Memo - Recommended Funding Of Social Services Organizations . Adn1inistrative Services - Office of the City Manager Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Steven C. Mielke, Hopkins City Manager Date: November 10, 1998 Subject: Recommended Funding of Social Service Organizations The City Council, at its September Worksession instructed staff to review and recommend a proposal for funding social service organizations based upon a reduction in funding of one-half (1/2) of the 199B budget. That reduced spending from $38,150 in 199B to $19,600 in 1999. . . Based upon that directive, staff reviewed the 1999 requests and prioritized them based upon several criteria. Those criteria include: . Importance of the programs/services to be funded to the mission or purpose of the City. . The availability of similar services from other organizations. . The likelihood of negative consequences to residents and businesses if the program or service is discontinued. Staff is recommending the following requests be funded: . Sojourner Intervention Project $10,000 . Senior Community Services $ 3,600 . West Suburban Mediation Center $ 1,000 . Hopkins Area Family Resource Center $ 5,000 . . All of the organizations will receive less than they have received in the past. None of the organizations have been informed of this recommendation, so staff is unaware of the organizations response to this recommendation. It is possible that at the recommended funding level the proposed programs are not viable, if that were the case staff would recommend that the issue be re-examined. During discussions, it was considered possible that the City, HRA, or other organizations may be able to provide in-kind or other funding to assist the requesting organizatjon. Finally, the 1999 preliminary budget reflects the reduced funding amount ($ 19,000). Any increases in the total would require adjustments with-in the budget. . . .---- .---