CR 2004-158 Appoint Citizen Representatives To Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Citizen Advisory Committee
September 17, 2004 Council Report 2004-158
Appoint Citizen representatives to Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Citizen
Advisory Committee
Proposed Action.
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move that Council appoint Yvette
Christianson and Suzi Roterinq as the Hopkins representatives to the Minnehaha Creek
Watershed District Citizen Advisorv Committee.
In March 2004 City Council adopted a resolution of support for a Minnehaha Creek
Watershed District partnership to provide guidance and recommendations on policy
development, technical issues and public involvement and create a common vision and
implementation plan for the Minnehaha Creek corridor. By so doing, the district hopes
to incorporate local values and interests in its watershed plan revision. The public
process would include a citizen advisory committee, a technical advisory committee and
a policy board to oversee committee work and approve a final recommendation. City
. staff solicited volunteers via a notice in the Hopkins Highlights and two residents have
applied for the two Hopkins positions on the Committee. Both applicants appear
genuinely interested in the creek corridor based on expressed interest in preserving this
valuable water resource, use/enjoyment of the creek and education. Staff has checked
each applicant's references. Staff recommends their appointment to the Committee.
The first meeting will be held September 28 at 7:00 pm in Minnetonka City Hall.
Supportinq information.
. Resident applicat\ons for appointment
( "' I
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Steven J. Stadler, Public Works Director
Financial Impact $~ Budgeted: Y/N _n/a_ Source:
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.):
_n. __. ._ ---- ---
. Application for Appointment to Minnehaha Creek Watershed
District Commission, Committee or Task Force
Name. y~ e.. t+ ChnstlcJ...Y\ on
Home Address: I '- 0 Pcu~ ~ LtJ
Work Fax
E-Mml Address C-l<)C.- illl @ Wl1n ,e-d LL
io::J Lo..b .TechniCi
Em loyer Address. Blro \)..,~Sl ,gl;h ~t liD . i Ct, 5
t.. h lei'! p-.efrc.9!.n-ftL jt ""L-
A Jplicatioll lor A ointment to (Enter title ofCol1lmission" CDmmitlee or Task Foreel_ 01 un-t-c:cr J(l.S", Ore.
Describe your background related to any required ordesirabJe qualification listed in .Ihe Volunteer Opportunity
Notice. include any applicable experience with civic, professional or volunteer organization and other government
boards or commissions. List any awards or special recognition.
I C'--IY"\ t-l.LtrenH o+M
. .s in
c-don e.n1- .
List the reasons 'ou wantto serve on this body:
'_r: bellev' 0- heoJ-th tern i'3 v-er
+he h6."'L\'i+I 00\- .
i..C r+\.l eeo -. f-n'end.i a..Hernu;h rr
. +he, n:s. ~d e~n CU'1d CL\Y\
List Names, Addresses and Tele hone Numbers of no moretban three (3) references:
Name Address
Y\a-h t:.., -Y r it ejo A\ l; l"C\. L:~ WD b. U\ 1b C;-h-eet- ~ ,,\S 5~1.
\ACLfu il~O Lct1or\ W LN ~fdtn Pro.i r it.- 5534-1
JDnetn Nortt llC S+ l t tq5 No. SSo.1l t,i c Bku t\(. 5S44fl
List any financial interests or associations with which you are involved that may prescnt a conflict of interest
Some {)fth~ ml"onn(lrion soug:ht on 111L5 form ~5 prl\.';:uc datil under the MhmesOT3 Government l.).a!a Practice!; Act. Minnesuul5tatute Chapter IJ. The data is being
reque:s.ted so that th~ appumting i1uthol1ly can make anl!lfonne.d dt:.i.:ision as tt) the nppOintlTIc::nllo the rt.levam commissIon, committee of (ask fnrce_ "ou .arc nQt
n.:qujud to provide ony mfonnahun. however. failure l0 answt.:r any of the questions un this C1pphcation m~l}' .cause the appoiming al.Jthorl1y to rqectyout" ap.pilc3llon
\It 10 select ;mother candidate. TIle dara on thiS, (ann \vili be maimruned by the Mmnehaha Creek Watershed Disuict In ;p.ccordllncc with the rVlinllesota g.a\-'crIlme[Jt
D~'1.tJ PrilcricC's Ac.l1Uld ill.; nnl1~publiC" poniDlls ofthi.:: fonn wl-ll he i'lYilijable to- individual!'; wuhm the: l\.rC\\'D work asslgnments rca'5ollahle required acceS~, llle
tV1lilnr,::~L1-til GO\.'COllllent LJata Plilctlces ACl.applles-lo the compld~d appllcannn as ra~lows: I "nlC' nallll:: and home address of all applicants an:: pub1ic infonn:l!}on. J:.
1 ht:. lHlmc. home addr~ss. ba.;kh'rormd. (edw.:ai iOIl and tmilll11g ba.cki-70Und and pre:l'-jous wlJrl-i. experi ['l1{;r) of rhe selel;[ed app1icants are publl c \n fonnallon,
. S wnalure- L ~
Do 1101 s(IJl/IIII<eslllJles. letters ofrecmllmendaliml oraddilnmul :!Ileets_ Applications 1\'111 be acceplCd wllil4:30 PM 011 lite dale sluled in Ihe
VoluJlIcer (jPPOrlWl/Cl' ,Volier_ AllY ljllestions please call (95]) 471-0590_
Please Return Com llication To:
City of Hopkins
City Clerk
1010 IS! St. So.
Hopkins, MN 55343
. Application for Appointment to Minnehaha Creek Watershed
District Commission, Committee or Task Force
Home Address: .~ ZIP:
Work Fax
E-Mail Address: 0 n \/'@. 1"}Yn, ~~ \"", /A)l~"--
Some ofllw informlllion llOught on tJW; form i. private dxla umlc:r 1Iw Minnesota Govcromco1 DalaPractices Act, Midnesola Statute. CIupter 13_ The dala is being
requestod go that the appointing aulhority C8I\ make an infounod decision as to tJw appoinlment to the relevant OODIIIIiJ<&ion, CIJIIIlJrit1ce or task force. You are not
required to provide any infonJl'l1ion, however. failure to ....wenny of the qw:sIious on 1hi. IIppliealion may =e the oppoinling authority to reject your appJiC>llioo
or to ""lect another c:mditW:e_ The data on Ibis fO!lll will be mainIainod by the Minnebaba Creek WlIlersbed District in ~ with the Minn<lOO1ll govommoot
Data Practice. Act and the non-pubJie portio,," of the form will be available to individuals within the MCWD work ...igrnru:rn. """",nable required """"""- The
Minnesota Goveromeot DaIllPracti= Ad IIpplies to the completed "l'P1icalioo as follows: L The name and home address of all IIppJiClllJlg arc public infonmtiOlL 2_
1be u=, home address; kgrotmd, (education and training \lackgInund and previoug wad< ~eriOllee) ofthc ..,leded appliCllllls are public infOlllUltiOlL
. -s of reconmtendation or additional sheets_ Applications will be accepted until 4:30 PM on the date /ita
Volunteer Opportunity Notice_ ~ questions please can (952) 471-0590_
City of Hopkins
City Clerk
1010 1st St. So.
Hop1cins.MN 55343