Memo-Future Update, Shady Oak Road, 2006 Improvement Project
. I I
Econolnic Development
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council
FROM: "-j)t.Jim Kerrigan, Director of Planning & Economic Development
DATE: September 21,2004
SUBJECT: Future Upgrade, Shady Oak Road, 2006 Improvement Project
. Staff has scheduled this item on the September 28 work session agenda to provide an update
on City and County discussions relating to the future upgrade of Shady Oak Road. If the
Council has issues/concerns that they desire to have related to the County, they can be detailed
to staff at this time.
Over the last few months, representatives of Hennepin County have met with staff from both
Hopkins and Minnetonka to discuss the proposed future improvement project for Shady Oak
Road. This project between Excelsior Boulevard and Highway 7 is, at this time, scheduled to be
undertaken in 2006.
Presently the County is evaluating various alignment options. As part of this process, they will
be contracting with Hoisington Koegler to evaluate how these different options impact properties
that will be in or adjacent to the new right-of-way. The attached scope of work from Hoisington
Keogler details specifically what they will be undertaking. A public input process is identified in
this proposal.
Proposal from Hoisington Koegler.
Creative Solutions for Land P1amling and Design
. 11I13
Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. ~n
September 22,2004 1iJ/jJ1iJ1J!l
Mr. Larry Blackstad
Hennepin County
Department of Transit & Community Works
417 North 5uI Street, Suite 230
Mirmeapolis, MN 55401
Re: Scope of Services - Shady Oak Road Realig1Ullent Land Use Analysis
Dear Mr. Blackstad:
As a follow up to our meeting with staff from the project sponsors (He1Ulepin Connty, the city of Hopkins
and the city ofMinnetonka), we have assembled a scope of services for conducting a land use analysis of
realignment alternatives for Shady Oak Road from Excelsior Boulevard to TH7. The tasks that are
identified are based on the following general aspects of the project:
. Roadway aligIID1ent altematives have or will be assembled by WSB for the project conidor. The
land use analysis to be conducted will be based on the assembled alignment alternatives.
. The purpose of the effort is to examine the land use implications and opportunities presented by
. each of the roadway altematives. Findings will be documented in a report or series of
memorandums for subsequent consideration by the City Councils in both Hopkins and
. Hennepin County will work with andlor supply HKGi with a computer model to be used to help
assess the general tax implications of each of the attematives.
. Although the project may be phased, the scope of the effort includes a public involvement and
input process.
Based on the above, the scope of services for the project includes the following:
Task 1 - Gather Base Information
The purpose of tlus task is the assembly of base inforn1ation needed to conduct the work. In addition to
the roadway alignment altematives assembled by WSB, the project sponsors will make available various
reports and electrOluc information needed for the project. Information is likely to include but not be
linlited to GIS parcel infonnation for the corridor, past plans and reports relative to the project, aerial
photos, topography, wetland mapping, and property tax information.
Task 1 Deliverahles: Base mapping for the project area.
Task 2 - Conduct Land Use Analysis
Using the roadway aItematives assembled by WSB (not to exceed 3 altematives for the norlhem por1ion
of the corridor and 2 alternatives for the southern portion of the corridor), HKGi will conduct a series of
. land use analyses. For each altemative, consideration will be given to the impact on existing uses and the
options for future replacement andlor redevelopment uses. For each of the alternatives, impacts and
opportunities will be depicted in both text and graphic fonns. Future land use concepts will describe and
123 North Third Street Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1659
Ph (6 I 2) 338-0800 Fx (612) 338.6838
. illustrate the nature of potential future uses (housing, commercial, etc.) and will contain illustrations of
the fonn of potential development (layout of buildings, parking, ponding, amenities, etc.).
In the southern portion of the corridor, particular attention will be given to property access and the
resulting impact on land use. At the present time, properties in tlns area generally have unconstrained
access to the roadway, a situation that will change significantly with the upgrading of Shady Oak Road.
In this area, the land use options associated with each of the roadway alternatives will illustrate access
points and parking configurations needed to service remaining or newly created parcels. For each of the
options, HKGi will work with Hennepin County to estimate propelty tax in1plications on a preliminary
Task 2 Deliverables: Deliverables will consist of a set of drawings illustrating a land use plan for each of
the alternatives as well as accompanying sketches of development forms. Tax implications of each of the
options will be presented consistent with the output of the computer model used by Hemlepin County. A
tabulation of positive and negative aspects of each alternative will also be assembled.
Task 3 - Meet with Project Sponsor's (Staff)
HKGi staff will meet with staff members of the project sponsors to review the infol1.uation assembled in
Task 2. Based upon the outcome of two meetings. modifications will be made. The outcome of tlus task
is an agreed upon set of land use concepts cOlTesponding to each of the roadway alignment alternatives.
HKGi will prepare a written memorandum that presents each of the altematives (text and graphics),
depicts the physical and property tax implications of each option, and lists the technical opportunities and
challenges of each. The information will be in a forn1at suitable for review by City Council's in both
. Task 3 Deliverables: The primary deliverable of Task 3 is a comprehensive memorandum (or series of
memos) that depicts and describes the alternatives being considered.
Task 4 - City Council Workshop Presentations
Prior to seeking public conUllents on the roadway aligIIDlents and land use alternatives, HKGi staff will
meet with the Hopkins and Minnetonka City Councils in separate workshop meetings to review the
outcome of the fIrst three tasks. TIus review will occur in order to ensure that the Councils are
comfOltable with the range of alternative shown for the purposes of obtaining public conmlents aud
feedback. Based in input from each City Council, fu11her plan modifications will be made as needed.
Task 4 Delivembles: The work product of Task 4 will be a set of graphics and infornlation suitable for
presentation in at public meetings described in Phase Two.
The second phase of the project involves seeking public feedback on the alternatives being considered.
The roadway conidor has two somewhat distinct personalities. the northern portion being residential in
character and the southem portion being more conmlercial in character. Accordingly, efforts to involve
area residents, property owners and business operator's needs to reflect these differences. To
accommodate vary'ing interests, it is suggested that the public review process include two general
meetings, one more focused on the northern portion of the corridor and one focused on the southem
. Task 5 - Meet with Project Sponsors (Staff)
Meet with project sponsor staff members to review the public involvement process and to establish
meeting details (agenda, schedule, location, notification, etc.)
-- --- --
. Task 5 Deliverables: Written summary of meeting details.
Task 6 - Meet with Northern Corridor Stakeholders
Conduct a public meeting in an open house fornlat that is focused on the northern portion of the corridor,
the area predominately residential in character. Present information about the plan alternatives developed
in Phase One and collect comments and feedback. Following a brief presentation about the project,
general questions will be addressed and participants will have opportunities for one-on-one conversations
with HKGi and city staff members. Conmlents will be assembled from notes from casual conversations
as well as from written comments cards available to all attendees.
Task 6 Deliverables: Summary of the comments received at meeting #1.
Task 7 - Meet ",ith Southern Corridor Stakeholders
Conduct an open house meeting similar in fonnat to Task 6 focused on properties in and adjacent to the
southern portion of the corridor. The organization of tllis session will consider the fact that business
interests will be directly affected by the project and adjacent residential neighborhoods are likely to also
have a keen interest in the plans and resulting impacts. Accordingly. this open house session is likely to
feature an overall presentation, general questions and opportunities for one-Oil-one conversations ,v1th
HKGI and city staff members. Consultant and city staff members will need to be available for
conversations with specific business owners/operators, some of whom are likely to either be displaced by
the roadway improvements or substantially impacted by access and parking changes. ConTInents will be
assembled from notes from casual conversations as well as :from written comments cards available to all
. Task 7 Delil'erables: Summary of the COlllments received at meeting #2.
Task 8 - Meet \\itb Project Sponsors (Staft)
Meet with project sponsor staff members to discuss the outcome of the two open houses and to detemline
if changes to the land use concepts are warranted. Update the memorandum assembled in Task 3 to
include land use plan changes (if any) and sUlllmaries of the input received in the public open houses.
The open house summaries will include the stakeholder's perspectives of the opportunities and constraints
relative to each of the roadway alternatives and resulting land use pattems.
Task 8 De/iJ1erables: An updated project memorandum containing a swnmary of all work completed to
Task 9 - Meet with City Councils
Meet with the City Councils ill both Hopkins and Mi1U1etonka to present the project memorandum and
address questions. Depending all the desires of the communities, these meetings could either be in a
workshop format or in a regular City Council meeting. The role of HKGi staff in the meeting will be
defmed by staff representatives from each community.
Task 10 - Complete Final Project Report
A final project report (memorandum) will be completed after reviews by both City Councils.
. The timing of tbe completion of the tasks referenced above is dependent on a number of factors including
the availability of the roadway alignments. the desired roadway approval process and the ability to
schedule public meetings around the upcoming holiday time period. The most concentrated portioll of the
work program occurs in Tasks 2 and 3 during which the initial land use alternatives will be prepared,
. analyzed and modified. It is estimated that this pOliion of the work can be completed in approximately 60
days. Other tasks are dependent on meeting dates, agenda time availability and other factors. At the
initial stage of the project, HKGi will meet with project sponsors to establish a schedule for the entire
effOli. HKGi staff has the capacity to meet the desired schedule for the project.
After review and potential modification of the tasks contained herein, HKGi will prepare the necessary
documentation for Hermepin County's CSA agreement in order to initiate work on the project. We are
ready to begin the initial task upon completion of the contract effOli.
Thank you for the opportunity to assist Herulepin County, the city of Mirmetonka and the city of Hopki115
with this challenging project. Let me know if I can answer any questions on the proposed scope of
Mark Koegler, ASLA