tax Levy - Reduced by $59,640, the amount of the contingency reduction. This reduces the tax levy to a 5.64% increase overall. The city tax rate actually decreased by 13.42% . City of%pkins 1010 :first Street Sout/i · 1WpK:l-nsJ 9.f2{. 55343-7573 · Plione: 952-935-8474 · :JaJ;;' 952-935.1834 'JilJel1 ai/ress: www./iopfJnsmn.com DATE: November 18, 2004 TO: Mayor & City Council ~ FROM: Christine Harkess, Finance Director C i RE: Additional Information on 2005 General Fund Budget Attached is an analysis of the 2005 Budgeted General Fund departments in which questions were raised at the November 9th council work session. The attached analysis looks at the actual and budgeted expenditures for those five departments for the years 2001 to 2005. This multi year analysis shows how the council and staff responded to the budget crisis of 2003 & 2004 and explores in further detail the basis for the 2005 budget requests. Questions were also raised regarding the fire inspection fees and where those are recorded. That issue has been research also and that info is included in the analysis. In addition, there is attached two memos - one from Fire Chief Beckering explaining in further detail the budget changes in the Fire Department, and one from Public Works Director Stadler providing more detail on the job duties of the requested additional employee. . Upon review of these materials I invite you to contact me with any questions you may have. At the November 30th work session we will be finalizing the 2005 General Fund Budget and the 2005 Proposed Tax Levy in preparation for the December 13th Truth-in-Taxation Public Hearing. Final approval of the 2005 budgets for all funds and the tax levy is scheduled for December 21 st. . Parmering with tlie Community to 'EMance tfie Quality of Life + Inspire + 'Ecfucate +Invo[ve + Communicate + . 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Hopkins Fire Department From the Desk of the Fire Chief Date: 11/11/04 To: Kristine Harkess, Finance Director From: Don Beckering, Fire Chief RE: ERP The additional $56, 843 in the Fire Suppression budget are as follows: $3,615-ln Salaries and Employee Benefits Roughly a 2% increase Lori added this to the budget. . $13,400-ln General Supplies Our past 3 year average was $18,635. We adjusted budget to better reflect the actual cost and the additional $6,365 was added to cover the increase in space and general supply issues at the new fire station. $3,500-ln Maintenance-Structures This was added to cover additional maintenance costs with more overhead doors, HV AC, etc. $$5,SOO-ln Expert and Professional Services This was added to cover this year's OSHA required firefighter physicals. $2,800-ln Other Contractual SelVices This was added to cover inspection costs for elevators, boilers, HVACs, etc. $3,SOO-ln Telephones-Cellular Our past 3 year average was $7,731. We adjusted budget to better reflect the actual cost. $11,OOO-!n Radio Contract . 11/11/04 Confidential 1 . This is our portion of the maintenance contract for the new radio system. $10,OOO-ln Other Equipment This is for a floor sweeper and scrubber to be use to maintain the apparatus floor at the new station. The remaining $3,538 reflects a slight increase in various budget codes in the Fire Suppression Division. In the Fire Prevention Division the additional $28,629 was added to cover the costs of the fulltime Fire Chief/Fire Marshal. There was a need to increase the current fire marshal budget to allow us to attract a good candidate. If you or the council have any other questions, please let me know. DB . . 5/31/04 Confidential 2 .- ------