Memo - Shady Oak Road Reconstruction Update . Public Works Department Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Copy: Jim Genellie, Acting City Manager qh From: Steven J. Stadler, Public Works Director Date: October 22, 2004 Subject Shady Oak Road Reconstruction Update Background At the August 31 work session City Council was shown a traffic simulation and the results of the traffic study based on the expected year 2025 traffic forecast and 3-lane . and 4-lane road design options. With the 3-lane design, the traffic simulation clearly showed northbound pm peak hour traffic backing up into the Excelsior Boulevard intersection. The 4-lane option functioned adequately under all conditions. The general consensus of the City Council was that a 4-lane design was the only realistic option in order to prevent unacceptable traffic queues along the corridor. Hennepin County is recommending 4 lanes. Staff was informed by Hennepin County that this project has slipped to 2008 or 2009 construction. It's anticipated that reconstruction of Shady Oak Road south of Excelsior Boulevard will begin in 2007. Minnetonka City Council approved the preliminary layout of this segment on October 18, 2004. Road Alignments Attached are several layouts for potential alignments along the corridor. The alignments can be separated into options for the north half and the south half. Staff has determined that there can only be one alignment through the Shady Oak pond area due to the need to minimize wetland impacts an both sides of the road. As such, the pond area acts as a hinge point in the roadway allowing alignments from the south half to be combined with different options from the north half. land use analysis The County has agreed to hire a consultant to work with the cities on a land use . analysis. The purpose of the study is to examine the impacts of roadway alignments on nearby properties. In some cases, right-of-way acquisition might take entire properties . or leave remnant parcels that might be combined for re-development. An early study of these potential impacts is important. There are obvious reasons to look carefully at the commercial area south of Mainstreet. The land use analysis will look at the issues and the likely impacts sooner rather than later in the process. Staff has attached a copy of the work scope for the land use analysis/public process. Public Input Staff is working closely with Hennepin County and Minnetonka to develop a thorough public input process. The intention is to begin the process with a public kick-off meeting - dates being considered by the County are in the first or second weeks in December. We hope to hold the meeting in the classroom of the Hopkins Fire Station. This meeting would be called by Hennepin County and would present information such as: background information, project need, anticipated project schedule, public input process, cities involvement, etc. Staff does not intend to review specific roadway layouts or preliminary property impacts at this first meeting. Rather, the meeting is intended to present the upcoming project and solicit public input that could be helpful i during the land use analysis study and roadway alternatives. . City Council concurrence? Staff seeks City Council concurrence with the proposed public input process and the approach of looking at various options for the north and south halves of the corridor and working with Hennepin County and Minnetonka in a land use analysis of the potential impacts/redevelopment opportunities. . -. . SHADY OAK ROAD LAND USE ANAL '{SIS - WORK SCOPE Task 1 ~ Gather Base Information and Existing Conditions The purpose of this task is the assemhly of base infol111ation needed to conduct the work. In addition tu the roadway alignment altel11alives 3.ssembled by WSB. the project sponsors \vill make available various reports :md electronic information needed for the project. fnfonnation is likely to include but not be liI11ikd to GIS parcel information for the corridor. past plans and reports relative to the project aerial phCltos. iopography. wetland mapping. and property tax information_ HKGi will generate a series of maps illustrating: existing conditions and will prepare ,l map illustrating initial challenges and opportunlties based on staff input and an understanding of existing conditions, Tusk 1 Deliverable',: Mapping \Jfbase Intormation and <:xisting conditions for the project area_ Task 2 - Participate in Public Kick-OtrYJcetillg HKGi will participate in an initial Public Kick-Off \'leeting to inform the general public (res idents, land o\vncrs and busi neSses) about the proj eet and the process. HKGi wi 11 assist in preparing materials tl!r the meeting based on int~)rI11ation gathered in Task I and \vilJ assist with facilitation of portions of the meeting o.s o.ppropriatt_ Task 2 Deliverables: :Vleeting materials to inClude base mapping and/or mapping 'Jf eXIsting <2onditions_ i Task 3 - Conuuct Prelimimu:' Land Use Analysis I . Using the roadway alternatives assembled b:- W:-iB i 3 altcmatives for the northern ponion \)f the con'idor and -:2 alternatives for the southern portion vf the cOtTidor), HKGi will conduct ct series of preliminary land llse analyses resulting in ,l range of future bnd use possibilities. For each roadway alternative, considermioll will be given to the impact 011 existing llses Jnd the options felr future replacemenr and/or redcvdopl11-.:nt uses. F,)r each \)f the alternatives, impacts and 'Jpportunitics wi II be depicted in ;)oth text and g:raph ic tonl1s. Land use alternatives wil! be illustrated in a variety of ~raphic forms unu ,1 listing 01' challenges and oPPorIunitics assuciated \vith each roadvvay alternative will be dc\'eloped. fn a pre I il11inary manner. future land use concepts \\ ill also describe and i liustrate the nature ()1' potential fut ure uses rhousing, col1lmerciaL etc. ) r cmp lates of various residential and commercial building ti..otprints will be used to illustrate the form of potential development. In the southern purtion of the curridor. particular attention will be given to property acceSS and the resulting impact on lnncl use. \ t the present time. propcl1ies in this area :;enerall;/ have unconstrained ~ccc::;s to the ruadway, a situati\J!l thut will change signillcamly with the upgrading of Shady Oak P..oad. In th is area. the b nd u:,e options assoc iated \vith each of the roadway alternatives wi Ii illustrate access points and general parking cnnfi gurations needed to service remaining or newly created parcels, For each of the land use alternatives. HKGi \vill work with IIennepin County to estimate propelty ta~ implications (1[1 a preliminary basis. Task 3 D,'liverables: Deliverables will cunsist of a set 01' drawings i1lustratin!J: land use plan options for each "fthe alternatives as \vell as accnmpan:ing sketches and photos of development forms_ Ta\. i mpl ications of each of the oprions will be presented consistent with the output ot the . computer model llsed by Hennepin c.\mllty. A rabulation of positive and negative aspects of each alternative will also be assembled. 1 Shady Oak Road Llnd Use Analysis Scope 3 - \ 0/5/04 --... . Task .{ Mcet with Project Sponsors {Staff) HKG j staff \vill ITlcet with staif memhers 'Jf the project sponsors to review the information assembled In Task 3. Two meetings involvitw Hopkim; staff. 'vlinnetonb staff and representatives fi-om Hennepin County are assumed for rhis task. Based upon lhe outcome of the meetings. modii~calioilS will be made. The ollIcome of this rask \\iil! be an agreed npOI1 set ot' land use concepts corresponding to each uf the roadway alignment J.ltematives. lIKGi will prepare a written memoranuul11 that presents each of the altel11atives ftext and graphics I. depicts rhe physical and property ta:\. implications of each option, and lists the rechniccd <,ppornll1ities and cktllenges of each. The information \\iil be in :l format suitable for review by City Council"s in both comll1unities_ Tusk 4 De/iverahles: The primary deliverable of Task ~ is a comprehensive memorandum (or series of memos) that depicts and ckscrihes the alternatives being considered. Task 5 - City Council Workshop Presentutions Prinr to seeking public comments on the roachvay alignments and land use ulternatives. HKGi staff \vill meet with the Hopkills and \linnc[Onka City Councils in separate workshop meetings [Q review the outcome of the first four tasks. This review will "cellr in ,-,rder to ensure thar the Councils are comfonable with the range,f .llternatives shown for the purposes of obtaining: public cummenrs and feedback_ Bast:d on input received from each City CounciL further plan I modifications will be made as necded. Task 5 De!iverables: The work prodw:r or' Task. 5 will be a set of graphics and inf0l111a[ion suitable for presentation at public meetings (iescribed in Phase T\\o. . Task 6 - Meet with Project Sponsors 1 Staff) YIcet with project sponsor start' members ,0 review :he public involi"emellt process emd to establ ish meeting details lIneetin~ respollsibi i i ties. agenda, schedule. location, notification. etc.) The Shady Oak Road CU1Tidor has two somewhat distinct personalities. the northern pordon being rcsirlential :n character and the southern ponion being morc commercial III character. Accurclingly, efforts to involve area residel1Is. property owners and business e1perator's need to rctlect th'.'se differences. To accommodate \-arying illten~:;[s. it is suggested that the public reView pr(ICeSS include two gencr,1l meetings, one more focused on the northern portion or the corridor and Olle tixlIscd on the s,,-'utlwrn Section. Task (; ])I'lh'('}'abfi}s: Written SU 1l1l11Cl ry or IIlc(.till~ dct~lils, Tw;], 'I -- i\h' t ~'tI"ith f\ () d hi' I'll Corricl n r ~: t:1h' 1111 1 (Ien C'[,rtcluct a !"ld,li,: ml',_'lill!!. ill ~:II open hl.\lI>c ((lrlIJa[ that is j~'cw_:{.d on Ih,~ Ilorihcnl pe1rtk'n of the C'-'fi-ick'r. [II,' i\l"l';"1 prcduill i !l:1tl~'l) I\.'~i ,J('i-,ri:d ill c klrddcr, f'J-t";,;Jlt inform:lrinn ahl lut the pl:lil alkm:!\!\-',:'S \Lydl_)ped ill P]I~L;'c' (),,~, and L'olk,-.t CUllll11tnL; ami F.'<:db:\cK f-ol1nwing a brid pr(.sentaliuiI ,ibout the pi"\))ecL ~'':llel~:1 ljlL,lini!-> \\'ill be acldrc ~,;I~'.J and V1rlicipanls \\111 11:\\-c 0ppllltLlltitie~ fl_H OIV:'-Oil-on" (',1\\\"cr:,;ali\\I1'~ \\ ith !lI<.Cii amI cit"y sbtr lllembers. C (ImmellL wi 11 11,-' a.sse;l11hlccl t"t-l)ll1 noks from casll,il CUl1v<::l-sati\lll" ,1:; \\-,dl ,IS fr~)ll1 \HitlC:ll Clllllmen\s cards availiibk tu all attendees. Task 7 DdiJ"erablJ!s: SUIlln1:1ry of the cumments recei\ecl at Northern Cnrriclur Stakehnlders ., 1 . rneetmg ri . -, Sh~ldy Oak Road Laml Use Analysis - Scupe 3 10/ :'/04 --- . Task 8 - -:\-teet \"ith Southern Corridor Stakehoiders Cl1i1c1uct an open house meeting similar in format to Task 8 focused on properties in and adjacent to the southern portion of the corridor. The 'Jrganization of this session will consider the i~lct that nusiness interests will be directly affected by the projecc and adjacent resiucnti::tI neighborl10ods are likely to also have a keen ;ntercst in the plans and resulting impacts. Accordingly, this opt;:n hOllse session is likely to !~ature an l)vcrall presentation. generallluestions and opportunities tt,r one-on-one cunversations with HKGi and city staff members_ Consultant <lnd city staff members wiil need 10 be available for conversations with specific business o\vners/opcrators, some of whom are likely to either be displaced by the roadway improvements or substantially impacted by access ami uarking changes, C oml11ents will be assemb lecl fi'om notes from casual conversations , ~ - as well as tl'o111 written comments cards available to all attendees_ Task ;] Deliverable.'!: Summary of the comments received at Southern Curridor Stakeholders mecting i! , Task 9 - ;VIcet with Project Sponsors (Staff) :VIed with project sponsor staff members to discuss the Olllcome of the two open houses and to derermine if changes ro the land use concepts are ",van'anted, . \t this point in time, <ldditional detall ,)[1 the form of potential development '.\fill be assembled_ The memorandum prepared in Task -+ \Nil! be updated to include land use plan changes ::llld summaries of the input rec:..:ived in lhe publ ic open hOLlses. The open hOLlse summaries will include the stakeholder' 5 perspecti ves of the I)pportunities anJ challenges relative ,0 eacb ,)f ,he road\vay <llternatiyes <lncl resulting land I use pattems_ . Task 9 DeliFerahies: An updated proJ<::ct memorandum contalllmg a summary of all wurk completed to date including additional detail \)\1 development forms. Task 10 - YIcet with City Councils ~leet with tilt: City C oun<..:ils in both Hopkins and \Iinnetonka to present the projl.:'ct mell1or::mdul1l ,me! address questions. Depending ,)n tht;' desires of the cOll1lllunities, these mcetings could either be in a \\orkshop furmat or in a rl.'!;!:llJar City Council meeting, The role ur ] rKGi staff in the meetillg will be defined by siaffrcpresentnlives from each community. Tilsk 10 Dl'1il'l!l'II hIes: i\kdi I1g prc:-,elH:l1 i'_-'Il materials (eithel PU\\ crPoi III or !lr'~''--'II tii li(lll he,d rd [~-'rmat). 'f:bk J 1 -- COlI]pH~' nn:\1 Projcc! Report j\ fin:1! P!\ljcct rcp'_'rl (ll1C'IlWr,llldulIl) will h\.. clllllplek'd arkr r(.\-it.\vs by but}1 CilY ('nliiJI_:ik TO\'Ji 11 Dclil'r'ru/1/es: FiJ1~d l'J\ljcd l\'k'J1Hlr~II1c1\1111. Thrl.''C. lXll.IlJd hem.! l'~)py r(,/"!,-Ij Is ,1111.' tlHc'C Ci):; \vill bC' m:ldc. ctYclil::1hk illr lli'~' prnjC'cl (it i-_; ;NiUlllC'd tkit till, \.'1)/lY c;:ch \"ill be ::I\-;Ii'\lbk l() 1 ki\iKpiil CU,lllty. \\iinnc1\illLa [li1(I1-fnpkill_';.) . ~ Shl\Ll) ClJ.k ROJ.d Land 1 )S,,", Allaly,is Scup.,' J llni(\~ - . - - - - - -- ~r ~~ .. , a--._ ...~ ts CA. \ ~ c...e..d '~f~ - I 7 f\lo~ e,~cL - ~! --- --. \\-V , :-\--- - 7\~ /"\" ' . '.;\:,:- ~:-~~?~:~~;~:~ }: -'.,:' '.'r' <_ ._, _' _ _;j'. _ ":.,::"" . "~;~ ,~&."':', _" _~ :"'P __~ r 7 No.,.J,A,... eMC - ~ '^ .,-\-+ SPEE L1Mr 3C