CR 2004-145 Site Plan Review-Meadow Creek Garages CITY OF ~ . September 1, 2004 HOPKINS Council Report 04-145 SITE PLAN REVIEW - MEADOW CREEK GARAGES Proposed Action. Staff recommends the following motion: Move to adopt Resolution 04-68, approving the construction of garages at Lot 4, Meadow Creek Condos. At the Zoning and Planning meeting Ms. Aristy moved and Mr. ShoHz seconded a 1110tion to auopt Resolution RZ04-30, recommending approval for the construction of garages at Lot 4, Meadow Creek Condos. The motion was approved unanimously. Overview. Meadow Creek Condominium Community is proposing to constmct new garages. There are 536 condos in Meadow Creek. Cunently there are 28 garage buildings for a total of 128 spaces. There is a total of 1062 parking spaces for the entire complex and nine separate lots. Meadow Creek is proposing to start with the addition of new garages in lot 4. Lot 4 serves 88 units and has 24 garages and 183 surface spaces for a total of 207. It is proposed to add 38 new garage spaces and reconfigured 126 surface spaces for a total after the construction of 188 spaces. The ordinance requi res two parking spaces for each lot. Lot 4 is required to have 176 spaces. The reconfigured surface parking will be the required size of 9' x 20' . Lot 4 is proposed to be the first parking lot to offer the new garages. If there is a demand for the garages, others lots will considered for additional garages and each lot will go through the site plan review. Primary Issues to Consider. . What is the zoning of the property, and how has the Comprehensive Plan designated tbe subject site? . What are the specifics of the new garages? . What was the discussion at the Zonillg and Planning meeting? Supporting Documents. . Analysis of Issues . Site Plans . Resolution 04-68 . Minutes from Neighborhood Meeting Financial Impact: $~NIA_ Budgeted: YIN Source: - . Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: CR04-145 Page 2 . Primary Issues to Consider. . What is the zoning of the property, and how has the Comprehensive Plan designated the subject site? The subject property is zoned R-2, low density multiple family. The Comprehensive Plan has designated the site as medium density residential. The proposed uses comply with both documents. . \Vhat ar-e the specifics of the new garages? Exterior The exterior is proposed to be six- inch cement lap siding. The proposed colors will be colors that will blend with brick. It is proposed they will use 4-6 colors. The existing garages have vinyl siding. Use Owners are required to park in their garages. Garages are not allowed to be used [or storage . or a workshop. Parking Lot 4 serves 88 units. TIle lot when finished will have 188 spaces. The lot is required to have 176 spaces. Type The plan as presented will have four 5-unit garages and three six-unit garages. The stall for a garage will be 12' x 22'. Engineering/Public Works The City Engineer is reviewing the plans; any approval is contingent on the approval of the plans. Fire Marshal The fire marshal has reviewed the preliminary plans and found them acceptable. Setbacks . The garages have a three-foot setback. The garages are not close to a property line. CR04-l45 Page 3 . Watershed District The applicant will have to contact the Watershed District to see if approval is needed. . What was the discussion at the Zoning and Planning meeting? Ms. Anderson reviewed the proposed garages. Doug Strandness and Roger Freeburg, representing Meadow Creek Condos, appeared before the Commission. Mr. Stranuncss stated that only 1/3 on the units have one garage stall. He also stated there are nine parking lots, and there is a demand for garages. No one appeared at the public hearing on this item. Altematives. 1. Approve the construction of the new garages building. By approving the new garages, the applicant will be able to construct the garages as proposed. 2. Deny the construction of the new garages. By denying the constmction of the garages, the applicant will not be able to constmct the garages as proposed. If the City Council considers this alternative, findings will have to be identified that SUPPOlt this alternative. 3. Continue for fmther information. If the City Council indicates that further information is needed, the item should be continued. e . . August 23, 2004 Meadow Creek Condominiums Request for Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Neighborhood Meeting As required by the Neighborhood Meeting requirements of the City of Hopkins, a neighborhood meeting was held tonight at 6:30 PM in the community room of Meadow Creek. The community room is located at 823 Old Settlers Trail, Hopkins. The meeting started at 6:30 PM and ended at 7 :25 PM. The meeting was attended by eight Meadow Creek owners and the sister of one ofllie owners (please see the attached copy ofthe sign-in sheet for the meeting). The management staff who attended were Doug Strandness, property manager, and Mona Draper, site manager. Attached is a copy of the materials that were handed out at the meeting: a copy of the mailing for the meeting along with a copy of the materials sent to the City as part of Meadow Creek's CUP application. Doug Strandness reviewed the information that was outlined in the letter that was sent out as notice for the meeting and then opened the floor to questions and comments. What follows an:< the questions and comments made at the meeting. It should be noted that there were no questions or . conm1ents about the location of the proposed garages, about the size or munber or the proposed garage buildings, nor about the design of the proposed garages. 1. The new garages are a good idea. Lots of people want garages. The numbers regarding the prototype garage banIe, which were included in the letter, make sense except for the $8 per month long-term replacement assessment. It will not raise enough money over 30 years to replace the garage bailie Answer: the replacement assessment is based on an estimated useful life for the garage banle of 80 years. Answer was satisfactory. 2. Regarding the long-term lease for the prototype garages, will the Association allow the lessee to transfer the lease to the new owner of the lessee's unit when the lessee sells? Answer: yes. " The prototype garage banIe will displace the assigned parking spaces of six units. Where ",rill j. the new assigned parking spaces be for these units? Answer: the first six spaces along the east side of the parking lot, starting at the north end. Answer was satisfactory. 4. If and when the Association builds a garage bank at the south end of the parking lot, will someone who leases a prototype garage, but lives at the south end of the parking lot, be able to swap their prototype garage for one in the garage bank at the south end? Answer: there are no guaranties, but it should be a simple process that the Association can facilitate. Answer was satisfactory. . 5. When will garages be built in other parking lots? Answer: when the general program for the construction of new garages is approved by the Association members. Answer was . satisfactory. 6. Will new garages be built parking lot by parking lot, or will they be built in all the parking lots at the same time. Answer: parking lot by parking lot over some nwnber of years. Follow-up comment: please make my parking lot next. 7. What was the Association's motivation for starting to work on a general program to build new garages? Answer: comments by many owners, who do not have garages, that they would very much like to have a garage. Follow-up comment: please move the process along as quickly as possible. 8. How long will the process take to gain the needed approval for the general program for new garages? Answer: the process requires written consent from at least 75% ofthe Association members and 75% of the first mortgagees. The process is expected to take at least a year. 9. Assuming the general program is approved, in what order will the Association build garages in the other 8 parking lots? Answer: that has not yet been determined. Answer appeared to be acceptable. 10. Why is 75% approval required? Answer: that is the requirement established by Meadow Creek's governing documents. . 11. How can the Association sell the common area, on which the new garages would sit, when that common area is owned by everyone? Answer: that is why the level of approval required to proceed is so high. A high level of approval is required when real property owned by the Association is going to be sold. 12. Will the construction of new garages require that existing garages be torn dovvn? Answer: no. 13. If everyone does not have a mortgage on their property, how do you determine what 75% of the mortgagees is? Answer: the Association's attorney is determining the answer to that question. Follow-up question: how long can the Association take to gain the needed approvals, and what happens when owners sell their units during the process, or owners refmance? Answer: the Association will follow the guidance of its legal counsel on these questions. 14. While I wait for the opportunity to purchase a new garage, can I put up a tent for my car? Answer: no. The question was asked with a smile, and the answer appeared to be acceptable. 15. Does the Association have a process for connecting owners of existing garages, who want to rent them, with owners who do not have a garage, but would like to rent one? Answer: . yes. The Association office will contact you tomorrow with i.lformation about the process. 16. The o\vners of some existing garages use them for storage. How is the Association . addressing that? Answer: it is against Association policy. When the management staff focuses on someone who is violating Association policy, the staff works with that owner to correct the situation. Ultimately, the garage owner can be fined. 17. What is the time line for the prototype garages? Answer: within 10 days, the proposed lease will be sent to those who have reserved a garage. Pinal costs will go to those same people within two to three weeks. Occupancy is expected by the end of October. The first monthly payment will be due November 1 st. 18. Are people buying prototype garages for storage? Answer: no evidence ofiliat. It would be very expensive storage space. Using a prototype garage for storage would also be a violation of the lease. 19. If you lease a prototype garage, do you lose your assigned space? Answer: the Association is still considering that issue. Answer appeared to be acceptable. 20. How were parking spaces originally assigned? Answer: origi11a1 assignments were made in 1981 when the condominium conversion process was started. Some assignments were made in 1995. The 1995 assignments attempted to equalize the distance residents have to walle to get from their unit to their assigned space. e . ~ - ---- -- 02004 Westwood ProfesslonoJ Services, 'nc. ) e r ~ ~O 'V'J"1!. S '\: y, " . r EJ -. , - ;:< " f~ ~ " f e &r"~n f 1 ni;lr; " ... ~i '" m" .oN "" ~al ~~ ;W "',: ~ ~!:! r "db \d rn~: r I .JI'-.-.&.__~__.J n...-t:..--.~.........I C"...-. ::_..... ,...... I J~C:ZtJJrUatW.FW;"'~lr~"l'~'=r f """"- ,- ____I Prepar"" --- dbEd~a.=4t!u1I~.~1/'~1'llOt:EsSi.cm.,u; .,200 . 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