Agenda . . . Schedule: HOPKINS CITY COUNCIL FINAL AGENDA March 4, 2003 7:30 p.m. THIS FINAL AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE UNTIL THE START OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7:15 pm - HRA Meeting 7:30 pm - City Council Meeting Work Session at conclusion of City Council meeting I. CALL TO ORDER II. OPEN AGENDA - PUBLIC COMMENTS/CONCERNS (Public must fill out a Speaker Request Form. Three minute limit for each person) III. REPORTS - COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS 1. Zoning and Planning Commission 2. Human Rights Commission IV. PRESENTATION 1. Empty Bowls; Dale Feste, Cathy Feste, Barb Westmoreland 2. Hopkins History Book, Hopkins Historical Society V. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Minutes of February 18, 2003 City Council Meeting 2. Minutes of February 18,2003 City Council Work Session 3. Minutes of February 25, 2003 City Council Work Session 4. Ratify prior month's disbursements 5. Approve NPDES storm water permit application; (CR2003-040) - J. Anderson 6. Second reading liquor licensing ordinance; (Memo) - Genellie 7. Approve payment, Justus storm sewer project, (CR2003-041) - Stadler Vote: Brausen Jensen Rowan Johnson Maxwell VI. PUBLIC HEARING 1. 2003 Allocation of CDSG funds; (CR2003-042) - Steve Stahmer Vote: Brausen Jensen Johnson Rowan Maxwell QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CALL THE RAZZLE LINE - 939-1421 (The Razzle Line is the City of Hopkins voice message system) . e IX. e VII. OLD BUSINESS 1. Hennepin County HRA Resolution; (CR2003-017) - Stahmer Vote: Brausen Jensen Rowan Johnson Maxwell 2. Resolution supporting trails grant application; (CR2003-018) - Stahmer Vote: Brausen Jensen Rowan Johnson Maxwell VIII. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approve Local 49 contract; (CR2003-048) - Genellie Vote: Brausen Jensen Rowan Johnson Maxwell 2. Approve non-union wage adjustments,(CR2003-004) - Mielke Vote: Brausen Jensen Rowan Johnson Maxwell ADJOURNMENT . . . A regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council was held on February 18, 2003, in the Council Chambers of the Hopkins City Hall. Present were Mayor Maxwell and Council Members Brausen, Jensen, and Rowan. Council Member Johnson was absent. Also, present were staff members Mielke, Genellie, Stadler, Kerrigan, J. Anderson, Vogtman, Yager, and City Attorney Jerre Miller. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Maxwell called the meeting to order at 7 :32 p.m. II. OPEN AGENDA - PUBLIC COMMENTS AND CONCERNS There were none. III. REPORTS - COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS IV. PROCLAMATION 1. West Wind Concert Band Twentieth Anniversary Mayor Maxwell read the proclamation and declared June 1, 2003 as Hopkins West Wind Band Day. V. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Minutes of February 4, 2003 City Council Meeting 2. Minutes of January 7, 2003 City Council Work Session 3. Minutes of January 21, 2003 City Council Work Session 4. Minutes of February 4, 2003 City Council Work Session 5. Minutes of February 11, 2003 City Council Work Session 6. Approve Appointment to Chemical Health Commission (Memo) 7. Approve Final Payment, 2002 Street/Utility Improvement Project (CR2003- 31) 8. Approve Final Payment, Knollwood Pond Project (CR2003-30) 9. 2002 Budget Adjustments (CR2003-037) 10. Approve Increase to Pavillion Hourly Turf Rental Rate (CR2003-14) 11. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Submittal of 2003 Henn Co Municipal Grant Application (CR2003-36) 12. Second Reading to Allow Clubs on the First Floor {Memo} 13. Second Reading to Vacate Utility Easement on Marketplace Lofts Site (Memo) February 18, 2003 City Council Meeting Minutes Page 1 Mayor Maxwell stated that item nine would be removed from the agenda for discussion before a motion to approve. . Lori Yager, Finance Director, reviewed the carryovers and changes. $144,000 was carried over from 2002. The budget was $370,000 under budget. Council Member Brausen moved and Council Member Jensen seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. A poll of the vote was as follows: Council Member Brausen, aye; Council Member Jensen, aye; Council Member Rowan, aye; Mayor Maxwell, aye. The motion carried unanimously. VI. NEW BUSINESS 1. Hopkins Area Little League Request for Maetzold Field #2 Lighting (CR2003- 28) The lights are no spill lights. The lighting will stay on the site. The Hopkins Park Board reviewed the project and recommends approval with an agreement between the City and the Hopkins Area Little League for financing. The project is in the 2004 Capital Improvement Plan. The total project price will be paid for by the League. The City may have to expend approximately $3,000 to upgrade the electrical main panel . in the concession room to accommodate the lights. The League will be requesting that the City loan $30,000 to them. They plan to pay it off in four years. Residents have been notified. Two negative responses have been received. Kevin Thomas of the Hopkins Area Little League appeared and stated that the installation of the lights will be done in March or April when the ground is still frozen. The electricians will wait until the ground is completely thawed. It probably won't be done for opening day. Council Member Rowan moved and Council Member Brausen seconded a motion to approve the addition of ball field lighting to Maetzold Field #2 and to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement with Hopkins Area Little League for project financing. A poll of the vote was as follows: Council Member Brausen, aye; Council Member Jensen, aye; Council Member Rowan, aye; Mayor Maxwell, aye, The motion carried unanimously. 2. Accept Bids, Order Assessment Hearing, 5th Ave Reconstruction (CR2003- 32) The bid opening was held on February 14, 2003. The low bidder for the project was Valley Paving at $888,133.77. The total cost of the project including engineering . costs, administrative/legal fee, and a 10% contingency is $1,135,167.21. The February 18,2003 City Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 . . . estimated assessment amount is $690,000. Staff suggested a public hearing on March 18, 2003. Mr. Stadler reviewed the schedule. A contract for street lighting and property acquisitions will be brought back to the Council. Council Member Jensen moved and Council Member Brausen seconded a motion to adopt Resolution 2003-19, Resolution Accepting Bid for 2003 Street & Utility Improvement Project; Resolution 2003, Resolution Declaring Cost to be Assessed, and Ordering Preparation of Proposed Assessment; and Resolution 2003-21, Resolution for Hearing on Proposed Assessments, 2003 Street and Utility Improvements, City Project 02-10. A poll of the vote was as follows: Council Member Brausen, aye; Council Member Jensen, aye; Council Member Rowan, aye; Mayor Maxwell, aye. The motion carried unanimously. 3. Authorize Purchase of Downtown Park Stage (CR2003-27) The project was reviewed on January 14th and January 28th work sessions. The Park Board recommended approval. Several public meeting were held. The project was listed in the 2002 Capital Improvement Plan. The preliminary cost estimates are for $98,000. By having City Staff do the install and landscaping, the cost can be cut to $83,000. The Park Dedication Fund can support the project to this amount. If approval is given, the project can be completed prior to the start of Music in the Park. Mr. Vogtman explained the Park Dedication Fund, the Bench Dedication program and the history of the discussions of a permanent structure in the park. Council Member Brausen moved and Council Member Jensen seconded a motion to approve the purchase and installation of the stage for Downtown Park. A poll of the vote was as follows: Council Member Brausen, aye; Council Member Jensen, aye; Council Member Rowan, aye; Mayor Maxwell, aye. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Approve Lease Agreement with SuperValu, Public Works Department Temporary Relocation (CR2003-34) The Public Works redevelopment plan includes the demolition of the existing storage facilities and extensive site improvements. Public Works employees and equipment need to be moved off the site during the construction. Three sites were evaluated. The SuperValu North Annex site was chosen as most suitable. The City Attorney drafted the agreement. The lease provides 31,775 of building space and 1.7 acres of land. The cost is $6,900 per month with the possibility of reducing that amount if one of the buildings is vacated prior to the end of the lease. February 18, 2003 City Council Meeting Minutes Page 3 Council Member Brausen moved and Council Member Jensen seconded a motion to approve a lease agreement between the City of Hopkins and SuperValu, Inc. for the temporary relocation of the Public Works Department to the SuperValu North Annex site. A poll of the vote was as follows: Council Member Brausen, aye; Council Member Jensen, aye; Council Member Rowan, aye; Mayor Maxwell, aye. The motion carried unanimously. . Mayor Maxwell called a break at 8: 15 p.m. Mayor Maxwell re-called the meeting to order at 8:20 p.m. 5. Approve Final Design and Authorize Bids, Facilities Project (CR2003-27) Steve Stadler reviewed the history of the project. The final design is complete. The Zoning and Planning Commission has reviewed the project and recommended approval. James Q'Shay, project architect, reviewed the plans and design of the Fire Station and Public Works improvements. The Police Department plans will be complete in approximately six weeks. Mr. Stadler listed the objectives of the project and stated that those objectives have . been successfully met in the design. Council and staff discussed agreements with the School District. The City will have to renew the tennis courts agreement this year. Dave Chase of Krause-Anderson, project manager, reviewed the process of addressing the co-ordination of the project with the school and with the Pavilion. Mr. Anderson said that there is a lot of interest among construction companies in the project. This will help the bid process. Council Members commended the team that has worked on the project design. They did a great job. Council Member Brausen moved and Council Member Rowan seconded a motion to approve final design and authorize bids for the City facility improvement project, including new fire station construction, public works renovation and building addition and Police Department facility renovation. A poll of the vote was as follows: Council Member Brausen, aye; Council Member Jensen, aye; Council Member Rowan, aye; Mayor Maxwell, aye. The motion carried unanimously. 6. First Reading Liquor Licensing Ordinance (CR2003-29) . Febf uary 18, 2003 City Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 . . . The moratorium on new off-sale liquor licenses will expire on February 25, 2003. In studying the issues of off-sale liquor sales, the Council determined that the interests of the City and its residents could best be served by establishing distance requirements that would separate off-sale liquor sales from sensitive uses such as schools and churches and would also prevent the concentration of such businesses as liquor stores, pawn shops and adult oriented services. No new off-sale liquor licenses will be issued to a location that is less than 350 feet from a church, school, day care, adult business, pawnshop, currency exchange, or other off-sale liquor establishment. Council Member Jensen moved and Council Member Srausen seconded a motion to approve Ordinance 2003-897 for first reading. A poll of the vote was as follows: Council Member Brausen, aye; Council Member Jensen, aye; Council Member Rowan, aye; Mayor Maxwell, aye. The motion carried unanimously. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Council Member Jensen moved and Council Member Srausen seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent at 9:05 p.m. Respectively Subm itted, Terry Obermaier, City Clerk COUNCIL MEMBERS ATTEST: Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor February 18, 2003 City Council Meeting Minutes Page 5 . . . February 18,2003 Page 1 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AT CONCLUSION OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 18, 2003 Mayor Maxwell called the meeting to order at 9:05 pm at the conclusion of the regular City Council meeting at City Hall. Council members present were Mayor Maxwell and Council members Brausen, Jensen, and Rowan. Council member Johnson was absent. City personnel present was City Manager Mielke. League of Minnesota Cities Focus Group Mayor Maxwell presented information concerning a request by the League of Minnesota Cities asking for volunteers to serve on a focus group for the League of Minnesota Cities, which will help them determine the future of the League in the areas of goals and objectives. He informed the Council that it was at 2 pm on Monday, February 24. He stated that he could not attend but if any Council members were interested that they should let him know. Fundraiser Walk in Central Park Mayor Maxwell also informed the Council that he had been contacted by a Minnetonka resident who wished to organize a walk in Central Park next year as a fundraiser. This resident had spoken with the City Manager and Public Works Director, and both had encouraged her to wait an additional year until the construction of the area was completed. The Mayor provided the same direction. Vail Place Open House Mayor Maxwell asked if anyone was attending the Vail Place open house on February 27 at General Mills headquarters in Golden Valley. Based on replies, it appears that no one will be able to attend. Empty Bowls Council Member Jensen asked if Empty Bowls would be making a presentation to the City Council. Manager Mielke indicated that indeed, the chairs would be presenting at the March 4 meeting as an advertisement for the March 18 Empty Bowls event at the Hopkins Center for the Arts. Governor Pawlenty's Proposed Budget City Manager Mielke provided the Council with copies of Governor Pawlenty's proposed 2004-2005 budget summary and highlights, along with information about the effects of the budget on the City of Hopkins. He indicated that no specific numbers were available but that they were anticipated to be released on Wednesday, February 19. He indicated that he would get the numbers out to the Council when they were received. Tobacco Compliance Checks Mielke informed the City Council that the Police Depm1ment had conducted tobacco compliance checks on Tuesday, February 18 and that two businesses failed the compliance checks, out of 30 licensed businesses. Hopkins Jaycees Tent Dances Mielke informed the City Council that the Hopkins Jaycees had requested a smaller tent for both the Raspberry Festival and Mainstreet Days on Lot 300 due to the cost of the larger tent and February 18, 2003 Page 2 budget difficulties that are hurting the Jaycees. Mielke indicated that there was some concern about . allowing the smaller tent due to the impacts of drilling additional holes in the surface of Lot 300. He indicated that he would be discussing this issue with the Public Works Department. Hopkins Youth Hockey Association Mielke informed the City Council that the Hopkins Youth Hockey Association was applying for a pull-tab license for Tuttle'5 Bowling Alley. Success Is Mielke informed the City Council that the agenda for the "Success Is" discussions on Tuesday, February 25 would center on potential actions toward improving the various levels of success at the Center, and that all three task forces had completed their work. City.School Celebration Mayor Maxwell reminded the City Council of the City-School celebration being held at 5 :30 on W eclnesday, February 19 at the Hopkins Center for the Arts. There being no further business. Council member Jensen moved to adjourn, seconded by Councill11el11ber Rowan. Motion passed with four ayes, no nays. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 pm. Steve Mielke, Secretary CITY COUNCIL . ATTEST: Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor . . . . February 25, 2003 Page I MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION - February 25, 2003 Mayor Gene Maxwell called a work session ofthe Hopkins City Council to order at 6:30 p.m. on February 25,2003, at the City Hall. Council members Jensen, Johnson and Rowan were present. City personnel present were: City Manager Mielke and Facilities Manager Jay Strachota. Also present were Donna Leviton and Ted Sauer, Hopkins School District; Chris Tower, Edina School District; Mary Jo Bartos, Marjorie Mathison Hance, Jim Shirley, Susan Hanna-Bibus and Nelson Berg of HCA. Success Is... Mr. Mielke handed out the Hopkins budget for the Hopkins Center for the Arts. This was city budget, not HCA budget. Operating expenses cost the city $17-35,000 per year; mortgage payment paid from the Economic Development Fund is $61,000 per year until 2012; total 2003 subsidy for the city is $149,000 if the mortgage payment is included. Later he said that the city could be losing 46 % of its Intergovernmental Revenues in 2003, and it could go as high as 91 % in 2004. This would include the $50,000 in Intergovernmental Revenues the state has been providing Hopkins for the Hopkins Center for the Arts in lieu of allowing a food and beverage tax. Operational subsidies come from the Cable Fund. The Council has moved cormnunication activities out of the Cable Fund to the General Fund due to these subsidies. Mr. Strachota and Ms. Hanna-Bibus went over the "Success Is..." indicators and action items that had come from their task force meetings. General discussion of items followed. Two items discussed at length were signage and JC Studio. Mr. Strachota showed a sketch of proposed signage, which would cost $10-25,000. Interior signage like that of the Box Office is suggested over the Gallery, JC Studio and Elevator. A program kiosk with electronics would cost $6,000; a non-electric would be $3500. An option for the JC Studio is retractable black curtains, which would cost $17,000. Windows being installed were mentioned. Ms. Jensen noted the room has been a struggle to meet two needs: staging and meeting space. Mr. Sauer spoke about the Charter School, noting it could help offset some of the costs for the Center. While adult education, pre-school, etc. monies have been cut; state budget cuts have not affected plans for it. They are applying for the Charter and feel it will be approved as it fills "a hole" after Fairview School. He feels the new school auditorium will not be a conflict, but that because of the different sizes, cooperative efforts could help both. He noted that when Charter School uses the Center, security would become necessary and he would see if his vendors could help. He also suggested a joint booking arrangement might be a good idea. Mr. Mielke asked each person present to give one potential action item. Donna Leviton - the facility, greeting, signage, entry look and feel; Ted Sauer - opp011unity for joint business between the school district and the Center, including food service; Jay Strachota agreed with Ms. Leviton; Chris Tower - complete marketing plan, which would include point of entry; Mary Jo Bartos agreed with Mr. Tower; Marjorie Mathison Hance ~ revenue sources; Jim Shirley - web site; Susan Hanna-Bibus added public relations to Mr. Tower's suggestion saying it should also include marketing research; Nelson Berg - institutionalizing communication processes and clarifying roles; Bruce Rowan - forums and conununity supp011ers, focus groups; Diane Johnson February 25, 2003 Page :2 - revenues, signage costs; Karen Jensen ~ Charter School; Gene Maxwell dynamic parties, events; Steve Mielke ~ fund raising. Ms. Jensen said she feels McKnight Foundation needs to be approached as to why they denied a grant this year. Mr. Mielke asked what was missing on the list. Mr. Nelson said staffing requirements. Ms. Leviton said community "buy-in"; Mr. Nelson added the business community is not "on board" and some first backers have dropped out. Ms. Jensen added volunteers. People were suggested for each area listed as follows: · Signage/entry: Jay Strachota, a consultant (architect, interior decorator), tenants . Joint Business Plan: Ted Sauer, Jay Strachota, Susan Hanna-Bibus, Stages · Marketing/PR Plan: all partners It was noted here that care would need to be taken to not "muddy the divisions between partners so grants would be denied. . Revenue Sources: Steve Mielke, Ted Sauer. Steve Barbario. Susan Halma-Bibus, Council member, HCA Board memher . Web site: Donna Leviton, Chris TO\ver. Jim Shirley, Siri, BlUee Rowan · Communication/ Role Clarification: Steve Mielke, Nelson Berg · Community forum/Marketing Research: Council as lead, tenants. Mr. Mielke noted this would be much like the "vision process" . Charter School: Charter 51:hool steering committee · Parties/Fund raisers: Gene MaxwelL Rick Brausen. Barb Westmoreland Ms. Jensen said these problems need to he solved or the doors of the Center may have to close. Jay Strachota said his staff has only so many hours. Mr. Sauer noted that just keeping people resources in mind would help as everyone goes ahead. He suggested that each area have "staffing needs" as an issue on their agenda. It was also noted that developing community through arts or volunteers is part of the marketing and focus groups area. Mr. Berg asked about Stages finances: Mr. Rowan said there was a net loss last year. Next steps were discussed. General Consensus was that each group should meet, "flesh out" their programs, and try to take first steps. Another work session will be held on April 8 with a meal provided at 6:00 p.m. Other . . Mr. Rowan said he would be absent April 22. Ms. Johnson said many lights on Excelsior Blvd. are not working. Mr. Mielke will have staff check on the situation. She also noted Marl:h 18 will he very busy with Caring Youth and the Council meeting. Mayor Maxwell said he wants at least a few minutes between the presentation and the meeting to visit \vith the winners and parents. Budget Mr. Mielke handed out power points that give budget numbers. He met with James Proescholdt last week and there should be a story in the paper that" 5 % is not 5 %. " Rep. Rhodes has told the dty manager that he understands the situation and will not support the Governor's budget proposal. He also handed out an outline for the budget work session on March 11 and will make sure everyone has the budget summary hook for the March 11 work session. Budget projections will be un besl. wurst. and middle case scenarios. .. Best'" would be a 25 % cut in aids and a 3 % levy . increase each year. Worst would mean losing 91 % of state aids and frozen levy limits. The shortage based on the governor's proposal would roughly equal the streets and park budgets. He t . . . February 25, 2003 Page 3 stressed Hopkins should not use up all its reserves or it will lose its credit rating. He suggested that the 2004 budget be worked on as a "zero-based budget" - what do we want to "put in" a blank budget, rather than the perspective of what do we take out. One big problem with the Governor's "Total Revenue" assumption is that the grants, such as those for Chemical Assessment and the Depot, CDBG monies, etc. are included as "Total Revenue". Ms. Johnson asked if anyone was contesting the governor's numbers. Mr. Mielke said he is attending meetings Wednesday and Friday. General Consensus was that the first budget meeting should not include department heads, but include Ms. Yager. Mr. Mielke said he feels his job is to make recommendations and ensure the Council has all the information it needs once he is given their parameters so that they can make the final decisions on budget cuts. Council agreed that was a good assessment. Mr. Rowan said he would like the budget figures to all be in "one form," that is all based on programs or departments or personnel needs. etc. to make decisions easier. Mr. Mielke is also to check how the fire department volunteers are paid, per call or per hour. Mayor Maxwell asked about Rule 85. Mr. Mielke said he has advocated it with Mr. Rhodes. Mayor Maxwell indicated that he would be willing to attend any employee meetings. Mr. Rowan moved adjourrunent. Ms. Jensen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Kasey Kester, Secretary COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor . . . February 25, 2003 Page I MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION - February 25, 2003 Mayor Gene Maxwell called a work session of the Hopkins City Council to order at 6:30 p.m. on February 25,2003, at the City Hall. Council members Jensen, Johnson and Rowan were present. City personnel present were: City Manager Mielke and Facilities Manager Jay Strachota. Also present were Donna Leviton and Ted Sauer, Hopkins School District; Chris Tower, Edina School District; Mary Jo Bartos, Marjorie Mathison Hance, Jim Shirley, Susan Hanna-Bibus and Nelson Berg of ReA. Success Is... Mr. Mielke handed out the Hopkins budget for the Hopkins Center for the Arts. This was city budget, not HCA budget. Operating expenses cost the city $17-35,000 per year; mortgage payment paid from the Economic Development Fund is $61,000 per year until 2012; total 2003 subsidy for the city is $149,000 if the mortgage payment is included. Later he said that the city could be losing 46 % of its Intergovernmental Revenues in 2003, and it could go as high as 91 % in 2004. This would include the $50,000 in Intergovernmental Revenues the state has been providing Hopkins for the Hopkins Center for the Arts in lieu of allowing a food and beverage tax. Operational subsidies come from the Cable Fund. The Council has moved communication activities out of the Cable Fund to the General Fund due to these subsidies. Mr. Strachota and Ms. Hanna-Bibus went over the "Success Is..." indicators and action items that had come from their task force meetings. General discussion of items followed. Two items discussed at length were signage and JC Studio. Mr. Strachota showed a sketch of proposed signage, which would cost $10-25,000. Interior signage like that of the Box Office is suggested over the Gallery, JC Studio and Elevator. A program kiosk with electronics would cost $6,000; a non-electric would be $3500. An option for the JC Studio is retractable black curtains, which would cost $17,000. Windows being installed were mentioned. Ms. Jensen noted the room has been a struggle to meet two needs: staging and meeting space. Mr. Sauer spoke about the Charter School, noting it could help offset some of the costs for the Center. While adult education, pre-school, etc. monies have been cut; state budget cuts have not affected plans for it. They are applying for the Charter and feel it will be approved as it fills "a hole" after Fairview School. He feels the new school auditorium will not be a conflict, but that because of the different sizes, cooperative efforts could help both. He noted that when Charter School uses the Center, security would become necessary and he would see if his vendors could help. He also suggested a joint booking arrangement might be a good idea. Mr. Mielke asked each person present to give one potential action item. Donna Leviton - the facility, greeting, signage, entry look and feel; Ted Sauer ~ opportunity for joint business between the school district and the Center, including food service; Jay Strachota agreed with Ms. Leviton; Chris Tower - complete marketing plan, which would include point of entry; Mary Jo Bartos agreed with Mr. Tower; Marjorie Mathison Hance - revenue sources; Jim Shirley - web site; Susan Hanna-Bibus added public relations to Mr. Tower's suggestion saying it should also include marketing research; Nelson Berg - institutionalizing communication processes and clarifying roles; Bruce Rowan - forums and community supporters, focus groups; Diane Johnson February 25, 2003 Page 2 - revenues, signage costs; Karen Jensen - Charter School; Gene Maxwell - dynamic parties, events: Steve Mielke - fund raising. Ms. Jensen said she feels McKnight Foundation needs to be approached as to why they denied a grant this year. Mr. Mielke asked what was missing on the list. Mr. Nelson said staffing requirements. Ms. Leviton said community "buy-in": Mr. Nelson added the business community is not "on board" and some first backers have dropped out. Ms. Jensen added volunteers. People were suggested for each area listed as follows: . Signage/entry: Jay Strachota, a consultant (architect, interior decorator), tenants . Joint Business Plan: Ted Sauer. Jay Strachota, Susan Hanna-Bibus, Stages . Marketing/PR Plan: all partners It was noted here that care would need to be taken to not "muddy the divisions hetween partners so grants would be denied. . Revenue Sources: Steve Mielke. Ted Sauer, Steve Barbario, Susan Hanna-Bibus, Council memher, RCA Board membtT . Web site: DOlma Leviton, Chris Tower. Jim Shirley, Siri, Bruce Rowan . Communication/ Ro]e Clarification: Steve Mie]ke, Nelson Berg . Conununity forum/Marketing Research: Council as lead, tenants. Mr. Mielke noted this would be much like the "vision process" . Charier School: Charter School steering committee . Parties/Fund raisers: Gene Maxwell. Rick Brausell, Barb Westmoreland Ms. Jensen said these problems need to be solved or the doors of the Center may have to close. Jay Strachota said his staff has only so many hours. Mr. Sauer noted that just keeping people resources in mind would help as everyone goes ahead. He suggested that each area have "staffing needs" as an issue on their agenda. It was also noted that developing community through arts or volunteers is part of the marketing and focus groups area. Mr. Berg asked about Stages finances; Mr. Rowan said there was a net loss last year. Next steps were discussed. General Consensus was that each group should meet, "flesh out" their programs, and try to take first steps. Another work session will be held on April 8 with a meal provided at 6:00 p.m. Other . . M r. Rowan said he would be absent April 22. Ms. Johnson said many lights on Excelsior B]vd. are not working. Mr. Mielke will have staff check on the situation. She also noted March 18 will be very busy with Caring Youth and the Council meeting. Mayor Maxwell said he wants at least a few minutes between the presentation and the meeting to visit with the winners and parents. !?,ml!.!et Mr. Mielke handed out power points that give budget numbers. He met \vith James Proescholdt last week and there should be a story in the paper that" 5 % is not 5 % . " Rep. Rhodes has told the city manager that he understamls the situation and will not support the Governor's budget proposal. He also handed out an outline for the budget work session on March t 1 and will make sure everyone has the budget sununary book for the March 11 work session. Budget projections will be on best, \vorst, and middle case scenarios. "Best" wou]d be a 25% cut in aids and a 3% levy . increase each year. Worst would mean losing 91 % of state aids and frozen levy limits. The shortage based on the governor's proposal would roughly equal the streets and park budgets. He . . . February 25, 2003 Page 3 stressed Hopkins should not use up all its reserves or it wi1llose its credit rating. He suggested that the 2004 budget be worked on as a "zero-based budget" - what do we want to "put in" a blank budget, rather than the perspective of what do we take out. One big problem with the Governor's "Total Revenue" assumption is that the grants, such as those for Chemical Assessment and the Depot, CDBG monies, etc. are included as "Total Revenue". Ms. Johnson asked if anyone was contesting the governor's numbers. Mr. Mielke said he is attending meetings Wednesday and Friday. General Consensus was that the first budget meeting should not include department heads, but include Ms. Yager. Mr. Mielke said he feels his job is to make recommendations and ensure the Council has all the information it needs once he is given their parameters so that they can make the final decisions on budget cuts. Council agreed that was a good assessment. Mr. Rowan said he would like the budget figures to all be in "one form," that is all based on programs or departments or personnel needs, etc. to make decisions easier. Mr. Mielke is also to check how the fire department volunteers are paid, per call or per hour. Mayor Maxwell asked about Rule 85. Mr. Mielke said he has advocated it with Mr. Rhodes. Mayor Maxwell indicated that he would be willing to attend any employee meetings. Mr. Rowan moved adjournment. Ms. Jensen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Kasey Kester, Secretary COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor