V. 1. 2021-16 Zoning Code Text Amendment - Conditional Uses in the Residential DistrictsZoning Code Text Amendment Related to Conditional Uses in the Residential Districts
Proposed Action: Move to adopt Planning & Zoning Resolution 2021-20, recommending the
City Council approve an ordinance amending the City Code related to conditional uses in the
Residential districts.
The applicant, Sue Gonyea, requests a zoning code text amendment to expand the conditional
uses allowed in R-4, Medium Density Multiple Family and R-5, High Density Multiple Family
residential zones. The applicant owns the former church property at 41 – 12th Avenue North
(corner of 12th Avenue North and 1st Street North) which is zoned R-4, Medium Density
Multiple Family. Ms. Gonyea is looking for additional ways to market her property. To this
end, she requests the city consider amending the zoning regulations to allow community
assembly and arts education as conditional uses allowed in R-4 and R-5 districts. Should the City
approve this request, Ms. Gonyea or any other property owner in the R-4 or R-5 district could
use their property for community assembly or arts education uses provided they received
approval of a conditional use permit. Based on the findings detailed in this report, staff
recommends the City approve the proposed zoning code text amendment.
Primary Issues to Consider
●Community Comments
●Zoning Code Text Amendment
●Potential Non-Conformity Issues
Supporting Documents
●Planning & Zoning Resolution 2021-20
●Draft Zoning Ordinance
●Article V - Residential Zoning Regulations
●Section 102-94 - Conditional Use Permit Regulations
Jason Lindahl, City Planner
Financial Impact: $ N/A Budgeted: Y/N ____ Source: _____________
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): _________________________________________
October 26, 2021 Planning Application 2021-16
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The applicant, Sue Gonyea, requests a zoning code text amendment to expand the conditional
uses allowed in R-4, Medium Density Multiple Family and R-5, High Density Multiple Family
residential zones. Specifically, the applicant requests the city amend the R-4 and R-5 districts
regulations to allow community assembly and arts education as conditional uses.
Currently, the R-4 and R-5 districts allows for other group living, accessory retail or office,
private clubs or lodges, motels or public or quasi-public uses. The proposed zoning change
would revise the public or quasi-public use category to specifically include community assembly
and arts education uses. Generally, the applicant believes that the large open space in the former
church would be well suited to serve these types of uses.
Under state law, zoning code text amendments require a public hearing. Accordingly, the City
published notice of this application and public hearing in the Sun Sailor. Because this is a general
zoning regulation change and not a site specific amendment, mailed notice to surrounding
property owners is not required. The Sun Sailor notice directed all interested parties to send
questions or comments to City Planner Jason Lindahl by mail, phone or email or to attend the
public hearing where they could learn about the application, ask questions and provide feedback.
As of the writing of this report, the City had received no comments or questions regarding this
application. During the public hearing, staff will provide an update on all public comments
received prior to the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting.
Legal Authority. Zoning Code amendments are legislative actions in that the City is creating new
standards to regulate the development of certain types of uses and/or structures. Under the law,
cities have wide flexibility to create standards that will ensure the type of development they desire.
However, zoning regulations must be reasonable and supported by a rational basis relating to
promoting the public health, safety and welfare. Based on the findings made below, staff
recommends approval of the proposed draft dynamic sign standards.
Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. Generally, amending the conditional uses in the
R-4 and R-5 residential districts to include community assembly or arts education uses is consistent
with the 2040 comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan guides the areas covered by the R-4
and R-5 zones as either Downtown Center or General Urban.
The characteristics and future land use planning elements for each land use category are detailed
below. While the Downtown Center area specifically calls for this area and its uses to be the
central economic, social and civic district for Hopkins and the region, the General Urban area also
allows for accessory uses that are supportive to its context and moderate to high density residential
development pattern.
Downtown Center
• Location. The Downtown Center land use category is intended to serve as the central
economic, social and civic district for Hopkins and the region.
• Development Type. It is intended to include moderate to high density mixed use
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development designed to complement and enhance the existing development pattern in
these areas and support the public investment in transit.
• Urban Form. This area is expected to absorb significant amount of anticipated future
growth. Maintaining downtown Hopkins’ unique identity and sense of place must be a
central consideration when planning for future growth. Mixed uses (vertical and horizontal)
are encouraged.
• Density & Scale. Medium to larger scale neighborhood and regional uses. Densities in this
area typically range from 20-100 units per acre, with 75-150 units per acre within ¼ mile of
an LRT station platform. Estimated 40% commercial and 60% residential.
General Urban
• Location. The General Urban category is located in three distinct areas of Hopkins: along
either side of 11th Avenue South; on either side of Highway 7 west of 5th Avenue
North/Oakridge Road; and in the southwest quadrant of the Highway 169 and Highway
7 interchange.
• Development Type. These compact moderate to high density residential neighborhoods
include a range of attached multiple family and apartment units of varying scale and height
designed around large blocks with internal street systems that provide good vehicle
• Urban Form. The General Urban areas are planned to have moderate to high density
residential and accessory uses. These areas should be well connected via transit and
support adjacent Centers. Scale and height should be compatible with existing and planned
• Density & Scale. Densities in this area typically range from 5-40 units per acre.
Compatibility with Present and Future Land Uses. Based on the analysis above, staff finds
the proposed zoning change to include community assembly and arts education uses to the R-4
and R-5 district consistent with the present and future land uses called for in both the Downtown
Center and General Urban future land use categories. The proposed changes would revise the
general public and quasi-public existing conditional use to more specifically include community
assembly and arts education uses.
Conformance with New Standards. This section considers how the proposed zoning change
fits in with the rest of the zoning regulations and the existing development pattern. In this case,
staff finds the proposed changes compatible with the other allowable uses in the R-4 and R-5
districts. It should also be noted that any future community assembly or arts education uses will
be required to go through the standard conditional use permit process which includes review by
both the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council to demonstrate conformance with the
conditional use permit standards detailed in Section 102-94 (see attached).
Potential Non-Conformity Issues
Amending the R-4 and R-5 district regulations to allow community assembly and arts education
uses should not result in creating non-conformities as it creates more options for property
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owners. According to Minnesota Statute 462.357, Subdivision 1e., legal nonconformities
generally have a statutory right to continue through repair, replacement, restoration,
maintenance, or improvement but not through expansion. These rights run with the land and
are not limited to a particular landowner. If the benefited property is sold, the new owner will
have the same rights as the previous owner.
1. Recommend approval of the zoning code text amendment adding community assembly and
arts education as conditional uses in the R-4 and R-5 zones. By recommending approval, the
City Council will consider a recommendation of approval.
2. Recommend denial of the zoning code text amendment adding community assembly and
arts education as conditional uses in the R-4 and R-5 zones. By recommending denial, the
City Council will consider a recommendation of denial. Should the Planning & Zoning
Commission consider this option, it must also identify specific findings that support this
3. Continue for further information. If the Planning & Zoning Commission concludes that
further information is needed, the items should be continued.
Hennepin County, Minnesota
WHEREAS, the City of Sue Gonyea of 41 – 12th Avenue North initiated an application to
amend the City Code related to conditional uses in the Residential Districts; and
WHEREAS, the procedural history of the application is as follows:
1. That an application to amend the City Code related to conditional uses in the Residential
Districts was initiated by Sue Gonyea on September 24, 2021; and
2. That the Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission, pursuant to published notice, held a
public hearing to review such application October 26, 2021 and all persons present were
given an opportunity to be heard; and
3. That written comments and analysis of City staff were considered.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning & Zoning Commission of the
City of Hopkins hereby recommends the City Council of the City of Hopkins approve an ordinance
amending the City Code related to conditional uses in the Residential Districts based on the findings of
fact detailed in the staff report dated October 26, 2021.
Adopted this 26th day of October 2021.
Samuel Stiele, Chair
SECTION 1. Hopkins City Code, Part II, Chapter 102, Article V, Section 102-163 is hereby
amended by adding the double-underlined language and deleting the stricken language as follows:
Sec. 102-163. - Conditional uses within R Districts.
(12) R-4 or R-5 District, public or quasi-public buildings community assembly uses such as
libraries, YMCA, museums, or arts education facility or institutes and within R-1, R-2 or
R-3 of located in a public park.
SECTION 2. The effective date of this ordinance shall be the date of publication.
First Reading: November 3, 2021
Second Reading: November 16, 2021
Date of Publication: November 25, 2021
Date Ordinance Takes Effect: November 25, 2021
By: ____________________________
Jason Gadd, Mayor
Amy Domeier, City Clerk
Hopkins, Minnesota, Code of Ordinances Created: 2021-09-09 10:03:01 [EST]
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Sec. 102-157. Residential Districts.
Within the R Districts no structure or land shall be used except for one or more of the uses so indicated as a
permitted use, an accessory use or after having received a conditional use permit if required.
(Code 1986, § 530.01)
Sec. 102-158. Manufactured single-family homes.
(a) Defined. A manufactured single-family home is a structure transportable in one or more sections which in the
traveling mode is eight body feet or more in width and 40 feet or more in length or when erected on a site in
the proper Residential District will have an area of 320 or more square feet and which is built on a
permanent foundation or chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling for one family, and is connected to
the required utilities and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning and electrical systems contained
therein and complies with all of the provisions of the manufactured homes building code adopted in divisions
1 through 3 of article II of chapter 8.
(b) Permitted location. Manufactured single-family homes may be permitted, erected, located or relocated in
the following Residential Districts under the following conditions:
(1) In R-1 and R-2 Zoning Districts, any and all dwellings of any kind shall be subject to and governed by all
of the provisions of the state building code;
(2) In all other R Districts manufactured single-family homes may be permitted or relocated provided they
include permanent foundations and are governed by all of the building code and other general
regulations which may be from time to time established;
(3) In R-1 and R-2 Zoning Districts, any and all dwellings of any kind must have a minimum width of 20 feet
and a minimum height of 14 feet.
(Code 1986, § 530.03)
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Sec. 102-159. Zero lot line dwellings.
(a) Twin homes shall be subject to the following regulations:
(1) The required lot area for each dwelling in a twin home shall be at a minimum one -half of the minimum
lot area for two single-family attached dwellings in the relevant zoning district.
(2) Every lot or plot upon which there is erected a dwelling as part of a twin home shall have a minimum
width of 40 feet at the building setback line.
(3) Dwellings in a twin home shall be governed by the regulations for single-family attached dwellings in
the relevant zoning district.
(4) Permitted in all R-1 Districts.
(Code 1986, § 530.04; Ord. No. 87-601)
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Sec. 102-160. Standards in R Districts.
The table below lists permitted uses and minimum standards in R Districts.
R-1-A R-1-B R-1-C R-1-D R-1-E R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6
Townhouse P P P
park and
The following are minimums required:
Lot area
(sq. ft.)
6,000 8,000 12,000 20,000 40,000 12,000 16,000 20,000 24,000 16,000
20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Lot area 1
family (sq.
3,500 8,000 12,000 20,000 40,000 3,500 2,600 1,600 1,000 2,600
Lot width
50 60 80 100 100 100 150 150 150 150
Front yard
( ft.)
25 30 30 35 35 35 35 30 30 35
Side yard
(ft.) see
1-story 8 8 10 10 10 10 15' or ½ the
whichever is
15' or ½ the
whichever is
2-story 8 8 12 12 12 12
3-story 10 10 14 14 14 14
Maximum allowed:
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of building
35 35 35 35 35 35 35 30 30 35
Rear yard 25 30 35 40 40 35 25' or ½ the
whichever is
25' or ½ the
whichever is
Dwelling Floor Area (sq. ft.):
1-family 700 800 1,000 1,200 1,200
2-family 700 800
More than
Efficiency 520 520 520 520 520
1-bedroom 600 600 600 600 600
2-bedroom 720 720 720 720 720
Over 2-
(700 + 120 for each
35 35 35 35 35 35 35 45 4
space ratio
1:1.5 1:2.5 1:1 1:1:75 1:1.25
(1) The side yard for additions to any existing dwelling shall be the same or greater than the existing
structure, except that no side yard shall be less than five feet.
(2) The side yard to an existing dwelling on a corner lot abutting a right -of-way has a minimum setback of
five feet in all R-1 Zoning Districts.
(3) The side yard to the attached garage side of the home shall be a minimum of five feet. The attached
garage cannot be converted to livable space.
(4) In all R-1 Districts, front porches are allowed to be constructed in the front yard setback with a
minimum setback of 20 feet.
(Code 1986, § 530.05)
Sec. 102-161. Nonresidential facility and residential facility.
The following are permitted in single-family districts:
(1) Licensed nonresidential programs with a licensed capacity of 12 or fewer persons.
(2) Licensed residential programs with a licensed capacity of six or fewer p ersons.
(3) Group family day care facility licensed under Minn. Admin. Rules 9502.0315 to 9502.0445, serving 14
or fewer children.
(Code 1986, § 530.06; Ord. No. 93-722)
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Sec. 102-162. Credits and allowances: multiple dwelling lot area.
The following lot area credits and allowances shall be applied for multiple dwellings in the R-3, R-4, R-5 and
R-6 Districts but in no event shall the minimum lot area with allowances be less than 1,850 square feet, 850 square
feet, 600 square feet, or 850 square feet per dwelling.
(1) For each parking space provided within the building or underground, subtract 300 square feet per unit.
(2) If the site upon which the multiple dwelling is being constructed is abutting B-2 or B-3 Business District,
subtract 300 square feet.
(3) If the abutting land is in the R-1 District, add 300 square feet per unit for that portion of the multiple
dwelling site within 150 feet of the R-1 District unless the land zoned R-1 is used for a school, public
park or some other open space declared permanent by the council, then add only 100 square feet per
unit for that portion of the multiple dwelling site within 150 feet of the R-1 District.
(4) If total lot coverage is less than 20 percent, subtract 150 square feet per unit.
(5) For each unit containing in excess of two bedrooms, add 300 square feet.
(6) If it is necessary to raze existing principal buildings found by the commission to be in dilapidated
condition where economically unfeasible, there shall be provided an allowance of two dwelling units
above any other allowance permitted by this section. Upon such findings the commission the
allowance for the existing building may be given credit toward a proposed project after its removal for
a period not to exceed two years.
(Code 1986, § 530.07)
Sec. 102-163. Conditional uses within R Districts.
(a) The following are conditional uses in R Zoning Districts and certain of the standards, restrictions and
requirements applicable to such conditional uses
(1) Within the R-2 and R-6 Districts, only any church or place of religious worship and all structures,
facilities and physical improvements incident or accessory thereto. The front yard setback for such a
conditional use shall be the same front yard setback stated in section 102-158 for permitted uses in the
zoning district in which the conditional use is located. The side and rear yard setbacks for any such
conditional use shall be no less than 35 feet from its side and rear property lines.
(2) Outdoor recreation areas not designed and owned as a part of a single-family home or two family
structure, or not owned or operated by the city, provided that:
a. All accessory or ancillary structures used in connection therewith are located not less than 50
feet from all lot lines;
b. Golf courses shall not include driving ranges and shall have an average of 130 yards or more per
c. Country clubs shall include a golf course;
d. Outdoor game court and swimming pools abutting upon or in any R District shall be fenced and
screened by plantings or other suitable screening material, and shall not be lighted between the
hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. of the following day. The term "game court and pool" shall be
construed to include all areas bounded by the fencing in connection therewith;
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e. All recreation facilities not a part of a PUD shall require a cost report to show the number of
families necessary to support such facility.
(3) Municipal service structures subject to the following:
a. Any structures involving a use in connection with the transmission of electric, telephone,
telegraph, gas, water, sewer and other public or private utilities including any fence in connection
therewith shall conform to yard requirements, architectural style and landscaping of the
immediate neighborhood;
b. Electric power transmission lines shall be located along public street (ROW) or along railroad
c. Buildings in public parks provided they are 50 feet or more from all lot lines in an R District.
(4) Within the R-2 and R-6 Districts, public or private schools provided no buildings are located less than 50
feet from any lot line and that a fence is erected along the boundary line which is common with
abutting private property.
(5) Railroad rights-of-way for through trains only.
(6) Off-street parking for abutting B or I uses, provided:
a. Such parking may be extended the width of three contiguous lots or 150 feet, whichever is more,
onto land which is zoned for residential;
b. The land is under the same ownership or control as the abutting B or I uses land which is to be
c. Said parking is not located between two existing abutting dwelling units subject to conformance
with parking lot standards in the code;
d. Such off-street parking shall not be allowed on any lot on which a dwelling is located at the time
of application for the conditional use permit or on which a dwelling was located but has been
removed by or on behalf of the applicant at any time prior to the date of the application for the
conditional use permit; and
e. Such off-street parking shall otherwise be subject to the standards and requirements stated in
section 102-94.
(7) Within the R-4 or R-5 Districts, private clubs and lodges not operated for a profit.
(8) Within the R-3, R-4 or R-5 Districts, boardinghouses provided the site shall contain not less than 1,000
square feet of lot area for each person to be accommodated.
(9) Within the R-3, R-4 or R-5 Districts, convalescent and nursing homes provided the site shall contain not
less than 600 square feet of lot area for each person to be accommodated.
(10) R-4 or R-5 District, retail sales and service may be provided by vending devices or by personnel when
such retail area is secondary to the principal use.
(11) R-4 or R-5 District, offices on the first floor of a building other than a multiple-family dwelling for
persons engaged in one of the recognized professions, finance, insurance, real estate, religious or
philanthropic organizations.
(12) R-4 or R-5 District, public or quasi-public buildings such as libraries, YMCA, museums, art institutes and
within R-1, R-2 or R-3 of located in a public park.
(13) R-4 and R-5 Districts, motel provided the site contains 1,000 square feet for each rental unit, and site
has frontage on a major thoroughfare.
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(14) Foster homes shall be permitted in the R-1 or R-2 District.
(15) Licensed nonresidential program with a license capacity of 13 to 16 persons within the R-2, R-3, R-4, R-
5 and R-6 Districts subject to the following:
a. Located only in proximity to a collector or arterial roadway as designated in the comprehensive
plan or otherwise located so that access can be provided without conducting significant traffic on
local residential streets;
b. Pick-up and drop-off areas located outside of parking setback area;
c. Outdoor recreation areas to be setback 15 feet from all property lines and screening provided to
mitigate noise and adverse visual impacts on neighboring properties;
d. One parking space provided for each six persons based upon the license capacity of the facility.
(16) Licensed residential program in the R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5 and R-6 Districts with a licensed capacity of seven
to 16 persons subject to the following:
a. Facilities shall comply with all applicable codes and regulations and shall have, current and in
effect, the appropriate state licenses;
b. On-site services and treatment at residential facilities shall be for residents of the facility only,
and shall not be for nonresidents or persons outside the facility;
c. The conditional use permit is only valid as long as a valid state license is held by the operator of
the facility where such license is required;
d. Traffic generated by the facility not to exceed the design capacity of the local street system or
cause a decrease in service levels of intersection, as defined by the institute of traffic engineers.
Adequate sight distance at access points shall be available;
e. No on-street parking to be allowed. Adequate off-street parking shall be required by the city
based on the staff and resident needs of each specific facility;
f. No external building improvements undertaken which alter the original character of the home
unless approved by the city council;
g. Additional conditions may be required by the city in order to address the specific impacts of a
proposed facility.
(17) School buildings which are a part of the physical system of the district but which are considered
temporarily in surplus may be used as research centers, offices of a general nature or as some form of
educational activity not necessarily similar to the public school curriculum, provided:
a. The off-street parking requirements are met;
b. The work day of such use falls between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.;
(18) Homes for the elderly may be located in the R-4, R-5 or R-6 Districts provided the floor area of each
such dwelling unit or apartment contains not less than 420 square feet and is inhabited by not more
than two persons;
(19) Photographic illustration studio in the R-4 and R-5 Districts.
(20) Zero lot line dwellings may be erected in such a manner that the single-family dwellings share common
side walls or that four single-family dwellings share two common walls with other dwellings and said
walls are located on the rear and side lot lines, provided such dwellings are compatible with the
surrounding land uses. At a minimum, the zoning standards shall be proportionate to the minimum
standards for single-family attached dwellings in the relevant zoning district. Each dwelling unit will
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have separate utilities. An as-built survey will be taken after completion of the units and filed with the
(21) Bed and breakfasts in the R-1 District subject to the following:
a. The bed and breakfast shall be the principal residence of the bed and breakfast property owner.
b. Off-street parking at a ratio of one space per guestroom plus two spaces for the residence.
c. No parking in the front yard setback.
d. Bed and breakfasts must be located 600 feet apart.
e. Only breakfast shall be served, and service shall be restricted to guests only, not the general
public. No separate food preparation facilities are allowed.
f. A bed and breakfast establishment may host one special event each month for not more than 25
non-registered guests with the following requirements:
1. At least two weeks prior to an event, the bed and breakfast owner must notify the city
planner in writing of the event. This will include the hours of the event and information on
how the property's exterior areas will be used during the event (music, temporary
structures, etc.).
2. The applicant must notify the city of the hours of the event and whether music will be
3. Food may be furnished by and to special event guests provided all necessar y local, state,
and/or federal permits, licenses or authorizations have been obtained.
4. Alcoholic beverages may be served to special event guests only by a caterer, provided the
caterer has all required local, state and federal permits licenses or autho rization for service
of alcoholic beverages.
5. The bed and breakfast owner must be present during special events and shall provide
adequate supervision of the event.
6. The hours of the event shall be between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
g. Bed and breakfasts are allowed signage, but limited to four square feet.
h. All exterior lighting to be concealed or screened.
(Code 1986, § 530.09; Ord. No. 87-601; Ord. No. 93-722; Ord. No. 95-777, 1-3-1996; Ord. No. 96-787; Ord. No.
2000-833, 5-17-2000; Ord. No. 08-1000)
Sec. 102-164. Accessory uses; R Districts.
The following are permitted accessory uses in R Districts:
(1) Private garages, parking space, car port for automobiles and one truck not in excess of 9,000 pounds
rated capacity when owned by the occupant.
(2) Garages sales, provided that no sale shall continue for more than three days and frequency shall not be
greater than twice a year.
(3) Gardening and horticultural uses.
(4) Home occupations.
(5) Keeping of not more than two roomers by a resident family.
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(6) Signs as regulated in this code.
(7) Buildings temporarily located for the purpose of construction o r for sale or lease of units.
(8) Decorative landscape features.
(9) The storage outside of a building but not on a parking space which was included to meet the minimum
standards of this code, one non-passenger vehicle or one building for winter ice fishing provided none
of the above mentioned items are over 22 feet in length. Said storage shall not be in the front yard
with the following exception for a boat that will be allowed to be parked in the driveway from May 1 to
October 31.
(10) Recreational equipment not otherwise prohibited in section 102-163, provided that it is so located as
to not encourage trespassing onto abutting lots or infringe on the side yard thereof.
(11) The storage outside of a building but not on a parking space which was includ ed to meet the minimum
standards of this code, one non-passenger vehicle over 22 feet in length. This non-passenger vehicle
shall be no closer than five feet from the lot line. Screening is required. Screening requires both the use
of a fence and plants. The fence must meet the requirements of section 102 -13. In addition to fencing,
landscaping must be used. The landscaping can be shrubs or trees that will grow to the height of the
vehicle when they reach maturity.
(12) Recreational vehicles can be parked on the driveway for up to 48 hours for loading, unloading or
routine maintenance. At these times, the RV must be parked in the driveway, not the street.
(Code 1986, § 530.11; Ord. No. 2002-873)
Sec. 102-165. Prohibited uses; R Districts.
(a) Skateboard ramps or similar structures used for skateboarding or related purposes are prohibited in
residentially zoned areas.
(b) Home occupation, massage therapy.
(Code 1986, § 530.12; Ord. No. 87-580; Ord. No. 13-1064)
Secs. 102-166—102-194. Reserved.
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Sec. 102-94. Conditional use permit.
(a) General rule. Certain uses, may or may not be suitable in a particular zoning district, depending upon the
suitability of the circumstances. When such circumstances are found to exist, and the use will not adversely
affect the health, safety or general welfare of residents of the surrounding area or the community as a
whole, a conditional use permit may be granted. Conditions may be applied to the granting of the permit and
periodic review of the permit may be required. The permit shall be granted for a particular use a nd not for a
particular person. The cancellation of a conditional use permit, if not protected by non -conforming use
rights, shall be considered equivalent to a rezoning, and the procedural requirements of a rezoning apply.
(b) A conditional use permit is required whenever:
(1) The proposed use is specified as a conditional use, provided that a new conditional use permit or
amendment to an existing conditional use permit shall not be required for:
a. Remodeling or improvement to the interior of an existin g conditional use that does not change
the nature or increase the intensity of such use;
b. Changes in an existing conditional use that are determined to be non-significant under the
provisions of section 102-96; or
(2) The proposed use is listed as requiring, under either the general or special provisions of this code, a
conditional use permit.
(c) Application. The application for a conditional use permit must contain at least the following data:
(1) Site plan showing location of all buildings and structures with dimensions;
(2) Planting plan showing location, species and size of all plant material;
(3) Landscape plan showing pathway system, width and material, screening fences with detail, lighting
system, and recreational features, if any;
(4) Drainage plan indicating catchbasins and underground improvement;
(5) Utility systems for sanitary sewer, water, gas, telephone and electric which shall all be underground for
new construction;
(6) Off-street parking, drives and access plan;
(7) Off-street loading plan, if any is necessary;
(8) Location of trash container, screening and type of material for screening of the trash container and
pick-up plan;
(9) Plan for adjustment to existing rights-of-way, easements, utilities and new dedications; and
(10) Architectural plans showing elevations, entrances, heights, floor plans and material to be used on the
(d) Preliminary concept plan. The applicant may request a preliminary hearing with the commission in
connection with a conditional use permit application to explore the concept ideas and all other pertinent
general information. The request shall be accompanied with at least the same information set forth in
subdivision 2 of this division, and such other information as the zoning administrator and the building official
may require. If such preliminary plan is recommended or approved by the zoning administrator, the final
plan shall be scheduled for a public hearing.
(e) Filing. Applications for conditional use permit shall be filed with the zoning administrator with such filing fee
as may be from time to time established by resolution of the council.
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(f) Expiration. A conditional use permit expires one year after it has been issued unless the use for which the
permit has been granted is in effect. Extensions may be granted provided the applicant submit a letter to the
zoning administrator requesting an extension 30 days before the expiration of said approval. The letter shall
state the facts of the request, showing a good-faith attempt to utilize the permit, and it shall also state the
additional time being requested to begin the proposed construction. The city council may grant extensions
not to exceed one year.
(g) Public hearing. At least ten days before the date of a public hearing a notice of said hearing shall be mailed to
the owners of all property within 350 feet of the subject property. The records of the city assessor shall be
deemed sufficient for determining the location and ownership of all such properties. The notice of public
hearing shall include the time and place of the hearing, the specific request to be considered, any proposed
use of the property different then its existing use, the property's current zoning classification, the legal
description of the property, and the property's street address, if applicable. The planning commission shall
hold the public hearing on an application at its first regular meeting following appropriate legal notice. The
applicant and/or his representative shall appear before the planning commission at this hearing to answer
questions regarding the request.
(h) Commission recommendation. Within 50 days following the submission of a completed application for a
conditional use permit the planning commission shall forward a recommendation on the application to the
city council, and it shall recommend approval of the application as submitted, approval of the application
subject to certain modification or conditions therein, or disapproval of the application. The commission's
recommendation shall be in resolution form stating said findings in support or opposition to request as filed
or amended. If no action on an application is taken by the planning commission with 50 days, and there has
been no delay caused or requested by the applicant, or the city has not notified the applicant the item will be
continued for up to an additional 60 days, the application shall be forwarded to the city council without
(i) Purpose. The requirements are in connection with the application for a conditional use permit are deemed
necessary by the council because a substantial depreciation of values in the neighborhood where such
construction is proposed as well as in and to the city at-large, occurs or may occur to the detriment of the
general public welfare if such construction or alteration contains exterior facing materials which are either
temporary or are not of a permanent nature or have a tendency to deteriorate rapidly or may be easily
disfigured, marred or damaged, or which for any reason may rapidly become un sightly in appearance;
examples of which materials being, but not limited to, the following: concrete masonry units, common clay
tile, tar paper or other similar building composition sheet materials, either corrugated or plain and exposed
unfinished concrete unless some or all of such materials are constructed and used in a special arrangement
or combination with other materials of a permanent nature with sound architectural design.
(j) Approval by building official. When an application is made for the building of a structure requiring a
conditional use permit, the applicant or owner may present to the building official a request for approval for
the use of such materials as hereinabove set forth, and in connection therewith shall file such preliminary or
final sketches, samples and any other information as may be necessary to indicate accurately the use to be
made of such materials and the location and appearance of such materials and of the exterior of such
structure when completed. The building official may grant approval for the use of such materials based upon
all such information, sketches and applications required hereunder, which data shall be filed by him and shall
become part of the building permit together with all other additional information requ ired by this code or by
other ordinances of the city showing compliance therewith and in conformity with such sketches and other
(k) Appeal. When the building official denies a building permit or a request for preliminary approval, which
denial is based upon the location, use or nature of the materials intended to be used, the applicant may
submit a request on or before 30 days from the date of the denial for a review of the application and the
denial thereof to the commission without payment of any additional filing fees. The commission may
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overrule the building official or it may by negotiation and agreement amend or otherwise modify the plan or
materials to be used and thereupon grant such permit.
(l) Land use. An application for a conditional use permit for a parcel for which the zoning is contrary to the land
use designation in the comprehensive plan must be accompanied by an application for an amendment to the
comprehensive plan. If an environmental assessment worksheet is required, no si te and building plan
approval shall be granted until the environmental assessment worksheet has been received and a negative
declaration for an environmental impact statement has been made by the planning commission. If an
environmental impact statement is required, no site and building plan shall be approved until the
environmental impact statement has been prepared.
(m) Development agreement. A conditional use permit may require a development agreement to be signed by
the city and the developer.
(n) Amendments. Holders of the conditional use permits may propose amendments to the permit at any time,
following the procedures for a new permit as set forth in this section, except where administrative approval
may be granted by the zoning administrator. No significant changes in the circumstances or scope of the
permitted use shall be undertaken without approval of those amendments by the city. The zoning
administrator shall determine what constitutes significant change. Changes include, but are not limited to,
hours of operation, number employees, expansion of structures and/or premises, different and/or additional
signage, and operational modifications resulting in increased external activities and traffic, and the like. The
planning commission may recommend, following the procedures for hearing and review set forth in this
section, and the city council may approve significant changes and modification to conditional use permits,
including the application of additional or revised conditions.
(o) Standards. In evaluating a conditional use permit application and granting a conditional use permit, the
planning commission and city council shall consider and require compliance with the following standards,
conditions and requirements:
(1) The consistency with the elements and objectives of the city's development plan, including the
comprehensive plan and any other relevant plans at the time of the request;
(2) Consistency with this article;
(3) Creation of a harmonious relationship of buildings and open spaces with natural site features and with
existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development;
(4) Creation of a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention
to the following:
a. An internal sense of order for the buildings and uses on the site and provision of a desirable
environment for occupants, visitors and the general community;
b. The amount and location of open space and landscaping;
c. Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and
the compatibility of the same with the adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and
d. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of
location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access
points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and
arrangements and amount of parking.
(5) Promotion of energy conservation through design, location, orientation and elevation or structures,
the use and location of glass in structures and the use of landscape materials and site grading;
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(6) Protection of adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water
drainage sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not
adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses;
(7) The use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for
the purposes already permitted, nor tend to or actually diminish and impair property values within the
(8) In institutional zoning districts, the conditional use permit application shall comply with the standards,
conditions and requirements stated in section 102-307;
(9) Traffic impacts such as increases in vehicular traffic, changes in traffic movements, traffic congestion,
interference with other transportation systems or pedestrian traffic, and traffic hazards shall be
considered by the planning commission and city council in evaluating an application for a conditional
use permit. The applicant shall demonstrate the proposed conditional use shall not cause unacceptable
increases in vehicular traffic, traffic congestion or interference with other transportation systems or
pedestrian traffic, and will not crate traffic hazards or excessive traffic through residential areas or
otherwise cause adverse effects on residential areas or dwellings. The city may require the applicant to
submit a traffic study prepared by a traffic consultant approved by the city to demonstrate the
applicant's compliance with the requirements of this section. As a co ndition of the issuance of a
conditional use permit, the city may require the applicant to incorporate in the applicant's proposal
and construct such traffic control measures and improvements as the city may deem necessary,
including, but not limited to, directional signalization, channelization, stand-by turn lanes, sidewalks,
removal of access points to public streets and moving of access points to public streets; and
(10) A development in the B-2 Zoning District may require a parking study. If it is determined that a project
requiring a conditional use permit will have a parking shortage, the city may require that the applicant
provide on-site parking, enter into an agreement to pay the costs of off-site parking, or a combination
of both.
(p) Conditions on issuance. The council may impose conditions and require guarantees in the granting of
conditional use permits. Any use permitted under the terms of any conditional use permit shall be
established and conducted in conformity to the terms of such permit and of any conditions designated in
connection therewith.
(q) Expiration of use. If a use granted by conditional use permit to operate ceases to exist for six months, the
conditional use granted for that property will expire.
(Code 1986, § 525.13; Ord. No. 87-601; Ord. No. 93-727; Ord. No. 94-747; Ord. No. 95-777, 1-3-1996; Ord. No. 97-
797; Ord. No. 2000-833; Ord. No. 2000-841; Ord. No. 2002-874; Ord. No. 04-913)