Memo-East Hopkins Land Use and Market Study
Hoisington Koegler Group Inc.
Hopkins City Council, Zoning and Planning Commission and Staff
Mark Koegler
East Hopkins Land Use and Market Study
June 19, 2003
On April 29, 2003, the City Council and Zoning and Planning Commission met in a workshop meeting to
review the draft of the East Hopkins Land Use and Market Study. The draft study will also be the subject
of review at next week's workshop. The continued review will focus on detail elements of the plan with a
specific emphasis on the land use plan and implementation. We will provide an overview of the land use
recommendations supplemented by photos of uses similar to those suggested in the plan. The
implementation overview will address the fiscal challenges and regulatory aspects of encouraging change
in the area.
Based on input from the City Council and Zoning and Planning Commission, we will make additional
modifications to the report and prepare a final draft for subsequent review by the Z & P and eventual
adoption by the City Council.
. Please bring your copy of the report to the meeting.
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